JAMK HIM Mam Ari'hiigiag to Ilo HO

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JAMK HIM Mam Ari'hiigiag to Ilo HO ■T -; '■■i ‘" Volume Y1. —No . 30. ST. [GUNS, MICHIGAN, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 18. 1895. Whole No . 342 TIIK NKW.S IN HI.IKI' 10 WII.I. OHGAM/K A .SII.VKK Cl.I’ll. FOK TIIIKTV YKAUS, AIHhoii UlrUardHoit Hhh llt*rii With li. M. Meiiiliei-H Fmiii all Fellllcal I’lirtlrs are A VEHY Foprcii & Dimly pay canli for I'KKrt-* Steel. JAMK HIM mam Ari'Hiigiag to ilo HO. (k*o. A. StiH*l wuH ill Di'troit liiwt week. INVKSroUN il.WK I.I'.’.IUNKU TO <iO AT I.KA.ST i.oi'i.s kif:<;i.f:s iia .s ho very pl**asant surjiris** w’as giv**n A 1‘KOAllN’K.NT AM> AVKAKTHV KARM- K. E. Whip|>Ie wan in Detroit Tuemlay. Sl.t» VV CON’CI.i:i)KI>. F:K OF' unF:ENHVHH 11. .1. I’atterson has *vritt**n toChicago Allis*)!! Richar*]s*)!i, sufM'rintemlent of the Dyrou L. Pierce wiih in Detroit 'I'neH- for blanks and as soon tis thev aiv F;iiii**r II, CrtiiiK MwearH Out a AA’arraiit building *l**part!!)e!it, of the St. .Iuh!iH <lay. When iliiylint SecurillcH From the MU'lil- Took M lloH« of Xlor|iliiii<! and Died at His KHii >lorlK»K<‘ Wrei'k,—The received he will cull a niei*ting to be hehl CliarKliiK Fivo of llic rarllcipaiitH will* Mamifai.’turing C'*)nipany, at hisr*'si*]**nce Home III Flureka at Two O'clock This \V. E. Haiuiltou vieiUnJ frieiulH at Flint AnHaiilt anil itatt**ry —F*>ur of Tlieiii I'ay 112 Oaklan*] str***t south, Saturday ICeceiverH rittned Out .MortKttK*'** unit at .Justice Duncan's office for the purpose Sforiiiiig.—Thou|{lit to Have Heen Tem­ laet week. l*ru|i< ‘rty to tii<* .Viiiuuiii of 1.1 *>ii Their FIiich iiik I One I.aiiKuiHlieH at the eve!)!ng, by the foll*)wing gentl**!!i**n who porarily liisaiie —I.eaves a Wife and Two County .fail. .Mre. E. M. IMancharil viisited in Foriiuna Siitio'ility Aneriiooii, of organizing a silver club. Prominent are or have b»H*ii associat***! with the Married IlaiiKliters. laet week. republic^ins and democrats and members institution. Geo. Th*)!n|)s*)!i, Ge*>. I’etri**, Louis Si«!gl**s, a young farmer living The receivei-s sale of the .Michigan from all parties have signifbHl their di*- Chus. I'atterH*)!i, .Jack Multhous**, E. (J. James (Idle, a wmilthy farmer of Green- Try .MliHon ’H f 1 .(HI MpiH. ’tucleH tlie best s<*ven mill's southeast of St. .Johns, is .Mortgage Company held at the ollice on Whetston**, .V, R, Castw*!, F. ,M. Spauhl- bush, w’ho has resi*led at Eureka for in the market. sire to join such an organization and Hi'rving out a thirty days sent«*nce at Saturday was fairly well attended. Sev­ ing, 1). .S. French, Robt H, I.e*!, .\. ,1. some tim**, took a *]ose of morphine lost .Miss Carrie Holt visited St. .lohns arrangements will becomph*ted probably the county jail w hich he was given last eral interested jiarties from outsidu were I’ullaw, E. E. Whipple, U. M, St**el, T, night, while his family were at church, friends last wiM^k. Thursday by .Justice S<*verance on a present, but the auctioneer was not during the w«'**k. .Meetings will then be Rr*)nil*)y .Jr., R. G, Steel, Emmet Nichols, from the effects of which lie di”d at two charge *>f assault an*l batt»*ry. Elimir .Mi*s. G. E. Corbin is visiting friendsand made nervous by the grt't'd of anxious held at the court houseifitcan bes«*cun*d. 'Vhi . (N)chra!ie, I), (i. Ste<*l, G**o. H.Ste*!!. o’clock this morning. He has been R. Crane, who livi*s near Si**gh*s, gave a relativfs in Mason. bidders. The sale had bet*n well adver­ .V m<H*ting has bc<*n call<*<l for Saturday It was in h*)!i*)r of .Mr ]lichards*)n ’s troiihl***] with temporary *]**inentia for dancing party at his r«*sidence on I'eb- Mrs. Wellha Drudley, of Ovid, is spend ­ tised, but neither the creditors nor dis­ fiftieth birtInlay a!id he w»ih pres**nt***l some time and us (here 8 *h *ii!h no pos ­ evening of this week. ruary 14 which was largely attend«*d by ing the w<M‘k at L. C. Mend ’s. interested investors looking for an op ­ with *>!!*! *)f the *!*)mpany ’s han*]s*m!e sible cause for tlie course taken, it is a livi'ly crowil and was brought to a S<M‘ \V. T. Chiweh about your hogs, he portunity to place idle money, were pillar ext*'!isio!i tallies *)f the lat*!st thouglit that he took the ])*)ison while focus with some of (he “lati'st movts wants them to ship ne.vt Friday. after the plunder. The company ’s in­ *]eKign. .Major D. S. Fr**nch !na*le tin* not r*!sponHibIe for liis acts. He was a terest in a brick .store at Durand was inents. ’’ Th(*re is said to have been any pr**H**ntHtio!i an*] very ft*eli!igly r**fe! ’r**d man about (55 yi'ars of age, an old soldier S. A. Sturgis has sornetning to say IN \\m amount of music in the air for a short sold to F. Ciiwell for #1000, a mort­ and *]r* ‘W a pension. He I**av»*s a wife about bicycles in this wis-k’s papi'V. to the pl*!asa!it r**latiyns that have s*) gage of abijut #1 100 being assumed by time, ami some black (*y«!s and bad long exist***] betw**en th*)s«! pr**sent. and two ilanghters, .Mrs. Railey, who Howard Turner spent the later |iart of i.o.\/o wf:.st pisc’ovKitKii with .a the purchaser. brnisi's follow***! the “little episode. ” .Mr. RichanlH*)!! has be**!i *!*)!inect«**] lives on a farm imst of Eureka, ami Mrs. last week with liis sister at Detroit. koff: .akoi 'mi his nkck . 'I'he balance of the uncollected <‘ommis- Mr. Crane swori* out a warrant for tin* with the Munufa*;turing ^'*)mpany since Ingersol. Physicians work***] *)v**r him Head the St. .Jolins Meii'antile Co.’s arri'st of William, Edward and .J«)hn sion mortgages amounting to about Tin* Ili»y in Only Foiirtceii A'ciirs of Aue its in*!e|>ti*>n a!nl his association with all iiigiit and everything possible was Hicks and Louis and William Si**gl**s on unnoiincement on the eighth pngetoday. #10,000, which were classed as follows, Mini It .SoriiiH Hi4r<l to f'oticlinie Wln*llM*r .Mr. Ste**l covers a p«*ri*)d of !i**a! ’lv thirty done to save his life. ,V son of .Mr. Odie, Frank .f. Wickes left for Colorado were sold to F. P. Runday for #.’l,(50i) .00. it WIIH an .Acchlciit or 11111*110011111 — He cliargi* of assault and ba(t«*ry on the years. about twenty-five y**urs of ag* ’, coin- Springs, Colorado, Wednesday afternoon. Good. #.">000; doubtful, #4000; bad, liiDl Ileeii PlayiiiK With Tivo A’oiiiik persons of Seth Tubbs, ()lin*y Pi*rry, E. iiiitte*! snici*]*! sev**ral years ago. tfiriH 11 .Short Time Ilefort* it Ha|>|n‘iieil. #7000. The nuirtgages averaged about R. Cram*, Wm. .V. Crane and Louis Dean. C'lirlHlIaii Kinleavor anil F;|>w’oi ’IIi League Head what Travis and Daker, the pro ­ ('li«*a|> ICateH. #L’1.00 ai)iece, some being as low as The Hicks boys and Win. S<*igles were l.lceiiHf* t«> Wed. gressive druggists have to say in todays North .Star has a seiisatioh this we* k #1 .To. ami the expense of collecting the each I'xcused with #0 f1ni*s a ml costs, hav ­ The D**tr*)it, Grainl Ilaven am! .Mil- 'File f*)l)*)wit>g marriage Iicen8<*s liav News. in tin* <leath of .Vlonzo \V<*st, a fourt**<*n same will of course be iMKjes.sarily very ing jmt in their appearanc** before thi*y w’uiik**e Ry. and T*)l* ’d*), Saginaw a!n] lieen granted during the jiast week by For timothy, clover, red top and all year old boy, w ho.se fath**r resid**s nt*ar large. They are all sts-ond liens on farm were arr**st«*d. but Louis Singles mad** .Musk**g*)n Ry. will sell tickets for the County Clerk (ieo. H. Marshall : kinds of garden seeds, go to Foerch A: Ovid, and who, for the past tliris* y(*ars property, largely in northern .Michigan, hims**lf smhlenly s**arce ami some bills abov*> o*.*casi*)ns at rate *)f *)ne far** and biite. Name ami H«*Hl<lent ’e, Ajc** Daidy. * has b(s*n living with his grandfather, •March 1*5 —I.in< ’olw F'rink, KsHex .....................H4 and the average term which they have lor t<*l**granis, liv**ry rigs, «*tc.. made his a thin! for the r*)un*] trip. For the .Manila liaiiKcrow. Kssex ......... 83 Cut flowers and flower designs siipnlied William Wf'st, on st*ct ‘! n L'J of this town ­ yet to run is tlins* years without interest. costs with the Hin* #21.40, uinl In* c*)n- Christian Einlt'uvor (’o!ive!!tion at Ray Marci) 1(J—William Hlllut, Wati*rt*)wn....l'.) on short notice at the f'hicago Drug ship.
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