Field Efficacy of Florfenicol for Control of Mortality in Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), Caused by Infection With ictaluri

PATRICIA S. GAUNT,ANISSA L. MCGINNIS, AND TIMOTHY D. SANTUCCI Mississippi State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center, Stoneville, Mississippi 38776 USA

JEAN CAO,PETER WAEGER1, AND RICHARD G. ENDRIS Schering-Plough Animal Health Corp., Union, New Jersey 07083 USA

Abstract A field study to assess the efficacy of florfenicol (FFC) against enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC) was conducted with pond-reared channel catfish fingerlings held in 0.1-acre earthen ponds. Fish were challenged with Edwardsiella ictaluri in a natural pond outbreak or by cohabitation with E. ictaluri- infected fish held in netpens. Fourteen ponds were assigned in equal number to two treatment groups, that is, either treated (with 10 mg FFC/kg body weight in medicated feed) or not treated (control) for 10 consecutive d. The threshold for enrollment into the study was 0.3% cumulative mortality attributed to ESC. Treatment was initiated on different dates for each pond because each pond was enrolled when 33 fish/pond were diagnosed with ESC based on clinical signs, lesions, or positive cultures. Mortality was monitored during the 10-d treatment period and during a 14-d posttreatment observation period. At the end of the 14-d posttreatment observation period, all fish were euthanized, and 20 fish from each pond were examined by gross necropsy and evaluated for the presence of E. ictaluri by bacterial culture. The odds of a mortality in the control group were 2.20 times the odds of a mortality in the FFC-treated group. Significantly fewer (P # 0.05) FFC-medicated catfish died in comparison to unmedicated catfish. The minimum inhibitory concentration of FFC for this strain of E. ictaluri was 0.25 mg/mL in all fish that were assayed. The mean zone of inhibition (Kirby Bauer) was 36.8 mm from E. ictaluri isolates of test fish. There were no FFC treatment-related lesions seen on gross pathology. FFC was efficacious and safe for control of mortality from E. ictaluri infection in catfish.

According to the 2003 National Animal dimethoxine/ormetoprim combination, two com- Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) report, mercial preparations approved by the bacterial disease is the leading cause of loss in US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). fingerling operations in the USA (USDA 2003). While the sulfadimethoxine/ormetoprim combi- Enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC) was the most nation is approved for use against E. ictaluri in frequently reported fish bacterial disease in the catfish, oxytetracycline is only approved for use southeastern USA from 1986 to 1996, causing against Aeromonas and Pseudomonas.How- mass mortality of catfish and millions of dollars ever, there are reports of bacterial resistance to of loss (MacMillan 1985; Thune 1991; Plumb these (Johnson 1991; Plumb et al. 1999). Outbreaks of ESC usually occur in the 1995). In addition, palatability problems have spring and fall months when water temperatures been reported with sulfadimethoxine/ormeto- are 22–28 C, conditions that are optimal for growth prim (Poe and Wilson 1989). Compounding of Edwardsiella ictaluri, the bacterial cause of these problems, oxytetracycline is primarily ESC (Hawke et al. 1981; Baldwin and Newton manufactured as a sinking pellet, making it dif- 1993). ficult for farmers to gauge feeding activity, and Treatment for bacterial diseases in fish intended the sinking feed represents a diet change for sick as food is limited to oxytetracycline and a sulfa- fish typically fed floating diets. For these reasons, producers have been reluc- 1 Corresponding author. tant to use these antibiotics when their fish are

Ó Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2006

1 2 GAUNT ET AL. diagnosed with ESC. The approval of a new and was administered to channel catfish fingerlings efficacious antibiotic would give producers held in experimental 0.1-acre ponds. another viable option in treating bacterial dis- ease in fish. Materials and Methods Florfenicol (FFC) ([R-(R*,S*)]-2,2-dichloro- Experimental Design N-[1-(fluoromethyl)-2-hydroxy-2-[4-(methyl- sulfonyl)phenyl]ethyl-acetamide) is a fluorinated Fourteen 0.1-acre ponds were randomly as- derivative of thiamphenicol, a chloramphenicol signed in equal numbers to each of two treat- analogue (Nagabhusahan et al. 1992). Thiam- ment groups: (1) challenged with E. ictaluri phenicol is used therapeutically for humans, and fed unmedicated feed (control) and (2) chal- but FFC was developed exclusively for animal lenged with E. ictaluri and fed 10 mg FFC/kg use and is approved for cattle, swine, and poul- bw in medicated feed. Approximately 11,000 try in many countries. Most that are fingerlings were allotted to each pond in an resistant to chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol undetermined ratio of males and females; during are sensitive to FFC (Cannon et al. 1990). acclimation, they were fed to satiation on a com- FFC is efficacious against a number of fish mercial diet once per day. Challenge with E. pathogens, including Aeromonas salmonicida ictaluri occurred either from a natural outbreak and Vibrio salmonicida (Fukui et al. 1987; Inglis (two ponds) or from natural outbreaks in each of and Richards 1991; Nordmo et al. 1998; Samuelson the 12 remaining ponds combined with experi- et al. 1998; Bruun et al. 2000; Schmidt et al. mentally infected fish placed in netpens and 2000), and its efficacy against E. ictaluri in water from the initial natural outbreak. The cri- vitro has recently been demonstrated (McGinnis terion for enrollment of ponds into the study was et al. 2003). It is currently approved for aquacul- 0.3% (33) fish from each pond manifesting ture to control susceptible bacterial diseases in either clinical signs or lesions of ESC, or posi- Japan (yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata, red tive culture for E. ictaluri. Initiation of treat- sea bream Pagellus bogaraveo, coho salmon ment began at the feeding immediately after Oncorhynchus kisutch, horse mackerel Trachurus ponds met the inclusion criterion. Because spp., rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, enrollment of ponds was staggered and depen- sweetfish Plecoglossus altivelis,tilapiaOreo- dent upon when the inclusion criterion was chromis spp, Japanese eel Anguilla japonica), met, acclimation to the experimental condi- South Korea (yellowtail, eel), Norway (salmon), tions ranged from 40 d (one pond) to 59 d (five Canada (salmon), and the UK (salmon). FFC ponds). was shown to be effective in vivo against E. ictaluri in a preliminary laboratory study wherein Fish infection was experimentally induced in chan- Approximately154,000 farm-reared, 1-year- nel catfish fingerlings (Gaunt et al. 2003). In old channel catfish fingerlings with no known support of a new animal drug application history of exposure to E. ictaluri were obtained approval for FFC to control mortality in channel from L&S Fish Farm, Leland, Mississippi, catfish caused by ESC, a dose titration, dose USA. Fingerling fish were collected with a seine, confirmation, and field study were undertaken. and three samples of fingerlings were collected, Research protocols followed were drafted ac- counted, and weighed to determine the mean cording to specific US FDA guidelines. The fingerling weight (count range: 345–383 head/ determination of the optimum dose rate was sample). These fish were released back into studied in a tank-dose titration followed by the pond from which they had been collected, a dose confirmation study, and was found to be and fish for the study were collected from 10 mg/kg body weight (bw) one time a day for the same seine and weighed to yield a weight 10 d (Gaunt et al. 2004). Herein, we report the equivalent to ;11,000 fish. Groups of 11,000 results of the field efficacy study conducted dur- fingerlings in an undetermined ratio of males ing May and June 2001 in which this dose rate and females were placed into 14 separate EFFICACY OF FLORFENICOL FOR CONTROL OF MORTALITY IN CHANNEL 3 oxygenated wells on live haul trucks and were At termination (after the 14-d observation transported to Delta Western Research Center, period), the ponds were seined and scrapped Indianola, Mississippi, USA, where they were using a 3/80 seining net. The overall weight of stocked in previously prepared 0.1-acre ponds fish from the ponds was obtained by weighing at a rate of approximately 11,000 fish per pond. the fish on a hydroscale. Fish were placed in tanks at the test facility where samples of 20 fish Fish Environment, Handling, and Feeding were counted and weighed from each pond to Earthen ponds at Delta Western Research obtain an average weight per fish. From the Center supplied with well water were used in overall weight and the weight of the samples the study. Prior to stocking, all test ponds under- of 20 fish, a final number of fish recovered was went routine conditioning with potassium estimated for each pond. Twenty fish from each permanganate (to kill existing fauna), sodium pond were delivered to Delta Research and chloride (to prevent nitrite toxicosis), and cot- Extension Center for necropsy and microbial tonseed meal (to promote phytoplankton growth), sampling, with the exception that only 19 fish in accordance with the research farm’s standard were inadvertently sampled from two ponds. operating practices. All remaining fish were euthanized. Water temperatures during the treatment (started May 14, 2001) and posttreatment obser- Preparation of Feed vation (ended June 25, 2001) periods ranged Florfenicol Aquaculture Premix (50% Type A from 20 to 31 C. Supplemental aeration was Medicated Article) was provided by Schering- provided when dissolved oxygen levels could Plough Animal Health Corp., Union, New not be determined (because of inclement weather) Jersey, USA. A batch of the feed (Delta Western or were approaching ,4 ppm. The total ammo- Fry II, 2.5-mm pellets) was medicated at the nia nitrogen, pH, nitrite, and chloride were mea- in-life facility to deliver 10 mg FFC/kg bw. sured twice weekly. The mean total alkalinity Batches of unmedicated control diet were man- (as CaCO3) and total hardness (as CaCO3) mea- ufactured in a similar fashion to the medicated sured once prior to study initiation ranged from feed, except no drug was added. The floating 205–291 ppm and 273–307 ppm, respectively. feed was produced on the same equipment Water supplying the ponds was analyzed for the for both unmedicated and medicated diets. To presence of lead, copper, organochlorines, and minimize the chances of FFC contamination, organophosphates by Mississippi State Chemi- a batch of unmedicated feed was prepared by cal Laboratory (Mississippi State, MS, USA), commercial methods, followed by preparation and no harmful levels were found in the water of the medicated feed. The medicated feed was that would interfere with the husbandry of the prepared to achieve a target concentration of channel catfish. Water quality was within 400 ppm FFC, which would allow delivery of acceptable limits for the maintenance of channel 10 mg FFC/kg bw at a 2.5% bw feeding rate catfish fingerlings throughout the study (Tucker (400 ppm 5 10 mg FFC/kg bw O 2.5% bw). and Robinson 1990). The concentration of FFC in feed, as measured Fish were hand fed once daily, feeding activ- by an HPLC–UV method (Hayes, submitted), ity was observed, and their feed consumption was 372.34 ppm (93.1% of nominal). No con- was recorded. Fish were fed to satiation during tamination from oxytetracycline, RometÒ,or acclimation and during the treatment and post- organochlorine pesticides was detected in the treatment periods were fed to either to satiation feed (Woodson-Tenent Laboratories and SGS or to 2.5% of their bw, whichever was less. Dur- Agricultural Services, Memphis, TN, USA). ing acclimation, fingerlings were fed commer- cial floating 35% protein fingerling feed (Delta Preparation of Edwardsiella ictaluri Western, Indianola, MS, USA), with the excep- Inoculum and Challenge of Fish tion of the day of stocking and 1 d after stocking, The E. ictaluri isolate (S01-602-14) was ob- when feed was not provided. tained from a natural outbreak in one of the 4 GAUNT ET AL. experimental ponds. The isolate was confirmed netpens from which infection was confirmed in as E. ictaluri by biochemical characteristics fewer fish. (Hawke et al. 1981) using a biochemical test kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions Assessment of Efficacy (BBL Crystal, Cockeysville, MD, USA). One Ponds were visually observed at least two milliliter of the E. ictaluri isolate was used to times daily, throughout the 10-d treatment and inoculate each of six 1-L brain heart infusion 14-d posttreatment observation period. No fish broth, and the cultures were incubated at 25 C were cultured for bacteria from ponds that overnight with rotary aeration. One control cul- received medicated feed during the treatment ture was incubated overnight at 25 C and one at period in accordance with the study protocol. 37 C to evaluate contamination and purity. The A maximum of 10 moribund/dead fish were col- 1-L cultures were combined to yield two 3-L lected for microbiological assessment from volumes to attain uniformity for plate counts ponds that received unmedicated feed during and dosing. Bacterial concentrations determined the treatment period. During the posttreatment by serial dilutions and plate counts were calcu- observation period, a maximum of 10 mori- lated to be ;24 3 107 and 15 3 107 cfu/mL, bund/dead fish from each medicated and each respectively. unmedicated pond were examined by gross nec- Approximately 1400 stocker size fish were ropsy and sampled for bacterial culture. Upon loaded from vats in the Thad Cochran National completion of the posttreatment observation period, 20 fish from each pond were arbitrarily Warmwater Aquaculture Center into two ;460- sampled for necropsy and microbiological analysis. L tanks on a live hauler and were transported to Delta Western Research Center in aerated water. Postmortem Examination of Fish The dissolved oxygen and the temperature of the Moribund and dead fish were removed from water in the live hauler were 5 ppm and 25.5 C, the ponds. Moribund fish were euthanized with respectively. Three liters of E. ictaluri culture an overdose of MS-222 (Tricaine-S, Western was added to each side tank on the live hauler Chemicals Inc., Ferndale, WA, USA). Dead fish followed by a 2-h incubation. The final con- were transported on ice to the laboratory. Post- centration of bacteria in the live hauler tanks mortem examination of the fish included an in- 6 was 1.54 3 10 cfu/mL on Side 1 and spection of the skin, fins, mouth, eyes, gill, and 5 9.74 3 10 cfu/mL on Side 2. coelomic viscera. In the 12 experimental ponds that did not meet the inclusion criterion quickly through Microbial Methods a natural outbreak of infection, a cylindrical Select fish were sampled in accordance with netpen constructed of 1/40 mesh was placed in the study protocol to obtain bacterial isolates ponds and fixed to the pond bottom by two metal at the time of mortality or end-of -study eutha- fence posts. After seed fish had been challenged nasia. Brain and posterior kidney were cultured with E. ictaluri for 2 h, 100 seed fish were hand for bacterial pathogens on Mueller–Hinton agar counted from the live hauler and placed into containing 5% sheep’s blood. Plates were then each netpen. Seed fish established infection in incubated at 25 C for 2 d. Cultures that yielded ponds by cohabitation by allowing bacterial small, white, punctate, weakly b-hemolytic shedding into the water while preventing inad- colonies characteristic of E. ictaluri were vertent sampling of seed fish. Netpens were en- considered positive. E. ictaluri was identified closed on the bottom and had removable covers biochemically through tests kits supplied by on the top to prevent bird predation. In addition, Difco (Becton Dickinson and Co., Cockeysville, approximately 53 L of water from the live MD, USA) and BBL Crystal. The tests included hauler were added to each seeded pond. Infec- negative results for oxidase, (Difco, Becton tion was confirmed in at least 10 seed fish Dickinson and Co.) and positive results for argi- from each netpen, with the exception of four nine, p-n-p-N-acetyl glucosaminide, lysine, and EFFICACY OF FLORFENICOL FOR CONTROL OF MORTALITY IN CHANNEL CATFISH 5 p-n-p phosphate. Test results for mannose, tetra- Because the cumulative mortality data only zolium, urea, prolinenitroanilide, and galactose capture a fish’s living status (dead or alive) at were variable (BBL Crystal). Quality control the end of the study, the information obtained strains for the BBL Crystal identification system about when the fish died during the study period were Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 33495 and was not used in the analyses of cumulative mor- Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. tality data. A survival analysis was performed The minimum inhibitory concentration by the Kaplan–Meier method using SAS Proc (MIC) was determined for the inoculum bacteria Lifetest, which enabled estimation of the sur- and 39 other arbitrarily selected bacteria cul- vival rate over the whole study period and there- tured during the study. Briefly, colonies were fore to better understand the treatment effect removed from the Mueller–Hinton blood plates over time. and suspended in a broth media to a density of Both analyses (cumulative mortality and sur- 0.5 McFarland barium sulfate turbidity stan- vival analysis) were performed based on both dard. One microliter of each bacterial isolate the total number of fish allocated (estimated was evenly inoculated on the surface of blood by biomass) and the total number of fish recov- agar plates prepared with concentrations of ered at the study end (assumed allotted equaled FFC ranging from 0.06 to 16 mg/mL. Plates mortalities plus live fish recovered). Because the were incubated at 25 C for 2 d and observed results were similar, only the results based on to determine which concentration completely the total number of fish recovered at the study inhibited growth of E. ictaluri (NCCLS 1999). end will be discussed in the Results. The disk diffusion zone (formerly Kirby Bauer zone of inhibition) was determined for Results 388 of 410 isolates. Briefly, E. ictaluri was sus- The first deaths attributable to ESC in the pended in inoculum fluid, and the density was study were confirmed in Pond 7 approximately standardized by dilution with sterile saline to 35 d after stocking, and this pond was enrolled a 0.5 McFarland barium sulfate turbidity stan- 5 d afterward. Although some deaths from nat- dard. The bacteria were uniformly streaked on ural outbreaks of ESC were noted in all ponds, a Mueller–Hinton blood agar plate and were only two ponds (one control and one treated) overlaid with a control (blank paper) disc (BBL met the inclusion criterion quickly enough from Crystal) and a disc impregnated with 30 mgof the natural outbreak. Outbreaks in the 12 re- FFC (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI, USA). maining ponds were enhanced with the addition The plates were incubated at 25 C until the of exposed caged fish so that ESC could affect diameter of the zone of inhibition was clearly the experimental ponds during the small temper- defined to facilitate accurate measurement. ature window required by E. ictaluri. These 12 ponds were enrolled 7–19 d after the first one Statistical Methods was enrolled. The cumulative mortality data at the end of Daily mortality for all treatment groups are observation period (Day 24) was analyzed by summarized in Table 1 and plotted in Fig. 1. logistic regression using a general linear mixed The FFC-treated group showed a decrease in model (SAS, %GLIMMIX Macro, SAS Insti- mortality after Day 4, while the control group tute, Cary, NC, USA). Analyses of cumulative did not show a decrease in mortality until after mortalities were performed based on both the Day 7. total number of fish allocated (estimated by bio- The cumulative mortality at the end of the mass) and the total number of fish recovered at study period was defined as total known mortal- the study end (assumed allotted equaled mortal- ity during and after treatment. The total mortal- ities plus live fish recovered). The differences ity accounted for was 2300 fish across the between least squares means were compared seven control ponds (mean 5 329 fish/pond) by a one-sided test. Differences were declared and 1478 fish across the seven FFC-treated significant at the 5% level. ponds (mean 5 211 fish/pond). The cumulative 6 GAUNT ET AL.

TABLE 1. Summary of daily mortality of channel catfish, mortality at the end of the study period was ana- Ictalurus punctatus, that were challenged with Edward- lyzed using logistic regression with a binomial siella ictaluri followed by a 10-d treatment with unmed- error and logit link. icated or FFC-medicated feed. Statistical analysis of the cumulative percent Treatment group mortality using the number of fish recovered Day Control FFC (10 mg/kg) by biomass is shown in Table 2. The FFC 2 183 191 group had statistically significant lower cumula- 3 290 216 tive mortality rate than the control group 4 201 241 (P 5 0.0397, one-sided test). The parameter 5 230 190 estimate of 0.7906 equates to an odds ratio of 6 250 188 7 262 165 2.20, that is, the odds of a mortality in the con- 8 197 94 trol group is 2.20 times the odds of a mortality 9 191 39 in the FFC-treated group. 10 134 33 For the purposes of analysis, a fish’s survival 11 117 25 time was defined as the number of days that a fish 12 78 19 13 57 8 lived after the pond was admitted in the study. If 14 25 6 a fish died on Day 9, then its survival time was 9, 15 14 3 or if a fish lived until the end of the study period 16 7 3 (Day 24), then the fish’s survival time was con- 17 14 4 sidered a censored observation of 24. The sur- 18 11 8 19 21 3 vival analysis would not only take into account 20 3 4 a fish’s living status at the study end (alive or 21 9 17 dead) but would also use the information of 22 3 8 how long a fish lived. Results from the survival 23 3 13 analysis, based on fish recovered, are shown in 24 0 0 Table 3. The two treatment groups were signif- FFC 5 florfenicol. icantly different (P , 0.0001), with the FFC group having a higher survival rate than the con- trol group. Fig. 2 shows the estimated survival rate of the two treatment groups over time. The survival rate of the FFC group was consis- tently higher than the control group throughout the entire study period. Edwardsiella ictaluri was isolated from fish in each netpen and from each pond. Throughout the study, E. ictaluri was cultured from 44.8% (182 of 406) of the fish sampled from the FFC-treated group and from 46.7% (228 of 478) of the fish sampled from the control group. The MIC50 and MIC90 for all 40 E. ictaluri isolates that were tested against FFC, including the strains of E. ictaluri from ponds that met enrollment criterion from a natural outbreak, were 0.25 mg/mL. The 388 of 410 E. ictaluri isolates had disk diffusion susceptibility zones to FFC that ranged from 32 mm to 50 mm, with a mean of 36.8 mm. FIGURE 1. Plot of daily mortality of Edwardsiella ictaluri- exposed channel catfish treated with 0 or 10 mg/kg Postmortem examination of the fish revealed florfenicol. external lesions including inflammation through EFFICACY OF FLORFENICOL FOR CONTROL OF MORTALITY IN CHANNEL CATFISH 7

TABLE 2. Logistic regression (using GLIMMIX) of cumulative mortality based on fish recovered.

The mixed procedure Parameter estimates Effect Treatment Standard estimate Error df t value Pr . |t| Intercept ÿ3.8124 0.2925 12 ÿ13.03 ,0.0001 Treatment Control 0.7906 0.4125 12 1.92 0.0794 Treatment Florfenicol 0 — — — Type 3 tests of fixed effects Numerator Denominator Effect df df F value P value (one side) Treatment 1 12 3.67 0.0397 the sutra fontanel of the skull (commonly known group a mean of 1.46 kg feed/pond (P , as ‘‘hole in the head’’), hemorrhages on the skin 0.0001). During treatment, the mean feed con- and fins, and exophthalmia, all of which are sumption in medicated ponds was 1.22 kg/pond compatible with ESC (Baldwin and Newton per d. The nominal dose rate for fish that 1993). Internal lesions included gastrointestinal received FFC-medicated feed was 10 mg FFC/kg and hepatic hemorrhages, splenic congestion, bw for 10 d, assuming that all the medicated ascites, and renomegaly. ration was consumed. The actual mean daily An average of 4 d prior to enrollment (range dose rate for the FFC-treated ponds was calcu- of 1–8 d), feeding activity decreased in both lated to be 5.92 mg/kg bw. This indicates a mean medicated and control ponds. During treatment, daily feeding rate of 1.48%, which was less than feed consumption was significantly different the nominal feeding rate of 2.5%. Feed con- between the medicated and the control groups sumption in FFC-treated ponds generally only on Day 10, when the FFC group consumed increased to pretreatment levels or higher during a mean of 1.70 kg feed/pond and the control the posttreatment period.

Discussion In commercial fish farming, disease surveil- lance is recommended so that intervention can be initiated as soon as clinical signs or lesions indicating the presence of disease are noted. Under field conditions, treatment for ESC is sel- dom initiated until fish deaths are in plain sight. In an attempt to duplicate field conditions, this research protocol required that 33 fish from each pond manifest ESC before FFC treatment in that specific pond could commence. For this reason, there was a delay ranging from 4 to 18 d from the time the first ESC case in a medicated pond was diagnosed until FFC treatment commenced. Therefore, high mortalities during the early stages of the treatment period (Days 2–7) in FIGURE 2. Estimated survival function by treatment (0 or the FFC-medicated ponds were not unexpected. 10 mg florfenicol/kg bw). Kaplan–Meier survival analysis Despite this, there was a significant difference in based on number of catfish accounted for (mortalities and harvested numbers). the cumulative mortalities between medicated Square 5 florfenicol; star 5 control. Vertical bar sepa- and control ponds. A netpen study (Meade et al. rates treatment/posttreatment periods. 1993) testing the efficacy of sarafloxacin in 8 GAUNT ET AL.

TABLE 3. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis (treatment group strata) based on fish recovered with treatment as strata.

The LIFETEST procedure Summary of the number of censored and uncensored values Stratum Treatment number Total Failed Censored Percent censored 1T15 control 47,879 2300 45,579 95.20 2T25 florfenicol 50,358 1478 48,880 97.07 Total 98,237 3778 94,459 96.15 Test of equality over strata Test Chi square df Pr . Chi square Log rank 228.0785 1 ,0.0001 Wilcoxon 223.8872 1 ,0.0001 ÿ2Log(LR) 235.8182 1 ,0.0001 Univariate chi squares for the log-rank test Variable Test statistic Standard deviation Chi square Pr . Chi square Pond 1456.8 419.2 12.0770 0.0005

which fish were treated immediately following disease will decrease mortalities and will also confirmation of E. ictaluri infection also showed help avoid development of bacterial resistance. high mortalities in medicated fish. Although Anorexia is one of the first clinical signs of there was not a significant difference in cumula- ESC, and it prevents fish from consuming a ther- tive mortality, a difference in the daily mortality apeutic dose of medication. Bacteria may be was seen between the treated and the control sensitive to the concentration of an antibiotic groups, indicating that there was a change in when the fish are feeding well but may not be the rate of mortality caused by intervention with susceptible to the dose achieved in a fish with the drug. the loss of appetite. However, in another netpen study (Johnson The nominal dose rate in this study was et al. 1992) testing the efficacy of sarafloxacin 10 mg/kg per d, but the actual dose rate was against E. ictaluri in which there was a treatment approximately 60% of nominal or 5.92 mg/kg delay of 3 d from when the first ESC mortality per d. The lower actual dose rate was as a result occurred, many fish became infected, anorectic, of the FFC concentration in the medicated feed and subsequently died before receiving ade- at 93% of nominal and reduced feed intake re- quate levels of drug in the feed. Cumulative sur- sulting from anorexia associated with the pro- vival rates in the sarafloxacin-medicated ponds gressing ESC infections in the ponds. It is were significantly different from the unmedi- expected that if treatment initiation were depen- cated ponds and ranged from 48 to 73%. dent upon detecting the first case of ESC rather In a previous FFC range finding study (Gaunt than upon meeting the specified pond enroll- et al. 2003) conducted in tanks, treatment with ment criterion, the fish would have consumed medicated feed was initiated the day after expo- more medicated feed and a higher survival rate sure to E. ictaluri and prior to clinical signs. would have been observed among the FFC- Therefore, mortality was minimal in the FFC- treated fish. medicated fish and ranged only from 0 to A feeding rate of 2.5% bw, which distributed 1.25%. In an aquarium dose confirmation study the medication over a large number of feed pel- (Gaunt et al. 2004), there was a higher percent- lets, likely contributed to a higher survival rate age of mortalities in FFC-medicated fish (0.8– of the FFC-medicated fish. Rates of feeding 2.5%) because treatment was delayed for 2 d medicated feed to E. ictaluri infected fish are after exposure to E. ictaluri. A decrease in appe- often decreased to 1% because of formulation tite was observed, and the fish were overcome characteristics of the available antimicrobial by infection and succumbed. Clearly, adminis- medicated feeds and depressed appetite. In a tration of medicated feed at the first sign of previously reported study (Johnson and Smith EFFICACY OF FLORFENICOL FOR CONTROL OF MORTALITY IN CHANNEL CATFISH 9

1994), the number of surviving fish was signifi- were autolyzed and were presumed to be dead cantly higher when feeding rates of Romet- from ESC, but E. ictaluri could not be separated medicated feed increased from 1 to 3%. Ponds from faster growing bacteria present from post- with higher feeding rates had more pellets avail- mortem overgrowth. In addition, pond tempera- able to achieve the same medication level, and tures that rose outside the optimal ESC range this allowed medication of more fish, including (28–31 C) during the 14-d observation period less aggressive eaters. Inspection of the stomach could inhibit growth of E. ictaluri (and decrease contents of the fish at necropsy revealed that infection rates). larger fingerlings had over 15 pellets in their No specific gross lesions that could be associ- stomachs and smaller fingerlings had over 4 ated with the antibiotic were observed in this pellets each in their stomachs. field study. This is in agreement with previous In field studies, it is difficult to reconcile the range-finding studies in which no gross or histo- stocking numbers of fish with the harvested fish pathological lesions induced by FFC were numbers because of predation by birds and observed among 640 fish in efficacy and toler- mammals and cannibalism. Upon termination ance studies with dose rates ranging from 10 of this study, the sum of surviving fish plus the to 40 mg FFC/kg bw and 10 to 100 mg FFC/ observed fish deaths did not equal the stocking kg bw, respectively (Gaunt et al. 2003). rate of approximately 11,000 fish per pond. The low MIC for FFC indicated potent in vitro During this study, pond workers occasionally antimicrobial activity against the E. ictaluri iso- witnessed losses of experimental fish to bird late tested. This is in agreement with the reported predators that removed moribund or dead fish MIC values of FFC for most pathogenic fish bac- from the ponds. In addition, fish were found teria, which range from 0.3 to 1.6 mg/mL (Fukui on the banks between ponds, so the mortality et al. 1987; Inglis and Richards 1991; Martinsen could not be assigned to a specific pond because et al. 1993; Bruun et al. 2000; Schmidt et al. it was not certain from which pond the fish 2000). came. Similarly, in a previous field study docu- In conclusion, FFC administered in feed at menting the unaccounted losses of salmon in a daily dose rate of 10 mg FFC/kg bw of fish netpens (Moring 1989), losses were attributed for 10 consecutive d was effective in reducing to decomposition of carcasses during disease mortalities from E. ictaluri in channel catfish outbreaks and scavenging by birds, mammals, fingerlings when fed 4–18 d postinfection. and fishes. These losses were generally not docu- mented until a cage was emptied at the time of Acknowledgments harvest. In a field study on catfish production The authors thank R. Polk, J. Steadman, C. (Tucker et al. 1994), the researchers noted that Ware, D. Holifield, and the staff of Delta West- the total losses calculated from estimates of fish ern Research Center for technical assistance harvested and from the fish allotted were higher throughout the study. We thank Drs. Al Camus, than the losses accounted for by retrieving dead Skip Jack, Mark Lawrence, and Lora Petrie- fish. The fate of the fish that died but were not Hanson for their reviews on the manuscript. recovered was not known. The authors con- This project was funded by Schering-Plough cluded that observed losses will always underes- timate the total losses, possibly by a factor of Animal Health, Inc., Union, New Jersey, USA. seven or more. In this study, there was no difference in the Literature Cited cumulative infection rates with E. ictaluri of control versus medicated fish. The analysis of infection rates of mortalities (both for inclusion Baldwin, T. J. and J. C. Newton. 1993. Pathogenesis of enteric septicemia of channel catfish, caused by purposes and infection rate analysis) was com- Edwardsiella ictaluri: bacteriologic and light and plicated by the fact that not all fish were suitable electron microscopic findings. Journal of Aquatic for bacterial isolation. Many of the mortalities Animal Health 5:189–198. 10 GAUNT ET AL.

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