A Bare Machine Sensor Application for an ARM Processor Alexander Peter, Ramesh K. Karne and Alexander L. Wijesinha Department of Computer & Information Sciences Towson, MD 21252
[email protected], (rkarne, awijesinha)@towson.edu Abstract- Sensor devices that monitor environmental changes in In order to build a bare machine temperature sensor device temperature, sound, light, vibration and pressure usually run application, it requires several components as shown in Fig. 1. applications that require the support of a small operating system, A brief functional description of this application is as follows. lean kernel, or an embedded system. This paper presents a The application is loaded from the SD Card interface (Label 9) methodology for developing sensor device applications that can into memory using U-Boot. A temperature sensor (Label 1) is be directly run on the bare hardware without any need for middleware. Such bare sensor device applications only depend plugged into the ADB to monitor the current room on the underlying processor architecture, enabling them to run temperature with a sensing granularity of 900 microseconds. on a variety of devices. The methodology is used for developing, As the temperature changes, its value (Label 8) and a graphic designing, and implementing a temperature sensor application image (Label 7) is displayed on the LCD screen (Label 2). An that runs on an ARM processor. The same methodology can be output console is used to debug the inner working of the ADB used to build other bare machine sensor device applications for and temperature (Label 3). An LED light (Label 4) provides a ARM processors, and is easily extended to different processor visual indication of temperature sensor operation.