Political Issues Environment Issues Economic Issues Regional / International Issues Socio-Cultural Issues With Special News Coverage on Presidential Election 2009

Bi -Weekly Bulletin News & Views Issue 14 www.indonesian-embassy.fi July 14, 2009

Top quotes inside this issue:

♦ ”Indonesia has set a good example by appreciating prisoners as human beings who have the right to vote to determine their country's future” (page 5 )

♦ ”Starting next year the the government will raise the defense budget significantly from Rp33.6 trillion this year to Rp40.6 trillion, or an increase by 20 percent in 2010”(page 6) ♦ ”We will soon have a Jambi Province, located in Island, with total area of about standby force that can be deployed for peace 5,343,700 hectares, consists of 9 regencies and one municipality. missions anywhere in the The Topography of Jambi province is generally vary from low land world ”(page 7) areas in the east and hills and mountainous in the west. ♦ Mountainous areas are mostly in Kerinci regency. The natural ”Indonesia hopes that a reconciliation process will resources with wealthy biodiversity are represented in four accompany the US troops national parks such as Kerinci Seblat National Park, Berbak withdrawal from the main National Park, Bukit Dua Belas National Park, and Bukit Tiga cities in Iraq ”(page 9 )

Puluh National Park. Each of the national parks has own ♦ ”What happened in characteristic and typical biodiversity. Xinjiang is 's internal affair. We respect (source: www.my-indonesia.info) China's sovereignty over the region and will never meddle in the problem page 9)

Garuda to Resume European Flights in 2010 Jakarta, - Garuda Indonesia Garuda Communications Thursday. is likely to resume flights to Europe Chief Pujobroto made the remarks One of the decisions is in the first half of 2010 after the on Friday in response to the recommending the lifting of the EU EU Air Safety Committee decisions reached by the committee flight ban on Garuda Indonesia, recommends the lifting of the flight at its three-day meeting which Mandala, AirFast and Premi Air. ban on four Indonesian carriers. ended in Brussels, Belgium, on (Continue to page 17) RELATED EVENTS TO INDONESIA:

Useful links of Indonesia: Government July 2009 www.indonesia.go.id Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 5 Department of Foreign Affairs www.deplu.go.id 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ministry of Cultural and Tourism www.budpar.go.id , 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 www.my-indonesia.info 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 National Agency for Export

Development 27 28 29 30 31 www.nafed.go.id

Investment Coordinating Board >>> July 17-19, 2009 www.bkpm.go.id Kerinci Cultural Festival, Jambi Further information, please visit www.pempropjambi.go.id

Location: Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia

Issued and published by:: Information, Socio - Cultural Affairs Telp. +358 9 477 0370 Fax +358 9 458 2882 Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia [email protected] Kuusisaarentie 3, 00340 Helsinki [email protected] FINLAND www.indonesian-embassy .fi

designed by Ayu Abusamah, Embassy of Indonesia Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

DOMESTIC ISSUES In the provisional results of the vote counts issued by the General Elections Commission (KPU), who paired with was Presidential Election 2009 still leading in the race, collecting 61.66 percent of the total number of votes. The Mega-Pro and JK-WIN pairs trailed Six Countries Congratulate RI on behind with a vote collection of 28.57 percent Successful Presidential Polls and 9.77 percent respectively. Three presidential and vice presidential Cikeas, , - Six heads of candidate pairs competed in the election, state/government had congratulated the namely former president Megawati Indonesian government on its success of the Soekarnoputri and her running mate retired Lt. direct presidential election which was held on General , president Susilo July 8, 2009. Bambang Yudhoyono who pairs with Presidential spokesman Dino Patti Boediono, and incumbent vice president M Djalal made the remarks here on Friday after and retired general . President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono () received his Palestinian counterpart Mahmud Abbas' congratulatory message on Indonesia's Police Chief: Presidential Election Ran success in holding the election. Peacefully "The six heads of state/government who had sent congratulatory messages are Bekasi, W - National Police Chief Malaysian Prime Minister, the Timor Leste Gen. Bambang Hendarso said despite minor President, Prime Minister, disturbances the presidential election on Australian Prime Minister, South Korea's Wednesday ran peacefully and smoothly in all President, Palestinian President and the parts of the country. Philippine President," Patti Djalal said. "Although there were minor The spokesman said that the disturbances in Bekasi, West Java, the election congratulations were a reflection of in Indonesia in general ran peacefully and international recognition and respect of the smoothly," the police chief said during a implementation of democracy in Indonesia. working visit in Bekasi on Wednesday. On Thursday, the US embassy in Jakarta He said it seemed however there were issued Ambassador Cameron R Hume's still companies that had not given a day-off to statement congratulating Indonesia holding the their employees on polling day. presidential election. Bambang Hendarso, Home Affairs "We congratulate the government and Minister Mardiyanto, General Elections people of Indonesia for an orderly and peaceful Commission (KPU) chairman Abdul Hafiz presidential election," the ambassador said. Anshary and chairman of the Elections The presidential election once again Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Nur Hidayat showed the commitment of the Indonesian Sardini were observing security conditions in people to their dynamic democracy, he added. Bekasi and made a visit to PT Mulia Keramik. He also congratulated President Susilo Earlier, Home Affairs Minister made an Bambang Yudhoyono for his success. aerial observation of the implementation of the Earlier, Palestinian Ppresident Mahmud election with the police chief, the General Abbas in a telephone-conversation with Elections Commission (KPU) chairman and Yudhoyono on Friday at 6.35 pm conveyed his legislators in Pandeglang (Banten) and Bogor congratulatory message on the success of the (West Java). election. Before he made the observation, In his response, Yudhoyono who is the Mardiyanto cast his ballot at Polling Station incumbent president thanked Abbas and 001 at the Widya Chandra ministers' housing pointed out that Indonesia always supports the complex. struggle of the Palestinian people for Other ministers who also cast their independence. ballots at the Widya Chandra housing complex included Social Affairs Minister Bachtiar


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Chamsyah, Research and Technology Minister On the occasion, the presidential Kusmayanto Kadiman and Foreign Minister candidate from Democratic Party expressed Hassan Wirajuda. hope that the ongoing ballot count by the Chairman of the People's Consultative polling committees would run smoothly. Assembly (MPR) Hidayat Nurwahid also cast "We hope there will be no undesired his ballot at the same polling station. problem in the field," Yudhoyono said, adding Some 176,367,056 eligible voters that all people across the country were looking including 1,133,738 Indonesians overseas are forward to the final result of Wednesday's expected to go to polling stations on presidential election. Wednesday to give their vote in the country's He also expressed his sincere gratitude second direct presidential election. to all parties who had struggled for the success Three presidential and vice presidential of the election, and to the newsmen who had candidate pairs are competing in the election, made their all out effort to cover all the process namely former president Megawati of the election. Soekarnoputri and her running mate retired "Many thanks to the newsmen who have general Prabowo Subianto, incumbent covered all activities related to the election, not president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and only for me but for Ibu Megawati Boediono, and incumbent vice president M Soekarnoputri and Bapa Jusuf Kalla as well," Jusuf Kalla and retired general Wiranto. Yudhoyono said. (ANTARA) "Let us keep and maintain our culture of mutual respect, because to win or to lose we Yudhoyono: Wait for KPU, Ballot Count have to admit it because the most important Yet to Finish thing for us is that the future of Indonesia in the next five year will be better," he added. Cikeas, Bogor - Presidential candidate Based on the quick count conducted by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked all various survey institutes, SBY-Boediono pair parties to patiently wait for the ballot count was temporarily leading with up to 60 percent and official announcement from the General of the votes. (ANTARA) Election Commission (KPU). Although the electoral quick count SBY is the Winner According to Quick indicated that Yudhoyono and his running Count mate Boediono were temporarily leading with 60 percent of the votes, the incumbent (By Andi Abdussalam) president said all parties had to be patient because the ballot count had yet to finish. Jakarta - Incumbent President Susilo "Although the survey institutes have Bambgang Yudhoyono (SBY) who pairs with announced the result of the election, the ballot Boediono in the 2009 presidential election is count is still underway so let us wait for the almost certain to win Wednesday’s presidential KPU as authoritative institution to officially poll based on the results of a quick count by a announce the final result," Yudhoyono said at survey institute. his private residence in Cikeas, Bogor, on "The votes counted have reached 87.57 Wednesday. percent, meaning the election returns have According to quick counts conducted by stabilized. So, it can be said that the SBY- several survey institutes, Yudhoyono and his Boediono pair is the winner," executive running mate Boediono (SBY-Boediono pair) director of the Indonesian Survey Institute was temporarily leading, Yudhoyono said all (LSI) Kuskrido Ambardi said referring to the party should wait for the KPU to announce the results of the quick count conducted by LSI final result. hours after vote counting at polling station "Since the ballot count is still underway, level began on Wednesday. let us keep and maintain the peaceful situation Kuskrido Ambardi said SLI's data in the country. If there is complaint or protest, entries at 2.17 pm on Wednesday indicated please convey it through the procedure and that the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono - mechanism that have been regulated in the Boediono (SBY-Boediono) ticket was law," Yudhoyono said. victorious almost in all provinces in the


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 country except in South , Bali and Yudhoyono asked all parties to patiently wait Gorontalo. for the ballot count and official announcement "Of the 87.57 percent of votes counted by the General Election Commission (KPU). by LSI, the SBY-Boediono duo led the race Although the electoral quick count with 60.58 percent while Megawati indicated that Yudhoyono and his running Soekarnoputri-Prabowo Subianto (Mega-Pro) mate Boediono were temporarily leading with and Jusuf Kalla - Wiranto (JK-WIN) pairs 60 percent of the votes, the incumbent trailing behind in the second and third president said all parties had to be patient positions with 26.30 percent and 13.12 percent because the ballot count was not yet finished. of the vote respectively," he said. "Although the survey institutes have Therefore, he said, he was optimistic the announced the results of the election, the ballot 2009 presidential election would run in just count is still underway so let us wait for the one round. KPU as authoritative institution to officially He said the SBY-Boediono pair fulfilled announce the final result," Yudhoyono said at the two conditions set by the election law that his private residence in Cikeas, Bogor. a presidential pair would win the election in "Since the ballot count is still underway, one round if it won a vote of 50 + 1 percent or let us keep and maintain the peaceful situation won 20 percent of the votes in at least 17 in the country. If there is complaint or protest, provinces. The two conditions are already met please convey it through the procedure and by the SBY-Boediono pair. mechanism that have been regulated in the "The SBY-Boediono has won in all, law," Yudhoyono said. except three, of the country's 33 provinces. He also expressed sincere gratitude to all This means that the pair has won in more than parties who had struggled for the success of 17 provinces," the SLI executive director said. the election, and to the newsmen who had Ambardi said the SBY-Boediono ticket's made all-out efforts to cover all the processes victory showed that religious and racist issues of the election. had little effect on voters' choice. He referred "Many thanks to the newsmen who have to attacks on Boediono's wife who was covered all activities related to the election, not accused of being a Catholic. only for me but for Ibu Megawati "If the votes counted have reached 76 Soekarnoputri and Bapa Jusuf Kalla as well," percent, the election returns will already have Yudhoyono said. stabilized. So, it can be said that the SBY- "Let us keep and maintain our culture of Boediono pair is the winner," Ambardi said. mutual respect, because to win or to lose we In response to the results of the quick have to admit it because the most important count, presidential candidate Jusuf Kalla said thing for us is that the future of Indonesia over he appreciated the quick count results showing the next five year will be better," he added. the lead of the SBY-Boediono duo. Some 176,367,056 eligible voters "We appreciate the results of the quick including 1,133,738 Indonesians overseas were count, yet we still need to wait for the ballot expected to have voted for their presidential count and official announcement of the candidates in the country's second direct General Election Commission (KPU)," Jusuf presidential election on Wednesday. Kalla (JK) said when asked to comment on the Three presidential and vice presidential results of a quick count. candidate pairs are competing in the election, Kalla said his side would appreciate namely former president Megawati whoever won Wednesday's election. "We Soekarnoputri and her running mate retired appreciate the reports. After all, there has been general Prabowo Subianto, incumbent no significant disturbance during the election," president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and he added. Boediono, and incumbent vice president M He said he was surprised that the quick Jusuf Kalla and retired general Wiranto. count had put his ticket with Wiranto in third According to National Police Chief Gen. place. "Frankly, we are surprised, because the Bambang Hendarso, despite minor reports we received from the regions showed disturbances, the presidential election ran we won greater numbers of votes," he said. peacefully and smoothly in all parts of the Referring to the results of the quick country. count, presidential candidate Susilo Bambang


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

"Although there were minor In , JK-WIN obtained disturbances, the election in Indonesia in 64.72 percent of the votes while SBY- general ran peacefully and smoothly," he said. Boediono 32.21 percent and Mega-Pro 30 (ANTARA) percent. (ANTARA)

LSI Upbeat No Runoff Election Needed Kalla Appreciates Results of Quick Count

Jakarta - Director of the Indonesian Jakarta - Presidential candidate Jusuf Survey Institute (LSI) Kuskrido Ambardi Kalla said he appreciated the results of a quick expressed optimism the 2009 presidential count by a survey institute which showed the election would run in one round after the LSI victory of the SBY-Boediono duo. quick count showed the SBY-Boediono pair to "We appreciate the results of the quick be the poll's winner. count, yet we still need to wait for the ballot Kuskrido Ambardi said SLI's data count and official announcement of the entries at 2.17 pm on Wednesday indicated General Elections Commission (KPU)," Jusuf that the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono - Kalla (JK) said when asked to comment on the Boediono (SBY-Boediono) ticket was results of a quick count here on Wednesday. victorious almost in all provinces except in Previously, the Survey Indonesia South Sulawesi, Bali and Gorontalo. Institute (SLI) released the results of its quick "Of the 87.57 percent of votes counted count on the presidential election on by the LSI, the SBY-Boediono duo led the race Wednesday which showed the victory of the with 60.58 percent while Megawati SBY-Boediono duo over their two rivals, JK- Soekarnoputri-Prabowo Subianto (Mega-Pro) WIN and Mega-Pro. and Jusuf Kalla - Wiranto (JK-WIN) pairs Kalla said that his side would continue tailed behind in the second and third positions to appreciate whatever results obtained from or 26.30 percent and 13.12 percent Wednesday's election. "We appreciate reports respectively," he said. from the regions. Up to now there is no major He said the SBY-Boediono pair fulfilled disturbance," he added. the two conditions set by the election law that But he said he was surprised when asked a presidential pair would win the election in about the position of the JK-WIN pair in the one round if it won a vote of 50 + 1 percent or third place. "Frankly, we are surprised, won 20 percent of the votes in at least 17 because reports from the regions said the votes provinces. The two conditions are already met we won are more than that," he said. by the SBY-Boediono pair. The KPU staged the presidential "The SBY-Boediono has won in all, election on Wednesday. Three candidates took except three, of the country's 33 provinces. part in the contest. This means that the pair has won in more than The three presidential and vice 17 provinces," the SLI executive director said. presidential pairs are Megawati Soekarnoputri Ambardi said the SBY-Boediono ticket's and her running mate Prabowo Subianto victory showed that religious and racist issues (Mega-Pro), Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and had little effect on voters' choice. He referred his pair Boediono (SBY-Boediono), and Jusuf to attacks on Boediono's wife who was Kalla who runs for president with Wiranto accused of being a Catholic. (JK-WIN). "If the votes counted have reached 76 Megawati is former president and leader percent, the election returns will already have of the Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle stabilized. So, it can be said that the SBY- (PDIP) while her running mate Prabowo is the Boediono pair is the winner," Ambardi said. chairman of the Greater Indonesia Movement The Mega-Pro duo in Bali, which is the (Gerindra) Party and a former commander of base of its supporters, won 50.91 percent, the Army's Strategic Reserves Command while the SBY-Boediono secured 44.08 (Kostrad). percent and JK-WIN 4.28 percent. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the In Gorontalo, JK-WIN won with 48.87 incumbent president and chief patron of the percent, SBY 45.12 percent and Mega-Pro 6.1 Democratic Party (PD) while his running mate percent. Boediono is a former governor of , the central bank.


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Jusuf Kalla is the incumbent vice running mate retired General Wiranto, and president and chairman of the Party former President Megawati Soekarnoputri and while Wiranto is a former commander of the her running mate retired Lt General Prabowo Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) and Subianto, competed in the presidential race. chairman of the People's Conscience Party (ANTARA) (Hanura). (ANTARA) Foreign Officials Invited to Witness Presdential Poll Monitored by 54 Foreign Presidential Election Observers Fifty senior officials from 25 Asian Tangerang, Banten province - Some 54 countries have been invited to witness foreign observers from 26 countries conducted Indonesia’s second direct presidential election direct observation in six areas in Indonesia on on Wednesday. the country's presidential election, a The Foreign Ministry said Monday the spokesman said. officials were currently participating in the The 26 foreign observers were invited to Indonesian Election Visitor Program from July observe the presidential election in cooperation 6 to 9. The program, organized by the ministry with Foreign Affairs Ministry in the in cooperation with the Institute for Peace and implementation of the "Indonesian Presidential Democracy, was opened by Foreign Minister Election Visitor Program", Andri Hadi, Hassan Wirajuda on Monday. Information and Public Diplomacy Director “[The program] is designed to enable us General at foreign affairs ministry said here on to discuss, share our knowledge and work Wednesday. together, using the Indonesian presidential "The 54 foreign observers conduct direct election as a case study,” the minister told the observation in several regions. Together with participants. me here about 24 people want to see direct “This does not mean the Indonesian presidential election. The observers want to presidential election is a perfect case. Nor does understand since the beginning of the it mean we want to impose the Indonesian case presidential implementation in several polling for you to emulate.” stations (TPS)," he said when visiting the TPS The fifty invitees will be divided into 08 here on Wednesday. groups, each of which will observe elections in Andri Hadi said the 54 foreign observers six cities: Tangerang, , , would make the close look at the presidential Denpasar, Ujung Pandang and Banyu Asin. election for four days. They want to know The participating countries include whether or not the implementation of the Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Iraq, Japan presidential polls run fairly, secure and and Myanmar. () transparent. "After observing the presidential NAMFREL: RI Example in Respecting election they then inform the results of the Prisoners´ Political Right research of the presidential election to their own countries," Andri said. Jakarta, - An international election He pointed out that the 54 foreign monitoring body, the Asian Network for Free observers were devided into two parts in a bid Elections (Namfrel), said the Indonesian to observe the presidential race in five areas general elections were an example to other namely, the cities of , Malang, countries with regard to prisoners' right to Denpasar, Yogjakarta, Jakarta and Tangerang. vote. Some 176,367,056 eligible voters Namfrel executive director Somsri including 1,133,738 Indonesians overseas are Hanasuntasuk said here on Saturday the expected to go to polling stations on recognition of prisoners’ right to vote in the Wednesday to vote for the country's next Indonesian presidential election was something president and vice president. that did not exist in many other countries Three presidential aspirants, namely including the USA. incumbent President Susilo Bambang "Indonesia has set a good example by Yudhoyono, who pairs with Boediono, appreciating prisoners as human beings who incumbent Vice President Jusuf Kalla and his


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 have the right to vote to determine their were former president Megawati country's future," he said. Soekarnoputri and her running mate retired He said countries that did not give the general Prabowo Subianto, incumbent political right to vote to prisoners were among President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) others Thailand, the Philippines, and and former central bank governor Boediono, the US. and incumbent Vice President M Jusuf Kalla The political right to vote for and retired general Wiranto. presidential and vice presidential candidates of The SBY-Boediono duo is taking the prisoners in Indonesia had improved compared lead based on the results of quick counts to the general elections in 2004. conducted by six survey institutes. "At the time only prisoners sentenced to By last Thursday, the General Elections less than five years were allowed to vote but Commission (KPU) had counted 18,908,123 their opportunity has now been opened wider," votes with the SBY-Boediono duo still leading he said. the race, collecting 61.66 percent of the votes. Somsri said it was appropriate for The Mega-Pro and JK-WIN pairs trailed politicians to also pay attention to prisoners behind with a vote collection of 28.57 percent because they could also affect vote collection and 9.77 percent respectively. of legislative or executive candidates in Some 176,367,056 eligible voters elections. including 1,133,738 Indonesians overseas were "They certainly contribute to help expected to have voted for their presidential candidates win with their votes," he said. candidates in the country's second direct Somsri also appreciated the process of presidential election on July 8. ballot casting in one of the prisons in Indonesia Minister Smith said on July 8 the where election officials showed that the ballots Australian government would work very were clean before voters cast them. closely with whomever the election outcome "This is an example in transparency," he determined as the President. said. "The relationship that we have with Anfrel on July 8 monitored polling at Indonesia could not be better. It's one of our the women's penitentiary in Pondok Bambu, most important relationships and we hope and East Jakarta, and at the Salemba prison. expect that that will continue," he said. (ANTARA) (ANTARA)

Aussie Hails RI's Successful Presidential Political Issues Poll

Jakarta - Indonesia's parliamentary and Govt to Increase Defence Budget 20 Pct in presidential elections in April and July 2009 2010 marked important milestones in the country's successful transition over the past decade into - President Susilo Bambang a vibrant, open democracy, an Australian Yudhoyono said the government would raise envoy said. the defense budget by 20 percent in 2010. "We welcome the fact that Indonesians The head of state made the statement have had their second opportunity to when witnessing the handover of 40 APS 6X6 participate in the direct election of their armored vehicles from TP Pindad to the President," Australian Ambassador to National Defense Forces (TNI) at the PT Indonesia Bill Farmer said in his e-mailed Dirgantara Indonesia office here on Friday. reply to Antara's questions on Monday. "Starting next year the the government "As our Foreign Minister Stephen Smith will raise the defense budget significantly from said on July 8, Indonesia, of course, is the Rp33.6 trillion this year to Rp40.6 trillion, or world's third largest democracy after India and an increase by 20 percent in 2010," the the United States, so a successfully well president said. conducted election in Indonesia, of course, is a According to the head of state, the good thing for democracy," he said. budget increase in 2010 would be the starting Three presidential and vice presidential point of the gradual expansion of the defense candidate pairs competed in the election. They budget over the coming years. 6

Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

"Year after year we are going to increase the home-made armored vehicles were not less the defense budget, and so we will get closer competitive than foreign-made ones. and closer to the minimum military strength According to the president, the need to that we need," the president said, adding the equip the standby force equipped with armored minimum military strength the country should vehicles made at home was reflected when have required a budget of Rp100 to Rp120 Indonesia declared its readiness to join the UN trillion. peace mission in Lebanon three years ago. He said the increase in the defense The president said at the time the TNI budget would be realized in accordance with force was ready to carry out its task in the national economic growth. peace mission but the armament system it The president admitted that the defense needed was not yet ready so Indonesia had to budget in the past few years was lower than cooperate with France to provide the TNI with expected because the government had been the required armament system. concentrating on improvement of the people's From that experience, the head of state welfare. said, Indonesia should act quickly to improve Before witnessing the handover of the the modernization of its defense system. 40 armored vehicles from PT Pindad to the Yudhoyono added that the TNI and TNI, the head of state chaired a limited cabinet Defense Ministry were currently preparing a meeting with TNI Chief Gen Djoko Santoso, peace keeping center which would also Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono, function as the base of the standby force. Minister/State Secretary Hatta Radjasa, and The president also said that the Cabinet Secretary Sudi Silalahi to discuss a government would raise the defense budget by blueprint for the modernization of Indonesia's 20 percent in 2010. defense system. "Starting next year, e the government Yudhoyono on the occasion said the will raise the defense budget significantly from blueprint for the modernization of the defense Rp33.6 trillion this year to Rp40.6 trillion, or system was needed to realize a firm defense an increase by 20 percent in 2010," the posture. president said. But he added that the blueprint would be According to the head of state, the adjusted with the state budget. budget increase in 2010 would be the starting Meanwhile, Defense Minister Juwono point of the gradual expansion of the defense Sudarsono said the 40 APS 6x6 armored budget over the coming years. vehicles were made by PT Pindad at a cost of "Year after year we are going to increase Rp1.12 trillion from the state budget for 154 the defense budget, and so we will get closer armored vehicles. and closer to the minimum military strength He said the armored vehicles were the that we need," the president said, adding the first domestic products since the reform era. minimum military strength the country should (ANTARA) have required a budget of Rp100 to Rp120 trillion. President: RI to Have Standby Force for Peace Missions PT. DI to Build CN-235 Anti-Submarine Aircraft Bandung - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Indonesia would soon have a Bandung, W Java, - State-owned "standby force" for peace missions anywhere Indonesian aircraft industry PTDI is to develop in the world. a CN-235 anti-submarine airplane which The head of state made the statement would be a new variant of its CN-235 turbo- after witnessing the handover of 40 APS 6X6 prop aircraft, PTDI president director Budi armored vehicles from PT Pindad to the Wuraskito said. National Defense Forces (TNI) at the PT Wuraskito said here on Saturday Dirgantara Indonesia office here on Friday. Indonesia already had the needed technology "We will soon have a standby force that and qualified human resources. "They have the can be deployed for peace missions anywhere experience to assemble and modify aircraft of in the world," the president said, adding that that type," he said.


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

He said PTDI had enough human revealed the suspects had been tailed for resources to produce anti-submarine aircraft. months before being arrested. About 40 PTDI engineers had been “The arrests were made upon the request involved in the production of anti-submarine of the Singapore government as they were airplanes in Turkey, he said. deeply involved in several terror acts there,” He said they returned to Indonesia four the police officer who requested anonymity months ago after completing their assignment recently told The Jakarta Post. in Turkey. "We already have the technology These men were believed to have been for the production of such aircraft," he said. behind the attempt to bomb Changi PTDI was now able to design and International Airport and several other produce the CN-235 MPA, a maritime patrol strategic interests several years ago. aircraft which had become one of PTDI's most He said Husaini was still related to salable products. Anwar as he was married to Anwar’s sister. He said PTDI would soon develop the The men were being questioned in separate CN-235 anti-submarine plane. A number of places. countries had already expressed interest in Syamsul was brought to Jakarta while purchasing PTID's anti-submarine products. Husaini was used by the police to track down One of them was Malaysia. his cohorts. The state-owned company was also Anwar’s neighbor in , producing Bolkow-105 or NBO-105 however, doubted Anwar was related to a helicopters. terrorist cell, saying he was not a radical Bolkow-105 or NBO-105 helicopters Muslim. built by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) are “He drives a becak [pedicab] for a living considered very suitable for combat. and spends his day mostly attending praying Not only is the sound of the aircraft sessions at the local mosque,” neighbor Abbas relatively low, the choppers each with a said. capacity for five persons, are equipped with “He is also well known for his personal machine guns and missiles. (ANTARA) hospitality.” He said it was not just Anwar that had Two Suspects Detained, Questioned over been targeted by the police. The police also Changi Attack Plan targeted Umar, Anwar’s best friend, who remained at large. (The Jakarta Post) Two terror suspects, believed to be Singaporean, were questioned by the police’s RI, China Sign Extradition Cooperation 88th Antiterrorist Special Detachment over Document their roles back home. These suspects were also questioned Beijing - Visiting Indonesian Foreign regarding the possibility of their recruitment of Affairs Minister Hassan Wirayuda and his other terrorists. Syamsul Anwar alias Somad Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi signed a bin Soban was arrested in Bandar Lampung, document on extradition cooperation here on Lampung, while Husaini, who resides in Wednesday. Malang, , was simultaneously After being postponed for several times, arrested en route to Sragen, Central Java. the document was signed before Indonesian “We are still finding out if these two Ambassador to China Sudrajat, embassy men are true Singapore nationals,” National officials Gudadi Sasongko, Krishna Adi Police chief of detectives, Comr. Gen. Susno Poetranto, and a number of Chinese top Duadji said Wednesday. officials. “Thus let us wait and see about this in a Before the document of extradition couple more days.” cooperation was signed, Wirayuda and Yang A man by the name of Syaifudin Zuhry Yiechi discussed the importance of the was also arrested in Cilacap, Central Java, at cooperation and the bilateral relations between the same time. the two countries. The police believed Zuhry was closely Wirayuda said the document was finally related to Malaysian terror suspect Noordin M signed because both Indonesia and China had a Top. A source at the anti-terror detachment


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 strong desire to step up cooperation especially According to the Foreign Affairs in legal field. Ministry spokesman, the reconciliation process "The extradition cooperation document for security condition in Iraq would be has a strategic and important meaning for the relatively safer and more conducive if it was two countries to step up cooperation in legal supported by the related parties in Iraq. field," Wirayuda said. Faizasyah said the Indonesian He added that Indonesia and China had government did not want the US troop’s a common interest in their effort to enforce the withdrawal to lead to a drastic decline in law and therefore the cooperation was security conditions in Iraq. expected to create better cooperation. He explained that although the "The document will later facilitate the reconciliation process in Iraq was late, two countries' law enforcers to deal with a Indonesia hoped that it would be implemented number of criminal cases," the visiting because the unification of various aspects in Indonesian foreign affairs minister said. the country was relatively big since the past Meanwhile, Yang Jiechi said his country few years. positively welcomed the signing of the "The reconciliation vacuum in Iraq is cooperation document and expressed hope that likely to create internal conflict in the it would give positive result to the two country," Faizasyah said, adding that countries. Indonesia's capability in solving the problem in "The plan to sign the document has been Iraq was limited to its call on the Arab League discussed several times with Foreign Affairs to be a mediator for the meeting of the factions Minister Wirayuda on various occasion but in Iraq. finally it was realized," Jiechi said. In addition, he said the Indonesian He said through the cooperation government also expressed hope that the Arab document which was signed on Wednesday, League would evaluate and control the security the two countries were expected to step up level in Iraq and the impact of the US forces better cooperation in the legal field besides RI- withdrawal. China Strategic Cooperation which was signed Asked about various threats and bomb in 2005. explosions after the withdrawal of US forces, The extradition agreement was part of Faizasyah was reluctant to say if the the two countries' cooperation in the legal perpetrators were either from internal or aspect as one of the RI-China Strategic external faction, because Indonesia did not Cooperation which has been signed by know the real conditions in the country. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang "Indonesia does not know if the bomb Yudhoyono and his Chinese counterpart Hu threats in Iraq were related to the cause and Jintao. (ANTARA) result of the US forces withdrawal," Faizasyah said. (ANTARA) RI Calls on Arab League to Promote Reconciliation in Iraq RI will never meddle in Xinjian Riot: Envoy

Jakarta - Indonesia has called on the Beijing, - Indonesia, the world's Arab League to promote reconciliation in Iraq largest Muslim country, will never interfere in following the withdrawal of United States the violence in Urumqi, capital of China's forces from the country. Xinjiang region, where Muslims make up the "Indonesia hopes that a reconciliation majority group, a diplomat said. process will accompany the US troops "What happened in Xinjiang is China's withdrawal from the main cities in Iraq," internal affair. We respect China's sovereignty Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Teuku over the region and will never meddle in the Faizasyah said here on Wednesday. problem," Indonesian Ambassador to China Faizasyah said the reconciliation process Sudrajat said here on Sunday. should be made in a forum that involves the Sudrajat said he believed China would conflicting groups in Iraq such as the Sunnis, be able to deal with the unrest based on its law Shiites, Kurds, and the pro- and anti-Saddam and thus, social life there would soon return to Hussein factions. normal.


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Indonesia had always stuck to its with his Egyptian counterpart. (The Jakarta principle of non-interference in China's Post) internal affairs, be it separatism in Xinjiang, Tibet or Taiwan, he said. President: Corruption Eradication Efforts "We are consistent in not interfering in to be Strengthened any problem happening in China. We respect China as a sovereign state," he said. Jakarta - The government will Likewise, China also had never meddled strengthen corruption eradication efforts in separatist movements in several parts of through a synergy among law-enforcing Indonesia, he said. institutions, President Susilo Bambang "The two countries have agreed to Yudhoyono said on Monday. respect each other's sovereignty and refrain The president made the statement at a from interfering in each other's internal coordinative meeting with related ministers affairs," he said. and state institutions officials at the He said Indonesia had always supported presidential office here. the Chinese government's policy to deal with Minister/State Secretary Hatta Radjasa any separatist problem properly. said after the meeting to discuss corruption Muslim Uighurs rioted last Sunday in eradication efforts that the president gave Urumqi. directives to the related institutions to continue Xinjiang's eight million Uighurs make the corruption eradication efforts. up nearly half the population of the region, a "The president chaired the coordinative vast area of deserts and mountains rich in meeting to listen to explanations from the natural resources that borders ex-Soviet Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Central Asia. Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Attorney The official Xinhua news agency General Office, National Police, and related quoting the regional government reported on ministers. After listening to the explanations, Saturday the death toll from violence in the president gave directives to the ministers Urumqi had risen to 184. (ANTARA) and related state institution to strengthen corruption eradication efforts in the future," RI Deplores 'Rights Abuse' in Student Hatta Radjasa said. Arrests According to Radjasa, President Yudhoyono at the meeting said he would Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda said continue to eradicate corrupt practices during Monday he deplored the arrests and alleged his next five-year term in office. torture of four Indonesian students in Cairo, "Joint efforts to combat corrupt practices but made no hint whether Indonesia would ask should continue to be improved and stepped Egypt to apologize and prosecute the up. That is the president's first commitment, perpetrators. and the second is through a synergy among the "We have heard the students were not law-enforcing institutions, namely the given their basic rights as suspects while being Attorney General's Office, the National Police, interrogated," he told reporters after opening a and KPK," Radjasa said. workshop on the Indonesian presidential In addition, Radjasa said President election at the Sheraton Hotel in Tangerang, Yudhoyono had stated that in its corruption Banten. eradication efforts, the government would refer "We want to make sure such an incident to 1945 Constitution and other protective laws does not happen again." to avoid frictions among the law-enforcing The minister acknowledged, however, institutions. that Egypt had been very strict and harsh in Although the synergy among the law- implementing its draconian emergency law. enforcing institutions and other related "The political system is different there. departments was discussed in the coordinative The students should be careful...their duty is to meeting, Radjasa said it was made with study well," he said. existing legal umbrella and therefore there was Hassan will depart for Egypt for the no need to make new regulations. Non-Aligned Movement Summit later this Present at the meeting which was also month and will raise the issue when meeting attended by Vice President Jusuf Kalla were


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Supreme Court chairman Harifin Tumpa, to prevent and eradicate money laundering the Constitutional Court chairman Mahfud MD, PPATK can cooperate with kindred national or Supreme Audit Board chairman Anwar international parties. Nasution, Corruption Eradication Commission Macau was a Portuguese colony in the (KPU) vice chairmen Chandra Hamzah, Bibit 16th century. On April 13, 1987 China and Samad Riyanto, Haryono Umar, and M Yasin, Portugal made an agreement in which they Development Finance Comptrolling Agency stated that on December 20, 1999 Macau chairman Didi Widayadi, Coordinating would become an administrative region of the Minister for Political, Legal and Security People's Republic of China. Affaris Widodo AS, Law and Human Rights Macau's economy grew significantly Minister Andi Mattalatta, Minister/State from year to year particulary its tourism and Secretary Hatta Radjasa, Attorney General gambling sectors. The gambling industry in Hendarman Supandji, National Police Chief Macau is one of the biggest in the world and Gen Bambang Hendarso Danuri, and State taxes from the industry account for 75 percent Minister for Administrative Reforms Taufik of the Macao government's income. Effendy. (ANTARA) Fiji meanwhile was a British colony before it gained independence in 1970. RI Cooperating with Macau, Fiji in The cooperation agreements with the Preventing Money Laundering Macau and Fiji financial intelligence units are the 32nd and 33rd the PPATK has made with Jakarta - Indonesia has established other parties. cooperation with Macau and Fiji in efforts to On May 27, 2007 PPATK signed a prevent money laundering, a financial similar agreement with the financial intelligence official said. intelligence unit of Sri Lanka in Doha, Qatar. Bambang Permantoro, deputy head for Until now PPATK has asked for and law and adherence of Indonesia's Center of received information from other financial Financial Transactions Analyses and Reports intelligence units 168 times while total (PPATK), said here on Monday the center had information it has given to other financial signed memorandums of understanding on intelligence units reached 135 times so that the cooperation with the Macau Financial information exchanges that have so far taken Intelligence Office and the Fiji Financial place number a total of 303 times. (ANTARA) Intelligence Unit last July 10. The signing of the cooperation agreements was done on the sidelines of the Economic Issues 12nd annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering at Plaza Foyer, Brisbane Govt Predicts Economy to Grow 4.3 Pct this Convention and Exhibition Center, Australia. Year The cooperation covers exchange of financial intelligence with a view to preventing Jakarta - The Indonesian government and eradicating money laundering and has predicted the country's economic growth terrorism funding as well as related crimes. this year may reach 4.3 percent amidst the The information to be exchanged was to minus 1.3 percent global economic growth. be categorized as classified and it would be the "The economic growth in the first task of each agency to keep it classified. The semester of 2009 may reach 4.1 percent, and in information may not be used as material for the second semester 4.6 percent, bringing the evidence in courts or transferred to any party total to 4.3 percent," Minister of Finance Sri without written consent from the funds' Mulyani Indrawati said. owners. Under the agreement each agency may The minister made the statement when refuse to give information if it is against the submitting a first semester report, a second interest of the countries involved. semester prognosis, and a 2009 draft revised From Indonesia's legal point of view, the state budget at a hearing with the budgetary cooperation is the implementation of Article committee of the House of Representatives in 25 Point 3 of Law Number 15 of 2002 which Jakarta Tuesday. was later changed into Law Number 25 of The minister also said that source of the 2003 on Money Laundering which states that 4,6 percent second semester economic growth


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 will be contributed by the household "Signs of improvement are already seen consumption sector which had increased by 5 in the region. China, India and South Korea are percent, and the government consumption already improving. Even the regions are now sector which had grown by 12.4 percent. supporting growth," he said. Investment has been predicted to grow Sarwono said the country's current by 9.2 percent, while exports and imports still economic growth was still supported by public minus 9.7 percent and 9.2 percent. consumption and therefore it was not Meanwhile, on a sectoral basis, the surprising that consumption credits were economic growth in the second semester of growing high. 2009 will be contributed by the agricultural Regarding inflation he said BI believed sector (3.6 percent), mining and quarrying it would be around five percent in 2009. (0.8), processing industry(2.9), electricity, gas In June it was below four percent year- and clean water (9.7), construction (7.1), on-year. Inflation weakened in line with trade, hotels and restaurants (3.9), declining world economic growth, he said. transportation and communications (12.9), He said Bank Indonesia predicted the finance (6.7), and services (4.3). rupiah exchange rate would continue to In the meantime, with regard to the strengthen. second semester prognosis based on macro- The rupiah exchange rate would be at an assumption, the finance minister said the average Rp10, 500 - Rp11, 000 a year against inflation may reach 5 percent, 3-month BI the US dollar. He said until June the average promissory notes (SBI)6.5 percent, exchange rate was Rp11.055 per US dollar. rate Rp10,130 to the US dollar, oil price 70 Regarding the three-month interest of US dollars per barrel, and oil lifting 0.963 Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI), Sarwono million barrels per day. predicted that it would continue to drop to For the whole of the year, the reach between 7.25 and 7.75 percent by the government predicted the inflation at 5 end of the year. percent, 3-month SBI 7.5 percent, exchange In June Bank Indonesia recorded the rate Rp10,600 to the US dollar, oil price 61 auction rate of the three-month SBI at 8.7 US dollars per barrel, and oil lifting 0.960 percent. million barrels per day. He said the drop occurred because a "The global crisis may still continue and room was available for it as inflationary affects Indonesia, but the country's economy pressure had declined and bank liquidity was will still survive," she said. (ANTARA) improving. (ANTARA)

BI: Economy may Grow Above 4 Pct Inflation could Drop Below Five Percent This Year: BI Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) Deputy Governor Hartadi A Sarwono said it was Jakarta, - Indonesia's inflation rate possible for the country's economy to grow this year could drop to under five percent or above 4.0 percent if the US and Europe below the 5-7 percent range projected earlier recovered. by Bank Indonesia (BI or the central bank), BI "It is not impossible for it to happen. It Acting Governor Miranda S Goeltom said. depends on the speed of global recovery. It is "Inflation could fall not only to below 5- possible for the economy to grow above four 7 percent but even to less than five percent," percent. However, it is still too early for me to Goeltom said here on Friday. say that the US and the Eurpean economies She said there were two reasons for the will soon improve," he said. below-5-pct projection. He said Bank Indonesia would not The first was the fact that inflation had revise its forecast. The central bank still up to now remained at a low level. predicts the economy will grow between 3.5 This was based on the Central Bureau of and 4.0 percent. Statistics (BPS)'s announcement that in June He predicted that BI inclined to the 4.0 the month-on-month inflation rate was 0.11 percent growth forecast because of signs of percent while the January-June calendar-year improving regional economic conditions. inflation was 0.21 percent. In the meantime,


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 the year-on-year inflation in June stood at 3.65 Lutfi underlined his optimism that percent. investors were still interested in Indonesia, and "This is far lower than any inflation rate that a 10 percent growth would be achieved on historical record," the acting BI governor this year. said. He said last year foreign investment had The second reason, she said, was that no reached US$ 14 billion, but he did not know excessive inflationary pressures were exactly what had been achieved until the first immediately seen for the future. "There is no quarter of 2009. relatively strong inflationary pressure because Earlier, Finance Minister seasonal factors such as the new academic year Indrawati said investment up to the end of the and the Muslim lebaran festivity holidays have first quarter of 2009 had been restored as been taken into account. expected. She said that the diminished inflationary "However, investment had not really pressures were expected to fuel domestic improved up to the second quarter of 2009," he demand for goods and encourage businesses to said. expand as prices were under control. She added that while in terms of Goeltom said that the low inflation rate tendency and curves, investment appeared to was also expected to help boost the extension have reached stability; actually it has yet to be of bank credits in the second semester of this restored. year. She also said that demands for credits She said the present increase in for investment and working capital had not commodity prices was still within manageable increased significantly. limits in the sense it was not fueling inflation She predicted that investment will grow at home. It would even benefit Indonesia's significantly in the third and fourth quarters of current account transactions. 2009. This was reflected in current account Investment contributes to economic transactions in late June which experienced a growth, while the government has predicted surplus of 2.2 billion dollars. that in the first semester of 2009 economic However, BI saw that in 2010, there growth reached 4.1 percent in the first quarter would be a potential for commodity prices to of this year. increase which would also increase The economic growth had been inflationary pressures. contributed by a 7.1 percent consumption The increasing inflationary pressures growth, 5.6 percent investment growth, minus would lead BI to be more cautious in adopting 16.7 percent export growth, and minus 22.2 new monetary policies. (ANTARA) percent import growth. In the meantime, in the second semester, BKPM Optimistic Economic Growth in economic growth had been predicted to reach 2009 will Reach 10 Percent 4.6 percent consisting of 6 percent consumption growth, 9.2 percent investment Jakarta, - Head of the Investment growth, minus 9.7 percent export growth, and Coordinating Agency (BKPM) Muhammad minus 9.2 percent import growth. Lutfi said he is still optimistic that Indonesia's All in all, economic growth in 2009 may domestic overseas investment growth in 2009 reach 4.3 percent, which include consumption will reach 10 percent. growth 6.6 percent, investment 7.4 percent, He expressed his optimism at the exports minus 13.2 percent, and imports minus Finance Ministry building in Jakarta Friday. 15.8 percent. The optimism was based on the Compared to the situation in 2008, condition in the middle of this year in which economic growth reached 6.1 percent which investment was still growing by a single digit. include consumption growth 5.9 percent, With regard to the possibility of a investment 11.7 percent, exports 9.5 percent, decline in foreign investment in the first and imports 10 percent. (ANTARA) quarter of this year, Lutfi said it would not take place, but basically investment would still grow in the first semester of this year.


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

RI Eyes 8% Rise in Next Year’s CPO percent of total plantation areas, produce 3.1 Output kilograms of palm oil from each hectare. State- owned plantation companies, which own 10.1 Indonesia, already the world’s biggest percent of the total oil palm plantation areas, producer of palm oil, expects output to remain produce 3.7 kilograms from each hectare. strong due to continued rising palm oil prices Anizar Simanjuntak, the chairman of the that are boosting the appetites of farmers and Indonesian Palm Oil Farmers Association private companies to plant the commodity. (Apkasindo) said the farmers’ low productivity Achmad Manggabarani, director general for was because most of the trees were more than plantations at the Agriculture Ministry, told a 30 years old.“About 1.5 million hectares of the forum Tuesday that next year Indonesia would farmers’ plantations are also badly in need of produce 23.2 million metric tons of palm oil, 8 regeneration,” he said. percent higher than an estimated 21.5 tons in Achmad said the government has been 2008. Achmad said the trend would continue helping farmers to get loans from banks to to rise in the coming years, with output by regenerate their palm oil plantations. “The 2020 expected to reach 40 million tons. “The government has also encouraged farmers and government predicts the 2020 target can be private companies to build business achieved if Indonesia has 9.1 million hectares partnerships to help fund their plantations,” of palm oil plantations, with each hectare said Achmad.(The Jakarta Post) producing 4.5 kilograms,” said Achmad. Bloomberg reported that palm oil futures on U.S, RI Sign Debt Abolition Deal the Malaysia Derivatives Exchange have increased by 32 percent this year as demand Jakarta - The United States and rose on expectations of a global economic Indonesian governments have signed an recovery.Palm oil for September fell 1.5 agreement on Indonesia's debt abolition worth percent to 2,227 ringgit (US$633) a ton at 6. close to 30 million US dollars in an 8-year p.m. Kuala Lumpur time. forest conservation scheme. Achmad said that in 2020, there would "We hope the funds would be used for be huge domestic demand for the commodity, the conservation of seven million hectares of in line with estimated developments in forested land in North Sumatra, Central biofuel.“The government is now aiming to Sumatra, and South Sumatra," US Ambassador fulfill 10 percent of its energy consumption to Indonesia Cameron R.Hume told a press using biofuels. That alone would require 46.11 conference at the Directorate General of Forest million tons of biofuels in 2020,” said Ahmad, Protection and Nature Conservation in Jakarta adding the demand for crude palm oil (CPO) Tuesday. derivatives would also reach 10 million tons by Cameron said Sumatra has many 2020. habitats and unique and rare animal species “If domestic demand is going to grow like the Sumatra tiger and orang-utans. that big, then crude palm oil production will The cooperation agreement was reached have to grow at an even faster pace.” Data under the Tropical Forest Conservation Act from the Agriculture Ministry shows that (TFCA). Indonesia was the 15th country which Indonesia has 7 million hectares of palm oil established the agreement with the United plantations, the largest in the world, which States. The other countries were Bangladesh, produced 19.2 million tons of crude palm oil Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, and the last year. About 14.2 million tons of CPO and Philippines. its derivatives were exported last year, The debt abolition not only involved the acquiring 44.7 percent of the world’s palm oil Indonesian government, but two community market share. Achmad said the target could self-supporting institutions as well, namely the be reached if farmers were willing to increase Indonesian Bio-diversity Foundation their productivity. Palm oil farmers own more (KEHATI), and Conservation International than 41 percent of the country’s total oil palm (CI). plantation areas, yet most of the plantations Forestry Minister MS Kaban, have relatively low productivity levels, meanwhile, said Sumatra was the first region estimated at 2.5 kilograms per hectare.Private in Indonesia to serve as a model in the company plantations, which account for 48.5 application of the TFCA.


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Kaban said many areas in Indonesia are known offshore tax haven and a favorite still in need of conservation, such as East location for the incorporation of special and . purpose investment vehicles. In this context, Kaban said, while the Dutch investment focused on the hotel, fund has yet to be made available, raids against textiles, and iron and steel sectors, while illegal logging would continue under a Singaporean companies invested in the trade, government commitment to reduce the electricity and water sectors, and South Korean degradation and deforestation rates. firms in the iron ore and construction sectors. He also hoped for the people's Regarding the Seychelles, Yus’an participation in the nature conservation commented: “So, there may be Indonesians activities, because the people are also a setting up a companies there and then investing decisive element for a successful conservation in Indonesia.” drive. An example is Northstar Equity KEHATI executive director Damayanti Partners, an Indonesian financial firm affiliated Buchori said Indonesia will receive the biggest with Texas Pacific Group. Northstar is amount from the US for the debt abolition managed by Patrick Walujo and is also under the Tropical Forest Conservation Act, affiliated with Seychelles-based Piper, Price & while the other countries also enjoying a debt Company, which recently signed a Rp 4.25 abolition received only 12 to 13 million US trillion ($392 million) debt restructuring deal dollars. with PT Bakrie & Brothers, the investment Damayanti said the sum equivalent to company controlled by the Bakrie family. 300 billion rupiah, is quite a big sum of money However, Yus’an decline to give for forest conservation if it is truly and most specific figures, saying they would be effectively carried out in the field. announced in the coming days by Muhammad In the meantime, he also said that the Lutfi, chairman of the Investment fund allocation would not be equally Coordinating Board (BKPM). distributed among the three Sumatra provinces, Last month, the BKPM slashed its but based on their respective forest foreign and local direct investment growth conservation needs. forecast for this year to 9 percent from "In other words, the 30 million US between 10.7 percent and 11.2 percent in its dollars will not be equally divided, and each of previous forecast, because of tight liquidity the provinces gets 10 million US dollars, but resulting from the global financial crisis. we will first study the conservation needs of Lutfi said that the board had cut its respective regions," Damayanti said. forecast after it saw that FDI inflows in April (ANTARA) were quite low compared with the same period last year. Dutch Lead Overseas Investors Here, Lutfi said that despite slow FDI BKPM Says realization in April, Indonesia had so far secured $7 billion worth of FDI investment The deputy chairman of the Investment commitments in the mining and oil and gas Coordinating Board said on Monday that the sectors this year, which he said would be Netherlands was the No. 1 investor in realized between 2011 and 2012. Indonesia over the past six months, although BKPM data showed that actual domestic he declined to state the actual value of the investment in April jumped to Rp 1.51 trillion investments. ($142 million) from Rp 680 billion in the same “We have the Netherlands as the No. 1 period last year. (Jakarta Globe) investor, followed by Singapore and South Korea,” said Yus’an of the BKPM during a Bali's Pearl Imports Up Nearly 100 Percent hearing with the House of Representatives’ Commission VI. A small island country, the Denpasar, Bali, - Imports of pearls, Seychelles, and Britain round out the top five gems, gold and artificial accessories in the first this year. three months of 2009, increased to US$4.4 The Seychelles, an archipelagic nation million, or up almost 100 percent from 2.4 of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, some 1,500 percent in 2008. kilometers east of mainland Africa, is a well-


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

The imported jeweleries were usually on Sunday during the 2009 Solo Batik reexported after being processed in Bali, Gusti Carnival in Central Java. Participants decked Viraguna Bagoes Oka, and head of the Bank out in costumes featuring the traditional Indonesia (BI) office in Denpasar, said on artwork walked and danced the 10-kilometer Saturday. route to the delight of those in attendance. Bali exported pearl handicrafts worth Solo Mayor said the event US$13.2 million during January-March 2009, had attracted the attention of the world and had while its pearl imports were only US$2.4 helped Dindin Wahyudin, the Indonesian million during the same period, he said. deputy ambassador for Unesco in Paris, However, the export value decreased convince Unesco to list batik as part of the from US$16.6 million in Januar-March 2008, world’s cultural heritage. he said. “In every entrance point to Solo — in Bali's exports decreased from US$8.6 Adi Soemarmo Airport, Balapan Railway million in January 2009, to US$4.6 million in Station and Tirtonadi Bus Station — we February, but again increased to US$16.4 display a welcome banner stating that Solo is million in March 2009, he said. the ‘Batik Capital’ of the world.” Trade Meanwhile, exports from Bali have Minister Mari E Pangestu opened the festival. dropped 13.35 percent, from US$70.89 million Wearing a batik costume reminiscent of those in the first quarter of 2008 to $61.43 million in worn by the princesses of the Solo palace, she the same period this year. said that the annual carnival would raise Panudiana Kuhn, chairman of the Bali Indonesia’s global profile in the creative branch of the Indonesian Employers industries. Association (Apindo), said recently the “We will never stop hoping people will decrease in exports was a result of the current visit Indonesia,” she said. “Not only coming financial crisis. here as tourists, but also to cooperate in the Statistics from the Bali office of the creative industries. The 2009 Solo Batik Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recently Carnival is a special moment to tell the world showed the largest decrease of exports that batik is truly Indonesian.” A number of occurred in the footwear industry, followed by foreign officials were in attendance, including wood products and jewelry. Nico Barito, the honorary consul for the Footwear exports dropped from $4.95 Republic of the Seychelles. million to $3.30 million, wood and wood “It is like being in Rio de Janeiro,” he products from $2.60 million to $2.23 million, said. “But the costumes and the choreography and jewelry and precious stones from $16.05 are unique and that makes the event special.” million to $14.18 million. Dynand Fariz, who helped develop the event The records also show that garment as a concept, said that batik was not always exports dropped from $16.61 million to $15.67 about the fabric. The motifs could also be million in the first quarter, knitted products displayed through masks. from $3.75 million to $3.63 million, cotton “This event has a ‘mask’ theme,” from $958,000 to $910,000, and textiles from Dynand said. “We can promote batik and $716,000 to $656,000. masks as part of our cultural wealth.” Overall, Balinese imports of various Quintanova Rizqino, the coordinator of the goods dropped by 29.55 percent. Despite 2009 Solo Batik Carnival Workshop, said that significant losses this quarter, several exports the event raised three mask characters: Panji improved, including fish and shrimp, furniture Mask, Kelana Mask and Gecul Mask. and leather goods. (ANTARA) “Panji Mask tells about Rama and Shinta legend,” said Quinta. “There was also a character known as the Sekartaji Princess. Socio-Cultural Issues Kelana Mask has a strong yet cruel character. Gecul Mask has a fun and amusing character Thousands Hit the Streets to Celebrate with brighter colors.” On Saturday, Quinta Batik, Indonesia’s Cultural Treasure said that hundreds of the carnival participants had conducted workshops over the past two Thousands of people lined Jalan months. They also went to several traditional Slamet Riyadi in the batik capital of the world 16

Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 markets, shopping malls and community Pujobroto said Garuda positively centers to promote the beauty of batik. welcomed the decision and would resume its “This is the second Solo Batik Carnival flights to Europe particularly to Amsterdam in in Solo,” he said. “Last year, the festival was the first phase. so lively. Thousands came to watch the It would take nearly nine months for the carnival. Thank God, this year the event is national flag carrier to make preparations for even livelier.” In addition to the various flight resumption, he said. costumes and masks, the carnival also featured He said Garuda was still undecided beautiful choreography. about the types of planes to resume the According to Susanto the Chief European flights. Committee of 2009 Solo Batik Carnival, all "But as an alternative these aircraft people were welcome to participate in the could be A 330-200s. Therefore, we need one festivities. “Some schools wanted their stopover or cannot serve a direct flight," he students to participate,” he said. “That is okay, said. as long as they have batik as their costume If all the 10 Boeing 777s ordered by design. Everyone can join the party. Let’s be Gardua were to be delivered nearly in late united — we simply cannot ever let batik be 2010 or early 2011, it would serve non-stop taken over by Malaysia or any other flights to a number of European cities, he said. countries.” The European Commission (EC) first People from all over the world attended imposed a flight ban on all Indonesian carriers, the carnival. Gunawan Setiawan, the leader of forbidding them from entering the region, in the Kampung Batik Kauman community in July 2007 following a series of fatal accidents. Solo, said that the festival was a positive Comprehensive efforts have since been development for batik and the city. He said made to remedy the safety shortcomings in that he wanted to see more events in the future. order to meet the International Civil Aviation “Don’t just stop with this event,” he Organization (ICAO) standards. (ANTARA) urged. “We should include batik as our wonderful country’s treasured and extremely UI'S Faculty of Law Grabs Second Prize in important intellectual property. Support the IMLAM Contest development of batik!” He said that protecting batik designs would be extremely difficult Depok, West Java, - The faculty of because so many people made batik.(The law of the University of Indonesia (FHUI) Jakarta Globe) joined the International Law Moot Court Society (ILMS) and won the second prize in Garuda to Resume European Flights in the 2009 International Maritime Law 2010 Arbitration Moot (IMLAM) Competition which was held in Brisbane, Australia. Jakarta, - Garuda Indonesia is likely "The success was thanks to various to resume flights to Europe in the first half of parties' contributions such as the Ali Budiardjo 2010 after the EU Air Safety Committee Nugroho Reksodiputra Law Firm and the recommends the lifting of the flight ban on Soemadipraja and Taher Law Firm," said four Indonesian carriers. Devie, the deputy director of the UI's Garuda Communications Chief communications office here on Sunday. Pujobroto made the remarks on Friday in The FHUI team was represented by Titis response to the decisions reached by the Lintang Andari (2005), Camelia Simbolon committee at its three-day meeting which (2005), Bintang Taufiq Hidayanto (2006), ended in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday. Sasha Izni (2007), and Muhammad Subarkah One of the decisions is recommending 2008, with Miranda Anwar, S.H as the coach. the lifting of the EU flight ban on Garuda The FHUI team advanced to the grand Indonesia, Mandala, AirFast and Premi Air. final after beating the University of The decisions will formally be issued Queensland (the host), and the National nearly two weeks after being translated into 22 University of Singapore (NUS) in the EU official languages and signed by the board semifinals. of commissioners for transportation affairs. The competition was participated in by 12 teams from 12 Universities in the Asia


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Pacific region and used the Common Law Mudjito said the strongest rival for system, which is applied by the Indonesia was China who was ranked first in Commonwealth countries such as Britain, the the competition. United States, Australia, and Malaysia. "They always come out as the overall Indonesia applies the Civil Law system. champion every year. China also has a special "With the different legal systems, the school for students who are to join the FHUI team has demonstrated its extraordinary Olympiad," he said. capability of mastering the materials so that it The IWYMIC was an annual event for could advance to the to grand final," she said. students of young age. He said selection of The five-day competition was students to join in the competition was very participated by Queensland University of tight. "In addition to gradual selection Technology, Gujarat National Law University, participants minimally also have to have the National University of Singapore, participated in a similar competition of an Padjadjaran University (Indonesia), the international level before," he said. University of Hong Kong, the University of (ANTARA) Indonesia (UI), the University of Queensland, and Murdoch University. Malaysia, RI to Revise Agreement on The FHUI also won three more awards, Workers namely the 2nd best memorandum for the claimant, the 4th best speaker for the general Indonesia has said it will lift a ban on round, and the 3rd best speaker for the final migrant workers traveling to Malaysia after the round. two countries agreed to revise a memorandum Earlier this year, the FHUI team also of understanding (MoU) on domestic labor. came out as the first winner in the International The two countries will form a joint Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition working committee to specifically look at this which was held in Hong Kong. revision, with the start of discussions "This is not only the success of the scheduled for next week. FHUI team, but the success of Indonesia in the “I predict that [the revision] will be international arena," Devie said. (ANTARA) completed within two weeks. The MoU will be signed in early August by the two countries,” RI Finishes Second in Mathematics Indonesia’s Manpower and Transmigration Olympiad Minister, Erman Soeparno, said to Antara news agency Monday. Jakarta, - An Indonesian team was “[After the revision] Indonesia will lift ranked second at the mathematics Olympiad the suspension on domestic workers traveling held in Durban, South Africa, from July 5 to to Malaysia.” Erman met with Malaysia’s 10. Police Chief Mussa Hassan and Human "Our elementary and junior-high school Resources Minister Subramaniam in Kuala students were able to grab 14 medals and three Lumpur on Monday to discuss the matter. merit awards at the 10th World Youth He said Indonesia would permanently Mathematics Intercity Competition," the stop sending domestic workers to Malaysia if director of pre-school and elementary school the revision failed to be agreed upon by the development of the directorate of management two countries. of the ministry of education, Mudjito AK, said Indonesia has enforced a ban on here on Saturday. domestic workers traveling to Malaysia since The Indonesian team won eight bronze June 26, following a series of abuse cases medals and three merit awards in the against Indonesian migrant workers in the individual contest and one silver and two neighboring country. bronzes in the team contest and three bronzes Erman said Indonesia wanted to revise in the group contest, he said. the 2006 MoU on domestic workers so it was "We sent three teams consisting of 12 in line with the country’s 2007 Human elementary and junior high school students," Trafficking Law and the 2004 Regional he said. Autonomy Law. Revision of the MoU, Erman said, would include revising the fee structures and


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 transport costs for domestic workers, their In the first year of the program, one salaries, their leave, political rights and right to hundred young Indonesians and Australians religion and ownership of their passport. will be eligible to receive work and holiday Erman specifically asked Malaysia to visas. stop discriminating against Indonesian workers The program requires Indonesian in terms of salaries, saying they should be paid applicants to have a letter of support from the as much as their counterparts from other parts Director-General for Immigration, to either of the world. hold a university degree or have completed “We want domestic workers from two years of a university degree and to speak Indonesia to receive the same salaries as those functional English. Applicants must also meet [domestic workers] from other countries,” he health requirements. Similar criteria apply to said. young Australians wanting to take up the “If an employee from another country opportunity to work and study in Indonesia. earns RM 1,000 per month, Indonesian Work and holiday visa holders may domestic workers must receive the same work for up to six months with any one amount. employer and study or train for up to four “We can tolerate disparity in salaries months. (ANTARA) because of different employment sectors, but differing wages for the same sector is simply RI Tourism Industry Grows 1.69 Percent discrimination,” Erman said. Indonesia and Malaysia had long Jakarta, - Indonesia's tourism industry planned to revise the MoU but only met grew around 1.69 percent from January to Monday to discuss it. Malaysia is allegedly May, 2009 with foreign tourist arrivals reluctant to revise the agreement because it reaching 2.4 million, up 40,098 from the same would involve changing many internal period last year. regulations. (The Jakarta Post) "The global economic crisis has not affected our tourism very much particularly Work, Holiday Visa Available for Young tourist arrivals," the director general of Indonesians, Australians marketing of the ministry of culture and tourism, Sapta Nirwandar said here on Friday. Jakarta - From July 1, young He said the first quarter growth gave Indonesians and Australians can apply for new optimism that the target for the Visit Indonesia work and holiday visa that allow extended Year 2009 of 6.5 million foreign tourist stays in each country supplemented by short- arrivals would be achieved. term employment, an official report said, To meet the target various strategic and The new visas allow university-educated promotion efforts have been intensified Indonesian and Australian travelers aged including sending sales missions, offering between 18 and 30 to work and holiday in each cheap tourist packages and increasing other`s country for up to 12 months, the promotion through print and electronic media Australian embassy announced on its official and of farm trips. website here on Thursday. "We must be grateful that Indonesia's I am delighted that this new visa is now tourism industry in the midst of current global available," Australian Ambassador to crisis could still grow as expected," he said. Indonesia Bill Farmer said. "The work and He said the number of tourists from holiday visa program is designed to encourage Australia in the first five months reached cultural exchange and closer ties between 165,137, up 26.25 percent. young people from Australia and Indonesia - a The number of tourists from other key objective of both governments." countries namely from the Middle East rose The new visa follows the signature of a around 42.04 percent, Europe 10.23 percent work and holiday visa arrangement by Senator and China 18.96 percent. Chris Evans, Australian Minister for He said tourist arrivals from other Asian Immigration and Citizenship, and the countries in the period such as Singapore were Indonesian Minister for Law and Human recorded minus 6.72 percent, Japan minus Rights, Andi Mattalatta, in Jakarta on 3 March. 13.80 percent and South Korea minus 27.28 percent.


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

"So tourism industry in most Asian Indonesia's tourism industry grew around countries has been hit," he said. 1.69 percent from January to May, 2009 with In view of the crisis the country's foreign tourist arrivals reaching 2.4 million, up tourism industry now relies much on domestic 40,098 from the same period last year. tourists. In 2008, 225 million people in the "The global economic crisis has not country conducted travelling, he said. affected our tourism very much particularly Efforts have continuously been made to tourist arrivals," the director general of encourage domestic tourists to conduct travels marketing of the ministry of culture and through among others increased promotion tourism, Sapta Nirwandar said on Friday ( ). events. He said the first quarter growth fuels In 2008, local tourists conducted 1.92 optimism that the target for the Visit Indonesia times of travelling in average spending Year 2009 of 6.5 million foreign tourist Rp123.1 trillion. (ANTARA) arrivals will be achieved, up by 3 percent from the previous year. (ANTARA) Number of Foreign Tourist Arrivals in Jakarta Increases Indonesia by province: Jambi

Jakarta, - The number of foreign tourist Jambi Province with total area of about arrivals in Jakarta went up 22.32 percent in 5,343,700 hectares consists of 9 regencies and May 2009 from the previous month. one municipality. The Topography of Jambi In May 2009, some 124,928 foreign provinces generally vary from low land areas tourists visited Jakarta through the Soekarno- in the east and hills and mountainous in the Hatta International Airport, Halim west. Mountainous areas are mostly in Kerinci Perdanakusuma air force base airport, and regency. The natural resources with wealthy Tanjung Priok seaport, Agus Suherman, head biodiversity are represented in four national of the Jakarta Central Bureau of Statistics parks such as Kerinci Seblat National Park, (BPS) said here on Saturday. Berbak National Park, Bukit Dua Belas The foreign tourists included 24,940 National Park, and Bukit Tiga Puluh National Malaysians, 10,950 Singaporeans, 10,004 Park. Each of the national parks has own Chinese, 5,047 Americans, and 5,031 characteristic and typical biodiversity. Japanese. The tourist arrivals from the five countries accounted for about 44.80 percent of the total arrivals in May 2009, he said. "It reflects that the five countries play important role in Jakarta's tourism," he said. The Jakarta tourism office has set a target of receiving 1.6 million foreign tourists and 16 million domestic tourists in 2009.

Up to May 2009, a total of 555,605 foreign tourists visited the capital city. Jakarta has intensified tourism promotion especially to attract tourists from Asia and the Middle East, he said. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government has projected state revenue from foreign tourists visiting Indonesia in 2009 at only Tourist Office : seven percent, while last year the revenue reached 7.5 percent. Jl. KH. Agus Salim, Kota Baru, Jambi Phone. "This year the number of foreign tourists (0741) 36127, 445056 visiting Indonesia increased but it dropped in Fax. (0741) 445054 terms of state revenue compared to last year's Kerinci Seblat National Park: 7.5 pct," Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said in Jl. Basuki Rahmat 1 Yogyakarta recently. Phone. (0748) 21095, 22300 http://www.kotajambi.go.id


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

Getting there : capital of West Sumatra Province and then go to the town of Sungai Penuh, District of There are 6 daily flight departing and arriving Kerinci in Jambi Province which is 7 - 8 hours Jambi. It will take 60 minutes flight from drive from Padang or 278 km. Otherwise, you Jakarta, 15 minutes from Palembang and 60 can go to the village of Kersik Tuo with a minutes from Batam Island, as well as from distance of 211 km from Padang or Singapore. Travelling by boat or Ferry is also approximately 5 - 6 hours drive. easy accessing Jambi from Batam only 5 hour and 7 hour from Malaysia. To see and Muara Jambi Temple experienced land traveling, its 6 hours from Muara Jambi Temple is 30 km northeast of Palembang, 8 hours from Padang, 10 hours Jambi, along the Batanghari River. This site is from Bengkulu. considered one of the richest archaeological sites on the island of Sumatra. The eight Tourism Events : temple-like structures appear to Buddhist, and were probably built around the 14th century. In Lake Kerinci Cultural Festival The festival is 1982, a 32 centimeter tall female bronze statue aimed to promote tourism. More than a week was found at Koto Kandis, in the Muara Sabak long festival is highlited with art performances, subdistrict. It is believed to be the goddess traditional sport competitions and exhibitions Laksmi, holding a lotus bud in her right hand of local handicraft products. This event will be and an oil lamp in her left. In addition to the held on July’08 in 2nd week. archaeological sites, many visitors find the riverside an ideal recreation and picnic spot. Places of Interest : Bukit Duabelas Nature Reserve Batik & Handicraft Bukit Duabelas Nature Reserve is located in Batik & Handicraft Atelier is located 1.4 km the Pauh subdistrict, 60 km from Bangko in the from the centre of the town of Jambi. It is a Sarolangun Bangko regency. It covers 28,703 centre for the Jambi-style Batik, plait work and hectares and home to deer, monkeys, bears, agate handicraft. The centre is run by women. wild pigs, elephants, snakes, iguanas and many species of birds. Small lakes are found in its Lake Kerinci surroundings and many small streams Lake Kerinci is located 20 km from Su¬ngai discharge into the Batanghari River. This Penuh, the capital of the Kerinci regency. This nature reserve is also home to 1,000 people of is a popular tourist spot with beautiful the Kubu (Anak Dalam) tribe. panoramas. Accommodation is available on (Source: www.my-indonesia.info ) the side of the lake.

ENVIRONMENT ISSUES Kerinci Seblat National Park Kerinci Seblat National Park is located in the Bukit Barisan Mountains; it occupies a total Study Asks Indonesia to Adopt Green area of 1,484,650 hectares. The park is home Economy to a great variety of animals species, such as elephants, Sumatran tigers, Sumatran rhino, A study analyzing the impacts of tapirs, panthers, deer, wild goats, primates, switching to a low-carbon economy has shown crocodiles, birds and reptiles. that investing more in energy efficiency, reducing the use of coal-based fuels and Mount Kerinci stopping deforestation, could improve per Mount Kerinci is the highest mountain on the capita incomes and help ease the level of island of Sumatra and it is popular with unemployment. The joint study was conducted mountain climbers. The nearest village and by Padjadjaran University, the Center for climber’s base is Kersik Tuo, near Kayu Aro, Economic and Development Studies (CEDS), Kerinci. The route is marked by signs, posted Strategic Asia and the office of the State at half kilometer intervals. The best season to Minister for the Environment. visit is January to October.Fly to Padang the


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009

The study found that these benefits there were alternatives to carbon market would be gained by increasing energy mechanisms, which could generate income and efficiency by 25 percent, reducing the use of produce a green economy that was not reliant coal-based fuels by 50%, implementing a on destroying the environment. US$50 per ton tax on carbon production, and “In forests for example, ecotourism reducing the rate of deforestation by 10 could provide an alternative source of income, percent. “The environmental and economic rather than cutting down trees for timber,” she benefits of such measures are huge. It would said.(The Jakarta Post) cut 177 million tons of CO2 emissions and increase GDP by 2.7 percent [Rp 133 trillion] RI`s Carbon Emissions Total 640 Giga Tons per year,” Arief Anshory Yusuf, a researcher from Padjadjaran University told The Jakarta The office of the state minister for the Post. environment said total gas emissions in “Such economic benefits could create Indonesia from 2003 to 2008 reached 638.975 new jobs for more than 3 million people, and giga tons. Third deputy for development of the number of poor people would be reduced natural resource conservation and environment by more than 4 million per year.” The study damage control Masnellyarti Hilman made the also included policy recommendations statement at a discussion on Green Economy designed to meet targets by promoting energy- here on Friday. saving policies in 25 percent of wealthy Masnellyarti or Nelly said the source of households in urban areas, energy-intensive emissions were forest and land conservations industries and the transport sector. reaching 36 percent, wastes 16 percent, Several countries, including the US, agriculture 8.0 percent and industries 4.0 China and South Korea have been considering percent. The main sources of the greenhouse adopting “green economy” policies to cut gas were forest and land conversion activities, carbon emissions. The US has allocated changes in forest and other bio-mass supplies, US$80 billion for renewable resources and manufacturing and construction industries, energy efficient programs. China has allocated transportation, heat source, open waste dumps, 12 percent of its $586 billion economic water waste, rice field cultivation and stimulus package toward energy efficiency and households. improving the quality of environment. To cut the emission and with regard to The South Korean government has climate change, she said, Indonesia has already created a “Green New Deal” by investing $28 made national action plans (RAN PI) based on billion in four years to finance 36 projects a pro-poor, pro-job. pro-growth and pro- focused on improving the environment. environment strategy. The RAN PI is focussed Indonesia has issued a series of regulations on two areas, the energy sector and land and aimed at cutting emissions from the energy and forest conservation. forestry sectors, but its implementation record Based on a policy of mix energy remains poor. consumption, the use of renewable energy in In 2005, the government issued a the country is expected to reach 15 percent presidential decree on fuel savings requiring while geothermal energy 20 percent and government offices to reduce the use of energy Carbon Capture Storage 37 percent, and and official trips. The government also issued emission reduction in 2025 will reach 17 a decree on energy, setting targets to cut 17 percent. The government expects land percent of the country’s emissions from the rehabilitation to reach 36.31 million hectares energy sector. of the 53.8 million hectares degraded until State Minister for the Environment 2025. Rachmat Witoelar said the country should take Nelly said other countries had also made advantage of its enormous stock of low carbon plans in their effort to mitigate climate change energy sources like geothermal energy to move impacts like China that had also allocated 12 toward a green economy. Indonesia has about percent of US$586 billion of its stimulus 33.000 megawatts of the geothermal resources. package for energy efficiency efforts, Masnellyarti Hilman, the ministry’s increasing environmental quality, increasing deputy for nature conservation enhancement funding for low carbon emission and environment degradation control, said


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 transportation, and building more power plants He said when a number of countries and networks (US$79 billion). took extreme left or right positions - even in She said Germany had already the NAM - Indonesia and Egypt were in the implemented green economy by increasing neutral group, referring to the Asia-Africa funding to US$3.78 billion for renovating Conference in Bandung in 1955. structures so that they became green, speeding He also said that although there were a up investment for transportation and lot of regional or multilateral organizations, the subsidizing development of the railway NAM's presence remained important system, water management, cutting tax for especially to voice the interests of developing green structures and income tax for nations. environment-friendly cars. For the 15th summit, Egypt would take South Korea meanwhile has declared a the theme of "International Solidarity for Peace "Green New Deal" under which its government and Development." would invest US$38 billion in the next four As the NAM chair Egypt had reaffirmed years for green growth planning consisting of its commitment to continue efforts that had 36 big projects such as restoration of four main been made by its predecessors to strengthen river catchement areas, building special the role of the movement in international bycicle lanes, increasing up to 68,000 forums. environment-friendly vehicles and replacing The Egyptian government also intends 20 percent of public lights with energy to cooperate with all member countries in efficient lamps and others. (ANTARA) preparations for the 15th summit with regard to recommendations to be adopted to meet the challenges to be faced by member countries in REGIONAL/INTERNATIONAL the 21st century and to many people's ISSUES aspirations for peace, progress and welfare. The NAM with more than 100 members, RI Foreign Minister Attends NAM Meeting according to its declaration made in Havana in in Egypt 1979, aims to ensure "freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of the non- Jakarta - Indonesian Foreign Minister aligned countries" in their fight against Hassan Wirajuda is attending a ministerial imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement apartheid, Zionism, racism and all kinds of (NAM) in Egypt despite some strain in military aggressions, occupation, interventions relations with Cairo over the arrest and torture or hegemonies and political blocs. of Indonesian students by Egyptian police. NAM member countries combined The ministry's spokesman, Teuku represent 55 percent of the world's population Faizasyah, said here on Monday Minister and almost two-thirds of the UN membership. Hassan was in Egypt to meet an invitation Member countries that have hosted the NAM from the Egyptian government as the NAM summit are the former Yugoslavia, Egypt, chair sent through Egyptian Foreign Minister Zambia, Algeria, Sri Lanka, Cuba, India, Ahmed Aboul Gheit who would organize the Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Colombia, South Africa 15th NAM Summit in Sharm El Sheikh on and Malaysia. (ANTARA) July 15-16 after a senior officials' meeting on July 11-14. RI Paying Serious Attention to EU's Fish Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had Certification Rules also invited President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to participate and lead a delegation Jakarta, - Indonesia is paying serious to the summit but on the same date Yudhoyono attention to the regulation issued by the was also scheduled to conduct a working visit European Union recently requiring the in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. certification of all fishery products exported to Egypt's ambassador to Indonesia Ahmed Europe, a fisheries ministry official said. El Kewaisny earlier said Indonesia and Egypt "Our seriousness can be seen in the played an important role with regard to efforts we are making to familiarize domestic reviving the Bandung spirit in the movement. fisheries companies with the EU regulation," Dr Doen'an H Poernomo, head of the marine


Bi – Weekly Bulletin, Issue 14, July 14, 2009 resources and fisheries ministry's data, The ministry of marine resources and statistics and information division, said here on fisheries and the association of fishery Saturday. businesses were also working in coordination The EU regulation, addressed to EU with each other to prepare the implementation member states and intended to overcome of the certification rule in Indonesia. illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing "The implementation of the certification (IUU), would also affect third countries rule will be covered by a ministerial decree," including Indonesia that export fish to the EU he said. region, Poernomo said. "In 2008 Indonesia's fishery exports to WTO Considers RI Free from Khapra the EU reached US$322 million. EU members Bumblebee implement the regulation through fishing certification," he said. Jakarta - The World Trade Organization He said every fishery product entering (WTO) has acknowledged that Indonesia is the EU had to be accompanied by a fishing free from Khapra bumblebee, paving the way certificate. The regulation will be effective in for the country's effort to resume its cereals January 2010. exports, an Agriculture Ministry official said. Regarding the certification mechanism, Khapra bumblebee found in Indonesia in he said fishing boats skippers would be 1982 was believed to enter the country along requested to fill certification forms which with rice imports from Thailand and India, the would be sent to the competent authority for secretary of the ministry's agriculture validation after being completed by exporters quarantine board, Hermansyah, said here on who have approval numbers. Tuesday. "Port administrators are now being "At that time Indonesia had not gained proposed to be the competent authorities and self-suffiency in rice production so that it had they will be selected and determined by the to import rice from India or Thailand," he said minister," he said. commenting on the result of a WTO session He said the certification requirement held in Geneva on June 22-24. also applied to fishery products processed with Hermansyah who led the Indonesian imported raw materials and exported to the delegation to the WTO meeting said he told EU. the session that Indonesia is free from Khapra "The requirement does not apply to bumblebee. fishery products from farming, freshwater and Since the bumblebee was found in mollusks," he said. Indonesia in 1982, the ministry had always Products from vessels accused of made an annual evaluation until 2009 when the conducting illegal, unreported and unregulated country was declared free from the plant pest, fishing about which the EU would notify he said. (ANTARA) Indonesia would not be allowed to enter the EU and the boats would be put in the EU's IUU list. Exporting and producing countries ignoring the EU notification rule and failing to make improvements would be declared non- cooperating countries, he said. "And as a result their products could not be traded with the EU, cooperation would be stopped and their cases would be made public in the EU website and EU journals," he said. In view of these conditions, Indonesia would seriously implement the EU regulation and to this end was planning to conduct a national workshop early in September in Jakarta and Bali that would be attended by a resource person from the EU.