April 29, 1948 Arkansas Baptist State Convention

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April 29, 1948 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 4-29-1948 April 29, 1948 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons VOLUME 47. LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, APRIL 29, 1948 NUMBER I PAGE TWO ARKANSAS BAP Rural Missions Emphasized q1'cwin9 11 • • • AGRIPPA BEFORE PAUL By C. W. CALDWELL, Superintendent Musical Generation A Devotion by the Editor The second annual Associational Mission­ "For the king knoweth these things;" aries' Retreat, which was held at Lake Ham­ By RUTH NININGER Instead of Paul being, on trial bl ilton, Hot Springs, Arkansas, was outstanding Agrippa, Agrippa and the whole Roman in attendance, interest, and inspiration. The National Music Week is truly an American tourage were on trial before Paul and bt conference opened Tuesday evening, April observance, growing out of a concerted effort the Lord whom Paul represented. · in the early days of World War I to lift the 13, with 25 missionaries present. Dr. C. E. We have illustrated in Agrippa the da Matthews, director of . evangelism with the morale of soldier and civilian alike. Public spirited men and w.omen gave generously of of a superficial knowledge of Christian t: Home Mission Board, delivered a splendid Agrippa knew a good deal about the message on evangelism. He also spoke Wed­ their time and talent to establish .this tra­ dition which has proven invaluable to the phesies of the Old Testament. He knew a nesday morning on the Associat!onal Simul­ Jesus and His crucifixion. taneous Crusade. Plans are already under good life we so often speak of as "the Amer­ ican way". Was Agrippa any better off for his k: way in many associations of our state for ledge of Christian truth? No, he w1 such crusades in 1949. Each year, beginning with the first Sunday great deal worse off. His partial knowl Dr. S. F. Dpwis, director of co-operative in May, Music Week is observed all over had taken the edge off of curiosity and missions with the Home Mission Board, spoke America, in city, town, and village. Schools killed any further interest in the fac1 Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. civic organizations, studios, choral' societies: Christianity. - Both of his messages gave emphasis to rural bands, and orchestras make contributions to the cause through special programs. These Many people of our generation ·fancy missions and the outstanding needs in the they know Christian truth and do not b( rural churches of today. may take th~ form of community sings, con­ certs, or reCitals. Churches, too, join in the to read the Bible. Their superficial know: Talks were made by several missionaries, observance by including more than the cus­ of Christian tru~h is a toothless sort of I the superintenden.t of missions, and by ·J;)r. tomary amount of music in the regular ser­ that does not bite into their consciences B. L. Bridges, executive secretary, on various vices. Some of them prepare an integrated stir their emotions, nor strengthen· their subjects pertaining to the work of mission- choir serviee, using all of the graded choirs it serves rather as an opiate to benumb aries. ' together. Others add ari instrumental en­ sensibilities, both to the sting' of sin ar One of the outstanding, features of the con­ semble as prelude, offertory, or to accompany the stimulus of divine truth. ference was a visit to the Walnut Valley the congregational singing or the. anthems. Some one has said, "There is nothing Church Wednesday 'evening. It "is a rural Impotent than firmly believed and u1 church about ten miles from Hot Springs and But, far excelling any of these items in appeal to the greatest number of people is the neglected truth." . We have within the r is one of many churches that has received o~ our understanding the great truths o: H~n. Festival. In this observance all may some financial aid from the Mission Depart­ B1ble ~ith which to build our characters partlClPa~e. whether musically trained or not. ment. They now have a new church building by wh1ch we may be guided in our cour with adequate Sunday School rooms, a The s~g~ng of fa~iliar and beloved hymns of Chr1st1an expenence gives spiritual firm­ life. Yet, there are countless numbers pastor's home, a church bus, and are carry­ discard these Bible truths for the carna ing on a great program without any outside ness to individual faith and at the same time in~reases one's happiness and se~se of well~ l}ghts of a sinful world. financial assistance. · The visit was an in­ We have illustrated in Agrippa the d! spiration to the missionaries as they saw what bemg through the medium of .rhythm, mel­ ody, and harmony. Music is, indeed, the uni­ that one may go out into the darkness c can actually be accomplished in a rural and death from the very presence of the church. · versal language through which people of all races and faiths cah find a common ground giving, light of eternal truth. RIDGECREST CONFERENCE ON of understanding and brotherly love. It is Agrippa, Bernice, and Festus listene EVANGELISM AND RURAL LIFE significant that so celebrated a person as Paul. But what came of it? Only Mrs. Royden J. Keith, president or' the· Na .. "When they were gone aside they t1 Approximately 50 associational mission­ tional Federation of Music Clubs in a recent among themselves saying; This man < aries and pastors from Arkansas will attend visit. to Little Rock, made it cl~ar that her nothi?g worthy of death or of bonds." the. conference on Evangelism and Rural Life admmistration is dedicated to the promotion refusmg the truths which Paul preached at Ridgecrest, June 1-8. Many of the best . of wider use of Church Music· in all gather­ had neither the moral courage to releas~ speak_ers of the Southern Baptist Convention ings of musical interest. She gave it as her nor the honesty of soul to allow that tru will appear on this program. In addition to opinion that, when people can sing together · cleanse their hearts. the inspirational messages, conferences wm the great spiritual truths they believe,· they be held on methods and techniques of evange­ "For the king, knoweth of these thing! are better prepared to live those truths in fore whom also I speak freely: for I am lism and rural life. understanding and brotherly love. Since Arkansas Baptists will be sponsoring suaded .that none of these things are hJ the Assoctational Evangelistic Cru!i!ades dur­ Hymn singing was one of the most satis­ from hun; for this thing was not don~ ing 1949 it is necessary that the missionaries fying exp~riences connected with the Baptist corner. and associational P,ireotors ·of evangelism World Alhance Congress, held in Copenhagen, "King Agrippa, believeth thou the attend this conference. It wUl be money well Denmark, last July. Even the casual listener phet:s? I know that thou believest" spent for each associational board to pay the · could feel an electric spark of mutual trust 26: 26-27) . expenses of two men from their association. and understanding vibrating through the yast assemblage of 5,000 Christians, as each, SPECIAL GIFTS FOR MISSIONS m his own native tongue lifted his voice joy­ ARKANSAS BAPTIS fully and confidently in the strains of: 206 BAPTIST BUILDING LITTLE ROCll A few days ago your superintendent was Official Publication of the' Arkansas Baptll telling a good layman of a great opportunity "In Chrut there iS no East or West · State Convention for a rural church in the northern part of· the In Him no South nor North: ' But one great fellowship af love, state. Later, this man said, "I want to give Publication Committee: W. H. Hl~ks . Llttl~ you $100 to help build a church in the section Throughout the whole wide earth." Chairman; 0. C. Harvey, Arkadelphia· 'wylie 1 Paris; Boyd Eldridge, Tyronza· R. M' Abell J of which you told me." He wrote the check Following such singing, all hearts were at­ Leroy Tedford, Corning. ' · ' tuned. for a broader and more sympathetic out and we have it on hand, now. This is an Entered Post Office, Little Rock Arkansas 1 indication that our Baptist people are getting conce~t· of world needs and for a deeper con­ ond class mall matter. Acceptance for malll special rate of postage provided In Section interested in the mission work. · secratwn to the task of meeting those needs. October 1, 1913. We do not make appeals for special offer­ Arkansas Baptists take their place in 'the Individual subscription $2.00 per year. Churcll gets 11 cents per month or $1.32 per year per c ings, but i~ there are those who wish to make front ranks of Christians in their observatace family; Family Groups (10 or more paid annm a gift over and above their regular churclt o~ . Music Week through Associational HYn'ln­ advance) $1.50 per year. Subscription to forele Smgs. At the13e services, held in various key dress $2,50 per year. Advertising Rates on Re contributions to some g.ood causes, they do The cost of cuts cannot be borne by the not have to listen to radio appeals to learn cities and towns throughout the state, hun­ except those It has made for Its Individual lJ Resolutions and obituaries published at five of a place to put their money, If any want dreds will assemble to sing hymns of praise per word.
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