
Editor: Donald J. Reifer Reifer Consultants [email protected]

Safe and Simple Cost Analysis Barry Boehm

“Everything should be as simple as pos- COCOMO II Productivity Ranges sible, but no simpler.” – Albert Einstein Figure 1 shows the relative productivity ranges (PRs) of the major COCOMO II imple software cost-analysis meth- cost-driver factors, as compared to those in ods are readily available, but they the original COCOMO 81 model. A fac- aren’t always safe. The simplest tor’s productivity range is the ratio of the method is to base your cost estimate project’s productivity for the best possible on the typical costs or productivity factor rating to its worst possible factor rat- S rates of your previous projects. That ing, assuming that the ratings for all other approach will work well if your factors remain constant. Here, we define rel- new project doesn’t have any ative “productivity” in either source lines of cost-critical differences from code (SLOCs) or function points per person- those previous projects. But it month. The term “part” in Figure 1 reflects won’t be safe if some critical the fact that the COCOMO 81 development cost driver has degraded. mode involved a combination of develop- Simple history-based soft- ment flexibility and precedentedness. ware cost-analysis methods For example, suppose your business soft- would be safer if you could ware group has been developing similar ap- identify which cost driver fac- plications for 10 years on mainframe com- tors were likely to cause critical puters and their next application is to run cost differences and estimate on a micro-based client-server platform. In how much cost difference would result if a this case, the only cost-driver factor likely to critical cost driver changed by a given de- cause significant cost differences is the gree. In this column, I’ll provide a safe and group’s platform experience (assuming that simple method for doing both of these by such factors as platform volatility and use of using some recently published cost estimat- software tools do not change much). Figure ing relationships (Software Cost Estima- 1 shows that the productivity range for the tion with COCOMO II, by Barry Boehm platform experience factor is 1.40. Thus, et al., Prentice Hall, 2000). COCOMO II is changing from the best level of platform ex- an updated and recalibrated version of the perience (over 6 years) to the worst level Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) (less than 2 months) will increase the originally published in - amount of effort required for the project by ing Economics (by Barry Boehm, Prentice a factor of 1.40, or by 40%. Hall, 1981). I’ll also show how the CO- If we compare the productivity ranges for COMO II cost drivers let you perform cost platform experience between COCOMO II sensitivity and trade-off analyses, and dis- and COCOMO 81, we see that they are cuss how you can use similar methods with fairly close (1.40 versus 1.34). That’s true for other software cost-estimation models. most of the cost-driver factors. In particular,

14 IEEE SOFTWARE September/October 2000 0740-7459/00/$10.00 © 2000 IEEE MANAGER personnel and team capability Figure 1. Comparing CO- remains the single strongest Software productivity range COMO 81 and COCOMO II. *Development flexibility 1.26 influence on a software pro- *Development mode (part) 1.32 (*Varies by size; see ject’s productivity. Its produc- *Team cohesion 1.29 COCOMO II Table 1. Values for 100 Developed for reuse 1.31 COCOMO 81 tivity range in COCOMO II is *Precedentedness 1.33 KSLOC products.) somewhat smaller than in Development mode (part) 1.32 *Architecture & risk resolution 1.39 COCOMO 81 (3.53 versus Platform experience 1.40 4.18), but that might be be- 1.34 but it will improve produc- Data base size 1.42 cause COCOMO II has added 1.23 tivity by 71% on a 1,000- two more people-related fac- Required development schedule 1.43 KSLOC project, mostly by re- 1.23 tors (team cohesion and per- Language & tools experience 1.43 ducing rework. These ranges sonnel continuity), which Language experience 1.20 probably under-estimate the *Process maturity 1.43 might account for some of the Modern programming practices 1.51 effect of high maturity levels, variance previously associated Storage constraint 1.46 as they normalize out the ef- 1.56 with personnel capability. Platform volatility 1.49 fects of other productivity fac- COCOMO II has some ad- 1.49 tors such as the use of software Use of software tools 1.50 ditional new cost drivers be- 1.49 tools and reusable software sides team cohesion and per- Applications experience 1.51 components. Details are avail- 1.57 sonnel continuity: Personnel continuity 1.51 able in Bradford Clark’s USC Documentation match to life cycle needs 1.52 PhD dissertation, “The Effects Multisite development 1.53 software developed for reuse; Turnaround time 1.32 of Software Process Maturity architecture and risk reso- Required software reliability 1.54 on Software Development Ef- 1.87 lution; Time constraint 1.63 fort,” USC-CSE-TR-97-510, software process maturity 1.66 available via the USC-CSE Product complexity 2.38 (somewhat replacing use 2.36 COCOMO II Web site (see of modern programming Personnel/team capability 3.53 the “Leading Software Cost- practices); 4.18 Estimation Tools” box), under documentation match to 02.00 4.00 “Related Research.” life cycle needs; and multisite development (somewhat they enter the COCOMO II estima- Safe and Simple Software Cost Analysis replacing turnaround time). tion formula as exponential func- To return to our platform experi- tions of size rather than as effort ence example, you might find that Each of these new factors has a sta- multipliers. The productivity ranges you can do better than a cost increase tistically significant greater-than-1.0 shown in Figure 1 for these size-sen- of 40% if you can find a few people productivity range in the multiple re- sitive variables are for a product with some microprocessor-based gression analysis of the 161 projects whose size is 100,000 source lines of client-server platform experience for in the COCOMO II database. The code (100 KSLOC). Table 1 shows your project. For each cost-driver one exception was the “developed how the productivity ranges for these factor, COCOMO II provides rating for reuse” factor, which had insuffi- factors vary by size. scales and tables showing how pro- cient dispersion in its rating levels to Thus, for example, the effect of ductivity will vary for each rating produce a statistically significant re- varying a project’s process maturity level. Table 2 shows the resulting ef- sult. We determined its productivity from a low Level 1 to a Level 5 on the fort multipliers by rating scale for range of 1.31 (and the productivity SEI Capability Maturity Model scale each of the personnel-experience cost ranges of the other COCOMO II fac- will typically improve productivity by factors in COCOMO II. tors) using a Bayesian weighted aver- only 20% on a 10-KSLOC project, These tables will let you perform age of data-determined multiple re- gression results and expert-deter- mined Delphi results. When the Table 1 data-determined values are weakly Size-Dependent Productivity Ranges determined, the weighted average will give a higher weight to the ex- Size (KSLOC) pert-determined values. (See Chapter Factor 10 100 1,000 4 of the COCOMO II book for a de- Development flexibility 1.12 1.26 1.42 tailed discussion.) Team cohesion 1.13 1.29 1.46 Some factors in Figure 1 have an Precedentedness 1.15 1.33 1.53 asterisk, indicating that their produc- Architecture and risk resolution 1.18 1.39 1.63 tivity ranges vary by size, because Process maturity 1.20 1.43 1.71

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Simple Sensitivity and Trade-off Analysis Table 2 You can extend this approach to COCOMO II Effort Multipliers Versus Length of Experience cover sensitivity and trade-off analy- Average length of experience sis among several cost-driver factors. Type of experience < 2 mo 6 mo 1 year 3 years > 6 years PR For example, suppose you also had With platform 1.19 1.09 1.00 0.91 0.85 1.40 an Option B to add a couple of ex- With languages and tools 1.20 1.09 1.00 0.91 0.84 1.43 tremely experienced client-server de- With application area 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.88 0.81 1.51 velopers, increasing your average platform experience to 1 year. How- ever, they have very little business ap- plications experience, decreasing Table 3 your average applications experience from > 6 years to 3 years. In this The Effect of Adding Experienced Client-Server Developers case, Table 3 shows the comparison Effort multipliers to the previous Option A. platform x application = product This tables shows that Option A Options Platform Application Product Person-months and B are roughly equivalent in effort A 1.09 0.81 0.88 51 and cost (unless there are major dif- B 1.00 0.88 0.88 51 ferences in salary levels), in which case the project can use other criteria to choose between A and B (such as the opportunity for client-server Table 4 expert-mentoring and risk reduction The Effect of Changing Programming Languages and Tools with Option B). As a further example, the compari- Effort multipliers son between Options A and B would Platform x application x language and tools = product be different if the new project involved Options Platform Application Lang. & tools Product Person-months A 1.09 0.81 1.09 0.96 56 a change in programming languages B 1.00 0.88 1.00 0.88 51 and tools (such as from Cobol to Java), causing the average experience for this factor also to be 6 months for Option A and 1 year for Option B. the following safe and simple three- length of platform experience on Table 4 shows the new comparison. step cost-estimation method, illus- the new project would be 6 In this case, the added 9% benefit in trated by the personnel-experience months. Option B makes it look more attractive cost factors I’ve described. 3) Use the COCOMO II effort mul- from a cost and effort standpoint. tipliers to revise the original esti- 1) Estimate the new project’s pro- mate. Going from less than 6 years ductivity and effort based on of platform experience to more previous experience. The new than 2 months changes the effort hus, we can see that the CO- project is sized at 20,000 SLOC. multiplier from 0.85 to 1.19—an COMO II rating scales and effort Productivity for previous main- increase of a factor of 1.19/0.85 = T multipliers provide a rich quanti- frame applications was 500 1.40. This leads to a revised effort tative framework for exploring soft- LOC/person month (PM), yield- estimate of 40 PM (1.40) = 56 ware project and organizational ing an effort estimate of 40 PM. PM. Going to a platform experi- tradeoff and sensitivity analysis. The Multiply by your labor rate/PM ence of 6 months (Option A) framework lets the project manager to estimate the cost. changes the effort multiplier explore alternative staffing options 2) Determine which COCOMO II from 0.85 to 1.09, an increase involving various mixes of applica- cost-driver factors will change of a factor of 1.09/0.85 = tion, platform, and language and for the new project and by how 1.28. The revised effort esti- tool experience. Or, an organization- much. With the current staff, mate is then (40 PM) (1.28) = level manager could explore various platform experience will go from 51 PM. options for transitioning a portfolio less than 6 years to more than 2 of applications from their current ap- months. By going to an Option For easy reference, the COCOMO plication/platform/language configu- A, with a couple of fairly experi- II book has the full set of these cost- ration to a desired new configuration enced client-server developers driver effort multiplier tables on its (for example, by using pilot projects added to the team, the average inside cover. to build up experience levels).

16 IEEE SOFTWARE September/October 2000 MANAGER

You can perform these analyses ei- ther by running the COCOMO II model or by doing calculator- or Leading Software Cost-Estimation Tools spreadsheet-based analysis using the published multiplier values in Table 2 These URLs provide descriptions of leading software cost-estimation tools. or in the COCOMO II book. You Each tool cited has been backed by a lot of effort to relate the tool to a can perform similar tradeoff analyses wide variety of software project experiences. My apologies if the list fails to by running commercial COCOMO II include your favorite tool. tools or alternate proprietary cost models (see the box for Web sites of Estimacs (Computer Associates Int’l): major software cost models). estimacs.htm It is generally a good practice to Knowledge PLAN (Software Productivity Research/Artemis): compare analysis results between www. two or perhaps more software cost PRICE S (Price Systems): models, as each reflects a somewhat SEER (Galorath, Inc.): different experience base. Some par- SLIM (Quantitative Software Management): ticular advantages of having one of these models be COCOMO II are COCOMO II-based tools: that all of its detailed definitions and internals are available for examina- COSTAR (Softstar Systems): tion; the Bayesian methods by which CostXpert (Marotz, Inc.): it combines expert judgment and Estimate Professional (Software Productivity Center): data analysis are well defined and estimate the evidence of statistical signifi- USC COCOMO II.2000 (USC Center for ): cance of each cost driver factor is provided. From an expectations- management standpoint, however, there is no guarantee that CO- COMO II can fit every organiza- tion’s style of development, data def- initions, and set of operating as- sumptions. For example, it is only calibrated to organizations and pro- jects that collect carefully defined data that maps to COCOMO II’s de- finitions and assumptions. If your organization operates in a different mode, the COCOMO II-based analyses will likely provide useful relative guidance, but less precise cost estimates and payoff factors. And if your organization does collect carefully defined data, the analyses based on COCOMO II or other models will be stronger if you use the data to calibrate the models to your experience.

Barry Boehm is the TRW Professor of Software Engineer- ing in the Department at the University of Southern California and the director of the USC Center for Soft- ware Engineering. His research interests include software process modeling, , architectures, metrics and cost models, and engineering environments, and knowledge- based software engineering. He has a BA from Harvard and an MS and PhD from UCLA, all in mathematics. He is an AIAA Fel- low, ACM Fellow, and IEEE Fellow, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Contact him at [email protected].