Published by the Guvcrnment of Haryana 1983 MOTIF

The motif SJlmbolise, the impOTtance oj camel in the daily lije oj the people of DiBtrict which has an arid type of climate and sandy soil. The camel i, a large and sturdy animal and can. withstand df'ought conditions with its capacity to withBta.nd apeUs oj wateT shortage. It can subsist on rough kind oj feeds which are normally available in d'ry sandy areas. It is, therefore, indilpenBable in ",,'al areQ8 for purposes relating to agriculture and tra.n.sporl, Facing Page Maps ; Mahendragalh District Tahsil boundary, district and tahsil headquarters, towns, roads/railways, rivers/canals, important villages, rest hOllses etc. xi Tahsil Tahsil headquarters, village boundary and population, urban area!!, roads/railways, rivers/canals and Service facilities etc. 37 Tahsil -do- 53 Mahendragarh Tahsil -do- 85 Namaul Tahsil -do- 109

(;'1) rouWoJtt» 'the district census ha.ndbook (DCH), compiled by the Census OrganisatIon on behalf of the State Governments, is one of the moat valuable products ofthe CensuS. The DCR is cons.tantty referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of 10cal1evel and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary CmlliUS Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the fural areas and ward wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc. The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town oflhe district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including PeA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part A related to village and town directory, Part B to village and town PCA and Part C comprised analytical report, administrative IItatistic!l, di!ltrict census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of thc fOlmat of the village directory and incorporating more ex:haustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the net.d of micr(l level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, and community health workers in the village have bet'n introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The neW item on approach to the villa.ge is to have an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices Ii~ting the villages where no amenities are available and according to the ptoportion of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population to the tot 0.1 population has also been made with this view in mind.

The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A neW statement on civic and other amenities ill !dums in Class I and Class II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmeS on provision of civic amenities for the improve­ ment of slums. The columns on Schedule(\ Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation in statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy 4XaSSes/centres under educational facilities in Statement V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class oftown in all the seven statements of the town direc­ tory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban iI.reas of the country can be best anal yscd by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serveS this purpose.

The format of the primary census abstract for the village!! and towns has boen formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census.

In order to avoid delay in pUblication of 1981 DCH series it has been So dosigncd that Part A of the vo lume contains village and town directory and Part B, the PeA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes peA upto Tahsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported (v) by a number of inset tables based on PCAand non-ccnsus data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and tah~il/Police Station/CD Block etc., level maps depicting the boundaries a.nd other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the publication. This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction ofShri O. P. Bharadwaj, I.A.S .• the Director of Census Operations, Haryana on behalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of plan­ ning, designing and coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B.K. Roy, Deputy Registrar Goneral (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data reoeived from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Shri M.M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in this project.

New P. PADMANABHA the 26th April, 1982. Registrar General, India.


At the outset, it must be stated that the Census Operations of 1981 were carried out under the stow a rd­ ship ofShri O.P. Bharadwaj. Director of Census Operations. Hatyana and the credit for the ~ucce~Sru\ conduct of the Operation goes to him. Before, however, the report could be finalised he had to resume his duties under the State Government in public interest.

In March. 1981, the provisional population totals of Haryana State were released after the enumeration was over. The actual enumeration was conducted from 9th Feb.uary to 28th February. 1981, with a revisional round from I st March to 5th March, 1981 in order to brinl the Census count correct upto the reference date i.e. the sunrise of lst March, 1981.

In Paper I of 1981 provisional figures down 10 the district loveland cities with population of 100,000 and above had been given and basic data relating to total population including sex ratio, den'lity, decennial growth rate, literacy and sexwise breakup of population were presented. Thereafter a supplement to Paper-I of 1981 was brought out presenting a few other characteristics of population also based on provisional results of 1981 Cen.;us. It covered information on urban population and work participation rateS of the male and female population. Da.ta. down to the tahsil and town levels in the form of Primary Census Abstr,,:ct and on disabled perSons were also included.

The 1981 series of District Cen!!us Handbooks to which this volume belong!l has been divided into two parts. Part A presents data obtained from the field on land use pattern and amenities such as drinking water, post and tclcgm.ph, educ!'.tionaJ, medical etc. available in each village and civic (l.nd other amenities in each town. Pa.rt B presents demographic data down to the village level in rurd areas and wa.rd level in the case of urban areas. Enumeration blockwisc figures of total popula.tion and Scheduled Castes population in case of urban areas arc shown in an appendix at the end of Primary Ccnsul! Abstract. Our attempt has been to present the information concerning each district in its maximum pOlisible details in the hope that these volumes will prove USeful to Scholars, plv.nners and those who are working to improve the economic condition of the people parti­ cularly in our State and generally in the country as a whole.

Dated : Chandigath the 10th February, 1984 R. K. AGGARWAL Deputy Director of Census Operations, Haryana



In a country like India, with the dimensions of a sub-continent and one-sixth of the world's population, Census is a gigantic task. That we have been able to accomplish it successfully is largely due to the inspiration and guidance of Shri P. Padmanabha, Regillttar General and CeD!IUS CommislIioner, India. His deep under­ standing of both the conceptual M well as the practical aspects of Cenrus and complete identification with the job have been a living example to us all and his ever-smiling and unruffled expression, always considerate and sympa­ thetic view of our problems and polite but firm handling of difficult situations made him an ideal captain of the team engaged in a stupendous undertaking. First and foremost, therefore, we must expre!ls our grateful thanks to him for showing us the right direction in steering the Censu!: ship through difficult waters.

For the m"l.~sive op3ration ofactual Cemus taking, the whole country is divided into convenient Enumera­ tion Blocks covering about 750 Nr~om in th'! rural area'l ani ab;)ut 650 PJr~on; in the urban arca

The great mass of information collected in the field was edited and processed in our two Regional Tabulation Offices located at Ambala. and with the help of 500 odd Tabulators, Checkers and Super­ visors. The compilation of Primary Census Abstract is an outcome of the hara labom put in by the dedicated team of officials consisting of Tabulators, Checkers, SUPervisors, Statistical Assistants and Investigators in these Regional Tabulation Offices. All of them deserve praiSe for hard work put in by them to complete the work in the stipulated period. The Regional Tabulation Office at Ambala Sadar was looked aftcr by Shri S.L. Bahl, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri A.L. Kakkar, Investigator and four Statistical Assistants while the Regional Tabulation Office at Kurukshetra was controlled by Shri R. K. Puri, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri Vi nod Kumar Babbar, Investigator and four Statistical Assistants. Shri J. R. Vashistha, Assistant Director, also worked as Deputy Director in the Regional Tabulation Offices for some time firstly when Shri S.L. Bahl, Deputy Director proceeded on leave and again on the transfer ofShri R. K. Puri, Deputy Director to the office of the Registrar General, India, New Delhi. We would like to record OUr appreciation of the assistance provided by these officers/officials.

Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstracts prepared in the two Regional Tabulation Offices were checked and finalised in the Head Office by a team of Statistical Assistants and Sbri Jaswant Lal, Investigator under the supervision ofSarvshri J. R. Vashi!nha and J. N. Suri, Assistant Directors. These abstracts form Part B of this District Census Handbook.

The data contained in Village and Town Directories which form Part A of this Handbook was collect­ ed by us from .the District Revenue Agency and the Local Bodies. We also approached various State Government Departments to provide the relevant data for croSs checking the accuracy of the information collected from the field by the above mentioned two agencies. Wo are indebted to tbom for the cooperation and promptness with Which they met our requirements. In our office, the data thus cQllected was processed and finalised into V8.fious (it) statements by a team or Computors, Statistical Assistantballd Sarvshri Amarjit Singh and Koshy P. Zachariah, Investigators under the sUPervision of Sarvshri J.R. Vashistha and J.N. Suri, Assistant Directors.

The maps included in the Handbook and cover design were prepared in the Map Section headed by Shri J.P. Purohit, Cartographer under the supervision of Shri S. R. Puri, Research Officer (Map). We have also to mention the assistance rendered in the preparation of the draft of this Handbook by Shri J. N. Suri, Assistant Director, Shri S.R. Purl, Research Officer and Shri P.N. Modgil, Research Officer.

We have to record with gratitude the valuable guidance provided by Shri N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Dr. B.K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map). Our thanks are also due to Shri M.M. Dua, Senior Research Officer, Shri S.C. Srivastava, Assistant Central Tabulation Officer and their staff in scrutinising portions of this Handbook relating to their respective branches in the office of the Registrar General, India. This brief section on acknowledgements is by no means exhaustive and there are many mort: unnamed people to whom our thanks are due but before we close we must thank Shri K. M. S. pilIai, Controller and Shri p. Oommen, Deputy Controller, Printing and Stationery, Administration, for making a good job of the printing of this Handbook.


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STATE DISTRICT Population Total Persons 12,922,618 959,400

Males 6,909,938 496,903

Females 6,012,680 462,497

Rural Persons 10,095,231 834,025

Males 5,380,966 430,321

Females 4,714,265 403,704

Urban Persons 2,827,387 125,375

Males 1,528,972 66,582

Females 1,298,415 58,793 Decennial Population Growth Rate 1971-81 28'75 25·07 Area (Sq. Kms.) 44,212 ·00 3,010 ·00 Density of Population (per Sq. Km.) 292 319 Sex Ratio (Number of females per 1,000 males) 870 931 Literacy Rate Persons 36 ·14 38·61 Males 48·20 55'52 Females 22'27 20·44 Percentage of Urban Population to Total Population Percentage to Total Population- 21 ·88 13'07 (i) Main Workers Persons 28·35 23'61 Males 48·94 43·34 Females 4·69 2·41 (ii) Marginal Workers Persons 3·28 5·83 Males 0·99 Females 1 '67 5 '91 10'30 (iii) Non-Workers Persons 68'37 70·56 Males 50·07 54'99 Females Break-up of Main Workers: 89·40 87'29 Percentage among main workers (i) Cultivators Persons 44'68 50·87 Males 44·29 Females 51 '10 49'26 46'46 (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 16 ·11 8'92 Males 15'62 Females 8·39 22·00 19 '18 (iii) Household Industry Persons 2.81 3'90 Males 2'84 Females 3'76 2'42 6"9 (iv) Other workers Persons 36'40 36'31 Males 37'25 Females 36'75 26·32 27'77. (xi) Percentage of SCheduled Castes popuiation to 10tai Population Persons 19·07 16·43 Males 19 -13 16·41 Females 18 ·99 16'47 Number of Occupied Residential Houses 1,959,351 143,629 Number of Villages Total 7,073 743 Inhabited 6,745 725 Uninhabited 328 18 Number of Towns 81 6



It has been the tradition of the Indian Census to present Census data for rural and urban areas separa­ tely. In fact, in all the censuses throughout the world, this classification of census data into rural and urban units is generally recognised and data presented accordingly. But the distinction between rural and urban is not yet amenable to a single definition which could be applicable to all countries.

The Village defined The definition of the village adopted in our State for the Census, corresponds to the one contained in the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887. It is associated with the levy and collection of t he land revenue by the Government and is, as such, exclusively administrative in character. From this point of view, a village is better called a Revenue Estate, meaning thereby an 'Estate' (a specific and demarcated area of land) marked as such for the purposes of levy/realisation of the land revenue. As the land revenue is to be realised from the land­ holders, it was necessary for the Government to prepare and maintain a separate record of rights of the holders of land for each village. The Revenue Estate or'Mauza' the name given to the village in the Punjab I.and Revenue Act, ] 887, has accordingly been defined "as an area of which a separate record of rights is maintained or which has been separately assessed to land revenue or would have been so assessed if the land revenue had not been realised or compounded or redeemed or which the State Government has otherwise declared as an Estate". This definition of village has been adopted for the purposes of the Census ever since the year 1901. The village, therefore, is not merely the inhabited area (abadi deh) of a village but refers to the entire land coming within a fixed boundary. In certain cases, in fact, a village may be uninhabited.

Urban area defined

After considerable thought, the following definition of an urban unit adopted at the ]961 and 1971 Censuses has been retained with a minor variation for the 1981 Census :

(a) All places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or a notified area committee etc.

(b) All other places which satisfied the following criteria:

(i) A minimum population of 5,000 ;

(ii) At least 75 per cent of the male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits and

(iii) A density of population of at least 400 per square kilometre ( 1,000 per square mile)

In 1961 and J 971 Censuses the males working in activities such as livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting and plantations, orchards and alJied activities were treated as engaged in non-agricullural pursuits and therefore contributed to the 75 per cent criterion whereas in the 1981 Census these activities are treated at par with cultivation and agricultural labour for the purpose of this criterion.

In addition to all municipal areas/cantonment board, four viJlagm; namely (I) Babiyal in Ambala dis­ trict, (2) Samalkha in Kamal district, (3) (rural) and (4) in satisfying the above criteria have been treated as census towns (non-municipal) in J 9S 1 Census. Panch!(ula Urban Estate in has also been treated as a tOWll. The Complex Administration consisting of Farida­ bad. Faridabad Township and Ballabgarh towns of 1971 and some surrounding villages, in has been treated as an independent town. The total number of towns in the State in 191H Census has thus risen to 81 as compared to 65 in 1971 Census.

What is a Ceusus House

A Census House is a building or part of a building having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or non-residential purpose or for both. 3 What constitutes a Household A Household is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a com­ mon kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There may be a household of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated persons or having a mix of both. Examples of unrelated households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, etc. These are called 'Institutional households '. By 'Houseless Household' is meant a household, the members of which do not have a house to live in and spend the night on foot paths etc. There may be one member households, 2 mem­ ber households or multimember households. For census purposes, each one of these types is regarded as a 'household'.

Definition of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes

The terms 'Scheduled Castes' and 'Scheduled Tribes' have been defined in clauses 24 and 25 of article 366 of the Constitution, respectively as follows :-

"Scheduled Castes" mean such castes, races or tribes or parts or groups within such castes, races or tribes as are deemed under article 341 to be scheduled castes for the purposes of the Constitution.

"Scheduled Tribes" mean such tribes or tribal communities or parts or groups within such tribes or tribal communities as arc deemed under article 342 to be scheduled tribes for the purposes of the Constitution.

Under articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution, the President is empowered to specify the list of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes for each State and Union Territory. Accordingly, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are listed under a Presidential Order for each State and Union Territory. ]n the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956, as amended uptodate, as many as 37 castes are listed as Scheduled Castes in the State of Haryana. There is, however, no Scheduled Tribe, listed as such, in Haryana State.

Who is literate

A person who can hoth read and write with understanding in any language is to be taken as literate. A person who can merely read but cannot write is not literate. It is no! necessary that a person who is literate should have received any formal education or should have passed any minimum educational standard.

Worker defined

Like 1971 Census, a worker in 1981 Census is a person whose main activity is participation in any economically productive work by physical or mental activity. Work involves not only actual work but also effective supervision and direction of work. The main worker is one who has worked for 183 days or more in a year in one or more than one economic activity. A person who has worked for less than 183 days in a year is considered a marginal worker.

And a Non-worker

A non-worker is either mainly engaged in household duties or is a student or a dependent or a retired person or rentier or beggar or an inmate of an institution or engaged in other non-productive economic activity.

Connotation of Cultivator

For purpoSeS of the Ccnms a person i!> working as Cultivator if he or she is engaged either as employer. singt,~ worker or family worker in cultivation of land owned or held from Government or held from private person~ or inst.itution for payment in money, kind or sh'uc. Cultivation includes supervision or direction of cultivation.

Who is Agricultural Labourer

A person who works in an)thcr person's land for wages in money, kind or share is regarded as a.n 5 agricultural labourer. He or she has no risk in the cultivation but he/she merely works in another person's land for wages. An agriculural labourer has nC) right. of lease or contract on land on which he/she works.

Meaning of Household Industry

Household industry is defined as an indu.stry condu.cted by the head of the household himself/herself and or by the members of the household at home or within the village in rural areas and only within tho precincts of the hOllse where the household lives in urban are?s. The larger proportion of workers in a household indus­ try should consist of members of the household including the head. The industry should not be run on the scale of a registered factory which whould qualify or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act. Standard Urban Area explained

The concept of the Standard Urb?n Area which was adopt.ed for the first time in 1971 envisaged a const.n. Thus, it is a long term planning

In the casl.) of Haryana. the following cleven Standard Urban Areas were delineated

1. Ambala 2. 3. 4. Fa.ridahad Complex Administration (previously known as Faridl!bad-BaLlabgarh Complex) 5. Gurgaon 6. 7. R. 9. 10. II. -Jagadhri

The concept of Urban Agglomeration

The concept of Urban Agglomeration adopted for the first time during the 1971 Census was an i m­ provemcnt on the concept of town group adopted in the 1961 Census. An urban a.gglomeration. must form a continuous urh:!.n spread comtituting a town and its Ic'.{\joining urban out-growths or two or morc physic,oJly contiguous towns together with continuous well recognised urb,m out-growths, if any, of such towns.

In several arens around a core city or statutory town have come up fairly h'.rge well rccognise(i milway colonies, university campuses, port areas. military camps, etc., and even though they arc outside the statutory limits of the corpor:!tion, municipality or cantonment, they fall within the revcnue I imits of the village or villages which is or arc contiguous to the town. It may not be altogether realistic to treat such areas lying outsicl.e the statutory limits ofa town as rural units; at the same time each such individual arc:', by itself may not Satisfy the minimum population limit to qualify it to be treated as an independent urhtt.n unit. Such areas deserve to be reckoned along with the town and the continuous spread including such urban outgrowths would deserve to be treated as an integrated urban area. Each such agglomeration may be made up of more than one statutory town adjoining another such as a municipality and the adjoining cantonment and also other adjoining urban growths such as a railway colony, university campus, etc. Such outgrowthS which do not qualify to be treated as individual towns in their own right arc to be treated as urban appendages of the units to which they arC) conti&uous. In 1971 Census no place was recognised as a continuous urbau gpread deserving to be treated as an urban agglomeration in Haryana. However, the following four urban agglomerations have been delineated at the time of 1981 Census :--

------~-.... -_..,~-- ---~--"'-~-~____.-'"--..------.--_ .. _-_.-._----_---- .. _-...___.-_--_. ------~--- .~-----

Urban Agglomeration Constituent towns or urban outgrowths

1. Yamunanagar ( U.A.) 1. Jagadhri Workshop Railway Colony ( M.C.)

2. Yamunanagar ( M.C.)

3. Jagadhri ( M.C.)

2. Hisar ( U.A.) 1. Hisar ( M.C.)

2. Haryi'.M Agricultural University and Mini Secretariat .J. Ambala ( U.A.) I. Ambala Cantt. (C.B.)

2. Ambala Sadar (M.C.)

4. GUlgaon ( U.A.) I. Gurgaon ( M.C.)

2. Gurgaon Census Town

The District

The prcscnt Mahcndragarh district comprises of four tahsils. namely. Bawal. Rewari. MahcnJra­ garh and . At the time of 1971 Census. Dadri Tahsil which formed part of . was transferrod to the newly created Bhiwani dist rict in 1972 and areas of Rewari tahsil consisting of 365 villages und two towns of Rewari and Bawal which formed part of Gurgaon district were transferred to Mahendrag'lrh district in 1972 and lator on one village was transferred hack to Gurgaon tahsil in 1974. In 1977 a new tahsil of Raw'll was crcated from Rewari tahsil thus reducing the number of villages in Rewari tahsil from 364 to 2S3. Rawal tahsil consists of RI villages and one town Bawal, tahsil Rewari has 283 villages and one town Rewari, tahsil Mahcndragarh has 157 villages (in 1971 Census there were 156 villages-one village Naurangabad wa<; bifurcated into two villages namely Naurangabad Rajputan and Naurangabad Jatan in 1978) and two towns Kanina and Ma­ hendragarh whereas tahsil Narnaul comprises of 222 villagcs and two towns Narnaul and Atcli. With a popu­ lation of 959,400 as pcr 1981 Censlls Mahendragarh ranks seventh among districts with 7.42 per cent of the total population ofthc State. Reing 3,010 sq. kms. in arca it occupies 6.81 per cent of the total area (44,212* sq. kms.) of the State and areawise ranks ninth in the Stale. Haryana has on an average 292 persons per sq. kilometre, with Faridabad district a~ the most thickly populated (466) and as the sparsest (165). Mahendragarh district with 319 persons per sq. kilometre ranks sixth among the twelve districts of the State.

The headquarters of the district are at Narnaul, one of its sub-divisional towns. Mahendragarh, in fact, is one of the two districts in the State, which has its hear quarters at a town different than the one from which the district takes its name.

·Provisional 7

The district lies between 270 47'50w and 28°28' North Latitude and 75°54' and 766 51 '30N East Longitude. On its north are situated the districts of Bhiwani and Rohtak. To its east lies Gurgaon district. On south· east, south, southwest and west, the district is surrounded by the State of . The districts of , Jai· pur, and Jhunjhunu of Rajasthan have boundary with Mahendragarh district of Haryana. Tahsil Narnaul of Mahcndragarh district penetrates deep into Rajasthan, therefore, a meeting ground of two distinct cultures.

Since the last Census of 1971, there have been many changes in the boundaries of some of the existing dis­ tricts and some new districts have also been formed. The new districts arc Kurukshetra, Sonipat, Faridabad, Bhi­ wani and Sirsa. Thus increased the number of districts to 12 in 1981 as against 7 in 1971. The figures presented in this volume adhere to the boundaries of administrative units as on 31 sl December, 1979. They cover 39 tahsils and 81 cities/towns including the four Census towns in the State.

District Census Handbook

Among the traditional documentations of the Census is the fairly comprehensive and uniform District Census Handbook (DCH) consisting of Village and Town Directories and Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract (PCA).

Prior to 1951, District level Census data formed part of general reports and tables. Publication of Dis­ trict Census Handbooks as independent publications begans from 1951 Census only.

In 1961, attempts were made to make the District Census Handbooks more informative and these contined valuable Census data for each village and town of the district, indicating some basic amenities available in the villages. In 197 I, the scope and coverage of both census and non-census statistics was further enlar­ ged and the District Census Handbooks were published in two volumes, first containing the two Parts A and B and the second comprising Part C alone:---·

Part A-Village and Town Directory.

Part B-Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract.

Part C-Anaylitcal Report, Administrative Statistics and District Census Tables.

The publication of Part-C was considerabley delayed because of delay in getting the administrative statistics from the various departments. So, Part-C has been dropped this time. Moreover, the administrative statistics would be available to thc data users from the publications of the respective departments.

Part-A of the 1981 District Census Handbook contains Village and Town Directoryand Part-B con­ tains Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstracts. Both the parts have been combined together in this vo­ lume. A tahsil map showing the village boundaries, the location code numbers of tho villages, the distribution of various amenities in villages and the size class of their population, has been given in the heginning of Section 1- Village Directory. An alphabetical list of villages in each tehsil has also heen given, along with a note explaining the codes used in the Village Directory. The codes used in the Town Directory have been explained at the begi­ nning of Section ll-Town Directory. SCOPE Village Directory

Amenities and land use

The Village Directory provides certain basic data separately for each village, the villages in the district having been arranged tahsil wise and within the tahsi I, location code wise. At the ti me of Census enu meration each village was assigned a code numhcr for purposes of identification. 8 The format of the village directory follows the pattern canvassed in 1971 Census except for a few addi­ tional columns. The column for total population and number of households has been added to facilitate ana­ lysis of the village directory data. The column for approach to village is aimed at having on idea of the number of inaccessible villages in a district. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together with the instructions that if an amenity is not available in the village a dash (-) may be shown against the same in the relevant column but next to it the distance from the village of the nearest place where the facility is available may be given in broad ranges in brackets, the ranges being; "(-Skms)", "(S--IOkms)" and "(lO+kms)." The Village Directory, therefore, contains information about the total arca of the village (Column 3); total population and number of households (Column 4); and availability or otherwise of the amenities like educational, medical, drinking water, post and telegraph, day (s) of the market/hat and communications (Col­ umns 5 to JO). In Columns II to 13, approach to village, nearest town and distance and availability or other­ wise of power supply have been indicated. Column 14 shows the staple food orthe people of the village. The area under different types of land use such as area under forest, area under cultivation (irrigated and unirri­ gated separately), culturable waste and the area not available for cultivation has been given in Columns 15-19. In Column 20 have been indicated the places of religious. historical or archaeological interest along with the in­ formation regarding newspapers, motorcycles/scooters, cars/jeeps and tractors. The data presented in the village directory has been collected from the District/Tahsil revenue agency.

Appendix 1

This Appendix gives for each tahsil the number of villages having various levels and types of educ:ltionJ.1 institutions, such as primary schools, middle schools. adult literacy centres etc. along with thcir number, various types of medical institutions such as dispensaries, primary health centres etc. along with their number, various types of drinking water sources such as, taps, tubcwells etc., post and telegraph offices, power supply, railway station, bus stop etc. and also the number of villages not having these amenities. Appendh: .2

This Appendix gives for each non-municipal town (i.e. place treated as town only for Cen ~us purposes) the area under forest, irrigation, unirrigated land, culturable waste land and area not available for cultivation. But it remains blank as there is no such town in Mahondragarh district.

Appendix 3

This Appendix gives the list of villages where no educational, medical and public health facilities are available.

Appendix 4 This Appendix gives the list of villages with Scheduled Castes population in various ranges of proportion. Information is presented by the ranges 0-5 per cent, 6-10 per cent, 11-15 per cent, 16-20 per cent, 21-30 per cent and 31 per cent and above.

Town Directory

The Town Directory consists of seven statements almost similar to those adopted for 1971 census. These statements have been compiled from the information supplied by the local bodies. A few new columns have been introduced with a view to facilitating analysis of the data. A significant addition is of class of town in every statement because the infrastructure of amenities and facilities found in urban areas can be analysed by taking the class of town into consideration. The addition of the column on civic administration status in statements III and IV and population in statements IV and V also serves the same purpose.

The columns on Scheduled Castes population in statement IV and adult literacy classes/centres in stato­ ment V have been provided keeping in view the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission. Again if the fire fighting service as in statement [V and medical or educational facilities as in statement V are not available in the town, the name of the nearest town if in the same district or the name of the nearest 9 district ifin the same State or other State where available along with its distance from the referrent town is given. This is a new feature of 1981 Census as it is necessary to identify the areas with no specific facility in every dis­ trict. Details contained in each statement are given below. Statement I gives the class and civic administration status of each town and provides some basic data based on the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) such as its area, number of households, density, sex ralin and population/growth rate. In case a town did not enjoy urban status at any Census, the relevant columns under the headings 'Population and growth rate of the town at the Censuses of' and 'Sex Ratio' have been left blank. Where any town lost its urban status at any Census, the entry 'Declassified'llas been made in the relevant ~ columns. Class of each town has been presented according to 1981 Census population of the core town as follows:-

Population Class 100,000 and above I 50,000-99,999 II 20,000-49,999 III 10,000-19,999 IV 5,000-9,999 V Below 5,000 VI

Statement II gives thc physical aspccts of thc various towns in the district. Data regarding minimum and maximum tempcrature is available for Narnaul town only. Rainfall data is available for ~all the towns except and Kanina,

Statement III indicates the position of Municipal Financcs for the ycar 1978-79. Income and expenditure figure,; have been gi·.... en in Rs. '00' in respect of each town in the district.

Statement IV shows civic and other amenities viz., roads, system of sewerage, number of latrines, method of disposal of night soil, water supply, fire-fighting service and the number of electric connections as available during the year 1979. Sewerage facilities :'re available in tho two towns of Narnaul :lQd Rewari only in addition to open surfact; dr:tins whereas the towns of Ateli, Bawal, Kanina and l\hhendrdgarh are served by open surface drains only. In all the towns the method of carriage of night soil i~ by wheel-barrows. In Narnaul the practice of carriage of night soil as head load still continues. Fire-fighting service is available in Rewari town only.

Statement IV -A is in respect of civic and other amenities in notified slums of Class I and II towns. Rewari alone is a Class Il town in the district and the slum area comprises of Dhakka Basti. Somc electric connections (domestic as well as road lighting points) are available in this area.

Statemcnt V reflects thc position of medical, cducational, working women's hostel, recreational and cultural facilities for each town in thc district during thc year 1979. Under thc heading mcdical facilities, the numher of hospitals/dispensaries/T.R clinics etc. has been shown separately along with the total number of heds available. Linder thl;; heading educational facilities, number has been given separately of Arts/Sciencl:;Commcrce Colleges, Medical Collcges, Engineering Collegcs, Polytechnics, recognised Shorthand, Typewriting and Vo<.:ational Training institutions, Higher Secondary/Secondary/Junior Secondary/Middle/Primary Schools and Adult Literacy Centres. The extcnt of availability of recreational and cultural facilities is reflected in thc numher of ~tadia, cincmas. audi­ toria and public libraries.

The towns of Atcli and Kanina do not have any college. There are four collcges--two Arts colleges and two Arts, Science and Commerce colleges-in Rewari, one Arts, Science and Commerce college-each in Mahendra­ garh and Narnaul and one Arts college in Dawa!. There arc eight Vocational Training institutions in the dj~tricl­ three each in Mahendragarh and Rewari and two in Narnaul.

In Statement VI information regarding three most important commoditics imported/exported and manu­ f"ctured has been given along with the number of banks, agricultural credit societies and non-agricultural credit societies. Brass, copper and alumini urn sheets and utensils, paper etc. are mostly manufactured in the district. 10

Primary Census Abstract of general population

(i) District Primary Census Abstract-In the District Primary Census Abstract figures have been pre­ sented for the district as a whole as well as for each tahsil separately. 'T' stands for total population and 'R' and 'u' for the rural and urban areas, respectively. (ii) Tahsil-wise Primary Census Abstract-Here figures for each village and town (and within the town wardwise) in a tahsil have been presented.

At the time of Census enumeration, enumeration blocks were formed in the villages, each block consisting of about 750 persons and in the towns, each block consisting of about 650 persons. But the data have not been given for each block separately in the case of rural areas. In the case of urban areas total population and Scheduled Castes population have been shown bloekwise in the appendix. Data in Columns 6-28 of the Primary Census Abstract have been given sex-wise. During 1971 Census break-up of workers into nine industrial categories was given whereas categories HI, IV, V(b) and VI to IX have been combined together while presenting 1981 Census figures. A new concept of 'Marginal Worker' has been introduced tbis time.


This Appendix gives at urban block level the total population and Scheduled Castes population.

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes population

Tn the District Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes population figures have been presented for the district as a whole as well as for each tahsil/town separately.


The district has a semi-arid type of climate. Hot summers, cold winter nights and meagre rainfall concen­ trated during monsoon are the peculiarity of the district. The rainfall during 1979-80 was only 28.3 centimetres against 55.3 centimetres during 1976-77, 59.4 centimetres during 1977-78 and 61.2 centimetres during 1978-79. The district ahounds in sand-dunes and harren low hills of the great Aravalli c11ain. Aravalli shoots arc scattered rocky outcrops and stand out distinctly against sandy swelling waves. These bare, bold, rounded fOlmatlOns depict .' curiously wind-worn topography which illustrates the phenomenon of desert erosion. Tats and Tibbas of the district present a desert look. The menace' of the advancing de&ert adds complexity to the situation and poses ditTkulties in the extension and implementation of irrigation plans bearing heavy cost~. The general slope of Haryana is from northeast to southwest and west. but in southern Haryana, the slore is to\\ards nOTln. That is why the rain fed streams of Mahel1dragarh district namely Dohan, Kansoti or Kansawati and Sahibi etc. flow towards north. These bring rainy water during monsoon from Rajasthan side and are representative of the inland drainage systcm. The very light soils (sandy and loamy sand-Eagar) are found in Mahendragarh and Narnaul tah~ils whcreas the light soils (relatively sandy loam) arc found in Rewari and Bawal tahsils and are locally known as Buds. Underground water level is very deep. Because of sandy and rocky surface canal irrigation is also facing difficulties. Agriculture is mai nly dependent on rainfall in the western half of the district.


The economy of the district is primarily agricultural. At the time of J 981 Census, about 60 per cent of the total main workers were cultivators and agricultural labourers. There were 45 registered working factories in the district during the year 1979 and the estimated number of workers employed therein was ],502. 22 of these factories manufacture cotton textiles. The large and medium scale units are engaged in manufacturing synthetic detergents, brass, copper and aluminium sheets and utensils ; printing and wrapping paper, shoddy yarn and capilliary tubes etc. Aggarwal Metal Works Pvt. Limited, Rewari ; Haryana Detergents Limited, Dharuhera ; H.P. Industries, Rewari and Rewari Textiles, Rewari are some such units. There are many small scale units also in Mahendragarh district manufacturing food products, metal products and parts, rubber, plastic, petroleum and coal products. leather products, machine tools, wood products, furniture and fixtures, textile products, chemicals and chemical products, cotton textiles and non-metallic mineral products etc.

Irrigation in the district is generally done by tubewells. Area under cultivation of foodgrains was 287.4 thousand hectares during the year 1979-80. Among the foodgrains, mostly bajra, wheat and gram are grown. II A very small area of 12 sq. kms. is under reserved forests. In 1977 the number of livestock in Haryana was 6,904,800 which includes cattle, buffaloes, horses and ponies, donkeys, sheep, goats, camels and pigs etc. Mahen­ dragarh district contributed only 462,600 animals to this figure and these mostly include cattle, buffaloes, sheep. goats and camels. During 1979-80, the number of different types of motor vehicles on road was 93,583 in the State out of which 2,750 came from Mahendragarh district. HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY·

Brief history The district takes its name from the town of Mahendragarh supposed to have been once called Kanaud since it was first peopled by the Brahmans of .the Kanaudia group. Later it came to be associated with Malik Mahmud Khan, a servant of Babar. It remained a pargana of the Government of Narnaul under the Moghul Emperors and about the beginning of the 19th century was conquered by the Thakur of Jaipur, who was in turn expelled by Nawab Najaf Qulf Khan, the great minister of the Delhi Court under Shah Alam. On his death his widow maintained her independence in the fortress but in 1792, Sindhia's General De Boigne sent a force against her. Ismail Beg persuaded his mistress to resist and marched to her relief hut she was killed in the battle which ensued under the walls of Kanaud and Ismail Beg surrendered. Kanaud then became the principal stronghold of Appa Khande Rao, Sindhia's feudatory, who held the Rewari territory. It eventually became a possession of the British who gave it to the Nawab of Jhajjar. Later hy the Sanad of 4th January, 1861, the pargana of Kanaud was granted, with all the rights pertaining thereto, by the British Government to Maharaja Narinder Singh. The fort of Kanaud is said to have been built by the Marathas. The district headquarters is located, mainly because of availability of office accommodation, at Narnaul, which is said to have been founded about 900 years ago near the which is traditionally associated with the Vedic sage Chyavana of the Bhargava clan. Being in the midst of a vast forest it was called 'Naharhaul' or the 'Lion's dread'. Another myth ascribes its foundation to Raja Launkaran after whose wife it was named a!l 'Nar Laun' which got corrupted to 'Narnaul'. Other parts of the district were urbanised during the Moghul times and thereafter. It was controlled successively by the Moghuls, the Marathas and the Nawab of Jhajjar, and finally by the British as part of the who parcelled it out among the Phulkian States of , Nabha and , in recognition of the services rendered by their rulers in the uprising of 1857.

After Independence and the consequent formation of the PEPSU in 1948, the three tracts of Narnaul and Mahendragarh Ii'om Patiala, Dadri from Jind and Ateli (part of the Bawal Nizamat) from Nabha were combi­ ned into the district of Mahendragarh. On the Reorganisation of States, the entire State of PEPSU was merged mto Punjab on 1sf Novembcr, 1956. Mahendragarh became one of the districts of Haryana when it came into existence on 1st N ovemher. 1966.

Ran Tula Ram of Rewari now in Mahendragarh district was an important pioneer freedom fighter of India. He waged a relentless struggle against the British from 1S57 to I S63.

Antiquity Places of antiquity and historical interest include tombs of Ibrahim Khan, Shah Quli Khan and Pir Turkman, Chhatta of Rai Bal Mukand, Chire Gumbad, Jal Mahal ctc.

Tourist resorts The State Government has providcd oases of comfort, relaxation and recreation hy creating tourist complexes for the road weary all over Haryana. Thesc complexes include motels, restaurants and resorts. In thc Mahcndragarh district, the Department of Tourism has opened a restaurant and snack bar under the name of 'Sandgrouse' at Narnaul.

Another tourist resort 'Jungle Babbler' is situated at a distance of 70 kms. from Delhi on Dclhi-Jaipur High",ay at Dharuhera. This thirteen acres of landscaped gardcn has a simple organic architecture with rubble stone work and sloping roofs in ' Jack slate. The meanderiM jallie work and slate wall, add to the bc.>auty of the structure. Facilities available i .1clude mote), restaurant, bar, children's park, gift shop, liquor vend, etc. Soure : The Punjab Gazetteer of Phulkian States, 1904. 12 ANALYSIS OF DATA

The following inset tables in this volume are based on tbe data compiled in the Village and Town Directory and the Primary Census Abstract. Table 1 below indicates the population sexwise separately for rural and urban areas at district and tahsil level along with the number of villages and towns as per 1981 Census.


Population, Number of Villages and Towns, 1981

------~- _---,-_--"- 51, NallwoJ Population No. of Villages No. of No. Tahsil ------Towns Total Rural Urban Total Inhabi. ted p M p p M F p M F ------_._--_-._------2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------,--,--.------llawal 70,695 36,825 33,870 62,935 32,731 30,204 7,760 4,094 3,666 81 so 2 Rewnri .345,386 179,9(J7 165,479293,824 152,502 14J,322 51,562 27,405 24.157 283 272

3 Mahc[]dragarh 241,523 124,189 117,3J4 219,904 112,842 107.062 21,619 11,347 10,272 157 153 2

4 Nllrnaul 301,796 155,982 145,814 257,362 B2,241i 125,1l(, 44,4J4 23,736 20,698 222 220 2

Table 2 helow gives percentage decadal (I971-1981) variation in population. This variation is more pronounced in rural areas than in urban areas.

TABLE 2 Decadal cbange in distribul ion of population

- ---_------~-~-~ --_ ------POPULATION Percentage decada1 TahsiJ variation (1971-81) J971 19S1

Total Rural Urban Total RuraJ Urban ------Total Rural Urban ------_._------_--.------_-.--....------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -----.-.------B .. "al I 57.'09 50, no 6,529 70,W5 ()2,935 7,760 23 ·36 23 ·94 18 '85

Rewari 277,863 J 233,971> 43,885 34:i,3!>6 293,824 51,562 24 30 25 ·58 17'49

M ahcndragarh ' 188.972 171/.01 17)71 241,523 2J 9,904 21,619 27 ·81 28 ,15 24 -45

Narnaul ~. :?~2.9Gl 209,149 I 33,tl12 301,796 257,362 44,434 24-22 23 ,05 :<1 ·41

District ------767,I(J5 (,(;5,5(,1l 101,597 959,400 834,025 125,375 25,07 .25 '32 23 ,40

___ r ______._ •• _ . ,---.. ~---- ". ,_. - -- .. -~------_._--_._------1~

'table j below presents distribution of villages according to the size of population. It shows that 69.24 per cent of the villages in the district are medium sized having population in the range of 500-1,999 whereas 12.83 per cent of the villages fall in the population range of 200-499.


Distribution of villages by population ranges

Range of population Number of villages m Percentage of villages in each range each range

2 3 --.------_-----~-"--.--- --.--~- . --"------_--_._------

--200 37 5 ·10

200- -499 93 12'83

500 - 1,999 502 69·24

2,000 -4,999 88 12 '14

5.000- ·9,999 5 0'69


Total 725 100 ·00 -- _- ... _ ~ --- -~--- ... -~- -_--- - _-_ ,- - -- - .~~ ------_. --- - -_. ----_.-. _,_ ... _- ---~----~~- .. _--_.. _.--- '-'-'--~'--~'----

Table 4 below shows the distribution of villages by density. In 35.03 per cent of villages in the district, the density of population per square kilometre falls in the range 301--500 whereas in 32.69 per cent it falls in the range 201- 300. It is above 500 in 7.03 per cent of villages only.

TABLE 4 Distribution of villages by density

Range of density Total number of villages Percenlage of villages (pl:r sq. km.) in each density range in each density range

----.------.~------~------~------.. --- 2 3 --_._------.. _- .~.--.------.-.------10 7 0·96 11-~20 2 O·2H

21--50 11 1 ·52

51-100 21 2·90

101--200 142 19·59

201-300 237 32·69 301-500 254, 35·03

501+ 51 7·03 Not kllown

Total 725 100·00 14 Table 5 below gives the proportion of Scheduled Castes popul~tion to total popu~tio~ in the vii1age~. In 27.17 per cent of villages percentage of Scheduled Castes populatIOn to total population IS above 20 per cent. In 5.38 per cent of villages there is no Scheduled Castes population at all. TABLE 5

Proportion of Scheduled Cilstes population to total population in the villages

Percentage range of Scheduled Castes Number of villages in Percentage of villages in population to total population each range each range

_ ... _"~ __ • ___ '_w ___•• ___••• _ " ______.-~ ___ _ ._-____.------._--- 2 3

Nil 39 5·38

5 or less 34 4·69

6-10 ]25 17·24

II 15 182 25 ·10 16 20 148 20·42 21- 30 126 17·38

3) and above 71 9 ·79

Tut;)) 725 100·00

fable 6 below relating to proportion on Scheduled Tribes population to total popUlation in the villages IS not applicable as there are no Scheduled Tribes in the Haryana Slate.


I'rollortioll of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the villages

Pen:entagc range of Scheduled Tribe No. of villages in Percentage of villages in population III tntal popUlation each range each range

2 3


5 or less

(> -15

)(1- 25 Not applicable 26 -35 36-50

51 and above

Total ------, ------.- 15

Table'" below gives proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population in each town of the district. 12.70 per cent of the total urban population in the district belongs to Scheduled Castes.


Proportion of Scheduled Castes population in Towns

Name of the Total population (in­ Total Scheduled Castes Percentage of Scheduled Town cluding institutional population Castcs population to total and house less popula­ population tion) _----.--- 2 3 4

Ateli 2,993 366 12·23

Bawal 7,760 955 12 ·31

Kanina 7,131 918 1l·R7

Mahendragarh 14,4SR 2,480 17 '12

Narnaul 41,441 4,845 II ·(19

Rcwari 51,562 6,361 12 ·34

All Towns 125,375 15,925 12·70

Table 8 below reflects literacy rates hy population size of villagcs. Literacy raIl.' for the district is 36.03. Majority of thc villages in thc district have the literacy rate ncar to or above the district level literacy rate.


Literacy rates by population ranges of vills.:es

Range of population Number of villages in Literacy rate each range (percent) ------2 3

-200 37 42 ·12

200-499 93 3{)·5(J 500-1,999 502 35·35

2,000-4,999 88 36·34 5,000-9,999 5 45 ·18 10,000+

Total 725 36·03

-- -_-_-- ." ._._-_._--- 16 Table 9 below indicates the literacy rates for the various towns in the district. The towns of Ateli and Rewari have the literacy rate higher than the district literacy rate (55.80). Bawal town has the lowest literacy rate.

TABLE 9 Literacy rates for Towns

Name of the Town Literacy rate (Percent)

1 2 Ateli 60·07 Bawal 48·32 Kanina 50'41 Mahendragarh 49 ·71 Narnaul 55 ·10 Rewari 59'69

All Towns 55·80 17 Table 10 shows the position of literates, workers/non-workers, scheduled castes/tribes population in the district. 16 ·43 per cent of the .population in the district belongs to Scheduled Castes. The number of literates is 38.61 per' cent: Wotkers including marginal workers form 29.44 per cent of the population whereas the remaining 70.56 per cent are ~on-wQrkers. 1 ABLE Liter.tell, Worken, NOD-"'orkers, Scbf'duled

Percentage Namll of Tahsil Totlll Total Popullltion Rural s.c. S.T. Lltorates to total Urban popula­ papula­ population tion to tionto tN1l1 total poppla­ popula­ tion tion Persons MaIlls Females P M F

2 3 4 ~ .- 7 R 9 '0

Bawal T 70,695 36,825 33,870 18·.12 36'66 53 -95 17-gl\ R (>2,935 32,7.11 30,204 18·83 35'22 52-98 15 ·98 U 7,760 4.094 3,666 12 '31 48·32 61 '7$ ;13 -,J) Rewari T 145,386 1799P7 165,479 18,97 43·93 59-95 26'52 R 293,824 152,502 141.322 10 -14 41 ·J7 58 '21 n '78 U 51,5(>2 27,405 24,157 12 ·34 59'69 69'61 4R'43 MahendragsTh T 241,523 124,189 117,3:14 15 ·31 34'S2 51 -75 16 ·2R R 219,'XU 112,842 107,062 J 5,27 33'00 50 53 14'53 U 21,619 11,,147 lP,272 15-72 49'94 63 '88 38 -,~5 Narnaul T 301,796 I.'iS,9R7 145,814 .'4'04 36 '25 53 80 J7 49 R 25 7,.11\2 13),241\ 125, J 16 14-43 32·9-1 51 ,](, 13 ,58 U 44,4.14 23736 20,698 IJ ·73 55 -43 67-95 41 -08

Total District T 9594(l() 496,903 462,497 16 -43 38-61 :'i5'52 2044 R 1l34,025 430,321 403,704 17 ·00 36·03 53,66 17 23 U 125,375 66,582 58,793 12 -70 5S ,80 66-56 42'41 ,-_.. _..... __..... _._-_... ------_---- 19 lo tastes/Tribes population in the District

--_.. _-_._----_._--_._. ------...-.- _._._ -_ ... "

of Main workers to total Marginal workers to total Total workers to total Non-workers to total population population population population

-~------~------P M F P M P P M F P M F ------~_- 11 1Z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------_- 2J '33 42·77 2 '19 5·87 1 '62 10·49 29 ·20 44 '39 J2·68 70'80 55'61 87 '32 23'23 42 '53 2'33 6 ·16 J '64 11 ·05 19 ·39 44'17 13'31! 70'61 55'8] 86'62 24') 3 44'71 1 '12 3·49 1 ·42 5·81 27'62 46'14 6'93 72 '38 53 86 93 '07 23'02 42·.18 1 ·97 3·37 1 '23 5'69 26'39 43 '61 7'66 73 '61 56·3Y 92 '34 n·)7 41 '43 1'82 3·85 1 ·38 6'51 26'22 42'1<1 8 '33 73 ·78 57 '19 91 ·67 26 '68 47'67 2'1l8 0'65 0'4.1 0·89 27 '33 48 '10 3'77 72'67 51 '90 96·23 24'()S 43 73 )'22 7'41 1 ·60 J3 ·55 31 '46 45 ..lJ 16·77 68 '54 54·67 83 '23 23 98 4J·71 3'20 7'87 1'56 14'50 31 ·85 45 '27 17·70 68·J5 54'73 82 ·30 24·75 44 '00 3'48 2'77 J '98 3'64 27'52 45 ·99 7'12 22'48 54 ·01 92·88 24'00 44 28 2·JI 7·37 2'24 J2'85 3J ·37 46 52 15 'IG 68·63 5.1 ·48 84 ·84 23 '50 43 '76 2'09 8·52 2·58 14'80 32'02 46'34 16'89 67'98 53 '66 83 ·11 26 90 47 '18 3·64 0·69 0'37 1 ·06 27'59 47·55 4'70 7241 52 '45 95'30

-_------.------_------~------23 ·61 43 '34 2'41 5'83 1 ·67 10 ·30 29 '44 45'01 12'71 70'56 54'99 87 '2S1 23 ·21 42'83 2'31 6·53 1 '81 1J '54 29·74 44'64 13 ·85 70'26 55 '36 86 ·15 2627 46'69 3 '14 I '20 0·7] J ·74 27·47 47 '42 4·88 72'53 52 ·58 95 '12

'-~~------~~--~.--~.------.. -.---.. -.- .. . ~-~--- -~--. ----_--- -- _.. ",,------_... - Tabte II below gives distribution of villages according to availability of ciifferent amenities. AtrtOfig the inhabited villages, drinking water and power supply are available in all the villages. E~ucational faci­ lity is also available in 93.93 percent. Majority of the villages are connected by pucca roads and have medical facilities. TABLE 11 Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities

SI. Name of Number Number ,with percentage) ofvillages bavlng one or more orthe following amenities No_ tahsil of in- habited villages Education Modical Drinking Post and Marketl Communi- Approach Power supply water Telegraph Hat cation by pueca road

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II

Bawal 80 72(90 -00) 53(66 25) 80(100 -00) 14(17 -50) 34(42 -50) 78(97 -50) 80(100-00) 2 Rewari 272 247(90-81) 194(71 -32) 272(100 -00) 79(29 -04) 130(47 '79) 248(91 -18) 272(100 -00) 3 Mahendragarh 153 150(98 '04) 109(71 '24) 153(100 -00) 52(33 ·99) 76(49 -67) 137(89·54) 153(100 -00)

4 Narnaul 220 212(96 -36) 184(83-64) 220(100-00) 55(25 -()() 101(45 -91) 213(96 -82) 220(100 -00) ------_. ---- Total district 725 681(93 -93) 540(74 -48) 725(100 -00) 200(27 -59) 341(47 -03) 676(93 -24) 725( I 00 -00)

------~------_--- ~------~~------_-- -~-

Table 12 below shows proportion of rural population served by different amenities_ Drinking water, power supply and educational facilities are available almost to the entire population. Majority of the popula­ tic,n is also served by other amenities such as medical facilities and communications. TABLE 12 Proportion of rural population served by different amenities

• n _._. ___ .. ----__ ._ --- ._- _._- _-_ .. _--_. -_ ------.. -.-.- .. ------.-~ ------_-_ ~.--.--- . --. -.. _--- Proportion or Rural population served by the amenIty of

SI. Name of tahsil Total ----~-~~.~-~- No_ popula- tion of Education MediCal Drinking Post and Marketl Communi- Approach Power inhabited water Telegraph Hat cation by pucca supply villages road in the tahsil

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 ----- Bawal 62,935 97-19 80-61 100 -00 32 -47 55-07 98-91 100-00 2 Rewari 293,824 96-80 86-98 100-00 48 -53 58 -71 94-56 100-00 3 Mahendragarh 219,904 99-82 80-88 100-00 54-22 58 -03 92-98 100·00 4 Nar.lll1ul 257,362 99'48 91'37 100-00 36-86 54-99 98-91 100-00

Total District 834,025 98'45 86·42 100 '00 45 '22 S7 '11 95 '81 100'00 --_._------21

i ).bk 13 below gives distribu~ion of villages, nul havill)! certain a n1l.'1111 ies arrallged according to dlstann' mn!!cs from the places where 1hese are available. In 5::'5 villages Pust and Telegraph facility is Ill)! available whereas there is no communication facility in 3l-:4 villages.


Distribution of villages not having certain amenities arrangt'd by distallce from the places where tbese are available

Village~ not having Number of villages where thl' :tllJ(,lIity is 1I0t aVdilablc and availabl e at a dilOtance of the amenity of :. Kills. :; 10 Km .... Total (\)Is. 2 --4)

2 3 4 5

1. Education 35 7 44

') Medical !O3 6X \ .+ \x5

3. Drinking waleI'

4. P&T 416 l)l) to 525

5. Market/Hat

6. Communication 2~O 97 7 22

Table 14 below shows disLrib!.ltion ot villages according to the distance from the Iiearest town and availability of different :>_menities_ 374 villages fall within a di;;tl.'.ncc of 6-15 kms., 194 villages within a dis­ tance of 16-50 kms- and another 157 villages within a distance of 0-5 kms from the nearest town. TABLE 14 Distribution of villages according to the distance froID the nearest town and availability of different amenities

Number (with percentage) of villages baving the amenity of Distance Number of Range from inhabited the nearest villages town in each Education Medical Drinking Post and Marketl Communi- Approach Power (in Kms_) range water Telegraph Hat cation by pUCCa supply road

_- ~-~-. -~~- ---' -"~ -- ~ ------_--.--_-_.- --_. _------.. _. _-__...___-_------~- _------_._ --- 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ii 9 10

_-----.------._- - ~- _. ------. _ 0---5 157 144(91 72) 116(73 -R9) 157(10000) 27(17 -20} 61(40-13) 147(93 -63) 157(100 -00) 6--15 374 348(93 -05) 275(73 53) 374(100 -(0) 106(28 -34) 178(47 -59) 341('l) 18) 374(100-00)

16--50 194 189(97 42) 149(76 -SO) 194( I 00 (0) 67(34 -54) 100(51 55) 1811(90 -91) 194(100 -00)

51+ Unspecified

> __ • . .------._ -- -- .-.------.--.- .. --~--- --_.-_ -_.. _--- Total 725 6!!l(93 -93) 540(74 -48) 725(100 00) 200{27 -59) 341(47 03) 676(93 -24) 725(100 -00)

Table 15 bdow give, dioltrib<1tion of villagd ,'_.:cording to p,)pUlalion range and amenities available 502 villages have population in the range 500 1,999, whcrc:l_s 130 villages have population le~:, than 499_ Only 5 villagt.:s have population of more than 5,000_ Majorliy of the villageS have most of the noted amenitieS_

TABLE ] 5 Distrihut ion of villages according to population raDge and amenities available

Number (with percentage) of villages baving ame.alty of Populatiun Numher of range inhabited villages ill each range Education Medical Drinking Post and Marketl Communi- Approach Power water Telegraph Hat cation by pucca supply road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-499 130 95(73 -08) 32(24 -62) 130(100'00) 5(3 -85) 41(31 -54) 107(82 ·31) 130(100 ·00) 500 -1.999 502 493(98 -21) 421(S3 -86) 502(100 -OO} 120(23 -90) 228(45 -42) 477(95 -02) 502(lOO -00) 2,000-4.999 88 SilO 00 -(0) 82(93 -18) 8S(l00 -00) 71(80 -68) 67(76 '14) 87(98 -86) 88(100 ·00) 5,000+ 5 5(100 -(0) 5(100 -00) 5(100 -00) 4(80-00) 5(100 '00) 5(100-00) 5(100·00)

. _"-. "'"- ---~- .----~.----.,.- -- -- _- . --- ~ .~ -----~-~ .-.... - . __ ---.--__ .__ ----

Total 725 681(93 -93) 540(74 -48) 725(100 -00) 200(27-59) 341(47 -03) 676(93 -24) 725(100 -00)

.. -~ ~ -- .- _- .. -~--- 23

Table 16 below reveals that whe~.t and bajra arc ~he m'lin item~ of staple food in majority of the villages.


Main Staple food in the majority of villages in eachtahsil

SJ. No. Name of Tahsil Main Staple Food

------_-.--- ... ------,-~-- .,.~--~ ... --~-~-~- -_ 2 3 ___ ... ______. ______.~._ ~ ______~._. ____. ____• ___•• _._. __ .~. __ . __ '._., _...... ~ __ . _ ...... e _ .... __._ " __• ___

Bawal Wh,.~at, Bajra

2 Rewari Wheat, Bajra

3 Mahendragarh Wheat, Bajra 4 Narnaul Wheat, Bajra

Table 17 below Zivc'; di~triblltil)n of vi 1I;I.gL~' ;'.ccOl'ding to i;m(i W\:. A~ per this table about 85 per cent of arc~l. in the dist~'ict is cultiv~l.blc out. of which :d)'lil~ 2X pcr cent is irrigated. TABLE 17

Distribution t'f villages according to Ilmd use

SI. No. Namc of No. of inhabited Total area Percentage of Percentage of Tah~il vi \I ages ( i 11 hectares) cultivable) irrigated area to area to total cultivable tolal area area

_._----_. __ ._ -_--- "-.-- _. -_--_. 2 :\ 4 5 6

Baw~d 80 24484 ·14 8i·01 32·65

2 Rewari 272 lO0175 ·82 87·55 45·37

3 Mahendragarh 153 100889·94 85·73 J 3 ·08

4 Narnaul 220 95097·27 81 ·60 24·48

District 725 320647 ·17 85 ·17 28·22 --_ ..-. -_ .. _ -- .--_ .. __ . 24 i.ble HI below showll growth, density ?n'i ~ex mtio of !lrb1',n J')op,d1'.tion of the nistrict in rcl?t.ion to the State. The percentll.gc of urban popull\t.ion in the dilrtrict i~ 13.07. Dcn!lity of popLllation in the nrb«Jl ?n;as of the district is mOre than the urbp,n density of the State. TABLE 18 Growth, Density and Sex-ratio of urban population in tbe District in relation to tbe State

Census Mahendragarh District Haryana State Year

Total Urhan I'crct~n- Occadal Density Sex ratio Total Urban Percentage Decadal Density Sex ratio popula- popula- tage percen­ (popula- (No. of 11opulation pnpulation Urban percentage (population (No. of lion (ion Urban tage lion females (including (including population variation per sq. females

2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12

1951 507,677 70.0R7 U ·81 /-1 ·26 907 5,673,614 968,494 17 ·07 +37 ·19 845

1961 617,745 82,051 13·21' i 17 '()7 3,196 898 7,)90.543 1,307,6RO 17 '2~ 135 ·02 3.479 842 1971 767.105 101,5<)7 13 24 i 23 ·82 4,067 883 10.036,808 1.772,959 17 ·66 -135 ·5R 3,928 853

1981 959.400 125,~75 1_, (17 123 40 4.29, 883 12.922,61 R 2,827.3R7 21 ·RR + 59 ·47 3,702 849

Table 19 helnw is in rcsrL'ct of new towns and towns declassified in 1981. It remllins blank hecause there is no ~Ilch (own in thc district.


New towns/Towns declassified in 1'981 Census

Name of T(1lvn Population (including institutiOnal and housclcss population) 1981-Census


(a) .'ddl'd

Nil Nil

(b) Declassified

Nil Nil 2S

Table 20 below indicates per capita receipt and expenditure in case of each town of the district. TABLE 20 .Per Capita receipt and expeaditure in Towns

Class. name and civic Per capita status of the Town Receipt Expenditure

Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expenditure Public Expendi- Other through from all expendi­ administra- on pub- works ture on aspects taxes other ture tion lie health public sources and con­ institu- veniences tions

__ .v ______

-~--~~-- - --.--~. -.-~ -~ ~-----.. -- ._-- .----- _------._ -----_ --- .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

- -.~------~---'--

VI Atcli (M.C) 6993 4R 45 21 ·4X HI ·29 23 ·X6 .. ·64 22 ·18 31 ·61 V Bawal (M.C) 37 13 II ·19 25 94 32 ·03 X ·51; 12 ·29 049 JO ·67

V Kanina (M.C) 34·03 32 ·50 I ·53 29 ·52 13 'Xll 2 ·XI 12 ·83 IV Mahendragarh (M.C) 56·50 2 ·50 54 ·00 56 ·12 2Nl R 21 6·62 38·60 III Narnaul (M.C) 40·04 25 ·78 14 ·26 65 ·53 9·21 4049 2·47 13 ·36

II Rew<,ri (M.e) 69·35 3944 29 ·91 96·21 17·25 1<)·39 16 74 42 ·83

_---_'-"'-'------_ - .. _.,---- .------.-.- Total 54 ·19 28 '73 25 ·46 73 '31 12·34 23 ·31 9'03 28·63

- __ •. -__ -._0_____ ._. ___ -__ --_--_-._.__ ._----_. --.---.-~--- -_ ._-

Nole:~ denotes' N it'. Table 21 bdow gives the number of schools per ten thousand population in towns. There is no Higher Secondary School in Ateli town. Only one Higher Secondary School and two Secondary Schools per ten thousand population are available in the urban areas.

TABLE 21 Schools per ten thousand Population in Towns

No. per ten thousand population Class, name and civic status of Town Highcr Secondarvl Junior Primary Secondary/ Matricula­ Secondary/ Inter/PUC/ tion Middle Ju-nior Coll­ ege -- _--_._._. -._.- ... ------.------.--.----- . ------__ ._---_------_._-----_._.. -- -_._._._._-- 2 3 4 5

-.----~---.------_.. ------_------~-.--.------.------.- VI Ateli (M.e.) 3 7 7

V Bawal (M.C.) 3 4 4 3

V Kanina (M.e.) 3 4 4 rv Mahendragarh (M.e.) 5

III Narnaul (M.e.) 3

II Rewari (M.e.) 2 2 3 ------Total 2 2

. '!'. !Vote:-' .. ' denotes 'Nil'. 26

Table 22 below indicates the number of beds in medical institutions per 1,000 population. The num her of beds per 1,000 population in urban areas comes to two.


No. of beds in medical institutions in Towns

Class, name and civic status of the Town No. of beds in medical institutons per 1,000 population ------2 VI Ateli (M.e.) 3 V Bawal (M.e.) V Kanina (M.e.)

IV Mahendragarh (M.C'.) 2

TIl NarnauJ (M C) 3 11 Rewari (M.e.) Total 2

Table 23 helow shows proportion of slum population in Class I and II towns. In Rewari the only Class II town in the district the proportion of slum population to total population comes to I ·94 p:!r cent only.


Proportion of slums population in Towns

Class, name and civic status of the Town· Percentage of the Density in slums slums population to (per Sq. Km.) total population of the town

2 3 ------

II Rewari (M.e.) 1·94 50,000

Total 1 ·94 ~o.ooo ------*For class I and class II towns only. i1 Table 24 below shows the names of the most important manufactured, exported and imported commodi­ ties in case of each town.


Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in Towns

Class, name and civic status Most important commodity of the Town Manufactured Exported Imported

------._-.------~-- --~------_- ._------2 3 4 ----- .. - ----.. ----_. ------.. - .- --_._--- --_.---_._--

VI Atcli (M.e.) Marble Mustard Seeds Cotton Seeds

V Bawal (M.e.) Wire Nails Mustard Seeds Wheat

V Kanina (M.e.) A.C.e. Pipes Wheat Kerosene oil

IV Mahendragarh (M.e.) Wire Netting Barley (,"uar

III Narnaul (M.e.) Marble Chips Wheat Rice

11 Rewari (M.e.) Aluminium, Brass, Brass, Handicraft items Crucibles Copper Utensils and Sheets







Column No. 5 EDUCATIONAL Primary School P Middle School M Matriculation H Higher Secondary/Pre-university College PUC College, Any college (graduate level and above) like Arts, Science, Commerce etc. c Training school Tr Adult literacy class/centre Ac Column No.6 MEDICAL Hospital H Maternity heme MH Primary health centre PHC Health Sub centre HS Dispensary D Family planning centre FPC Nursing home NH Registered private practitioner RP Community health worker CHW

Col ..... No. 7


Tap~ater T Well water W Tank water Tk Tubewell water TW Hand pump Hp Canal C CoIuDUl No. 8 POST AND TJi:LEGRAPH Post Office P() Post and Telegraph Office PTO Telephone connection Phone Column No. 10 COMMUNICATION S Bus BS Railway station RS Column No. 11

APPROACH TO VILLAGE Pucca road PR Kaccha road KR Column No. 13

POWER SUPPLY Electricity for domestic purpose ED Electricity for agriculture EAg Electricity for other purpose like indus­ trial, commercial, etc. EO Electricity for all purposes listed above EA

Column No. 16 IRRIGATED BY SOURCE Government canal GC

Well (without electricity) W

Well (with electricity) WE Tubewell (without electricity) TW Tubewell (with electricity) TWB Total T ColmRn No. 20 REMARKS N-Copies of the newspapen (omio! in the villaae. M-Motorcyclesjscooters available in the village. C-Carsjjeeps available in the village. T -Tractors available in the village.


Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code 1 2 3 Alawalpur (Alawanpur) 77 2 Anandpur 47 3 Aramnagar 12

4 Asalwas (Asanwas) 30 5 Asraka Majra 17 6 Badhoj 80

7 Badhrana 8 Bagthala 32 9 18 10 Banipur 36 II Bawal (Rural) 41 12 Behrampur Bharangi (Behrampur Bhirangi) IS 13 Berwal (Birwal) 5 J4 Bhagwanpur 58 15 Didawa.s 78 16 Bir Jhabuwa (Bcjhabwa) 81 17 Bishanpur 76 18 Chanduwas (Chancanwas) 48 19 Chirhara 24 20 Dhani Suthani 27

21 Dharan 13 22 Dharchana (Dharchanan) 57 23 Dulhera Kala.n 71 24 Dulhcra Khurd 72 25 Gobindpur 6

26 Gujar Majri 39 27 Ha rchandpur 22 28 Ibrahimpur 37 29 Jaisinghpur Khera 45 30 JaJalpur 26 40

BA'WAL TA.Hsi~ntd. Serial Name of the Village Locatiot' No. Co:ie 1 2 3 31 2S 32 Jhabuwa (Jbabwa) 70 33 Kalrawas 21 34 Kamalpur 35 35 Kanuka 7 36 Keshopur 46 37 Khandewra 10 38 Kharkhari 4 39 Khera Murar 40 40 Khcri Dalusingh (Kheri) II

41 Kheri Dharchana 53 42 Kheri Motla (Kheri Motia) 34 43 Khijuri 79 44 Khurampur 68 45 Kishanpur 64 46 Mangaleshwar 38 47 Mohamadpur 19 48 Mohanpur 44 49 Mukandpur Basai 33 50 Nangal Shahbazpur 74 51 Nangal Teju 54 52 Nanga} Ugra 55 53 Nangli Parsapur (Mangli Persapur) 73 54 Narsinghpur Garhi 14 55 Nchchana 20 56 Odhi 49 57 Panwar 66 58 Patuhera 31 59 Pawti (Paoti) 65 60 Pragpura 2 61 Pranpura 63 41 BAWAL TAHSIL-concld.

Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code 1 2 3 62 Raipur 75 63 Rajgarh 8 64 Ram Singhpur 43 65 Ranoli 62 66 Ransi Majri 61

67 Rasiawas (Rasiwas) 50 68 Rudh (Rondh) 23

69 Rughn~thpur (Ragunathpur) 60 70 Saban 42 71 Saidpur Alias Jaitpur (Saidpur Alias Jatpur) S9 72 Sanjarpuf 16

73 Shahpur 52 74 Shckhpur 56 75 Subashcri 69 76 Sulkha 3 77 Suthana 29 78 Suthani 28 79 Tankri 9

80 laokla 67 81 Tihara 51


43 44


Loca­ Name of Village Total Total pop\11a, Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown tion (with Hadbast area of tion and in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranv:es Code Numher) the No. of viz.-5kms.,5-IOkms.,and 10+kms.,ot the nearest place whereihe No. V ilia v:e households facility is available is given) (in hec­ tares) Educational Medical,------Drinking Post and Day Communi- water' Telegraph or cations (Potable) days (Bus stoP. of the Railway market! Station, hat, Waterway) if any 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Badhrana (4) 354·90 853 (139) P,M,H,PUC CHW W,Tk,TW PO -(-5)

2 Parag Pura (3) 155 ·40 49~ OR) P --(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(-5) -(-5)

3 Sulkha (2) 794·39 2167 (332) P,M,H M,H.HS, W.Tk,TW PO BS CHW(Z)

4 Kharkhari (11) 199 '10 858 (118) P CHW W,Tk,TW -(-S) -(-5)

5 Berwal (Birwal) (5) 176-04 612 (87) P CHW W,Tk,TW -(-5) -(.-5)

6 Gobindpur (6) 107 -24 165 (26) P -(5-10) W,TW -(-5) -1-5)

7 Kanuka (45) 272-00 645 (105) P --(-5) W. TW -(-5) HS

8 Rajgarh (47) 738 -00 1913 (~24) P,M,H HS,CHW(2) T,W.TW PO BS

9 Tankri (48) 972·00 2989 (484) P,M,H HS,D,CHW(3) T,W PO BS

10 Khandewra (50) 576·00 2555 (389) P,M CHW(3) W,TW PO BS

J J Kheri Dalu Singh (49) 130 -00 467 (66) P -(-5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) (Kheri) 12 Aramnagar (46) 89-{)o 271 (45) P D W,TW -(5-10) BS

13 Dharan (7) 452 -{)O 1487 (219) P. M CHW(2) W PO BS

14 Nar Singhpur (8) 230-{)o 526 (74) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) Garhi

15 Bchrampur (9) 235-00 743 (90) P CHW W -(-5) BS Bharangi (Behram­ pur Bhirangi) 16 Sajarpur (16) 243 -{)O 919 (130) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 17 Asraka Majra(l5) 262'{)O 643 (83) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

18 Balawas (10) 375 -00 1397 (209) P,M,H CHW W -(-5) BS

19 Moharnadpur (12) 293 -00 1132 (163) P CHW W -(-5) ·-(-5)

20 Nehchana 0) 546'00 1359 (193) P HS.RP.CHW T,W,TW,HP PO --(-5)

21 Kalrawas (13) 204'00 708 (95) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 45

~1'ORY MAHENDRAGARH· Dl!flllUCli J;and'lI. 1'4__ town, aadt ApJ'!'oach-' l\')wtCI-_ Stapler Land Ulilt (i_e. arel under differont types of Rernar.ka land use in htlQtQre~ founded up to 2 decinnl (includ- to dl9taJlkOO (iDkmI.), ~ food· Vinago' .. places) ing U!f- place oL religious. ------Forest Irrigated hy Un- Cultu- ArCl historical Sources irrigated ral waste not or archaeo- (indud- avail- logical ing able lor interest) gluchar cu1ti- and v.1t in" groves)

)7 IK 11 12 13 14 15 i(i 19 20 Dawal (6)' EA Whellt. Bajra T(55 '44). 179 ·27 17 -r,t X2 ·55 PR TW(12 '95). TWE(42 '49) T(38·44). 91 '86 8 -90 16-20 NI:TI PR Rewari (8) EA Wheat. B3jra TW(l4·16). TWE(24 ·28) 641 ·82 8 -90 64·76 PR Bawal (5) EA Wheat. Bajra T(78 ·91). N3 :M3: TWE(78 ,91) T9

T(60 '70), 114 -52 I~ '02 5 -26 NI:T7 PR Bawal (5) P.A Wheat, Bajra TWE(60-70) T(30 '35), 125 -05 (,-47 14 -17 T2 PR Rewari (8) EA Wheat. Bajra TWE(30 '35)

42'09 6-47 2-43 CI PR Dawal (8) EA Wheat. Ba_ira T(56 '25). TWE(56 '25) T(19 -00), 133 '00 30 -00 90'00 PR Rewari (9) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra TWE(19'00)

Rewari (20) ED,EAg Wheat, Baira T(54 '00) 453 ·00 200·00 31 -00 CI:TI PR WE(6'OO), TWE(48 '00) Bawal (8) ED. EAg WheaqiBajra T(64·00). 600'00 5 '00 303 '00 Temple- PR.KR WE(IO·OO). Devi TWE(S4··OO) M2~T1 T(l50 ,00). 356'00 10'00 T2 PR,KR Rewari (IS) EAG Wheat, Bajra 60'00 WE(5 '00). TW(145 ,00) T(13 ,00), 98 ·00 18 '00 PR Rewari (IS) EAG WhGlt'ti &jra 1 '00' W(l3 '00) Rewari (18)" ED, ErAa Wheati Bajra T(23 '00). 60'00 6·00 PR,KR WE(23 '00) Bawal (6) EA Otllmj B'jra T(l60 ,00). 242'00 50·00 T2 PR W(1! ·00) TWE(J 49 '00) 29,00 PR, Bawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(15 ,00). 186·00 MI:TI W(5 ·00), TWE(lO -00) PR _ Bawal (6) EA Gram, Ba_ira T(12 '00). 191 '00 32'00 T6 W(8'00), TWE(4 '00) 57 '00 PR - Bawal (S,- BA-' Gtrrm. 'Bajra T(8000), 178> ,00' Mt~ T4 W(8 '00) T(26 ,(0). 34'00 MI: T9 PR _ Bawal (S) EA Gram, Bajra 202 '00 W(1O '00). TWE(16'00) 215 ·00 36'00 N5: CI: PR Bawa! (6) EA Gram, Ba.ira T(124·00). W(2000)" T4 TWE(l04 '00) 29·00 T4 PRo Bawal (S) EA Gram, Bajra T(55 '00). 209 '00 W(20 <06t). TWE(35 '00) 394 ·00 41 '00 23 '00 PR,KR Bawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(88 -(0). Nl: M:7; WE(42 '00,. T9 TWE(46·00) 108 '00 16 -00 5 '00 PR.KR Bawal (3) EA Wheat, Bajra T(75·00). WE(55 '00). TW.8(26 -(0) , 46 VILLAGE DAWAL TAHSIL AmenitIeS and toea- Name of Village Total Total pop ula. Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown tion (with Hadbast arelof tion and in the c()lumn and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges, Code Number) the No. of viz.,-5 kms .. 5---1O kms. and lO+kms., of the nearest place where the No. village hous0holds facility is available is given) ~in hec- tares) ~~------~------Educltional Medical Drinking Pust and Day Communi- water Telegraph or cations (Potahl!) days (Bus Stop, of the Railway market/ Station, hat, Waterway) if any

'! ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

22 Harchandpur (14) 273 '00 657 (93) P CHW W --(-5) --(~5)

23 Rudh (Rondh) (38) 201 '00 747 (84) P HS,CHW W,TW --(-5) --(-·5)

24 Chirhara (39) 220'00 513 (R5) P --(-5) W -(--5) -(-5)

25 Jaliawas (41) 151 '00 746 (106) P CHW W --.(.--5) -(-5)

26 Jalaipur (43 ) 118 '00 419 (60) P -(-5) W --(-5) -(-5)

27 Dhani Suthani (44) 22'00 73 (10) -(-5) -·(-5) W -(- 5) --(-5)

28 Suthani (45) 209'00 571 (74) P,M HS W -(.. ·-5) -(-5)

29 Suthana (42) 168 '00 623 (80) P, M -(-5) W PO -(-5)

30 Asalwas (46) 429'00 1006 (138) P CHW W -(--5) BS (Asanwas) 31 Patuhera (49) 421 ·00 1062 (151) P CHW W -(-5) BS 32 Bagthala (47) 646 '00 1467 (203) P,M HS W PO --(-5) 33 Mukandpur Basai (75) 346·(1() 353 (56) P -(10+) w --(5-10) -(-5) 34 Kheri Motla (74) 139'()() 284 (36) P CHW W --(-5) -(-5) (Kheri Molia) 35 Karnalpur (48) 265 '00 611 (84) P(2) -(-5) W --(-5) -(-5) 36 Banipur (40) 202'00 1106(171) P,M D,CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

37 Ibrahimpur (SO) 236 ·00 6U! (86) P -(5-10) W --(5-10) -(-$)

38 Mangaleshwar (51) 252 '00 643 (101) P -(5-10) W,Hp --(-5) BS 39 Gujar Majri (52) 238 '00 1097 (175) P,M RP,CHW W,Hp PO BS

40 Khera Murar (53) 306 '00 1101 (148) P CHW W -(-5) BS

41 Bawa,1 (Rural) (37) 2234'()() 635 (114) P, M, -(-5) W --(-5) -(-5) PUC,C

42 Saban (17) 417 '00 714 (102) P CHW W.TW -(-5) -(-S)

43 Ram Singhpur (18) 139'00 195 (.29) P CHW W -(-5) -(-$)

44 Mohanpur (20) 261 '00 1018 (146, P,M,H RP, CHW W,TW PO as 47 DIRECTORY MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT Land _

Approach Nearest town Pnw\)r Staple Land use (i.e. area under different types of Remarks to and distance Supply food land use ill h"ctaros L)unded upto 2 decimal .(indud- Village (in kms.l places) log any ------place of Forest Irrigah,'J by Un- Cultu- Area religious, Sources irl'igah:d ral waste not historical (incIlJd- avail- or arch

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR Hawal (2) FA Wheat, Hajra T {44 ·00), !93 (){) 23 '00 13 00 MI: T3 Wh(30 .(){), TWE (14 '00) PR KR Hawal (3) EA Wheat, Bajra T(68 'OOl, 109'00 20 '00 4·00 11 WI (40'()(), TWU28'OO) PR Haw'll (3) EA Wheat, Bajra T(44 '00), 15200 15 ·00 9'00 TI WE(24 (0), TWE(20'OO) PR, KR Bawal (5) FA Whoat, Bajra T (lU '00). 43 ·00 21 ·00 400 MI: T2 Wl'.(40 '(0). TWE(43 '00) PR Bawal (6) EA Wheat, Dajra T(28 '00), 74·00 12 '00 4·00 WFWI'OO), TWE 10 ·()o) PR,KR Hawal (X) FA Wheat, Bajra T (16'00), 3'00 2'00 1 '00 WE(lO '00), TWE(6 '00) PR,KR Hawal (6) lOA Whoat, Bajra T(67 '00), 109 '00 II) ·00 15 '00 1'4 WE(30 '00), TWE(37'00) PR,KR Hawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(79 -(0), 60'00 IIl'OO 11 ·00 T2 WEOS '00), TW[(41 '00) PR Hawal (5) EA Wheat, Barlev T(119'00), 260'()0 15 '00 3.5 '00 ·IWE(119·00) PR Hawal (5) EA Wheat, Barley H201 00), 192'00 20'00 800 Tl TWF(201 -00) PR Hawal (6) FA Wheat, Barley T(334 '(0), 235'00 52'00 25 '00 T5 TWE(334 '00) PR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Barley 1 (151 '00), 164'00 5'00 26·00 11 TWE(l51 '00) PR Hawal (8) EA Wheat, Barley T (72 '00), 43 00 15 ·00 9'00 TWE (72'00) PR Hawal (8) EA Wheat, Darley T (125 ,(0). 122'(10 3 ·00 tS-OO TWE (125 '(0) PR,KR Bawal (3) EA Wheat. Barley T (97 '00), 73 '00 0'00 26'00 Tempel WF~20 '00), Amarnath: TWE(77 '00) N8: M2 .. TB

PR Hawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T (84 'on), 134'00 15 ·00 3 '00 T1 WE(20'OO), TWE(64'oo) PR Bawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(127 '00), 85'00 27 '00 13 '00 Temple TWE (127 '00) II PR Bawal (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T (124'00) 90 '00 3 ·00 21 '00 Temple: TWE (124 -00) NI: MI: T1 PR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Ba,ira T (216 '(0), 48'00 16 ·00 26'00 M2: T3 WE(SO '(0). TWE (166 -00) PR Bawal CO) EAg Wheat, Ba,ira T(338 '00). 1541 '00 68 1)() 287'00 TW(l18 '00). TWE(220 ,00) PR Bawal (2) EA Gram, Bajra T{22'OO), 361 '00 9·00 25'00 Temple: TW (14'00), T6 TWE (8 ,00) PR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T( 16 '(0). 90-00 16'00 17 ·00 n WE(7 '00), TW (3 ,00), TWE (6 -(0) PR Bawal (8) EA Wheat. Bajra T(40'OO), 148 '00 73 '00 T3 TW(16'00), TWE (24'00) ·rwLl:A,lOE BAWAL TAHSIL Amenities and

Loea- Name of Village Total Total Amenities available. (If not avalkrbte -within,1fte'I'iIJage;.a dash(-) -is sh~wn tion '(wjth Hadbast area of Population in the column and next to it in brackets, the dilta.ce in broad raaps, Code Ntnnher) 1he and No. "iz .• -S .)cms., 5 -JO kms. and JO+kms. of the nearest place where the No. village of house- facility is available is liven) (in hoc- holds tares) ------Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water Tolegraph or cations (Potable) days (Bus stop, of the Railway market/ Station, hat, Waterway) if any

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( 45 Jai Singbpur Khera (22) 409 ()() 1120 (177) P CHW W,TW -(5-10) -S-10)

46 Kcshopur (23) 96 -()() 439 (65) P -(-5) W -(5-10) - (5-10)

47 Anandpur (;4) 217'00 694 (101) P HS.CHW W.TW -(5-10) - (5-10)

48 Chanduwas (21) 111o'07 27.l (39) -(-5) -(-- 5) W -(5-10, -(5-10) (Chancanwa s)

49 Odhi (19) 249-()() 790 (115) P CHW W -(5-]0) -(5-10)

50 Rasiawas (25) 272'00 1139 (153) P CHW W,TW -(-5) --(-'S) (Rasiwas)

51 Tihara (34) 286'00 ]299 (168) P C'HW W -(-5) BS

52 Shahpur (33) 215'00 906 (114) P CHW W -_. (- 5) BS

53 Kheri Dharchana (26) ]73 '00 Un-inhabited

54 Nanga! Teju (29) 197 ,00 709 (100) r,M HS,RP,'CHW T,W PO BS

5S Nangal Ugra (30) 202 ·00 523 (72) P -(- 5) T,W -(-5) -(~S)

56 Sbakhpur (32) 241,00 ,604 '(84) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

.57 Dharchana (31) '197·00 519 (7S, P CHW W,TW -(-5) BS (Dharcbanan) 58 BhaBwllAPur (58) J47 '00 154 .(21) --(-5) CHW W,Hp --(-5) -(-5)

5P S&idpur Alias (.59) JZ6 '00 2J11 (45) -(-5) --(-$) T,W -(-5) -(-5) Jaitpur {Saidpur & alias Jatpur) 60 RugilnaA.hpur ~8) 132 ,00 22J (35) ---(-5) -'-( -~) T,W -(-.5) --(-5) (Ragunathpur )

61 .&ansi Majri (27) -13.2 '00 643 -(88) p CHW T.W.TW.HP -(-5) RS

62 Ranoli ,(62) . _.210'00 !'ISll (86) P CHW T,W.. TW,Hp -(-5) -(-,)

63 Pranpura (61) 278 '00 1198 (lBS) P,M,H HS,D.RP,CHW T,W,TW,Hp PO BS

64 KiShanpur (63) 18~'OO -,IJ9O (90) P -(-5) T,W, TW,Hp -(-5) BS 49


Land _

Approach Nearest town Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under different tTcs of Remarks to and distance Supply food land use in hectares rounded upto decimal (includ- Village (in kms.) places} in~ Ilny ------_--____--- ______religIOUS,p~~of Forest Irrigated by Un- Cultu- Area historical Sources irrigated ral waste not Of archa- (includ- avail- eological ing able for interest) aauchar culti- and vation groves)

11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Bawal (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(93 .(0), 271 ·00 5·00 40·00 TI TW(53 ,(0), TWE(40 '00) PR Sawal (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(8 '(0), 75·00 4·00 9·00 T3 W(4 '(0), TWE(4'00) PR Sawal (6) EA Wheat, Hajra T(6 '00), 179·00 11·00 21'00 T2 TW(4 '(0), TWE(2'00) PR Hawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(5 '67), 88'22 5'26 10'92 MI TW(2 '83), TWE(2 '84)

PR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(40·OO). 113 ·00 42 ·00 54·00 T2 TW(15 ·(lO), TWE(25 ,(0) PR Hawal (2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(34-00}, 205'00 4'00 29-00 Ml : T4 TW(14 '00), TWE(20'00) PR Bawal (3) EA Wheat, Hajra j T(44'

PR Bawal (8) EA WIleat, Bajra ~ T(22 '(0), 147 ·00 28 -00 T2 TWE(22'00) PR Hawa! (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(24'00), 158 ·00 20'00 TWE(24'00) PR Hawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(75 '00), 145·00 21'00 T2 WE(20-00), TWE(5S ·00)

PR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(54'00), 221 '00 22'00 WE(20'00), TWE(34'00) PR Bawal (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(32'00), 106·00 9'00 Ml: Cl: T1 WE(10'00), TWE(22 '(0) PR Bawal (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(73 '00), 44·00 9·00 WE(30'00), TWE(43'00) PR Bawal (8) SA Wheat, Bajra T(3S '00), 87-00 10·00 WE(lO'OO), TWE(2S ·00) PR,KR Bawal (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(74 o()(). 32'00 26'00 T1 W(IS ,00). TWE(S9 -00) PR,KR Bawal (13) SA Wheat, Bajra 1 T(161'00), 85·00 24'00 Temple: W(6S o()(). T4 TWE(96'00) PR Bawa! (13) EA Wheat. Bajra T(l89 -00), 49 -00 40'00 Temple: W(80'~' T8 TWE(I ·00) PR,KR Bawat (13) SA Wheat, Bajra ~-OO), 60·00 .- 21·00 n 54·00), TWE(SO .()O) So


Loca- Name of Village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village. a dBSh(-) Is shown tion (with Hadbast No.) area of population in the column and next 10 it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges, Code the and No. of viz.,-.5 kms 5-10 kms., and 10+kms., of the nearest place where tho No. Village households facility is available is given) (in hec- taros) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water Telegraph or cations (Potable) days (Bus Stop, of the Railway market! Station, hat, Waterway) jf any

2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 65 Pawti (paoli) (64) 472·00 679 (104) P CHW T,W,TW,Hp -(-5) --(-5)

66 Panwar (65) 274'00 639 (93) P CHW T,W,TW,Hp -(-5) DS

67 Teekla (60) 189·00 563 (88) P -(-5) T.W.TW,Hp -(- 5) DS

68 Khurampur (66) 223·00 599 (79) P CHW T,W,TW,Hp -(-.5) -.(-.5)

69 Subasheri (67) 355·00 676 (104) P --(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10)

70 Ihabuwa (Jhabwa) (68) 665 '00 1,905 (265) P HS.CHW(2) W -(5-10) DS

7t Dulhera Kalan (57) 414'00 224 (42) P CHW W -(-.5) BS

72 Dulhera Khurd (35) 304·00 341 (62) --(-5) -(5-10) W -(--5) DS

73 Nal'lgti Parasapur (36) 131 ·00 4117 (67) P -(-.5) W,TW --(-5) DS (MangJipersapur)

74 Nangal Shahbazl'Ur (55) 185·00 999 (143) P,M,H -(-.5) W,TW,Hp PO DS

75 Raipur (.54) 265·00 1,275 (177) P CHW W --(-5) DS

76 Dishanpur (73) 309'00 408 (58) -(-5) CHW W,Hp --(-.5) --(-.5)

77 Alawalpur (72) 150 -00 411 (70) P -(5-10) W -(-.5) DS (Alawanpur) 78 Bidawas (56) 282·00- 986 (140) P CHW W --(-5) DS 79 Kbijuri (70) 371 '00 750 (t12) P CHW W -(-5) DS

80 Badhoj (71) 234·00 221 (33) P --(5-10) W --(-5) DS

81 Birjhabuwatt (69) 3030()(} 6 (2) -(10+) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) (Bejhabwa) - ___ --..------All villages 24.657'14 62,935 (9,236) P73, M17, MHl, BSl1. H8, PUC, D4,RP5, Cl CHWS8

..- - tAlth )ugh eilterej as 'B.,·Cbirag' (IIn·inhabited) in the Revenue record. tho population shown a,aillst this Viii. was enumerated at the time of 1981 ~. Notes :-(1) Where a town and vilJaae bear an ideftticaJ name, the word (IluraJ) haa been added after the name 0( die vii,.. (2) Tho area of a villap (revenue oatate) Ie ~ on the infOl'lllldOl1 IUpplitd by tbe llevcnue PJtwari. 51

DIRECTORY LtmdU. MAHENDRAGAIlH DISTRIcT Land use (i.e_ area under different types of land use Remarks Approach Nearest town Power Staple in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal plaalS) (includinl anY to and distance Supply food place of VUlaSC (in kms.) relilious, --,------historical or Forest Irrigated by Un- Cultural Area archaeoloak:al Sources impted waste not avail- interest) (includlnl ablC! aauchar for c:ulti- and vation IJI'OVGI )

11 12 13 14 J5 16 17 18 19 20 KR Bawal (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l05 '00), 127 ·00 240·00 T9 W(80-00), TWE(25 ,00) PR, KR" Bawal (13)" EA Wheat, Bajra • T(107 -00),-" 80'00" 87'00 T3 W(33 '00), TWE(74 '00) PR Bawal (11)' EA Wheat, Bajra T(l05 '00), 62-00 22 -00 Temple 1 W(60·OO). TI TWE(45 -00) PR,KR Bawal (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(145 -00), 59-00 19 -00 W(58 -00), TWE(87 -00) PR, KR Bawal (II) EA Wheat, Bajra T(13l '00), 191 '00 13 ·00 20'00 WE(3l '00), W(33 '00), TW(33 '00), TWE(34 -(0) PR, KR Bawal (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(2211 '00), 375-00 20-00 42·00 Ml :1'9 W(90'OO), TWE(l38 '(0) PR,KR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(272 '00), 123 -00 ~'OO 17'00 TW(80-00), TWE(192 -00) PR,KR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(237 '00), 49 -00 1 '00 17'00 W(IIO'OO) , TW(157 '(0) PR Bawa! (3) ED,EAg Wheat, Ba.ira T(46 '00), 70-00 IS '00 M2 TWE(46'00)

PR Bawal (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l16 '00), 42'00 27 '00 N5: M21 W(l6 '00), Cl :T2 TWE(100 '(0) PR Bawa! (5) EA Wheat, Gram T(l90 '00), 49'00 26'00 TWE(190 -00) =:Ml :T2 PR Bawa! (8) EAg Wheat, Bajra T(36'00), 204 ·00 69 ·00 W(7 '00), TWE(29 '00) PR Bawa! (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(75 '00), 30'00 45'00 T3 TWE(75 -00) PR Bawa! (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(IIO '00), 152 -00 SO'OO Ml : T3 W(6'00), TWE(74 -(0) PR Bawa! (10) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra T(l74'00), 126 '00 71 '00 T4 W(4'00), TWE(l70-OO) PR Bawa! (12) EAg Wheat, Bajra T(79 ,(0), 83·00 72'00 Tl W(6 -OOJ, TWE(7 '00) KR Bawal (11) ED \\-heat; Bajra 18 -00 285 -00

T(6,95S '76), 13,532 ·83 987'26 3,181 '29 N24i I M33: W(732-OO). C8 I Tl90 ~673 o()(), 681 -94), TWE(4,868 '82)

~~------~--~e~~~~~~~~~i l Os: i u • I Ii :t Ii: j ~ C !! II C ~ ar: @I Q · C LLI'" z z r:t: w · c X >- ar: C · C -' 2' X .... VI u 0 X II: - l- Ul i I- - '" 0 ,v.c.. .c..4 ,l-J <:>

.,..l .:!. ~


Sel ial Name of the Village Location No. Code 2 3 1 12R 2 Aaliawas 253 3 Aasaka 205

4 Aasiaki Gorawas 80 5 Aaspur 243 6 Ahrod 280 7 Akbarpur 201 8 Alamgirpur ]23 9 Alawalpur 133 10 Asadpur (Asadur) 116 11 Asiaki Tappa Jarthal 139 12 Aulant 20 13 31 14 Badh Jethu 221

15 Badh Sundrod (Badh Sundro j) 219 16 Bahotwas (Bohatwas) 241 17 BahCltwas Hhondu (Bobatwas Bhondli) 34 18 Balawas Ahir 244 19 Balawas Jamapur 46 20 Baldhan Kalan 30 21 B('.)dhan Khurd 36 22 Baliar Kalan 157 23 156 24 Balwari 277 25 Bambar 162 26 Bangarwa 246 27 Baqapur 188 28 ] 80 29 Basdooda 281 30 Sasota 81 31 Bawana Gujar (Bawana) 265 55 REWARl TAHSIL-con rd.

Serial Name of the Village Location Code No. 2 3 32 Bcrli Kalan 3S 33 Berli Khurd 51 34 Bhagwanpur 101 35 Bhalaki 274 36 Bhandor 210 37 Bllanwari 190 38 199 39 Bhathera 255 40 131 41 Bhudla 141 42 Bhudpur 242 43 Bhurthal Jatt 90 4.. Bhurthal Thethar 9J 45 Biharipur (Beharipur) 42 46 234 47 Bithwana 1.95 48 Bhori (Natori) 19 49 Bodia K amalpur 45 50 Bohka 9

51 Bolni 185

52 Budana 110 53 Budani 103

54 BuroH 18 55 Cbandanwas 79 56 Chand pur 170 57 Chanduwas (Chand&was) 230 58 Chang 68 59 Chauki 77 60 Chauki Numbcr-2 (ChUki) 39 61 Cheeta Dungra 273 62 Chhuriawas 193 56 REWARI TAHSIL:-contd.

Serial Name of the ViIlage Location Code No.

2 3

63 89 64 Chimnawas 252 6S Chitarpuri (Chaterpuri) 104 66 Dabari 100 67 4 68 Dakhora 27 69 Daliaki 204 70 Danaalampur 211 71 Darauli 28 72 Dawana 179 73 Dehlawas 40 74 Devlawas 17.2 75 Dhakia (Dohkia) 115 76 Dhaliawas 171

77 Dhamlaka 178 78 Dhamlawas 213 79 Dhani Santo 248 RO Dhani Sundrod (Dhani Sundradh) 216 81 Dhani Thetharbadh 6 X2 Dharuhera 134 83 Dhawana 14 84 Didoli 23 8S Dodhai 191 86 Dohaki 98 87 Dohakia 49 88 Dohana 121 89 Dumawas 168 90 }52 91 Fatehpuri Pipa 161 92 Fatehpuri Tappa Dahina (Fathpuri Tappa) 26 93 Gadala 73 94 Gajjiwas 194 95 Gangayacha Ahir 235 96 Gangayacha Jatt 236 97 Gangoli 221 S7 .REW ARt TAHSJL-ciJntd.

Serial Name ofthe Village Location Code No.

1 2 3

98 Garhi (Gudhi) 186 99 Garhi AlawaJpur 130 100 Ghatal Mahaniawas 127 101 Ghurakawas 96 102 Gindo Khar 240 103 Gobindpuri 250 104 Gokalgarh 232 105 Gokalpur 94 106 Goliaka 200 107 GopaJpura UrfPranpura 25t! 108 Gopalpur Gazi 54 109 Gothara Tappa '['ahina 2 110 Gothara Tappa Khori 264 III Gujriwas 192 112 Gulabpura 41 113 Gumina 267 114 Gurawara (GurawadaJ 75 115 Halubera 50 116 1011 117 Hansawas 70 118 Harjipuf 271 119 H usainpuf (Husanpur) 224 120 Jadara 245 121 Jaitrawas 20b 122 Janti 93 123 Jant Saifwas (Janti Sairwas) 92 124 Jarthal 138 125 55 126 Jatuwas 202 127 Jeetpur Shekhpur (Jaitpur Saidpur) 8K 128 Jhanjanwas 169 Jl9 Jharuwas 57 130 Jitpur Istamrar 120

131 Jiwara 7~ 132 Jonawas 155 ~8

REWW TA~."lci.

Serial Name of the Village Location Code No.

.2 3

133 loniawas () 125 134 Kadhu~A1ias Bhawanipur 259 135 Kahari 24 136 Kakoria 95 137 Kalab 166 138 Kaluwas 231

139 Kamalpur 197 140 Kanhawas 149 141 Kanhora 71 142 Kanhori 72 143 KllJImajra 226

144 Kanwali 3

145 Kapariwas 126

146 Karawara Manakpur(Karawada Manalcpur) 82 147 Karnawas 198

148 Kasola 187 149 Kasoli 189 ISO Kathuwas 181 151 Kaunsiwas 175 152 Khaleta 15 153 136 154 Khalilpuri 164 155 Khargwas 229 156 Kharkhara 135 157 K.harkhari Bhiwan 207 158 Kharsanki 200 159 Khatawali 122 160 IChera Aalampur 65 161 Khijuri 150 162 Khol 279 163 Khori 251 164 Khulhpura 29 ]65 Kishangarh 238 59 IlEWAal TAIfSI~con;J.·

Selial Name of the Village Location Code No.

2 3

166 K.olaDa 12 167 Kumroda 38 168 Kundal 270

169 Ladhuwas Ahir 228 170 Ladhuwas Gujar 143

171 Lakbnor 241

172 Lala ~6

173 Lalpur 190 174 Lisan 175 Liliana 233 176 Lodbana 184 177 Lobana 16 178 M.ha K.baria 220 179 Mahelhari 129 180 Mahiuddinpur S8 181 Mailawas 214 182 Majr" Gurdas 176 183 Majrn Mutsal Bhalaki 275 184 Majra Sheoraj (Majrashoraj) 163 185 Majri Duda 148 186 MaJahera 114 187 Maliald (Maliaka) 76 188 Ma1p\lrl 124 189 Aasampur 260 190 Mamal'ia Amr 262 191 Mamaria Thethar 263 192 Mandhaya Khurd 43 193 Mand ia Kalan I6S 194 Mandula 13 195 Mane-tbi 282 196 Masaoi iS3 197 Masit 22 198 Mayan 278 ]99 Mccrpur 112 ~o , 'REW ARI TAHSIIr-4:ontd.,- . ,

Serial Nama of the Villag~ Location Code No.

2 3 200 Molbawas 159 201 Motia Kalan 37 202 MotIa Khurd 21 203 Mundawas 47 204 Mundhalta 99 205 Mundi 257 206 M undia Khora 15& 207 Muradpuri 160 20R Muralipur 33 209 Muscpur 52 210 Mustafapur 84 21l Nain Sukhpura 48 212 Nandba 276 213 Nalldrampur Bas (Nandrampur) III 214 Nangala Mayan 261 215 Nangalia Ranmokh (Nangla Ranmokh) 60 216 NaDgal Jamalpur 11 217 Nangal Mundi (Nangali Mundi) 256 218 Nangal Pathan i 32 219 208 220 Narainpllr 223 221 Nayagaon 97 222 Niganiawas (Nagniawas) 146 223 Nikhari 151 224 1 225 Nurpur 86

226 Pa~hgaon ('Panchpwan) 145 227 Pachlai 113 228 Padl. 283 229 Padniawas 173 230 Pahrajwas 69 231 P&lhawas 66 232 Pali 272 233 Paacbor 144 61 REWARI TAHSIL-contd. Location Code Serial Name of the Village No. 2 3 53 234 109 235 Phadani 107 236 Phaderi 237 Pithanwas () 183 215 238 pitherawas 174 239 Piwara (Pinyara) 105 240 pokharpur 74 241 Prithipura 269 242 punsika 225 243 Qutabpur Mola 63 2,H Q:.1tilbpuri Buzarg 106 245 Qutubpuri Jagir 85 246 Rajawas 249 247 Rajpura Tstamrar 239 24:-1 Rajpura Khalsa 2M! 249 Rajyaka 147 250 102 251 Ramgarh 252 Rampura 203 253 Rampuri 25 254 (Rasgian) 154 255 Rasooli (Rasoli) 44 256 Rasoolpur 64 ; 257 Rewari (Rural) 167 258 Roharai 59 259 Rojhaka 119 260 61 261 Roliawas (Raliawas) 254 262 227 263 Saidpur 67 264 182 265 Sangwari 142 266 Sanpli 140 267 Shadipur 87 62 REW Am TAHSIL-co.. cld.

Serial Name of the Village Location Code No.

2 3

268 Shahbajpur Istamrar 218 269 Shahbajpur Khalsa 177 270 Shekhpur Shikarpu r (Sheikhupur Shi'kara) 237 271 Siha 17 272 Srinagar 8 273 Suma Khera 62 274 Sun aria 117 275 Sundrodh 217 276 Tatarpur Istamrar 118 277 Tatarpur Khalsa 132 278 Tehna Dipalpur 83 279 Thothwalka 212 280 Tint 266 28t Turkiawas 111 282 Uncha 10 283 5 VILLAGE DIRECTORY REWARI TAHSIL

63 64


LoCl1- Name of Village Total Total Atnet'ities available (Tf Dot available within the village, a dash(-) is shown in don (with Hadbast area population the Column and n~t to it in brackets) the distanoe in broad raJ\ges viz., -S knls. Code Number) of the and Number 5-10 JurIs. and )O+kms. of the Dearest place where tbe facility isav"iJ: No. Village of house­ able, is given) (in holds hectares) Educational Medical DrinkiJ1i Post and Day I'r Communications Watl'r TelClJl'llph days (Bus Stop, (Potable) of the Railway ~tatioD. market! Waterwav) hat, - if any

2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 Lisan (1) 862 -00 2,746 (424) P, M, H CHW (2) W, TW PO BS 2 Gothara Tappa (11) 638 -00 _1,846 (269) P, M CHW (2) T, W, TW PO BS Dahinll 3 KllDwaJi (10) 925 -00 3.349 (~28) P, M, H, HS, RP, T, W, TK, -(-5) BS PUC, C CHW (2) TW,C

4 D8hina (12) 1536 -)6 4,876 (788) P, M (2), RJ> (3), T, W, TW, PTO, Phone __ BS, RS H (2) CHW (5) C

S Zainabad (13) 966-00 3,616 (543) P(2), M(2)H HS, RP, W, TW PO BS,RS CHW(3) 6 Dhani Thethar Bad (14) 359 -00 638 (96) P CHW W, TW -(-5) BS 7 Nimoth (.19) 889 -00 2,616 (421) P, M, Ac CHW m W, TW PO BS 8 Srinagart (20) 435 -00 140 (22) -(-5) -(-5) TW --(-5) -(-5)

9 Bohb (23~ 60900 1,265 (180) P RP, CHW T, W, TW -(-5) BS

10 Fncha (24~ 406 -00 1,334 (202) P 1:IS. CHW T, W, TW -(-5~ -(-5)

11 Nangal Jarnalpvr (25) 551 -DO 1,273 (216) P CHW (2) T, W, TW PO BS

12 Kolana (22) 362 -00 J,133 (.171) P CHW T, W, TW PO -(-5)

13 Mandola (21) 474 -00 2,599 (411) P, M, H HS, RP (2), T. W, TW PO BS CHW (3) 14 Dhawana (18) 1181 -00 2,643 (358) P, M CHW (2) W, TW PO --(5-10) 15 Khaleta (17) 773 -00 1,840 (270) P CBW W.TW PO BS 16 Lohal\a (16) 660 -00 1,962 (295) P HS, CHW T, W, TW PO --(-5) 17 Siha (15) 660 -00 3,193 (446) P, M CHW (4) T, W, TW PO --(-5) 18 Buroli (76) 1557 -00 3,035 (441) P, M, H HS, RP (2), T, W, TW PO --(-5) CHW(2)

19 Bitori (Batori) (75) 362 -00 2,206 (305) P, M CHW T, W,TW PO -(-5)

20 Aulant (77) 542 -00 1,496 (213) P CHW T, W, TW -(-5) BS,RS

21 Motla Khurd (95) 258 -00 1,009 (164) P CHW T, W. TW -(-5) -(-5) 22 Masit (9) 667 ·00 1,494 (213) P CHW T. W, TW -(-5) -(-5) 23 Didoli (8) 442 -00 529 (77) P CHW T, W, TW -(-5) -(-5)

24 Kabarl (6) 215-00 426 (73~ p CHW T, W, TW --(-5) -(-5) 25 Rampuri (7) 224 -00 903 (J 59) P C'HW T, W, TW -(-S) -(-5)

26 Fal ,hpuri Tappa (5) 630 -00 1,213 (165) P D,RP, T, W -.(-S)~ BS Dr bioa (Pllthpuri CHW Tr ppa) 65


APproach Nearest Town Power Stllple Land use (i.e_ area under different types of la.tld use Remarks 10 Village and dl,lance SupJ)]y food in hectares JO\Jnded u_pto Z decimal places) (iocJudiog OlDY (J1! km8.) place c~ religious, ------historical lOr Foresl lrriB3tcd hy Sources ~l!- Cultural Area archaooloaical Impled waste not 'merellt) (includ· available ing for cul- gauchae tivation and groves) 11 12 13- 14 lS Hi 17 18 19 20 Rewari (35) EA Wileat, Bajra T (59 '00), TWE (59 '00) PR 710'0(] 2700 66'00 Temple: M 3 : (30) T2 PR Rewari ED,EAg WheM, Bajra l' (117 '(0), TWE (IJ? ·00) 4M'OO 17-00 43 (l() (26) (378,00) PR Rewari EA Wheat, Ba}ra T (37800), 1WE 4}6.()O 14 .0{) 97,00 Temple: N JO : MI'.:C2 : T6 PR Rewari (24) EA Wheal, Bajm T(466.60), T\VE (4&6.60) 925 50 " 144'06 N 23: M lB; C3:T14 PR Rewari (26) EA Wheat, Bajra T(404.00), TWE (404.00) 474·00 R800 1'4 PR Rewari (27) EA Wh~e.t .Bajra T(41.CO), TWE (41.00) 293,00 2500 PR Rewari (27) EA Wheat Bajra T(l25,OO), TWE (125.00) 6;15·00 35·00 7400 N 3 RK.KR Rewari (33J EA Wheal, Bajra T(54.00). WE (20.00), 355 {)(j 100 )S '00 TWE (44.O(}j

PR.KR Rewari (30) fA Wheat, Bajra T(64,OO), WE02.00), 47900 31 ,00 3500 M 1 ; W (14.00), TW(lO.OO), T2 T'hE(ROO) PR, KR Rewari (32) EA 'Wheat, BajTa T (58.00), WE (l2.00). 102 ·00 2("00 2000 TWE (J6.(0) T2 J>R,KR Rewari (31 ) EA Wheal, Bzjra T(4O.oo), ""E (0,(10), 475·00 HlO 2900 M 3: Cl rw (8,00), TWE {26,QO} KR Rewari (29) EA Wheat, Bajrll T (27.00), WE (10,00), 307·00 H)O 23 ,00 Tl W (8.001. TWE (9.00) PR, KR '" Rewari (29) EA Wbeat, Bajra T (4-5.00" WE (15,(I(), 38000 49,00 N 12: M S : P:R TW (30.00) C 1: T6 Rewari em ED, Wheat T (70,(}(). TWE (70.00) EAg 901 ·00 2000 190'00 T 1 PR Rewari (;25) EA Wheat T (81.00), 1WE (81.00~ 414·00 2600 252 {)() T2 PR Rewari ~22J EA Wheat T {93.(0), TIVE (9J.00) 437 -00 26


Loca- Name of Village Total ,Total Amenities available (If not available within the VilIaee a das!t(-) is shown in tion (with Hadbast ared poLt!'i.ttion tne column and ned to it in brackets, the distan~ in brol\d failles viI •• Code Number) of the and Number -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place where the facility No. Village of house­ is available, is gjven) (in holds hectares) _------Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Comunications Water Tolegraph days (Bus Stop, (Potable) of Ihe Railway market! Station. hat, Waterway) jf any

2 3 6 7 8 9 10

27 Dakhora (2) :l44 ,00 1,666 (265) P F~. COW W, TW, Hp PO -(5-IO)

28 Dabauli m 42,1 ·00 1.~17 (206) P, l\-f, H RP (1), T,W,TW PO BS CFW

29 Kbusl>plIra (4~ 245 ,00 1153 (118) P CBW T.W,TW. -(-5) BS, F" 30 Baldhan KIIJa.I'I (9R) 600·00 1570 (246) p. M CFW T, W.TW PO BS

3.1 Bl'oTClli (.1 Q/\) 46.1'00 1,129 (1."2) P CHW T.W,TW, -(-5) llS

32 Nallyal Pathani (10 1) 543'()() 1,440 (214) P, M. H HS,RP, T.W, TW, PO B~. RS CHW Hp 3,1 Muralipur (102) 332 ·00 862 (134) P CHW T.W.TW. -(-5) RS HD,C 34 Pilhotwas Phol'(iu (99) 406'00 J ,352 (1,13) P -(-5) T.W,TW, -(-5) BS (Bohlltwas C Bhondu) 35 Berli Kalan (310) 6.15 ·00 J, 593 (2~6) P HS. RP(2), T,W,Tk, -(-5) BS CHW(2) TW 36 Balciban Khurd (97) 39O'no 758 (116) P CHW T.W,Tk. -(-5) BS TW,Hp ~7 Motl~ Kalan (96) 418'00 1,982 . (20) P, M, H HS, RP, T.W,Tk, PO BS CHW TW,Hp 38 KU!l'roda (94) ;11.3'00 618 (88) P CHW T,W,Tk, -(-5) -(-5) TW 39 Chauki Numbor-2 (311) 347 '00 1,284 (193) P CHW Tj W, Tk. -(-5) -(-') (Cbauki) TW 40 Dehlawas (89) 295·00 J,032 (141) P,Ac CHW T. W.TW PO -(-5) 41 Oulabpura (88) 223·00 615 (8S) P caw T.W,TW, PO -(-5) C 42 Bibariput (91) 170·00 514 (81) P CHW T.W.TW -(-5) BS (Boharipur) 43 Mandha;va Khurd (90) 340·00 1,0Il3 (174) P -(-5~ T,W,TW -(-S~ B!'

44 Ihsno)i (RllsoJi) (IOR~ R.2 ·flO 324 (50) P -(-.<) T, W,TW, -(-5~ -(-5) C 45 Bodhl k'l'NIlpur (l I) 428·()(I 1,~03 (1.21) P M, a CFW T,W C PO :as

46 8a)JIwjl~ .Tarol'"ur (109) 31,~'00 766 (1m) P CIlW T, W, TW -1-,'9 .~

(226~ .1 ~t\ .f\P Un-

48 Nainsukhpura (2.21;1 432 ·00 l,;m (202) P,M CHW T, ':N. Tk, PO -(-5) TW 49 DOhalda (107) 4!)J'00 984 (163)· P CHW T, W, Tk. -(-5) TW 50 IIjl)u"era (92) 345·00 ""9 (14J) P RP, CHW TtW. Tk, --(-5) W, C 67

DIRECTORY MAHENDRAOARH DISTRICT ~- APproach Nearest Town Power Staple Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land U8e in Remarks Supply food hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) (including to and diltance Village (in kms). any place of relipous, historical Forest Irrigated by Sources Un- Cultu- Area or Arch- irrigated ral not aeological Waste available interest) (includ- for culti- inB vation gauchar and groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 KR Rewari (30) EA Wheat, Bajra T (230.00), WE (150.00), 74·00 31 '00 9·00 Shivalay: TW (80.00) M 1 : C 1 T 1 PR Kanina (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T (133.00), WE (100.00), 235 ·00 40·00 13 ·00 Temple: N 2: TWE (33.00) T 3

PR Kanina (IS) EA Wheat, Bajra T (60.00), WE (48.00), 157'00 20·00 8 ·00 TWE (12.00)

PR Rewari (26) EA Wheat, Barley T (280.00), TWE (280.00) 253 ·00 21 ·00 46·00 M 2: C5 PR Rewari (22) EA Wheat, Barley T (197.00), TWE (197.00) 197·00 33 ·00 34 -00 N5 : Ml PR Rewari (22) EA Wheat, Barley T (171.00), TWE (171.00) 302·00 3 ·00 67 ·00 PR Rewari (22) EA Wheat, Barley T (76.00), TWE (76.00) 204·00 19 ·00 33 ·00 PR Rewan (19) EA Wheat, Barley T (158.00), GC (1.00), 193 '00 20·00 35 ·00 T2 TWE (157.00)

PR Rewan (16) EA Wheat, Bajra T (159.00), TWE (159.00) 424·00 52'00 C 1 : T 3 PR. KR Rewari (24) EA Wheat, Bajra T (243.00), TWE (243.00) Il7 ·00 30'00 PR Rowan (26) EA Wheat Bajra T(95.00), TWa (95.00) 271.00 10·00 42·00 N2:Ml:T2

PR,KR Rewari (24) EA Wheat, Bajra T (168.00), TWE (168.00) 122·00 10·00 23 ·00 T 1

PR,KR Rewari (19) EA Wheat, Bajra T (227.00), TWE (227.00) 83 ·00 3 ·00 34·00 T2

PR Rcwari (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T (212.00), TWE (212.00) 54 -00 2·00 27'00 C 1: T 1

PR Rcwari (II) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra T (89.00), TWE (89.00) 118 -00 2'00 14·00 T2 PR Rewari (11) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T (81.00), TWE (81.00) 63 -00 10·00 16'00 T 1

PR Rewari (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T (219.00), TWE (219.00) 9000 6'00 25 '00 C 1: T S

KR Rcwari (10) ED,EAa Wheat, Bajra T (40.00), TWE (40.00) 20·00 4·00 18·00 PR Rewari (10) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra T (200.00), TWE (200.00) 6800 22·00 138·00 M2:Tll PR Rewari (10) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T (199.00), TWE (199.00) 76'00 6'00 34·00 N2 :T2 .inhabited T (80.00), WE (40.00), 15 ·00 lS'OO 26'00 W (40.00)

PR,n Rewari (11) EA Wheat, Barley ~20.(0), GC (150.00), 62 '00 2'00 48'00 T 3 (20.00). TWB &,50.(0) . PRo KR Rcwari (11) EA Wheat, Bar1ey T (26S; ), oC (30.00), 170·00 7-00 4900 M 1 :T4 TWE (2.00), W (3.00) lW (30.00), lWE (200.00) PR,lt.R kewari (16) fA Wheat, Barley T (180.00), OC (20.00), 126·00 19 ·00 2000 M2 :T2 WE (5.00), W (10.00), TW (20.00), TWB (125.00) 68



Loca- Name of Village Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in tion (with Hadbast No.) area population the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz., Code ofthe and Number -5 kms.. 5-10 kms. and 10-t-km~. of the nearest place where the facility No. Village of households is avaiJahle. is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communications Water Telegraph days (Bus Stop, (Potable) of the Railway market/ Station, hat, Waterway) ifany

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 51 Berli Khurd (93) 681 ·00 1,897 (309) P, M, H CHW T, W, Tk, -(-5) -(10+) TW

52 Musepur (lOS) 359 ·00 1,616 (256) P, M, H D, CHW T. W -(5-10) -(-5) 53 Parkhotampur (104) 567·00 1,173 (193) P, M RP, CHW T, W -(-5) BS,RS 54 Gopalpur Gazi (103) 405 '00 605 (91) P CHW T, W. Hp -(-5) -(-5)

55 Jatusana (106) 1108·00 2,26] (396) P, M, H, D, NH, T, W, Hp PO, Phone BS PUC RP, CHW (2) 56 Lala (228) 471 '00 ],164 (156) P, M NH, CHW T, W, TW -(-5) BS 57 Jharuwas (225) 221'00 Un- 58 Mabiuddinpur (229) 325 '00 1,266 (90) P, M NH,CHW T,W,TW PO -(-5) 59 Roharai (230) 732'00 1,778 (264) P, M NH, RP(2), T, W, TW PO BS CHW 60 Nangalia Ranmokh (252) 389-00 740 (97) P NH, CHW T, W, TW -(-5) -(-5) (Nang)a Ranmokh) 61 Rojhuwas (231) 220 '00 586 (81) P -(-5) T,W,TW -(-5) BS 62 Suma Khera (232) 341 ·00 726 (104) P CHW T, W,C -(-5) -(-5) 63 QutabPuri Buzarg (233) 227 -00 729 (100) P CHW T, W, IW -(-5) -(-5) 64 Rasoolpur (234) 170 ·00 Un-

6S Khera Aalampur (235) 198 '00 764 (84) P -(-5) T, W, TW -(-5) BS

66 (236) 694·00 3,002 (438) P, M, H HS, CHW T, W, TW PO BS (3) 67 Saidpur (237) 109 -00 99 (18) P -(5-10) T, W -(-5) -(-5) 68 Chang (238) 127 '00 Un- 69 Pahrajwas (239) 318 -00 576 (73) P CHW T, W -(-5) -(-5) 70 Hansawas (240) 567 (l0 982 (156) P CHW T, W, TW, -(-5) -(-5) Hp 71 Kanhora (241) 215 ·00 535 (85) P -(-5) T, W,TW, pO BS Hp 72 Kanhori (242) 521-00 1,470 (217) P, M, H HS, CHW T, W, TW -(-5) BS

73 Gadala (243) 135 ·00 J,019 (160) P CHW T, W, TW, -(-5) BS Hp 74 Prithipura (244) 148 ·00 Un-

75 Gurawara (245) 1693 '00 4,242 (588) P(2), M (2), PHC, FPC, T, W, Tk, pO BS H (2) CHW (3) TW Hp 76 Maliaki (MaHala) (246) 177 '00 274 (39) P -(10+) T, W, Hp --(-5) BS

77 Chauki (248) 99'00 435 (61) P HS, CHW T. W, Tk. -(-5) -(-5) 69

MAHENDRAO.\RH DIstRICt :ba8c TOllY ;1.....

Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in Remarks Approach Noareat .«own PoWCt' Staple food (including Supply h?Ctare~ round·,d upto 2 decimal places) to ViI1aIo Aand .4i&taooo any place (inkms.) ______----·------ofreliJiolls, Forest Irrig1tted by ~I!- CultUl'al Alea historical S )urc~s Img'ltd waste not or Arch8eo- (includ- available Illgical interOSI) ing for g .. uchar culLi va- and tion IlfOVes)

IS 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 207 ,00 21·nO 48'00 M2:T 2 Rewari (18) EA Whc\t. Barley T (405.00). GC (80,00), PR.KR WE (10.00). TW (15.00). TWE (300.00) Wheat, Rljra T (125.00), TWE (125.00) 195 ·on 39 '00 N2 :M2 PR,KR Rewari (16) ED.EAg T2 T (261.00). TWE (261.00) 222·00 23 '00 61'00 T2 PR KR Rewari (22) ED, EAg Wheat. Bajra T (158.00). TWE (15tl.OO) 220'0n 27'OiJ PR Rewari (26) ED,EAg Whe~t 111 'OJ ED.EAg Wheat 62 '00 T (286.00), TWE(286.00) 649·00 Temple: N 7 PR,KR Rewari (24) M 3; C 1 : T 3 T (60.00), 1:W (60.00) 361 'OU 14'00 36·Q() T 5 PR Rewari (14) ED,EAg Wheat, Barley 170 '0') 6'00 inhabited T(4S.00), TW (45.00) 35 'OJ T5 PR Rcwari (10) EA Wheat, Barley T (150.0:)), TW (150.00) 140 -00 (11) EA Wheat, Barley T (428.00), TWE (428.00) 252'00 52'OJ N3; M2: PR Rewari T9 4-00 30'00 M 2: T 13 PR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Barley T (310.00), TW (3 IO.O!) 45 '00 25 '00 T2 PR Rcwari (13) EA Wheat, Barloy T (84.00). W (84.00) III '00 31 '00 PR Rewari (16) EA Wheat, Bajra T (i12.00), 1'WE (112.00) 198 'W T4 PR Rcwari (20) ED,EAg Wheat. Bajra T (56.00), TWE (56,00) 145 '00 26 '00 T5 inhabit04 T (22.00), TWE (22.00) 130 '00 18'00 PR Rcwari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra 1: (132.00), 1'WE ~132,00) 41.00 25'00 1'3

PR Rowari (18) EA Wheat, Bajra T (425.00), 1'WE (425,00) 180 '00 89'00 N ISO: M 5 : T 18 PR,IC.R Rcwari (18) ED Wheat, Bajra T (32.00), TWE (32.00) 69'00 8'00 inbabi*Od T (42.00), TWE (42.00) 80 '00 5'00 PR Rowari (22) £D,EAa Wheat. Bajra T (46.00), TWE (46.00) 236'00 36'00 T3 Pit Rewari (26) EAg Wheat, Bajra T (432.00), W (220.00), 100'00 35 '00 1'2 TW (212.00) PR Rewari (22) EAa WhOllt, Bajra T (14:5.00), TW (l00.00), 48 '00 22 ·00 TWE (45.00)

PR Rewari (24) EA. Wheat, Bajra T (456.00), W (300.00), 54'00 11'00 Temple, M 1 TW (100.00), fWE 1'8: (56.00) PR Rowari (24) BAa Whoat,B~a "f (104.00), W (4.00), 2'00 29'00 Ml :T4 TWE (100.00)

iobabitocl T (129.00), TW (49.00), 13 '00 6'00 TWE (80.00)

III Rewari (21) SA Wheat. Barloy T (873.00), TWE (873.00) 668 'IlJ 11 '00 141 '00 Templo: N 24: M9 :T39 Rowari (21) EA Wheat, Bajra T (62.00), WE (15.00), 101 '00 14·Jj 1'2 .... " TWE (47.00) 'R,U Ronri (21) EA Whoat, Sajra T (72.0J), WI? (15.00), S·U\) 19'OJ t2 TWa (51.03) 1d ViLVAO£ AmedItI... Loca­ Name of Village Total Total popula­ Arnenities available (It not available witbin the village. a dash(-) is shown in tion (with Hadbast No.) area of tion and the column and next to it in braokets. the distance in broad ransos viz., Code the Number -5 kms, 5--10 kms., and 10+ kms., of the nearest place where the facility' No. Village 01 house­ is available i~ Jiven) (in holds hectares) ------,------Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Commu­ water Telegraph days ot nioations (Potable) the (8us Stop, marketl Railway hat, Stlltion. if any Waterway)

2 3 4 s 6 7 I) 10 78 Jiwara (247) 304 ·00 913 (119) P CHW T.W,Hp BS

79 Chandanwas (251) 303 ·00 116 (161) P CHW T.W.Hp BS 80 Aasiaki Gorawas (249) 301·00 1,792 (289) P.M HS.CHW T,W.Hp BS (2) 81 Basotat (250) 304 ·00 (1) -(lOr) -(10+) W -(10+)

82 .Karawada (253) 601·00 2,081 (303) P.M,H, HS.CHW T.W,TW. PO -(-5) Manakpur Hp 83 Tehna Dipalpur (255) 345·00 631 (91) P CHW T.W,T.W -(-5) BS 84 Mustafapur (256) 310·00 1,197 (199) P CHW T.W,TW, PO BS Hp 8S Rajawas (251) 114 ·00 246 (38) P CHW T.W.TW. -(-5) -(-5)

86 Nurpur (258) 221·00 252 (31) P -(5· -10) T,W.TW -(-5) -(-5)

87 Shadipur (254) 209 ·0 511 (83) P CHW T,W.TW -(-5) -(-5) 88 Jeetpur Shekhpur (260) 437 ·00 1,202 (172) P,M HS,CHW T,W,Hp. PO BS (Jaitpur Saidpur) 89 Chillar (259) 793 ·00 1,631 (265) P HS.ClfW T.W.TW, PO BS HP 90 Bhurthal Jatt (216) 369 ·00 1,051 (134) P CHW l' ~(-5) -(-5)

91 Bhurthal Thethar (215) 230 ,00 402 (52) -(-5) -<-5) T.Hp -(5-10) BS 92 Jantsairwas 342,00 1,110 (175) P -(-5) W PO -(-S) (Jantisairwas) (213)

93 Janti (212) 157 ,00 413 (62) P CHW W.Hp -(-5) -(-5)

94 Gokalpur (211) 263·00 1,585 (232) P.M.H CHW W PO -(-5)

95 Xakoria (214) 310·00 1,241 (171) P,M HS,CHW T,W,TW, PO BS Hp

96 Ghurakawas (217) 144·00 363 (48) P -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) 97 Naya Gaon (219) 181·00 877 (125) P CHW T,W -(S-10) -(5-10) 98 Dohaki (120) 378 ·00 806 (97) P -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) BS 99 Mundhalia (218) 161·00 732 (101) P CHW T,W -(S-10) BS 100 Dabari (210) 154 .()() 276 (46) -(5-10) -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) (-S--10) ,( 101 Bhagwanpur (121) 252 ·00 700 (89) -(-5) CHW T,W PO -(S-10)

102 Ramgarh (209) 2S3·{)() 1,010 (162) P, M R,P,CHW I. T,W PO -(5-10) 103 Budani (208) 120·00 442 (74) P CHW T.W,TW -(-5) -(...... 5) 104, Chitarpuri (201)t 97 -00 428 (63) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5... 10) -(5...... 10) ( Chaterpuri)

105 Pokharpur (206) 109 ·00 Un- 71

DIRECTOR.), MAHENDRAGARH DISTRlCT LIPcl- Remarks APproach Nearest town Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under differont types of land use in to Village and distanoo Supply food hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) (inoluding (in kms.) any place of roligious. --- historical --Forest Irrigated by Un- CulluX"dl Area or archaco- SO·.Irces irrisatod waste not logical interest) (including available gauchar for and grovos) cuHivation

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR.KR Rowari (16) EA Wheat. Bajra T(249 ,(10), WEI 52 '(0). 19'00 14 ·00 22·00 MI :Cl: TI6 TWE. (191,00)

PR.KR Rewari (16) EA Wheat. Bajra T( 139 -o(}). WE(41 ,00). 124·00 7·00 33 ·00 T 10 TWlJ (98 '00) PR,KR Rewari (16) EA Wheat. Bajra T(l70 '00)' WEe 45 ,00). 93·00 38·00 Til TWE(125 ,(0) KR Rewari (18) ED Wheat. Bajra T( 190·0 l), WE(65 '00), 102·00 12-00 TWE(12'i -00)

PR,KR Rewari (15) EA Wheat. Bajra T(385 ·00). TWE(385 '(0) 139 '00 7·00 70'00 N5:MI:T9 PR.KR Rewari (10) EA Wheat. Bajra T(86.00). TWE (86.00) 231 ·00 28'00 TI PR.KR Rewari (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T{154.00). TWE(154.00) 121 ·00 12·00 23 ,00 N3:Ml:T3 PR,KR Rewari (9) EA Wheat. Bajra T(66.00), TWE(66.00) 32·00 6·00 10,00 PR,KR Rewari ( 10 EA Wheat.Bajra T( 138.00). TWE( 138.00) 56'00 12·00 15·00 Ml:TI PR.KR Rowari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(103.00) • TWE(103.00) 79·00 14'00 13 ,00 Ml:T8

PR Pataudi ( 11) EA Wheat. Bajra T(308.00), TW (308.00) 93·00 7·00 29,00 N3:MI2:CI: T10 PR Rewari (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(705.00). W(705.00) 23·00 3·00 62·00 M2:T9 KR Rewari (6) ED.EAg Wheat, Bajra T(29O.00), WE(46.00), 67 ·00 12·00 Ml:T3 W(4.00) .TW(74.00). TWE(166.Q,) PR.KR Rewari (6) ED,BAg Wheat, Bajra T(l7S.00), WE(32.00). 37 ·00 18·00 Ml:Tl TW(63.00), TWE(77.00) PR,KR Rewari (12) EA Whoat. Bajra T(248.00), WE(94.00), 61·00 1 ·00 32 '00 W(19.00). TW(74.00) TWE(61.0m KR Rewari (13) ED.BAg Whoat, Bajra T(61.00), WE(II.00), 84·00 IH10 Nt W(4.00), TW(22.oo); TWE(24.00) KR Rowari (13) BD,EAg Wheal,Bajra T(155.00). WE(34.00), 76'00 32·00 Ml:Cl:T2 W(8.00),TW(26.00), TWE(81.00) PR Rewari (6) BAg Wheat, Bajra T(238.00). Wl!( 115.00). 16'00 56·00 N2:M2:CI:T4 W(S.OO),lW(74.00). TWE(44.00) PR Rewari (8) BD.BA,. Wboal,Bajra T(74.00),TWE(74.00) 48'00 8·00 14·00 PR Roowsri (6) BA Wheal, Bajra T(66.00) ,TWB(66.00) 86,00 11,00 18 ·00

PR Rowari (10) BA Wheat, Bajra T(125.00).TWJ!(125.00) 202 '00 12·00 39·00 CI: T7

PR Rowari (5) EA Wheat, Baj.ra T(69.00). TWll(69.00) 65 -00 9·00 18·00 Tl PR Rowari (9) EAg. Wheat. Bajra T«l1l.oo), TWE(l I 1.00) 2S ,00 18·00 TI PR R.owan (5) EA Whoa!, Ba,ira T(99.00),TWE(99.00) 131 ·00 10'00 12·00 MI:Tl PR Rowari (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(174.00), TWE(174.00) 43 '00 8'00 28'00 Ml:T3 KR Q.owari (8) BA Wbeat.Bajra T(59.00), TWB(S9.00) 51 ·00 10-00 l(lt. Rowan (8) ~~. Whoal. Ba.ira T(26·OO),TWE(26.00) 63·00 8·00

inhabit04 1'(S8.OO), TWE(S8,OO) 4$ '00 3'00 3'00 " . . 72

VJWA~;" REWARI TAHSIL Alndtl... ·..,·,

Loea- Name of Village Total Total t:\mcnities available (If not available within the Villap, f dalb(-) i. abowtl· tion (with Hadbast area of population 1~ the column ani next to it in brackets, the distance in brOlLd ranJOll, Code Number) the Vill~g/; and Number VIZ., -5 km~., 5-10 \ms., and 10 +-kms., of the noaroat placo whoro tho No. (in uf nOllSc- facility is IIvailablo is given) hectares) holds -Educ;~"'Medical - Drinking-Pc;-;;;d D;~-r -Co~uni- - water Tolosraph day. of tho cations (Potablo) marketl (Bus Stop, hat, Railway if any Station, Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 106 Qutubpuri Jagir (205) 80'00 Un- 107 Phaderi (204) 239'00 1,11 0 (151) P HS,CHW T, W,TW,C -(5-10) -(-5) 108 Hansaka (203) 250 '00 1,431 (217) P,M CHW T,W,C. PO BS 109 Phadani (201) 208 ·00 606 (87) P CHW T,W -(-5) -(5-10)

110 Budana (202) 2~1 '00 893 (127) P CHW T,W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10)

111 Turkia was (275) 113 ·00 704 (111) P,M CHW T,W,TW PO -(-5) 112 Mcerpur (274) 310'00 1,633 (261) P,M D,CHW W PO -(-5) 113 Pachlai (276) 82'00 Un-

114 Malahera (278) 274'00 681 (98) P CHW W,Hp -(-5) -(5-10)

115 Dhakia (Dohkia) (286) 263 '00 797 (102) r CHW W,TW,Hp -(-5) -(5-10)

116 Asadpur (Asadur) (280) 149·00 381 (55) P -(10+ ) W -(--5) -(5-10)

117 Sunaria (279) 127 ·00 426 (63) P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10)

118 Tatarpur Istamru (277) 234 '00 858 (127) r.M CHW W,Hp -(-5) 119 Rojhaka (281) 209 '00 533 (75) p -(10+) W -(-5) 120 Jitpur Istamrar (282) 303 ·00 668 (94) P -(10+) W -(-5) 121 Dohanat (285) 275'00 57 (7) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) 122 Khatawali (284) 802 ·00 673 (112) p HS,CHW W PO -(10+ ) 123 Alamgirpur (298) 462 ·00 468 (70) p -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+)

J 24 MalPura (295) 489 '00 817 (129) P -(-5) W,TW,Hp PO BS 125 Joniawas (Jonlawas) (296) 157 ·00 398 (62) p CHW W,TW,Hp -(--5) -(-5) 126 Kapariwas (290) 343 ·00 J ,062 (196) p HS,CHW W,TW,Hp -(-5) BS 127 Ohatal Mahaniawas (291) 325 '00 J ,025 (167) P -(5-10) W,TW,Hp -(5-10) -(-5) 128 AAkora. (292) 294·00 924 (118) P HS,CHW W,TW,Hp -(5-10) -(-5) 129 Maheshari (293) 324'00 1,140 (142) P CHW W,TW,Hp -(-5) BS 130 Oarhialawalpur (294) 301-00 923 (131) P CHW W,TW,Hp -(-5) -(-5) 131 Nand Rampurbas (304) 1,052 ·98 3,030 (466) P,M,H D,CHW(3) W,TW,Hp PO BS (Nandrampur) 132 Tatarpur Khalasa (302) 228 '24 867 (121) p CNW W,TW,Hp -(-5) -(-S) 73


Approach· Noare&t tow~ Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under different types of land usc in Remarks to VilJqe and distance Supply food hectares rounded upto 2 deoimal places) (inc:ludina (in k_.) , any place of rcli,ious, historic:al or --Forest Irrigated by Un- Cultu- Area arc:hacolo- Sources irrigated ral not gical waste available interest) (includina (or gauchar cultivation and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 inhabited T;24 ·OO),TWE(24. 00) 53·00 3·00 PR,KR Rewari (5) EA Gram. Barley · . T(127.00).TWE(t27.00) 66'00 25·00 21 ·00 T2 PR,KR Rewari (8) EA Gram, Barley T(96.00), TWE(96.00) 131 ·00 23'00 M2:T1 PR,KR Rcwari (8) ED,EAg Gram, Barley · . T(85.00), TWE(85.00) 98 '00 6·00 19'00 TI KR Rewari (8) T(128.00) ,TWE(128.00) EA Gram, Barley " 85·00 18·00 T3 PR,KR Rewari (10) EA Gram, Barely T(75.00), TWE(75.00) 24 ·00 14'00 Temple, Tl KR Rcwari (10) EA Wheat,Bajra T(180.00), WE(I00.00). 49'00 42'00 39'00 N5:M4:Cl: W(20.00), TW(60.00) TI: inhabited T(49.00),WE(l9.00), 30'00 3 '00 W(IO.oo), TW(20.00) KR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(l62.00), WE(100.00), 91 '00 3'00 18'00 T7 W(l 0.00) ,TW (42.00) , TWE(10.00) KR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra . T(l92.00), WE(lOO.OO), 48·00 1.00 22'()() T4 · W(10.00),TW(42.00), TWE(40.oo) KR Rewari (8) EA Wheat, Bajra · . T(76.oo), WE(40.00), 5600 4·00 13 '00 Ml:T2 W(10.00), TW(IO.OO) , TWE(16.00) KR Rewari (11) EA Wheat, Bajra " T(66.oo), WE(30.00), 47'00 J ·00 13 '00 TI W(lO.OO) , TW(10.00), TWE(l6.oo) KR Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(121.00), W(20.00), 91'00 22'00 TI TW(20.oo), TWE(81.00) PR Rewari (14) EA Wheat,Bajra T(l06.00), GC(106.00) 82'00 6·00 15 '00 T2 PR Rewari (16) EA Wheat,Bajra T(154.00),GC(l54.00) 61 '00 5·00 83'00 T2 KR Rewari (15) EA Wheat,Bajra · . T(87.oo) GC(87.oo) 178 '00 10'00 .. PR Rewarj (20) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(170;00) ,GC(170.00) 576 '00 20'00 36'00 TI PR Rewari (18) EA Wbeat,Bajra T(31S.00),GC(315.00) 109'00 . 29'00 9'00 M2:T7 PR.KR Rewari (22) EA Wheat,Bajra T(34S.oo), TWE(34$.00) 110'00 34'00 T3 PR,KR. Rewari (19) EA Wbeat,Bajra' · . T(l33.00), TWE(l33,00) 101JO 1·00 13 '00 MJ :T1 PR,KR Rewari (24) EA Wbeat.Bajra .. T(276.00), WE(276.00) 40'00 27 '00 M7:C2:TI0 PR.KR Rewari(2S) EA Wheat,Bajra T(l6S.oo). WE(165.00) 83 '00 28·00 49'00 T3 PR,KR Rewari (26) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(I 51.(0), WE(ISl.OO) 113 '00 4'00 26 -00 M2:T6 PR,KR Rewari (23) EA Wbeat.Bajra .. T(268.00), W(268.00) 3()·00 6'00 20·00 M4:T7 PR.n Rewari (19) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(24S.00). TW(24S.00) 401JO 1,00 lS'OO T2 Plt Rewari (19) ED,EA. Wheat,_a T(S17. I 8),W(5 I 7.1 8) 4671JO 68'80 N10:M3!T21 PIt ~ari(18) lID,BA, Whea~~a T(120.19),WE(S9,89), 93'89 14'.6 TWB(60,30) tdl:T~ 74 REWARI TAHSIL \$LAGS A.... Wes ,ail Loca­ Name of Village Total area Total Amenities available (if not available within the villase. a dash tion (with Hadbast of the population (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the Code Number) Village and Number distance in broad ranges, viz., -5Kms, S-lOKms. and 10+Klms, No. (tn hectares) of of the nearest place where the facility is available· il given) households -~ ,------Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi. water Telegraph days ot catjons (Potable) tho (Bus Stop, market I Railway hat, if Station. allY Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 133 Alawalpur (303) 371 '90 554 (74) P -(10+) W,TW,Hp -(-S) -(-5)

134 Dharu Hora (299) 1,149'00 5,266 (909) P,M,H, D,RP(12) T.W.Tk, PO,Phone BS CHW(4) TW,Hp 135 Khar Khara (300) 455 ·67 2,173 (355) P,M CHW T.W,TW, -(10+) BS Hp

136 Khaliawas (283) 430 '00 995 (167) P CHW T,W.TW, -(10+) BS Hp

137 Bhatsana (301) 1.165 '00 1,645 (23!!) P CHW T,W.TW,Hp PO -(5-10)

138 Jarthal (305) 1.184'00 2,104 (314) P,M,H HS,CHW(2) W.TW, ~'(-5) BS Hp 139 Asiaki Tappa Jarthal(308) 252 '00 847 (145) -(-5) -(5-10) T,W,TW, --(-5) BS Hp 140 Sanpali (309) 2:16-00 495 (78) -(-5) -(5-10) T,W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) Hp 141 Bhudla (186) 347·00 968 (132) P -(5-10) T.W,TW -(-5) -(-5) Hp

142 SaDgwari (185) 224 -00 1,070 (156) P,M.H D,CHW T,W,TW, PO BS Hp,C 143 Ladhuwaa Gujar (187) 137.00 323 (43) -(-5) -(5-10) T,W,TW, -(-5) BS Hp 144 Panch or (307) 222 ·00 598 (96) P -(5-10) T.W,TW -(-5) BS Hp 145 Pachgaon (306) 159 ·00 194 (24) -(-5) -(10+) T,W,TW, --(-5) BS (Panchagawan) Hp,C 146 Niganiawas (192) 213 '00 568 (84) P -(-5) T,W,TW -(-5) -(-5) (Nagniawas) 147 Raliawas (191) 285'00 1,535 (242) P D,RP(2) T,W,TW, PO -(-5) CHW(2) Hp 148 Majri Duda (188) 74 '00 234 (38) P -(~-IO) T,W -(-5) -(-5) 149 Kanhawas (189) 73 ·00 170 (22) -(-S) -(-5) W,C -(-5) -(5-10) 150 Khijuri (190) 451 '00 942 (137) P NH,CHW T,W -(-5) -(-S) 151 Nikhari (193) 27S'00 962 (140) P.M.H HS,CHW T,W,Hp -(-5) BS 152 Dungarwas (194) 298 '00 1,IS0 (184) P RP,CHW T,W pO -(-5) 153 MasaDi (196) 225'00 792 (130) P,M HS,RP. T,W,TW, -(-5) BS CHW Hp IS4 Raspn (Rasaian) (195) 107,()() 532 (93)·J' CHW T,W.TW -(-5) -(-5) IS5 Jonawas (197) 243 '00 1,081 (173) P CHW T,w;rw -(-5) BS 156 Baliar Kburd (200) 167 ·00 160 (118) P CHW T,W,TW,C -(-5) -(-5) ,i 157 Baliar Kalan (199) 158 -00 313 (51) P CHW T,W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

158 (198) 1180()() 592 (79) P -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) ,.. I -(5-10)

159 MoJhaw&i (183) 81 0()() 133 (15) P -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10)

160 Mura4puri (184) 65-(10 ~ (33) P -(5-10) T,W, -(5-10) -(~10) 7S MAHBNDRAOAltH bISTRIcT

...... Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in A.pproach- Nearest town Power Staple food Remarks Supply hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) Village (includilll to a;:tance any place of (in kms.) reli.ious, historical. FOrclt Irrigated by Un- Cultu· Area archaeologi­ Sources iirrigated ral not cal interest) waste available (including for gauchar cultivation and groves) 15 16 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 · . T(65.96) ,WE(65.96) 282'87 PR Rewari (18) ED,EAg. Wheat,Bajra 23·07 T5

PR Rewari (16) EA Whcat,Bajra " T(617.00),TWE(617.00) 221·00 12·00 299·00 Temple:N2S0 M9;C6:TI2 PR Rewari (14) ED,EAg Wheat,Barley .. T(242.40),TWE(242.40) 127 ·07 42·90 43 ·30 N4:M4:Cl TS PR Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Barley, .. T(182.oo) ,TWE(182.00) 188·00 3·00 57·00 N4:MI :TS

PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat,Bajra · . T(750.oo), WE(750.00) 361 '00 540()() Nl :M3 :Cl :T7 PR Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(183.00),WE(183.00) 870 ·00 9·00 122·00 N7:T6 PR,KR Rewari (16) EA What,Bajra · . T(l20.00), WE(120.00) 90·00 14·00 28·00 Ml :T2 PR,KR Rewari (14) EA Wheat,Bajra " T(88.00), WE(88.00) 122·00 7·00 19 ·00 Ml :TI KR Rewari (10) EA Wheat,Bajra "T(155.00),WE(155.00) 154 '00 11.00 27·00

PR,KR Rewari (10) EA Wheat,Bajra ., T(8S.00) ,WE(8S.00) 114·00 2S'00 N2:Ml PR,KR Rewari (10) EA Wheat,Bajra " T(64.00), WE(64.00) 5S ·00 3.00 IS ·00 PR,KR Rewari (10) EA Whcat,Bajra . . T(I04.00), WE(l04.00) 86 ·00 7.00 2S ·00 PR,KR Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Bajra ., T(108.00) .WE(l08.00) 41·00 10·00 N2:TI

PR,KR Rewari (11) ED,EAg Wheat,Bajra .. T(124.00), TW(124.00) 68'00]6'00 5'00 N2:Ml :T4 PR,KR Rewari (11) EA Whcat,Bajra .. T(SO.00),WE(80.00) 179·00 1·00 25'00 N8:M2:T4 KR Rewari (10) EA Wheat,Bajra · . T(39 '00), WE(39 ,00) 2S ·00 5 ·00 5 '00 Tl PR,KR Rewari (8) ED,EAg Wheat,Bajra .. T(1O.00),WE(10.00) 58'00 5'00 N2:T1 PR,KR Rewari (10) EA Wheta,Bajra .. T(93.00) ,TWE(93.oo) 314·00 24·00 20'00 N2:Ml:TI0 PR,KR Rewari (11) ED,EAg Wheat,Bajra .. T(167.00), TWE(167.00) 760()() 2·00 30'00 N6:M3:T3

PR,KR Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(147 '00), TWE(l47 '00) 118'00 2'00 31'00 Tl PR Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Bajra · . T(I29.oo), TWE(129.00) 62 ·00 6 ·00 28·00 Ml:TI PR,n Rewari (11) EA Wheat,Bajra · . T(69 '00) ,TWE(69.00) 260()() 12'00 PR,KR Rewari (10) EA Wbeat,Bajra · . T(125.00) .TWE(I2S.00) 89 0()() 5 ·00 240()() TI PR.KR Rewari (8) EA Wheat,Bajra .. T(llHlO) ,TW(1l2.00) 38 0()() ]7 '00 PR,KR Rowari (8) ED,EAI Wbcat,Bajra · . T(71.00).TWE(71.00) 64'00 6·00 170()() PR Rewari (6) ED,EA, Wbcat,Bajra · . T(45.00) WE(45.00) 59'00 3'00 11 '00 Ml:Cl :T4 PR Rewari (6) ED,EAa Wlteat,~a .. T(65.00), WE(40.00) 9'00 TWE(2S.00) 7'00 T2 .Pil;KIl llewari (6) BD,EA, Wbeat,Bajra .. T(46.00).WE(20.00). 11'00 2'00 6·00 W(6.oo). TWBl1fl.OI)) 76 kEWA-RI (rABSIL

Loea- Name of Village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the villqc, a dash {-4 i.>uo\\ll1 in tion (with Hadbast Area of population the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad .. ranaes. ViL,- Code Number) the Villa­ and Number 5 kms., 5-10 kma .• and 10+kms., of tbe Dearest placo whel'e tbo facility Is No. ge (in of house­ available is given) hectares) holds Educational Medical Drinking Post and nay or Communica- water Te1earapb days of the t ions (futable) market/ (Bus Stop, hat, if RailwaY anY Station, Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 161 Fatehpuri Pipa (181) 118'00 J29 (48) P -(5--10) T,W - (5-10) -(5-10)

162 Bambar (182) 155 '00 252 (40) P CHW T,W --(5-10) -(5-10) 163 Majra Sheo Raj (180) 212'00 859 (129) P,M,H, -(5-10) T,W PO BS (Majra Sho Raj) 164 Khalilpuri (179) 103'00 316 (50) P -(-5) T,W -(-5) --(-5) 165 Masdhia Kalan (178) 204'00 740 (106) P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(S.,...10)

166 Kalaka (177) 288 '00 1,007 (144) p CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) 167 Rewari (Rural) (125) 1.894·00 5,404 (l08S) P(2), PUC H T,W,Tk, -(-5) BS (2) C(2) 'TW, Hp 168 Dumawas (123) 26'00 13 (2) -(---5) -(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5)

169 Jhanjanwas 022) 53·00 77 (13) -(-5) -(_oS) TW -(-5) _(_5) 170 Chandpur (124) 174 '00 ] 95 (21) P --(--5) W -(-5) -(-5)

1 71 Dhaliawas (173) 209·00 335 (45) P ---(-5) W,TW,C -(~5) -(-5) 172 Devlawas (154) 124·00 307 (40) P CHW W.TW,C -(5-10) -(-5) 173 Padniawas (172) ]69 '00 667 (94) --(-5) CHW W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

174 tPiwara (Pinyara) (174) 162'00 256 (29) - (~5) .·--(-5) W -(-5) -(--5)

175 Kaunsiwas (175) 210'00 758 (109) P RP,CHW W,TW,C -(-5) _(--.5)

176 Majra Gurdas (176) 152·00 455 (73) P -(-5) W,TW,C -(-5) -(-5) 177 ShahbajpurKbalsa (171) 170'00 1,016 (153) P,M,H HS,CHW W,TW,C -(-5) BS 178 Dhamlaka (155) 106'00 205 (32) P -(5~10) W,TW,Hp -(5-10) -(5-10) 179 Dawana (l56) 286·00 441 (69) P CHW T,W,TW,C -($-10) BS 180 Bariawas (170) 224'00 516 (79) P -(5-10) T,W,C -(5-) -(5-10) 181 Kathuwas (168) 192'00 610 (90) P HS,CHW T,W -(-5) BS 182 Salhawas (169) 302 '00 566 (88) P CHW T,W,C -(-5) BS 183 Pithanwas(Pithtawas)(l66) 341 '()() 791 (113) P,Ac CHW ,{,W,C PO -(-5) 184 Lodhana{l65) 291'00 484 (71) P -(5-10) T,W,C -(-5) -(-5) 185 Boloi (164) 472 ()() 2,226 (353) PM, H HS,CHW T,W,C PO BS 186 Garhi (Gudhi) (163) 197'00 1;103 (164) p CHW T,W,C -(-5) BS II 187 Kasola (167) 134'()() 467 . (71) P -(5-10) T,W,C, -{-5) BS 188 Baqapur(162) 221-00 447 (75) P CHW T,W,e, -(-5) BS 189 .Kaaoli (161) 200'00 569 (93) --(-5) CH,W . 'f,W,C -(-5) BS 190 Lalpl.11' (158) 239'00 498 (84) p. -(5--.10) W -(-5) BS 191 Dodhai (160) 392 '()() 788 (111) P -($-10) . W ro -H) 19% Gujriwas (1S9) 143'()O 343 '(48) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) 77 MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT DIRECTORY Land use

Land use (i.e., area under different types of land R()marks Approach Noarest town Power Stapie Supply food use in hectares rounded uPto 2 decimal places) (includ_ to and distanco ing any Village (in kros.) pI~of ------·------rchlPous Forest Irrigated by Unirri- Cultu- Area historicai Sources g1ted ral not. or archaeo- ~aste avaIl- logiCal ~lnc\ud- abhl. for interest) Ing cuitl- gauchar vation llnd grove') 15 16 17 18 19 2:) 11 12 13 14 (5) ED, EAg W:wat, Bajra T(48 ·OO),WE (38 '00), 60 'Ot) 10'00 Tt PR,KR Rewari TW(lO '(0) (5) ED,EAg Whed, Bajra T(63 '00), WE(39 '00) SO 'OJ 12 '00 T2 PR,KR Rewari TWE(24 'UO) T(92 'OJ), WE (42 '(0), 88 'OJ 13 ·00 19 ·00 M4: T5 PR Rewari (3) ED,EAg Who:!t, Bajra W(lO '()"J), rW(·w ·w» T(79 ·0:1), WE(50 .Im. 5 ·00 5'00 14<)0 MI:Tl 1'R Rewari (3) ED,EAg Whe:lI, ll.tjra TW(29 <)J) 112 ·O~l). WE(51 .():), 69 ·:-10 4 ,0;) 1') ,0" 11 PR Rcwari (2) ED,EAg Wheelt, B:dra n 'N(ln ·0'), TWE(51 ,00) 25 ,01.) 25 ·0\) 11.': 1 : 12 PR,KR R:;W

PR Rewari (1) ED WhO.;.I, B,ljra T(52 '00), TWE (52 ·00 1 ·on PR Rewar; (I) [D Whe.ll, R.jr.: T(112 ·or), TWE (112 ·0:)) 2CJ 'OJ 2 ·00 II '(h)

PR.KR R(;w"ri (3) ED,EAg \'1'11(::'1, Bajra T(17()'0[),TWE(170'OO) 23·[)O I'UO 15·00 'fl

PR, KR P,d:,u

PR (5) ED,I A~ Who ,I, B<.j:', T( 118 'O:l), TWHII R 'W)) :15 ·00 16 '00

KR Rc\\ari (2) EA Whe"l, B"jr,l 1'(119 -OJ), TWE(119 'OU) 27 'OJ H) 'Oll 6 ·00

PR,KR Rewari (3) EA Whe:ll, Ihjra T(98 ·O(), TWE(98 ,00) 88 ·00 12 ·00 12 ·00 1'2

PR,KR Rewari 0) EA Whoat, B.. jra T(l05 '00), TWE(I 05 '00) 26 ·00 7 '00 14 '00 T2

PR,KR RewJri (5) EA Whc.!t, Bajra T(136 '00), TWE( 136 'OJ) 7 ·00 I '00 26 ·ai)

PR Rewari (6) EA Wheal, llajril T(64 '00), TWE(64 ·om 22 ·on 11 ·00 9 '00 "

PR, KR Rewari (6) EA Who::t, B:tjra T(134 ,00), TWE(134 ·O~J) ]05·o:J 14·(I\) 33 '00 T1

PR,KR Rewari (5) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajr" T(10S '00), TWE(I')S '(0) 83 ·00 II ·00 17 ·00 TI

PR,KR Rowari (8) EA Whoal, Gram T(l25 '00), TWE(125 ·OJ) 44 ·00 23 ·on T3

PR Rowari (10) EAg Wheat, BJjra T(98 .()\), TWE(98 ·00) 168 '00 36 ·00 T2 PR Rowari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l52 '00), TWE(152 '00) 163 ·on 26 ·00 12 PR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(IOO ·00) TWE(100 ,00) 175 'OJ 16·00 ..

PR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T con '00), TWE(200 '00) 229 '00 43 ·00 M2: T1

PR Rewari (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T(66 '00) TWE(66 '00) 109 ·00 22 ·00 ..

PR Rcwari (11) EA Whoat, Bajra T(94 '00), TWE(94 ·00) 122 ·00 18·00 Cl: T1

PR Rewari (1) EA Wheat, Bajra T(61 '00), TWE(61 '00) 132'00 28 ·00 .. PR Rcwari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(122 '00), TWE(l22 '00) 60·00 18 ·ot)

PR,KR Rowari (8) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra T(64'OO), WE(64·00) 162 ·00 13 ·00 Tl

PR,KR Rcwari (10) EA Whoa, Bajra T(109 '00), WE(109 '00) 249 -00 34 ·00 T3 &.R Rewari (5) Ed, 'EA8 Wheat, Bl,!ra T (44 '00), WE (44 '00) 82'00 17·00 T1 18 REWARI TAHSIL VILLAGE Amealtltl ...

Locl­ Name of Village Tlt1l rotal Alle liti~s available (if not available within the villallC, a dash(-) tion (with Hadbast area populatioll i, shClwn in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance Cod~ Number) orthe and Nllmb~r in broad ranges, viz.,-5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. No. Villa!;e of hJuscholJs of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi. water Telegraph days of cations (Potable) tho (Bus Stop, ma.ko!/ Railway hat, if Station, any Water way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

193 Chhuriawas ( 157) 150 ·00 652 (104) P CHW W PO .. -(-5)

194 Gajjiwas (153) 51 '00 1,197 (158) -(-5) -(-- 5) W -(-5) .. -(-5) 195 Bithwana (149) 212'00 121 (17) P CHW W PO .. BS

196 Bha 'lwar i (150) 228·00 205 (31) P --(5-10) W -(--5) " -(-5) 197 Kamalpur (152) 218 00 700 (101) P CHW W ---(-5) BS 198 KdTllawas (I51J 326 ·00 1,335 (181) P,M CHW W PO .. BS 199 Bharawas (145) 1,114'89 2,794 (437) P,M HS. CHW(2) W,TW PO, Phone -(-- 5) 1', 200 Kharsanki (147) 92 '67 175 (28) P -(5-10) W,TW - (5--10) .. BS 201 Ak"arpur (146) 77'00 207 (30) P ·--(5- 10) W,TW --(5-10) .. BS 202 Jatuwas (148) 329'00 781 (110) P CHW W,TW --(--5) BS

203 Rampur'l (132) 3]6 ·00 2.298 (324) P, Tr CHW(21 I,W,Tk Phone " --(-.5) 204 Dali;lki l(33) 183·00 516 (63) P -(--5) W,lW -(-5) .. BS

205 Aasaka (144) .~o ·00 Un- 206 Jail l"awaS (143) 377 ·00 1,184 (157) -(- 5) CHW W,TW,Hp --.(-5) " BS

207 Khar Khari Bhiwan(142) 106'00 232 (29) P -.(5--10) W,TW --(-.5) .. -(--5) 208 Nangali Godha (141) 66 00 931 (160) P,M,H CHW W,lW PO .. BS 209 Goliaka (51l) 248 00 797 (105) P CHW W,l W,Hp ·-(--5) " as 210 Bhandlll" (59) 782 '00 1.099 (162) P CHW W,l W,Hp -(5-10) ., --(-5)

211 Dana Alampur (140) 62 '00 115 \13) P -( -5) W,TW . (- 5) .. BS

212 Thothwalka (139) 24~ 00 477 (7:!) P C'HW W,TW,Hp -(---5) .. BS 213 Dhamlawas 1136) 248'00 1,032 (150) P HS.CHW W,lW,Hp --(5-10) .. as 214 Mailawas (61) 69'00 570 (94) -(-5) CHW W,TW -(-5) .. BS 215 Pithcrawas (60) 123 '00 875 (137) P,M CHW W,lW .. BS

216 Dhani Sundrud (62) 122'00 468 (75) P -·,_(--5) W,TW PO ., BS (Dhanisundradh) 217 Sundrodh (66) 199'00 603 (92) P(2) CHW W,TW,Hp PO .. BS

218 ShaLbaJPur Istamrar (65) 70'00 294 (m P -(-5) w,tw -(-5) .. BS 219 Badh Sundrod (67) 141 '00 Un- (Badh ) 220 MahaKharia (68) 87'00 315 (48) P -(-5) W,TW -(-5) .. BS

221 Gangolit (135) 23"00 3 (2) -(5-10) -(5--10) W -(5-10) .. -(5-10) 222 Badhjetltut (137) 31 '00 7 (1) -(5-.10) -<.5--10) W -(5-10) .. -(5-10)

223 Narainpur (138) 111'00 46' (6(» P -.(-5) W,TW -(-5) .. Us 224 Husain pur (134) 337 -00 910 (134) P(2) CHW W,TW, C -(-5) .. -(-5) (Husanpur) MAHENDRAOAR.iI DlstiUCT n.RECTORY

Lind U!Ie

Remarks ApptoaClh Nearett town Po'Net Slaple Land Ula (U.. area under different typos of land usc in Supply food hect.re. rounded urlO 2 decImal places) (including to and distance any place village (in kms ) of relilJious. ~~~ __ ~~~-._ ._-___ -_~ __ ~~~_~ __ ~ .. _ ~- historioal or a.chaoo­ forest Irrigatod by Un­ Cultulal Area loaical Sources irrigated "'1I51e not interest) (Includ. available in8 lor y3ucha. Qultiva. and vation groves)

III 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 IS 17-00 PR, K R Rewari (5) ED,EAg Whoat, Bajra T(82 -(0). WE(81-00) 51 -00 T(34 ·00), WE(34 .()(» 10 O{)O 7·00 PRo K R Rewari (5) ED,fAg Whoat, Bajra T(l44 ,01), WE(144 -00) 12 -00 26 -o() \I: TI PR,KR Rewari (5) ED,EAg Who.!t, Bajra 26-00 KR Rewari (6) ED,EAg WhO,ll, Bajra T(4~ -03), WE(42 -00), 160 -00

PR,KR Rewari (5) ED,[Ag WhO;lt, Bajra T(Sk -00), WE(8S -O(l) 101 -()O 29 -00 MI: TI 61·(}() MI:T3 pR,KR Rowari (6) EA Who"t, Bajra HI 18 'OJ), WE (118 -(0) 147 ·no

PR, KR Rewari (6) EA Wheat, Hajra T(l27 -(7), TWE(i27 -07) 891 -91 5·26 90·65 N5;MI4;CS TIO PR,KR Rewari (5) EA Who.'.!, Bajra 1'(39 -66). 1'WE(39 -66) 44 -51 8 -SO M2, 0. T1 ·00 6 -00 TI PRo K R Rowari (5) EA Whtlat, Bajra 1"(33 -OU), 1'WE(33 -00) 38 24 -00 29 -00 MI: 1'4 PR KR Rewari (3) EA Wh',at, Bajra T(l06 -00), TWE(101i -Of» 170 -on T(60 -OD), TWE(60 -(0) 22 -O\) 89'00 NIO: M3 PR, KR Rewari (2) EA Whoal. Bajra 145 -()() CI5:T3 PRo K R Rew,iri (3) LA Whoat, Bajra T(46 'OlJ), 1'WE(46 -00) 125 -OJ 12 ·00 inhabited T{6 ·on). TWE(6 -00) 22-03 2'00 ..

PR Rowari (8) EA Wheat. Bajrol '[(74 '00), TWE(74 -00) 275 -00 28 '00 MI: CI :TS T(23 -00), TWE(23 -00) 1 -00 10 -00 PR Rowari (6) ED,EAg Whe.!!, Bajra n-o() 16 MI: T2 PR Rowari (6) ED, EAlI WhcJI. Bajra T(7 -00). TWE(7 -00) 43 'O() -on 162 -!)() PR (6) ED,fAg WhcJ!. Bajra ,[(6S ,00), TWf(65 '00) 21 '00 MI:T3 T(212 -(0), TWE(212 -00) 488 -00 82 -00 MI: 1'3 PR Rowari (8) EA Whoat. Hajra 35 -()J PR Rewari (6) ED,EAg Who.!!. Bajra T(21 -0_», TWEl21 -00) 6'00

PR Rewari (6) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra T(64 -(0). TWE (64 -00) 154-(1) 8 '00 18 -00 T3 PR Rewari (8) ED. EAg Wholt, Bajra T(94 'OJ), TW(94 -00) 11\)'00 13 ·00 31 -00 T2 7 MI PR Rowari (8) EA Wh'.l.\!. B_ljra T(60 -0»), TWE(60 ,00) 2 -00 -un 20 '00 M2:T8 PR Rowari (8) ED, EAg Whedt, Hajra T(lOI -OJ), TWE(lOI ·00) 2-00 8 -00 TI PR Rewari (10) ED, EAg Whoat, Bajra T(53 ,00) TWE(S3 -00) 61 ·00 23'00 M3:Cl:U PR Rftari (10) ED.EAg Wheat, Bajra T(23 -00), TWE(23 '(0) IS3 -00 8 -00 .. PR Rowari (10) SA Whoat T(23 -00). TWE(23 '00) 39·()J inhabited 13~ 'OJ 6-00 9·00 Tl PR Rawari (10) ED. EAg Wheat. Bajra T(41 '00). TWE(41 ·001 37-00 l(R R01Vari (6) ED Who.. t. Bajra T(l4 o()()). TWE(l4 ,00) 1~6'00 25 ·00 2)-00 1-00 .. PR,.I(R R.ewari (8) EA Whoat. Bajra T(7 O()(). TWE(7 o()(J) 12 ·00 T9 PR R.ewari (6) ED. EAg Wheat. Bajra T{49 o()(). TWE(oW-OO) SO-OO 67 0()() Tl PR Rowari (3) ED. EA. WhOdt. Bajra T(l80 '00). W(l80 -(0) 900()() 80

REWA,Rl TAHSIL VILLAGE Amenltle; allll Loca­ Name of the Village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown tion (with Hadbast Area of population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz., Code Number) the Village and Number -5 Kms.. 5-10 luna., and 10+ Kma., ofthc nearest place where the facilit)l, No. (in of households is available is given) hectares)

Educational Medica! Drinking Post and Day or Communica­ water Telegraph daYS of tions (Bus Stop (potable) the mar- Railway ket/hat, Station, if any Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

225 QutabpUI Mola (131) 316 '00 5.749 (990) P RP(2), T,W,TW, Phone BS,RS CHW(3) Hp 226 Kanmajra (126) 123 ,83 Un­ 227 Saharan""u (130) 174 '00 1,811 (273) P,M D,CHW T,W,Tw,Hp PO BS

228 Ladhuwa~ Allir (129) J7I '00 862 (132) P -(-5) T,W,Tw,Hp --(5-10) -(-5)

229 Khargwas (127) 233 '10 890 (131) P HS,CHW T,W,TW. -(-5) -(-5) Hp,C 230 Chanduwas (117) 192'00 1,036 (ISO) P CHW 1.W,TW,Hp, -(-5) -( ·5) () 231 ;.'IlIIJwas (118) 12400 ]'056 (155) P CHW T,W,TW,Hp -(-5) - -(. 5) 232 Gokalgarh (119) 919 '00 3,9RO (622) P,M MH, T,W,TW,C PO TIS CHW(4) 233 (220) 62:! 00 1,103 (178) P CHW T,W,TW,C - (- 5) BS 234 Rikaner (221) 191 '41 1,456 (200) P,M,H D,CHW, T,W,lW,Hp, PO TIS C 235 Gangayacha Ahir (222) 329 ,00 1.882 (285) P -- (5-10) T,W,lW,Hp, -(5-10) llS C 236 Gangaya Chajatt (223) 293 'm 869 (1 m P lIS.CHW T,W,l W,HP,C - ( . 5) BS 237 Shelkhupor Shikara (224) 322 '00 1,126 (165) P CHW T,W.TW,HI',C PO -(-5) (SheiklJupn Shikara) 238 Kishangarh (lID) 327 -00 1,007 (140) P CHW T,WTk,TW -(-5) -(-·5) , Hp,C 239 RcjplIra Khalsa (I I I) 122-00 837 (118) P CHW T,W,Tk, TW, --(--5) RS C 240 Gindo Khar (113) 386 '00 1,234 (178) P CHW T.W -(--5) --(- 5)

241 () 15) 204 -00 658 (96) -(- 5) ClIW T,W (-5) BS 242 Bhudpur 016) ]'i3 -00 1,212 (199) P M,B CHW T,W PO HS

243 Aaspul (114) 216-00 15 (2) --(-5) -(5-- 10) T,W -(-5) 138

244 Balawas Ahir (128) 163 ,00 1,019 (143) P CHW T,W -(-5) BS

245 Iadal'a (87) 83<; -00 1,802 (276) P, M HS,CHW T,W -(-5) BS

246 Bangarwa (86) 140,00 178 (29) P -(-- 5) W -(5--10) -(5-10)

247 Bahotwasahir (85) 303 -00 804 (112) P --(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) (Bohatwas) 248 Dhani Santo (63) 158 -00 349 (52) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

249 Rajpura Istamrar (64) 161 -00 999 (145) P CHW W --(-5) -(-5)

250 Gobindpuri (71) 72 ,00 236 (30) P -(-5) W -(-5) BS 251 Khori (70) 592 -00 2,297 (280) P, M, H D,CHW T,W PO BS,RS

252 Chirnnawas (69) 246 -00 1,046 (148) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 253 Aaliawas (83) 195 -00 857 (130) P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5)

254 Roliawas (Raliawas) (84) 230 -00 609 (86) P,AC CHW T,W -(-5) BS 255 Bhathera (79) 377 -00 662 (100) P CHW T,W -(-5) BS

256 Nanga! Mundi (78) 360 -00 1,352 (219) P -(--5) T,W -(-5) BS,RS (Na~imundi) 257 Mundi (80) 953 -00 2,274 (354) P,M D,CHW,(2) T,W PO -(-5) 8t MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT DIROOTei¥ La"''''' Ml'rthlcll N~ tbfib Staple Ubd uSe (i.e., area under dlft'etent types (j(]and use lrt Reroatks ffibd hectam tbunded upto 2 deditll.l plaCes) (Including adt to alie! 4lstlDtt! place of ",Ii. - ViUase (In Jaim.) gious, historical or Forest Irrigated by Un· Cui· Area !lrchaeological Soutces irrigated tural not ava. Interest) waste ilable (including for cul­ gauchar tivation and groves)

19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 PR, KR Rcwari (2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(84 '00), W(l4 ,00), 108 '00 28 ·00 96 ·00 Temple, N40: TWE(70 '00) M3: C4: T3 inhabited T(38 ,85), TWE(38 ·85) 50 ·58 34 ·40 PR, KR Rewari (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(77 '00), W(33 '00), 63 '00 3'00 31 '00 Mj: C3: T4 TWE(44 ,00) PR, KR Rcwari (2) EA Wheat. Bajra T(46 '(0), TWE(46 ,00) 92 ·00 10 ·00 23 '00 MI; T1; PR, KR Rcwari (4) EA Wheat, Bajra T(124 ,24), TW(8 '90), 64 ·34 6 ·07 38 '45 Temple: T4 TWE(lI S '34) PR, KR Rcwari (2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(22 '00), W(l1 '00), 143 '00 8 '00 19 -00 T2 TWE(lI'OO) PR, KR Rewari (3) EA Wheat. Bajra T{45 '00), TWE(45 ,00) 61 '00 18 ·00 T3

PR,KR Rewari (3) EA Wheat, Bajra T(394 '00), TWE(394 ,00) 351 '00 174 ·00 Temple :T6 PR,KR Rewari (5) FA Wheat, Bajra T{344 ,00), TW(344 '00) 201 ·00 77 ·00 1'4 PR, KR Rewari (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(] 18 '98), TW(12 '14), 53 'Ot 19 -42 Temple: N5: TWE{106 '84) M2: CI: T2 PR,KR Rewari (6) EA Wheat, Hajfa T(240 '00), WE{30 ·00), 53 ·00 36 ·00 NIO: M4:CI: TWE(2tO '001 t2 PR, KR Rewari (8) EA Wheat. Baira T(234 '31). GC(5 '('7), 34 ·40 25 '()9 T1 WEI 8 ·09, TWE{220· 55) PR,KR m EA Wheat, Bajra T(193·00). WE(I5'OO) 96·00 3·00 30 ·00 M2:CI :TIO TWE(l78 ·00) PR,KR Rewari 18) EA Wheat. Bajra T{ 188 ·00l.W(20·00), 100 '00 38·m Cl:T2 TWE (168 '00) PR,KR Rewari (8) EAG, EO Wheat, BaJra T( 142). TW(6 '00), 57 00 23·00 M2 TWE(136 '00) PR,KR Rewari (7) EA Wheat, Bajra . . T(253 '00), W(S3 '(l(). 97·00 7·00 29·00 T3 TWE(200 ·00) PR,KR Rewari (6) EA Wheat, Bajra . . T( 15 5 ,00), TWE( 155 ·00) 25 ·00 24·00 PR,KR Rewari ( 5) EA wheat, Hajra .. T(73 ·00), TW(73 ·00) 67·00 33'00 N3:M3:T3 PR.KR Rewari (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(120-00), TWE(120·00) 86·00 10'00 Nl;Ml PR,KR Rewari (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(91 '(0), TW(91 '(0) 43 '00 29·00 NI: MI: Tl PR,KR Rewari (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(225 '(0). TWE(225 ,00) 537 '00 73'00 Nt: M2: CI: T9 PR,KR Rewari (6) EA Wheat, Bajra H21 '00), WE (5 '(0), lOS ·00 HlO 13 '00 T3 TWE(l600) PR,KR Rewari (8) EA Wheat, Ba,ira T{lOI ,(0) , WE(21 '00), 171 '00 15'00 21'00 T3 TWE(SO 00) PR,KR Rewari (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T(91 '(0), WE(31 '00), 48'00 19 '00 TWF.(60 00) PR,KR Rewari (17) EA Wheat, Hajra T(80'00), WE(20'00), 60'00 21'00 T2 W(60'00) PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(15 '00), lWE(15 '(0) 34 '00 23 ·00

PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(266 '(0), WE(66 '00), 192 '00 67·00 67'00 Temple; M2: TWE(200 '00) T3 PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(75 '00), WE(lS '(0), 126 00 7 ·00 38·00 T2 TWE(60'OO) PR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l20'00 , WE(30 '00). 55 '00 14·00 6'00 T2 TWE(90'OO) PR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra 1'(93 '(0), WE (70 '(0), 104'00 8 '00 25 '00 CI : Tl TWE(23 (0) PR Rewari (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(210'00), WE(SI·OO). 131 00 35 ·00 1 '00 M t : CI : 1'3 TWE(129 '00) PR Rewari (11) EA Wheat, Bajra 1'(203 '(0), WE(50 '00), 111 ,00 9'00 37·00 N3: 1'2 TWE(153 ,00) PR Rewarl (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T(672 '00), WE(510 '00), 202'00 79'00 Nt: M2: T6 TWE(162 '(0) 82

REWARI TAHSIL VILLAGB AmealUeg 8l1li Loca­ Name ot Village Total Total Amenlties available [I! not available within tho vlllaao, 8 dash(-) tion (with Hadbast Number) area of population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance Code the and Number in broad ranges, viz.,-5 kms., 5-10 kms., and 10+ kms., of No. Village of the nearost p lace where the facility is availablo is aiven). (in households hectares) Ed~;i;;;IM~~~ki;;--p-;t;d-D;Y-;'; -C~~;~ water Telegraph days of nicatioDs (Potable) the (Bus stop, marketl Ra i Iway hat, Station, if any Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 258 Gopalpura (81) 345·00 1,179 (181) P -(5-10) W,TW -(5-10) BS Urf Pranpura 259 Kadhu Alias (82) 278 '00 273 (40) P -(-5) W -(-5.) BS Bhawanipur 260 Mamaria Aasampur (74) 255·00 1,007 (120) P CHW W -(-5) BS

261 Nangala Mayan (32) 211·00 140 (61) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) 262 Mamaria Ahir (73) 230'00 746 (109) P,M CHW W -(-5) BS 263 Mamaria Thethar (72) 328 ·00 648 (75) P CHW W -(-5) BS

264 Gothara Tappa (39) 451'00 1,764 (269) P.M CHW (4) W PO -(-5) Khori 265 Bawana Gujar (40) 438·00 764 (117) P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) (Bawana) 266 Tint (41) 439·00 1,502 (242) P HS,CHW W PO -(-) (2) 267 Gumina (42) 229·00 490 (72) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 268 Rajyaka (57) 163 ·00 841 (119) P CHW W -(-5) BS

269 Punsika (56) 179 ·00 941 (136) P HS W -(-5) -(-5) 27C Kunda! (44) 703·00 935 (144) P,M,H,PUC D,CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10)

271 Harjipur (43) 481·00 751 (104) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 272 Pali (38) 854·00 2,702 (453) P,M,H,Ac D,RP, W,TW PO BS,RS CHW(2) 273 Checta Dungra (37) 380'00 777 (133) P CHW W PO -(-5)

274 Bhalaki (35) 649·00 1,143 (160) P CHW T,W,TW -(5-10) -(-5) 275 Majra Mutsal Bhalaki(36) 538 ·00 2,049 (326) P CHW W,TW -(5-10) BS 276 Nandha (34) 550·00 1,528 (216) P CHW W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) 277 Balwari (33) 487'00 1,297 (205) P CHW W,TW PO -(-5) 278 Mayan (31) 630·00 I,J89 (230) P,M CHW W,TW -(-5) BS 279 Khol (30) 1,381·002,1-80 (374) P.M.H. PRC,FPC, T,W,TW -PTO, Phone BS CHW(2) 280 Ahrod (29) 1,003'00 2,097 (329) P -(-5) T,W,TW ·-(5-10) -(5-10) 281 Basdooda (26) 1,023'00 1,57,8 (246) P,M HS, D,RP, T,W,TW -(5-10) as CHW 282 (28) 890·00 3,180 (566) P RP W,Tk, Rp PO, Phone BS, RS 283 Padla (27) 676·00 1,15& (167) P CHW W,TW -(-5) BS

All villages 101543 65 293,82444,754 P 250, M68, HI, MHI, PHC2, H 35, PUC 5, HS 36, DIS, FPC2, C3, Tr I, AC6, NH 6, RP 45, CHW 238 83

DIRECTORY M'AHBNDRAGARH DISTRICT LIIIId 1118 Land use (i .e. area under different tra: of land use in Romarks (Inclu- hectares rounded upto 2 decimal paces) dina any place AP~roach Nearest town Power Staple of~ioU8' to illaae and distance Supply food hist calor (in ms.) arohaeo1oalca 1 interest) Forest Irrigated by Un- Cultural Area not Sources irrigated wasto available (Including for cui- gauchar tlvation and grOVOS)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR,KR Rewari (15) EA Wheat,Baira T(I40 (0), WE(32 '00), 171 '()() 10'00 24'00 .. TWE(108 '00)

PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Baira T(69 -00), WE(29 '00), 141 '()() 68 '00 " TWE(40·00j PR,KR Rewar! (16) EA Wheat, Bajra T(74 '(0), WE(35 '(0), 12300 58 '00 Ml :TS TWE(39 -00) PR,KR Rewari (19) EA Wheat, Bajra T(18 '00), WE(7 '00), 18400 9'00 .. TWE(ll '00) PR,KR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Baira T(49 -00), WE(29 '00), 110 -00 71 -00 T3 TWE(20-00) PR,KR Rewari (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(49 '00), WE(24 '00), 198 '00 11-00 64'00 Tl TWE(25 '00) PR,KR Rewari (19) EA Wheat, Bajra T(71 '(0), WE(25 '00), 267 '00 4300 70'00 T2 TWE(46-00) PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(34 '00), WE (14 '00), 204'00 9'00 191 '00 -. TWE(20'00) PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(151 00), WE(51 -(0), 206-00 26-00 56-00 M2:T3 TWE(lOO '00) PR,KR Rewari (11~ EA Wheat, Bajra T(91'OOl , WE(23 -00), 10500 1'00 20'00 Cl:T4 TWE(74 '(0) PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(5t -00), WE(29 '(0), 93 -00 1'00 18 '00 .. TWE(22 '00) PR,KR Rewari (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T(23 '00), WE(19 -00), 131 '00 4'00 21 ·00 Tl TWE(4'00) PR,KR Rewari (21) EA Wheat, Bajra T(50 '00), WE(lS '00), 368'00 1 '00 284'00 T2 TWE(3S '00) PR,KR Rewari (13)- EA Wheat, Barley T(70 '00), WE(2; -00), 334·00 77'00 .. TWE(45 '(0) PR,KR Rewari (16) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l47 '(0), WE (85 '00), 445 ·00 16'00 246'00 M2:T2 W(l8 '00), TWE(44 '00) PR,KR Rewari (24) EA Wheat, Baira T(l6S '(0), TW (168 '00), 172·00 4'00 36'00 M2: Cl:T4 PR,KR Rewari (22) EA Wheat, Bajrley T(I72 '00), WE(80 -00), 310'00 34'00 133 '00 Ml:T2 W(2 '00), TWE(90 -00) PR,KR Rewari (22) EA Wheat, Barley T(l35 '00), TWE (135 '00) 285'00 118 '00 Cl:TS PR,KR Rewari (30) EA Whet, Bajra T( 109 -00), WE(t 09 '00) 302 '00 139 '00 Ml:T3 PR,KR Rewari (30) EA Wheat, Bajra T(89 '00), W(89 '(0) 326 ·00 72'00 M1: Tl PR,KR Rewari (30) EA Wheat, Barley T(57 '(0), WE (51·00) 497 '00 7600 T2 PR,KR Rewari (26) EA Wheat, Bajra T(60 '(0), W(60 -00) 73500 586'00 M2:Tl PR,KR Rewari (27) EA Wheat,Bajra T (56 '(0), W (56 '00): 781 '00 166'00 Ml:Tl

PR,KR Rewari (29) EA Wheat, Barley T(28 '00), WE(28 '00) 802 '00 3 '00 190'00 Temple: M2: T1 PR,KR Rewari (22) EA Wheat, Barley T(l45 '00), WE(145 '00) 223 '00 40'00 48Z'()() Temple: M3: T4 PR.KR Rewari (26) EA Wheat, Barley T(84 '00), WE(84 '00) 462 '00 18 '00 112 '00 .,

62'00 T(40289 '44), G~1l26 ·67), 46579 '08 2093.23 '12519'90 N748:M270: W(2264 '18), E(7745 '94), C84: T760 TW(4131 '04), TWE(2S021. 61) tAlthough enterod as 'Bechiras' (un-inhabited) in the Revenue record the population shown aaainst this villa,e was ~numerated at the time of 1981~enIUi. Notts:-(I) Whore a town and village bear an identical name, the word (Rural) has been added after the name of tho viUaIO· (2) The area of a linage (r.venue estate) is based on the information supplied by the Rennue Patwari.

til t' ~ II li1 • "',?, . '"I If;;1...... " II j:::::O.." :;(! ~ ll~ ~ ::. V : • ,. I I • : : rT~ 83 ~ I J Itl' 0 LJ : : : . , , ' . . ::;

.. I 1 l ! i ... .. u .. .. Z ..Ii: II _to- I U')!!! , ::t Q ..r ~ i r,I" ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES IN MAHENDRAGARH TAHSIL ~ MA HENDRAOA RH TAHsrt

Serial Na.me of tbe Village tocati(1) No. Code 1 3 Adalpur SlO 2 Agmar 8]

3 Akbarpur Nanga! 4~ <\ Anawas 1? 5 Bachioi 47 6 Badmi 144 7 Bairawas Jl6 II Jia.lana. 132 9 Balayacba ]2S 10 Barda 136 11 Ba.s t~l 12 Basfi 147 13 Dassai aa 14 BaWanli 1)2 15 Bawania 15 i6 Bcd 6l 17 Bewal 37 18 Bbagdana 96 19 Bhagot 2 20 Bhalkhi 43 21 Bhaudor Nicbi 64 22 Bhandor Unchi 60 23 Bharaf 12 )\ 24 BllOjawa~ 25 BhuT Jat 91 26 Bir CbitlaTlJl 5l 27 Bir Ja1was 67 2S Bit Singhwas 151 29 BLlcbawa'l 78 ;0 Buchcli SO 31 Budin 122 87 MAH£NORAGARH TAHSIL -Contd

Scri8J Name of. tbo Village LocatioD No. Code 1 2 3

32' Bundebajnapr 5& 33 Cham Dhera 57 34 Chela was 22 35 Chhajiawas 119 16 Chhithroli 5 Yl Chitlang 51 38 Dalenwas 133 39 Degrota ]37 40' Deroli lat 112

41 Devrali 128 42 Dewas 61

43 Dhador 124

44 Dhana 154 45 Dhanunda II! 46 Dholi 98 47 Dongra Ahir 42 48 Dongra Jat 41 49 Dulana 53 50 Duloth 121

51 Gadania 118 52 Gadarwas 134 53 Gagarwas 46 54 . 7 55 aarhi 141 56 Gomla 29 57 Gomli 30

58 Gopalwas 14~ 59 Gudha 21 60. Gujarwas 8 61 Gulawala 113

6~ lsrana . 1S , " .. 88

M~H£~PR.Aa.uH TAa;SlLr-CoItd. Serial Name of the Villaae No. ,,~0Jl 2 3 63 Janjriyawas 104 64 Jant 94 65 Jarwa 148 66 Jasawas $9 67 Jatwas 66 68 Jhagroll 69 Jharli "'4 70 Ihisawan 34 71 14 72 Jonawas 65 73 Kaimla 20 74 Kakrala Hi 75 Kalwari 40 76 Ka nina (Rural) 17 77 Kapoori ]3 78 Karira 11 79 Khaira 69 80 Khairana 38 81 Kharkh:ua 89 82 Kharoli 105 83 Kbatiwas 109 84 Khatod 102 85 Khatodra ]21 86 Khera 45 81 Kberi 82 88 Kherki 114 89 Khudana 140 90: Koka 32 91 Kotba\ Kalan 110 92 Kothal Khurd 62 93 Kotia 10 94 Kuksi lot 9S Kurahwata JOt 96 Law.n ,,. ,89 TAHSIL-cOlltd. ~.HJiNllM

98 Madhoaarh 13S

SJ9 Mahendrasr rh (Rural) ~6

100 Majra Kalan 73 101 Majra Khurd 1m Malra "93 103 Mandola 99 104 Manpura 27 lOS Meghanwas 49 lOfi Mohamadpur 23 107 Mori 28 108 Mudain (Mundian) 36 109 Mundia Khera 39 110 NaDlgwas 111 111 Nangal 25 ] 12 Nangal Mala 139 113 Nanga) Sirohi 106 114 Nanwan 138 115 Naurangabad Jattan 143 116 Naurangabad Rajputan 142 117 Nautana 87 118 NihaJawas 107 119 Nimbi 120 120 Nimbira 126 121 Nosuba 122 Paharwas 103 123 Pai,a 68 124 Pal 111 llS Palh 115 t16 Pali 97 tJr ,.lr' 72 igo


Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code

2 3

]28 Partal 26

]29 Patharwa ISO

]30 Pathera 80

131 Pota 85 ]32 Rajawas L31

133 Rambas 14

134 RasuJpur 24 135 Rathiw•• 29 136 Rewasa 10 137 Salimabad 54 138 Satnali 152 139 Sehlang 84 140 Sesoth 71 141 Shampura 149 142 Siana 86 143 Sigra 75 144 Sigri 76 145 Sihor 6 146 Sohari 146 147 Sohla 123 148 Sundrah (Sunira) 33 149 Sureti Jakhar 156 150 Sureti Mavoryana 155 151 Surcti Pilania IS7 152 Surjanwas 44 153 Talwana 83 154 Uchat 3 ISS Unhani 19 156 Ushmapur 130 157 Zerpur 100 VILLAGE DIRECTORY MAHENDRAGARH TAHSIL


DraBCTCJIIY MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT ;[.8M - Approach Noarest Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Remarks to Village town and Supply food use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) (including distance any place (in lema.) of religious• ----_.,------.. ..~-. -.-_ historical or Forest Irrigatod Un- Cultural A~ not !Irchaeogical by Sources irrigated waste available Interest) (including for gauchar cultiva- and tion groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 KR Kanina (10) ED, EAg. Wheat, Ba.ira T (10.00), 245 '00 40'00 MI.T2 WE(10.00)

KR Kanina (13) ED,EA,. Wheat. Gram T(18.00). 1,032 00 109'00 Temple WE(lS.OO) Shiv. NI MI:CI T4 ' KR Kanina (7) ED, EAg, Wheat. Gram T (130.00), 634 '00 46'00 1'1 WE (130.(lO) PR Kanina (7) ED,EAg, Wheat 42'00 T(13.00). 18000 20 00 T2 WE(l3.00) PR Kanina (11) EA Wheat, Bajra IS'()() T (12.00), 306 '00 41 '00 T3 WE (12.00)

PR Kanina (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(96.00), 50S'00 119 '00 MI: 1'4 W(96.00)

PR Kanina (5) EAg Wheat, Gram 18'00 "1(6.00), 381 '00 31 ·00 MI: TI W(6.00) PR Mahendragarh (9) ED. EAg Wheat, Gram. T (4.00), 317'00 44 00 TI W (4.00)

PR Mahendragarh (8) ED, EAg Wheat, Gram HIlS '00), 718 '00 6S 00 N2: MI. WE OULOO) 1'8

PR Kanina (2) ED, FAg Wheat, Gram l' 009.00), 489 ·00 102'00 T3 WE(l09.00)

PR Kanina (2) EA Wheat, Bajra 1 (113.72), 432·60 93 -48 M.I: 1'3 WE(l13.72)

PR Kanina 0) EA Wheat, Bjajra 1'(107.64) 473·88 81 ·35 Temple. WE{I07.64) Shiv. M2, TJ KR Kanina (7) EAG, EO Wheat. Bajra 1'(69.20), 487'64 38'44 WE (69.20)

PR Kanina (5) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra 29'00 1'(130.00),. 165 '00 33 '00 Cl: 1'4 WE (130.00)

PR Kanina (5) ED, EAg, Wheat, Bajra 27'00 T (106.00), 431 '00 II 00 Cl:T4 WE(106.00)

PR Kanina (3) ED, EAg. Whet. Bajra 56'00 1 (339,00), 345 '00 58'00 MI: T3 WH.1J9.00)

1'(611.00) 1,50S ·00 91 '00 173 00 GUI n.oO), Wr.(601.00) PR Kanina (6) ED,EAg Wheat. Bajra T(71.22), J ,439 ·85 262 '24 MIO: n. WE (71.22)

PR Kanina (1) ED.EAg Wheat 'IOR.OO). 393 '00 59'00 MI: Cl WE (38.00) T1

PR Kanina (5) EAg Wheat TO 8,00). 160'00 15 '00 Ml;Tl WE (18 '00)

PR Kanina (5) ED,EAa Wheat. Bajra 1(54.00) 915'00 165'00 M2:'13 WE(S4.00) 94

V'lLLAGE A.... tIeI ...


Loca- Name of Villare (with Total area Total Popula- Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is tion Hadbast Num er) of the tlon and shown in the column and next to it in bracltets, the distance in broad Code Village in number of ranges, viz., -Sk:ms., 5-10 lents. and 10+ Kms., of the nearest place No. (Hectares) households where tho facility is available is given)

Educational Medical Drinking PO!lt and Day CommuI'j- Water TeJe".apb or cati"." (~U8 (Potahle) days Stop, of tbe Railway Jtlatket/ Station, bat, WatocliIllY' if any 2 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 9 10

22 Chelawas (22) 622'80 1.405 (191) P HS,CHW W -(-5) BS

23 Mohamadpur (24) 366'24 893 (145) P HS W -(-5) BS

24 Rasulpur (25) 41H5 1,609 (244) P CHW W PO -(-5)

2S Nangal (26) 300·68 ),202 (135) P CHW W -(5-10) BS

26 Partal (39) 1,258 '00 1,930 (272) P CHW W PO BS

27 Manpura (40) 336'00 323 (45) P(2) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

28 Mori (41) 746'00 682 (107) P CHW T,TW -(-5) BS

29 Gomla (44) 592'00 870 (126) P CHW W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

30 Gomli (43) 157 '00 232 (26) P -(-5) W,lW -(-5) -(-5)

31 Rhojawas (42) .1,256 '00 2.435 (422) P(2), M. H D,RP. CHW W,TW PO BS (2)

32 Koka (27) 386'06 863 (129) P CHW W -(-5) BS

33 Sundrah (Sunira) (38) 862'78 1.802 (273) p. M. H.AC HS.CHW W PO BS

34 Jhigawan (37) 277'61 589 (96) P -(-5) W -(-5) BS ,.. 35 Bawania (28) 750 ·()o 2.156 (333) P(2).M. H HS.CHW W.TW PO BS

36 Mundain (Mud ian) (29) 341 '55 657 (87) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

37 Bewal (30) 920'24 2.148 (~02) P.M HS, CHW(2) W -(-5) BS

3l:1 Khairana (36) 462 '14 1,393 (220) P(2) HS.CHW W -(-5) BS

39 Mundiakhera (35) 524·46 2.267 (307) P(2).AC CHW (2) W -(-5) BS

40 Kalwari (34) 569'38 1.228 (197) P HS.CHW W.IW -(-5) BS

41 Dogra lat (33) 335'48 1.047 (157) P CHW W.TW -(-5) BS 9S


Neareat town Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under different types of landuse in Remarks APproach hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) (includinl to and distance Supply food (inKms.) any ~Iacii Villase ofre IPOUI. historical or archacolo- Forest Irrigated by Un- Cultural Area not gical Sources irrigated waste available interest) (including for culti· aauchar vation &: aroves)

16 17 18 19 20 11 12 1;l 14 15 50·58 Temple. Kanina (10) EA Wheat. Bajra T(97 .. 93). 434'63 39'66 PR WE(97.93) Ml: Tl TI Kanina (5) EA Wheat, Baira T(22.26), 294'20 15·38 34'40 PR WI::(22.26) 33'59 M2: Cl: Kanina (7) EA Wheat, Bajra T(51.39). 307 '15 19·02 PR WE(51.39) Tl

(6) EA Wheat. Bajra T(l8.21)., 227·03 25 '09 30 '35 M.l:TI. PR Kanina WE (18 ·21)

(8) EA Wheat. Bajra T(374.00), 685'00 199'00 Tl PR,KR Kanina WE(374.00)

(10) ED.EAg Wheat, Baira T(24.00), 293.00 19'00 KR Kanina WE (24.00)

(13) ED.EAg. Wheat, Baira T(87.oo), 590'00 69'00 T2 PR Kanina WE(87.00) 34'00 10'00 Kanina (13) ED, EAg Whoat, Bajra T(l75.00), 373 '00 PR WE (175.00)

(II) ED. EAg, Wheat, Bajra T(10.00), 138 '00 9'00 PR Kanina WE(IO.00) Temple. (16) ED,EAg. Wheat, Bajra T (H!O.OO). 914'00 162 '00 PR Kanina WE(i80,oo) Tl 31 '15 TI (10) ED,EAg Wheat, Barley T(45.73) 309 '18 PR Kanina WE(45.73) 81 ·74 T4 (II) rD, EAg. Wheat, Barley T(163.90). 617'14 PR Kanina WE(l63.90) 56·66 (12) ED.EAg Wheat, Bajra T(109.26). JlI ·69 PR Mahendragarh WE(1 09. 26) 8·00 53 '00 Temple, (10) ED,EAg Whoat, Bajra T(66 '(0), 623 '00 PR Mahendragarh WE(66.00) MI Cl:T1 24·69 20'63 M2: T2 (II) ED,EAg Wheat, Baira 1 (23.88), 272 '35 PR 'Mahendragarh WE(2:1.88) 21 ·45 55·44 M2: T4 (10) ED,EAiI Wheat, Bajra T(171·99), 671 '36 PR Kanina WE(J7J.99) 37·23 14 '57 Tl (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(60.70), 349'64 PR,KR Mahendragarh WE(60.70) 1.5 ·38 47'34 M3:CI (10) EA Wheat, Barley T(6S,56), 396 '18 PR,KR Ateli WE(65.56) T4 4.52 '43 41 '27 M2:C2. Ateli (9) EA Wheat, Barley T (75.68), PR.KR WE(7S.68) T4 267'09 5·26 33 '18 TJ Mahendragarh (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(29.95). PR TWE,(29.9S) 'YJllA(HI


Loca- Name of Village Total area Total Popula- Amenities available (if not available within the vill~e, a dash (-" is tion (with Hadbast of tho tion and shown in the column and next to it in brackets the isunce in broad Code Number) Village (in number of ranges viz, -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms., of tho nearest place No. hectares) households where the facility is available is given) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day CommuDi- Watt'T Telegrllph or cations (Bus (Potllhlf') days Stop, 01 tho Railwav market/ Station, hat, Waterway) ifany

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5) JO 42 Dongra Ahir (32) 588'81 2,705 (415) P(2), MH HS.,RP, W,TW PO BS CHW(3)

43 Bhalkhi (31) 867 00 784 (102) P -(-5) W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

44 Surjanwas (73) 354·50 1,762 (266) P(2),AC CHW W,TW -(-5) -(5-10)

45 Khera (72) 208'81 1,180 (171) P RP, CHW W,TW -(-5) -(5-10)

46 Gagarwas (71) 100 '77 532 (86) l' --(5-10> W,TW -(-5) -.(-5)

47 Bachini (70) 325 '77 1,155 (203) P CHW W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

48 Akbarpur Nangal (69) 553 ·20 1.281 (] 83) P -(-5) W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

4, Meghanwas (75) 199·91 955 (141 ) P CHW W -(- 5) -(5-- 10) 50 Bucholi (76) 390 ·11 1.416 (187) P HS,CHW W 1)0 -(5-10)

51 Chitlang (78) 670·96 ],227 (173) P, AC(3) CHW W -(-5) -(5-]0)

52 Birchitlang (74) 53'82 Un-

53 Dulana (77) 263'85 740 (104) P.M.AC RP(2)CHW W PO -(-5)

54 Salimabadat (86) 470'24 53 (6) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(--5)

55 Majra Khurd (63) 346 ·81 ],05~ (139) P,AC CHW W,TW -(-5) BS

56 Mahendragarh (87) 660 ·84 Wholly merged in M.C. Mahendragarh

57 Cham Dhera (85) ]72·39 605 (90) P,AC CHW W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

58 Bundebajnagart (84) ]58'23 132 (16) --(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

59 Jasawas (8]) 169·97 779 (121) P,AC CHW W -(5-10) -(-5)

60 Bhandor Unchi (80) 489'66 1.014 (152) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

61 Dewas (79) 33] '84 1,277 119J) p. AC, (2) CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

62 Kotha! Khurd (97) 386'06 1,108 (186) P, AC CHW W -(-5) -(-5) MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT

APl'foach Nearest. Town PQwer Staple food Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land usc in Remarks to and distance Supply hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) (includina ViJlaae (in kms.) any plllQc of religious, Forest I rrigated by Un- Cuhur- Area not historical or Sources irrigated al waste available archaeologi­ (including for cluti­ cal interest) gauchar vation & groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR Mahendragarh (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(104.41), 401 ·44 17·00 65'96 Temple: TW(I04.4I) T4 PR Mahendragarh (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(69,00), 732'00 66'00 Tl WE(69.00)

PR Mahendfagarh (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(63.13), 237'55 21 04 32'78 Ml:Tl WE(63.13)

PR Mahendraaarh (6) EA Wheat, Bajra [(72.44), 99 '15 12 '14 25 ·08 MJ:T2 WE(72.44)

KR Mahendragarh (8) EA Whet, Bajra T (7.28), 74'06 7·28 12 'J 5 M2 WE(7.21:!)

KR Mahendragarb (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(41.61:!), 223 '38 34 ·40 26·31 T1 WE (41.68)

KR Mahendragarh (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(142.45), 353·29 23 '07 34'39 Tl WE(l42.45)

PR Mahendragarh (5) EA Wheat, Bajra 1'(67.18), 102 ·79 29'94 T2 WE(67.18) PR M.lhondrag,lrh· (3) EA Whea t, Bajr;1 T(50.99). 29() .9(1 8 ·90 39 ·26 Temple: WE(50.9'J) MI:TS KR M.lhendragarh ,~5] EA Wheal, Bajr.1 (1'(59.89). 522 '85 51 ·So 36'42 T3 WE(59.89)

inhabited 1(1.21 ), 50·99 1,62 WE(I.21)

PR Mahe ndragar h (3) EA Whftt. Bdjra T(27.92), 19X ·70 2 ·83 34'40 M4:C2: WE(27.92) T4 KR Mahendra8llrh (I) ED Wheat, Bajra 156 ·61 T(58.68). 173 ·61 81 ·34 TWE(58.fi8)

PR Mdbendraaarh (I) EA Wht'llt. B Ijra T(132.331, JS9 ·04 )5 ·44 T2 TWE(132·33)

PR Mahendragarh (3) EA Wheat T(60.70J, 58·2"/ 26 ·~o 27 '12 1'WE(60.711)

KR Mahcndragarh (4) ED Wheat 1'(53.42), 93 ·48 1 I ·33 TWE(53.42)

KR Mahcndragarh (5) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(47.35), 81 ·34 41 ·28 Templo WF(41.35)

KR Mahondragarh (5) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajr) T(52.61 ), JOI ·49 101 ·17 34 ·39 WE(~2.61)

PR Mahendragarh (6) ED. EAa Wheat, Bajra 1'(42.49), 21)(, ·39 82 ·96 WE(42.49)

PH. M.lhendragarh (8) ED,EAg Wheat, B.ljra T(19.42). 282 -47 49·78 34 ·39 WE(I 9.42) vn..LA

Loca- Name of Village (with Total area Total Popula· Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is tion Hadbast Number) of the tion and shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code Village Number of ranges viz., -5 kms., 5-10 kms., and 10+ Kms., of the nearest place No. (in hectares) households where the facility is available is giVen) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi- Water Telegraph days of cations (Potable) the (Bus stop, Marketl Railway hat, if Station, any Water- way) ]. 3 4 5 (; 7 R 9 10 63 Beci (82) 549'56 1,772 (256) P, HS,CHW W PO .. -(--5)

64 Bhandor Nichi (83) 274·78 696 (104) P, Ac CHW W,TW -(-5) --(-5)

65 Jonawas (95) 299·46 729 (100) P CHW W,TW ---(5-10) --(5~10)

66 Jatwas (94) 214'48 858 (132) P, Ac(2) CHW W,TW ---(-5) .. BS

67 BirjatwRs (93) 33 ·99 Un-

68 Paiga (88) 206'39 769 (131) P,Ac CHW T,W,TW --(-5) .- -(-5)

69 Khaira (89) 424 ·10 968 (142) P, Ae, (2) ---(--5) T,W, --(-~5) - (-5) TW 70 Rewasa (62) 450·00 1,734 (245) P,M,Ac CHW T,TW, -(-5) .. BS

71 Sesoth (61) 612'69 1,511 (249) P, Ac, (2) HS,CHW T,TW -+-5) .. BS

72 Palri (38) 600 ·00 1,8H (249) P,Ac D W,TW -(5-lO) .. BS

73 Majra Kalan (60) 355'31 1,264 (183) P CHW W,TW --(- 5) .. --(-5)

74 Jhook (56) 425 ·62 1,3?2 (190) P,Ac CHW W,TW PO .. ---(---5)

75 Sigra «(5) 272 ·75 1,2,99 (189) P,Ac RP W,TW --(-5) .. BS

76 Sigri (64) 265·47 478 (73) P(2) CHW W,TW --(-5) .. BS 77 Anawas (66) 118 '17 563 (76) P --(-5) W,TW --(--5) .. BS

78 Buchawas (68) 870·47 1,559 (196) P,M HS W --(-5) ., BS,RS

79 Jhagroli (67) 909 '72 1,953 (258) P CHW(2) W PO .. BS

80 Pathera (55) 1.343'13 2,739 (385) P, M, At. CHW(2) W PO .. --(-5)

81 Aghiar (53) 505 ·00 934 (139) P CHW W -(-5) .. --(5-10)

82 Kheri (51) 187 ·731 3,646 (594) P(2), M, H D, RP, CHW(3) W, TW PO .. BS

83 Talwana (50) 442 ·31 761 (108) P -(-5) W --(-5) .. BS 99



Approach Nearest Town Power Staple food Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in Remarks to and distance Supply hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) (including Village (in kms.) ~~laceof r 181OUS, Forest Irrigated by Un- Cultur- Area not histori- Sources irrigated al waste available calor (including for culti- archaeo- gauchar vat ion logical & groves) interest)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR Mahondragarh (5) ED,EAII WheRt, Bajra T(67.99). 327 ·79 7 ·69 146·09 T4 WE(67.99)

PR Maho nd. agarh (4) ED, EAg, Whoat, Bajra T(46.54) • 187·77 40'47 TI WE(46.54),

PR Mahendragarh (3) EA Whoat, Blijra H82.96), 205·58 10'92 C2 WE(82.96)

PR Mahondragarh (3) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra H63.53), 118 ·00 12'95 M2:CI: WE(63.51) T2 in habited T(l7.00), 14 ·97 1 ·62 Q·40 WE(l7.00) PR Mahon<.lragarh 0) ED,EAS Wheal, Bajra T(6S.S0), 112 ·50 5 ·26 19 'R) M2: CI: WE(6S.aO) T2

PR,KR Mahcndragarh (2) EA Whoat, Ba.ira H98.34), 274·78 0'81 50 '17 1'1 WE(98.34)

PR Mahendragarh (1) ED, EAg, Wheat, Bajra T(82 '00), 289 ·00 2 '00 77-00 TWE(82.00)

PR Mahondragarh (2) ED,EAS· Whoat, Bajra T(129.90), 423 -70 IS -38 43-71 TWE(129.90)

PR Mahendragarh (6) EA Wheat, Bajra H61.0C), 468 ·00 7 '00 64'00 TWE(61.00)

PR. KR Mahcndragarh (3) EA Wheat, Bajra T(66.77), 218 -53 2 -43 67-SR WE(66.77)

PR.KR Mahcndragarh (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T(40.06), 348·02 9-31 2R ·33 MI: T2 WE(40.06) PR,KR Mahcndragarh (3) EA Wheat. Bajra T(67.58), 169 ·16 2·83 33 18 MI: TI WE(67.58)

PR,KR Mahendragarh (3) ED,EAg, Wheat, Bajra 1'(41.28), 199-91 5·67 18 -61 MI WE(41·28) PR,KR Mahcndragarh (5) ED, EAs, Whoat, Bajra T(39'25), 65'96 12-96 Wf(39,25) PR,KR Mahendragarh (8) EAa Wheat, Bajra HI 76.04), 605·81 16 -19 72 -43 N2 WE(176.04) PR,KR Mahcndragarh (7) EAg Whoat, Bajra T(l80.89), 643·04 85 '79 Templo: WE(l80.89) MI: Tl

PR Mahendragarh (II) EAg, EO Whoat, Bajra T(70.41). 1,216'()6 20'23 36'43 M2: TIO WE(70.4I) PR Mahendragarh (12) EAS Whoat, Bajra T(61.00), 379-00 40'00 25 -00 1'2 WE(61.00) PR Kanina (10) EA Whoat, Bajra T(29.95), 965·16 93 ·89 98-73 NI:T2 WE(29,95) PR Kanin8 (II) EI?, BAg, Whoat, Bajra T(37.23), 358'14 17 ·40 29 ·54 WE(37.23) 100 vrt.n.\OR .,


Loea- Name of Village (with Total area Total Popula- Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is tion Hadbast Number) of the tion and shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code Village Number of ranges viz., -5 "ms., 5-10 kms., and 10+ kms. of the nearest place No. (in hectares) households where the facility is available is given)

Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Commu- Water Telegraph days of nications (Potable) the (Bus-stop, Marketl Railway hat, if Station. any Water- way) 2 ~ 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 84 Sehlang (9) 1.054'19 3,412 (504) P(2), M.H PHC, FPC, W,TW PO, Phone BS CHW(3) 85 Pota (8) 738·95 2,094 (314) P CHW(2) T,W.TW PO --(-5)

86 Siana (49) 819'07 2,167 (308) P,M HS. CHW T,W PO -(-5)

87 Nautana (48) 679·46 2,165 (292) P(2) M, H CHW T.W,TW PO BS

88 Bassai (47) 2,235 ·00 4.28/i (645) P.M,H MH, HS.D, W PO -(-5) CHW(4) 89 Kharkhara (43) 799'65 2,959 (444) P(3) M, H, RP W,TW PO BS Ac 90 Adalpur (44) 556·03 647 (Ill) P --(-5) W --(-5) BS

91 Bhurjat (46) 6O(}·95 913 (147) P -(-5) W,TW - (-5) BS

92 Bawana (52) 904'86 1,764 (266) P,Ac CHW W,TW PO -(5--10)

93 Malra (57) !l72'OS 3,294 (458) P(2), M, HS, CHW(2) W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) Ac

94 Jant (45) 654·77 1,337 (202) P HS TW -(-5) BS

95 Lawan (58) 482·78 1.736 (269) P,Ac -(-5) TW PO -(-5)

96 Bhagdana (59) 499 '37 1,403 (218) P, Ac CHW TW -(-5) -(-5) 97 Pali (39) 1,800'02 3,811 (588) P(2). M, HS. RP, T,W,TW PO, Phone BS,RS H, Ac (2) CHW(3)

98 Dholi (40) 544,70 993 (120) P(2), Ac(2) CHW W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

99 Mandola (15) 881 '80 1,494 (218) P, M,Ac CHW W,TW PO BS

100 Zerpur (16) 1,045,69 1,170 (170) P HS,CHW W,TW -(-5) BS

101 Kurahwata (37) 923·88 1,406 (1114) P, Ac(3) CHW T,TW -(5-10) -(5-10)

102 Khatod (90) 641,82 1,317 (1116) P, Ac (2) CHW T -(5-10) BS

103 Paharwas (91) 273·97 197 (27) P -(5-10) T -(5-10) BS

104 Janjriyawas (92) 340 ·74 1,093 (182) P CHW W,TW -(5-10) liS 101 ....DJI:eeYORY __ MAHENORAGARH DISTRICT

Pl"[I"1arh Approach NeareRt tOWD Power ~tllJ'lle Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in (il'lclu

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

PR.KR Kanina (10) EAg.EO Wheat. Bajra T(39.25) 897 '9R 116 '96 TOl1lrk: WE (39.2S) MI: C2: T3 PR,KR Kanina (II) EAg Wheat. Bajra T(59,49). 590·43 27 '11 61 '92 T8 WE!(59.49)

PR,KR Mahendragarh (29) EO. EAg Wheat. Bajnl T(323.74) 379 '99 53 ·42 61 '92 M2: T35 GC(323.74)

PR,KR Mahendragarh (26) EA Wheat. Bajra T(2,43). 587 ·19 41 ·68 48 ·16 Temple WE(2.4~) MI: Cl: T3

PR Mahendragath (16) EO. EAg Bajra. Barley T(219 (0). 1,874 '00 17 ·00 125 ·00 CI: T4 WE(200.()0). W(19.00) PR.KR Kanina (7) EA Wheat. Bajra T(123.83). 481 ·97 96·72 97 ·13 WE(l23.83)

PR.KR Mahondragarh (19) ED.EAg Wheat. Bajra T( 19.83). 358 ·14 178 ·06 TI WE(19 ·83)

PR.KR Mahcndral.lRrh ( 16) ED. EAg Whoat. Bajra T(l03.60), 458 ·50 12 ·14 26,71 WE (103.60)

PR.KR Mahondragarh (13 ) EA Whoat , Bajra T(71.22) 759 ·IS 12 ·95 61 ·51 Tomple. WE(71.22) M2: TIO

PR Mahondragarh (10) EA Whoal, Bajra T( 191.41). 594·07 4·( 5 82 ·55 Tl5 W (191.41)

PR Mahcndgragarh (10) EA Wheat, Bajr a T(26.71). 494'92 74·46 58 '6"l WE(26.71)

PR Mahondragarh (8) EA Wheat Bajra T(33.99), 388·49 26'30 34·()() TI WE(3)·99) PR Mahendragarh (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(55.04). 388 ·90 55 ·43 TI WE(55.04) PR Mahendragarh (10) EA Wheat. Bajra T(116.SS). 1.331 ·40 105 ·22 246·85 Tcmf)le: WE(l16.55) Jai Ram: Dass: M3 : CI:T2 PR Mahondragarh (16) ED. EAg Wh')at. Bajra T (93.89), 400·63 50 '18 TI TWE(93.89)

PR Mahendragarh (II) ED,EAS. Wheat, Bajra T(21.04). 607·02 0·81 252'93 TI TWE(21.04)

PR Mabendragarh (10) ED,EAg Whoat, Bajra T(193.03), 591·64 44'92 216 '10 TWE(l93.03)

PR Mahendragarb (5) ED,EAg Wheat, Barloy T(267.09) 581 ·93 17 ·00 57'86 T~mJlle : TWE(267.09) T2 PR Mabondragarh (4) 'E,D.EAS Whoat, Barley T(lS7.83). 369·88 82'15 31 ·96 T3 TWE(157.83) PR Mahondragarh (5) ED,EAg Wbeat, Barley T(61.1I), 184·94 17 ·81 1O·11 TWE(6l.11)

PR Mahe0 dragarh (5) ED. EAg Whoat. Barley T(l16.95). 1116 '15 17 ·81 19 '83 Tl TWE(l16.95) 102


1 (\cation Naill'" of viIlllpe Total area Totl'l populll- Ameniti!,s available (If not availab~e .within the villa~, a dash (-) is Code (I"i'" Fadbast Il' the lion lind Number shown In the column and next to It In brackets the dIstance in broad l'Jo NUIJl~r> villilpe (in of hovBe"oJds ranges vlz.,-5kms. 5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of tbe nea htICIllrfls) place where the facility is available, is given,> rest

Fducat;oflal Med;c~1 Drink;n, Po~t and Da.v or Communi­ w8t~r Telegraph days of cations (Potable) the (Bus stop mark.et! Railway' ha t, If Station any Watcrw~y)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 105 Kharoli (IO.~~ 5,v. ·80 11l.50 (161l) PAC CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 106 NangaJ Sirohi (104) 1,05 I ·76 4,042 (558) P(2) M. If D. RP(4) T, W PTO, r'hone .. BS A('(2~ rHWm J07 Nih1'Jal"Ps (112) 190·20 .',104 P, AC (2) .-(-$~ (.'7P~ H,S.CJ-IW W -(-5) JOR Kuk~1 (I J3) 209'17 J 12 (411) P -(--5) W -(-5) 9S J09 K"atiwas (96~ 273 56 9PO (17';) P -15-10) W,TW -(-5) -(-,~)

(98) 4611 ·67 ',3111· (710) P, AC(2) H~, CFW W (-5> -(-.~) 11 I Nanap",'as (jill) 701. (100) P 234 ·3.1 CHW W. TW. C -(-5) BS 112 Peroli Jat (I flO) 688 ,7(0 1,4011 (lR9~ P, AC W ·-1-5) CHW -(-5)

-(-5) J 13 GuJawaJa (115) 373 ·92 999 (J .'7) p CFW W,TW -1-5) -(5-10) 114 Kherki (114) 366 ·24 1,265 {1m P CHW W.TW -(-5) -(-5) J 15 I'alh (1 I 1) 225 -41 669 (100) P CHW W,TW -(-5) -(--5) )16 Dairl'WM (110) 377 ·97 1.7Rl (?}4> p. M.H, HS, n-JW W,TW PO

-(-5) 1.17 P~J (1(19) 144·47 803 (128) P W. TW -(-5> -(5-11l) 1111 Gadl'nill (.108) 292 ·18 722 (112) CHW W,TW -(-5,1 BS 119 C'''''lIjiawll~ (.lilt» 153',17 467 (114) P(2) -(5-10) W, TW -(-5: PS .120 NilJlhi (107) 1167·lfl 1,6~ pm P, M fl',AC D w, TW, PO flP PS )21 nuJo." (30) 729 64 2,1811 (3H) P, M. AC FS CflW(2)' w, TW. PO HP 122 Pudin on R6.1 . 59 1,49il 0.15) P -(5-10) T, W. P0 --(5-JO) TW 123 S"bJI' (79) 1308 ·33 1,144 (1<;1l) P(2) C'fl'W T. W. -(10 t) -(10+ ) TW 124 Dhaclor (28~ 7911 '03 1,232 O!l:n P, M. ftC CflWl T, W, PO BS TW 125 BaJayac"a (n.) 235 '12 640 (9R) P -(.~-10) T.W, -(5-10) -(5-10~ TW

1 1:'': Nimbira (,~:l) 440 '29 !l85 M6) P FS CFW T. W. -(5-10) -(5- 0) TW 127 Khatodra (34) 29.5 ·01 8P5 ()49) P(2). M' C1:JW T.W. -(5-10) BS TW 1211 Devrali (6) 1.4.~ '211 2R2 (m P. AC' -(.S-IO) T ,w -(5-10) B~ TW 179 B IItllil"lI1' 05) 13.' ·12 214 (m -(-5 -<-5) T. w:rw -(.5-10) BS

.130 \Ts"mapur (17) 24jl'07 5~9 (8~ P C'HW W. TW -(5-IO~ D'S

(76) 9~O'36 U47 (')m P(2), J.C P. CB'W T, w, TW -(.~-lfl> BS im bntEdORY MAHENDRAGARH DISTRIcT UII4 aae

Romarks APproach Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under ditTernt types of Land use in Supply Food hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) (includina to oistBnPtl (in kms.) IIny I'lsco VilIaJC 01 reU,i('"lUs, hi~torical or arc~aeoJo- Forest IrriBalied by Un- CuJtu1'1'1 Arll8 110t ~ical sources irripted waste available iateres!) (il1cJudiJl6 tor cpI- ,auchlll tivatioD and aroves)

16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 (13) EA Wheat, Barley T(74.87), 360·97 99·96 KR Mahenpragarh. WE(74.87) Ml,Cl, (10) EA Whoat, BarleY T(152.97), 80S'31 93'48 PR Mahendr,agarh WE (152.97) T6 CI (II) EA Whoat, Barley T(33.18), 120·59 36'43 PR Mahendr~garh WE(33.18) Tomple, Mahondragarh (12) EA Whoat, Barley T(14.57), 167·94 26·71 PR WE(14.57) CI, Tl Temple, Mahondraa¥h (10) EA Whoat T(76.89), 157·83 13 ·35 25 '49 PR WE(76.89) M2,T2 Tamplo, PR,KR Mahondragarh (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l24.24), 177-25 19·02 148 ·11 WE (124.24) M1CI M2,T4 PR Mahendragarh (8) ED, EAG Whoat, Bajra T(25.90) 171·58 36·83 WE(25.90) KR Mahendragarh (10) EA Whoat, Bajr.l T(76.89), 479'55 52 ·61 79 ·71 Tomplo, WE(76.89) M2,C2, T3 PR Mahondragarh (14) ED,EAG Wholt, Bajra T(12.14) 292 ·18 12 '14 57 ·46 WB(12.14) PR Mahondragarh (I) ED,EAG Whoat, Bajra T{l16.14). 137 '19 112 ·91 Tample WE (116.14) PR Mahendragarh (II) ED,EAG Whoat, Bajra T(42.49), 122·21 41 ·68 19 ·03 CI WE(42.49) PR Mahondragarh (12) ED,EAG Whoat, Bajra T(53.0I), 273·16 19·42 32·38 Tomple, WE(53.01) MI,C2 PR Mahondragarh (13) ED., EAG Wheat, Bajra T(26.30), 95 '10 23'07 MI WE(26.30) PR Mahendragarh (14) ED,EAG Whet, Bajra 9 ·71 T(49.78), 154 '18 6·47 72·04 WE(49.78) PR Mahendragarh (II) ED,EAG Whoa!, Bajra T(54.63), 85 ·39 13·35 TI TWE(54.63) PR Mahendragarh (II) ED,AEA Wheat, Bajra T(157.83), 603·78 202'34 20) ·15 MI,T1 TWE(l57.83) PR Narnaul (12) ED,EAG Whoat, Bajra T(l28.69), 424 ·10 76 ·89 99·96 MI,C2, TWE(l28.69) T4 T2 PR Mahen~ragarh (10) EDEAG Whoat, Bajra T(l40.02), 401 ·04 118 ·57 203 ·96 TWE (IoW.02) PR MahendragaJ'h (13) ED,EAG Whoa!, Bajra 246'05 T(82.96) 698·07 281 ·25 TWE(82.96) PR Mahendragarh (8) ED,EAG Wheat, Bajra T(36.83), 460 ·12 168 ·75 132 ·33 WE (36.83) PR Mahondragarh (5) ED,EAG Wheat, Bajra T(20.23), 174 '01 23·07 17 ·81 Tomple WE(20.23)

PR Mahendragarh (5) ED, EAG Wheat, Bajra T(108.0S), 275'18 26 ·30 30·76 Temple WE( 108.05) Mahadav PR Mahendragarh (5) ED,EAG Wheat, Bajra T(70.82), 162 ·28 33·18 28 ·73 MI, T2 WE('10.82) PR,KR Mahendragarh (8) ED,EAG Whoat, Gram T(16.19), 106·84 22'25 TWE(16.19) PR,KR Mahendragarh (10) ED,EAG Whoat, Gram T(8.09), 116 ·55 6·48 WE(8.09) PR,KR Mahondragarh (11) ED,EAG Wheat, Gram T(42.09), 121 ·00 84 '98 WE(42.09) PR,KR Mahondragarh (13) ED, EAG Wheat, Gram T(l16.95), 512·32 27 ·11 273 ·98 TWE(l16.9S) ,104


Loca- Name of Village Total Total Amenities avaibble (If not available within the villaSe, a dash(-) tion (with Fadbast Number) area of popalation il "shown in the cOlumn ~ Relit to it ill brackets. Ute4iStal!cc io Code the Villa- and Number broad rangs, ,iz.. -5 km •• , 5-10 kn\s. aod lOtkms, of the No. ge (in of house- nearest place where the facility is avaj),ble is given hectares) holds Educational Medical Drinking Post find Day or Communi- water Telegraph daisot cations (Potable) the (Bus stop, Marketl Railway hat, if Station, any Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1~ BaJana (77) 1,079 ·111 1,231 (1911) P -(.~-10~ W -(5-IO~ BS

I~) PflJenwM (')),1 1,S06·n 1,2(J(l (3nD) Pm. M,H -(-5~ W,TW P0 OS

134 Gad~rwas (,)4,1 155 ·lIn .W5 (5/1) P -(-5) \V 1'W -(-S~ Ill'

1.15 Jlhdt>oparll (7.5.' 1,25.1·7n J,64(; (25t') P(2), M(2), MH, FS,Il, T W, -(-,~) BS F,Ac NF, RP TK.'TW 136 BanIa (HI) 1,456 ·85 2,539 (,167) P(2), M -(-,S) 'T,W, PO BS TW 137 DlJJrrota { 13,1 1,542 ·23 1,638 (24) P -(-5) W,TW PO -(~-5)

JJlI Nl'nwan ( 12) 1,700 ·(){I '),(149 (324~ ,Pf4~, M.B. ):IS, RP T,W.Tk PO BS TW

1,1.0 Nllllpa) Mil)" (14,\ 92.1·00 77'? (.107) p -(-5~ 'T,W P(l RS

)40 1< budanll (41 ) 3 ,~(.1 ,00 .~,1411 m~~ P(,1), fvf}f D W, T\,V P(l BS

141 Garhi (42,1 R04 ,,~O 1,1112 (170) P(3) -(-5~ w -(-5) -(~5)

142 Nl'llr:tnll8b.. d (II) 834·115 1,722 (249) P(2) -(-5~ W PO -(S-I(I) Rajputal'

143 Nilvranva"ad (185) )111\3 'SO 1./)32 (143) P,M -(5-10) W -(-5) -(~-IIl) Jattlln

144 Badrai (9) I, lIt;·(l(l 1,1I9(i (25(.) p -(-5) W P0 -(-5)

145 Gopalwas (0) 775'00 1,767 (247) P,M,H -(-:") W -(-:'i) -(-S) 146 Sohari (6) 891'91 987 (l18) P(2) HS W,TW -(5-1O) BS

147 Basrl (5) 554,01 618 (79) P -(5-10) W,TW -(5-10) -(-5)

148 Jarwa (4) 1,338 ·68 2,1>43 (283) P(2) -(-5) W.TW PO OS

149 SbtuDpura (I) 1.017'00 1.812 (27n P(2). M. Ac HS T,W.TW PO OS

150 Patharwa (2) 1,930'00 3,532 (523) P,M -(-5) W,TW PO BS

lSI Birsinahwaa (8) 520'01 139 (22) P -(-5) W,TW -(5-IO) -(-5)

152 Satnali (7) 2,056 '18 5,038 (780) P(2). M(2). PHe. FPC, T,WTW PTO, phone BS.RS. J{(2)PUC. MH, NH.RP Ac (6) ...... ~Y MAHBNDllAGAlUI DJsTlud APP",*h .N.rest town Power Land use ~ .,.. under dlffuent typea of land ~ to tmd dlataDce SUPIIly f~e \110 in bee rouaded upto 2 .decimal placea} (lad...... Vi1lqe

11 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 20 PR.KR Mabendraprb (S) ED. BAg Wheat. Gram 1'(34'80). 742·59 301·.9 ,T.... TWE(44-80) HaDuman. n PR Mahondraprh (18) ED. BAg Whoat. Bajra 1,241 ·15 36·42 2lI"6S 1'ompie: Ml:C2:T6 PR Mahondragarh (18) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra 128 ·69 11 ·74 15'37 Cl PR Mahendragarh (16) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra 764·44 4·86 484·40 Temple, Ml:CI:Tl PR,KR Mahondragarh (19) ED,EAg Whoat. Bajra T(2.02). J,185 '71 109'26 159·86 1'2 WE(2.02) PR Mahon dragarh (19) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra 1,093 '44 116 ·95 331 ·84 PR.KR Mahondragarh (22) EA Whoat. Bajra T(12.00). 1,319 '00 72'00 2970()() N2:Cl:T2 W(8.00). TW(3.00), TWE(l.OO)

PR,KR Mahcndragarh (i6) ED.EAg Whoat. BlUr. 342'00 T(S.OO). 422'00 20'00 13HJO WE(5.00)

PR Mahondragarh (21) EA Wheat, BlUr. T(2S4.00). 1,798 0()() 457'00 1,352 '00 Templ., WE(254.00) N6: M2: Cl:T4

PR,KR Mahendragarh (21) ED,EAg Whoat , Bajra T(SO.99), 587-19 22'66 143·66 T2 TWE(50.99)

PR,KR (20) ED,EAg Wheat, BlUra T(38.44), 524'06 5·67 266·68 TI TWE(38.44)

KR Charkhi Dadri (20) ED,EAS Whoat, Bajra T(37.64), 682 ·29 35 ·21 308'36 TWE(37'64)

PR,KR Mahondragarh (25) ED,EAs Whoat, BlUra T(65.00), 755'00 14'00 282 o(JO WE (65.00)

PR,KR Mahondragarh (22) ED,EAg Whoat, Bajra 568 o(JO 450()() 162 0()() TI PR,KR Mahendraaarh (30) ED.EAg Wheat, BlUra T(47.7S). 782'65 23'47 380()4 Tl TWE(47.7S)

PR.KR Mahondragarh (26) ED,EAa Whoat, Bajra T(57.46), 443 '12 27'52 .2$ ·91 Cl:T3 TWE(S7'46) PR,KR Mahondragarh (25) ED,EA" Whoat, Bajra T(45.73), 1,186 ·52 39·25 67 '18 1'2 TWE(45.73) PR,KR Mahendraaarh (32) ED,EA, Whoat. Ba,ira T(I22.00). 8110(J0 8300() OC(31.00). WE(91·00)

PR,KR Mahendraaarh (30) ED.EAa Whoat. Blijra ~9.(0). 1,685'00 T~: 139,00) 4HIO 6HJO Ml:T3 PR Mahooclrqarh (19) EA Wheat. Bajta T(IO.ll). 433 -01 60'30 16·58 Tl WE(lO.12)

P.R Mahondrqarh (24) SA Whoat.B~ra T(84.17), 1.730111 70 -01 171'" Teal"" ShIv: Mil WB(B4'17) ClITI M'AHBNDRAGARli TAHSIL mLAGs. A•• ltI ..... Loca­ Name of Village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the "dlage, a desh(-) tion (with Hadbast Number) area of population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in Code the villa­ and Number broad ranges, viz.-5 kms., 5-10 kms .• and JO+kms., of the No. ge (in of' house­ nearest place where the facility i~ available is aiven) hectares) holds Educational Medical Drinking Poat and Day or Communi· Water Telegraph days of cations (Potable) the (Bus StoP. market/ Railway bat, if Station, any Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

153 Bas (3) 651 ,53 : 1,126 (166) P CHW W,TW ~(5-1O) BS

154 Dhana (21) 230'26 652 (102) P CHW W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10)

155 Sureti Maveryana (20) 239 ,98 398 (52) P -(5-10) W,TW -(5-10) -(-5)

156 Sureti Jakhar ( 19) 592,05 1020 (148) P(2), M, HS W,TW· -(-5) BS Ac

157 Sureti Pilania (22) 477'93 1,247 (191) P(2),Ac -(5-10) W,TW PO -(-5)

_.. __ ._---_..• _- ._"--_.. --_- --. __ .. _, -----.. "------_. --.----.~ ... ,,_,.-._-_. All viltalles JIl4,O:U '59219,904(32,463) P194, MH3, PHC 2. M 46, HS 34, D 10, H 24, PUC I, FPC 2, NH1. Ac 68 RP n. CH\W114 107


LIIIId - Remarks Nearest town Power Staple 'Land u&e (I.e .• area under different types of land Approach usc in hecuues rounded upto 2 decimal plaecs) (includinl to and diatanco Supply food any pta. Villa. (in kul •• ) or reHaioUl. Forest Irrlaated by Un- Cultural Area hittoroal lOurccs Irrigated waUe not orarcbaeo· (includ- avail- loci cal Ina ble orr Interest) pucbar cultl- and vactions groves) 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 41,27 Tl PR Mahendragarh (37) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(29.14). S8t '12 WE(29.14) 27·52 CJ: Tl PRo Mabendragarb (30) ED,BAg Wheat, Bajra 202·74

10·52 12·55 Tl PR Mahendragarb (30) ED,BAg Whoat, Bajra T(4.0S). 212·86 WE(4.05) 42.go Hi·19 Tl PR. Mahendragarb (21) ED,EAg Wheat, Bajra T(6.07). 526·89 TWE(6.07) 29·95 46·94 PR Mahendragarh (22) ED. EAg Wheat, Bajra T(4.0S). 396·99 Wf.(4.05)

-._---- ._ __ . ---,----.~ T(t,1938.53l. 73,105,71 3,743.oS 1,36Z9 o(J9 N14: 944·37 OC(364.74), M8S: W(314.41), C42.: WE(8.60S.90), 1'295 TW(107.41), TWB(2, 536.07 ) tAl though cntered as 'B.,-Chlrag' (un-inhabited) in tht' Revenue record, the population shown against this Villa", was enumerlltod at the time of 1981-ccnsus. Note :-(1) Where a town and village boar an identical name, the word (Rural) has been added after the name of thCI village, (2) The area. of village (revenue estate) is blSCd on the! information suppliod by the R.evonue Patwarl. -Total population and Pa.rts of the area of the village has como within tho municirallimits.

HARYANA TAHStL NARNAUL DISTRICT NAHENORAGARH ·M"" J --1 0 -- 10 J - -- .. 'I' . . i ,TAHSil r 1 MAHENORAGARH I,t ...... t'" ~ /' ~


••27 "U_~ 'TAli " IOU •••,f, ' ...... L ... ,,...,IOU.DA...... yll"...... , ... WitH LOCATIDN COOl: NV ...... Vtl."',u ...... _____ WI'". "OfI"U~ATIO' SIll: '~'O'II' .now lOCI!

utftW~1I.O ,tLU.n WI'" I.OCA110" CODi _,...... If" t.OCA110tl eODl. nA'. ·tu ...... ··· IM"O"''''''' ..,.U:CO ROAD

RAILWA't .L.t" WIt,.. WUtlOI I ".'Tlli GAUl' 11'011 O'FICI', ,,"1 :... T.L.... APH 0,""(£ po,",o HI.. O' ...... ', ,IC,"UY SCHOOL ~LfC« .'."CHII .. . .. ~HO."'T.L, ".t ...... DI.PUI'.'" . • • + 0_ ..... 1 _._.CO.. ", .. .~ ". ALPHABEnCAL LIST OF V{LLAG~S IN NARNAUL TAHSp:,



·senu, Name of the Vil1aF LacatiOIl No. Code 1 2 3 1 Abdullanapr 93 2 Ajamnagar 86

3 Akbarpur Ramu

4 Akbarpur Sirohi (Akbarpur Sarohi)

5 Akoli

6 Amarpura

7 Amarpur Jorasi 5 8 Antri , 9 Asrawas Z

10 Atali I)

11 Ateli (Rural) 2 12 Azmabad Mokhuta S 13 Bachhod 2 14 Badopur 7 IS Bajar 8

16 Bakrija I() 17 Balaba Kalan 14 18 Balaba Khurd IS 19 Bamanwas Kheta to 20 Bamanwasnau 14 21 Banihari ~1 22 Baproli ~9 23 Bargaon 16 24 Barkoda 7S 25 Bashirpur 141 26 Baskirarod Umrabad 98 27 Bayal 187 28 Bcahpur 41 'iii2 NARNNVL 1A:FtSlb-contd. ,Saiai Name of tho Village ic.don ·No. Code 1 2 3 .i9 Berool1dla (Barundla) 152 .30 Bhankhri too .31 BhedaDti (Bhadanti) 221 32 Bhilwara 58 33 Bhojawall 160

~ Bhori 27 3.5 Bhushan Kalan 68 36 Bhushan Khurd 69 37 178 38 Bihali 43 39 Biharipur 195 40 Birshimli 161 41 Bocharia 34 42 Buchakpur 123 43 Budhwal 208 44 Chak Malikpur 172 45 Chandpura 36 46 Chhapra Bibipur 176 47 Chhapra Salimpur 64 48 Chhilro 145 49 Chinalia (Ghindalia) 101

SO Daucholi .... 144 51 Dantal 214 52 Deroli Ahir 13 53 Dhani Bathotha 157

54 Dhanota 143 55 Dhanunda 52 56 DharsOOD (Dharso) 92 57' Dholera 177 58 Dochana 106 il3 NARNAUL TAHSIL-co1ltd. Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code 1 2 3 59 Dohar Kalan 110

60 Dohar Khurd 111

61 Dongli 156

62 Donkhera (Dokhera) 220

63 Dostpur ~22

64 Dublana 21

65 Dulotb 9

66 Faizabad 82

67 Faizalipur 70

68 Fatehpur 56

69 Gadwa (Gandwa) 169

70 Gangutana 219

71 Ganiar 39

72 Ganwari Jat 182

73 Gebli 11S

74 Ghataser ISO

75 Oirdbarpur 33

76 Goad 103

77 GokaJpur 40

78 Oothri 206 79 Govla (Oolwa) 188 80 Gujarwas 28 81 24 82 Hamidpur 114 83 Hasanpur 3S 84 Hasanpur 137 85 Hazipur 88 J14 'NAllNAVL T~~!,,'4. I • 'I ~" ' I '. ~ , I t j 1 Serial Name of tho Villaae Location No. CocIe . 2 3 86 Rudina 8S

87 Iqbalpur Nangli 168

88 Islampura 180

89 ladupur 108

90 laitab 96

91 lainpur 196

92 lakhni 95

93 Jat Guwana 23

94 Kalba 199

95 Kaloli (Karoli) 140 96 Kamania 153 9"7 Kanti 47

98 Kanwariawas (Koriawas) 120 99 Kanwi 164 100 Karia 30 ]01 Karota 131

102 Katkai 7 103 Khairani 104 Khampura 14 105 Khanpur 128 106 Khariwara 5 107 Kbaspur (Khampur) 16

108 Khatoli Ahir 154

109 Khatoli Jat 155 110 Khatoti Khurd 112 III Khatoti Sultanpur (Khatoli. 113 Kalan)

112 Khatripur 22 ~ 113 Khawajpur 151 115 .' NABNAUL TAHSIL-comd. • ,.. -, I r, I r • I ... ,,' .,~ ,. ~ . Sorial Namo of tho ViU.. Location No. Oodt' 1 2 3

114 Kheri 4~ 115 Khor 2f) 116 Khorma 97

117 Kirarod Afganan. 78

118 Kodinja 125

119 Kultazpur 119

120 Kunjpura 60 121 Kutbapur 80 122 Lajota 216

123 Lehroda 83

124 Lutafpur 122

125 Mahasar 32 126 Makhsuspur 116 127 Maloli (Maroli) 139 128 Mandhana 127 129 Mandlana 91 130 Mausampur 194 131 Mayee 87 132 Meerpur 74 133 Meghot Binja 192 134 Meghot Hala (Megho Thala) 193 135 Mehrampur 94 Mirjapur 136 63 137 Mitarpura 17 138 Mohabatpur Bhungarka 170 Mohalra 139 2 140 Mohamadpur 6 141 Mohamadpur Hamidkhan 102 116 NARNAUL TAHSlL--cmatd. Serial· Name of the ViUage Location No. Code 1 2 3 142 Momanpur 197

143 Morund 204

144 Mosnota 189

145 Mukandpura 133

146 Mulodi 166

147 Muraripur 165

148 Nain 201

149 Nalayeja 215

150 Nangal 54

151 Nangal Chaudhry 198

152 Nangal Dargu 191 153 Nangal Kalia 173

154 Nangal Katha 100

155 Nagnal Nunia 213 156 Nangal Pipa 175 IS7 Nanga) Sha)oo (Nangal Sia)u) 130 158 Nangal Soda 203 159 Nangtihari 81 160 NapJa 148 161 Narehri (Nahareri) 147 162 Narnaul (Rural) 124 163 Nasibpur 79 164 Navedi 45 165 Nawaznagar 89 166 Neerpur (Meerpur) 49

167 Niamatpur 205 ~ 168 Niazalipur 181 169 Nizampur 146 117

NAllNAtJL 'I'AHS~d. StIIrlal Name of the Village Location N(J. Code 1 2 3 110 Nuni Awal 77

171 Nuni Kalan 18

172 Panchnota 186

173 Patikara 73

174 Pawera 149

175 Prithipur 48

176 Raghunathpura 117

177 Raimalikpur 207

178 Rajpura 55

179 Rambas 138

180 Rampura 44

181 Rampura 84

182 Rasulpur 121

183 Rata Kalan 4

184 Rata Khurd 3 185 Ruppur Sarai 183 186 Ruthal Garbi 31 187 Sagarpur 11 188 Saidalipur 218 Saidpur 189 50 Salarpur 190 8 191 SaJarpur Mehta 90 192 Salimpur 29 193 Saloni 20 Sari Bahaduranagar 194 61 195 Sarehpur (Sarabpur) 19 196 Sareli 179 197 Seehma 12 118 NARNAUL TAHSlL-cCMJCld. Serial Name ofthc Village Looatwa No. Code 1 2 3 198 Seka 126 199 Shahbazpur 217 200 Shahpur Awal (Shahpur-I) 129 201 Shahpur Doyam 66 202 Shampura 59 203 Sheonathpura 71 204 Sheoramnathpura 163 205 Simli Ismialpur 162 206 Sirohi Bahali (Sarohibhall) 171 207 Sohhapur 67 208 Sujapur 37 209 Surana 72 210 Surani 65 211 Tajipur 132 212 Tajpur 57 213 Tajpur 135 214 Talot 142 215 Tehla 134 216 Thana 118 217 Thanwas 209 218 Tigra 25 219 Tobra 53 220 Totaheri 158 221 Udepur Karia 212 222 Uninda 51 VILLAGE DlREcrORY NARNAUL TAHSIL

119 120


'LoCa- Name of Villale Total Total Amonities available (if not available within the villale, a dub (-) is shown tion (with Hadbalt Number) area of papulation in the column and next to it in braoketa the distance in broad I:UIeI viz, Code the Villap and Number -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place wben the facilitY No. (in of house- is available is given) hectares) holds ------_____ Educational Medical DrinkinJ Post and Day or Communi- Water Teicsraph dayI of cations (potable) the market! \Bus Stop, hat, RailwaY if any Station, WaterwaY) 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Kbairani (46) 384 '85 788 (116) P -(-5) TW -(10+) .. -(-5) 1 Mohalra (45) 263'04 783 (120) P -(-5) TW -(10+) .. BS 3 Rata Khurd (44) 337 '91 517 (81) P -(-5) W -(10+) .. BS 4 Rata Kalan (43) 710 '62 1,863 (282) P,M,H,AC, CHW(2) W -(10+ ) .. BS Tr.

5 Khariwara (42) 451'22 536 (94) -(-5) CHW w -(5-10) -(-5) 6 Mohamadpur (40) 351 '26 939 (158) P CHW w -(5-10) .. -(-5) 7 Katkai (33) 435'44 1,095 (181) P CHW w -(5-10) -(5-10) 8 Salarpur (39) 492-09 1,841 (283) P D,CHW(2) w -(5-10) -(5-10) 9 Duloth (38) 320'91 860 (132) P, M,Ac(2) CHW W PO -(5- 10) ]0 Atall (37) 429 ·37 1,218 (160) P(2),Tr,Ac HS,CHW W -(-5) .. BS (2) 11 SaaarPur (36) 547 '94 1.341 (187) p. M,Ac -(-5) W -(-5) .. -(5-10) 12 Scebma (101) 1,068 '76 3,064 (S02) P(2),M,H. D, CHW(3) W PO .. BS 13 Deroliahir (l03) 961 ·92 2,700 (395) P(2), M(2), HS, CHW W PO .. -(10+) H,Ac(2) (2)

14 Khampura (102) 299 1)6 1,()69 (163) P CHW w -(-5) .. BS 15 Akbarpur :Ramu (110) 196 '27 558 (78) Ac ~S-10) w -(-5) tt BS

us lthaIpur (171) 318-OS 1,369 (213) Pa), M, CHW w PO .. BS (Khampur) Ac(3)

1'1 Mitarpura (169) 2421)0 390 (60) P CHW w -(-S) BS 18 Nuni JCalan (173) 269 '11 646 (106) P CHW w -(-5) .. -(-5) 19 Sarehpur (168) 191 '82 748 (103) p. AdJ.) caw w -(-5) .. -(-5) (Sanhpur) 20 Saloni (172) 216 '40 1,074 (142) P caw w - (-5) .. -(-5) 21 Dublana (174) 325 '00 1,13S (156) P HS.CHW w PO .. -(-5) 22 Khatri pur (175) 191'00 667 (97) P CHW W -(-5) .. -(-5) 23 Jatauwana (116) 288 iJO 403 (59) P -(-5) w -(-5) .. -(-5) 24 Guwani (117) 6101)0 1,717 (272) P.Ac CHW W.TW -(-5) .. -(-5) 25 Tigra (1) 485 ·62 1.824 (288) P HS,CHW W -(-5) .. -(5-10) (2) 26 Khor (2) 794 '39 1.376 (200) p. Ac CHW w -(-5) .. -(-S) , 27 Bhori (Bohari) (35) 582 '33 1,037 (161) P CHW W -(-5) .. -(5-10) 28 Gujarwas (34) 492-09 1;034 (154) P(2). M HS W PO .. -(-5) " Salimpur (32) 361 '38 1,313 (210) P caw W -(-5) .. -(-5) 121


Approach Nearest town Power Staple Land usc (I.e. area under different typcll of land uso in Romarb to ViU,. and. dittan<:o Supply food hcctares rounded upto 2 decimal places) (IncludiDl (in tms.) any placo of reliaioUl. ------.------.------hlatorical or archaoolOlical Forest Irrigated Unirri- Cultu- Area intctolt) by sources g'lted roll not wasto available (including for cul­ g!\uchar tivation and groves)

16 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 17 PR Narnaul (29) ED, EAg Wheat " T(31.16)WE (31.16) 314 ·84 8 ·90 29 ·95 .. PR Narnaul (29) ED, EAg Wheat " T(35.21)WE (3S.21) 188 '58 14 ·57 24'68 .. 25 ·90 Tl PR Narnaul (27) ED. BAg Whoat .. T(74.87)WE (74.87) 237 ·14 PR Narnaul (27) ED. BAg Wheat .. T(176.04)WE (176.04) 462 ·95 23,88 47 '75 Tomple Tha- kur Ml: T3

PR Narnalll (19) ED. EAg Wheat .. T(70 '01) WE(70.01) 343·17 17·00 21'04 Tl PR Narnaul (22) ED, EAg Wheat .. T(65.96) WE(65.96) 250 ·09 8 ·09 27 ·12 T2 PR, KR Atcli.. (5) EA Wheat. Bajra .. T(57.06) WE(57.06) 333 ·05 45 '33 NI 57 ·46 N3: T3 PR Narnaul (21) EA Wheat .. T(70.0!) WE(70.01) 364·62 PR Mahondragarh (8) EA Wheat .. T(61.51) WE(61.5l) 233 ·10 26·30 Ml PR, KR Mahondragarh (8) EA Wheat .. T(S4.23) WE(54.23) 322·13 10 ·93 42 ·08 Nl: Ml: Tl NarnauJ (13) EA Whoat, Bajra .. T(1I1.29) WE(111.29) 392 ·13 44 ·52 Temple: Ml PR T4 PR Narnaul (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(259.40) WE(259.40) 738 ·54 70 ·82 M3: Cl: T9 Mahcndragarh(ll) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(lS2.56) WE(l52.56) 759 ·58 49 ·78 Templo: M5: PR C2:T2

PR Narnaul (11) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(55.44) WE(55.44) 222'57 21 '05 T1 PR, KR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat .. T(1l6.14)WE(l16.14) 45·73 34'40 Nl:Ml:T3

PR, KR Nar naul (lJ) EA Wheat .. T(188.99) WE(l88.99) 80 ·13 38 '8; 10'11 N2

Pa, KR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat .. T(98.34) WE(98.34) 122·62 21 -04 M2: Tt3 PR, KR Narnaul (11) EA Wheat " T (114.93) WE(114.93) 121 ·81 32·37 Ml: Tl PR, KR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat .. T(93.89) WE(93 ·89) 63 ·53 34·40

PR, KR Narnaul (14) EA Wheat T(78.10) WE(78 '10) 165 '11 33 '19 Temple PR, KR Narnaul (13) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra 266 ·00 46 '00 13·00 Tl PR, KR Narnaul (13) ED, EAa Wheat, Bajra 172 '00 19 '00 T2 PR, KR Narnaul (11) ED, EAa Wheat Bajra 261 '00 J3 o{)() 14 '00' (10) EO, EAg Wheat, Bajra .. 551 ·00 49'00 100{)0 Temple: Cl : PR Narnaui T6 (8) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(104.81)WE(104.81) 333 ·46 47 ·35 Temple.: N4: PR Ateli T2 409,94 80'13 Templo: Tl PR Atell (2) EA Whe.Jt, Bajra .. T(304.32) WE(304.32) 62·32 T2 PR Atoll (6) EA Whoat, B~a .. T(13.76) WE(13.76) 506'25 48·56 Cl: T2 PH. Aleli (5) BA Whoat, Bajra .. T(22.66) WE (22.66) 420·87 (19) BO, BAa Whoat, Bi\jra .. T(86.20) WE(86.20) 236·74 .', 38 ,44 Temple: N3: Ka Naraaul T3 NARN'AUL TAHSIL

Loca- Name of Village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown tion (with Hadbast Number) area of population in the column and next to it in braokets the, distance in broad ranaea viz. , Code the Viltaae and --5 kms" $-]0 kms., and 10+ kms" ofthe nearest place where the facility is No. (in Number available Is given) hectares) of house­ holds Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communiw Water Telegraph days of cations (Potable) the marketl (Bus StoP. hat, Railway if any Station, WaterwaY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 Karia (31) 300'68 442 (66) P CHW W.TW -(5-10) BS 31 Ruthalgarhi (41) 469 '83 1.503 (225) P,M HS,CHW W PO - (5- ]0) (2) 32 Mahasar (30) 220 96 524 (87) P CHW W,TW -(5-10) --(5- 10) 33 Girdharpur (29) 112,91 184 (28) P -(5-10) W - (5-10) -(5-0) 34 Bocharia (27) 718 ,71 J ,699 (273) P,AC(2) HS, CHW W - (5-10) -(5-10) (2) 35 Hasanpur (28) 256'16 491 (95) P - (5-10) W --(5--.10) -(5-10)

36 Chandpura (25/1) 393 ,75 1,106 (193) P, AC(2) CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 37 Sujapur (25(2) 203 ,96 767 (112) P, Ac CHW W --(-5) -(5-10)

38 Bajar (24) 348 '83 1,008 (168) P, Ac(2) HS,CHW W -(-5) -(--5) 39 Ganiar (23) 746 '23 1,695 (265) P CHW W PO -(-5) 40 Gokalpur (26) 149 '33 21 (3) P, M,H -(-5) W PO -(-5) 41 Boghpur (22) 403'06 1,071 (J 62) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

42 Ateli (Rural) (21) 432'60 1,419 (230) P, Ac CHW W -(--5) -(-5) 43 Bihali (16) 934,00 2,408 (337) P, M, Ac HS,CHW W PO BS /' (2) 44 Rampura (20) 3% '18 992 (162) P CHW W --(-5) BS 45 Navedi (19) 268'30 1.242 .(203) P CHW W -(-5) BS 46 Kheri (18) 1.248,84 2,557 (397) P.M,H. D. RP, T.W PO BS Ac, Tr CH W(3) 47 Kanti (17) 1.909'00 3,503 (570) P(2),M,H, HS.RP. T.W,TK po. Phone BS Ac, CHW(4) 48 Prithipura (15) 185 ·75 1.100 (147) P.Ac CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) 49 Neerpur (Meerpur) (6) 236 ,74 428 (77) P, Ac(2) HS,CHW T,W -(-5) BS (3) SO Saidpur (5) 225,00 1,543 (239) P, Ac(2) CHW T,W -(-5) BS 51 Uninda (4) 186·96 1,077 (167) P CHW T,W -(-5) BS 52 Dhanunda (3) 223 '79 864 (134) P, Ac CHW T,W -(-5) BS 53 Tobra (8) 136 '78 647 (l05) P CHW T,W -(-5) BS 54 Nangal (7) 223 '79 1,140 (163) P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) 55 Rajpura (14) 325'77 1,270 (163) P, Ac CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) 56 Fatehpur (9) 186 '15 897 (144) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 57 Tajpur ]0) 490 '88 1,475 (227) P CHW W PO -(-5) 5. Bhilwara (11) 305'94 1,002 (141) P CHW W -(-$) -(-5} 59 Shampura (12) 321,72 156 (22) P -(5-10) W -(-5) --(-5> 60 Kunjpura (13) 406 ·10 1,447 (198) P, Ac CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) 123


A.pJI.IOlOb Neatest t"WIi Power Land use (1.0 area under dlfforent typos of land use In Remarks to Vlnase and dletance Supply Staple food bectares rounded upto 2 decim:ll plaoos) (includlna (In kml.) any place of leli,lous, Forest Jr!illated Un­ Cultu· Area historioal bySOUfces irrigated ral not or waste avail· archaeolo­ (includlns able gical sauchar tor intorest) and oulti­ groves) vatlon 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR Narnaul (21) EA Whoat, Bajra T(38.85) WE(32.37), TWE 237 '55 .. 24 ·28 NS (6.48) PR Narnaul (2:2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(59.08) WE(56.66),TW 358 '14 .. 52 ·61 N5: MI: Ct: (2 '42) T2 PR Narnaul (21) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(32.78) WE(20.23), TWE 152 ·16 .. 36 ·02 Temple; N4 (12.55) PR Narnatl! q2) ED, EAg Whoat, Bajra T(20.23) WE(20.23) 87 ·82 4 ·86 N4: Ml: T3 PR Narnau! (21) EA Wheat, Bajra T(115'74)WE(lJS'74) 579·10 .. 23·87 N5:MI: T3 PR Naruaul (21) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(S5 ,44) WE(55 ,44) 185 ·75 . . 14 ·97 N2 PR Ateli (8) EA Whollt, Bajra T(36 ,83) WE(36.83) 322·13 2 ·83 31 ·96 N5: Ml PR Atoli (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(21.45) WE(21.45) 159·04 .. 23 ·47 N4 PR Ate-Ii (8) EA Whoat, Baira T(11.33) WE(11.33) 185 ·34 .. 152 ·16 NS: Ml: TI PR Ateli (8) EA Wheat, Bair:. T(48.16) WE(48.l6) 516'37 .. 181 ·70 NS PR AteH (6) ED, EAg Whoat. Bajra T(46.94) WE(46. 94) 9(}'24 12 ·15 N3 PR AteH (2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(93 '48) WE (93 '48) 266 ·28 .. 43 ·30 Temple Tha· kur: N6; M3: T2 PR Ateli (2) EA Whoat, Bajra T002 '79) WE(102.79) 282'06 4 ·05 43 ·70 N7: M3: Cl: T2 PR AteH (4) EA Wheat, Bajra T(316.86) WE(316.86) 464 '57 97 ·12 55 ·45 Temple Tha­ kur:N2: M2: TI2: PR Namau!- (24) EA Whoat, Bajra T(78 ·10)WE(78.1O) 109 ·67 62 ·13 145 ·68 Temple Tha­ kur:MI: Cl PR Ateli (15) EA Wheat, Bajra T(105.22)WE (105.22) 130'71 28·33 4·04 Temple Thakur

PR Ateli (4) EA Whoat, Bajra T(329.00) WE«309.58). 774·% 28'33116·55 TempJe:~:Cl: W(19.42) T1 PR,KR Narnaul (22) ED, EAg Whoat, Bajra T(l9.00) WE(19.00) 1576'00 193'00 121 ·00 Temple Baba Ganosh Dass: N3: M3: T7: PR,KR Atcli (5) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(60.70) WE(60.70) 106.03 .. 19 ·02 Tl PR KR Ateli (I) EA Wheat Bajra T(78.91) WE(78.91) 121 ·40 ., 36·43 Nl

PR, KR Atcli (I) EA Wheat Bajra T(77 '29) WE(77.29) 121 '40 ., 26 '31 Temple: N2: Ml:Cl PR, KR AteJi (2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(4O.47) WE(40.47) 122 '21 .. 24'28 PR, KR Atoli (2) EA Wheat, Bajra T(70.01) WE(70.01) 121.40 ., 32 ·38 Tempkl;.T3 PR, KR Atoli (I) EA Wheat, lIajla T(31·23)WE(31.13) 60'70 .. 38 '85 Tl

PR, KR Atoli (I) EA Whoat, Bajra T(80.94) WE(80,~) 90'24 .. 52 ·61 Tern,.: N2: MI:Tl PR, KR Atolj (5) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(8'.43) WE(39.43) 202 '34 .. 34'00 Cl PR Nunaul (15) ED,.BAg Wheat, Bajra T('27,11) W.B(27 '11) 133.14 .. 25'90 Temple .Maha­ dey: N3:Tl: PR Narnaul (22) EA Whoat, Bajra T(32.37) WE(32.37) 40S ·08 .. 53 ·43 Temple Shiv: N2: Ml: Cl PRo Narnaul (1.3) ED,.BAg Wheat, Bajra T(44.51) WE(44.51) 227'83 .• 33'60 TOIIlplo: N4: T3 PR Narnaul (11) ED; EAS Whoat, Bitjra T(41.1S)'WE(41.18) 262'23 18'21 Nl PR. Nama", (11) EA Wheat,!kYra T(22.26) WE(22.26). 348.02 . . 36.42 N3 ;T'l 124


Loca· Name of vilIqe Total Total Amenities available (if not available within tbe village a dash (-) illlhoWII don (with Hadbast Number) atcaof population in the column and MJtt to it in bracJcets the diataDQe In broad ran.. W •• QodeNo. the Vi Ilage and -5 kms., 5-10 lems. and 10 + kms. of the neare.t place whllnl tile facllfty (in Number is avaBabte is given) hectares) ofhou. holds ------Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Commani. Water Telesraph days of cationa (Potable) the marketl Bus StoP, hat. Railway if any Statlou, WaterwaY)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 Sari Bahadur (IS]) 233-90 882 (121) P CHW w PO .' BS Naaar 26 Bac:hod (178) 473 '88 2,175 (304) pm, M, H, HS. CHW T,W PO BS,RS AC(2) (2) 36 Mirjapur (179) 452 '84 1,467 (227) P CHW(2) T,W PO BS 64 Chbapra SaJimpur (182) 186 '96 737 (100) P CHWJ W -.(-5) BS 65 Surani (180) 222 '98 707 (lOS) P CHW . W -(--5') BS 66 Shahpur Doyamt (189) 524 '87 :m (40) -(5-10) --(5-10) W - (5- 10) -(5-10) 67 Sobhapur (19() 444 '74 1,026 (170) P, AC(:2) CBW1 W PO BS 68 Bhushan Kalan (191) 464 '98 1,349 (203) P, M,AC HS,CHW W,TW PO -. (5'-10) 69 BhUllban Khurd (188) ]48 ·92 542 (77) P CHW W - (5- ]0) .. BS 70 Faizalipur (187) ]95'46 810 (132) P CHW W -(-5) BS

71 Sheonathpurat (184) 137 '59 SO (10) - (5- 10) -(5-]0) W -(5-10) - (5- ]0) 72 Surana (183) 214 iJO 526 (75) P CHW W -(-5) .. BS 73 Patikata (186) 806 ·93 2,799 (463) P(2, M, H, CHW(2) T -(-5) -(-5) Ac(", 74 Meerpur (185) 262 '64 1,797 (277) P, M, H -(-5) T PO .. BS ~ BarkOOa (]66) 232 '29 "1058 (183) P CHW W PO -(5-10) 76 Batpon (165) 295·00 767 (118) P, AC HS,CHW W --(-5) -(5-10) 77 Nuniawal (161) 249·00 r ],373 (201) p. AC(2) CHW W --(-5) -(-5)

78 KirarOO Afganan (] 63) 268'00 63~ (103) P -(-5) W --(-S) -(-5)

79 Naslbpur (162) 337'()() P.31~ (200) P, AC -(-5) TW --(-5) -(-5)

80 Kutbapur (J 67) 164'00 589 (78) P CHW W -(-5) .. -(5-10) 81 Nangtlhari (164) 131·00 769 (llS) P(2) CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) 82 Faizabad (118) 276·00 770 (112) P(2) CHW W -(-5) .. BS 83 Lehroda (119) 256'00 r 1:- 098 (146) P HS,CHW W -(-5) BS @)R.arnpura (116) 304 -00 7~0 (110) P D.NH, W -(-5) .. -(-5) CHW @!Hudina (117) 322·00 rl,I91 (167) P(2),M caw W PO .. DS 86 Ajamnaaar (120) 212·00 780 (125) P CHW W -(-5) .. -(-5) 87 Mayee (12]) 246'00 889 (120) P CHW W -(-5) .. -(-5) 88 Huipur (131) 180·89 769 (97) P. AC CHW W -(-5) .. -(-5) 89 Nawaznaaar (132) 111 '69 ],186 (179) po M. H. D. RP(2). W,TK -(-5) ., -(-5) AC CHW 90 Salarpur Mehta (133) 142 '45 358 (62) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) '1 Ma:adIana (134) 515 '97 1,72&, (245) P CHW(2) W -(-5) -(-S) !)2 Dbanoc:m (135) 428 '56 49S. (74) P(2)' HS, CHW T, W, TIC PO ' -(5-10) (Dbano) 125


Approach Neal'Clllt Power StaJ)te Land UIO (i.e. .area under d.ifforont types or land \lse in Remarks to town_ad Supply food hectares roundod upto 2 docimal places) (including vnt.. diatanco any place (in kms.) of relicious. ------historical or archaeolosic_l Porest Irrisatod Un- Cultu- Area intorost) by irriptod ral not Sources waste available (inclu- (or cul­ dins tivadon gauehar and gt'OVOS) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 PR Narnaul (9) EA Wheat. Bajra .. T(l01.98) WE(l01.98) 107.24 24.68 Temple PR Namaul (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T(144.47) WE(144.47) 246.05 83 '36 NI PR Namaul (11) EA Wheat. Bajra " T(225.8l) WE22S.8t) 131 '52 95 '51 Tl PR Namaul (9) EA Wheat, Bajra T(87.82) WE(87.82) 62 ·73 36·41 CI. TI PR Narnaul (9) EA Wheat. BajTa T(60.70) WE(60.70) 135.57 26·71 Ml. TI KR Namaul (8) EA Wheat T(l46.49) WE046.49) 350.05 28 ·33 PR Namaul (5) EA Wheat, Be.ira T(87.0l) WE(87.0l) 323.34 34.39 'N2. M2. T5 PR Narnaul (5) ED. EA!! Wheat. BajTa T(110.07) WE(llo.o7) 322.53 32·3f1 M4. T3 PR Namaul (5) EA Wheat. Bajra T(52.6l) WE(52.61) 84'17 12 ·14 N2. MI. T2 PR Narnaul (3) ED. EAg Wheat. RaJra T(24.28) WR(24.2S) IOl.9R 44·1 I 25·(19 N2 C2

KR Narnau! (6) ED. EAg Wheat. Bajra T(38.85) TWE(38.8S) 91 ·86 6·~8 PR Namau! (8) ED. EAg Wheat. Ba.ira T (80.00) WE(RO.OO) 109·00 25·00 N2, Tl PR Namaul (2) ED, EAg Wheat. »a.ira T(176.85)WE(176.85) 534·99 3'24 91 ·R5 N4. M6. C2. T2 PR Narnp.ul (5) ED. FAg Wheat, Bajra .. T(63.13) WE(63.13) l27 ·88 28 ·73 42 ·90 N2, M2, C3 PR Narnaul (6) ED, EAg Wheat. BRjTa T(78.00) WE(78.00) 140 ·12 '8 '09 6 ·08 Tt PR NarnauJ (5) ED, EAg Wheat, Bf.jra .. T(69.00)WE (69.00) 198 ·00 2 ·00 26 ·00 M4, T4 PR Narnaul (1) EA Gram. Da.jra T(138.00) WE (138.00) 59 .()() 13 ·00 39 ·00 Temple, Tl PR Narnaul (5) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra " T(93.00) WE(93 ,(0) 122 '00 8 ·00 45 ·00 PR Narnaul (2) EA Wheat, Bajra " T(97.00) WE(97.00) 152.00 65 '00 23 ·00 TI PR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(81.00) WE(81.00) 65 -00 14 ·00 4 ·00 Ct, TJ PR Narnau! (5) FA Gram, Bajra T(63.00) WE(63.00) 40 '00 2H)0 5 ·00 Tt PR Narnaul (6) EA Wheat, Bajra " T(76.oo) WE(76.oo) 157'00 43 ·00 Ct PR Narnaul (5) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(6S.00) WE (65.00) 144 0()() 47'00 MI, Tt PR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat, Bajra " T(126.00) WE(126.00) 134'00 24'00 20.00 Tl PR Narnaul (8) ED, EAg Wheat, Bajra T(120 '00) WE{120 '00) 168'00 34 ·00 Temple. NIS M1, T2 PR Naroaul ([I) EA Wheat T(78.00) WE(78.00) 96'00 38 '00 Ml PR Naroaul (II) EA Wheat T(68 '00) WE(68 '00) 14'00 31'00 TS PR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat, Bajra T(76.89) WE (76.89) 78 '10 5'26 20'64 Ml :T2 PR Narnaul (8) EA Wheat, Baira T (46.54) WE(46.54) 45 '32 1 '21 18 ·62 Temple Durga: M2:T2 PR Narnau) (5) EA Wheat, Bajra .. T(67.58) WE(67.58) 63 '53 II '34 Mt: Tl PR Narnavl (5) EA Wheat, Bajra T(62.73) WE«62.73) .367.85 9 '31 76 -OS Ml: T2 palKa. Narnau! (e) EA Wheat Bajra T( 225.41) WE(225.41)· 168 '35 6'47 2$·n M2: Cl: n VlLtAGK NARNAUL TAHSIL ...... , :·,.·1 Loca- Namc of Villaac Total Total Amenities aw.ltable (if not available within ~'"iJJqe. a dUb(-) iI· ~ tion (with HadbastNumber) area of Population in tbc column and next to it in brackets, the dlstal1ce In broad . tlnaet yilt. Code the village and Number -5 kms., 5-10 ms.,and 10+ kms., oftbe noarcstpW:t where:tho tadlttY'lla No. (in of house- available, is liven) hectares) holdS Educational Medical Orinkina POlil and nay of Communi- water TelCJl'apb days of catiOIlS (Potable) the market/ (Bul Stop, hat, Railway if ally Statioll, WatorWlY) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ Abdullanagar (136) 115 ·74 501 (76) P -(S-10) T, W, TK -(-5) -(5-10 ) 94 Mehrampuc (29) 492·90 994 (153) P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10 ) 95 Jakhni (128) 283 ·68 1,159 (188) P, AC(2) D, CHW W -(-5) BS 96 JaiIab (126) 240 '78 845 (110) P,M,H, AC CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 97 Khorma (127) 439 ·48 786 (115) P, AC CHW W -(-5) BS 98 Baskirarod (130) 459·72 766 (98) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) Umarabad 98 Baproli (123) 365·00 1,182 (142) P CHW W,TW -(S-10) BS 100 Nangal Katha (122) 424·00 1,638 (229) P, M, H HS, CHW W.TW PO BS 101 Chinalia (124) 446·00 1,418 (218) P CHW W,TW -(S-lO) BS (Ghindalia) 102 Mohamadpur (125) 418·00 1,249 (176) P CHW W,TW -(5-10) BS (Hamidkhan) 103 Goad (146) 704 ·55 3,296 (445) P(2), M, HS.CHW W --(-5) BS AC(2) (3) 104 Balaha Kalan (148) 1,058.64 3,422 (460) P(2), AC D, CHW(4) W PO BS lOS Balaha Khurd (147) 269 ·92 886 (117) P CHW w -(-·5) --(-5)

106 Dochana (l51) 304·72 1,353 (216) P PHC, FPC, W PO -(-5) CHW 107 Badopur (152) 369 ·88 913 (126) P, AC CHW W --(-5) -(5-10 ) 108 Jadupur (150) 172 ·80 392 (53) P, AC CHW W -(--5) -(-5) 109 Bhankhri (149) 569·79 1,946 (246) P(2), AC HS,CHW W --·(-·-5) BS 110 Dohar Kalan (145) 493 ·30 1,725 (236) P, M, Tr HS, MH, W, TW PO BS CHW(2) 111 Dohar Khurd (144) 219 ·34 791 (lOS) P, AC, Tr CHW W,TW -(--5) BS 112 Khatoli Khurd (142) 261 ·83 1,007 (141) P. AC CHW W,TW --(-5) BS 113 Khatoti Sultanpur (143) 296 '63 1,328 (200) p, Tr MH,CHW W,TW -(-5) BS (Khatoli Kalan)

114 Hamidpur (147) 355 ·71 982 (1 SO) P, M, Tr D,CHW W,TW PO BS 115 Gehli (137) 622 ·80 2,035 (323) P(2). M, CHW(2) T, W,TW PO BS H,AC 116 ~kh8uspur (14(1) 210'03 352 (54) P -(S-10) T, W -(-S) BS 117 Raghunathpura (138) 362 ·19 1,140 (189) P, AC HS,CHW T, W -(-5) -(-5) 118 Thana (139) 441 ·51 528 (78) p, AC CHW W --(-S) --(5-10)

119 Kul~pur (ISS) SSS '63 1,084 (176) P, AC HS,MH W, TW PO -(5-10) CHW 120 Kanwariawas (156) 520 ·01 2,443 (352) p, M, H, MH,CHW W,TW PO -(5-10) (Koriawu) AC 121 Rasulpur ·t (158) 447 ·98 41 (7) -<.-5) -(-5) W -(-S) -(-5)

122 Lutaipurt (157) 438 ·67 29 (1) ~5-10) -(S-10) TW -(5-10) -(5-10) 123 Buihakpurt (160) 4(1,00 84 (19) AC --(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 124 Narnaul (Rural) (159) 3,447.87 2,103 (257) P BS

(193) 309 -00 2.172 (339) P(2) CHW(2) w .-<-5) IS DlaBcTOU MAHBNDRAGAllg • . • I' • L ...... Power S1apie iar:d use (i.e. ar.:a under differant types of land use in APpfoaeh Nearest hectare a rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~ .­ to toft aa4 IUppty fGOd (lne1udin. vilJ... dltf8,oot Irrigated Un-- Cultu- Area ny place of (ill kmI.) by Irrigated rat Sources waste ,!,':i1- h1~~n:i or able inclu­ ~Io-gtc:al ding f9r cul- interest) gB.uchar ttvadon and grOVCI

12 13 )4 IS 16 17 IS 19 20 T(48.56) WE(48.S6) 56·25 PR, KR Narnaul (8) BA Wheat, Bajra 10 ·93 Mosquo,Ml,Tl 337.91 PR, KR Narnaul (It) EA Wheat, Bajra T(22.26) WE(22.26) 6 '47 126 '26 208·81 PR. K.P. Narnaul (lJ) EA Whoat Bajra T(4CJ.06) WE(40.06) ••ft T(23.07) WE(23.07) 182'51 23·47 PR, KR Narnaul (3) EA Wheat, Ba"ira 11 ·73 Tl T(S9.89) 302 ·30 7 '28 PR, KR Narnaul (13) EA Whoat, Bajra WE(59.89) 70'01 MI, Tl T(84.S8)WE (S4.58) PR, KR Narnaul (10) EA Wheat. Bajra 35Q '86 3 ·64 20 ·64 Tl PR Narnaul (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T (117.00) WE(1l7.00) ) 61'00 35 ·00 52 '00 Tl PR Narnaul (10) EA Wheat, Bajra T(254.00) WE (254.00) 86'00 so·oo 40()() Temple 16-00 PR Narnaul (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T(l62.00) WE(162.00) 233 '00 35'00 231 -00 17 -00 PR Narnaul (14) EA Wheat Bajra. T(131.00) WE(137.00) 33·00 T4 T(284.09) WE(284.09) 349·64 PR Narnaul (14) EA Wheat, Baira 70·82 Temple Tha.­ KurNIO M2 CI, Tl 1'(416.71) WE(476.71) 395.37 PR Narnaul (14) EA Wheat, Bajra 186 ·56 Temple Thak­ ur. N.20, MS Cl.T7 T(91.86) WE (91 .86) 159'04 PR Narnaul (15) EA Wheat, Baira 19 ·02 Ml, Tl T(171.99) TWE(l71.99) 76'08 PR NaTnau! (1~ EA Wheat, Bajra 56 '65 el, T3 PR Narnaul (16) EA Whoat, Bajra T(lOJ.l9)TWE(103.19) 102.79 163 '90 CI, Tl PR Narnaul (lU EA Whoat , Dajra T(SO.S3) TWE(80.53) 21 ·45 70 '82 Tl PR Narnaul (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T(197.08) TWE(l97.08) 299 '87 72'84 M2, CI. T4 PR Narnaul (11:) EA Wheat T(73.65) WE(73.65) 369.88 40,·87 8'90 MS. C4, T6 PR Naroaul (11) ED, BAg Wheat 1'(40.06) WE(40.06} 155.80 20·64 2'84 PR Narnaul (10) ED, EAs Wheat T(80.94) WE(80.94) 135 'S7 40 ·47 4·85 PR Narnaul (5) ED, BAa Wheat T(80.94) WE (80.94) 171 ·58 39·2.5 4'86 N3. MI, T2.

PR: Narnaul (6) ED, EAa Wheat T(48.S6) WE(48.S6) 211 ·24 82 ·55 13 '36 T2 P'R Narnaul (10) EA Whoat, Bajra T(67.99) WE(61.99) 482 '38- 72 -43 N6, M5,Cl. T6 P.R. NarDaul (7) EA Wheat. Bajra T(8.09) WE(8.09) 187 ·37 14 '57 NI. MI. T3 lEa Narnaul (S) EA Wheat, Bajra T(16.19) WE (16.19) 26)'04- 82 '96 Temple NI. PR. M!, CI, T4 PR:,:KR Narnaul (8) SA Wbcat.Bajra T(29.95) WE(29.9S) 228 ·24 183 '32 Temple Pll Narnaul (6) ED, BAs Whoat T(37.64) TWE(37.64) 467 ·81 SO 'IS Templo. Nl. MS, C2. 1'2 PR. Narnaul (5) ED, BAa Wheat T(195.81) TWE(29S.82) 131 '12 93'07 M3. T3 IC.R. Naraaul (1) BAa Wheat T(2.43) TWB(2.43) 400 '63 44'92 Narna.w (5) BAa WboatJ T(23.47} TWE(23.47) 387 '28 27'!12 Narnaul (2) BAa Wheat. Ba.ira T(7.00) WE(6.DO) W(l '00) 30'00 30()() Narnaw (0) .BA Wheat. BiUra T(734.09) WB(700.10) 1,884'59 24 ·211 B04 ·91 N7, MS, C2. W(33.P9) TIO T(151.00) WB(144.00) 840QQ 310()0 43'00 TempleTba,. Nataaa! (3) EA Ku.r Mal.ei W(7.00) Tl ' ·VU44a . Aaealttn'" Loca- Name of ViUaae Total Total Amenities available (If not available within tho villa,., a _ (-) is IbOWD tion (with Hadbast Number) area of POpUlation in the column and 1ICXt to it in bracJrota tho distanco m broad rana-. vIz.. Code the Villa8C and Number -5 kma.. 5-10 kms, and IO-l-kma, of the nearest place whore tho facility No. (ia hectares) of house. is avaDable II Biven) holds ------Educational Medical DrinkiDl Post and DaYl. or Communi. water TciClrapb dayS of tho cations (Potable) IDal'ketI (au. Stop, bat. Ra1Iway if any Station, WaterWaY) 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 126 Seka (192) 596 -00 2,054 (297) P,M,H, Ac CHW(2) T. W -(-5) -(-5) 127 Mandhana (194) 509 -00 2,001 (291) P(2), Ac HS,CHW(2) W PO BS 128 K.hanpur (195) 292 '99 726 (86) p. M. H CHW T.W.TW -(_5) -(-5) 129 Shahpur Awal (211) 573 ·84 1,698 (164) P -(-5) W PO --(... 5) (Shahpur-I)

130 Nan,.l Shaloo (210) 107·64 652 (107) P CHW W.TW -(-5) BS (Nangal Sialu) 131 K.arota (209) 363 '81 1.175 (181) P CHW W PO BS 132 Tajipur (212) 402 ·66 991 (134) P CHW W.TW -(-5) BS 133 Mulcandpura (215) 996'00 1.679 (215) P CHW W. TW -(5-10) -(5-10) 134 Tehia (214) 233·00 773 (103) P CHW T. W. TW -(5-10) -(S-10)

135 Ta.;pur (213) 219 ·00 9 (2) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -<-5) 136 J\marpur Jorasi (280) 751 ·00 1.117 (168) p. Tr CHW T. W.TW PO BS.·RS 137 Hasanpur (154) 323 ·74 1.119 (176) p. Ac CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 158 Rambas (153) 940 ·88 1,684 (252) P.,M. Ac CHW(2) T.W -(-5) -(-5)

139 Malolj (Maroli) (278) 481 '97 1.358 (204) p. M HS.CHW W PO -(-5) 140 Kaloli (Karoli) (279) 425 ·72 1,135 (160) P CHW W -(-5) BS

141 Bashirpur (281) 767 ·68 1,173 (165) P(2). M H~.CHW W.TW PO BS 142 Talot (282) 249 '69 1,191 (177) p. M HS.CHW W.TW -(_5) BS 143 Dhanota (277) 443 '93 1,392 (173) P CHW W.TW PO --(5-10)

144 Dancholi (276) S22 '8S 1,197 (157) P CHW T,W.TW -(-5) -(5-10 145 Chhilro (283) 552 ·39 1.462 (224) P.Ac CHW T. W.TW PO BS

146 Nizampur (288) 418 ·84 1,160 (J84) p. M. H, Ac HS. D, W. TW ~(-5) BS.RB CHW 147 Narehri (Nahareri) (289) 697 '67 822 (107) P CHW W. TW -(-5) --(-5) 148 Napla (287) 250·09 600 (88) P CHW T,W --(-5) -(-5) 149 Pawera (286) 416 '01 1,483 (226) P CHW T, W. TW -(-5) BS, ISO Ghataser (284) 763 ·63 1,625 (231) P D. CHW(2) W --(-5) --(-5)

151 Khawajpur (220) 225 '41 84 (IS) --(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) 152 Bcroondla (219) 322 '93 465 (67) P CHW W -(... 5) -(-is} (Barundla) 153 Kamania (221) 470 '24 1,941 (300) P; M HS,CHW W PO (2) 154 Kbatoli Ahlr (218) 2.59'80 788 (l08) P CHW W --(... 5) ~JG(;:r()JtY MAHENDltAGARH DJ8TlU(;;T ~~ to:ApprOlCb .. Land ute (i.e. area under different types of Remarks laDd UN in hectam rounded up to 2 decimal (includlnl vm8ie placa) any .placc or religious, ------historical or archaeolo- Forest Irritated Un­ CUltu- Area aical by Sources irrisated ral not i nteres') waste uailable (iocludina for l2uchar ("ultiva- ud tion groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PIt,KR Narnaul (5) EA Whoat, Bajra T (176.00) WE (176 '00) 356'00 28 00 36 00 Tomple Shiv M5: CI: T (6). EA PA,KR NarnauJ Wheat, Bajra T (213 '00) WE (213000) 2S20()() 18-00 26-00 M14: C~: T4 PR,KR Nar nau 1 (6)· EA Wheat, Bajra T (148 '92) TWE (148 ·92) 135 ·57 3 ·24 :5 ·26 M4; TS

PR,KR Nernaul (2) . EA Whea t, Bajra T (114 ,12) WE (114 '12) 377 '57 82 '15 T~mplc HallQ man; M2:T4 PR, KR Narnaul (~) EA Wheat, Bajra T (31 '16) WE(31 '16) 64·75 11-73 M1 ;CI PR, KR Narnaul (6) EA Wheat, Bajra T (48 '56) WE (48 -56) 271 ·94 43 ·31 Tomllie Shiv; T2 PR, KR Narnaul (5) EA Wehat, B"';ra T (102 '79) WE (102 ,79) 262 '23 37 -64 Temple; T3 pR NarnauJ (9) lID, EAg. Wheat T (179 '(0) TWE (179 -(0) 466'00 3S1 '00 Nl

PR NarnauJ (5) ED, EAg Wheat T (SO '00) TWE (50 '00) 162 '00 21'00 T2 KR Narnaul (2) EAg. Wheat T (20 ,00) GC (8 ,00) 176 '00 3 '00 20 '00 TWE (12 ()O)

PR Narnaul (3) ED, EAa. Wheat T (54 '00) TWE (54-00) 582'00 11500 NJ: Cl ; T3 PR,KR NaTnaul (10) EA Whoat, Bajra T (91 '86) WE (91 '86) 195 ·46 8 -09 28 ·33 T3 PR,KR Narnau) (14) EA Wheat, Bajra T (91 '86) WE (91 '86) 639 '80 SS'04 I S4 '18 NI; Ml ; T5 PR,KR NarnLluJ (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T (125 '45) W (125 '45) 277 ·61 78 '91 TS PR,KR Narnaul ~) EA Wheat, Bajra T (65 '56) W (65 '56) 2n ·97 35 '61 50 '58 T3 PR Narnaul (8) ED, EAS Wheat, Bajra T (82 '15) WE (82 '15) 428 -96 256 '57 Ml; CI : T13 PR Narnaul (10) EO, EAs. Wheat, Bajra T (29 -14) WE f29 -14) 208 '41 12 '14 M13; Cl : Tl PR Narnaul (13) ED, EAa. Wheat, Bajra T(29·14) WE (29-14) 244'43 170 '36 Ml; TI PR Narnaul (20) ED. BAg. Wheat, Bajra T (36 '42) WE (36 -42) 397 '40 89 -03 M2: C ; T3 PR Narnaul (14) ED, BAS. Wheat, Bajra T (46 o(6) WE (40 '06) 392 ·13 120 '20 M7: Cl jT3 PR Narnaul (J 3) ED, EAa. Wheat, Bajra T(36'B3)TWE(36'83) 354·50 27 ·51 T4 PR Narnaul (16) EO, EAa. Wheat, Bajra T (32 ,37) TWE (32 .37) 453 ·6.5 211 -65 PIt Narnaul (13) ED, EAg. Wheat, Bajra T (20 ·23) TWE (20 ,23) 182 ·51 47·35 n PR Narnaul (13) EA Wheat, Bajra T (20 ,23) TWE (2(] ,23) 31"2 ·41 83 '37 M1 Pit Narnaul (11) BD, EAS. Wheat, Bajra T (4 '86) TWE (4 -86) 539 ·03 219·74 M2:C2;n PR, KR Narnaul (14) ED. EAIl. Wheat, BlUra T ()3 ·01) WE (53 oQl) 12:5 '86 46'54 PR Narnaul (13) ED, EAg. Wheat, Bajra T (26 '30) WE (24 -28) J 54 '99 141'64 T2 W (2 '02)

PR NarnalJl (13) fA Wheat, Brura T(22HJ) WE (220·96) 150·14 82'15 l2·14 Tempje;MJ; W (4 ·8S) TS PIt Narnau (ll) BO, EAg. Whoat, Bajra T (70 '82) WE (70 '82) 123 '83 63 '13 2 '()2 130 . VilU.cE' NARNAUL TAHSn. Amuk......

Total Total Amcnitiel &.vailable (If nolAnlfable within the viliqo, • ~-) i3 ~.' Loca- Name or ViUap in the column &!ld next to It in brackets. the distance in broad ~, viz. Uon (with Hadbast area of population Code Number) the villal,e and Numbol' -S1c:1I!$" 5-10 kma., mel 10+i:ms., of'tbe neuest place wbeie the raettlty (in hecb\fet) of house- is ava.ilabie is given) No. holds EduCational Modlcal Drinkint Post alld Dayot Communi­ water TeIoaraPia days oftbc caUooa (Potable) marketl (Bus Stop. bat. P.,aUway if anY Station. waterwaY) 9 10 2 3 4 6 7 8 -(-5) -(-5) US Khatoll 1at (lt6) ]80 ·08 628 (81) P D,CHW w BS 1.56 Don"i (211) ;US -00 636 (a9) p CHW W -(-5) IS7 Dhini Bathotha CWS) S89 ·00 2.19G (306) p. M. H HS.CHW W.TW --(-5) BS (2) BS 158 Totahcri (206) 335 ·01 832 (110) P HS. CHW W, TW -(-5) Po BS 1S~ Akbarpur Sicohi (20S) 280 ,00 194 (J (9) P(l). M,H caw w (Alcbarpur Sarohi) 160 Bhojawas (104) 184 -94 (,258 (191) P CHW W -(5-10) us. Un- 161 Birshimli (203) 96'00 -(-5) -C-5) 162 Simlj Jsmailpur (202) 19.5·00 464 (66) P CHW W,'TW BS 163 Shoo Ra.m Nath- (207) ISS'4O S56 (73) P -(10+) W -(5-10) purl. BS 164 Kanwi (196) 478 ·74 t,51S (225) P. M CHW(2) W.TW PO BS 165 Muraripl.lr (l97) 191 -01 152 (33) -(-s) -(-5) W -(-5) BS Hi6 Mulodi (199) 244 ·83 1,229 (1&9) P CHW W.TW -(-5)

-(-5) as 167 Akoli (198) 350 -86 813 (127) P D.CHW w.rw

168 l(jbalpur Nanglj (200) 178-06 712 (104) P - (- 5. W,TW - (-5) 169 Ga4wa (Galldwa) (201) 174 ,82 S07 (83) P -(-5) W.TW -(-5) 170 Mohabatpur (226) !il18-62 3,038 (4451 p, M. H HS,RP, W PO Bhunprka CHW PO BS 171 Sirohi Bahali (227) 1,254-10 2,929 (402) P(4). M. H D, CHW(3) W (Sarohi Bhali) PO -(-5) In Chait Malilcpur (22S) 6S'96 llS (16) P HS W -(-5) as 113 Nan... Kalia (22S) Sl6 -61 2,932 (431) P(J) HS, CHW(Z) W. TW -(-5) --(j-lO) 174 Anm (224) 3Oj'94 S56 (82) P D.CHW W --(-5) ---(-S) 175 Nanpl Pipa (223) 317'21 1,017 (13S) P caw W.TW -(-5) -(-5) 176 Chhapr. Bibi pur (222) 282,87 1,103 (154) P CHW w. CHW(2) T,W.TW PO BS 177 Dholera (267) 521 '63 2. J 74 (344) P,M. H, HS.CHW(2) -(-5) -(-5) 178 BiahoPuI (268) 51 s .1J7 1,512 (260) P w,n;rw W,TW PO -(-5) 119 sareti (21S) 5'90 .27 942 (147) P caw -(-5) _(-5) 18() 1slamJjura (2~) 325-71 S6) (88) P CHW w -(-5 BS 181 Niu-Aiipur (271) 142-00 831 (129) P -(10+> w -(-5) BS 182 OaDwari Jat (270) 635 '75 1,299 (189) P,M,H CAW w -(-5) -(-5) 183 Ruppur Sarai (273) 418 '84 949 (1(;1) P CHW w 131

DlaECl'OJlY MARENDRAGARH DISTRICT t.ut_ Approacb NtIJ'IIIt town Power Staple Land !lSC (i.e. are. uo_ diffenlot types of Rcqark,. to I.,d "'ataDoe Supply fond IADd \1IICI iJ' "octares rounde6 upto 2 decimal (iuoludID, lOY ViJIap (I" kmJI.) places) Place of te!iaiOlP biatoricii or Porest Jrrpiatod by Un- CuItu- Area archuoJoliCli Sourtes irripted raJ DOt iatol'lllt) waste availaNo (incJudiD. rOl' aauchar ollltiva1ioll and IJl'OWII)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 18 PR Narnllul (11) ED,EAc· Wheat, Bajra T (53 '82) WE(S2 -(1) 68,39 57'87 Ml:'n W (1'2l) PR Narnaul (11) ED,EAg. Whoat. Ba,ira T (t03 '19) WE (103 '19) 99'$5 22·26 Tompto; TS PR,KR Narnau! (6) ED,EAg. Wheat. Bajra T (282 ,00) WE (282 '00) SO'OO 257.()Q M4:D PR.KR Narnau1 (12) ED.EAg. Whoat. Bajra T (49 ,78) WE (49 '78) 23",74 48 ·55 1'2 PR.n Naro.aul (13) ED.EAg. Wheat, Bajra T (90 -00) WE (90 '00) 128 '00 62 -00 n

PR,KR Narnaul (10) ED, EAg. Whoat. Baira T (30·76) WE (30 '76) 125 -05 29'13 inhabited 96-00 PR.KR Narnaul (13) ED.EAg. Wheat, Baira T (46 '00) WE (46 '00) 111'00 32000 n PR,KR Narnaul (14) ED,EAg. Wheat, Baira T(31 ,16) WE (31 '16) 91'12 2'02 25 '10 ..

PR,KR Narnau! (II) EA Whoa t, Baira T (84 '17) WE (84 -17) 300·68 93 ·89 Temple: N4~ M4: C'I PR Narnaul (11) EA Wheat, Bajra T (19 ,113) WE (19,83) 151 ·75 J 9 "'J PR Narnaul (10) EA Wheat. BlUta T (46 ·54) WE (46 '54) 161 '87 36·42 All : C2: T4

PR Narnaul (II) Ir:A Wheat. Bajra T (41 ,(8) WE (41 '68) 289'35 19·BJ Tomplo: WI: Ch Tl

PR Narnaul (13) EA Whoat, Ba,ira T (12 -14) WE (12 '14) 141 ·64 24·28 Templo rita- kur: HI PIt Narnaul (16) EA Wheat, Baira T (24 ,28) WE (24 '28) 113 ·31 37'23 ..

PR Narnaul (16) EA Wheat.~ T (66 '77) TWE (66'77) 755 '13 96·72 Temple BalaJi: TS

PIt Narnaul (18) EA Wheat, Baira T (112 '10) TWE 1,035'11 106 '83 TOlIlplo Tha- (112 ·10) kur: M5lTl

PIt Narnaul (30) EA Wheat. Baira T (16 '19) WE (16 '19) 4S ·73 40()4 N2: Ml:T9

PIt Narnaul (10) EAg. Wbeat, B~ra T (174 -(1) WE (174 '01) 350 45 12'15 Tomp1o: T4 PR,KR Narnaul (14) BAg. Wheat, BlUr. T (51 '80) WE (51 ,80) 174 '82 79'32 Tl Kll Narnaul (14) EA,. Whoat. Bajra T (53 ,01) WE (53 001) 192'22 8'09 63 o9S T2 Plt.KR Naruaul (14) EA, WhoatBajra T(28.73) W(28.73) 198·70 55'44 Cl PI. NI'nlu) (16) EA Wh.. tBajra T(37Jl7)WE(32.37) 328'60 135 '16 Tl W(25."') pR,n Naruul {l6} SA . ~oat iajra Tm.l1)WB(~3.0a} 173'56 .. 145'29 M2~T6 W(4.04) PI\. Naruu1 (16) EA Wheats.ita T(50.58)WB(22.16) 297 'OJ .. 211·66 NlITl W(18.Jl) Pll Nunau1 (19) EA WheatBajra T(32.78) WB(25.49) 191 ·82 101'17 Ml W(7.19) Pll Naraul (1(i) 81). BA, Wheat Bajra T(12.16) W(4.0S) 157'02 .. 62'72 Tl TWB(18'21) Pll NIU\IUl (16) BD~. Wheat Bajra T(33.18) TWB(33.18) 381'41 .. 220 '15 n Pit Naruaul' (22) EA. \V!NIa, l'Jjra T(55.85) W(43.71) 151.7S 8·90 2.07.·34 TWB(12.14) NA&NAUL TAHSIL VILLAGE ....1&.' .. Loca. Name of VlJlaac Tota) Total Amenitlea available (if not available within the vDJaae •• d8$h(-)I' iIhOWD tlon (with Hadba51 arca of population In the column aad next to it In braketl die dl.tanoo io broad f8naos. vi2:.~ Code Number) tbc 'Villaac and Number -5 kmt., 5-10 kml., and lO+kml, of the Dealt8t P1ac:e ...... tho facllfty No. (in " of bo.. i ••vanable II siven) , " , , '.. ~aTCs) boldl Educational Medical Drinkina POlt and Day or Communi­ Water Tcloaraph day. cations (Potable) altho (Bus Stop, marketl kallway bat. if Station, any Waterway)

I 2 3 4 6 7 II 9 10 184 Baman'Watl Nau (275) 587 '59 773 (104) P CHW W -(-5) BS 185 Azmabad Mokbuta (27.) 539 ·84 2.090 (327) P,M,Ac HS,CHW W PO BS (2) 186 Panchnota (272) ],205'54 9]5 (143) P CHW W -(5-10) BS 187 Bayal (258) ],549 ·92 2,284 (355) P D W PO BS

188 Gov}a (Golwa) (257) 532 '56 1,262 (170) P,M,H HS.CHW W PO BS 189 Mosnota (259) 1.666 '88 2,781- (470) P D,CHW(2) W -(-5) BS 190 Bakrija (261) 384 '85 203 (27) P -(10+ ) W -(-5) BS

191 Nanaal Darau (260) 585 ·98 2,991 (509) P(2).M,H HS,CHW W PO BS (3)

192 Melbot Binja (262) 333 '05 927 (J4I) P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) 193 Meahot Hala (263) 435 ·03 1,296 (194) P HS,CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) 194 Mausampur (265) 83 ·77 377 (52) P -(-3) W -(-5) -{-s} 195 Biharipur (266) }97 ·89 532 (80) P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) 196 Jainpur (264) 346 ,8] 4]2 (5]) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5')

197 Momanpur (243) 402 ·66 ],O]S (143) P,Ac(2) CHW W -(-5) BS 198 Nanaal Cbaudhry (244) 569 ·79 4,527 (698) p(2),M(2), MH,PHC, W PTO,Phone BS H(2),PUC FPC,RP(4), CHW(3)

199 Kalba (242) 428·96 ],276 (186) P CHW W -(-s) BS 200 Bamanwu Kbeta (229) 290 ·96 471 (61) P CHW T,W -(-s) -(-5) 201 Nain (230) ],824'00 2.738 (360) P(2),M CHW T,W,TW -(-5) -(5-10) 202 Asrawaa (232) 318 -00 796 (98) P -('-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) 203 Nanpl Soda (231) ]85 -00 768 (114) P HS,CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 204 Morund (234) 454-86 953 (151) P CHW W -(-5) -(-5)

205 Niamatpur (233) 563'72 J,711 (270) P,M,H HS,CHW W,TW PO BS

206 Gothri (23') 414 '80 1,]28 (193) P CHW W,TW -(-5) -(-5)

207 Raimalikpur (236) 371 '90 799 (122) P CHW W,TW -(-5) BS

208 Budbwal (237) 50s ·85 2,093 (295) P,M,H D,RP, W PO BS CHW(2)

09 Tbanwas (238) 502 ·61 2;686 (389) P HS,CHW(2) W PO BS 133 ,..._DlItBC1'O&Y MAHENDRAGAlUI DISTlUcr NWeIt .. Po'MtI' Staple Laud \lie (1.0 •• ate. UDder dlfforont t)'PC, of Iud Relnarb ~ suPPly food UIO in bcctarOi IOUnded upto 2 decimal (iDcludi III to any place VWa .. (in JUDI.) placet) ... 0( relilioua. -- historical Paroat IlTltJatoci by Un. Cultural Area or ardIaoo- Sources iuipted watte nC't loPlal Ooclud- avail- interen) is, able gauobar for and culti- arovea) vation

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 PI. Narnaul (26) ED,E,.U Whoat,Bajra T(76.S9), TWE(76.89) 332·65 .. 178'05 T3 PR Narlla'll) (26) ED,&, Wheat,Bajra T(89.03), 1WE(89.(I~) l89·75 .. 161 '06 1'2 PR. NaJ'llauJ (29) BD,EA. WbeatBajra T(22.26), W(22.26) 473'48 4S'56 661 '24 PR Nama'lll (22) Wheat,Pejra T(J3.'i.l6), WE(135.16) 704·95 11'74 698'07 TCIJ)pICI EA Baba Bbarthu( : N42:T2 PR NarDa'lll (24) EA Wbeat,Ba,jra T{29.14), WE<29.14) 104 'SI 0'81 397 '80 Whoat,Bajra T(l57.42), WE(7.69) 403'~7 •• ],105.59 M2:T2 PR NaJ'l'Iaul (26) E.... W{l49.73) •

PI. NarDauI (24) Wheat,Ba,jra T(41.28), WE(4.86), 176·44 .. 167·)3 EA W(36.42)

Narnul (26) Wbeat,Bajra T(69.20), WE(20.64) 268·30 .. 248 ·48 Tl PI. EA W(48.56) ,

PR,KR Narnaul (16) ED.BAa Wheat,Bajra T(56.66), WE(S6.66) 202 ·34 74·05 231 ,48 62 ·72 Ml:CI:TI PR,KR Nurnaul (1S) ED,EAs Wheat.Bajra T(l40.83). WE(l40.83) 27·92 23'48 PR,KR Narnaul (19) ED,EAa Wheat,Bajra T{32.37), WE(32.37) 90·65 44·51 PR,KR Narnaul (1S) ED.EAa Whoat,Barja T(62.73), WE<62.73) 143,66 122 ·21 T2 PR,KR Narnaul (19) ED.EAa Whoat,Bajra T(SO.94), WE(80.94) .. 275,59 28·73 Temple :T4 PR Narnaul (21) EAg Wheat,Ba,jra T(98.34), WE(98.34) lA2·41l PR NarDaul Wheat,B.jra T(199.9.1), WE(I99.91) " 1"'41- TOII'rJe (22) EA Narsill8 and Hanuman : N'S:Cl;T6 249.28 136'38 TtmJpJe :Tl Pll Namau) (24) EJ),EAI Wl'INt,».jra T(43. 3"~, Wf(4l.3f\? .. 238·36 ~.1 '15 1'2 PR,KR NarnauJ (27) BD,EAa Wh~t,lIIjra Tal.4S), WE(2J.4S? 779'00 TOII'ple : T3 Pi,n Namaul (2P) BD.EA, W_t,lIIjra T(J 511.00), W(1511.PO) 1I~7'0Il T(56.0Cl), W(56.0I~ 16~ '00 94 '110 TelX'rJe PB,JCIl Narnaul ('~ ED,fAa WJ:>elot,Bljr, T(67.00}, 'n:(67.PO) 99'00 IH'O T: 1 Pi.Kll N".Q8uJ (.~~) fD,EA, wmt,P,jr. 318 :89 6·01 104'00 I'OIJIpJ" Pi.leR Narnaul EA Wbtat,Pajra 1'(25 90), WFiJ9.02), rm W(6.III1~ 343 ·98 27'52 106'02 Templo PR.,KR Narnaul (32) EA Whoat,Bajra T(86.20). WE(65.66), W(20.64) Thakur 299,06 50·99 45·73 Temple PR. Narnaul (34) SA Wheat.Bajra TU9.02l. WE(8.1lO), W(lO.I2) 318'89 4'<)4 Temple PR. Narnaul (35) SA Whoat,Bajra T(48.97). WE(29.S4), W(l9.43) Thakur: T3 T(I44.88), WE(I44.88) )()8'37 52'60 Tetl'pJe Pll N&rDIuJ (3) SA WbHt,Bajra Thakur: N3 :T4

T(74.87). W(74.87) 363·8) 63·93 Temple PR.n Narnaul (17) BA Whoat.Bajra Thakur: N3 M2:T5 134

NARNAUL TAHSIL VILLAGE Ala ...... Loca· Name of the Village Total Total Amenities available (if noC avaiJable within the viUqc, a duh(-)18 .bawD Cion (with Hadbut ArC4 of POPU"tiOD in the column and ~xt to In br... Ito" is the (ijslul:e ill ~a4 r:-r. w~. Code Number) the Villaae .ad Number -5 ktn... 5-10 kmt•• and 10+km,. of the ne&rOtt ,,*e WileR the IIC!llty No. (in of house- is available i. aiven) . hectares) holds ----- Educational Medical Drinkina Post and Day or Communi· water Telelfaph days cations (Potable) or the (Bus Stop, muleetl kailway hat, if Station, an~ Waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1(1 210 Amarpura (239) 238'76 692 (102) P CHW W -(-S) BS 211 Banibari (240) 506'66 898 (134) P,M,H RP,CHW W PO -(-5)

212 Udepur Kataria (241) 103'19 Ub- 213 Nanpl Nunia (248) 2SS'76 1.176 (191) P(l) CHW W -(S-IO) BS

214 Dania! (249) 410 '7S 1,378 (187) P HS,CHW W -(-5) BS 215 Notayeja (247) 275'99 609 (97) P -(-5) T,W -(-5) BS 216 Ll\ivla (245) 360'97 743 (117) P(2) CHW W -(-5) BS 217 Shahbazpur (246) 529'73 1,4S7 (220) P,M CHW W -(-5) BS 218 Saidalipur (25S) 335'48 913 (135) P HS,CHW W -(-5) -(-5) 2.19 Oangutarna (256) 333-4,6 292 (40) P -(-5) W -1-5) BS 220 Donkhcra{DokheraX253) 610·66 1,554 (224) P CHW(2) w -(-5) -(5-10)

221 Bhedanti (BhadantiX252) 219'74 811 (J 19) P CHW W -(5-10) -(S-10) 222 Dost Pur (254) 246'85 990 (14]) P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) ------AU Villag·,. 95,296'46 2,57,362(38,157) P240, MS1, MHS.PHC2, H lO, PUC], HS43, D17, TrS, FPC2.NH], AC7S RP 11, CHW 230 135 DmscroR.Y MAHSNDRAOARH DISTRICT tAU ... Approach Noarest town Power Staple L\I1d uso (Lo., arOil ulltier dirrereat typos ot land R.emarlt. to IlIld distance SUI'!)l, food uSC! in hectares rOIll~bd u,to 2 doclmll placea) ClDCludlq ViUqe (inJun •. ) .n~laceof ilious. hlatorlcal Forest Irriaated by Un· Cultural Area or arcQoo. Souroes irrjptod waste not loaical (includ. avail. intetelt) iDi able pucbar for and outti. II'Ovea) vatioa

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 26 PR Narnaul (29) BA Whoat, Blijra T(l7.11), W(l7.1l) 196·27 Is·n Tl PR Narnaul (30) SA Whoat, Bajra T(16.19), W(16.19) 394·16 96·31 rOl1lplo TIlaklU' N2: Ml:T9 inhabited T(17.0(», W(l7.00) 76·08 10 ·11 PR Narnaul (24,1 fA Wbeat, Bajra T(122.21), WB(122.21) 95'JO 38 ·4.s Tomple Thakur: Mit T3 PR Narnaul (22) SA Whoat, Bajra T(116.14), WE(1J6.14) 174·01 .. lZO '60 Tompto Tlaakur: n PR Narnaul (25) SA Wheat, Bajra T(7IUO~, WE(7S.10) 140 ·09 51'80 Cl: T3 PR Narnaul (28) SA Wheilt, Blijra T(I48.11), WE(148.11) 155 ·40 57'40 Tomple: n

PR Naruaul (24) EA Wheat, Bajra T(308.37), WS(308.37) J39 ·61 81 '75 T~rJ' : MI: Tl PR Narnaul (24~ SA Wheat, Bajra T(89.03), WE(89.03) 167 ·13 9·31 70·£11 N4:Ml:T1 PR Narnaul (26) SA Whoat, Bajra T(39.66) , WB(39.66) 238·76 55·04 N2:T3 PR Nlmlllul (35) EA Wheat, Bajta T(54.63), W(S4.63) 290·p(i .. 265 00'7 Temp!o,: N4 Ml:TI PR Narnaul (33) I!A Wheat, Bajra T(6S.S6), WE(6S.56) 89·43 64·75 N2 PR Narnaul (32) SA Wheat, Bajra T(9J.08), WE(9.l.OS) 92'27 61 '50 M2:Cl:T3

T(l9,Ol).78), GC(~.()I» ,~6,gI9.40 1,859.22 17,504.06 N 116: M261t W(~1l9.98>, WE(lS.946.59) 00: T411 TW 2.42), TWBCI.936.79)

tAlthoUlh ontered as 'Bc-Chlraa.


137 138

APPENDIX TabJlI·"lse Abstract of Educatlollal, DISTRICT: MAHENDRAGARH ------EDUCATIO 81. Name of Tahsil No. Primary Middle Matriculationl Higher College Adult literacy School School Secondary Socondary! (Graduate Class/Centres School PUCflnter­ and media Ie/ Junior above) Collage

Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Jnstitu- Villages ---Jnstitu- Villages------Institu- tions tions tions tions tions HODS ------2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -- BawaJ 12 73 17 17 8 8 2 2 2 Rewari 246 250 65 68 33 35 4 S 2 3 5 6 3 Mahendragarh 150 194 44 46 23 24 48 68 4 Narnaul 210 240 49 51 29 30 57 75 ------Total District 678 757 175 182 93 97 8 9 3 4 110 149

._--- ._._--,----,--- -~_.------.--.~ ------.------"--~ .--- - ._ .. --.-.. ~ - -.-----.. ~-----< <--~--.~

- <_ _-_.'" -._ . --".-- <~-~-,--~ --_-~----~- ----. ~.------_ ------._ ._------_. .. ~----- _.- _-.--_._- - .. _. Sf. Name of Tansil MED[CAL Villages DRINKING No. with no --- Community Others mediCal Tap Well Tank Tube- River Foun- Canal Health facility well lain Worker ------Villa81'S Numbers Villages Institu- tions ---- 2 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ------Bawal 50 S8 5 S 21 15 80 5 28 2 Rcwari 191 238 29 51 77 165 267 IS 160 40 3 Mahendragarh 95 124 15 24 44 29 144 2 89 4 Natnaul 181 230 7 12 36 33 214 6 52

Total District 517 650 56 92 184 242 105 31 329 41

--- . __ .----.. -.---~ .. .._-----_._--_._ 139

I Medical ..d other amenities

------~---- _--- NAL Villagesw~m---- ______MEDICAL _

Others educa- Dispensary Hospital Maternity and Primary Health Family Primary Health tional Child Welfare CentrerHeollth Planning Su b-Centre facilities Centre! Centre Centre Maternity Homer Child Welfare Centre ------_... _------_ ... _-- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Vi1lage~ Tn~titu- Villago5 Institu- Villagei In1titu- Villages Institu- Vi Ilages lnstitu- tions tivns tiJm lions tions tions tions ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 ------8 4 4 11 11 25 15 15 2 2 2 2 36 36 3 10 10 3 3 2 2 2 2 34 34 8 8 8 )"" 17 5 5 2 2 2 2 43 43 ------9 9 44 46 46 10 10 6 6 6 6 124 124

.. _----_._-_.---_------... -----.--

-----_.. _._--"--" - ---"-"--"._---- WATER Villages POST AND TELEGRAPH C,)M·MlJ;~[CAnONS POWER SUPPLY ------witb no ------_..... _------Others More dri nki ng P.O. T.O. P.T.O. P.O. T.O. P.T.O. P;wne Bus Railway Naviga- Avail- Not than water & & & StoP Statioll ble able avail- one facility Phone Phone Phone Water- able source of any way type ------42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5S S6 ------14 37 14 33 80

71 223 71 4 2 2 127 13 272 4 90 48 2 2 74 6 15) 70 53 101 3 220

------89 420 186 7 5 2 335 23 725

-_ ...•_------140

APPENDIX 2 LaDd Udllutloa DatalD respect Or Noa-Mullidpal TOlf •• (CeII8US Tow ..) DISTRICT : MAHENDRAGARH

Sl. Name of town and tahsil Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded to the nearest No. with In brackets unit) Total Area Forest Irripted Unirrigatoc:1 Culturable--- Aroa not by source waste (including available gauchar and for groves) cultivation

------.. ---~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

__ w"n_'· ____ .. ~------

Not applicable

APPENDIX 3 List of Villages where no amenities relating to education. medical, drinking water, post and telegraph, communi catiODS , power supply and market/hat are available

There is no such village in the district 141 Al"NllIlDJI! " lJItolVIIII.... ccor" totllepl'JpodiOIl of ...... CaWeI to lletollll popuIatloallJ r...


~ of L.C. Namo of Villalo L.C. Name of VillllO 8c:beC:IuJod No. ~':rutedf No. CuteI C'aIteI Population PopuJatioll (PCrcaltqe) (Perceotqe) 1 2 3 1 2 3 o-s· 12 AraI1l11l,laf 16-lO-concld 37 lbrahimpur IS BehrampUl' BharallJi (c!ohrampur 38 Manaaleshwar Bhlfangi) 51 Tibara 24 Chirhara S8 Fhaawanpur 35 Kamalpur S~ Saidpur Alias Jaitpur (Saidpur Alias Jatpur) 44 Mohanpur 61 Ransi~ri 77 AlawalpJr ( o\lawanpur) 63 Pranpura 79 Khijuri 6-JO 2 Praapara 21-30 3 Sulkha 10 Kbandcwra ~ Kharkhari S Berwal (Birwal) 20 Ncbchaua 7 Kanuka 23 Rudh (Rondh) 9 Tankri 13 Dharan 32 Baathala 18 .BaIawas 43 Ramsingllpur 19 Mohamadpllr 47 Anandpur 26 Jalalpur 48 Chaoduwas (Chancanwas) 29 Suthana S7 Dhar Chana (Dhar Chanan) 30 Asalwas (Asanwas) 70 Jbabuwa (Jhabwa) 31 Patubera 74 NangalShahbazpur 3:1 Banipur 80 Badboj 39 Gujar Majri lJ-15 8 Rajaarh 45 Jaisinahpur Khera 11 Kberi Dalusingh (K.bori) SO Rasiawas

2~ Sotbanl 72 Dulbera Kburd

·B(~lllieJ viII aJes with DO Sobeduled Qstes PopuiadoD. 143' API'IIQ)IJ: 4 Lilt ofVIJlages8eeodIDI to tlte...... ,onIdOfSdIHuIe4 C.... to" to&l JIOIMI.. tloII .., ,.... RBWAlU TAHSIL

L.C. Name of V Ill.., llaDIDI of L..c. Name ofVillap Raqes of SobeduI6d No. Sc:b.odulod No. Cast•• Castes Population. Population (PorcontaJe) (Pcrcontqo) 2 3 1 2 3 6-1~llCII.d. 23l Kaluwas 0-5* 44 Rasooli (Rasoli) 235 GaQl&fIlCha Ahir 52 M~pur 239 Rajpura Khalsa 93 lanti 24S ladara 104 Chitarpuri (Chatcrpuri) 252 Chimnawas

181 Kathuwas 25) Aaliawal 2511 Gopalpura Urf PranpUl'a IS8 BaQ.apur 262 Mamaria Ahir 215 Pitherawas 266 Tint 271 Harjipur 269 Punsika 6-10 8 Sritlagar 11-]5 4 Daruna

12 Kolana S Zainabad

C) 16 Lohana Boh"a 13 Mandota 17 Situ 14 Dhawana 19 Bitori (Batori) 15 Khaleta 20 Aulant %5 Rampuri 21 MotlaKhurd 26 Fa (ohpuri Tappa Dahina (Fathpuri Tappa) 28 Darauli 27 Dakhora 77 Chauki 29 Khusbpul'll

85 RlVawas 32 Nanpl Pathani 34 Babolwas Bhondu (Bohatwas- 94 GotaIput Bhondu) 99 Mundhalla 36

117 Sunaria 37 Motta Kalan 39 Chauki Number-! (Cbau'ki) 146 Nipniawas (Naplawas) 41 Gulabpl.lTa 161 Fatebpuri Pipa 45 Bodia Kamalpur 184 Lodbana 46 Balawas Jamapur 189 Ka.soli 48 Nainsukhpura 192 Gujrtwal 62 Surna Khera 198 Karnawu 6S lC.hera AaIa.mpur 218 Shahbajpur latatnrar 7S Gura.wa.re.

·SlrA:ludts vill..,. with DO SokodulOd Castos PoPuiatioo. I", API'IiWDIJ! .. LIlt of vm.,•• ceol'fla, to the proportIoa orsCl"d" c.t.. to tile total .....doa b1 ,..... It.BWAAl1'AHSIL-cIoIId.

llaqeI of LC. Name of VlllaalD _or L.C. Name of Villa., &bodulocf No. odulod No. CaStel ltos PoPulation Iulation (hrconta,e) t'COIltaP) 1 Z 3 1 2 3 11-15-contd. 79 Chanc1anwas -15-cOncld. 281 Baadooda 84 Mustafapur -20 1 Lisan 92 Jantllllirwas (Jantisairwas) 2 Gothara Tappa Dabina 96 Ohuratawas 3 Kanwali 91 MayaGaon 11 Nanpl Jamalpur 107 Phadori 18 Buroll 109 Phac1ani 23 Didoll 118 Tatarpur Istamrar 24 Kahari 119 Rojhaka 30 Baldhan Kalan 120 Jitpur Istarnrar 31 Babroli 138 Jarthal 33 Muralipur 141 Bhudla 35 Borli Kalan IS2 Dungarwas 42 Biharipuf (Bobaripur) 157 Daliar Kalan 49 Dohakia IS9 Molhawas SO Haluhara 164 Khalilpuri 51 Berti Khurd 18l Sathawas 56 Lata 183 Pithanwas (Pithrawas) 58 Mahluddinpur 210 Bhandor !9 Roharai 21l Thothwalka 60 Nanplia Ranmoth (N&. Ranmokh:) 213 Dhamlawas 6t Rojhuwaa 228 Ladhuwas Ahir 63 Qutub Puri BUZUI 236 Gangayacha Jatt 66 Palhawas 238 Kiahangarh 72 Kanhori 240 Gin<1o Khar 78 Jiwara 244 Balawas Ahir 82 Karawara Manakpur 101 Bhagwanpur 249 Rlijpura btamrar ,. 159 Kadhu Alias Bhawanipur 102 Ram,prh 263 MamariIL Thethar 103 Budani 264 Gotham Tapp& I010ri 108 Hansaka 272 Pall 130 Garhi Alawalpur 274 Bbalaki 132 Tatarpur KhaI... 133 A1awalpur 275 ~ M"ual Bbalaki 280 Ahro4 135 KharKMra 144 .ui'P.I:NDu ..

UltofVlilllel ___ t ...... " &ell ..... c:.a.to die toeal ...... U. '" ......


...... of L.C. Name of Viii .. L.C. NameofVlUaII Sobcduled No. ~.,.w: No. c.-. ea.t.. Pol'Ulation PopuiatioD (Peroaa-> (PwceDtqe) I 2 3 2 3 1&-2O-oorlOId. 13' Asiaki Tappa Jarthal 21-30-c0Dtd. 2l Maslt 142 Sanpari 40 Dohlawal 147 Raliawas 43 Mandhaya Khard 155 JOllaWa8 69 Pahr';wa. 160 Muradpuri 70 HaDlawaa

1~ M~a Shoorlij (M.Jra Sbor';) 73 Gadala 172 Dovlawaa 76 Maliaki (Maliaka) 175 KauDsiwaa 86 NUrPur 88 l00tpur SholthPur (laltpur Saidpur) 176 M$a Gurd •• 89 Chill.r 185 BoIDi 90 Bhurthal l.tt 191 Dodhai 98 Dobaltl 199 Bllarawas 110 Budana 202 Jatuwaa 112 Moorpur '1ffI Khar Khari Bhiwan 115 Dhaki. (Dohltia) 208 Nanali Godha 116 A'adpur (Asadur) 209 Goliaka 124 Malpura 216 Dhanilundrod (Dhani SundTadb) 125 Jonlawas 1lonlawaa) 229 Kharpal 126 Kaparlwal 237 Shokhpur Shikarpur (Shoikhu pur Shil!:ara) 12.8 Aakera 24] LaJehnor 129 Mahoebari 247 Babotwasahir (Dohatw.,) 134 Dharuh.a 256 Naopl Mundi (NaDIli Mundi) ]36 Kballawal 257 Mundi 140 Sanpli 260 Mamaria Aalampur ]43 Ladhuwaa


.Ranees of Le. Name ot Village Ranges of L.C. Name of Village Soboc1ulocl No. Scheduled. No, Cutes Castes Population Population (P«oentage) (Percentage)

2 3 2 3

21~3()-concld. 173 Padoiawas 31&. al>ovo--concld. 87 Slladipur 91 177 Shahbajpur Khalsa Dhurthal Thethar 95 Kakoria 179 Dawana 100 Dabitl"i 180 Bllriawas 111 Turkiawas 181 Kasola 114 Malahera 190 Lalpur 121 Dohana

194 Gajjiwas 122 Khatawali

197 Kama}pur 123 Alamgirpur 2.06 le.itraWl\i 127 Ghata! Mahaniuwas 131 217 Sundrodh Nandrampur Bas (Nandrampur) 131 Bhatsana 230 Chanduwas (Chandawas) 148 Mujri Duda 232 Gokalgarh 154 Rasgan (Rasgian) 233 Lisana 158 248 Dhaoi Santo Mundia Khera 162 251 Khori BambaI 167 Rewari (Rural) 254 Roliawa!l (Raliawas) 178 Dhamlaka 255 Bhathora 180 Bariawas 265 Bawana Gujar (Bawana) 193 Chhuriawas 273 Cheeta Dunara 203 Rampura 277 Balwari 204 Da!iaJd 278 Mayan 214 Mailawas 283 PadJa 220 Maha Kharia ,I "above 38 Kurnroda 223 Naraillflur 53 Parkhotampur 224 Husainpur (Husanpur) 54 Oopaipur Gazi 225 Qutabpur MoJa 55 Jatusana 227 Saharanwas 67 Saidpur 234 Bikancr 71 Kanhora 242 Bhudpur 80 Aasiaki Oorawas 261 Nanj,tala MaYIlJl 83 TebnadipalpUf 267 Gumina i46 A"PPJ!'NDrk': •


Name of VillaJlO Ranpof LC. Name (If vnta.. Jl.angos of L.C. Scheduled No. Sche4ulod No. Castes Castcs Population Population (Percentage) (Percentage) 2 2 3 3

6-1O--concld. 114 Kh"rki 0-5" 20 Kaimla 117 Pal 69 Khaira 118 Gadania 73 Majra Kalan 122 Budin d 143 Naurangaba Jatlan 123 Sohla 154 Dhana 127 Khalodra 6 -to 5 Chhithroli 128 Devrali 7 Gahra 136 Buda 10 Kotia 139 Nanga! Mala 15 Israna 146 Sohari 27 Manpura 155 Sureti Maverya._ 32 Koka 157 Sureti Pilania 33 Sundrah (Sunira) 11-15 Nosuba 35 Bawania 2 Bhagot 36 Moundain (Mudian) 4 Jharli 41 Doogra Jat 6 Sibor 42 Dongra AhiT 8 Oujarwas 44 Surjan Was 9 Lookbi 45 Khcra 11 Karira 46 Gagarwas 13 Kapoorl 49 Meghanwaa 14 Rambaa 71 SeIIoth 16 IGakrala 72 Palri 13 Mohamadpur 74 Jhook 24 Itaaulpur 78 Buobawas 31 . Bhojawas 80 Pathera 38 KIlaira1lA

84 8eblang 3~ Mundia Khora 85 Pota 43 Bbldkbi 96 BhaJdana SO Bucholi 99 Mandala 61 Dewas 143 Paharwas 62 Kothal khurd

'-~'''-----' -_. - .. -,.--."'.--~---.------~-. -_.".- ,------.. ·Excludes villages with no Scheduled Castes Population. ;1,47 "NBNDU 4 ~~ ~r Villages ~_ to the ~lo ••., ~-.... 10 tile toi •• papn ••tiOJl_Y raages M.\HBlIlORA,QAlW T~l~ntd.

Ranaeaof L.C. Name of Village Rall&08 of L.e. Name of Village Scheduled Nc. Scheduled No. cutes Castes PoPUlation PoJ)Ulation (Poccontaao) ( PercootQe)

1 2 3 2 3

11-15-concld. 66 Jatwas 16-20-concld. 48 Akbarpur Nangal 68 Paiga 55 \1ajra Khurd 75 Sigra 59 Jasa'vas 77 Anawas 63 Beri 86 Siana 70 Rewasa 87 Nautana 79 Jhagr'JIi 88 Bassai 82 Kheri 89 Kharkhara 83 Tal ,ana 91 Malra 91 Hhurjat 95 Lawan ')4 Jant 102 Khatod 97 Pali 105 Kharoli 101 Kura'1wata 106 Nanga1 Sirohi 104 Jan.triyawas 109 Khatiwas 107 Nihalawas 111 Nana&was 10" "uksi 113 GuJawala 110 Kut:}.j Kalan 115 Palh 125 Balayach. 116 Bairawas 130 Ushmapur 121 Duloth 140 Kh·:dana 124 Dhador i 133 DaJenv.as 144 Badra 145 C:cpal"as 141 Garhi 150 Patharwa 142 Naul'angabad Rajputan I" , Bas 14R Jarwa 21-30 19 UnhuI1i 149 Shampura 21 Gudha 151 Bir Singhwas 29 Gomla J56 Sureti Jakhar 47 Bachini 51 Chitlani[ 16-20 12 Bharaf 18 Dhanunda 53 Dulana

22 Cbela ,I as 60 Bl:oandor Uochi

25 . Nanga} 64 Bbandor Nichi

34 Jhigawan 65 Jonawas a7 Bowal 81 AJthiar

-10 ~Iw~ 90 Ada)~ 1. Al'PIQCDtX of Ust of Villages accordinR t. tbo PreplM'Uell of Sdleduled Caito. to t" total ,ip.tatloa by ranges MAHBNDRAGARH TAHSIL -concld.

RaDIOS of L. C. Name of Village Rinses of L,C. Name of Villasea Scheduled No. Scheduled NO. Castes Castes POPulation Population (Percentage) (Forcont age) 1 2 3 1 2 3 100 Zerpur 21-30-concld. 31 & above­ 28 Mori Deroli ]at concld. 112 76 Si,lZri Nimbi 120 92 Bawana Balana 132 98 Dholi Madhogarh 135 126 Nimbira Ool"0ta 137 131 Rajawas Satnali 152 138 Nanwan Uchat 31 & above 3 147 Sasri 26 Partal

. , 149 AMmIDJX 4

LItt of Villalle) according to the "rGJlt»rtlf'D of SClJellide1l ca_. to tbe total PGptIIJatJOIl by I'IUI(Ie8


Ranpeaof L.C. Name of Village RanJel of L.C. Name of Village Scheduled No. Scbeduled No. caltea Castel Population Population (FwooI:JtqD) (Percentage) 2 3 2 3 34 Bocharia 6-10-concld. )03 Goad 37 Su.iaour 108 Jadu\Wr 61 Sarai Bahadurnagar 117 Ra¢lUDathpura 71 Sheonathpura 128 Khanpur 78 J(irarod Atpanan 139 M"aloli (Maroli\ 88 Hazipur 140 Kaloli (Karoli) 124 Namau) (Rural,) 141 Bashirpur 130 Nangal Sha)oo (NaRllaI Siatu) ]42 Talot 159 Akbarpur Sirohi (Akharpur Sarobi) 152 Beroondla (Barundla) J70 Mohabatllur Bhungarka 153 Kamania 183 R uppur SlIrai 155 Khatoli Ja! 184 Barnanwasnau 160 Dhojawas 200 BarnaJlwas Kheta 164 Kal\wi 215 N(\laveja 168 Jqbalpur NaQ1lli 219 GanllUtana 173 Nanlllli Kalia

6-10 2 M"ohalra 175 Nan,sl Pipa 4 Rata Kalan 176 CIlhapra Bibipur 7 Katkai 177 Dholera ]0 Mali 181 Niaz Alipur 12 Seellma 187 Dayal 13 Deroliahir 188 Govla (Golwa) 15 Akbarpur Ramu 189 Mosnota 19 Sarebpur (Sarah pur) 193 Mcghot Hala 21 DlIblana 196 Jainpur 22 Khatripur 199 Kalba 55 Rajpura 201 Nain 62 Bachhod 204 Morund 63 Mirjapur 218 SaidaJipur

64 Cbhapra Salimpur 11-15 Khairani 72 Surana 3 Rata Khurd 77 NUlliawal 6 Mohamadpur 87 Mayee 11 SaJlll1'ur 96 JaiJab 24 Ouwani ------~-----.------.. ------.. ------·2xOJudoe viii ..", with no Scboduled Castes Popul.tion. 150


List of vmaps aceordlnll to the proportlO1l of ~Qled Calles to tile total population by ran., , " NARNAUL TAHSIL-oontd.

Ranaes of L.C. Name of Village Ranges of Scheduled No. Scheduled L.C. Name of Villaae Castes Castos No. Population Population (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

11-15-ooncld. 28 Gl~iarwas 11-1S-concld. 143 Dhanota 33 Girdharpur 144 DhanchoJi 36 Chandpur3 145 Chhilro

;19 Gaoiar 146 Nizampur

41 Heghpur 147 Narehri (Nahareri) 45 Navcdi 149 Pawera

4~ Prithipura 150 Ghata.ser 50 Saidpur 156 Dongli 52 Dhanunda 158 Totaheri 60 Kuojpura 163 Sheoranmathpura 67 Sobhapur 167 Akoli 68 Bhushan Kalan 171 Sirohi Bahali (Sarohibhali) 70 Faizalipur 178 Bighopur 74 Meerpur 180 Islampur3 80 Kutbapur 182 Ganwari Jat IH Nangtihari 186 Panchnota 85 l:Judina 192 Mcghot Binja 91 Mandlana 19$ Biharipur 99 OaproJi 197 Momanl'ur 100 Nangal Katha 198 Nangal Chaudhry 101 Chioalia Whindalia) 202 Asrawas 104 Balaha Kalan 206 Gothri 207 Raimalikrmr 105 Ralaha Khurd 208 Budhwal 109 Bhankhri 209 Thaowas 110 Dohar Kalan 214 Dantal III Dohar Khurd 216 Lajota 112 Khatoti Khurd I 16-20 8 Salarpur 113 Khatoti Sultanpur (Khatoli Kalan) 9 Duloth 120 Kanwariawas (Koriawas) 16 Khaspur (K hampur) 125 Kodinja 20 Saloni .127 Mandhana 23 Jatguwana 129 Shabpur Awal (Shah pur-I) 25 Tip 132 Tajil'ut 26 Khor 137 Hasaopur 29 Salimpur 138 Rambaa 4~ Atoll (R\\Ut) 1Si AppE.NDl" 4 LI,t of VUlalle5 accordla& to tIM proparUoD or Sehelhlell Ca." to the total Population by ranges NAR.NAUL TAHSIL--eOtlCld. Raoaet of L.C. Name of Village P.ansea ot L.C. Name of Village Scheduled No. Schedulod No. caato. CaBtes Population Population (Percentage) (Percentage)

2 3 2 3 16-2o-concld. 46 Kheri 21-30-concld. 27 Bhori (Bohar!) 49 Neerpur (Moorpur) 31 Ruthal Oarhi 53 Tobra 32 Mahasar 54 Nanga! 38 Bajar 56 Fatehpur 43 Bihali 58 Bhilwara 44 Rampura 69 Bhushan Khurd 47 Kanti 73 Patikara 57 Tajpur 75 Barkoda 59 Shampura 79 Nasibpur 65 Surani 83 Lehroda 82 Faizabad

84 Rampura 86 Ajamna~r 89 Nawaznagaf 90 Salarpur Mehta 93 Abdullanagar 92 Dharsoon (Dharso) 95 Jakhni 94 Mehrampur ]02 Mohamadpur Hamidkhan 106 Dochana 115 Gehli 107 Badopur 116 Makhsuspur 114 Hamidpur 126 Seka tIS Thana 133 MukandpUfa 119 Kultajpur 134 Teh!a 131 Karota 136 Amarpur Joraai 165 Muraripur 148 Napla 169 Gadwa (Gandwa) 154 Khatoli Ahir 174 Antri 157 Dhani Bathotha 194 Mausampur 162 Simli Ismailpur 220 Donkhera (Dokhera) 166 Mulodi 222 Dostpur 191 Nangal Dargu 31 & above ]7 Mitarpura 203 Nanga! Soda 30 Karia 205 Niamatpur 35 Hasanpur 210 Amarpura 51 Uninda 111 Banlhari 76 Bargaon 213 Nanga) Nunla 97 Khorma 217 Shahbupur 98 221 Bhedantl (Bhadanti) Baskirarod Umrabad 122 21-30 Lutafpur 5 Khariwara lSI Khawajpur 14 Khampura 179 SareU 18 Nuni Kalan 185 Azmabad Mokhuta



CODES USED IN THE TOWN DlltECTORY 1$6 CODES USED IN THE TOWN DIRECTORY TOGETHER WITH WHAT THESE STAND POR AIlE INDICATED BELOW Status­ M.e. Municipal Committee STATEMENT-IV Type of road­ PR PuocaRoad KR Kuccha Road By.ea of Sewera..­ S Sewer OSD Open Surface Drains Pt Pit Ilygtcm Method of diposal or Dight soil­ HL Hcad Loads B Baskets WB Wheel Barrows S Sewerage Source of "ater 5upply­ TW Tubewcll water/Handpump T Tap water W Well water System of storale of "ater­ OHT Overhead Tank SR Service Relervoir BWP Borewell Pumping ,Ylltem PT PreSsure Tauk o Othor STATEMENT-V Medical facilities­ H HOllpital D Dispensary He Health Centre Fe Family Planning Centre TB T.B. Clinic EHc:atioul faclUties­ A Artll only ASC Arts, Science and CoIl1lDe1'CC Kecolaised sbortb"', typewritiBJ ud other voeatioaal traialal Jastitatiou- o Otharll Pablle Li),raries iadtMli...... ,_ PL Public Library RR JtoadiaJ Room TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENTS

1$7 158 STATIIIMEN'I' s ......

Serial Oass, name and clyic Location Name 01 Tahsil AnIa Number 01 Population and IfOwth rate 01 the No. administration status Code No. (in sq. kms.) houeebolds of Town lncludiDi bouaeIeu 15H)1 1911 1921 houaobolds (in 1981- ceasua)

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

1 • VI Ate1i (M.c.) VI Namaul 1 '6' 482

2 V Bawal (M.e.) I Bawal 0'36 1,276 ',739 ',332 '.137 <-7-09} (-3·66)

3 V Kanina (M.e.) m Maherl~ 2·36 1.135

4 IV Mahcndrqarb (M.C.) IV Mabondragarb 9 -07 2,3S7 9.98-4 9,761 8.5SO (-2'23) (-12'10) S DI Namaul (M.C.) V Namaul 9'67 6,473 19,489 2J,350 20,410 (+9'55) (-4'40) 6 n Rewari (M.e.) n Rewari 6·06 8,180 27,29' 24.780 23.129 (-9·21) (-6'66)

Note :-' ..• clcnotes 'NU' Density Sel:·Ratio (1981 census) 15m 1941 1961 1971 1981 1961 1971 1981 Census Ccnsua Census

-~ --____,_ 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 ~~

1,01$ 1,,521 U37 2,993 ].814 804 824 816 (+49 ·8.5) (+27'35) (+54 '52)

4,944 .5,709 .5,392 5,924 6,529 7,700 21,556 900 916 895 (-3 '76) (+15 -47) (-5'.5.5) (+9 '87) (+10 '21) (+18 '85)

3,457 4,.582 5,87.5 7.131 3,022 973 931 947 (+32'54) (+28 '22) (+21 '38)

9,194 9,771 7.961 9,071 11,496 J4,488 1,597 901 870 885 (+7-16) (+6 '28) (-18 '.52) (+ 13 '94) (1-26 '73) (+26 '03)

2].905 23,063 18,180 23,959 31,87S 41,441 4,286 883 878 876 (+7 '32) (+5 '29) (-21 '17) (+31 '79) (+33 ·04) (+30'01)

26,269 30,673 34,082 36,994 43,885 51,562 8,509 902 881 881 (+13 '58) (+16'71) (+11'11) (+8 ,54) (+18·63) (+17'49) Physical aspects N'ameofand Serial CJau and name of Town No. RainfaD Temperature State Headquarters- District Headquarters (inmm.) (in Oentiarade) ------Maximum Minimum 1 2 3 4 S 6 ------.--7 1 VI Ate Ii N.A. N.A. N.A Chandiprh Namaul (354) (17) 2 V Bawal 616'2 N.A. N.A. Chandiaarh Namaul (333) (70) 3 V Kanina N.A N.A. N.A Chandirrh Namaul (32S (41) 4 IV Mabcndl'aiarh 543 '6 N.A N.A. Chandirrb Namaul (338 (25) 5 III Namaul 731 '7 44'7 1 '1 Chandisarh Namaul (35S) (0) 6 II Rewari 516'2 N.A. N.A. Chandirrh Namaul (317 (54} ---_._------_. ------... _-_... _--_._._- NOles :-1. ·N.A.' denotcs information not availa!:lo :z. ' •. ' denotes ·Nil'. 1&i

,------_._-- .. _----,.,------"'---- ._--- road distance (in kma.) from _,_ SutHllvisioalTabaU Head- NeaMt City with Rail Bus route Navigable ~ PoPulation of ~ Sta'U: river/canal lakh and more (if within 10 kma.) --- 8 9 10 ----11 ,------12 Narnaul/Natnaul Bhiwani Ateli Ateli (17) (17) (98) (0) (0) Rcwari/Bawal R.ohtak Bawat Dawat (16) (0) (98) (0) (0) Mahendraaarh/Mallendraaarh Bhiwani Kanina Kanina (16) (16) (67) (0) (0)

~ahendragarh/~ahendragarh Bbiwani Mahendragarh ~ahendragarh (0) (0) (67) (0) (0) Narnaul/Narnaul Bbiwani NIU'QAU.( Narnaul (0) (0) (92) (0) (0) Rewari/Rewari Robtak Rewari Rewari (0) (0) (82) (0) (0)

,--- --.-----~---, -". .. --~- -.--.---~.----- .. ---- ._ ------_." _------' "_ -- Receipt Serial Oass and name of Town Civic No. Admlnistra· Receipt R.eWIIlUCI Gowrnment Loan Advaoc:e tion Status throuah deri*, arant (in 1980) tucI, etc. from municipal propertiel andpowcr apart from taxation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

VI Ateli M.e. 1,450 414 2 V Bawal M.e. 868 S6 580 880 3 V Kanina M.e. 2.318 109 4 IV Mahendragarh M.e. 362 1,412 795 1,330 5 III Narnaul M.e. 10.685 2,578 300 337 6 II Rewari M.e. 20,338 2,735

------.~ ~.------Note:-' .. ' denotca 'Nil'. (111 RI. ·00,) Expenditure (in RI. '00') Other Total ------General Public Public Public Public Others Total lourcea receipt administ­ safoty health works institutions expenditure Ii ration and c:onveoi· encea

, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

219 2,093 714 565 109 664 381 2,433 497 2,881 666 954 38 828 2,486 2,427 990 200 915 2,105 4,286 8,185 389 398 1,189 959 5,195 8,130 2,696 16,596 3,819 1,187 16,778 1,025 4,348 27,157 12,688 35,761 8,897 11,000 9,997 8,633 11,082 49,609 t~ STA~ ··(l,Ie .....

----_._-- ~~-~---.. Serial Claaa and name of Town Civic Popula- Scbe- Raad:r Number of 1atrinea No. adminis- tlon duled (in kms. :lltau tradon cutes Soworap status popula. Water Service Others (In 1980) tlon borne

1 2 '3 4 S 6 7 8 9 to

1 VI Ate1i M.e. 2,993 366 PR(3 '5) OSD 49 80 20 KR(l-O) 2 V Bawal M.e. 7,760 955 PR(2 ·5) OSD 30 100 10

, V Kaniaa M.e. 7,131 918 PR(2'O) OSD.Pt KR(2'S) 4 IV Mahendraprh M.e. 14.488 2,480 PR(1t '0) OSD 1,010 KR(l3 -0) 5 m Namaul M.e, 41,441 4,845 PR(23 -0) S,OSD 426 926 KR(1l '0) 6 D Rcwari M.e. 51,562 6,361 PR(4'5) S 250 6,000

-.--~~-. .. ---_- ..----.--~- -- .. ._-- Notes:-l. N.A. means capacity Not Available. 2- • .. ' denotes ·Nil'. .In case this service is not available in the town, the name of the nearest town, if in the same district or the name of the nearest district. if in the same state or other state where available a1011SWith distance from tbe toWll, ismentioned. 119S tv ~~1~ .-..... -.--~---- ~-.------_..... ---_-_------Method Protected water supply Fire fighting Electrification (Number of connections) ordis sal servicc· orni~ IOU Source of System of storage Domestic Industrial Commercial Road Others Supply with capacity in lightins litrc8 (in brackets) (points)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

WB TW,W OHT(6,825) Rewari 280 23 269 51 I. (37) D,WB TW,T OHT(60,OOO) Rewari 644 268 125 BWP(N.A.) (16)

WB,B TW,T PT(773,500) Rewari 550 32 200 160 140 OHT(l36,500) (35) WB T,TW SR(568,750) Rewari 1,536 77 668 351 132 BWP(N.A.) (51)

HL,WB T,W 0(2,730,000) Rewari 4,377 209 2,139 265 971 OHT(682,500) (54)

WB,S TW,T 0(2,730,000) Yes 7,308 648 2,883 1,161 OHT(455,OOO) ------.. ----- ITA'l'DII'oM1' 0YIe" 0IrIr ru.1 ...

Sorial aa.. and naPlO of Towa Namoof.lum Area of Ilum Population Pavoll rna_ System of No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1 II Rowari Dhakka Bastl 0-020 1,000

NDIa :-1. In Column No. S the OItimatod population fl8lm1S supplied by the Municipal Committee have boon liven. 2. • ... Gonotca •Nil' . -For Oan I and Class n town. only. .\*• .\ ...... tt7f

Method of Mumborof B1oc:trification (Number 01 connectJolll) diaposalof tap t:ints/ Private CodInluoity l:lIsht doll pub Ie hydrant. DolDeltic Road Otbon lDStallocl for lishtill8 Water Sonico iupplyof (pOints) borno protected water 8 10 11 12 13 14 L 16

SO 2 S1:A~t Medical, Ed...-.., ...... -'---_ ------. ----_-.----_._------Educational Serial Class and name of 'rown Population No. ------. --.------.------~~--- Hospitals/ Beds in Arts/Science/ Modical Bnainocrina Po)ytemuuOl' Dispensariesl medical Comrncroo colloges Colleges , 1'.R. institutions Colleges Clinics, etc. noted in (of degree column 4 level and above)

------~ --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

VI Atoli 2,993 HC(t) 8 Narnaul Rohtak Bhiwani R.ohtak FC(I) (17) (119) (98) (86) 2 V Bawal 7,760 HC(1) 8 A(l) Rohtak Delhi R.ohtak FC(I) (98) (105) (65)

3 V Kanina 7,m HCm 8 Mahendragarh Rohtak Bhiwani Rohtak FC(l) ( 16) (91) (67) (58)

4 IV Mahendragarh 14,488 H(l) 25 ASC(l) Rohtak Bhiwani Rohtak (95) (61) (74) 5 JII Narnaul 41,441 HU) 100 ASC(1) Rohtak Bhiwani Rohtak TB(I) 16 (120) (92) (99) 6 IIRowari 51,562 H(2) 70 A(2),ASC(2) Rohtak Delhi Rohtak D{l) (82) (89) (49)

._------__ .- ----~------,~-.------Note: _' ..• donotes 'Nil', .If medical or educational facility Is not available in the town. the name of the nearest town if in the same distriCt or the narne of the nearest district ifin the same State or other State and its distance from the town where facility is available. is mentioned. 169 v _ c..lt.. raIIMiitles, 1979

facili\ios· -~------_____...-----~----_; Working Number of Recreational and cultural facilitilts women's Recognised Higher Secondary/ Junior Primary Adult hostels shorthand, Secondary, Matricu­ secondary schools literacy with Stadia Cinema Auditorla/ Public typewriting, Interme­ lation and classes/ number Dramal libraries and diate/ Middle centres, of se:lIs Cvmmu- including vocational PUC sohools others nitv reading trainin~ (Pre-Uni­ hails rooms institutions versity Coll(.ge/ Junior College Level)

10 11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1<, 20

Narnaul Narnaul 2 2 PLU) (17) ( 17)

Rewari 2 3 3 2 Attlli PL(2), RR(2) (16) (53)

Mahendragar h 2 3 1 M a hondragarh PL(I) (16) (16)

0(3) 2 2 2 7 12 2 PL(3),RR(4)

0(2) 4 6 6 14 12 2 PL(2:

0(3) 7 12 12 15 Atcli 3 PL(2), RR(1) (37)

------_--- -_.- ..-._.- _-.- -- --_.- ---.-----.~---- .-._.------_._._-----_._._------_._ ..... Name of three IDOlt important commodities Name of three alost important imported exported Serial Class a nd name of No. Town 1st ------2nd 3rd ------1st 2nd ------_------2 3 4 6 7

VI AteIi Cotton Seeds Gur Meth; Mustard seeds Gram 2 V Bawal Wheat Millet Jawor Mustard seeds Gram 3 V Kanina Kerosene oil Cement Timber Whoat Barley 4 IV Mahendragarh Guor Methl Cotton seeds Barley Wheat 5 III Narnaul Rice Cloth Sugar Wheat Gram 6 11 Rewari Crucibles Zinc Copper Brass, Handicraft Metal items machinery

---~ ..- '.-.~.---- .._---- Note :-' .. ' denotes 'Nil'. 171


Jadllltr)' IIIHI 88.1." 197'

------.--.-.------~------.. --_.... ,,------_.... _---- . __ .-_.-... _- __.-- commodities Name or throe most important commodities Number Number Number manufactured of of or non- banks agri- agricuI- cultural cnltural 3rd 1st 2nd ------3rd crodi! crodit societies societies ----- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ---- -~ ------..------Barley Marble School Slate.. A.C.C. PiPes 2 16 Barley Wire Nails Desl Juttl 2 2 Gram A.C.C. Pipes Mudhas Desl Jutli 2 2 Gram Wire Netting Pottery Paper Board 4 3 4 Mustard Seeds Marble Chips Deli; lutt; Agricultural Implements 6 13 Pickles Alumium. Brass Copper Metal machinery Resistance wiro 8 4 Utensils. Circles/Shoots

. -- ---.------. -~--.------_----_._ 172 APPENDIX ToWIll showing their outgrowths with population ------_._.... _----- ._- ---,,_. --.. ------_.------._---- Serial Name of the town with Population of Core town Outarowtb Population of outarowtb ' No. location code No.

2 3 4

Not Applicablo




175 1?6


Loca- District/Tahsil Tot~ Area in No. of No. of ~otal Population ~Iudjn. Institu- tion Rut: Km.' occupied Households tlonal and House Population) Code Urban Residential No. Houlllls P M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

IJ Mahendragarh Distric:t l' 3,010 'Ot 143,629 144,513 959,400 496,903 J( 462,497 2,980'" 123,932 124,6JO 834,025 430,321 403,704 lJ: 29'2 19,697 19,903 125,375 66,582 58,793 246,6 Bawal Tahsil T 10.498 10,512 70,695 36.825 33,870 'R 246'2 9,226 9,236 62,935 32.731 30.204 U 0'4 1,272 1,276 7,760 4.094 3,666

2 Rewari Tahsil T I,OJ5 '5 52,710 52.934 345,386 179.907 165,479 l<. J,009'4 44,5'70 44,754 293,824 152,5'02 141,322 U 6 'I 8,140 8,180 51,562 27,405 24,157 3 Mahendragarh Tahsil T 1,040'2 35,789 35,955 241,523 124.189 117,334 .It J,Oll! 'l! 32,337 32,463 219.904 112.842 107,062 U 11 '4 3.452 3,492 21,619 11.347 10,272

4 Narnaul Tahsil T ~52'9 44,632 45,112 301,796 155,982 145,814 l<. 94J '6 37,799 38,157 257,362 132,246 125,116 U 11 'J 6,833 6,955 44,434 23,736 20,698 PRIMARY CENSUS Main Loca- District/Tahsil Total/ tion Rural/ CUltiVators Agricultural Labourers Code Urban (lJ (II) No. ----_----- P M F P M F 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 9 MabeDdragarl District T 115,234 110,054 5,180 20,208 18,070 2,138 R 112,136 107,192 4,944 19,627 17,551 2,076 U 3,098 2,862 236 581 519 62

Bawal Tahsil T 9,456 9,082 374 1,789 1,561 228 R 8,894 8,524 370 1,744 1,519 225 U 562 558 4 45 42 3

2 Rowari Tahsil T 33,412 32,307 1,105 7,523 6,768 755 R 33,139 32,044 I,WS 7,464 6,712 752 U 273 263 10 59 56 3 3 Mahendragarh Tahsil T 35,117 32,706 2,411 5,723 5,181 542 R 34,083 31,813 2,270 5,445 4,926 519 U 1,034 893 141 278 255 23

4 Narnau) Tahsil T 37,249 35,959 1,290 5,173 4,560 613 R 36,020 34,81 I 1,209 4,974 4,394 S8c] U 1,229 1,148 81 199 166 33 ------._------_. _. __.• J._ tTotal area filUres for the district represent "Geographical Area Figures" supplied by the Surveyor General. Figures for urban area are those sup~Jied by the Local Bodies. Area for the rural areas are derived b" substracting the urban area from the total area of the district. Tho total of area fiaures of Tahsil! in a district will not tal Y with tho district figures because the (ormer are derived from the vilJqc-wi80 a roa fiJurcs supplied by the Tah.ildara. diftAC't I"

Scheduled Castel Sowulad Tribes Literates Total Main Work... (I-IX)


to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

157,675 11,517 76,151 370,433 275.- 94,543 Z2f,530 ll5,3IJ 11,1. 141,750 72M3 fil,717 300,_ 23O,tOt 69,571 193,595 114,2t3 15,925 8,554 7.371 69,PSJ 44,981 24,972 32,'35 31,. ''-t.IC'1 12,807 6,682 6,125 25,917 19,868 6,049 16,494 15,751 743 11,852 6,155 5,697 22,167 17,340 4,827 14,622 13,9%0 70Z 95S 527 428 3,750 2,528 1,222 1,872 1,831 41

65,524 34,383 31,141 151,739 107,846 43,893 79,506 76,~ 3,262 59,163 30,966 28,197 120,964 88,770 32,194 65,747 63,180 2,567 6,361 3,417 2,944 30,775 19,076 11,699 13,759 13,064 695' 36,986 18,968 18,018 83,366 64,263 19,103 58,090 54,314 3,776 33,588 17,106 16,482 12,569 57,015 15,554 52,739 49,320 3,419 3,398 1,862 1,536 10,797 7,248 3,549 5,351 4,994 357 42,358 21,484 20,874 109,411 83,913 25,498 72,440 69,072 3,368 37,147 18,736 18,411 t:,780 6'7,784 16,996 60,487 57,873 2,614 5,211 2.748 2,463 ,631 16,129 8,S02 11,953 11 ,199 754 ABSTRACT Workers Ma.rginal Workers Non-Workers Household Industry- Other Workers Manufacturing, Processing, [III, IV, V (b) & VI to IX) Servicing and Repairs [V (a)]

p M F P M F P M F P M F 28 29 . 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 8,843 8,108 735 82,145 79,149 3,096 55,911 8,298 47,613 676,959 273,124 403,735 6,994 6,523 471 54,838 53,027 1,811 54,403 7,811 46,591 586,027 238,116 347,811 1,849 1,585 164 17,407 16.111 1,185 I,SOB 486 1,011 90,931 35,_ 55,914 534 513 21 4,715 4,595 120 4,147 596 3,551 50,054 20,478 29,576 461 444 17 3,523 3,433 90 3,876 538 3,338 44,437 18,273 26,164 13 69 4 1,192 1,162 30 271 58 213 5,617 2,205 3,412 3,695 3,426 269 34,876 33,743 1,133 11,638 2,219 9,419 254,242 101,444 152,798 2,525 2,364 161 22,619 22,060 559 11,305 2,102 9,203 ·216,772 87,220 129,552 1,170 1,062 lOB 12,257 11,683 574 333 117 216 37,470 14,224 23,2046 1,638 1,473 165 15,612 14,954 65B 17,889 1,987 15,902 165,544 67,888 97,656 1,507 1,355 152 11,704 11,226 478 17,291 1,763 15,528 149,814 61,759 88,115 131 118 13 3,908 3,728 180 598 224 374 15,670 6,129 9,541 2,976 2,696 280 27,042 25,857 1,185 22,237 3,496 18,741 207,119 83,414 123,7OS 2,501 2,360 141 16,992 16,30& 684 21,931 3,409 18,522 174,944 70,964 103,980 475 336 139 10,050 9,549 SOl 306 87 219 32,175 12,450 19,725


Loca- NalI'c oj villa~ (Hadbast No.) Area of No. of No, C'f T('IIII Population (inrlud­ ~chedl'Jp(l tio" Village in OClOllpiod House­ ina Instituti(lnal & H(lu~.­ Castes Codl' HeclarCls re~iden- h"lds loss Population) No. tial Houses

P M F M P M P 4 5 I' 7 II 9 10 11 12

354'90 139 J39 853 4Sjl 394

1 "Tlippura 1:'1 '55 .4(\ 711 7tl 493 245 2411

3 Sulkhll ('P 794'39 332 331 2,167 1 ,,1.~I 1,(1l(i 315

.4 KrBr~PBli (11) )99 '10 IJIl JJII 8.'itl 4;111 470 87 9(l

~ Brewal (BlrY'

7 Kanuna (4!'! ]71'(1(1 )(15 l(l.'i 64$ ~34 :lll 92 89

8 Bajgash 147! 7~8'OO 374 3'4 1,9)3 979 984 JI5 13.1

9 Tal'iIr; (411~ 972'00 4114 4~4 2,9119 I,.m 1,414 324 315 10 Kh,odewra (SO) 576·00 389 389 2,555 1,321 1,234 124 115

11 Khcri Daiusingh (Kheri) (49) 130'00 66 66 467 243 224 3] 27 12 Aramnagar (46) 89·00 45 45 271 144 127 2 2

U Dbara!' (7) 4S2'(l() 2J9 119 J,487 752 7;15 169 1(,1'

14 NaT Sinpl1 pur Gil,pi (P\ 130,00 74 74 259 267

IS BehrlllT'pl'T BhaTa!'pi (9) 135 ,00

17 "Iralrs Majra IJ 5,1 83 83 64~ m JO~

18 9alawu (10) ~75 '00 200 2(19 J ,~o7 7]J IS!) 1.10

J9 NaralT'adrvr (J]') 19) .()(l 1(:~ 163 1, In 57J J3!l J32

10 NohchslJa (1) 546'00 19) J93 1,3!19 6!lJ

21 K .. lr'Wl/8 (131 204'00 95 95 70S ~5~ :t50 S6 65

22 Harohandpur (14) 273'00 9~ 93 657 384 273 173 145 23 Rudh (Rondb) (38) 201 '00 84 84 747 360 387 39 36 24 Cbirhara (39) 220·00 85 85 513 256 257 10 13

25 Jaliawas (41) 151 '00 106 106 746 384 362 57 57 26 Jalalpur (43) 118 '00 60 60 419 211 208 63 61 27 Dhani Suthani (44) 22'00 10 10 73 37 36 28 Suthani (45) 209'00 74 74 571 291 280 49 51 29 Suthana (42) 168'00 80 80 623 337 286 82 67

30 Asalwas (Asanwas) (46) 429'00 138 138 ),006 575 431 151 124 ]81



Literates Main WOlken Marginal Non. Work"rs ------.------Workers Total Main Cultivators Agrioulturl.ll . (I) Household Other Worlo'ars Labour6rs Industry_ Workers (I-DO (11) Man ufaoturing. [III, IV, V(b) Processing, 8: VI to IX) Sorvioing 31'd Repairs [V (a) J ------F M P M ------.. -~~----~---- M P M P M P M p M M .fi 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

248 43 152 84 10 13 9 10 45 III 246 378 17 110 84 10 120 Hi 135 24R 665 262 509 53 21 I R3 22 12 7 20.3 24 80 641 88~ 37 167 58 78 35 29 :m 23 2 5~ 22 249 270 101 198 20 155 27 7 20 185 271 56 38 36 28 8 42 87 83 166 47 148 24 6 35 II 186 300 464 173 390 3 290 2 26 5 69 2 537 981 7 79J 341 566 49 28 29 101 J 17 2 161 15 46 54 90j 1,371

706 160 510 K 383 2~ 2 5 96 4 II 8 llOO 1,218 1()5 41 90 (,7 23 153 224 6g 79 15 6 64 6 4 76 121

422 134 334 61 202 7 RO 54 43 418 674

]78 116 101 65 14 22 J58 267 J87 M 155 120 .10 25 224 3114 31J 106 20r. 8 I Jf. 3 24 5 15 43 253 448 207 79 1ll 34 2J 2J 35 200 33J 439 1J7 3.15 41 160 5 77 7 7l 28 406 607

30S 116 233 116 38 10 69 3~8 561

374 149 180 48 173 25 26 22 8 73 20 83 381 547

183 157 1:>8 86 18 7 47 200 350

216 30 1111 64 23 56 38 203 272 191 57 178 141 4 33 189 182 198

130 31' 110 91 19 2 Jq4 257 218 65 156 91 8 10 47 13 145 215 217 123 50 79 37 7 34 5 132 203

25 13 3 7 3 6 2 4 22 29

195 66 120 7 58 7 3 2 57 11 33 160 240

203 58 147 86 6 2 53 20 190 265 210 9 305 221 12 71 8 152 262 278 182


Loca- Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total PopUlation (Including Scheduled Scheduled t ion Villaae OCC!Ipied House­ Institutional &: Houselcs5 Castes Tribes Code in Hectares reslden· holds Population) No. tial Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3) Patuhere (49) 421 '00 151 15J 1,062 580 482 148 108

32 Bagthala (47) 646'00 203 203 1,467 788 679 61 53 33 Mukandl'ur Basai (;5) 346 '00 56 S6 353 205 148 80 66 34 Khcri Motla (Kheri Motia) (74) 139'00 36 36 284 169 115

35 Kamalpur (4R) 265'00 84 84 611 323 288 9 13

36 Banipur (40) 202'00 170 17J 1,106 590 516 155 132 37 Ibrahimpur (50) 236'00 86 86 618 317 301 46 53 38 Mallgaleshwar (5) 252'00 97 10] 643 326 317 57 57

39 Gujar Majri (52) 238'00 175 175 1,097 584 513 141 122

40 Khcra Murar (53) 306 '00 148 148 1,101 594 507 72 72 41 Dawal (Rural) (37) 2,234 '00 114 1 J4 635 337 298 144 139

42 Saban (17) 417 '00 102 102 714 371 343 48 57 43 Ramsinghpur (18) 139 '00 27 29 195 99 96 5 7

44 Mohanpur(20) 261 '00 146 146 1,018 500 518 27 25 45 Jai Singhpur Khera (22) 409 '00 177 177 1,120 577 543 123 118

46 Keshopur (23) 96 '00 6S 65 439 207 232 28 30

47 Anandpur (24) 217'00 lOt 101 694 361 333 21 29 48 Chanduwas (Chaneanwas) (21) 110'07 39 39 273 156 117 10 11 49 Odhi (19) 249 '00 US ]]5 790 412 378 170 163

SO Rasiawas (Rasiwas) (25) 272'00 153 153 1,139 570 569 149 161 51 Tihara (34) 286'00 168 168 J,299 640 659 122 116

52 Shahpur(33) 215'00 114 114 906 458 448 US 99 Un- 53 Kheri Dharchana (26) 173'00 54 Nangal Teju (29) 197 ·00 100 100 709 368 34J 133 127 55 Nangal Ugra (30) 202'00 72 72 523 272 251 44 37 56 Shekhpur(32) 241'00 84 84 604 344 260 130 96 57 Dhar Chana (Dharchaniln) (3f) 297'00 77 78 519 262 257 22 13 58 Bhagwanpur (58) ]47'00 21 21 154 79 75 IS 13 59 Saidpur Alias Jaitpur (59) 126'00 45 45 291 156 135 26 26 (Saidpur Alias Jatpur) 60 R ughnathpul (RlIIunathpur) (28) ]32'00 35 3$ 223 124 99 '83

MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT Mala Worken Marginal Non-Workers Workers

Total Main Culti~tor8 Aaricultural Houeehold Other WorJcen (I) Lahourers IndUitry­ Worken (I-IX) (II) Manufacturilli. [ID.IV. V (b) PrOCllliul. '" VI to IX) Servlcilli and Repain [V (a»)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

328 30 208 6 130 2 18 60 3 18 6' 354 411 4'0 10' 327 1 247 5 " 279 460 399 107 24 81 62 3 15 8 2 116 145 94 10 83 73 2 8 86 115 84 3 132 94 9 29 39 96 152 192 388 145 288 6 148 2 70 2 18 52 2 7 301 503 144 22 111 84 27 24 70 182 231 172 55 105 5 54 5 3 8 40 9 21 212 291 284 44 242 173 27 4 38 30 206 312 307 306 37 227 ISS 18 5 49 14 51 353 456 190 46 155 13 19 136 13 26 182 259 222 64 168 98 14 2 54 2 32 201 311 45 22 42 35 4 2 57 96 279 103 208 21 162 13 11 6 4 31 2 130 292 367 275 86 272 5 167 54 7 44 4 3 305 535 92 37 82 65 17 10 11 115 221 212 59 143 103 10 2 28 49 217 283 97 23 83 44 4 35 3 2 70 115 201 51 169 4 82 50 3 37 2 7 241 367 366 139 232 3 109 27 2 13 83 5 12 333 554 334 104 266 19 152 7 12 10 6 96 2 374 640 229 20 202 69 143 67 12 2 47 256 379 lIlbabltod 224 89 135 2 32 4 15 84 2 233 339 112 34 109 2 49 20 3 37 15 163 234 166 6 126 34 68 29 38 4 3 17 218 226 114 20 112 69 20 23 150 257 46 21 38 8 19 5 9 2 3 7 41 67 62 18 84 6 60 6 14 10 72 129 II IS S9 41 2 1 15 S4 65 45 184



Loca- Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled tion Village occupied House­ Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes Code in Hectares residen- holds PopUlation) tial No. Houses

----_------P M F ------M F M ·F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 61 Ransi Majri (27) 132 ,()O 88 88 643 316 327 51 52 62 Ranoli(62) 270'00 85 86 591 310 281 63 Pranpura(61) 278 '00 185 185 1,198 633 565 119 106 64 Kishanpur (63) 185'00 90 90 490 277 213 161 124 65 Pawti (Pl.loti) (64) 472 '00 103 104 679 366 313 41 40 66 Panwar (65) 274 '00 93 93 639 331 308 40 30 67 Teekla (60) 189 '00 88 88 563 308 255 51 35 68 Khurampur (66) 223'00 79 79 599 329 270 49 31 69 Subasheri (67) 355'00 104 104 676 359 317 98 90 70 Jhabuwa (Jhahwa) (68) 665'00 265 265 1,905 992 913 82 84 71 Dulhera Kalan (57) . 414'00 42 42 224 121 103 117 103 72 Dulhera Khurd (35) 304'00 62 62 34] 179 162 173 157 73 Nangli Parsapur (36) . 131 '00 67 67 487 244 243 64 65 (Mang\i Persapur) 74 Nangal Shahbazpur(55) 185'00 )43 143 999 540 459 40 45 75 Raipur (54) 265'00 177 . 177 li'275 646 629 71 74 76 Bishanpur (73) 309'00 58 58 408 128 180 77 Alawalpur (Alawanpur) (72) 150 '00 70 70 411 218 J93 12 6 78 Bidawas (56) 282'00 140 140 986 5Q8 478 104 107 79 Khijuri (70) 371 '00 112 112 7.50 397 353 67 56. SO Badhoj (71) 234'00 33 33 221 129 92 13 10 81 tBirjhabuwa (Bejhabwa) (69) 303'00 2 2 6 5 1

Notes:-(l) Where a town and village bear an identcial name, the word (Rural) has been added after the name of the village. (2) The area of a village (revenue estate) is based on the information supplied by the revenue Patwari and includes urban area. if any. t Although entered as Be- Chirag (Un-inhabited) in the Revenue record, the population shown against this village was enumerated at the tlmeof 1981 Census. MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT

Main Workers Literates ------.------~~--.---.-.----- Marginal Non-Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Labourers Industry­ \Vorkers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, fIll, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs [V ea)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 167 34 149 1 114 11 4 20 120 167 206 143 33 149 1I0 5 34 4 160 157 121 298 57 256 30 129 13 40 15 3 84 2 9 124 368 411 154 16 110 37 9 4 60 167 21 3 198 35 173 2 90 10 7 2 66 29 164 311 152 25 153 44 105 31 13 7 2 33 178 264

178 30 134 24 91 24 21 22 2 21 172 210 140 25 161 116 11 34 1 57 167 213 183· 39 170 3 107 29 8 3 26 189 313 462 88 378 4 295 27 4 3 53 85 409 529 500

72 25 54 11 5 27 11 67 103 73 9 88 6 17 36 29 9 91 153 133 50 94 1 64 1 7 23 15 150 227 337 136 24t 6 139 14 4 9 79 2 13 35 286 418 306 62 27S 204 36 35 23 160 348 469 86 3 123 116 7 1 70 104 110 118 24 110 4 ·98 4 4 8 2 104 106 85 258 74 245 144 58 9 34 262 478 166 22 218 11 139 21 9 10 48 2 1 4 17a' 338 58 4 62 6 44 6 14 4 67 86 2 3 3 2 1 186


toea- Name of Town/Ward Area of NO. of No. of Total P()i>ulatlan (including Scheduled SclJeduled tion Town in occupied House- Institutional & Houseless Ca~tes Tribes Code Km2 residen- holds Population) No. tial Houses

~------__ ._--- P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 BawaJ (M.e.) {j'36 1,2n' 1,276 7,760 4,()94 3,666 527 428

Ward 146 146 893 457 436 5 3

2 150 150 813 438 375 11 5 3 150 150 896 463 433 2 3 " 4 1()9 109 786 413 373 5 " 352 352 2,271 1,206 1,065 476 402 6 79 79 S}S 264 251 .. 7 286 290 1,,586 853 733 33 15 1<5 I MA.HENDRAGARH DISTRICT CENSUS ABSTRACT

Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers Literates ------Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers (I) Labourers Industry- Workers (I-rX) (II) Manufacturing, [III, IV, V(b) Processing, &VltolXj Servicing and Repairs [Yea)]

------_ ...... _------F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 1,162 30 58 213 2,205 3,412 2,528 1,222 1,831 41 558 4 42 3 69 123 3 28 53 255 377 273 135 174 6 38 4 9 2 130 6 2 223 362 336 167 213 13 42 2 5 3 36 2 121 4 254 429 287 163 209 4 84 2 2 58 230 371 204 102 183 2 119 6 353 6 21 151 669 908 628 223 516 6 155 5 3 50 152 250 152 60 112 50 12 327 9 7 9 422 715 648 372 424 9 70 8 19



Location Name of Village Arca of No. of No. of To1al l'opuhl1ion Scheduled Scheduled Code lHadbast No.} ViIIagc occupied House­ (including Institutional Castes Tribes No. in Hectares residen- holds & Houseless tial Population) Houses

I' M M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12

Usan (I) 86Z'O() 424 424 2.746 1.)89 U57 253 262

2 Gothara Tappa Dahina (11) 638,00 269 269 1.1;46 'no 916 174 1'-)3

3 Kanwali 110) 92500 528 528 3.349 1.(,('2 1.687 272 263

4 Dahina (12) 1,53(> '16 7!!R 788 4,876 2.4Y8 2,J7K 315 270

5 Zainal'>ad 113) 966·00 543 543 3.616 1.8.13 1,783 201 211 (, Dlunitht!thar Bad 04) 359·00 9(, 96 6JK 340 29R 7 J\.Iinoth (1':1) 81\9·00 421 421 2.616 1.33(> 1.21<0

8 Srinagar (20) 435 00 22 22 140 72 DR II

':I Bob!..a (H) (,(1fI ,00 IRO 11\0 1.26~ h<,7 601< ')(1

10 llncha (24) 40(; 00 201 201 I, )34 MY (,65 DI 158

11 Nangal Jamalpur (25) 551 ,00 216 216 1.27.1 642 6.11 1.11

12 Kolana (22) 362 {l(l 171 171 1.11.1 5111 ~5() :in JR

47400 411 411 2.599 1,251\ 1,)41 lot{

14 Obaw;tna (l~q 1,181 00 339 14R I J(J

15 K halcta (17) 773 '00 270 270 1.1140 9(,'1 R71 157 124

16 Lohana (16) (i(>() ()(l 295 295 ),962 'W) 1013 81 81 17 Siha (15) 660 ·00 442 446 3,1<),l 1.6611 1.525 129 107

18 Bumli (76) 1,5 ~7 {IO 434 441 3,0.15 ),623 1,412 236

29 Biwri (Batori) (75) 3ti2'00 3()~ }OS 2,20(, 1,152 1,05,~ 77

20 Aulant (77) 542 .()(} 211 213 1,496 769 727

21 Motla Khurd (95) 25K'00 164 164 1.!l(19 511 498 37

22 Maisit (9) 667,00 213 213 1,494 771 723 178 16(l

23 Didoli (S) 442 ·00 77 77 529 27] 256 47 4ti 24 KahaTi 16) 2IS'()(} 73 73 426 206 220 3'1 45

25 Rampuri (7) 124.00 159 159 903 463 440 64 65

26 Fatehpuri Tappa Dahina (5) 63()'()(} 165 165 1,2lJ 624 589 77 75

29 (4) 245 {}() 118 118 853 417 436 50 63 30 Baldllan Kalan (98) 600 ·00 246 246 1,570 785 785 l21 140 19i CENSUS ASBTRACT


Literates Mlljn W()rkers Marginal Non-Workors Workers ~ __, __4_.-,, __ v"", _ •• ___._ .. __ • ____ , _____ .______

T(.taIM,tin Cultivators Agricultural Hl)lIschold Othei' Workers Wmk'Jrs Lan:>urcrs Industl )_. [Ill. IV. V(h) (1- ,IX) (I) (II) M lnufacturing, & VI tl> IX] Pr(Jcessing, Servicing and Repairs [Y(~)l

------_,._-- ._-... _._- .. - ~--- ... - ... -..•. -~ -_ ...... --" ... __ .. _ ------.-_, .. --,---.~ ~---_,..------. F M M F M F M I' M F M F M F M F 14 2() 13 15 16 17 IS 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [;_lO 306 564 24 304 15 54 2 18 2 188 5 820 1,333

IS9 Vi I 17 247 7 IJ <)8 4 577 898 1.006 ·162 8 2',)9 .1 31 174 5 21 1,:,07 14 23 27[ s 298 1,535 2.053

1,147 70(, 16 8 311 41,12(, 1,773 2111 144 26 16 1')3 282 736 51S 2 2R7 35 2 131 .B II 18 1,2lS 55 I" .n 58

311 4 4 51 2 J4·~ ()()[ 31(> S 192 27 67 10·, 551 294 49 275 H 17') 7 33 2) 38 2 91 532 381 127 235 207 27 550 793 41() 51 241) 6 liS 45 121 ~O.I 1,16') 715 ISO 15 "/ 10 17i 21 71i 310 NlJ 941 52\) 191 1<) <)<) 2 599 53':; 244 III 2 [7 53 611 1,010 SOn 274 677 465 51 17 144 2 1.523 901 2:,9 70') 17 4(» 48 20 176 34 501 8S0 894 517 184 S.H 17 414 53 17 -+ 54 617 983 371 85 296 2.l5 19 9 33 43 51 430 676 309 115 190 121 10 7 52 25 284 2<)() 213 372 122 2S5 196 39 44 17 51 469 671 95 19 III 9 127 256 121 55 93 68 14 II I J 3 219 243 91 195 14 148 3 18 II 5 24 9 268 417 375 103 295 55 183 41 13 12 14 85 2 329 534 462 193 337 2 237 2 52 47 16 98 495 718 382 79 331 5 243 2 37 3 4 47 352 629 226 104 172 121 )5 2 34 188 245 247 430 142 296 125 210 41 13 82 11 62 2 489 660 REWARI TAHSIL

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Populatlol! Scheduled Scheduled Code (Had bast No.) Village occupied House­ (including Institutional Castel Tribes No. III rcsiden- holds & Houselcss Hcctares tial Population) Houses



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 31 Babroli (100) 461 -00 152 152 1,129 594 535 JJ3 107

32 Nangal Pathani (101) 543 00 214 214 1,440 714 726 104 99 33 Muralipur (102) 332 -00 134 134 862 427 435 72 64 34 Bahotwas Bhondu (99) 406 -00 233 233 1,352 668 684 76 70 (Bohatwas Bhondu) ~5 Bedi Kalan (310) 635 -00 236 236 1,593 831 762 170 156 36 Baldhan Khurd (97) 390-00 116 116 758 407 351 62 55

37 (96) 418·(}() 320 320 1,982 985 997 132 112

38 Kumroda (94) 323 ·00 8S 88 618 317 301 lIS 137

39 Chauki Number -2 (311) 347 -00 193 193 1,284 651 631 93 87 (Chauki) 40 Dehlawas (89) 295 -00 147 147 1,0.32 544 488 lIZ 104

41 Gulabpura (88) 223 ·00 85 85 615 319 296 47 41 42 Biharipur (Bcharipur) (91) 170-()() III 81 514 273 241 45 40

43 Mandhaya Khurd (90) 340 00 174 174 I,(}()3 519 484 123 119

44 Rasooli (Rasoii) (108) 82 .(}() 50 50 324 166 158 5 5

45 Bodia Kamalpur (112) 428 00 227 227 1,503 772 731 103 91

46 Balawas Jamapur (109) 315·00 107 107 766 402 364 60 57

47 Mundawas (226) 136 00 Un-

48 Nainsukhpura (227) 432'(}() 202 202 1,313 713 600 92 88

49 Dohakia (107) 491 .(}() 162 163 984 524 460 87 89

SO Halukhera (92) 345 ·00 141 141 889 436 453 76 71

51 BeTIi Khurd (93) 681·00 309 309 1,897 963 934 161 169

52 Musepur (lOS) 359·(}() 256 256 1,616 773 843 33 32

53 Parkhotampur (104) 567'()() 193 193 1,173 610 563 340 295

S4 Gopal pur Gazi (J 03) 405·00 91 91 605 314 291 166 167

55 Jatusana (106) 1,108 '00 396 396 2,261 1,160 1,101 485 412

S6 Lala (228) 471 '00 151 156 1,164 599 565 104 100 57 Jharuwas (125) 221'()() Un-

58 ~ahiuddinpur (229) 325 -00 190 190 1,266 674 592 124 lOS

59 Roharai (230) 732'00 262 264 1,778 945 833 163 165 60 Nanaalia Ranrnokh (252) 389·00 97 97 740 381 359 71 64 (Nan81a Ranmokh) 193


Literates ------_._---_.-----._------Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Workers labourers lndustry- [fIT. IV. V(b) (I-IX) (I) (II) Manufacturing, & VI to IX] Processing, Sorvicing and Ropairs rV (a)l ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M .' 13 14 15 16 17 18 }9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 296 74 289 19 195 13 47 5 2 513 425 22R 277 3 132 47 5 93 723 272 123 131 40 74 38 13 36 395 :; 402 225 251 129 169 125 II 68 19 73 398 482 486 143 32R 5 165 47 5 11 105 503 757 223 56 158 98 4 9 47 27 153 222 198

652 287 396 6 20S 2 32 157 IJ 215 576 776 152 45 139 2 81 40 9 129 178 170 W) 421 167 240 149 29 10 52 32 379 273 6 331 486 311 104 213 2 129 45 2 33 9 175 292 190 S9 141 4 77 22 3 33 3 16.3 241 153 47 110 75 10 25 2 28 300 482 291 103 186 2 101 55 10 87 142 100 24 79 16 60 2 9 14 12 92 77 513 644 489 228 246 10 113 29 2 2 13 2 46 13 251 351 224 79 146 85 13

Inhabited 40 260 421 337 387 105 171 3 115 8 8 2 120 91 303 369 297 78 180 117 4 10 49 41 41 7 11 247 434 2S6 90 182 8 94 44 6 3 130 595 930 538 185 365 4 224 4 7 4 3 90 2S 133 476 703 516 301 269 7 159 4 7 13 99 3 338 558 341 138 272 5 77 91 5 27 1M 291 ISO 4S 150 71 52 244 8 3 16 648 1,064 628 238 509 21 153 4 86 9 26 28 365 564 354 134 234 171 35 inhabited 70 403 587 402 108 265 4 131 59 2 5 58 6 517 746 SIS 162. 428 87 309 41 44 40 17 28 227 359 234 78 154 93 32 REW ARI TAHSIL

Loca- Name of Village (Had bast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total Population (includilll Schoduled Scbeduled tion Village occupied HoUllC­ institutional &: Houselcss Castes Tribes COlIc in residen­ holds Population) No. hectares tial Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

61 Rojhuwas (231) 220'00 81 81 586 296 290 53 53 62 Suma Khcra (232) 341 ·00 104 104 726 361 365 46 46 63 Qutub Puri Buzarg (233) 227·00 100 100 729 386 343 60 63 64 Rasool pur (234) 170·00 Un-

65 Khera Aalampur (235) 198 -00 84 84 764 395 369 50 45 66 Palhawas (236) 694·00 438 438 3,002 1.543 1.459 301 289 67 Saidpur (237) 109.00 18 18 99 53 46 39 36 6R Chang (238) 127 (I() Un-

69 Pahrajjwas (239) 318-00 73 73 576 295 281 60 63

70 Handsawas (240) 567·00 156 156 982 505 477 157 138

71 Kanhora (241) 215-00 85 85 535 289 246 232 200 72 Kanhori (242) 521·00 217 217 1,470 777 693 145 )34 73 Gadala (243) 135 ·00 160 160 1,019 514 505 154 152 74 Prithipura (244) 148'00 Un-

75 Gurawara (245) 1,693 -00 588 588 4,242 2,260 1,982 326 294 76 Maliaki (Maliaka) (246) 177-00 39 39 274 151 123 33 26 77 Chauki (248) 99·00 61 61 435 2) 2 223 20 IS 78 Jiwara (247) 304 -00 119 119 913 461 452 82 67 79 Chandanwas (251 ) 303 ·00 161 161 1,116 585 531 99 72 80 Aasiaki Gorawas (249) 301 ·00 289 289 1,792 957 835 341 270 81 Bawta (250) 304·00 82 Karawara Manakpur (253) 601 ·00 303 303 2,081 1,043 1,038 219 207 (Karawadamanakpur)

83 Tehnadipalpur (255) 345 ·00 97 97 631 307 324 94 105 84 M'ustafapur (256) 310·00 199 199 1,197 624 573 71 79 85 Rajwas (257) 114 ·00 38 38 246 136 110 8 10 86 Nurpur (258) 221 ·00 31 31 252 126 126 27 27 87 Shadipur (254) 209 ·00 83 83 517 279 238 m 106 88 Jeetpur Shekhpur (260) 437·00 172 172 1,202 627 575 177 164 (Jaitpur Said pur)

89 Chillar (259) 793 ·00 26S 265 1,637 825 812 229 234 90 Bhurthal Jatt (216) 369·00 134 134 1,051 537 514 120 J3.s 195

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers (I) Labourers Jndustry­ Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [IIJ,IV,V(b) Processing, & VIto IX] ~ervicing and Repairs [V (a) ]


13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 122 27 12) 75 42 !l 171 290

177 56 136 2 88 2 14 6 28 JO 13 215 350 161 47 163 121 20 21 223 342 inhabited

231 63 157 9 94 4 8 5 9 46 238 360 915 386 582 286 111 33 146 961 1.459 34 18 21 9 1 5 32 46 inhabited

169 85 93 61 ~1 15 61 27 5 197 220 155 20 245 102 138 83 93 9 9 15 4 260 371 123 39 122 9 34 61 18 3 164 245 314 97 318 3 20P 60 2 49 459 690 291 81 204 23 134 14 15 3 53 8 2 12 308 470 inhabited 1,232 1,970 1.263 538 1.028 12 584 209 5 44 191 90 32 57 24 20 12 o 31 88 92 10 129 213 128 4() 83 68 15 280 223 261 114 169 81 36 2 50 12 228 355 106 183 3 III 26 2 8 38 402 528 2 581 822 549 171 374 11 172 31 9 89 82 2

622 1,038 614 220 421 247 86 16 12

198 324 174 89 109 36 53 3 17 388 S72 408 170 236 130 46 3 57 87 110 91 42 49 26 6 17 65 126 82 34 61 30 7 23 159 234 156 63 120 2 46 14 2 4 56 2 92 347 468 387 154 252 15 119 7 59 4 4 70 4 28

485 811 509 210 340 162 46 7 125 1 314 514 ~21 119 220 119 48 53 3 196 VILLAGE PRIMARY


Loca­ Name of Village (Had bast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled tion, Village occupied House- J nstitutional & Houseless Castes Tribes Code in htlCta­ residen­ holds Population) No. res tial Houses ------P M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

91 Bhurthal Thethar (215) 230.00 52 52 402 201 201 84 7~ 92 Jantsairwas (Jantisairwas) (213) 34200 175 175 1,110 579 531 68 58

93 Janti (212) 157 ·00 62 62 413 207 206 4 4

94 Gokalpur (211) 26) 00 23~ 232 1,585 833 752 75 76

95 Kakoria (214) 310·00 171 171 1,241 641 600 201 179

96 Ghurakawas (217) 144 00 48 48 363 196 167 26 19

97 Naya Goan (219) 18 [ .()() 12~ 125 877 466 411 :ill 42

98 Dohaki (120) 378 ·00 97 97 806 426 380 87 88

99 Mu ndhalia (218) 161 ·00 101 101 732 385 347 32 :12

JOO Dabari (210) 154'00 46 46 276 151 125 149 125 101 Bhagwanpur (121) 252 ·00 89 89 700 368 332 61 102 Ramgarh (209) 253 ·00 162 162 1,070 540 530 81 91 103 Budani (208) 120 ·00 74 74 442 222 220 40 47 104 tChitc.rpuri (Chaterpurl) (207) 97 ·00 62 63 428 218 210 4 4 J05 Pokharpur (206) 109 ·00 Un­

106 Qutabpuri Jagir (205) 80·00 Un-

107 Phaderi (204) 239·00 lSI 151 LlJO 565 545 80 6.1

108 Hansaka (203) 250'00 214 217 1,431 758 673 124 110 J09 Phadani (201) 208 ·00 87 87 606 304 302 35 34 110 Budana (202) 231 .()() 127 127 893 453 440 131 122 111 Turkiawas (275) 113 '00 111 111 704 370 334 264 235

112 Meerpur (274) 310·00 260 261 1,633 798 835 189 173

113 Pachlai (276) 82'00 Un-

IJ. Malahera (278) 274'00 98 98 681 349 332 120 104

115 Dhakia(Dohkia) (286) 263 ·00 102 102 791 418 379 lOS 88 116 Asadpur (Aladur) (280) 149 ·00 55 55 381 197 184 46 37 117 Sunaria (279) 127 ·00 63 63 426 214 212 17 24

118 Tatarpur lstamrar (277) 234 ·00 127 127 858 451 407 65 S7 119 Rojhah (281) 209'00 75 7S 533 285 248 42 35 120 Jitpur lstamrar (282) 303 ·00 94 94 668 346 322 SO 40 197 CENSUS ABSTRAct'


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers ~1Ma~---~lti~t~;;--::\gri;;lt;r~I-'H()use~ld'----O-;I~;W~~kers Workers Workers (I) Labourers Jndustry--- [lIT, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, & VI to IX[ PrOCClSsi ng, Servicing and Repairs [V (a) ) ------_.. ------_ ... _------~- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

130 49 82 27 9 8 38 2 2 117 199 325 112 187 106 6 7 68 76 9'> 316 431 1:14 67 81 5 50 5 29 126 201 571 176 281 3 153 3 120 3 552 749

389 I3R 280 6 130 3 3 9 2 DR 361 594 10 96 4 73 13 3 10 Ion 162 295 102 155 8 68 8 14 73 311 403

239 82 170 92 5 73 256 380 233 91 136 13 41 4 9 82 12 249 334

54 2 66 10 6 2 43 8 17 2 85 113

245 115 146 2 67 2 2 75 222 330

342 94 236 2 9S 32 7 99 2 25 302 503

142 39 100 2 41 2 4 55 4 ) 118 213

159 63 104 2 62 3 39 3 28 111 ISO inhabited


332 148 234 4 134 4 4 8 88 331 541

545 218 311 6 77 31 21 182 4 26 34 421 633 212 68 116 2 69 25 2 22 188 300 263 66 176 63 11 6 96 277 439

243 92 119 13 18 16 72 251 333 829 458 214 323 6 142 3 91 26 64 3 475 inhabited 328 186 37 133 2 80 17 36 23 2 193 378 209 28 193 126 47 3 17 2 223 184 117 49 95 59 8 28 102 142 136 47 87 55 3 29 2 70 125 407 259 60 173 111 32 30 278 187 153 45 107 65 20 22 61 178 322 204 70 144 82 15 47 202 198 VILLAGE PRIMARY REWAR( T AHSlL

Loca­ Name of Village (Hadhast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total Population (inclu- Schcdulod Scheduled tion Village in occupied House- ding Institutional & Castes Tribes Code hectares residential holds Houseless Population) No. Houses

P M p M F M p

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

121 tD~lhana (285) 275·00 7 7 57 33 24 20 14 122 Khatawali (284) 802'00 112 112 673 344 n9 164 153 123 Alamgirpur (298) 462 ·00 70 70 468 245 223 94 124 Malpura (295) 489·00 129 129 RI7 455 ~62 1J3 109 125 Joniawas (Jonlawas) (296) 157·00 62 62 398 218 IRO 44 40 126 Kapariwas (290) 343·00 196 1.062 595 467 147 102 127 Ghatal Mahamiawas (291) 325·00 167 167 1.025 559 466 IRS 156 128 Aakera (292) 294·00 Wi llR 924 469 455 lOR 104 129 Maheshari (293) 324'00 142 142 1.140 613 527 125 115

130 Garhi AlwaJpur (294) 301 ·00 131 131 921 S02 421 81 64

131 Nandrampur Bas (304) 1,052 ·98 463 466 3.030 1.602 1,428 523 452 (Nandrampur)

132 Tatarpur Khalasa (302) 228 ·24 121 121 867 465 402 so 70 133 Alawalpur (303) 371 ·90 74 74 554 291 263 52 40

134 Dharuhera (299) 1.149 ·00 RRO 909 5,266 2.940 2,326 726 615

135 Khar Khara (300) 455'67 355 2,173 I.B6 1.037 179 176

136 Khaliawas (283) 430'00 141 167 995 561 434 156 91 137 Bhatsana (30l) 1,165 ·00 23R 238 1,645 R74 771 377 326

138 Jarthal (305) 1,184 '00 291 314 2.104 1.l41 96J 128 110 139 A~iaki Tappa Jarthal (308) 252·00 145 145 847 46R J79 84 58 140 Sanpli (309) 236·00 78 7R 495 247 248 64 71 141 Bhudla (186) 347 ·00 132 132 968 534 434 82 60 142 Sangwari (185) 224·00 156 156 1.070 584 486 94 76 143 Ladhuwas Gujar (187) 137'00 43 43 323 168 155 32 35 144 Panchor (307) 222 ·00 96 96 598 321 277 70 61

145 Pachgaon (panchgawan) (306) 159 -00 24 24 194 96 98 146 Niganiawas (Nagniawas) (192) 213 -00 66 84 568 311 257 23 J8 147 Raliwas (191) 285 -00 242 242 1,535 814 721 142 130 148 ~ri Duda (188) 74 0()() 38 38 234 123 111 39 34 149 Kanhawas (189) 73 0()() 22 22 170 97 73 150 Khijuri (190) 451 ·00 137 137 942 487 455 1Jl 114 151 Njkhari (193) 2751)() 140 140 962 506 456 119 91 199 CENSUS ABsTRACI' MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT

Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry­ [III, IV. V(b) (I-IX) (II) Man ufacturing, & VI to IXI Processiog, Servicing and Repairs [V (a)l


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

14 2 17 16 16 24 194 51 157 65 45 3 44 4 2 183 327 100 16 128 69 48 11 117 222 263 63 225 13 90 2 58 4 9 5 68 2 230 349 143 48 82 57 J7 2 6 136 179 339 147 312 7 108 IS 7 182 7 7 9 276 451 295 28 271 4 135 14 4 9 113 4 287 458 219 6() 248 17 144 5 40 8 8 3 56 221 438 338 309 56 275 156 28 2 89 9 518 250 55 241 2 143 13 84 4 261 415 922 294 656 5 230 147 4 26 253 5 941 ],418

262 397 250 77 203 3 120 18 2 6 59 2 159 25] 118 30 132 11 80 24 9 27 1,680 588 1,497 33 227 4 ]05 5 90 3 1,075 21 24 29 1,419 2,264 562 1,019 647 200 563 14 224 86 11 253 11 4 274 395 290 97 281 32 109 14 70 18 102 6 7 454 763 388 76 417 2 325 ,.8 2 44 3 661 %3 609 158 480 239 125 20 96 2]6 378 221 22 252 206 29 ]6 140 JS6 124 49 105 2 62 2 5 38 2 90 240 433 166 1 194 232 44 ]8 320 454 294 61 236 21 101 11 60 8 6 69 2 28 11 4 91 1S1 86 8 77 46 11 19 166 277 140 11 ISS 109 32 14 56 98 71 25 40 20 8 2 10 2 170 248 160 34 138 7 86 5 46 6 3 446 503 464 102 323 22 148 3 8 23 2 144 17 4S 196 S5 69 57 22 58 33 25 10 42 52 36 54 18 43 28 2 13 2 37 285 350 313 75 190 1 102 41 10 37 12 104 269 456 '10 73 236 123 52 6 55 1 REW ARI T AHSlL

toea­ Name (If Villilge(Hadbast No.) Area of N,> .. 01 No. oj Total P()PUlal iOIl (incJu­ Scheduled lion Scheduled ViUar.e occupied House· din~ Institutional & House C!\stes Tribes Cndc in residen· JwJds Jess Populatilln) No. hectares dal Ho~

p M F M F M p

2 J 4 5 6 II 7 9 10 l'

152 DungaTwas (194', 298 ·00 184 184 1,150 562 588 66 81

153 Masani (1 g6) 225·()(l 130 nil 792 4<17 385 109 83

i 54 Raspan (Rasgian) ()95) W7·011 91 93 532 271 255 141 110 155 ]nwClJ W'I~ ( 197) 243·00 173 173 1,081 513 92 76

156 .Bali.1r Khurd (200) ]67'0{) 118 liS 760 379 381 87 71! 15'1 Dalia! Kahn (199) 158 ·00 5j 51 313 15J 11i2 16 JS

J58 Mundia Khera (198) I IS'OO 79 79 592 324 Zt)R 136 110 159 MIJlllawas (8)) 81 ·00 15 15 133 67 66 9 160 Muradpuri (184) 65 '00 33 33 222 110 112 2\ ZIl

161 Fatehauri Pipa (181) I lS ·00 48 48 329 1'15 154 6 13

162 Bamtm (82) 155 ..Otl 40 40 252 13/ 115 61 46

163 Ma,ca Shooruj (ISO) 21200 129 129 8S9 421 432 ~6 84 (M.jra Sho,.. jj

l64 Khalilpun 0791 103 {JO 50 50 316 HiS )4R 26 IS 165 MalJ(lllia Kj!im (17.8) 204 ·00 106 106 740 385 Jj5 III 96 166 Ralah (177) 288 '00 144 144 J ,007 539 468 127 110

11>7 Rewari (Rufill) (125) 1,894'(}O 1,()79 1,085 5,404 3,054 2,350 1,035 814 168 Dumawas (123) 26·00 2 2 13 7 6 169 Jhanianwas (122) 53·00 13 13 77 41 36 no Cnandpuf (124) 174 ,00 21 21 195 93 102 171 Dhialawas (173) 209·(1(1 45 45 335 I8() ISS 4S 39 172 Devlawas (154) 124·00 4{1 4() 307 166 141 33 28 173 P~dllill.wa~ (172) 169 ()() 94 94 667 358 309 93 71 174 tpjwara (Piny8Ta) (174) J62 ·00 2)1 29 256 13:9 117

115 Kaumiiwas (175) 210·00 109- 109 758 383 375 76 69 176 Majra Gurdas (176) 152 '00 73 73 4SS 244 2U 48 41 117 Shahbajpur Khalsa (171) 170'00 153 133 1,016 554 462 125 H7 178 Dbamlaka (155) 106·00 32 32 205 U5 90 92 7S 179 Dawana (156) 1116 .. 00 69 69 441 2S3 188 68 54 180 Dariawas (170) 214,00 79 79 516 275 241 61 :'19 181 Katbuwall (168) 191·00 90 90 610 318 191 11 II 20L CENSUS ABStRAct


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non­ Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (1) Labourers Industry­ [Ill, IV, V(b) (l·lX) (11) Manufacturing, & VI to IX] Processing, Servicing and Repairs [yea)]


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

364 171 187 42 82 33 21 5 18 66 4 10 37 365 509 271 108 151 4 BI 3 10 14 46 15 2 HI 379 196 75 120 9 37 6 17 2 4 62 [57 246 377 139 224 101 42 6 75 23 88 321 424 227 69 169 77 64 27 210 381 91 43 55 30 25 3 18 93 143

216 65 124 40 48 3 33 2 198 267

48 30 21 10 2 8 46 66 67 26 45 27 10 8 65 111 117 31 76 58 3 15 2 99 152 75 29 61 23 26 12 76 ) 15 311 160 189 2 99 25 2 63 2 11 237 419

109 47 79 41 38 89 148 206 76 181 77 104 2 202 355 290 56 237 4 129 7 18 83 4 302 464 2,307 1.085 1,524 62 107 7 29 18 J 1,370 51 16 23 1,514 2.265

7 2 3 3 4 6 2S 6 18 13 3 2 23 36 56 25 45 35 2 8 48 102 102 45 73 53 20 107 155 58 8 61 45 16 105 141

213 51 147 96 14 3 34 211 309 70 36 60 47 13 79 117 243 99 146 70 2 74 237 375

168 63 89 2 41 47 155 209 322 82 252 10 130 6 16 4 13 93 302 452 70 15 53 2 7 46 2 62 88 113 42 139 76 62 114 187

148 31 138 60 5 73 6 40 131 201 18S SO 120 4 81 4 2 2 33 2 24 47 174 241 REWARI TAHStL

Loea- Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including SchedulCld Scheduled tion Village occupiCld House- Institutional & Houscloss Castes Tribes Code in residen­ holds Population) No. Hectares tial Houles


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 182 Salhawas (169) 302-00 88 88 566 313 253 42 25 183 Pithanwas (Pithrawas) (166) 341 ·00 113 1]3 791 398 393 48 41 184 Lodhana (165) 291 -00 71 71 484 255 229 2'1 20

185 Bolni (164) 472 -00 353 353 2,226 1,084 1,142 19() 235 186 Garhi (Udhi) (163) 197 -()() 164 164 1,103 553 550 188 192 187 Kasola (167) 234·00 71 71 467 264 203 58 44 188 Baqapur (162) 221 .()() 75 75 447 248 199 4 4

189 Kasoli (161) 200-00 93 93 569 319 250 26 23 190 Lalpur (158) 239 ·00 84 84 498 252 246 67 64 191 Bodhai (160) 392 ·00 111 111 788 400 388 72 S4 192 Gujriwas (159) 143 -00 48 48 343 186 157 15 14 ] 93 ChhuriawQs (157) 150 .()() 104 104 652 336 316 111 107

194 Gajjiwas (153) 51 '00 157 158 1,197 642 555 178 1 SI

195 Bithwana (149) 212 '00 17 17 121 67 54 196 Bbanwari (J 50) 228 ·00 31 31 205 104 101 197 Kamalpur (152) 218·00 101 101 700 369 331 95 99 ]98 Karnawas (151) 326·00 181 181 1,335 676 659 64 57 ]99 Bharawas (145) 1,114 ·89 437 437 2,794 1,456 1,338 273 2S5 200 Kharsanki (147) 92·67 28 28 175 89 86 201 Akbarpur (146) 77'00 30 30 207 121 86

202 Jatuwas (148) 329 ·00 110 110 781 429 352 84 74 203 Rampura (132) 316·00 324 324 2,298 1,213 1,085 541 440 204 Daliaki (133) 183'00 63 63 516 261 255 143 143

205 Aasaka (144) 300()() Un- 206 Jaitrawas (143) 377'00 156 157 1,184 608 576 176 156 207 Kharkhari Bhiwan (142) 1060()0 29 29 232 116 116 24 21 208 Nangli Godha (141) 66·00 160 160 931 441 490 72 75 209 Goliaka (58) 248'00 102 105 797 418 379 80 69 210 Bhandor (59) 782 -00 162 162 1.099 580 519 87 76 211 Dan AaJampur (140) 620()0 13 13 115 S7 58 203 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT

Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Aaricultural Houaehold Other Workers Labourers Industry­ Workers (I-IX> (I) (10 Manufacturing, (lU, IV, V(b) Proocssing, &: VItoIXl Servicing and RepairS [V (a»)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

155 10 140 3 109 3 12 5 14 8 165 249 221 96 169 122 16 3 28 229 393 175 59 123 96 5 22 131 229 634 275 441 8 148 8 88 53 152 643 1.133 535 341 119 236 15 76 2 82 13 76 317 64 4 122 97 20 5 142 203 199 84 129 91 38 118 249 128 10 140 100 2 38 178 235 160 47 99 11 33 5 16 6 50 153 384 254 57 159 4 87 10 6 3 56 241 92 145 81 4 92 12 60 12 11 21 2 176 297 195 44 152 19 68 15 3 4 13 68 8 382 484 406 166 260 71 160 45 39 25 61 37 41 38 8 30 13 25 2 13 3 47 72 69 11 57 28 31 2 4 26 16 100 195 231 259 78 172 11 22 2 77 2 2 60 365 593 418 164 309 6 210 18 6 5 76 6 15 3 795 1,324 889 331 646 II 301 46 3 20 2 219 4 46 86 57 38 43 39 4 67 8S 75 28 54 49 224 351 228 38 205 104 19 6 16 353 25 639 1,050 787 362 573 35 16 68 4 136 6 3 152 252 153 59 108 3 19 44 45 inhabited 96 7 346 568 360 106 261 lOS 44 13 23 3 64 113 65 19 52 25 3 79 4 2 315 484 308 205 126 4 45 2 70 241 378 268 85 171 99 8 323 518 350 142 2" 146 50 8 53 3 35 58 45 ~1 22 l8 " 204


Loca­ Name of Villaae (Had bast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total PopUlation (including Schedulod Schedullld tion Village occupied House­ Institutional & Houscloss Castes Tribes Code in resident­ holds PopUlation) No. Hectares ial HOllies

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 72 212 Thothwalka (139) 244 '00 72 477 235 242 27 ~I 213 DhamlBwas (136) 248 ·00 ISO 150 1.032 525 507 65 59 214 Mailawas (61) 69 '00 94 94 570 286 .284 92 84 215 Pitherawas (60) 123 ·00 137 137 875 441 434 16 19 216 Dhanisundrod (Dhani ,undr.dh) (62) 122'00 7S 75 468 254 214 47 44 217 Sundrodh (66) 199'00 n 92 603 312 291 67 58 218 Shahbajpur hlamrar (65) 70'00 51 51 294 153 141 14 16 219 Badh Sundrod (Badh Sundroj) (67) 141 00 Un- 220 Maha Khari. (68) 87'00 48 48 315 164 151 72 65

221 Gangoli (13S) 23S'00 2 2 3 3

222 Badh ]cthu (lJ7) 31 '00 7 2 5 223 Narainpuf (138) 111 ·00 60 60 465 244 221 86 89 224 Husainpur (Husanpur) (134) 337'00 134 134 910 482 428 273 2.13 225 Qutllbpur Mola (131) 316·00 990 990 5,749 3,169 2,580 1,469 1.221

226 Kan Majril (126) 123 ·83 Un- 227 Saharan was (130) 174 ·00 273 273 1,811 900 911 307 294

228 Ludhuwa5 Ahir (129) 171 ·00 132 132 862 453 409 74 56 229 Kharrwas (127) 233·00 129 131 890 460 430 79 72 230 CbanduwaJ (Cbandawal) (117) 192 '00 150 150 1,036 544 492 133 125 231 Kaluwas (118) 124'00 155 155 1,056 553 503 40 33 232 Gokalillrb (119) 919'00 621 622 3,980 2,017 1,963 485 438 233 Lisana (220) 622'00 178 17B 1,103 592 511 157 140 234 Bikaner (221) 191'41 200 200 1,456 779 617 411 J50 2JS OangaYacba Ahir (222) 329·()(l 285 285 C882 982 900 65 67 236 Ga.lliaYacha Jatt (223) 293'80 132 132 869 456 413 62 62 237 Shekhpur Shikarpur (224) 322'00 165 165 1,126 '57 569 108 103 238 Kilillljath (110) 327'00 140 140 1,007 SS8 449 72 S4 239 Rlijpura KhalJa (111) 222 '00 125 128 837 416 421 34 27

240 Gi.ado K.bat (ll3) 386·00 118 178 ),234 622 612 87 83 205 CENSUS ABSTRACT


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers Workers ~;~I-M;i;-C-;;Jtiva;;;-"A;~~:;-;:l---Hous;-;;;;---&;;---- Workers Labourers Industry- Workers (I-IX) (I) (II) Manufacturing, [IlL IV. V(b) Prooessio8, & VI to IX] Servicinll and Ropairs [ V (a) I ,------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F J3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

158 101 98 52 14 ]2 IJ1 241 361 144 205 119 32 54 320 506 172 81 129 80 19 30 157 283 325 170 188 122 9 57 253 434

175 66 107 2 10 (i 3 28 147 212

209 78 lSI 6 68 3 37 2 7 2 161 283

66 18 7 J 46 12 2 JI 82 141


106 12 67 33 4 3 27 97 151 2 3 .l

2 5 5

H4 46 125 60 l'i4 J 19 221 306 63 235 1.1 46 8 7 JRI 5 247 415

1,968 773 1,388 lOS 46 6 223 64 1,113 40 10 5 1,771 2,470 inhabited 56; 658 578 309 330 31 102 62 3 25 19 141 8 5 222 301 302 290 124 lSI 3 91 3 24 2 34 104 274 308 299 ]02 146 .2 66 8 71 40 120 31 6 293 485 347 128 220 112 16 .2 90 17 174 303 328 390 186 233 113 6 114 2 1,231 1,951 1,299 637 783 10 232 10 3 11 530 6 3 162 3 316 508 276 55 276 114 205 4 4 4 438 666 466 162 337 7 25 101 2 40 II! 661 836 625 274 281 46 107 44 26 142 2 59 264 411 252 110 192 2 116 17 2 56 287 565 366 175 270 4 167 47 3 59 41 22 331 427 336 84 J86 124 3 37 3 8 247 413 238 95 166 122 7 10 105 374 487 '0. 166 238 20 145 IS 27 2 2 ti4 3 206 VILLAGE PRIMARY REWARI TAHSIL

Loca· Name of VIII • ., (H.dbalt No.) Area of No.ot No. of 10ta1 PopulatloD Scheduled Sohodulod tion ViIl,1JC occupied HC'use· (iaoluding Iostltut;(lDlI Clites Tribes Code in residen­ hoJds '" Housoless Population) No. Hectares tial Hou•• ---.-.------.....------.-- P M M p M P 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

241 Lakhnor (U5) 204·00 96 96 658 345 313 S6 58 242 Bbudpur (116) 173.00 199 190 .1)22 606 616 26$ 243 Aaspl" (114) 2 2 15 8 7

244 Blalwas Abir (J28~ 163 -00 143 )43 J ,019 511 508 "8 72

245 J.dars (117) 8~S ·00 276 276 J,1l(l2 952 ~5{1 8S 77

246 BllnQarwlI (~t:~ )4{l.00 29 ]9 P8 92 116

'}A7 Babotwa,.hir (BobiltY"p) (liS) 308 '00 III IJ2 804 40~ 401 19 77 '}48 1)l-tani Sallt!' (til) 1511·(l() 52 52 349 )75 174 48 42

249 Ilajpura btamrar (64) 161 .(l(l 145 14.!' 5{l(' 493 78 64

2:;0 Gc>biodrL,r; (71) 72·00 ~O 30 116 J20

2~ J I(borj (7(l~ 592·(17 280 2t10 2.297 J .2J~ J.084 311 252 CbilaJ1l1was (69.\ 246.(1() J48 14iI 1,046 552 494 49 l5~ As ia9'a~ (83) 195·(1() 130 130 ~7 ~O ~7 .'7 ~6

,}54 BC"liswal' (Balis."as~ (84) ];W·OO 82 86 Rl9 3J 7 292 7f1 67

2!1S Bhat~a ('79) 317·(l(l 96 J(Xl 662 372 290 84 57

2.~(i ~anglll ~undi (Nangli (711) ;t(o(l .(l(\ 2} 9 2JQ J ,352 ~8J HJ 110 VII MUl.loi) lS7 MUQdi (PO; 953·00 354 354 2,774 1,11'6 }.08B 230 2(l3

~8 GC'ra1pura Urf Pranrura (~J) ~5·ro Itl) m J ,179 580 5lW 57 64 259 -"adhu Alias Bbawanipur (82) 278.00 35 40 213 144 129 21 )9 260 Mamaria Aasampur (74) 255·00 120 120 1,007 528 479 95 85 261 Nanaala Mayan (32) 2) J ·00 61 61 140 70 70 24 24 Ul2 Mamaria Ahir ('3) 230-00 109 109 746 399 347 37 38 163 Mamaria Tbetbar (12) 328·00 75 75 648 322 326 48 4S 264 Gothara lappa KOOri (39) 451·00 269 269 1,764 862 902 109 107 26S Bawana Gujar (Bawana) (40) 438'00 117 117 764 406 358 92 86 266 Tint (41) 439 -00 242 242 1,502 739 763 S7 '8 167 Gumina (42) 229 -00 72 72 490 251 239 94 96

168 ~yaka (57) 163·00 119 ) 19 841 404 437 79 83 269 Punsika (56) 179·00 136 136 941 444 497 40 41 170 Kunda! (44) 703'00 144 144 93' 483 4'2 83 77 171 Harjlpur (43) 481 -00 104 J04 151 389 362 12 9 272 Pall (38) 854·00 4'3 4'3 1, 702 1,296 1.406 144 146 ,. 207


Llterato •• Main Workers Mar,inal Non- Workers ~------Workers

Total ~ain Cultivators Agrioultural Household Othor Wor)fors Worlrors Labourers Industry­ [U1 IV, 'feb) (I-JX\ (I) (JI) ManufacturinJ, & VI 10 IX] Processing, ServiciD8 and Repairs [VIa») __ ----....,-- N P M P -----M P ------M P M P M P ------M P 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

209 48 137 90 47 208 313 418 221 266 4 64 J9 3 2 161 .58 340 j54 7 3 3 2 5 7 349 J45 214 2 92 12 109 2 2.97 SO

386 126 '}74 4 86 .5 22 402 648 627 203 484 28 265 35 22 162 27 39 10 663 1,050 331 11S 206 3 131 1 12 3 60 29 7 345 589 77 36 60 1 38 , )(j 4 84 124 322 100 225 14i 20 3 56 61 231 242 248 3 29 21 5 3 4 18 37 52 216 34 187 4 122 41 4 24 4 17 2011 326 234 IJ7 J13 If 18 29 1 4 208 322 567 238 3&1 4 212 6Ci 19 ~7 3 23 107 475 791 222 43 196 7 83 4 3 110 2 210 351 SOS 250 266 45 154 32 13 3 6 93 9 4 14 469 704 135 6S 106 47 18 4 37 11 145 228 201 73 131 7 81 13 7 6 31 2 271 430 295 168 180 2 114 14 3 49 2 264 495 215 64 248 143 SO 55 3 232 452 241 85 152 103 4 45 3 87 234 275 7" 293 485 53 313 39 34 14 6 132 25 334 786 1,019 208


Loca­ Name of Villa~e (! ladbast No.) Area of No. of No. of Total Population (indud· Scheduled Scheduled tion Village occupied House- iog institutional & Castes Tribes Code in residen­ h,)lds Houseless Population) No. Hectares tial Houses

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ]2

273 Cheeta Dungra (37) )80,00 133 133 777 403 374 110 95

274 Bhalalci (35) 649 ·00 160 160 1,143 604 539 60 62

27S Majra Mutsal Bhalaki (36) 538 ·00 326 326 2,049 1,068 981 161 150

276 Nandha (34) 550 ·00 216 216 ],528 812 716 139 125

277 Balwari (33) 487 ·00 205 205 1,297 644 653 179 177

278 Mayan (31) 63000 230 230 1,389 740 649 211 174

279 Khol (30) ],381 00 374 374 2, I 80 1,105 ),075 180 184

280 Ahrod (29) 1,003 ·00 329 329 2,097 1,053 1.044 142 130

2~1 Bas Dooda (26) 1.023 ·00 246 246 1,578 810 768 116 121

282 Manethi (28) 890·00 562 566 3.180 1,657 1.523 273 284

283 Padla (27) 676·00 167 167 1,158 613 545 142 128

All \'illage~ ---~-~- .~-- tAl though entered as 'Be-Chirag' (Un-inhabited) in the revenue record, the population shown against this village was enumerated at the time of 1981 -Census.

Norts : -(1) Where a town and village bear an identical name, the word (Rural), has been added after the name of the Village.

(2) The area of a village (revenue estate) is based on the jnformation supplied by the Revenue Patwari and includes Urban area, if any. 209


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Worlrers Workers ------Total Main Cllltivatorl Aaricllltllral HOllscnold Other Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry- [llI, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, & VI to IX] Processing, Servicing and Repairs [V (a)] ------_ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 226 105 196 123 4 69 26 207 348 345 112 210 130 78 3 3 391 535 630 195 449 8 227 221 7 21 197 598 776 429 122 316 5 119 92 3 11 94 2 53 134 443 577 391 209 252 6 107 73 2 II 61 4 392 647 421 160 266 4 116 23 22 105 4 2 472 645 544 253 512 6 236 73 10 193 6 3 ill 590 958 611 198 425 30 293 21 20 6 106 2 22 260 606 754 513 179 328 41 184 23 4 5 11 129 13 36 117 446 610 1,046 432 761 22 237 9 80 435 21 14 320 882 1,181 291 114 276 8 89 13 4 170 8 9 337 528

88.770 32,194 63.180 2.567 32,044 1,095 6,712 752 2,364 161 22,060 559 2,102 9,203 87,220 129,552 URBAN Pili MARY


Location Name of Town/Ward Area of No. of No. of Total Population (inciud· ScbcduJcd Sc.bcd&ilcd Code Town in oocu- House- ina Institutional & Castes Tribes No. Km I pied holds Houseless Population) resi- dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

II REWARI (M.e.) "06 8,140 8,180 51,561 27,405 24,157 3,417 2,944 Ward 1,454 1,459 8,971 4,856 4,115 1,649 1,444 2 604 604 3,834 2,009 1,825 179 136 3 1,183 1,186 6,944 3,738 3,206 914 818 4 372 382 2,341 1,224 1,117 138 114

5 504 504 2,807 1,506 1,301 48 29

6 390 405 2,789 1,470 1,319 24 21

7 508 508 3,315 1,775 1,540 77 53 8 349 351 2,374 1,252 1,122 94 92 9 459 459 3,171 1,688 1,483 10 457 457 2,749 1,450 1,299 103 69 11 447 448 2,656 1,421 1,235 27 20 12 408 408 2,528 1,312 1,216 13 449 449 3,271 1,725 1,546 116 104 14 308 312 2,077 1,089 988 48 44 15 248 248 1,735 890 84S 211


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non-Workers ------._-_._-_. _.- .__ -_-- Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers (I) Labourers Industry- Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, IIIJ, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX) Servicing and Repairs IV (a)]

-_.. ------_. __ -.--.--.- _ ...--- _------_---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19,076 11,699 13,064 695 263 10 56 3 1,062 108 11,683 574 117 2J6 14,224 23,246 3,095 1,600 2,410 210 11 238 79 2,161 130 19 86 2,427 3,819 1,405 910 940 45 56 8 13 2 863 43 2 1.067 1,779 2,356 1,200 1,648 110 75 7 4 2 167 9 1,402 92 47 101 2,043 2,995 901 617 566 40 10 6 43 12 507 26 13 13 645 1.064

1,170 806 683 61 10 27 2 (,45 59 823 1,240

1,]39 747 672 2] 6 8 126 2 532 19 6 792 1,298 1,363 896 854 38 6 73 774 38 921 1,502 888 584 598 25 7 43 548 25 654 1,097 1,176 718 854 14 3 2 108 741 14 834 1,469 908 570 694 32 8 685 32 756 1,267 1,073 710 705 38 3 2 65 2 635 36 716 1,196

1,015 686 636 21 5 9 49 573 2J 5 671 1,195 \,126 641 837 15 60 23 754 15 7 5 881 1,526 813 510 522 13 9 512 13 3 567 972 648 504 44S 12 2 6 116 351 11 18 6 427 827


213 214


LoCation N8lllD ofVilIalle Area of No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Code (Hadbaat No.) ViI lase occupied House· (including Jnstitutionlll Cast.es Tribes No, in resjde n- holds and Houscloss H octares tial Population) Houses

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Nosuba (7) 295 ·00 106 106 828 432 396 32 S6 2 Bhagot (6) 1.159 ·00 442 442 3.237 1,632 1,605 204 200 3 Uchat(5) 810'00 S8 S8 35() 162 188 146 172 4 Jharli (10) 2S5'00 142 J42 885 434 451 67 52 5 Chhitbroti (I 1) 377 '00 232 232 1.516 763 753 74 75

6 Sihor (4) 720 -00 365 368 2.:543 1.281 J,262 147 121 7 Gahra (3) 436 -00 157 160 1.137 622 515 53 59 8 Gujarwas(l) 365 '00 107 107 693 373 320 46 53

9 Loakhi (2) 904 -00 390 390 2,307 1,137 ),170 121 141 10 Kolia (15) 700 -00 275 275 ],812 90S 907 68 58 11 Karira (16) 639 -80 278 278 1,869 989 880 126 121 12 Bharaf (l7) 662 '87 299 299 2.139 1,129 1.010 207 179 13 Kapoori (18) 595 -28 154 154 1,033 525 508 76 77 )4 Rarnbas (19) 357 -00 211 211 1,321 640 681 90 96 15 Israna (20) 575'00 51 51 570 283 287 2J 28

)6 Kakrala (21) 798 -00 326 326 2,379 1,206 1,173 192 166 17 Kamna (Rural) (14) 2.383 '00 Total population and a Part area of the villa,Je 18 Dhanunda (12) 1.773-31 725 725 4,966 2.551 2.41S 516 468 J9 Unban; (13) 490-00 174 174 1,312 687 625 139 137 20 Kaimla (54) 193-00 73 73 470 239 231 9 10 21 Gudha (23) 1.134-00 349 349 2.298 1,175 1,123 293 278 12 Cbelawas (22) 622-80 191 191 1,405 724 681 143 140 23 MohamadPur (24) 366-24 145 145 893 491 402 54 40 24 RasuJpUt (25) 411 -IS 244 U4 1.609 791 818 108 133 lS Nanga! (26) 300'68 135 135 1,202 603 599 109 114 26 Partal (39) 1.258-00 212 272 1.93f) 949 981 301 340 27 Manpura (40) 336·00 45 45 323 174 149 11 13

28 Mori(41) 746-00 107 107 682 341 3~1 169 189 ~ Gomla (44) 592'00 126 126 870 438 432 99 100 30 Oomli (43) 157'00 16 26 232 1.25 107 31 BbO)&wa8{42) 1.256 -00 422 42.2 2,435 1.220 1,213 16] 138

3Z Kaka (2.7) 386 '06 ]29 129 863 460 403 ~l 41 215


Main WOlkei'll Maf'IJinal Non· Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Labourers Industry­ (III, IV. V(b) (I-IX) (I) (II) Manufacturina. &; VI to IX) Processing, Servicing and Repairs IcY (a)] M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 232 53 179 2 136 2 Jl 32 31 117 222 '1.17 800 175 681 2 513 76 6 86 21 83 930 1,520 73 32 68 78 36 46 26 32 6 4 94 106 210 52 144 79 19 11 35 11 119 279 33J

473 154 282 38 200 36 9 3 70 46 184 435 531

712 300 544 11 365 8 4 39 136 3 16 144 721 1,107 307 69 243 21 175 16 12 5 1 51 4 5 23 374 471

208 42 143 106 13 7 17 5 134 225 185

775 385 491 22 327 7 11 2 16 137 13 25 133 621 1,015 429 71 393 279 77 37 166 512 741 535 93 382 15 236 9 66 6 3 77 47 89 560 776 572 109 452 291 14 20 127 677 1,009 269 52 236 178 37 4 17 289 50S 346 97 283 188 29 63 8 396 349 28S 144 28 144 131 6 7 30 139 257

655 164 480 2 356 65 4 5S 726 1,170 bas como within the municipal limits of Kanioa Town

1.167 277 1.211 94 805 38 142 21 24 22 240 13 20 82 1.320 2.239 362 70 344 217 30 18 79 343 62$

149 51 104 5 60 5 4 40 17 134 209

690 135 529 6 202 110 23 194 4 2 646 1.U, 376 97 345 2 210 2 36 3 96 146 378 533 298 78 237 3 177 3 30 29 237 254 162 397 109 342 237 28 20 57 449 817

.~ 69 274 181 63 30 2 292 327 397 556 164 383 280 32 16 55 6 320 S60 461 109 47 78 68 5 5 96 148 172 41 166 1 99 56 11 175 340 32 193 44 166 3 118 16 2 3 1 269 428 5 80 26 49 44 2 76 IGS

$10 165 524 73 282 11 30 7 51 150 4 14 682 1,141 39 171 236 232 ~8 44 224 170 IS 216


Loca­ Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including SchedUled Scheduled tion (Had bast No.) village occupied Houao­ Institutional &. Houselcsl Caltos Triboa Code In residon· holds Population) No. Hectares tial houses

---~----- P M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 33 Sundrah (Sunira) (38) 862·78 273 273 1,802 940 862 87 83 34 Jhigawan (37) 277'61 96 96 589 299 290 53 54 35 Bawania (28) 750·00 333 333 2,156 1,092 1,064 98 104 36 Mundain (Mudian) (29) 341 '55 87 87 657 355 302 24 21 37 Bewal (30) 920'24 302 302 2,148 1,095 1,053 158 204 38 Khairana (36) 462'14 220 220 1 393 706 687 80 96 39 Mundia Khera (35) 524'46 307 307 2,267 1,152 1,115 166 144 40 Kalwari (34) 569 '38 197 197 1,228 629 599 101 104 41 Dongra Jat (33) 335 '48 157 157 1,047 536 SlJ 53 53 42 Dongra Ahir (32) 588'81 415 415 2,705 1,387 1,327 91 80 43 Bhalkhi (31) 867'00 97 102 784 384 400 43 56 44 Surjanwas (73) 354'50 266 266 1,762 900 862 66 67

4S Khera (72) 208'81 171 171 1,180 598 582 36 33 46 Oagarwas (71) 100·77 86 86 532 240 292 20 10 47 Bachini (70) 325 '77 203 203 I,ISS 584 571 131 135

48 AkbafPur Nanga I (69) 553 ·~O 183 183 1.281 642 639 111 106 49 Moghanwas (75) 199 '91 141 141 955 478 477 41 39 50 BuchoJi (76) 39CHI 187 187 1,416 713 703 70 79 51 CbitJang (78) 670'96 173 173 1,227 585 642 131 132 52 Blrchitlang (74) 53·82 Un-

53 Dulana (77) 263 ·85 104 104 740 352 388 84 92 54t Salimabad (86) 470 '24 6 6 53 27 26 55 Majra Khurd (63) 346·81 139 139 1,055 549 506 106 91 56 Mabondralllrh (87) 660·84 Total population and whole of the villqe 57 Cham DbCIra (85) 172 '39 90 90 605 319 286 58t Bundoba)napr (84) 158 ·23 16 16 132 67 6S 59 Jaaa wu (81) 169·97 121 121 779 378 401 74 85 60 Bhandor Uochi (SO) 489·66 lSI 152 1,014 491 523 101 114 61 Dewas ('79) 331'84 191 191 1,277 661 616 72 86 62 Kothal Khurd (97) 386'06 186 186 1,108 546 562 75 86 63 Bori(82) 549'56 256 256 1,772 930 842 175 150 217


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non­ ------Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Othcr Workers Labourers lndustry- Workcrs (I-IX) (1) (II) Manufacturing, [Ill, IV, V(b) Processing. & VIto IX] Servicing and Repairs [V (~l)l

M F M F M F M I' M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

557 123 416 2 298 35 2 9 74 34 523 826 123 25 lSI 122 12 12 4 6 144 284

617 Itll 505 17 321 7 ~8 19 127 229 587 818 158 22 188 2 142 2 27 19 167 300 665 253 476 31 339 29 60 7 70 4 75 615 947 250 50 338 3 282 2 22 4 30 367 684

688 173 46R 20 299 16 48 4 4 117 11 94 673 1,001 348 86 262 2 27 11 56 37 179 330 418 294 &6 2211 178 24 7 19 14 307 495

859 311 499 3 283 17 5 194 fi6 878 1.258 150 21 lSI lID 2 5 34 31 202 261 490 130 390 4 2R(' 22 4 5 77 296 509 562

346 III 252 8 149 3 2 13 87 3 179 343 395

125 7.1 88 7 70 7 7 II 152 285 294 71 235 16 146 14 50 175 .~·n 380 405 110 272 165 22 9 76 17 28& 353 350 253 89 185 12 116 27 10 42 2 12 60 281 405 369 lOS 250 2 184 22 3 41 463 701 265 86 244 3 141 69 3 31 3 4 256 337 383

inhabited 223 105 125 7 65 5 3 2 55 2 40 159 187 222 18 3 9 6 3 15 18 10 266 97 259 182 20 57 281 290 225 has come within tho Municipal limits of Mahcndragarh Town 157 160 177 43 162 130 32 125 39 57 27 9 25 18 2 5 8 190 286 204 5S 188 117 21 10 40 114 32 278 489 213 78 203 2 129 27 15 32 10 394 457 342 96 267 14 189 30 14 2 46 145 272 331 289 298 100 212 131 24 5 52 92 5 9 156 529 677 460 107 392 9 233 67 4 218

MAHENDRAGARH TAHSIL VIUAGE PRlMARY loca­ Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled tion (Hadbast No.) Village occupied House- Institutional & Houseless Caste~ Tribes Code in residen- holds Population) No. Hectares tial Houses

------P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

64 Bhand(\r Nilehl (83) 274·78 104 104 696 344 352 81 83

65 Jonawas (95) 299'46 100 100 729 386 343 88 65 66 Ja1\vas (94) 214·4R 132 132 858 421 437 63 60

67 Birjatwas (93) 33-99 Un- 68 Paiga (88) 206·39 130 DI 769 392 377 65 54

69 Khaira (89) 424'10 142 142 968 488 480 t 6 J()

70 Rc\\,.s

7! Sesoth (61) 612'69 249 249 1,511 773 738 83 68

72 Palri (8) 600-00 249 249 1,811 8911 915 89 100

73 Majra Kalan (60) 355 ·31 183 183 1,2M 6.n 627 31 31

74 Jho(lk (56) 425 ·72 188 19() 1,392 709 68 J 68 70

75 Sigra (65) 272 ·75 J89 189 J ,299 653 M6 87 85

76 Sigri (64) 265 '47 73 73 478 265 213 128 120

77 Alluwas (66) 118 ·17 76 76 563 291 272 34 35

78 Buchawas (68) 870'47 196 196 1,559 833 726 57 51

79 Jhagroli (67) 909·72 256 25!l 1,953 1,005 948 160 146

80 Pa thera (55) 1,343'13 385 385 2,739 1.485 1,254 153 126

81 Aghiar (53) 505'00 139 139 934 483 451 148 "t 126

82 Khcri (51) JI87 ·73 569 594 3,646 1,884 1,762 280 287

83 Talwana (50) 442 ·31 108 108 761 390 371 74 71

84 Sehlang (9) l,054'J 9 504 504 3,412 1,771 1,641 150 150

85 Pota (8) 738'95 314 314 2,094 1,030 1,064 93 108

86 Siana (49) 819·07 308 308 2,167 1,116 1,051 120 129 87 Nautana (48) 679·46 292 292 2,165 1,080 1,085 143 139

88 Bassai (47) 2,235 ·00 645 645 4,286 2,255 2,031 314 2S9

89 Kharkhara (43) 799·65 444 444 2,959 1,542 1,417 187 175

90 A

91 Bhurjat (46) 600'95 147 147 913 455 458 74 93

92 Bawana (52) 904·86 266 266 1,764 903 861 297 276 93 Malra (57) 872'08 458 458 3,294 1,660 1,634 216 238 94 Jant (45) 654 '77 202 202 1,337 707 630 135 116

95 Lawan (58) 482'78 269 269 1,736 880 856 130 135

96 Bhagdana (59) 499 '37 218 218 1,403 710 693 67 54 219


Literale$ Main Workors Marginal Non­ Workers Workers

----- M F 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2]0 10 132 65 15 52 10 IO() 202 252 187 :Hi I'll 133 52 ')2 195 250 l81 80 162 95 3 63 5 18B 254 248 inhahited

242 88 4 M 13 6 72 4 4 85 228 281:\ 289 242 81 9 119 2 4 57 240 117 471 153 44) 41 271 32 18 151 1. 6 231 441 574 489 134 362 34 208 33 8 31 115 17 204 394 SOD 427 449 101 Z9l) 92 47 7 16 87 3 5 159 442 654 349 82 115 205 109 16 4- 2 3 347 509 412 l21J 4(j 42 240 22 49 3 39[1 641 364 130 169 9 83 2

498 139 401l B 215 4 33 2 7 145 15 2 590 938 717 ]37 (.90 29 503 26 105 3 21 61 4 795 1,221 184 45 190 128 44 III 293 45[ ')12 295 788 67 475 ]5 123 23 59 26 Jll 3 II 1,085 1,695 128 44 166 2. 121 2 21 24 I() 40 214 329

1,054 290 675 54 450 16 78 34 4 143 4 4S 137 \ ,O~8 t,450 657 l(l9 36l 201 15 139 35 346 634 717 659 202 460 3 3J7 46 17 80 2 34 481 622 567 66l 220 372 HI 235 8 54 2 11 72 4 374 704 70,

1,078 244 1,Oll l3 693 10 109 5 25 184 7 J()O 1.53 1,144 ],&5.5 579 100 655 6 4-85 5 73 JO 1'7 15 120 871 1,291 192 35 ZZ5 62 70 24 3 J 149 37 5 13 J60

195 48 101 14 145 7 48 14 1 254- 413 81 421 l7 235 5 115 s 17 5S 6 4 477 733 167 71l 7 471 104 :z 29 102 3 50 %48 25 346 1?8 146 152 22 74 S 3 31 358 420 528 137 3?S 3 lJ6 1.2 1 116 2 1 93 5Q.1 760 42,1 160 284 4 ~8 3 11 10 4S 426 689 220


Loca­ Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Popula tion Scheduled Scheduled tion (Had bast No.) Village in occllPied House- (including Institutional Castes Tribes Code Hectares residen­ holds & HOllseless population) No. tial Houses

p ------M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 R 9 10 II 12 97 Pali 09) 1800 ·02 588 588 3.811 1.9 l3 1,878 Vi7 356

Q8 Dholi (40) 5·14 ·70 1:!0 1:!0 9QJ 4% 4<)7 157 147

99 Man{i,,]a (15) 881 'SO 2Jt.. 218 1,49.1 78R 7011 til 4<)

100 Zerrur (16) 1045'69 170 1.170 (,~1 5~7 nl 112

101 Kurahwata 07) 923 ·88 lR4 1&4 1.4(1(, SOl 605 127 III 102 Khatod (90) 6-11 ·S2 186 1 86 U 17 691 624 96 103 Paharwas(9l) 273 ·97 27 :!7 197 1<10 97 II 8

]04 Ja njri Va was (9~) 340·74 172 182 1,09.1 588 505 9') 95

105 Kharoli (l05) 535 SO 168 1 ,O~O ~S() 470 57

]06 Nangal Simhi (104) 1,051 ·76 558 4,Ot~ 2,067 1,97~ 286 276

107 Nihalawas (112) 190·20 179 179 1,1 04 ~ 32 572 93 109

108 Kuksi (113) 209·22 48 48 312 170 142 :!9 25

109 Khatiwas (96) 273·56 176 176 990 453 537 61 62

110 Kothal Kalan (98) 468 ·62 210 210 1,381 693 688 106 121

III Nanagwas (99) 23·1'31 100 Ion 7()1 361 340 34 46

112 DcroJi Jat (100) 6se ·76 189 189 1,40S 711 697 172 156

113 Gulawala(115) 37)'92 136 137 999 529 470 63 56

114 Kherki (114) 366·24 177 177 1 ,265 639 626 39 43

115 Pal h (Ill) 225'41 100 100 669 333 336 28 44

116 Bairawas (110) 377 '97 214 214 1,281 645 636 74 22

117 Pal (109) 144·47 128 128 803 418 385 29 36

] 18 Gadania (108) 292'18 112 112 722 354 368 30 40

119 Chhajuwas (106) 153·37 83 84 467 236 231

]20 Nimbi (107) 1,167·]0 225 253 1,666 85] 815 218 200

121 Dulotb (30) 729 ·64 333 333 2,188 1,139 1,049 139 ]36

122 Budin (31) 863·59 215 215 1,499 784 715 71 65

123 SoWa (29) 1,308 ·33 157 158 1,144 596 548 45 SO

] 24 Dhador (28) 798 '03 183 183 1,232 643 589 78 78

12S Balayacha (32) 235 ·12 98 98 640 339 301 67 56

126 Nimbir,\ (33) 440 '29 136 136 885 458 427 175 154

127 Kb~t()dra (34) 295'01 143 149 895 461 434 45 31 128 Dovrali (36) 145 '28 32 32 282 158 124 8 14 221 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT Lit01'at5 Main Workers Marginal Non­ ------Workers W{)(lcors

Total Main Cultivators Agricuit ural Housenolc Other Workers Labourers Industry­ (1-IX) Workers (1) (1£) Ma.nufacturing, [TIl, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX] Servicing and _---___ ---._------Repairs Iv (a)] _._--- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 !4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8.65 311S 13 476 12 13I 173 9 12 I,D5 I,S:5] 4 207 59 J27 2 30 Cf 15~ 263 339 39& 76 14l 8 268 IfJ HI 54 4 61 339 385 359 209 15 375 190 4 51 2 130 1S1 257 m

466 411 358 240 44 25 49 144 443 460

366 41 226 19 151! I" 22 3 3 43 106 2()2 361 4()]

51 15 36 20 2 6 S 63 96

271 40 257 22 J68 3 12 9- 2 68 17 20 17~ 31J J10

202 S 297 5 198 JJ 2 64 283 464

J,OW 361 890 16 445 52 1 31 362 10 II 146 1,166 1,a13 296 102 237 2 133 2(\ 18 67 295 503 91 32 24 3 90 1.19

256 142 122 33 63 30 7 51 2 2S 150 306 354

414 110 246 9 143 11 34 2 5R 7 73 178 374 501 225 58 65 28 JO 36 S 165 214 175 353 Ill) :n5 9 189 6 125 21 2 376 688 273 14 222 5 14J If) 3 7 23 169 284 296 374 92 254 189 64 219 384 406 250 212 4S 143 7 89 10 6 4 40 79 190 390 391 JiC2 143 253 26 112 22 7 3 24 50 Z 213 241 2:'6 254 84 152 88 9 15 4(] 25 148 21}0 2S4 16.3 28 150 127 3 20 4 114 124- 11];6 128 52 87 5-5 2 :2 zs 25 45 143 466 fH) 4(J3 166 357 141 76 6 128 2 28 Sf 431 549 60S S57 211 503 13 323 5 35 34 111 8 25 102 3&6 611 378 59 373 2 286 3 J5 69 24 294 490 245 22 276 34 U7 16 4 21 10 114 8 26 L1 69 3!>6 4'17 258 50 276 43 192 39 18 4 65 -4e} la1 2:52 3.9 152 In 4 11 14 77 36 65 :239 362 50 183 88 16 2 lS7 103 245 77 258 2 174 3] 2 14 3~ 14 17 74 95 74 &4 2 4 222


I.oca. Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled tion (Had bast No.) Village in Occupied House­ (including Institutional Castes Tribes Code Hectares residen­ holds & Houseless Population) No. tial Houses ------M F M F -----M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

129 Rathiw3s (35) 131 ·12 33 214 106 lOR

130 Ushmapur (17) 248 ·07 86 R6 539 2R5 254 49 53

131 Ra,iawas (26) 930·36 216 222 1,347 749 598 231 lS8

132 Balana (27) 1,079 ·2R 193 19R 1,231 (,35 596 121 139

133 Dalenwas (23) 1,506'22 36() 360 2,200 I, B2 1,(leiS 174 159

134 Gadarwas (24) 1 ~5 '80 58 58 395 195 200

135 Madhogarh (25) 1,253 ·70 256 25(, 1.646 ~46 800 214 229

136 Barda (18) 1,456'85 367 367 2,539 .1,316 1,223 118 118

137 Degrola (13) 1,542 ·23 242 242 1,638 804 834 189 214 138 Nanwan (12) 1,700 ·00 324 324 2,049 1.077 972 378 325

139 Nanga! Mala (14) 923 ·00 107 107 722 %S 357 34 28

140 Khudana (41) 3,861 '00 754 755 5,248 2,724 2,524 482 420 141 Garhi (42) S()4'50 170 170l,Iil2 616 5(>6 90 78

142 Naurangabad Rajputan (I I) 834 ·85 249 249 1,722 919 fHl3 140 109 143 NauTangabad Jattan (185) 1,063 ·50 143 143 1,032 499 533 16 12

144 Badrai (9) 1,116'00 251 2561,896 993 903 159 157

145 Gopalwas (10) 775 '00 24 7 247 1,767 884 883 152 134 146 Soharj (6) 891 ·91 118 118 987 507 480 55 43

147 Basri (5) 554 ·01 79 79 618 330 288 148 133

148 Jarw8 (4) 1,338 '68 283 283 2,043 1,069 974 146 134 149 Shampura (1) 1,017 ·00 271 271 1,812 945 867 115 108 1 SO Patharwa (2) 1,930 ·00 523 523 3,582 1,796 1,786 304 269 151 Birsinghwas (8) 520 '01 22 22 139 79 60 7 12

152 Satnali (7) 2,056 ·18 774 780 5,038 2,675 2,363 584 486

153 Bas (3) 651 '53 166 166 1,126 610 516 118 99 154 Dhana (21) 230 ·26 102 102 652 319 333 16 8

155 Sureti maveryana (20) 239 '98 52 52 398 206 192 13 12 IS6 Sureti Jakhar (19) 592 '05 146 148 1,020 499 521 65 59

IS7 Sureti Pilania (22) 477 ·93 191 191 1,247 651 596 57 70 ------_------_._-- All villages 32,337 32,463 219,904 112,842 107,062 17,106 16,482

NOI,S :-(1) Where a town and villa,e bear nn identical name, the word (Rural) has boon added after the name oftbe villliC. (2) The arOll of a village (revenue estate) is based on the information supplied by the Revenue Patwari and includes urban area, if an". tAlthough entered as 'Be-Chitag (Un-inhabited) in the revenue record, the population shown against this village was enumerated at the time of 1981'Census, CENSUS 4as11lAC1 MAHENDRAGAR.H DISTRICT Literates Main Workers Marginal Non· Workors Workers ~~-~------~------~-~-----~-- Total Main Cultivators Agri cultural Household Other Workers Labourers Industry­ Workors (I-IX) (I) (11) Manufacturing, [Ill, IV, V(b) Prooossin8, & VI to IX] Sorvicing and Ropairs [V ea)} ~~--~------~~ ------M P ------M P M P ---_------M M }1 M P M P M P 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 61 15 55 40 15 47 51 6J

133 19 14~ 112 96 96 4 14 2 43 2 3 18 137 124 217 33 . 383 52 260 to 15 7 106 29 4 34 362 512 159 8 343 32 252 18 32 8 6 53 6 2 42 290 522 646 169 417 16 252 2 39 8 12 114 6 99 448 616 604 102 3(, 82 62 19 12 80 101 120 486 163 325 32 137 15 14 174 17 Il 148 513 620 626 147 5115 75 422 59 93 12 3 2 67 2 22 731 1,126

355 121 381 89 249 70 57 18 75 4 98 419 647 450 78 528 8 306 3 4 217 5 3 31 546 933

169 40 149 lOll 13 28 4 216 353

1,300 441 1,260 40 672 3 173 3 II 404 34 40 38 1,424 2,446

256 78 298 12 195 9 54 2 49 7 34 311 520 426 74 445 264 322 195 8 12 15 7 100 50 22 102 452 437 287 54 204 210 147 207 4 53 3 38 2 257 321 424 61 528 18 3115 JO 62 22 5 59 2 6 28 459 857 328 92 420 117 289 107 72 8 12 47 2 464 766 253 74 230 94 210 94 2 17 277 386 142 31 158 145 13J 133 11 J2 15 172 143

358 93 529 3 400 2 47 5 77 ~40 971 383 63 467 57 340 43 53 6 8 J 66 5 17 43 461 767 873 243 844 5J 539 29 62 15 19 224 7 18 107 934 1,628 45 8 35 27 6 2 44 1.399 524 1,263 127 437 16 195 76 63 2 568 33 11 26 1,401 2,210 268 82 211? 101 196 80 37 19 33 2 13 17 330 398

169 ~7 153 11 122 10 4 3 24 4 165 318 83 14 103 80 4 19 94 103 97 291 110 191 39 137 3" 12 41 4 27 1'72 281 310 266 68 294 9 161 5 48 15 70 3 5 187 352 400

~------~--~------~------57,015 15,554 49,320 3,419 31,813 2,270 4,926 519 1,3S6 152 11.226 478 1,763 15,528 ------61,759 88,115 224


Lnca- Name of Town/Ward Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled tion Town occupi- House- Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes Code in ed resi- holds PopUlation) No. Kml dential Houses

p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 III Kanina (M.C.) 2 '36 1,117 1,135 7,131 3,663 3,468 482 436 Ward 126 126 855 421 434 10 10 2 115 115 736 363 373 5 4 3 114 114 715 357 358 4 124 124 788 396 392 58 67 5 363 381 2,106 1,158 948 392 349 6 120 120 811 417 394 11 6 7 92 92 657 315 342 n H 63 63 463 236 227

IV Mahendragarh (M.C.) 9·07 2.335 2,357 14,488 7,684 6,804 1,380 1,100 Ward 310 314 1,849 1.019 830 121 77 2 236 238 1,276 674 602 41 20 3 210 210 1,316 703 613 33 22 4 219 219 1,409 750 659 2 5 162 ]77 IH4 420 394 14 4 6 221 221 1,421 729 692 21 25 7 148 148 996 513 483 8 453 454 3,054 1,611 1,443 524 459 9 376 376 2,353 1,265 1,088 624 493 225


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non­ Workers Workers

Total Main Cultivators f.griculiural Household Other Workers (I) Labourers industry­ Workers (I IX) (1I) Manufacturing, (Ill, IV, V (b) )'rnct)ssinl!, Servi­ & VI to IX) cing and Repairs [V (a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M M M P 13 14 ]5 16 17 Pl 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2,372 1.223 ],519 49 622 7 4 2 H55 .19 147 351 ],997 3,068

267 14X 157 8 96 54 14 XX 250 338

261 153 142 69 72 2 25 19] 346

228 127 166 HI 9 76 2 25 11'9 332

223 HR IS5 lj 100 7 XS 211 383

7R3 370 492 2] 19 449 22 S3 110 5KJ 815

266 137 101 55 20 IOJ 241 288

20S 15.1 125 3 74 SO 190 339 IJh 47 14 140 221

271 134 251 21 HO 12 2,lm 141 77 2\ 4,1'2 6,413

372 52 43 15 4 2 2M 10 423 25 521 778

458 204 334 29 25 7 .l 306 22 337 572 419 20g 2112 9 IX 45 25 194 I) 421 603

554 358 336 14 2 331 14 414 644

326 221 201 9 3 2 197 7 2 217 3K5

575 351 30(, 21 II> 15 10 265 n 42J 671 279 78 272 (> 18 JOJ 14S 4 4 IX 217 459 816 239 774 134 146 III 70 18 557 X17 1,309 754 295 472 34 2 12 452 34 68 2 725 1,052




Loca­ Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total PopulutioTi (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled tion (Hadbast No.) Village oceu- House­ ing Institutional & Castes Tribes Code in pied holds Housclcss Population) No. Hecta res resi- dential Houses

p M M F M F

2 3 4 5 7 9 10 II 12 Khaimni (46) 3M'S5 116 II () TRR 395 V13 4) 52

2 Mohalra (45) 263 ·04 120 120 7HJ 199 384 40 40

3 Rata Khurd (44) 337 '')1 ill ~I 517 244 2B 2R 36 4 Rata Kalan (43) 2H2 2H2 I,X63 937 n6 93 95

5 Khariwara (42) 451 22 94 94 536 2()S 2G~ 54 61

6 Mohllladpur (40) 351 ·26 ISS 158 9:19 4~1 4.'iR 50

7 Katkai (3) 435 -44 179 !til 1.095 55R 5:17 4R 58

I) Salarl'UI" (39) 492 09 279 2X~ 1.841 911 9.~0 IS7 175

9 Duloth (38) 320·1)1 uo lJ2 860 420 440 (is 87 10 AtaJi (37) 429 0 160 1.218 628 590

11 Sagarpur (36) 547·94 IIl7 187 lJ41 691 (,50 105

12 Seehma (l01) 1.068 76 494 502 3,OM 1.5fi5 1.499 145 145

13 Dcroliahir (1m) 961·92 394 395 2,700 1,340 1)60 XI

14 KhamplIra (J 02) 299'06 162 163 1,069 528 541 121 126

15 AkbarplIf Ramu (170) 196 27 7R 78 55R 294 264 31 27

16 Khaspur (Khllmpur) (171) 31~'OR 213 213 1.369 719 1i50 145 12R 17 Milarpura (169) 242 .()() hO flO 390 1911 192 srI 86 18 Nuni Kalan (173) 269 ·11 101 1()1i 646 330 316 79 94

19 Sarerpur (Sarahpur) (68) 191 ·82 IOJ IOJ 74~ H4 3"'4 41

20 Saloni (172) 276'40 142 142 1,074 549 525 101 111

21 Duhlana (174) :125 (X) 156 156 L13:'i (i16 519 50 46

22 Khatripur (175) 191 00 97 97 667 344 J2J 26 26

23 Jalguwana (176) 28~ ·()o 59 59 403 220 1R3 37 51 24 Guwani (! 77) 610 00 271 272 I.777 916 861 130 112

25 Tigra (I) 485'62 288 2R8 1,824 898 926 149 186

26 Khor (2) 794'39 200 200 1,376 712 664 139 m 27 Bhori (Bohllri) (35) 582·33 160 161 1,037 548 489 116 101 28 Gujarwlls (34) 492,09 151 154 1.034 566 468 84 60 29 Salimpuf (32) 361 '38 210 210 1,313 688 625 113 112 229


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non­ Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers (J) Labourers Industry~, Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [Ill, IV, V(b) Processing. & VJ to IX) Servicing and Repairs IV (a) I


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2R

197 50 142 105 11 6 23 253 387

197 65 138 106 3 6 23 261 382

148 97 100 10 71 10 9 2 IR 7 144 256

589 260 347 14 212 S 40 12 2 83 3 26 107 564 805 90 15 124 79 29 15 144 267

242 31 219 3 167 28 24 5 262 450 219 52 227 31 172 24 6 II 4 3R 3 32 31 299 475 450 128 340 6 226 44 2 10 6() 4 25 232 692

259 114 157 3 99 6 9 43 3 8 157 255 280

330 R7 227 5 lSI 2 14 12 50 3 33 8 36R 577

368 75 306 3 167 70 10 59 3 193 3R4 454 985 404 739 13 450 49 2 49 4 191 7 414 823 1,072 775 330 574 61 326 21 71 20 17 4 160 16 7 759 1,233 286 84 219 5 129 2 29 7 3 54 14 216 295 320

182 34 103 2 83 7 13 2 29 162 249 376 69 345 179 99 12 55 18 373 631

124 46 74 4 20 30 7 17 4 3 7 121 IMI

177 65 98 58 19 20 28 48 204 268 212 66 174 128 7 36 200 373 274 62 139 5 105 4 n 33 R4 377 436 299 67 306 2 218 16 71 21 310 496 178 52 113 2 71 3 6 33 IR 7 213 314 100 18 82 47 17 18 16 20 122 162

460 134 389 3 243 2 23 34 89 33 64 494 794 466 95 375 IO 233 26 38 7l! 523 916

254 55 350 6 224 75 50 5 362 658 197 48 266 3 166 48 5 3 47 4 (j 278 480 289 84 211 3 91 28 7 85 355 465 266 16 336 81 243 59 32 16 6 5S 5 11 247 341 297 230


Loca­ Name of Village Area of No. of No. ()f Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled tion (Hadbast No.) Village occu­ House­ ing Institutional & Castes Tribes Code in pied holds Houseless Population) No. Hectares residen­ tial Houses

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 1J 12 30 Karia (31) 300'68 65 66 442 232 210 84 76 31 Ruthal Garhi (41) 469 83 225 225 1,503 771 732 170 150 32 Mahasar (30) 220·96 87 87 524 273 25J 72 72 33 Girdharpur (29) 112 ·91 28 28 184 95 89 15 8 34 Bocharia (27) 718·71 269 273 1.699 918 781 30 23 35 Hasanpur (28) 256 ·16 95 95 491 252 239 120 104 36 Chandpura (25/1) 393'75 193 193 1.106 537 569 62 82 31 Sujapuf (25(2) 203'96 112 112 767 382 385 17 24

38 Dajar (24) 348 'R~ 168 168 1.008 507 501 140 140 39 Ganiar (23) 746 ·23 264 265 .1,695 889 806 98 103 40 Gokalpur (26) 149·33 3 3 21 12 9 41 Beghpur (22) 403 ·06 162 162 1,071 517 554 67 63 42 Ateli (Rural) (21) 432'60 226 2:10 1.419 675 744 126 16:1 43 Bihali (16) 934·00 337 337 2,408 1,246 1,162 285 271 44 Rampura (20) 396 ·18 162 162 992 536 456 129 109 45 Navedi (19) 268 ·30 203 203 1,242 647 595 97 78 46 Kheri (18) 1,248 ·84 396 397 2,557 1.302 1,255 261 245 47 Kanti (17) 1,909 .()() 570 570 3.503 1.810 1,693 534 444 48 Prithipura (15) 185,75 144 147 1,100 573 527 72 68 49 Neerpur (Meerpur)(6) 236·74 76 77 428 220 208 38 38 50 Saidpur (5) 225 00 239 239 1.543 823 720 98 96 51 Uninda (4) 186 '96 167 167 1,077 568 509 181 ISS 52 Dhanullda (3) 223'79 134 134 864 466 398 56 50 53 Tobea (8) 136'78 102 105 647 333 314 61 SO

54 Nangal (7) 223'79 158 163 1,140 603 537 101 89 5S Rajpura (14) 325·71 163 163 1,270 652 618 63 49 56 Fatchpur (9) 186'15 144 144 897 449 448 87 75 57 Tajpur (10) 490·88 227 227 1,475 742 733 217 195 58 Bhilwara (11) 305'94 147 147 1,002 511 491 7S 81 231


Literates • Main Workers Marginal Non­ Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry-­ [Ill, IV. V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, & VI to IX] PrOCl:ssing. Servicing and Repairs lV (a) 1 ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 116 3 133 2 54 30 6 43 99 208 323 43 358 22 256 17 18 7 78 4 3 211 410 499 169 43 128 7 81 3 21 9 3 17 43 145 201 50 27 50 5 34 4 8 6 2 45 84 463 87 448 13 325 4 10 19 5 94 4 13 33 457 735 123 25 109 23 34 28 9 6 3 41 10 25 142 191 290 115 218 13 89 37 7 22 70 6 2 7 317 549 213 75 169 21 126 12 6 5 8 4 29 13 6 200 358

310 73 132 7 38 4 6 20 68 3 102 95 273 399 536 199 379 10 204 2 33 38 3 104 4 10 49 500 747

12 6 3 2 9 8 305 92 216 141 10 64 35 266 554

409 144 262 4 161 13 10 78 3 25 388 739 754 233 615 16 383 8 39 7 9 184 6 27 625 1.119 302 64 229 2 121 25 2 81 2 II 1011 296 346 295 53 297 7 220 4 77 3 2 167 348 421 735 315 484 19 293 5 10 39 2 142 12 26 156 792 1,080 1.051 424 742 5 292 97 48 305 5 129 217 939 1.471 307 80 248 154 21 31 42 4 324 522 135 85 88 53 3 11 21 132 207 494 126 328 2 131 ]2 22 163 19 25 476 693 348 90 253 26 126 24 6 8 IlJ 18 72 297 411 247 S6 216 139 16 60 2 15 248 382 235 96 141 2 35 2 4 100 2 2 4 190 308 348 93 276 27 110 2 164 27 16 45 311 465 374 69 309 2 234 74 2 2 341 61S 258 90 185 2 91 12 14 68 6 43 258 403 394 68 337 2 190 59 7 81 2 2 35 403 696 249 36 247 198 S 44 2 48 262 443 232


Loca­ Name of village Area of No. of N(). of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled tion (Hadbast No.) ViilaKe occup.ed H(]u~e­ Hocluding IlIlIfitU(looal Castes Tribes Codo in restden- h·olds & HVl.Jsclass ?DJlulati(Jr.) No- Hectares tial Houses

p M F M F M p

::1 J 4 5 6 7 8 .9 )0 !1 ]2

59 Shampura (J 2) 3.21 72 22 22 156 7~ 78 24 ]9 60 Kunjpura (13) In 19& 1,447 734 713 98 99

(i I SaHli Dahadurnagar (IS I) 233 90 121 121 882 438 444 ]0'

6::! Bachhoo (1 78) 473 '88 301 304 2,175 l.BO J,()4S I\() 99

M Mirjapur [17'i) 452 '84 22"1 227 1,467 762 705 77 (.9

64 Chhapra Salimpur (82) 186'96 96 J()() 737 38J 356 39 32

65 Suran i (J 80) 102 105 101 361 346 ~3 87

66 Shahpur Dvyam (]!l9) 4G 40 3JS 179 J59

67 Sabhapur (l 'iO) J6& 170 J.026 493 53J 60 69

6S Bhushan Kalan (HI) 1'15 20] 1,349 fJ65 WI 105 69 Bhushan Khurd (188) ]48'92 77 77 542 292 250 53 44

70 Faijnlipur (J 87) ]95 '46 132 132 S10 390 410 49 43

71 ShboIl3thpura (1.'34) 137'59 10 ro 50 46 4 2 n SUI,-[la (IS]) 214 00 75 75 172 254 20 22 73 P."tikara \l &6) &(16'93 463 2,79~ \,433 1,366 300 271 74 MeerpuT (185) 262'64 277 277 1.797 927 R70 III 96

75 Barkoda (1(,6) 232'29 163 ]83 ],058 532 52(> g6

76 BafgaOn (165) 295'00 113 118 767 381 386 126 168 77 Nuni Awal (161) 249'00 197 2()] 1,373 729 644 72 52 78 Ki-rarod Afganan (163) 268'00 77 ]03 638 359 279 9 10 ,9- Nasibpur (162) 337'00 19G 2(10 1,314 723 591 119 W8 80 Kutbaput (167) 164-1)0 78 78 58':» 290 299 48 40

81 Kan.Ktihari (64) 131 '00 10J liS 769 404 365 45 66 82 Faizabaa (I] 3) :!16'()O 112 J 12 770 400 370 88 74 83 Lebroda (]19) 256-0\) 106 14b LOllS 592 506 112 94 84 Rampura (116) 304'00 110 110 770 398 372 61 59 85 Hudina (l.l7) llZ 00 167 167 1,192 609 583 12 71> 86 Ajamnaiior (120) 112 '00 125 125 780 411 369 92 108 t!7 Mayeo (121) 246-00 120 12() 889 46J 428 38 38 88 Hazipur (131) 180'89 94 97 769 319 390 7 13 213


Main Workers Mar.[Zinal Non­ Literates Workers Workers -----.------~------~- -_.'- --.~------Cultivators A!":riculturaJ Household Other Total Main Industrv _. Workers Workers (I) Labourers (11) Manufacturing, (UI.1V,V(bl (1-IX) Processing, & vr to IXI Servicing and Repairs (V (a)) ~------...... ,---- M F M F M M F M F M F M F M F 2S 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 J3 14 ]5 16 J7

4 411 73 50 25 30 20 6 27 311 4(J() 25 12 18 401 391 71 107 192 55 2 2)6 441 B2 53 202 2 137 9 R 12 l?K 6 17 666 1,007 668 248 448 21 270 7 28 17 7B 16 JJ4 412 547 459 153 334 24 223 II 16 7 J H ') 66 2 160 187 ISS 211 5} J94 II IJ6 39 4 Hi 213 330 161 47 144 81 24 7 94 159 7'i 22 85 78 3 6 99 7 33 15:1 263 m Z9() 134 197 88 HI 7 4 135 12 21 23 I 340 419 364 115 :\23 15 156 28 2 37 7 85 157 163 luu 41 IZH 2 80 2 ]0 56 (>2 24:- 351 215 107 142 86 43 2 2 16 43 58 3 151 251 165 58 121 3 62 22 4 34t 13 211 51! 7't7 1,283 857 367 (1]6 25 251 3 2 5 4 19 170 5 5 533 8S9 552 22& 1&9 10 19Q to ') 7S 6 4- 3111 413 254 68 221 24 104 H 30 IS 74 2 12 235 372 223 94 138 2 45 4 14 164 S IK 191 374 441 3JO 62 337 12 126 2 33 105 4 78 17S 200 196 43 180 74 7 ') 195 JJ W 380 559 398 126 342 118 22 :10 3 163 296 162 70 127 78 19 6 68 19~ 349 184 29 205 16 131 2 4 55 216 262 199 36 180 53 97 20 49 6 127 II 2.5 298 478 267 S3 286 136 17 1 1,5 18 H)l1 220 272 240 77 160 llS 23 95 4 15 311 527 346 112 292 41 149 2 47 35 IJ 46 2 15 16 224 3.50 234 6() 172 3 86 29 3 3 40 21 6& 253 300 26~ Q 187 141 1 52 16 69 217 321 213 "" \-46 ~I 234


Loca- Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled tion (Hadbast No.) Village occupied House­ Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes Code in Hectares residen- holds Population) No. tial HllUseS

p M p M P M P

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ') 10 II 12

K9 Nawaznag3r (132) 111 ·69 179 179 1,186 590 596 106 122 90 Salarpul' Mehta (133) 142·45 58 62 358 195 163 46 42 91 Mandlana ()34) 515'97 239 245 1,728 880 848 124 109

9~~ Dharsoon (Dharso) (135) 428 56 74 74 4911 261 237 51; 62

93 Ahdullanagar (136) 115 ·74 76 76 501 253 248 42 50

'H Mchrampul' (189) 492'90 153 153 994 531 463 150 121 95 Jakhn i (12S) 283 '68 185 188 1,159 620 539 106 88 96 .Iailah (126) 240·78 110 11 0 845 437 408 30 26

97 Khorma (127) 439'48 115 115 786 365 421 138 153

98 Baskirurod Umrahad (130) 459'72 98 98 766 396 370 200 11,16

<,I'.) Baproli (123) 365'00 142 142 1,182 610 572 87 79

100 Nangal Kalha (122) 424 '00 229 229 1,638 841 797 104 88 101 Chillalia (Gtlindalia) (124) 446 ·00 218 218 1,418 739 679 68 89

102 MohamlldpliI Hamidkhan (125) 4 j 8 ·()o 176 176 1,249 618 631 107 103

103 Goud (146) 704·55 445 445 3,2% 1,715 1,581 152 174

104 8alaha Kalan (148) 1,058 ·64 460 460 3,422 1,757 1,665 202 207 135 Balaha Khurd (147) :69 92 117 117 886 429 457 61 56 106 Dochnna (151) 304·72 215 216 1,353 672 681 157 146 107 Badnpur (152) 369'88 125 126 913 445 468 93 105

108 Jadupllf (J 50) 172 ·80 53 53 392 193 199 16 22

109 Bhankhrl (149) 569·79 246 246 1,946 970 976 140 157

110 Dllhar Kalan (145) 493 ·30 236 236 1,725 858 867 130 135 III DohaI' Khurd (144) 219·34 105 105 791 413 378 42 51 : 12 KhaMi Khurd (142) 261 ·83 141 141 1,007 511 496 78 72

113 K hat"ti Sultanpur (143) 296'63 200 200 1,328 653 675 77 102 (Khatoli Kalan) 114 Hamidpur (147) 355'71 ISO 150 982 479 503 115 119

II.~ Gehli (137) 622·80 323 323 2,035 1,063 972 171 191 116 Makhsuspur (140) 210·03 54 54 352 182 170 30 37 117 Raghunathpura (138) 362 ·19 179 179 1,140 578 562 37 44 118 Thana (139) 441 ·51 78 78 528 261 267 S7 54 235


Literates Main Workers Mnrgillnl Non­ Workers Workers

Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers (I) Labourers Industry­ Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [Ill, IV. V(b) Processing, & VI to IX) Servicing and Repairs [V (a)l

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26

346 122 257 8 61 48 7 15 58!!

115 30 83 9 73 III 516 116 33R 10 204 134 7 17 525

J54 63 119 2 34 41 44 2 141 55 115 27 44 9 35 247 303 55 239 134 57 47

305 64 261 181 25 3 15 40 .'\

258 31 20b 157 17 3 14 1'i7 217 250

167 48 157 Jt) 48 2 46 9 6.1 5 12 :Ob lin

193 18 184 116 39 (>I 212 10(,

353 81 299 64 224 58 21 7 2 47 ..J 310 504 505 112 365 5 235 2 35 12 to 2 I )'l ..JhO h.n 383 84 310 227 37 JJ JJ III :m

314 82 247 5 17.'\ 27 2 6 41

963 275 775 34 551 17 79 9 19 126 7 1.1 94() 1,534 945 240 702 10 429 4 39 27 2()7 5 16 %6 1,6.19

233 61 181 112 4 4 61 1<7 245 ~69 359 105 307 7 184 25 10 Sf! S 161 364 511

253 61! 199 8 109 4 21 8 61 2 IX 51 2ZX 4()9

104 39 91 81 10 5 14 97 1114

S7S 182 356 191 27 43 95 26 265 SKI! 710

421 69 367 59 221 41 70 12 18 2 5H 4 6f) 240 425 56!) 168 13 I7S 139 4 4 28 26 114 212 263 275 58 226 8 153 3 11 4 61 2 .1 28.l 484

361 71 221 164 10 47 64 249 36X 426 243 63 214 4 92 77 12 33 2 2 63 263 4JIi S89 207 463 36 299 31 6S 99 4 4 596 936 100 19 85 63 21 8 27 89 14.1

359 75 259 6 175 3 82 3 35 3 2!l4 S53 161 60 119 3 77 13 2 27 3 36 140 106 124 236


Loca- Name of ViII,lge Area of No. of No. of To!al Pvpulalion (including Scheduled Schedliled tion (Had bast No.) Village occupied House- Institu1ional & Houseless Castes Tribes Code in Hectares residclO­ holds Population) No, lial Houses

-_------p M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

119 Kultajpur (155) 555 63 176 176 1,084 539 545 127 125

120 Kanwariawas (156) 520'0] 352 352 2,443 1,280 1,163 150 154 (Korlawas) 121t Rasupur (158) 447'9R .l 7 41 19 22 122t LuMpur (J57) 438'67 7 29 19 10 II 1237 Buchar pur (160) 4000 19 19 84 53 31

124 Narnaul (Rural) (159) 3,447 '1l7 2J2 257 2,IOJ 1,119 984 33 40 125 Kodinja (193) 309 -00 339 3J9 2,212 1,180 1,092 162 165 126 Seka (192) 596-00 283 297 i- 2,054 1,076 978 218 182 127 Mandhana (194) 509-00 285 291 2,001 1,007 994 J43 128 128 Khanpur (195) 292·99 86 ~6 726 365 361 30 24 129 Shahpur Awal (Shah pur-I) (21J) 573 -84 164 164 1,698 840 858 127 119 130 Nangal Shaloo (Nangal Sialu) (210) 107 -64 107 107 652 352 300 13 19 131 Karota (209) 363 -81 181 181 1,175 605 570 137 149 132 Tajipur (212) 402· 66 125 134 991 534 457 66 133 Mukand Pura (215) 996 '00 215 215 1,679 875 804 135 142 134 Tehla (214) 233 ·(}o 103 103 773 441 332 80 47 US Tajpur (213) 219 -00 2 2 9 7 2 136 Amarpur Jorasi (280) 751 '00 168 168 1,117 586 531 115 96 137 Halanpur (154) 323 ,74 176176 1,119 597 522 74 75 138 Rambas (153) 940 ·88 252 252 1,684 870 814 139 104 139 MaIoli (Maroll) (278) 48J -97 204 204 1,358 721 637 50 50 140 Kaloli (Karoli) (279) 425 ·72 160 160 1,135 593 542 58 53 ]41 Bashirpur (281) 767 '68 161 165 1,173 604 569 60 63 142 Talot (282) 249'69 177 177 1 ,191 560 631 49 35 143 Dhanota (277) 443 ·93 173 173 1,392 739 653 110 92 144 Dancholi (276) 522·85 157 157 1,197 629 568 63 63 145 ChhiIro (283) 552'39 224 224 1,462 737 72S 112 98 146 Niz:ampur (288) 418 -114 184 184 1,16() 621 539 73 67 147 Narchri (Naharcri) (289) 697·67 107 107 822 445 377 63 48 148 Napla (287) 250'09 88 88 600 313 287 60_ 57 237


Main Workers Literates Marginnl Non­ Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers (I) Lahourers Industry­ Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, (III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX) Servicing and Repairs [ V (a))

------_ .. - ~---.-- -~- ...... ------~ M P M P M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

283 102 233 17 127 II 15 11 80 5 24 182 2H2 346

639 118 580 6 394 37 15 1.14 5 50 581 65() 576 10 4 9 6 3 12 10 10 2 13 2 II 4 5

5 3 37 16 2 36 14 1(> 15 388 29 555 65 288 62 2 205 60 564 919 592 155 590 317 15 10 248 81 5H7 1,010 $15 95 471 28 235 19 39 13 184 9 604 950 615 175 469 21 246 4 39 2 182 17 5 26 533 947 223 92 169 118 10 41 196 160

510 229 355 92 187 31 31 57 7 130 3 30 187 455 579 116 16 146 9 110 6 36 3 10 196 227 328 91 240 6 136 2 2 102 3 21 11 J 453 237 28 247 14 146 20 3 7B 14 13 274 443 302 26 453 7 293 4 4 152 6 9 2 4J3 795 153 2 154 121 33 70 170 217 161 3 4 4 3 353 85 230 5 78 4 S 2 145 23 78 333 448 305 47 287 250 22 210 11 11 5 55 15 17 2~e 293 455 91 334 20 170 3 58 13 6 100 3 82 189 454 605 438 312 21 341 3 263 19 11 48 2 17 196 363 222 275 3!l 297 4 220 11 2 10 S6 18 316 278 389 244 273 13 189 10 24 3 59 7 158 324 398 35B 148 223 10 47 8 IB 45 113 2 5 179 332 442 241 14 415 10 278 6 32 4 29 76 323 643 328 80 311 11 208 2 52 9 51 2 317 555 497 176 278 82 122 72 45 7 110 3 12 458 631 299 23 313 18 241 7 43 11 2 27 308 521 94 245 IS 175 15 5 9 4 46 5 200 362 205 3!J 144 8 BS s 3 5S 3 169 27fJ 238


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled Code (Had bast No.) Village in occupied House- Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes No. Hectares residen­ holds Population) tial Houses

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

149 Pawera (286) 416 ,01 226 226 1 ,48.~ 796 687 102 92

150 Ghataser (284) 763 '63 231 231 1,625 841 784 134 111

151 Kbawajpur (220) 225 ·41 15 15 H4 39 45 16 20 152 Beroondla (Barundla) (219) 322·93 67 67 465 226 239 15 18 153 Kamania (221) 470·24 300 1,941 999 942 68 74 154 Khatoli Ahir (218) 259·80 108 108 78R 399 3R9 77 79

155 Khatoli Jat (216) 180·08 80 82 628 336 292 24 26 156 Dongli (217) 225·00 89 89 636 314 322 41 44

157 Dhani Bathotha (208) 589,00 306 306 2,190 1,131 1.059 215 187

158 Totaheri (206) 335 ·07 110 110 H32 450 3R2 67 59 159 Akbarpur Sirohi (205) 280·00 119 119 794 412 382 10 11 (Akbarpur Sarohi) 160 Bhojawas (204) 184·94 191 191 1,25H 622 63(' 48 52

161 Birshimli (203) 96 ·00 Un-

162 Simli Ismailpur (202) 195'00 66 66 464 232 232 3& 43 163 Sheo Ramnathpura (207) 155 ·40 73 73 556 286 270 43 41

164 Kanwi (196) 478 ·74 225 225 1,575 799 77(' 73 79 165 Muraripur (197) 191 ·01 33 33 252 131 121 37 35

166 Mulodi (199) 244'83 189 189 1,229 651 578 108 92

167 Akoli (198) 350'86 122 127 813 415 398 45 45

168 lqbalpur Nangli (200) 178·06 104 104 712 387 325 28 27 169 Gadwa (Gandwa) (201) 174 ·82 83 83 507 258 249 56 74 170 Mohabatpur Bhungarka (226) 918'62 430 445 3,038 1,525 1,513 92 58

171 Sirohi BahaJi (Sarohibhali) (227) 1,254 '10 402 402 2,929 1,441 1,4f,8 158 IS8 172 Chak Malikpur (228) 65·96 16 16 lIS 62 53

173 Nanga) Kalia (225) 536'61 431 431 2,932 1,489 1,443 143 102 174 Antri (224) 305'94 82 82 556 284 272 68 74

175 Nanga) Pipa (223) 3)7,27 138 138 1,017 506 511 42 37 176 Chhapra Bibipur (222) 282,87 154 154 1,103 579 524 35 42 177 Dholera (267) 521 ,63 344 344 2,174 1, 116 1,058 97 80 178 Biahopur (268) SU'97 260 260 1,512 742 770 77 106

179 Sareli (285) 559,27 147 147 942 495 447 152 136 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT

Main Workers

Literates ~-~~~------~~---~-~---~------Marginal Non­ Workors Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultura I HOlJsOhold Other Workers Workers Labourers Industry~ [Ill. IV, V(b) (I-IX) (I) (n) Manutacturins. & VI to IX] Processing. Servicinlt and Ropairs [V (a)]

------_------~------M P M P M P M p M p M P M P M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

516 114 379 3 223 14 3 139 38 126 379 S58 440 104 365 10 270 37 8 9 49 2 24 119 452 65S 26 11 17 4 9 2 4 2 3 11 22 30 117 3 129 3 106 J 2 21 37 97 199 553 140 414 22 212 15 5 31 166 7 53 46 532 874 195 39 159 5 69 7 ll2 4 2 240 382 176 13 124 3 (>0 3 2 59 3 3 212 286 167 37 138 4 75 11 2 50 4 2 131 174 187

611 145 556 22 311 9 30 10 21 194 2 2 29 573 1,008 263 49 173 21 113 9 6 12 7 47 32 8 245 353

233 68 172 135 2 6 29 4 2 236 379 330 62 249 47 147 13 9 8 25 4 68 22 20 J 19 353 470 inhabited

132 39 85 33 9 43 54 146 178

169 30 90 60 II 19 4 79 192 190 473 168 312 7 208 3 27 3 74 4 3 22 484 747

60 5 40 30 ~ 5 91 121

356 45 295 195 13 23 64 8 95 348 483 211 20 222 3 165 8 14 2 35 5 192 390 24~ 47 170 99 7 30 34 9 220 208 lOS 131 30 !O3 3 78 3 2 21 25 155 221 914 322 630 22 355 4 22 31 222 17 50 3 845 1,488 827 277 593 13 337 37 8 13 206 5 15 21 833 1,454 28 2 27 20 6 7 22 28 31

775 139 613 24 340 5 80 19 32 161 107 386 769 1,033 151 22 129 73 2 54 32 120 123 152 258 36 207 18 163 11 3 4 10 31 3 55 238 244 255 186 16 291 6 208 23 4 S9 7 3S 281 483 630 117 480 S 292 3 23 29 136 23 142 613 911 395 64 320 4 218 12 4 21 69 26 163 396 603 266 57 203 10 97 15 8 12 19 36 188 256 249 240 VILLAGE PRIMARY NARNAlJL TAHSIL

Loca- N arne of Village Area of No. of No. oj Total Population (inclu- Scheduled Scheduled tion (Had bast No.) Village in occupied House- ding Institutional & Castes Tribes Code Hectares residential holds Houseloss POPulation) No. Houses

P M F ------M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 180 Islampllra (269) 325 ·77 88 88 563 280 283 41 37 181 Niaz Alipur (271) 242'00 129 129 832 428 404 42 39

182 Oanwari Jat (270) 635·75 189 189 1,299 671 628 81 69

183 Ruppur Sarai (273) 418·84 161 161 949 465 484 9 15 184 Barnanwasnau (275) 587 '59 104 104 773 382 391 14 15 185 Azmabad Mokhuta (274) 539'84 327 327 2.090 1,126 964 371 318 181) Panch nota (272) 1,205 ·54 143 143 915 478 437 60 59

187 Bayal (258) 1,549 ·92 355 355 2,284 1,198 1,086 65 76 188 Govla (Golwa) (257) 523 '56 170 170 1.262 645 617 S3 61 189 Mosnola (259) 1,666 ·88 468 470 2,781 1,419 1.362 130 150 190 Bakrija (261) 384'85 27 27 203 105

191 Nangal Dargu (260) 585·98 487 509 2,991 1,512 1,479 282 316

192 Meghot Binja (262) 333'05 137 141 927 450 477 57 81

193 Meghot Hala (263) 435·03 194 194 1.296 656 640 47 50 (Meghothala) 194 Mausampur (265) 83'77 52 52 377 204 173 60 54 195 Biharipur (266) 197·89 80 80 532 282 250 34 31

196 Jampur (264) 346'81 51 51 412 213 199 15 17 197 Mornanpur (243) 402·66 143 143 1.015 529 486 80 71 198 Nangal Chaudhry (244) 569'79 681 698 4,527 2.322 2,205 252 237

199 Kalba (242) 428'96 186 186 1,276 651 625 60 58 200 Bamanwas Kheta (229) 290'96 61 61 471 251 220 9 .5 201 Nai n (230) 1,824 ·00 360 360 2,738 1,464 1,274 80 80

202 Asrawas (232) 318 '00 98 98 796 410 386 37 52 203 Nangal Soda (231) 185'00 114 114 768 410 358 72 59

204 Morund (234) 454'86 151 151 953 496 457 38 62

2()5 Niamatpur (233) 563'72 270 270 1,711 900 811 146 127

206 Gothri (235) 414·80 193 193 1,128 549 579 68 95 207 Raimalikpur (236) 371 ·90 122 122 799 403 396 58 61 208 Budhwal (237) 505·85 285 295 2,093 1,116 977 121 121

209 Thanwas (238) 502·61 389 389 2,686 1,369 1,317 134 167

210 Amarpura (239) 238·76 102 102 692 361 331 67 64 241


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non­ Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workerl Workers (It Labourers Industry­ CI1I,lV,V(b) &. (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, VI to IX] Processing, Servicing and Repairs[V(a) J

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

144 13 141 6 85 15 3 2 3 39 10 149 129 128 206 29 192 22 130 18 8 3 51 2 2 234 382 305 75 307 16 178 II 53 7 5 71 15 141 349 471

102 3 208 164 4 3 37 17 65 240 419 206 26 153 7 101 5 4 7 41 33 146 196 238 569 56 486 6 250 30 3 49 157 3 6 79 634 1179 137 14 241 2 176 15 7 43 3 237 432 411 31 485 2 354 52 19 60 2 44 137 669 947 241 20 336 13 220 7 13 3 60 43 2 II 22 298 582 379 45 664 28 512 14 18 11 45 89 2 19 564 736 770 50 44 3 33 2 9 55 61 40 687 103 586 220 288 176 5 58 16 240 23 43 192 883 1,067

234 40 196 107 9 20 60 128 254 349

370 45 297 235 12 49 3 2 356 638

92 3 47 16 3 28 3 37 50 120 120

116 7 124 85 39 37 122 121 128 103 3 73 64 9 41 100 99 99 240 48 225 164 4 12 4S 70 232 234 253 1,300 382 1,140 41 322 8 49 3 67 702 30 44 226 1,138 1,938

281 66 307 2 205 39 8 55 24 88 320 535 III 11 101 3 81 4 16 2 10 2~ 140 189 475 42 777 11 600 7 4S 2 17 115 2 422 687 841 138 6 190 2 164 3 6 17 17 178 203 206 13S 8 218 170 34 1 13 6 200 186 H8 190 18 248 167 14 20 47 19 197 229 260

309 43 440 278 64 19 79 56 382 404 428 151 21 233 3 149 2 ]8 64 2 37 141 279 435

142 16 169 120 9 16 24 26 91 208 30S 499 95 495 3 319 20 2 47 J09 74 380 547 594 $58 99 617 15 355 9 28 2 57 1 177 3 36 232 716 1.070

212 28 164 91 26 19 28 91 196 240 24.2


Area of No. of No. of Total Populacion (inclu. Scheduled Sohoduled Loea. Name of Village Villago in Occupied Hou.... dlnglnstitutionalaod Castos Tribcil Hon (Hadbast No.) Hectares residential bold, HouIeIeu PopulatioD) Codo HoulOS No.

P M F M F M F 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 506·66 132 134 898 454 444 75 69 211 Banihari (240) 103 ·19 U.. 212 Udepur Kataria (241) 255·76 191 191 1,176 587 589 81 119 213 NanJa1 Nunia (248) 410·75 184 187 1,378 719 659 87 108 214 Danlal (249) 275·99 97 97 609 310 299 17 13 215 NoJayoja (247) 360·97 117 117 743 393 350 40 39 216 Lajota (245) 529·73 220 220 1,457 748 709 113 140 217 Shahbazpur (246) 335 '48 135 135 913 494 419 3S 33 218 Saidali pur (255) 333·46 40 40 292 142 150 S II 219 Gangutana (256) 610'66 224 224 1,554 781 773 169 181 220 Donkhera (Dokhcra) (253) 219·74 119 119 811 399 412 63 64 221 Bhedanti (Bhadanti) (252) 246·85 141 141 990 524 466 111 93 222 Doslpur (254) --- 251,362 132,246 125,116 18,736 18,411 All villages 37,799 38,151

~--.-.. p.lthougn entered as 'Be.Chirag' (Un-inhabited) in tho rovonuo record, tho pOpulation shown ..&inlll this viJiapwas enumerated at the time of 1981-Census. Note,: -(1) Where a town and villaaCl bear an identical DalllCl the word (Rural) has boon addod after the name of tbe villele. i. based on tbo inlormation supplied by the RevCIDuo Patwari and includes (2) Tbe area of a village (revenue estates) urban area, if any. 243


Literates Main Workers Marginal Non- Workers Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (I) Laboure" Industry- [nI,IV,V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufaaurina. & VI to 1X1 Procealnll, Servicing and RePaiI'I (V(a)] M F M P M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 IS 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 244 S4 169 2 94 13 62 35 180 250 262 inhabited 284 97 230 13 ]48 11 4 20 58 5 75 352 501 331 36 342 9 263 S 5 16 4 58 16 114 361 536 165 44 158 2 111 2 32 IS 12 86 140 211 17S 6 209 12 158 7 22 5 29 4 26 180 312 352 SO 327 5 215 17 3 19 76 4 58 417 646 152 10 211 150 32 3 26 183 418 59 5 65 48 9 8 20 77 129 250 18 354 197 37 17 103 148 426 624 181 6 ISS 238 122 221 14 6 2 26 2S 22 219 152 31 47 292 454 251 24 232 ------11 124 30 11 ------67,784 16,996 57,873 2,614 34,811 1,209 4,394 580 2,360 141 16,308 684 3,409 18,522 70,964 103,980 244



Loca­ Name ofTown/Ward Areaof No. or No. of Total Population (jnelu­ Scheduled Scheduled tion Town occupied House- ding Institutional and Castes Tribes Code in residen­ holds Houseless Population) No. Km' tial Houses

p M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 V Narnaul (M.e.) 9·67 6.351 6,473 41,441 22,088 19,353 2,549 2.29(,

Ward 1 527 527 3.140 1,665 1.47<; 102 91 2 430 439 2.480 1,365 1.11 S 41 48

J 319 353 2,195 1,282 913 156 115 4 347 357 2,126 1,149 977 75 56

5 264 264 2,087 1,105 982 50 56

6 329 329 2.462 1,297 1,165 292 243

7 399 399 2.490 1.289 1,201 209 219 .. 8 428 429 2,524 1,330 1,194 339 300 9 466 468 3,014 1,580 1,434 341 307

10 309 309 2.167 1.167 1,000 35 33

II 418 418 2,925 1.494 1,431 J 18 125 12 302 357 2,297 1.211 1,086 175 164

13 329 332 2,280 1.219 1,061 162 122

" 14 383 383 2,361 1,285 1,076 ISS 143 15 339 342 2,304 1,226 1,078 2

16 359 359 2,342 1.213 1,129 77 73

., 17 4()3 4()8 2,247 1,211 1,036 220 201 VI Ateli (M.e.) 1 ·65 482 482 2,993 1,648 1.345 199 167 Ward 1 26 26 204 114 90 .. 2 26 26 242 135 107

" 3 30 30 193 101 92 2 .. 4 28 28 196 108 88 " 5 102 102 625 333 292 101 95 .. 6 53 53 316 162 154 4 2 .. 7 50 50 316 187 1:29 19 8 " 8 4S 45 234 137 97 43 34 9 122 122 667 371 296 30 ~8 24S


Literates Main Workor. Mallinal Non­ ------Workers Workers Total Maio Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Labourers Industry­ [m.lv. V(b) (I-IX) 0) (m ManufacturiDl. '" VI to lXJ ProeossillJ. Servicina and Repairs LV (a)1

------... ""'--~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 ]4,9307.903 10,381 729 1,136 81 166 3J 267 139 8,812 476 78 194 11,629 18,430

1,032 435 810 39 92 3 ]0 39 16 669 ]9 7 14 848 1.422 986 565 692 24 33 2 7 6S0 23 16 27 657 1,064 8J6 289 571 S4 85 14 2 8 464 51 711 8S9 SJ9 551 553 39 60 9 484 39 4 S9.s 934 689 274 515 9 77 4 434 9 .s9Q 913

818 376 582 26 '9 23 6 29 14 473 6 5 710 1.139 783 288 595 55 72 20 35 11 8 471 27 8 686 1.146 945 586 615 71 24 3 4 9 9 578 58 13 29 702 1,094

957 468 728 91 147 2 17 87 80 477 8 .5 85 847 1.258 723 306 554 38 118 10 16 3 12 408 25 4 26 936 945 466 743 S9 151 19 15 ]1 14 563 23 751 1.312 886 560 540 27 28 3 5 2 3 505 21 671 1.059 938 579 583 24 16 13 553 22 636 1.037

944 538 592 80 34 16 16 8 542 56 6 2 687 994 930 587 592 28 19 IS 4 554 27 4 5 630 1.045 883 570 566 38 46 2 1 518 35 3 644 1.090 71)6 465 SSO 27 T1 469 27 6 651 1,008 1,199 599 818 25 12 737 2S 9 2S 821 1.29!1 89 56 52 2 52 2 62 88 118 57 76 6 10 59 107 78 48 51 2 2 49 2 50 90 81 45 50 49 58 88 192 105 143 15 143 15 8 20 182 2$7 127 86 81 6 2 79 6 80 148 147 63 112 20 92 75 129 92 28 73 II 62 64 97 275 111 180 3Q 141 .. 5 191 29J




Total and Scheduled Castes Population Urban Block·wise

Loea· Name of Town/Ward/ Total Scheduled Loca- Name of Town/Ward/ Total Scheduled tion Urban Block Population Castes tion Urban Block Population Castes Code Code No. No. 2 3 4 2 3 4 BAWAL (M.C.) Block R 644 52 ward--I 89J 9 660 506

Block 464 ~ 10 595 493 2 429 11 649 643 " ward-2 813 16 12 577 469 Block 3 391 -/ 13 543 124 4 422 9 14 612 67 ward--:\ 896 5 ward-2 3,834 315 Block 5 412 Block: 15 710 42

(, 484 5 16 696 179 ward-4 786 17 455 Block 7 786 1R 672 Ward- 5 2,271 878 19 587 Block 8 574 114 20 714 94

9 570 til ward-3 6,944 1,732 10 568 IS! Block 21 713 329 22 674 85 1J 559 472 " 23 615 529 ward-6 515 24 643 Block 12 515 25 497 Ward-7 1,586 48 26 692 26 Block 13 554 6 27 572 239 28 640 296 14 452 25 " 15 580 17 29 655 152 " 30 596 56 II REWARI (M.C.) " wanl-l 8,971 3,093 31 647 20 Block 648 67 Ward-4 2,341 2S2 2 782 122 Block 32 556 " 3 455 102 It 33 573 SO " 4 743 125 34 611 184 " :; 877 234 35 601 18 " " 6 629 19 ward-S 2,807 77 " •• 7 557 70 Block 36 691 31 250 APPENDIX


Total and SchedUled Calltes Population UI'baD Block·wlle

Loca- Name of Town/Ward/ Total Scheduled I Loca- Name of TOWQ/Ward/ Total Sohodulod lion Urban Block Population Castes tion Urban Block Population Caslell Code , Code No. No.

:2 3 4 2 3 4

Block 37 731 Block 61 569 3R 689 22 62 554 39 69b 24 .. 63 575 Ward ,,6 2.789 45 ward-ll 2,656 47 Wock 40 672 2M Block b4 674 41 490 65 711 S 42 512 It 66 571 4 43 552 67 700 " 38 44 563 17 Ward-12 2,528 W&rd,-7 3,315 130 Block 68 676 Block 45 721 42 69 632 46 667 .. 70 626 47 629 71 594 48 657 40 ward-I3 3,271 220 49 641 46 Block 72 55) 110 Ward-8 2,374 186 .. 73 556 35 Block 50 679 .. 74 518 51 585 75 536 7S 52 497 185 .. 76 519 53 613 77 " 591 Ward--9 3,171 ward-14 2,077 92 . Block 54 728 Block 78 396 42 55 609 79 494 " 50 56 714 .. 80 592 57 693 81 595 " " 58 427 ward-IS 1,735 Ward-tO 2.749 172 Block 82 480 Block 59 489 .. 83 773 60 562 172 " 84 482 251 APPENDIX URBAN. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACf Total and Scheduled Castes PopUlation Urban BI()Ck·wlw

Loca- Name of Town/Ward/ Total Scheduled Loca· Name of Town/Ward/ Total Scheduled tiOD Urban Block Population Castes tion Urban Block Population Castes Code Code No. No.

2 3 4 2 3 4

III KANINA-(M.C.) ward-2 1,276 61

ward-I 855 20 Block 4 723 9 Block 410 20 5 553 52 2 445 ward-3 1,316 55 Ward-2 736 9 Block 6 721 29 Block 3 329 7 595 26 4 407 9 Ward-4 1,409 2 Ward--3 715 Block 8 740 Block 5 361 9 669 2 6 354 Ward-5 814 III

Ward-4 78R 125 Block 10 SI4 II! Block 7 373 92 ward--6 1,421 46 I! 415 33 Block 11 713 13 ward-5 2,106 741 12 708 33 Block 9 642 628 10 681 1!6 Ward-7 996

11 783 27 Block 13 514 ward-6 811 17 14 482 Block 12 387 Ward-8 3,054 983 13 424 17 Block 15 960 ward-7 657 6 Block 14 657 6 16 7]9 10

ward-8 463 .. 17 790 461 Block 15 463 18 585 512 IV MAHENDRAGARH-(M.C.) ward-9 2,353 1,117 ward-l 1,849 198 Block 19 712 712 Block 536 40 .. 2 748 134 20 829 349

.. 3 S6S 24 21 812 S6 252



Total aDd Scheduled Castes POpulatiOll Urban Block.wlse

Loea- Name 01 Town/Ward! Total Scheduled Loca- Name of TllW~WIJTdl Total Scl1edulcd tion Urban Block Population Castes tion Urban Block Population Castes Code Code No. No. 2 3 4 2 3 4 v. NARNAllL (M.e.) Block 27 444 12 Ward-I 3,140 193 WBrd-8 2,524 639

Blook ('55 23 Block 28 612 142 2 481 (il 29 598 44

3 49() 9--1 3() 655 133 " 4 77(1 ~ :II (i59 320

5 7~8 7 ward-9 3,014 648

Ward-2 2,480 R9 Block ~2 648 409 Block 6 67J 77 33 668 37

7 73() (, 34 570

R 5117 (i 35 li42 9 490 31l 4R6 202 ward-3 2,195 271 ward-IO 2.lli7 6R Block 10 616 1114 Block :n 654 28 II 56R 47 38 793 12 1,011 60 31) 720 40 Ward-4 2,126 131 ward-I' 2,925 243 Block 13 897 73 Rlock 40 572 199 14 361 41 615 (, 15 369 .3 42 1115 16 499 55 43 560 12 ward-S 2,087 106 44 563 26 ' j Block 17 714 ward-12 2,297 339 18 757 106 Block 4S RS8 299 19 616 46 64' Ward-6 2,462 535 47 798 40 Block 20 636 95 ward-13 2,280 284 21 588 IRS Block 411 531 61 22 576 108 " 49 619 23 662 147 .. 50 S95 183 Ward-7 2,490 428 S3S 40 " 51 ( Block 24 720 273 ward-14 2,361 298 .. 25 908 143 Block 52 710 6 253

APPJ;NDlX URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Total and Scheduled Castes Population Urban Block·wlse

Loca- Name of Town/Wardj Total Scheduled Loca- Name of Town/Wardl Total Sched.led tion Urban Block Population Castes tion Urban Block Population Cutes Code Code No. No.

2 3 4 2 3 4 Block 54 586 67 VI ATRLI-(M.C.) 55 50! 225 Ward-l 204 Ward-IS 2,304 2 BlocK 204 Block 56 589 ward-2 242 57 552 Bluck 2 242 5R 556 ) ward-3 193 2 59 607 I Block J ]93 2 ward-4 196 ward-16 2.342 150 1 Block 4 196 Rlock 6:1 530 47 ward-S 625 ]96 61 485 5 I I Block- S 62S ]96 62 679 82 i ward-Ii 316 6 I 63 (41) 16 Block (, 316 6 \ ward-7 316 27 ward-11 2.247 421 Block 7 3]6 27 Block 648 \ 64 259 I Ward-8 234 77 65 451 I " Block R 234 17 66 466 7 ward-9 667 S8

67 682 J55 Block 9 667 58 "



255 256


Main Workers t.oea- Oistric:t!TahsilJCityrrown Total/ No. of Total Scheduled Castes Literates lion Rurall House- Population Total Main Workers Code Urban holds (I-IX) No. with Schedul­ ed Castes mem­ bers

P M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 MaheDliragarb District T 27,195 157,675 81,517 76,158 45,583 37,785 7,798 37,098 34,106 2,992 R 24,521 141,750 72,963 68,787 40,202 33,643 6,559 32,931 30,309 2,622 U 2,674 15,925 8,554 7,371 5,381 4,142 1.239 4,167 3,797 370 1 Bawal Tahsil T 2,242 12,807 6.682 6.125 3,786 3,188 598 2,997 2,755 242 R 2,075 11,852 6,155 5,697 3,473 2,934 539 2,766 2,528 238 U 167 955 527 428 313 254 59 231 227 4 Bawal (M.c') U 167 955 521 428 313 254 59 231 221 4 2 Rewari Tahsil T 11,033 65,524 34,383 31,141 20,894 16,892 4,002 15,312 14,330 982 R 10,001 59,163 30,966 28,197 18,901 15,424 3,417 13,579 12,722 851 u 1,032 6,361 3,417 2,944 1,993 1,468 525 1,133 1,608 125 Rewari (M.e.) U 1,032 6,361 3,417 2,944 1,993 1,468 525 1,133 1,608 125 3 Mahendragarh Tahsil T 6,366 36,986 18,968 18,018 9,261 7,792 1,469 9,229 8,291 938 R 5,801 33,588 17,106 16,482 8,065 6,829 1,236 8,456 7,555 901 V 565 3,398 1,862 1,536 1,196 963 233 773 736 37 Kanion (M.e.) u 162 918 482 436 293 223 10 156 145 11 Mahendragllrh (M.C.) U 403 2,480 1,380 1,100 903 740 163 617 59l 26 4 Narnaul TabsiU T 7,554 42,358 21,484 20,874 11,642 9,913 1,729 9,560 8,730 830 R 6,644 37,147 18,736 18,411 9,763 8,456 1,307 8,130 1,504 626 U 910 5,211 2,148 2,463 1,879 1.451 422 1.430 1,226 204 Narnaul (M.e.) u 840 4,845 2,549 2,296 1,774 1.367 407 1,329 1,134 195 Ateli ,(M.e.) u 70 366 199 167 105 90 15 101 92 9 257


Main Workers Marginal Non­ Workers Workers Cultivators Agricultural Labourers Household Other Work.ers (n (II) Industry ~ [III, IV, V(b) & Manufacturing, VI ILl IX1 Processing, Servicing and Repairs [(V (a)j

P M F P M F P M F p M F P M F P M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2,921 2,602 319 13,763 12,270 1,493 1,193 2,59:1 295 17,521 16.636 885 7,460 1,609 5,851 113,117 45,802 67,315 2,883 2,565 318 13,742 12,252 1,490 1;443 2,270 173 13,!m 13,222 641 6,894 1,3H 5,502 101,925 41,262 60,663

38 37 21 18 3 4!O .U.8 122 3,65.i 3.414 244 566 217 349 11,192 4,540 6,652

146 DR 1,249 I,Og2 167 267 263 4 1J31 1,272 63 473 110 363 9,337 3,817 5,520

143 135 1,247 1,080 167 2/17 2:)3 4 1,ld) I,D;:) 5') 459 105 354 8,627 3,522 5,105

2 2 222 4 14 5 9 710 295 415

3 2 2 226 2 ~2 4 14 5 710 295 415

885 836 49 5.245 ·l,723 522 1,282 1,145 137 7,9):) 7,r.,2J 274 2,025 521 1,504 48,187 19,532 28,655

885 R36 ~9 5,241 4,719 522 1,023 n(, 97 1l,~3) 6.241 189 1,793 469 1,324 43,791 17,775 26,016

4 4 259 219 4:> 1,47.) l.:n5 85 232 52 180 4,396 1,757 2,639

4 4 259 219 40 1.17) 1,3'lS 85 232 52 180 4,396 1.757 2,639

1,46:+ 1,229 235 4,076 3,f)63 413 403 359 H 3,~:lri :un 24(') 2,221 441 1,780 25,53!J 10,236 15,300

1.436 1,2Cl2 23~ 4,072 3,66Cl 412 389 H8 41 2,559 2,345 214 1,964 294 1,670 23,168 9,257 13,911

28 27 4 :I 14 II 3 727 695 32 257 147 110 2,368 979 1,389

24 24 13[) 120 10 195 S6 109 567 251 316

4 3 3 13 10 3 :;97 575 22 62 61 I,ROI 728 1,073

426 399 27 3,193 2,R02 391 941 831 IIi) 5,OJ:J 4,698 302 2,741 537 2,204 30,057 12,217 17,840

419 392 27 3,182 2,7)3 3B9 7(>1 731 31 3,765 3,5S6 179 2,67S 524 2,154 26,339 IO,7lJH 15,631 7 7 11 9 2 177 98 n 1.215 1,112 123 63 13 50 3,718 1,509 2,209

6 6 11 9 2 165 86 79 1,147 1.033 114 37 8 29 3,479 1,407 2,072 12 12 88 79 9 26 5 21 239 102 137

990S/D,C.O.-G)vt. Pr "" U.T.. Chct.


Page Col. No. Against For Read No. 8 First para Line No. 3 on an 11 Bottom Soure ·Source

19 20 Mahendragarh (U) 22.48 72.48

49 16 Location Code No. 52 T(55.00), TW (20.00), T (55.00), WE(20.00), TWE (35.00) TWE (35.00)

48 Bitori (Natori) Bitori (Batori) S5 2 " 71 Darauli Dabauli S6 2 " 65 11 8 RK.KR PR,KR 67 16 49 TWE (2.00) WE (2.00) 71 16 89 T (70S '00), W (705.00) T (705.00), TW (70S ·00)

74 7 137 T. W. TW, Hp W,TW,Hp 7 138 W,TW,Hp T, W, TW, Hp 7 141 T, W, TW, Hp T, W, TW, Hp, C 7 142 T. W. TW. Hp. C T, W.TW.Hp 7 144 T. W, TW, Hp T. W. TW. Hp. C 7 145 T. W, TW, Hp, C T, W, TW,Hp 78 2 211 Dana Alampur Dan Aalarnpur

82 10 266 -(-) -(-5. 83 19 All Vil1ag'!s 12,519.90 12.519.SG

98 3 Lo~ation Co'lc No. 82 187.731 1.187.7J

102 6 118 Blank p

105 16 132 T (34.80), TWE (44.80) T (34.80), TWE (34.80)

122 4 52 864 (154) . 864 (134) 125 17 87 14.00 147.00 126 2 ,. 123 Buihakpurt Ruchakpurt 168 -(-) -(-5) 130 10 " 134 2 219 Gangutama Gmgutana 7 Kanuna Kanuka 180 2 " 190 2 .. 7 Minoth Nimoth 2 22 Maisit Masit 2 28 Darauli Dabauli 194 2 .. 70 Handsawas Hansawas 2 .. 85 Rajwas Rajawas 198 2 .. 147 Raliwas Raliawas 200 2 171 Dhialawas Dhaliawas 202 2 191 Bodhai Dodhai 204 3 .. 229 233.00 233.1() 206 3 .. 251 592.07 592.00 2 .. 2S3 Aaiawas Aaliawas 216 7 .. 42 1,387 1,378 Chh$was 220 2 " 119 Chhajiawas 223 21 All Villa;es 1,356 1,355 234 2 Location Code No. 94 Mehrampur (189) Mehrampur (129) ...... , " ", +R",,"nnr "R".l1fnl1f'