T h e C e y l o n Government Gazette

No. 7,660-FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928.

Published by Authority.


(Separate paging is given to each Part in order that it may be filed separately.)

PAGE PAGE Draft Ordinances ...... 708 District and Minor Courts Notices .. Passed Ordinances ; . . . . . — List of Jurors and Assessors 723 List of Notaries .. . . — Notices in Insolvency Cases 709 Notifications of Criminal Sessions of the Supreme Notices of Fiscals’ Sales 709 Court ...... 708 Notices in Testamentary Actions 714 Supreme Court Notices ...... — Council of Legal Education N otices..



... . L 410/28 MINUTE.

The following Draft of a proposed Ordinance is published for general information :■—

An Ordinance to amend the Registration of Documents Ordinance, No. 23 of 1927. E it. enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, by and -with the B advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, o as follows :— Short title. 1 This Ordinance may be cited as the Registration of Documents Amendment Ordinance, 1928.

Amendment of 2 Section 14 (6) of the principal Ordinance is hereby section 14 (6) of amended by the addition of the following proviso at the end the principal th e re o f:— Ordinance. “ Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed so as to apply to or affect any grant or lease of Crown land made or executed after the commencement of this Ordinance.”

Retrospective 3 This Ordinance shall operate retrospectively from and effect of including the first day of January, 1928, and section 14 (6) of Ordinance. the Registration of Documents Ordinance, No. 23 of 1927, shall be deemed to have been amended by this Ordinance with effect from and including the said date.

By His Excellency’s command,

Colonial Secretary’s Office, A. G. M. F l e t c h e r , Colombo, August 2, 1928. Colonial Secretary.

Objects and Reasons. Section 14 (6) of the Registration of Documents Ordinance, No. 23 of 1927, provides that an additional fee of five rupees is payable for the registration of an instrument, when a description of the land affected by the instrument is not contained in a schedule to the instrument. 2. The usual form of Crown grants and some forms of Crown leases do not contain such schedules, and a number of these have been made or executed since the commencement of the Ordinance. In some cases, the additional fee has been charged. It is contemplated that in future Crown grants and leases will be prepared with a schedule of property attached, but in the meantime this Bill provides that section 14 (6) shall not be construed so as to apply to any such grants or leases made or executed since the commencement of the Ordinance, i.e., since January 1, 1928, and when the Bill is passed, all the additional fees charged in such cases will be refunded.

Attorney-General’s Chambers, M. T. A k b a r , Colombo, June 28, 1928. Acting Attorney-General.

(Continued on page 727.)


BY virtue of a mandate to me directed by the Hon. the Supreme Court of the Island of Ceylon, I do hereby proclaim that a Criminal Session of the said court for the Districts of Galle, Matara, and Tangalla will be holderi at the Court-house at Galle on Monday, September 17, 1928, at 11 o’clock of the morning of the said day. And I do hereby require and inform all perons concerned therein to attend at the time and place above- mentioned, and not to depart without leave asked and granted.

, Fiscal’s Office, L. W . C. S c h r a d e r , Galle, August 20, 1928, F is ca l. Part II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Aug. 24,. 1928 709

* «, ^ f - i .


In the District Court of Colombo. In the District Court of Galle. No. 3,796. In the matter of the insolvency of K. No. 587. . In the matter of the insolvency of Yaddehige Aiyadurai of 83, Bankshall street, Danoris Appu of Dodampahala. C olom bo. NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the WHEREAS Yaddehige Danoris Appu has filed a. creditors of the above-named insolvent will take place declaration of insolvency, and a petition for the sequestra­ at the sitting of this court on September 18, 1928, for tion as insolvent of his own estate, under the Ordinance the grant of a certificate of conformity to the insolvent. No. 7 of 1853, and it appears that he has been in actual p. custody within the walls of a prison for debt for more By order of court, A. E. P e r e r a , than 21 days : Notice is heretrp given that the said ^ Colombo, August 16, 1928. for Secretary. court has adjudged him an insolvent accordingly ; and that two public sittings of the court, to wit, on Septenfber 7 and September 21, 1928, will take place for the In the District Court of . insolvent to surrender and conform to, agreeably to the No. 195/1. In the matter of the insolvency of C. Yoga- provisions of the said Ordinance, and for the taking of ratnam of Negombo. the other steps set forth in the said Ordinance, of which NOTICE is hereby given that a sitting of this court in creditors, are hereby required to take notice. the above matter will take place on September 19, 1928. P . E . S. D harmasekhara , Acting Secretary. By order of court, C. Canapathipillai, Negombo, August 13,1928. Secretary.

In the D istrict Court o f Kalutara-. In the District Court of Kurunegala.

No. 212. In the matter of the insolvency of Maria No. 90.. In the matter of the insolvency of Anthony Singam Pasangua of Matugama. Siluvai Hernando of 80-81, Bazaar street, NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Kurunegala. creditors of the above-named insolvent will take place at the sitting of this court on September 26, 1928, WHEREAS Sidadi Jumbamalai Fernando of 11, to consider grant of the certificate of conformity. Brassfounder street, Colombo, has filed a declaration of insolvency, and a petition for the sequestration of By order of court, R. Mal^ g o da, the estate of Anthony Siluvai Fernando, under the Kalutara, August 17, 1928. l|e^||laryj> ^ Ordinance No. 7 of 1853 : Notice is hereby given that the said court has adjudged the said Anthony Siluvai Fernando insolvent accordingly; and that two public In the District Court of Galle. sittings of the court, to wit, on September 11, 1928, No. 568. In the matter of the insolvency oh Mana- and on October 9, 1928, will take place for the said waduge Darlis Goonewardena of Galle. insolvent to surrender and conform to, agreeably to the NOTICE is hereby given that a certificate meeting of provisions of the said Ordinance, and for the taking the creditors of the above-named insolvent adjourned at of the other steps set forth in the said Ordinance, of the 2nd sitting of this court on September 4, 1928. which creditors are hereby required to take notice.

By order of court, C. W. Goonbwardene , By order of court, Ge r a e o E . d e A l w is , Secretary. Kurunegala, August 16, 1928. Secretary.


Western Province. itested by M. de A, Dissanayaka of Colombo, Notary 'ublic, and registered M 180/131 in the Colombo District -and Registry Office, and declared bound and executable In the District Court of Colombo. under the decree entered in the above action and Kana Nana Moona Muttiah Chetty of Sea street, ordered to be sold by the order, of court dated July 24, Colom bo ...... Plaintiff. 1928, for the recovery of the sum of Rs. 843‘ 35, with interest on Rs. 500 at the rate of 24 per cent, per annum K. N. M. Athinamilage Chetty of 59, Sea street, , from August 27, 1920, up to October 8, 1920, and C o lo m b o ...... Substituted plaintiff. thereafter on the aggregate, amount of. principal and . No. 1,751/20. Vs. interest at the rate of 9 per cent. per. annum from (1) Mahabethmage Emalia Perera Hamine and her October 9, 1920, and costs of suit, viz. husband (2) Don Johannes Wijetunga, both o f All that undivided | part or share of the land called Reclamation road, Colombo ...... Defendants. Pelangahawatta marked letters A and ‘B in the p] an and NOTICE is hereby given that on Monday, September of the plantations and one-half part of the buildings 24, 1928, at 3 P.M., will be sold by public auction at the standing thereon bearing assessment No. 316, situated premises the following property mortgaged with the at Welikada, now called Rajagiriya road, in the Palle plaintiff by bond No. 462 dated December 16, 1916,, and pattu of Salpiti korale, in the District of Colombo 710 P a r t II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — ikira.

Western Province ; and which said land is bounded on the north by the road leading to Yakbedda, on the east by the land of Kuruppuge Hendrick Mendis, on the south by the land formerly of Kuruppuge Hendrick Mendis, M 4he Court of Requests of Gampola. presently of Hollupatirage Geris Caldera; and on the W. A.'Don Davith Singho of Warakawa ___ Plaintiff. west by another portion of this same land marked letters C and D'allotted to Kuruppuge Charlotte Mendis and No. 7,191. Vs. Galettenabage , , Michael Perera ; containing in extent Gama-athige Don Charles Appuhamy alias Charles 1 rood and 17| perches, together with the right, title, and Singho o f Kehelgam uwa ...... Defendant. interest of the 1st defendant in, to, upon, or out of the NOTICE is hereby given that on Monday, September said property. Prior registration M 180/131. 17, 1928, commencing at 12 noon, will be sold by public ||Fiscars.:pffice, R. O. d e Sa r a m , auction at the premises the right, title, and interest of C dom^bo, A ugust 22, 1928. Deputy Fiscal . the said defendant in the following property for the recovery o f the sum o f Rs. 330 65, with legal interest t i t L .^n.-the Court of Requests of Panadure. on Rs. 295 from December 7, 1925, until payment in full, and poundage thereof, v iz.:— (l/Liyanrige Ana Polina Pereia Hamine and her nusok^S'd (2) K alapuge D on Marthenis Appu- (1) The land called Etambemulahena of about 5J hamy, both of Kalapugama ...... Plaintiffs. seers kurakkan sowing extent, situated at Yatiganhulaha No. 19,734. Vs. in Ambagamu korale of Udabulatgama in Kandy District; and bounded on the east by the road leading (1) L. L. Perera of 470, Gangodawila in to Adam’s Peak, on the south by Kuttiyakumbura alias Nugegoda, executor of the last will of the late Lin-ela, on the west by Watahena-ela, and on the north . Liyanage Daniel Perera Appuhamy, (2) Tantri- by the Mukalanhena belonging to the Crown ; together mudalige Dona Aprogina Perera Hamine of with everything thereon. K a la p u g a m a ...... Defendants. (3) An undivided | share of the land called Etambe­ NOTICE is hereby given that on Friday, September mulahena alias lot C in P 1 according to the plan made 21, 1928, commencing at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, will by 0. W. Bartholomeusz, Surveyor of Kandy, of about be sold by public auction at the premises the right, title, 21 acres in extent, situated at Yatiganhulaha aforesaid ; and interest of the said defendants in the following and bounded on the east by Batahena-ela, on the south property (mortgaged by the defendants with plaintiffs by the same ela and limit of the above land, on the west and declared bound and executable for the decree entered by the limit of portion marked B B 1 of the above- in the said case) for the recovery of Rs. 300, with legal mentioned plan, and on the north by the limit of portion interest thereon from February 15, 1927, till payment in marked B B 1 of the above-mentioned plan. full, and costs Rs. 33 ■ 95, viz.:— 1. The remaining half share of the soil and of all the trees and plantations standing thereon (but exclusive of Fiscal’s Office A. R anesinghe, an undivided extent of 2 acres together with the trees Kandy, August 20,11928. y Additional Deputy Fiscal. and plantations, appertaining thereto on the southern side which includes an undivided extent of land reserved for cart'road 8 feet in breadth along the eastern bound­ n the District Court of Kandy. ary from the cart road which is the northern boundary K. L. P.Jt. M. Kolondeyan Chetty by his attorney of the land' extending up to the portion of land previously K . L^P. R . M. R jto a n Chetty of K a n d y ...... Plaintiff. gifted by the said Daniel Perera Appuhamy and the 2nd No. 36,166. Vs. defendant) of a portion of the land called Wallagaha- watta planted with, cinnamon, situated at Molligoda in (1) J. M. Sally of Peradeniya road in Kandy, (2) the Waddubadda of Panadure totamune, in the Kalutara B. M. Yoosoof of Kandy, and (3) K. S. Samsudeen District, Western Province ; and bounded on the north of Welikada Jail...... Defendants. by the cart road, east by the land belonging to Nakanda- NOTICE is hereby given that on Friday, September lage Doii Juwanis Appuhamy arid others and a portion 14, 1928, at 12 noon, will be sold by public of Wallagahawatta, south by the ela, west by the field auction at the premises the right, title, and interest of and Etambagahawatta ; and containing in extent of the said 2nd defendant in the following property for the about 4 acres I rood and 10 perches. recovery of the sum of Rs. 581, with legal interest thereon 2. The remaining half share of the soil and of all the at 9 per cent, per annum from March 7, 1928,.till pay-, trees and plantations standing thereon (but exclusive of ment in full, and poundage, viz.:— an undivided extent of 2 acres together with the trees An undivided £ part or share out of all that houses and and plantations appertaining thereto on the southern ground bearing assessment Nos. 227,228,229, 230, 231, side which includes an undivided extent of land reserved 232, 233, 234,* and 235 standing on all that allotment of for a cart road 8 feet in breadth along the eastern land towards the south, in extent of 1 rood and 34/100 boundary from the cart road whidh is the .northern perches out of all that portion towards the north of all boundary of the land extending up to the portion of land that portion of land form ed b y three contiguous portion s previously gifted by the said Daniel Perera Appuhamy of land in extent of 1| acres or 3 roods and 6 perches, and the 2nd*defendant) of a portion of the land called situate at Peradeniya road, ■ within the town and Wallagahawatta planted with cinnamon, situated at Municipality and District of Kandy, Central Province ; Molligoda in the Waddubadda of Panadure totamune, and which said portion towards the south in extent 1 rood in the Kalutara District, Western Province; and and 34/100 perches is bounded on the north by the bounded on the north by the cart road, east by the land portion of this land , sold to Dona Agida Hamine and belonging to Nakandalage Don Juwanis Appuhamy and house No. 226, on the east by slaughter-house road, on others and a portion of Wallagahawatta, south by the the south by 4 feet road separated the half share of the ela, • west by the field and Etambagahawatta ; and waste land, on the west by high road. Registered In containing in extent of about 4 acres 1 rood arid 10 A 43/62. perches'. •. -

. Deputy Fiscal’s Office, . H. Sameresingha, Fiscal’s Office, . ' A. R a n e s in g h e , G - Krilutara, August 21,1928. - * Deputy Fiscal. Kandy, August 20,1928. Additional Deputy Fiscal. P a r t II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A u g . 24, 1928 711

Southern Province. the north. by Bakmeegahadeniya and Busnedeniya, H east by Crown jungle, south by Kendavinnehena, west by Sapugahawatta; and. containing in extent about In the District Court of Galle. 6 acres. In the Matter of the Estate of WaUfixuni Arlis 3. An undivided ^ share of the soil and trees and Mendis Abeysekara, 0 verseerMukandiram an undivided 1 share of the 13 cubits tiled house standing thereon of the land called Wel-Ihalawatta, No. 6,123 T. Vs. situated at Neralanpitiya aforesaid; and bounded on Paranavidanaralalage Orlinahami of Hik- the north by Mahakumbura, east by Sapugahawatta, kaduwa ...... Administratrix south by Maragahawatta/ Ranasingeheha, and Keta- NOTICE is hereby given that on Saturday, September kalakoratuwa, west by Banketiyawatta ; and contain­ 15, 1928, commencing at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, ing about 12 acres in extent. will be sold by public auction at the premises the right, The above-mentioned properties are to be sold at the title, and interest of the said estate in the following risk of the defaulting purchaser at the previous sale. property, viz. Deputy Fiscal’s Office, E. T. Goo'n e w a r d e n e , " 1. All that allotment of land called Tissagehene- Matara, August 14, 1928. Deputy Fiscal. bedda in extent 7 acres 2 roods and 10 perches, situate atBatapola in Wellaboda pattu of Galle ; bounded on the north by reservation for a road and reservation In the District Court of Colombo along the road, east by reservation along the road, (1) Walter .Edward Keel of Colombo and south by reservation for a road, west by T. Ps. 243,057 carrying on business under the name, style,'und and 243,060 and reservation for a road. firm of Keel & Waldock at Colombo. |. f.Plaintiffs. 2. All that undivided 5/6 part of the soil and soil . No'. 27,854. ; ' Vs. • " ' ‘ ' share trees of the land called Kovilawatta and the whole of the planter’s share of the first and second (1) Tudor A. Perera and (2) Ada^E. Perera, both of plantations and an undivided \ part of the. planter’s Panadure ...... Defendants. share of the third plantation thereon, situated- at NOTICE is hereby given that on Saturday, September Urawatta in .Madampe in Wellaboda. pattu'of Galle, 15, 1928, commencing at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, will containing in extent about 3 roods and. 16 square be sold by public auction at the respective premises the yards ; bounded on the north by the river, east by the right, title, and interest of the said defendants in the land whereon Gunaya resides, south b y , Upasakage- foil,owing property for the recovery of a sum of watta, and. on the west by Kandaudawatta and Rs. 4,458 • 54, with further interest on Rs. 4,377 • 60, at. Merenehigewatta, 9 per cent, per annum from May 8, 1928, till May 29, 1928, and thereafter on the aggregate amount of the On Monday, September 17, 1928, at 12 noon, decree at the rate of 9 per cent, per annum till payment at the premises. . in full, and costs of suit and poundage, viz. 3. All that undivided . parts of the soil and trees 1. All that the field called Kaluhelakumbura, situated (exclusive of the planter’s share of the second at Midigama in the Weligam korale of the Matara plantation) of the land called Maddaketiyavatta. alias District, Southern Province ; and bounded on the north Kuttigewatta, situated at Paratarakagoda in Kosgoda by Laolugahaheha, east by Polgahawila, south by in Bentota-Walallawiti korale, containing in extent Kongahatibena Gomagodaduwa, and on the west by 1 acre 2 roods and 25 perches; bounded on the north by Gomagodaduwa; and containing in extent 6 bags of land owned by Walimuni Tharalis Mendis Appu and paddy sowing (registered in Volume D 283/286). others, east by Parataraka-ganga, south by Punchi 2. All that the defined eastern f portion of the land Daladawatta, and west by seashore. called Rukketiyehena, situated , at Midigama in the W rit amount Rs. 159 • 86, being amount due to Crown Weligam korale aforesaid ; and bounded on the north as stam p fees. by minor road, east by Wankadawewa or Borala tank, south by Wankadawewa or Borala tank and land claimed Fiscal’s Office, E. F. E d b is in g h e , •d>y D. Dines, and on the west by defined western portion Galle, August 16, 1928. Deputy Fiscal. of the same land ; and containing in extent 17 acres 3 roods and 10 perches, with the bungalow and all other In the District Court of Matara. buildings standing thereon (registered D/311/166). Godawelage Babappu and Don Gharles f ■ , - ’ Deputy Fiscal’s Office, E. T. G oonewakdene , sinhe ...... DefendaniMCj^itors Matara, August 17,1928. Deputy Fiscal. No. 1,534. Vs. ^7 { 1 Rajapakse Patiranage Don Simon, VelWidane of a.. ? N eralanpitiya ...... r f aintiff-D ehtdf, NOTICE is hereby given that on Saturday, September 15, 1928, commencing at 9 a .m ., will be In the DistricMJourt of Jaffna. sold by public auction at the respective premises the (1) Ponnusamy Vaithilingam (dead) amj right, title, and interest of the said plaintiff-debtor in Theivanaippillai, both of Siruppiddy the following property for the recovery of Rs. 326’ 40, No. 21,476. . Vs,'.'-1 v i z .:—- (1) Thambu Nagamuttar jrfid (2) Thambar Seeniy 1. All that the soil and trees of the land called vasagam, both of Paththaimeny ...... Defendants. Horamendiyahena, situated, at Neralanpitiya in the Nagappar Suppiramaniain of Puloly Kanclaboda pattu of Matara District, Southern Pro­ vince ; and bounded on the north by Ranasingewatta, E a s t ...... ; ...... Added party. east by doja, south - by Kanattekumbura, west by NOTICE is hereby given that, on Monday, September Kandagewatta ; and containing in extent about 5 acres. 17, 1928, com m encing a t 9 a .m ., will be sold by public 2. An Undivided | share of soil and trees of the auction at the respective spots the right, title, and land called Kendavinneheiia alias Omattewatta, interest of the said defendants in the following decreed situated at Neralanpitiya aforesaid; and bounded on properties for the recovery df Rs. 2,073; 75; with interest 712 . Pabt II. — OEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Aug. 24, 1928

on Rs. 1,250 at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum from yaragu culture and 3 kulies, with- godown building; May 4, 1926, until payment in full, and costs being b.orinded or reputed to b e bounded on the east byroad, on Rs. 215'2 2, poundage and charges, v iz .:— the north by the property of the heirs of Walliammaip- 1. An undivided £ share and the appurtenancespillai, wife of Sithamparapillai, and others, on the west thereunto belonging in a piece of land situated at Path - b y the property of the heirs of Vairamuttu Velautlrapillai thaimenyin Achchuveli parish, Valigamam East division and others, and on the south by the property of of the Jaffna District, Northern Province, called Kalu- Nagaretnam, widow of Namasivayam, and others. kumarunthai ; containing or reputed to contain in 2. An undivided J share with its appurtenances of a extent 36 lachams v.c., with well and cultivated plants ; piece of land situated at Singupakuthevankurichchy as bounded or reputed to be bounded on the east and south ■ aforesaid called Thikkamunai ; containing or reputed by lane, on the north by the property belonging to to contain in extent 3 6/16 kulies, with its appurtenances; Vallipuram Vairamuttu and others (presently of the bounded or reputed to be bounded on the east by the heirs of Vallipuram Vairamuttu and others), on the west property of Nagaretnam, widow of Namasivayam, and by the property belonging to Sellachchy, wife of Sinna- others, on the north by property of Kanapathypillai tharnby, and others and lane. Visuvalingam and others, on the west by property 2. An undivided 3/32 share with its appurtenanceso f the heirs o f Vairam uttu Velauthapillai, and on thereunto belonging in a piece of land situated at Path- the south by the property of Nagaretnam, widow of thaimeny as aforesaid called Nalliseema ; containing Namasivayam, and others. in extent 2 lachams v.c. and 6 kulies, with palmyras and spontaneous plants ; and bounded on the east by the Fiscal’s Office, J. P. K a n t h y a i i , property belonging to Sivagamippillai, wife of Sinndurai, Jaffna, August 20, 1928. for Fiscal. on the north by property of Saravanamuttu Ponnam- palam and shareholders (presently of the heirs of \/i J ‘' L A ? A ' Saravanamuttu Ponnampalam and shareholders), on the k t n In tneTlistrict Court of Mannar. west by lane, and on the south by property belonging to W * Moothathamby Sellamuttu and shareholders and the Allapichai Mopaiadaeh Abdulcader of Erukkilam- property belonging to the temple of Vettiyar Muda piddy, admirtist/ator of the estate of the late Vinyagamoorthy. Allapichai Mobamado Abdulcader ...... Plaintiff. 3. An undivided | share and the appurtenances No. 9,475. Vs. thereunto belonging in a piece of land situated at Kathi- rippay as aforesaid called Vadalithaippulam; con­ Kappaneinamarakaer Kaderneinamohamadolevvai taining in extent 8 lachams v.c., with share of water of of Puthukkudiyiruppu ...... Defendant. the well and the right of using the way and water-course ; NOTICE is hereby given that on Thursday, September bounded on the east and south by the village limit of 20, 1928, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, will Paththaimeny, on the north by the property belonging be sold by public auction at the premises all the right, to Sivagamippillai, wife of Sinnadurai, on the west by title, interest, and claim whatsoever of the defendant in, property belonging to Saravanamuttu Thamotharam- to, upon, or out of the said several premises mortgaged piilai and brothers. by the said defendant for the recovery of Rs. 2,302, with 4. A undivided | share and the appurtenancesinterest at the rate o f 9 per cent, per annum from May 23, thereunto belonging in a piece of land situated at Kathi - 1928, until payment in full, and poundage and charges, ripay as aforesaid called Keeliyodai ; containing v iz .:— , in extent 35 lachams v.c. and 18 kulies ; and bounded 1. Garden containing coconut and palmyra trees on the east by waste land, on the north by property calledTharavayadivadi, in extent east to west 800yards, belonging to Murukar Veluppillai and shareholders north to south 700 yards, situated at Villamparuku in (presently of the heirs of Murukar Veluppillai and Mannar West, Mannar division, Mannar District of the shareholders, on the west by property belonging to Northern Province ; and bounded on the east by the Kanapathiyar Vairamuttu and shareholders (presently properties of Gabrielpillai Pedropillai and others, of the heirs of Kanapathyiar Vairamuttu and share­ north by the undermentioned 2nd land, west by the holders), and south by the property of Vairavy Arumugam properties of Kappaneinamarakaer Neinamohamado and shareholders. • Levvaithamby Marakaer and shareholders and others, and south by path to Salai. fF isca l’s Office, J. P. K a n t h y a h , Jaffa3, August 21, 1928. for Fiscal. 2. Garden containing coconut and palmyra trees railed- Sinnappanai, in extent by deed east to west 825 yards,, north to south 1,150 yards, now measured and found east to, west 800 yards, north to south 450 yards, In the District Court of Jaffna. situated at Villamparuku in ditto ; and bounded on the SelMkkandu of Valvedditurai. .Plaintiff. east by the property of Nichilan Saverian Muras, north by the undermentioned 3rd land, west by the properties l Io ./2 ,3 8 9 . ‘ Vs. of St. Mary’s church and others, and south by the afore­ mentioned 1st land. Of this l share in common of the K. V. Markandan of Changuveli ...... Defendant. coconut trees thereon and 6/15th share of the land. NOTICE is hereby given that on Wednesday, 3. - Kasupparupeerisuthoddam, in extent by deed September 12,1928, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, will be east to west 825 yards, north to south 100 yards, now sold by public auction at the respective spots, the right, measured and found east to west 800 yards, north to title, and interest of the said defendant in the following south 100 yards, situated at Villamparuku in ditto ; property for recovery of Rs. 2,000, and costs being and bounded on the east by the property of Nichilan Rs. 48• 60, poundage, and charges, v iz .:— Saverian Muras, north by the property of Pesalai 1, An undivided | share with its appurtenances of church, west by the property of St. Mary’s church, a piece of land situated at Singapakutevankurichchy in and south by the aforementioned 2nd land. Point Pedru parish, Vadamaradchy division of the Jaffna District, Northern Province, ' called. Thikkamunai ; : Deputy Fiscal’s Office, L. D. C. H u g h es, containing or reputed to contain in extent 2 lachams Mannar, August 20, 1928. Deputy Fiscal. Part II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Atm. 24, 1928 713

North-Western Province. 2. The land called Kahatabore. Yaddessalagehena, now garden, containing in extent 18 perches, situated at Gevilipitiya aforesaid ; and bounded on the east, south, In the District Court of Kurunegala. %st, and north by the land belonging to Sultan Marikkan : Wamakulasooriya Alvinu Fernando of M $ | a W i r 3. The land called Kahatabore Yaddessalagehena, wila . . . f ...... '...... /P M n t i: fnow garden, containing in extent 26 perches, situated at Gevilipitiya aforesaid ; and bounded on the east by the No. 8,785. Vs. . j '/ land belonging to Sultan Marikkan, on the south by (7) Nanayakkara Sattambirallage Doha Karalina- Gansabhawa road, on the west by the land belonging to hamy of Welihinda in Udukaha korale, (9) Ratu- Podisinno, and on the north by the land; belonging to gamage Euginu Fernando of Wennappuwa in Sultan Marikkan. ,■ r Pitigal korale, (10) ditto Isakius Fernando of For the recovery of.a sum of Rs. 332- 22, with further Dunukedeniya in Katugampola korale, (11) ditto damages at Rs. 20 per.annum from May 28, 1928, to Martha Maria Fernando of ditto, (12) Udugam- date of ejectment of defendants from the land, namely, polage Maiya Vedarala of Wennappuwa, (21) July 7, 1928. Ratugamage Gregoris Fernando, (22) M. Arat- b chige Lama Ettana, (23) M. William Fernando, Deputy Fiscal’s Office, S. d e Sil v a , (28) Juwan Appu, (29) Isakius Fernando, all of Kegalla, August 20, 1928. Additional Deputy Fiscal. Dunukedeniya ...... Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that on Thursday, September 20, 1928, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, will be.sold by public auction at the premises the right, title, and In the District Court of Colombo. interest of the said 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, and 29th defendants in the following property, Ahamadu Lebbe Marikkar Abdul Hameed Marikkar v iz .:— of Heenetiyangala...... -i.. .^"Plaintiff. Schedule,. No. 48,858. Vs.. The lots marked A3, B 3, C l, and D 3, in extent 1 acre and 2 8 | - perches, 1 rood and 14§ perches, 1 acre Neina Marikar Mohamed Mohideen of 42, New 1 rood and 32 perches, and 1 rood and 15 perches, M oor s tr e e t____...... Defendant. respectively, from and out of the lands called Ambalama- : . A nd gawawewekumbura' of 12 beras of paddy sowing in extent and its adjoining high land of about 4 bushels of Sana Ona Mohamadu Abubacker of 24, Dam kurakkansowingin extent, both situate at Dunukedeniya street, and another...... Substituted Defendants. in Katugampola korale south of Katugampola hatpattu, NOTICE is hereby given that on September 21, in the District of Kurunegala, North-Western Province; 1928, commencing at 2 o ’ clock in the afternoon, will be and bounded on the north by the limit of the field of sold by public auction at the respective premises the Herathamy and others and by the garden of Kaluhamy right, title, and interest of the said plaintiff in the and others, on the east by Godakele, on the south by the following property, viz.:— field and garden of Kalnhami and others, and on the west by cart road; according to the partition decree Sale on September 21, 1928, commencing at 2 p .m . entered in District Court, Kurunegala, case No. 8,785. 1. An undivided 13/42 parts or share of all that Amount to be levied Rs. 450’ 18. land called Gallelagama of about 50 amunams paddy sowing extent (exclusive of Gallelawatta 6 kurunies Fiscal’s Office, S. D. Sa m a r a s ik h e , paddy sowing), situated at Gallelagama in Atulugam Kurunegala, August 21, 1928. Deputy Fiscal. korale in Kegalla District, Province of Sabaragamuwa'; bounded on the north by Morellenamune Babjige Gammaima, east by Iragolahena and Kirigala, south by Udawatta Juwanisage Gammiama and Vedage Province of Sabaragamuwa. Gammaima, and west by Maha-oya. 2. An undivided 13/42 parts or share of all that ------. * land called Weeraweddeniya and hena of about 12 In the Court of Requests of Kegalla. amunams paddy sowing, situated at Gallelegama aforesaid ; bounded on the north by the ditch of Sulema Lebbe Mohamedo Ismail of Getabhriy%.ip]aintiff. Mammala Tamby’s garden, east by Maha-oya, south No. ’836. Vs. by the boundary of-Province of Sabaragamuwa, hnd west by Panditiw&la and Ketahunugala. (1) Segu Lebbe Mohamedo Saly and (2) Segu Lebbe Yaeobu Lebbe, both of Getaberiya .... Defendants. 3. An undivided 1/12 part or share of al 1_ th^t. ]aifd‘ called Namhapanayalage Panguwa of about 3D a m u a m NOTICE is hereby given that on September 18, 1928, paddy sowing, situated at Gallele in AtuIuganA korale commencing at 2"o’clock"in the afternoon, will be sold aforesaid ; bounded on the east by Senelgola/ south by by public auction at the respective premises the right, the boundary of Province of Sabaragamuwa, west by title, and interest of the said defendants in the following Dehigahala-ela and Ketahunugala, and north by the property, viz. village limit of Keregalyolaya. 1. The land called Kahatabore Yaddessalagehena, For the recovery of the sum of Rs. 632"25, with now garden, containing in extent 2 acres and 35 perches, interest thereon at 9 per cent, per annum from February situated at Gevilipitiya in Tumpalata pattu of Parana- 1, 1918, till payment in full, and costs taxed are kuru korale of the District of Kegalla, in the Province of R s. 324‘ 84, less a sum o f R s. 289. .Sabaragamuwa ; and bounded on the east by the land belonging to Casi Lebbe, on the south -by the land S. d e Sil v a , belonging to Sultan Marikkan, on the west by Kanka- Additional .Deputy "Fiscal . namalewatta, and on the north by the chena belonging . Deputy Fiscal’s Office, to Jothihamy. , V Kegalla, August 20, 1928. 714 Part II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Attg. 24, 1928

In the District Court of Colombo. of.Sabaiagam uw a; which said allotment of land marked E /B . Creasy, carrying on business under the name, letteFiJ^fs hounded on the north by lot A in the said*.,figure'’ o f siifrvey, on tho ea. t b y Wadupola estate, (firm, and\styl£ of E. B. Creasy & Co., Queen Jot J4 rooks, and land belonging to Ukkuwa Duraya, street, Colbjpbo ...... Plaintiff. ,(®, the south by field belonging to Bilinda, rocks, and ' No.'28,957. ’ Vs. . lands belonging to the villagers, ana on the we, t by (1) N. iL. Peiris of Grocery Stores, Kegalla, (2) lands belonging to the villagers, ditch, and stone fence A. Rengasamy Chetty c/o N. L. Peiris, Grocery and ela ; containing in extent 20 acres according to Stores, Kegalla ....:...... Defendants. plan No. 1,917 aated July 19, 1926, made by Mr. Jansz of Kegalla, Surveyor. NOTICE is hereby given that on September 19, For the recovery of the sum of Rs. 1,325'03, with 1928, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, will be sold by interest thereon at 9 per cent, per annum from July 17, public auction at the premises the right, title, and 1928, till August 1,1928, and thereafter on the aggregate interest of the said 2nd defendant in the following amount of the decree at 9 per cent, till paym ent in full, property, viz.:— and costs of suit; The said sale shall be subject to existing mortgage bond No. 132 dated August 25, Sale on September k0, 1928, at 2 p .m . 1926, attested by E. A. P. Wijeyaratna, Notary Public. All that allotment of land called marked letter P (in the plan thereof) in the south of all that land called S. de Sil v a , Udumagamawaturewatta, situated in the villages of Additional Deputy Fiscal. Udumagama and Watura in Mawata pattu of Parana- Deputy Fi cal’s Office, kuru korale, in the District of Kegalla of the Province Kegalla, August 20, 1928.

I, THOMAS ARTHUR HODSON, Fiscal for the North-Western Province, do hereby appoint Mr. D. W. Wijetunga to be Marshal for the divisions of Dambadeni Udukaha north and west and Mairawati korales of Dambadeni hatpattu, Giratalana, Baladora, and Angomu korales of Dewamedi hatpattu, Karanda pattu, Medde- ketiya, Yatikaha, Yagam pattu, Kiniyama, Katugampola, Meda pattu east and west, Katugampola north and ■ south, and Pitigal korales of Katugampola hatpattu, in the Kurunegala District, under the provisions of the Fiscals’ Ordinance, No. 4 of 1867, from August 20 to 25, 1928 (both days inclusive), and authorize him to perform the duties and exercise the authority of Marshal, for which this shall be his warrant. Given under my hand this 16th day of August, 1928, at Kurunegala,

T. A. H odson, Fiscal.


/ In the District Court of Colombo. rje District Court of Colombo. Order Nisi. i Order Nisi. Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate No. 3,992. of Bastian Rodrigo Ambalavanai of Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of Mattakkuliya in Colombo^deceased. Jurisdiction. the late Polwattage Pabilis Perera of No. 3,840. Talwatte, deceased. Lucia Silva Bastianpulle of Mettak^ulixm/f. Petitioner. Gabriel Leo Ambalavanar of Mattalikuli|,a .. Respondent. Polwattage Alwis Perera of Talwatte ...... Petitioner. THIS matte#*coming on fjff/disposal before J. W. R. TH IS matter com ing on for disntfsad before J. W . R . *J] angakoonj^qADisW i^Judge of Colombo, on July 6, Ilangakoon, Km., District Judge o | C & i p « , on M arch 1928,- in" the presence of Mr. S. M. de Soysa, Proctor, 22, 1928, iXipMwpreseence of M r. M . S. Akbar, Proctor, on the panfyOTS5»ie petitioner above named; and the on the part/of the js@®tmner above named ; and the affidavit of the saM ^titioner dated July 1,1928, having affidavitherf the feaid pefemoner dated March 21, 1928, been read : having been read: It is ordered that tbe petitioner be and she is hereby It is ordered that the petitioner be and he is. hereby declared entitled, as widow of the above-named deceased, declared entitled, as son of the above-named deceased, to have letters of administration to his estate issued to to have letters of administration to his estate issued to her, unless the respondents above named or any other him, unless any person or persons interested shall, on person or persons interested shall, on or before September or before August 30, 1928, show sufficient cause to the 20, 1928, shew sufficient cause to the satisfaction of satisfaction of this court to the contrary. this court to the contrary.

J. W . R . Ilan g ak oo n , J. W . R . I lan g ak o o n , July 6, 1928. District Judge. March 22, 1928. District Judge. F abt II. — CEYLON GOVERN! GAZETTE — A ug. 24, 1928 715

In the District Court of Colombo. In the District Court of Colombo. Order N isi. Order N isi. Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate. Estate j Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of Jurisdiction. and Effects of the late Muriel Edith / Jurisdiction. Hettige Don Hendrick of N aw al a /N o. 4,022. Silva nee Wijesooriya of Panadure, No. 3,579. in the Palle pattu of Salpiti korale, deceased, deceased. . ^ K. P. Tudor Silva of Panadure ...... Petitioner. A nd V'' Edirimanage Abraham . Dabare of Nara- J? Caroline Wijesooriya Goonewardene of henpita ...... Petitioner. duwa ...... And THIS matter cofniifez on for disposal be| Ilangakoon, Esq./Dm tiot Judg&ef Cgfoml on July 25, (1) Edirimanage Dominis Dabare, (2) 1928, in the presence oftMr. D . W /M q p h e singhe, Proctor, Sara Samarakoon Hamine, both/ o on the part of the petitioner a wove named; and thb watta ...... affidavit of the sgjd/peffiiioner dated July 21, 1 9 2 / THIS matter Sosif before J. W . R. having been ready^ Ilangakoon, Es 'of Colombo,3on *|uly It is ordered that the petitioner be and he is hereby 3, 1928, in th' Sence 01 Mr. T . H ! GdOnerathO, declared entitled, as widower of the above-named Proctor, on the the petitioner above named; deceased, to have letters of administration to her estate and the affidavi the said petitioner dated June 14, issued to him, unless the respondent above named or any 1928, having been read : other person or persons interested shall, on or before It is ordered that the petitioner be and he is hereby August 30,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction declared entitled, as brother-in-law of the above-named of this court to the contrary. deceased, to have letters of administration to his estate J. W . R . I l a n g a k o o n , issued to him, unless the respondents above named or July 2of 1928-.-S , District Judge. any other person or persons interested shall, on or ______^ ----: ------:------before August 30, 1$28, show sufficient cause to the J In the^istrict Court of Colombo. satisfaction of this court ^to the contrary. Order" N isi. r ? Testamentary In the Mattel of the Intestate Estate of Jurisdiction. the late Mas Jameela of Deal /place, J;~ W . R . I l a n g a k o o n , July 3, 1928. . District'Judge. No. 4,026. Colpetty, Colombo, deceased. » / T. M. Anifi of Piachaud’s lane, Maradana, | Colombo ...... Petitioner.fi And (I) Gnai Rowena, (2) Gnai Zhlaiha, (3) Tuwan Mohamed NiharfRl) Gnai Slama, all of Piachauc In the District Court of Colombo. lane, Maradana^, J)olon^a, (5) M . Nt. ^ Order N isi. Lily street, kMy^Tsland, Bolo^^), Lc?. Respondents. THIS matiorccugjnfflin Tor disposal before J. W . R. Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate' of Ilangakoon, Esq., District Judge of Colombo, on July Jurisdiction. Elvin Richard Peiris of Nugegoda, 27, 1928, in the presence of Mr. M. S. Akbar, Proctor, No. 4,020. deceased. on the part of the petitioner above named ; and the affidavit of the said petitioner dated June 22, 1928, Harriet Marie Peiris of Nugegoda tioner. having been read : And It is ordered that the petitioner be and he is hereby declared entitled, as widower of the above-named (1) Cyril Osmund Peiris of Batavia, (2) Stella deceased, to have letters of administration to her estate Gertrude Nathanielsz assisted by.her husband issued to him, unless the respondents above named or (3 )W .O .N a j ilsz, both of Nug^go®^ (4JW-. C. any other person or persons interested shall, on or W illiam s mon ^^irisjtw^i^apo^, (5) before August 30, 1928, show sufficient cause to-the R ita Wini: .nsz a s g ^ ^ a By her Xusbahd satisfaction of this court to the contrary. ' i C, (6) E. P. Ji if College street, Kotahena, (7) Vivie: instance SeneViratne assisted by J. W . R . I l a n g a k o o n , her husbarn (8) William F. Seneviratne, (9) July 27, 1928. District Judge, Clarence Elvin Peiris, all of Nugegoda .. Respondents In the District Court of Colombo. £ & THIS matter coming on for disposal before J. W . R. Order N i s i . ■ / Ilangakoon, Esq., District Judge of Colombo, on July Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of 24, 1928, in the presence of Mr. C. V. Wickremasinghe, Jurisdiction. Vena Pana Lana SoonasPana Subra- Proctor, on the part ^pf the petitioner above named ; No. 4,031. maniam ' Chettiar of '%af street, and the affidavit of tne said petitioner dated July 23, Colombo, deceased1. s 1928, having been read: Seena Kana Mena Meyappa Chettiar of .146, Sea . It is ordered that the petitioner be and she is hereby street, Colombo ...... Petitioner. declared entitled, as widow of the above-named deceased, And to have letters of administration to his estate issued (1) Oonamalai AchiPanSianpatti, Pudukott^State, to her, unless the respondents above named or any India, (2) Theiv^aff(p) Meenachi, (4) AWgappa^ other person or persons interested shall, oh or before and (5) Alagamm^MinorsJ^hlffin^a^^^fcijf August 30,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction aforesaid appeariS^my their litem tne ’ of this court to the contrary. 1st respondent feboveteffned ...... Respondents. THIS matter coming on for disposal before J. W . R. J. W . R. I l a n g a k o o n , Ilangakoon, Esq,, District Judge of Colombo, on August July 24, 1928. District Judge. 1, 1928, in the presence of Mr. G. R . Motha, Proctor, on B 2 • 79.6 Pa r t II-. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A u g . 24, 1928 the parfeof the petitioner above named ; and the affidavit August 7, 1928, in the presence 'of Mr. P. G. Cooke. of the said petitioner dated July 25, 1928, having been Proctmfon thqpart of the petitioner above named; and read: the affidavit ^ the said petitioner dated July 7, 1928, It is ordered that the petitioner be and he is hereby having been re a d : declared entitled, as attorney of the widow of the above- It is prdered that the petitioner -be and she is hereby named deceased, to have letters of administration to his declared entitled, as widow of the above-named deceased, estate issued to him, unless the respondents above to have letters of administration to his estate issued to named or any other person or persons interested shall, her, unless the respondents above named or any other mi or before September 6, 1928, show sufficient cause to person or persons interested shall, on or before September the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. 20,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this

r # A • -t - r J ^ * court to the contrary. J. V|! ■ R . I l a n g a k o o n , 1 > 4 9 2 8 ^ v aBistrict Judge. J. W ./R . I lan g ak o o n , August 7* 192 / District Judge. Ih the/ District Co folombo. Order Nisi. ■ X Testamentary ' In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of i_Jbe District Court-of Kalutara. Jurisdiction. Lucy Emily Vanden Driesen, late of No. 4,034. Colombo, deceased. t;Order^AT is i.

H. Vanden Driesen 'of 3, Cotta road, Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of‘the late . Colombo ...... Petitioner. Jurisdiction. Elapatha-aratchigey Dona Kamala And No. 2;087. wathi, deceased, of Kalawila. (1) Richard Vanden Driesen of 3, Cotta ^fad, TH IS matter coming on for disposal before N. M. Colombo, (2) Ethel Ferdinands, wifjp’mTfep) J. H. Bharucha, Esq., District Judge of Kalutara, on June 26, Ferdinands, both of Arbothnot str® t, Colcpnbo, 1928, in the presence of Mr. D. jJ. K^DoonetillCke, (4) Hilda Sie of Siebel, both of Proctor, on the part of the petitioner, Hunchihewage C ottaroad , |o, (6)*i^CVVanden Driesen Dona Siriawathj Amarasooriy^Bgffinyof Halawila ; and of Char emo )>mbo, (7) Muriel Vanden the a ffida vito f| th e sctidPpe^tioner dated February 9, Driesen of road, Colombo, (8) 1928, ba\png/ Men read P i t is ordered that the said Arthur Vande: Jnesen of Galkissa, . Mount petitionei^be aftid she is hereby declared entitled, as Lavinia . , .i.. •...... Respondents. mother, to h«w^|g$ers of administration to her estate . THIS matter coming on for disposal before J. W . R. issued to h&.r, unless any other person or persons Ilangakoon, Esq., District Judge of Colombo, on inteiested shall, on or before July 31, 1928, show August 3, 1928, in the presence of Messrs, de Vos & sufficient, cause to the satisfaction of this court to the Gratiaen, Proctors, on the part of the petitioner above c p r f e y > l named ; and1 the affidavit phthe slid petitioner 'dated N . M. B h a r u c h a , July 30, I§28* having been read : June 26, 1928. District Judge. It is ordered that the petdionhr btTand he is hereby declared entitled, as son of the above-named deceased, to-have letters of administration to her estate issued to

him, unless the respondents above named or any other The date for showing cause of the above O r d e r N is i i s person or persons interested shall, on or before September extended to September 11, 1928. / 13, 1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of i this court to the contrary. N . M l B h a r u c h a , . | ; District Judge. J . W . R . I l a n g a k o o n , August ft 1928. District Judge.

ph the District Con'rt‘'0f Colombo. of Raliitara. Order 'Nisi. Order, N i si?*** TejAamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate Testamentary In the Matter, of The Estate bf the late risdiction. and Effects of Timbiripolage John Jurisdiction. D. Dimingo Fernando, deceased, of . No. 4,039. Fernando of 10, San Sebastian, % ■ Colombo, deceased. No. 2,102. . Katukurunda. Tennekoon W ijelath W alm ina Jitefaanclo of 10, San Sebastian;Colombo .. . X.T...... Petitioner.

(1) Timbiripolage ^^Albeilb^ Fernando of 9, San Sebasti anI2)^m biripblage Lydia Fernand o, wife of (3) S. IO o t ^ qo of Beaumont estate, Uda Pussellawa, (^Timbiripolage Harriet Wickreme- ratne nee. Fernando of Mattakkuliya,, Colombo, urdess the respondents— (1) Ernestine GToilda Fernando widow, (5) Timbiripolage Florrie Kufnarasinghe and husband (2) Kurukulasooriya Patabendige Laxaris nee Fernando, wife of (6) C. M. Rlumarasinghe 'of Silva, (3) Mrcbtel Anthony Fernando; minGr,1 by Jus Timbirigasyaya road, Ba.mbalapitiya, Colombo, guardian ad litem the 2nd respondent-^or any other and;'(7) Timbiripolage Alfred Fernando of 10, person or persons interested shall, on or before August San Sebastian, Colombo t> ..... t Respondents 14,1928,show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this THIS matter coming on for disposal before' J. W .: R court to the Contrary. It is further declared that the Ilangakoon, Esq.,.iMsttict Judge ’Of:Colombo, 'oi 'said 2nd respondent be and he is hereby appointed p**r II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE -- A u g . 24, 1928 71?

guardiain ad lite m over the 3rd minor respondent for all accordingly, and the respondents— (1) UdudeniyeV e purposes of this, action, unless the said respondents gedera Naide,’ (2) ditto Tikmya, (3) ditto Pina, (4) ditto ?r.any other person or persons interested shall, on or Meni-kie, (5) ditto Punchi Ukku, all of Mulgama,;. the A u gu st 14, 1928, show sufficient cause to the 3rd; 4th, and 5th respondents by their duly appointed satisfaction of this court to the contrary. guardian ad litem the 1st respondent-—shall, on or before August 27,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction N . M. B h a k u c h a , of this court to the Contrary. ■ June 49, 1928. District' judge. P . E . PlEBIS, May 24,1928. District Judge...... ■...... * . %. _.______fGr showing cause is extended to September In the District-CcjiiAt of K.andy. ’ " . ,. f?=»t - N . M, BftARueiHA. Order -ft, / DistM8tiJud& ,0* • • • Testamentary In the Matter of the-Estate of the late Jurisdiction. Herat Mudiyanselage Kiri Banda, In the District Court of Kalutar; No. 4,'631. deceased, of Katuldora. : Order N isi. JN THIS matter, coming on for disposal before. Pauliis Edward Plena, Doctor of Letters, District Judge, Kahdjl ^ ■ Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of >n August 2,1928, in the presence of Mr. D . A. Wikrama- ■*" Jurisdiction. Deperuma-aratchige Don sinha, Proctor, on the part, of the petitioner, Herat No. 2,103. lahatmaya, deceased, ;i_ ^Mudiyanselage Ram Menika of Kituldora^»anci the j ' ~ • J> ,v. ? affidavit of He; diyanseiage Purlin f & n f y H erat of THIS matter h^tning^ob\f°r disposal befoff^T., Kituldora d y 5, 192S, h$j|rin®bejffi read ; Bharudha, E sq., D istrict Ju'd^e^pf Kalutara, on-June 21, I t is orderei ' e peffii«K§r, as/ h e widow of the 1928, in the presence of Messrs^^rin^nngpWiresinghe, deceased, be hereby declared entitled to have & Perera, Ppa^tors, on the part i of_j p a u i @ ;ioner. letters of ai istration to the estate of the deceased Ix)kuliyana^e^R|sa -Nona^wisJIa^m e^^^^om ulla ; above named issued to her accordingly, unless the and the afifefeCvitfdated Jfo^Jip$.93e, havl^Jseen . read : respondents (1) Herat Mudiyanselage Punchi Menika, It is ordemyGiat the said petitioner be and she is (2) Herat Mudiyanselage Dingiri Banda, (3) HeraC' hereby de£&€Ss^ntitled, as widow, to have letters of Mudiyanselage Dingiri Menika, (4) Herat M udiyans^gg— administration to his estate issued to her, .unless the Mudiyanse, (5) Herat Mudiyanselage Loku Menika,.'(6^--' respondents— (l) meperiima-aratchige Allan Nona, Herat Mudiyanselage Dingiri Amma, (7) Herat Mudi- (2) ditto Cecilin, (3) ditto Thisa Nona, (4) ditto Hector, yanselage Punchi Banda Herat, all of Kituldora; 2nd, (5) ditto Emalawathie, (6) ditto Charles, (7)diito Darlin, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th respondents by their guardian (8) ditto Piyadasa, all of Alubomulla, minors, by their ad litem the 7th respondent—shall, on or before guardian ad litem , (9) Lokuliyanage -Patau Alins Appu- September 10, 1928, show sufficient cause to the satis­ hamy o f Millaniya— of any other person or persons, faction of thls^ouirfto tlje contrary; interested shall, oil or before August 9, 1928, show, sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the P. E. PlERIS, contrary. August 2,1928. Distfffit-jbdge. It is further declared that the said 9th respondent be and he is hereby appointed guardian ad litem over the 1st to 8th minor respondents for all the purposes of this In the District Court of Kandy . action, unless any other person or persons interested Order-Nisi. . shall, on or before August 9, 1928, show.sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this 'court to the contrary.- - % Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate ofAhe late f Jurisdiction. Olive Florence Dias Jkyasinghe, N. M. B h a b u c h a , No. 4,637. deceased, of Colombo, "1 June 21, 1928. District'Judge. THIS matter‘ coming on for disposal before' Paulus Edward Pieris.- Doctor of Letters, District-Judge, Kandy, on July 24' T928, in the presehoeof Messra. Wijayatiiake, -The date for showing cause against the above Order &vWijayatila»ike, Proctors, on the part of the petitioners,. N is i is extended for September 6, 1928. i Oliye Phyllis ©ias Jayasingha of Kandy and Rev. Dr. G ./B . Ekanayake of Colpetty, Colombo y and the ; N . M . B h a b u c h a , affidavit of tWsaid~p^.itioner dated July 7,1928, and of August 9, 1928. District Judge. the attestingmotapy of the last will dated’Jidy- 24, 1928, ■fhaving beenre&cf: / _ / v - / In^he District Court of Kandy. It is ordered thakthe a ^ & a b ^ e named' Order N is i,> ^ dated Decembes^y^_^27,*6and now deposited lath is court be and the same is hereby declared proved, unless Testamentary In the Matter of tlie Estate ofothe Jat any \fgpsQn or persons interested shall on or before Jurisdiction. Ududeniyegedera Bilfoda, decea August 2iL»1928;jsh'ow sufficient cause to the satisfaction N o. 4,602. of Mulgama. of thiS'COOTt-t^ the.'Contmry. ' -. . T H IS m a tter coming on for disposal before Paulus It is further declared that the said Olive Phyltis Edward Pieris, Doctor of Letters, District! Judge^of Jayasingha and Rev. Dr. G.-B. Ekanayake are two of the K andy, on M ay 24, 192§^m the presence yof M f. S /P . executors named in. the said will, and that they a te Situnayake, Proctor;,...part ,'e ft tUffipw^pIs^,. entitled to have probate of tjhO saifoe issued, to them Teiinegedera IJkku the- affidavit accordingly, unless any, persbifoor persons interested of the {said Petitioner' datgd Ma.rnb*ft_ 1928, lhaVing been shall, QnprbeforeAugust27i 1928>Ahdwsuf!icientcau3e read;; It is ordered th^t]j^ petitioner above named, to the satisfaction of this court “to W?i contrary.contrary;. ' „ as the widow of the deceased, be and she is hereby declared entitled to have letters 'of adminlstrat-op to 'P. E. PrEEis, ^ the estate of 'the deceased above named issued to her ■ juiy-'M ; O ffik J * District!''judged Part II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A ug. 24, 1928

In the District Court of Kandy. administration issued to him accordingly, unless the j Order Nisi declaring Will proved. respondents— (1) Balapatabendige Kavanihamy, (2) Hewamanage Engelnona, wife of (3) Uyanage Don Testamentary tin the'Matter of the Estate of the late Thevenis de Silva, all of Ahangama, (4) Hewamanage Jurisdiction, p Ana Una Sawul Hamidu, deceased, of Diana, wife of (5) Warnasuriya Weligamage Gunapala,. No. 4,638. J Gampola. both of Puwakwatta in Weligama, (6) Hewamanage THIS matter coming on for disposal before Paulus Pimchinona of Ahangama— shall, on or before August 28,. Edward Pieris, Doctor of Letters, District Judge, Kandy, 1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this on July 25, 1928, in the presence of Messrs. Silva & court to the contrary. Coomaraswamy, Proctors, on the part of the petitioners, Neina Saibo and Samoo, boJMof Npiwalapitiya ; and the T . W . R o b e r t s , affidavits of the said petition undated July 25,1928, and July 10, 1928. District Judge. of the notary attesting tlfe laW will dated July 24, 1928, / haviptf^een read^ lered tlm|^tne will of the deceased above named District Court of affna. datelJJSday 26, 1923, and now deposited in this court be and th & y sz a p is hereby declared proved, unless any c / Order N isi. personiop'persons interested shall, on or before August 30, 1928, snow sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this Testament; ayyq In the Matter on e Estate of the last Jurisdiction. Navamany, daughter of Vallipuram court to the contrary. It is further declared that the said Neina Saibo, Samoo-, No':"6^50. Muttiah of Erupalai, deceased. are the executors named in the said will, and that they sfafiag&r iarthikesu of Kaethai . Petitioner. are entitled to^have probate of the same issued to them' accordingly, hhllesft any person or .{persons interested \ Vi shall, on or before* A u |ju s!^0, 192.8, show sufficient (1) Kanagar Kathirkam rhSppu Thambip- cause to the satisfactionofJmis court to the contrary. pillai, r amman of ditto, (4) Chin- A . nappil] hirkamarof ditto... Res pondents. | P. E. Pieris, Julji25,1928. District Judge. THIS f the petition of the petitionerL above named,, prix „ g f or letters^ fadministration to the estate of the above-named deceased, comihg ofr for disposal i / f Q t . Ip the District Court of Galle. before J. D. Brown, Esq.', District Judge, on November Te^camentaryt In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of 29,1927, in the presence of Mr. C. R. Tambiah, Proctor, Jurisdiction.| the late Mukadange Arnolis of on the part of the petitidner; and the affidavit of the To 6,650." Katudampe, deceased. petitioner dated August 3 ,1 9 2 7 , having been read : It is declared th at the petitioner is an heir of the said intestate THIS matter coming on for disposal before T. W. and is entitled to have letters of administration to the Roberts, Esq , District Judge of Galle, on July 4, 1928, estate of the said intestate issued to him, unless the in the presence of Mr. K . R. Alsou d^SilraCl Proctor, 0n respondents or any other person shall, on or before the part of the petitioner, Riipaninaala^Suwaneris of August 30,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction, Kosgoda ; and the affidavjhof ®8e said. petitioner dated of this court to the contrary. July 3, 19S8^havin^l>ep^/ead : It ife ordered that the 3rd resj^dent be appointed guardian ad litem over the J. C. W . Rock, 4th, 5th, andf 6tjf respondents, unless the respondents, August 16,1928. District Judge. namely, tfmSunahinga Sango of Katugoda in Galle ; (2) Mukafemge Laesina, (3) ditto Palius, both of Imbul- goda, (4) Rupaningala Daniel, (5) ditto Deesan, and (6) ditto Gamel, all of Kosgoda, shall, on or before District Court of/Jaffna. August 29,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction Order Nisi. * of this court to the contrary. It is further declared that the said petitioner, as the Testamentary In the Matter of,Abe Estate of the late eon-in-law of the deceased above named, is entitled to Jurisdiction. Pakkiam, wifeof Sinnaddiar Thampi- have letters of administration issued to him accordingly, No. 6,778. pillai of Tinnevely in Jaffna, late of unless the respondents above named shall, on or before Ipoh in Perak, Federated Malay 'August 29,1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction States, deceased. of this court to the contrary. : Sinnaddiar ThampipiUai of Tinnevely...... Petitioner. : T . W . R o b e r t s , July 1928. si ‘District Judge. Vs. 4 ' ' (1) Bushpam, daughter of Th ampipig Rasam - mhh,jdaughter of ThampipiUai,Jml (3^ Thamo- In the District Court of’Galle. tharammUafe- Aruijwfgany,/ Jail of Tinnevely Order 1fisi. Nortlj^/f. I ...... ? . Q /f . .'T ...... Respondents.

Testamentary In the Matter of the Intest&t TH IS nfattta&of the petition of the petitioner, Sinnad­ Jurisdiction. the late Hewa manage Juwi diar ThampipiUai of Tinnevely North* praying for N o. 6,654. deceased, of Ahangs^na*’' letters of administration to the estate of the above- THIS matter coffiSto on fo^ diplSsal before T. W . named deceased, Pakkiam, wifeof ThampipiUai, and for Roberts, Esq., District Judge of Gaffe, on July 10, 1928, thn ^appointment of the 3r(Drespondent as guardian in the presence oivjfr. D.Amarasuriya, Proctor, on the ad wiemfpvef th e ftjn o r js t and 2nd respondents, com ing part of the petitioner/ffewamanage Charles de Silva of on for disposal before "J. C. W . Rock, Esq., District Ahangama ; and the affidavit of the said petitioner dated Judge, on M ay 1 8 ,1 9 2 8 , in the presence of Mr. K . S iva- July 6, 1928, having been read : pirakasam, Proctor, on thepartof the petitioner ; and. It is declared that the said petitioner, as son of the the affidavit dated May 15, 1928, having been read : ft deceased above named, he is entitled to have letters of is declared that the petitioner is the lawful husband of P art II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A t o . 24, 1928 719

the said intestate, and is entitled to have l§tters olL tion to the estate of the above-named deceased be issued administration to the estate of the said intestate issued to the petitioner, coming on for disposal before J. C. W , to him, and that the 3rd respondent be appointed as Rock, Esq., District Judge, Jaffna, on June 19, 1928, in guardian a d litem over the minor 1st and 2nd respondents, the presence of Mr. K. Kanakasabai, Proctor, for peti­ unless the respondents or any other person shall, on or tioner ; and the affidavit of the petitioner dated June 1 9 , before June 26, 1928, show sufficient cause to the 1928, having been read : It is ordered that the above- satisfaction of this court to the contrary. named 1st respondent be appointed guardian ad litem, over the minors, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th respondents,for the J. C. W . Rock, purpose of representing them in this case, and that the June 22, 1928. District Judge. petitioner be declared entitled to take out letters of administration to.the estate of the above-named deceased as one of the heirs, unless the above-named respondents Time to show cause is extended till August 28, 1928. shall appear before this court on July 31, 1928; and show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to V ' J. C. W . Rock, the contrary. District Judge. J . C. W . Rock, July 20,1928. District Judge;

In the District Court of Ja^na.^ Time to show cause extended to September 4,1928. Order Nisi. ^ j J. Joseph, Testamentary In the Matter of the Estatp of thi/late Acting District Judge Jurisdiction. Elaiyatamby Ponnukkone of Nallore, ______No. 6,808. deceased'. Thangammah, widow of Elaiyatamby Ponnuk- In the District Court of Jaffna. kone of Nallore ...... ,... Petitioner. Order N isi. Thangammah, widow of Elaiyatamby of ditto...... Respondent. Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the late/ Jurisdiction. Muttupillai, widow of NaganatKe^ THIS matter of the petition of the abov^named peti­ No. 6,818. Kanapathipillai of Velahai West, tioner, praying for letters of administration to *ne estate ■ deogase|. of the above-named deceased, coming (M for'flisposal Kanapathipillai Pasupakhipiilai , of Velanai before J. 0 . W./J?ot&:, Esq..Distjf|ct(ffldge, on June 15, 1928, in the pr/sendaof Mrrl^C/Selvaratnam, Proctor, W e s t ...... jj. . V . . .CPetitioner. on the part of^tbe ratitioner; and the affidavit of the (1) KanSpathmiHST'^iraolanayagamuffiai' and (2) petitioner dated^^feg^J” ; 1928, having been read : It is Kan apathippaLj Paramasttigj^n Q p b W V/Utnai declared that ^^petitioner is the lawful widow of the W e s t ...... Respondents. said intestate, and is entitled to have letters ojLadminis- THIS mat&brVJVthe petition of the above-named tration to the estate of the said intestate 4$sue®to hen petitioner, praying-Jo^rletters of administration to the unless the respondent or any other persons khall^ on estate of the above-naibed/deceaseff^Muttupill ai, widow or before July 24, 1928; show sufficient ’cause to the of Naganather Kanapathipillai, coming on for disposal satisfaction of this court to the contrary. \ before J. C. W . Rock, Esq., District Judge, on June 21, 1928, in tbe presence of Mr. V. RajgaJingam, Proctor, on J. C. W . ock R , the part of the petitioner; and the* affidavit of the July 4, 1928. District Judge. petitioner dated June 19, 1928, having been read : It is declared that the petitioner is an heir of the said intestate ai d is entitled to have letters of administration to tbe Extended to August 28, 1928. estate of the said intestate issued to him, unless the J. Joseph, respondents, or any other person shall, on or before July Acting District Judge. 31, 1928, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this Jourt to the contrary. * % V •% f f J . C. W . Rock, yjil July 26,1928. District Judge.. In the District Court of Jaffna..

Testamentary In the Matter of tWdMtate of thola* Jurisdiction. R. M. S. P. S. Subbax Naidu of The date is extended to September 6, 1928. No. 6,811. Vannarponnai West, deceased, Subba Naidu ThiruvengiKSam»)N^lu of Varmar- ponnai-West ...... /• •& • / ...... Petitioner. In the District Court of Man Order Nisi. ", ,, (1) Subba Naidu Alagarsamy mtidu of Karaikudy, Testamentary In the Matter of the Es • now of Vannarponnai West, (2) Subba Naidu Jurisdiction. Croos, wife of KaitanThaliiua . Ramasamy Naidu of Karaikudy, (3) Subba Naidu No. 398. Pesalai, deceased. " ' . Ledchumanan Nal3Ttof ditto,(4) AlameM\fot%am- Christogu Kaitan Thalimai of Pesalai ...... Petitioner mal, daughterCaLSwbba Naidu af draoVsmd/S/ V s. ■ - Aiyammal, widow^fgSubba^ailau (SrdMo ; Tne 2nd, 3rd, and 4^jlfy6s|!ondents are mihors.-.RespondentSi (1) Kaitan Remifa Thalimai, (2) Soosai Sebastian Croos, bothorPeshltii .. W . ."..'.. i...Re^ondents, THIS matter of the petition of the' above-named petitioner, praying that the above-named 1st respondent THIS mattps-ofime petitfon^ofe^liria^Mi Mai be appointed guardian ad litem over the minors, the 2nd, Thalimai^ pr^yini^irletters o^fdWmist^Konrto T 3rd, and 4th resipondents, and that letters of administra­ estate of the above-named deoeased, Lucia'Croos, vate 7 20 PArt II. — GEYLON GOVERNMENT — A ttg. . 24, 1928 1 of-r Kaftan- Thalimai, coming on for disposal before ■the Dirtricf Court of Batticaloa. L, D-. C. Hughes, Esq., District Judge; on August 9,1928, Testamintary In the /Matter of the Estate of the late in.the presence of Mr. S. Anantham, Proctor, on*the Jurisdiction. Sinnatambippody Meeralebbeippody part of'the petitioner; and the affidavit of the petitioner No. 276. \ o f Eravur, deceased. dated August 9, 1928, having been read : It is declared that the petitioner is the husband of the said intestate, Ahamadulebboippody Hadjiar. Meeralebbeippody of and is entitled* to, have letters of administration to the E r a v u r ...... Petitioner. estate of the said intestate issued to him, unless the Vs. respondents or any other person shall, on or before (1) Pobkerlebbei Hadjiar Asiathummah, (2) Meera­ September 7, 1928, show sufficient cause to the lebbeippody Pattummab, (3) Meeralebbeippody satisfaction of this court to the contrary. Kulenthaummah, (4) Seilaputheenpody Umma- It is further declared that the 2nd respondent be cando, (5) Suleimalebbei Abdulmajid, all of * appointed guardian ad litem of the 1st respondent for Eravur ...... Respondents. the purpose of representing her in these proceedings, THIS matter coming on for disposal before T. C. unless the respondents above named shall; on or before Tharmalihgam, Esq., District Juda® of Batticaloa, on the said, date show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of April 30, 1928, in the presemgppu M r. M. A . Zain Kari- this court to the contrary. apper, Proctbw on tp a d & irof the petitioner ; and the affidayiVand, nfetition g>f%h,e petitioner dated September, I t . D . C. H u g h e s , 15; 1927, add/April 27, 1928, respectively, having been August 9,192811 District Judge. read?: ^ / f ' It is oider*l3 that the 5th respondent be and he is hereby appointed guardian ad litem over the minors, the 2nd and 3rd respondents,for thepurpose of thi ease, and that the petitioner he and he is hereby declared entitled, the District Court of Batticaloa. as kinsman and cousin of the deceased, to administer the estate of the deceased, and that letters of administration Order Ht%s0keclaring Will proved. do issue to him accordingly, unless the above respondents Testamentary In the Matter of the Last Will and or any other person or persons interested shall,, on. or Jurisdiction. Testament of1 Charles Velupillai Mud- before M ay 24, 1928, show sufficient cause to the No'. 266. liar, deeeasad, of Kallady. satisfaction of this court to the contrary. ■ ^ . a , Samuel Nallaratijj^i Veb*pill$i of Batticaloa..Petitioner. ^ \ T . C. T harmalihgam , 3 0 , District Judge. -it- (1) Sambunath^. Vanniah IJonnamma. (2) Alaga- Extended to August 4 ,1 9 2 8 . §' retnam- VM-upillai, (3) .^Oiangarntnam: Welupllai, . (4) MSnbnmanyainiha \rilias Vanhamjy** THISsaafefteu'coming on for d is p o s a l before G. C. August 28, 1928, show sufficient cause to the contrary. Thambyah, B^qaaeDfstrict Judge of Batticaloa, on July It is further declared that the said petitioner is one of 6,1928, in me presence of Mr. E. T. Kadramer, Proctor, the. executors named, in the said will, and that he is on the part of the petitioner ; and the affidavits and ^-entitled to have probate of the same issued to him petition of the petitioner dated July 5, 1928, having accordingly, unless the respondents or any other person been read;: ■ * ‘ or persons interested shall, on or before August 28, 1928, It is brdered'.that t f e SthyrOspondent be and* he is show siifficiont cause to the satisfaction of this court to hereby appointed guardian da litem of the minors, the the contrary. 1st, 2nd; 3rd; and 4th respondents, for the .purpose of this case, and that the petitioner be and’he is Hereby It is further ordered that the 1st respondent* be and declared entitled,, as husband of the deceased, to ad­ she is hereby appointed guardian ad litem of the-minors, minister the estate of. the deceased,sand that, letters, of the 3rd, 4th, and. 5th respondents, for the purpose of the administration do isgueybo- him accordingly, unless the above case, unless the respondents or any other person above~#es^on

G. C. T h a m b y a h ; .. - . . G. C. T h a m b y a h ,". . :July'23', 1028, District Judge, July.* 6,1928. ** -District Judge, Part II. — GEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A ug. 24, 1928 721

In the District Court of Batticaloa. In the District Court of Kurunegala.^

Order Nisi. I * Order N isi declaring W ill proved. Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate of N&ohu- Testamentary In the Matter of the Last JVill and Jurisdiction. tamby Hadjiar, son of Neina Moha- N o. 3,472. Testament of the late Simon No. 277. madu of Kayelpatnam, deceased. Jayamanna of Wilapola estate in the Segu Abdui Cader Mohamadu Saibu of Puliyan- . District of Kurqnegala. t.ivu ...... Petitioned Mariyan Louisa Jayamanna of 7, Kotahena, Colombo. ..» ...... v ...... Petitioner. vs- 1 fr*. (l) Noohutamby Hadjiar Neina Mohamadu, (2) T H IS mattei- Coming on for disposal before D . H . Asiathumma, wife of Mohamadu Saibu. (3)'Sulai- Balfour, Esq., District Judge of Ki July 30, 1928, in the - - - manachy, daughter of N(. Hadjiar, (4)-Segu Aiye- tee i o q W on the shaumma, (5) Mohideeh Abdul Cader, (6) N. E. M. part of the ine^Marl^an^ Jayamanna of Mohamadu Abdul Cader of Puiiyantivu..Respondents. 7, KotaheiJ ?lomb#L^f»d davit of the said petiti ited June 20, £928,, ving been read : THIS matter on for disposalbefefe It is order te will of the said $imon Jayamanna, Tharmalingam/Esq [istrict Judge oftjBattipaloa/' on deceased,d June 11, 1913, be and t-hesame is hereby April 30, 192 resend® o|^r.-^ivapragftsam , declared proved, unless any person or persons interested Proctor, on thS petifitmer ; and the affidavit shall, on or before September 3, 1928, show sufficient and petition of er dated March 13, 1928, and cause to the satisfaction of this court to the: contrary. April 30, 1 9 2 8 ,1'espdctively, having been read : It is further declared that the said petitioner is the It is ordered mat the 2nd respondent be and she is executor named in the said will , and that she is entitled hereby appointed guardian ad litem over the minor, the to have probate of the same issued to her accordingly, 1st respondent, for the purpose of the above case, and unless any person or persons interested shall, on or that the petitioner be and. he is hereby declared entitled, before September 3, 1928, show sufficient cause to the as the attorney of Beebee Pathumma, widow of the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. deceased, to administer the estate of the deceased, and that letters of administration do issue to him accordingly, D . H . B a l fo u r , unless the above respondents or any other person or July 30, 1928. District Judge. persons interested shall, on or before May 31, 1928, show sufficient cause to the contrary.

T . C. T harmalingam , 1 In the District Court of Kurunegala., April 30, 1928. District Judge. Order Nisi. /

Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate of the later Extended for August 30, 1928. Jurisdiction. Veerappapillai Cumaravel Pillai 4>i G. C. T h a m b y a h , No. 3,479. Gangoda, Kurunegala, deceased. District Judge. jmaravel Sathivail Pillai, Police Court, Gam- paha ...... Petitioner. In the District Court of Trincomalee.

Order N isi. (1) Cumaravel Selvftrt&yagajn of BScaTnoarjPOffiee, ' Kurunegala, (2)|TharAmma, wife of (3) R. M. Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the tote Coomaraswamy of Gangoda, Kurunegala, (4) jurisdiction. Swakamasavundariammaywife of K f Sinnachcbi, wife of (5 )P . Sanmugam Pillai of Bass No. 178. Chellapillai of No. 5 Division, Trincp- Rock estate, , (6) Maheswari of Gangoda, malee, deceased. '£ ? Kurunegala ...... Respondents. Kathirkamathampy Chellapillai of No. 5 Division^ THIS matter coming on for 'disposal before D. H. , Trincomalee ...... Petitioner. Balfour, Esq., District Judge of Kurunegal a, on August 7, V s. 1928, in the presence of Messrs. Tambiraja & Kandiah, Proctors, on the part of the petitioner ; and the affidavit Visalachchy, daughter of Chellapillai of No. 5 Divi­ of the said petitioner dated August 2, 1928, having been sion, Trincom alee...... Respondent. read : THIS matte: ing on for disposal before W . G. It is ordered that the 1st respondent be and he is Vallipuram, ing District Judge m hereby appointed guardian ad litem over the 6th minor on July 19, 1 he preserrraeafiMr/l®. ^ ® | ® ^ n a m , respondent for the purpose of those proceedings, unless Proctor, on the par; " the petJnoMter ; ancLHie affidavit the respondents shall, on or before September 14, 1928, of the said pei ated July 19, 192$fhajnng been show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to re a d : the contrary. It is ordered that the petitioner be and he is hereby It is further ordered that the said petitioner be and be declared entitled to take out letters of administration to is hereby declared entitled, as the eldest son of the the above estate, as the husband of the intestate, and that above-named deceased, to have letters of administration letters of administration be issued to him accordingly, to his estate issued to him, unless the respondents or unless the respondent above named or any person or any other person or persons interested shall, on.or persons interested shall, on or before August 28, 1928, before September 14, 1928, show sufficient, cause to the show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to satisfaction of this court to the contrary. the contrary. . W . G. V a l l ip u r a m , D . H . B a l f o u r , July 19, 1928. Acting District Judge. August 7,1928. District Judge.

B 4 P a b t II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE fro. 24, 1928 /

In the District Court of Chilaw. n the,D|ftrict Court of Ratnapura.

Order N isi. f Order N isi. testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of r In the Matter of the Estate of the late Jurisdiction. the late J. K. Paulu Perera of Katu- Testamentary No. 1,788. neriya. Jurisdiction. Yakawalage Ukkuhathana, deceased, No. 892. of W'atupitiya. Jayasuriya Ruranage Peter Perera of Naina- m adam a...... Petitioner. THIS matter coming, on for disposal before M. H. Kantawala, Esq., District1 Judge, Ratnapura, on August 8, 1928, in the presence of Messrs. Wallooppillai & fl) M. Jffiidalena Fernando, (2) lqfiolastotan Goonesekere, Proctors, on the part of the petitioner, Pereray (3) Mg/'K. Anthon; (4) J. K . Yakawalage Kirihatani of Watunitiya; and the Paustipa Perera, all. o f Naim a... Respondents. affidavit o f the said petitionen-^^w ® August 8, 1928, s v having been read : ^

M. H. K a n t a w a l a , August 8, 1928. District Judge.

In the District Court of Avissawella. ^ / U> N . Order Nisi. It* the d is tr ic t Courfe of Kegalla. Testamentary In the Matter of the Intesate Estate of Jurisdiction Rupasinghe Atchige Appu Sinno Order N isi. , N o. 64. ■ of Mawalgama, deceased.^- ■J^tameri^arj In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of Rupasinghe ^Atci^g^* Belenis Sinno **pf *Mawe.l- Jurisdiction^ HewayaloUndiya of Kudapallegama, gama .. >...... — — • • • jL- . . , Petitioner N,o. 1,287. deceased. And Hewayale Baba of Kudapallegama .-...... Petitioner. (1) Kathiri Achehi Pinnafvjd^ge Punchi Nona of Mawalgamasp^J) Rupasinghe "Atchige Jane Nona, (1) Hewayale Davitha of Kudapallegama, (2) wife of (3 ywdikanne Mohottiappuhamillage Hara - Ditto Podina of Hapugastenna; (ii'CD w m Pun- manis, bf Kkhahena, (4) Rupasinghe Atchige china ofzHiggoda, (4) DittoJ^afsfa qt Dan- Upalis Singho^^Mawalgama, (5) Rupasinghe deniya . .J...... Respondents* Atchige MangmNona, wife of (6) Don Charlis.both THIS m atte^o^ the petition of the above-named o f H an d ap an god a ...... Respondents. petitioner, /paying that letters of administration be THIS matter coming on for disposal before A. G. issued him,noming on for disposal before S. D. Dhondy, Ranasinha, Esq., District Judge of Avissawella, on Esq., District Judge, Kegalla, on July 20, 1928, in the July 31,1928, in the presence of Mr, H. R. Gunawardena, presence of Mk; G. S. Suraweera, Proctor, oil the part Proctor, on the part of the petitioner above nam ed ; and of tH^|^i^tibjLer; and hjs affidavit and petition dated the affidavit of the said petitioner dated July 25, 1928, July 17^ajoo|d8/26, 1 § ^ , respectively, having been rea d : haying been read : It is ordered%and declared tb at\he p etitioner, as the B is ordered that the petitioner be and he is hereby son of th& deceased, is entitled to haVe letters of declared entitled, as son of the said deceased, to have administration issued to him, aiid that such letters letters of administration to his estate issued to him, will be issued accordingly, unless the respondents unless the respondents above named or any other person above named or any person or persons interested in the or persons interested shall, on or before August 29, 1928, matter shall, on August 29, 1928, show sufficient cause show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of the court to to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. , the contrary.

A . G , R a n a s in h a , S. D . D h o n d y , July 31, 1928. District Judge. July 20, 1928. D is trict J u d ge. Part II. —CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Aug, 24, 1928 723


WESTERN PROVINCE— Negombo District.

IST of Persons in the District of Negombo qualified to serve as Jurors and Assessors, under the provisions of L section 254 of “ The Criminal Procedure Code, 1898,” as amended by sections 4 and 5 of “ The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 1910,” for the year July, 1928, to June, 1929. [N.B.— The Jurors numbered in a separate series on the left of those indicating Ordinary Jurors are qualified to serve as Special Jurors.] ENGLISH-SPEAKING JURORS-.

7 .. 1 Appuhamv, D. Don Elaris, landed proprietor, Chilaw 55 Juriansz, Walter Richard, lander proprietor, Green's road, Negombo. road, Negombo. 2 Arulampalam, Muttucumaru, cashier, Hunupitiya 56 Mills, Negombo. 18 . ■ 57 Kurera, M. Peter, auctioneer and broker, Negombo. 3 Abeyesekera, Don Robert Ephren Perera, clerk, Gene­ 58 Loos, Clive C., clerk, Secretariat, Negombo. ral Treasury, Colombo, Maha Hunupitiya, Negombo. 59 Lewis, D. H., photographer, Kochchikade, 4 Abeyesekera, Osmund Richard A!end is, landed pro­ Negombo. prietor, Bombugammana, Divulapitiya. 19 . . 60 Mendis, J. W ., landed proprietor, Negombo. 5 Austin, H. S., Mayaya estate, Dagonna, . 61 Mello, Don Gabriel, clerk, Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 2 ,3 ,4 .. 6 7 8 9 10 Grand street, Negombo. 5 .. 11 Croos-Moraes, Walter Edwin, landed proprietor, 20 . . 62 Mendis, Hector, planter, Dagonna. Akkarapanaha, Kadirana, Negombo. 27 . . 63 Pereira, John, Henry, planter, Lewis place, Negombo. 6 .. 12 Croos Fernando, Alexander, manager of estates, 64 Powell, Benjamin A., broker, Negombo. Sea street, Negombo. 65 66 7 .. 13 67 Pereira, Gabriel Aloysius, secretary, U.D.C., Negombo. 14 Cassimir, P. S., clerk, Land Settlement Office, Sea 68 69 street, Negombo. 70 Pereira, Cyril Martinus, landed proprietor, Green's 15 road, Negombo. 8 .. 16 22 .. 71 17 De Croos, E. S., Main street, Negombo. 23 .. 72 18 De Abrew, Richard, clerk, Land Settlement Office, 73 Sansoni Henry Miliani, estate superintendent, Ekela, Maha Hunupitiya, Negombo. Ja-ela. 19 24 . . 74 Saparamado, P. Don Joseph, landed proprietor, 20 De Silva, Samuel Robert, clerk, Land Registry, Kaluwairippuwa, Negombo. Negombo. 25 . . 75 Schrader, Frederick Campbell, planter, Kimbulapitiya, 21 Negombo. 9 .. 22 De Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige Benedict, mill owner, 26 .. 76 Seneviratna, Arthur F., Car’s Villa, Kadirana, Katana. Negombo. 23 De Silva, T. R. S., trader, 4th division, Tammita, 27 .. 77 Negombo. 28 .. 78 Seneviratna, Richard Charles, landed proprietor, 24 De Costa, Thomas Martin, planter,. Kochchikade, Matamma, Negombo. Negombo. 29 . . 79 Seneviratna, Edmund Jacob, mill owner, Thimbiri- 25 De Livera, J. M., trader, 3rd division, Tammita, gaskatuwa, Negombo. Negombo. 30 . . 80 Seneviratna, Lionel Alwin Fernando, planter, Katana, 26 Negombo. 10 .. 27 Fernando, John X ., landed proprietor, Chilaw road, 31 .. 81 Seneviratna, Albert Ernest, landed proprietor, Matam- Negombo. mana, Negombo. 11 .. 28 Fernando, Kurukulesuriya Manuel, landed proprietor, 32 . . 82 Senanayaka, Don Markus Perera Rajapaksa, notary Kadawala, Negombo. public, Minuwangoda, Negombo. 72 .. 29 Fernando, Mihidukulesuriya John, landed proprietor, 33 . . 83 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige Allan, landed proprietor, Katana East, Negombo. Kadirana, Negombo. 30 Fernando, Sebastian Cyril, merchant, Rose Bank 34 . . 84 Soysa, Reginald, landed proprietor, Nilpanngoda estate, Negombo. Negombo. 35 . . 85 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige James, landed proprietor, 13 .. 31 Fernando, L. Solomon, landed proprietor, Katana, Katana, Negombo. Negombo. 36 . . 86 Schrader, Robert Henry Spencer, planter, Wester 13a.. 32 Fernando, Frederick Edwin, clerk, Delmege, Forsyth Seaton, Negombo. & Co., Dalupotha, Negombo. 87 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige Simon, Kaluwairippuwa 33 East, Katana. 34 Fernando, Lintotage John Norbert, assistant shroff, 88 Silva, Willi Edward, Walpitamulla, . Treasury, Negombo. 37 .. 89 35 36 37 38 .. 90 Victor, K. D., landed proprietor, 4th division, 38 Fernando, P. A., teacher, Maris Stella College, Tammita, Negombo. Negombo. 91 Veerasingam, Sathanathar, conductor, Siringapathe 14 .. 39 estate, Badalgama, Negombo. 40 Fernando, J. Santiago Manuel, broker, Negombo. 92 • 75 .. 41 Fernando, Lintotage Richard David, planter, 39 .. 93 . Ambalayaya, Katana. 94 Waas, Mihindukulasuriya Anthony,, landed proprietor, 42 43 Bolawalana, Negombo. 44 Gunawardana, D. P., 3rd division, Tammita, 95 96 Negombo. 40 .. 97 Xavier, Don Francis, landed proprietor, Kurana, 16 .. 45 Gunawardana, Sembukutti Arachchige Thomas Silva, Negombo. landed proprietor, Minuwangoda, Negombo. 41 .. 98 Zylva, Hundiram Reynald, landed proprietor, 4th 46 Gomex, Felix, broker, Negombo. division. Udayartoppuwa, Negombo. 47 Grenier, Joseph Reginald, superintendent of works, 42 .. 99 Urban District Council, Negombo. 43 ..100 Adkins, Herbert. James, manager, Hunupitiya MiUs, 48 Hepponstall, Frederic George Richard, planter, Kudapaduwa, Negombo. Wegouwa. 44 ..101 Charavanapavan, Sinnatham by, shroff, Negombo. 49 50 102 Candyah, Swaminather,. clerk, Hunupitiya Mills, 51 John, Don, teacher, Maris Stella College, Negombo. Negombo. ' 52 Jayasundara, D. S., Land Registry, Negombo. 45 ..103 53 Joseph, Emmanuel, clerk, P. W. D., 184, Sea street, , 104 De Silva, Ranmuni Deeson, clerk, Land Registry. Negombo. Negombo. 17 . . 54 Jayawardana, Pattage Arthur Fernando, landed 46 ..105 De Vaz, D. E, J. R., proprietary planter, Sea View , proprietor, Kimbulapitiya, Andiambalama. Villa, Negombo. 724 Part II. -* CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A ug. 24, 1928

106 Edmund, B. D., teacher, Maris, Stella College, 48 . . 120 Fernando, Henry, teacher, Maris Stella College, Negombo. Negombo. 107 Fernando, J. M. teacher, Maris Stella College, 121 Gunawardane, G. H., auctioneer, Negombo. Negombo. 49 ..122 Kalpage, Henry, assistant engineer, P. W. D., 108 Gomez, D. W., teacher, Maris Stella College, Negombo. Negombo. 109 123 Kumarakulusinghe, S. V., teacher, Maris Stella 110 Joseph, Emmanuel, clerk, P. W. D., Negombo. College, Negombo. 111 124 Moldrich, Alan, F. W., teacher, St. Mary’s College, 47 .. 112 Peries, E. J., district engineer, Negombo, Negombo. 113 Rosa, Lionel Franklin, head clerk, Land Registry, 50 ..125 Neave, Guy M.. planter, Siringapatha estate, Badal- Negombo. gama, Negombo. 114 Sivasithamparam, Thampoe, clerk, P. W. D., 126 Perera, Basil Oliver, superintendent, Tombridge Negombo. Mills, Katunayaka. 115 Thomas, W. D., teacher, Maris Stella College, 127 Perera, W. C., registrar of lands, Negombo. Negombo. 128 Pandittesekera, Maxwell Graham, superintendent, Nilpanagoda Group, Minuwangoda. 116 . 129 Sansoni, Foenander Joseph, motor car driver, 117 Weerasinghe, Louis Perera, assistant headmaster, Goluwapokuna estate, Katunayaka. St. Mary’s College, Negombo. 130 Sinathuria, Sinappa, clerk, HunupitiyaMills, Negombo. 118 Alfred, K. A. Don, teacher, Maris Stella College, 131 Withehatchy, H. O., Maris Stella College, Negombo. Negombo. 132 Waas, M. P. S., Maris Stella College, Negombo. 119 De Silva, B. A. S., teacher, Maris Stella College, 133 Wimalachandra, Walisinghe estate superintendent, Negombo. Goluwapokuna estate, Katunayaka.

SINHALESE-SPEAKING JURORS. 1 Abeyagunaratne Don John Lucas, landed proprietor, 41 Appuhamy, Liyanage Don Pedum, Pallansena North, Udugampola, Negombo. Kochchikade. 2 Appuhamy, Sembukuttiarachige Cornelis, landed pro­ 42 Appuhamy, Veragodagamage Don Isaac, Pallansena North, prietor, Andiambalama, Negombo. Kochchikade. 3 Appuhamy, Sembukuttiarachige Simon, landed proprietor, 43 Appuhamy, W. D. Hendrick, Kochchikade. Andiambalama, Negombo. 44 Appuhamy, Kuruwita Arachchige Don Julian, Madam­ 4 5 6 . pella. 7 Appuhamy, Henarath Goonesekera Vidaneralage Jan 45 Appuhamy, Wiekramasinghe Mudalige Lawaris, Bolagala, Singho, trader, Goigama, Negombo. Madampella. 8 46 Appuhamy, Wiekramasinghe Mudalige Sarnelis, Bolagala, 9 Appuhamy, Solongearachchige Don Charles, landed Madampella. proprietor, Kaluwairippuwa, Negombo. 47 Appuhamy, Setungamudalige Don Hendrick, Halpe, 10 Appuhamy, Don Simon Karunasekara Wijeratne, trader, Katana. Doranegoda, Negombo 48 Appuhamy, Setungamudalige Don Gabriel, Katana East, 11 Appuhamy, Halahakonge Abilinu, trader, Pahala Madam- Katana. pella, Negombo. 49 50 51 52 12 Appuhamy, Anthony Perera Siriwardane, trader, 53 Appuhamy, Jayamamohottige Don Anthony, Kepungoda, Udugampola. Pamunugama. 13 54 14 Appuhamy, Mellawa-arachchige Juwanis Perera, trader, 55 Appuhamy, S. H. Don Anthony, 4th Hunupitiya, Matammana, Negombo. Negombo. 15 Appuhamy, Sembukuttiaratchige Jeronis Silva, planter, 56 Appuhamy, J. A. M. Allis, Bombugammana, Diulapitiya. Katana, Negombo. 57 Appuhamy, S. Raphiel, Medagampitiya, Diulaptiya. 16 Appuhamy, Sembukuttiaratchige Carolis Silva, planter, 58 Katana, Negombo. 59 Appuhamy, B. L. Paulis, Ambgahawatta, Minuwangoda. 17 Appuhamy, Sembukuttiaratchige Hendrick Silva, planter, 60 Appuhamy, J. Bastian, Madelgomuwa, Udugampola. Pahala Madampella, Negombo. 61 Appuhamy, J. Andiris, Madelgomuwa, Udugampola. 18 62 Appuhamy, A. Daniel, Madelgomuwa, Udugampola. 19 Appuhamy, Don James Wijeratna, Hapugahagama, Diula- 63 Amarasinghe, Don Gabriel Senanayaka, Metikotumulla, p itiy a . Diulapitiya. 20 Appuhamy, Don Pabilis Wijeratna, Hapugahagama, Diula- 64 Agosingho, K . Essella, cultivator, Diulapitiya. p itiy a . 65 Bandappuhamy, Hiralupathirannehelage, Hiralugedera, 21 Appuhamy, Don Simon Wijetunga, Barawawila, Diula- Diulapitiya. p itiy a . 66 Basnayaka, M. J. T., 1st division, Kurana, Negombo. 22 Appuhamy, Don Mendis Wijetunga, cultivator, Barawa­ 67 Cornelis, Mutukuda Arachchige Don Edward, cultivator, wila, DiuVapitiya. Hiralugedara, Diulapitiya. 23 Appuhamy, Solanga Arachchige Don Jusey, Kaluwairip­ 68 Costa, T. Paulu, 3rd Hunupitiya, Negombo puwa fast. Katana. 69 24 Appuhamy, Solanga Arachchige Luvis,' Kaluwairippuwa 70 De Fonseka, Madigapolalekamge John Gongonis, culti East, Katana. vator, Daluwakotuwa, Kochchikade. 25 Appuhamy, Jahapu Appuhamillage Hendrick, Udugoda- 71 De Silva, L. Kilamenti, Kattuwa. gedara, Diulapitiya. 72 De Silva, L. Arkadius, Kattuwa 26 Appuhamy, Kaharapathiramiehelage Arnolis, Hirolu- 73 De Silva, Visidagamage Don Peter, Pallansena North, gedara, Diulapitiya. Kochchikade. 27 Appuhamy, Halahakoonarachchige Don Elaris, cultivator, 74 De Silva, Sembkuttiaraehchige James, Madampella. Kandawala, Katana: 75 Dalpadadu. K Marcelin, 4th Bolawalana, Negombo. 28 Appu, Suriachchi Mudalige Jokinu, Kandawala, Katana. 76 Dassanayaka, D. Don William, Udugampola. 29 Appuhamy, Waleris Gomis Gunasekara, cultivator, Kanda­ 77 Dariju, Biyanwilage Mendis, Bombugammana, Diula­ wala, Katana. pitiya 30 Appu. Herathhitihamillage Marthelis, Kandawala, Katana. 78 David, Pasqualge Don, trader, Siduwa, Negombo 31 Appu, Herathhitihamillage Elias, Kandawala, Katana. 79 Ekanayake, Don Raphiel, . 32 Appuhamy, Kirihettiliyanage Don Marthinu, cultivator, 80 Ekanayake, Don Thomas, Mabodale. Kandawala, Katana. 81 Fernando, Dombawalage Manuel, Kimbulapitiya, Andi­ 33 Appu, Wijesuriya Arachchige Don Maththes, cultivator, ambalama. Kandawala, Katana. 82 Fernando, K. James, trader, Kattuwa. 34 Appu, Suriya Achchi Mudalige Manuel, Kandawala, 83 Fernando, K. Robertu, trader, Kattuwa. K atana. 84 Fernando, K. J. Andare, trader, Kattuwa. 35 Appu, Thalahitigamarallage Don Simon, Kandawala, 85 86 . . Katana: 87- Fonseka, W . Don Luwis, Pallansena, South, Kochchikade. 36 Appuhamy, W . Don Jusey, Daluwakotuwa, Kochchikade. 88 89 , • 37 Appuhamy, J. Don Maththes, trader, Daluwakotuwa, 90 Fernando, Panambarage Kamilles de Lelis, Kochchikade. Kochchikade. 91 38 Appuhamy, R. D. Pedrick, Kattuwa. 92 Fernando, Pattage Istegu, Katana West, Katana. 39 Appuhamy, R. D. Victor, Kattuwa. 93 Fernando, Liyanage PhiUipu, Pitipana. 40 Appuhamy, H. D. Moises, Kattuwa. 94 Fernando, Dombawalage Manuel, Basiyawatta, Talahena. Part II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE —Aug. 24, 1928 725

95 Fernando, W. Sebastian, 2nd division, Periyamulla, 156 Mendis, H. Thomas, cultivator, Yatiyana, Minuwangoda. Negombo. 157 Mendis, Victor, cultivator, Yatiyana, Minuwangoda. 96 Fonseka, W. P. Macsimianu, trader, 3rd Periyamulla, 158 Noris, Kaluappukankanamelage Don, trader, Siduwa, Negombo. Negombo. 97 Fernando, M. Alisandiri, clerk, 3rd Periyamulla, 159 Negombo. 160 Perera, Dehiwalege Marthinu, trader, Kochchikade, 98 Fernando, T. Vithorianu, trader, 4th Perivammulla, Negombo. Negombo. 161 Perera, Galkandearachchige Peregirinu, trader, Katu­ 99 Fernando, W. Francis, trader, 4'th Periyammulla, Negombo. nayaka, Negombo. 100 Fernando, W. S. Manuel, trader, 3rd Hunupitiya, Negombo. 162 Perera, Kodikara-arachchige Franciscu, Tudella, 101 Fernando, W. S. Joseph, 3rd Hunupitiya, Negombo. Negombo. 102 Fernando, L. Charlis, landed proprietor, 3rd Hunupitiya, 163 Pasqualage, Don Cornelis, trader, Siduwa, Negombo. Negombo. 164 Perera, Kalingemudalige Mathes, landed proprietor, 103 Fernando, W. John, trader, 3rd Hunupitiya, Negombo. Kochchikade, Negombo. 104 Fernando, W. Rokinu, trader, 3rd Hunupitiya, Negombo. 165 Perera, Mihindukulasuriya Arachchige Celestinu, trader, 105 Fonseka, M. Manuel, trader, 2nd division, Kurana, Duwa, Negombo. Negombo. 166 Perera, Wickramasinghe Senanayake Pedrick, cultivator, 106 Fernando, K. Juan, trader, 3rd division, Kurana, Ganemulla, Negombo. Negombo. 167 Perera, Ranasinghe Arachchige Nemanis, landed proprietor, 107 Fernando, N. Paulu, trader, 3rd Kurana, Negombo. . Yatiyana, Negombo. 108 Fonseka, M4 Hugo, 3rd Kurana, Negombo. 168 Peris, Gailegey Gabriel, trader, Daluwakotuwa, Negombo. 109 Fernando, W. Ilaris, trader, 2nd Bolawalana, Negombo. 169 170 110 Fonseka, M. Simon, landed proprietor, 2nd Bolawalana, 171 Perera, Kurukulasuriya Peter, landed proprietor, Watte- Negombo. gedera, Negombo. 111 Fonseka, M. Santiago, trader, 3rd Bolawalana, Negombo. 172 Perera, Ambegahage Samel, landed proprietor, Burulla- 112 Fernando, M. A. C., landed proprietor, 3rd Tammita, pitiya, Negombo. Negombo. 173 Perera, Liyanage Hendrick, landed proprietor, Watte- 113 Fernando, W. M. Manuel, trader, 2nd Tammita, Negombo. gedera, Negombo. ■' 114 Fernando, B. Juwakinu, cultivator, Kamaragoda, Dewala- 174 Peter, Senadirage Don, Boragodawatta, Negombo. pola. 175 Perera, Sinhalegurunanselage Elaris, landed proprietor, 115 Fernando, M. Daniel, cultivator, Kotugoda. Pallansena, Negombo. 116 Fernando, M. Peter Henry, cultivator, Wattegedara, 176 Perera, Brakmanage Pabilianu, planter, Palliyapitiya, Minuwangoda. Negombo. 117 177 Perera, Mellawa Arachchige Davith, Katuwellegama. 118 Fernando, Cl. Porlianu, cultivator, Madamulla, Minuwan­ 178 Perera, Velgamage Abilinu, Kandawala, Katana. goda. 179 Perera, H. D. Hendrick, Daluwakotuwa, Kochehi- 119 120 kade. 121 Fernando, Arachchige Charles, trader, Andiambalama, 180 Paris, M. Julius, Kattuwa. Negombo. 181 Perera, D. Manuel, Pallansena South, Kochchikade. 122 Fernando, Arachchige Paulu, trader, Kurana, Katunayaka, 182 Perera, K. Stephen, Pallansena South, Kochchikade. Negombo. 183 Perera, Liyanege Romaldu, Pallansena North, Kochchi­ 123 Fernando, Botalage Juan, trader, Siduwa, Negombo. kade. * 124 184 Perera, Tammitage Savariel, landed proprietor, Kochchi­ 125 Fernando, Kowilege Gracianu, cultivator, Bandarawatta, kade. Negombo. 185 Pieris, Metlithissa Jornis, planter, Katana East, Katana. 126 Fernando, Liyanage Franciscu, trader, Pitipana, Negombo. 186 127 Fernando, Lintotage Gracianu, landed proproetor, Katana, 187 Perera, Palihawadana Arachchige Davith, Etgala, Koch­ Negombo. chikade. 128 Fernando, Mihindukulasuriya Arachchige Estagu Lazar, 188 Perera, Palihawadana Arachchige Manuel, Etgala, Koch­ trader, Duwa, Negombo. chikade. 129 Fernando, Pattage Haramanis, trader, Kimbulapitiya. 189 Perera, Kumarasinghe Hett-iarachchige Sirinelis, Everi- 130 watta, Katunayaka. 131 Fernando, Wewelege Alwino, trader, Siduwa, Negombo. 190 Perera, Kumarasinghe Hettiarachchige Ranalis, Everi- 132 Fernando, Botalage Romel, trader, Bandarawatta, watta, Katunayaka. Negombo. 191 Perera, W. G., 2nd Periyammulla, Negombo. 133 Fernando, Panambarage Hendrick, landed proprietor, 192 Punchiappuhamy, K. M., 3rd Periammulla, Negombo. Kochchikade, Negombo. 193 Perera, D. Ilaris, 4th Hunupitiya, Negombo. 134 Fernando, Panambarage Pius, landed proprietor, Koch­ 194 Perera, G. William, 4th Hunupitiya, Negombo. chikade, Negombo. 195 Pinto, M. Julius, 1st Kurana, Negombo. 135 Gunawardana, Piloris Perera, landed proprietor, Alutepola, 196 Perera, K. L., 2nd Kurana, Negombo. Negombo. 197 Perera, K. Isacris, 4th Kurana, Negombo. 136 Gomis, R. V. Don Pidelis, planter, Pallansena South, 198 Perera, D. Charles, 2nd Bolawalana, Negombo. Kochchikade. 199 Perera, D. Anthony, 4th Hunupitiya, Negombo. 137 Gomis, R. D. Pius, planter, Kochchikade. 200 Perera, T. Jacobs, Naiwala, Diulapitiya. 138 Gunasekara, S. Don Juan, cultivator, Goigama, Udugam- 201 Perera, J. Simon, Ganimulla, Dewalapola. pola. ° 202 Perera, S. William, Ganimulla, Dewalapola. 139 Gunasekara, S. Don Salmon Dias, cultivator, Goigama, 203 Perera, R. P. Petiyagoda, Udugampola. Udugampola. 204 Perera, R. Salomon, Petiyagoda, Udugampola. 140 Gunawardana; H. Carthelis, vedarala, Udugampola. 205 Peris, S. Amolis, Petiyagoda, Udugampola. 141 Gunawardana, H. P. Don William, trader, Udugampola. 206 Perera, W. D. Kalawana, Minuwangoda. 142 Jayatilika, P. S. D. S., trader, 4th Udayartoppu, Negombo. 207 Perera, S. Appusingho, Wathegedera, Minuwangoda. 143 Jayawardana, D. W., cultivator, Unnaruwa, Minuwan­ 208 -Perera, P. Peduru, Boragodawatta, Minuwangoda. goda. 209 Perera, T. Marukku, Wegouwa, Minuwangoda. 144 -Jayasinghe, Subasinghe Arachchige Don Carolis, cultivator, 210 Perera, T. Migel, Medamulla, Minuwangoda. Udugampola, Negombo. 211 Perera, K. Semanis, Weliya, Minuwangoda. 145 212 Perera, S. Waiman, ■ Helekandane, Minuwangoda. 146 Karunanayake, Patirannehelage Don Juwanis, cultivator, 213 Perera, R. Joseph, Helekandane, Minuwangoda. ^ Tammita, Egoda, Negombo. 214 Perera, S. Peter, Helekandane, Minuwangoda 215 Podisingho, L., Essella, Diulapitiya. 148 Earunatileke, Lintotage James Fernando, landed 216 ' . proprietor, Katana, Negombo. 217 Podisingho, W. Don, Gallegedara, Diulapitiya. 149 Kurera, Mihindukulasuriya John, landed proprietor, 218 Pasquel, E., Galoluwa, Minuwangoda. Negombo. 219 Rupasinghe, Don Andiris, Mabodale. 150 220 Ranasinghe, Don Juwanis, Mabodale. 151 Karunanayaka, Don Simon, cultivator, Essella, Diula- 221 Rajapakse, Don Lawaris, Metikotumulla, Diulapitiya. pitiya. 152 Lowanis, Ranatunge Jayasekerakankanamalage Don, 223 Rodrigo, Witharanage Marisal, trader, Bandarawatta vedarala, Udugampola, Negombo. Negombo. . . . ’ 153 Mahamutugalege, Isaac Fernando, trader, Pansilgoda, 224 Rodrigo, Witharanage William, trader, Mukalangomuwa Negombo. Negombo. - . ’ 154 Manthoris, Don Gallegedara, cultivator, Dewalapola. 225 Rodrigo, Vitaranage Abraham, trader, Mukalangomuwa 155 Mendis, H. E., cultivator, Unnaruwa, Minuwangoda. Negombo. 726 Part II. — CEYL6N GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A W . 24, 1928

254 Sennayake, D. J.', Welhena, Minuwangoda. 1 228 Silva, Kowilage Cornells, trader, Amandoluwa, Negombo. 255 Silvester, S. D., Minuwangoda. 220 Samarasekara, John William Perera, notary public, Udu- 256 Seimanayaka,- Abaham Dias, Nilpanagoda, MiriuwAfi- gampola, Negombo. goda. . . ' ' 230. Samaratunga, Heeralup.athirannehelage Geelis Perera, 257 Senanayaka, D. J. P. R., Pathanduwana, Minuwangoda. trader, Ganemulla, Negombo. 258 Silva, P. Marsal, TJnnaruwa, Minuwangoda. 231 Senanayake, John Perera, landed proprietor, Kehelella, 259 Negombo. 260 Seneviratna, D. Daniel, Boragodawatta, Minuwangoda. 232 Silva, Walasinghe William de, landed proprietor, Maha 261 Silva, M. Pabilis, TJnnaruwa, Minuwangoda. Hunupitiya, Negombo. 262 233 Subesinghe, Aratchchige Don Amolis, vel-vidane, Udu- 263 Tissera, Hettiarachchige Damianu, Madampella. gampola, Negombo. 264 Tissera, Wamakulasuriya Francis, Andimulla, Katana. 234 Silva, Tenahandi Cornelis, trader, Kaluwairippuwa, 265 Weerasinghe, Lokuge Don Haris, Kandawala, Katana. Negombo. 266 Weerasinghe, L. D. Charles, Kattuwa. 23d 267 Weerasinghe, Ll D. James, Kattuwa. 236 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige Romel, landed proprietor, 268 Wijesinghe, D. C., 2nd Bolawalana, Negombo. Andiambalama, Negombo. 269 Wijesuriya, W. A. Don Charlis, Nalapaha, Diulapitiya. 237 Silva, Sembukuttiaratchchige John, landed proprietor, 270 Wijesuriya, Doii Carthelis, Nilpanagoda, Minuwan­ Andiambalama, Negombo. goda. 238 Silva, Sembukuttiaratchchige Isack, trader, Andiam- . 271* Wijeyatunga, D. B., Medemulla. Minuwangoda. balama, Negombo. 272 Wickrgmaratha, S. Belin, Wattegedara, Minuwangoda. ' 239 Silva, Kowilege Marthelis, trader, Amandoluwa, Negombo. 273-. WijegunasOkera, Don. Johannes Lucius, trader, Make- 240 Silva, Sembukuttiaratchchige Cornelis, landed proprietor, wita, Negombo...... Kaluwairippuwa, Negombo. 274 Wijesinghe, Don Hendrick, 2nd division, Bolawalana, 241 Silva, W. Don Romaldu, Pallensena South, Kochchikade Negombo. 242 Silva, G. Juakinu, Pallansena South, Kochehidade. 275 Yohanis, B. Don, Gallegedara,'Dewalapola. 243 Silva, K. Lionis, Pallansena Squth, Kochchikade., 276 Zylva, T. K. Charles de, vedarala, Udayai'toppuwa, 244 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige Francis, Katana East, > Negombo. . Katana. . : 277 Fernando, K. E. A., clerk, Land Registry, Negombo. 245 Saparamadu, Amarasinghe Arachchige Don Charlis, 278 Rigobert, Hettige Don, Land Registry, Negombo. Katana West, Katana. 279 ...... 246 Saparamadu Samarasinghe Arachchige Don Moises, Katana West, Katana. 280 Fernando, Rendage Manuel, clerk, Land Registry, 247 Saparamadu, Amarasinghe Arachchige Don Francis, Negombo. Katana West, Katana. • 281 James, Hewawaraketiyage, bookbinder, Land Registry, 248 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige John, Katana West, Katana. Negombo. . 249 Silva, Sembukuttiarachchige Marcelin, Katana. West, 282 Munasinghe, Don Henry Gilbert, clerk, Land Registry, Katana. Negombo. 250 Soyza, G. H. P „ 2nd Periyamulla, Negombo. 283 Peiris, Kudatelge Kalidasa, clerk, Land Registry, Negombo. 251 Singho, A. Nampi, Watinapaha, Dewalapola. 284 Ratnayake, Edwin, clerk, Land Registry, Negombo. 252 Singho, D. Pedrick, Dewalapola. 285 Wijeyesuriva, D. N. W., conductor, Nilpanagoda Group, 253 Singho, M. Davith, Makalandana,.Dewalapola, Minuwangoda,

TAMIL-SPEAKING JURORS, I Anthony, Peries Ghristpgu Pulle, landed proprietor, Etgala, 31 Negombo. 32 Muttiah, Swampulle, trader, Main street, Negombo. 2, Ayu.Lebbe Saibo Dore, Kamachchode, Negombo. 33 Muttiah Chetty, M. P. K. R., money-lender, Main street, 3 Arumugam, Kana, Main street, Negombo. Negombo. 4 Arumugam Pulle, S. A. R., money-lender, Main-street, 34 Narayanan Chetty, R. M. N., money-lender, Main street, Negombo. Negombo. 5 Aiyaturai, S., superintendent, Katukenda estate, Katu- 35 Narayanan Chetty, S. W. A. N., money-lender, Main street, kenda, Badalgama. Negombo. 6 Chetty, Suna Ana Waduel, Kattuwa, Negombo. 36 Peris, Kurukulasuriya Hugo, trader, 1st Division, Hunu­ 7 Croos, Warnakulesuriya Santiago Jacob, Daluwakotuwa, pitiya, Negombo.. Kochchikade. 37 Pulle, Kana Karuppiah, trader, Sea street, Negombo. 8 Fernando; Warnakulesuriya Jokinu, Daluwakotuwa, Koch­ 38 Pulle, B., Manuel, teacher, Sea street, Negombo. chikade. 39 Philips, Christian Alexander, conductor, Wester Seaton, 9 Fernando, Warnakulesuriya Juan, Daluwakotuwa, Koch­ Negombo. chikade. : ■ 40 Pulle, Juan Fernando Saviel, Bambukuliya, Kochchikade. 10 Fernando, . Warnakulesuriya Cilamenti, Daluwakotuwa, 4 1 Pulle, Saviel Mathes Fernando Simon, Bambukuliya, Koch­ Kochchikade, chikade. II Fernando, Warnakulesuriya Waduge Suse, Daluwakotuwa, 42 Pulle, Susey Peter Fernando, Heinmulle, . Kochchi- Kochehidade. - ... kudo. 12 Fernando, Warnakulesuriya Hugo, Kattuwa. 43 Pulle, Suse Fernando Anthony, Etgala,“Kochchikade. 13 Fernando, Peduru John, Pallansena North, Kochchikade. 44 r. Pulle, Anthony Fernando Suse, Etgala, Kochchikade. 14 Fernando; Peduru Sesaris, Pallansena North, Kochchikade. 45 15 • ■ • . . • • 46 Ramanadan Chetty,. S. T. K. N. S. R. M., money-lender, 16 Fernando, Miguel Joseph, Pallansena North, Kochchikade. , Main street, Negombo. 17 Fernando, -Nikulan Policarp, Pallansena North, Kochchi­ 47 Sanmugam,- Kadiravel, trader, Sea street, Negombo. kade, 48. . . . is ' 49 Sinniah Chetty, S. N. S., money-lender, Main street, 19 Fernando, _ K. S. Stephen, trader, St. . Mary’s street, Negombo. . . . Negombo.. 50 Suppramaniam Chetty, S. P. R. M., money-lender, Main 20 Fernando, Warnakulesuriya Pelis, Palangature, Negombo. street, Negombo. 21 51 Sawari Fernando, Bastian Pulle, trader, Harakgalegama, 22 Fernando, Warnakulesuriya Girigoris, teacher, Sea street, Negombo. Negombo! 52 Suppiah Pulle, S. P. L., money-lender, Main street, 23 Feijmndo, Warnakulesuriya Manuel, Sea street, Negdmbo. .. Negombo. 24 Fernando, Don Santiago, bandmaster, Sea street, Negombo. 53 Swaminathar, Candiah, clerk, Hunupitiya Mills, Negombo. 25 Fernando, Don Juan, trader, Sea street, Negombo, 54 Sarawana Pulle, A. K. S., money-lender, Main street, 26 Fernando Pulle, Anthony Joseph, landed proprietor, Negombo. Toppuwa, Negombo. 55 Saminathan Pulle, M. R. O. P. L. M. R., money-lender, 27 Gprni?, Francis Quintin Mural, Pallansena North, Kochchi­ Main street, Negombo. kade. 56 Sylvester, Jomis Anthony Mirando, Pallansena, North, 28 Kandasamy Pulle, P. R. V, R. A., money-lender, Main Kochchikade.. street, Negombo. 57 Veerasingham, Sathanather, conductor, Siringapatha estate, 29 .Katukenda, Negombo, . 30 Letchimanan, Chetty, A. N. T., money-lender, Main street, 58 Weerappa Chetty, :S. T.’ S. W., money-lender, Main street, . -Negombo. Negombo. . .

Deputy Fiscal's Office, M. Ed ibiw ira, Negombo, July 23, 1928. Deputy Fiscal. P art II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — A u g. 24, 1928 727

SOUTHERN PROVINCE—Galle District. T 1ST of Persons in the Galle District, Southern Province, qualified to serve as Jurors and Assessors, under the JLJ provisions of section 254 of “ The Criminal Procedure Code, 1898,” as amended by sections 4 and 5 of " The Criminal Procedure Code (Amended) Ordinance, No. 1 of 1910,” for the year July 1, 1928, to June 30, 1929. N.B.— The Jurors numbered in separate series on the left of those indicating Ordinary Jurors are qualified to serve as Special Jurors. The mark' (*) prefixed to a name denotes that it is a new name added.

ENGLISH-SPEAKING JURORS. (The following list is supplementary to the one published in Government Gazette N o. 7,657 of August 3, 1928.) 3a.. 8a*Abeysekera, Henry Gordon, Government pensioner, I —\ . 154a*Gunasekera, John Wilfred Justin, Government pen- and landed proprietor, Hapugala, Galle ] sioner, Ambalangoda

Fiscal’s Office, E. F. E d r is in g h a , Galle, August 17, 1928. Deputy Fiscal.

DRAFT ORDINANCE. {Continued from page 708.)

K 308/28 MINUTE, The following Draft of a proposed Ordinance is published for general information :— An Ordinance to amend the Cattle Trespass Ordinance, 1876. i. 827.

E it enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, by and with B the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :—

1 This Ordinance m ay be cited as the Cattle Trespass Short title. Amendment Ordinance, 1928.

2 Section 7 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment of by the substitution of the words “ not exceeding ” for the section 7 of the words “ equal to ” in the forty-fifth line of the said section. Orchnance

By His Excellency’s command,

Colonial Secretary’s Office, A. G. M. F l e t c h e r , Colombo, August 17, 1928. Colonial Secretary.

Objects and Reasons.

T he object of this amendment is to give a Police Court or Village Tribunal a discretion as to the amount of the fine which should be imposed in cattle trespass cases dealt with under section 7 of the Cattle Trespass Ordinance, 1876. 2. At present a Court or Village Tribunal is bound to impose a fine, equivalent in amount to the damages awarded. It is felt that the discretion of the Court has been unduly fettered by this provision of the law which has in practice not infrequently been the cause of unnecessary hardship.

Attorney-General’s Chambers, M. T. A kbar, ColombopJuly 19, 1928 Acting Attorney-General