En En Amendments 1

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En En Amendments 1 European Parliament 2019-2024 Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2021/0227(BUD) 2.8.2021 AMENDMENTS 1 - 54 Draft opinion Domènec Ruiz Devesa (PE695.140v01-00) Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2022 - General Introduction - Total expenditure - General statement of revenue - Statement of revenue and expenditure by section (2021/0227(BUD)) AM\1237344EN.docx PE696.349v01-00 EN United in diversityEN AM_Com_NonLegOpinion PE696.349v01-00 2/36 AM\1237344EN.docx EN Amendment 1 Peter Kofod Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the budget of the European Union Agency for budget of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very disappointing; calls instead for a satisfying; budgetary increase of EUR 27,1 million and for the addition of two temporary agents and two contractual agents to function group IV in the establishment plan to allow FRA to continue to operate effectively; Or. en Amendment 2 Domènec Ruiz Devesa Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the budget of the European Union Agency for budget of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very disappointing; calls instead for a budgetary disappointing; calls instead for a budgetary increase of EUR 27,1 million and for the increase of EUR 32,2 million to allow FRA addition of two temporary agents and two to continue to operate effectively, in contractual agents to function group IV particular in the area of emerging in the establishment plan to allow FRA to technologies and artificial intelligence, continue to operate effectively; migration and security as well as social and economic rights and discrimination; calls for the addition of 12 temporary agent and seven contract agent posts; highlights that without the additional financial and staff resources, FRA will not be able to carry out all the tasks assigned to it and fully implement its new mandate; AM\1237344EN.docx 3/36 PE696.349v01-00 EN Or. en Amendment 3 Fabienne Keller, Olivier Chastel, Malik Azmani, Nathalie Loiseau, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Ramona Strugariu, Anna Júlia Donáth Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the budget of the European Union Agency for budget of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very disappointing; calls instead for a budgetary disappointing; stresses that the FRA’s increase of EUR 27,1 million and for the tasks of collection and analysis of reliable addition of two temporary agents and two information on fundamental rights contractual agents to function group IV in compliance in the Member States are the establishment plan to allow FRA to expected to increase in the future; calls continue to operate effectively; instead for a budgetary increase of EUR 27,1 million and for the addition of two temporary agents at AD grade and two contractual agents to function group IV in the establishment plan to allow FRA to continue to operate effectively; Or. en Amendment 4 Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the 1. Is extremely concerned about the budget of the European Union Agency for proposed reduction in the budget of the Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very European Union Agency for Fundamental disappointing; calls instead for a budgetary Rights (FRA) by 0,5 %; calls instead for a increase of EUR 27,1 million and for the budgetary increase of EUR 29,6 million in addition of two temporary agents and two order to effectively implement the new contractual agents to function group IV in mandate and the projects that respond to the establishment plan to allow FRA to identified needs, as well as to compensate continue to operate effectively; the considerable extra efforts required to monitor the impact of fundamental rights PE696.349v01-00 4/36 AM\1237344EN.docx EN during the COVID-19 pandemic; deplores the fact that the budget for FRA has barely increased in the last years, and underlines that this can affect the quality of work that the Agency provides, which has proved to be extremely valuable for the Union policy; further calls for the addition of ten temporary agents and five contractual agents to function group IV in the establishment plan; highlights that without adequate financial and staff resources, FRA will not be able to carry out all the tasks assigned to it and fully implement its new mandate; Or. en Amendment 5 Clare Daly Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Finds the proposed reduction in the 1. Is deeply disappointed by the budget of the European Union Agency for proposed reduction in the budget of the Fundamental Rights (FRA) by 0,5 % very European Union Agency for Fundamental disappointing; calls instead for a budgetary Rights (FRA), particularly given the increase of EUR 27,1 million and for the annual budget of the agency has not addition of two temporary agents and two increased since 2013 while the budgets of contractual agents to function group IV in other agencies such as Frontex have seen the establishment plan to allow FRA to step increases; calls instead for a continue to operate effectively; budgetary increase to EUR 30 million and for the addition of six temporary agents and two contractual agents to function group IV in the establishment plan to allow FRA to continue to operate effectively; Or. en Amendment 6 Peter Kofod Draft opinion Paragraph 2 AM\1237344EN.docx 5/36 PE696.349v01-00 EN Draft opinion Amendment 2. Welcomes the proposed increase of 2. Notes with concern the proposed the budget of the European Asylum increase of the budget of the European Support Office by 11,2 %; calls for Asylum Support Office by 11,2 %; calls adjustments to the establishment plan as for adjustments to the establishment plan regards the distribution of posts across as regards the distribution of posts across different grades to enable reclassification different grades to enable reclassification needs and for the publication of planned needs and for the publication of planned posts for 2022; emphasises that the latter posts for 2022; emphasises that the latter will not impact the total budget or the total will not impact the total budget or the total number of staff proposed; number of staff proposed; Or. en Amendment 7 Domènec Ruiz Devesa Draft opinion Paragraph 2 Draft opinion Amendment 2. Welcomes the proposed increase of 2. Welcomes the proposed increase of the budget of the European Asylum the budget of the European Asylum Support Office by 11,2 %; calls for Support Office by 11,2 %; calls for adjustments to the establishment plan as adjustments to the establishment plan as regards the distribution of posts across regards the distribution of posts across different grades to enable reclassification different grades to enable reclassification needs and for the publication of planned needs and for the publication of planned posts for 2022; emphasises that the latter posts for 2022; emphasises that the latter will not impact the total budget or the total will not impact the total budget or the total number of staff proposed; number of staff proposed; requests in addition 28 additional posts, and the related budget, in order to implement new activities in 2022 stemming from the new mandate of European Union Agency for Asylum; Or. en Amendment 8 Fabienne Keller, Olivier Chastel, Malik Azmani, Nathalie Loiseau, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Ramona Strugariu, Anna Júlia Donáth PE696.349v01-00 6/36 AM\1237344EN.docx EN Draft opinion Paragraph 2 Draft opinion Amendment 2. Welcomes the proposed increase of 2. Welcomes the proposed increase of the budget of the European Asylum the budget of the European Asylum Support Office by 11,2 %; calls for Support Office (EASO) by 11,2 %; adjustments to the establishment plan as considers that the continuous challenge of regards the distribution of posts across migration and asylum management calls different grades to enable reclassification for strong support from the agency to needs and for the publication of planned strengthen the implementation of the a posts for 2022; emphasises that the latter Common European Asylum System will not impact the total budget or the total (CEAS), enhance practical cooperation, number of staff proposed; provide operational and technical assistance and stimulate information exchange as well as convergence in the assessment of protection needs between the Member States; stresses that the interinstitutional agreement reached on June 29th 2021 on the transformation of EASO into the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA) requires additional human resources which were not foreseen in the Commission’s draft budget; underlines in particular the need to recruit from 2022 new staff at AD and AST positions for the function of Fundamental Rights Officer, the Asylum Support Teams, the Liaison Officers in Member States or to strengthen legal and training teams; also calls for adjustments to the establishment plan as regards the distribution of posts across different grades to enable reclassification needs and for the publication of planned posts for 2022; emphasises that the latter will not impact the total budget or the total number of staff proposed, set aside the additional staff required for the implementation of the EUAA; Or. en Amendment 9 Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield Draft opinion AM\1237344EN.docx 7/36 PE696.349v01-00 EN Paragraph 2 Draft opinion Amendment 2. Welcomes the proposed increase of 2.
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