J. T. YOUNG & SON torFor Goodwood The Jewellers Ladies' Wear and CUT CRYSTAL Footwear WINE GLASSES Whiskey - Port - Sherry VISIT THE Claret CO-OP 26 Market Place, Dividend on all Purchases Tel 3206 Prop. R. H. Allan Price Twopence. Established 1854. BARNARD CASTLE, WEDNESDAY, 27th SEPTEMBER, 1967. LOCAL" Calendar INQUIRY BRIDE IN SATIN "HIGH STANDARD" September 28. Whist Drive, Cricket Pavilion A local inquiry into the appeal Barnard Castle. by Messrs T. H. Hoggett and Son 29. Jumble Sale, D.L.I. Club Room, against the failure of the Barnard GARDENS Barnard Castle. Castle Urban District Council, 29. Dance, Marwood & Langleydalc acting on behalf of the Durham Winners in the Council House gardens competition this Social Centre. County Council, to issue a decision year were: Championship, A. J. Coulthard, 30 Victoria October within the statutory period on an Road. Dawson Road and Zetland Road—1, S. G. Allinson, 2. Women’s Auxiliary Whist Drive application for planning permission 3 Dawson Road; 2, S. Merritt, 79 Zetland Road; 3, A. Y.M.C.A. for residential development and 6. Jumble Sale, Scout Hut, Bar­ construction of roads and footpaths Dresser, 17 Crook Lane. Green Lane Estate—1, G. nard Castle. on land in Vere Road, Barnard McGreehin, 59 Hilton Road (reserve champion); 2, J. W. 6. Church Whist Drive and Dance, Castle, is to take place on 11th Little, 52 Hilton Road; 3, F. Fawcett, 11 Hilton Road. Village Hall, Middleton-in-T. October at 10 a.m. at the Council 7. Jumble Sale, Over 60’s Club, Offices. Woodleigh. Montalbo Road Estate—1, G. B. Eustace, 35 Harmire Village Hall, Middleton. i. The site in question is situated Road; 2, G. Dean, 53 Harmire Road; 3, J. G. Chapplow, 7. Dance, Boldron Village Hall. between the cricket field and Mon- 81 Marwood Drive. Bridgegate and Thomgate Wynd— 11. Dales Pony Society Whist talbo Road, and the proposal by 1, R. W. Knight, 10 Thomgate Wynd; 2, O. McKitton, 14 Drive, Hall. Messrs T. H. Hoggett and Son is 113. Rotary Jumble Sale, Congrega­ ftpevelop the site by the erection Thomgate Wynd; 3, Mrs A. Jones, 16 Thomgate Wynd. tional Hall. of houses for sale. The winners were presented with 16. Whist Drive, Y.M.C.A., Barnard The Council is prepared to ap­ their cups by Coun. A. Wilkinson, Castle. prove Messrs Hoggett’s application Chairman of the Urban District 17. Whist Drive, Boldron Village' which provides for an access road Council, on Monday night, who SATURDAY Haff. to the site via Vere Road which the said: I have visited and1 walked 20. Jumble Sale, Newgate Method­ Council has agreed to widen, but round the sites of -the Council house CONCERT ist Schoolroom. the County Planning Officer has in­ gardens, and I was very impressed At the Harvest Festival celebra- 20. Whist Drive and Dance (Guide dicated that he cannot agree to this by many of them, particularly those brations at Newgate Methodist Dogs), Middleton-in-Teesdale. and requires the access to the site kept by older people. These may .Church Hall, Barnard Castle, on 21. Whist Drive, St. Cuthbert’s to be from Fife Road. Barnard not have been up to the prize-win­ Saturday, a group of Darlington Church Hall, . . Castle. ning standard, but they were most artists gave a well-balanced pro­ 25. Teesdale Circuit Rally, Mid­ attractive and well laid out. gramme of musical, dramatic and dleton Wesley Church. The Council’s appreciation and pianoforte items. 27. Jumble Sale, Catholic School MORE WORK thanks were also expressed to the Raymond Burgin introduced the Hall. Mr Thomas Allan Alderson of and Miss Eileen Wheeler of Barnard Gardeners’ and Allotment Holders’ programme and taking part were 27. Dance, Marwood & Langleydalc FOR THE Castle, pictured after their wedding at St. Mary's Parish Church. (Report in last Soceity for their assistance in judg­ Glenda Durkin (soprano), Tony Social Centre. ing the competition. PhotO; L- Greenbank. Pearson (tenor), Raymond Burgin 27. Dance, Dalton. Richmond. AREA? week's edition!) (elocutionist), and Ruth and Frank 30. Whist Drive,. Y.M.C.A., Bar­ Good news for Barnard Castle Bishop (piano duettists). nard Castle. and district was announced at the 31. Opera for All. Grammar' Technical School, Bd. Castle. week-end, when Mr Jim Boyden. COFFEE THANKSGIVING AT Name M.P. for , gave a DRILL HALL LOCAL TWIN DIES IN November report to Bishop Auckland Cons­ OVER 60's 3. Dance, Marwood and Langley- tituency Labour Party. He said that RAISES £62 Change SCUNTHORPE dale Social Centre. additional employment for 504 men There was a very large gathering FOR YMCA 3. Jumble Sale, Parish Hall, Bar­ in Barnard Castle was estimated St. Cuthbert’s Church, Cother­ at the meeting of the Barnard The death took place earlier this nard Castle. and in Teesdale the Cow Green stone, held a coffee evening at Castle Over 60 Club on Monday Barnard Castle Urban District for month of Mrs Jack Lawson, of 10. Dance, Manwood & Langley- ^reservoir construction would absorb Balder Grange on September 21st, afternoon, when they celebrated Council are keen for the Y.M.C.A. Scunthorpe. Kathleen, who was a dale Social Centre. me majority of fit men who wanted by kind permission of Mr and Mrs their thanksgiving for the harvest to get the Drill Hall in Birch Road local girl, attended Cotherstone 13. Whist Drive, Y.M.C.A., Bar­ this type of work. T. Boothroyd. It realised £62 2s. 6d. The Rev. E. R. Golding, b.a.. and plans are going ahead with the Schools School, and was the daughter of the nard Castle. “One point that I have tried to towards the new oil central heating conducted the service and after project. late Herbent and Frances Allison. 16. Sale of Work, Trinity Methodist stress recently with local authorities that is hoped to be. installed in the prayer and singing of harvest Four schools in Teesdale may have She lived with her narents and twin Church. is that they must spend money and church before the winter. hymns, he gave an interesting and The Y.M.C.A authorities are de­ name changes as the school gov­ sister Phyllis' at Wo3encroft Cottage, 17. Dance, Marwood & Langleydale take continuous action to encour­ Raffles were won by Mrs Wall helpful address based upon the lighted with the news, and are al­ ernors do not want the words Cotherstone. Social Centre. age the flow of industrial enquiries.” and the Rev. Michael Bass, and saying: “ What you put in you get ready planning what to do with the “Modern” or “Grammar” to be Visiting the area almost annually, 17. Inter-Church Youth Club the correct weight of a cake was additional space and better fadliities in their titles. Jumble Sale, Parish Hall, Bar­ he said. out.” He said although it was a At a meeting last week of the she kept up local contacts, so will Other estimated additional em­ guessed by Mr Walker. good rule of life, there were many the premises will provide. be missed in the Teesdale district. nard Castle. ployment for men. thanks to at least Mrs Boothroyd, Canon Lee and exceptions. The sower went forth to The play-group of 28 young child­ S.W. Durham executive committee 24 & 25. The Importance of Being the members of the Church Council it was recommended that Barnard Earnest. Grammar Technical three newish firms planning larger sow, but some fell on stony ground ren who meet on Y.M.C.A. prem­ Castle Grammar School be called expansion outside their original would like to thank all members and withered and died: and some ises, and are looking for new play Teesdale School,; Barnard Castle School, Barnard Castle. target were: Bishop Auckland 281. who generously sent subscriptions were choked by weed; but still there quarters, have not been so lucky, Secondary Modern .School. Baliol THE TEES VALLEY BEAGLES 24. Variety Concert, Y.M.C.A., Aycliffe 1.168. Crook 350. and helped in various ways to make was hope of having a good harvest however. No one has yet come for­ will meet Barnard Castle. School; and that Middleton-in- Sept. 439. and 15. the evening such a success. in spite of these things. If man ward to offer accommodation for Teesdale and Staindrop Secondary 24. Variety Concert for Y.M.C.A. sowed good seed he would survive the group, which although it has Schools should have the word 29. Fell End School, Kirkby Stephen in Parish Hall. and there was promise of a bounti­ plenty of active support from “Modern” dropped from their Jedburgh Road. 10 a.m. 27. Whist Drive, Y.M.C.A., Bar­ ful harvest to those’ who sought to mothers willing to run it, will have Oct. Following meets 2 p.m. nard' Castle. do God’s will. If people were title. to close after this term, as condi­ A minority of members express­ 7. Opening Meet, Lartington Hall, December friendly and helpful one to an­ tions are considered unfit at the by invitation. 1. Jumble Sale, Bd. Castle Badmin­ other, they would see joy reflect­ ed the view that the name Barnard Y.M.C.A. for the winter months. Castle should not be dropped from 11. Hardberry. ton Club, Congregational Hall. ing and carried around and it the title of the Barnard Castle 14. Hall, by invitation. 8. Dance, Marwood and Langley­ would bring happiness to those who Grammar School and Barnard 18. Brown Jug Inn, Kinninvie. dale Social Centre. gave and those who received. If 21. Four Alls Inn, Ovington. 11. whist Drive, Y.M.C.A., Bar­ everyone sowed aright and tended Castle Secondary Modern School. SHIRTS Before the changed titles can be 25. . nard Castle. it with loving care, what they put Gypsy Cashed 28. Dog Inn. Heighington. 15. Whist Drive, Dalton, Richmond into life would be repaid a thousand used, they have to be approved by fold. Durham County Education Com­ Sister Lewis, who presided, thank­ mittee. ed Mr Golding for a very able Stolen Cheque address. Christmas Prior to the commencement of A series of offences including the meeting, a ladv who is on a taking a motor car without consent illuminations BLACKETTS Men’s Shop visit to Barnard Castle and is 92 involving several gypsies who were The Works Committee of Bar­ years of age. recited in a remark­ in the Greta Bridge area earlier this nard Castle Urban District Coun­ ably clear voice and without anv month, are being investigated by the cil have recommended that the ANTHONY DONALD hesitation, a poem she learned North Riding police. Sergt. G. K. Clerk arrange for the erection of when she attended Sunday school, Pattison told Greta Bridge Magi­ coloured lights as at Christmas last BARNARD CASTLE and was most heartily applauded. strates last week. year, for the period two weeks Regret was expressed that her sister, prior to and one week after (opposite Woolworth) who is 95 years old. was unable to One of them, Hannah Ward, 29 attend the meeting. years old mother of seven, was Christmas. also new branch at CARLISLE The stage was beautifully arrang­ arrested at Kendal, and she appear­ ed with the produce of the harvest ed in court on Wednesday charged given by members of the club, and with obtaining £7 10s. 6d. at a pet­ was afterwards sold, realising over rol filling station bv false pretences. “Not Used to £20 for club funds. She pleaded Guilty and was sent to prison for three months. Drink” Sgt. Pattison said the police were Castle Garden still trying to trace the whereabouts of two men and another woman. He -Fined £55 At Monday night’s meeting of said! that Ward, who had no fixed Heard at Greta Bridge magist­ Don’t let the the U.D.C. .the Clerk reported that address, went to the Greta. Bridge rates’ court last week was “ a clear the Minister of Public Buildings I filling station and told the attendant case of a young lad not used to softness fool you and Works had agreed that com­ that the gipsy wagon had broken drink having fallen into the com­ munity events of a suitable and down and she needed money for re­ pany of older men.” a BMK carpet respectable nature may be held in pairs. Charles Christopher Hempsail, the Town Ward of the Castle at She handed the assistant a cheque 17, of 2 Queen Street, Barnard has built in the discretion of, and upon appli­ which had already been counter­ Castle, pleaded guilty to driving cation to, the Council, provided signed twice. The assistant added under the influence of drink and that such events do not entail the the name of his employers and consuming intoxicating liquor muscle. erection of permanent structures under age. He was fined £50 on the large enough to detract from the handed over £7 10s. 6d. to the character of the monument and the woman. The proprietor was suspic­ first charge and banned from driv­ Council agrees to furnish the ious and he informed the police, ing for a year, and fined £5 on Mniister with a note of all appli­ who later discovered that the cheque the second. He had seven guineas was one of several stolen from a costs to pay. CUSTOMAGIC cants which have been granted. The greater part of the Castle car which had been taken without Sgt. G. K. Pattison- said Mr T. Garden is included in the Town consent. N. Jones was driving from Oving­ READY-MADE Ward of the Castle. When interviewed at Kendal, ton towards Winston, when -there was Ward told the police that her male a sudden scream of tyres, and a car LOOSE COVERS companion gave her the cheque and driven hy He-mpsall collided with SEE THE WONDERFUL RANGE OF DESIGNS AND told her what to say at the garage. the rear of a parked Jaguar ton He waited out of sight while' she the apposite side of the rood. COLOURS. Horseman Buried spoke to the assistant. She handed “ A witness said he saw Hemp­ PRICES FROM £17/5/0 her companion the money and did sail’s car take the bend at a terri­ FOR 3-PIECE SUITE (2-Seater Settee) Come and see the A native of Butterknowle. Mr not receive any herself. fic speed and collide with the Jag­ full range of BMK uar. The witness was about to dive (CUSHIONS EXTRA). Robert Blackett, of Fox House, into the hedge for safety, but he Axminster and Wham, was interred at the Lynesack Cemetery following a service at the was caught between the two cars ' Wilton carpets at: CONCERT AT and flung into the hedge,” said Mr Special Purchase! St. Jahn’s Church last week. Pattison. Aged 70. he was well known in “ Two soldier -pasengers in the South-West Durham area, hav­ OVER 60's Hempsail’s car were injured. One of CRUSHED VELVET ing been closely connected with them Said later .that they met Hemp­ horses. He had been riding pony (Slightly imperfect) 17/11 vrl scampers and in trotting handicaps The Concert Party provid­ sail at a dance at Ovington, and: he at the district agricultural shows ed the entertainment at the fort­ agreed to give them a lift back to REVERSIBLE VELOUR ' since he was ten years of age. nightly meeting of the Middleton camp.” Hempsail admitted lie had had Over 60 Cluh arid they were thank­ (Slightly imperfect) 19/11 yd. ed by Mrs A. Johnson for their two pints of beer. My car has a tendency 'to be unstable. I felt it very varied programme of items. IN WIDE RANGE OF COLOURS The Editor of the Teesdale Mer­ Arrangements were put in hand for begin .to slide and tried1 to correct cury welcomes letters on any topic, a forthcoming jumble sale to help it but it went the other way and I but asks that they should be sign­ the funds of the club. The mystery collided! with the other car.” he '2 MARKET PLACE ed, as evidence of good faith, and prize was won by Mrs M. Watson, said. written clearly on one side of the who also was awarded the prize The police surgeon after ex­ 'BARNARD CASTLE Telephone 2020 paper only. for the best cauliflower. Mr R. Eb- amination came to the conclusion BLACKETTS This applies to all contributions don acted as judge. Mrs Shaw, who that Hempsali’s ability to drive was HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. Tel. 2148 to the paper, including news copy, presided, also closed the meeting in not impaired by drink, the court advertisements and any reports. the customary mariner. heard.