The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican. (Fargo, ND), 1907-01-24
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p,';.i.'WiirjfjaitaiaaMa> ujigi mill I I ""T I ' - ™ >> >:<V ?• > '•» s>) *fc £ i « THE FARGO FORUM XNC BAILY HEPUBLICiK, THURSDAY EVENITO, S&NtTAHY U, 190? t 'If" Cttablithcd 1873 IncnporaUd 1899 tn order to prove to yoo FARM YARD MANURE. Ask your doctor to name some of the results of that Dr. A. W. Chase's It its Application as Described fey Pro constipation. His long list will begin with sick- Ointment is a certain and headachc, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad absolute cure for any form fessor Andrew Boss of Minnesota. A MM v skin. Then ask him if he would recommend OS U - .v Win. H. Whits tef?srCo of itching, bleeding, or St. Paul Farmer: In the early his your using Ayei's Pills for constipation. Just one G&N&KAL w-" «iCA A.X Vi*.ii. protruding piles, the manufacturers guaran tory of Minnesota farm yard manure >' .^s f P'N at bedtime, a 'ew times, that's all. tee a cure. Ton can use It and if not j was looked upon as a necessary evil We i!tvo no e crets 1 ub ,six 3. C AyerCo,. RETAIL? YARDS AT H. 4 L $ c, the formulae' of® all our prep»rut:on»i' ' Lowell. Mmi eared get your money back. Mr. Casper ' and the chief effort was to dispose In LaL mumvec.--: r.hwbctw* GAftDNER, N. D. LEONARD, N. D. HfCKSON, N. D» Walton, laborer, Michigan City, Ind., says: ' some way of the troublesome litter ARGUSVILLE, N. ft FARMINGTON, N. o. MOORETON, N» D. **I work hard and lift a great deal. The strain from the barns and yards without' HARWOOD, N. d SHELDON, N. D. BARNEY, N. D, brought on an attack of piles. They itcbed much labor. Heavy and excessive DEHORNING CATTLE. BUTT2VILLE, N. Ift#.- PERLEY, MINN. •nd they protruded and bled. Nothing helped grain cropping has so exhausted the MAPLETON, N. 0. LISBON, N. D. ELMER, MINN. them until I used Dr. A.W. Chase's Ointment, »oil fertility and disarranged the soil Prof. Thomas Shaw in Orange Judd 'ACCIDENTS REPORTED Horace, n. a DWIGHT, N. D. COMSTOCK, MINN. That cured them." 50a a box at all dealers,or that farm yard manure has now be Farmer Discusses Subject. D. WAHPETON, N. D. WARREN, N. WOLVERTON, MINN. Dr. A, W. Chase Mkdicijte Co., BuiTalo, N.Y. come one of the great factors In I have a herd of twenty cattle, part WOODS, N. a WILD RICE, N. D. GEORGETOWN, MINN. profitable crop production. While work Proposed Measure to Havo' Att Dr/Jl, W. Chase's Ointment. at the manure pile may not be looked are dehorned. I Intend dehorning the .Railroad Accidents Fully Orders Taken at General Office in Fargo for All of the Above Yards FOUT A PORTERFIELD upon even yet as an attractive occupa others and would like to know what Reported. tion it has become an essential feature treatment to give the head after horns of the arrangement of every well reg are removed, and whether dehorning * ,%,fier<rlias been considerable Interest nm. r. m. b*u, r»r. j. v. Orkv**, ulated farm. •will affect milk flow.—[A. C. Dr. Jc.Kr» R. Cronb Tb«j Fargo Forum who now share Commander Peary's The method of conserving the ma taken in the bill introduced by Senator r>JCJNTIST» There is no better way of dehorning And Dally Rspubllot.!. opinion. nure and getting it to the field is of cattle than by tying the animal firmly Spoonhelm of Grand Forks county re OHM a «• 11. Rir»l National SMk BMcl. T«ty»liMW 36J-L. the most importance. The loss of ni to a post by the head, that is, the head quiring railroad companies to report Robert Jennett, a common la trogen, phosphoric acid and potash must be drawn up tight against the to the railway commission statements THE FORUM PRINTING CO. borer, residing near Franklin, Ky., is from the yards and barns In Minnesota post. This done, there is no better A. «. I8WM0S, UHsr. N. C. PIUMUY, Mas*|«r of all wrecks in Which any person ia said to find it quite possible to' sup probably amounts to more than the way of removing the horns than by »«. S> l«. D*atU( amount applied to the fields. The cus injured or killed. port himself, wife and fifteen children sawing them off, although the process W3««: Xoom I, AtLeaJreois Hlo«k,' tom which frequently prevails of is considerably slower than when the The provisions of the bill are that VOLUME XXX, NO. 59. on a dally wage of 60 cents. It is Comer Froat *ad 7th Sirttt 8o„ Fhrgo throwing the manure and litter out horns are removed with a dehorner. any railroad company operating a line in the heaps under the eaves of the Hot*red st po*t«ffle* as teeond «1em natter. safe to wage a guess that Robert The latter is the instrument commonly of railways in this state shall report doesn't have to dig up a ten-spot every barn or on a side hill is the most used, but there is the objection to it, wasteful of the valuable fertilizing ma first, that it has in a small proportion to the railroad commissioners all acci month for coal. The Kargi) Forum and tteptihllcau la terial. Rains and melting snows carry of instances, cracked the shell of the dents, wrecks or casualties occurring Mibll^hnJ every evening except Suridey away much of it and it Is lost by horn below where It has been cut off, in the operation of trains, wherein any la tLe Loyal Knl<liis 'temple. Flm Ave- ^TThe miner who recently returned DENTIST une North. Kar^o, N. D. evaporation of ammonia as the heap and second, that the clean cut that it person is either killed or injured. The t»r. V. A. BricKvir, Subscription—The Fa 1*0 Forum and from a couple of years' sojourn in the heats and decomposes. Even when makek is followed by more profuse report must be made within sixty days mwHH, Mir OMetwnsss'* ftrsf Mar*. Da!!y Republican, by oarrUr. 15e per week, composed In large and well tnade or 4Uo per month, In advance; $5 per y«ar. Alaskan gold fields to claim a promised bleeding than follows the more ragged of the time of the accident. When The Farsrn Fonim aud Weekly UepybllcnD. bride, only to find that she had mar piles on level ground there is much cut made by the saw. No treatment such a report is made, the commission $1 per ydiir. The Fargo Forurn and Satnr- loss from this source. It is difficult for the wounds is necessary after the ers shall examine into the cause and rtny Republican, $2 iwr y<'ar. 8!ni<le cepl<-H ried another, should be in no wise cast •V:. Subncrll>i'r« will find tbe Jute to which even in pits made for the purpose horns have been removed. The milk circumstances of the wreck, and the €>*•. Mom ft PaHlioa they have paid, printed opposite their <lown; disillusionment comes rather to save manure without loss. For this flow of cows in milk will be lowered railroad company must comply with oaiue« on their add reus slips, high, of course, but It is much cheaper reason many advocate taking the ma for two or three days after the opera any reasonable requirements pre DCNTlSTf Addrcas all conuutiDlcstlont to Vfce For- tion, but after that, usually no further nm, Far#o. N. D now than it might have been a little nure direct to the field as fast as scribed by the commissioners calcu OftM] ThJfd Floor, Bdw«r<UBafMl*f. inade. In addition, such a method ill effects may be seen. lated to prevent the repetition of any later ott. saves handling the manure once or The time chosen for the operation such accident. Biennially the com THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1907. twice and Is advisable as a matter of should be while the weather is mod mission must make to the legislature a <£*' In the practically unanimous re economy. erate. It may be done when it is ex summarized report of all wrecks, to election of Knute Nelson to the senate The ideal way, q.s far as labor and tremely cold when necessary, provid DR. f. K. WEIBLK, gether with any recommendations for OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY of the United States, the legislative conservation of fertility are concerned, ing the cattle are kept warm. It may legislation that they deem proper far D*a»«i«t is £o haul to the Held as loaded at. also be done when the weather is the greater protection of passengers Mitt 1»S. Tel. 10144., <14 Front St. assembly of Minnesota has not only FORUM TELEPHONE CALL8. the barn or yard and mix with the warm and In time of flies, providing and employes of such railroad. Failure shown proper appreciation of the emi soil within a few days or at once, if some' substance Is applied that will of any person to comply with the pro Business Office 504- L nent services of a just public servant, possible, by spreading evenly and protect from files, but manifestly, visions shall make him guilty of a mis Composing Room 504-M but appreciation of the state's wel either disking in to a depth of two there should be little occasion for do demeanor. Drs. F. H. Bailey & Kaohelmacher, Editorial Room 639-L fare irj the halls of the national legis or three inches or plowing under.