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Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine

4-29-1948 April 29, 1948 Arkansas Baptist State Convention

Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons VOLUME 47. LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, APRIL 29, 1948 NUMBER I PAGE TWO ARKANSAS BAP

Rural Missions Emphasized q1'cwin9 11 • • • AGRIPPA BEFORE PAUL By C. W. CALDWELL, Superintendent Musical Generation A Devotion by the Editor The second annual Associational Mission­ "For the king knoweth these things;" aries' Retreat, which was held at Lake Ham­ By RUTH NININGER Instead of Paul being, on trial bl ilton, Hot Springs, Arkansas, was outstanding Agrippa, Agrippa and the whole Roman in attendance, interest, and inspiration. The National Music Week is truly an American tourage were on trial before Paul and bt conference opened Tuesday evening, April observance, growing out of a concerted effort the Lord whom Paul represented. · in the early days of World War I to lift the 13, with 25 missionaries present. Dr. C. E. We have illustrated in Agrippa the da Matthews, director of . evangelism with the morale of soldier and civilian alike. Public spirited men and w.omen gave generously of of a superficial knowledge of Christian t: Home Mission Board, delivered a splendid Agrippa knew a good deal about the message on evangelism. He also spoke Wed­ their time and talent to establish .this tra­ dition which has proven invaluable to the phesies of the Old Testament. He knew a nesday morning on the Associat!onal Simul­ Jesus and His crucifixion. taneous Crusade. Plans are already under good life we so often speak of as "the Amer­ ican way". Was Agrippa any better off for his k: way in many associations of our state for ledge of Christian truth? No, he w1 such crusades in 1949. Each year, beginning with the first Sunday great deal worse off. His partial knowl Dr. S. F. Dpwis, director of co-operative in May, Music Week is observed all over had taken the edge off of curiosity and missions with the Home Mission Board, spoke America, in city, town, and village. Schools killed any further interest in the fac1 Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. civic organizations, studios, choral' societies: Christianity. - Both of his messages gave emphasis to rural bands, and orchestras make contributions to the cause through special programs. These Many people of our generation ·fancy missions and the outstanding needs in the they know Christian truth and do not b( rural churches of today. may take th~ form of community sings, con­ certs, or reCitals. Churches, too, join in the to read the Bible. Their superficial know: Talks were made by several missionaries, observance by including more than the cus­ of Christian tru~h is a toothless sort of I the superintenden.t of missions, and by ·J;)r. tomary amount of music in the regular ser­ that does not bite into their consciences B. L. Bridges, executive secretary, on various vices. Some of them prepare an integrated stir their emotions, nor strengthen· their subjects pertaining to the work of mission- choir serviee, using all of the graded choirs it serves rather as an opiate to benumb aries. ' together. Others add ari instrumental en­ sensibilities, both to the sting' of sin ar One of the outstanding, features of the con­ semble as prelude, offertory, or to accompany the stimulus of divine truth. ference was a visit to the Walnut Valley the congregational singing or the. anthems. . Some one has said, "There is nothing Church Wednesday 'evening. It "is a rural Impotent than firmly believed and u1 church about ten miles from Hot Springs and But, far excelling any of these items in appeal to the greatest number of people is the neglected truth." . We have the r is one of many churches that has received o~ our understanding the great truths o: H~n. Festival. In this observance all may some financial aid from the Mission Depart­ B1ble ~ith which to build our characters partlClPa~e. whether musically trained or not. ment. They now have a new church building by wh1ch we may be guided in our cour with adequate Sunday School rooms, a The s~g~ng of fa~iliar and beloved hymns of Chr1st1an expenence gives spiritual firm­ life. Yet, there are countless numbers pastor's home, a church bus, and are carry­ discard these Bible truths for the carna ing on a great program without any outside ness to individual faith and at the same time in~reases one's happiness and se~se of well~ l}ghts of a sinful world. financial assistance. · The visit was an in­ We have illustrated in Agrippa the d! spiration to the missionaries as they saw what bemg through the medium of .rhythm, mel­ ody, and harmony. Music is, indeed, the uni­ that one may go out into the darkness c can actually be accomplished in a rural and death from the very presence of the church. · versal language through which people of all races and faiths cah find a common ground giving, light of eternal truth. RIDGECREST CONFERENCE ON of understanding and brotherly love. It is Agrippa, Bernice, and Festus listene EVANGELISM AND RURAL LIFE significant that so celebrated a person as Paul. But what came of it? Only Mrs. Royden J. Keith, president or' the· Na .. "When they were gone aside they t1 Approximately 50 associational mission­ tional Federation of Music Clubs in a recent among themselves saying; This man < aries and pastors from Arkansas will attend visit. to Little Rock, made it cl~ar that her nothi?g worthy of death or of bonds." the. conference on Evangelism and Rural Life admmistration is dedicated to the promotion refusmg the truths which Paul preached at Ridgecrest, June 1-8. Many of the best . of wider use of Church Music· in all gather­ had neither the moral courage to releas~ speak_ers of the Southern Baptist Convention ings of musical interest. She gave it as her nor the honesty of soul to allow that tru will appear on this program. In addition to opinion that, when people can sing together · cleanse their hearts. the inspirational messages, conferences wm the great spiritual truths they believe,· they be held on methods and techniques of evange­ "For the king, knoweth of these thing! are better prepared to live those truths in fore whom also I speak freely: for I am lism and rural life. understanding and brotherly love. Since Arkansas Baptists will be sponsoring suaded .that none of these things are hJ the Assoctational Evangelistic Cru!i!ades dur­ Hymn singing was one of the most satis­ from hun; for this thing was not don~ ing 1949 it is necessary that the missionaries fying exp~riences connected with the Baptist corner. and associational P,ireotors ·of evangelism World Alhance Congress, held in Copenhagen, "King Agrippa, believeth thou the attend this conference. It wUl be money well Denmark, last July. Even the casual listener phet:s? I know that thou believest" spent for each associational board to pay the · could feel an electric spark of mutual trust 26: 26-27) . . expenses of two men from their association. and understanding vibrating through the yast assemblage of 5,000 Christians, as each, SPECIAL GIFTS FOR MISSIONS m his own native tongue lifted his voice joy­ ARKANSAS BAPTIS fully and confidently in the strains of: 206 BAPTIST BUILDING LITTLE ROCll A few days ago your superintendent was Official Publication of the' Arkansas Baptll telling a good layman of a great opportunity "In Chrut there iS no East or West · State Convention for a rural church in the northern part of· the In Him no South nor North: ' But one great fellowship af love, state. Later, this man said, "I want to give Publication Committee: W. H. Hl~ks . Llttl~ you $100 to help build a church in the section Throughout the whole wide earth." Chairman; 0. C. Harvey, Arkadelphia· 'wylie 1 Paris; Boyd Eldridge, Tyronza· R. M' Abell J of which you told me." He wrote the check Following such singing, all hearts were at­ Leroy Tedford, Corning. ' · ' tuned. for a broader and more sympathetic out and we have it on hand, now. This is an Entered Post Office, Little Rock Arkansas 1 indication that our Baptist people are getting conce~t· of world needs and for a deeper con­ ond class mall matter. Acceptance for malll special rate of postage provided In Section interested in the mission work. · secratwn to the task of meeting those needs. October 1, 1913. We do not make appeals for special offer­ Arkansas Baptists take their place in 'the Individual subscription $2.00 per year. Churcll gets 11 cents per month or $1.32 per year per c ings, but i~ there are those who wish to make front ranks of Christians in their observatace family; Family Groups (10 or more paid annm a gift over and above their regular churclt o~ . Music Week through Associational HYn'ln­ advance) $1.50 per year. Subscription to forele Smgs. At the13e services, held in various key dress $2,50 per year. Advertising Rates on Re contributions to some g.ood causes, they do The cost of cuts cannot be borne by the not have to listen to radio appeals to learn cities and towns throughout the state, hun­ except those It has made for Its Individual lJ Resolutions and obituaries published at five of a place to put their money, If any want dreds will assemble to sing hymns of praise per word. One dollar minimum. to build a oountry ohurohj there are plenty Pnwer~ ~ml aeaicitlon, They will even have Al'ti~IM ~~r~l11~ th.l! 11UtM~ 1 s ll:V-IIhe d6 no~ · of places out in the country where a contri­ the experience of learning a new hymn-a sarlly reflect the editorial policy of the pape1 bution can be used to good advantaee. . rec~mmended procedure in every &"atherlni. ~@ PAGE THRE' APRIL 21. 1148

the instruction that he give one or the othc -f piece of money to the Sunday School coli tlon. Upon the child's return, the father was 1r. terested to know which piece of money ll gave. In response to the father's questioJ the boy answered: "Father, you know tli Bible says, 'The Lord loveth a cheerful givex ~, 'if'u 7,.u/~ fielielle ... And you know I could give the penny mox cheerfully than the quarter." Prayer Changes Things. We used to hear the slogan, "Give tlll hurts." That is wrong, because it often hur1 An intriguing, haunting question comes to be called to prayer, and every pastor should . too quick. Instead, we should give till it quit mind as we think of the ten days between the emphasize the need to pray that God w1ll re­ hurting and becomes a pleasure. ascension of Jesus and the coming of the Holy lease His power through Southern Baptists Mak;e your Mother's Day offering to tll Spirit on the day of P~ntecost. Perhaps it at Memphis as has never before been experi­ hospital for charity a joyous, cheerful, ant is a speculative question, however, it should enced by us. And, that the power so released generous gift to the less fortunate. provoke us to seriou~ and soul-searching may reach to other Christian bodies and be­ . thought. Would the Holy Spirit have come come a nation-wide revival of spiritual power. upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost if It appears that only God can avert the im­ Dictatorship In America? they had not been in continuous prayer for pending dangers which threaten the life of John L. Lewis has lost much public favo the previous ten days? If t~ey had not been the world. Shall we not prostrate ourselves for the miners of America: The public gen praying for ten days, would the disciples have before God and lay our world "before Him and erally is in sympathy with the miners ant been prepared for the coming of the Spirit? ask that He will give ms power in unmeasur­ their demands for a living wage and bett~ May we not address this question to our­ ed portion to prevent the ·recurrance of an­ working conditions. It is our conviction tha selves: Will the Holy Spirit come upon __ other world conntct. · the American people are wlll1ng to provldt southern Baptists meeting in Memphis in Prayer Versus Bombs · the miners with living conditions, wages, anc May, if they do not spend the intervening r..:et us pray .in ·our homes, in our churches, welfar~ benefits comparable to oth~r group1 time in prayer? Will southern Baptists be on the trains en route. to Memphis, in the of American workers. prepared for the coming of the Holy ~plrit hotel rooms, in the convention rooms before Mr. Lewis has established a dictatorship upon them, tO inspire. them and empower . and following the sessions. Let us pray ~at not only over the miners, but also over Amerf. them, if they do not spend the time in prayer? God will give us another chance to evang,ellze can industry which depenGls upon coal for i Only tongues that have been exercised in the world instead of destroying the world with operation. Consequently, the American pub prayer are set aflame by the Splrlt with the atom bombs! It is not too late to fulfill our lie, which is in sympathy with the miners, 11 burning mcssag.e of God. A prayerless tongue mission of world-wide evangelism, if we be­ sacrificed upon the altar of John L. Lewis can never tell the stc)ry of God's redeeming gin now; begin with prayer and follow with dictatorial powers. The miners themselvel grace. A praverless heart can never be fUlcd the gosgel message to all the world. suffer with the rest of the American public. with a passi'ln for lost souls. A prayerless When the disciples had continued in prayer Mr. Lewis has, over a long period of time life r.s.n never. radiate the love and winsom~ for ten days, the Holy Spirit came ·upon them defied the government of .the United States grace of our Lord. Prayerless Christians ·wm and then they bore their witness with telling He and Mr. Petrillo have been as dictatoria be powerless in a world that is so reckless force. If we pray in such manner that God in their respective fields of operation as Stalli with physl.cal power. wlll pour out His Spirit upon us, we, too, of Russia. In. fac_t, Mr. Lewis has used th1 shall extend our witness and people aro~nd veto power with the same arrogance and ob Power of God Needed the world will hear the good news. structionist tactics shown by Russia. The world is trying every expedient except Mr. Lewis has demanded that welfare func prayer. Confusion and despair possess the b~nefits be given to persons who are not em spirits of men and nations. No one seems to ployees of those who slimed the contract. know the way out of the present world-wide "~ I I Ye Have Done It Unto Me" Mr. Lewis has refused to join the operato dangers. A third world war has been preach­ Mother's Day is HoSpital Day, The State trustee in order to secure a third and neutra ed ever since the close of the last one. It Convention e.uthorlzed the Baptist State Hos­ trustee to administer the fund. remains for God's p~ople to finally do what pital to appeal to the churches for an offer­ Mr. Lewis rejected the findin~s of a flnl they should have done in the first place­ ing on Mother's Day for charity patients at of actuaries which was employed to subml resort to prayer. the hospital. a report. Dare we believe that it is possible for God Heretofore all the charity service rendered Mr. Lewis ignored an' actuarial report sub to release through Southern B!!-Ptists a spirit­ by the hospital has been paid for out of the mltted by the Soclal Security Board of th ual power that will permeate the life of OUl' earnings of th~ hospital. That is, the pay -U. s. government, which generally substantl nation, a power which shall become the deter­ patients have paid for all the non-pay pati­ ated that made by a private firm. mining, factor in the prevention of a third ents served by the hospital. Arkansas Bap­ Mr. Lewis rejected a suggestion from world war? Do we feel the challenge to pray tists have had no share in this ministry to government official that a three-man boar to that end? Are we willing to' meet the those who are unable to pay their hospital of disinterested private citizens be empowere challenge and commit ourselves to prayer:- bills. ·, to look into the whole controversy. We challenge Southern Baptists to make The offering, on Mo~her ' s Day provides an We believe that the American public is en the Memphis Convention a Prayer Conven­ opportunity for every Baptist in the state to dowed with _a sense of fair play in sufflcier tlmi. Let every feature of the Convention help provide some person with needed hospi· deg;r!!e to award any group of American cltl program be subOrdinate to the passion of . talization who otherwise would be compelled zens their just rights without the blood an prayer; let every session of the Convention to go !Nithout such service. thunder methods of dictators. We belle~ be dominated by the passion of prayer;"" and The money received through t~ Mother's that the greatest results can be achieved t let every messenger to the Conyentlon be' pos­ Day offering will be kept exclusively for those civilized methods and on the basis of ac: sessed with the passion of prayer. persons who are ·not able to pay. operation. However, we must not walt until we reach Let us make our offering worthy, realizing If we · maintain our American Democrac Memphis to begin praying. The disciples that "It is more blessed to give than to re- dictators,in labor, business, and governmei prayed for ten daYS before Pentecost. Be" ceive." must be curbed; free enterprise must be saf1 tween now and the meeting of the Convention Let us not be 11ke the 11ttlo boy whoM fa.ther' guarded, and the general public must be pre every church should be called to prayer, and g,ave him a penny and a quarter on Sunday tected lest it become the victim of small mii every organization within every church should: mornlni and sent hlm to PJunaay scnool wltll orlty a-roups: PAGE FOUR ARKANSAS BA

New Church Organize, Sunday afternoon, April 4, represent1 from Cabot, Pleasant Hill, Des Arc, ;, NOTES OF ADVANCE Station, Old Austin, and Camp Ground tist Churches met at Mt. Carmel Prest Um church, three miles south of Cabot organized a council for the purpose o The Mount Vernon Church of the Central A. F. Muncy did the preaching' in recent - ganizing Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Association, 0. R. Richey, pastor, is experi­ revival services at Flippin Church. There were There was 14 persons present, with 1, encing a revival of ·spiritual life, and renewed 27 additions to the church membership. D. M· in hand, to organize a new Baptist ell interest in church and denominational acti- Kreis is pastor. These voted to resolve themselves into a vities. I r------. dependent Baptist church. Missiortln'y About a year ago two deacons from the Thomas B. Chaney, who has served as <;ii­ Coleman was elected moderator and First Church, Benton, became interested in rector of activities at Immanuel Church, Fort Raymond Williams clerk pro tem. the Mount Vernon Church and assisted in the Smith, since December, 1946, left April After examining the credentials of . organization of a Sunday School, which has 1, to become assistant to the pastor of Wal­ who proposed to organize the new ct made steady progress and is still growing. nut Street Church, Louisville, Kentucky, the council recommended that the cl o. R. Richey was called to the pastorate The Walnut Street Church is the largest be constituted. The Articles of Fait of the Mount vernon Church, and has led the Baptist church in Kentucky, with a member­ adopted by Southern Baptist Conventi1 church in an expanding program. ship of more than 4,300, and a Sunday' School 1924, were read and accepted by the ~ In a recent revival meeting there were . enrolment of 2,727, with an attendance of the church covenant was also adopted. E additions to the church by baptislp. more than 1,500. The church has 18 staff The name, Mt. Carmel Baptist Churct members. Mr. Chaney's duties will be to presented and readily accepted as the work with the pastor in planning and super­ of the new church. The following churc The executive board of the Buckner Asso­ ficials were · elected: Clerk, Eal'l HeJ ciation has voted to encourage all churches vising the church program. Dr. W. R. Petti­ grew, a native of North Caroline, is the pastor,. treasurer, A. E. Lemay; Sunday Schools of the association to hold at least two revival intendent, Raymond Williams; Tn meetings during the year. Associational mis­ Dr. Finley Gibson, former pastor of First Church, Fort Smith, was pastor of Walnut Union director, Earl Heffner; W. M. U. : sionary Herman Highfill is leading in this dent, Mrs. Mae Cullum; deacons: . Ray movement. Street Church for 22 years, and is now pastor emeritus. It was under Dr. Gibson's leader­ Williams, A. E. Lemay, Earl Heffner, During 1947 there were 150 baptisms in the' Taylor; trustees, Earl Heffner, Will T ~;~hip that the mission was organized, which churches of the association. The goal for Raymond Williams; Sunday School off this .Year is to exceed that number. later· became Lexington Avenue Church, and is now Immanuel Church, Fort Smith. Secretary, Mrs. Raymond Williams; Int1 The Waldron Church has already experi­ diate teacher, Mrs. Odel Heffner; J enced a fruitful revival, also the Parks Church teacher, Mrs . . M. M. Ledbetter; Pr: has held a revival meeting and baptized 9 First Baptist Church, Springdale, C. E. Wil­ teacher, Mrs.' Lottie Burgess; Beginner t persons, with others awaiting baptism, banks, pastor, closed a revival meeting April er, Mrs. Mae Cullum. -l,in which Dr. B. A. Pugh, pastor of the First Upon invitation three others joine Pastor Lloyd A. Sparkman, South Side Baptist Church, Joplin, Missouri, aid the promise of letters from other churches Church, Pine Bluff, preached in revival ser_. preaching, and Lucian E. Coleman, ·director young mother re-dedicated her life t1 vices recently at the Lakewood Heights Bap­ of education in the Springdale church, di:. Lord. tist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, in which more rected the music, There were 15 additions to Before this meeting, the Presbyterian cl than 50 persons united with the church, a the church. by baptism, and 8 by letter. building and one acre of land had been majm·ity of these by baptism. · The Springdale church is planning for three chased, also, a piano had been secured. Jack Bridges is pastor . of the Lakewood Vacation Bible Schools· in May, and a Sun­ building was wired for electricity, song I Heights Church. day School Enlargement Campaign 'June Sunday School literature, and record 13-18, in which they will have the assistance all purchased and paid for. of Dr. Edgar Williamson, director of the De­ Brief addresses were delivered by pa First Church, Tichnor, added 12 new mem­ partment of Religious Education, also, a bers in a recent revival meeting in which W. E. Roberts, Old Austin; Ernest Bakel fac~lty o~ state approved workers. Gerald Ogden, Des Moines, Iowa, did the­ Arc; and S.M. King, Pleasant Hill. Mil preaching, ary, H. S. Coleman, spoke on, "The Ki Church I would like to belong to." The Tichnor church went to full time ser­ vice last November. Frank Jeffrey is pastor. The Union Baptist Church El Dorado, There were 47 in the first Sunday S1 .· wishes to welcome all former pastors and 53 for the morning worship servic and friends to be present on May 9 for which 'time the missionary preached Gl Rural Evangelist M. E. Wiles reports that Homecoming Day, at which time their subject, "The Church." during his first year in his present position new educationaJ building will be dedi­ he has done as follows: Served in 20 asso­ cated Dr. c. w. Caldwell will preach Ellen Gilliland, pastor of Salem Cll ciations; visited 67 churches, and 11 mission the dedicatory sermon. Nunley, Arkansas, was ordained to the n points; preached 320 sermons; witnessed 281 try in the First Church, Arkadelphia, professions of faith, and 275 additions to 14: The pastor, J. G. Cothran, preache' churches; collected $1,860 for state missions; ordination sermon on "The Minister an and helped ordain 14 deacons, and one Pastoral Changes · Ministry." A number of pastors partici: preacher. Felix Quinton has gone to the Rock Creek in the service. Recently, Evangelist Wiles preached in re­ Church, near Mansfield, for half time· He is vival services at the Curtis Church, Desmond also pastor of the Fellowship Church, Wicher­ T. R. Hammons, Forrest City, gives a Castleberry, pastor. Thirty-five people pro­ ville. derful report regarding a mission he ha5 fessed their faith in Christ during this meet­ J. Pat Shields, Clarksville, has ac0epted the working with for several weeks. This m: ing, most of them uniting with the church by is located between Forrest City and baptism. call to the Bigelow and Casa churches of Perry County Association. · Memphis; there is no Baptist church v; Immediately following the revival at Curtis, ten miles. The attendance has increase< Evangelist Wiles was engaged in a meeting at A. P. Corder of Arkadelphia is the new times, and the offerings four times. the PopullJ,r Ridge Mission, Mt. Zion Associa­ pastor of the Harmony Church, Perry Coun­ ty Association, for half time, tion, which is sponsored by the Lake City 'l'he- congregation of the South Side Ch Church. The meeting rl)sulted in 10 additions Irvin Crossland has resigned as pastor of Pine Bluff, recently voted to build an a to the Lake City Church by baptism. · the Ratcliff Church and gone to the Webb to the church costing approximately $2' The Lake City Church, W. E. ~eed, pastor, City Church. The cost would be considerably more Is sponsoring four missions, and plans to E. c. Egbert from Muldrow, Oklahoma, to this were it not for the fact that the 1 establish two more in the near future. Ratcliff Church as pastor. · b.ers are ~onating their services. APRIL 29. 1948 PAGE Fl\i

. (The third in a series of articles on + + + wicked than himself, and the last state 1 Heaven and Hell.) that man was worse than the first. If tl 0 Since heaven is a place of holy environment By the Editor ~~nc~~~~~:t ~~~a c:::r~ ~r:~ ~~ul~ ~ told. and "incorruptibl~" inheritance, it follows that the inner nature of those who inhabit Jesus is the only one who can cle~nse t~ heaven must be compatible with that holy · + + + heart and life for heaven. It is the "bloc environment and worthy to appropriate that of Jesus His Son" that "cleanseth us from a "incorruptible" inheritance. The inner na­ sin." For, "If we confess oilr sins, he is fait ture of the butterfly corresponds to the en­ giveness which they felt in their hearts. They ful and just to forgive us our sins, and clean! ·viornment of sunlight and flowers, it could were conscious of a forgivi..Iig spirit that put us from all unrighteousness." not live in the underground tunnels of the no limit on forgiveness, and yet they were mole. But the inner nature of the mole is surrounded by worldly standards that were Sacrifice on Calvary clearly opposed to that spirit. How reconcile adapted to those underground tu~nels and it The sacrifice on calvary paid the penalt the two? Shall we forgive seven times, more could not live in the environment of sunlight for our sins. If we go to heaven it will J:j than the usual number? That would go far and flowers. because we have accepted, by , faith, th~ beyond human standards. And Jesus virtu­ No study of heaven would be complete with­ sacrifice which was made for us. And by th ally said, let there be no limit to your forgive­ appropriation of the sacrifice of Jesus, b out a study of the inhabitants of heaven, and ness. the preparation necessary to fit them for that building the spirit of that sacrifice into ou eternal habitation. Without this prepara­ That spirit which seeks the good of others characters, by saturating our conscious be tion, a person would be no more able to enjoy is also of the divirie nature. The apostle ings with thoughts of Him who died for til the glories, beauties, and ecstasies of heaven ·~ said, "Let us do good unto all men, especially we grow in His likeness and purify our being than those who love hill-billy music are able unto them that are of the household of faith." of all the stains of sin. to enjoy the great anthems of Beethoven, But Jesus went further than that saying,. "Do We cannot think on calvar,y's cross an Mendelssohn, and BacJ:;l. good to them that persecute you and despite­ entertain evil thoughts; we cannot keep tli fully use you • .• Bless and curse not •. • Over­ crucified Christ forever in our mind's · ey How is it that some people seem to think come evil with good." that they could enjoy the refinements and and disobey our God; we cannot contemplat glories of heaven if they were taken there The love of holiness and purity is another the purity of His life and live unclean our without being given a new nature which characteristic of that divine nature of which selves: we cannot remember His love an would find the environment of heaven con­ we are partakers. All who go to heaven will harbour malice and hate in our hearts; WI genial? love only the pure, clean, and holy. One cannot dwell upon His forgiving grace anc could not be happy in heaven unless he did be revengeful and unforgiving; we canno Partakers . of Divine Nature love these things. observe His unselfish service and be selfisl Those who go to heaven must be partakers Being born of God, being made partakers and sreedY ourselves. of the divine nature. Jesus taught His of the divine nature, that realm of love, of. Sanctification A Growth in disciples to pray, "Our Father, who art in forgiveness, of unselfishness toward "others, Christian Graces heaven." We are children of God bY.faith in and of purity and holiness becOmes our Jesus Christ: "And if children, then heirs; natural element, just as water is the natural Those who go to heaven must be impellec heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ." element of the fish and the atmosphere is by the divine urge of sanctification. • Jesu It is neither idle chatter nor weak sentiment the natural element of the bird. said, "I sanctify myself that they also ma: when we address one another as brothers be sanctified." This sanctification is an un and sisters in Christ; it· is a recognition of The Apostle Peter, who declares that we reserved dedication to God and His kingdon the basic fact of our Christian experience. must be partakers of the divine nature, sets causes. You couldn't think of a person il down for us the addition table of that divine heaven holding back from a thorough anc Jesus had a conversation with a man one .nature: "Add to your faith virtue; and to genuine dedication of himself to all that Go1 night. This man was no violent sinner, on the virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temper­ requires. That sanctification or dedicatiol contrary, he was a good man, a man of cul­ ance; and to temperance ; and ·to begins here. It becomes the evidence of th ture, a religious man, a leader and instructor. patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly new nature and the spiritual cleansing whicl And yet Jesus said to this man, "Except a kindne~s; and .to brotherly kindness charity. one has experienced. man be born again, he cannot see the king­ For if these things ·be in you, and abound, dom of God .•• Marvel not that I said unto they make you that ye shall neither be barren The apostle speaks of babes in Christ. H thee, Ye must be born again." The only pos­ nor unfruitful in the knowledge of. our Lord dwells upon the tragedy of the arreste1 sibility of sonship is by generation and birth; Jesus Chri&t ... For if ye do these things, ye growth of those who should be far advanc6i the only possibility of sonship to God is by shall never fall: for so an entrance shall in their spiritual development. The new birtl regeneration and the new birth. It is just as be ministered unto you abundantly into the may be our passport into heaven, but the de impossible for the cultured Nicodemus with everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour gree of our sanctification will determine ou all his goodness to go to heaven without the Jesus Christ." rewards in heaven. One may legitimately feE new birth as for the vilest sinner of the com­ unworthy to even enter the gates of heaver munity. Both must be .born again. Divine Agent but it is no credit to him to be satisfied wit: a bare entrance when he is offered an abund Jesus once charged that His critics were Those who go to heaven must have their ant entrance into that blessed place. children of the Devil and doing the Devil's souls cleansed by the divine agent. This pro­ work. He w~ not talking to murders, thieves, cess of purification and cleansing is necessary The process of sanctification is the relea!l and v~le sinners, ·but to the morally upright to prepare one for that happy place. Human of one's responses to the environment c and self-righteous. 'They were nQt children nature is all cluttered up and soiled and be­ heaven. There is a perfect affinity betwee of God and could not be, until they were born fouled by sins, sinful tendencies, unholy de­ the environment of heaven and the responsE again. sires and longings, impure motives and emo­ of a redeemed life. The flower drinks in th tions. A person couldn't take all this foul­ sunshine and the rain and opens its vari Gracious Attributes of God ne~s into heaven, he must get cleaned up. colored petals of artistic beauty in respons1 That new nature partakes oJ the gracious Sunshine and rain and soil and flowers ar This work of cleaning up one's life cannot ' all natural to one another. A reborn, purifiec attributes of God. Christian love is a domin­ be 'done by oneself . Jesus gave a pic­ ant attribute of the Christian heart; and love and dedicated heart and the environment c ture of a man who undertook to do it himself. heaven are all natural to one another. is of the of God's nature. "Let us · He drove out the evil spirit from his life and love · one another: for love is of God; and reformed his conduct and tried to cleanse So, the inhabitants of heaven will be pr( every one that loveth is born of God and his owr• heart. :But the evil spirit that was pared for th'at eternal home by being mac knoweth God." driven out came back and discovering that partakers of the divine nature through tl: Forgiveness is another gracious attribute. the life of the man was empty, though swept new birth, by being cleansed by the blood c :that is born of the divine nature. The disciples and garnished, he re-entered the man's life Jesus, by being sanctified by the divine spiri wer~ puzzled over this sun~in~ spirit of for- and brought with him other spirits !~lOre No one else will be there. PAGE SiX ARKANSAS Bl

1~ YOU ue•• SHOES

------. Your Mother's Da,y Contribution Helps Everyon •

If you were in the shoes of hundreds of the sick and suffering...-in Arkansas who are unable to pay for needed hospital care, where would you turn? f The doors of our Baptist Hospital in Little Rock are always open to patients and we want none to be turned away. With the ever increasing cost of care to our pay patients, it is becoming more impossible to expect them to shoulder the load of additiona(cost made 11ecessary in the institution's care of the needy. ., · · The Mother's Day Love Offering Fund will assure us that care of .the medically indigent can pro~eed as Arka:~sas Baptists desire. · Jesus said: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do .ye even so to them ... " Let us remember this Golden Rule which our mothers taught us. For inas­ much as we minister to others t:Q.rough the Mother's Day Love Offering Fund," we serve in His name.


/ APRIL 29, 1948 PAGE SEV College Students to Nehelniah Rebuilds 3e..r usalem Serve as Missionari• By MRs. RoLAND LEATH . . The Home Mission Board is now in the p: Tl,lus far in our study of the Jewish people Sunday School Lesson cess of assigning approximately 30'0 coll1 we have considered the prophetic missions of For May 2, 1948 students to serve on the various mission fi Haggai, who urged the people to rebuild the of the South for ten weeks this summer, :M Temple, and of Zechariah, who led them uP~ Nehemiah 4: 1-6, 18, 14, 21-23; 6:15,16 31 to August 6. ward into a more righteous Walk. The book I of · Nehemiah introduces our principal char­ As has been the policy for several yea acter and records events of a much different these students will work under the regU missionaries of our Board and workers < nature than those of the prophets' ministries: the broken walls and'g.ates of the city. Still, naD?-ely, the restoration of the walls of the signated by the state secretaries with wh he had confided in no man what God had put city of Jerusale~ and of civil authority within we are co-operating in mission activi~ies. upon his heart to do (2:12). the city. Only missionary volunteers, with at le1 Nehemiah is one whom we can profitably With plans all completed, and the need 60 hours of colleg,e credit, will be considet study and even follow in our own lives. Little definitely in mind, Nehemiah told the people for appointment. They will participate is recorded in t h e Bible concerning this how God had led him to do this particular · practically every type of service underta.B thing, and he encouraged the people to join man's family or. background. Much is re­ by the Home Mission Board. Among t corded, however, as to his character and love with him. "Let us rise up and build" was fields in-which they will serve are the folio of God from the work \he did and the faith their response. Immediately, enemies were ing: Mexican, Indian, Italian, French, Chi he displayed. He is the son of Hachaliah · · aroused, especially sanbaHet, the Horonite, ese, Negro, good will centers, city missio: he is thought to have been, as Zerubbabei, and Tobiah, the Ammonite. These had been angered when Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem l'Ural missions, evangelism, under-privilegJ of the royal household of David. certainly, pioneer fields, and mountain areas. as we study of him, we learn that he was a for they realized he came with the welfare of the people at heart. Last year the 286 student workers esta great patriot, a man of prayer, earnest, llii-~ lished 41 new missions, constituted 23 n selfish, humble, purposeful, courageous, defi­ Perhaps the most evil opposition known to a Christian is that subtle weapon, ridicule. churches, taught a total of 76,048 children nite, and faithful. Christians' of today need Vacation Bible schools, helped lead 3,800 p such a leader. These enemies laughed at the "feeble Jews" and sneered at the idea of a handful ralsini sons to Christ, and reported 3,506 re-dedic Nehemiah Put God First the wall on the ruins of the old (4:3>. Nehe­ tions. We find Nehemiah, a Jewish captive, oorv­ miah prayed and God was sufficient for the There is a four-fold purpose in this Pl ing his master, ArtaxePXes, in Shushan, which need of his servant. ~ram: first, it helps young, people who f was the winter palace of the Persian mon­ called to missionary service to discover th archs. He held a most confidential position, God .Gives Plans to His Leader interests and aptitudes by actual participaU that of cupbearer to the king.. As in -the case "So built we the wall; and all the wall was in such work; second, much good is acco1 of Joseph and Daniel, he was a Jew who joined together unto half the height thereof: plished on our mission fields; third, thE stood high in a foreign court, trusted by his for the people had a mind to work" (Neh. students, returning to their ca:rp.puses, hE master. · 4:6). With confidence in God, Nehemiah en­ to arouse general interest in missions; ar couraged his workers who, despite ridicule, fourth, it is an investment in the traint To the city of Shushan came Han~ni, "one of future missionaries, and helps the Hot of my brethren" as Nehemiah states; this labored until the entire wall was 'tiP one half the intended height. Then, the enemies con­ Mission Board discover the best material t could mean that he was a relative or possibly our .permanent missionary forces. one of his own people. Hanan! reports that spired to actually come' to force with the the, walls and gates of Jerusalem are still in Jews. Again, Nehemiah went to his Lord who the ruined condition which the seige of Ne­ gave him a plan and he "set watch against Western Conference A Success them day and night." buchadnezzar had cause~. This, of course, Much credit is due Fred A. Mccaulley l was against the peace and safety of the re- The laborers on the wall worked with their the success of the Southern Baptist Ho1 turned captives. · · fighting equipment by their sides; while one Mission conference at Asilomar, Californ Nehemiah was grieved because of the con­ group worked, another stood by, alerted in March 25-31. One hundred ninety-two w1 dition of the people and the city of his fathers. case the enemy should attack. Nefiemiah had registered at this, the second conference l In this magnificent palace, surrounded by a great watch-word, "Remember the Lord, the three Western states of California, A luxury and ease, Nehemiah thought of how who is great and terrible!" zona, and New Mexico. he might serve God and his people. He was A tl'Umpeter by his side, ·Nehemiah led his Among those attending the conference wt willing to forsake all he had, endure hard­ people to work and watch. Many of them Home Mission Board missionaries and wo1 ships and trials, to be used of God. He pray­ did not sleep or rest; the result-the enemy ers,. secretaries of the three states, pastel ed, after fasting and weeping, that God would could not go against these men armed with and W. M. U. representatives. forgive his sins .and the sins of the people swords, spears, and the strength of God. God and use him in Jerusalem. ' will always give wisdom, strength, and guid­ The meeting, has been described as one ance to His own. the most unifying, encouraging and instn As Nehemiah went about his -work, he pray­ . tive ever held in that section.' Outstandi ed to God and thought of the distant home­ God Gives Success features included: testimonies of the missi< land. Soon the burden of his heart showed "So the wall was finished in the twenty aries; . challenges prtj!sented by the secretar in his fa~e . The king, seeing this some four and fifth day of the month Elul, hi fifty and of each state: hiStorical and inspirational € months after Hanani's visit, questioned Ne­ dress by Dr. L. A. Brown on ·~The Gospt hemiah, and learning the cause of his sad­ / two days." Many thiags account for the rapidity with which the task was done. Ne­ Westward Movement Carried by Baptist ness, opened the way for Nehemiah's great and strong, inspiring messages of Dr. s. work. He hemiah served his Lord well, he earnestly granted him leave, gave him let­ prayed, he was just with the people, he care­ Dowis. Dr. B. 0. Herring, president of 1 ters to governors which permitted him pass­ Golden Gate SePlinarY, conducted a Bi age through intervening lands, and materials fully planned the work, and he effectively placed the workers. hour each day which was classified by rna to be used in rebuilding the walls of Jeru­ as superb. salem. The enemies suffered a set-back; the na­ tions roun_fl about feared these people· for The conference is scheduled to meet in :N "Prayer changes things" f~ those who sin­ ' Mexico next year. . cerely serve, love, and honor God. "they perceived that this work was w~ught of our God." May our daily prayer be that God Helps His Se~ant we will allow the power of God to be seen in Cuban Bapiata Receive Nehemiah, with a definite purpose in mind our lives, our work, and our churches. Gift For ~aaembly filled with an un~elfish zeal for his peopl~ Cuban Baptists are happy because of at and love for his God, set about to carefully WHEN VISITING IN DALLAS of sixty acres of land presented to them b" plan the work before him, He arrived 1n Visit With Ross Avenue :Baptist Church wea.lthy woman who is a. member ~f 11. cut Jerusalem, spent three days making friends Ross and Moser · Baptist church. The lovely wooded sect and adjusting himself; then he rose up at Homer B. Reynolds, Pastor adjoining a beg,utiful river will be used by night and with a chosen few, went to view CUbans for an assembly similar to Ridgeor PAGE EIGHT ARKANSAS BA

Have you considered Ihe advantages.ol 1.1 Nu.. siag C:a .. ee.. i

'lral•lng Is made pleasanl lor you al Bapllsl Memorial A cheerful, comfortable room is provided for you at the Nurses' Home. Reception More llelds ol opporlunlly and Recreation rooms, and a swimming popl help make a pleasant home life. are open lo nurs~ lban There is a well rounded religious pro­ any olber ~areer gram. Frequent parties, teas and dinners are given. Students receive annual phy- You may serve in a hospital, enter Public / sica! examinations, and illnesses are Health service in school or clinic, work. cared for free of charge by school phy­ for the Government in the U. S. or in re­ sicians. construction work overseas. Many nurses specialize in work with children; develop CAN YC?U QUALIFY FOR A NURSING CAREER? a private practice, or become nursing ad-· Check These Requirements •• .• ministrators and teachers. You should be a high school graduate be­ tween the ages of 17 and 32, single·, and in excellent health. You :must pass a, thor- Nursing Is a blgbly salls· . ough physical examination, an aptitude test, and have a personal interview with lying and well·paid the Director. You are required to have a prolesslon reco~mendation from your p~sto~ ·. A nursing career will bring you that complelely satisfying feeling that comes from helping others. As a nurse you will be of service . to your community, your the facts aboul country, your fellowman. You may choose Nursing! from a wide variety of well-paid fields. Graduates of Baptist Memorial Hospital School of Nursing are serving . in every Send In lhis ~oupo11 field open to nurses. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1

SCHOOL OF NURSING BAPTIST Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis Please •end me the beautifully illustrated cratalogue of the School of Nursing. ---MEMORIAL~ I . Name ...... , ...... < ......

Aclclrea ...... ,..; ...... :...... HOSPITAL Ctty...... '...... Stat,.,_.. ,...... Memphis, Tennessee ...... APRIL 29, 1948 • PAGE I Shci.. e Yoa... Eggs With Oa.. ·Boys and Gi .. Js!

Jn OuJ~ ~ecentl Annu11l E.GG lNG!


' This is one tiine of the year when you CAN put all your eggs into one basket-or one crate-for the best purpose we know of, the boys and girls at Bottoms Baptist Orphanage! Through your generosity we are counting on enough eggs to last our children all through next winter, thus effecting a tremendous saving in our annual food budget-and at the same · time, supplying the childreu with the necessary nu­ tritional value of eggs.

{ggJ 11/*t 11n ifllpeJ~tiJnt f2111*t ef tAe feet/ Juppl~ 11t tAe ' 01*pA11nllge I The body-building minerals found in eggs are of WE HAVE AMPLE STORAGE SPACI particular importance to the boys and girls at our * . Orphanage. We can use eggs in large quantities­ One of the reasons we. iU'e asking for l~ge quantities of eggs noW<-bef, and we hope your generosity will matchl So share hot weather-is because we have plenty of cold storage space to take c ev~ry egg you can spare-and ask your neighbors to of all you can send us-every egg will be used, none will go to waste! EIJ help. ty cases will be sent at once to any individual or to any church . , : just Wl a card ~r letter requesting the cases you or your community can use!



OCIJ(OUJCI#iiji#Qii#i#i#ljnpPsF#i§f#i§i#i#lij,#l#l#iijlhlhihl§l#i#i§p&!Hi#ihi§l#tgiJCI#J#I#I#i#i#Wi#i§i§i§i@IWHI#i#l#i§i@lhihiiifhf§f#p§ihiifF§i§i§i§i#i#i#IM Figures To Inspi April iS, 1948 ·~eligicuj ~t/uctLtich B.S. 'r.l Little Rock, Immanuel1142 36; Including Missions.. _ 1664 67l EDGAR WILLIAMSON, DIRECTOR Fort Smith, Firat,___ 1079 401 Little Rock, First...... - 922 3SI R. 0. BABDB T. D. McCULLoCH El Dorado, First...... S96 261 Sunday School Superintendent Student Union Secretary Pine Bluff, First ... -..... _ 765 1S( Hot Springs, Second.... 61!0 241 RALPH w. DAVIS MRS. B. w. NININGER West Memphis, First.... 6S5 26( Training Union Director Church Music Director No. Little Rock, Baring' Cross 657 2S( Bapitst Building, Lit:tle Rock Hope, First ...- ...... -- ---... 637 9l Fayetteville, First __ 625 23l DIDJnHI!! I H I 811~~;mmng~~II!liDIDfti !(OOft l mg l gmi!OOJgJgJIDgmm•wu•n•mm•omon~ Including Mission _ 6S5 271 Paragould, First __ 616 24f Camden, First --·-·····- 605 1~ Including Mission _ 690 19-j . "The Junior Baptist" Magnolia, Central 560 201 To Teach at Assembly Including Mission 59S A new Training Union study ArkadelpJ:lla, First _.... 548 22f Presenting another one of the El Dorado, Second...... 527 12! course for Juniors will be ready McGehee, First 510 1~ personality profiles of 'people who for use May 1, 1948. The seal for Including Mission _ 567 will be on the music faculty at the Little Rock, Course VII, Doctrine and Church Gaines Street -·----·-·- 505 • 33~ Christian Training Assembly the study course for Juniors, will be Hot Springs, CentraL. 501 17( week of July 15-22, the director Including Mission _ 570 awarded on completion of this L . Rock, Tabernacle...... 494 131 takes pleasure in introducing Miss Paris, First ·---·-----·-.. 491 17\ book. This interesting book for Ft. Smith, Immanuel.... 484 Si Odessa Holt, Mount Ida. Miss Junior boys and girls was written Bauxite, First __...... 470 16: Holt is well known to all who have Cullendale ...... 443 211 to explain our Baptist beliefs. Little Rock, attended the Assembly in former Quoting the author: "After study­ Pula.skl Hgts. ___ 429 years because she has served so Fordyce, First ---- 419 1U ing this book you shoUld know and Siloam Springs, First_ 415 201 faithfully as assistant to Mrs. be able to explain our Baptist doc­ Con way, First 406 51 Nininger in the music program. Hot Springs, First _ .. _ 401 Sf trine, you should know how Bap­ Springdale, First --·- 379 201 This year she will teach a class in tists differ from other denomina­ Including Missions .... 502 MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS as part Rogers, First ...... 367 Sf tions and why they are different." Russellville, First ....__ 366 9( of the enlarg.ed curriculum in Fort Smith ..---·--·- 362 71 Church Music. Hot Springs, , Park Place ·---·-...... 360 12l Lest You Forget Ft. Smith, Grand Ave. 360 Sf Miss Holt has .spent most of her Little Rock, life in Arkansas as teacher, social South !Dghland __ 320 6'4 service worker, and church music During the · month of April Harrison, First ...... 314 151 special efforts have been made to Including Mission _ 439 201 leader. She is a resident of Mount Gentry ...... ______.... 306 131 · increase the enrolment of the Smadkover, First ...... 297 111 Ida and has been a member of the Training Union. May 2 is "Join Pine Bluff, Second...... 295 , 7'4 high school faculty there for a Nashville, First --·- 2S7 10( the Training Union" day in Ark­ Stamps, First 250 91 number of years. She gives all ansas. The activities of the day Greenwood ··-·------243 10f her time to ·the teaching of vocal Miss Odessa Holt El Dorado, Westside ____ . 243 9f should include an all out visita­ Ft. Smith, Oak Grove.. 240 9~ and instrumental music now, and tion of absentees and prospects, West Batesville .... ___ 240 91 to serving as director of music in Little Rock, Calvary...... 231 101 -also, a special effort should be No. Little Rock, her own church and throughout Christ, and that we may better made to have excellent programs Central - ...... !.__ 22S 1 0~ the state of Arkansas in Summer Texarkana; Calvary _ 224 101 teach the Christian people that in assemblies and in individual Mena, First ...... _____ 219 7~ Music Schools, as an associate in we have, now." unions. Including Mission ____ 277 10\ the church music field. Ft. Smith, Bailey Hill 19S 10 ~ There are very few Sunday The first night a person wishes Prescott, First ___ 1SO sc to join the Training Union he Elaine, First ------·-----·-- 171 111 Miss Holt excels in her original Schools in our ·state which could South Fort Smith ---- 159 S1 method -of teaching rudiments of ·not become standard with a little should be received as a new mem­ Levy, First ...... 150 31 ber and placed on a group, also Including Mission .... 249 10( music and will make this class in­ extra effort. There are many Sun­ No. Little Rock,. tensely interesting to all who need already on a committee. Pike Ave . .... ----..... 147 71 day Schools which are do­ Warren, Immanuel __ 146 Ill such instruction. She holds a ing standard work but have not Training Union directors or No. Little Rock, Bachelor of Science Degree in pastors are asked to report the Sylvan Hills ...... 146 71 checked the standard to see just Douglassville, First ·- 144 61 Education from the ·university· of where they stand. If you have number of new members to Ralph Pine Bluff, Arkansas and has done private not checked your standard re­ Davis, state Training Union di­ Matthews Memorial . 140 9l rector, Little Rock. Fill out the No. Little Rock, Grace 136 SE study in voice and piano in Little cently,. will you please do so? For Almyra, First ...... 134 8~ Rock, st. Louis, and Chicago. She form that was carried in the April El Dorado, Joyce City . 132 101 application blanks and informa­ Eureka Springs, First .. 117 21 attended Church Music Institute tion, please write your State Sun­ 22 issue of the Arkansas Baptist Little Rock, Woodlawn 116 7: and mail to Mr.. Davis. Little Rock, here and at Ridgecrest. day School Superintendent, 212 Plainview ...... __ 111 101 Baptist Building, Little Rock. Texarkana, Trinity -·- 77 6l Douglassvllle, Second .. _ 74 4' BOOK BINDING Little Rock, Westside.. 73 34 1 South Texarkana ____ .. 63 Purpose of the Standard --- 000--- Old Bibles, Books rebound llke new. 61 Magazines and all types of book­ Little Rock, Biddle ...... 59 41 If Wheatley ...... 39 The purpose of the standard is a man is not familar with the binding. Fine workmanship at rea­ Little Rock, Bellvlew.... 36 not to give the church something Bible he has suffered a loss he had sonable prices. to do whereby they may receive a better make all possible haste to Norria Book Binding Co. pennant and put it on the wall in correct.- Theodore Roosevelt. Gardner Bldg.-102 Nichols Ave. HEFFNER ELECTRI the front of the auditorium, it is Greenwood, Miss. 1119 BATTERY ST. to give the sunday School a well­ The Southern Baptist Chap­ balanced plan of work. It is an lains Association, in which all outline of work. A good sunday southern Baptist chaplains and School should· endeavor to do all former chaplains are eligible, the things in the standard, any­ will hold its annual meeting way. Study the standard point during the Southern Baptist by point and see if you can find Convention meeting in Mem­ anything which would not lead phis. your Sunday School to be a better The place for this meeting is one. Surely, no one would ask, the King Cotton Hotel, Thurs­ •:why should I have a better sun­ day, . May 20, at 1 :0'0 P. M. day School?" The answer to that Ticket3 WUl ~e QD ~i\le L\t tlle question would be a sacred answer. chaplains booth for $1.50 each. "That we may win more souls to •l APRIL 21J, 1948 PAGE ELl QUARTERLY REPORT · Tota~ Cash Contributions_: Received in Office of General Secretary of Executive Board, _ Arkansas Baptist.State Convention, Little Rock- . DURING THE FIRST QUARTER OF 1948 , (This Statement Does Not In~lude :ij.eceipts for Ministers Retiremen.t Fund) " We are makln&' the usual request that errors be checked and that B. L. Bridges, 200 Baptist Bulldin&', Little Rock, be notified of corrections.

Ouachita Pleasant Hlll-C. C. Roberts ______,, ____ _ 17.00 Undestgnated Campaign Other Rogers, First-Bel Gray ------·--·-----...... 544.31 163,30 Co-operative Designated ' Designated Rogers, Immanuel ---·------·------66.68 50.00 Program Con- Contribu- Contribu- SUoam Springs, First-B. N. Simmons ___ __ 375.00 . 150.00 Church and Pastor Contrlbu- tions tlons Sulphur Springs-Frank Batterton ----­ 13.70 Twelve Comers •. 13.00 ARKANSAS VALLEY ASSOCIATION Barton-J. B. Measel ------.. ·------.. ·------$ 24.00 TOTALS ·------'-· 1,716.23 $ 488.30 Beck's Chapel--J. J , Frankl.ln ---- __ Brickeys-B. F . McDonald ...... 30.00 BIG CREEK ASSOCIATION ·Brinkley, First-H. L, Lipford ------­ 3~.00 80 00 EnterpriseFlora ______------, ______------______- _ Clarendon-John Holston ------· 124.34 crossett, First ------...... 600.00 · 375.00 70.60 Gum Springs ------­ Eagle Lake, Cross Roads-Edward Persons.. .. 5.66 Hardy-8. A. Hill ------­ Ebenezer-Orvllle McGuire ------·--- 18.00 Ma=oth Springs-Alphus Capps ---­ Eden ------·------Mt. Zlon-J. W. Shields ---- 22.92 Elaine-Bennie Pearson ------·---·-.. --· 352.03 9.00 Mt. Calm-J. W. Shields -----·---­ 22.50 Friendship-E. G. Waddell ---~ Salem-Tom Poole ------­ 45.00 Helena, First-Ralph Douglas -----­ 450.00 255.00 7.00 Shady Grove--J. W. Shields ------­ 11.25 HickoryHelena, North-E.Ridge ___ M.. . __. __Bragdon______-----______Spring River-Ben Meeks ·---- ' VIola-J. M, Langston ------·------Hughes-W. D. Wallace ------..·-·--- 460.00 350.92 - -- Lexa.-James High ______, ...... 30.00 TOTALS 101.67 2,290.86 ·--·--·------$ MexicanMarianna, _____Flrst--W,,,_,,, ______F. Couch______.....----- _ 2.00 BLACK RIVER ASSOCIATION 13.14 Alicia - -­ Monroe ------· .. -----·------Amagon Moro ------:-~---­ onelda-J. B . Measel 10.00 Bank& ------Black Rock ------­ 25.00 Petty's Chapel ----­ 10.00 Rehobeth ------..------Clear SPrlngs-Chas, D. Tlbbels ·---­ Turner-E. G. Waddell ______, __ Clover Ben<1 ------­ 3.00 25.00 Twin Bridges-B. F. McDonald ----~ 11.77 17 so Diaz-P'. F. weaver ------­ West Helena.-D, D. Smothers ------­ 975.00 134.45 9.00 Grubbs-Walter L. Phllllps ------·------­ New Hope-C. Ramseyer -----·---- Horse Shoe-J. N. Weaver ------­ s. Hoxle-J. ·v. Chandler ----·----- 30.00 --- 22.50 TOTALS ~- $ 469.45 • 395.72 Imboden ------'~----...---• 5.116.14 Jacksonport-F. F • •weaver ------­ 15.00 BAR'J:HOLOMEW ASSOCIA'J:ION New Hope, No, 1- A. A. Teele 44.34 Antioch-orville McGuire New Hope, No, 2------­ ,-- Beech Creek-Claud Hughes -~--· _ Newport, Flrat--Chas. F. Wilkins .2..----- 75.00 0ld Walnue Ridge-Gee. McGehey -··--­ Bethel ------Pilgrims' Home-Robert Traw -··------­ Beulah ------·-·-..·------·--- Comlnto-Edd Cloud -·-·------~------­ 6.00 10.00 Pleasant Valley ------­ 9.00 25.00 Portia-E. H. Hamblin Corinth "A''-Dewey Brockwell -··---····---­ Ravenden-0. L. Davis Corinth "B'•-Jack Jordan -----··------6.00 community ------Sedgwlck-J. T. Tippit ------­ Enon-Edd Cloud 10.93 13.73 SmlthvUle-8. w. McReynolds 45.QO Fellowshlp-Q. M. !'ewell Swltton-Darrell Ball ----- Florence . 38.00 Tuckerman-Ray B. Rhyne ------­ 60.00 Fountain BW- ReUa Nixon. -----­ 75.00 25.00 Walnut Ridge, First-Blake Westmoreland 168.00 1 Hamburg, First-Stanley Jordan ----­ 1,200.00 400.00 6.00 TOTAL& ____, ______-- Holly Springs (Hermitage) - ---··-- ­ 45.00 3.00 ---$ 528.84 $ 3 Jarvis Chapel ---·------­ 15.00 BOONE-CARROLL ASSOCIATION Judson Ladelle ------·----- Alpena Pass-B. L. Dorman Batavia, Firat ----·------­ 15.00 Macedonla.-L.. J. Tucker ---·---­ Bear Creek Sprlngs-J. W. Henderson -­ 31.26 Magnolla.-T. H. Berry ----­ 15.00 20.00 5.00 Bellefonte-Guy A. Hopper ------­ 15.00 Marsden-F. E. Canady ------­ 6.36 Berryvllle-Gray Evans 97.50 75.00 Meridian-Dewey Brockwell ------­ Blue Eye, First-A, E. Bressler 15.00 Monticello, First-B. D. Washington __ : 396.00 187.50 232.78 :tdontlcello, Second- W. A. Lindsey _,__ 181.23 40.00 Burlington 28.00 Mt. Olive, No. 1-M. P. Timberlake ---.. Denver . Mt. Olive, No. 2-S. E. Powell _ _ _ :..._ __ 80.64 Eureka Springs, Flrst--W. T. Coston __ 55.60 Galther-Truman Logan ------­ 15.00 Mt. Zlon-L. J. Tucker ------­ 17.50 15.00 New Liberty ------­ 5.00 Grandview ------­ North Crossett-Harold White ------­ 60.00 25.86 Green Forrest 30.00 Northside, Montlcell~. T. Warbington _ Grubb Springs-Guy A. Hopper -1---­ 18.00 Old Unlon-W. A. Lindsey --- Harrlson, First-E. E. Griever .. 568.65 7.00 Pattsvllle --- - • Highland 13.00 Hopewell 10.00 Pleasant Grove-B:elth Ba..b~b~ ===== Lead H1ll 15.00 Prairie Grove ~------Saline ------3.00 Mt. Zion (H111 Top) ------·- Mundell ------Sardls-M. P. Timberlake------16.00 New Hope-E. F . Cox 32.50 Selma ------·------ShUoh ------35.00 g~~~rove ------Union Hlll-R. R. Shreve Rock Bouse __ Unity-Tom Barnes ------­ 8.20 Warren, First ------800.00 375.00 25.76 ShadyRock Springs-DanGrove ______Champlin______------_:...______Warren, Immanuel-Kelth Babb ___ 55.27 30.00 31.65 Union-Hugh McGehee 7.50 Wilmar-Bob Mays ·------·---·---- 13.53 Valley Springs-Guy A. Hopper ----­ 9.00 TOTALS ______:_ , 3,817.88 White Oak-Troy Eoff $ 1,468.36 • 448.41 BEN'l:ON COUNTY ASSOClATION TOTALS ------_....:..___ _,. .. 978.01 82.00 $ • I Bentonvllle--J. B. Maxwell ------­ 130.00 75.00 15.00 BUCKNER ASSOCIATION • Centerton-Melvin Coffelt ------­ 57.77 300 Decatur-J. A. Scoggins 44.85 Abbott-J. B. Nobles ---P·- ·------· Garfleld-W. R. Reeves ------­ 11.00 Bat-Eugene M. Greenfield 187.11 Blansett-John Staggs ------Gentry-Carl P. Nelson ------­ Cauthron-Harmon Allen 10.00 Gravette-Edgar ;H~a~rv::ey~======21.65 Gum Springs ..., 30.00 6.20 Cedar Creek-Eugene M. Greenfield ...:...... HlghfUl-E. G. New 40.00 50.00 110.00 Dayton-Billy Gene Hlckem ------10.37 Logan ______, ______---- Pollowahll:l (Wltehllrvllle)-Pellll QUI!iton .... 12.00 Lowell-Troy E. Brooks ------­ Forrester-J. E. Evans 20.00 Mason Valley-John Terry 10.30 Friendship, Black Fork 9.00 Monte Ne ------:---,;_, 111.28 Hartford-L, P . Thomas 15.00 Pea Rlda&-Phll J. Beach 72.38 (CONTINUED <;>N PAGE TWmLVB) PAGE TWELVE ARKANSAS BAPT

Tinsman-Wallace Denton Tulip ------QUARTERLY REPORT Wlllow -·---- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ELEVEN) Holly Springs-Robert Nash Ouachita TOTALS ...:....----;----- · 2,071.97 $ .588.54 $ 71 Undeslgnated Campaign Other CAROLINE ASSOCIATION Co-operative Designated Designated · Program Con- tions Contribu­ Austin Station- Van Griffin ------9.00 tributions Contrlbu- tions Baugh Chapel - - -- Church and Pastor Blscoe-T. w. Dove ------:-­ Brownsville ------Haw Creek ------­ Cabot-Dale McCoy ------· ----­ 150.00 5,000.00 Bon-Harmon Allen ------Camp Ground-Van Griffin ------­ 6.00 Huntington-Mark .. Fite ------­ 66.00 lone-Houston Grayson - ---·---­ .. 20.00 Caney Creek-E .. Rawlings --·----­ James Fork- Eugene M. Greenfield ------Carlisle-Guy D. Magee ------­ 188.65 2' Lucas ------·------Chambers ------­ - - Mansfield-Karl McClendon ------­ 160.00 Coy-E. J. Tankersley ----- 87.51 12.00 Des Arc-Ernest Baker ------­ 40.00 59.01 lf Midland-Harold Plunkett ------­ 20.00 Mt. Vlew-T. M. Finney ------­ DeValls Bluff-Maxwell Baker -~--­ England, Flrst-W. B. Pittard ------­ 300.00 150.00 2~ Mt. Gilead-John Staggs ------­ Hazen, First-C. R. McCollum ----­ 70.00 31 New Home-W. T. Gilbreath --- --­ 1,060.29 New Provldence-S. C. Simpson ----­ 5.00 Lonoke-W. M. Pratt -- 100.00 1: Parks-A. W. Upchurch ---·---­ 26.36 Mountain Springs------·------­ Pilot Vlew-'l'. M. Finney ·------­ New Hope-C. H. Dunaway - ----­ 10 00 Pleasant Grove, No. 2-T. M. Finney -­ 12.00 Oak Grove-C. H. Dunaway ------­ Old Austin- Van Griffin ------­ 6.00 Pleasant Grove, No, 3 Pleasant Hill-Sam King 6.00 Poteau ------5.00 Rock Creek ------­ 11.00 Pleasant Valley ------­ Salem-Harmon Allen Steel Bridge-Arthur Hart ------­ 1.50 Toltec-J. T. cravens 9 00 Salem, No. 2------­ 31.92 Shiloh-John Staggs ------­ Ward-J. 0. Miller . Union Hope-Ed Loyd 6 00 Wattensaw-H. B. Todd . 20.00 30.00 Unity-John Staggs ------­ Whippoorwill ·---:------== 538.01 20.00 Waldron-Vernon E. Yarbrough ---­ TOTALS $ 5,339.01 lll West Harmony ------.. ·------­ - --- · 2,086.87 $ West Hartford-J. E. Evans ----­ 50.54 50.00 CENTENNiAL ASSOCIATION Piney-John Staggs Clark's Chapel-Earl Peoples Almyra-D. o. Stuckey ------375.00 211 Bethel (Brummlt) ------­ TOTALS .. 915.28 • $ 101.75 DeWitt, First-Douglas White ------­ 300.00 105.00 30( Humphrey-R. D. Harris ------­ 40.00 51 BUCKVILLE ASSOCIATION New Hope (Hagler)-C. R. Cooper ------131.93 Reydell ------'------.. -··------Avant (Sweet Home) ----·-·----- 1.82 Stuttgart, F1rst-Ra1ph Dodd -----.:. 761.25 1l Buckvllle ------10.00 Tichnor-Frank Jeffrey ------15.00 Cedar Olades-Laborn Sharp ------4.30 - - -- Little Country Church-Bert Bashaw TOTALS ---~---- $ 105.00 $ 581 Mt. Tabor-Laborn Sharp ·------· 1,623.18 Mt. Vall\)Y-LOUIS Dodd CENTRAL ASSOCIATION Onyx- Bert Bashaw . Antioch- Everett Taylor ------30.00 Prairie Grove (Red Haw) 1.00 Bauxlte-R. A. Butler 470.25 Rock Sprlngs-N. A. Sutton Benton, First-VIrgil Rose ------1,725.00 30.00 37f l\4lscellaneous 15.00 Bethel ------1.51 Gravel Hill ------15.00 TOTALS --- 32.12 Harvey's Chapel ------'------30.00 ------·CADDO RIVER ASSOCIATION Hot Springs, Central-Clyde Hart ------900.00 2,271.38 Hot Springs, First-John' Dodge ---- 600.00 950.00 3( Alamo _ Hot Springs, Park Place ------750.01 290 57 2l Amlty-W. B. Essman . 25 .00 --. Hot Springs, Second-O. L. iBayless -- 450.00 375.00 Black Springs-Ray Barnett -----­ 12.00 Jessieville-Ernest Moseley ------· 15.00 1l Caddo Gap ------­ 15.00 Lake Hamilton-Joe Melton ------108.20 Concord (Aly)-J, P. E1nery -----­ 7.30 Lonsdale-F. W. Cate --- Glenwood-chas. Hampton ------·­ 75.00 5.00 Malvern, Flrst-T. K. Rucker ------­ 900.00 450.00 Liberty-Carlos Jones Malvern, Thlrd-Wm. Kersh ------77.00 11 Little Hope ------­ 6.00 Memorial ------Lower Big Fork-Jas. H. Mlller - - --­ Mountain Pine-C. H. Seaton ------30.00 12.00 Mena, Flrst-Jas. A. Overton ----- 29.16 Mt. Vernon ------Mt. Gilead-carlos Jones ------Mountain Vlew-I. N. Barber ------·­ 20.00 Mt. Home North Fork Mt. Ids-D. B. Bledso•&...----­ 150.00 45.00 74.63 owensville 18.00 1l Norman 95.39 76.00 Perla 7.70 oak Grove Piney- Edward Anderson ------­ 30.00 Oden .,.------­ Pleasant Hill- Mack S. Oates ------­ Pine Ridge Shorewood Hills ------·------­ 68 34 6! Refuge-J. P. Emery 8 00 Union-Reeves Wright ------­ 13.30 Sulphur Springs-John Liles ------­ 22.00 6.15 24.51 Walnut Valley-chester Ware ----- 89.57 4f Rosboro-coy D. Sims ------­ Washita-J. P. Emery • Gum Springs-I. N. Barber ------== Bonnerdale-G. 0. Travis ------TOTALS -- • 6,348.88 $ 4,378.95 $ 59! TOTALS --'------$ 415.69 $ 51.15- 2011.30 CLEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION CAREY ASSOCIATION • Alix ------3.00 Alms-L. E. Cunningham ------80.00 Bearden-Edgar Griffin ------177.08 88.53 3.00 Altus-G. L. Lansberry ------~ Dalark-Claud Stewart ------8 00 Bethlehem ------·------· Fordyce-J. T. Elllff ------1,454.19 500.01 39.00 Cedarvllle-0. Corbin ------­ 1184 1! Hampton-chas. A. Maule 30.00 36.89 Clarksville, First-W. L. Yelldell -----­ 300.00 Harmony-Russell Hunt ------6.00 18.00 1( Manning-John Causey 15.00 Coal Hlll- 0. L, Lonsberry ------· Concord-S. A. Haley ------15.00 ~ New Hope-Roy Hilton 21.00 Dyer ------·- Ouachlta-J. M. Basinger ------30.00 Fine Springs ------­ Prosperity-Wallace Denton 6.00 Forrest Mlsslon-Claudie Smith ---­ 16.32 10.00 Shady Grove-John Causey ___ __:______~ 5 00 Hagarville-E. McGoldrick ------~--­ Sparkman, First-J. M. Basinger -----· 255.00 Mountain Top-E. H McAllister --­ Thornton-Russell Hunt ------64.70 Mulberry-J, N. Vandiver 62.93 Oak Grove-A. D. Kent ------­ 19.00 33.35 Oakland ~=--:------­ 6.00 Ozark- Don Hook 60.00 300.00 Take Your Programs t~ Shut-ins With Ozor.e-F. D. P ainton 10.00 Rudy- H. J . .Morrls ------­ Shady Grove 12.00 t: AIR KING PORTABLE WIRE RECORDER Shibley ------3.00 Spadra--H. K, Williams ------­ and PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION Klbler-H. o. Milam ------­ 51.77 Trlnlty (Crawford Co.)- H. J . Mor ris __ Trinity (Johnson Co.)-Pat Shields - --­ Record from phonograph 1 •• racMo ••• or your own voice. Instant Union Grove-H. K . Williams -----­ 12 00 Unlontown-L. H. Harwell ------­ 1','15 playback, makes permanent records, erases for re-use. Van Buren, Flrst-T. H . Jordan -----­ 450.0'0 315.00 Webb City-Irving Crossland ----- ­ Available for Immediate Delivery White Oak-E. H. McAllister --~-- zoar Retan Federal Tax Price Included TOTALS ----·----'-· 1,132.61 $ 658.35 $ 41 $139.50 CONCORD ASSOCIATION Bailey HUl-A. G . Escott 100.00 DAVID WHITE RADIO SUPPLY Barber-Frank Clev.eland _ LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEMS FOR SALE Bethlehem-W. o . Flanagan bloomer ------2o.oo 21 1222 Main P. 0. Box 408 Phone 5-0555 Booneville, Flrst-W. W. Grafton 780.00 200.00 11 Branch . ------,----- 21 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Calvary, Ft. Smith-L. H. Davls 1,157.58 250.03 2: (CONTINUED ON PAGE THIRTE~) APRIL 29, I 948 PAei THl

Watson-81dney Oxendine 28.S6 QUARTERLY REPORT Wllmot-D1llard S. MUler 24.00 TOTALS • 205.00 (CONTINUED FROM PAGll:. TWELVE) ---~------· 2,885.30 FAULKNER ASSOCIATION OuachJt& Undeslgnated Campaign Other Bee Branch-W. G. Dove Co-operative Designated Designated Beryl-P. E. Turner ~----- __ 75.00 Program Con- Contribu- Contribu­ Bono-Grady Sellers ------­ 6.00 tributions tions tions Brumleys Chapel-James D. Reed 12.00 Church and Pastor Cadron Ridge-Grady Sellers ----­ 30.00 250.00 Charleston--C. H. Jones 150.00 Conway, First-H. B. Tillman 1,000 00 Excelsior-Harold Plunkett 36.00 Conway, Second-Hugh owen 135.00 2,250.00 1,880.00 98.00 Emmanuel-W. G. Dove ··---- ..... ___ 5.00 Fort Smith, First-B. V. Ferguson --­ Formosa-C. E. Goatcher ------Glendale-Houston Grayson ------·­ 14.00 Friendship _ ___.. ______...... ------.. - .... Grand Avenue, Ft. Smlth--J. Earl Bryant ... 22UO 21.54 5.00 329.76 25.00 17.90 Happy Hollow-T, w. Hayes ·------­ 7 50 Greenwood · 3.00 Hackett Holland-Floyd Ward 53.50 Lone Star .. ------11.89 Immanuel, Ft. Smith 1,144.49 Maynower-W. G. Grlswood 20.00 Lavaca . 50.00 Mt. Vernon-T. W. Hayes ..... ______.. ____ _ 45.00 Long Ridge _ ...... ------­ 6.00 New Bethel (Nutters Chapel)-Don Jones -· Magazlne-L. A. Thompson - - ---­ 49.00 ·-- 50.00 6.00 Mill Creek-H. E. Marsh 6.00 8.00 Oak Bowery--Cbas. Riley Mlxon-Frank Cleveland Pickles Gat>-T. w. Hayes -----­ 30.00 Mt Zion-s. c. Simpson Pleasant Grove-P. :a:. Turner ----­ 12.09 12.48 oak Grove, Ft. Smlth-P. J . crow.der __ 210.40 150.00 Southside ------­ 15.00 202.50 154.73 Union Hill-Leonard Dove Parts-H. c . Seefelud~t..=::::::-:::::::= 850.35 · Wooster--J. S. Rogers 5.00 Ratcliff _ _ __.. _ 1 Rye Hlll-L. L. Gllltam ------­ 34.00 32.30 South Fort Smlth-W. A. crow 308.48 4.00 TOTALS .. 1,423.48 • 312.48 • 11 Union Hall GAINESVILLE ASSOCIATION Vesta Austin . ·---.. -- _ 12.50 TOTALS ------· 7,715.08 • 2,715.53 466.34 Browns Chapel - .. ------.. ---­ • Greenway-8, R. Pillow ·------­ 12.50 CURRENT RIVER ASSOCIATION Harmony-Fred Lewis ----·--­ Bethany-L. W. Fitzgerald 3.00 Leonard-Fred Lewis 50.00 Biggers--Alvin Allison Lone Prairie ------­ Columbla-Jarrett-S. w. •Wilkerson New Hope-Bill Johnson 31.35 Cornlng- L. c. Tedford 180 00 100.00 Nlmmons--E. W. Gray - .. ~------­ 12.00 Deli-R. F. Grant Nutts Chapel-Tom Arnold ------­ 15.00 ' Hopewell-C. F . Gwlnup 'I'S:bo 101.50 Peach Orchard ------.. ---­ 12.00 Piggott-J. 0 . Young ------~- 378.10 MoArk- D. C. Applegate ------­ - • Pollard-Fred Lewis Mt. Pleasant-A. B. Whldley Rector-E. C. Polk 205.00 100.00 -----\: DakNew Home-Cv~la~y~R~o~ac~h~Grove -:: :::::::::::::: 12.00 10.00 St..._ Francls-Chas. Holland ----- Pocahontas--W H. Hunt -----· --­ 90.00 125.00 . TOTALS Ravenden Sprlngs-8. w. WUkerson -- -- 9.00 ---''--.----·-----..:· ~ • 728.45 • 100.00 Reyno-Clay Roach ______.. ______8.00 --- GREENE COUNTY ASSOCIATION • Shiloh (Clay County)-D c. Applegate -­ -- ShUoh (Randolph County)-C. L. Davia _ 20.00 Al~lrllnder Chapel-Paul Harlen ----­ 45.00 Buccess--J. F . B•

Salado ------·------­ Salem ------·------·- ----·- QUARTERLY REPORT Sulphur Rock-G. M. Roberts ·------­ Union Grove-E. I. Sneed ------­ 30.43 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE THIRTEEN·) West Batesv1lle-Irwin Mosler -----­ 300.00 187.50 White River (011 Trough) 8.00 Ouachita Undeslgnated Campaign Other $ 345.58 Co-operative Designated Designated ·TOTALS -·----·---·-··--;.... _:_ ___.$ 1,237.43 Program Con- Contribu- contribu­ LIBERTY ASSOCIATION Church and Pastor tributions tions tions Caledonia ·------• Calion-P. C. Church ·----·------50.00 HARMONY ASSOCIATION Camden, First-T. L. Harris . 1,800.54 975.00 2:5i Altheimer-W. J. Morris 30.00 °Chidester-R. c. Dalley ------300.00 6.00 Cross Roads-Raymond Crotts -----·----· Anderson Chapel ------·----­ cullendale-J. Elmer Morgan ------·-·- 878.34 Bogy Chapel ....: ... ------­ Ebenezer ...... ------···------25.00 Crigler Mlsslon-T. S. Cowden --~ 375.00 12.00 El Dorado, First-Sam Reeves ·-----­ 3,750.00 4,571.15 Dumas -·------375.00 960.40 (Jideon-J. H. Chavis El Dorado, Immanuel ------· 60.00 60.00 El Dorado, Parkvlew-H. B. Marks ______:_ 88.61 Gould-L. W. W1lliams ---·------­ E1 Dorado, Second-Jesse Reed ------· 713.31 600.00 Greenlee Memorial-Aubrey Pucket ---­ E1 Dorado, West Side-C. A. Johnson -----­ 180.00 375.00 Hardin- Ralph Glover ---·------­ 372.00 50.00 Hickory Grove-T. S. Cowden ------­ 12.00 Elllott-Garland Anderson ------·-­ 30.00 10.00 Felsenthal-Ted Lann Kingsland-Don W1lliams ·----·-­ Gal1lee-Grant Pickens 66.00 Lee Memorial-Chas. Finch ---·-----­ 90.00 162.47 Huttig ------·------Matthews Memorial-L. G. Whltehom -­ Joyce Clty-Chas. W. Nash ...... ---·--·-· 216.00 25.,!l0 New Bethel ------·------­ 3.00 Junction City-C. E. Archer ------·---·------­ 264.44 Oak Grove-R. D. Hughes ·------­ 30.00 27.91 Pine Bluff, Calvary-E. w. Johnson ---··--­ 3.00 Knowles Chapel-L. R. Mitcham ------·------· 3,302.24 161.25 Laplle-R. o. Ekrut Pine Bluff. First-A. B. Pierce -----·------­ Lawson-L. J . Tucker 25.00 .. Pine Bluff, Harmony-Clyde Cutrell -----­ 195.79 5.00 Pine Bluff, Immanuel-Paul Fox ---­ 720.00 12.00 Liberty-L. R. Mitcham - Pine Bluff, Second- C. c. McAtee ·--·-·­ 390.00 150.00 40.02 Lisbon ------·------1,085.00 189.90 8818 Louann-G. Paul Starnes ---·-·-·---·-·--· 333.02 Pine Bluff, Southside-Lloyd Sparkman .... Midway-F. E. Canady ------­ Pine Bluff, West Slde-J. F. Brown ------·--· New London- L. J. Tucker ------·----- .Plainview-G. E. Nethercutt ------­ Norphlet-Loyal Prior 1,117.15 • 615.00 2 Plum Bayou (Wrlght)-A. F . Robinson -­ 20.00 19.00 Rankin's Chapel-J. H. Chavis Norris ------100.00 Philadelphia ------15.85 Rison-T. T. Newton ------.:...... 222:o"b 6 00 Shelby Memorial (Wabbaseka) ·------Salem-Hugh Cantrell ------· 587.34 117.47 Shuler ------·------·---·---- 30.00 Star City-Luther Dorsey ...... ------Smackover-Ralph Reasor ------·--· 732.26 732.26 Tyro ------·------·-·------20.00 25.19 Snow Hill ------·------·---· 15.00 White Sulphur Springs-Claude Bumpus .... Stephens--Hugh Cantrell ------­ 708.78 Yorktown- T. S. Cowden Strong-R, 0. Ekrut ---- 138.31 Central-T. L. Grave ------·- . 10.00 . • 832.37 $ 533.64 ~~~~~~~k~. " :Min-e·r---=:::::·.~-=~::::~-:=:=:~:.·::-: 180 00 50.00 TOTALS ---:-··--·------·· 7,337.84 Urbana-Marsh Whitington ------·­ 1110.00 358.75 HOPE ASSOCIATION 'Ylll.,age-J. E. Hargett ----.------­ 60.00 Arabella Helghts-Kentl.eth Wllklnson __ 15.00 Wesson-James Luck ------20.00 Anderson Union --·-·------·---· TOTALS ___. 13,238.92 $ 8,352.16 Beech Street, Texarkana ------1,688.15 324.00 78.00 Boyd ------··------~------LITTLE RED RIVER ASSOCIATION 130.00 Bradley-Claude Stripling ---·-·------­ Brownsvllle-W. B. O'Neal ----·-·-·-·-- ·- Canal-8. A. White ------­ 20.84 Concord ------·--·------Canfield-Claude Stripling ------­ 23.43 Edgemont (Fairview) ------·----- Central, Magnolia.-L. L. Hunnicutt --·­ 1,200.00 300.00 185.00 245.55 10950 130.00 Heber Springs-Othar Smith ------300.00 75.00 College Hill-C. G . Davis ------· Lone Star-0. D. Yount -·------Doddridge-A. L. Taylor ------·--­ 30.00 McJester-Thos. Reeves ------:.. Eastview- Wallace A. Ely -·-·-·------·- 89.70 Mt. Olive-W. B. O'Neal ------Evergreen-Odell Rhyne ...... :.... - ...... Mt. Zion · (Banner) ------15.00 Fouke, First-Howard Wilson ------·-·­ 87.33 2.00 Palestine ...... ------· Garland- C. S. Carlton 5.00 Pleasant Hlll (Floral)-Delbert Garrett __ ~.00 25.00 Genoa--J. T. Midkiff -----· 6.00 Pleasant Ridge-David King ------12.00 Guernsey ----·:::---- Haley Lake-A. w. Wagnon ...... Pleasant Valley ------Harmony Grove-,-Chas. CornelL------Ppst Oak-W. L. Bunch ··----·------·--·- 6.00 Hope, First-S. A. Whitlow ...... -... 1,620.00 800.00 28.00 ~~~z::a~-Harold Trevo~1l ·;------·---·-·- 15.00 Lewisvllle-J. w. Royal ---·----·-- 249.99 MacedoniaMacedonia,, No.No . 1 2 ______·------.:__ ValleyStony Point~-David ·---·---======King 14.00 ~andevllle ------· ~------·----·-·­ TOTALS --.. 386.00 $ 100.00 Pt. Zlon-J. P. Olive ------·------·---- 18.00 --·----·"·-"---:t P lney Grove ...... 33.05 LITTLE RIVER ASSOCIATION lsgah- Harrlson Pike ------­ Ashdown-Lawson Hatfield ------362.99 156.10 Red River-A. W. Wagnon ------, Ben Lomond ------4.00 Rocky Mound-'-F_rank R. Eaton ------­ 4.50 Bingen, First-Mack Gates ...... ______...... 130 ~00 Shlloh-Geo. DeLaughter _ Br~wnstown-James Hampton ·------South Texark&na- Orlin Aileil' ______::: 12.30 Co umbus-Fioyd Taylor ------39.54 1: ~pring Hlll-James Pleltz ...... DeQueen, First-Boyd Baker ·------293.81 107.00 tampis, First-Waif Hamllton ...... - ...... 705.04 30.00 Dierks ------·-·-· 15.00 Sy1 ver no-C. R. · Pierce ------­ Foreman-C. R . Pierce 15.00 Tennessee-Harrison Pike Hicks--Lawson Hatfield 10.00 Trinity- Warren Nutt _==:_~---- 47.93 3.00 Horatio-Russell Armer ------­ Troy- Frank Eaton ...... :...... Liberty-Harold Coble ------Calvary, Texarkana-C. C. Ussery ------·-·--- 100.00 -- Lockesburg-W. T. Byrum ------·- 120.00 45.00 Lone Oak-G. 0. Taylor ------10.00 TOTALS ""'-·---·-----'-· · 6,3)0.97 $ 1,533.50 • 476.84 Mineral Springs (Central)-James Harris _ 30 00 Murfreesboro-B. E. Baucom 120.00 t INDEPENDENCE ASSOCIATION . Mt. Moriah ..... _ ...... : .. ______Batesvllle, .First-E. P. J. Garrott 750 oo 158.08 798.18 Nashville, First-W. Ec Perry ·---·-·-·-- 1,633.90 484.00 11 g~~dar::__::~~~esv1lle-Byr~>n King ------· 45·.00 3.00 New Home, Belton-Norvin Jones -----·------18.75 25.00 0 h ------·------Ogden-B1lly Hickem ------11.33 Ozan ------'------D~=h~iial-Gai!(ii)""" """""--- -- ·------· - 6.00 Paraloma-Henry Keahey Pllgrlm's Rest-W. J . Smith Rock Hlll-A. 0 . Zachrey ------7.10 Pleasant Plains .. _ __ . -----­ 50.00 Sardis-A. 0. Zachrey Rehobeth, MoorerieiCi-Art--Jones------30.00 State Line ------Washington-:Floyd Taylor -·------30.00 ::~~rel?irftL... ~be:t~re------yl ech ------===:-::.-::...... _ _ 15.00 22.50 Wilton-Dean Newberry ------·----- 45.00 Winthrop ------:------TOTALS . • ... 2,8116;42 $ 817.10 ·•· IS WM. T. STOVER .CO. . East Texas Baptist MISSISSIPPI COUNTY ASSOCIATION Armorel-Homer J. Adkins ------45 00 College Blackwater-T. J. Richardson ------22.95 Trusses Blythev1lle, First-E. C. Brown - _ 2 000 06 200 00 11 SUMMER SCHOOL 1948 Blythevllle, Calvary-P. H. Jernigan... --=:. ' ' · Twoway Stretch Elastic 4 00 .June 8 - .July 16 ~~:e~ cilailei- F:m:m:itt·-c::ross----==:::: · · July 19 - August 27 Brown's Chapel-J. M. Wilkinson ...... 37.50 Hoisery Clear Lake-H. W. Wooten -·------·-- 48.00 Enlarged CUrriculum-Strong Cole Ridge-W. c. Steward ------·---· 13.30 Faculty Cross Roads--W. C. Steward 7.24 Sick Room Supplies Dell-R. E. Jones ------·- 39.00 Illustrated bulletin on appll­ Dyess, Central- Jack Auten 4:!.58 Infra Red l.amps Emmanuel-A. M. Houston _____.:_ ___ catlo.n. Etowah-Roy Johnson ------·--- FalrVI8W-L. D. Watkins ~------30 00 Abdominal Supporters Waller M. Ethridge, Gosnell-J. L. Pinkston 30.00 Vice-Presldeni Joiner-B. M. Cooper 170.00 Keiser ------· 39.00 721-723 MAIN ST. LITTLE ROCK Marshall, Texas Leachville-Rex Brown ---- 110.00 (CONTINUED ON PAGE FIPTEEN) APRIL 21. 1948 PAe&: flf'T

Life Line--Lawrence Kendrick 10.00 Little Rock, Bapt. Tabemacle-L, H. Roseman 460.96 91.9:3 QUARTERLY REPORT Little Rock, Calvary-Will?ur Herring ·---­ 531.43 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE FOURTEEN) Little Rock, Flrst-R. c . Campbell --­ 6,249.99 3CI Little Rock, Gaines St.-C. E. Lawrence -­ 1,394.03 18000 5 Ouachita Little Rock, Immanuel-W. o. Vaught ...... 3,030.00 1,703.60 2QI Undesignated Campaign Other Little Rock, Pulaski Helghts-W. H. Hicks .. 1,804.08 300.00 ~ Co-operative Designated Designated Little Rock, Reynolds Mem.-Guy B. Wilson 152.95 Program Con· Contribu­ Contribu­ Little Rock, Becond-M. Ray McKay -­ 3,399.04 . 4,306.6'7 2 Church and Pastor trtbutions tions tions Little Rock, S. Highland-Ray Branscum.... 333.73 42 .72 Little Rock, Biddle-Horace Grlgson ----­ 54.65 Luxora, First-A. B. Hill ... 345.00 166.66 Little Rock, West Bide-T. P. Gladden __ 50.00 Mantla-J. L. Ford -----·-----­ 165.70 45.05 6.00 Little Rock, Woodlawn-Joe L. Ingram __ 37.50 Mary's Chapel-M. R. Grlfftn -----­ 19.39 Martindale-Jack Whitfield ---·----·---·---­ 12.00 New Bethel-Curtis Downs ----·----·-·· 20.00 32.12 Mountain Vlew-W. L. Wadley ------· New Harmony-James Rambo -----­ Mountain View No. 2- W. D. Kilpatrick _ New Liberty-Russell Duffer ------· 201.98 104.52 Natural Steps ------·------­ 12.00 New Provldence-R. F , Liddell --·--­ 208.00 N. Little Rock, Baring Cross-H. A. Elledge 1,554.00 400.50 3 1 Nodena-M. D. Davis ·------·-·-----..: 54.40 N. Little Rock, Central-Earl Herrington _ 405.99 Number Nine-Howard King ------90 .00 2.00 N. Little Rock, Flret-cwen W. Moran __ 1,159.48 1.00 OSceola, First-Russell Olubb · 1,950.00 400.00 118.45 North Point-E. W. Goodson Pleasant Valley ----·-.-·- N. Little Rock, Pike Avenue- Rocky ------. Raymond Strickland ------·------­ 162.54 Wardell-Doyle Creech ·------­ 38.95 N. Little Rock, Park Hill- Taylor Stanfill .... 193.87 Wells Chapel-0. W. Auton ---·--­ Oak Forrest-R. W. Bishop ~·----­ Whitton-H. M. Robertson ----.------­ 104.23 135.30 Pilgrim's Rest ------­ 25.60 Wilson-A, F. Muncy -·------­ 998.87 Pine Grove, Sweet Home- Harold Presley _ 45.00 Woodland Comer-Arnold Clayton ---- 17.27 5.41 Plainview-G. o. Abbott 143.48 --- Pleasant Grove, Ferndale ------TOTALS -·-·----·------· 6,774.12 $ 811.71 $ 785 56 Roland -----·------·------··------Shady Grove--W. T. Craton ------·-­ MT. ZION ASSOCIATION Stanfill-Geo. Fox ------·------­ Bay-Daniel Hughes ------­ Sylvan Hills, Flret-E. B. Ridgeway --·-­ 30.00 Bethabara (Cane Island)-M. E. Wilfong -· Trlnlty- R. E. Weeks ------·------·-·--·----­ Black Oak ------·- ---- 30.00 VImy Ridge .------·------­ Brookland-8. J, Meador 30.00 13.00 Woodson-Lee Lewis ------15.24 Buffalo Chapel-E. Mccan ------­ Worrell's Memorial- H. R . Boyd ...... :... _____ 23.6'7 caraway- Robert W. Johnson -----­ 18.00 17.00 Zion Hill-Jack Hogue -·-·--·------·------­ 31.00 Cash-D. B. Cook ------­ 25 00 150.00 Nalls Memorial-E. H. Elmore ------Deason Lake-A. B. Smith ------­ 10.00 Egypt-chas. Gray ---·-· 22,441.84 $ 7,177.6'7 $ U:I Friendly Hope ------­ TOTAL& ~------~--~- - Jonesboro, Central-Reese B. Howard ---­ 195.00 RED RIVER ASSOCIATION Jonesboro, First-C. z. Holland ------­ 1,650.00 393.50 Antoine-Harold Coble ------·------6.00 Jonesboro, Fisher St.- Frank Waite ------­ 339.54 6.00 Arkadelphia, Flrst-J. G. Cothran ·--·--·- 2,100.00 75.00 Jonesboro, Walnut St.- Jas. Fitzgerald ---­ 195.00 13.17 Arkadelphia, Second-O. c, Harvey ...: ...... 200.00 Lake Clty-W, E. Speed ------­ 82.66 Beech Street, Gurdon-Kenneth Grant ·-- - 165.00 15000 Lunsford-Jack E. Laftler 28.00 33.32 Monett~. W, Smith . 498.20 178.21 Beirne-Marvin Gennlngs ------·--- 65.37 Mt. Pisgah-Osborne L. Justioe -----· Bethel-John W. Sehestedt ------·------­ Bethlehem ------·------· Mt. Pleasant ------·------­ Boughton-J. T . Atkinson ------­ 13.35 Mt, Zion ------150.00 Caddo Valley-Tommie Roberts ---·-- Nettleton-G. W. Boyd 60.00 39.30 Curtis-D. E. Castleberry ..... - ...... _ .. ______New Antioch . ~~ DeGray-Guy Branscum .------­ 11.10 25.00 1 New Bethel ------·------·-- -­ Emmett-J T . Atkinson New Hope,

. WHITE RIVER ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY REPORT BloomingAntioch (Pllppln)Grove ______-----·------....._ Cotter-Dennison . YllJ;es 6.00 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE PIFTEli'..N) Flat Rock-J. F. DW:lcan --·-·-~----· Gassvllle-Talburn ------· 15 00 Ouachita 25.00 Undes!gnad'd Campaign Other Hopewell (Colfax)-Geo. w, Johnson --·- Lone Rock ------··------co-operative Designated Designated 150.00 ProgriP,Jil Con- Contribu- contrlbu Mountain Home-D. W. Stark ·-·----- New Hope ------·-·------Church and Puior tributions tions tlons Nor!ork-Dennlson Yates ------5.00

Crawfordsvllle-Ra:v Y. Langley ·-·-···~··-­ 90.00 OaklandOak Grove .:======Earle-Joe B. Btilllvan ------­ 1,194.92 47.63 Pea Ridge ------···------·------Fair Oaks-Henr:v wright -----·---­ Pilgrim's Rest-D. W. Stark ---·----­ 14.78 Pitzgerald Crossing-Earl Hamblin --­ 4.32 Pleasant Hill, Bruno ------·--··-·----···------­ 20.00 For.rest Clt:V-Minor E. Cole -·------600.00 450 00 210.00 Rehobeth, Flippin-D. M. Kreis -----­ 18.75 Gladden ·-----·------. Whltevllle-Geo. W, Johnson ---,.·-----­ 9 00 50.00 Harris Chapel 102.43 6.00 Yellville· 55.00 H:vdrlck ------·------__, Jericho-C. c. Anderson TOTALS ------75.00 Madison ------­ 10.00 -----~· 293.53 • Marlon-N. E. Lerch 118.43 37.50 WOODRUFF COUNTY ASSOCIATION ..... May•s Chapel-W. M, Thompson -..--- Augusta-Dell Hames 300.00 170.00 Mt. Pisgah --·------·------. Cotton Plant-Rivos H. Dorrla ------158.21 Palestine-Glen Giles 6.00 Good Hope-c. B. Ramseyer 10.95 Parkln-Belbert Haley ----....---­ 100.!10 Gregocy ------·-···------·- ---··-- 23.42 Riverslde-W. M. Thompson ------Hunter-L. Y. Lewis ------···- 50.30 Shell Lake ------4.00 McCror:v-Chester Parker ------·------··----·- 85.00 Vanndale-Leonard Dove Pleasant Grove (Howell Wivllle)-J. M. Hltt 60.00 West Memphis-Aubrey C. Halsell ------· 975.00 32.50 Raynor's Grove-C. P. · Watkins ---·--- 5.00 Wheatley ------75.00 Riverside-C. H. Gamer _ __.____ _ Wynne, Flrst-W. R. Woodell· ------·--- 877.51 Tupelo-James Phelps 8.20 ____....;... ______• 4,199.91 • 450.00 • 333.63 TOTALS TOTALS ------.....---'· 701.08 • 170.00 • 3 TRINITY ASSOCIATION UNASSOCIATED :Keo ·------·----·--·------·---- Bethel-H. E. Leigh -·-- . 10.00 Miscellaneous 135.00 18 Comers' Chapel-J. M. Wl.lkinson ·-·- ---·- ­ 15.00 Fisher-coy Sims 30.00 GRAND TOTALS 122,932.45 $40,255.42 ~14,17 Freer ------·---·--- ..:...... 9.00 32.40 ~During the fourth quarter of 1947 we recelv~ $400.00 from Chidester Chul Greenfield-Osborne L. Justice ----­ Liberty Association, for Co-operative Program of which $100.00 was to be appl Harrisburg-John Collier ------­ 90.00 7.97 Hurd•s Chapel-R. E. Cole ----­ 4.00 to 1947 CO-OJ2eratlve Program. The remaining $300.00 was applied to 1948 Lebanon-W. A. Applegate ·-·-- ---­ 20 00 operatl'ye P!'lfram and Is listed on this first quarter report, 1948. Lepanto-Leslte Rlherd ------­ 125.00 122.42 Marked Tree-W. F. Carlton 214.43 6.00 Neiswander-J. 0. G1,1nthorpe ----,­ Pleasant Grove-L. c. Edwards ----­ 18.00 Meeting the Challenge. Pleasant Hlll-L. C Edwards ----­ 15.00 Pleasant Valley-J, H. Garrett 2.SO Red Oak-L. M. Rlherd ______...:,. _ _ _ 24.89 11.00 Ridgeview ------·------·---·--- In Young p,eople,'s Wor Shiloh-Clarence Edmonson ------· South McCormick-Homer Cantrell --- By MISS LAVERNE ASHBY TrUmann ------···------Jg_gg / 3.00 Tyronza-Boyd Elldrldge ------·­ 298 92 200.00 6.00 First Church, Batesville Valley View ---- - ·-·---··-·------­ Young people's work in Arkan­ Waldenburg-R, E. Leigh --- sas has made deflnite advance­ Weiner-c. F. Barnett ------­ 8'7.21 3.00 On Campaign Honor R4 Weona Junction ------····------­ ment in 1947 with an increase in West Rldge-R. D. McEwen -----­ the total number of auxiliaries. THE FIRST CHURCH, BATE Miscellaneous 6.00 Y. W. A:'s'and R. A.'s made slight VILLE, BECOMES NUMBl TOTALS ------'· 1,008.95 $ 200.00 • 197.79 gains with Girls' Auxiliaries and THIRTEEN IN PAYING THE , WASHINGTON-MADISON ASSOCIATION Sunbeam Bands having greater FULL QUOTA TO THE OU Brush Creek-Elisha Holland net increases. There are 1,129 CHITA CAMPAIGN. Black Oak-J. E. Reed ------­ young people's organizations in Fayetteville, First-Walter Johnson __ 1,800.00 185.00 86.78 Dr. E. P. J. Garrett led Fi Fayetteville, Second-Norman Drake - -­ Arkansas with a total membership Church, Batesville, in accepti Prlendshi'D-Raymond Duffell 9.37 of 9,711. There were 123 new or­ and paying the full quota and l Hazel Valley ------·--·------­ 1 Hindsvllle-Oakley Long .. 17.50 ganizations this past year. We led 1 ~wo of his members, Dr. a Huntsville-B.. W. Jones ------­ 30.00 rejoice that 57 of these organiza­ Mrs. Finis Wyatt to make a spec Johr.son-Ewel Logue .. -----­ 15.00 Lincoln-A. J. Scott ------­ 49.24 3 85 tions achieved the Standard of gift, a $1,000 bond,. to the ca New Hope-S. D. Etrls ------­ Excellence during the year. This paign. Prairie Grove-John B. Stephen 9.00 is 15 more organizations than were Sonora ···---·------···--···------:__ ___ Dr. ' Springdale, First-c. E. Wilbanks ---­ 499.98 12.90 standard in 1946. Garrett assures us tll Spring Valley-Oakley Long ------15.00 though his church has paid tJ:J 10.00 More than 500 mission study full quota, they . will continue ~~~h~~r~~~l"'P=e-:;l""ts-..-_ .------15.00 classes for young people were held Wlnslow-T. J, Redford------­ 17 62 contribute monthly to the f1 Liberty 22.51 in 1947, and more than half of the chita, Campaign. This is 1 organizations reported having TOTALS ------~~-"-- · 2,51o.2i • 185.00 • 103.53 spirit that will help us to gain 1 community missions during the victory and make Ouachita 1 WHITE COUNTY ASSOCIATION year. There were 421 new tithers Beebe-William Burnett ------75.00 school that it should be .. Bethany (Georgetown)-Wade E. Ellis __ enlisted during 1947. Central, Bald Knob-0. s. Ma:vnard - ----­ 40.00 The joyous privilege of seeing -H. A. ElledgE Crosby, Armstrong Springs-H. M. Dugger 21.00 E1 Paso-Ernest Anderson 22.50 100.00 the young people's counselors and ---0001---- Grlfflthvllle-B C. Guier ...... 13.00 directors all over the state. leading The Nigerian Baptist Semin: Barris Chapel-Ople Sample ----­ Higginson-E. J. Evans ------­ 10.00 our fascinating, consecrated, tal­ ·at Ogbomosho, Nigeria, W Judsonia, Flrst-L. M. Keeling -----­ 200.00 5.00 ented young people into earnest Africa, v,ras recently afflliated w Xensett-L. C. Langley .. 96.92 Liberty (Walker)-Gus Prince ----­ 10.00 effort for missions is one that I the Southern Baptist seminary McRae-Gus Prince glory in day and night as I travel Louisville, giving the Niger Morrow-Alfred Pate ----··-·------·------­ 9.00 Mt. Hebron-otis Reedy 15.00 over our state. The zeal for mis­ seminary p()wer to grant degrt Mt. Sidon-H. M Dugger ------­ sions is easily kindled in their Dr. Cornell Goerner of the Lot New Bethel-Alfred Pate ------·-··----··- Pleasant Valley-0, B. Smythe ------12.00 hearts by missionary minded men v1lle Seminary . investigated Rescue-Sidney W. Holcomb ---·-- 7.50 25.00 and women. May we daily seek facilitie_s, the faculty, course Rocky Polnt-0. B. Smythe .;..·----- 12.00 12.46 Rosebud-Gus Prince ------·------· 6;00 additional recruits for this finest study, and type of students at · Royal Hlll-Emest Anderson 25.00 of service for our Lord, leading Nigerian seminary last sumr Searcy, Flrst-W. R. Vestal ------507 00 · 260.00 8.00 myma-T. W. Hayes ------15.00 10.00 young people closer to Him. It' is and reported his findings to ~Union Valley ------4.00 our challenging opportunity to faculty and trustees of South West POint-L. B. Bdwardll ------~1~1.~00 lead these young people into real Baptist Seminary who· have TOTALe ------... ~.098.112 • 360.00 $ 73.46 desire "Ambassadors to be", proved the afflliat!on.