
■T -; '■■i ‘"

Volume Y1. —No . 30. ST. [GUNS, MICHIGAN, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 18. 1895. Whole No . 342

TIIK NKW.S IN HI.IKI' 10 WII.I. OHGAM/K A .SII.VKK Cl.I’ll. FOK TIIIKTV YKAUS, AIHhoii UlrUardHoit Hhh llt*rii With li. M. Meiiiliei-H Fmiii all Fellllcal I’lirtlrs are A VEHY Foprcii & Dimly pay canli for I'KKrt-* Steel. JAMK HIM mam Ari'Hiigiag to ilo HO. (k*o. A. StiH*l wuH ill Di'troit liiwt week. INVKSroUN il.WK I.I'.’.IUNKU TO AVKAKTHV KARM- K. E. Whip|>Ie wan in Detroit Tuemlay. Sl.t» VV CON’CI.i:i)KI>. F:K OF' unF:ENHVHH 11. .1. I’atterson has *vritt**n toChicago Allis*)!! Richar*]s*)!i, sufM'rintemlent of the Dyrou L. Pierce wiih in Detroit 'I'neH- for blanks and as soon tis thev aiv F;iiii**r II, CrtiiiK MwearH Out a AA’arraiit building *l**part!!)e!it, of the St. .Iuh!iH lorlK»K<‘ Wrei'k,—The received he will cull a niei*ting to be hehl CliarKliiK Fivo of llic rarllcipaiitH will* Mamifai.’turing C'*)nipany, at hisr*'si*]**nce Home III Flureka at Two O'clock This \V. E. Haiuiltou vieiUnJ frieiulH at Flint AnHaiilt anil itatt**ry —F*>ur of Tlieiii I'ay 112 Oaklan*] str***t south, Saturday ICeceiverH rittned Out .MortKttK*'** unit at .Justice Duncan's office for the purpose Sforiiiiig.—Thou|{lit to Have Heen Tem­ laet week. l*ru|i< ‘rty to tii<* .Viiiuuiii of 1.1 *>ii Their FIiich iiik I One I.aiiKuiHlieH at the eve!)!ng, by the foll*)wing gentl**!!i**n who porarily liisaiie —I.eaves a Wife and Two County .fail. .Mre. E. M. IMancharil viisited in Foriiuna Siitio'ility Aneriiooii, of organizing a silver club. Prominent are or have b»H*ii associat***! with the Married IlaiiKliters. laet week. republic^ins and democrats and members institution. Geo. Th*)!n|)s*)!i, Ge*>. I’etri**, Louis Si«!gl**s, a young farmer living The receivei-s sale of the .Michigan from all parties have signifbHl their di*- Chus. I'atterH*)!i, .Jack Multhous**, E. (J. James (Idle, a wmilthy farmer of Green- Try .MliHon ’H f 1 .(HI MpiH. ’tucleH tlie best s<*ven mill's southeast of St. .Johns, is .Mortgage Company held at the ollice on Whetston**, .V, R, Castw*!, F. ,M. Spauhl- bush, w’ho has resi*led at Eureka for in the market. sire to join such an organization and Hi'rving out a thirty days sent«*nce at Saturday was fairly well attended. Sev­ ing, 1). .S. French, Robt H, I.e*!, .\. ,1. some tim**, took a *]ose of morphine lost .Miss Carrie Holt visited St. .lohns arrangements will becomph*ted probably the county jail w hich he was given last eral interested jiarties from outsidu were I’ullaw, E. E. Whipple, U. M, St**el, T, night, while his family were at church, friends last wiM^k. Thursday by .Justice S<*verance on a present, but the auctioneer was not during the w«'**k. .Meetings will then be Rr*)nil*)y .Jr., R. G, Steel, Emmet Nichols, from the effects of which lie di”d at two charge *>f assault an*l batt»*ry. Elimir .Mi*s. G. E. Corbin is visiting friendsand made nervous by the grt't'd of anxious held at the court houseifitcan bes«*cun*d. 'Vhi . (N)chra!ie, I), (i. Ste<*l, G**o. H.Ste*!!. o’clock this morning. He has been R. Crane, who livi*s near Si**gh*s, gave a relativfs in Mason. bidders. The sale had bet*n well adver­ .V m!!*! *)f the *!*)mpany ’s han*]s*m!e sible cause for tlie course taken, it is a livi'ly crowil and was brought to a Sti*>n a!nl his association with all iiigiit and everything possible was Hicks and Louis and William Si**gl**s on unnoiincement on the eighth pngetoday. #10,000, which were classed as follows, Mini It .SoriiiH Hi4r000; doubtful, #4000; bad, liiDl Ileeii PlayiiiK With Tivo A’oiiiik persons of Seth Tubbs, ()lin*y Pi*rry, E. iiiitte*! snici*]*! sev**ral years ago. tfiriH 11 .Short Time Ilefort* it Ha|>|n‘iieil. #7000. The nuirtgages averaged about R. Cram*, Wm. .V. Crane and Louis Dean. C'lirlHlIaii Kinleavor anil F;|>w’oi ’IIi League Head what Travis and Daker, the pro ­ ('li«*a|> ICateH. #L’1.00 ai)iece, some being as low as The Hicks boys and Win. S<*igles were l.lceiiHf* t«> Wed. gressive druggists have to say in todays North .Star has a seiisatioh this we* k #1 .To. ami the expense of collecting the each I'xcused with #0 f1ni*s a ml costs, hav ­ The D**tr*)it, Grainl Ilaven am! .Mil- 'File f*)l)*)wit>g marriage Iicen8<*s liav News. in tin* o*.*casi*)ns at rate *)f *)ne far** and biite. Name ami H«*Hl000 acres of northern land, .March l<>—(Ieo. F. Hill, (ireenliush ...... Sii Store. house were .Vlonzo and a cousin, a girl, ing with Sheriff L(*land for thirty days, and 27, return limit .March 29, F*)! ’ the the title of which consists in land con ­ -M. Adelin K**lKer, (iratlot Co....26 Take your wat^'h, clock and jewelry and a neighbor girl, both about his age. whi**h he is tloing. Epworth Is'ague (-’onv(*ntion at Detroit, Marcli 18 —(Ieo. Miller. Diillas...... 24 tracts, tax litles, mortgagjsl j>roperty repairing to V. S. .\llison, the old reliable Nothing unusual occur**!] during the fore­ .Mar* ’h 2(5, 27 an*! 28th. Rate one fare AilMHC H*ile, ItitiKlifim...... 26 jeweler. noon, the chihlren amusing themst*lTts and a third 0!i the c**i ’tit]cate pla!i, ('ora Dalton, Montcalm Co...... 19 veying title's, w»*re sold to a repre'senta- TIIK .AMKN"I)MF:NT. .Mr. and Mrs. Dr. l.infon, of Coleman, miicli aft(*r the manner of younger boys tiv<* of Rothwell ik Co., of Detroit, for are visiting O. Dlanchard and family and and girls. .\t noon the girls prepair«*d <'ail«'IIH4‘H. V Business Bocals . #1 ,.’l2.">.0(f, and no one see'ined to envy I*r*»|u>H«* to I’ay llic Stati* OHIc«*rH Ilij'Iicr other relatives here. dinn**r and call***! .Vlonzo but r**ct*iveil .*>iilurieH. him his purchase*. While* it may i>re)ve a II.V'I’M. I.ook ! I.ook! Silver Tea Spooim F'ree. M iss Eda Steel was confined to her no r**ply and his cousin went to the barn 'I'ln* !’**publicans *)f the township of “memi'V make*r, ” it is all a matti'r eif 4'he following is the propos***! atneml- I.a*li**s! Ihiys! Girls! ]fy*)u w’ill re­ home the past week with the grip, but is to find him. On opt'iiing t he stabledoor Ruth will hold a * ‘aucus at tin* t*)wn hall turn fiv** *)f *)nr sacks in good condition chane*e*. as it is abseilutely impossible to nu'tit to the *:onstitution of Michigan able to be out again. tin* first objis't t«> meet ln*r **yes was tlie on Fri*lay, .March 22, at 2 p. m. for the with our mill hraii*! *iii, we will mukeyon make an int* ‘lligene*e*e*; ’.timateof its value. relative to the salarii's *)f the stat** a pn*s**nt *)f *i R**autifiil Silver 'IVaSpoon boy on his hainls and kni***s, with a ro|M* pur|>*>s«* of ]>lac)!ig i!i n*)mi!iatio!i I'andi- (diaries Fatterson, who has a position The* sah'H are* both inaile* subje*e>1 to *)fficers, to I*** v*)t***l on at the general or k**<*i) tlK'iii until y*)u fiav** .*10 sucks around his in.srk. «l(‘ad. Sin* rantoin*igh- *lat**s f*)r tin* several t*)W!iship *)ffices. at Ot.M'go, .\llegan county, is siiemiing a ceintimatiem by -ludge* Daboll. If the* el**<'tion t*) b** held on Monday, .Vjitil and w*! will give y*)u a whole set of six iiors (*)!• in'lp ainl the lioily was tak*'n l*)vely sp*)*)ps. Parti**s f)iD. of town can \acation in St. .Johns. court shoulel re'fiise* te> alleiw the* trans- Rv OnnKK of ( *).m.mittkk , *rs, the* eM't*iliteirs woulel probably be* found mak* ‘s it difficult to determine AVso/vc*/ hy the Senate and House of them the t* ‘ii sp*)Oiis. Sacks must be in Th**r** will be a !’i*|)nblica!i cjiucus at <»n (he fourth page* whicli is of intcrc'st to give'll a he'fiiing .-iiiel give*n the* eippen- whether it was intentioiml or acciil**ntal. Representatives of the State of Michi^^an ^ go*)*i *!ondition ami have *)ur mill brand (irang*! hall, (ir**enbush, .March 22, at 2 *)!i them. Goo*] only for sack iinrchase*] every lady in the county. funity of raising the- anieiunts offe're*el. Tin* boy had doubli*d a roji** about tin* That an amendnn*nt t*) s***:tion one of *)'*'lo* ’k p. ill. for tin* inii ’iio.se *)f pla*!ing on un*l after Mar*;h 10. Lemuel Webster has resign<*d the posi ­ 'Phis will preileably iieit be* eleiiie*. as the* size of a clotin's lin**, fastcin*d oin* t'inl artici** nine *)f tin* **onstituti*)n of this (iK*). \Y*)*)i) A Ri{*)., in inmiination camli*Iat( ‘s f*)r t*)W'uship tion as postmaster at Kiley and is sale* was public. we*ll aiine)iine*i*el anel t*> tin* joists, mail** a s1i|iping noos** of state** be am! the same is hereby ]>r*)- St. J*)hns, .Mk ’Ii. otfic**s. S. Rkkiik , siice«*«*ded by Kiibert Lanilers. e*vi'rye>ne* iiite*re*s ‘e*ei give*n iieitice*. The* ‘.In* fr**e einl, which r<*acln ‘nia passtHl up*)ii ce»nce*rn. Semi** fe*wmatte*rs iiave* \ e*t tei p. ill. to nominate a citizens ti* ’ket. City. in fooling with tin* rop**, .-li|)p**d and was shall f*ach r**c**iv** an annual salary *>f it" (Pr*)f. A. H. Says**, l'niv**rsity *)f be* se*ttle'el. lint the* re>ce*ive*rs think the*y tw*) tlnnisand five hundr***l *l*)ll.irs ; the Ry Ol d**! ’ of (’*)m!!iitt***' Oxford, England.) Th** Stan*lar*l giv<*H Hobert .\nderson, of Maple Hapids, stunned by tin! fall, or wln*ther it was will have* twe*nly pe*r e*e*nt left feir the* Stati*'rr**asur*'r shall r*H***iv*! an annual i:ssKX. tlie pr**f< ’rr* ’11 \\'***]nes- and the I’liilohigical Society, *)f .\meriea. oin* kn*'** with tin* tipsofhisfingersImri'ly l’rlc**H; #12 to #22. .Men. Mary Smith, of Gaylord, Michi ­ thee'oiirtson the* .lartielice anel .larndieM* *iay, .March 20, at Perry’s Hall. touching th*! floor and with the other l**g thousand five hundr***! *l*)llars; the gan, a sister of Register of Dei*ds L. C. jilan fe)rye*ars tei cemie. !*KN*i.\I.. DrcHHiiiiikin)'. str*'t<'h**f the Lainl ()fli*,*e shall .Mead, visited that genthanan and L.itku —.Jiieige* Daboll has be*«*n se*i ‘n re*- re* ‘eive an anniial salary of two thousand At Town hall .M*)!i*lay, .March 25, at 2 .Mrs. W. 'F. K<*Ily has return***] to St. ainl ('onstable Hoiigh w«*nt to the sci*ne •Johns anil will tie pl*>as***] to !n**et all her family last w**ek. geireling the* sale anel aske*el to confirm o’clock p. Ill. for the purpos** of j>lacing Tiu'silay afternoon but ilei'iil***!, in vi**w five hundred dollars; the .Vtt*)rn<*y (!en- old east Olliers. L*)*:afi*d on St***?l ,\ venue The Cnion schools will be closed the in nomination candidates lor township till! transfers of the* commission mort­ of (In* circiimstanc**, that no inquest was eral shall r**ci*iv** an annual salary *>f west of Clinton .\venii**. wn'k commencing .\pril 1st. .\ teacher ’s oHicers, Wm. E. Ei.iiuiiiok , gage's. the* lanel title's ami the* Diiranel ni'ci'ssMry. — Ithai'a .Journal. three thousaml five huinlr**! *lollnrs; institute will be conducted at the high prope*rt.v. He* has set .\|>ril 22 next, as the Sup**rintend* ’nt of Public lnstructi*>n ('hairman. I'lirc C hiiiIIch W.VTKI{T*)WX, .\.t the Canily Kitcli**n, corn* ‘r of Clinton school that wi*ek. the ilay of he*aring anel the cre*ditors will FANDIH.ATK FOK CI.KKK shall n'ceive an annual salary of tw’*i 'fliere will bea repiiblii'an caucus at the nvenne 1111*1 Walker stre**t. We have a .Jeweler ,\llison has a very interesting all be* notified and allowfil a chance to thousaml fiv** hundr***] *loIlars; th*! large and vari**d assortment of pure announcement in this week's Nkws which appe'ar ami |>rote*st if the*y se*e fit. •A I'romiiicnt Voiiiif; IIiih Iii«*hh Man Huh .■Vudit*)! ’G**n**ral shall roc* ’iv*> an annual Town hall in the t*)W ’nshi(> *)f Watertown, cream cnni]i* ‘s mail** from the v»*ry best .Aiiiioiiiifellars; th**y on Satunlay, March 20, 189,5, at 2 sugars and flavorings. We ar** also pre- SlMI.UKn TO l»i;.\Tli. sh*!li r***'t*ive no f****s *)r perqnisitf's what ­ o’* ’lo*'K p. m. for tin* jnirpos** of nominat ­ p»ir**d to furnish ii’ei'reaiii and the lat(*st who arc not so young. Win. M. DeWitt, of Kr«'pps. DeWitt *.V- thing ill ii’es, on short notice. Leave ever f*>r the perf*>rmance of any *luties ing township *)ffi*:ers ami transacting Eliza .V. Sears ot Dallas, was taken to ili>i‘ril>l«* .\c<‘l!ne b**fore the Kalamazoo insane asylum by Sheriff om C.irl. coinfM'tent (’hairman. nnd ftronoiinced insane by .fudge .Merrill. The little fonr-y**ar-oleI ilaiighter of and his friends have hopi*s that for the L*'gislaturet*>incr**asethesnlariee IlINOIIAM. Every tiling in Drugs at lowest prices .J. T. Daniels, of Essex, was ealled to W E. Stunq), who liv**s just over the In* will r**«!**ivi! the nomination. at'Fravis & Raker’s Corner Drug Store. hen'in pr*)vi*le*l, Ri* it furth**r 'fhe n'publican caucus for tlie t*)W ’nship Detroit on the Hth inst. by a telegram county line* in Gratiot county, met her He has b*H*n a life long republican Resolved, That sui*l amemlment shall of Ringliam to nominate township offi­ announcing the death of his mother. de*ath in a terrible* manne*r last Tneselay. and a good worker in the party. He has lA)ok at those good cloth houml books be submitt***! to the pe*)ple of this state cers will beheld at the house in She was 8(5 years of age and an old Her mother had biH*n mop(iing and left r**sid(!or his life and is largely ac<|uaintry stor«*. followinir elay after suffering friglitfnl who ar«* urging his candidacy and are Dr. .T. W. Pollard and wife for sometime, the Se<*r**tary of State is lien*by requiml r. (J. VAI’*illAN, pain. quit/** c*>nfident of success. He was born H*)I{A< ’K P. (lAOK. Favorite Cream at Travis & Raker’s left for W**st Ray City Thursday, where to give notice of the same to the sheriffs in DeWitt village .March 2.‘1, 18(57, and Township Coinmitteo. will make yonr hnnds and face smooth he intends remaining about a month of the s**veral counti*!s of this State, at .\Mt>N. lliiinllloii Will <'oiiiiiieiir<* hn u The ballots for and aguiiist this .\nti-Rlienmati*! rings at .Vllison's for Floaieer. eight y<*ars. In 1881 he moved to this at the Town hull, in Victor, on Satur**ay, 59 cents, warrunte*]. his residence on Floral and added ameni..iit*nt shall be printe*! at the foot w city where he was »*ducat**d in the public March 20, at 2 o’clock in the aft**rnoon, a handsome bevel jdate glass triple A lette'i* inclosing a elraft for re*ne*wal of the general ticket as provi*]* *1 by law, Travis Raker's Syrup of Tar and schools. He acci'pt***] a jiosition as for the piirposeof noininatingcan*]idnt* ‘s Wild Cherry will cure that cough —no window on tlie (*ast front . The inierior to Tiik Nkws from .las. D. Hamilton, am! *](!signat***l as follows: .Vmendment watch maker and engraver in a larir** for town officers. cure—no pay. Try it. 25 cents. has lM*<*n rcHnished in antique quartered formerly of Waeronstn, but wlio is now t*i the C*)nstitution r*>lative to salaries Chi**ago store in 1889 when* heremaini!d Rv Oudkk of Committkk . oak. loe.’nted at Eilwards Mich, says:— of Stat<* ofti*;ers, —“Yes.” Amendment Relt huckh'H ut Allison ’s. until 1892 when he form**d the ])r«!s**nt Free .Silver CaiieiiH. Miss Mable Si-ofleld returned Jiome “M’ishing yon snce*<*ss anel a large* to the C*>nstituti*)n r**Iative to sulari* ‘s b partnei-shiji with JC. R. Kn'jips. All those that l)**lieve in the fr(*e ami F'or S I«! Cliewp. Saturday from an ex tended visit in New patronage fiiryonr paiii'raml with lii*arty of stat*! offl**ers, —“No.” Said ballots in .\ Cohiml)ia light roadster bicycle near ­ unlimite*] ciiinage of silver at the ratio York state. She was accompanied by good will to all my frienels in Clintem all r**sp**cts to be *!anvas8e*] and r**turn ly new and in imrlect condition. Can be .Miss Susie PowI'll is visiting in Silver of *)ne t*>sixte**ii without regar*! to party her cousin. Miss Floience .8herman, of county, I am yours in l•arn^*st battle for made as in electi*)nH of ,Iiistic**s of the bought on time by r**sponsible party. Springs. New ^'ork. affiliations will in**et at the f'ngine For particulars call at 'Fhk Nkws office. Dunkirk, N. Y., who will remain wveral a ni'w Inane in the* hemlock ami hard Supreme Court. .V. E. Dutcher has a new advertisement House thi.s we(*k on Satunlay, at f*)ur wwks. maple fore*sts of ()gemaw county." Resolved further, 'I'hat th** j*)int r**riO- S**e those new ’ n*vk ami collar buckles on the fifth imge today. o’clock p. Ill. t*) put in'nomination * ’un- at .\llit*<)n's. The members of St. .Johns Lodge No. .I.\o. D. Hamii .ton . luti*)n entitl***] “.J*)int. resolution pro ­ *]i*]at<*s to be sui)p*)r(«**] at the townsliij) 28, .\. (). C. W. and their families are in-1 Tiik Nkws ; in e*onipany with Ids many Mr. and Mrs F. R. .Iai'ks*>n had a little posing an amendment to secti*)!! one *if S. I). Watson, of St. Johns, is sales meeting (*> be hchl *)n .Mon*Iay .Vpr. 1, vited to attend the fir^t anniversary of frii*nels. wisli 'Av. Hamilton the very bi*st lady visitor Saturday who will niakeSt. artu’le nine *if the con.stitiition of this manager in Clinton county for Funk «S .Johns her home. ■ might Rv OnUKI! *)K (’OMMITTKK. Wagnall ’s Standard Dictionary. Writ4? tftar I^odge No. .'ll) D. of H. to lie Jield of succ**ss III his iinelertnki ng. 978451 stat**, r**Iative to salari*!S,” which was for cin ’ulars. "Tuesday evening March 2(5, at .V. O. C. | be m«*n tinned that she weighs **ight [iiiss***! at the pr* ’si*nt s**ssion of the Liternry <'liil>. W. hall. Rampiet at 8 o'clock. ! .iriirKo IMS ito.Aito itii.i. lioiinds. For dehorning cattle or for the service J lyegishitun*. lie ail*] th** same is hereby The l/iterary ('lub will m*'**t with .Mrs. of a full blood .Jersey Rnl! apply to W. The St. .Johns banks are all largely .Mrs. .VI. Rabcock, .Mrs. E. Pi'iinell, .Mrs. ?’**peal***l. W. Williams, Eureka, .Mich. 1.5-17-p. lint I'roiiiptl.v I'sltl tlie Aiiioiiiil t<» Sli<*rin ‘ .M. Rabcock, W«**]!ies*]ay, afternoon, above their legal reserve and rejmrt the l.f*Un8t of any been steadily increasing during the |»nst ' H. D. McCalie has fill'd a boml of #11,- body in town. Farme*rs Hote*! for thren* elays, anel in X»I>ol(*on nunapnrte nnil prominent six months. ()()() as postmast**r in this city with the H<* Will lt<* » ('Hniliilat** For K«*-iioiiil- charni ’terH of his Hine, Mrs. O. \V .Munger. le*aving forgot to make the usjal settle­ iinlloii (IiIh SprliiK. linn »n. Wo*>druff by .Insti(*e .Severance Feb. Ill, and Sheriff Review’of chapters 40, 41, 42, Mrs. H. anil UmliH'lla repairing and have full west, has handsomely lepapered Ids W. N. Stocker, O. P. Di'Witt, F. .V. liave urg***] him (*> pla*!** his name b<*f*>re stn lor clerk this spring. .Mr. TheOwosso Eolinn (iimrtette will give little bill was promptly settled, with Co*)I*KR & Kkk NKY. saw<><] oak contf.ining French bevehnl W*>*>*]ruff has lM***n a life long r**si*lent *)f an entertainment at Keystone Grange costs anel exi>enses includi'd. Win..Meadows, *li ’**d at his home on a plate glass mirrors an«l extends across farm **ast of St, .Johns last Tuesday. He .St.JJ*>hns, am! a g*) 0*] w’orker in the re­ hall, Fri*lny evening, .Mareh 29. The C'lollilnic Clraiipil nnd KopHircil. the entire east side. The s(>rvices of an, .\lec. .Steffey of Elsie has received #172 had b****n troubb'd witli a cancer for a publican ranks. He has ma*le a very concert will cMisist *)f v*)cal and mstrn- I have rernov***! my tailor shop to th** addition:'! barber have b»*«>n si-cured and back |M*nsion, and willelraw#12 a month long time. He leavi'sn wifeandonechild. capable clerk ami the experience which mental iiiiiHic anors ojien at 7,curtain raises coats, etc.,*lve*l in a satisfactory manner.* <;an l>e had at all iionrs. { and tJiifl is one such instance. Thursday afternoon. charge the w*>rk of the office. at 8 o’clock. Hknuv Hk ’kky . yv. t'/.i •oBf **froni morn tin (cl«wy vtm buB.r mate and newly hatched youiif. Ati the world ncemed full of life and joy and SpanlBh Man* of'War Attack# AmcrD hoi>e. He had to i*over his earu ere ho canf Btcamer on the Hli^h 8ea«. couhl get to sleep, for the were al­ SIX DEAD THE RESULT OF NEW The American mail ship Allianra, while Financial Worry and Phyaictl Extf* ready awake and Hinging so loud. ORLEANS RIOTS. [iroccH-dlng from (’<»lon to New Y’ork, j An hour or two's r<‘Ht ami Roderick was sighti*d a hark<*iitiin*-rigged Htc*aiiu*r uii- i tion Not the Greatest Deatroyer up ugaiii, half dizzy with liis uiibclievablu tic*r the hiinl off (’apt* .May, tin* eaKtc*rii of Human Life. new joy, and trying lii*rd to talk biisiucss t'it.v T»-rroriy.eiI li>-li iiiicircdM of AriiiecI edge* e»f (’uha, whie-h iu'tnleel elirectlj fe>- ■ an—u woman in a thousand, is young Mrs. with Mr. Rlack, w ho had <‘oiin* to Rlack- Men AVlio .\1tuck Nc'gro AVIiurf Lu- warel he*r. Whi*ii aheuit twei ainl e n»*-hiilf • hall himself to g(*t tin* «*arlicst news, and mile*s elistaiit she he)iste*e| the* S|iaiiish | Janline. ” borers, Firiiiu KeekU-Hsly Into Hie 'I'he old fellow drew’ out his Hniiff-hox, persuade the young father to cH(*upc from flag, wide h was salute*il by Iniistiiig tin* . For Uumanit jr’s Sake) After Thlrtx*(tlA Crowils —I'oliec* Were Cowiirdly. took several pinches, and blew Ids nose the ignominious |s>sitiou of total neglect Ame*rieaii e*ii.sigii ainl elipping it, wliie-h | Year* of Nerve-Creepias Blarerx* with great violence, deliberately turning which befallH all fathers under these ae't of eourlesy was aiiswt*re(I l>y the ‘ Ua Telia How He Wa» Set Free. his hack upon the young man, ns perhaps happy cirt iiinstanccs, and tak** refuge iu AiitlioritieH Iteliod. Spaiiiarel. Slnirtly afti*r she* tircel a blank ! w as best. "huchcler ’s hull." Directly aft. r there Not since the day of tin* memorahle at­ eartrielge* te> le*(*waie|, whie-h was hckiii “Tliank tiod!” Roderick sai'’ at last, drove up tin* Symington curriag**, with tack on flu* I’arish prison and the lynch ­ folle)wi*el liy aiieilln*r. 'I'ln* Aiin*ricaii en­ Caldwell, N. J., March 11, 1W5.—(Spa- nnietly anil gravely. “Have I n son or a cial.)—Since one of our prominent citi­ Lady Symington in .t, who straightway ing of tin* Italians four y(*ars ago has sign was again he(iste*el ami elip|M*e|, but zens suffered so terribly from tobsce/o daughter ? I forgot. I ilid not gnite distip|it*urcd upstairs. New (Frleans been wroiight tip as it was the e*e»urse* ainl the spe*eel of the ship was tremens, bus made known bis frightful hear. ” When sin* came down her round, rosy 'I'liesihi.v hy a hloody labor riot on the mil chaiigi*e|, as iiei heist ile* eh*me>nstratie>iis experience in behalf of humanity, tha “.\ fion, sir. Another Jurdine of Hlack- faee was pale uinl her manner painfully river front, resulting in the killing of six we*re* aiiticipate-el. the* .Alliam-a lH*iiig mure ' ladies here are making tobacco-usinff liall. They tell me—I've been up at the quiet. Slie offered no coiignttulatious, iiieii and the vvoiiinliiig of at Ic'iist u dozen than six mile*s eilf the* la ml at the time*. j husbands' lives miserable with their en­ house inysi*! ’—that he ’s such a grand hut laid her hand on Ro(b*riek ’s arm. 'fhe Spanish maii-eif-wur was init satis- | treaties to at once quit tobacco. otln*rs. The riot was far more* s(*i ‘ioiis The written statement of 8. J. Gould la bairn that his mother is so proud of him. ” “I have lK*en iiji 8«***iiig your wife. Have than the loss of life iinlieated, for it show ­ li»*(l, he)w«*ver. with «*ve*a tin* doiihle su- i “Ills mother —my son; how strange it , . , , „ , ^ , , I attracting wide-spread attention, When you Hi'eii her this morning'/ ” lull* to her flag, but pro< ‘c«‘dcd to chasi* . interviewed to-night he said: "I coni- sounds! ” ed tin* moh to he in coiiiph*ti* control and ('HAi’TEH XIV—CoinInued. "Nor yet. Th(*y would not let me.” ahh* to defy and override tin* polic*c and tlu*‘ .AiiU' ‘rican...... at full speed,...... ’ judging5..1. rfrom...... menced using tobacco at thirteen; 1 am Roderick put his hands over his e.ves, the smokt* that eaim* out of lu*r fuiiiicl now forty-nine; so, for thirty-six years I H«' never siKfke of his mother ut all “tjuile right. St«>i»! You must not go hold the coniiiM*ri'e of iln* city comph*ti*l,v vainly trying to realize that great elinnge to ln*r just now. Instead, take my car- ami, seeing that tlu* .Mliaiiea was draw­ chewed, smoketl, snuffed and rubbeti sniiff. ■now, yet he was neither dull nor inolan- in u .voung man's life, when he has actu­ at its mercy. It marched along tin* en­ riag(* iiinl fetch Dr. - ing away, she yawed to, bringing her In the morning I chewed before I put my [choly. It is a retiiarkahle fact, which ally “given hostages to fortune ” and sees tire city front, some eight or ten miles, in UK ------Roilcrick in his turn became ghastly gnus to bear, ami lired a solid shot, which tpeopli* who desire to punish other people, himself not merely n.s himself, hut as the two armies (*qiiippt*d with rifles, shot ­ ounces of chewing and eight ounces or pale, for this dm'lor was tin* most noted stnu ’k the wafer h*ss than an eighth of a deservedly or undeservedly, would .lo father of a race to come, who will carry guns and pistols, dispersing all compani(*s smoking a day. Sometimes 1 had a man in all the country-side, and lie livinl mile from the shi|i ami ilirectly in liiu*. /well to remember, that the sharpest pain down his n.ame, laden with curses or of in*groc*s at uork lln*re and slnHitiiig all chew in both cbeeka and a pipa in mx twelve miU*s oFT. month at once. Ten years ago I quit |cannot last forever, and that a yo\in;; blessings, to remote posterity. A certain who opposed it without tlu* slight»*st elu*ck This ,wiis follow<*il by two more shots, "Is then* th<*ii such vital necessity? In drinking whisky. I tried to stop tobacco couple, thoroiighly happy in each other, momentary terror or less terror than or hiiulraiiee or the h*ast attempt at re- which forluualely did not n*iieh tlu*ir f, she in ilang»*r'/ Why did they not tell mg? time and again, but could not. My nervea will remain hap|>y in spite of :ill their ,a£ awe—came over him. Then, as if accept ­ sisiaiua* on tlu* jiarl of tlu* hil)or»*rs or po ­ mark, tliough they struck the water iti Dh, my (Sod! my (lod!” craved nicotine and I fed them till mj [feetio iaterel.itives, who think they ought ing the resfionsihility which no goorl man lice*. Tin* mob was complet(*ly mast<*r of plain sight of the ship. skin turned a tobacco-brown, cold, aticky "Hush! vv«* must not vvast** time in talk­ Ito he miserahle. Ay, and in spite of need fear, and which most men in their tin* situation, tiring right ainl l<*fl at all This outi'agf* has heen r(*|iort<*d to the perspiration oozed from my skin, and ing. It may be nothing, luy dear”—the irnariy outside things that might have secret hearts are rather proud of, he who got iu tin* way ainl at maii.v iNiiiits S(*cretary of * by (’apt. Crossman. trickled down my back at the least exer ­ old lady’s soft "my dear” was mor«* terri­ |been hard in later years; hut youth is the shook haiuis with .Mr. Rlack, put his ae- ev«*ii tin* vessc*ls lying at the wharf rt*- and no doubt a |iroiii(it demaml will be tion or excitement. My nerve vigor and fying than aught else—"but we never my life was being slowly sapped. I made ;time to light with fate—youth with its iu eonnt hooks aside lnekil.%' they were near ­ ».-(*ived showers of liulh*ts. made on the Spanish (Sov(*rnm(*nt I’or an know. 'I'he horses an* fn*sli; they will go up my mind that I had to quit tobacco •finite courage, its eternal hope. ly finished and prepared to go home at 'I'ln* riot proibiee**! tin* gn*afcst «*xcit<*- explanation for tlu* insult and a reason there and baek without stopiuug. Rriiig or die. On October 1 I stopped, and for once. required for the attempt made to stop an three days I sufferetl the tor'drea of tha Working at the mill all day. writing his the doctor with you- don ’t come without ineiit, arousing tin* <-omiin ‘reial classes and It w.ns a wet nigiit, had been pi'lting American mail steamer on the high seas damned. On the third day I got so bad jbook at night, with little society, for the him. 1 will stay ln*n* till you return." rc-inleriiig probabh* a suppression of tin* iSyniinglons had goneintoEdinhurgh. with rain all day; truly the small .Janline of rioting which has <'oiilimn ‘d more* or h*ss ill time of jieace. that my partner accused me of being Sin* sjioke briefly, almost sharply, with drunk. I said, ‘No, I have quit tobacco. ’ Ino rela'Cation exce|»t the dail.v walk “ht ‘- HlHckhall got hut a weejiing welcome into since Detoli(*r. cu liii ilia I iiig iu 'rin*sila.v ’s the calm (le<*isiou that reassures even BIG FLURRY IN WHEAT. ‘For God’s sake, man,* he said, offering ‘twoeu th(* lights, ” which his wife in- this “wearifu’ world.” Hut the young me hia tobacco box, 'take a chew; you will father never noticed it. He was fiiliy and while it alarms. 'sisted upon, Ui»deri<‘k had yet. he de AVilhout a word Roderick obeyed; al­ go wild,’ and I was wild. Tobacco was overpoweringly hapjiy. The fear which Hoxeriiiiiciit Report fiiiiseH u Stir on jclared. never spent a haiipier three lowed Mr. Rlack, who had liHtcin*d in forced into me and I waa taken home half iineonscioiiNly had hung over him the Chicug«> Hoard of Traile. dazed. 1 saw double and in.v memory months. And he looked so well, too, for silence, to give him his hat and coat, and jit* is not work that kills, hut “worry;” like a cloud for we<*ks was now all 'I'he liulls liad a great turn* on tlu* Chi ­ was beyond control, but I still knew how throw a plaid into tin* <*nrringe after him. cago lioard of 'I'rade 'I'uesda.v. Ma.v [foolish nmhitiuns, unsntistii'd cravings, changed into a delicious hope and joy. to chew and smoke, which I did ail day "Will you not go, too, .Mr. Rlack'/ You wh(*at jumped up m*arly ;5 cents from the until towards night, when my system got ■jarred temiters, stinging remorse or unre- Ridding a cheery good-night to Mr. had better. He is quite stunneented sin. Not mere sorrow; that can Rlack (“Ry the hy, I had a line from your I looked and felt ns though 1 hud been wife yest<>rdny, hut that's no matter now," see." certainty marked tlu* operations iu the be horue. Koth of these had known "Yes, m.v lady; but I know him —lie’s a through a long spell of sicknesa. 1 gave said ho, ns fliey partcdl. Roderick walked wheat pit throughout tlu* day. 'Flu* hulls 4iorrow -she especially — hut there was a brav<* ln have been made to tlu* habit, called No-'Fo-Rnc. I sent to Drug­ it was a kitchen garden, with its walks quantity of wheat in the farnu*rs ’ inimls I’erhnitsI No!” tin* very minutes ns they erawled along; liolici*. to the .Mayor, ti>*'d into silence iiinl a expecting less than lH.'i.lMMi.lKHI liiislu*ls the jmtiiig mistress answered. .And her would not let him speak lo liis wife. Imt fa use of Hie Tr»»iilil<*. desire for toba<*co from the first day. I fair, pale face bent down over her flow ! book; for years Uoderii k n»*v<*r saw the Tlie w hile screw niei) engaged in lomling fanuers ’ reserv<*s. and the stati*iiu*nt sleep and eat well, and 1 have been bene ­ only look at her as she lay asleep, like a tith* <»f that book without a shudder. ers. mill up again to lier budding ajiple marble image. Her eyes were closed, vessels with eolioii at that port have be(*ii tlierefore came like a tInimlerbolt. 'I'rans- fited in more ways tlian 1 can tell. No, hlosNom.s and h< r fall forest trees, now A "ray of hop**" he learned there was. acliiins ii|i to noon were oier ri.OiHl.tnM) the cure was no exception in my case. I hut a swe<*t smile Flitleil about her mouth, attempting for four iiioiitlis past to drive growing full of iiest-hiiildiiig birds. Duly a ray! ainl three hours befon* the know of ten [leojile right here in Caldwell ami her left hand was ext«>mled outside m*gro labor from the le\<“es. Several seri­ liusliels. a larger total than is reached in “That mavis. 1 have watehed him this vvlioh* world had seeiiie*! to him to he who have bought No-'Fo-Rac from ilasler, the coverlet, over a small lieap. a little ous liots have already oe«*urred from this many entire da\s. .May advanced nearl.v and they liave^ heen (*urod. Now that I wei-k past. I am sure lie lias a young fl<>,(MM» liusliels of farm reserves, This, fiioiigh to eihey or- take it in as n r**ality. and the mind is < oii- doubt tlu* charge of the poliei* that Tues­ the tobacco liahit, and in case of failure ranged surreptitiously between .Mr. Rlack ilers and creej) guietly dowii-stnirs. not day's rioliiig was pn*arrange(l iu every against .■i;!!),(M1(I,(Hmi liuslu*ls a year ago. we are |ierfe<*tly willing to refund mon ­ Kcioiis of in*itlier t**rror nor luiin. only a ey.’ I would not give a public indorse ­ Mild his,lid gardener a lilt leinntheinntieal even .'isking to see his little s«,ii; in truth, «lull sense of soiin*thiiig hnpp<*iier he- detail ill order to strike terror to those dia,gr.(m of beds, with grass lawn he TAYLOR ARRESTED IN MEXICO. ment if I were not certain of its relia­ ju.st then he hardly thought of him at all iiig about to hap|«*ii, vvliicli one enii no who opposed the demands of the white bility. I know it is bucked hy m«*n twi‘eii. in which had sprung up, as if bv laborers. It was well understood that ns a hiiiiian entity, hut only of th(> moth ­ mor<* escap** tliiiii oin* can escape from the -Muti Who Kolilied StiiiHi Dakota of worth a iiiillioii. No-'Fo-Rac has been magic, siici-essions of spring Flowers, then would be a serious disturbance er, the jirecious life iniiieriled and savi-d. falling r*>ek or * advaneiiig br**ak«*r, Half a .^lillioii Said to He Caiiulit. a God-s«*nd to me, and 1 firiuly lie- tmowilrtiiis. eroi-uses, hepaticas. Now, The Mayor ami authorities wen- warned, lieve it will »*ure any case of tohacco- .And he had known nothing nothing, all eitln r *>f vvliieh will bring eerlaiii and in- Advices aiiiiouiici* tlie arrest of W. W. April lieiiig come, even in the dear Seoieh stniitain*ous doom. but iio [irovision wjis made to meet the iising if faithfully tried, and there 'ir* this time, \\ ith w hat silent eourage had 'Fayhir. tlu* ex-.'^'ljite 'Freasiirer of Souili i thousands of tohaceo slaves who ought to elinmfe. I lie sunshine was strengthening rh<*y rea* ln*d Rlaekli.nII. and he !n*nrd imdi. which liad the field to its<*lf, killed she sent him away at breakfast time, I Dakota, who absconded with thousands know how easy it is to get free. 'I’liere’i and the garden hrigliteniiig every week. at tin* front door tin* Doctor ’s (nn*stion, tlu* negroes or rail them oft' tin* levee, | and kept him ignorantly content at his I of ilollars. Details of tlu* arrest are iiiea- haiipiness in No-'Fo-Rac for the [irema- “I shall havi' a beautiful nosegay pres "Is sin* aliv**'/" ainl Linly Symington's overawed tlu* |ndice ami held comph*le work all ihat long diz/.y ainl bliinl. each along the entile city front, aftaek- against tlie purchase of any of the many Rut In* soon ro<-ov( rt*d himspif. ninl went not yet expliiiiicd, (he chief of police, af- ried a .\v'-ar. .Ami .\ef it felt sometimes as lowed ti. kiss lier. without sfieakiag; in­ iiig the negroes at three points and liring } ter having 'Faylor in custody, released him imitations on tin* market, as the siiceesa if they had been married all their lives, back to lisi(*M at tin* foot of tin* stain-as**. indisi-riminately at all jiersons wliom of No-'Fo-Rac has brought forth a host deed. she made no nttcmiit to siieuk. only I before otiicers could arrive witli e.xlradi- so eomidelely hud they grown into one smiled her own incITahly jicai-eful smile. "It will b<* a hard Fight a hand to hand they saw at work on tlu* ships or the of counterf**iters and imitators. Tha tight hut we’ll beat, 1 trust," the Doctor i tioii paiiers. genuine No-'Fo-Rae is H

or and ask**d if sin* might bring in ! they arranged to intercept tin* boat wln*n the' skin' of blemishes' ...... ami' ...... make' ~ life mora stanifts ready nflixed to th»* Neuehatel "WW; eyes) • that sunset." she said, "it maki's the h.'ihy whose crying disturbed the it reaclu'd .Mexican soil. .-Ml tin* neci*s- worth living. letters. No one at hoim* had been for­ the whole sk.v 'colorise.' as wi- usc'd to say mother. Rodrri<‘k ass<*iited, but took no sary ar'•t'.ngements were made nieanwhih*, > Ii gotten; neitluT Mrs. tJriersoii nor Lady 'Flunk ot It lueln*s! You e-aii ^)e^ITlanent- In Sw itzerluml. I >o .voii n-memher llu> notice of hi.s son; iiide<*d, at the moment ainl wln*n 'Fayhir sfeppeil :ishore In* was Symington not even .Mrs. .Ale.xander ly beautify your complexion with Glenn ’s .Inngfraii ami the \V»*tlerhom that day In* alinos. felt ns if he liaf**d him. Kiinl promptly placed under arrest. Siil|>hur Soaii. at Iteriie'.'ami the .Alpes Rernoisi's from 'I’hoiiison. .At which Roderick again mut­ .Ian* ‘t v as the onl.v i»i*rsoii who paid the Walter W 'Faylor wiis Slate* 'Fr»*asure*r "Ilill’s Hair and Whisker Dye,” Rlack tered. ".Inst like her." Riit there was no Ltiusaiiiie'/ <)h. my land! it is a heaven ­ h*ast attention to the young heir of Rlack- etf Seiiith Dakota ami re*sieb*el at Pie*rre*. or Rrowii, .“ttlc. ly lamll I can never forget it. Ihit this letter how I'oiild there he .Khlres.sed to hnll. .Ian. S, |S!»1, he disappeare*el, and it was Mrs. .lardhie, is my home.'' (To be continued.) dise-eive*reel that his ae-eeiiiiits were* .'<.’!.-|(l,- She had h« en speaking Fn'in-h for a "Rest not." he said, with a thrill of vii.w (It I jii; i.i.vi i:. (MMt slnirl. lie* was lrae-e*el tei (’llie'agei. anger, the slinniesf he had ever yet felt; He I,c''i»rmlsiin*n eef 'I'ayleir, wllei maele was a father himself, he fi'lt all the laus. 1 had l>(**'ii told of an alimist in- people, and lh.\ (lod iii.v tlod." famous in the French rcvcdiitioii. 'I’liey geieiel his leesse-s le» tin* Stale*. nc<*«*ssll)h' |iool up tin* rlv<*r at the baso AN INVESTIGATION .Never, tlniiigh Roderiek .lardiiie mav more yenniiiig toward his mother the marclicd in Kciiii-military order, quietly mother who hare him. Nothing could ni­ h\ e (o see ihousaiids of sunsets, will ho of the perp<*ndi< ular cllfls. and fainy and with few words, and Iln* morning FIVE MEN LYNCHED. forgci this one, nor his w ife’s fai’c ns she ter that fact. DEHANDED. alivi* with liouf. I found the plin-o, being v(*ry foggy, they were not seen un­ h/oked .It it. wafehiiig it fill the last glow Willi a great sigh he sat down to hi.s ainl also F’oiiinl that ili(*n* was only one til the.v li!cd info the I’reinh market, I (ut iiiiis \V Iio K ilicnl a Colorado Dopiit.v had died away. 'I'heii she rose. solitary stipjier. and jircfinred lor an way to gt*t :: hook in tin* pmd. I had to H«*n* some of them stationed themselves Slicriir Riddled with Hiillets. “Nit'v let ns go in, dear.” eifunlly solit.ary evening. climb on my liainis and kin*cs np a behind fhe massive pilljirs rilT llixoii A general banking business Is done by “.Are .voii 1 ired■/" He was sliglitly oceufiied. however, hy the hiituan system, because the blood de- while others scattered among tin* fr<*ight was hnitnlly niurele*ie*el .it W'alsenlairg. “I think so." Leaning heavil.v on h»B the letters he had to write in I'rem h or stct*p path to a sort »>f sln*lf on the clilT. posit.s ill its vaults w hatever wealth we may with whii li the levei* was covered. (’eilei., by several Italian ceial mim*rs. arm she went indoors; hut she sat uii sew­ I‘!iiglish —letters to tlmse whom hi.s wife ()n tilt* *)lln*r side of the shelf was .a •After peuimling tin* ele*iiuly's lieael intei a gam from day to ilay. This wealth is laid up against “a rainy day ” as a reserve fund ing t' ' her usual tiim'. and rose as usual loved, and who loved Iier and would sym- slu'er droji of forty f**<*t *lo\vn to tho Fired ITpon Hie Neuroeis. pulp the beeely was bield(‘ii and was met wlnn. r’l a specially early hour —for he —we're iu a condition of healthy prosperity finthize with her to the uttermost, he po(d. .Inst as I «Iragg(**l niys(*lf njion .Ttisi as tin* negro overseer called u|m)ii feuiinl until 'Fin*selay luorniiig. w ln*n a if we have laid away suiHcieiit capUal to hn)ipt ned to have a long and hus.v day he- knew. I'ailhfully he fiillilhMl all lier tin* top of tin* h*dg«* tin* whirr of a i.at- his men to go to work some one in the ge*m*ral alarm was give>n aiiel bloeMlIniuinls draw upon iti the hour of our greatest need. tore |,,ii; Ie> went oft to the mill. wishe.s. even writing a lim* to his sister tl(*siiake starth**! mi*. N.iturally I mob shouted: "l■'ire." 'Fhere was a single I>ut upon tin* iinir-IereTs' frail. There is ilatiger iu getting thin, because it’s Ill- vv.i.s sitting iu his little, diiig.v r»*el to lay it on been liles-cd hy nature with a talent for [ feet, of me and preparing to strike. if our liver he iii.ictive ami oiir blooel iiu- heeii a trm* man else a wrathful iug for idacc's of safety. 'Fin* negroes the* eitln*r. Late* in tin* i.>fte‘rm>eui an iii- pure, or'if our Flesh lie reduced below a aritliiiietic; hut it was Uoderiek’.s |)i*eu- Either I had to get down on my liainls ' sense of all his darling had been iiitide aboard the steaiinT, at whom the princi ­ e|ue*sr w as ln>ld. at w hie h tin* guilt eif tin* heiillhy staudahi. What is leeiniicil i.s an liarity that what In* ilid worst he always I foemluie- his iiiiioceiit darling, whom his and knees again or jump forty feet ihto pal Fire was directed, scattered, some of four Italians was plainly preeveel. Ilixeui increase \\\n\\\t^erm fiyhlhts; stte»^llt. Dr. worked hardest at, ami what he jiartieii- motln'T hinl iiev«*r known nor ;akeii any tin* |>ool. .As I saw tin* diamond head them jumping ovcrboiird in their fright, Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery enriches liirl.v liafed he aivvays t'or<*ed himself to be'iug a very pequilar man, tlie feeling the blood and makes it wholesome, stops ! iinins to know, and whom his sisti'rs. fol- of the snake draw back to strike I de- luit most of them seeking refuge in the do at once. Mis head swam, ami his eyes aiueiiig other niim*rs ami citizens in gen­ the waste of tissue and at the same time labin. 'Fho iindi began liring not only ■Were dazed. y<*t he still stmd; bravely to I lowing her lead, had as eompleti'ly ig- (*ided and Jumped. .In*^t as I serung eral gre*w to f(*vi*r heat, ami at tin* ehis,* builds 111) the strength. A iiieelicine which I nored as if she were iio wife at all. Rut at tin* negroes at work on tin* I!ngineer, those iiiouiitaiiis of Figures, alp after nip the rallh*r sirnck. I had a pair of nioe- eif the* eeireiin'r's ine|iie*st, as tin* priseiiiers will riel the blooel of its poisons, cleanse jimi invigor.ate (he great organs of the body, ari'ing before his troubled hniiiis, when j tlu- storm did not last long In* was of (*asins on my feet and the fangs of tin* blit at any they could sec* |iassing and. We re* being niar< ln*el te* jail, a nifdi niaeb* a ! too geiitb* a nature; nml then he was so vitalize the svst<*m. thrill the whole being he w:i.( startled by a little kiioek, nml ohl snake fastem*d in tin* one nearest him. becoming frenzied, tired at all, while and rush feet* them, ami l•(*fe)re* tin* sln*rifr hapfiy, so very happy. I'rom his calm black alike. (>n board tin* I!ngineer tin* with new energy ami make permaiient work 151a< k who lie tlioiighi h:nl gone home •As I went down I lemember seeing the ami his eb*puti(*s eeuilel raise* a haml tei of it. is surely a reme«)v of great value. Ilut ' height of m* htinelfe'el eir metre Italians, se*eing .a holil .issetlioii. All Dr. Pierce asks is th.at Ihe First to give ye the good news. Laddie. you make a thorough investigation and ; tln*n, I'aiding flmi all w .is wt*ll in tin* sib-nt two .‘ifter I struck tin* water In iny dive in*gro<*s ainl otin rs who happ<*in*