10 BAYLIS STREET, WAGGA PHONE 21 4913 Principal- Eric Parmenter v GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL 10 10 t-w 20 20 cnC u:ga: ct 30 30 40 40 Total Total

10 10 - - . Ow 20 ~ 20 Zo Oct 30 30 Ua:: ~" 40 40 Total Total 10 10 Cl) a::Z 20 20 wW I OW 30 30 \ z~ - FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE UNDER NINETEENS :::>z 40 I - 40 z r I, Total Total - •SERVICE ...CHAMBERLAIN l:li • PARTS ~~ ~ - GAN MAIN GANMAIN TURVEY m+i .. · •SALES WAGGA COOLAMON WAG GA G.G.-M. G.G.-M. -PARK Leadership by Performance! RIVER I NA FOOTBALL LEAGUE Sponsored by MACHINERY Carlton. WAGGA 1 TEMORA 1 1 COLLEAMBALL Y 213741 821411 591522 544084 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1985 - NARRANDERA SPORTSGROUND The Riverina Football Record is_printed at The Daily Advertiser, Commercial Printing Dept., 48 Trail Street Wagg a Wagg a N.S.W., forthe Proprietors of Victorian PublishinQ Company (P.O. Box 281, Wagga-Ph. 22 493SA.H.) ' VOL. 3, No. 24 REGISTERED BY POST PUBLICATION NO. NBP 0250 3 ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.: : KEVIN & SIGGY COLWILL OF 5 HOTEL §COLWILL'S FOODLAND§ FOR ACOLD CARLTON AFTER THE GAME WITH MINE HOST ROD WILDE 5 PROVIDE FRIENDLY SERVICE AND WEEKLY GROCERY SPECIALS 5 Accommodation available. OPEN SUNDAYS 11a.m.·2 p.m. & 5 p.m. • 8 p.m. 5 cool.AMON STREIT- - PHONE 84 1275 : :11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111':.

TOOHEYS DIV. 2 CARLTON RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE HONOUR ROLL, 1985 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE • LEAGUE BEST & FAIREST: Allan Carroll Memorial Medal ( Isl XV III ): Today heralds the end_ to yet another sea­ This contest added interest a nd co lo ur. espe­ Martin Simpson (Wh itton) . son for the Rive rina Football League. and it is ciall y on the night of the Best and Fa irest Farrer Trophy (2nd XVIII): my pleasure to extend a welco me to the pa t­ count. Congrat ul ati o ns to Narrandera's 'Miss Bob Thompson (Wh itton). rons who have suppo rted the clubs a nd Fosters' Anne Bloomfield. • LEADING GOALKICKERS: To o ur district director, Mr. Lyle O 'Brie n , 1st XVlll: Ralph Robbins (Whi tt on). League alike during the 1985 season. 2nd XVIII: Tom Cooper (Junee-Kapooka). Congratulations to the Grand Finalists in we appreciate your co-operatio n and the hard all three grades, it is a long hard slog to work you do for so many over such a la rge • CLUB BEST & FAIREST: Boree Creek: lsts Michael Hopwood. 2nds Harry achieve this, so we wish you well a nd look a re a of N .S.W. l am sure the thirty-p lus Argus. Junee-Kapooka: !sts Chris Selby . 211ds forward to an ente rtaining day o f football. senio r C lubs are grateful. Trevor Cooper. R.A .A.F.: Not finalised. Rivcoll : This year we were no t so successful in the To the clubs, players a nd all concerned at Not finalised. : l sts Ron Knagge. Winfield Championships, but we look for­ C lub level, to o ur executive, umpires, the 2nds Wa )lne de Brill. Whitton: lsts Errol Boots, ward to the following seasons. We thank Win­ independant tribunal, o ur sponsors, trophy 2nds Do;, Tilker. MARTIN SIMPSON BOB THOMPSON : lsts Darry l Huxley. fi e ld for making these championships possi­ donors, press, radio and television and all that Best & Fairest 1st XVIII Best & Fairest 2nd XVIII have assisted in any way, we say thanks. • FINISHING ORDER: ble. To me it was pleasing to see so ma ny of our players make the msleves available for I wish all Clubs the best for today, may it be lsts: W LDB For Ag % Pts N.S.W. State selection , a nd my congratula­ injury free. Good luck and safe travelling. WHITTON ... 16 2 · 3 3152 1352 233.l 64 tions to the boys selected. We wish you furth­ We look forward to 1986. JUNEE-K. ... 13 5 · 3 2763 1506 183.4 52 er success in the future . COOTA...... 12 6 · 3 2495 1290 193.4 48 We thank Carlton Breweries for their RIVCOLL .... 11 7 · 3 2044 1718 118.9 44 generous sponsorship. it is appreciated. Our congratulations to the Best a nd Fairest win­ Boree Creek 7 l l - 3 1766 2185 80.8 28 ners, Leading Goalkickers and all those who R.A.A.F. .... 4 14 - 3 ~631 2839 57.4 16 assisted these pl ayers in their successes. Also Ura nquinty ... 0 21 - 3 855 38 16 22.4 0 to the Minor Premiers in all three grades, and to Ganmain-- on their 2nds: W L D U For Ag % Pts winning the Club Championship. WHITTON ... 12 3 · 6 1411 667 211.5 48 We thank the ten girls who made the m­ COOTA...... 12 3 · 6 1533 764 200.6 48 selves available for the ' Miss Foste rs· contest, JUNEE-K. ... 11 4 · 6 1611 901 178.8 44 and the Re nee Frock Salon of Narrandera. RIVCOLL .... 6 8 I 6 1046 1241 84.2 26 FRANK GAYNOR President R.F.L. Boree Creek 3 11 I 6 827 138 1 59.8 14 R.A.A.F...... 1 14 - 6 496 1970 25. l 4

• FINALS RESULTS: First Semi: Rivcoll (83) d Coolarnu ndra (68). Seco11d Semi: Whitton ( 150) d Junee-K. (87) . l're­ FARRER FOOTBALL LEAGUE li111i11ary: Jun ee-Kapooke ( 160) d Rivco ll (I 04). Gra11d Fi11al: ...... d . MISS TOOHEVS 1985 • GATE RECIEPTS: MISS ROBYN HEASLIP of Temora has won the Division Two: I st Semi :$ I 084: 2nds Semi : $10 10: 1985 "'Miss Tooheys"' competition. Robyn works SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. for a chartered accountant in Canberra and Preliminary: $I085; Grand Final: $ .. travels home each week to play Netball for •WEBSTERS FAMOUS SOFT DRINKS. FRUIT JUICES & CORDIALS Temora. Her hobbies include o ri enteering (where she has represented Australia in 1979 and • PEPSI COLA BOTTLES AND CANS 1982), reading, dancing and any outdoor activity. THE RIVERINA RECORD Was best & fairest for Temora netbail in 1983-84 • SCHWEPPES MINERAL WATER, FLA Vl>URS & MIXERS WISHES ALL THE BEST TO and leading goal scorer in League for_ 1984. THE TEAMS COMPETING TODAV. Robyn received a $400 voucher supplied by Griffith Leeton Narrandera Temora Wagga Headstart Haircutters and Boutique, Wagga. 62 4466 53 2340 59 1833 82 2001 25 4184 36 5 FOOTBALL LEAGUE FINISHED 1985 G.A. &B. KELLY QUALITY BUTCHERS PHONE WRITION 55 2700 • LEAGUE BEST & FAIREST: • FINALS RESULTS: Smalls & Corned Beef Jim Quinn Meda l ( !s t XVIII): (Isl XVIII) First Semi: Coolamon (59) d Russel Durna n (Narrande ra). Narrandera (30). Second Semi: Wagga WHITTON 14. GARRY KNAGGE age 25 , 175cm, 71kg. Half La nha m Trophy (2nd XVIII) : ( 11 4) d Gan main-G .G.-M. (106). Pre­ Forwa rd Fl ank . Utilit y, clever ball getter. Al­ Pe te r B a rtho lo m ew (Coola m o n). liminary Final: Coolamon ( 11 3) d ways shows plenty of desperati on. Very fa st. Pe tts Trophy (U 19s): Ganma in-G.G .-M . ( I IO). Grand Final: strong playe r. Good ki ck. Team playe r. Known G a ry Sheppard (Turvey Park). .d PLAYER PROFILE as " Kn ackers" . 15. PHILL PURTILL age 25 , 174cm , 7!kg. Ruck • LEADING GOALKICKERS: • GATE RECIEPTS: 1. ERROL BOOTS age 24. 170cm , 75 kg. Rover. Rover. Kn own as "Filthy Phill " . Recruited from Keisling Trophy ( !st XVIII) : I st Semi: $4200; 2nd Se mi : $5200 ; Pre­ CRL Coghill Medalli st '79, '81. Whitton Coach Griffith . Very aggressive pl aye r. Skillful ball Vic Hugo (Narrandera). limina ry: $6 l00. Grand Fina l: $. '84. Ass . Coach this year. Very fast, elusive , handler. Fas t and elusive. One of the best tack­ good mark , accurate disposal. club best and lers in the game. Griggs Trophy (2nd XVIII): fa irest winner this year. 16. RON MU RRAY age 24 , 173cm, 70kg. Rover. Terry Posselt (W agga). THANKS 2. DAVID BOOTS age 3 1. 178cm. 88kg. Full Another player recruited from Griffith . Having a D aleo Trophy (U l 9s): Th e 'RECORD' 1ha11ks 1he many people who have Back. Re li able defender and long accurate ki ck, very good season. Always goes in fo r the hard J a mie Bennett (Griffith). helped co 111 pile 1h e Ril'erina Foo 1ball League sec1ion left footer. Usuall y plays in defence but can pl ay ba ll . Good mark and kick. Dangerous around the forward line as we ll . of 1/iis programme - League Presidenl. Frank Gaynor. goa l. • MINOR PREMIERS: League Secreiarv. Graha 111 Woolnough; League 3. PAUL PRESTON age 24 , 175cm , 75 kg. Back 17. GAVI N LLOYD age 17, 178cm , 64kg. Half R o n Hutchins Shie ld (I st XVIII): Pocket. Courageous ckfender, never gives in. Treasurer. Vic Wo oln ough; Th e Daily Adver1iser fo r Back Fl ank . Product of local schoolboys. Very Ganmain-Grong Grong-Matong. equipme111 and pho1os : Michael McCormack; Ben Always gives his best, very reliable. Answers to strong mark, accurate kick. Can play in the for­ ' Darky'. Max Crocke r Shield (2nd XVIII) : Scl11 nid1; Mi ck Danih er: Pau la /-l e111p1011; Club ward line as well as the backline. Has a big future scribes i111d Secre1aries; Ross Fa 11 /k 11 er fo r supplying 4. GRAEME HEATH age 19. 178cm. 75kg. Win g. in the game. G a nmain-Grong Grong-Matong. Fast and skillful rover/wi ngman. Very elusive. 18. MARK PAINTING age 18, 1780cm, 65kg. Fo r­ Phillip Wines Memoria l Trophy (U 19s): foo1ba/ls for compeii1io11s; and of course 1he many Excepti onal ball handlin g skills. ward Poc ket. " Darcy" . While onl y small in size G a nma in-Grong Grong-Matong. ad 1·er1isers 1ha1 appear in 1his programme. The ·R E­ 5. RA LPH ROBINS age35. 183cm, 85kg. Full For­ he has a ve ry big heart. Good all round skills. CORD' looks forward 10 vour s 11 ppor1 in 1986 foo1- ward. Fast leading fu ll fo rwa rd . Good high mark G uaranteed of a big future. ball season. and accurate left foo t kick . League goalkicking • CLUB BEST & FAIREST: 19. GARY WATERS age 31, 176cm, 7tkg. Centre. Wagga: l s ts B a rry Ough . 2 nds W ayne award winner '84 and ' 5. Better known as " Muddy". A player with excep­ 6. RON WATTS age 30 , 183cm , 85 kg. Ruck Rov­ ti onal ball handling skills. A very styli sh playe r. Loche ll , U l 9s Paul Com e rford . Narran­ BEMROSE er. Rugged style of player. Shows plent y of de­ Excellent ball disposal. Recruited from G riffith . dera: l sts Russell Durna n . 2nds O ssie Ing­ speration. Strong tac kler and safe , high mark, Having a good yea r. ram , Ul9s Phil H o wison . Ariah Park­ CLEANING SERVICE accurate kick , good team player. Better kn own as PHONE WAGGA 21'.H13, 22 6943 21. MARTIN SIMPSON age 22, 185cm, 86kg. Cen­ : l sts Ja mie Gordon, 2nds Lyndon " Artie". tre Half Forward . Recruited from Vi ctorian • Carpet a nd Lounge C leaning 7. JAMIE ROBINSON age 24, 183cm. 90kg. Cen­ Amateurs. Brilliant hi gh mark. Long accurate Gordon. U l 9s R oss Seymour. Turvey • Licensed Scotc hgard brand applicato r tre Half Back. Coach this year and has been kick for goal. Battles hard for the ball . Rarely Park: l sts Bria n H awke . 2nds Gary H o ff­ • Window Insula ti o n film dogged with injuries this yea r. Versa tile player beaten. Winner of this year's Division 2 best and m a n , U l 9s G a r y Sheppard. Ganmain­ COUNTRY ENQUIRES WELCOME who always gives 100% . Strong mark . accurate fairest award. Grong Grong-Matong: No t fin a lised. Grif­ ki ck. 12. STEWARTTONGSage25, 175cm . 84kg. Bac k 8. FRA NK GORDON age 25. 182cm, 94kg. Half fith: lsts Ia n G e ddes, 2nds R oy Agresta. ~~ -.q, Pocket. First year back after a stint playing Ru g­ LEAVE YOUR PAINTING WORRIES TO: Back Flank. Big and stro ng. safe mark. pl ays the by. Very determined pl ayer, often turns defence U l 9s D avid Alpe n. Leeton: Not fin a li sed . straight th rough style. On his day can be a match into att ack. Reli able defender who never shirks Cooiamon: D avid G ille tt . 2 nds P e te r winner. an iss ue. Bartholomew, Ul9s G r eg M c Kel v ie. Don & Shane Best 9. ST EVE O 'CONNELL age 25, 182c m. 87 kg. 39. JIM BRADLEY age 26. 176cm. 70kg. Backm an. • PAINTING CONTRACTORS Half Back Flank . First year back with Whitton Ardlethan: lsts Je ff Gilbe rt . 2nds Bruce First yea r in the seni ors. Always gives his best. R o bertson. U l 9s Phil Durha m. East • PAPER HANGING • INTERIOR aft er a long lay off . Always ve ry safe in de fence. Safe mark and ve ry dependable. Strong tac kler. Rugged. bustling pl ayer. Never gives in . A ni ght ­ Wagga-Kooringal: lsts Phil Coha la n , 2nds DECORATING • ROOF & INDUSTRIAL mare to opposition fo rwa rds. Graeme McCaig, U I 9s Gerard Suckling . SPRAY PAINTING 10. GARY CAMPISI age 22, 178cm. 75 kg. Wing. Phone Shane 624735, Don 621193 ·Gasbag'. First year back with Whitton after a stint in Q ld . Fas t and elusive . good ball handling skills. Coming good at the right e nd of the season. 11 . RON GORDON age 24. 193cm. 90kg. Ruck. ~ DOWELL WINDOW Talented ruck man, very safe mark. local lad who has played all his football with Whitton . CONTACT US FOR •ALUMINIUM o NEVILLE COX 13. G REG GELTCH age 24, 193cm, 90kg. Ruck. • Petrol & Oil • Lube Service • Batteries & TIMBER WINDOWS & DOORS NESBIT STREET, WAGGA Another who has played most of his ca ree r with PHONE 216080 (224533 AH.} • Car Accessories • Car Wash • SHOWER SCREENS • ROLLER Whitton . Ex tremely talented Ruckman. Very p. J. & N. M. FIRMAN- PH. 821265 (ml o COLLIER STREET, GRIFFITH good mark and accurate ki ck. Good team man. DOORS • FLY SCREENS Havin g a ve ry consistent season. PHONE 62 4433 Mercedes-Benz Makes sense. ffi · ~ - ~ TR I IVI S rt6: ~~~~~~~~~~ MERCEDES-BENZ ~~Lm.Q- .....-.- '..._:::· ~~~' NARRANDERA - PHONE 59 2008 When the ground is wet - the MB Trac laughs; · ., • -, ~ SUPPLIERS OF ALL FOOTBALL GE AR and when the siren sounds the Gullie roars! · ~ MEN & LADIES WEAR For further information Phone V. Beard (069) 311563 . Branch also at Cootamundro ~ ADIDAS & PUMA SPORTWEAR 34 7 ARDLETHAN Robins Nest-Whitton WHITTON BOWLING :-JACK-KEATING~ Plumbing &Hardware Service •Newsagent / ~ G.P. & P.C. & RECREATION CLUB FORALLYOUR: I , c::, . *SUPERANNUATION FOR• COONARA & MAXIHEAT • D rapery ~· · : . \ ROBINS Benerembah Street SOLID FUEL HEATERS. • H a rdware ~.._,, · . props. ~MLCINSURANCES *CAR, HOUSE & CONTENTS Phone 55 2715 I •SOLAR HOT WATER • G1ftware \ ') Phone ,ifi .,_~ ~ *INSURANCES, etc. ~ •DAVEY PUMPS VISITORS WELCOME • General Goods~ 552605 \./it fl! I SJ,;)! PHONE ARDLETHAN es; 20?1 WHITTON WAGGA: T Possclt, P Osbieston 14 (joi nt runn ers up) ; B Hi ckey, M Barber, M Walker 5; A Parr , D Louttit. D RFL Halfway Ladder Oakes, S Bance. A Buchhorn. P Williams. D Hal· bisch. P Collins. M Levitt 3; B Sheridan. A Lyons. W Lochall . P Poulos, A Greenwood 2: G Manin . p AS AT JUNE 30 Roll ason. P Johnston. B Rowe I: total 84. President's Message Tigers Club Notes 1st XVIII: w L % Pts GANMAIN-G.G.-M ...... 8 I 187.I 32 I would li ke to firstly congratulate the Whit­ TREMENDOUS'! Both g rades in today's COOLAMON ...... 7 2 88.0 28 to n Foo tball C lub on a very successful season. Grand Final. Something we've all worked P, X· UNDER 19s ARIAH PARK·M ...... 6 2 114.0 26 tre mely hard for, so for that congratulatio n> a nd Two pre mie rship wins today would be a fitting NAR RA NDERA ...... 6 3 109.7 24 thanks to all those who have made this day (Petts Trophy) reward for a ha rd years work . Wagga. 5 4 140.6 20 possible. ARDLETHAN: M Foster 5: P Wh yte 4: P Werner . P M y tha nks to a strong committee w hose G riffith ...... 5 4 113.4 20 e fforts often go unno ticed but a re vital to the I believe that ifthe First Grade display the same Durham 3: J Cox. A Martin 2: W Flagg. J Williams I: total 21. Ardlethan 3 5 80.3 14 smooth running of a club. 'wi ll-to-win' as they did during the Second Semi Turvey Park 2 7 92.5 8 and the Reserves can find the fo rm that won them AR IAH PARK-MIRROOL: P Rees 7: R Seymour 6: M A lso Jammie and Noel whose coaching has ...... 2 7 81.0 8 the Preliminary Final the n they will both achieve Walk er 4; M Williams. C Chal mers. A O'Brien 3: R East Wagga-K. . . moulde d the playe rs into a fi e rce ly competi­ Meadows. M Goode, D Goode . B Gordon 2: total 34. the ultimate in football - THE PREMI E RSHIP. Leeton ...... 0 9 48.6 0 ttve team , the success of which can be judged COOLAMON: G McKelvic 15: C Parr. S Pieper 5: S o n the ir results - Minor Pre miers in both Congratulations must go to coaches Jammie Booth ey4; 8 Till 3: K Ramsey , A Ca in . M Boothey2: 2nd XVIII: Robinson , Errol Boots , ' Buggy' Gordon a nd G Leary I; total 39. GANMAIN-G.G.-M ...... 9 0 341.8 36 g ra d es, Leagu e b est a nd fa irest winners in EAST WAGGA-KOORINGAL: docs not field a team . both grad es a nd the League leading goal kick­ Noe l Maxwell for doin g such a great jo b through­ WAGGA ...... 7 2 241.9 28 out the yaer. Unfortunately Jammie wont be with GANMAIN-GRONG GRONG-MATONG: R Wall 13: D er in first grade. Shepherd 8; D Cox. P Ri chardson 6; M Steele. G COOLAMON ...... 6 3 110.5 24 RITCHIE LLOYD us again next year. The players, committee a nd GRIFFITH ...... 5 4 108.4 20 suppo rters of Whitton wish you all the best for the Sy mons 5; L Winter 5; A Co rbett . J Shepherd. P Ca rro ll . C Bryon 3: D Loga n. J Reiher 2; P Corbett , P Turvey Park 5 4 106.8 20 future. Irvi ne I; total 66. Narrandera ...... 4 5 76.2 16 Today shall be the most glorious chapte r in the GRlfflTH: D Alepn 13; P Romag nolo IU ; J Bennett 6; East Wagga-K. ······ ··········· · 4 5 58.0 16 hi story of the Whitto n Football Club - First and D Gee 4: M Brady 3; D Priest. K Zuccato, B Gee 2; p Leeton ...... 3 6 64.6 12 THANKS Reserve Grade premierships. Co ll a. A Andreazza. G Ceccato, R Bagatella, G Dreyer I; total 47. Ardlethan 1 8 57.5 4 54.2 4 Th e 'RECORD' thanks the many people To all those forty players who arc representing LEETON: P Ce li 23 (runner up) ; D Knight 16 (third): A Ariah Park-M . I 8 who ha ve helped compile th e Farrer the .b lack a nd. gold guernsey and .the to wnship of Soll ey 6; A Fi nch. N Finch , J Plunkett 3; R Mark s. G Football League section of this program­ Wl11tton the time has come. It's ttme for guts , it's Armstrong 2: P Mason I: total 59. Ul9s: time for discipline, above all it's time for loads of NAR RA NDERA: A Bock 8; D Kell y 6; S Craze 4; R GANMAIN-G.G.-M ...... 8 0 355.1 34 m e. L eague President, John Yates; desperation and four quarters of concentration. Matthews. B Bevan 3; B Williams, H Bu ll , R Martin GRIFFITH ...... 7 2 142.0 28 l ; total 27. WAGGA ...... 6 2 12 1.5 26 League Secretary, Phil Le Pettit; Jock Our supporters deserve it , the coaches deserve TURVEY PARK: G Sheppard 31 (winner); M Gale TURVEY PARK ...... 6 3 183.6 24 Currie; Tony Munro; Brett Murray; The it , the committe demands it, but most of all YOU 13; S Crapp 12; C Stewart 5; A Price 3; A Roberts. C Leeton ...... 5 4 147 .0 20 Daily Advertiser; Club Scribes and Sec­ the players, deserve it and owe it to yo ur se l ~ es for Masterson, M Kane 2; P Byrnes. C Howe I: total 72. . our ma ny years of fruitless e ndeavours. WAGGA: M Walker, R Wintle. M Toshack 6; P Com­ Narrandera ···· ·· ··· ··· ····· 5 4 82.1 20 rewries and of co urse the advertisers. The erford 5; C Seaton 4; S Bance. D Breust 3; C Cooke , Coo lam on ·············· 3 6 48.4 12 'R ECORD' looks forward to your sup­ YES , IT'S TIME FOR A WHITION PRE­ M Smerdon. T Dryden 2; R Brewer, P Timothy, C Ardlethan ...... 3 6 41.4 12 port in th e 1986 Football Season. MIERSHIP! Dall as. G Field I; total 40. Ariah Park-M ...... l 8 17.6 4

CALL IN TO THE . . . URANQUINTY HOTEL 'PROVEN STAYERS• FOR A COLD CARLTON OR TOOHEYS AFTER THE GAME * TRACTORS * TILLAGE & SEEDING EQUIP. WITH MINE HOSTS DUILIO & SANDRA FERELLA * HEADERS * HAYMAKING EQUIPMENT "Full Parts and Services Back-up" SLOPPY JOES • T-SHIRTS lili SIGNS• STICKERS• CAPS• PENNANTS MASSEY FERGUSON WAGGA 151 FITZMAURICE STREET 38 PEARSON STREET - PH .1069) 25 ~77 -LMD 8368 BOOTH SIGNCRAFT WAGGA - PH. 21 1565 After hours Trevor Clear 312885, Robert Kennedy 261139 32 9 TOOHEYS FARRER "fiRRfi"DERfi FOOTBALL LEAGUE COOlAMON HOTEl DIVISION TWO DROP IN &SEE DAVID &PAULA CROWE Pfi"EL WORKS GRAND Al SMAS H REPAIRS t WINDSCREENS FOR A COLD BEER AFTER THE GAME S. G . & R . A . KIRK - PHONE 59 1707 •COUNTER LUNCHES• ACCOMMODATION• PH 273028 SDOUGLASSTREET,NARRANDERA FIRST GRADE CARLTONRIVERINAFOOTBALLLEAGUE WHITTON JUNEE-K. GRAND FINAL PREVIEW Co lou rs: Bl ack, Yel low Sash Co lours: Red, White & Blue BY ALLAN HULL I. E. llOOTS 12. S. TONGS I. R.CLARK 16. G.DRYDEN Today's th e day! . . . that "one day in September". Ray Carroll at fullback is an experienced defender 2. D . BOOTS L1. G . GELT Cll 2. R. H TER 17. C. SELBY that the entire football season revolves aro11nd . .. has who bucks his judge111e111 wirh confidence ro run the J. P. PRESTON I ~. G . KNAGGE 3. P. HOLT 18. A SPl1TLE arrived. ball out of rhe danger zone. At the recognised headquarters of rile Riverina 4. G. llEATll 15. P. PURTILL 4. M. DONALSON 19. S. REYNOLDS While th e Tigers have been dubbed in some quarters 5. M.HORNER 20. D. MORRIS Foorball League. th e Narra11dera Sportsgrou11d , th e as a team of 'imports'. such can not be claimed of 5. R. ROBINS 16. R. MU RR AY two very co111rasting clubs. Wagga Tigers and Coola­ Coolamon wilo have done so well this season under 6. T. T U R ER 22. A. LA G 6. R. WATTS 17. G . LLOYD mon. will strive to take our th e season's ultimate goal. rhe coaciling of local product, Neil Pleming. 7. J. ROBINSON (c) 11-:. M . PA l1 T ING 7. J. HULL 23. AL CAMERON . the premiership flag. Pleming and his 'mates' have confounded many 9. W . PRESTON 24. G. LANG 8. F. GORDON 19. G. WATERS /11 what has been a tmely re111arkable turnabout of critics already during rhe finals series wirh th eir prog­ 10. M. SPENCER 27. J. M cG INN events. rile Wagga Tigers will enter th e premiership ress 1l1t1s far, and th ey may well be up 10 rh e task of 9. R. YOUNG '.' I. M . SIMPSON 11. C. COUTTS 28. D. BROWN decider as war111 fa vourites afrer finishing with th e clearing rodays final hurdle. 10. M . PA I T ING 39 . J . BRADLEY 12. G . FAI RBANK 29. S. MAY woo den spoon just twelve m onths ago . Plemi11g, hard working cenrre John Chamberlain. II. R. GORDON 14. R.ALLEN 32. R. REED The Tigers climb back 10 the rop has been borh well running back flanker Andrew Pallison, and wingers Steve Pauison and Kevin Williams are the Grasshop­ 15. M . EDSEN pla1111ed and drama filled. After recruiting well and appoi111i 11 g rh e s1ro11g 11nd pers ball workers. rugged Herman Van De Beek as captai11lcoach , Wag­ With Ian Buchanan in form ar fullback and Breu SECOND GRADE ga has heen forced to play the majoriry of rh e season Allen electrifying across rh e half forward line, the wirh Van De Beek as a spectaror, after suffering a Coolamon side roo can find plenry ro enthuse abow serio11s injury in th e very firsr game. for rodays encounter. COOTAMUNDRA WHITTON Van De Beek's raw brand of foorhall has certainly Tile formula of botil sides looks reasonably well Colours: Blue, White Crest Colours: Black, Yellow Sash been felt by his oppo11en1s in latrer games in rhe second disclosed when ir comes down 10 match plans. ro 1111d wirh rhe big Tiger leader rucki11g and busting up Wagga will look ro th eir srrength and marking abil­ J. M . MORTON 33. R. M ILTl!O RP E IO. J. GAVEL 31. D. TUCKETT the packs with his brand of 110 frills, straight ah ea d. iry aro1111d the ground ro ser up a potenrial win, while 5. G . COOPER 34. M . STEVENSO 20. B. THOMPSO 32. J. GELTCH style of play. Coolamon will rely 0 11 their running players. coupled h. M . NOONAN 39. I DALLAS 22. S. PURTILL 34. A. CAMERON His ruck work and general play roday are certain ro wirh rh e fanarical desire for success that small town X. M . GAYNOR ~ll. G. McPHERSON 23. R . CAMPISI 35. R. IRV INE go a long way i11 deciding the outcome of rh e march . support can som etimes bring. 10 see players perform 'J . D . llOWARD 54. I'. HOGAN 25. K. SCHMETZER 36. N. MAXWELL well above th eir normal potential. l h. W. DE llRITT (C) 55. T. KOCI! Wagga Tigers showed th at they could run as well as 26. I. PARROW 37. D . TILKER The 'fearless' predictions: Not too many 'experts' '.'O. S. l lOGAN ll. MA G L ES DORF wke rhe big grabs when th ey accou111ed for Ganmai11- are giving rhe GRASSHOPPERS much hope, bur 27. K . RUSSELL 38. R . THOMPSON 11 D . L OUTTIT A . KICKETT Gro11g Gro11g-Muro11g in the major semi-final, and th ey haven't let me down yet in th e final series, so I'll 28. 23. C. MORTON D. DALEY S. YOUNG 39. J. BRADLEY they will again lo ok ro dashing winger, Ray ·Flex' stay with the green and whites ro pull off the surprise 29. J. DEMAMI EL 40. V . CAMPISI 2~ . J. 13R ISTOW P. HART Colvin . to give them plenty of drive from his flank. win ... through nothing more rhen desire and deter­ 26 . T. FINUCA E S. llAM ILTON 30. E. VARDANEGA41. I. H ARRISON 011 th e other side of the ground the Tigers will mination. 27. C. PASSFIELD P. lllLL promote th e speedy and talemed Amhony Croke, In rhe 2nd XVJ//s, th e WAGGA TIGERS look J I. I' . CA T P. JOllNSON while the sheer s1re11g1h of cenrrema11, Russell Pieper, absolute 'certainties' to defeat Ganmain-Grong 32 . R. MAH ER A . MUSCATT completes a very strong cemre-line rrio for th e black Grong-Matong, with 'ho w far?' being the only possi­ and golds. ble ralking point p rior to the game. The Under 19s should see the young GANMAIN­ Teenage full-forward sensation, Michael Walker, GRONG GRONG-MATONG LIONS make rogether with the brilliant but conrroversial Mark Hof­ amends for last seasons narrow loss in the Grand Final fet, will be looked ro to put the poims on th e board. by finishing too well for th e Turvey Park Bulldogs. In defence, rh e popular Tigers best and fairest win ­ Allow me to close by wishing all players, officials ner rhis season, Barry Ough, reads th e play well, and and supporters a great day of football, victory to the although lacking in speed is a more rhan confident best reams on th e day, and controlled celebrating by overhead marker. th e worthy winners . .. GOOD LUCK!

For all your baby requirernenrs . 185 BAYLIS ST., WAGGA - PH . 21 3223 30 11 Boree Creek CAFE YOUR HOSTS JOYCE, CEC & DARREN FITT AT: GIFFORD AGENCIES FISH & CHIPS FOR ALL YOUR STOCK, INSURANCE : Fast, Friendly Take-away Service! Snow's GANMAIN HOTEL ..- HAMBCRGERS ..- SOFT DR!~KS ~ & MERCHANDISE NEEDS AT I Hot chips, pies, sausase rolls, hot &co ld drinks SERVE CARL TON, TOOHEYS & RESCHS I ..- !CE CREAMS..- CONFECTIONERY i BOREE CREEK CALL OR PHONE URANAST., BORIE CREEK- PH. 271491 BEER and AFTER GAME SNACKS KEITH or BETIY (069) 27 1411 Closest sh op to the footy sround! Ashmont Mall, Wagga • Ph. 31 1133 FORD STREET - PHONE 27 6419 TOOHEYSFARRERFOOTBALLLEAGUE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE GRAND FINAL- 12 noon Today we see the final games for the 1985 Congratulations to medal winners and lead­ 2NDs Tooheys Farrer Football season. ing goalkickers for your personal achieve­ A very good season of football has been ments during the 1985 season. WAGGA GANMAIN-G.G.-M. experienced with the climax last week of On behalf of the League I wish to thank the M.C.U.'s great win in Division One grand fin­ R .A.F.C. Management and ground staff again al. A grand final that had everything and one for the facilities and ground that has been pro­ TIGERS LIONS that will really be remembered for years. vided for the League. The knockers of Maher Colours: BLACK, GOLD SASH Colours : RED, BLU E SHOULDERS, GOLD CR EST Today Whitton and Junee-Kapooka do bat­ Oval will soon have to bury their heads as the tle for Division Two supremacy. The thrill of ground played exceptionally well last week for 2. A. SNOWDEN 36. P. POULOS 8. P. TURNE R 40. B. WALSH Division Two football has been the upsets dur­ Division One grand final. 3. J. WILLIS 37. D. OAKS 13. L. KERR 4 1. D. McCLI NTOCK ing the season and as we enter today's grand To all clubs in the League I thank you for 4. S BANCE 40. S. ALLEN 24 . .I. SH EPHERD 43 . D. MILNE final there could be no certainty. your co-operation during the year, and to all l l. P. OSBEISTON 4 1. G. MARTIN 25. P EISEN HAUER 44. S MENZIES To both clubs I wish you all the best for an players today . . the best of luck. 12. P. ROLLASON 42 . A. LYONS 27. B. KERR 46 . P. WALSH injury free game. JOHN YATES 15. A. GAYNOR 43. D. GREGURKE 28 . K . STEWARD 47. G. SCHNOEGL 45. P T INNOCK Whitton Club must be congratulated as to­ President 20 . P. COLLI NS 30 . W. DUNNE 48 . D . HARRIS day they also have their Reserve Grade side 22. B. HI CKEY 47. T. POSS ELT 32 . W. NO RTO N (C/C)49 . G. BRILL Farrer Football L eague playing Cootamundra in the grand final. 27. D. HALB ISCH 4~ . B. LALLY 33. D. McKAY 50. G. FENNESSY 28. D. HORGAN 50. M. McDONELL 34 . J. RUSS ELL 52. P KELLY 30 . M. LEVITT 52. G. WILLIS :;6 . B. WINTER 53. M. RUSS ELL EDITORIAL 34. P GREENWOOD 53. A. BUCKHORN 37. P HARRIS 54. A. MANDERSON Season 1985 is all but finished. Last week, the 35 . 54. W. LOECHEL 39. Paul CA RROLL 75. C. BRYON strong M. C. U. Club at last broke through for th eir COOTAMUNDRA 56 . M. BYRNE first senior premiership since 1972, after being runners-up for the previous four years. It was a The Committee, supporters and town of Coota­ HOW THE 2nd XVIII FINISHED 1985: 2nds PROGRESS THROUGH FINALS: well-earned win over a solid opponent in mundra would like to congratulate both sides for For Ag % Pts Co/lin gullie-Ashmont, the 1984 premiers. their pe rformances this year. The 1st XVIII side First Semi: Turvey Park (132) d Coola­ Congratulations are extended to M. C. U. on not bowed out early , with the 2nd XVIII side making the GANMAIN-G.G.·M ...... 2284 77 1 296.2 64 WAGGA ...... 2291 733 312.S 60 mon (101). only their Senior win , bw also th eir Ul9s Pre­ big o ne for o nl y the second time in the club's hi sto ry. COOLAMON ...... 1743 1342 129.8 52 miership - the third in four years. Temora Reserves TURVEY PARK ...... 1486 1200 123 .8 48 Second Semi: Wagga (202) d Ganmain­ prevented M. C. U. from a clean sweep when they Before I get in vo lved in th e game, the club has Griffith ...... 1307 U 52 96.6 40 G .G .-M. (57). defeated the more favoured Goanna combination. some important dates no t to be forgotten - Wednes­ Narrandcra ...... 1220 1545 78. 9 32 A fine effort Temora! E. W.-Kooringal 11 43 1736 65.8 24 day, Sept. 25: A meeting at the clubrooms to discuss Leeton ...... 1202 1917 62 .7 24 Preliminary Final: Ganmain-G.G.-M. League Best and Fairest winners, Phil Reid next years season. It is a very impo rtant meetin g Ariah Park-M ...... 1124 1916 58.6 12 (113) d Turvey Park (90). (Temora) , Lew San brook (M.C. U.) , Son Nguyen whi ch will decide the fate of the club over the next Ardlcthan 884 2172 40.6 4 (S. W. T.) in Division One and Martin Simpson couple of years, so every player and supporter please and Bobby Thompson, both of Whiuon, in Divi­ be there. Saturday, Sept. 28: Presentati o n Night. It sion Two are also to be congratulated on their wi ll start at 7.30 p .m. and a top ni ght is on the cards. Congratulations is also extended to all trophy win· ,------, wonderful seasons. ne rs, with Dangles assured of getting a JOO games 1 FOR PARTS & ACCESSORIES TO MOST MAKES & MODELS see: 1 Today, is th e much talked about 'day of days' badge for hi s efforts over the past years (well done for th e Division Two competition, when reigning Dangles. you earned it) . The long weekend in October premiers Junee-Kapooka are opposed to minor wi ll be the football trip to Woll ongo ng for the boys premiers Whiuon in th e Seniors, and Cootamun­ and the girls haven't quite decided as yet where they dra play Whiuon in the Reserves. arc goin g. A warm welcome is extended to th ose patrons and guest visiting today's grand final. It is hoped Getting back to the football. the 2nd XVI II grade that you will witness two good games of injury-free team has do ne an outstanding joh this season being football, and may everyone enjoy a safe journey le d b y captain -coach Wayne DcBritt. Wa yne back to their respective homes. together wi th th e cluhs assistant coach Leon Reid has Congrawlations to th e League Execwive, Presi­ put together a side that is very capable of winn ing this dent John Yates, vice-presidents Lance Seaman years fl ag. The team is ve ry we ll balanced wi th both and Trevor Urquart , Secrewry Phil LePetit and height and speed. plus youth and experience . If the Treasurer Malcolm Leve// on another successful teams pre parations go to plan this week the Coota Blues will win this game. so give it your all boys. and year. brin g home Coota's first ever Reserve grade pre­ Th e Farrer League looks forward to another miership. successful season in 1986. UP TH E BLUES' i\li.: tel ;J E-i :I •• h~E-i :oil #(!i. [1)~ ..i ,., i tel~ HONE 25 307 28 13 AUSTRALIAN FOOT

=====u VFL COVERAGE • CO~ING H awthorn and Foots­ cray in the VFL Pre­ liminary final from VFL EVENTS Park will be the VFL ''Match of the Day"" on AR/AH PARK-MIRROOL F .C.: End of Sea­ RVN C h anne l 2 a t son Ball will be held on Friday, Septem­ 2.30pm on Saturday. ber 27. Music by "Chemistry". ABC Radio will pro­ vide a comprehensive A RDLETHAN F .C. : Presentation Ball 11·ill description and start its be held in tile Memorial Hall 011 Friday. coverage from VFL Park at !pm. while an hour of Sept. 27. highlights will be featured on "The Winners"" on ABC Television at 5pm o n Sunday. COLL/NGULLIE-ASH. F .C.: 'Cullie C1111a· 011 September 27th (Friday night), fol­ lo11·ed closelv by the Vote Co1111ti11g 011. LOCAL RADIO AWARDS Swtdllr. Sep.tem ber 29. The Annual Au­ Last week's 2WG RFL Match of the D ay ction •viii he held 011 Saturdav, October awards: Carlton 'Ma n of th e Match' JOHN CHAM­ 12 at the footv gro1111d (see each Satur­ BERLAIN (Cooiamo n) : The Clef/Nati onal 'En­ da\'·s paper in Auctioneers Notices for couragement Award' D AVID GILLET (Coola ­ de.tails). Sa111rdll\'. October 19 is the mon): Crazy Jim's 'Mark of the Day' ST E VE PAT­ nit,ht for the Presi.>nta tion Evening ar the T ISON (Coolamon). R.A.F. C. This wee k's coverage game on 2WG with Alan COOLAMON F.C.: Prese11rntio11 Night is Hull: Wagga Tigers v Cooiamon. Frida\'. October4 at St. Michael's Hall. 7 p. 111 . ·tu 3 a.m. Tickets $10 each . Music THE RIVERINA RECORD by Undercover. WISHES ALL THE BEST TO MANGOPLA H -C. U . F .C.: Presentation THE TEAMS COMPETING TODAY. Night 011 Friday. October 11 at the Wag­ ga R.S. L. Club. Tickets $15 single, $25 double. $10 student. Tickets available from Gwen Llovd. Viv Sanbrook or Ali­ SOff Kendall. Rod McDermott Electrics THE ROCK-YERONG CREEK F .C.: Pre­ Adlethan se11tatia11 Night will be held at Th e R ock Ph . 882055 Mllsonic Hall 011 Friday. /Ith October. GRIFFITH F .C.: Prese,,wtion Night will be held 011 Saturda_v. October 12. Ph . 6391-45


OLDEST AUSTRALIAN OWNED FOOTBALL MANUFACTURER JOHN E. MUELLER ROSS FAULKNER TURVEY B.Sc .. M.P.S .. Ph.C. THE ONLY BALL TO BE USED BY AUSTRALIA'S FOUR Ii TURVEY TOPS SHOPPING CENTRE TOP LEAGUES .. . Victo rian Football League, Victorian Football Assn., PHONE 25 2648 DAY or NIGHT S.A. National Football League and Tasmanian Football League. TOPS ROSS FAULKNER footballs available from Schipps Sports Store and 24 HOUR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Lawrences Sports Stores, Wagga. PHARMACY

AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL Riverina District League: HONOUR ROLL (cont.) PREMIERS: TODAY'S R.F.L. 1st XVIII GRAND FINAL 1968 J . \Vri ght. Lockhart 1982 Coll.-A shmontdM.C.U . 1969 G. Hardie. North Wagga 1983 NorthWaggadM.C.U. ADVERTISING: DAVID GILLETT (Coolamon} : H as the football world at his 1970 G. Hardie. North Wagga 1984 Coll. ·AshmontdM.C.U. feet. Son of former South Melbourne best and fairest Ian-one oft he 1971 .I. Kcw.Collingulli c BEST & FAIREST: If your business best ruckm e_n in post-war VFL. Shows great spring at the centre 1971 J. Ni mmo. Lockhart G e rald C lear Medal. ls ts: bounce an

•+.+.•••••••••••• W&JTAYLOR URANAST. SPREAD THE WORD THE ROCK §jgA~oNBarb Till , I ,J,c1mait; PH. 202028 1 BACK TO ARDLETHAN WEEK 1 FOR YOUR FRESH FRUIT, ~· · ,) • • - • • - VEGES AND BREAD. · SeffService Grocery& Hardware OCTOBER 1st to 7th, 1985 TUE. OCT. 1: Bowls afternoon at . Bingo Night at Ardlethan. PHONE 27 3086 ~"., , , ·...... Distributors of Australian Fertilize rs; Sheepyard Mesh"' Cartage Contractors WED . OCT. 2: Golf, Bowls & Tennis . Bus Tours. Welcome Back at Bowling Club. THU . OCT. 3: Bus Tou rs. Pioneers Dinner at Ardlethan with guest speaker ••••••••• ·., •\ ·• ... Licensed Grain Merchants R. Wotton MLA. ~,....~,,-,~~()-()_.)_()-()_.)~)-()-()4' FRI. OCT. 4: Ba ck to School Open Day at Beckom. Bu s Tou rs. Roaring 20s Costume Ba ll at Ard le than. SAT. OCT. 5: Street Procession 11 am, featuring Kapooka Band. Gala Day. Judging Beard Growing Competition. Rock Drilling Competition. SUN. OCT. 6: Combined Church Service. Trotting Gymkhana at Showground I !!!~~~~!!!:4i!Fi~.~!~!!.f.~~?!~d~!f~ i 1.30 pm. Uniting Church 90th Anniversary. Kamarah Gathering at Kamarah. ~ SUPPLIERS OF: SPRAY-SEED, ROUNDUP, GLEAN , HOEGRASS l~ MON. OCT. 7: Morning Tea at Lions Park. Westpac & Carlton Triples Bowls Day . . ~ SYNATHIC, NILVERM, CLOUT-S, OUTFLANK, VACCINES. Further In fo phone: Ei leen Lynch 852122 or Judith Litchfield 563258 i ~, AGENTS FOR: A.F.L. FERTILIZERS & CARGILL SEEDS ~ ~,_,~~,_()4Jl9.(~()-()~)_.)_()-()--.<1~()4 • ' 24 17 . . - r- - ~( PETER MATTHEWS FRED'S TV ~~AN& : J . RETKAVISION APPLIANCES ~NS The Crop Spraying Specialist GANMAIN AND COOLAMON NATIONAL Air Conditioners. Was hers, • WHOLESALE GRA IN AND C HAFF M E RC H ANTS Fridges, Televisions Sound Eq.ui pmcnt. • D E ALE RS FOR I NTERNATIONAL FARM EQUIPMENT PHONE (069) 28 5741 Videos and all household appliances. • M E MBER COMBINED RURAL T RADERS (Office Hours 25 1101) • 206 HOSKINS ST., TEMORA - PH. 82 1777 PHONE GANMAIN 27 6301 & 27 6302. COOLAMON 27 3005

AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL Riverina Football 1983 M.Crouch(E.W.K.) ..... 93 HONOU R ROLL (cont.) League 1984 J . Lyuns(Leewn).... 78 1976 R . Campbell. Ganmain .. 103 1985 T. Possclt (Wagga) ... 5lJ COOLAMON ROVERS t977 T . Stirli ng. Ardlcthan. ... 92 PREMIERS Isl XVlll: Daito Trophy (U nder 19s): 1978 M . Newton. A. P.M... 97 1982 East Wagga- Kooringal ti 1982 A . R ya n. (Narrandcra). 1979 M. Newton. A .P.M. . 72 Coolamon 1983 S. Purce ll (Turvey Park) ... 1(15 1980 G. Nicho ls. Turvey Pk . . 79 1983 Coolamon d East \Vagga­ 198-1 P. Russel l (Leeton ). 57 President's Message Hoppers Club Notes 198 1 J . Newton. A .P.M.. . 1.13 Kooringal 1985 J . Benne11 (Griffith) . 5t 1984 Ganmain-Grong Gruntt­ <;riggs Troph)' (2nd XV II I): We ll , he re we are, playing in th e 1985 The Prelim final . for those who were lucky enough to Malo ngd Ariah Park-Mirruol Above sec lion compiled by PelerCroslond, l tJ67 K . Guthrie. Gannrnin . 5~ below by R. Gillen & A Buckley. R.F. L. Grand Final. While congratulating see it . was l he heart a nd soul of what country football is all l lJ68 PctcrC their gall ant effort during the year - well done. JlJ7-f Te rence C1.1r roll. PR E 11ERS UNDER 19s: is what makes football in this area great. 1886 Mechanics I would also li ke to thank my Committee, Picking the best players was harder then searching Ganmain . )8 1982 Easl \Vagga-K. dCoolamon 1887 Mecha nics Ladies Auxil ary. suppo rt ers and Coolamo n blindfo ld in a totally darkened room at midnight fo r a 1975 S. FishL' r. Narrandcra. . X.' 198:1 Gan.G.G .M. d Turvey Park 1889 Mechanics black cat which isn't there. b ut it was unive rsall y agreed l'J76 V. W ibrn1. Griffit h . 7(, 1984 G;in .G .G.M . ti Leeton community as a whole, as without this suppo rt 1890 Fcuerab d Mechani c> (tic) that Ian Buchanan was magnificent in defence. H e stood llJ77 G . Parmcntn. and contribution during the year it would be 189 1 Federals ti Mechanic> (tic) undaunted and unbowed like a mode rn day A chilles · as Conlamon . Ml lll::ST & FA IREST: 1892 Federal s difficult to run a small cl ub such as ours. impenitrable as Fort Knox and as solid as the Pyramids. Isl XV III Quinn Medal: l'J78 D . Colli11'. Griflith.. (>'I 1 89~ United Newtown Federal-. During the year we had a couple of down Pat (Mmmm) Daniher bounced around like a geiger 1982 N. Harvcv. Ganma111-GGtvl \lJ79 l3 . Clark. Narrnndcra.. 7lJ 1895 Lake Albert peri ods, but we picked o urselves up and got counter in a pl ulo ni um shop and was a tigerish contribu­ llJ NJ \V . Evan;. Narrandcra \ lJXO P. McCorm:u:k.' ton . -HI 1896 Federals the fi ghting spirit going again , which this club tor in the last quarter while Mr. Pho togenic, Brett Allen 11181 G. Clarke. TurvC\ PJ.. . 5'1 1984 'N . Evans.Ganmain-GGM Murrumbidgee District is noted fo r, and found o ur way to the ultimate zapped around the forward line like an electrifiec' gazell e. Quinn Trophy (3rd X\ 111 1: 1985 R . Duman. Narrnndera These notes would be remiss witho ut mentio ning two llJ<,7 D. Mc:l!.!hl.'.'r. 2nd XV III Lanham T rophy: Football Association: - in a G rand Final .. . and hopefull y winning it. othe r highlights. Fi rstly Stumpy. leaping through the stra­ 1982 G. C\arh·. Turvey Park Na rro n. Artllcthan may you all have injury free and hard fought llJ71 T . 0.Ncil. Narranc.kra. 3 1 1899 Oldtown "would've bisected the goals." 1'18:1 B . Hickcv. Wagga 1972 G. Diggkman . Barcllan . 3l) 1900 Newtown games, and may the best team win . To say that the Lions were glori o us in defeat sounds 198 -1 B. G;iyn

19. IA BUC HANAN (lsier) age 23 , 183cm , 84kg. AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL HONOUR ROLL COO LAMON Fullback . Attacks the ball with !he judgement of a blindfold circus kn ife thrower and halts more South Western District 1935 Ganmain d MatPng 1974 Narrandera d Coolamon forward thrusts tha n Xavier Ho ll a nder's di­ Football League 1936 Le eton d Maton5 1975 Leeton d Turvey Park PLAYER PROFILE aphragm . 1937 Nocompetition 1976 Ganmain d Narrandcra 20. STEVE BREDIN (Skippy) age 25, 186cm. 95kg. PREMIERS Isl XV III : 1938 Griffith d Na rrandcra 1977 Turvey Park d Ariah Park - Ruck. A man mountain colossus of a footba ll er 1894 Coolamon cl Mcthul 1939 Leeton d Coolan-.a n Mirrool who is unstoppable as an out of cont rol semi 1895 Ganm ain d Coolamon 1940 Ganm ain d Coolainon 1978 Leeton d Turvey Park 1. NE IL PLEMING (Plem .) .. Rover. Age 25. trailer. 1896 Ganmain d Mcthul 194 1-42 No competition 1979 Narrandera d Ariah Park­ 176cm , 77kg. First year coach and N.S.W. rep. 2 1. WARRE McLOUG HLI N ( Wow) age 20. 1897 Methul d Ganmain 1943 Ganmain d Coolamon Mirrool Gets mo re hard balls than a swimming pool in 188cm . 85 kg. Full forward. A great aquisition to 1898 Ganmain d Mcthul 1944 Ganmain d Coola n on 1980 Turvey Park d Coolamon ' Siberia. Inspirational leader. the club. Marks with hands li ke an industrial vice. 1899 Ganmain d Warri 1945 Coolamon d Marrar 1981 NarranderadAriah Park­ 2 . K EVIN WILLIAMS ( Kev.) Wing. Age 24. Has no othe r vices. 1900 Warri d Coolamon 1946 Ganmain d arnndera Mirrool 180cm , 78kg. Combines the pace of a thousand 22. BRIA PLE MING (Tangles) age 26. 184cm. 190 1 Ganmain d Coolamon 1947 Narrandera cl Coolamon. startled gazelles and the elusiveness of a soapy 80kg. Centre halfback. A no fri lls, no nonsense, 1902 Grong Grongcl Gan main Commenced Sunday football PREMIERS 2nd XV III : ell. awkward, ungainly te rrifying apparation who 1903 Ganmain d Coolamon 1948 arrand era d Whitton 1946 MatongdGanmain 3. BRYAN BUCH ANAN (Col. ) age 18. 180cm, frightens th e living daylights out of his opponents 1904 Ganmain d Ma tong 1949 Ganm ai n d Narrandcra 1947 arrandera d Ganmain 80kg. Ruck rover. Runs like a greyhound . nies with his straight ahead pack smashing style. 1905 Ganmain d Ma tong 1950 Ganmain d Griffith 194 YancodGrongGrong li ke an eagle and kicks like a mule. A precocious­ 23. DAVID G ILLET (Razor) age 22, 185cm . 85kg. 1906 Matong d Coolamon 195 1 Ganmain d Whittun 1949 GrongGrongd ly tale nted footballer. Ruck. Has had a wonderful season , leaping 1907 Ganm ai n d Coolamon 1952 G riffi thd Whi tton 1950 YancodGrongGrong 4. ALBERT SUIDGE EST ( Scoob.) age 29. around like a hyperactive trampolinist and 1908 Coolamon d Ganmain 1953 Ganmain d Leeton 1951 GrongGrongd Leeton 180cm, 90kg. Utility. A burly veteran who busts attacking li ke a fana ti cal apache. 1909 Ganmain d Ma tong 1954 Ariah Park-Mirrool d 1952 Rannock d packs like tissue paper. 25. GREG CU RRAN (AngrY.) age21. 170cm . 70kg. 1910 Ganmain d Matong Ganmain 1953 Ganmain d Darlington Point 5. GARRY BUCHANAN (Wazza) age 28. 181cm . Rover. C harges through hke a wounded bull a nd 1911 Ma tong d Coolamon 1955 Ariah Park-Mirrool d Leeton 1954 Rannock d Darlington Point 80kg. Ruck rover. A 200 game pl ayer champion tackles like a sumo wrestler. 1912 MatongdGanmain 1956 Ganmain d Ariah Park­ 1955 Ganmaind Narrandc rn who's skills are as precise as brain surgery. A n 26. GARY BRADLEY (Big Brad) age 18 , 184cm , 1913 Narrandera d Ma tong Mirrool 1956 Leeton d Ganm ain o rnament to the game. 80kg. Back pocket. A raw boned thumpe r of a 1914 Narrandera d Ma tong 1957 Gan main d Ari ah Park- 195 7 Na rrandcra d Turvey Park 6. GLENN CA RROLL (Rambo) age 24, 180cm , footba ll er who contests fi e rcly. 19 15- 17 No competiti o n \.YWI Mirrool 1958 Turvey Park LI Lee tun 80kg. Utili ty. Strong mark , with a long nose. As 28 . GERARD PATIISON (Jezza) age 2 1, 168cm . 19 18 Marrard Matong 1958 Leeton d Coolamon 1959 Turvey Park d Leeton desperate as a death row criminal wi th aids. A big 66kg. Back pocket . Makes the ball his sole object 1919 Marrar d Narrandera 1959 Coolamon d Turvey Park 1960 Turvey Park d Leeton favourite wi th th e ladies. and his tackles cling as stubbonly as barnacles on 1920 Coolamon d Narrandcra 1960 Narrandera d Turvey Park 1961 Na rrandera d Leeton 7. PAT DANIHER (Har. ) age 24 , 179cm, 78kg. an Eitheopian battleship. 1921 Junee d Coolamon 1961 Turvey Park d Leeton 1962 Leeton d Ardlcthan Rover. Would run through the Great Wall of 35. C HARLIE A DERSON (A ndo) age 19, 1922 Coolamon d arranclcra 1962 Ariah Park-Mirroold 1963 Leeton d arrandera China to get the ball . Tough skilled and relent­ 186cm, 85kg. Ruck. A skillful and talented player 1"23 Marrard Narrandcra Coolamon 1964 Turvey Park d Narrandcra less. Has only ever showed timidity once. Meet­ who has improved out of sight this year. 1924 arrandcra d Ganmain 1963 Turvey Park d Leeton 1965 Leeton d Ganmain ing a te nnis chalicnge. 5 1. SHANE BUCHANAN (T ank) age 18, 170cm , 1925 Ganmain d Leeton 1964 Ganmain d Griffith 1966 Ganmain d Turvey Park 9. GARY ARMSTRONG (Moonie) age 24 , 70kg. Wing. First season in A grade. Tank has 1926 Ma tong d Leeton 1965 Ganmain d Griffith 1967 Turvey Pa rk d Na rrandera 182cm , 1270kgs. Anyw here. The white Carl aqmtted himself with style and aplomb. His two 1927 Leeton d Ganmain 1966 Na rrandcra d Griffith 1968 Ganmain d Griffith Lewis. A sleek, agile and e no rmously gifted brothers once shot a pig. 1928 Narrnndera d Leeton 1967 Narrandera cl Leeton 1969 G ri ffit h dTurvey Park athl ete. 55. ROSS McKENZIE (Strop) age 29, 178cm , 68kg. 1929 Leeton d Ma tong 1968 Griffi thd Ariah Park-Mirrool 1970 Turvey Pa rk d Narrandera 10 . BRETI ALLEN (Woolpack), age 23 , 18 1cm , Half forward . The dancing, dazzling autho r of 1930 No Competiti on 1969 Gan main d Griffith 1971 Turvey Park d Narrandera 82kg. Centre half forward. Gets more marks than " One Hundred and O ne Nice Things T o Say To 1931 Ma tong d Narrandern 1970 Coolamon d Turvey Park 1972 Narranderad Leeton the Pope in a catechism test. Has had a blinder of People You Do n't Like While Drunk As A 1932 Narrandcra d Leeton 1971 Leetond Griffith 1973 Griffith d Leeton a season. Lo rd ''. As elusive as the Loch ess Monster. 1933 Narrandera d Leeton 1972 Narrandera d Griffith 1974 arrandera d Griffith 11 . GARRY BRABANDER (Billy) age 21 , 172cm, PAUL MALONEY (Snow) age 28, 176cm , 1934 No awa rd . disputed 1973 Coolamon d Turvey Park 1975 Ganmain d Narrandera 70kg. Wing. A gutsy competitor whose tackle 70kg. H alf forward. One of Coolamon's greats. crunch li ke the grip of a Boa Const rictor. Has a n Einstein like football brain. 12. JOHN KEOGH (Keysie), age 22, 172cm, 70kg. i------;-, 1 Back Pocke t. Handles the ball with all the surety @PIONEER 'KURRAJONG of a horse gelder. 1 flowers for all occasions! 1 ..A..'J..A..I L..A..13 LE FRc:>~: 13. AND REW PATIISON ( Ra mbo II) age 23, I SERVICE STATION I 168cm , 67kg. Half back . As mea n as a H arlem I • FLORAL TRIB UTES I - 98 Kurr1jong +venue, LEETON • Ph. 5329381 taxi driver with ulcers. Amazin g abilit y matched • FRESH FLOWERS ROD McDERMOTT At your service for: • Petrol & Oil • Lube only by his charm and good looks. A big favourite I • FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS I -ELECTa1cs wi th the ladies. ~ Service • Mechanical Repairs • Car Wash See Heather at John Huntington ~ - ~~filll ARDLETHAN BARELLAN i • Batteries • Accessories • Car Detailing i 14. JOHN C HAMBE RLA IN (Tractor) , age 28, I Furniture Discounts Coalamon . I PHONE 8519· 55 PHONE 6391 -4 5 178cm , 78kg. Centre. A magnificent big game player. Gets more kicks than a temperance advo­ L.!"~"~~3~ --- -- __:_--=.I cate at a publican's picni c and contests with fana­ JOIN THE ROOS FOR A COLD BEER' AFTER THE GAME WITH tical desperati on of a staring Bengal Tiger. BRIAN NICHOLSON IN THE MODERN FACILITIES OF THE 15 . STEVE PATIISON (Burger) . age 20, 165cm , ~PLEASE SUPPORT THE 70kg. Wing. Slashes th rough the pack li ke a bolt ADVERTISERS IN THIS o f supe rcharged li ghtning and kicks wi th the PROGRAMME WHO HA VE ROYAL HOTEL, TEMORA accuracy of a William Tell arrow. 16. DAVE BUCHANAN (Bull egs) age 25 , 177cm , MADE THIS PRODUCTION • DISCOUNT PRICES IN THE • RESTAURANT and QUALITY 84kg. A rip roaring snorting, bone busting, spine POSSIBLE. splinte ring, gut gripping half back who explodes DRIVE -IN BOTILE SHOP PH . 821274 TAKE-AWAY MEALS PH . 822440 ·ith the force of an exhocet missile.