• / t - PRIDAT, JANUARY 2 I , i d iOanct|PBt(r lEti^tting % ralb Average Daily Net Prefla Run For the Week Ceded Tha Weather ■Mbi Jaa. 22. 18^ Ferocaat of S. Weather BnieM 'A daughter was bom Tusaday failure to stop for a stop sigruttf' a t the Hartford M o r t a l to Mr. E. Om ter ianfl Woodbridge and Mrs. Robert Holmes, 55 Char Streets, by'PatrolraiuMVilllam J. Fklr tonight. Lew 5-18. Sunday,' ter Oak St \ - Cooke. 11,550 nsostly eloudy, anow flurrtaa. High Mamber/of the Audit iThe" Mtastonary Cifcle o f the Borcau/ef. drcnlMioe 25-2S. Emanuel t^theran Church will or MancheMier-^A City of Village Charm conduct its first meeting of the new year in Luther, Hall tonight at 8 o’clock. An interesting . pro gram is'planned, including prac x .\ VO L. LX X IV , NO. 101 (tWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAYlAY, W N UARY 29. 1955 Adverttalag. oa Page if ) PRICE CENTS I PEtrtcte Kuriimd,. on W KNB tical work of the SW ■ IS.I 1 aiiia., l y , . ■ . , , luun why Rock Cemith Gama Lucia Pageant. Ernest S. Pamphrey, M,. of Birda are ao .attracUve a buy RFD 1, Rockville, .was arrestOd for the housewife, atreasiny Members of the M^pchester last night and charged with op Speedy Climber their Juiciiteas, succulence and erating a motor vehicle while un T h re e D i ^ Undemaaa.' Buy these birds at Oobn and Fox Club will riteet at the Watkins Funeral'HoihetMiignl der^ the influence of intoxicating Plnehurst , .
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