Human Trafficking Is Modern Slavery Motorists Saw the Most Expensive Gas Prices in Three Years
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FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 2018 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 31 S UTH MARION CitizenServing S.R. 200 Communities & Businesses BRIEFS Move-over Livestock Pavilion on Coalition agenda The State Road 200 Co- law being alition will hold its monthly meeting on Mon- emphasized day, Jan. 8, at 1 p.m. at the Collins Center, Tim- January is “Move Over” berRidge Building 5000, month in Florida. AAA - The Suite 5001. Auto Club Group reminds mo- The guest will be torists to Slow Down, Move Kelsey Mears, Assistant Over. The law requires passing Director of Parks and motorists to give adequate Rec for Marion County. space to law enforcement, tow Her topic is Southeast- truck drivers, utility service ve- ern Livestock Pavilion. hicles and other first respond- what it does and just how ers that are stopped on the side it benefits Marion of the road. County. The Parks De- “This law is in place to pro- partment has just taken tect the ones who protect us,” it over its operation and said Montrae Waiters, spokes- she will be in charge. woman, AAA - The Auto Club The meeting is open to Group. “Not focusing on the the public. Pajama Party road puts your life and others at risk. If you are caught violating First Friday Art Walk In what they hope will be a tradition at Cherrywood, Bocce players held a pajama party on Christ- the “Move Over” law, you could canceled for tonight mas Eve. See column on Page A13. be issued a ticket which could Due to extreme result in a fine, as well as, 3 weather conditions, the points on your driver’s license.” First Friday Art Walk Electoral College system to be discussed According to the Florida De- scheduled for Friday, partment of Highway Safety and Jan. 5 has been canceled. The Friday Forum of Marion districting, cybersecurity and Friday of each month at the Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), there The next First Friday Art County which next meets Jan. the function of the electoral col- Golden Corral, 2111 SW State were 204 crashes and 68 inju- Walk will be held Friday, 12 at 11:30 a.m. welcomes all lege in the 21st century. The Road 200, Ocala. ries reported as a result of a Feb. 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. in members of our community to panel will be announced soon. Please e-mail FridayForu- motorists failing to move over in downtown Ocala. join in examining the integrity The luncheon/discussion [email protected] 2016. Law enforcement officials For more information, of our electoral system within group is always open to the pub- or telephone Delphine Herbert issued more than 5,000 citations please contact the City of the context of voting rights, re- lic and meets on the second at 352/873-9970 for information. to drivers. Ocala Cultural Arts Divi- sion at 352-629-8447. Gas prices high On average in 2017, Human trafficking is modern slavery motorists saw the most expensive gas prices in three years. That upward Out of the shadows of the myths to the truth trend carried into the new year, as the month of First of three parts lation of the individual’s human ficking victims will self-identify. rights. Some would say that Unfortunately of the 50% who See GAS on Page A3 BY PATRICIA A. WOODBURY Human Trafficking is only sex did contact a health profes- Special to the Citizen trafficking but the truth is, ac- sional, none were identified as a cording to the National Health victim. These victims do not INDEX Twenty million people are en- and Human Services Hotline, often disclose their trafficking Bookmark ..........................A4 slaved throughout the world that of the 20 million victims situation in a clinical setting. If Cherrywood................... A13 with 2.5 million located here in globally 60% are forced labor, they are accompanied by an- the United States. Slavery was 10% state-imposed forced labor other person, they may not be al- Classifieds ....................... A26 supposed to end with the Eman- and 22% are sexually exploited. lowed to speak for themselves. Health Corner...................A9 cipation Proclamation in 1862 Sex trafficking has been found Gaining the trust of a victim, in a and the Thirteenth Amendment in a variety of businesses such safe non-judgmental environ- Movies ................................A6 in 1865. However statistics show as, residential brothels, escort ment is important to assist the Oak Run ...........................A14 that slavery is still alive and services, fake massage busi- patient. flourishing through the entire nesses, strip clubs and street Some think that human traf- OTOW ..................................A9 world. prostitution. Labor trafficking ficking only happens to children Out to Pastor ....................A3 Human trafficking is a form of has been found in diverse labor or women. In 2012 the national modern slavery. It involves ob- settings such as, domestic work, hotline reported that 62% of the Pun Alley .........................A11 taining or maintaining labor or small businesses, large farms cases reported were adults and Puzzles .............................A24 services from another by the use and factories. 18% were men. of force, fraud or coercion in vio- Some think that human traf- See SLAVERY on Page A3 A2 ~ Friday, January 5, 2018 Friday, January 5, 2018 ~ A3 As the old year fades, so does my memory Memory is a very tricky thing, at least for me it is. call thinking) my wife lives one life and I live some- Looking back over a year’s span of activity, my mem- thing altogether different from hers. The things she ory seems to pick and choose what it remembers. Out to Pastor remembers that took place during the year are be- After all, I do not have the brain capacity I once had. Rev. James Snyder yond my remembering. Often some old-timer will moan about how much I am beginning to believe she remembers things he misses the good old days. I am not sure if he is that never took place. Of course, and I say this with thinking of World War II or the Great Depression. I all sincerity, I would never contradict her memory. am positive that during the Great Depression, some For the life of me, I do not know where I was when wonderful memories were created, but I am not sure I made that much money, I must have made that all these things happened she says happened. Nor anyone wants to return to those thrilling days of yes- much money and owe that much in taxes. do I know where I was when I promised to do all terday. Speaking of the government, what I do not under- those things she said I promised. The bad was not as bad as we remember and the stand is how they know how much I owe, to the Even in my right mind, (of which I do not have good not as good as we boast. penny, along with millions of other Americans? much left) I would never concede to help remodel Some things are best forgotten, while some things Second, there is the year I remember. the family room. I would never accuse her, heaven should never be forgotten; my trouble has always This year is much shorter than the previous one, forbid, of taking advantage of me in this area. The been remembering which is which. for some odd reason. The year I remember had only thought is not a stranger in my head, although ratio- Several things about the old year bear serious con- two months; this month and last month. And believe nal thoughts are. sideration. The past year, in my opinion, was not just me, “last month” is a stretch for me. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, one year, but several years flowing together. Some- Honestly, I remember paying the electric bill, con- framed his thoughts this way, “Remember now thy times I am not sure which year I lived. trary to what the electric company says. My problem Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days This past year, like all its brothers before it, actu- with the electric company is that during the space of come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt ally consisted of three years. a year they send me 12 bills and I can only remem- say, I have no pleasure in them” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). First, there is the year that really was. “Just the ber two. Let’s just split the difference. Solomon’s idea was, “now” is more important than facts, ma’am.” They penalize me for screwing up, but they do not “then.” I am a little fuzzy about this one. For one thing, credit my account when they screw up — like being The Apostle Paul had the right idea with this mat- looking at my checkbook entries (at least the ones I without electricity for four days — twice this past See PASTOR on Page A26 remembered to enter) the past year was a com- year. Oh, that I remember, and remember well. In pletely different one than I recall. fact, if my memory serves me correctly, it was more I really do not recollect having all the fun sug- like 90 days. gested by my bank statement. Why is it no matter I remember deducting the monthly service how much money I put into my bank account, more charges from my bank each and every month. Well, money comes out? It is a Ponzi scheme in reverse. maybe not “each and every” month. Why those three Evidently, some phantom creature has access to checks bounced is beyond my comprehension.