Landscape and Identity in Kiribati
Jana Gheuens Landscape and Identity in Kiribati Master’s thesis in Global Environmental History 2 Abstract Gheuens, J. 2017. Landscape and Identity in Kiribati. Uppsala, Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History. In this thesis, I will look into the relationship between landscape and identity on the island nation of Kiribati, a low lying island nation in the Micronesian region of the Pacific that is currently under threat by climate change. Based on qualitative research from several islands in Kiribati (semi-structured interviews and observations), I explore how landscape and landscape changes, identity, and present and future challenges are perceived by Kiribati residents. Landscape is more than just physical surroundings, encompassing qualities of heritage, memory, skills, knowledge and learning, and there is a strong link between landscape and identity for Kiribati islanders. Respondents stressed the importance of community and the ‘simple life’ as important qualities of life in Kiribati. People still come together frequently in their communities where they discuss issues such as building a new house for someone. Communities have as main purpose helping each other and are based on strong bonds of love and friendship. Respondents defined the simple life as a life without violence, without having to worry about money, without any major natural disasters (apart from climate change), and a life in which people are open and friendly to everyone. When it comes to present and future challenges, most respondents were worried about issues related to environmental changes such as changes in fresh water resources and coastal erosion. Although many respondents felt the effect of these environmental changes and people have become more aware of the link between those and global warming, many residents remained sceptical towards climate change, simply because believing it would make it real.
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