Issue 3 – 14.3.11

CFI Delegation 20-25 February 2011

•CFI’s Parliamentary Chairman, Rt. Hon James Arbuthnot MP, led a delegation of seven newly elected MPs to Israel for a business and security orientated trip during the recent half-term recess.

•The group included Guto Bebb MP, Bob Blackman MP, Phillip

Lee MP, Jack LoPresti MP, Andrew Percy MP, James Wharton MP, and Chris White MP.

•Whilst in Israel we met with Members of the and Foreign Ministry officials, with an itinerary that included a briefing with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, in addition to a round-table meeting with MK’s Daniel Ben-Simon, Danny Danon, Yoel Hasson and Anastasia Michaeli, which provided

the MPs with a fascinating insight into the nature of coalition


•We learned of the closeness of UK-Israel business ties during visits to Better Place, a leader in electric-vehicle technology, and Elbit Systems, which provides the British armed forces with the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that play such a crucial role in intelligence-collection.

•Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, hosted a reception of leading Israeli businessmen and women to which the delegation were invited.

•We also spent a day exploring the north of Israel, visiting the 1 Golan Heights and Galilee, and receiving fascinating IDF briefings on the situation inside Lebanon and Syria.

•Whilst in , we had the opportunity to explore the historic Old City and were given a tour of the security barrier.

Sunday 20 February

We travelled from home to Israel via Heathrow Airport. An epic journey involving the 245 bus, the Piccadilly Line from Sudbury

Town to Ealing Common the rail replacement bus to Acton Town, the W2 bus to Northfields and finally the Piccadilly Line train to Heathrow saw us arrive at Heathrow after a 2 hour journey. We then experienced delays at Heathrow before the El Al flight eventually took off an hour late. The 5 hour flight to plus a 2 hour time difference meant that we eventually arrived at the Carlton Hotel in Tel Aviv after 10pm, having set off from home at 10am! We eventually had a light dinner around midnight!

Monday 21 February

7.30- 18.00: We set off for a tour of the Northern Border tour taking in the border with Lebanon and Syria as well as the Christian sites of Galilee. We saw at first hand the sites of the

Hezbollah military establishments in Southern Lebanon and their proximity to the Israeli border. It was instructive to hear and see at first hand the heightened tension on this border and the anticipation that military action is imminent. It is clear that the IDF is ready and able to deal with any attack from Hezbollah. We were briefed that the IDF would react “disproportionately and with extreme violence” in response to any attack from Hezbollah. We then visited the testing facility of Elbit Systems, which

provides the British armed forces with the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that play such a crucial role in intelligence- collection. These aircraft are being used extensively by the British Army in places such as Afghanistan for observation and intelligence purposes. This demonstrated at first hand the importance of the strategic defence relationship and value to the British and Israeli economies. In contrast, we visited a strategic army base on the Syrian border in the Golan region and received a presentation on the position in Syria. The expectation is that this area will remain peaceful but the IDF remains ready to act if required. We then saw the Christian sites around the Sea of Galilee and returned to Tel Aviv arriving after dark. A light dinner followed in Tel Aviv.


Tuesday 22 February

7.30-10.30: We had the opportunity of visiting the development facility of Better Place Electric Cars. We toured the facility and then had the opportunity of test driving the new cars. Better Place Cars will be introducing the new electric cars to the UK later this year. The key is that these cars will be a dramatic improvement for the environment and will be particularly useful for driving locally and in urban environments. The challenge is to ensure that facilities for charging the batteries are widely

available both at driver’s homes as well as at work places.

12.00- 13.00: We travelled to the Knesset to meet Members of the Knesset. We toured the building and received a briefing on the election process, the work of the Knesset and the history of

the Israeli Government. The complexities of the election

process demonstrate the reason why the UK should never adopt proportional representation. We heard at first hand the work of the Government and the policy adopted towards security, the peace process, relationships with the neighbouring states as well as the UK and USA. We met representatives of 4 of the political parties in the Knesset and heard the wide range of views that exist amongst them including MK’s Daniel Ben-Simon, Danny Danon, Yoel

Hasson and Anastasia Michaeli. This convinced us that

coalition politics can be extremely complicated!

13.00-14.30: After a light Lunch. We visited Yad Vashem, 3 Holocaust Memorial Museum, in Jerusalem. This was a truly awe inspiring experience with a complete history of the holocaust, Hitler’s rise to power and the events of the Second World War.

We were privileged to take part in a short ceremony to commemorate those who lost their lives in the holocaust and then walk through the Children’s Memorial. I had previously visited the Museum 15 years ago and the amount of work that has gone on to record information on the atrocities is mind- numbing. In my view, the work of this Museum and everyone involved in it is crucial to ensure that we never ever forget the

atrocities committed during the holocaust.

18.30: We then had a working dinner with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, Jerusalem and an opportunity to discuss the Government view of the security position and the overall political situation.


Wednesday 23 February

7.30-11.00: We set off for a day to review the impact of the security position in Jerusalem and the . We toured the Security Barrier, Jerusalem and saw at first hand the security measures in place to combat suicide bombings and

other terrorist outrages. We heard that the suicide bombings had effectively ceased and that hundreds of would be terrorists had been apprehended by the new security measures. The Israeli view is that the Security Barrier has been extremely successful in preserving security in Jerusalem.

12.00-13.00: We then had a meeting with Dr. Ghassan Khatib, Former Palestinian negotiator, President Abbas’ spokesman and Director of the Government Media Centre. A clear concern is the behaviour of and the lack of connection between the West Bank and Gaza. Equally, the lack of a democratic mandate for the Palestinian Authority necessitates elections. The refusal by Hamas to participate in elections demonstrates their weakness in that they do not believe that the public will support them.


13.00-15.00: We enjoyed a lunch with Samir Hulileh, Portland

Trust Ramallah Chairman, Bashar Masri, CEO of Massar International developing the Rawabi Village, and other Palestinian businessmen who gave an upbeat view of progress in the West Bank. It is clear that business people are very frustrated with the lack of progress on the peace agreement and have complete contempt for the President Obama’s administration. There is a clear concern that the refusal of Hamas to agree to elections is hampering the peace progress.

15.00- 16.00: We then visited Rawabi Village development, which is set to become the first new Palestinian town. This project will create 40,000 dwellings, new job opportunities and help establish the Palestinian State on the West Bank.

19.00 After a hectic day and an exciting journey back to Tel Aviv, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, hosted a reception of leading Israeli businessmen and women for us to meet and make contact. The business people were

keen to promote trade and mutual understanding.

21.00: A light working dinner with Ambassador Gould, British Ambassador’s residence, Tel Aviv, followed. We heard all about the work of the Embassy and the challenges faced. We later heard that Islamic Jihad had launched a rocket attack from Gaza on Beer Sheva. Fortunately no one was injured. This brought home to us the fragile nature of the peace in Israel.

Thursday 24 February

7.30-12.30: We set off once again for a tour of Jerusalem’s Old City. This demonstrated the history of the city and the problems experienced in the accessibility for all religions. Our guide

showed us the route trodden by Jesus prior to being crucified and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as well as highlighting the areas in that were the sites of fierce fighting in 1967.


We visited the and witnessed the security

required to safeguard visitors. The Prime Minister of ,

Donald Tusk, was visiting Israel and pledged strong commitment to support Israel when Poland assumes the presidency of the EU.

12.30- 14.00: We enjoyed a light lunch with journalists Yaron Deckel from Israel Channel 1 and Herb Keinon from , Old City Jerusalem. This demonstrated the

value of a free press in Israel and the manner in which the Government is held to account. It was also interesting to hear at first hand the press view of the situation in the .


14.30-17.00: We were given briefings by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning , military intelligence and the overall security position.

On our return to Tel Aviv, everyone was thoroughly exhausted but we all managed to enjoy a final evening as a team at a restaurant in Old Jaffa.

Friday 25 February

6.30: We departed from the hotel to set off on the journey home. After clearing security at Ben Gurion Airport, we had a short interval before our flight set off and arrived at Heathrow only 10 minutes late! Many thanks to Stuart Polak, Nathalie Tamam and James Gurd for hosting and organising the tour. A hectic schedule for all involved but fascinating, informative and a very worthwhile trip.

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Bob Blackman MP – Putting Harrow East First!

Published & Promoted by Bob Blackman MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA