Parshas Tazria Licht Bentching: 7:07 בס"ד April 4, 2019 28 Adar II, 5779

Pesach Judaica Head Quarters 27 Orchard St. At the Shopper's Haven Mall


Helping you in your OF KEDUSHA Journey...... because Monsey Mevaser Staff Born in 1923 in Moldova, to Rabbi Eliezer Zusia Portugal, the previous you deserve Skulener Rebbe, and his wife Shayna Rochel, the Rebbe and his father mi- SUPREME HEALTH! he Skulener Rebbe, Harav Yisroel Avraham Portugal was niftar at raculously survived the concentration camps. The pair came to the United age 95 on Monday afternoon, 25 Adar II, April 1, after an extended States in 1960, settling first in Crown Heights and then Borough Park. 845-426-6004 Tillness. [ continued on page 51 ] 27 Orchard St. - at Shoppers Haven Mall Dina’s Quality Mattresses Outstanding Service Since 1987 All Sizes & Comfort Levels (845) 426-1529 TOMCHE SHABBOS OF ROCKLAND'S SHABBOS IN A BOTTLE COUNTYWIDE STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARED IN ROCKLAND SUCCESS See Page 32 COUNTY DUE TO ONGOING MEASLES OUTBREAK See Page 10


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2 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779

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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 3 זמן חרותינו


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4 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 5 A Besurah ... From the Publisher

at such a fast clip, that you wondered how he did it. The Kiddush Hashem that they made, and sub- Whether he was giving tzedakah to poor people, or sequently, the thousands of people who came to pay giving money to his einiklach before and after (and their kavod acharon, will always stay in my mind. Es- times in between) Yom Tov, Reb Chaim Yossel could pecially, as I contrast that with how the gentiles show not bear to see someone who was lacking. And even if their “respect.” On Monday, a famous entertainer he wasn’t lacking, he still gave him! was killed by a rival. At his funeral on Tuesday, fights Founder/Editor He was a legendary Baal Tefillah. A number of broke out and a stampede ensued, resulting in 19 peo- Rabbi Dovid Hoffman Rebbes, including the Alter Bobover Rebbe, Bluzhev- ple injured, some critical. We learn how to act from Publisher er Rebbe and even the Skulener Rebbe, would request our great leaders and teachers; they learn what not Pinchos Hoffman Rabbi Dovid Hoffman that he daven for the amud in their Batei Medrashim to do from those who they look up to. “Mi K’amcha Local Content/Chessed Events Editor on Yom Tov. His signature tune was “Mah Ashiv” and Yisroel - Goy Echad B’aretz.” We are truly unique and M.C. Millman This was a tough week for Klal Yisroel. Tues- as he sang, in his beautiful melodious voice, one could Hashem sometimes makes events occur that seem to Rabbinic Advisor day, specifically, was a tough day. We learned of the feel the gratitude to Hashem, as it oozed out of him. contrast this difference so clearly. Rabbi Chaim Schabes Petirah of the Tzaddik, the Rebbe of Klal Yisroel, the But to me, I will always remember him as the As we prepare for the upcoming Yom Tov of Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld Skulener Rebbe zy”a. The Rebbe was at the forefront greatest “Baal Darshan” I ever met. His of cheirus, it is important that we express our “freedom” Writers/Contributors of Klal Yisroel for so many decades and although he Drush was so immense that I do not believe I ever the way Hakadosh Boruch Hu wants us to. Not by wasn’t always well, we always knew he was there and heard a vort from him that wasn’t “outstanding.” I hurting one another or looking for the negative in Rabbi Eliezer Abish intervening in Shamayim for us. The Levaya in Boro begged him for a long time to write down his vertlach our lives, but rather by emulating our Tzaddikim and Binyomin Ebstein Park was massive and the subsequent Levaya in Mon- and B”H, I was zoche that he finally acquiesced and leaders who strive to teach us the correct way to live. Design and Layout sey seemed even bigger. Everyone felt that they lost a agreed to write a weekly column in the Torah Tavlin. Yes, we are sad that the Rebbe and the Chazzan have Adam Negnewitzky - father in the heilige Skulener Rebbe. For five years, his wisdom shone through and the departed this world, and we will feel their loss deeply. Jewish Link Marketing Solutions I actually attended two levayos on Tuesday. Before sage advice and timeless lessons he espoused with his But when we reflect back on their lives and recognize Design & Production the Rebbe’s in , I was at the Levaya of another signature style, will remain with thousands of people that they fulfilled their tafkid in life, and by doing M. Kurov / Design2Pro Adam Gadol, a man who served as an amud of Torah, forever. so, brought joy, happiness and enlightenement to so Consultant Avodah and Gemilas Chasadim for close to eighty These two pillars of greatness were niftar hours many Yidden, we can smile and say, “Ashrecha Yisroel Moshe Kinderlehrer - years. Reb Chaim Yossel Kofman zt”l was a figure apart, and by Reb Chaim Yossel’s Levaya someone Mi Kamocha” - we are truly a blessed nation to have Jewish Link Media Group who was larger than life, and to all those who knew said, “The Rebbe of Klal Yisroel, and the Chazzan of such tzaddikim, zichronam l’vracha, as our leaders Additional Graphic Art him, he truly embodied these three pillars. He was a Klal Yisroel, are both going up to the Kisei Hakavod and role models. Tzvi & Nechama Hoffman successful businessman, real estate was his trade, and hours apart. And no doubt, they will continue to do Sincerely, Bookkeeper he owned a number of bungalow colonies as well. But what they did here up in the next world as well, on Dovid Hoffman Gila Negnewitzky his success simply allowed him to give away money behalf of their people.” Publisher/Editor Sales Associate Abe Radzik Mailing By IN THIS WEEK’S MONSEY MEVASER Mailways Inc Distribution Yisroel Fishbain

Monsey Mevaser Media 55 Union Road, Spring Valley, NY 10977 (845) 821-6200 Email: [email protected] Community News: [email protected] HealthCare Sales: [email protected] Rabbi Chaim Reb Sholom Rabbi Eliezer Admor Skulener Rebbe Bookkeeping: Schabes Mordechai Abish M'Tosh-Monsey zt"l [email protected] See page 21 Rubashkin See page 51 See page 23 See page 1 See page 18 The Monsey Mevaser welcomes letters to the editor, which can be emailed to [email protected]. Letters and pictures may be edited or cropped for length, clarity and appropriateness. We do not wel- come personal attacks or disrespectful language, and we reserve the right not to print any letter or submission. We reserve the right to refuse advertising that does not reflect the standards of the newspaper. The Monsey Mevaser does not assume re- Vizhnitzer Rebbe Rav Gamliel Rav Chaim Pinchos Reb Chaim Yosef Machatzis HaShekel: Rav sponsibility for the kashrus or reliability of zt"l Rabinowitz Scheinberg zt"l Kofman zt"l Shmuel Halevi Kolin zt”l any product or establishment advertised See page 14 See page 18 See page 23 See page 36 See page 49 in its pages. We shall not be held liable for non-publication or errors in any submitted advertisements. Due to the many Divrei To- HIGHLIGHTS INSIDE rah contained herein, the paper should be This Day in Jewish History EDITORIAL: A Bas Yisroel wrapped before being discarded. Columns, The Golden Age of Spain...... Page 12 is a Yiddishe Neshama ...... Page 35 articles and letters printed in the Monsey Me- vaser reflect the opinion of the authors only, First Yahrzeit of Admor Enable Your Child For Life: not necessarily those of this publication. M'Vizhnitz zt"l ...... Page 28 The Arrowsmith Program ...... Page 38

6 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Letters to the Editor

PRE-PESACH PARKING VOICING APPRECIATION CROSSWALKS AT A CROSSROADS believe that this illegally required in our area Dear Editor, Dear Editor, Dear Editor, but I think it would be a common sense idea The Monsey Mevaser is great. I really en- Monsey is so diverse both in shape and I am a long time Torah Tavlin reader and to implement. joy reading it. I do have a problem I would size. You have different types of chassidim, now a Monsey Mevaser reader, and I enjoy I am writing to you with the hope that like to share. Our local stores are great to modern to litvish, yeshivish and greasy. You both very much. Continued Hatzlacha. your new newspaper would undertake this shop in. They have just what you need inside also have Pomona, New City, Spring Valley I am writing in regards to the crosswalk public service effort of educating the readers but seem to be missing a whole lot more of and Airmont. issue that I believe we have in our town. The on the proper use of crosswalks. Whenever what we need outside. What I am saying is, For an editor it must be so complex to be town has designated many crosswalks over the topic comes up among friends and family how can you go shopping if there isn’t enough able to pull all the different ends together - to the last year or so - but unfortunately nobody, I hear frustration that is born out of confusion space to park your car? have reporting from every sect, and accurate driver or pedestrian, knows how to use them. of how to properly use them. It is bad enough most of the year round, reporting no less. I appreciate the work you I feel that for the pedestrian it is suicidal to use Sincerely, but then when Pesach comes around, it gets do and wish you much future hatzlacha. because many drivers do not stop for them. Akiva Eisenberg even worse when stores go and build huge Yolie Tannenbaum Also some pedestrians just into the crosswalk tents that take up a lot of the parking lot. Airmont NY without allowing time for the traffic to pause PURIM VI ES DARF TZU ZAYN That’s when it gets really crazy! to give them the right of way. Dear Editor: It’s very nice for people that are very KUDOS TO CHASDEI LEV The drivers in many cases are not aware I've heard that several media outlets have makpid to know for sure that their food isn’t Dear Editor, that someone is waiting to cross the street and printed letters and articles decrying large, lav- chometz, but seriously, how can you shop I just returned from picking up my Pe- in many cases have to stop suddenly for a pe- ish, out-of-control Purim parties in several from a car? And since most people don’t want sach order from Chasdei Lev, and as usual I destrian who steps into the crosswalk without locations (Lakewood and Flatbush were spe- their car to get towed, what are they supposed am amazed at the operation, and the extras waiting for the traffic to pause for them. cifically mentioned). I was at none of them, to do when there are no parking spaces after touches that always come along. From the In other cases a driver stops for the pedes- and I have no idea as to the veracity of this, driving around and around in hopes of find- new location at Boulders Stadium that en- trian and the oncoming traffic doesn’t. but I did attend a lavish Purim event in a large ing one - after braving all the traffic to get to hanced the efficiency of the distribution, to I feel that there has to be a serious effort to tent on Mariner Way in Monsey, and I feel it the store in the first place.which is very frus- the special Chasdei Lev cd, everything was educate both the pedestrians and drivers on was a real Kiddush Hashem. trating! noticed and appreciated. Thank you, and how to use crosswalks. I know that in certain The host did NOT serve ANY hard liquor. Sincerely, Chag Kosher V'sameach! cities the pedestrian is required to pick up his He had responsible bartenders pouring only Driven Mad Yochanan Yankelewitz hand and face the oncoming traffic to indi- Bais Mikroh cate that he wants to cross the street. I don’t [ continued on page 8 ]



APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 7 Letters to the Editor

[ continued from page 7 ] prizes for children not tzedakah. tensions between the ultra-Orthodox Jewish to be Moser Nefesh to ignore the law. If you wine (lots of it) but they controlled who was Let's all keep this in mind the next time community and the secular world at large.” knew the reason behind it but felt it was an getting what. And they made sure no one un- children come collecting at our doors. If the Look, we all heard that a person (or per- unfair ordinance -- maybe you think there's derage imbibed what they shouldn’t. Males money is going for a prize, I am not so sure sons) came from Israel a few months ago and nothing wrong with a park crowded with Ca- and females were on separate sides. that it is really tzedakah at all - or at least not was infected with Measles. From that, the nadian Geese -- it still doesn't give you a right He had several guards placed strategically all of it, and we need to make sure that is part community became infected and the to disregard the wish of the people who don't throughout his property to make sure no one of our tzedakah cheshbon. county has a Measles epidemic. So all the An- want geese overrunning our parks. If you feel got out of hand. Sincerely, ti-Semites gleefully blame us. But think about public opinion is on your side, go to the next The music and dancing was lively, spirit- Someone With Some Cents it, there are many countries in the world Town Hall meeting and ask the board to re- where people are lax in vaccinations and these scind the law. They'll be more than glad to ed, and Jewish. WHY ARE THEY AGAINST US? And Gabbai Tzedakah dispensed outbreaks occur. It just so happened to be Is- do so. Or maybe you agree it's a fair law and eye-popping amounts of Matanos L’evyonim. Dear Editor, rael this time - it could have been anywhere. understand that people would be upset, but All should learn from this baal habayis This Measles scare has everyone all nerv- So why do they have to make a whole “Ul- your Rav told you that baal tashchis or tzaar how to do Purim the right way. ous in Monsey and the county’s State of Emer- tra-Orthodox Jewish” thing out it, as if we are baalei chaim is more important. I doubt it. Kol Hakavod. gency declaration seems to put a strong point such terrible people who want to infect others (Especially since you're allowed to feed ducks Rabbi Yosef C. Golding on it. Schools cannot allow unvaccinated chil- because we don’t care for our health and safe- on private property.) dren to attend and people can get penalties if ty? Had a person from a third-world country But I am going to guess that the writer TZEDAKAH OR PRIZE MONEY? they are found to have exposed others to the (which Israel is not) come to this country did not know the reason behind the law, and Dear Editor, sickness. And rightfully so. But of course, it's infected with such a “disease and circulated” didn't bother to know the reason before he/ Firstly, I would like to thank you for pro- all directed at the frum community here in among his community somewhere in the she denounced it. viding a new and informative newspaper for Monsey - as if we are card carrying members county, and caused many people to become Concerned Resident in Chestnut Ridge the Monsey community. With Purim behind of the Anti-Vaxxers club - which the over- infected would they go and say all those peo- us, I would like to bring something up that whelming majority of Jews ARE NOT! Yes, ple are “stoking fears” and “long smoldering Editor’s reply many might not realize. there are crazies everywhere and they always tensions”? No, they would deal with it and get The Monsey Mevaser spoke with Town Su- I am a hard working kollel wife. I try to seems to hog the spotlight but in this case, people to see the importance of vaccinating. pervisor Michael B. Specht regarding what the give as much tzedakah as possible especially the more the Orthodox try to stay out of the So why must there be all this fear-mongering local law is with regards to feeding local wa- around Purim time, and I like to get the most limelight, the more officials and the media try now with our current epidemic? terfowl. The supervisor informed us that local value for my tzedakah dollar. I was surprised to paint us as the guilty party. The NY Times, It would be nice if all those people would law has prohibited the feeding of waterfowl for to see that my children came home with bro- always eager to pile on ran a headline that just stop the grandstanding and deal with our awhile. Town code - § 93-13 on the prohibition chures offering prizes to the children who col- said, “An Outbreak Spreads Fear: A measles community the way they ought to - like the of feeding of waterfowl reads as follows -No lect a certain dollar amount. This means that outbreak in a New York suburb has sickened good, fine contributing members of the com- person shall feed any waterfowl on any Town of my hard earned money is going to sponsor scores of people and stoked long-smoldering munity that we are. Ramapo property except in designated areas as Signed, established by the Town Parks and Recreation Fed up with the Fear-Mongering Department. At this time, Supervisor Specht points out that there are no designated areas in NOT GOOD FOR THE GOOSE OR GOOD Ramapo to feed waterfowl. FOR THE GANDER The reason for this prohibition according Dear Editor, to the supervisor is that waterfowl become a In regard to your March 7th edition's con- nuisance in parks if residents feed them. This versation surrounding the feeding of ducks, causes their numbers to grow, and then the it was disturbing to see letters promoting il- park becomes unhygienic and unusable. Given legal activity. It was unbefitting and frankly that feeding the waterfowl is against the law, irresponsible of this prestigious newspaper to the police will first warn people if they are seen allow said letters to be printed. feeding them. After that, individuals will get To clarify some of the misinformation, ticketed and have to appear in court. the law is as follows: "Many public lands of The recommendation not to feed waterfowl the Town of Ramapo are inhabited by large is true across the state. The Department of En- numbers of waterfowl. Said waterfowl have vironmental Conservation lists many reasons become a nuisance to the enjoyment of Town why it is harmful to feed waterfowl. Among the Lands, especially Town Parkland, by some reasons listed are that doing so can cause poor residents of the Town. The prohibiting of the nutrition, water pollution, delayed migration, feeding of Waterfowl may result in a reduc- overcrowding, the spread of disease, and costly tion of the waterfowl which inhabit Town management efforts. property." (It goes on to say that there will be “I hope,” says Supervisor Specht, “that peo- a max. $100 fine for a first violation and max. ple can understand and respect that not feeding $250.00 for subsequent violations.) the waterfowl is not just a local law, and it not a In other words, when you feed ducks in good idea from so many perspectives.” town parks such as Children's, Viola, Wil- low Tree and Memorial parks, it's gorem a CHEERS FOR THE MONSEY MEVASER nuisance for other people. It bothers people. Dear “Bus”ted, You're making people upset or even angry at Although you asked for enlightenment you. It's no different than dumping a bag of at the end of your letter to the editor (Issue I, garbage in the middle of a park, or blocking February 20, 2019), I find myself as puzzled someone's driveway, or setting up a bee farm and frustrated as you when it comes to the in a park. And if common sense isn't suffi- bussing situation. Just this morning, I found cient to stop someone from feeding waterfowl myself behind a bus on Route 306. It stopped in our parks, then law enforcement should at nearly every other multi-house dwelling for fine said person. blocks and blocks while I was stuck behind it As an aside, I would like to analyze the thought that went behind the person writing [ continued on page 32 ]

8 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Fit to perfection.

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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 9 Cover Story Countywide State of Emergency Declared in Rockland County Due to Ongoing Measles Outbreak

By M. C. Millman munity is effective at 95 percent, according to Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New ber of measles vaccines given in Rockland in health officials. Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas and the few days since the state of emergency was countywide State of Emergency relat- Rockland County officials have called this, Washington. called as proof of its success in addressing the ing to the ongoing measles outbreak “an opportunity for everyone in our commu- In the Rockland County emergency dec- county's measles outbreak. The statement is has been declared throughout Rock- nity to do the right thing for their neighbors laration, enclosed public places are defined based on reports from doctors' offices, pedi- Aland County. The unprecedented action has and come together. We must do everything in as a place where more than ten people intend atricians and parents who have witnessed the made headlines across the world. Effective our power to end this outbreak and protect to congregate for purposes such as schools, crowds waiting to vaccinate their children at midnight, Wednesday, March 27, anyone the health of those who cannot be vaccinated shuls, civic, governmental, or social func- in their pediatricians’ offices. Refuah Health under eighteen years of age and unvaccinated for medical reasons and that of children too tions. It also includes places where people Center has also reported a small, but noticea- against the measles was barred from enclosed young to be vaccinated.” Officials decided to gather for recreation, shopping, for food or ble increase in the number of MMR vaccines Rockland County public places until the ex- take this route citing pockets of resistance the drink consumption, awaiting transportation, provided since the State of Emergency was piration of the declaration in 30 days or until county has begun to encounter as well as the daycare, educational purposes, or medical declared. the individuals receive the MMR vaccination. advent of Pesach. treatment. A place of public assembly also in- The county has decided to only make a This declaration was issued under New York “There is this false perception that Or- cludes public transportation vehicles, includ- single MMR mandatory in the emergency State Executive Law § 24 and stemmed from thodox Jews don't vaccinate their children,” ing but not limited to, publicly or privately declaration. Law enforcement will not be pa- the fact that measles is one of the most conta- says Legislator Aron Wieder. “That is flat out owned buses or trains. It does not include taxi trolling or asking for vaccination records but gious viruses on earth. wrong. The percentage of folks who do not or livery vehicles. those found to be in violation will be referred As of April 1, there were 157 confirmed vaccinate are comparable to the general pop- “Unfortunately, the measles outbreak isn’t to the Rockland County District Attorney’s reported cases of measles in Rockland Coun- ulation.” Wieder said the community’s advo- over,” says Dr. Rose Varon, Pediatrician at Re- Office. There will not be any active enforce- ty. Although there are fewer than ten active cacy speaks for itself from the many psakim fuah Health Center where a portion of the ment in that the police will not be going over cases, there are likely more cases that have issued by local rabbanim. 17,400 measles vaccines have been adminis- to people and asking if they have been vacci- not been reported according to the Rockland "Sadly some are using the emergency dec- tered in the 27 weeks since the outbreak. “For nated. If, on the other hand, a parent takes County Health Commissioner, Dr. Patricia laration as an excuse for their bigotry,” Jew- five months the community has been dealing an unvaccinated child to the doctor, and he Schnabel Rupper. The number includes new ish Federation and Foundation of Rockland with this extremely contagious and danger- is diagnosed with measles, and that child was cases involving people who were out shopping County posted. “Rockland needs to be united ous disease. The families I care for are doing taken to public places prior to him developing in the community and using public transpor- in addressing a very real health crisis and in their duty—vaccinating themselves and their measles and during the state of emergency, tation from March 10-13. The numbers also keeping this among the healthiest and best children as a means of protecting all of us. the case will be referred to the district attor- include at least one person who spurned ef- places to live." What followed was a rapid-fire Since the outbreak began, Refuah has giv- ney’s office. Parents might then receive a fine forts by county officials to get in touch with 1,600 mostly negative comments on the Fed- en over 4,278 MMR vaccines and counting. and/or up to six months of jail time. the family. Of those cases, 82.7 percent have eration's post which became so overwhelm- However, we also recognize that our work is Health officials say the best way for every- had zero MMRs, 3.8 percent have had one ing, it prompted the organization to shut far from over. Parents have real questions and one to stay protected is to remain up-to-date MMR, 3.8 percent have received two MMRs, down the comments function. concerns and are all too often fed misleading with measles vaccinations, as high commu- and 9.6 percent have an unknown status. The Measles is not just a Rockland problem. A and false information. At Refuah we are here nity vaccination rates help protect people age groups for the confirmed measles cases in total of 387 individual cases of measles have to provide patients with all of the informa- who cannot get vaccinated because they are Rockland County are 14.7 percent for chil- been confirmed in fifteen different states tion, and help them make the right choice too young or have specific health conditions. dren under a year; 1-3 years is 26.3 percent; from January 1 through March 28 of this year which is always to vaccinate.” High-risk groups include pregnant women, 4-18 years is 44.2 percent; 19+ years is 14.7 according to the US Centers for Disease Con- To that end, Refuah flew in Dr. Rob- children under six months of age, the im- percent. The Rockland County outbreak is trol and Prevention. This number constitutes ert Jacobson — a Mayo Clinic pediatrician munocompromised or immunosuppressed, now among the largest in the country and has the second-greatest number of cases reported known for his work overcoming “vaccine those who have not been vaccinated against stimulated concerns about a national resur- in the United States since measles was de- hesitancy” — to Rockland County to train its the measles, and those who were born before gence of the disease. clared eliminated in the year 2000. The high- staff at its Twin Avenue and Main Street clinic 1957 and are immunosuppressed As of last month, 72.9 percent of chil- est number of reported cases since the disease locations. In other efforts, the Rockland County dren between the ages of 1 to 18 in Rockland was declared eliminated was 667 case which The point of this State of Emergency dec- Department of Health hosted yet another County have been fully vaccinated against was reported in 2014. Other states experi- laration is to raise awareness and to encourage free MMR vaccination clinic on Wednesday, measles, according to the New York State encing a measles outbreak include Arizona, more people to vaccinate their children. Offi- March 27 on the 2nd floor of Building A, immunization information system. Herd im- California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, cials have already cited a jump in the num- Robert L. Yeager Health Complex. Rockland County Legislature Votes to Adopt a Plastic Bag Ban

By M.C. Millman The law will eliminate thin, single-use items as well as plastic bags provided by phar- when customers need to purchase bags. He plastic bags for all stores and take-out food macists to contain prescription drugs; or also pointed out that reusable bags are known he Rockland County Legislature vot- establishments in Rockland County.Instead, newspaper bags, door-hanger bags, or laun- to present sanitation issues since cloth bags ed overwhelmingly on Tuesday night, they may use paper bags with at least 40 per- dry-dry cleaning bags will also be allowed. can become breeding grounds for bacteria. March 19, to ban single-use plastic cent recycled content. Customers can also Mr. Mendlowitz, the owner of Wesley Legislator Itamar Yeger was also con- Tbags throughout Rockland County. The bill’s bring reusable bags or their own plastic bags Kosher and Monsey Glatt, says he is disap- cerned that the bill would negatively impact goal is to improve the health of the county’s when shopping. Thicker plastic bags will be pointed in the legislature’s decision as he felt low-income families that might not be able to ecosystem and county residents. It was met allowed as well as bags for loose bulk items. the population of Rockland County was not afford to buy reusable bags. He requested a with widespread support during a public fo- Bags used to contain or wrap frozen foods, represented. “The average consumers are not postponement of the vote until the measure rum where all but three of the fourteen legis- meat, or fish; to wrap flowers, potted plants, even aware the bill is being passed,” Moshe could be redrafted to include a provision that latures present voted in favor. The vote came or other items where damage to or contam- said. “They are in for a big shock.” He also would grant free bags to families on public after months of discussion and two hours of ination of other goods placed together in the added that he feels the proposal will “cause assistance. public hearing in which Rockland residents same bag may be a problem, will be allowed. tremendous difficulty” to customers as it will offered nearly unanimous support for the law. Plastic bags around ice cream or other damp add unnecessary expense to grocery bills [ continued on page 52 ]

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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 11 Feature Story This Day in Jewish History - The Golden Age of Spain - 2 Nisan 5252 - March 31, 1492 ing Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of clared, to be a celebration of native peoples and Spain signed a decree expelling all Jews their cultures. Every instrument ever invented who refused to convert to Christian- around the world, no matter how far away, Kity. The decree was carried out on Tisha B'av would be represented. of that year - and the Spanish Inquisition went Excitement filled the air and anticipation into full effect. for this great event was at an all-time high. On The Golden Age of Spain was a glorious concert day, the orchestra hall was filled. The period of time when Jewish intellectual and “who’s who” of Barcelona was in attendance. spiritual life flourished in the Spanish penin- Many of those were Marranos, like Don Agu- sula, and many Jews served in Spanish courts. ilar, but the fact that so many of these people Jews not only moved freely but felt themselves came to the concert apparently didn’t arouse part of society. Jewish economic expansion anyone’s suspicions. was unparalleled, and they contributed heavily Don Aguilar’s music was inspiring. True to botany, geography, medicine, mathemat- to his word, the audience heard from a wide ics, poetry, and philosophy. This Golden Age Al-Andalus: Golden Age of Spanish Jewry range of instruments. There were bells and lasted roughly from the ninth through twelfth horns, stringed instruments and an array of centuries and with only a handful of excep- crowd that often included royalty and burned fateful edict was pronounced. It was possible to different drums. Then, in the middle of the tions, Spanish (Sephardic) Jews never felt the at the stake. The number of burnings during remain in Spain, but the conditions for doing concert, a musician with the orchestra stepped persecution that Ashkenazic-European Jewry Torquemada’s tenure was said to have been so were dire: any Jew who hoped to remain in forward and took the stage. He was holding an experienced in France and Germany. about 2,000. After the capture of Granada from his home had to publicly embrace Christiani- unusual instrument: a ram’s horn. This all began to change during the reign Muslim forces, Torquemada convinced King ty and renounce all Jewish observance. Many The musician, a secret Jew handpicked for of Henry III (1390–1406) when Jews faced Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that the Jewish did so. But even those who had ostensibly em- this task by none other than Don Aguilar him- increased persecution and were pressured to community was expendable. At Torquemada’s braced Christianity, the secret Jews of Spain, self, put the ram’s horn to his lips, and began to convert to Christianity. Many Jews were killed, urging, Ferdinand and Isabella issued an edict were never trusted; neighbors and priests re- blow. He blew long blasts, followed by interme- and those who adopted Christian beliefs - the on the 2nd of Nisan 5252 - March 31, 1492, alized they continued to practice Judaism, and diate notes and then short staccato bursts. In conversos (Spanish: “converted”) - faced con- giving Spanish Jews the choice of exile or bap- many “real” Christians eagerly looked for any fact, they were Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah. Each tinued suspicion and prejudice. In addition, tism. The deadline to leave was on August 2, sign of Jewish practice so they could turn them note of the shofar service rang out throughout there remained a significant population of Jews 1492, which was also Tisha B’av, the saddest over to the Inquisition. the hall, one hundred notes in all. Most of the who had professed conversion but continued day of the Jewish calendar year. Don Fernando Aguilar was a prominent to practice their faith in secret. Known as Mar- The Jews went forth on the road in groups Barcelona Jew. Conductor of the prestigious ranos, those nominal converts from Judaism during the three weeks before Tisha B’av, and Royal Orchestra in that city, he was a man were perceived to be an even greater threat to on the final day, recounts the great Sage, Rab- of distinction and enjoyed great wealth and the social order than those who had rejected beinu Don Yitzchak Abarbanel zt”l, more than prestige. When the edict banishing him and forced conversion. After Aragon and Castile 300,000 Jewish men, women, and children left his coreligionists from Spain came, Don Agu- were united by the marriage of Ferdinand and Spain. Although these three weeks are days of ilar decided to remain. He publicly embraced Isabella (1469), the Marranos were denounced mourning over the destruction of the Temple Christianity, but at the same time made a dar- as a danger to the existence of Christian Spain and the exile from the Land of Israel - when ing decision: in private, Don Aguilar, like so and a formal Inquisition was established to playing music is prohibited - the Sages of the many Spanish Jews, would never give up his deal with them. generation issued special permission to the faith. Even though it meant he could be ar- A grand inquisitor was appointed by people to march to the music of orchestras. The rested at any moment, Don Aguilar continued the name of Tomás de Torquemada, a name musicians were told to play their instruments to live as a Jew. He kissed a mezuzah that he synonymous with brutality and fanaticism in order to strengthen the spirit of the people, kept hidden in his floorboards and was careful associated with the Inquisition. Torquemada cheer them up and to infuse them with hope to eat only kosher food and observe the Jew- used torture and confiscation to terrorize his and trust in Hashem. Through permitting the ish holidays. There was no synagogue in his Royal Box of the Teatro Real Theatre in Spain victims, and his methods were cruel by de- playing of instruments on the march, the Sages city anymore, but groups of Jews would meet sign. The sentencing of the accused took place also wished to teach the people that we do not in private, under pain of death, to whisper audience applauded it as a virtuoso perfor- at the auto-da-fé (“act of faith”), an elaborate weep over a departure from a place of exile; we prayers. There were no Jewish schools in Spain mance of an unfamiliar instrument. But to public expression of the Inquisition’s power. weep only over our departure from Jerusalem. any longer, but families did their best to give the secret Jews in the audience, Don Aguilar’s The condemned were presented before a large Not all of Spain’s Jews had fled when the their children a Jewish education. Year after “music” gave them their first chance in years to grinding year, the secret Jewish community fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the shofar. continued, holding on to as many of the mitz- Because September 5, 1497, was the first of vos as possible. Tishrei, 5258 - the first day of Rosh Hashanah. Some rituals, however, were nearly impos- Little is known of Don Aguilar. Some say sible to observe. It took five long years after he was arrested soon after the concert and the expulsion of Spanish Jewry, five years of executed in secret so that news of his exploits practicing Judaism in secret, of living a double would not become public. Others maintain he life, before Don Aguilar saw an opportunity to lived to old age, continuing to live a Jewish life. do something for his fellow Jewish brethren. All that is known is his unusual actions on In 1497, he made a public announcement: on Rosh Hashanah, over 500 years ago, when for Sunday, the 5th of September, he would per- one evening he allowed an entire secret Jewish sonally lead the Royal Orchestra of Barcelona community to fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the in a brand-new concert of his composition. shofar. Artist Rendition of the Abarbanel carrying a Torah scroll, on the 9th of Av, 5252 followed by the last Jews The pieces he had written were unlike any- (Source: Rabbi Eliyahu Ki-Tov, Book of Our out of Spain. thing ever heard in Spain before. It was, he de- Heritage)

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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 13 Spotlight on a Gadol: Biography The Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Harav Mordechai Hager zt”l - 29 Adar 5778 - March 16, 2018

By Rabbi Eliezer Abish Due to his immense concern for the dignity of that on this day of the month, every month, she re- the indigent and needy, he would switch off and ceives an envelope late at night that helps her sur- he Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Harav Mordechai use different messengers to deliver the money so vive the month. Can you begin to fathom her pain Hager zt”l was born in Grosswardein, the messengers would not really be aware of how last night? As the quiet hours last night rolled on, Romania, on 18 Tammuz, 5682 (July 14, often the needy people would receive charity. she sat by her door, waiting for the life sustaining T1922) to his father, the Imrei Chaim, R’ Chaim One evening, the Rebbe called over Reb Shlo- envelope. As each hour passed, she grew more and Meir Hager zt”l and his mother, Margalit, daugh- mo Ungvarer and asked him if he would be will- more concerned. ‘Perhaps, it will not come. Per- ter of Harav Zev Twersky, the Admor of Rach- ing to be his messenger to deliver tzedakah money. haps there is no more money! What will be with mastrivka. After his father’s passing in 5732, both Reb Shlomo was thrilled to partner with the Reb- me?! I knew it would happen. I have no husband Harav Mordechai and his brother, Harav Moshe be in this great mitzvah. The Rebbe explained that and the whole world forgot about me.’ A widow Yehoshua Hager zt”l, undertook the leadership as all the money must be distributed that night and late at night, worried, with no one to cry to. No Rebbes of Vizhnitz. His brother as the Admor in had to be done discreetly. one to share her worries and fear with. The tears Bnei Brak, and he, Rav Mottel, as the Admor of Reb Shlomo enthusiastically took the many begin to flow and the heart aches. A widow! The Vizhnitz in Monsey. envelopes filled with tzedakah money from the suffering of an almanah is not a light matter. I am When he was 20 years old, he went to learn Rebbe, together with the long list of recipients and sorry,” concluded the Imrei Chaim, “you can no by Rav Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar zt”l, and then began his task. The night wore on as Reb Shlomo longer be a messenger for me.” for two years by Rav Yosef Greenwald of Pupa zt”l. made his way from one address to the next, first Reb Shlomo realized his mistake. He under- Throughout his life, he would consider these two slipping the envelope under the door, giving a few stood why the Rebbe could not use him as a mes- to be his primary rebbeim. light knocks and then quickly continuing on to the senger any more for his holy missions. But he re- In 1944, as the Nazis began to tighten the beasts. However,” Rav Hager explained, “they do so next address. solved to become better. To be more sensitive and noose on Hungarian Jewry, Rav Mordechai was privately. How my grandfather was able to escape When he finally reached the last address on his attentive to the needs of others. To once again be able to escape across the border to Bucharest, Ro- to Romania with his family despite being hunted list, he realized that it was all the way on the other worthy of being sent to fulfill one of the Rebbe’s mania, where stayed for the duration of the war. by the Nazis, and from there successfully fleeing to side of the city and it would take him almost an holy missions. While there, he married Feige Malka, daughter of Eretz Yisroel is nothing short of an open miracle. hour to reach there. Thoroughly exhausted from This was something that had a seminal impact Rav Yaakov Yosef zt”l, the previous Skver Rebbe. Yet, my grandfather, the Imrei Chaim, felt it would running around the city half the night, he figured on the young Rav Mottel and would drive him to She was tragically niftar, childless, only one year not be proper to conduct a public tish celebrating a that the widow that was to receive the last envelope perform chessed with sensitivity. later. Acquiescing to his mother in law’s urging, Yom Hatzolah for him and his family when sitting was, in all probability, sleeping already. “While the he married her younger sister, Sima Mirel, with by the tish would be many many chassidim who Rebbe did say I should distribute all the money Amazing Hasmada whom he had 14 children. themselves were survivors, but whose wives and tonight, he probably just wanted to make sure the He was known for spending almost all of his He then managed to make his way, together children were mercilessly slaughtered by the Na- recipients would be able to use it first thing in the waking hours immersed in Torah study, often up with his wife and her family, to New York. In re- zis. They may have physically survived the war, but morning. After all, it is well past midnight and no to 18 hours a day, and demanded a solid commit- sponse to the Vishnitzer chassidim living in New their families did not. How would they feel sitting stores are open now anyway. I will go home to get ment from his chassidim, urging them to devote York, he opened a shul first in Boro Park and later at a tish as my grandfather and father celebrate and some sleep and will deliver the last envelope to the a minimum of two hours of their day to learning moved to Williamsburg. Eventually, in 1964, as the thank Hashem for their salvation together with almanah first thing in the morning.” Torah. city became spiritually “dangerous,” he moved to the salvation of their entire family? He quickly made his way home and went to He would often tell his chassidim, “Don’t bring a sparsely populated hamlet in upstate New York, My grandfather would often say, “I can’t sit sleep. He made sure to get up extra early the next me kvitlach, bring me sha’os tzetlach,” the papers called Monsey. with my family and celebrate while my chassidim morning. Refreshed and somewhat recovered upon which the Rebbe expected every chassid to sit and mourn their wives and children. There is from a long night of walking around the city deliv- write how much they were learning each week, Feeling For A Fellow Yid nothing worth doing if it will cause someone else ering envelopes, he made his way to the almanah’s and with whom. The Rebbe wouldn’t just glance Every year, Reb Mordechai would make a pain. Better I withhold my celebration and not house and slipped the envelope under her door. at thetzetlach, he would analyze them and derive a small tish on the 34th day of the Omer, the day on cause others to mourn.” Since it was still very early in the morning, he was lot of nachas from them. which he made his escape with only family present Indeed, perhaps there isn’t any specific place able to daven with the vasikin minyan in shul. The Rebbe led his fast growing chassidus with to thank Hashem. in the Shulchan Aruch that would prohibit public- Later on that day, Reb Shlomo went to the love and affection, while constantly urging them One Shabbos, when one of the Rebbe’s sons ly celebrating and indeed, thanking Hashem, for Rebbe to let him know he had completed his mis- to grow in their avodas Hashem. Yet, even as the was in Yerushalayim, he went to visit his uncle, being the recipient of Hashem’s goodness. Yet, a sion. The Rebbe was very happy to hear how well chassidus grew, he still maintained an individual Rav Yissocher Dov Rokeach, the Belzer Rebbe Yid understands his priorities. We do not just do everything went and at how diligent Reb Shlomo connection with each of his chassidim, advising Shlita. what we want to do, even if there technically is not was with executing his important mission. Until and encouraging each one according to his needs. In the course of conversation, the Belzer Rebbe any sin or prohibition involved. We have compas- Reb Shlomo got to the part where, due to the late- One day, a chassid came to Rav Mottel for a asked his nephew if he knew why his grandfather, sion for a fellow Yid. We control our emotions, we ness of the night and due to his extreme exhaus- brocha. As was the Rebbe’s custom, he asked him the Imrei Chaim, and his father, the present Vizh- overcome our desires in order not to cause pain, tion, the widow’s envelope, the last one to be de- to see his sha’os tzetlach. The chassid explained nitzer Rebbe, do not celebrate a Yom Hatzolah however slight and unintended, to our fellow Yid. livered, was not delivered late at night. But as Reb that he wasn’t really successful with learning while for escaping the Nazis. Many Admorim celebrate Shlomo was quick to point out, it was delivered in Yeshiva and now while working, he isn’t able to with their chassidim their Yom Hatzoloh, the day Chessed With Sensitivity early the next morning, so everything worked out learn. The Rebbe asked him if he could commit to that they escaped from the Nazis. They conduct In fact, this was something the Rebbe learned well. learning 10 minutes a day and fill out a sha’os tzet- a tish where many words of thanks and praise to from spending 14 years with his holy father, the The Imrei Chaim’s expression immediately lach. The chassid replied that he is sure he could Hashem are said. “Your father and grandfather Imrei Chaim while living in Grossvarden. The Im- changed. His happy smile was gone, replaced by commit to 10 minutes a day. The Rebbe gave him both escaped from the Nazis, yet Vizhnitz does rei Chaim was very involved with helping out the a very sad and somber face. Reb Shlomo became a warm brocha and asked him to please return not celebrate with a Yom Hatzolah. Do you per- people of the city with their various needs, wheth- very alarmed. in a few months to let him know how things are haps know why?” the Belzer Rebbe wanted to er they were spiritual or physical. He would strive “What? What’s wrong?” Reb Shlomo asked. going. know. especially mightily to help ensure the privacy and “Everyone received their envelope.” When he returned a year later and proudly Rav Hager replied, “Of course my grandfather, dignity of those in financial need when he would “How could you have done that? Have you no showed the Rebbe his sha’os tzetlach, the Reb- and after him, my father, thank and praise Hashem dispense the enormous amount of money entrust- concern for the feeling of a lonely widow? I am for being miraculously saved from the Nazis ed to him by others for tzedakah. sure she did not sleep at all last night. She knows [ Continued on page 40 ]

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WHILE SUPPLIES LAST / EXPIRES 4/10/'17 / 1 FREE OFFER PER CUSTOMER / w/MENTION OF AD ONLY / NOT 2 B COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER/DISCOUNT & Bitachon Tiv HaEmunah Overpowering the Influence of Pharaoh dushas Levi, Siddur Harashash-introduction angered, and especially feelings of arrogance, The Sefas Emes has taught (Likutei Pesach): to Chanukah and Purim). For example, in the thinking, “Kochi v’otzem yadi” — "it was my "Each year on Pesach, every person has the days preceding Chanukah the influences of the strength and the might of my hand," that got ability to leap and grasp Hashem Yisbarach in a Greek society are very strong, yet, fulfilling the things done. Things such as I am cleaning, I am single bound, without any opposition from the mitzvos of Chanukah enables us to overpower eradicating the chametz, I am being stringent, Satan at all." Meaning, on the Seder night, every their strengths and intensify the influences of I am being very cautious and scrupulous, and single one of us can reach levels of emunah the "miraculous flask of pure oil." Before Purim, so on. Conversely, if something happens we that we could not reach during the course of the influences of Haman are at their peak, how- accuse the other person: he is bothering me, he the year. Our position on this night resembles ever, through performing the mitzvos of Purim intentionally wants to cause me distress, and the the following illustration of Shlomo Hamelech, we are able to override and suppress those in- like, as if he really has the power and ability to "Draw me — we will rush after you; the King fluences. do or initiate anything. brought me into His chamber" (Shir Hashirim The same is true regarding Pesach. In We can completely forget about Who the 1:4). the days preceding Pesach, the influences Ruler of the world really is! All these feelings of This is perhaps the most opportune time of Pharaoh reach their zenith. What are the haughtiness and anger are from that Pharaoh to accomplish this, for regarding this month influences of Pharaoh? Heresy! Pharaoh within us and are diametrically opposed to of Nisan the Torah states (Shemos 12:2): "This proclaimed (Shemos 5:2): "I do not know having emunah in Hashem. The truth is that we month shall be for you," hinting that this HaGaon HaRav Gamliel Hashem." We are not talking about the Pharaoh are merely like dead carcasses that Hakadosh month is a present to you. In other words, this Rabinowitz Shlit’a that died thousands of years ago, but rather that Baruch Hu animates every moment to enable month of Nisan contains enormous powers Rosh Shaar individual Pharaoh in the heart of each and us to fulfill His blessed will. We accomplish and tremendous segulos enabling us to ascend HaShamayim every one of us — the power of the yetzer hara, absolutely nothing without Him! Therefore, in our emunah in Hashem Yisbarach, and which grows in strength and dominates in these during these days preceding Pesach, we must to overcome that Pharaoh within us — the very Yom Tov that was established as days preceding Pesach — screaming inside us, especially work to overpower the influences yetzer hara, as well as the mitzrayim — all the a remembrance of miraculous events "I don't know Hashem." of Pharaoh and strengthen ourselves as much emissaries of the yetzer hara. Let us seize this in our history has that same inherent If we think about it, during this period of as we can with emunah. We must search for magnificent opportunity to escape from their Eability and effect every year at the same time time we are often faced with many trials and tests Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Who is hidden and influence and control, and as a result, we will be as when the miracles originally occurred (Ke- — for instance, losing our patience, becoming concealed in all that transpires around us. truly free. “Kimei Tzeischa M'Eretz Mitzrayim Arenu Niflaos.” out of Mitzrayim and the miracles of the Geu- First, cheirus is when a person is unlim- For those that were comfortably doing the la Ho'asida? ited and unhindered by any limitations of work that “great treasure” is not needed to ac- The Rebbe Rayatz explains that by Geulas himself and of anything else. That can only complish that work, then those will have lost Mitzrayim Hashem was mechadesh the inyan be when he rids himself of all Chametz that out in receiving such great divine light. This of Geula for Yidden - it opened the door for inhibits him and he is his true self. This is also shows us the maalah that exists in the Geulas all the future geulos. when the limited person connects and is one Mitzrayim that will also be cherished in the This is also what it means that every day with Hashem, Who has no limitations. times of Moshiach and that is why the Navi that we move away from Geulas Mitzrayim is When we have a nisayon, when we are in Micha says, 'Kimei Tzeischo ... that even when a day that we are heading toward the Geula Golus, and Hashem is hidden, we need extra Moshiach will come, these hidden treasures Ho'asida. The Geula of Mitzrayim was not Koach from Hashem to be able to achieve that Hashem has and never revealed, we will complete, as we see from the other goliyos, victory. When we went out of Mitzrayim, we have them and enjoy them. So, therefore, the but it is the beginning of our new existence were called “,” the army of miracles of the Geula Ho'asida are compared as an Am Hashem that received the Torah, Hashem, our King. Since then we are fight- to Geulas Mitzrayim. connected with Hashem, going towards the ing His fight as loyal soldiers and servants. With all of this explanation, we say to Geula forever. We know that in ordinary times, a king has Hashem and beg him to bring the Geula Reb Sholom Mordechai Listening to all this still makes us wonder, his greatest treasures stored away, he wouldn't Ho'asida and we say that we have waited long Rubashkin what is all this hard work for? regularly use them for anything. Yet, when enough and we are ready, ‘Le'echol Min HaP- Since Hashem wants to give us the Geula the king is waging a war and he needs to sochim Umin HaZvochim' in the Bais Ha- here are two P’shatim in this famous Shleima with Moshiach Tzidkeinu, what is the supply his troops, he will open up all these Mikdash HaShlishi. pasuk from Micha. The first is that reason for the work we put in each day getting hidden storehouses that he will give freely to And to bring this on a personal level, since the future Geula will have miracles as there? Yes, we understand that Hashem will every soldier who needs it. In the same way, this is a time, as it says in the heiliger Seforim, Tthe Geula from Mitzrayim had miracles. The reward us with great treasure for our work in Hashem will give us great oiros and kochos for the yeshuos, specifically in the inyan of second Pshat is that the miracles of the Geu- Golus. But to repeat the words of our ances- during our nisyonos so that we can make the cheirus, we all ask Hashem that he should la Ho'asida will be miracles in relation to the tors; "We are mevater on the Rechush Gadol; world a place of Kedusha. give a personal Geula of freedom and that all miracles that we saw during Yetzias Mitzray- just please set us free from all this misery." We need to know that as we find ourselves the Yidden that need the inyan of freedom im, which will be miracles beyond compre- We have had enough of this hard work and in Golus, traveling toward Geula, we are not should receive their freedom. hension. Kriyas Yam Suf will be like nature nisyonos, and the Rechush Gadol seems like alone. Hashem is giving us those great, hidden Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin has in comparison to the miracles of the Geula something removed. Here is where there is a oiros that no one has ever seen before. The become a symbol of spiritual endurance and Ho'asida. tremendous lesson, which we need to focus highest angels have not seen these treasures. miraculous salvation. Many take inspiration According to the second Pshat, the ques- on this Pesach. The pleasure of cheirus is not It is only us that Hashem gives these treasures. from his letters written during his time in pris- tion is simple. What relation and what com- what we will receive later, separate and apart Then when we achieve ultimate cheirus, the on, which demonstrate a Jew's ability to grow parison is there that the Navi compares the of what we are going through now. Rather, the pleasure we will have will be the very treasure in emunah and bitachon in the most desolate two? What comparison is there between the pleasure of cheirus is being achieved during that we received only because we were willing situation. Emanating from a place of darkness, miracles that Hashem made when he took us our days from Mitzrayim, till Moshiach. to be in Hashem's army and fight His fight. his messages are a beacon of light and hope.

18 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 27 Orchard Street Store hours: Monsey, NY 10952 Sun-Thurs 10am-10pm 845-352-7792 Fridays till 2:30

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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 19 Halacha & Hashkafa Yom Tov Gifts for One's Wife are the parameters and practical applica- to one's yearly allotment any money spent for a few days, she told him, "It's the thought tions? for the kavod and oneg (honor and enjoy- that counts, but in the future, please allow ment) of Shabbos or Yom Tov. The Gemara me to buy my own present." PART 1: THE HALACHIC REQUIREMENT says that Hashem declares: If you feel that your wife The Shulchan Aruch1 rules that one is "Levu Alai va'Ani poreia — would appreciate a gift that she obligated to reach and maintain a state of Borrow from Me and I will can choose, either plan a shop- happiness during Yom Tov. This obligation repay," and, therefore, one ping trip together, when she can is incumbent on all adult males; there is a should spend generously for choose her own gift, or simply machlokes regarding whether women are Shabbos and Yom Tov needs. tell her before Yom Tov that you obligated in this mitzvah just as men are.2 However, spending with would like her to buy something The Shulchan Aruch3 further explains that some discretion is advisable, special for herself and that she an adult male is obligated to bring happiness for this "money-back guar- will be your shaliach (messenger) to those around him, such as his wife, chil- antee" comes with certain re- to fulfill the mitzvah. dren, and anyone in his care. To accomplish strictions. Often the wife has full access this, men should drink wine4 and eat meat.5 to the family money reserve via Women of the household should be given PART 3: PRACTICAL her credit card, ATM card, and nice clothing or jewelry, and the children APPLICATIONS checkbook, and she purchases whatever should be given snacks.6 Although the Shulchan Aruch designates clothing and kitchen appliances she might By Rabbi Yosef Viener, Rav clothing and jewelry as gifts of choice, the need throughout the year. Before Yom Tov, D’Khal Shaar HaShomayim PART 2: THE PARAMETERS OF SPENDING list may not necessarily be limited to these however, you should remind her to buy One should not limit one's budget for items. Any gift that brings happiness during something special, so that it is bought espe- My wife recently pointed out (in a nice Yom Tov needs to the absolute necessities; the Yom Tov may fulfill the requirement, cially to enhance simchas Yom Tov. She can way) that there is a requirement for every rather, one should spend freely, in order to even if the gift is usable only before Yom Tov even make the purchase at a convenient time married man to give a gift to his spouse make the Yom Tov a joyous occasion for (e.g. a new mixer or oven) in preparation for during the year (like when it is on sale or for each of the Shalosh Regalim (Pesach, everyone. The Gemara7 states that the ex- the needs of the chag. HaGaon HaRav Shlo- when she is out shopping anyway) and first Shavuos, and Sukkos). Although I will cer- act amount of money a person will receive mo Zalman Auerbach zt”l would, on occa- use the item for her simchas Yom Tov. tainly try to accommodate, I was wondering during the year is determined on Rosh sion, purchase kitchenware for his rebbetzin In conclusion, it is also important to whether it is a strict halachic requirement Hashanah, with the exclusion of money prior to Yom Tov. He is quoted as allowing remember the admonition of Chazal con- or simply good advice to enhance shalom spent for Shabbos and Yom Tov (and for his the purchase of any item that enhances the cerning the giving of tzedakah for the Yom bayis. If it is halachically mandated, what son's Torah education). Hashem will add wife's simchas Yom Tov, even if the item can- Tov needs of the poor, as well as the great not be used on the Yom Tov itself.8 mitzvah of hachnasas orchim in inviting the However, HaGaon HaRav Yosef Shalom lonely and forlorn members of the commu- Elyashiv zt”l rules that one fulfills the mitz- nity for Yom Tov meals. To paraphrase the vah of bringing simcha to one's wife on Yom words of the Rambam:14 When a person Tov only through the purchase of clothing eats and drinks he is obligated to feed the and/or jewelry. It is advisable, therefore, to stranger, the orphan, and the widow, as well attempt to purchase clothing or jewelry, but as other poor and unfortunate people. One if that is difficult, one may buy any item that who locks the door of his courtyard and eats brings happiness for the Yom Tov. and drinks alone with his wife and children Many husbands point out that they are without giving food and drink to the poor not in a position to purchase clothing and and the embittered does not have the sim- jewelry for their wives, because they do not cha of performing mitzyos but has only the know what to buy. They claim. and wives simcha of the stomach. Let us each focus on will frequently concur, that their taste in bringing simcha to our spouse and children vendors and fashion would not necessarily on Yom Tov, and let us not forget the need be to their spouses' liking. They also com- and obligation to bring happiness to others plain that their choices of past gifts were not as well. received with joy and excitement. but rath- ______er with surprise, bewilderment, and some- 1. Orach Chaim 529:2. times even tears. One husband commented 2. See Rosh Hashanah 6b; Rambam Hilchos that he came to the realization that he will Yom Tov 6:17-18; Raavad, Kesef Mishneh never fully understand his wife, for, despite and Lechem Mishneh in Hilchos Chagigah her golden middos and constant display of 1:1; Teshuvos Rabbi Akiva Eiger siman alef. hakaras hatov for the many things he does 3. Ibid. for the family, his gifts never seem to evoke a 4. Shulchan Aruch 529:1. feeling of warmth and happiness. I informed 5. Mishnah Berurah 529:11, based on Rambam, him that many men grapple with this issue, Hil Yom Tov 6:18. and he need not be overly concerned. The art 6. Rambam, ibid. 7. Beitzah 15b. of gift giving is acquired over time, and the 8. Halichos Shlomo, page 210, footnote 4 in Ar- learning curve is longer for some than for chos Halachah. others (and in the meantime, he should not cast blame on his wife). Rabbi Yosef Viener, Rav of Khal Shaar I told him the story of a couple I know HaShomayim and author of Contemporary who have a wonderful marriage despite the Questions in Halachah and Hashkafah, has debacle of his first attempted gift. This nice inspired and enlightened listeners worldwide fellow bought a new anti-aging cream for his with his shiurim on Halachah and Hashkaf- wife and couldn't understand why she was ah - crystallizing the Torah's timeless wisdom so upset when she received it. After crying and applying to our daily lives.

20 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Halacha & Hashkafa At the Schabes Table have the same process as a kiddush cup only if the utensil would not be ruined any other liquid other than water used (if it is a silver wine bottle), and if it has by doing so. to kasher is certainly not permitted. a narrow mouth and its inside cannot While doing hag’alah, we must be This is a partial list of utensils that be cleaned properly, it cannot be certain that large bubbles are visible may not be koshered for Pesach (some koshered. In the case of a glass decanter in the water, and if the bubbles subside of them may be koshered during the rest or cups, our minhag is not to kosher once the utensil is introduced, we must of the year): ceramic, china, Corelle, glass for Pesach altogether. In case of wait until it bubbles again with large Corningware, earthenware, enamel, an important need, one should consult bubbles. formica, glassware in which Chametz a Rav concerning the koshering of glass The utensils should be put into the is cooked, melmac, nylon, plastic, utensils. water one by one, and we may not put porcelain, pottery, Pyrex, rubber, Some general notes about koshering. in two utensils at the same time if they silverstone, stoneware and Teflon- A utensil may not be koshered unless it touch each other. If a utensil is too coated utensils. can be thoroughly cleaned; if there is large, we could first immerse one side Rav Chaim Schabes is the rav of rust that cannot be removed, hag’alah in the bubbling water, and then turn Congregation Knesses Yisroel in New is not possible, and only leebun, which it around to finish koshering it. Some Hempstead and a Maggid shiur in means burning it with fire, would be hold that once the water turns cloudy, Yeshivat Tiferet Torah in Suffern, New acceptable. Obviously this would apply it may not be used for koshering, and York By Rabbi Chaim Schabes Rav D’Cong. Knesses Yisroel ne of the reasons mentioned FREE for a Bris Milah taking place on the 8th day is that Hashem Osaid, that just like an animal cannot DELIVERY be offered as a korban before it pass- es through a Shabbos, so too, there is no Bris Milah without first passing through a Shabbos (Yalkut Shimo- ni). We learn from this the power of Shabbos; anything over which Shabbos passes receives a part of the kedusha of Shabbos, and not only are people affected by it, but even animals, and therefore only one that has in it this level of sanctity is acceptable as an of- fering. With this we can relate to a halacha mentioned in Machzor Vitri, that even though one would generally recite a bracha over a complete bread rather than over one that was cut; if, however, the loaf that is not complete was baked prior to a Shabbos, says the Machzor Vitri, one would say hamotzi over that one, because it’s kedusha and importance is greater, “just” because the Shabbos day passed over it. Halacha V’Halicha - Koshering Keilim Pesach is a few short weeks away. Let us discuss some relevant halachos regarding Pesach preparations. A baby’s high chair should be washed very thoroughly, and the tray should be covered with contact paper or its equivalent. Candlesticks and trays should also be cleaned and rinsed, and it is common practice to put something between the tray and the tablecloth. Kiddush cups (bechers) that we Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 10:45 - 7:00 know were used only with wine, Dinettes • Sofas • Master Bedrooms • Recliners and were not washed with hot water together with Chametz utensils may be Kids-Rooms • Mattresses • Seforim Shanks just cleaned and rinsed; otherwise they must be koshered with hag’alah. If the cup has a lip that doesn’t allow one to Follow us on Instagram @furniture.village clean under it, it may not be koshered with hag’alah. A wine decanter would

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 21 Torah & Inspiration

without success. In 1838, when R’ Yisroel was for- the Rebbe saw a large, physically imposing man requires punishment and atonement. In life we ty years old, he was arrested on charges of being standing before him. He may have been big and all make mistakes. In our interpersonal relation- complicit in a murder. An informer brought ev- burly, but deep down his heart was as soft and ships and with people we are close to, we some- idence that the Rizhiner had ordered the execu- tender as befitting a true Yiddishe Neshama. The times say the wrong thing or do something that is tion of a second informer and the Czar was only Rizhiner said to him, “My dear Jew, please allow hurtful. A tiny incident can cause strong feelings too happy to send the police to arrest him. As the me to walk outside for a few short minutes to ful- of anger and disdain, and an argument can end fill a very important mitzvah. I will be very quick up lasting a very long time. If only we would be גם כי'“ ,Rebbe was taken into custody he cried -even as I am taken to be locked and no one has to know the wiser.” able to separate a person from his negative be - 'אלך בגיא צלמות up I am not afraid. One thing upsets me, though, The guard took pity on the Rebbe but he was havior, and hate the action but continue to love that You, Hashem, will be with me terrified to disobey a direct order. This prisoner the person! When someone hurts us with words - 'כי אתה עמדי' the Shechina will also be in was never allowed to go outside and if he was or actions, instead of thinking that the person is - 'שכינתא בגלותא' - Golus with me.” caught doing so, not only would the Rebbe suffer, mean and terrible, we must think in our minds The mitzvah of Kiddush Hachodesh, sanc- Following the orders of the Czar himself, the but the guard in charge would pay dearly. “Rebbe, that what he did was mean and terrible. It was tifying the new moon, is the first mitzvah given Rebbe was locked up in the notorious Kiev dun- my shift is over in a few short minutes and if the irresponsible to act that way - but the person is to the nascent Jewish nation in Egypt, and forms geon under terrible conditions in a small, dark new guard will show up and find me escorting good and surely made a mistake. It is our mitzvah the basis of the Jewish lunar calendar wherein all and damp cellar. No charges were ever brought you outside, he will report me.” to judge favorably and believe that the person can the festivals are found. The Skulener Rebbe, R’ against him, nor was he ever put on trial. But But the Rizhiner’s soft voice and promise of change and improve his ways. Eliezer Zusia Portugal zt”l, would understand these things didn’t bother the Rizhiner as much blessings were too much to ignore. Finally, the This week is Rosh Chodesh - the only mitz- the words of Dovid HaMelech in Tehillim: “From as the fact that he was unable to perform certain guard agreed to allow him outside for just a few vah Bnei Yisroel received in Mitzrayim because Hashem a mighty man’s steps are established, for mitzvos while in prison. One mitzvah in par- minutes. R’ Yisroel stood in the prison courtyard Hashem wanted us to know that we have the He delights in his way,” as a reference to the great ticular that he was most distraught over was his and poured out his heart to his Creator. He gazed power to change! Just as the moon gets bigger Hashgacha that Hashem affords a Yid who is inability to do “Kiddush Levana” - blessing the at the shining moon and davened with such tre- and smaller, but it always remains in the sky, so scrupulous in the mitzvah of Kiddush Hacho- new moon, which requires one to stand under mendous emotion and intensity. The mitzvah too, we must realize that sometimes people act desh. He would relate the following story: the night sky and see the moon before making that had been eluding him was finally within his big and sometimes small, but we can always re- During the early to mid-19th century, the the blessing. The Rebbe was never allowed out of grasp. Tears poured down his cheeks as he said new ourselves to change and be the best we can Russian Czar and various maskilim of the time his cell and the guards were most strict about this. the timeless blessing and, indeed, time seemed to be! were greatly distressed by the regal bearing and It pained him that he could not properly do this stand still. power of the famed Rizhiner Rebbe, R’ Yis- mitzvah. As far as the guard was concerned, though, roel Friedman zt”l. Through his royal conduct, One night, the Rizhiner was lying in his cell time had not stopped at all - it was moving along which was well-known and documented, the when he heard the sound of groaning coming quite rapidly! Fifteen minutes went by, and then R’ Eliyahu Lopian zt”l (quoted in P’ninim Rizhiner greatly uplifted the level of the down- from outside his door. He heard words another fifteen minutes. The guard was sweat- M’Shulchan Govoha) writes: 'עונג' In the word - 'נגע צרעת כי תהיה באדם'“ trodden masses. The maskilim had long been and realized that the guard was Jewish. He quick- ing profusely, terrified that he was about to be plotting to bring about the Rebbe’s downfall, but ly knocked on the door. The guard opened it and caught, but he could not muster the nerve to halt (pleasure), the letter Ayin is the first letter and a wise - 'החכם עיניו בראשו' .means eye (עין) the Rizhiner Rebbe’s immense prayers. Finally, Ayin B after forty-five minutes, the Rebbe completed the man has his eyes ahead of him. He studies the ES H T blessing and dutifully went back into his cell, ac- ramifications of his actions before he does any- A SE GG LL companied by the astonished and relieved guard. thing, and gains satisfaction from his carefully נגע A IN DA G Literally, seconds later, the new guard came thought out deeds. In the word ' ' (plague) the H through the door, apologizing to his comrade. “I letter Ayin is last. A fool first acts and only then am so sorry. I have no idea how it happened but does he see with his own eyes the damage that his I got lost on my way here. I walk this route every impulsiveness wrought. When he finally gets hit day and it is not far, but tonight, the moment I left in the face with reality and opens up his eyes, he my house, I became totally and completely lost. I will then see a Nega.” could not find my way here. It took me over 45 The Shpoler Zeida, R’ Aryeh Leib zt”l minutes to find this place!” (Otzar HaChassidus) would say: Said the Skulener, “‘A mighty man’s steps are “When I was three years old, I had the mer- established.’ Every step a person takes is orches- it to see the holy Baal Shem Tov zt”l. He placed trated from above - and if he gets lost, that too his hand over my heart and blessed me, and ever was meant to be!” since that time, I’ve been warm. From the posuk in Parshas Tazria: ‘The kohen will see him, he will pronounce him unclean,’ we learn that the gaze of a righteous person (the kohen), the sound of his voice, or in fact any gesture he makes, has והסגיר הכהן את הנגע שבעת ימים …. יג:ד R’ Avraham Pam zt”l once overheard a far-reaching influence and effect on the future woman berate her child. She said, “You are a bad purity of an individual.” boy!” The child burst into tears and was incon- A Wise Man would say: solable! R’ Pam explained later in a shmuess that “When you daven for others, Hashem listens the reason the child was so upset was because to you and blesses them. Sometimes, when you his mother disqualified him as a PERSON rath- are safe and happy, and things are going well, re- er than telling him what he did wrong! It would member that someone else has davened for you.” have been much more beneficial had the mother Rabbi Dovid Hoffman is the author of the To- told her child, “What you did was a bad thing. rah Tavlin series of books on Torah, Haggadah shel It not appropriate for a good boy like you to act Pesach, Yamim Noraim, and Tisha B’av, as well as this way!” the acclaimed Holocaust series of books entitled In Parshas Tazria, the Torah teaches us that “Heroes of Spirit” and “Heroes of Faith.” His weekly a kohen must “close off the NEGA for seven Torah Tavlin parsha newsletters are disseminated days.” Why the NEGA? Why not the person? all over the world. To subscribe, please go to his Because the Torah is teaching us that the kohen website, where you will find does not “passul” (disqualify) the person, he archives, divrei Torah, stories, articles of interest, only “passul’d” the NEGA! The Metzorah is not and much more. He can be reached at: Torahtav- a “Bad Boy” - he did a “Bad Thing” and therefore [email protected]

22 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Torah & Inspiration Nesivos Chaim: Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg zt”l Yahrzeit 27 Adar 5772 Parshas Tazria: Love is a Mother’s Torah my talent and potential I could do wonderful The message to the child is this: You will אשה כי תזריע וילדה זכר “When a woman conceives and gives work. Must I be stuck within the confines of grow up and you may not need your mother birth to a son ....” (Vayikra 12:2) the home? Must I be tied down?" She feels that anymore but don't forget, v'al titosh, the teach- all this is beneath her dignity. ings of your mother from your youthful years, Our Sages tell us that there are three part- But the truth is, if we were to under- the wonderful love your mother gave you. As ners in the creation of a child: HaKadosh stand the significance of this so-called “dirty an adult, you won't need your mother the same Baruch Hu, the father, and the mother. The work” — which it is not, chas v'shalom — we way you did as a child, but remember what she Gemara, as explained by Rashi, says that the would realize it is on the highest level. Doing did for you. father provides the hard tissue, the bone; the chesed for one's husband and one's children No woman should feel deprived. By fulfill- mother supplies the soft tissue, the flesh and is the highest ideal. Seeing this quality of lov- ing her obligations as a good wife and as a good blood; and Hashem's share in the partnership chesed with her child. If not for this, a mother ingkindness in his mother will teach a child mother, her teachings will never be forgotten is the neshamah, the soul (Niddah 31a). Since could not dedicate herself so completely to her the biggest and most significant lesson of his by her child. And that is the role a mother plays the father supplies the bony tissue of the child, child. youthful years. He is too young to understand in the life of her child. There are hardships a he is the one with the stern character who gives Love is the Torah that the mother teaches lofty philosophers and he cannot comprehend mother goes through in raising a child, but she the son a spank when he doesn't behave prop- the child. This is what is inculcated in the mind Talmudic knowledge. But his mother's loving will reap the harvest, b'ezras Hashem, in an- erly. Thus, Shlomo HaMelech says, "Listen, my of the child and implanted in his heart. And kindness will last within him forever. The im- other few years, and that will compensate for son, to the reproof of your father." That is the that is the symbol of the mother; that is her pression the child gets from the mother, what all the hardship of the past. father's job, to reprimand the child, to chastise Torah that she conveys to the child. It is un- she conveys to the child that gives him a deep So please, I ask of you and beg of you: Do the child and lead him in the proper path. And forgettable, for it is ingrained in the child from love for her, is the teaching of his mother, the not feel in any way deprived of your greatness. this he does in a stern, firm way. his earliest years. With her motherly love, her Torah of his mother. Feel happy when you do your work. Feel that But "do not forget the Torah of your moth- gentleness, her graciousness, and her good- When it comes to the Torah of the mother, you are fulfilling your share in your child's life. er." The Torah of the mother is of a different ness, a mother can teach wonderful things to the verse says, "v'al titosh, do not forget." What You are giving him the soft tissue, the kindness nature and has a special significance for the her children. teaching is there not to forget? It is these early and the goodness. You are an equal partner child. It is her goodness, her softness, and her Women sometimes feel miserable about teachings of the mother to the child when he with Hashem, our Sages teach us, and your gentleness that teach the child. The child has a having to do the housework, what some people is not receptive to higher education, when he share is greatness. And may Hashem Yisba- certain love for the mother because of her total call "the dirty work." They say to themselves, can only understand motherly language, the rach give you the strength, the time, the peace dedication to him. A mother has a natural feel- "Is that my goal in life? Is that my mission in love of the mother — this is what he must not of mind, and the happiness to enjoy what you ing, imbued in her by Hashem, to want to do the world?" They think to themselves, "With forget in his later years. are doing. Salvation from Above Depends on Us also speaks about bris milah, circumcision. an action. Only afterward could the protecting birth, it requires action. If we start the process, Why is the mitzvah of milah mentioned here? angels descend. G-d will finally redeem us In Parshas Bereishis, the Torah describes We see another example in Parshas Yisro. This is the answer to every challenge we the creation of the world. Yisro saw Moshe adjudicating for the entire face. We have the potential to overcome any Rashi explains that all of creation was pre- nation and told Moshe that this setup was un- difficulty we endure – both personal and com- pared but did not achieve its full potential until sustainable so he advised Moshe to set up a sys- munal – but our action is needed to receive sal- man was created and prayed for it. Meaning, tem of judges. Moshe asks G-d about this plan, vation. We must be careful with every mitzvah G-d created the plants on the third day, but they and G-d commands him to follow through. But – but particularly, with interpersonal mitzvos. were hidden until the sixth day. When Adam if G-d had intended for Moshe to institute such Our actions bein adam l’chaveiro, from person was created, he prayed – and the plants sprout- a system, why did He orchestrate it through Yis- to person, affect the way G-d acts towards us. ed. ro? The answer is that everything good must be When we show care and concern for others, we This was necessary because G-d runs the initiated by an action on earth. Everything that bring out G-d’s concern for us. world, so to speak, based on our actions. In oth- happens to us depends on what we do and how This is especially true in the area of suspect- er words, everything in our world depends on we behave. The plan needed human effort to ing others of wrongdoing or judging others our prayers and efforts. Our prayers and good come to fruition. negatively. If we view others through a critical can affect the course of events and can bring us This is also true about our ultimate redemp- lens, we risk having our actions viewed critically deliverance from our difficulties. tion. from On High. We see this concept throughout the Torah. To end our exile, we must repent and be- It is impossible for us to know exactly what a In Yaakov’s dream, he saw the angels ascend come closer to G-d. G-d tells us, “Return to me person did or why. We must never judge others HaRav HaGaon Rav Avraham Katz and descend the ladder. One explanation for and I will return to you,” but we must return until we have stood in their place. We can never Rebbe of Tosh-Monsey this is that there were two groups of angels – first. Heavenly action is a response to our ac- experience another person’s exact circumstance those who accompanied him inside Israel and tion. Not because G-d can’t do it on His own, so we may never judge others. By viewing oth- f a woman conceives and gives birth those who guarded him outside Israel. The an- but because it depends on us. ers favorably, we will be judged favorably in re- to a son, she shall be unclean for seven gels from Israel were an allusion to the world This is what the passuk in this week’s par- turn. days… And on the eighth day he will Yaakov lived in – Olam Hazeh, this world; while shah is teaching. Klal Yisroel is compared to Sometimes we don’t understand why we “Ibe circumcised.” (Vayikra 3:15) the second group of angels were heavenly an- a woman who gives birth. In order for G-d to are struggling but we should remember that so Parshas Tazria and Metzora discuss various gels sent to protect him outside of the Land. In grant us the ‘birth’ we must first conceive an ac- much of G-d’s salvation depends on the way we ways one becomes and their purification pro- order for Yaakov to gain this protection, the an- tion. It depends on us. judge others. If we improve our relationships cesses. This week’s portion begins with the laws gels from Israel – those from “this world” – had And what about milah? The eighth day is and show kindness to others, we will merit per- of purification following childbirth. The passuk to make their way up; they needed to perform a reference to the final redemption. Like child- sonal and communal salvation.

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 23 PESACH PERFECTION

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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 25 Community Photos

Visitors and preparation for Viznitzer Rebbe zt”l’s first yartzheit

Bais Mikroh receives a visit from Mordechai and Haman

Bochurim from Yeshivah Gedolah of All ready for an overnight - barbecue Sheva Brachos of Bais Stanislav Ramapo on Purim grill, Crock-Pot and a bunch of beers

Rav Chezkel Samuels and Rav Shamai Rav Yerucham Olshin and his body Attending the Bais Medrash Shaarei A Masmid learning late into the night in Blobstein at Yeshivas Mordechai double at the BMG Purim Tish Tefillah 6 a.m. shiur given by of Passaic Hatzaddik in Vilchovitz Rabbi Margulies

Large turnout for the successful Shaarei Torah Dinner

Torah and Tzedaka in Monsey and by Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik

26 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Community Photos

Kehillat New Hempstead Hachnosas Sefer Torah

Rebs (Rabbi Blobstein) enjoying the Future Chashuvei Monsey Reb Beri Weber performing Best Purim costume of the season Skverer Rebbe with Rabbi Ari Kohn - thrilled to be on Mevaser in the Goldstein Tent on Peretz Steinberg and his the same page as Chashuvei Purim night grandson, Tzvi Hoffman Monsey

The publisher with one of the Ohel Torah Bochurim on Purim First Grade Chumash Party at the Hebrew Academy Sunset over Suffern first day of spring - Chashuvei Monsey on Purim who love the Monsey Mevaser photo credit Yitzi Bamberger

YSV boys helping at Chasdei Lev YSV boys dancing at Chasdei Ramapo Hoops 6th grade Ramapo Hoops 6th grade basketball Kosher Troops Pesach packing with Lev championship game champs JEP volunteers

Chashuvei Monsey at Chashuvei Monsey in the Purim Chashuvei Monsey at the Hirsch Greenwald wedding Chasdei Lev spirit

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 27 Local News From Around Town First Adar Beis Yahrtzeit of Admor of Vizhnitz By Ben Lelchook speaks in seminaries, schools, and shuls in the United States and in Eretz Yisroel. Thousands flocked to the Vizhnitz Ms. Chevy Garfinkel spoke on Tuesday, Cemetery on Route 306 for the first April 2 and Mrs. Adina Leah Wachsman Adar Aleph yahrtzeit of the Vizhnitzer is an upcoming speaker who will be Rebbe zt”l. The Admor, HaRav HaTza- coming to the seminary to address at- ddik Rav Mordechai Hager, zt”l, had a tendees on Tuesday, May 26. All classes following of tens of thousands of Chas- will take place at Chayil Seminary’s tem- sidim throughout the forty-six years he porary location at 31 Deerwood Road lived in Monsey and served as the Ad- until further notice. mor of Vizhnitz. The yahrtzeit was on Wednesday, March 6, chaf tes Adar Aleph. NEW HEMPSTEAD of Rockland was on hand to assist with the traffic and the crowds. As the streets Kehillat New Hempstead Hachnosas Sefer surrounding the Vizhnitzer Cemetery Torah were ‘no parking zones’, a fleet of buses circled the area from Vilchovitz Hall on Followers of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe during the first Adar I yartzeit last month Maple Avenue and Route 306 to the bais hachaim as well as from the Boulders meeting the village minimum lot size include two trustees who were recently Stadium parking lot located in Pomona requirements as well as NYS fire and re-elected to the Village Board of Trus- every five to ten minutes from 10 a.m. safety provisions. While the Orthodox tees. The mayor and Village Trustees to 7 p.m. Jewish community isn’t completely sat- maintain that the updated zoning laws The same experience is expected for isfied with the new law as it contains are appropriate and necessary in order the first Adar Bais yahrtzeit with similar quite a few restrictions and limitations to meet the Village’s constitutional re- estimates of tens of thousands of Chas- (i.e., it will be nearly impossible to build quirements under the Religious Land sidim who are expected to arrive at the a neighborhood size shul on a single lot, Use and Institutionalized Persons Act Bais Hachaim with many staying for the 100% of required parking for such shuls (RLUIPA), which protects houses of yartzheit suedah which was held last will need to be contained on site), the worship and other religious institutions month at the Vizhnitz Bais Medrash and general feeling in the frum community from discriminatory zoning policies. attended by the rebbe’s eight sons and is that this law is fair and equitable. The Orthodox Jewish Coalition countless followers. However, those opposed to the pass- (OJC) of Chestnut Ridge, which repre- Kehillat New Hempstead held a ing of the new law have made it clear sents the interests of the frum commu- hachnosas sefer Torah on Sunday, that they will seek any legal means avail- nities in the village, had previously filed March 31. The sefer Torah was donat- CHESTNUT RIDGE able to put forth a challenge to the new a Federal lawsuit against the village just ed by Rabbi Shimon Kerner and fam- law. As was expected, several village prior to the passing of the new House ily. Rabbi Kerner is the Rav of Kehillat Three Residents of Chestnut Ridge residents led by the head of the Chest- of Worship law. They are represented New Hempstead. The Sefer Torah was Attempting to Get Judge to Halt the nut Ridge chapter of CUPON (Citizens by Roman P. Storzer, a religious liberty written l’zecher nishmas, Rabbi Kern- Recently Passed House of Worship Law United to Protect Our Neighborhoods) lawyer in Washington D.C., well known er’s father, Shlomo Dovid ben Yaakov have filed an Article 78 lawsuit in order for his experience in litigating and de- Kerner z”l. The final letters were filled By Shmuli Fromovitz to petition a state judge to issue a Tem- fending religious liberty under RLUIPA. in at the Kerner home at 12 Manches- porary Restraining Order (TRO) on the Joe Churgin, a local land use attorney, ter. Subsequently, the Torah procession A little over a month ago, on Thurs- new law. They claim that the village did has also been retained to assist in deal- escorted the new Torah to Kehillat New day, February 21, the Village of Chestnut not comply with the State Environmen- ing with the village. The attorneys will Hempstead on Union Road. The slow Ridge amended its zoning code by pass- tal Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and continue to monitor the situation as drizzle that was coming down did little ing the House of Worship law (HOW). that the village failed to consider the they work to reach a favorable resolu- to dampen the exuberance of attendees Until this point, the Orthodox Jewish adverse environmental effects of allow- tion while protecting the new House of nor their feeling of simcha. communities, with more than 800 frum ing houses of worship. These failures in Worship Law. families located throughout Chestnut their eyes include impacts on parking, Community Pre-Pesach Shiur Ridge, had no way of legally construct- storm-water management, traffic issues, Chazak and Kollel Toras Dovid Com- ing and operating shuls within residen- pedestrian safety, community charac- SUFFERN munity Kollel hosted a joint pre-Pesach tial neighborhoods. Under the previous ter, and compatibility with existing land shiur for the community. Rabbi Mor- law which dated back to 1985, houses of uses. They also claim that the potential Chayil Seminary Moves to Temporary dechai Levin, Senior Kashrus Coor- worship were allowed to be built only on need for emergency responses and side- Location dinator/Ingredient Department of the properties of five acres or more. Such walks were not adequately taken into ac- Kof-K and Rabbi Chaim Schabes, Rav of large parcels of land are nearly non-ex- count. While Chayil Seminary for post-sem- Congregation Knesses Yisroel and posek istent within the village, and would cost The 65-page action was filed on inary graduates is undergoing construc- spoke on the topic of Pesach Kashrus In a fortune even if such a property could Thursday, March 21 in state Supreme tion, the once a week classes which and Out of Our Homes. The shiur took be located. Court. The lawsuit names the Village of normally take place have been to 31 place on Wednesday, April 3 at the Beit With the new HOW law, the Village Chestnut Ridge, Mayor Rosario Presti, Deerwood Lane. Classes have also been Shvidler Conference Hall in Monsey. A of Chestnut Ridge adopted a three-tier and the four Chestnut Ridge Trustees. cut from two per session to one until the question and answer session was held zoning system in which the zoning re- The legal action before Judge Paul Marx construction is complete. subsequent to the shiurim. quirements increase correspondingly was filed by Steven Mogel, an attorney Adina Leah Wachsman spoke on based on the use-capacity of the planned hired by CUPON. He represents the Tuesday, March 26 to the seminary on To have your news shul. The new set of zoning laws now three plaintiffs: Hilda Kogut, Robert E. the topic of Leaving my Mitzrayim, the included in the next issue, email make it possible for shuls to be estab- Asselbergs and Magali Dupuy. Journey of Adina Leah Wachsman from lished in residential areas, subject to The defendants named in the lawsuit Ashland, Kentucky to Tzfat. Adina Leah [email protected].

28 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Local News From Around Town

NEW HEMPSTEAD series began on Thursday morning March 21. The last lecture in that series will take place on Thursday morning, April 11. The Achdus Women’s Shiur shiurim include brunch and take place at 7 Rabbi Benzion Shafier, founder of the Villa Lane at 10:30. popular The Shmuz shiurim lecture series Ohel Sarah Yaelle was founded liluy and author of the books Stop Surviving and nishmas Yaelle Kopciel. All lectures are of- Start Living, Finding and Keeping Your fered free of charge. To join the Ohel Sarah Soulmate, The Torah Lifestyle and Two Yaellie mailing list in order to receive up- Minutes to Bitachon, spoke to a crowd of dates and information, email ohelsarahy- nearly one hundred women. The women [email protected]. came on Shabbos, March 19 from all over New Hempstead. The shiur was dedicat- ed liluy nishmas former New Hempstead SPRING VALLEY neighbor and friend, Esther Morell whose 17th yartzheit had just passed. Yeshiva Shaarei Torah’s Expansion Dinner An introduction was given in Esther’s Yeshiva Shaarei Torah’s Expansion memory by Mrs. Sharon Richter, who Dinner on Tuesday, March 26, was at- spoke about Esther's alacrity when it came tended by over five hundred while an esti- to helping others. Esther's catchphrase mated twelve thousand watched the event was not a simple yes, but "B'simcha raba!" streaming live. Dr. Don Zwickler, the Ye- whenever she was asked to help with any- shiva’s president emceed the program. thing. Esther also had a deep sensitivity A beautiful video presentation giving a towards others which presented itself an- the two and then held a lively post shiur first was a two-part series on Hilchos Pesach glimpse into the world of Shaarei Torah to ytime a Hatzolah ambulance would pass. question and answer session as well. which began on Tuesday morning, March all viewers. Esther would pause from whatever she 26. The second shiur in the series took place The moving program clearly touched was doing, despite being a busy mother of on Tuesday, April 2. The shiur was given by the hearts of the alumni and talmidim. two young children, and say some Tehil- WESLEY HILLS Rabbi Don Krancer on the topic of Practi- Together with the yeshiva’s hanahala, they lim as a zechus for a refuah shelamah of cal Pesach Halachos for Women. gave expression to their emotions as the whoever was in the ambulance. Around Yaelle’s Table Lectures Series At the same time, a Shir Hashirim shi- event culminated with spirited dancing Rabbi Shafier spoke on emunah and bi- Ohel Sarah Yaelle is holding two, ongo- ur given by Mrs. Ayala Barnett is taking and a kumzitz accompanied by Joey New- tachon explaining the differences between ing Around Yaelle’s Table lecture series. The place on Thursdays. The four-part lecture comb, Uri Davidi and the Yedidim choir.

845.517.4822 | 811 Chestnut Ridge Rd. 10977

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 29 Hatzoloh Stays Awake so Monsey Can Sleep at Night

By M. C. Millman ready at a moment’s notice to take calls. not have to worry about getting a response No more having to wake up volunteers, in time as this vehicle is ready to be driven These little known heroes stay up all no more waiting for them to get dressed and so as to be at the patient's side quicker and night “just in case” while hoping that out of their house and into their cars when assess the situation within minutes.” their whole night will be “a total waste.” every second is vital. The special night shift There can be anywhere from two to Hatzoloh’s new specially designated imme- volunteers are ready and waiting to help the five calls on a regular night although some diate response night shift volunteers stay up whole night long. nights have more calls and some less If in the Night Shift SUV so that not a second “There has been lots of positive feed- there is a need for further backup, that is is lost when a call comes in during the dark- back from members and the community at always available as well, but when time is est hours. Since late last spring, from twelve large,” says Simcha Klein, Hatzoloh’s Exec- of the essence, Hatzoloh makes sure not a a.m. until six a.m. Hatzoloh has established utive Director. “Now anyone with a prob- moment is lost in helping the community a rotation of two volunteers per night to be lem, even in the middle of the night, does Hatzoloh’s Night Shift Program brings peace of during any health-related emergency. mind to the Greater Monsey Community

Chaverim Fundraiser at “Four Corners”

By Mindy Cohn fundraiser to be considered a rousing success sey Chaverim’s system of volunteer-fueled as it allows Chaverim of Rockland to continue emergency services. Chaverim volunteers are Chaverim of Rockland did not let a little doing what it does best, helping thousands. ready to take on any non-medical emergency rain washout on Purim wash away the annual Chaverim of Rockland was founded in including search and rescue, weather emer- fundraiser held Purim time. The organization 1999 by Rabbi Shaya Erps and continues to gencies, emergency roadside assistance, Shab- simply made the decision to reschedule the make significant contributions to Rockland bos Safety Patrol, crisis management, neigh- event, and gave it a new twist rebranding the County’s emergency services. Fielding over borhood security, lock-outs, item retrieval, fundraiser as When the Sun Comes out - Sup- 20,000 calls annually, Chaverim’s altruistic, animal rescue/pest control, elderly/disabled port Chaverim and Help Us Help You. The round the clock services have earned the re- assistance, and community safety awareness event, which was staffed by dedicated Cha- spect of the community and local law enforce- and events. Chaverim of Rockland County Chaverim volunteer - Yosef Margaretten and Town verim volunteers who took turns throughout ment members alike. is run under the rabbinical guidance of Rab- Supervisor Specht who came to show support for Chaverim the day, was well received. Countless generous Chaverim of Rockland has made an im- bi Schneebalg shlita and has a team of over Monsey residents rolled down their windows pact worldwide as well. Since 1999, more than 145 trained volunteers who make themselves most sophisticated dispatching system availa- at the “Four Corners,” Route 306 and Maple 34 Chaverim branches have opened around available 24 hours a day. Directed profession- ble, Chaverim is able to ensure that each call is Avenue and unloaded enough cash for the the world inspired by and following the Mon- ally by Chaverim’s dispatchers utilizing the handled in a timely, professional manner. Olam Chesed Keeps Trucking

By M. C. Millman will be better able to appreciate. And what other facet of Olam Chesed which provides is shopping without shopping carts? To that extensive merchandise at a minimal admin- Olam Chesed’s successful Charidy cam- end, Wesley Kosher graciously donated all istrative fee to organizations such as: Tomchei paign with a triple match and ten times the of their old shopping carts to the warehouse Shabbos Lakewood, Monsey, and Queens, impact for the organization was just the start upon purchasing new ones for the grocery HASC, Chesed 24/7, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, of the organization’s meteoric rise towards store. Sister to Sister, Bikur Cholim, Ten Yad, Yeshi- becoming a common household name in Olam Chesed is a leader in product phi- va Darchei Menachem, Zeigerman Gemach, the frum world. Within the past two weeks lanthropy and purposeful giving, partnering Davis Memorial Fund, Moldaver Gemach, alone, the Olam Chesed has received sev- with socially responsible organizations to Passaic Baby Gemach, Congregation Knesses eral important, game-changing donations. source highly needed goods and distribute Yisroel, Bais Shifra Miriam, Young Israel of One is a large, 16-foot box truck, generous- them to needy individuals and families in our Jamaica Estates, Samchaynu, JFS, Bais Hachi- ly donated by Allon Feig. The truck will be to charities annually inspiring the original communities. During the last seven years, nuch, CAPS, Yedei Chessed, Peer Bais Yaak- utilized to pick up donations from a slew of brainchild of Rabbi Mordechai and Michal Olam Chesed has donated millions of dollars ov, Areivim and more. large retail outlets like Walmart, La-Z-Boy, Roizman. The Roizmans realized that no worth of brand new merchandise to thou- “The tremendous momentum these past Amazon, Tempurpedic, Samsung, Costco, Jewish organization was taking advantage of sands of families and organizations. Olam few weeks,” says Rabbi Mordechai Roizman, and Bed Bath & Beyond. These retail giants those billions of dollars of donated merchan- Chesed’s initiatives include - Family Crisis “have set Olam Chesed on an incredible tra- donate over nine billion dollars worth of good dise, and therefore, have made it their life Relief which provides families in personal cri- jectory. The energy alone of the people who mission to make the most of those goods to sis (such as job loss, illness, or death) with the are making it their business to get involved benefit those in need. physical materials to restore wholeness in the and contribute in a meaningful way is bring- Another two much-appreciated donation home. It also includes - Community Disaster ing the organization forward towards being is the two forklifts which will create greater ef- Relief in which the organization leverages able to do more for more people and organi- ficiency in the 50,000 square foot warehouse existing relationships with corporate donors zations consistently and impressively.” that houses the heart of Olam Chesed. The and national charities to bring desperately Monsey is proud to be part of the world of same donor also provided pallet racking and needed goods to affected communities at no Olam Chesed which inspires giving by others metal shelving units which are going up all cost. Helping Non-Profits Help Others is an- for others and does a world of good all around. over the warehouse and which will revamp the warehouse operation and layout. The warehouse will now to hold more stock and To have your chessed organization's news included in the display it in a fashion that all the “shoppers” next issue, contact [email protected]. 30 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 This week, Tomche Shabbos has been sponsored for a vnka vtupr for zrd ic ;xuh

and & ksug vhj ksbga gsbv ,c

In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Yehuda Kaiman

To sponsor a Shabbos for any occasion, please call

845.356.0202or e-mail: [email protected]

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 31 Tomche Shabbos of Rockland's Shabbos in a Bottle Success

By M. C. Millman Tomche Shabbos has inaugurated a con- cept that is timeless, as Shabbos in a Bottle ap- Launched right before Purim, Tomche plies to all times of the year. The Kedem grape Shabbos of Rockland’s ingenious Shabbos in juice bottle is perfect for displaying on every a Bottle initiative is one that everyone seems table at any simcha, and perfect for a hostess to be drinking in. The new tags on each bottle gift and most of all for one’s own Shabbos ta- let donors know just enough about precisely ble and of course as a seder conversation piece who they are having for Shabbos while main- while adding another zechus to the seder. taining the dignity and privacy of the aniyim There has been tremendous positive feed- at the same time. back,” says Mr. Rosenstock, “People are excit- “Each bottle comes with a tag,” Alan ed about the concept, and we have received Rosenstock, director of Tomche Shabbos ex- congratulations from so many on the initia- plains. “It provides just enough accurate de- t i v e .” tails about that family, including their Tomche The bottles are available online as well as Shabbos number which preserves anonymity. at Evergreen Kosher Market, Wesley Kosher, It might list the families matzav and the num- Monsey Glatt and in Rockland Supermar- ber of people in the home, but we are careful ket. Orders have come from as far away as to change just enough of the details to protect California, and Shabbos in a Bottle has been them while still allowing others to feel a ke- shipped to multiple states. Many have opt- sher.” ed for the subscription choice, purchasing a The conversation that can result from the regular weekly allotment automatically. The chinuch perspective as children absorb the bottles are priced at fifty-five dollars, fifty dol- information on the tag and the vastness of is just another side of this multifaceted pro- they can host “their” family next Shabbos - if lars of which is maaser. To order Shabbos in a “exactly” whom they are hosting for Shabbos gram. They can even look through bottles so they can find the same numbered tag again. Bottle visit Chesed 24/7 Accepting Pre-Pesach Chometz Donations

By Ben Lelchook the overwhelming sweetness of all quiet place, a hot cup of coffee, or fresh food, of Monsey, the organization opt- Chesed 24/7’s Hospitality Room is there to In an effort to make the most of the ed to accept donations from New give them immeasurable comfort at a time chometz that many throw out before Pe- Square only after Purim. The call when they need it the most. sach, Chesed 24/7 is accepting donations of for cereal boxes, packaged baked Chesed 24/7 is known for its numerous the items the organization can use most in goods, grape juice, candy, and relief activities on behalf of the sick, the el- the twenty-one hospital respite room loca- chips applies to the entire Greater derly and the developmentally disabled. tions located throughout the tri-state area. Monsey Area though. From visiting the sick to sending hot, nour- Closed individual baked goods such as Re- Chesed 24/7 hospital rooms ishing meals, to providing transportation to isman brownie bars or similar individually are a lifesaver for those who find hospitals, to maintaining Chesed Hospitality packaged baked goods are welcome. Suck- be brought to the Chesed 24/7 warehouse themselves in need. Chesed 24/7 oversees Rooms, to providing stimulating activities to ing candy as well as small bags of heimshe located at 23 Roosevelt in New Square. the rooms for the many families that pass both seniors and the developmentally disa- brand chips are also being accepted along Last year, Chesed 24/7’s post-Purim can- through them daily. Whether they need a bled. with closed boxes of cereal. Small grape dy collection was so successful that the or- juice bottles, which are usually in abundance ganizations was inundated with candy and post-Purim are also an item that the organ- packaged goods which were then sold before To have your chessed organization's news included in the ization is grateful to receive. Donations can Pesach. Rather than succumb once again to next issue, contact [email protected].

Firstly, I would like to thank you and your mailbox. They signed up for this job after all. Letters to the Editor dedicated staff for producing such a wonder- Withholding someone’s mail is really stealing, ful newspaper. and people need reliable mail service that [ continued from page 8 ] because they are allowed to wait indoors for I would also like to share with you a prob- some random stranger can’t hinder. their bus to honk to signal its arrival, traffic lem that greatly troubles numerous Monsey I also want to say that from the other side, for what felt like forever. At least if a swarm is backed up that much longer as children residents in hopes of someone having a solu- drivers should try to be considerate and not of children had come out to board the bus, I meander forth from their homes at their lei- tion. I can be waiting for an important letter park in front of other people's mailboxes dur- would have understood the need for those fre- sure. Now I understand why Chestnut Ridge and then not receive mail due to something ing the day so as not to cause that home’s mail quent bus stops, but the vast majority of stops Transportation insists on one stop on each partially blocking my mailbox. I believe that delivery to be skipped that day. produced nary a child nor could the children corner and no house steps! mailmen have the duty to give mail to every Sincerely, who did board be bothered to stand outside In commiseration, house, every day unless there is no access A Monsey Resident to wait for the bus which should, under more Lamentably Long-Line whatsoever to the mailbox. As a mailman, normal circumstances, have signaled that the they must be prepared to get out of their Write YOUR letter to the editor. bus had no need to stop there and saved all of MAIL DELIVERY truck even if a car or something else that is Send an email to us a large amount of compounded time. But Dear Editor, easy enough to get around is blocking the [email protected]

32 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 This Bottle On Your Table Means Shabbos On Theirs

Look for SHABBOS IN A BOTTLE at your local supermarket or Shabbos In A Bottle can be found at the following locations:

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 33 Sanzer Talmud Torah Students Lend- Yeshiva Bais Mikroh Visits Rav Reuven ing a Hand in Building New Yeshiva Feinstein Yeshiva Ohr Reuven Shloshim for Reb Chaim Dov Brodie z"l Building A shloshim event for Reb Chaim Dov ben Rav Benzion Shalom took place at Ye- shiva Ohr Reuven on Monday morning, March 25. The morning included speakers and a siyum mishnayos. The siyum was arranged by a group of twelfth graders who have been learning at 6:25 a.m. daily for the past few months under R' Dubi Feiner and R' Ye- hudah Brodie with an intense chazarah seder and retzufos sedarim - Vhaarev Na style. The bochurim displayed extra dedication in working to finish in time for the shloshim. Rabbi Simon ’s fourth graders at Ye- May R' Dovi z"l's neshama be a mailitz yosher for his family and all of Klal Yisroel. shiva Bais Mikroh took a trip to Staten Island. The class met with Rav Reuven Feinstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Staten Island. The Rosh Yeshiva shared divrei bracha and words of encourage- Yeshiva of Spring Valley Pre-School ment with the talmidim. Pesach Preparations Yeshiva Degel Hatorah Pre-Pesach Preparation As part of Degel Hatorah’s Pesach preparations, the yeshiva continues its tradition of playing a matzah bakery Yeshiva of Spring Valley’s Pre-school video during school. The video is set to department is ready to roll up their play in the Bais Medrash right before Pe- sleeves and start Pesach preparations. sach during recess and lunch for all boys Learning about matzo and, of course, to watch. It inspires the students to feel chometz, are just part of the process the spirit of Pesach while seeing the next which includes shaking the chometz off best thing to being there - how the pro- from their clothes after a meal to keep cess of matzo baking is carried out in a it from being tracked around the house. matzo bakery. The classes made their own broom and Dovid Brodie, R' Dovi z"l's brother making a siyum on Maseches Brachos. dustpan which should be very helpful when assisting with the cleaning process PROUDLY SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 12 YEARS! at home. The notes of mah nishtanah are in the air of the pre-school depart- ment as well. All students are eagerly an- Lizeth Dry Cleaners ticipating the advent of Pesach. (845) 425 - 8425 Yeshiva High School of Monsey Meets Monsey’s Growing Need 295 North Main Street, Spring Valley NY Three years ago, when Yeshiva High lar curriculum. The yeshiva has seen tre- School of Monsey first opened its doors, mendous Siyata D'shmaya and growth, Monday - Friday 7:30am - 7:00pm it was a realization of a dream to have a and it is incredible to witness it’s bochrim April 7th and 14th: Open 9:30am - 5:00pm boys high school in Monsey that offered growing and completing Masechtos, all an extraordinary Limudei Kodesh pro- the while advancing their skills in science, gram combined with a cutting-edge secu- mathematics, and humanities, including extracurricular activities and sports. The yeshiva offers a STEM-based curriculum with courses in computer science and pro- gramming. The staff encourages students to take on independent projects, guided by the professional faculty, who support learning initiatives. One such project is We offer developing an app that will serve the Jew- ish community. Students are developing a Regular Dry shul app that will offer alerts when minya- Cleaning nim in their area are about to begin. 20% Off (Prepaid with 72 hours in advance) ASHAR Visits KJ Poultry We do Clean Laundry Shirts, Coats, Bekishes, Kittles, ASHAR’s eighth-grade girls donned Tallases, Tzitzis, Pleated Skirts Dresses and much more… hair nets and blue overcoats on a recent field trip to KJ Poultry Processing Plant in Monroe. The students saw first hand how chickens are kashered and toured the pro- duction line as well. The visit was made in We offer on the spot Tailoring as well! conjunction with the class’s Chumash cur- Pick up and delivery is available for order that cost over $40 (20% off does not apply) riculum.

34 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 EDITORIAL: A Bas Yisroel is a Yiddishe Neshama - Not a Machine An Op-Ed submitted to the Monsey Mevaser very own elementary school suggested that they apply to! ly led by a well-respected Rov and/or Askan, who will I was recently made aware of a horrible situation that What a horrible feeling! It is as if the schools are sending comb through the lists and verify whether there is indeed is occurring in our beautiful city of Monsey. (Apparent- a message: “It’s not about the person, the Yiddish nesha- at least one overlap of an elementary school student to a ly, this is happening in other cities as well, but I can only ma with so much potential. It’s about the grades. A stu- high school acceptance list. Inevitably, there will always be speak to what I know of first hand in our town.) In fact, dent should be a machine designed to learn and learn and some girls who unfortunately don't make the cut to any when I read one of the letters that was submitted to the learn, for that is what’s most important!” of the schools, and a confidential list of these girls should “Dear Bubby” column in the last issue of the Monsey Me- I get it. Each school has the right to set their own be created. Then, a meeting should be convened with this vaser, and I felt the writer’s pain and disappointment, I standards. It is indeed their right, and they should have Rov/Askan and all the heads of the high schools (and knew I had to speak up. I thank the Monsey Mevaser for their own criteria. probably the elementary schools as well, so that they can giving me the opportunity to do so. My gripe is on the end result, the process which leads advocate accordingly). No one leaves the room until every This is the time of year when our wonderful eighth to a small number of girls (even if it was only one girl in girl on the “rejection” list gets at least one acceptance. girls are enthusiastically looking forward to receiving their the entire Monsey!) made to feel that they are not “wor- This would prevent untold embarrassment and pain to acceptance letters from the local high schools. Typically, thy” to be accepted anywhere. so many fine young girls and their lovely parents. Yes, it these girls will have applied to two or three schools. Sadly, But lest you think I just want to complain or rail against will take some extra work on everyone's part, but if we we are aware of certain families whose daughters have re- the“system” - that is not the case. I am actually writing this save even one life of potential misery and devastation, and ceived rejection letters from all the schools to which they to propose a real solution - one which will prevent this provide each of these girls their rightfully deserved dig- applied! One of these young girls, whom I know personal- problem from ever materializing, with 100% success! nity, we will give them all the message that Klal Yisroel ly, is the sweetest, kindest, most ehrliche girl you will find, This is based on the fact that at the end of the day, all of always welcomes each and every one of you. We know that a shining example of a Bas Yisroel. However, having been these schools have very dedicated teachers and principals each one of you can contribute to Hashem and to our na- shunned from all the high schools, this poor girl, and oth- who help these girls get into high schools after the decline tion in your own special way, and we look forward to the ers like her, are, to put it mildly, devastated. I'm not even letters go out. So why wait to do this after these girls and days when you will join the ranks of becoming our fine calculating her parent's pain. Anyone who knows the sen- families get hurt? wives, and ehrliche mothers of our future generations, be- sitive and fragile mindset of an early adolescent girl knows My proposal is this: Before any acceptance letters are cause you are truly worthy to be a special link in that chain that this can cause long term ramifications. mailed out, there should be a system in place whereby all we call Am Yisrael. These girls are confused. They are being told that they of the local elementary schools and high schools submit Signed, have no place in any of the Jewish schools to which their their respective class lists to a trusted third party, ideal- A very concerned parent in Monsey

Purim USA Presentation by BYCC of Pomona The Hebrew Academy News Purim USA was a dramatic hit at the Bais Yaakov Chofetz Chaim of Pomona Cha- Did you know that you can giga. The original musical shpiel of the Shushan story, written and sung on CD by the measure the circumference of Rabbi Sender Mendlowitz team, came alive in this stage production. Talented BYCC any sized circle and divide that eighth-graders acted and pantomimed each scene, raising the bar for future G.O. plays. amount by the circle’s radius Creative props and an elegant palace built of maroon velvet and gold ornaments and the answer will always be were a magnificent backdrop for this extraordinary show. 3.14…, more formally known Kudos to Pupa school for sharing its professional stage and props. King Achash- as PI (the true value of PI is in- veirosh and Royal Queen Esther felt right at home in the school’s exquisitely designed finite). ballroom. Two weeks prior to PI Day Cheerful amusement filled the air, inspiring the actresses to outdo themselves on (the 14th day of the 3rd month stage. The crowd chuckled with delight throughout the polished production! or March 14), the older stu- The Birchov Haheer Chagiga theme was the driving force for all BYCC teachers and dents at THA were given study students who came dressed up in unique costumes. Divrei Torah and dancing paved guides with PI (3.14….) written the way for enjoyment. Genuine BYCC ruach and achdus enhanced the uplifting and out to 314 decimal places and memorable event. asked to memorize as many digits as they could in prepa- ration for a PI Day Contest. In addition to the recita- tion competition, PI Day was celebrated with a race to see who could string the long- est and most accurate line of beads with each color pony bead representing a different digit of PI from zero through nine. The next activity required the students to work in two teams to sort its own set of mini-index cards, each with two digits on them representing the first 100 decimal places of PI. Accuracy and speed were of the essence in this test of cooperation, strategy, and knowledge. After so much competition, the PI Day participants and their teachers settled in with their choice of cherry or blueberry mini-pies to hear Mrs. Schaer read that PI Day favorite: Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (A Math Adventure) by Cindy Neu- schwander.

To be included in Monsey Mevaser’s next issue, please send school news and pictures to [email protected].

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 35 Boruch Dayan Emes Rav Chaim Yosef Kofman zt”l - 25 Adar II 5779 The Baal “Machsheves Halev”

his week, the world lost a great man: Rav His great kindness. However, ther, R’ Yaakov zt”l was mesad- “treasure houses of Yavne” that one Tahor can purify Chaim Yosef Kofman zt”l, who was niftar on when they sang the Shirah, the er kiddushin at my own wed- many Tameim, bringing them to a pure status. Even .I will sing ding almost 60 years ago! That one person can purify many others“ - ”'אשירה לה“ Monday afternoon, 25 Adar II. His life term Tspanned eight decades, and his brilliance shone to Hashem,” in singular form is is my perception. My parents and those Jews in the early days, pu- longer than that. He was a master Baal Tefillah and used. Why? Because although Similarly, when I see a Bar rified many of the impurities of America. They Baal Darshan who regaled listeners with stories, of- 600,000 people all sang a song Mitzvah boy putting on his changed the culture of NO into a YES! Individuals ten first-hand stories, of Gedolim from generations of praise, each person per- Tefillin for the first time by the like R’ Aharon Kotler zt”l, R’ Shraga Feivel Mend- past. He was a businessman, but his mind was al- ceived the miracle a different Bobover Rebbe, R’ Bentzion lowitz zt”l, the Satmar Rov zt”l and the Bobover ways immersed in coming up with a new chiddush, way. Each person had his own Halberstam shlit’a, I recall how Rebbe zt”l, were Gedolim who strove to bring Torah a new thought that would make his listener smile way of looking at it, his own I was the first Bar Mitzvah bo- and Yiddishkeit back to the world. with joy. He wrote a weekly column in the Torah things to thank Hashem for. chur to put on Tefillin by his After the Holocaust, my parents were zoche to Tavlin known as Machsheves Halev, and his deep They sang together - but indi- father, R’ Shloime zt”l, soon af- save their parents who came to live with us. We, the and pure thoughts were truly inspirational. Here are vidually at the same time. ter he arrived in America after children, were able to witness how our parents tend- some of his “machshavos” as he liked to call them - This idea applies to all the war. We each experience ed to the needs of their parents, day and night, in thoughts that truly describe the man he was. those who survived the Holo- events, but we each have such a special and caring manner. It was a lesson that As we prepare for the upcoming Yom Tov of Pe- caust and other tragedies as well. All those who were unique perceptions and views to go along with remained with us as we were then zoche to care for sach, I had the following thought. In describing the saved, visualize and perceive their salvation differ- them. our parents in much the same way as they grew old- came to America in 1925 er. My parents were both zoche to live a long life and ,ע"ה amazing events that took place in Mitzrayim, the ently - uniquely - and that vision affects their entire When my parents posuk concludes: “All that Hashem, your G-d, did future. there was NO Torah, NO Kashrus, NO Taharas were then able to enjoy the good in their old age, .”למען ייטב לך“ the miraculous Hamishpacha, NO Shabbos. My parents helped - ” “לעיניך for you in Egypt before your eyes.” The entire posuk Thus, the posuk writes events all occurred before the eyes of each individu- build a yeshivah, a mikvah. By the Para Aduma, the My wife and I can further testify to this as our לעי־“ is written in plural till the very end where it says -and the Ye- own children are tending to our needs and we real - ”והזה הטהור על הטמא“ :plural. What is the al Jew, for each Yid saw things based on his unique posuk states ”לעיניכם“ singular, instead of ”ניך ”למען יאריכון “ימיך lesson to be derived from this? perception and vision. rushalmi tells us the words of Rav Yehoshua: “All my ize that only after we experience My machshava here is that every event is per- We all view events in our mind’s eye. Whenever life, when I learned this posuk I thought that since it can we truly understand and appreciate the beracha !”למען ייטב לך“ ceived differently by different people, in the different I see Moreinu R’ Shmuel Kamenetzky shlit’a being is written in singular form, it means only one Tahor, of ways they see them. When Klal Yisroel came out of mesader kiddushin at the wedding of a Talmid, I see one pure person, can sprinkle the water on one May Rav Chaim Yossel be a meilitz yosher for Mitzrayim, they all thanked Hashem together for something different. I recall how his venerable fa- Tamei, one impure person. Until I learned from the his family and all of Klal Yisroel. Yehi Zichro Boruch.


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APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 37 Spotlight on Local Business Enable Your Child For Life: The Arrowsmith Program Communicated Content istantly removed from the spot- size and grasp loads of material at once ter how much they try. Most have tried a a specific cognitive exercise designed to light of noisy popular attention, and accessing the language and motor myriad of research-based programs that improve every weak area in both verbal Dthe Arrowsmith program has been areas of his brain for six months – his life helped a little, but not nearly enough and nonverbal thinking, reasoning, and helping those suffering from the stigma has changed. He made a siyum after eight to eliminate their struggles, before they problem solving which changes the way and ramifications of learning difficulties months in the program. And now, happily came to Arrowsmith. they process everything academically and for the past 11 years. married, he has joined an excellent Kollel. The Arrowsmith program has been socially. Every student works on the indi- Visualize a popular eleventh grade Envision a beautiful ten-year-old girl creating permanent neuroplastic chang- vidual 7- 8 exercises that they need every girl who studies day and night since first who barely talks above a whisper because es in adults and children for over 40 years. day. A considerable amount of effort and grade only to get forties on all her tests she won’t risk sounding dumb. She can’t In our own Monsey community, we have concentration is required. This intense - and she’s still was hoping to “make the answer any of the questions even in her observed the transformation of many stimulation of computer, audio, and writ- grade”! With the Arrowsmith program, small remedial classes. She couldn’t even struggling students into very capable ing programs raises I.Q. Usually parents her comprehension, writing ability and read picture books. After excelling in the ones, some at the top of their class. A child begin to see tremendous changes in their memory became so strong that she was Arrowsmith program, today she is qualify- that used to giggle a lot stops and begins child’s personality before they see results on the honor roll seven months later! ing to be valedictorian of her class. to act appropriately. A high-schooler in the classroom. Increased self-esteem is Picture a tenth grader with eyes that Meet an intelligent, anxious fifth grad- makes speeches in front of an entire class borne of increased cognitive ability. portray an intense, fiery intelligence - who er who had a lot of trouble succeeding for the first time. A child who previously The goal is to learn (and live) in a reg- is failing miserably in every class. When academically. After two years in the pro- lacked any motivation becomes driven ular mainstream classroom successfully, his Rebbe mentions an apple during a gram he was successfully mainstreamed. to accomplish. Anxiety and sadness are without modifications and without the Gemara lesson, he raises his hand franti- Now he is applying to law school. replaced with calmness and a sense of need for tutoring. While no academic sub- cally to describe fifteen species of apples These students and many others have purpose. jects are taught, students spontaneously that exist. This has nothing to do with the parents who value education. They want begin to read, write, and comprehend. lesson at all. He cannot listen and write their children to succeed in school and in How and why does it work? To give your child the gift of a notes at the same time and reading the life. They go to sleep with anxiety, worry- Rather than compensating for weak- lifetime and to find out more call Gemara is tough. Needless to say he does ing about their child’s difficulties. But their ness in the brain, the Arrowsmith program Mrs. Feuer at 845-304-7053. Visit ar- not have a . With the Arrowsmith boys and girls are left to struggle with no begins by evaluating fifteen individual or email feuer46@ clocks program enabling him to synthe- hope of a change for the better no mat- cognitive areas of brain function. There is

When conventional methods aren’t working... HELP YOUR CHILD






















Arrowsmith is a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities Arrowsmith helps children struggling to keep up in school by using neuroscience and Strengthening Learning Capacities® education to strengthen their brain and change their future. Our goal is to help your child Separate boys and girls programs excel and graduate our program as fast as possible. We’re as motivated as you are to see References available upon request them reach their milestones and achieve success.

Contact us to find out more or schedule an evaluation and see if Arrowsmith is what your child needs to succeed. visit: call: 845.304.7053 or email: [email protected]

38 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Chinuch Spotlight

would advise hosting a smaller affair while finding another way to compensate your younger child. Talk to your younger child and communicate your thoughts - includ- ing him in the process of finding an agree- able solution. Tell him that he deserves to have as fantastic a bar mitzvah as his older brother, but you do not feel that it is appro- priate at present and you will entirely make it up to him. Perhaps offer him a private trip to Eretz Yisroel with you to get brachos from gedolim, or some other form of com- pensation. Maintaining an equal division of pa- By Rabbi Shaya Cohen of Priority 1 rental connection is especially true when one sibling is struggling and needs special Question: When my oldest son attention. The other children may intellec- turned thirteen we decided to go ‘all tually understand that you need to devote out’ for his bar mitzvah, hiring a top ca- time and energy towards the struggling terer, a fancy hall, and a popular singer sibling, but they view it as time being taken to perform for the affair. Over the past from ‘their cheshbon.’ Find ways to coun- year, I have been rethinking the appro- teract any growing resentment by being ex- tra sensitive to your other children, making priateness of hosting such an extrava- it clear to them that your love and devotion gant event. Aside from the prohibitive to them is equal to that of the sibling receiv- cost and pressure it puts on other peo- ing extra attention. ple in the community, it was gnawing In general, siblings should never feel at me whether such an overblown bar that you are treating one of them with more mitzvah party is proper from a Torah affection than the other. If one child gets a new bike for his or her birthday, mentally perspective. Now my second child is note that the other children should also almost bar mitzvah, and I am consid- get something just as exciting and special ering hosting a more straightforward when their birthday arrives. Even when affair. My younger son will be disap- children get older, make sure to be sensitive pointed, but I still feel that it is the right to their feelings. If you help one child with approach. What should I do? his or her rent payments, or buy one of your daughters a new stroller after her first baby, Answer: Your sentiment regarding the or hire a fancy caterer for one of your chil- appropriateness of hosting these extrava- dren's weddings, be aware that your other gant affairs is well placed. Every situation is children are watching with a keen eye. Be unique and requires Da’as Torah to evalu- sensitive not to make them feel the sting of ate the specifics of the situation before de- parental favoritism. ciding on a course of action. I would still like to mention one general consideration. The Older Brother Chazal teach us that, “Al yishane ben bain When Rav Elyashiv zt”l attended a bar ha’banim,” do not treat siblings differently. mitzvah he would often stay for a few min- Jealousy over parental affection is toxic to utes and allow the bachur to take a picture children. with him before returning to his study to Part of raising healthy children is finding continue learning. I was once sitting next to ways to connect with them on an individual Rav Elyashiv at my nephew's bar mitzvah level and parents should spend quality one- celebration. After staying for a few min- on-one time with each of their children. Do utes, Rav Elyashiv turned to those near him not allow your relationship with each spe- and asked if the bar mitzvah bachur's older cific child to be subsumed into the larger brother was available. family dynamic; instead, make an effort for “Last year I was not feeling well and every child to feel that they have a special was unable to attend the older brother's bar and unique relationship with you. mitzvah,” Rav Elyashiv explained. “I do not That being said, it is essential that pref- want him to feel left out should he want to erential treatment is not inadvertently have a picture with me.” directed towards any specific child. Each Rav Elyashiv waited until the older child should feel that he is special to you, brother came and the photographer was but make sure that your attention is direct- able to take a picture of both of them. Only ed in equal portions towards all of your once he was sure that the older brother children. If you make your younger child's was satisfied did he leave to return to his bar mitzvah smaller, he will feel jilted and seforim. may develop a strong antagonism towards Rabbi Shaya Cohen is the Rosh Yeshiva his older brother. of Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh and founder of On the other hand, your sensitivity to Priority-1, a multifaceted educational or- more straightforward affairs is well placed ganization that initiated the Teach to Reach and should not be ignored. So what is the program, providing workshops and materi- proper course of action? Practically, I als to enhance the world of Chinuch.

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 39 Advice & Input Please send in your questions for Bubby to [email protected]. She’d love to hear from you!

But I will try to give you some strategies to help the ramification of being a massar or a concerned with this situation. neighbor are. I am certainly not in a position to 1. Speak to your parents and explain how much make a judgment call on this question. Assume that you love those little darlings, but you wish you could if you see this, others do as well, and maybe there is have help with the cleanup and babysitting (but more to this scenario then you are aware of. But if don't whine). this really bothers you, consult a Rav. 2. Ask another sibling to share the responsibility. Good luck to a concerned and caring neighbor. Tell them you will share with them (clothing, time, or something she/he chooses) 3. Promise those adorable kiddies a special treat Dear Bubby, for the way home if they help clean up before they When my husband and I bought our house, our leave. (start early, because leaving after Shabbos is little one wasn’t born yet. The master bedroom is at always a big rush). one end of the house; the other two bedrooms are at Dear Bubby, respond with caring and kindness to others. Make sure to have some nosh ready (bribery the opposite end. And then we were blessed with a I look forward from week-to-week to Shabbos. Good luck, and I hope this helps. And please will get you everywhere). baby girl. She is now three and still sleeping in our Is a time in my married siblings, nieces, and neph- get back to me in five years or so. I have lots of Hope this will help. room in her own toddler bed. She has great sleeping ews come. I love it when they are at my house, but grandsons. Would love to have someone like you Wishing you a restful and peaceful Shabbos. habits, and I don't think it would affect her to sleep when they leave, the problem begins. As soon as in my family. And lots of hugs and kisses to a special aunt. in another room. I am the problem. I can't bear to they walk out the door, I feel like a piece of my heart have her sleep at the other end of the house. All I can think about is while I’m sleeping, she can hurt is breaking. When they pull out of my driveway, I Dear Bubby, Dear Bubby, feel even sadder. I walked back into my house, and I herself or fall from a window .... or G-d forbid worse. don't hear my one-year-old nephew crying waiting I am the youngest of seven kids so naturally, I I have a neighbor who I see often in anoth- What if something happens, and I don't wake up? for me to hold him. I look in the playroom. My niece have a lot of nieces and nephews which means lots er neighbor's yard when they are not home. They This may seem ridiculous to some, but it's a real fear isn't busy playing. of cleaning! When they come, I mentally prepare pominick vegetables in the summer and run exten- for me. Can you offer some advice? Any idea how I can overcome this feeling of sad- myself for the horrific mess they make in the play- sion cords to their home in the winter months when Paranoid Parent ness or not feel like a piece of my heart is broken un- room and beyond. Don't get me wrong, I love my the owners are away. They are not a young couple til they return? Looking forward to your response. nieces and nephews. It is just getting very hard to and are not poor so I wonder about all this. While Dear Parent, Broken Hearted Eighth Grader clean up after them not to mention the fact that they it's possible the owners don't mind sharing their have come to rely on the exclusive babysitting pack- garden and electricity with this couple, it does seem You sound like an amazing and devoted mother. age which they automatically presume is included. unusual. Is it my achrayus to tell the owners about Wish I could combine you with some of the moth- Dear Broken Hearted, What can I do to enjoy their visit without stressing these people and, if so, what would be the best way ers I know who give their children too much space What a wonderful Aunt you are. What a won- about all of this? to approach the subject? Or should I just mind my and don't care enough about their children’s welfare. derful person. Your siblings are so lucky to have a Sincerely, own business? I would consider someone a good Space is certainly an important and integral part sister like you. Stresses about Messes neighbor if they told me someone was coming onto of raising children. So please allow your three-year- I hear your dilemma. So here are a couple of tips my property like this, but I can't assume that others old to sleep in her own room. It's wonderful to have that might help. feel the same way. What would a good neighbor do? little ones nearby, but how big is your house? The Dear Stresses, other side can't be too far away. (Usually, children 1. Keep a picture of the little darlings in your How often have I heard this same scenario, Sincerely, purse or backpack or even on your looseleaf if you Being a Good Neighbor are moved out of parents rooms by a year at the lat- and I certainly agree that the job of cleaning up and est.) Moving her out will allow her to make choices have one with a clear plastic cover. When you get babysitting should not fall only on your shoulders. lonely for them just take it out, and learn strategies that will help her as she grows. So, I am not going to tell you all the things that Dear Neighbor, If you must, install a monitor so that you can hear 2. Set up a telephone time. Every other night everyone tells you - Like you are so lucky to have a at bedtime, let's say, they can call their auntie to say After reading your letter my first thought was her at all times. wonderful family who spends Shabbos together, or sure, be a good neighbor and help others, But then Famous saying - The most important things you goodnight. (of course, this is with the permission of you are so lucky that you are so capable to do this the parents.) I thought this is not a question for a bubby this is a can give your children are roots and wings. wonderful mitzvah for your parents and siblings, or question for Daas Torah. You need to explain the Time to give her some wings. You are truly a role model for these little ones. helping others is great but the chesed we do for our By showing so much love for them, they will surely situation to a Rav. This is not black and white. There All the best and much nachas families is the greatest mitzvah of all. is a lot of greys here. You need to ask a Rav what

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Harav Mordechai Hager zt”l

[ continued from page 14 ] Vizhnitzer Rebbe at that time, the fellow was well Barely moving his body, the Rebbe once again took the young Bar Mitzvah boy by the hand. connected and was given an appointment. When nodded in the man’s direction and responded with “Azoiy?” (“Really?”), he exclaimed in a soft voice be’s face beamed with pleasure and he showered he entered, the Rebbe wasn’t well and he was a simple, “Yasher Koach.” filled with a combination of admiration and affec- him with brochos. He then gently asked him if learning by his table. The Rebbe’s personal gabbai The chassid was quite disappointed that his tion. He raised the boy’s hand to his lips and kissed he thinks he could now commit to 20 minutes of introduced him as a well-known baal tzedakah grand announcement did not have the desired ef- it tenderly. Then, he drew him close and said in ”דו וויסט נישט וויפיל דו האסט מיך מחיה געווען“ ,learning every day and record it on the sha’os tzet- and effective askan. Rav Mottel nodded his head fect. He looked around unsure of how to proceed. Yiddish lach. Experiencing the great feeling of success, the and continued learning by heart since he was un- Then, he took his young son by the arm and led (“You have no idea how much you have revived chassid happily agreed. able to see at this point. The chassid pulled out an him to the Rebbe. He began to relate to the Reb- me ...”). Rav Mottel continued to hold the boy’s The chassid then agreed to push it up a year envelope from his vest pocket and announced to be how in the coming week, his son was turning hand in his own and gave him a warm beracha. later to 30 minutes. This continued for a few years the Rebbe in a loud voice that he was placing a thirteen and preparing to accept upon himself the His smile was so wide and he seemed so alive and until the chassid made learning a regular part of check for $18,000 on the table. The gabbai and yoke of mitzvos. exuberant when he heard about the boy’s accom- his daily schedule while still working full time. other men present practically swooned with de- “The boy is extremely diligent in his Torah plishments in Torah learning. Meanwhile, the This type of chinuch from the Rebbe was light as the money was really needed by the ye- learning,” the father said proudly, and he men- $18,000 check sat on the table and no one in the based on his love for each of his chassidim. The shiva. Once again, the Rebbe simply nodded his tioned that in preparation for the momentous room paid any attention to it. truth is, this love was not reserved only for his head in the direction of the man and said, “Yasher occasion, his son had joined a group of Chassi- In his later years, he had taken sick and, unfor- chassidim but extended to all Yidden. Koach.” dishe bachurim who were exceptional masmidim. tunately, lost most of his vision. Since he did not A wealthy and well-connected fellow who was That definitely was not the response the rich “In fact, for the past few months, he had learned want to stop learning Torah, he asked that record- a well-known baal tzedakah was preparing for his man was looking for and he thought that, perhaps for many hours and now he was completing Shas ed shiurim be brought to him to learn from. bechor’s Bar Mitzvah. To celebrate, he was taking due to the Rebbe’s illness, he hadn’t heard him mishnayos and making a siyum in honor of the The Rebbe was niftar on the 29th of Adar, his son to prominent Rebbes to receive brochos in properly or understood the significant amount of simcha. 5778, March 16, 2018 at the age of 95. Tens of honor of the bar mitzvah. his check. He looked at the gabbai who nodded Suddenly, the Rebbe, who had been sitting thousands of grieving Yidden accompanied him Even though at the time it was already dif- and then once again called out loudly, “I am leav- passively the entire time, became visibly excited. to his final resting place. ficult to get a private audience with the elderly ing here a check for $18,000.” His face shone with joy and he reached out and Yehi zichro boruch.

40 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Feature Story: New Business Startup ElderSAFE: The Next Level in Elderly Home Services, Promoting Independent Living Communicated Content

fter a close family member suffered a fall elderly population wanting to live independently. gency responders, and to reassure that the proper ones can continue to live independently, safely at home, becoming temporarily incapaci- Like Ari’s family member, most elderly people help is on the way. and securely.” Atated and unable to call for help, Ari Knop- prefer to remain at home— in a comfortable, fa- ElderSAFE reps also sat with many commu- Aside from the obvious risks of unsafe electri- fler wasn’t expecting the incident to prompt not miliar setting— and to forgo the option of assist- nity leaders and rabbis to receive their input and cal and gas lines, out-dated appliances, and faulty only an expansion of his own business activities, ed living, nursing home, or an in-home aid. This blessing, and to find the right mix of products and smoke alarms, the ElderSAFE Senior Home but one which would create a boon for the larger not only assures their independence, but also services that would guarantee the utmost com- Safety Assessment pays attention to smaller community. saves some $3,000-8,000/month. mitment and service to our community’s elders, details, such as broken or loose kitchen and bath- The episode, thankfully, ended well: the vic- Ari’s first task was to find the fastest and most including guidance in halacha to allow use of the room tiles, frayed rugs or carpets, sharp edges, tim’s daughter happened to stop in to see her effective means to notify emergency medical ser- ElderSAFE Pendant on Shabbos and Yom Tov. loose banisters and guard rails, and much more. mother just minutes after the accident. But be- vices for the client. To this end, ElderSAFE now Ari and his team also determined how certain The ElderSAFE team underlines the most ob- tween the ER, hospitalization, and rehab, it turned offers the ElderSAFE Medical Alert Pendant. The preventive measures would reduce the potential vious, but often neglected, advantage of its servic- the whole family on end for almost two months. ElderSAFE Pendant offers a 100% solution, as for accidents and injuries to his clientele. Many es. As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention.…” This prompted Ari, an entrepreneur from Rock- it works both inside and outside the home. The elderly people live in older homes which have Even without being life-threatening, a relatively land County, to research the matter and to realize pendant is designed so that the user communi- not undergone renovation. ElderSAFE, therefore, minor injury—for an elderly person— can result that his family’s experience was not at all uncom- cates directly with the emergency care giver in is offering a certified ElderSAFE Senior Home in months of hospitalization, untold suffering, and mon. real time, through the device itself. It also offers Safety Assessment, a one-time inspection of the a tremendous burden on the family, often costing He found some alarming statistics: in the Unit- additional advantages of “fall detection” and GPS client’s home, to ensure the safety of all aspects of tens of thousands of dollars or more, all of which ed States, one in four people over the age of 65 tracking so that the EMS responder can identify the living space, and a removal of potential haz- are easily avoidable by calling ElderSAFE. suffer a fall every year. Every 11 seconds, an older the user’s precise location, and family members ards which almost always exist, waiting to cause ElderSAFE offers to the elderly of our com- adult is treated in an emergency room for inju- can track an elderly parent who may have wan- injury. munity, as well as to their families, the most ef- ries resulting from a fall, usually at home; every dered off. “We discovered that over 95% of homes fective way to maximize the safety and security 19 minutes, an elderly person dies from such an The ElderSAFE pendant incorporates all rel- inspected have presented hazards posing real of those who choose to live on their own inde- injury, generally preventable. Ari quickly recog- evant personal information, including medical threats to the safety and security of the people pendently and with dignity; with tranquility and nized the need to improve both alert and preven- history and contact information of the patient’s who live there,” says an ElderSAFE representative. with peace of mind. tion of home medical emergencies and founded physicians and family. Depending on the situa- “More than the clients themselves, their children For more information or to order, call 845-459- ElderSAFE: a provider of comprehensive home tion, the live care operator can assess whether to are especially appreciative when they see that, 5579, e-mail [email protected], or visit www.El- safety products and services targeting a growing contact a family member, neighbor, or local emer- with a minimum of expense, their elderly loved

בס”ד Why wait till it’s too late! Want to make sure your elderly The golden years, at home, safely parents stay safe at home? ElderSAFE MEDICAL ALERT PENDANT  Two way voice in the pendant At ElderSAFE our mission is to offer  At home and away solutions that keep our elderly family and  WiFi and available GPS location friends safe and sound while maintaining technologies their sense of grace and dignity.  Notifies loved ones in the event of an emergency  Available mobile apps for caregivers  Available Fall Detection ElderSAFE HOME SAFETY ASSESSMENT  This 240-point certified comprehensive assessment includes: A thorough inspection of the exterior & interior of the home to make sure that it’s optimized for safety.  Includes a complete summary with recommendations for fall prevention and home safety. OTHER ElderSAFE SOLUTIONS  Medical ID USB solution  Home Inventory Assessment for Estate Planning  And much more! Solutions that enable your loved ones to Age at Home safely. For more information or to order please call 845-459-5579 or email [email protected] Visit us online at

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 41 Shidduchim From a Shadchan’s Perspective Why has it become acceptable in certain circles to require a picture on a shidduch resume? As a parent of a few girls in shidduchim, I find it discouraging when I am told that when I send a resume, I should include a picture of my daughter. It never used to be like this. People didn't demand to see a picture of a girl in order to decide if they will let their son go out. And if they are showing the boy the picture, isn’t that even worse? Please share your thoughts on this topic.

The subject of pictures is a very sensi- like they are. This allows the relationship tive one that people feel very strongly about to grow from something real rather than one way or another. I believe that going to something that is all about externals. places like Facebook to look at a picture is Dvora Adler is the founder of Care to one of the things that has contributed to the Connect – an organization that makes sure shidduch crisis. Pictures take away a certain that each single is given the attention they fundamental step in the shidduch process. deserve by reaching out to network and make If people don’t like the picture, it won’t lead the right connections. to the next step which might otherwise have taken place. ************** I will only send a picture with permis- This questions poses serious debate and sion from the boy or girl and only after the a majority of mothers of frum bnos yisroel person requesting the picture has checked have issues with this new minhag. Each out the other side. This helps to maintain family should ask their Rav and follow the the natural process so that they can get to Psak given to them. appreciate more of who the person really Years ago people did look at yearbook is rather than just judging whom it looks pictures and mothers of boys did look at

girls when they were at weddings. This isn’t Rabbeim to speak to their Talmidim about a new phenomenon. Our issue is that with mature and healthy ways to investigate into today’s technology it became very easy to a shidduch. send over a picture . Years ago those people Mrs. Ahuva Cherns that wanted to see a picture did it in a very For any coaching services please email subtle way. There is a concept that when one [email protected] sees a picture it’s easier to connect to the in- formation written on the resume. Majority ******************** of the choshuv boys mothers that I work I try my best not to send pictures and with, are just looking to see a chein and try have B”H been very successful with this to get a better feeling if the girl is an appro- method. priate idea for their son. Our main issue is The reason I have a hard time with pic- when the pictures are shown to the young tures is that after I meet someone and then men dating. Unfortunately many are judg- get to see their picture, I don’t see them as ing their attraction based on these pictures. they appear in the picture because I know That’s where I feel we have gone too far. This that the picture is just not who they are. I is not tznius and no Bas Yisroel should be also feel like they looked much better in subjected to this. The picture is one dimen- person, and the pictures which many want sional and it’s not an accurate way of judg- to use, such as ones which were taken at a ing attraction. There is a major lack of tznius friend or relative’s wedding, do not look like when people justify this and say, “What can the person. There are times I ask them to I say, it’s not my look.” We need our Rabbeim change the picture they are using, but still and Rabbonim to give hadracha to today’s more often than not, I don’t feel the picture young men that this is an inappropriate way gives over who they are. of handling shidduchim and you can only I do know that if it was the other way judge if the shidduch is for you after you around and the girls got pictures of the boys have a conversation with the young lady. before the date, fewer marriages would take The “picture” topic is a double edge place. sword. It can push a shidduch but it can Mrs. Bracha Modaver lives in New destroy viable options as well. I have made Hempstead and is a shadchan, dating coach, numerous shidduchim after one side saw and sheitel macher. She can be reached at the picture and wanted to say no. It took (347) 524-5335. Resumes can be sent to bra- so much convincing to try and b”H when [email protected]. they saw the person in real they were able to make better judgments whether the shid- duch is shayich or not. Please send your shadchan I hope we can educate our mothers questions to NOT to show it to their son and ask our [email protected] 42 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 NutritionFacts The Aishes File By Yocheved Millman, MS Nutrition Serving Size – 1 Greater Monsey Community Cleaning for Pesach - It’s All About Dear Yocheved, I have been struggling with my weight my whole life. I was told I Knowing the “Magic Formula” should go on a low-fat diet. Which low-fat products do you

recommend for weight loss? By Rebbetzin Raize Guttman We pushed ourselves to the limit of a phys- Mendy R. - Chestnut Ridge Author, Lecturer, and ical human being; the rest we leave up to

Dear Mendy, Mechaneches Hashem. This is the way spiritual things There are so many diets out there, so I know how confusing this can be. work. Hashem says, Do all that you can Let me first clarify that eating fatty foods is not necessarily what causes ope everyone had a freilichen Pu- show Me that you really want to make a one to be fat. Weight gain occurs when more calories (you can think of rim. As we put away our costumes change, and I will help you. I will raise you calories as a measurement of energy) are consumed than our body and wash up the last dishes from up to a place that you could not get to by needs to function. When we eat excess calories from any source such as Hour Purim seudah, in the back of every yourself because you are only a limited hu- carbohydrates, protein or fat, the energy is turned into fat for long-term woman's mind lurks the ominous realization man being. storage in the body. . that Pesach is in one month. It is a bit over- Well, if Pesach cleaning was purely a Fats are required for the absorption of certain fat-soluble nutrients, whelming to imagine that not only must I physical act of getting rid of crumbs from specifically vitamins A, D, E, and K. Additionally, healthy fats are known clean the house from the Purim seudah, but our homes, then "Kol Chamira" would nev- to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, I must clean every single closet and cabinet er work. If there was a bag of pretzels left in decrease bad cholesterol (known as LDL), increase good cholesterol in my house - for Pesach. someone's pocket, then the house would not (known as HDL), and fight inflammation. These healthy fats can be found So, my dear friends, I wish you all a be chametz-free, and just saying these words in foods such as nuts, seeds, plant-based liquid oils, fatty fish, and freilichen Pesach and a freilichen erev Pe- would not take away the crumbs. However, avocados. Therefore, a very low-fat diet may negatively impact one’s sach (which means now) and a deeper un- the fact that kol chamira does work teaches health and is not required for weight loss as mentioned above. derstanding of all of this cleaning. Hashem us that all Pesach cleaning is a spiritual ac- My suggestion is to begin by focusing on the quality and not the quantity does not wish to stress out all Jewish women tivity. So if that is the case what can we do to of the fats you eat. This means limiting the less healthy and potentially at this time of year. The meaning of cleaning feel the ruchnius and the joy in our Pesach harmful fats such as margarine, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated is not, contrary to popular belief, to truly feel cleaning? The answer is, it is all in the mind. oils, or shortening and replacing with the healthy fats mentioned above. the slavery in Egypt and therefore do back- Physical growth takes place in the body, but Regarding low-fat products, it is really important to look beyond the “Low breaking labor on Erev Pesach in order to spiritual growth takes place in the mind. It Fat” label on a product to find out what it truly contains. It is easy to fall feel freedom when Pesach actually arrives. all depends on what you are thinking. into the low-fat or reduced-fat ‘trap’ in the grocery store. In an attempt to No, No, No! In fact, the meaning of all of this Okay, let's walk through it together. How save a few calories, we may grab something such as reduced-fat peanut butter, cookies, or other such items. The issue with these products is cleaning is genuinely invigorating and calm- do you clean out a drawer? There are three that generally when the fat is removed, it is replaced with unhealthy ing. It is indeed a spiritual endeavor cloaked steps. First, you spill out the contents, sec- fillers and sugars with no nutritional value. Let’s examine reduced-fat in the physical. ond, you throw out what is garbage and fix peanut butter as a great example: Dovid HaMelech tells us in Tehillim, “Mi what is fixable, and third, you wipe out the Yaale B'Har Hashem” - Who is a great per- drawer and put all the good things back in a The reduced-fat peanut butter can be a tempting, seemingly healthy item to buy. But don’t be fooled by the name; read the nutrition label son who can raise himself to the mountain clean and organized way. thoroughly to understand. The first thing you may notice is that the of Hashem, to true closeness to Hashem? He Spiritual cleaning is the same; it just takes regular peanut butter and the reduced-fat version contain a similar answers with a list of traits, but the very first place in the mind. First, you spill out the amount of calories. This may make you scratch your head. Many are one is "Neki Kapayim” - one who has clean contents of your soul, you think about your aware that fats are energy dense, making them higher in calories than hands. What does this mean? Obviously, we good middos and the ones that need to be carbohydrates and proteins, so why is the calorie content so similar? are not referring to someone who washes his thrown out or fixed. Secondly, you get rid of

Where are these calories coming from? You guessed it: carbohydrates. hands all day. The cleanliness we are talking the negative thoughts and actions by think-

The reduced fat versions contain added sugar and corn syrup solids that about is spiritual cleanliness. ing practically how to improve yourself. And are derived from cornstarch. These are fillers used to replace some of So, too as we prepare for Pesach and we last but certainly not least, you polish up and the peanut content in the peanut butter (which is why some complain are busy cleaning and scrubbing, the way to organize all your good middos and actions that the reduced-fat versions lack the same flavor that the regular not drown in the physical work is to focus and put them back inside your soul with a versions have). You may ask, is a little more sugar really that bad? In this on the ultimate spiritual goal. Hashem wants greater appreciation of yourself. case, the answer is yes. Many brands of peanut butter contain a few something more from all of this cleaning. He As you clean spiritually remember that grams of added sugars for flavor. But when the healthy oils from the speaks to us in our physical language, but the you only have to do as much as you can. peanuts are removed and replaced with starch and sugar that contain no goal is not the physical cleaning. In reality, You need to make a sincere effort to clean nutritional value, it is no longer considered a healthy choice. our washing, scrubbing, polishing, and or- up your act, and then Hashem comes along

It is vital to think before mindlessly putting food into your shopping cart ganizing is a physical action that is meant to and takes you to a place you could have nev- based on a health claim on the package. Remember, compare nutrition awaken us to remove our spiritual dirt. er come to on your own. Hashem wants our labels and carefully check ingredient lists. Think critically and use the This explains very well the "magic formu- heart. Hashem wants us to understand the tools available on the package to analyze products, and you will become la" we say on erev Pesach by bedikas chametz. deeper meaning behind all this cleaning. He

a healthier shopper in no time! After we’ve scrubbed every nook and cranny wants us to do all that we can to get rid of our of our houses and gotten rid of every vestige chometz, which represents the ego. Best of luck! of chametz, we say "Kol chamira v'chami- Do not get angry or upset if someone did Yocheved Millman, MS Nutrition, Certified Personal Trainer ya - All chametz that may be found in my a lousy job cleaning out a closet. Remember

Question from last week: possession, I hereby disown and declare null what it is all about. Get rid of your person- and void." After we say these words, if there al chametz by enjoying your cleaning and What is the difference between whole grains and whole wheat? is any chametz that we may have accidentally thinking positive thoughts. Make Pesach The term “whole grain” encompasses many different cereal grains, including overlooked, it doesn't count. It is not really cleaning fun, sing and dance with your chil- but not limited to: whole wheat, whole spelt, brown rice, oats, and whole cornmeal. In short, whole wheat is just one of the many kinds of whole there. Isn't that amazing. So why on earth do dren and tell them how helpful they are, and we spend so much time cleaning? Why don't you will find that Hashem will fill your heart grains.

we just say this magic formula and forget with happiness. about working so hard? Do all that you can to make Pesach Questions for Nutrition Facts can be sent to [email protected] The answer is because then it would not cleaning a positive experience, then say Kol or call (845) 598-6103 for a personal nutrition consultation. work. The only reason this magic formula Chamira and Hashem will magically do the works is that we have done all we can do. rest.

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 43 Fine Cuisine - Recipes to your Health

Every Yom Tov menu planner focuses on two things: making our seudos delicious menu, aim to include at least two contrasting colors in your veggie sides: white and making them beautiful. Mine has one more: I want my meals to be balanced, cauliflower with green spinach, purple cabbage with orange butternut squash, dark offering a combination of macronutrients while limiting excess sugars when I can. roasted eggplant with light spiralized zucchini. Season your meats with herbs and spices, fresh onions, garlic tomato paste or Here is one of my favorite “full plate” menus. It’s colorful, plentiful and main- dry wines are other ways to add flavor without tons of added sugar. A great way tains the balance of a full ‘n free meal. to balance out a meal while maintaining that full plate feel is to create contrast in Hope you enjoy! colors and textures so that every dish literally pops. When you’re planning your Have a Chag kasher v'sameach Have a Chag Kasher V'sameach

Standing Rib Roast Root Mash Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil Rib roast with at least 3 bones attached 2 large carrots Spice Rub 1 small sweet potato, peeled 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 medium parsnips, peeled 4 cubes frozen garlic, thawed 1 teaspoon pa- 1 rutabaga, peeled prika 2 fresh thyme sprigs 2 teaspoons dried rosemary 1 teaspoon pep- 3 garlic cloves, minced per 1 cup water 1 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 tablespoon honey 3/4 teaspoon salt Combine all ingredients for spice rub and rub Fresh ground black pepper, to taste on all sides of meat. Let roast marinate overnight in the fridge. Preheat oven to 350 F and reposition racks to fit the meat, if needed. Bake uncovered 20 min- Prepare vegetables by dicing them into utes per pound of meat (about 3 hours). Let rest ½-inch pieces and place them in a pot with oil. 10-15 minutes before serving. Turn the heat on to medium-low and add in Note: this recipe can be prepared and put thyme (in full sprigs) and minced garlic. into the oven right before yom tov starts so it Sautée vegetables for about 10 minutes, can be ready when the meal starts. If you want until beginning to soften. to make this roast in advance, take it out about Add in water and honey. Cover and allow 20 minutes early, and then return it to the oven it to cook for about 25 minutes, stirring occa- to finish cooking prior to serving it. sionally, until the liquid is absorbed and it is relatively easy to mash the vegetables. Dis- Crispy Brussel Sprouts card the thyme springs. Ingredients Mash the mixture until chunky, or use a 2 bags frozen pre-checked Brussels sprouts hand blender to roughly puree the mixture. 2 tbsp olive oil Season with salt and pepper and serve warm. salt, pepper, and rosemary to taste Preheat oven to 425. Line 3 baking sheets with parchment paper. Rorie is a health coach certified in integrative nutrition, a recipe developer, creator of Allow Brussels sprouts to sit outside freezer about 30 minutes, to thaw slight- Rorie’s Dough Mixes and founder of Full ‘N Free, LLC. In her practice, Rorie specializes in ly. Cut the partially defrosted Brussels sprouts in half, and lay out on the baking helping women with metabolic issues and hormonal imbalance, combining her training sheets. Spray with avocado oil and season with salt, pepper, and rosemary. Bake in integrative nutrition and functional medicine with the principles of the Rambam and for 30-40 minutes until desired crispness. If you will be making this before yom other Torah sources. To learn more about Rorie and her dough mixes, recipes, programs tov, underbake it a little so it does not get overdone. and services, visit Note: if you are making this on yom tov, and have your oven set to a lower temperature, you will need to add to the baking time, and the results may be All statements are suggestive only. Please consult with your doctor before making any less crispy, but will still taste great. dietary or lifestyle changes.

44 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 45 Zakon Muscatini Red $1099 Case

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Flam Teperberg Tabor Fully Stocked with all your Pesach Wine 421 ROUTE 59, MONSEY | 845-368-3463 and Liquor Sun 12-9; Mon-Wed 10-8; Thu 10-11:30; Fri 9- 2 hrs before Shabbos

46 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 553 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, NJ | Call or Text: (201) 357-4027

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 47 Uncle Ben Nostalgia And to Think it All Started Right from Here in Monsey! id you think the "When Zaidy Was house over the H. But, I, like most old-timers, can learn a thing or two about what customer Young" series from Shmuel Kunda call it Nagel's. Oh, the Nagel's are such fine peo- service really is from a store that’s been around a z"l was hyperbole? Could you really ple. Both the older generation and the younger lot longer than they have. Dtake a trolley for a nickel? And is there really a generation. It was a pleasure to shop in their store Over the years, Nagels moved from location Uncle two-headed man in Africa that talks to himself? - and it still is -such honest and ehrlich people. to location. I remember when they started out Did people buy gefilte fish and leave it in their “Excuse me, Mr. Nagel, which broom should next door to Brightview Optical near the old bathtub? Is there really a shul called Khal Anshei I get?” I would inquire. Zishas Bakery. Mmmmm, I can still smell those Kartoffel? "You should get this one. Don't get the other fresh challahs piled up high behind the counter. Ben... I can't answer what Zeidy did as I didn't grow one. It's not going to last." As time passed, and they outgrew the store, they up on the Lower East Side, I can let you know "Are you sure," I would ask. moved across the street. It was the corner store what we did. Oh, the ways times have changed, "Yes, I'm sure, I'm even losing money on that next door to Meal Mart. Then they grew even it's not the same world it used to be. My einiklach one, but I want you to have the best." more and had that additional store in Shoppers tells me that if he wants something he orders it If you bought an item and it broke short- Haven. Now they are at their current location by on Amazon, and it gets delivered the next day. ly after buying it, you brought it back and were Amazing Savings. It's no wonder they keep ex- I can't even begin to fathom how that works. told to take a new one off the shelf - no questions panding with the product selection and service Amazon is a rain-forest somewhere in Brazil. asked. That's the way it was, and I think that's the they provide. So you have some Brazilians carry the boxes? I way it still is. So, no, I don't shop on Amazon, and I didn't know labor is super cheap and Venezuela, the If you ever bought dishes, they would ask, get changed by the times. I still go to my old, country next door, is in turmoil. What does that “Do you want us to tovil it?” And "Can we deliv- tried and true stores and visit the old timers there have to do with getting a broom delivered the er it once it is ready?" - those who know how to do business like they next day? They would give everything they had to the did in the old times. I’ll leave visiting the Ama- I told my einiklach about how it used to be; customer. And then they gave some more. If you zons to the younger generation. I just hope they how when I needed a broom I went down the were ever a few cents short, they just said, "Don't are able to pick out their own brooms. block to Nagel's. I think the real store name is worry about it." Those were the Nagles back Until next time, Monsey Housewares. It has that cute logo of a then, and I those are the Nagels today. Amazon Uncle Ben

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48 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Feature Story Machatzis HaShekel: Rav Shmuel Halevi Kolin zt”l 28 Adar 5566 - March 18, 1806

In the year 5690-1930, the main syna- Of course, they found nothing. Then, gogue in the city of Boskovitz, Czechoslo- they spread out and searched the entire vakia, was being renovated. One day, in a synagogue, even scrutinizing the Bimah dark corner of the sanctuary, a few Jews platform. Never once did they notice were puzzled to discover a broken tomb- the tall man in the center of the platform stone lying forsaken. On it was the name clutching a silver-handled holy Sefer Torah Rabbeinu Shmuel Halevi Kolin zt”l, re- to his chest, for he was invisible to them. plete with numerous titles and accolades, Finally, the police were satisfied - they as well as a beautiful inscription about the had obviously been misled - and the threat wonderful life of the author of the sefer quickly passed. Machatzis Hashekel. Their perplexity was confounded by the fact that in the nearby ***** cemetery where Rav Shmuel was actually A grandchild of the Machatzis Hashekel buried, stood a small headstone with only was once asked why his grandfather chose a simple inscription. this name to call his sefer on Shulchan After a little research, the elders of the Aruch. The answer he gave was that Rav kehillah enlightened them. They had heard Shmuel was so humble and this name is a that before his passing Rav Shmuel had in- result of his humility. Just as the half-shekel sisted that an ordinary stone with no extra given in the Bais HaMikdash was a remind- titles be placed on his grave. His humility er to each Jew that he is only a fraction of was renowned, and he was not looking for Family Plot in Boskowitz of the Machatzis Hashekel a whole and never complete, so too, Rav fame and glory. After his petirah, however, Shmuel was indicating that he felt he was the townspeople decided to disregard his ately obeyed and walked downstairs. the only way to protect R’ Nosson and his unworthy of a complete commentary and request, because, they believed, true kavod Pausing for a moment, R’ Moshe deter- Sefer Torah was by banging HaTorah required a proper headstone with mined that the source of the banging was off the silver before the po- an inscription befitting a great Torah scholar. coming directly from the Aron Kodesh. He lice got here.” They did not reckon with the Rabbi's walked cautiously up to the front of the hall R’ Moshe ran upstairs to strength, even after his demise. The night af- and pulled aside the curtain. To his amaze- tell his Rebbi what was go- ter they had set up the stone, it inexplicably ment, he found the Chief Rabbi of Boskow- ing on but R’ Nosson waved cracked in half for no apparent reason. They itz, R’ Shmuel Halevi Kolin, famed author it all away with his hand. “Is then understood that Rav Shmuel’s wish of the Machatzis Hashekel, hunched over that all?” he asked. “Believe must be carried out. The elaborate headstone inside the holy Aron, holding a hammer me, there is nothing to wor- was replaced by a simple stone and the bro- and chisel. He was using the tools to at- ry about.” ken pieces were left in a corner of the shul. tempt to pry off the silver exterior that cov- “But Rebbi,” replied the ered the wooden handles of a Sefer Torah. young Chasam Sofer, “the ***** Upon further inspection, R’ Moshe saw that police will not only con- The main synagogue in Boskowitz con- the Sefer Torah with the silver handles was fiscate the silver, but they tained a back room leading up to the wom- the one belonging to his Rebbi, R’ Nosson might also damage the holy en’s section, the Ezras Nashim, where an es- Adler. scroll and even arrest you teemed Rebbi would sit and learn with his How strange, thought the Chasam for violating the law.” prodigious student. The Rebbi was the holy Sofer, what was going on here? After anoth- However, R’ Nosson was R’ Nosson Adler zt”l, former Chief Rabbi er moment of banging, R’ Shmuel finally unconcerned. “This is what of Frankfurt, and the student was his rising stopped and turned awkwardly to see who you must do,” he said finally. star, R’ Moshe Sofer zt”l, later to become had caught him in the act. Then he began “Go downstairs and remove renowned as the great Chasam Sofer. They to explain. “There is a law decreed many my Sefer Torah from the had been forced out of town due to inter- years ago that citizens in this region are not Aron. Take it to the middle nal politics and made their way to Boskow- permitted to own silver and other precious of the sanctuary, up to the itz. Master and pupil would spend untold metals. Anything of value must be report- Bimah, and stand there qui- hours in the Ezras Nashim plumbing the ed to the local government and taxes must etly holding it in your arms. Aron Kodesh in the Main Synagogue in Boskowitz, Czechoslovakia depths of the Talmud and few people had be paid. Your holy Rebbi, R’ Nosson Adler, You will see that nothing the nerve to go up to even talk to them in knows of this law and surely realizes that will happen.” Then he looked right back perhaps he had left something out. Thus, in learning. the silver handles of his Sefer Torah are into his sefer and continued learning. his mind, it was just “Machatzis” - a frac- One afternoon, a loud banging ema- subject to confiscation by the authorities.” R’ Moshe hurried back down the stairs tion of the whole truth. nating from the main prayer hall disturbed and to the astonishment of R’ Shmuel, he The holy Chasam Sofer understood it their concentration. It sounded as if some- R’ Shmuel climbed out of the Aron and took the precious Torah out of the Aron a bit differently. He told his talmidim that one was pounding on metal and the noise stood in front of the young student. “Un- and walked up to the Bimah where he wait- the name "Machatzis Hashekel" indicates was quite deafening as it reverberated all fortunately, someone in our community ed in silence. A few minutes later, the door that only half of the sefer is simple pshat throughout the sanctuary. R’ Nosson Ad- informed the local constable that there is burst open and in stormed a phalanx of of- and Toras hanigleh (revealed Torah) while ler bade his young charge to go down and illegal silver stored on your Rebbi’s Torah ficial policemen. They opened up the holy the remaining half is nistar and written al check on the source of the noise and to ask scroll, and I was quietly alerted that a con- Ark and one by one removed and examined pi Kabbalah. if it could be lowered. The student immedi- tingent of police is on its way here. I felt that each Torah scroll. Zechuso Yagen Aleinu

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 49 Tefillah - Avodas Haleiv A Common Tefillah Dilemma Rabbi Pinchos Jung and heart; mere lip service isn't ad- what follows, the points are deliber- equate. ately expressed as questions. Deci- e surely all agree that Tefil- The official shul collection, when sions have to be made by those who lah requires considerable someone goes around with a push- are entitled to determine halachah. effort, focus, and yishuv ka collecting money, during the However, in common with all of us Whadaas (calmness of the mind). To repetition of the amidah is unlike- in shul, I would like to pose a few rel- even contemplate the basic, most ly to detract from any of the above. evant questions. If you feel it appro- simplest meaning of the words (if we However, the dilemma does emerge priate, you may choose to put these know them!) requires intense con- when collections take place as we questions to your own Rav, Dayan or centration. Moreover, Tefillah is de- are actually davening. While one is Posek. fined (Taanis 2a) as avodah she-be- sitting and concentrating on the pi- We have a famous Talmudic prin- lev so that the emotional component rush hamilim, during Ashrei or even ciple: “One who is busy with a mitz- is an intrinsic part of the exercise. during Krias Shema. As I am not a vah is exempt from other mitzvos Thus, we need the involvement of all Rav, Dayan or Posek, and am thus (that will compromise the first one our faculties, especially our mind, not qualified to make a statement on – see Sukkah 25A and Ritva). So my questions are as follows: Do we all agree that our davening counts as a mitzvah? Do we agree that collec- tions interfere with the quality and flow of Tefillah? If the collector tries to tell you something as you daven,

845.665.9159 does that disturb you? How does T HE NEW your kavanah of an uninterrupted Tefillah compare to that of a daven- ing punctuated by numerous tzeda- C L ASSIC kah requests? We now turn to the well-meaning gabbai tzedakah or money collector who is no less of an “oisek b’mitz- vah” than the person davening. My dear Gabbai Tzedakah, have you ever thought of discussing the is- sue with a Rav? Do you take into account which section of Shacharis the tzibbur is engaged in when you do your rounds? Do you also notice where the particular individual you approach is up to in Tefillah? Do you try to speak to the mispallel? How do you view the fact that this person is now in conversation with the King of Kings and that your message in- trudes while he is in progress? So, as readers realize, although it is obvious where I am coming from, I am hesitant to offer an opin- ion. What I personally feel does not matter - it is neither here nor there. But if you feel that these lines talk to you, please turn them into a “Sheilas Chacham” and ask a qualified Rav or even Talmid Chacham. And please, Available exclusively if you do that, and you obtain genu- ine Daas Torah on the issue, share it C r o w n J e w el of Hat s at The Hat Source with us, ideally through the columns of the Monsey Mevaser. I sincerely look forward to your replies.

Rabbi Pinchos Jung is a well- Boro Park Monsey Lakewood known mechanech with decades of ex- 5101 New Utrecht AVe. 30 Melnick Dr 6760 US 9 Howell perience, currently involved in several Next to Confection Collection mosdos in Monsey. NY. He also lec- 718.854.6786 845.371.4287 732.719.8586 tures, nationally and internationally for the Ani Maamin Foundation.

50 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 Tefillah - Avodas Haleiv Book Excerpt: Portraits of Prayer

and the rest will be left behind, just as twelve lumbia student spoke about the topic of idea in his heart and some words in his throat. million Jews perished immediately before everyone having a unique role to play in life. It was an agonizing minute, but Hashem in- leaving Mitzrayim during the plague of dark- Everyone, without exception, has a specific spired him to offer the following response. ness. mission to accomplish. "You want to know what your role is? I will Dovid Hamelech, therefore, assures us Before he was able to continue his speech, tell you what role you have to play. You asked that even the outcasts of Bnei Yisrael will be a seventeen-year-old Yachad boy awkwardly a powerful question. A very powerful ques- gathered in by Hashem. Not only will they be motioned with his hand that he had a ques- tion. You got everyone in this room to stop gathered in, but the broken-hearted, despond- tion he would like to ask. Speaking slowly for a moment and think seriously about life. ent, and depressed will have their wounds and slurring his words, he asked, "What's my That, my friend, is your role. To cause people - physical and emotional - healed, as we re- role? If absolutely everyone has a role to play to contemplate about how to go about using cite with the next few words, Hashem is the in life, then tell me please, what is my role? their life properly to accomplish." healer of the broken-heart- I am mentally handicapped. One week later, the Columbia student re- ed and binds their wounds. There is so much I am not ceived an unfortunate phone call. The seven- How is Dovid Hamelech so capable of doing. Do I have teen-year-old Yachad boy had told his mother sure of this - that Hashem is a role to play? When you he did not feel well and was going to lie down. Rabbi Eliezer Abish even concerned with the out- said everyone has a role to Sadly, he never woke up. casts of Bnei Yisrael? Perhaps play in life, you didn't really When he came to be menachem avel, Hashem will really only re- mean everyone, did you? You the boy's father told him, "You know, he was נדחי ישראל יכנס הרופא לשבורי לב -deem those that learn Torah didn't really mean people like happy. He fulfilled his role. He asked his ques ומחבש לעצבותם. מונה מספר ".and perform mitzvos? me!" Whereupon he began tion לכוכבים לכולם שמות יקרא Dovid Hamelech himself sobbing, with tears pouring “The Banished Jews will be Gathered explains how he knows this out of his eyes and cascading ***** Together. Hashem is the Healer of the with the next verse, Hashem down his cheeks. Moneh mispar lakochavim, l’chulam shei- Broken-Hearted and Binds Their Wounds. counts the stars, He calls each A quick look around the mos yikra - "Hashem counts the stars, He Hashem Counts the Stars, Each One He Calls one of them by its name. room revealed that the seven- calls each one by its name." We each have our by its Name.” ***** teen-year-old mentally chal- unique role to play. Nobody can fulfill some- We have been in galus for almost two mil- Rabbi Yissocher Frand lenged boy was not the only one else's role. We can do what we were creat- lennia, and we eagerly wait for Hashem to tells of an incident where a talmid of his one with tears coming down his face. In fact, ed to, accomplish what we are meant to. And .who attended Columbia University was also there was not a dry eye in the room. After all, when we do, we too will shine like a star תsend Mashiach, and rebuild Yerushalayim to gather all the Jews and bring them to Eretz involved with outreach to his fellow co-reli- it was a very powerful question, the type of Rabbi Eliezer Abish learned in Telz Cleve- Yisrael - even the outcasts, even those who do gionists on campus. One weekend, there was question that comes from deep within. land and Mir Yerushalayim. He received his not perform mitzvos or learn Torah. Howev- a Shabbaton on-campus arranged for the The Columbia graduate student's eyes Semicha from Rav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman. er, every once in a while, a frightening thought children of Yachad, an organization devoted swam with tears. He also had to contend with A Rebbi and principal for more than two dec- may pass through our minds. Perhaps, just as to helping the developmentally disabled. The the lump that suddenly formed in his throat ades, his lectures and workshops inspire his we have not behaved towards Hashem as we children would enjoy the stimulation and as he struggled mightily, trying to think of listeners to believe in themselves and reach should, and neglected His mitzvos and Torah, the students would have the opportunity to some way to respond. But it was not working. new heights. His best-selling book, Portraits maybe Hashem will not include us at the time give of themselves to help others. Everybody He simply could not think of anything at all Of Prayer, continues to enthuse and motivate of salvation. Perhaps only the worthy ones would gain. to answer. thousands with actually enjoying their daven- will merit rejoicing in the Beis Hamikdash, At the Shabbos afternoon meal, the Co- He pleaded with his Creator to put some ing.

HaRav Yisroel Avraham Portugal zt”l - Skulener Rebbe - 5683 - 5779 A Life of Kedusha [ continued from cover ] eighties and nineties, the Rebbe spent After his father’s death, the Rebbe his nights helping yidden and then went took up the Skulener mantle and contin- on to spend his days preparing at length ued his father’s mission, taking respon- for tefillah and managing Chessed sibility for a multi-million dollar organ- L'Avraham– all on one meal a day. ization, Chessed L'Avraham, a network Over the last fifteen years of the of schools in Eretz Yisrael built by his Rebbe’s life, he was at the forefront of father for the children of immigrants, the battle against the dangers of the to compete with leftist schools in Isra- internet and technology to Torah Jew- el. Over the years, the Rebbe traveled ry. The Rebbe was also a composer of worldwide to raise funds for Chessed thousands of nigunim, some of which L’Avraham expanding it to include sum- have become classics in the Torah com- mer camps, after-school programming, munity. and outreach programs The levayah took place Tuesday During his 26 years of leadership, morning, April 2, at the Skulener Bais he was revered for his kedushah as well Medrash in Boro Park. The Kevurah as his dedication to his chassidim and took place in the Viznitz Bais Olam in those who came to him at all hours of Monsey where the Rebbe was buried the day and night for hadracha, brachos, next to his father, zy” a. eitzos and inspiration. Even well into his Yehi zichro baruch.

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 51 National Jewish News Countdown to the 13th Siyum Hashas

in the children's Masmidei HaSiyum pro- asked to make some form of Siyum, even gram has been unbelievable. if they are not yet learning Daf Yomi, is As of this writing, there are currently in high gear. Many shuls and groups have 29 schools that have completed their sign already signed up, including groups from Masmidei HaSiyum: up, amounting to 8,127 students. There are Panama and Mexico. currently close to 40 other schools that have The Siyum executive committee and Two Adjunct Torah not yet completed their sign-up process but Agudah staff is in the midst of completing Learning Programs at the are on the verge of doing so. Upon com- ticketing and seating arrangements, having pletion, that would bring the total to over made several recent site visits to MetLife Upcoming Siyum Hashas 17,000 students be”h. The goal of 30,000 Stadium. As was done in the past, Daf Yomi Members of the 13th Global Siyum Hashas executive participating children is well within reach. committee, at MetLife Stadium, mapping out groups will be given the first option for Baruch HaShem, the energy, enthusi- The Chavrei HaSiyum program, in seating plans for the upcoming Siyum Hashas on seating, before tickets will be available to asm and interest, throughout the country, which everyone in Klal Yisroel is being January 1, 2020 the general public.

New York State Budget Allocates Security Funding for Jewish Camps for First Time The , through its advocacy operation Teach Coalition, has fought for security funding on the national, state and city levels.

(April 2, 2019 / JNS) For the first time ever, the with our coalition partners, helped create that increase as compared to last year). STEM educa- New York state budget allocated security funding original program as well as restore the funding in tion provides children with skills essential to suc- for summer camps. this year’s budget – adding $25 million in security ceeding in the technologically driven society of Teach NYS, a project of the Orthodox Un- funding for nonpublic schools, daycares, cultural tomorrow. STEM spending is highly correlated ion and a leading advocate for equitable funding museums and camps in 2019-2020 on top of last with students’ eventual earning power, higher ed- for New York State’s nonpublic schools, lauded year’s total security allocation of $15 million which ucation and STEM degrees. In 2017, Teach NYS the New York State Legislature’s announcement the schools also received this year. worked with NYS legislators to launch this first- of an additional $25 million to protect nonpublic The Orthodox Union, through its state ad- in-the nation program to reimburse nonpublic schools, daycares and cultural museums at risk of vocacy operation Teach Coalition, has not only schools for the costs of qualified teachers in STEM hate crimes, $30 million for STEM education and lar occurrence in our country. Our day schools, fought for security funding on the national, state in grades 3-12. To date, an aggregate $50 million increase of $7 million for the Comprehensive At- yeshivas and camps require greater safety. In 2017, and city levels, but has also recently hired full-time has been awarded to New York’s nonpublic schools tendance Policy (CAP) and for Mandated Services Governor Cuomo announced the creation of the staff to provide direct assistance to schools and for STEM education. Reimbursement (MSR). In addition, Teach NYS New York’s Securing Communities Against Hate synagogues in their efforts to apply for state and The State’s allocation of an additional $7 mil- is pleased that the State is now allowing summer Crimes grant funds which awarded millions of federal grant funding. lion in CAP and MSR (for a total of $193 million) camps to join schools in participating in the secu- dollars in anti-hate grants to protect nonpublic The Legislature’s allocation of an additional funding will have a big impact on day school and rity grant allocations. schools, daycares and cultural museums at risk of $30 million towards nonpublic school STEM ed- Mass violence has, tragically, become a regu- hate crimes. Teach NYS, working in partnership ucation is also of great importance (a 100-percent [ continued on page 53 ] Rockland County Legislature Votes to Adopt a Plastic Bag Ban [ continued from page 10 ] States but around the world. This is especially concerning given that the a total of 2,130 tons of single-use plastic What was left out of the Pollution Con- Problems associated with plastic bags Hudson River runs along the county’s east- bags were trashed in 2017, landing Rock- trol draft was mention of biodegradable began surfacing soon after. For example, in ern border. land in the top eight municipalities in New plastics which would be more forgiving to 1997, a sailor and researcher named Charles Plastic bags do not biodegrade, are very York State that discard plastic bags in curb- the environment but which were not men- Moore discovered the Great Pacific Garbage difficult to recycle and are often only “re- side and containerized collections. tioned in the draft of the law. Patch, the largest of several ocean gyres used” once before being discarded. More- In New York State, several municipal- Businesses who are found to be where massive amounts of plastic waste over, these bags are extremely problematic ities, the Town of East Hampton, Village non-compliant will be fined $250 for the have accumulated, including plastic bags. because they create tangles and jams in re- of East Hampton, Hastings on the Hud- first violation, $500 for a second and third In waterways, plastic bags are mistak- cycling and wastewater processing equip- son, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, New Paltz, violation and $1,000 for each violation af- en for jellyfish and ingested by sea turtles, ment, making it time-consuming and costly Patchogue, Rye, Town of South Hampton, ter that. The store’s plastic bags can also be whales and other aquatic life. Recently, a for municipalities and recycling centers to Village of Southampton and Village of confiscated. The law might be challenging Cuvier’s beaked whale was found dead on manage. Piermont, have enacted plastic bag bans to enforce as the limited employees of the the Philippine island of Mindanao; its stom- According to National Geographic, to deal with the problems that these bags Consumer Protection agency will be hard- ach contained 88 pounds of plastic, a signif- larger plastic debris breaks down by sun- create. Furthermore, state lawmakers have pressed to follow through on the sheer icant portion of it was plastic bags. Other light and wave action into microplastics, agreed to ban the use of plastic bags from number of businesses the bag ban effects. dead whales, as well as seabirds and other rice-sized bits that measure five millime- one end of the state to the other by next While it seems like plastic bags have al- aquatic life, have been found with plastic, ters or less. These “microplastics” are then March. This will make New York the third ways been with us, they did not come into including bags, filling their stomachs. ingested by tiny fish who are then in turn state banning single-use grocery bags. use in the U.S. until 1979, according to pub- Throughout Rockland County, plastic eaten by larger fish. According to scientists, “Given that it is just a matter of time,” lished reports. Two of the nation’s largest bags have become a significant source of lit- the toxins in those microplastics could be says Legislator Aron Wieder, “before the en- grocery store chains – Safeway and Kroger – ter and pollution. They can be found stuck transferred to fish consumed by humans, tire state follows in the footstep of Califor- switched to plastic bags in 1982, and by the in trees, littering neighborhoods, destroy- thus having larger implications for human nia and other states to ban plastic bags alto- end of the 1980’s, the use of plastic bags had ing wildlife, clogging storm drains, filling health. gether, we should inquire by state officials as replaced paper bags not only in the United landfills and floating into local waterways. In Rockland County, it is estimated that we move ahead with this at the local level.”

52 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 National Jewish News Whining BDS’er Drives People to Drink

Monsey Mevaser Staff went out to buy the wine. They subsequently alone. bandwagon though and so the politicians had shared selfies, using the hashtag #tipvanmieke The Reformed Political Party or SGP, a to settle for Barkan wine instead which is pro- hen Dutch anti-Israel Boycott while proudly displaying their purchases so devoutly Protestant pro-Israel Dutch party, duced in various places in Israel. activist, Mieke Zagt, decided to that even more Dutch citizens could flock to joined those who fought back against the call Mieke Zagt’s response was to complain complain about an Israeli wine the store to make purchases of the Israeli wine to boycott Israeli wine by sending bottles of that people were mocking her and engaging Wshe had spotted in the Hema Dutch grocery as well. Within hours both the red and white the same to the winners of the March 20 local in “intimidation and defamation.” Seems she store, claiming that the wine was from “occu- varieties were sold out from the huge chain elections. The Efrat wine seems to have been could have used a bottle of Efrat of her own pied Palestinian lands” she learned the power which owns 525 stores in the Netherlands all gone by the time the SGP jumped on the to lighten up. Too bad they were all sold out. of social media with surprising results. Not quite the results she was looking for though -the social media reaction was so successfully pro-Israel that the Israeli wines sold out at all

of the Hema stores and the campaign became the number one trending topic of the day on EXCLUSIVELY FROM PEYD: Dutch Twitter. As people shared her inaccurate tweet (as Efrat Winery is located in Tasor’a which is well within the green line) people sarcastical- USE YOUR AIRLINE MILES AND ly thanked her for the information and then

[ continued from page 52 ] CREDIT CARD POINTS TO PAY FOR YOUR yeshiva budgets. CAP and MSR, the largest source of State funds for yeshivas and day schools, are vi- tal funds for operating budgets, including payroll. PASSOVER VACATION & HOTEL STAY Reflecting a commitment to ensure that schools re- ceive every possible CAP and MSR dollar, in 2015 Teach NYS hired full-time staff to assist member schools in processing claims for this important funding. “Together, with the support of our partners – including nonpublic schools, parents and even the students themselves – our community has raised our collective voice and advocated respectfully but forcefully for the necessary funding for our schools and children,” said Orthodox Union President Moishe Bane. “More than 700 people came to our mission in Albany earlier this month and helped make the Jewish community’s voice heard. We encourage more parents, grandparents, teachers and school administrators to get involved because the greater our voice the more we can achieve to benefit our schools. It’s important that people join us and act for our children,” said Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union Allen Fagin. 888.404.PEYD(7393) | WWW.PEYD.COM | [email protected] “We thank our partners in advocacy, includ- ing Agudath Israel of America, the New York State CONTACT [email protected] TO LEARN HOW TO ADD YOUR PROGRAM TO OUR Catholic Conference and the UJA Federation of NETWORK & BECOME AN OFFICIAL PWP PARTNER. New York for working with us on behalf of all of New York State’s nonpublic schools,” said Teach NYS Director Maury Litwack.

APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) 53 Health & Wellness New Health Series - From Refuah Health Center

Dear Dr. Golden, Very rarely headaches can indicate a se- My 10-year-old daughter has been com- rious underlying problem. Brain tumors, plaining of headaches on and off for the high blood pressure, meningitis, medica- last few weeks. The school nurse says she tion side effects, or medication over-usage comes to see her regularly. I don’t want my (i.e., taking ibuprofen every day for over two daughter to miss class. And I’d rather not weeks) can cause headaches. give her Tylenol or Motrin so often. Any Consulting your pediatrician would be ideas? a great first step. Your provider will look Sincerely, at your child’s history, complete a physical Monsey Mom exam, including a neurologic exam. If your child is experiencing headaches ******************* with the following symptoms, schedule an appointment with your provider. Dear Monsey Mom, Headaches that are: Thank you for your question. Please - Persistent and getting worse and worse don’t be alarmed, headaches are very com- over time; mon in childhood. In fact, a recent study - Pain that wakes the child from sleep; showed that almost 20% of children ages 4 - Follow a head injury or other type of through 18 experience headaches from time injury; to time. Before the teenage years, boys and - Worse in the morning or cause the girls report headaches with about the same child to throw up in the morning; frequency. Once children become teenag- - Concentrated in the back of the head ers, however, girls seem to struggle with or described as “worst headache of my life;” them more often than boys. Headaches can - Accompanied by fever or neck pain; be debilitating for young children. Let me - Don’t respond to the usual trial of ade- see if I can help. quate rest, increasing fluids; or are First, decide what type of headaches - Accompanied by high blood pressure. your daughter might be experiencing, by Headaches occurring in very young looking at her level of discomfort, pinpoint- children including toddlers and preschool- ing the location of her pain and identifying ers and in a child with other underlying how long her headaches generally last. The medical concerns should be reported to most common types of headaches are ten- your primary care provider. sion headaches and migraines. Tension In the meantime, make sure your child headaches, commonly referred to as “stress is well hydrated and getting adequate sleep. headaches,” can be mild to moderate in se- It may be helpful to keep a journal of the verity, and are often described as being an types of food your child is eating and noting “all over” or generalized pain. Migraines, the onset of headaches to identify possible a specific type of headache syndrome, tend triggers. There are different medication and to be more severe. Some children may ex- non-medication treatment options available perience visual or sensory symptoms be- depending on the underlying cause. Hope- fore the onset of a migraine. The pain of fully, between you and your daughter’s pedi- the migraine itself tends to be “louder” and atrician, she’ll be headache free soon! throbbing, and concentrated in one part of –The information provided in this article your child’s head. In adults, migraines are is for general informational purposes only. described as a one-sided headache. How- You should always seek care from your own ever, children often experience discomfort pediatrician regarding concerns about your on both sides or the front of their head, child’s health. – which can be accompanied by nausea and Dr. Pamela Golden is a passionate pedia- vomiting. Migraines do not occur every trician with experience treating children of all day and can appear sporadically. ages and needs. Known for her warm person- Headaches in children can be caused by ality and delicate bedside manner, Dr. Gold- sinus congestion or eye strain. Often times, en completed her residency at Westchester headaches will be the first indication that Medical Center and has served the area ever your child’s vision has changed and she/ since. Dr. Golden is currently accepting new he is in need of glasses. Your child may not patients at Refuah Health’s Main Site, 728 even realize that she/he is having trouble North Main Street, Spring Valley, NY 10977. seeing. They often become accustom to Refuah is excited to help concerned par- subtle changes in vision. If you suspect ents through this bi-weekly Q&A column. your child’s vision has changed, consult Have questions for the doctor? Email them to with your doctor or family optometrist. [email protected].

54 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779 #AllExpressAllDay AT MAIN SITE

from to 8:00 12:30

We ExpressCARE

MAIN SITE ExpressCARE PEDIATRICS/ADULTS/FAMILY PRACTICE (845) 354-9300 | Sun–Thu: 8am–12:30am Fri: 8am–Zman Motzei Shabbos: Zman–12:30am Direct phone line for ExpressCARE 728 N. Main Street, Spring Valley, NY 10977 updates (845) 354-9303

TWIN SITE ExpressCARE PEDIATRICS Sun: 9am–5pm Mon–Thu: 3:30–9pm Fri: 9am–Zman Motzei Shabbos: Half hr. after Zman–12:30am 5 Twin Avenue, Spring Valley, NY 10977 ExpressCARE

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56 THE MONSEY MEVASER - (845-821-6200) APRIL 4, 2019 / 28 ADAR II, 5779