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11-28-1940 The rP inceton Leader, Section 2, November 28, 1940 The rP inceton Leader

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W. itu m. ty xpena,it SECTION TWO First Weekly Newspaper the Um* it FOUR PAGES in Kentucky to be Granted Nom NM get. RED ROBB Associated Press Membership

Princeton, Kentucky, Thursday, November 28, 1940 8 FP8 end who had not played since Farmesville Drops Pleasant Hill early season due to injuries, New Negro High School Building of an Princeton's One To Lyons Trounces broke into the Close By Willie Stromatt er lineup in the e, which second Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hillyard, Mrs. trice of oil quarter and performed Farmersville High School's Ramon Vinson, Bill Murray, Cook tn fan,: brilliantly halting all Terror ef- bas- Pirates lost a hard fought Stromatt, and Her- of Scott, Willie forts in his territory. Catlett, ketball game to the Kuttawa on Mr. and t Loolut man Brown called Perry, Cooper and Fletcher bore Lyons on the latters floor Friday Mrs. Kermit Carman Sunday. Y Depot* the brunt of the Marion line as- night, Nov. 22, in an over-time Kermit Carman was injured leth day el sault and score was Thursday when he cut himself I o'clock Hobby, Sisk and Ladd period, 29 to 24. The y Scores Only tied when the game ended, 24- with an axe while chopping Use door slithered through mud and rain about 24, Kuttawa counting five points wuoci. Severe lacerations nrietta I I y In 80-Yard for short gains climaxed by Dr. in the 3-minute additional the head were treated by House) : Hobby's dash behind good early ; Lemon In period. Barber. Lucky interference that netted six Mr. and Carrie Lee Oliver and to the oic Role precious points and Turkey Day Junior and Senior boys of the children visited Mrs. Joe Stro- lowing triumph. Farmersville F.F.A. entertained matt Friday. reof as eur one dazzling exhibition Butler's band formed patriotic Paul with a chicken bartiecue on the Mitchell Brown visited tisfy p ing by little Lowell Hob- symbols, with a Pilgrim touch school ground Wednesday night, Bugg Sunday. costa, to way in the last quarter, depicting Thanksgiving, at half- Mari- Nov. 20. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Calvn Bell, tier Tigers defeated the time as the drizzling rain in- of Chey. one Prof. and Mrs. Stanley Deboe, on, were the Sunday guests ck, motor Blue Terrors of Marion, creased t oa steady downpour. Misses Wilma McNeely, June Mr. and Mrs. John Murray. g for their seventh victory Marion band also performed in week No. Vinson, Phyllis Rowland, L. D. Clay Drennan spent the hanksgiving Day clashes the rain. 1713. ugg Jones and Rosalie Ray; Messrs. end in Princeton. the two schools, Thurs- by Saturday le made Fumbles both teams marred Roy Jackson, George Marshall, Ike Oliver spent ernoon, Nov. 21, in play as rain kept the ball. slip- in the autumn of 1938, and completed at Flat- at is held Dotson High building, work on which was started James Henry Mason, Deryl Son night with Guy Harper g rain before scarcely 600 pery. First downs were 7 for cost approximately $100,000, of which the local Board al Sank of November 19. The building and equipment and Paul Evans. rock. rs at Butler Stadium. Marion and 3 for Butler and the remainder. The scnool building will be dedicated Upon as ar. of Education paid $15,000, WPA contributing through Terror pass attempts totaled 6 ceremonies in the auditorium and the principal ie Harm, Hobby went Sunday afternoon, Dec. 1, at 2:30 o'clock with with 2 to one com- College. The public is invited. ale will be on a spinner play for 80 completions address by Merle R. Eppse, of the Tennessee State three of slippery running, the pletion in one attempt for But- Don't Take Chances With The Flu ed :as a see-saw battle with ler. Solid South Eddyville Concrete following pre- security The Public Health Service suggests the rest uprisings being quelled Lineups Begins flu patient at the Street Work cautions as a basis for home treatment of a usly close to Butler's goal Princeton Marion Va. (Al — It was annum FRANKLIN, 'Homemakers' when the doctor is not available: efforts of Cap- McCaslin LE McConnell street aving the defensive triplets for Herbert E. and Zena Eddyville's WPA concrete of illness and stay there Carter 1. Go to bed at the first sign ale bond. g Catlett and "Pooch" Fletcher LT project, in abeyance more than Turner who, it might be deduced, I Club News for several days after your fever is gone. my anion drove to the Tiger Sharber LG Beshears a year, got under way Monday hand, babies' lllll llllllll 1111111111111111111.111.11111”... during the are Democrats. The . 410111iiiii 11lllll 1/0/111111111111111111 Stay on a liquid diet the second quarter, los- Catlett Rice blocks of 2. Drink water freely. mber 1940. Delano Turner, morning with seven fourth day. RG McMican names: Franklin Homemakers' Schedule firrt rear days and go on soft food about the Mltchel downs as the Bengal line Cooper 20-foot streets to be constructed, Eleanor Zena Turner, Francis return to normal diet. unty. bbornly. Perry RT Hatcher including gutters. A crew of 20 Gradually Perkins Turner. Wed., Nov. 27, 2:00 p. m., Fre- enemas are better than laxa- Me ii. Terror quarter-back, Miller RE Thompson men is working on the Job, ma- 3. Do not use cathartics; Mitchell, hostess. all the way for Marion. Sisk QB Lemons donia, Mrs. L. Layman, chinery having been purchased tives. It He's Sold bronchial secretions in disposable ogling lad suffered a Hobby HB Dyer Thurs., Nov. 28, 1:30 p. m., by the city. First block to be con- 4. Place all nasal and HB Hayes nose in the third quarter Ladd Eddy Creek, Mrs. D. W. Satter- structed is on Main street, from tissues. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Al — W. L. bath at the onset of attack to t the game, only to re- Kern PB Easley Water street north. 5. You may take a warm city fireman, is no field, hostess. but a warm bed and warm BODY, d unleash a savage of- Substituticisge — Princeton: Sumpter, relieve back, head and limb pains of the cobbler. He's still Tues., Dec. 3, 2:00 p. m., Hop- Excessive sweating is danger- w that carried into Bengal Laverty, 'raptor, Clartwrigtit, friend Darnell, Adams, Earl P. William- dring afterward are essential. Ss the wedding shoes he Hugh Mur- time after time. Scott, Beckner, Crisp, Morgan. wearing kinsville Road, Mrs. son, Cora Fox, Misses Misses Hula ous. 22 years ago. TOMOBILE, right, Princeton's left- Marion: Conyer. bought phy, hostess. Stegar and Margaret Jane TO FIN Adams. Eddyville Road IS. Ecidyville Road homemakers s Che‘ held their regular monthly meet- ing Friday, at the home of Mrs. ompany Girt On Her Wish List. . Denny Cash, with eleven mem- bers and sour visitors present. Housecoats In the absence of the major lobes, Negligees, project leader Mrs. Charles Row- land, the home agent gave a very interesting lesson on Cloth- ing Storage, in which she de- scribed three types of closets. g from tite Miss Scrugham also gave the u can Owe? minor project lesson, "Kentucky r your Maag tate Parks." An enteresting social hour was Picked by us, because conducted by Mrs. Earl Gray, - they're extraordinari who led the club in playing songs. ly good values—to be games and singing The hostess served refresh- you for the picked by ments to the following: Mes- m o st luxury loving dames Arch Martin, L. P. Hopper, Earl Gray, Lyman Kilgore, Den- women you know. kg. ny Freman, Gene Hays, Will Beck, Urey Lamb, J. W. Hollnigs- worth, Denny Cash; Misses Alta and visit- jug 1. Corduroy and Cyrena Gresham, ors, Mrs. J. K. McLin, Mrs. Nancy Scrug- Crepe James Cash, Miss ham and Miss Alma Cash. to meet Satin The club adjourned December 13, with Mrs. J. W. Chintz Hollingsworth. PHILO The Crider homemakers' club was called to order by the chair- man, Mrs. Wilson Glenn, at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Get thi, beautiful, home of Mrs. Virgil Coleman. full-size (9%" wide, the Sessions business session 7" high) Following the !elf-01114in( Electric Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Harlan Radio Clock FREE Ennis gave the major project with the purchase of clothing closets. The this Anniversary Spe- lesson on Offer State cial Phileo. minor project, "Kentucky good only during our I Parks", was led by the home Celebration Sale! I agent. 7he social program consisted songs, after which refresh- ments were served to Mesdames Glenn, Ennis, J. B. Hewlett, Sr., Sarah Myers, Hugh Yates, J. R. Coleman, Porter Spickard, Misses etables Grace Adamson and Nancy Scrugham. pur The club adjourned to meet December 18, with Mrs. Hugh elitePtr:p.;:1811:::plOt In !1 ESrY;tee- lb. Yates. '.nrigfle tc Hopson See it! 9r 10C -- VocrgePoTtsh-c:binet. for Mrs. Felix Adams was hostess Rarely!. home- Bat to SOUND to members of the Hopson TELEVISION at their meeting Way! makers' club h Wiroless 12Ic1 held Monday afternoon. z. Mrs. R. K. Stroube, club chair- man, had charge of the meeting. 1 The study program for the after- lb. will be very happy to have noon, concerning clothing stor- make our store your head- led by Mrs. Adams and shopping in Hop- age, was Lumber Co. ters while Dar- Princeton Mrs. Everett Glass. Mrs. Ed tile. nell, recreation leader, conducted HopkInsville, Ky. con- lain at tO the social program! Which Princeton sisted of songs and games. Phone 260 Members and visitors present r es were Mesdames Stroube, Glass N Thursday, Nov. 28, 1 ursday, Page Two

of life more cleverly than can tate To be done in a score of historical Historical Slides documents and lectures, and are of invaluable assistance to the s. Regu Kentucky by Adelaide Kerr L' Offered To Teachers teacher of history in — schools. The slides were prpared by the department of University Motor Kentucky Back- photographic f Extension, and the Shoe Values ground Is Visualized work was done by W. R. Logan, Sr photographer for the WPA. 0Fei:ofreidifidoilhteohinT ForUse In Schools ors Not, Claude Wyatt, New York City, pictorial understanding of A Is visiting his slider, Mrs. Alice a primi- how pioneers survived in Denham here this week. Mr. Boys' pictorial tive world, as well as a Wyatt is a member of the New study of t the S7'Yre for .e background York Police department. rebewhisafirt,ofNoKv Kentucky history, is available to hoes lament against Leachers of history in Kentucky regulation of development of 14 in- Commissioner's Sale Genuine Good Year through theneemtoissorfopirgnirtonhdtohrtteaeuyieosA,skstf tr.itoarn,Wo teresting sets of slides, prepared Department of University Welts by the STATE OF KENTUCKY, at the University of Kirtension CALDWELL CIRCUIT COURT Kentucky, and the Works Pro- Size I Farmers National Bank of All to 6 estate Corrune gress Administration, under a State-wide museum project, to Princeton, Ky., and Louise Pettit illustrate two books on Kentucky Kevil, Executors of the Will of written by Dr. Thomas D. history J. R. Kevil, Dec'd., Plantiff: VS a associate professor of his- totiii,:iknnwewitnh Clark, Hattie E. Pollard and W. B. Pol- tory at the State University. lard, Defendant. the n One of these books, written by 15, of of wei Doctor Clark and Prof. Lee Kirk- In Equity tion patrick, superintendent of the By virtue of a judgment of BLACK or TAN Paris city schools and a member the Caldwell Circuit Court rend- rovives hioieni of the University's board of ered in the above entitled cause riloaatop r Carrier Ac trustees, has been adopted as a at the October Term, 1940, the r textbook for Kentucky grade undersigned will on Third Mon- Growing Girls' sipfnav's schools. It is called, "Exploring day, the 16th Day of December anitioisn C Kentucky". The other is "A His- 1940. Being County Court day be- , and if tory of Kentucky," by Doctor tween the hours of 10 a. m., and School Oxfords don based ce Clark. 3 p. m., at the Court House door is virtually The department of audio-vis- in Princeton, Ky., proceed to ex- be compel' ual aids in the University of pose to public sale to the high- tiaosn true Kentucky department of Exten- est bidder the following prop- All Sizes big and sion, undr the direction of W. erty: Gayle Starnes, has charge of dis- A certain tract of land, situat- 4 to it One section o tribution of these slide sets, ed, lying and being in Caldwell th's protest which include geography, Ken- County, Ky., and more particu- .federed analdegrove t tucky resources, pioneer Kentuc- larly bounded and described as Black or Tan wer or autho ky, pioneer utensils and imple- follows: A tract of land in said eight or size of ments, agricultural history of the county and state on the waters e other sectio State, transportation develop- of Eddy Creek and known as the,, assumpt ment, architecture, are, educa- part of the John Tanner and •e do not agree, tion in Kentucky, the literature Mary Whitaker headwright sur- government d and press of Kentucky, the Civil vey, beginning at a black oak Cr. War period, modern industry, post in the old Tanner line run- The protest st and Kentucky personalities. ning thence with the same S. 45 ed "to preser These slides illustrate a way W. 20 poles to a black oak in the ub;thekL inStiatsteus; e old Cooper line, thence with the ALL RUBBER fety and cony Dog-Gone Kind same S. 15 W. 76 poles to a double oak, the old Cooper corner, PUEBLO, Colo. (f13) — Mrs. thence S. 24 W. 86 poles to a Ladies' Galoshes Maude L. Rogers watched a black oak, thence N. 40 E. 130 spaniel 'pushing what appeared poles, thence S. 70 E. 88 poles to For -to be three tiny puppies from the a stake with black oak, post oak, 2 SNAP middle of the street where they and white oak pointers, thence were endangered by automobiles. N. 45 W. 140 poles to the begin- Letz F help out 99 acres be the than last. They're especially FASTNER Her husband went to ning, containing BOXY JACKETS of fluffy fur will be even more important this year "puppies" or and is the is of Greenland blue fox. You'll and discovered the same more less, effective topping the new slender-line Skirts. This one, from Jaeckel's, Disc Tra land as conveyed to Hattie in wolf. were baby kittens apparently same see others in silver fox, in the new platina fox, and, for a lesser price, abandoned in the street. B. Pollard by W. B. Pollard, by Tract I deed dated, 28th day of April, of land, situated and being in 1922, and recorded in Deed Book Acoustics Fine 1921, and recorded in D.B. No. 48, Commissioner's Sale the Eastern part of the City of 51, page 610, Caldwell County Ha. O'er Caro-line page 401, Caldwell County Court County, Ken- Clerk's Office. Clerk's Office. STATE OF KENTUCKY, Princeton, Caldwell as will New W PAGELAND, S. C. (iP) — When Or so much thereof as will CALDWELL CIRCUIT COURT tucky, and bounded as follows: Or so much thereof of approxi- the Rev. H. M. Faulkenberry of produce the sum of approxi- Home Owner's Loan Corpora- Beginning at a stake or stone in produce the sum Spr • Mount Pisgah Baptist church at mately $1100.00, the amount so south line of Hopkinsville mately $2500.00, the amount so tion, Plantiff: VS Fletcher Farm- the nearby Tar Heel preaches, he can ordered to be made. The pur- Street, corner to a 10 foot alley ordered to be made. The pur- and Ante Reba Farmer, De- be heard in the next state. chaser will be required to give er and 10 feet from J. E. Cummins' chaser will be required to give All Gum Overshoes His pulpit is in North Carolina bond with good personal security fendant. corner; running thence with bond with good personal security but not the congregation. It sits for the payment of the purchase In Equity East line of said alley, south 36 for the payment of the purchase We also just across the state line in money. payable to the Master By virtue of a judgment of west, 155 feet, more or less, to a money. payable to the Master or corner to alley, in Commissioner, bearing six per hie repai South Carolina. Commissioner, bearing six per the Caldwell Circuit Court rend- stake stone, Men's all gum cent interest from date until said Wood's line; thence with cent interest from date until ered in the above entitled cause Chickens Pull paid, having the effect of a Jud- said Wood's line in a Southeast- paid, having the effect of a Jud- can, Ohi A Fast One ment or Replevin bond, on which at the October Term, 1940, the erly direction, 65 feet to a stake ment or Replevin bond, on which 4 Buckle execution may issue at maturity, undersigned will on Third Mon- or stone; thence North 36 East I execution may issue at maturity, Deere, WESTON, Tex. (IP)—The stage with a lien reserved for the pay- day, the 16th Day of December 155.feet, more or less, to a stake I with a lien reserved for the pay- Overshoes seems to be set for an epidemic ment thereof. Said sale will be 1940. Being County Court day be- or stone in South line of said ment thereof. Said sale will be Avery, B of indigestion among chicken made on a credit of Six months. tween the hours of 10 a. m., and Hopkinsville Street, thence with made on a credit of Six months. In Ho snakes hereabouts. Attorney Marshall P. Eldred 3 p. m., at the Court House door South line of said Street, North Attorney Marshall P. Eldred One farmer found a snake at- Princeton, Ky., Nov. 26th, 1940. in Princeton, Ky., proceed to ex- 54 West, 65 feet to the beginning. Princeton, Ky., Nov. 26th, 1940. Cayce- tempting to eat a nest egg made Dr. B. L. Keeney, Master Com- pose to public sale to the high- Being the same property convey- Dr. B. L. Keeney, Master Com- Inco of glass. Several of the same type missioner C.C.C. est bidder the following prop- ed to Fletcher Farmer and Allie missioner C.C.C. were missing from other nests. 3t— 28-5-12. erty: Reba Farmer, by F. G. Wood and 3t.-28-5-12. A certain lot, piece or parcel wife, by deed dated March, 1st, ----- 111P11111114 AN EXPLOSION!! Men's Lace Boot Men's An Fit Men's waist Hy soot

• ----A III A Word to Stay-at-Home Husbands! AREthatthtehree aado, ems .1-'1-7 '''' radio,i w thheenrinitgisneg of A change of scene is as welcome to a wife as a new the door or telephone bell, the A sudden ripping explosion clatter of dishes, or even the laughter and voices hat. And it doesn't hurt you. either! So why don't may do as much damage to of children nearly drive you frantic—days when you and the "little woman" have yourselves a fling property in one as you are restless, and cranky? second in Louisville soon? could be done by fire in five Do you lie awake nights? hours! Explosion causes are When it comes to flings—there's no place in the When these hectic days and wakeful nights in- Inherent in all dwellings and out South quite equal to the Bluegrass Room. Here you terfere with your work and take the pleasure business establishments. Fire of life for you, try can enjoy the best food, dance (or just listen!) to Insurance does NOT cover ex- plosion damage.Explosion In- Maytag excellent music, and see not one, but two floor DR. MILES NERVINE M surance does. Pictured h shows—all for as little as two or three dollars! Dr. Miles Nervine is a combination of effective sixty years nerve sedatives. Originated nearly It costs very little and covers Other May That's the way to "step out" in style—without ago. it is as up to date as todays newspaper. an ever present loss hazard. Dr. Miles Nervine has brought relief to millions unbalancing the budget! of nervous sufferers. You may find it exactly what you need. 111.•41 fse 11 415 Will you try Dr. Miles Nervine? r«sion. IS wanes* SERVICE Your druggist has it. THE BROWN HOTEL Large bottle $1.00 INKEL'S Small bottle 25e .kargeit and .9ineli INSURANCE


lo•POP• V Thursday, N ,..28, 0 ursday, Nov. 28, 1940 The Princeton Leader, Princeton, entticky Page Three Giving Her All for Britain Farmersville EL/ News Valu By Mrs. L. D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William More Egbert, Hawseville, have hi visiting Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Et; redith Says High. bert. ays Not Built To Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ray, Mrs andle "Motorized Bob Hon and Mr-Supella Baker, tyle of San Francisco, Calif., are Sl SIn eight Trains" visiting Mr.,and Mrs. Lou Baker. hoes -- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Beiboutt, nkfort, Nov. 25—A vigorous Detroit, Mich., are visiting Mr. Goody. ent against possible feder- and Mrs. Leonard Oates and Mrs. gulation of weight and size Dora Lane of this community. elts otor trucks, and in support Mr. Patrick Ray, of Bcotville, Ill., spent the weekend with e right of a state to govern his mother Mrs. Willie Jones. ze of its own highways, was 1 to 6 Monday, Nov. 25, with the Miss Mary Whtle, former state Commerce Commission teacher of Farmersville High hat of Kentucky by the School, was a recent visitor here. Mr. Russell Brown, Detroit, of the Attorney-General. is protest was prepared in Mich., is visiting his mother, Mrs. ection with a general inves:- I Mary Brown. Messrs. Frederick • McConnell ion, known as Ex Parte No. and Bob,Stewart, of Kansas City, 15. of the need for federal Mo., spent the Thanksgiving lation of weight and size holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Rene otor vehicles which the Virginia McConnell. iission is making in line Field surrenders a stocking to be auctioned off at Holly- With the Stars and Stripes leading the way, the It rst contingent of midwest draftees march from wood benefit for royal air force hospital England. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Glen McChesney, trains to the reception center at Ft. a Provision of the Federal in Sheridan, Ill., for assignment to army. units It was a hungry group Fairbanks, Jr., helps remove the stocking, while Dermott Quinn, Detroit, Mich., are visiting Mr. that lined up in mess shack, inset, soon after for first taste of army food. r Carrier Act of 1935. If ng Girls§ hairdresser to British royal family, and Reginald Gardiner look on. and Mrs. L. B. McChesney. commission's report of this Miss Nellie Sigler spent Friday tigation favors federal reg- and to maintain the right of the "pay-as-you-go" policy without night with Mary Marlon Ray. on. and if Congress enacts State to exercise its police pow- encumbering the state with a Oxfords era in a Iation based on that report, domain that has not heavy bonded debt, virtually certain Kentucky been delegated to the Federal Unlike some states, Kentucky's NOW YOU be compelled to permit gcvernmat and with which that primary highway requirement HAVE lion or trucks two or three government should not inter- was not "a relatively small mile- TELL ONE s as big and heavy as those .fere• " age of 'super-highways' . . . in YOUR CAR d under the present law, It supports Kentucky's 18,000- locations where they would best Used To Be Father section of the Common- pound gross weight law against suit the convenience of comment Who Had It Tough is protest contends that federal regulation of weight and cial highway haulers'. but rather In tt.deral government has no qze on the grounds that: "an extensive network or low- ST. CHARLES, Mo. (R)—Billy r or authority to regulate "Kentucky highways are neith- cost, all-weather roads, to serve Lindermann, who lives on an is- lit or size of motor vehicles, er strong enough nor safe enough our many rural communities, to land in the Mississippi river, other section is "predicated to carry undue damage or dan- connect farms with markets, to travels about 60 miles a day to he assumption, with which ger the larger and heavier ve- get our farmers 'out of the ; attend high school. He rows hicles o not agree, that the federal which would undoubtedly mud!" ;across the river in a skiff to the be imposed upon mainland, then drives $195 rnment does have such them under As a result, "Kentucky has to- an auto- Federal regulation; day a system of highways which mobile eight miles to meet a "Kentucky is not , school bus which takes him the' Make driving this winter safe, carefree and ncl e protest states that it was, financially . . . is reasonably adequate to able enjoyable by having your car Winter-Sured to preserve the property , to make improvements in meet the needs of our own last 20. its necessary to ac- citizens . . . and of visitors from the Firestone way. You'll be State; to protect the highways surprised how comodate larger and other states. But we do have In The Groove UBBER and convenience oh: the heavier ve- not little it costs. hicles; . . highways capable o: ac- in its use of that property, "The present Kentucky law is commodating motorized freight CLARENDON, Tex. tWI—At 13, Galoshes not a burden on interstate com- trains." James Goln of the Blankenship merce; The Commission's attention is ranch, has won his spurs as a FALL and WINTER AUTO SUPPLIES "The Kentucky law is over- called to the fact that only 20 cowboy. Finding a rattlesnake in 2 SNAP For Sale! whelmingly supported by the percent of all Kentucky state a clothes closet, he obtained a people of the state; highways have a high-type sur- branding iron and killed it. CAR HEATERS ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES "The improtance of highways face, that most are too narrow FRIGITONE — No matter how the The new Firestone Extra FASTNER Letz Feed Mill in the national defense program, for modern safe traffic, and that Rodents Are Enemy temperature changes, you have complete Power Battery has extra capacity needed for cold or in time of possible national there are more steep grades, On The Maginot, Line and lasting protection with Frigitone, the weather starting, Fil-0. isc Tractor Plow emergency, requires that exist- sharp curves and restricted sight Made Covers, improved All. • finest permanent anti- in be protected from de- distances than in ocher states KAISEFtSLAUTERN, Germany rubber separators, new low freeze that money Tractor Disc struction by heavy trucks; and for which comparable data is (/P)—The war still is on with all prices, 3-year guarantee. Brown 79c Even when the can buy. Prevents "Federal regulation of motor available. It also mentions esti- grimness on the Maginot line, mercury goes Install one below the zero mark you can rust and. Harrow vehicle weight and size is wrong mates by the American Associa- the Strassburger Neueste Nach- today. Or drive in summertime comfort corrosion.135ISAL in principle, because there is no tion of State Highway Officials.richten reports, adding, however, with a Firestone heater in your ONLY car. New Way Lime between the different that $130,000,000 is needed to that it is waged against rats and Included in the complete uniformity line are hot air and hot water SUPER—The greatest regular-priced Black states with respect to highways, bring Kentucky highways up to mice. heaters, the new popular anti-freeze on the Spreader traffic or other related factors; adequate standards for present Approximately three million under-the-seat type and Cus- market. Special oil because it would be difficult, if traffic, without providing for rodents already have been shov- tom-fit defrosters.The Premier seal practically (as shown)has individual foot not impossible, to enforce; and anticipated future increases in eled from the long battle line warmers and is designed for eliminates evapo- urn Overshoes because the Federal government traffic. and carted away. But many Custom-fit defrosters. TERMS. ration, should not impose upon the more are still to be caught. ause L7' BATTERIES "e also have genu- AS LOW AS states any obligation to furnish Saturday 'Classes' Evacuated villages and farms corrosion. QUART SACHS/MB e repairs for \rui- highway facilities they are not Slow Up Students in front and behind the Maginot Men's all required to furnish, which many line in Lorraine and the Palati- Here's Winter n, Oliver, John of them cannot furnish and for DALLAS Tex. (,4P) — Violating nate have been virtually overrun no • economic by vermin. About six million Tire Safety at 4 Buckle which there is a traffic law draws the penalty of eere, Syracuse, need." school on Saturday for Dallas squill cakes were laid out as bait Low Cost! It further points out that high- besides a large quantity of fish students. Overshoes very, Blunt Plows ways belong to the public; that poisoned with 1500 quarts of a Judge Joe M. Hill prescribes a In Hopkinsville the people of Kentucky have in- liquid gained from squills. Eight vested more than $575,000,000 in Saturday morning safety lecture hundred pounds of poisoned NOW is the time to make your car tire safe! yce-Yost Co. their state and county highways and a quiz on traff±c laws. He barley were applied against ram- The amazing Gear-Grip tread of the famous and city streets; and that this recommends also that their pant mice. Firestone Champion Tire grips the road and Incorporated money has been spent in line parents "fine" them by deduct- - prevents side slips and skids. Remember,tires with Kentucky's traditional ing from allowances. TRY LEADER WANT ADS! wear but little in Winter. Equip your car with a set of Firestone Champion Tires NOW for extra safety during the winter sr' months and your tires will still be like new for Spring I and Summer o your holiday hinting driving. Replace your smooth, worn ace Boot tires with long-wearing Firestone Convoy Tires — ths only low-priced tires with a Fit Boot patented Gum-Dipped cord le EARLY' body. WISH YOUR. "st Hy soot I 0400 S W19 1 5.550 -317 DADDY KNEW HOW MUCH I'D LIKE A MAYTAG • FOR CHRISTMAS This Time Give . . . There's no law against hint- ing, especially when folks like 5 discover what you really to USEFUL GIFTS want. Isn't it aboutitime for a new Maytag in your home? Then Christmas is THE time to get it. A Maytag is a gift any family can afford because Watch This Space For Firestone with Richard Crooks. Margaret Speaks and the Firesteee Symphony it helps pay for itself. These Listen to the Voic• of Orchestra. wader the direction ef Alfred Wollenstein, Monaloy 'risings, over N. S. C. Ihrd Network. big handsome new Maytags BARGAINS FOR XMAS have so many new advantages. So come in now. See how easy it is to make this a May- 50 " tag Christmas in your home. Frank Herron's D-X Service McCONNELL Rowland Motor Company 'S EL ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE Night IR arket Street Phone 536 AMBULANCE SERVICE T.11. nbilgal II Fred011iat TORE Ceitt*'. ye More Kentucky Page Four The Princeton Leader, Princeton, Band-Parents Club Midwest Places (I Men • Kentucky "Liberal" On Supre ne Court Offel s Magic Show On All-America Eleven BY ART BRONI4ON Birch, Magician, Bill- pICKING all-America football ed At Butler Audi- teams Is Just about the favo- rite Indoor pastime in late fall. torium Dec. 4 Everyone is entitled to pick his .69 own team, and most everyone Sponsored by the Band-Par- does. truth about all-Americas ents Club, with Proceeds to 80 The Sc has been said many times. No helping to pay for But- 'g toward one person can hope to see all ler High's new hand uniforms. the good football players In ac- tion—not even all the good cen- s He ters, or good ends, or fullbacks. So picking an all-America in- volves close study of individual Enroll and team records—and even then, some brilliant players are bound to be missed. All of which is enough apology One M for an all-America team that Appli doesn't need any apologies. • • • In First SECTIONAL honors go to the Midwest, with four players up on this year's all-star eleven. The East places three, the South ton's CAA two, and the Southwest and Pa- by the cific Coast one each. Wed The backfield is especially here noteworthy. No all-star team 4 with 50 en could fail to consider bi!, John ction. Kimbrough, whose driving pow- Tenn., speed paced the strong er and John Texas A. & M. offense all season. and teach Then there's the great Tom Ichool Harmon, Michigan's unstoppable , will be Birch, master magician, who back who has often been com- instruction successor clainfs to be Thurston's pared to Red Grange. Norm Big Jim Kimbrough of Texas •from a trip and the best now on tour, comes A. & M. wins all-America hon- Standlee, a great straightahead are being to Princeton, Wednesday, Dec. 4, runner who has been an impor- ors with his driving poaer and STANLEY REED SUPREME COURT JUSTICE each night. to exhibit at Butler High audi- tant cog in the Stanford machine, speed. over his brilliant lions will torium. Equipment, scenery and gets the nod Justice Stanley Forman Reed, a "liberal" member ot; the United States highest tribunal, was born in May teammate, . R. G.—Helge Pukema, Minne- Supreme Court uven days f Kentucky Wesleyan and Yale and studied law at the University of Virginia, Columbia effects valued in excess of Pitching Paul Christman, Mis- sota. vllle, December 31, 1884. He attended ni In that year he went to ednesday $25,000 are carried and will be souri's standout passer, completes R. T,—Nick Drahos, Cornell. the University of Paris. Until 1929 he was engaged in general practice at Maysville. Washington R. E.—Gene Goodreault, Bos- general Morrison s seen at the local performance. the backfield. counsel of the Federal Farm Board under the Hoover administration. In 1933 he was counsel of the Recon ton College. general who were • • • named Solicitor General. He was appointed to the Supreme Court January ii Of the remarkable array of B.—Paul Christman. struction Finance corporation and in 1935 was Cla and fast- his former Winifred Elgin, of Maysville. ool are: Illusions, most baffling is the THE line is big B.—Norm Standlee, Stanford. 1938 to succeed Justice George Sutherland. At left, Justice Reed walks with wife, the agile on McGregor, famous Hindu Rope Trick. For charging and smart, B.—, Michigan, way to Washington church. Top right, Justice Reed (left) receives the congratulations of Mrs. Reed and their son Stanley Jr a and virtually impene- Gray, Jewel P centuries this has been the most defense B.—. Boacitor General. Bottom center, Just ice Reed in his official photograph wearing the robes of Suprem trable on defense. Both the ends, the time Reed was named Sims, Ralph talked-of and colorful of all teats SECOND TEAM right, Justice Reed on the day he was appointed to the Supreme Court, March 18, 1935. Gene Goodreault of Boston Col- Court Justice. Bottom Routt, Riche of legerdemain. An ordinary lege, and Paul Severin of North ENDS: Alan Bartholemy, Yale, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins r, Homer piece of rope is tossed into the Carolina, have been standout and Holt Rast, Alabama. Mary Elizabeth Blackburn, Isa- son, Haydon, TACKLES: Abe Shires, Ten- Sunday night. and family. erman, Tho air, it remains rigid, a Hindu pass receivers. belle Stone, Ralph Wells, Camilla Mrs. Owen Morris News Here, then, are the first and nessee, and Ernie Pannell, Texas and Joe Satterfield, Dorris Harold, William and James Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cavanah Cobb ie Patterson, boy clmbs the rope, and in the A. 8c M. second choice teams: Seldon Pruitt. Kilgore visited James. Thomas , William S twinkling of an eye disappears! GUARDS: August Lio, George- Thomas and and son vsiited Mr. and Mrs. By Mrs. ers, Jack N Slicing a beautiful girl into FIRST TRAM town, and Tom O'Boyle, Tulane. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Morris and and Charles Drennan Sunday M. Porter Walter Hammands Sunday. 'gen, James four parts, shooting a live canary L. E.—Paul Severin, North CENTER: Ray Apolskis, Mar- children visited Mr. and Mrs. afternoon. Beverly Vanover, Paducah, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrett Davis, Ken into a burning light bulb, walk- Carolina. quette. Aubrey Morris and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cavanah here last Sunday. L. T.—AIL Bauman, North- BACK S: Dave Allerdice, seriously and son attended the funeral of and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bad- Raymond, ing thru a Sheet of solid steel, O'Rourke, Mrs. Mary Morris who is Misses Frances Gray R'hi western. Princeton; Charlie children, and Mr. ell, John Mo causing a live pony to vanish in , Ill. Saturday night and Sunday Mary Florence Cunningham Sun- ger Gray and L. G.—, Ten- Boston College; and Ruth Perkins, studens , George mid-air, and many other start- Minnesota, and Hugh Gallen- at Eddyville. day arternoon at Princeton. and Mrs. Bernie Brashears and nessee. Murray College, spent , Louis Coo ling mysteries will. be presented C—Leon Gajecki, Penn State. neau, Stanford, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones, Gold- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Oliver children spent Sunday with Mr. giving with their parents. , Princeton by this master magician and en Pond; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. and daughter Ola Mae Oliver and girl xylophonist. Miss Sperry and Mrs. S. J. Satterfield Mrs. V. T. White and P. L. Robert Ro company in a magic pot-pourri Jones, Marion, and Mrs. Claude spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. family. kins. it. Frank Le of thrills and fun. charms music lovers with brilli- Jones and son, Haydon, were Shellie Prince. Eddy Creek News Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones Lrnro Peterman has accepted , Dawson Heading the Birch staff of as- ant solos on her Marimba Xylo- Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. By Pupils of Eddy Creek School Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hudson and baby spent a few hours with position with a jeweler at Co , Richar sisting artists is Mabel Jones and son. Sperry, phone. Edward spent Saturday night and Sun- Mr and Mrs. Henry Cavanah bia. Ohio. e, and Master Bruce Wayne Jones ac- The Eddy Creek Mothers' Club day with Mrs. Hudson's parents, Sunday night. Mrs. Lewis Averitt. near field; Pltrn companied his grandparents. Mr. gave students of the school a Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Drennan. Attendance of Sunday School cey, is spending some time al • Sturgis; Friday and Mrs. A. L. Jones home Mon- surprise sandwich supper Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins Sunday at Eddy Creek Church her daughter, Mrs. P. L. Pe nia. B'Oran school. day for a weeks' visit. night, Nov. 22, at the Isabelle Stone, Mary Elizabeth was 90. A. D. Kanady is confined dere. Madl the children Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Ralph cold. After the supper Blackburn, Wells, Doris The Eddy Creek School is tak- his home with a severe W. C. Purdy, program prepared visited Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thomas, uoe presented a Satterfield and ing an active part in the Xmas d Franklin Thanksgiving. inose present Oliver Sunday. Junior Stone WANT ADS! for spent Sunday with Seal sales campaign. TRY LEADER Springs; and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Scott and at the supper besides the pupils ntown. were: Mr. and Mrs. Shellie Baby visited Mr. and Mrs. Shell Prince; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prince Sunday afternoon. Cavanah, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Little Miss Sylvia Wood Gar- te Empl Drennan and baby, Mr. and Mrs. rett is visiting her grandparents, ed In P S. J. Satterfield and son, Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Satterfield this and daughter, Virginia, Mr. and week. tion Sa Mrs. George Hawkins and son, Miss Lizzie Mitchell is visiting By Dickie, and Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lorene Reddick for a few Associat Reddick days. FORT, Cline and daughter, es Lorene, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mor- Louise and Roy Hawkins visit- covered ant ris, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones ed Joe and Camilla Satteraeld i-polit y vote and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sunday afternoon. for Gray and son, Richard. Mr. and Mrs. John Satterfiled °Men and retie Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Satterfield visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sat- crga and family visited Mr. and Mrs. terffled a little while Sunday. scheduled in ay, Thomas Garrett, L.amasco, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones and Assist ral day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones Guy H. Mrs. George Hawkins had as visited Mr. and Mrs. Eli Peters day, guests Thursday, November 21, Sunday afternoon. response to PERFORMANCE-PROVED He Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin and High IN THOUSANDS OF HOMER , Herdman Of the millions of Calrods tteeman in use in the past seven on of the years, leas sham I/10th of Primary, ad CLOSE OUT lc,'° have needed replace- those ment—a covere record that can- t not even be approached by not serve any other electric range -- SALIM heating unit. And Mrs, The "perfect fit" of today may become a New Calrods heat even Winter "" all too quickly. Good sized imitaiionl On Blankets and Comforts faster cnd use ;ess Accept No cur- no! e and 66X76 ... 98c Always led,. T Mrs. double Cotton Blankets -- rent than ever before! Will -General Electra (Al leave Pr 67 X 80 ... $1.24 Comforts - - - $1.58 Hee. 7, for e they win , ith Don't miss this chance to save money. THIS NEW G-E RANGE NOW COSTS their eld TO ON ildrees, who LESS TO BUY— COSTS Li% tu Prepare for the cold nights. berculosis .,;;T:. finest Loss CSC cos. aTeral Hospital, at features t sided. to Electric Ran.41.' return h Then too... "pipped. of Don't forget our special low prices of Completely ( SI .aii) March, $33.95 for a good three-piece bed • ty5S COMMENDED room suite. SPeet REo Come in to see us... GOOSE lion of Your visit is always appreciated "ants, aioce HOES W5 whether you buy or not. d dairies, eing State Assure a lasting fit by insisting on the ELECTRIC titans Red Goose trademark. GENERAL for p Substantial leather counters, insoles, and Why not do as many others have already , has been tho FUN "HALF leather in the other vital wearing parts done? Let us set your Christmas pre- Sanitary of enable Red Goose shoes to retain their said original shape longer. sents aside for later gtoll HAVING FEEr delivery. ink will be and other c ustomers G. Homer Brown ter of the lishIneht wh FURNITURE DEALER a dlington s Princeton, Ky. FUNERAL DIRECTOR such 'mac PRINCETON PHONE 666 Phone 260 A signs 0 111111110111111.1•1111111111111111111111111•111111111, ed by the the County