The Westfield (Nj)
PUBUC LIBRARY A25 EMBROAD ST. Good Luck Tomorrow THE WESTFIELD LEADER WHS Football Team THE LEADINO AND MOST WIDELY CMCUIATED WEEKLY NEWSPAKt IN UNION COUNTY Published Second Class Postage Paid JIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 17 Every Thursday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1969 at Westflelii, N.J. 38 Pages—10 Cents Town to Mark Bonfire Tonight Adult School Bachman Seventh To Host Open Thanksgiving To Spark Spirit House Monday Vietnam Fatality The Weatfieid Adult School will First Lin:l. Roscr J. Badimon, Family reunions, turkey feasts and football games are on the agenda BARBARA KAl'IN .will begin the fire, by tossing in thold open house in the Thomas Edi- rnn of Mr. and Mrs. RaWi W. 'or moist resridenltis tamcraw, ThanksgiyMg Day, with a complete sell-out News Bureau lighted tonohes. Once tiie Maze son Junior High School, Monday, Baclnmnn of "") Norwood Dr., died begins^ the -.cheerleaders and; the starting at 7:25 p.m. Sixteen exhibits forecast for the titadMunilal Wes&ieW-FSlainlfield focttxafi game to be The Westfie'.d Senior High Thanks- Werf.if id.iy, \(iv. 19, attrir injudes rtayed at Recreation Field on Rlahwiay Ave. .twir'lers will lead (he crowd in songs of student classroom work,will be on giving eve bonfire "wild begin "at 5 sustained in aotiim in Vietrtam the artd cheers. view. The public also is inviited to Several onurehes Have sdheduted Thanksgiving services tonight and p.m. tonight on the field behind She previous day. Lieutenant Baohman Cora,' Mae Zimmerman, cheer- aittemd'any c&ss wfttoult change. Re- omonrow, and many win join in a high school parking lot.
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