Assessment of Skin, Joint, Tendon and Muscle Involvement
Assessment of skin, joint, tendon and muscle involvement A. Akesson1, G. Fiori2, T. Krieg3, F.H.J. van den Hoogen4, J.R. Seibold5 1Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden; ABSTRACT The extent of skin involvement is also 2Istituto di Clinica Medica IV, Florence, This rep o rt makes re c o m m e n d at i o n s the prime clinical criterion for the sub- Italy; 3University of Cologne, Koln, for standardized techniques of data ga - classification of SSc into its two princi- 4 Germany; University Medical Centre t h e ring and collection rega rd i n g : 1 ) pal subsets – SSc with diffuse cuta- St. Raboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; 5UMDNJ Scleroderma Program, skin involvement 2) joint and tendon in - neous involvement (diffuse scleroder- New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. volvement, and 3) involvement of the ma) and SSc with limited cutaneous Anita Akesson, MD, PhD; Ginevra Fiori, skeletal muscles. The recommendations i nvo l vement (limited scl e ro d e rma – MD; Thomas Krieg, MD; Frank H.J. van in this report derive from a critical re - p rev i o u s ly termed the “CREST syn- den Hoogen, MD, PhD; James R. Seibold, v i ew of the ava i l able literat u re and drome”) (3). By consensus and conven- MD. group discussion. Committee re c o m - t i o n , p atients with skin invo l ve m e n t Please address correspondence to: mendations are considered appropriate restricted to sites distal to the elbows James R. Seibold, MD, Professor and for descri p t ive clinical inve s t i gat i o n , and knees, exclusive of the face, are Director, UMDNJ Scleroderma Program, translational studies and as standards considered to have limited scleroderma MEB 556 51 French Street, New for clinical practice.
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