Congressional Record—Senate S10675
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September 29, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10675 Army nominations beginning with Robert the Senate and appeared in the Congres- (Nominations without an asterisk D. Akerson and ending with Jerome Wil- sional Record on September 5, 2006. were reported with the recommenda- liams, which nominations were received by Navy nominations beginning with Amy L. tion that they be confirmed.) the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Bleidorn and ending with Micah A. Weltmer, sional Record on September 18, 2006. which nominations were received by the Sen- f Marine Corps nomination of David M. ate and appeared in the Congressional EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Reilly to be Major. Record on September 5, 2006. COMMITTEES Marine Corps nomination of Raul Rizzo to Navy nominations beginning with Corey B. be Major. Barker and ending with William R. Urban, The following executive reports of Navy nominations beginning with Tracy A. which nominations were received by the Sen- nominations were submitted: ate and appeared in the Congressional Bergen and ending with Donald R. By Mr. SPECTER for the Committee on Wilkinson, which nominations were received Record on September 5, 2006. Navy nominations beginning with Nathan- the Judiciary. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Marcia Morales Howard, of Florida, to be sional Record on August 1, 2006. iel A. Bailey and ending with Matthew C. Young, which nominations were received by United States District Judge for the Middle Navy nominations beginning with Michael District of Florida. N. Abreu and ending with Robert K. Wil- the Senate and appeared in the Congres- sional Record on September 5, 2006. Leslie Southwick, of Mississippi, to be liams, which nominations were received by United States District Judge for the South- the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Navy nominations beginning with Tracy L. Blackhowell and ending with Sean M. ern District of Mississippi. sional Record on August 1, 2006. Gregory Kent Frizzell, of Oklahoma, to be Navy nominations beginning with Cristal Woodside, which nominations were received United States District Judge for the North- B. Caler and ending with Kimberly J. Schulz, by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- ern District of Oklahoma. which nominations were received by the Sen- sional Record on September 5, 2006. Lisa Godbey Wood, of Georgia, to be ate and appeared in the Congressional Navy nominations beginning with Charles United States District Judge for the South- Record on August 1, 2006. J. Ackerknecht and ending with James G. ern District of Georgia. Navy nominations beginning with Kevin L. Zoulias, which nominations were received by Robert James Jonker, of Michigan, to be Achterberg and ending with Peter A. Wu, the Senate and appeared in the Congres- United States District Judge for the Western which nominations were received by the Sen- sional Record on September 5, 2006. District of Michigan. ate and appeared in the Congressional Navy nominations beginning with Dennis Paul Lewis Maloney, of Michigan, to be Record on August 1, 2006. K. Andrews and ending with Raymond M. United States District Judge for the Western Navy nominations beginning with Scott R. Summerlin, which nominations were re- District of Michigan. Barry and ending with Jeffrey C. Woertz, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Janet T. Neff, of Michigan, to be United which nominations were received by the Sen- Congressional Record on September 7, 2006. States District Judge for the Western Dis- ate and appeared in the Congressional Navy nominations beginning with James trict of Michigan. Record on August 1, 2006. S. Brown and ending with Winfred L. Wilson, Navy nominations beginning with Ruth A. which nominations were received by the Sen- Nora Barry Fischer, of Pennsylvania, to be Bates and ending with Bruce G. Ward, which ate and appeared in the Congressional United States District Judge for the Western nominations were received by the Senate and Record on September 7, 2006. District of Pennsylvania. Navy nominations beginning with Lillian appeared in the Congressional Record on Au- Sharon Lynn Potter, of West Virginia, to A. Abuan and ending with Kevin T. Wright, gust 1, 2006. be United States Attorney for the Northern Navy nominations beginning with Darryl which nominations were received by the Sen- District of West Virginia for the term of four C. Adams and ending with Richard Westhoff ate and appeared in the Congressional years. III, which nominations were received by the Record on September 7, 2006. Deborah Jean Johnson Rhodes, of Ala- Navy nominations beginning with Andreas Senate and appeared in the Congressional bama, to be United States Attorney for the C. Alfer and ending with Alison E. Yerkey, Record on August 1, 2006. Southern District of Alabama for the term of which nominations were received by the Sen- Navy nominations beginning with Alfred four years. ate and appeared in the Congressional D. Anderson and ending with Michael R. Record on September 7, 2006. (Nominations without an asterisk Yohnke, which nominations were received by Navy nominations beginning with Michael were reported with the recommenda- the Senate and appeared in the Congres- J. Adams and ending with Heather A. Watts, tion that they be confirmed.) sional Record on August 1, 2006. which nominations were received by the Sen- Navy nominations beginning with Henry C. f ate and appeared in the Congressional Adams III and ending with John J. Record on September 7, 2006. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Zuhowski, which nominations were received Navy nominations beginning with Emily Z. Clyde Bishop, of Delaware, a Career Mem- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Allen and ending with Joseph W. Yates, sional Record on August 1, 2006 (minus 1 ber of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of which nominations were received by the Sen- Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary nominee: James R. Carlson II) ate and appeared in the Congressional Navy nominations beginning with Lori J. and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Record on September 7, 2006. America to the Republic of the Marshall Is- Cicci and ending with John M. Poage, which Navy nominations beginning with Karen L. lands. nominations were received by the Senate and Alexander and ending with John W. Nominee: Clyde Bishop. appeared in the Congressional Record on Au- Zumwalt, which nominations were received Post: Ambassador to the Republic of the gust 3, 2006. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Marshall Islands. Navy nominations beginning with Ryan G. sional Record on September 7, 2006. The following is a list of all members of Batchelor and ending with Jason T. Yauman, Navy nominations beginning with Alex- my immediate family and their spouses. I which nominations were received by the Sen- ander T. Abess and ending with Lauretta A. have asked each of these persons to inform ate and appeared in the Congressional Ziajko, which nominations were received by me of the pertinent contributions made by Record on September 5, 2006. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Navy nominations beginning with Marc A. sional Record on September 7, 2006. Aragon and ending with Robert A. Yee, Navy nominations beginning with Chad E. formation contained in this report is com- which nominations were received by the Sen- Betz and ending with Tracie M. Zielinski, plete and accurate. ate and appeared in the Congressional which nominations were received by the Sen- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Record on September 5, 2006. ate and appeared in the Congressional 1. Self: none. Navy nominations beginning with Michael Record on September 7, 2006. 2. Spouse: none. J. Barriere and ending with Michael D. Wag- Navy nominations beginning with Wang S. 3. Children and Spouses: Sean and Wilma ner, which nominations were received by the Ohm and ending with Viktoria J. Rolff, Bishop: none; Jeanne Bishop and Kevin Senate and appeared in the Congressional which nominations were received by the Sen- Deffenbaugh: none. Record on September 5, 2006. ate and appeared in the Congressional Parents: Deceased. Navy nominations beginning with John A. Record on September 13, 2006. 5. Grandparents: Deceased. Anderson and ending with Jay A. Young, Navy nominations beginning with Ilin 6. Brothers and Spouses: none. which nominations were received by the Sen- Chuang and ending with William P. Smith, 7. Sisters and Spouses: Annette and Sam- ate and appeared in the Congressional which nominations were received by the Sen- uel Watson, none; Margeret Cave, none; Record on September 5, 2006. ate and appeared in the Congressional Janet and Nahum Smith, none; Donald and Navy nominations beginning with Gerard Record on September 21, 2006. Claudette Evans, none. D. Avila and ending with Eddi L. Watson, * Nomination was reported with rec- which nominations were received by the Sen- ommendation that it be confirmed sub- Charels L. Glazer, of Connecticut, to be ate and appeared in the Congressional Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Record on September 5, 2006. ject to the nominee’s commitment to potentiary of the United States of America Navy nominations beginning with Rene V. respond to requests to appear and tes- to the Republic of El Salvador. Abadesco and ending with Michael W. F. tify before any duly constituted com- Nominee: Charles L. Glazer. Yawn, which nominations were received by mittee of the Senate. Post: Ambassador to El Salvador. VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:25 Feb 06, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00179 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S29SE6.REC S29SE6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S10676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 29, 2006 The following is a list of all members of vert for Congress; $1,000.00, 05/05, Talent for lican Congressional Committee; $1,000.00, 12/ my immediate family and their spouses. I Senate Committee; $25,000.00, 04/05, Repub- 05, Walberg for Congress; $5,000.00, 10/05, Na- have asked each of these persons to inform lican National Committee; $1,000.00, 03/05, tional Republican Senatorial Committee; me of the pertinent contributions made by Dan Burton for Congress Committee; $2,100.00, 09/05, Hastert for Congress Com- them.