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Catalyst Vol46 No.19.Pdf THE CATALYST Vol. 46, No. 19 The Independent Student Newspaper of Colorado College March 25, 2016 Sidewalk Repairs Considered a Worthy Long-Term Investment By ELLEN WEN In order to repair the campus “We have been having issues ever sidewalks, the school spent an es- since they were installed, its been During the last week of Block 6 timated $80,000. The money came in the process for several years, and and throughout spring break, Colo- mostly from the Annual Giving it went through a lot of people to get rado College dug up the stones on Fund. The project will ultimately there,” said Ortiz. the sidewalks throughout campus save money over the long term by There was a little grumble around and replaced them with new ones. eliminating the need for constant campus about the new stones be- While on the surface the stones maintenance and the safety con- cause of how similar they were to look the same, the new pavers are cerns that the old sidewalk used to the old ones. People were skepti- made of concrete instead of stone. bring. “The pavers often created a cal about the purpose of the new The concrete material is more trip hazard,” said Ortiz. stones, and believed the money reliable for Colorado’s climate, CC made the decision to fund this spent on them could have been al- and will prove more durable in the venture when Facilities proposed a located more effectively. However, long run. “We were doing constant plan to the Design Review board. the project will eventually allow the maintenance out there,” said John When the board approved the proj- school to save money. “We form a Ortiz, the Landscape and Grounds ect, the final decision was made by two-inch paver stone to four-inch Supervisor at CC. Jill Tiefenthaler and the Cabinet, concrete with metal mesh in be- Large trucks and other vehicles who also subsequently approved tween. It is definitely going to be sometimes drive on the stones, the venture. Facilites experiment- more durable against rain, snow, causing frequent breakage. “We ed with a sample piece of the new trucks, and plows,” said Ortiz. were spending tens of thousands material outside Cutler Hall for an Possible future maintenance of dollars each year, just to replace entire year before deciding to go projects can be seen in CC’s Mas- what was there already, so this is ahead with the project. ter Plan. If students have concerns kind of a sustainable piece of land- The project to replace the stones about campus, right now is a great scape that we put in now, to hope- has been in the works ever since the time to express them because of the fully last a lot longer,” said Ortiz. installation of the original pavers. current construction of the library. Photo by Emily Kim. New concrete tiles are installed outside Shove Chapel. Perspectives on the Presidential Election Chan’s Thesis Film, a Republican Party’s disarray, and ers. They must appeal to both white By HELEN GRIFFITHS Donald Trump’s long tenure at and non-white voters.” This explains Force for Local Good The First Monday presentation the top of the polls. The results will why Clinton has done better in for Block 7 featured John Sides, help illuminate how we choose states with larger black populations. I wanted them to shape their own associate professor of Political presidential nominees, and who He also used prediction markets, By ANNIE ENGEN narrative and have them develop a Science at George Washington might next occupy the White where people bet on who will be the “I first volunteered at Meadows fresh and artistic way to view their University and contributor to the H o u s e .” nominee. These markets show 94 Park Community Center for an ex- lives,” she said. Monkey Cage, a political blog. His He began with the Democrats. percent of betters believe that Clin- tended format class called Youth As Chan documented the lives of presentation, focused on current As of now, Hillary Clinton has al- ton will win. Empowerment, and I loved how her three participants, she began to U.S. politics, was titled “How to most 80 percent of Congress en- Sides next examined the Republi- the Center served the youth,” said understand the concerns they had Understand the Best, Greatest, Big- dorsements and a significant lead can Party. Congressional endorse- Colorado College senior Esther about the Meadows Park Commu- gest, Classiest Presidential Primary in delegates over any other Demo- ments for candidates came much Chan. The Meadows Park Com- nity Center, some of which could be of All Time.” Sides wrote, “By drill- cratic nominee. later than the Democrats’, which is munity Center, or MPCC for short, solved by financial endeavors. That Sides said, “Candidates must inspired Chan to kick-start a fund- ing into the data, I try to explain Continued on pg. 4 is located in Colorado Springs and Hillary Clinton’s dominance, the appeal to a broad spectrum of vot- dedicates itself to providing a safe raising project as part of her senior community and healthy resources thesis. for teens and children in nearby Chan organized a photo gallery communities who have been or to show off the work Miguel, David, are exposed to gangs. It also serves and Danielle had captured on their to engage uninvolved teenagers. cameras to the public. Hosted at the Chan, an independently de- Cottonwood Center for the Arts dur- signed major in Visual Media and ing the month of March, over 250 Social Change, was aiming to pro- people from Colorado Springs, CC, duce a senior thesis video docu- and MPCC came to the event. mentary about people in their “Miguel, David, and Danielle’s social environments. She chose to photos were sold at the event and focus in on role-model members all proceeds went to MPCC. Miguel, Miguel, David, and Danielle, who David, and Danielle were there to work at the local Meadows Park talk about the Center and educated Community Center, a place that the attendees on how they could has had great meaning to Chan help. We raised $760 for the Center since she first visited. that night,” said Chan. Chan was not the full-time cin- Chan’s fundraising efforts will ematographer of her documen- mainly be used to expand the Mead- tary, though. “About five months ows Park Community Center’s level ago, as I started to film and follow of accessibility. them around, I gave Miguel, Da- “The money we raised for MPCC Photo by Emilia Whitmer. New I.D.E.A. space exhibit, “Atomic Landscapes,” opened March 21 and examines the vid, and Danielle cameras, so they legacy, and the history, surrounding the Cold War. Read more about the exhibit on page 13. could take pictures of their lives. Continued on pg. 4 News Opinion Sports & Active Life Life 10 Questions CC’s Investment Club Pork Polemic Davie Shines as Alec Sarche, Theater Geek of Sophomore Trevon Newmann, Students can learn to invest and Slaughterhouse conditions for Tigers Beat Babson all Theater Geeks vocalist of Hotel 1937, talks about navigate the stock market risk- pigs should encourage pork eaters Tigers end Spring Break with a 16 A creative force in the Theater his vision for the band and his ar- free, page 5 to reconsider choices, page 15 to 13 victory, page 7 Department, page 11 tistic passions, page 6 Bern-ing Too Hard? Spring, Sunshine, and Skiing Summer Festival Preview Find us online at: Bernie Sanders supporters should Useful tips and tricks to get out A look at all the music festivals understand the risks involved and enjoy the spring powder, scheduled for this upcoming Facebook: /CatalystNews with refusing Hillary, page 14 page 9 summer, page 12 Twitter: /catalystnews 2 March 25, 2016 News The Catalyst Accessibility of Scholarly Databases Limited by Cost these budget cuts, they have been operating calculated by dividing the cost by the num- punishment led to his 2011 suicide. Elbaky- By JOHN BORAH at a loss, in large part due to journal costs. ber of articles downloaded, is $129.34. an, meanwhile, has escaped to Russia after Tutt pays for two types of subscriptions: While Wester eld would love to unsub- being persecuted by a United States Federal e rise of the Internet has led many con- EBSCONET subscriptions, which are “select- scribe to this underused resource, doing so Court, though Sci-Hub continues to run un- sumers to ask the same question: why should ed journal, magazine and journal subscrip- would risk CC’s chemistry accreditation. “It’s inhibited. I pay for something when I can nd it for free tions from various vendors,” and subscrip- published by a scholarly society, e Royal ough many open source supporters online? tions to major eJournal packages. Society of Chemistry, not a for-pro t compa- understand their motivation, they do not is question has been extended to text- ese include only big-name, big-cost ser- ny,” Wester eld said of the Organic and Biol- see these illegal ventures as the appropri- books, music, and movies. More recently, a vices, like Science Direct or Wiley. Tutt has molecular Chemistry journal. “Sometimes I ate course of action. “Unlawful access gives movement has begun to tear down research canceled many EBSCONET subscriptions, as wonder where the money goes. Do they have open access a bad name,” said Peter Suber, journals’ stubbornly expensive pay walls and most EBSCONET content is included within highly paid administrators? [Do they have] Harvard’s director of the O ce of Scholarly make journal articles free for all.
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