17/03233/OUT Description an Outline Proposal with All Matters Reserved
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APP 02 Application Number: 17/03233/OUT Description An outline proposal with all matters reserved for development of land to the south of the A5 and east of the A4146, Milton Keynes for up to 500 homes, including 40% affordable homes; a 1 Form Entry Primary School; a local Centre, open space and associated works AT Land At Levante Gate, Galley Lane, Little Brickhill, FOR The Guinness Partnership Target: 30th June 2018 Extension of Time: Yes Ward: Danesborough And Walton Parish: Little Brickhill Parish Council Report Author/Case Officer: Nicola Thompson Senior Planning Officer Contact Details: [email protected] Team Manager: Sarah Hine - 01908 252283, [email protected] 1.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) It is recommended that permission is granted subject to conditions set out in this report and completion of a s.106 agreement. 2.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 2.1 The site 2.1.1 The application site is located on land to the south of the A5 and east of the A4146 to the south east of Milton Keynes adjacent to the approved Eaton Leys development. The site measures approximately 30.7 ha. 2.1.2 The site, known as Lavente Gate, is located immediately to the east of the Eaton Leys development. The Eaton Leys development comprises an edge of settlement site that measured approximately 109ha that straddled both the Milton Keynes and Aylesbury Vale districts. The relationship of the application site with the approved Eaton Leys development to the immediate west, confirms that the site lies adjacent to approved development that now comprises the urban edge of Milton Keynes in the Case Officer’s opinion. Land to the north, the other side of the A5/A4146 roundabout is proposed for employment development in the emerging PlanMK. 2.1.3 The site is located approximately 1.5km beyond to the south east of Fenny Stratford train station and a wide range of retail and employment opportunities. The centre of Little Brickhill village lies approximately 700 metres to the east which also has a range of additional facilities including local shop, community hall, public houses and place of worship. 2.1.4 The Eaton Leys approved development includes a community centre, health centre, local centre and primary school. 2.1.5 The application site in planning terms lies within the open countryside and comprises agricultural fields subdivided by hedgerows and a number of individual trees. A public bridleway crosses the site in an east west direction. The site is defined and contained by the A5 and Hunters Farm Shop and the A5 Service Area to the north. The A4146 lies to the west with Eaton Leys immediately beyond. Existing hedgerows define the site on its southern side. The site lies within an Area of Attractive Landscape as designated in the 2005 Local Plan Proposals Map. A wildlife corridor running parallel with the A5 lies on the northern edge of the application site. The site lies beyond any Conservation Area, away from listed buildings and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The site lies in Flood Zone 1. 2.1.6 The village of Little Brickhill lies to the east on higher land comprising the Brickhills Greensand Ridge. In contrast, the application site lies at a lower level on generally flat land characterised by a gentle rise in the topography from west to east. The site is not visible from within Little Brickhill or its Conservation Area. The site is visually contained by the built-up area of Milton Keynes to the west, including the approved Eaton Leys development that has yet to commence, the Hunters Farm complex together with service area to the immediate north and the densely wooded Greensand Ridge on higher land to the east and north-east. 2.1.7 Some northern parts of the site (along the A5) lie within a wildlife corridor, and within or adjacent to an Archaeological Notification Site. There is a High Pressure Pipeline Buffer adjacent to the site along the A4146. Parts of the site are with a Minor Groundwater Vulnerability Zone. The site is within an Area of Attractive Landscape. 2.2 The Proposal 2.2.1 The application seeks outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) for residential development on the site for up to 500 homes, including 40% affordable homes; a 1 Form Entry Primary School; a local centre, open space and associated works. 2.2.2 The application was supported by a comprehensive suite of reports explaining the proposals in more detail in relation to specific issues. The reports are: • Site Surveys • Planning Statement (Including affordable housing and S106 Heads of Terms), • Design and Access Statement, • Statement of Community Involvement, • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment • Transport Assessment • Travel Plan • Ecological Surveys and Ecological Appraisal • Biodiversity Management Plan • Open Space Strategy • Agricultural and Greenfield Land Assessment • Geo-Physical Survey Report • Geo-Environmental Desk Study • Sustainability Assessment • Sustainable Construction Statement • Utilities Assessment • Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy; and • Land Contamination Assessment. 2.2.3 Although it is not a matter for determination at the current outline planning application stage, the application is accompanied with an indicative layout to demonstrate how the site could be satisfactorily developed with up to 500 dwellings and other associated development. 2.2.4 The application is for outline planning permission with all matters reserved but an Illustrative masterplan has been submitted showing a series of residential development blocks, indicative areas of open space and suggested road layout within the site. The illustrative masterplan shows the location of the local centre, land reserved for a school, local and neighbourhood play areas, footways and cycle routes within the site and the vehicular access to the site from the A4146. 2.2.5 The application masterplan and illustrative masterplan are appended to this report. However, it should be noted that the application masterplan and illustrative masterplan has been submitted for illustrative purposes only and do not form part of the proposals for approval as part of this outline planning application. 2.2.6 The application masterplan has been prepared in discussions with officers of the Council leading up to the submission. The areas set aside for residential development up to 500 dwellings have had regard to the Council's Residential Design Guide, car parking standards, open space requirements including buffers, as well as the Landscape Visual Impact Assessment and highway considerations. The outcome of this Masterplan exercise is a land use budget setting out the component parts of the proposal in respect of different land uses. 2.2.7 Land use budget as set out below: 2.2.8 The application is supported by a Utilities Report which indicates that there are no services or utilities that represent an overriding constraint to the development of the site. Existence of a gas main along the A4146 corridor has been reflected in the Application Masterplan which incorporates a sufficient development set back designed to take its existence into account. Connections to water, gas, telecommunications and electricity services will be made as part of the proposed development. 2.2.9 The application has been amended and/or further information provide during the application process, including: Updated Transport Assessment Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 2.3 Reason for referral to committee The application is referred to the Development Control Committee for determination as a result of the level of public opposition to the proposal and that the proposal is a departure from the development plan. 3.0 RELEVANT POLICIES 3.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Paragraphs 6,7,8 and 14 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Paragraphs 11-16: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Paragraph 17: Core Planning Principles Section 1: Building a Strong Competitive Economy Section 4: Promoting Sustainable Transport Section 6: Housing Section 7: Design Section 8: Promoting Healthy Communities Section 10: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change & Flooding Section 11: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment Paragraph 173: Ensuring Viability and Deliverability Paragraphs 187 &187: Positive Approach to Decision Taking Paragraphs 196 & 197: Determining Applications Paragraphs 203-206: Conditions and Obligations In addition, the National Planning Practice Guidance is a material consideration. 3.2 Local Policy 3.2.1 Neighbourhood Plan The application site does not currently form part of a designated neighbourhood plan area. 3.2.2 Core Strategy CSA Presumption if Favour of Sustainable Development CS1 Milton Keynes Development Strategy CS9 Strategy for the Rural Area CS10 Housing CS11 A Well Connected Milton Keynes CS12 Delivering Successful Neighbourhoods CS13 Ensuring High Quality Well Designed Places CS17 Improving Access to Local Services and Facilities CS18 Healthier and Safer Communities CS19 The Historic and Natural Environment CS21 Delivering Infrastructure 3.2.3 Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 (Saved Policies) S10 Open Countryside S11 Areas of Attractive Landscape D1 Impact of Development Proposals on Locality D2 Design of Buildings D2A Urban Design Aspects of New Developments D4 Sustainable Construction HE1 Protection of Archaeological Sites NE1 Nature Conservation Sites NE2 Protected Species NE3 Biodiversity