English Journal Vol. 20, No. 1; March 2017, pp. 17-24

THE ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri1 Indah Sri Redjeki2 English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Ibn Khaldun [email protected] ; [email protected]

Abstract The revolution of science starts with the revelation of Qur‟an. Qur‟an states about the relationship between God and the world of nature, so do the world of nature and the offspring of Prophet Adam. In the Qur‟an, it is stated about Divine Name Ar-Rahman, the Most Merciful, which is viewed, has close relationship with nature. The encouragement in Qur‟an will build some positive behaviors of human. Any information from Qur‟an becomes precious materials to study, seek and think deeply. It is all about the evidence from the Qur‟an. There are so many samples from the verses of the Qur‟an that talk about science and knowledge. The aim of this article is to convey some messages from the Qur‟an and from some of Islamic scholars. Various studies have been accomplished. Islamization of knowledge in all fields has close relationship with one‟s understanding towards the Islamic belief, as Islam is a religion signifies on right-thinking, right-speaking, and right-doing. So the Islamization of knowledge means to protect Muslims from the knowledge that is contaminated, misleading and causes errors. It will lead to safety, kindness, justice, and the power of faith.

Keywords: Islamization of Knowledge, English Language teaching

The Nature of Islamization of Qur‟an states clearly about this new Knowledge revolution which is revealed by the almighty Allah and has been started with There are some good books focusing on the Islamic opinions and important questions the birth of Muhammad sallallahu in the religion and science discourses. One „alaihiwasalam in Makkah. Makkah at that of them was written by Mudzaffar Iqbal time was not considerable as a point city (Iqbal, 2007). In this book, there is a unless the presence of Ka‟bah, as a discussion about „two-entity model‟ which reservation building of prophet Abraham was established by Christianity in the field and his son Ishmael some 2500 years of science. The „two-entity model‟ has before the birth of Muhammad on a formed the Christianity‟s thought that Monday in the month of April, 571. At the science and religion are two different age of forty he received his first revelation. things that should be separated. This The revelation continued over the next twenty-three years. thought raises some basic questions: is the two-entity model truly applicable to all The rapid enlargement of the religions and all scientific traditions? geographical restrictions of the Islamic


The Islamization of Knowledge in English Language Teaching (Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri & Indah Sri Redjeki)

state has often led Western historians to epistemology of the west modern-secular view Islam as a religion that spread by the also caused secularism in Christianity sword. This image of Islam was theology. The worldview of Christianity constructed during the middle Ages but this has a paradigm shift. In medieval times was against as far as Muslims are Christianity became a central worldview of concerned, it was the essential truth of the west civilization, but then it is ignored in message of Islam, rather than military the modern era. This new worldview was triumphs (Iqbal, 2007, p. 2). improved after the era of so-called “the Adian Husaini explained fairly and Dark Ages of Europe”, and through the new worldview they opposed against the straightly toward the philosophy of science in which nowadays we notice it has been existence of God in all aspects of life. In influenced by secularism (ideas or thoughts their viewpoints, God would disturb the that against religion or contra religion freedom of humans. Jean Paul Sartre especially to Islam). It explained some (1905-1980) stated “Even if God existed, it differences of Muslims‟ thought and will still necessary to reject him, since the seculars‟ thought in the process of idea of God negates our freedom” (Husaini knowledge (Husaini et.al, 2013). The et.al, 2013, p.2). process of secularism started when a Islamization of contemporary western philosopher, Rene Descrates (d. science was firstly conceived by Prof. Syed 1650) formulated a principal thought, “I M. Naquib Al-Attas since the 1960s (Al- think so I be” or “Thought makes me exist” Attas, 1969). He is the most persistent (cogito ergo sum) which means that ratio is Islamic scientist in the Islamization of the only tool to measure the truth. This science as a whole. In his view, the biggest principal thought was then followed by Muslims‟ challenge today is secularization some other philosophers such as: a) Tomas of science. He criticized the secularization Hobbes (d. 1679), b) Immanuel Kant (d. of science in the Western world and the 1860), c) Edmund Husserl (d. 1938) and d) emergence of bad conditions of the Emilio Betti (d. 1986), etc. In modern era, Muslims who do not pay attention and philosophy of Immanuel Kant influenced neglect it. In 1973, he wrote "Treatise on much more. He argued the hesitation of Muslims" which warned of the dangers of David Hume toward science. According to secularization of science as a solution Kant, science is possible but metaphysics is (Handrianto, 2010, p. 129). The purpose of impossible because it was not based on Islamization of science itself is to protect human senses. Metaphysics is a Muslims from the science that is transcendental illusion, and metaphysical contaminated, misleading, and causes assertions are without epistemological errors. Islamization of science aims to value (Husaini et.al, 2013, pp. 7-8). develop important knowledge that can Epistemology of the west modern- arouse personal thought of Muslims and secular also bores atheism, as a result, increase their faith in God. Islamization of atheism becomes the general phenomenon knowledge will lead to safety, kindness, in all disciplines of science such as justice, and the power of faith (Hasim, 2005). philosophy, theology of Jews-Christianity, science, sociology, psychology, politics, The objects of Islamization by economy, etc. (Dr. Adian Husaini, 2013, p. Syed Naquib al-Attas are not outside the 9). Beside the effect of atheism, the mind but contained within one's soul or


English Journal Vol. 20, No. 1; March 2017, pp. 17-24

mind. Moreover, his approach to Islam is „tawheed‟ or Islamic monotheism (Husaini closely related to the basic structure of the et.al, 2013, pp. 27-28). metaphysics of Islam that has been The effect of Islamic scientific formulated in line with the revelation philosophy which is based on revelation of tradition, intellect or reason, experience Allah as sources of knowledge leads the and intuition. This is because Islam knowledge tradition into inseparable essentially combines the methodology of knowledge and action (conducts). Islamic rationalism and empiricism, but with the knowledge tradition put the morality or additional revelation as the source of truth Islamic behavior and good deeds into their about something that cannot be reached by precious position. This condition is so the methods emprise-rational. So, although different from the reality of secular the rationality and methodological aspects scientific tradition in the west (Husaini of the search for truth in Islam have some et.al, 2013, p. 46). West against all sources similarities with the Greek philosophical of knowledge from the holy books (God‟s view, they are fundamentally distinguished revelation) so that west only based their by the Islamic worldview (al-Attas, 1986, findings of seeking the origin of nature and pp. 464-465). human from senses (positivism) and ratio Qur’an as the Source of Knowledge and (rationalism). On the contrary, the concept Science of Islamic worldview bore the integrated and compact knowledge which be based on According to Adian Husaini, Islamic hereafter orientation. This is one of the epistemology is important in its relation precious concepts in Islam. West with the sources of knowledge and how epistemology is only based on empiric and human acquires the knowledge. rationalism while in Islam there are four Epistemology is usually defined as a sources of knowledge: senses, ratio, branch of philosophy which discusses the intuition and divine revelation of God. As knowledge globally or generally and al-Attas stated: “God is not a myth, an fundamentally. Knowledge is something image, a symbol, that keep changing with fundamental in human life. Islam is a the times, He is reality itself. Belief has religion that praises the knowledge and cognitive content, and one of the main Qur‟an gives its huge attention toward the points of divergence between true religion activity of thought and knowledge. We can and secular philosophy and science is the find 823 times the word „al-ilm‟ occurs in way in which the sources and method of the Qur‟an. Moreover the first lessons knowledge are understood” (Husaini et.al, which were taught to Prophet Adam were 2013, p. 40).. Recently, the damage of the names of things. In QS. Al-Baqarah: understanding toward knowledge 31, the first command was „iqra‟ (read!) especially Islamic knowledge is being so and activity of writing was symbolized general. Ignorance of religious knowledge with „qalam‟ (pen). The process of learning is being extent. Some scholars could not (read and write) should not be separated read holy Qur‟an well. In fact knowing and with the foundation of faith. Everything understanding Islam is a must. It is should be based on the Name of Allah, so obligation from Allah. We can find so that from the beginning, Islamic scientific many evidences from the Qur‟an about the tradition should be always in the frame of importance of knowledge.


The Islamization of Knowledge in English Language Teaching (Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri & Indah Sri Redjeki)

Westernization of science is the exclusivism. The idea of pluralism, the result of skepticism and confusion that has truth is only their own, caused new raised doubts and allegations because of inquisition against what they call terrorism. scientific methodology. Cast doubt as Furthermore, in medical world vivisection epistemology legitimate tool in science and (slight alive animal) became „inhumanity‟ is not built on revelation and trust but method to test medicine (Husaini et.al, based on cultural traditions reinforced by 2013, pp. 231-233). philosophical speculation associated with De-westernization against the idea secular life. The effects of westernization of value-free, neutral, or objectivity of of science that merely rests on reason and science. As it was a characteristic of senses yarn away from Divine revelation positivism. This thought set a border line can be seen in between Darwinism which between fact and value. Positivism became resulted in the occupation and colonization. a new religion in the era of twentieth Millions of people died, slavery and century (Husaini et.al, 2013, p. 235).. The exploitation of natural resources. Similarly, idea of de-westernization began from a the idea of pluralism gave birth to a new thought that modern science is not value- model of the inquisition in the name of war free but value laden. It is uneasy to apply against terrorism. For instance is the and not just like labelling. Moreover, not occurrence of vivisection in medicine, all western science should be neglected. namely cutting alive part of certain Some of them have similarity with the members of the animal for the purpose of Islamic science. The one, who is willingly testing drugs for human interests, and so on doing Islamization on science, should (Husaini et.al, 2013, pp. 30-31).. fulfill some requirements. He should be De-westernization is so-called the able to identify the Islamic worldview, Islamization of Science. One of the beside understanding the western functions of Islam is being a solution for all civilization (Husaini et.al, 2013, p. 247). problems in the society. We believe that Islam is the only divine religion which is Islamization of Science and College at authentic and complete. As a great religion University of Ibn Khaldun that had ever being a leader in the world, Islamization of Science and College is in Islam gives evidence of being a good line with the Islamic Educational solution to all problems. In the contrary, Objectives. Prof. Ahmad Tafsir, in his recently we notice so many damages in the book Islamic Educational Sciences, society which were caused by the paradigm explains that Islamic education experts of secularism, rationalism, materialism agree that the general purpose of Islamic besides of the few improvements. We can education is a good human being. Good find suffer, battle, environmental disaster, human is a human who fears Allah. weird and anomy everywhere. Science that Similarly, the First World Conference on has been improved in the west is so far Islamic Education (1977) concluded that from revelation of God. West lied their the ultimate goal of Islamic education is a investigation only based on ratio and sense. human who preserves themselves As result western science bore many absolutely to God. Furthermore, Prof. catastrophes. For instance the theory of Ahmad Tafsir suggests the characteristics Darwinism bore colonialism and racism. of the perfect Muslim in Islam are a Pluralism bore intolerance and healthy Muslim, having intelligence and


English Journal Vol. 20, No. 1; March 2017, pp. 17-24

clever, moreover his is fear of God. Prof. AM Saefuddin strives back to Physical sound has a characteristic sound, "turn" back the idea of Islamization of strong and skilled, while smart and Science and Campus after a long time no intelligent traits are able to solve problems hears. In his book entitled “Between quickly and accurately, as well as a lot of Germany and Mecca”, published in knowledge. The takwa heart is a heart full birthday of his seventy, he talked much of faith in God (Tafsir, 2013, pp. 67-70). about his exploits on campus, boarding In , the Islamization of school and mosque. This struggle was science and the campus itself is not inspired from many of Dr. Mohammad Natsir‟s thoughts in which he is a figure of separated from the name of a character who had served as Rector of the University Islamic fighter in “orde baru” stage (Thaha, of Ibn Khaldun in the year 1983-1985. He 2010, p. 95). His ideas about the also served as Minister of State for Food Islamization of Science and Campus were and Horticulture RI in 1998-1999. quoted by some authors in his interview Islamization of science by Prof AM with reporters from Suara Hidayatullah Saefuddin, ever happened to the golden and other magazines (Majalah Suara mass of Islam (The Golden Age of Islam) Hidayatullah, Desember 2010, p. 36). in the 7th century until 14th. At that time The Islamization in all faculties and many Muslim scholars were studying the schools has been applied through the books of Byzantium, Persia, and Greece. University of Ibn Khaldun entirely though The results of their studies and analysis had still in exchange. Since 1983 University of led to the emergence of the best works of Ibn Khaldun (UIKA) Bogor has Muslim scholars that many kept in the proclaimed itself as a campus that carries library of the Islamic Caliphate, as in the spirit of Islamization of Science and Baghdad, Fathimiyah in Cairo, and so Campus (ISC). The dynamics and forth. However, after the time was fallen, challenges have skipped both external and books by many Muslim scholars were internal. Until now UIKA Bogor presents brought to the West, since then the West consistently in carrying the spirit of it. studying the books of Muslim scholars Because the original purpose of (Saefuddin, 2015). establishment of this campus is based on the intentions and noble goals. Among the Islamization of Science and lofty goal is to produce a cadre of scholars, Campus by AM Saefuddin is how to Islamize views of scientists who are very preachers and Muslim scholars to develop aware that scientists, scholars, experts and the struggle for the propagation of Islam in candidates are in campus. Therefore, Indonesia (Husaini et.al., 2013, p. ix). . clicking Islamize Campus is an initial Realizing the noble ideals of the strategic effort to prepare the Islamization Bogor UIKA is not very easy in the midst of Science. The efforts made by the clerics of the demands of materialism and and activists according to him is not hedonistic life gripping a variety of lines enough because it is still performed including education. Among the efforts is sporadically, volunteer and less organized. to give birth and to recruit qualified Accordingly, various efforts over the lecturers and gave birth to concepts that maximum should be done (Saefuddin, can be a guide to run the program of ISC 2010, p10).. (Husaini et.al., 2013, p. ix). It is hoped that the course of Islamic Studies which are


The Islamization of Knowledge in English Language Teaching (Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri & Indah Sri Redjeki)

taught to all majors in Ibn Khaldun, “Reading Trends and Perceptions towards accompanied by ASKI or assistance of Islamic English Websites as Teaching Islamic Studies, are able to expected to Materials” written by Zurina Khairuddin, form the Islamic Worldview to the student Azimah Shurfa Mohammed Shukry1 & of Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (UIKA, Nurshafawati Ahmad Sani. 50 Tahun UIKA Melintas Zaman, Meretas Jalan Kebangkitan Umat, 2011, p. 102). This paper is a study of the reading trends and perceptions of Muslim Among the more serious efforts Malaysian undergraduate students towards undertaken in UIKA Bogor is to establish a Islamic English websites as pedagogical boarding school, which is until now so materials in English language classrooms. called Ulil Albab with KH. Prof. Didin Data was collected through a set of Hafiduddin as guardians. Muhammad questionnaires to 180 students from the Natsir, KH. Soleh Iskandar and AM International Islamic University Malaysia Saefuddin as its founders. In the past, (IIUM) and Universiti according to Didin Hafiduddin, Sultan ZainalAbidin (UniSZA). The Muhammad Natsir once reminded that the findings revealed that the students were development of Islamic education is highly self-motivated to read the materials to gain dependent on three pillars, namely spiritual knowledge and to use the Campus, mosques and boarding school. knowledge to deal with personal Spirit of Islamization of Science and challenges. It also shows that the students campus at that time was made possible by recommend that the materials are used for the intensification of the students studying pedagogical purposes in the learning of the Islam. Until this point of time, studying in English language. The study proposed that Pontren Ulil Albab is performed after texts that bring enjoyment, inspiration, evening prayers, and after the dawn prayer. spiritual knowledge and personal Student or students learning is equipped by development are used as reading materials commentaries of the Quran, Ulumul in English lessons for Muslim students. Qur'an, al-hadith, siraNabawiyah, and This would enhance the motivation to read Capita Selecta Propagation. Pontren is more whilst improving the proficiency of located at UIKA complex, Bogor, adjacent the English language (Khairuddin, Shukryl to the Masjid Al-Hijri II located on KH. & Sani, 2014, p. 214). Sholeh Iskandar street. Several alumni of The other researcher, Zuliati pontren Ulil Albab have become ministers Rohmah in her research entitled as well as Muslim scholars (50 Tahun “Incorporating Islamic Messages in the UIKA Melintas Zaman, Meretas Jalan English Teaching in the Indonesian Kebangkitan Umat, 2011, p. 100-101). Context” claims that in the context of postcolonial Indonesia, the teaching of English which often implies the teaching of The Solicitation of Islamization of norms and cultures embedded within Knowledge in English Language English language may create tensions Teaching among learners. To help Muslim students There are some researches completed by minimize the tensions, material writers and some scholars discovering the variant teachers may incorporate Islamic messages aspects of Islamization in English language in the teaching of English. Since this is teaching. One of the researches is entitled possible to carry out within the school-


English Journal Vol. 20, No. 1; March 2017, pp. 17-24

based curriculum, the writer offers some a committee has been accomplished to ways of integrating Islamic messages in the perform the Curriculum of English English teaching: writing/using English Education at University of Ibn Khaldun. course-books tailored with Islamic The committee makes some efforts to the messages, using authentic materials formulation of language education containing Islamic messages or using curriculum tailored to the Vision and available supplementary materials Mission of UIKA Bogor which carry the containing Islamic messages designed by idea of Islamization of Science and ELTIS. At the end of the paper, the writer Campus. Although not yet fully completed, gives an example of using an Islamic song but the results of deliberations Team, to generate communicative activities Islamic values are inserted and integrated among learners (Rohmah, 2012, p. 157). into English teaching at English Education Program. One of its efforts specifically by As for the personal, the researchers adding Subjects named English for Islamic themselves are lecturers in English Studies. education at the University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor. One of them has conducted several activities due to the Islamization of Science CONCLUSION in this campus. Since the beginning of From the most explanation, Islamization of 2013 she has been teaching at Ibn Khaldun knowledge should be individually and Bogor and has conducted several studies in corporately understood and applied to Islamization field. Among them a study enrich the Islamic literatures specifically as entitled: "Parable in the Noble Qur'an on well knowledge and science literature the Persepective of Twelfth Grade Students entirely. It should spread well among all of Senior High School" (Djamjuri, 2013), literatures and researches. Qur‟an has its “The Ability of the Fourth Semester position being the foundation of knowledge Students in Identifying the adjectives and from the Almighty Allah, that is merely the and Adjectival Phrases from English everlasting source to be searched and Translation of Surah Al-Mulk" (Djamjuri, spread. One of the efforts that applicable is 2014), and "Immersing the Moral to convey or insert the message of Islam in Understanding toward Children Through all fields including in English language Islamic English Songs" (Djamjuri, 2015). teaching. These efforts are simply because Since 2015 she has also published some Islamization of knowledge aims to develop books entitled: English for Smart Moslem essential knowledge that may awakens Learners (Djamjuri, 2015), Islamic Stories personal thoughts that will add more faith for Smart Muslims (Djamjuri, 2015), in God. The purpose itself is to protect Islamic Professions (Djamjuri, 2016), and Muslims from the knowledge that is Islamic Culture Around the World contaminated, misleading and can cause (Djamjuri, 2016). errors. It will lead to safety, kindness, In the process of teaching and justice, and the power of faith. Moreover, learning, Islamization process also has as Muslim we should have the willingness been occurred undertaken by the lecturers for being professional and gain the validity in English Education program, Faculty of information from the Qur‟an since Teacher Training and Education at UIKA Muslims believe it comes from the Creator Bogor. Since 2015 up to recent time (2017) of human and universe.


The Islamization of Knowledge in English Language Teaching (Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri & Indah Sri Redjeki)

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