176 Bulletin No. 17, Washington Geological Survey
176 Bulletin No . 17, W ashington Geological Survey Konnh. A station on the S. & I. E. Ry., 10 miles north of Oakesdale, In northeastern ,Vhltman County; e1evation, 2,412 feet. r<:oonb< Coulee. A coulee extending for several miles from Ringold to the northeast, ln west central. Franklin County. (30) Ko11lnh. A town on the line of tne Eastern Ry. & Lumber Co., about 10 miles east of Centralia, In northwestern Lewis County; eleva tion, 305 feel. (1) Ko11moH. A village on Cowlitz River, 10 miles southeast of Morton, In central Lewis County; elevatlou, 751 feet. (1) Kot,m,•k Creek. A western headwater of Cblnook Creek. heading on the slopes of Cowlitz Chimneys, east of Mount Rainier, in south eastern Pierce County. (69) Kountze. A station on the N. P. Ry., 15 miles northwest of FJllensburg, In central Kittitas County; elevation, 1,770 feet. (96) Krn.ln. A village 216 miles north or Enumclaw, in south central Klng County. (44) Kreger Lt1ke. A small lake about 6 miles west of Eatonville. In south central Pierce County. (26) ICrueger Mou,,tntn. A mountain west of Osoyoos Lake, In no1·th central Okanogan County: elevation, 2,890 feet. (62) JCru,,p. A town on the G. N. Ry., 30 miles east of Ephrata, In east cen tral Grant Count~·; elevation, 1.315 feet. (l) Kru11e. A station on the G. N. Ry., 10 miles north of Everett, In west central Snohomish County. Kulo KnJn Point. A small headland half way between New Dungeness Bay ancl Washington Harbor, In northeastern Clallam County. (5) Kuitu" ,touotnlo.
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