ALAN HARRIS WAGGA McDONALD & Co. FLOWER BOUTIQUE MODERN FUNERAL DIRECTORS GRAND FINAL AND MONUMENTAL CONTRACTORS 1985 . Serving_: Co olamon Ganmain, L ockharr, The Rock, Vrana, Junee, Yerong Creek, Tarculla and Ardlethan districts. 10 BAYLIS STREET, WAGGA PHONE 21 4913 Principal- Eric Parmenter v GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL 10 10 t-w 20 20 cnC u:ga: ct 30 30 40 40 Total Total 10 10 - - . Ow 20 ~ 20 Zo Oct 30 30 Ua:: ~" 40 40 Total Total 10 10 Cl) a::Z 20 20 wW I OW 30 30 \ z~ - FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE UNDER NINETEENS :::>z 40 I - 40 z r I, Total Total - •SERVICE ...CHAMBERLAIN l:li • PARTS ~~ ~ - GAN MAIN GANMAIN TURVEY m+i .. · •SALES WAGGA COOLAMON WAG GA G.G.-M. G.G.-M. -PARK Leadership by Performance! RIVER I NA FOOTBALL LEAGUE Sponsored by RIVERINA MACHINERY Carlton. WAGGA 1 TEMORA 1 NARRANDERA 1 COLLEAMBALL Y 213741 821411 591522 544084 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1985 - NARRANDERA SPORTSGROUND The Riverina Football Record is_printed at The Daily Advertiser, Commercial Printing Dept., 48 Trail Street Wagg a Wagg a N.S.W., forthe Proprietors of Victorian PublishinQ Company (P.O. Box 281, Wagga-Ph. 22 493SA.H.) ' VOL. 3, No. 24 REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO. NBP 0250 3 ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.: : KEVIN & SIGGY COLWILL OF 5 BOREE CREEK HOTEL §COLWILL'S FOODLAND§ FOR ACOLD CARLTON AFTER THE GAME WITH MINE HOST ROD WILDE 5 PROVIDE FRIENDLY SERVICE AND WEEKLY GROCERY SPECIALS 5 Accommodation available. OPEN SUNDAYS 11a.m.·2 p.m. & 5 p.m. • 8 p.m. 5 cool.AMON STREIT-ARIAH PARK - PHONE 84 1275 : :11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111':. TOOHEYS FARRER FOOTBALL LEAGUE DIV. 2 CARLTON RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE HONOUR ROLL, 1985 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE • LEAGUE BEST & FAIREST: Allan Carroll Memorial Medal ( Isl XV III ): Today heralds the end_ to yet another sea­ This contest added interest a nd co lo ur. espe­ Martin Simpson (Wh itton) . son for the Rive rina Football League. and it is ciall y on the night of the Best and Fa irest Farrer Trophy (2nd XVIII): my pleasure to extend a welco me to the pa t­ count. Congrat ul ati o ns to Narrandera's 'Miss Bob Thompson (Wh itton). rons who have suppo rted the clubs a nd Fosters' Anne Bloomfield. • LEADING GOALKICKERS: To o ur district director, Mr. Lyle O 'Brie n , 1st XVlll: Ralph Robbins (Whi tt on). League alike during the 1985 season. 2nd XVIII: Tom Cooper (Junee-Kapooka). Congratulations to the Grand Finalists in we appreciate your co-operatio n and the hard all three grades, it is a long hard slog to work you do for so many over such a la rge • CLUB BEST & FAIREST: Boree Creek: lsts Michael Hopwood. 2nds Harry achieve this, so we wish you well a nd look a re a of N .S.W. l am sure the thirty-p lus Argus. Junee-Kapooka: !sts Chris Selby . 211ds forward to an ente rtaining day o f football. senio r C lubs are grateful. Trevor Cooper. R.A .A.F.: Not finalised. Rivcoll : This year we were no t so successful in the To the clubs, players a nd all concerned at Not finalised. Cootamundra: l sts Ron Knagge. Winfield Championships, but we look for­ C lub level, to o ur executive, umpires, the 2nds Wa )lne de Brill. Whitton: lsts Errol Boots, ward to the following seasons. We thank Win­ independant tribunal, o ur sponsors, trophy 2nds Do;, Tilker. MARTIN SIMPSON BOB THOMPSON Uranquinty: lsts Darry l Huxley. fi e ld for making these championships possi­ donors, press, radio and television and all that Best & Fairest 1st XVIII Best & Fairest 2nd XVIII have assisted in any way, we say thanks. • FINISHING ORDER: ble. To me it was pleasing to see so ma ny of our players make the msleves available for I wish all Clubs the best for today, may it be lsts: W LDB For Ag % Pts N.S.W. State selection , a nd my congratula­ injury free. Good luck and safe travelling. WHITTON ... 16 2 · 3 3152 1352 233.l 64 tions to the boys selected. We wish you furth­ We look forward to 1986. JUNEE-K. ... 13 5 · 3 2763 1506 183.4 52 er success in the future . COOTA. .... .. 12 6 · 3 2495 1290 193.4 48 We thank Carlton Breweries for their RIVCOLL .... 11 7 · 3 2044 1718 118.9 44 generous sponsorship. it is appreciated. Our congratulations to the Best a nd Fairest win­ Boree Creek 7 l l - 3 1766 2185 80.8 28 ners, Leading Goalkickers and all those who R.A.A.F. .... 4 14 - 3 ~631 2839 57.4 16 assisted these pl ayers in their successes. Also Ura nquinty ... 0 21 - 3 855 38 16 22.4 0 to the Minor Premiers in all three grades, and to Ganmain-Grong Grong-Matong on their 2nds: W L D U For Ag % Pts winning the Club Championship. WHITTON ... 12 3 · 6 1411 667 211.5 48 We thank the ten girls who made the m­ COOTA. ...... 12 3 · 6 1533 764 200.6 48 selves available for the ' Miss Foste rs· contest, JUNEE-K. ... 11 4 · 6 1611 901 178.8 44 and the Re nee Frock Salon of Narrandera. RIVCOLL .... 6 8 I 6 1046 1241 84.2 26 FRANK GAYNOR President R.F.L. Boree Creek 3 11 I 6 827 138 1 59.8 14 R.A.A.F. ..... 1 14 - 6 496 1970 25. l 4 • FINALS RESULTS: First Semi: Rivcoll (83) d Coolarnu ndra (68). Seco11d Semi: Whitton ( 150) d Junee-K. (87) . l're­ FARRER FOOTBALL LEAGUE li111i11ary: Jun ee-Kapooke ( 160) d Rivco ll (I 04). Gra11d Fi11al: ... ............. d . MISS TOOHEVS 1985 • GATE RECIEPTS: MISS ROBYN HEASLIP of Temora has won the Division Two: I st Semi :$ I 084: 2nds Semi : $10 10: 1985 "'Miss Tooheys"' competition. Robyn works SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. for a chartered accountant in Canberra and Preliminary: $I085; Grand Final: $ .. travels home each week to play Netball for •WEBSTERS FAMOUS SOFT DRINKS. FRUIT JUICES & CORDIALS Temora. Her hobbies include o ri enteering (where she has represented Australia in 1979 and • PEPSI COLA BOTTLES AND CANS 1982), reading, dancing and any outdoor activity. THE RIVERINA RECORD Was best & fairest for Temora netbail in 1983-84 • SCHWEPPES MINERAL WATER, FLA Vl>URS & MIXERS WISHES ALL THE BEST TO and leading goal scorer in League for_ 1984. THE TEAMS COMPETING TODAV. Robyn received a $400 voucher supplied by Griffith Leeton Narrandera Temora Wagga Headstart Haircutters and Boutique, Wagga. 62 4466 53 2340 59 1833 82 2001 25 4184 36 5 FOOTBALL LEAGUE FINISHED 1985 G.A. &B. KELLY QUALITY BUTCHERS PHONE WRITION 55 2700 • LEAGUE BEST & FAIREST: • FINALS RESULTS: Smalls & Corned Beef Jim Quinn Meda l ( !s t XVIII): (Isl XVIII) First Semi: Coolamon (59) d Russel Durna n (Narrande ra). Narrandera (30). Second Semi: Wagga WHITTON 14. GARRY KNAGGE age 25 , 175cm, 71kg. Half La nha m Trophy (2nd XVIII) : ( 11 4) d Gan main-G .G.-M. (106). Pre­ Forwa rd Fl ank . Utilit y, clever ball getter. Al­ Pe te r B a rtho lo m ew (Coola m o n). liminary Final: Coolamon ( 11 3) d ways shows plenty of desperati on. Very fa st. Pe tts Trophy (U 19s): Ganma in-G.G .-M . ( I IO). Grand Final: strong playe r. Good ki ck. Team playe r. Known G a ry Sheppard (Turvey Park). .d PLAYER PROFILE as " Kn ackers" . 15. PHILL PURTILL age 25 , 174cm , 7!kg. Ruck • LEADING GOALKICKERS: • GATE RECIEPTS: 1. ERROL BOOTS age 24. 170cm , 75 kg. Rover. Rover. Kn own as "Filthy Phill " . Recruited from Keisling Trophy ( !st XVIII) : I st Semi: $4200; 2nd Se mi : $5200 ; Pre­ CRL Coghill Medalli st '79, '81. Whitton Coach Griffith . Very aggressive pl aye r. Skillful ball Vic Hugo (Narrandera). limina ry: $6 l00. Grand Fina l: $. '84. Ass . Coach this year. Very fast, elusive , handler. Fas t and elusive. One of the best tack­ good mark , accurate disposal. club best and lers in the game. Griggs Trophy (2nd XVIII): fa irest winner this year. 16. RON MU RRAY age 24 , 173cm, 70kg. Rover. Terry Posselt (W agga). THANKS 2. DAVID BOOTS age 3 1. 178cm. 88kg. Full Another player recruited from Griffith . Having a D aleo Trophy (U l 9s): Th e 'RECORD' 1ha11ks 1he many people who have Back. Re li able defender and long accurate ki ck, very good season. Always goes in fo r the hard J a mie Bennett (Griffith). helped co 111 pile 1h e Ril'erina Foo 1ball League sec1ion left footer. Usuall y plays in defence but can pl ay ba ll . Good mark and kick. Dangerous around the forward line as we ll . of 1/iis programme - League Presidenl. Frank Gaynor. goa l. • MINOR PREMIERS: League Secreiarv. Graha 111 Woolnough; League 3. PAUL PRESTON age 24 , 175cm , 75 kg. Back 17. GAVI N LLOYD age 17, 178cm , 64kg. Half R o n Hutchins Shie ld (I st XVIII): Pocket. Courageous ckfender, never gives in. Treasurer. Vic Wo oln ough; Th e Daily Adver1iser fo r Back Fl ank . Product of local schoolboys. Very Ganmain-Grong Grong-Matong. equipme111 and pho1os : Michael McCormack; Ben Always gives his best, very reliable. Answers to strong mark, accurate kick. Can play in the for­ ' Darky'. Max Crocke r Shield (2nd XVIII) : Scl11 nid1; Mi ck Danih er: Pau la /-l e111p1011; Club ward line as well as the backline. Has a big future scribes i111d Secre1aries; Ross Fa 11 /k 11 er fo r supplying 4.
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