ACTION STATIONS! CANADA’S NAVAL MEMORIAL MAGAZINE Volume 36 - Issue 1, Spring 2017 ACTION STATIONS! Volume 36 - Issue 1 Winter 2017 Features Our Cover Interrupted Voyage Editor and design: 11 LCdr ret’d Pat Jessup Chair - Public Relations, CNMT Royal Canadian Navy Benevolent Fund
[email protected] 16 Editorial Committee 18 RCAF Involvement in the Battle of the Atlantic: Cdr ret’d Len Canfield - Public Affairs Turning the Tide LCdr ret’d Doug Thomas - Executive Director Vice-Admiral Percy W. Nelles, Debbie Findlay - Financial Officer Canada’s Merchant Navy: Chief of the Naval Staff, addressing Leading Seaman ret’d Steve Rowland 24 The Men Who Saved The World the Ship’s Company of HMCS Athabaskan, Plymouth, England, 14 April 1944. LAC/PA-113723 Editorial Associates They Were Young Diana Hennessy 30 HMCS Athabaskan’s ship’s company portrait, 1944. Major ret’d Peter Holmes Tanya Cowbrough Namesake Ships In the early hours of 29 April 1944, HMC Ships Tony Bradley 32 Haida and Athabaskan were conducting mine-laying operations near the tip of the Britanny peninsula Photography and Images: HMCS Athabaskan takes final salute in the Enblish Channel. At 0238 Athabaskan’s ra- Lt(N) ret’d Ian Urquhart 34 dar picked up “two small objects traveling at high after 44 years of dedicated service speed” near the Isle of Ushant. At the same time, Cdr ret’d Bill Gard Plymouth radioed “to intercept at full speed.” Hai- da fired starshell, illuminating German Elbing Class CPO2 ret’d Dean Boettger - A/RCN Heritage Officer destroyers T-24 and T-27, 7300 yards away.