October Our Forty-Third Issue 1948 the WIBW Round -Up Magazine Is Published Monthly by the WIBW Round -Up

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October Our Forty-Third Issue 1948 the WIBW Round -Up Magazine Is Published Monthly by the WIBW Round -Up \n .I ,///////////// -.......,,. ..Au........,..,w,.,,x. q t , , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,....,,..,..,..,..., ..,...V KENNY HARRIES Page 51 Oct. Our Forty -Third Issue 1948 www.americanradiohistory.com . .\.. ....,.\a..... .....I,.....,.i..../ii.0ì////////i///,I%// % October Our Forty-Third Issue 1948 The WIBW Round -Up Magazine is published monthly by the WIBW Round -Up. Allen Young, Editor. Two weeks' notice necessary for change of address. Subscription rates, S I.00 per year. Mailing address. Box 98 1. Topeka, Kansas. Red, The Ed, Say_ s I have done a number of different things but I never dreamed of having the opportunity of editing the WIBW Round- up and meeting you, our faithful readers, until the other day. Ben Ludy, our fine boss. told me Doc and Esther were leavin WIBW and asked if I could look after the Round -up and still continue the publicity work-you know the answer. Doc has been "Ad TABBING" to you folks for the past several years and now I need a title or descriptive name for my editorial column. While I was pondering over my typewriter, one of the boys called. "Say Red!" That did it -for your editorial page will be titled "RED, the Ed, SAYS." Doc Shows Red the "Set -up" The name Red seems to apply very well beca ise after I am with someone for a So Long short time they drop the name Allan and I suppose I'm like a lot of you folks; I just call me Red Young. hate to say good -bye. Esther and I have Now, about Doc and Esther: You know had four wonderful years here at WIBW. in an organization the size of WIBW, the It is the finest station we have ever worked loss of one or two members is not usually for and we will never forget you folks who a serious matter. The members of the have been so loyal in your support of our staff are very versatile and they just nat- programs and the Round -up magazine. We urally fill in the empty spot; but last are very grateful and maybe sometime we month when Doc and Esther left after will return to this part of the country to spending four years with WIBW, it was sing for you again. a little different. The kids were not only I'm sure WIBW will continue sending on the entertaining staff, but Doc was you the kind of entertainment you like editor of the Round -up. When they get and I know Allan Young, your new settled after a little more fishing in Colo- Round -up editor, will do a good job. Allan rado, I certainly will let you know where has been working in WIBW's publicity de- they are located. partment for over a year and is well quali- I want the WIBW Round -up to continue fied for his new job. to be the kind of magazine you want be- I repeat, I hate "good- byes," so Esther cause it is certainly your Round -up; so and I will just say "so long" and thanks let me hear from you and you'll be hear- for everything. ing from me. Doc Embree. www.americanradiohistory.com OCTOBER, 1948 3 How We Keep Busy Vacation By Don Hopkins Many people have visited Chicago but few have ever enjoyed three days there As I gazed at Hilton Hodges' "flesh - more than did Ole, Edmund and Myrtle. colored hair" the other day, the old say- Pleasant weather, Edmund's new car, ing came to mind ... "Grass doesn't grow good roads, good eats, Ole and Myrtle on busy streets." Hilton is definitely one taking turns at the wheel were factors of the leading candidates for the title making the first six hundred miles of the "Busiest man at WIBW." If you don't trip ideal. In fact, by nine o'clock in the think so -just try following him around evening they arrived at Michigan Boule- for one day. Hilton -you'll remember very vard about seven blocks south of their well -handled regular announcing chores, hotel. There among a lot of other signal including being an extremely popular lights and signs was a sign saying "No M -C of the Kansas Roundup for six Left Turns." The logical thing seemed to years preceding the war. When he came be go on across and turn on the next back to WIBW as a Lieutenant Command- corner-at least that's the way they do in er in the U. S. Naval Air Corps, he received Topeka. Following that procedure this a promotion to the job as SALES -SER- Kansas trio next found themselves on that VICE manager of Radio Stations WIBW famous six -lane Lake Shore Drive - and WIBW -FM. His jobs include selling headed south ... with cars passing on both advertising and working with advertising. sides ... speed limit 45 miles per hour And that means he is continually on the (that is, you must drive at least 45). To go in Topeka and other Midwest cities. use Ole's words -"We took out south 45 He also writes a great many of the com- miles per hour with about sixty thousand mercial announcements for the accounts cars chasing us." It seems that by the he puts on the air. You might think the time they figured out just what lane to story ends here -but it's only a begin - get in and just where and how to turn off ning. Hilton handles the play -by -play de- of that drive they were a good fifteen scription of Topeka High School and miles from their hotel. Edmund says he Washburn University football and basket- wasn't much more than asleep when Ole ball games-as well as track events. He came to his door saying it was time to go and Art Holbrook bring you the blow -by- to the Train Fair. We haven't heard them blow description of the FIGHTS at the say what time they finally reached their Topeka Municipal Auditorium. This means hotel but we have heard several remarks that after HILTON has put in a full day about the elevated trains and driving as SALES SERVICE manager -he is often around the Loop. called upon to work a full evening at a Our little party took a cab to the Train Sporting Event. Every second Wednesday Fair. Here fifty acres of exhibits were on evening at :0:15 over WIBW you can hear display. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa HILTON'S interviews -while SHOPPING Fe presented an Indian village with 125 AT BOMGARDNER'S. And just about tribesmen living on the grounds display- the nicest thing I can say about Hilton is ing their arts and crafts. A trading post, that all of the announcers know that if a curio shop. Pueblo type dwelling, a Kiva, they need help, Hilton will drop his reg- an Apache wikiup and a Navajo medichie ular duties and pinch hit at the micro- lodge were among the things of interest. phone. How much time does he spend at The Burlington Great Northern and home? Your guess is as good as mine. I Northern Pacific presented scenes of va- do know that recently he found time to cation lands seen from their lines-they help Mrs. Hodges redecorate the interior displayed a miniature rodeo, a function- of their lovely house. Yes folks- Hilton ing replica of Old Faithful, live bears and Hodges is the proof of the saying ... "If totem poles. From a spacious log chalet you want something done -ask a busy with a balcony -like stage they presented man -he'll do it." (Continued on Page 6) www.americanradiohistory.com WIBW HOUND-UP nett; Belleville; Richmond; Diller, Ne- braska; Wakeeney; Stockton; Iola; Wil- liamsburg; Severance; Chapman; Horton; Sylvan Grove; Oil Hill; Lehigh; Eureka: g(IIn4/ífl9s the Topeka Free Fair and the Hutchinson State Fair. At this writing I am sitting in the lobby KENNEY HARRIES was a busy little of the Beck Hotel in Stockton, Kansas, man during the Topeka and Hutchinson where our staff is appearing two nights fairs. In addition to his appearing on the at the Rooks County Fair. It has been a regular WIBW broadcast schedules, be pleasure to greet our old friends and to also played in the band for Barnes and meet some new ones. Although we have Caruthers big night show. been on the road constantly the past sev- We are sorry to lose DOC and ESTHER, eral weeks, our work has been both en- who have been part of our WIBW family joyable and educational. We have enjoyed for several years. They have one of the the fascination of the gay mid -ways with best teams on the air and will be missed their brilliantly lighted ferris wheels and by many of our listeners as well as by us. rides; the twang of the barkers calling at- DOC has been editor of the ROUND -UP tention to the games of chance; the ap- magazine and has worked hard to make it petizing aroma of hot, buttered pop corn, an interesting publication. They certainly candy floss, hamburgers and hot dogs; the have our most sincere best wishes for suc- side shows featuring oddities of nature; cess in their new endeavor. the horse races, and the roar of automo- While we were in Stockton, EZRA biles driven by daring men, tearing down bought a new swing for "Cindy," his four - the track through walls of fire, turning months -old daughter. She gets strapped to with end over end thrill the spectators in with a safety belt, bounces up and their death -defying stunts.
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