Botanic Gardens Conservation International

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Botanic Gardens Conservation International Journal of Botanic Gardens Conservation International Volume 7 • Number 2 • July 2010 From policy to action: the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation – a conservation success story Volume 7 • Number 2 EDITORIAL SARA OLDFIELD 02 EDITORS 03 14 Suzanne Sharrock Sara Oldfield Director of Global Secretary General Programmes BOTANIC GARDENS AND EX SITU PLANT THEIR RESPONSE TO THE CONSERVATION: A KEY ROLE GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR OF CHINESE BOTANIC Cover Photo : Collecting seeds from a rare bamboo in PLANT CONSERVATION GARDENS IN IMPLEMENTING Yunnan province, China (Jonas Mueller) SOPHIE WILLIAMS & CHINA’S STRATEGY FOR Design : John Morgan, Seascape SUZANNE SHARROCK PLANT CONSERVATION E-mail: [email protected] HONGWEN HUANG BGjournal is published by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) . It is published twice a year and is sent to all BGCI members. Membership is open to all interested individuals, institutions and organisations that support the aims of BGCI (see inside back cover for Membership application form). Further details available from: • Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Descanso House, 199 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3BW UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 8332 5953, Fax: +44 (0)20 8332 5956 E-mail: [email protected], • BGCI-Russia, c/o Main Botanical Gardens, Botanicheskaya st., 4, Moscow 127276, Russia. Tel: +7 (095) 219 6160 / 5377, Fax: +7 (095) 218 0525, 20 E-mail: [email protected], • BGCI-Netherlands, c/o Delft University of Technology Julianalaan 67, NL-2628 BC Delft, Netherlands THE ROLE OF MEXICAN Tel: +31 15 278 4714 Fax: +31 15 278 2355 BOTANIC GARDENS IN THE E-mail: [email protected] IMPLEMENTATION OF THE • BGCI-Canarias, c/o Jardín Botánico Canario Viera y Clavijo, GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR Apartado de Correos 14, Tafira Alta 35017, 08 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain. PLANT CONSERVATION Tel: +34 928 21 95 80/82/83, Fax: +34 928 21 95 81, E-mail: [email protected] CONTRIBUTIONS OF RIO DE TERESA CABRERA CACHÓN • BGCI-China, 723 Xingke Rd., Guangzhou 510650 China. JANEIRO BOTANIC GARDEN TO Tel:(86)20-37252692. email: [email protected] BRAZIL’S NATIONAL GSPC • BGCI-South East Asia, c/o Registry, Singapore Botanic MAINSTREAMING PROCESS Gardens, 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569. • BGCI-Colombia, c/o Jardín Botánico de Bogotá, GUSTAVO MARTINELLI Jose Celestino Mutis, Av. No. 61-13 – A.A. 59887, Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Tel: +57 630 0949, Fax: +57 630 5075, E-mail: [email protected], • BGCI-Deutschland, c/o Botanische Gärten der Universität Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 171, 53115 Bonn, Germany. Tel: +49 2 2873 9055, Fax: +49 2 28731690, E-mail: [email protected] • BGCI(US) Inc, c/o Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022, USA. E-mail: [email protected], BGCI is a worldwide membership organisation established in 24 1987. Its mission is to mobilise botanic gardens and engage partners in securing plant diversity for the well-being of people and the planet . BGCI is an independent organisation MEASURING BOTANIC registered in the United Kingdom as a charity (Charity Reg No GARDENS CONTRIBUTIONS TO 1098834) and a company limited by guarantee, No 4673175. PLANT CONSERVATION AND BGCI is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation in the 11 USA and is a registered non-profit organisation in Russia. EDUCATION IN THE UNITED Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily ENSCONET WORKING STATES ANDREA KRAMER reflect the views of the Boards or staff of BGCI or of its TOGETHER TOWARDS GSPC members TARGET 8 RUTH J EASTWOOD & RESOURCES 29 JONAS V MÜLLER BGCI • 2010 • BGjournal • Vol 7 (2) 01 EDITORIAL: THE GSPC – A CONSERVATION SUCCESS STORY NGOs haVe aligned themselVes With the Botanic gardens are VitallY important Targets. UltimatelY implementation of the agencies for plant conserVation GSPC is the responsibilitY of the 188 WorldWide, making major contributions GoVernments that haVe ratified the CBD. to the GSPC as highlighted in this issue. An increasing number of countries haVe The 4th Global Botanic Gardens deVeloped specific responses to the Congress to be held in Dublin in June GSPC – significantlY raising the agenda Will be an eXcellent opportunitY to reneW for plants. The paper bY GustaVo our collectiVe commitment to plant Martinelli in this issue highlights hoW conserVation for the neXt decade. a neW National Centre for Plant We Will discuss a reVised Version of the ConserVation in BraZil is addressing keY International Agenda for Botanic targets of the GSPC. But in BraZil, as Gardens in Conservation and hoW this elseWhere in the World, the conserVation relates to broader initiatiVes of plant of plant diVersitY remains a someWhat conserVation in a time of rapid global marginal issue and strengthened dialogue change. betWeen scientists and policY makers about the urgencY for action remains Despite all our Work, huge challenges a prioritY. remain in raising the profile of the importance of plant diVersitY and the BGCI continues to support the need to generate financial resources to implementation of the GSPC bY seconding preVent eXtinction on an unprecedented n this International Year of BiodiVersitY, a member of staff, Stella SimiYu, to the scale. BGCI is launching a neW the challenges of global plant CBD Secretariat to act as GSPC international Plants for the Planet IconserVation remain immense. Programme Officer. We act as the Campaign, calling on indiViduals The threats to plant diVersitY continue to Secretariat for the Global Partnership for WorldWide to sign up to support the rise Whilst the financial resources and Plant ConserVation, mandated bY the CBD GSPC. We aim to remind policY makers skills aVailable to tackle the problems are to coordinate and promote implementation that plant conserVation is important in decreasing. In this issue of BGjournal We of the StrategY at an international leVel and eVerY countrY of the World - please add focus on the Global Strategy for Plant We haVe been closelY inVolVed in reVision Your commitment to the Campaign at Conservation (GSPC) of the CBD. What of the GSPC to take into account the has it achieVed oVer the past eight Years impacts of rapid global change. The GSPC and What can We eXpect for its informs our oWn Work programmes With Thank You deVelopment and implementation in the BGCI being directlY inVolVed in future? implementation of Targets 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15 and 16. At a global leVel, We remain The greatest Value of the GSPC has the lead facilitating organisation for Target been to proVide a Well thought-out 8 relating to ex situ conserVation and frameWork for plant conserVation action restoration and I look forWard to the at global to local leVels. With a clearlY publication of our major report on GSPC articulated rationale and measurable Target 8 in time for the 10th Conference of Sara Oldfield targets, the StrategY Was ground- the Parties to the CBD in NagoYa in SecretarY General, BGCI breaking When it Was agreed in 2002. October this Year. We also remain lead AnYone and eVerYone can support the facilitating agencY for Target 14 relating to StrategY and it is trulY remarkable the education and public aWareness –another eXtent to Which plant conserVation target of great releVance to botanic agencies including botanic gardens and gardens. 02 BGCI • 2010 • BGjournal • Vol 7 (2) • 02 Authors: Sophie Williams and SuZanne Sharrock BOTANIC GARDENS AND THEIR RESPONSE TO THE GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR PLANT CONSERVATION The GSPC has provided a framework for conservation action by botanic gardens from global to local level. Introduction and at different leVels and there is no doubt that their actions, indiViduallY and t is generallY recognised that botanic collectiVelY, at local, national and gardens, coordinated and supported international leVels haVe contributed to IbY BGCI, plaYed a significant role in the achieVement of manY of the targets. the deVelopment of the Global Strategy This paper looks not onlY at the role for Plant Conservation (GSPC) and its botanic gardens haVe plaYed in the ultimate adoption bY the Parties to the implementation of the GSPC, but also Preparing herbarium samples in Ecuador ConVention on Biological DiVersitY (CBD) inVestigates the impact the GSPC itself (Missouri Botanical Garden) in 2002. Since then the GSPC has has had on the actiVities of botanic proVided a frameWork for action and gardens, draWing on the results of a the achieVement of the 16 targets of the stimulated neW initiatiVes for botanic global surVeY carried out recentlY bY a GSPC. HoWeVer, in order for this gardens, enabling an internationallY PhD student from Bangor UniVersitY, contribution to be more eXplicit, efforts coordinated approach to plant Wales, coordinated bY BGCI. Were made to link the International conserVation (WYse Jackson and Agenda directlY to the GSPC and BGCI KennedY, 2009). It has also informed The global response to the GSPC deVeloped a series of global botanic and influenced the Work of BGCI and is garden targets closelY aligned With the a major focus of BGCI’s outreach and A shared rationale and frameWork for the GSPC targets (WYse Jackson, 2004). communications With its membership. global conserVation Work of botanic The International Agenda targets Were It is clear that botanic gardens haVe gardens has eXisted since Well before adopted bY botanic gardens in 2004 as a responded to the GSPC in Various WaYs the adoption of the GSPC, With BGCI mechanism to monitor the global botanic publishing the Botanic Gardens garden contribution to the GSPC. These Conservation Strategy in 1989. This Was targets subsequentlY also proVided folloWed in 2000 bY the International guidance for the deVelopment of national Agenda for Botanic Gardens in and regional targets for botanic garden Conservation , Which aimed to address netWorks, for eXample in MeXico (see the need for botanic gardens to become p 20-23) and in the North American actiVe participants in the implementation region (Galbraith and KennedY, 2006).
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