Summer 2015 Mount Mercy Academy

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Summer 2015 Mount Mercy Academy HorizonsMount Mercy Academy Summer 2015 The Legacy Continues... A family tradition at Mount Mercy. Joanne Ziemer Riso, Valedictorian MMA Class of 1982, Sara Riso, Valedictorian MMA Class of 2015, Frances Ziemer, teacher at MMA for over 25 years and Victoria Riso, Valedictorian MMA Class of 2012 A LegacySister Mary Ellenof Mercy Twist For the students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni, Sister Mary Ellen has always been an example of leadership and compassion. Passing through the halls of Mount Mercy Academy in three different roles, she has been monumental in establishing the school as one of academic excellence for young women in Western New York. Helping to mold Mercy students into respectful, articulate, and influential young women, Sister Mary Ellen has dedicated her life to the fulfillment of Catherine McAuley’s words, “No work of charity can be of more productive good to society, or more conducive to the happiness of the poor, than the careful instruction of women, because whatever be the station they are destined to fulfill, their example and their advice will have great influence.” Angela Riordan by Ken & Sophia Kruly Brian Rush by Helen Munch Louis Russo by Ann Marie Piccillo Francis P. “Sliver” Russo by Sr. Mary Ellen Twist & MMA Community, Margaret & Ken Staszak, Sheila & Harry O’Brien, Vincenetta Ventresca ’61 O’Donnell, Ann Marie Piccillo, Kathy Glavey, Suzanne & Henry Connors, Jean & Gene Boechel, Joanne M. Schwartzott, Anita & Pat Crotty Karen Ryan by Bob & Nancy Wood Mae C. Savino by Margaret & Guy Latona Frederick Scherbarth Babies by Cheryl Scherbarth, Sr. Mary Ellen & MMA Community, Jaan & Fred Stievater Rowan Peter Carol A. Miller Schmelzer ’65 by MMA Alumnae Association Kathryn Pawlik Sexton ’01 and her husband, Joanne Shanahan by Paul & Celine Connors Danny Sexton are overjoyed by the birth of Barbara Skelly by Sue & Al Ventresca their first child. Their adorable son, Rowan Bertha Skolarczyk by Kerry & Colleen Painter ’70 Edward C. “Eddie” Smith by Tom & Judy Farry, Peter was born on February 15th. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Gallagher Michael Smith by The Baggott Family, Joan Coughlin Alfred S. Sortisioby Mario & Karen Rossi Margaret Rogers Streicher ’53 by MMA Alumnae Association Gina M. Strianese ’02 by MMA Alumnae Association Edward Sulowski by Frances A. Kulik Matilda M. “Tilly” Piechnik Szymanski ’54by MMA Alumnae Association Rita Tessier-Driscoll by Jean Canney Hunter Matthew Mary Todoro by Cheryl Meyers Buth Ashley Vasey by MMA Varsity & JV Basketball It’s a beautiful boy! Melanie Moritz Roth ’02 Teams & Coaches and her husband Matthew Roth welcomed Suzanne E. Velzy by Maureen & Bill Schanbacher their first baby Hunter Matthew, born on Carmen Vidal by Joan Gutillo, Denise & Jim Walters, Pierette C. Blouin, Guy & Margaret Latona October 12th, 2014. Kathleen Vujakovich ’73 by MMA Alumnae Association Theodore “Teddy” Weber by Phyllis Doherty ’50, Susanne K. Fitzgerald, Joan O’Brian Thomas Weinstein by Bonnie & Nelson Cosgrove Marie Whalen by The MacFarlane Family Terrance Whyte by Baggott Family Mrs. Marie Wicks by Leonard & Catherine (O’Neill) Coppola Daniel “Danny” Wilson by Dave & Colleen Slusarz, Dan & Sheila Finucane Harper Mary & June Margaret Patricia Zeis by Jack & Noreen McBride It’s double the love and double the blessings at Robert Zeis by Peg McMorrow the Kennedy house! Beautiful twin girls were born to Janelle Staszak Kennedy ’04 and Deceased Alumnae her husband Tim Kennedy. Harper Mary Sister Gemma Marie (Geraldine) Berger, MM ’43 and June Margaret arrived on February Dorothy R. Stearns Wilson Boland ’35 6th. These cuties are definitely future Mercy Karen Kobis DelSignore ’75 Elaine Brady Donley ’44 Girls… just ask their Grandma, MMA Prin- Sister Jean Clare (Elaine) Eason, MMM ’59 cipal Margaret Cuthbert Staszak ’75! Carol M. Fahey ’59 Carol Ann Brinkworth Glockner ’77 Eileen Berst Gourlay ’64 Elizabeth J. “Betty” Carlson Henesey ’54 Kathleen “Kay” Mattimore Hirsch ’51 Tyler Anthony Carol Manaher Kieczykowski ’71 Beverly A. Palisano Leek ’58 The Russo family is so happy and blessed to Elizabeth L. “Betty” Wright Mann ’47 welcome their new baby boy! Tyler Anthony Mary Sue “Susie” Griffin Mosca ’65 was born on January 13th to Deanna Margaret A. “Margie” Kelly Neenan ’52 Kwiatkowski Russo ’93 and her husband Margaret Roach O’Neil ’49 Marcia V. O’Neill ’53 Jason Russo. He joins his big sisters Alyssa, Georgiana Agnes Scanlon Podniesinski ’50 5 and Corinne, 2. Theresa Ann Pepe Privitera ’50 Carol A. Miller Schmelzer ’65 Margaret Rogers Streicher ’53 Gina M. Strianese ’02 Matilda M. “Tilly” Piechnik Szymanski ’54 Kathleen Vujakovich ’73 Mary (Bellet) Benes ’87 and her daughters Emily ’15 and Amanda ’13 Susan (Shea) Browne ’85 and Genny ’15 Eva (Evaldi) Byrne ’86 and Jillian ’15 Takacs Sisters – Linda (Disarno) Hontz ’69, Carrie (Hontz) Clauk ’01, Joanne (Quinn) Fisher ’85 Charlene ’12 and Taylor Disarno ’15 and her mom Kathleen (Ork) Disarno ’83 and Noelle ’15 Olivia ’15 “SOME HAVE A STORY… Jeanne (Mallette) Karnath ’82, her daughter Kempf Sisters – Brittany ’15 Maggie ’15, Mary (Mallette) Struebel ’84 and Kraus Sisters – Sarah ’11 and Anna ’15 Kathy (Mallette) Courtney ’77 and Haley ’14 4 Madeline ’15 and her mom Sharon (Lillis) McCormick ’82 and Mara ’15 Molly (Coyle) O’Neil ’91 Reid Sisters – Mallory ’04, Morgan ’15 and Madeline ’08 Sheehan Sisters – Webster Sisters – Kelly ’10, 5 Megan ’13 and Emily ’15 Erin ’15 and Molly ’08 Maura (Burns) Sheehan ’87 and her Makowski Sisters – Maria ’08 daughters Janey ’15 and Megan ’12 and Samantha ’15 … WE HAVE A LEGACY…” Cheryl (Yung) Carlson ’75, Melanie (Yung) O’Connor ’81 and her daughter Morgan ’15, Jill (Carlson) Dare ’03, Katie (Lillis) Carlson ‘04 and Karen (Yung) Superczynski ’77 5 Santiano Sisters – Evania ’13 and Danielle ’15 Susan (Ruff) Siminski ’86 and Lauren ’15 Mount Mercy Academy Events Calendar Mount Mercy Golf Tournament Host an Fri., July 17th Diamond Hawk Golf Course International Kick Off Party TBD Aug/Sept 2015 Student! Support the McAuley Gala Alumnae Reunion Weekend! ŶLJŽŶĞǁŚŽŝƐŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚŝŶŚŽƐƟŶŐ Fri., Aug 21st & Sat., Aug 22nd Flying Bison Brewery & MMA ĂŶŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůƐƚƵĚĞŶƚĨƌŽŵŚŝŶĂ Mount Mercy Open House beginning August 2015, please Sun., Sept 27th & Tues., Sept 29th contact Dawn Robertson at Taste of Mercy [email protected]. For Fri., Oct 16th Mount Mercy Academy ŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶLJŽƵĐĂŶĂůƐŽ check out Mercy Honors Thurs., Nov 6th The Creekside &ŽƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŽŶĂŶLJĞǀĞŶƚƐƉůĞĂƐĞǀŝƐŝƚŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS 7 MAXWELL MURPHY LAW, RYAN PURCELL FOUNDATION, CONNORS HOT DOG STAND, DR. PETER D. PURCELL, DDS, KELLER BROS. & MILLER, INC., BASIL RE-SALE SOUTH, 3b PROMOTIONS, JAMES DESIDERIO WHOLESALE PRODUCE, LAWLEY INSURANCE, ELLICOTT DEVELOPMENT, COUNCILMAN CHRIS SCANLON, CAN YOU DIG IT, INC., KIRISITS & ASSOCIATES, IMPERIAL PIZZA, SMART (Spinal Muscular Atrophy Research Team), ROAD ID LOGO DĞƌĐLJŐŝƌůƐŽŶƚŚĞƐƚĂŐĞĂƚ'ƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶ ĂŝƚůŝŶŽŶŽŚƵĞ͛ϬϰǁĂƐƚŚĞĮƌƐƚ ŽǀĞƌĂůůĨĞŵĂůĞĮŶŝƐŚĞƌĂƚƚŚĞDD ϱ<ĨŽƌƚŚĞƐĞĐŽŶĚLJĞĂƌŝŶĂƌŽǁ dŚĞůĂƐƐŽĨϭϵϲϱŚĂĚĂŐƌĞĂƚƟŵĞĐĞůĞďƌĂƟŶŐƚŚĞŝƌϱϬƚŚZĞƵŶŝŽŶ͊ mercy ŽŶŶŝĞ<ĂŶĞ>ŽĐŬǁŽŽĚ͛ϳϯĂŶĚŚĞƌ ĚĂƵŐŚƚĞƌDĞŐĂŶ>ŽĐŬǁŽŽĚZĞŝĚ͛ϬϭĂƚŽƵƌ ŶŶƵĂůDĞŵŽƌŝĂůDĂƐƐΘ>ƵŶĐŚĞŽŶ ZĞĐĞŶƚŐƌĂĚƐŵŝůLJĞŶĞƐĂŶĚ:ĂŵŝĞ tŚĞĞůĞƌǁŝƚŚWƌŝŶĐŝƉĂůDĂƌŐĂƌĞƚƵƚŚďĞƌƚ ^ƚĂƐnjĂŬ͛ϳϱĂƚƚŚĞĂĐĐĂůĂƵƌĞĂƚĞDĂƐƐ 8 DĂƌLJĂŶŶĞ>ŽŶŐ͛ϬϱĂŶĚ DĞŐĂŶĞƌǀĞůůĞƌĂ͛ϬϱĂƚ DĞƌĐLJWĂŝŶƚEŝŐŚƚ dŚĞůĂƐƐŽĨϮϬϭϲƌŝŐŚƚ W:ĂLJĂƚDD͊ y happenings EŝĐŽůůĞdĂďŽƌ͛ϭϱΘ>ĂƵƌĞŶ^ŝŵŝŶƐŬŝ͛ϭϱ ĂƚƚŚĞ^ĞŶŝŽƌ/ŶĚƵĐƟŽŶĞƌĞŵŽŶLJŝŶƚŽ ƚŚĞDDůƵŵŶĂĞƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ϵ KŶĞŽĨƚŚĞDDϱ<,ŽŶŽƌĞĞƐ͕ůŽŶŐƟŵĞ ĨĞǁůĂƐƐŽĨ͛ϲϱůĂĚŝĞƐĂƚƚŚĞŝƌƌĞƵŶŝŽŶ͖^ŚŝƌůĞLJ DĞƌĐLJƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĞƌ<ĂƌĞŶŽŶŶŽƌƐƌŝĐŬƐŽŶ͛ϲϯ ϲƌŝŐŚƚďĞĨŽƌĞƚŚĞŝƌZŝŶŐĞƌĞŵŽŶLJ DĐĂƌƚĂŶĂŶŬŽ͕ŝĂŶĞDĂƚĞũĂĞůŽƚĞ͕DĂƌLJůůĞŶ ŝĐŬEĞǁĐŽŵďĂŶĚĞŶŝƐĞK͛DĂƌĂĞ^ĂŶƟƐ Congratulations Class of 2015 JOELLE WAGNER – CLASS OF 2015 SALUTATORIAN Horizons Staff “ Day to day these four years seemed to drag on as we looked forward ALUMNAE RELATIONS COORDINATOR to this day. But, we blinked and here we are, about to graduate. Do Editor/Writer/Layout Tina Scarpello Webster ’91 not become strangers and remember that no matter what, we will [email protected] always be Mercy girls at heart. Now going forward, let us take the SPECIAL EVENTS MANAGER lessons, people, and memories with us. Congratulations again…” Contributing Writer/Editor Leanne Maloney ’05 [email protected] MEMORIALS/HORIZONS Contributing Editor Anita Durkin Crotty ’63 [email protected] SARA RISO – CLASS OF 2015 VALEDICTORIAN FACULTY MEMBER “ In all honesty, Mount Mercy Academy has made me feel at least Contributing Writer Joanna Weld a little prepared for college. However, our entire class of 2015 is Mount Mercy Academy English Dept. prepared for college, whether we believe it or not. As long as we put in the work, I know this class can do amazing things. Most of you PRESIDENT Mary Ellen Twist, RSM ’60 already know what you want to do with your life. I can just imagine in [email protected] ten years, at our ten year reunion, planned by Joelle of course, hear- PRINCIPAL ing everyone’s stories of success. Margaret Cuthbert Staszak ’75 [email protected] I would also like to thank my parents, as well. I would not have even been able to attend Mercy if it wasn’t for you two. Thank you to the rest of the parents that paid for their daughters to attend Mount AlumnaePresident Board Laura of Ortiz Directors ’83 Vice President Peggy Flanagan Barrett ’73 Mercy, as well. You have given us everything we need to succeed and Secretary Christa Wilson Penner ’00 we are all
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