225 Part 242—Subsistence Manage- Ment Regulations

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225 Part 242—Subsistence Manage- Ment Regulations Forest Service, USDA § 242.3 PART 242—SUBSISTENCE MANAGE- § 242.2 Authority. MENT REGULATIONS FOR PUBLIC The Secretary of the Interior and LANDS IN ALASKA Secretary of Agriculture issue the reg- ulations in this part pursuant to au- Subpart A—General Provisions thority vested in Title VIII of the Alas- ka National Interest Lands Conserva- Sec. tion Act (ANILCA), 16 U.S.C. 3101–3126. 242.1 Purpose. 242.2 Authority. § 242.3 Applicability and scope. 242.3 Applicability and scope. 242.4 Definitions. (a) The regulations in this part im- 242.5 Eligibility for subsistence use. plement the provisions of Title VIII or 242.6 Licenses, permits, harvest tickets, ANILCA relevant to the taking of fish tags, and reports. and wildlife on public land in the State 242.7 Restriction on use. of Alaska. The regulations in this part 242.8 Penalties. 242.9 Information collection requirements. do not permit subsistence uses in Gla- cier Bay National Park, Kenai Fjords Subpart B—Program Structure National Park, Katmai National Park, and that portion of Denali National 242.10 Federal Subsistence Board. Park established as Mt. McKinley Na- 242.11 Regional advisory councils. tional Park prior to passage of 242.12 Local advisory committees. 242.13 Board/agency relationships. ANILCA, where subsistence taking and 242.14 Relationship to State procedures and uses are prohibited. The regulations in regulations. this part do not supersede agency-spe- 242.15 Rural determination process. cific regulations. 242.16 Customary and traditional use deter- (b) The regulations contained in this mination process. part apply on all public lands, includ- 242.17 Determining priorities for subsist- ing all inland waters, both navigable ence uses among rural Alaska residents. and non-navigable, within and adjacent 242.18 Regulation adoption process. to the exterior boundaries of the fol- 242.19 Special actions. 242.20 Request for reconsideration. lowing areas, and on the marine waters 242.21 [Reserved] as identified in the following areas: (1) Alaska Maritime National Wild- Subpart C—Board Determinations life Refuge, including the: (i) Karluk Subunit: All of the sub- 242.22 Subsistence resource regions. merged land and water of the Pacific 242.23 Rural determinations. Ocean (Sheliokof Strait) extending 242.24 Customary and traditional use deter- minations. 3,000 feet from the shoreline between a point on the spit at the meander corner Subpart D—Subsistence Taking of Fish and common to Sections 35 and 36 of Town- Wildlife ship 30 South, Range 33 West, and a point approximately 11⁄4 miles east of 242.25 Subsistence taking of fish, wildlife, Rocky Point within Section 14 of and shellfish: general regulations. Township 29 South, Range 31, West, 242.26 Subsistence taking of wildlife. 242.27 Subsistence taking of fish. Seward Meridian as described in Public 242.28 Subsistence taking of shellfish. Land Order 128, dated June 19, 1943; (ii) Womens Bay Subunit: Womens AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 3, 472, 551, 668dd, 3101– Bay, Gibson Cove, portions of St. Paul 3126; 18 U.S.C. 3551–3586; 43 U.S.C. 1733. Harbor and Chiniak Bay: All of the submerged land and water as described Subpart A—General Provisions in Public Land Order 1182, dated July 7, 1955 (U.S. Survey 21539); SOURCE: 67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, unless (iii) Afognak Island Subunit: A sub- otherwise noted. merged lands and waters of the Pacific Ocean lying within 3 miles of the § 242.1 Purpose. shoreline as described in Proclamation The regulations in this part imple- No. 39, dated December 24, 1892; ment the Federal Subsistence Manage- (iv) Simeonof Subunit: All of the sub- ment Program on public lands within merged land and water of Simeonof Is- the State of Alaska. land together with the adjacent waters 225 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:05 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223138 PO 00000 Frm 00235 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\36\36V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 242.3 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–11 Edition) of the Pacific Ocean extending 1 mile Chart No. 8244, May 21, 1941; from the from the shoreline as described in Pub- point of beginning, by metes and lic Land Order 1749, dated October 30, bounds; S. 58° W., 2,500 feet, to the 1958; and southern point of Nepovorotni Rocks; (v) Semidi Subunit: All of the sub- S. 83° W., 5,600 feet, on a line passing merged land and water of the Semidi through the southern point of a small Islands together with the adjacent wa- island lying about 150 feet south of ters of the Pacific Ocean lying between Makhnati Island; N. 6° W., 4,200 feet, on parallels 55°57′57″00–56°15′57″00 North a line passing through the western Latitude and 156°30′00″–157°00′00″ West point of a small island lying about 150 Longitude as described in Executive feet west of Makhnati Island, to the Order 5858, dated June 17, 1932; northwestern point of Signal Island; N. (2) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 24° E., 3,000 feet, to a point, 57°03′15″ including those waters shoreward of north latitude, 134°23′07″ west lon- the line of extreme low water starting gitude; East, 2,900 feet, to a point in in the vicinity of Monument 1 at the course No. 45 in meanders of U.S. Sur- intersection of the International vey No. 1496, on west side of Japonski Boundary line between the State of Island; southeasterly, with the mean- Alaska and the Yukon Territory; Can- ders of Japonski Island, U.S. Survey ada, and extending westerly, along the No. 1,496 to angle point No. 35, on the line of extreme low water across the southwestern point of Japonski Island; entrances of lagoons such that all off- S. 60° E., 3,300 feet, along the boundary shore bars, reefs and islands, and la- line of Naval reservation described in goons that separate them from the Executive Order No. 8216, July 25, 1939, mainland to Brownlow Point, approxi- to the point beginning, and that part of mately 70 10′ North Latitude and 145 51′ Sitka Bay lying south of Japonski Is- West Longitude; land and west of the main channel, but (3) National Petroleum Reserve in not including Aleutski Island as re- Alaska, including those waters shore- voked in Public Land Order 925, Octo- ward of a line beginning at the western ber 27, 1953, described by metes and bank of the Colville River following bounds as follows: Beginning at the the highest highwater mark westerly, southeast point of Japonski Island at extending across the entrances of small angle point No. 7 of the meanders of lagoons, including Pearl Bay, Wain- U.S. Survey No. 1496; thence east ap- wright Inlet, the Kuk River, Kugrau proximately 12.00 chains to the center Bay and River, and other small bays of the main channel; thence S. 45° E. and river estuaries, and following the along the main channel approximately ocean side of barrier islands and 20.00 chains; thence S. 45° W. approxi- sandspits within three miles of shore mately 9.00 chains to the southeastern and the ocean side of the Plover Is- point of Aleutski Island; thence S. 79° lands, to the northwestern extremity W. approximately 40.00 chains to the of Icy cape, at approximately 70°21′ southern point of Fruit Island; thence North Latitute and 161 46′ West Lon- N. 60° W. approximately 50.00 chains to gitude; and the southwestern point of Japonski Is- (4) Yukon Delta National Wildlife land at angle point No. 35 of U.S. Sur- Refuge, including Nunivak Island: the vey No 1496; thence easterly with the submerged land and water of Nunivak meanders of Japonski Island to the Island together with the adjacent wa- point of beginning including Charcoal, ters of the Bering Sea extending, for Harbor, Alice, Love, Fruit islands and Federal Subsistence Management pur- a number of smaller unnamed islands. poses, 3 miles from the shoreline of (c) The regulations contained in this Nunivak Island as described in Execu- part apply on all public lands, exclud- tive Order No. 5059, dated April 15, 1929. ing marine waters, but including all in- (5) Southeastern Alaska—Makhnati land waters, both navigable and non- Island Area: Land and waters begin- navigable, within and adjacent to the ning at the southern point of Fruit Is- exterior boundaries of the following land, 57°02′35″ north latitude, 135°21′07″ areas: west longitude as shown on United (1) Alaska Peninsula National Wild- States Coast and Geodetic Survey life Refuge; 226 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:05 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223138 PO 00000 Frm 00236 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\36\36V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Forest Service, USDA § 242.4 (2) Aniakchak National Monument tration lands that are closed to access and Preserve; by the general public, including all (3) Becharof National Wildlife Ref- non-navigable waters located on these uge; lands. (4) Bering Land Bridge National Pre- (e) The public lands described in serve; paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section (5) Cape Krusenstern National Monu- remain subject to change through rule- ment; making pending a Department of the (6) Chugach National Forest; Interior review of title and jurisdic- (7) Denali National Preserve and the tional issues regarding certain sub- 1980 additions to Denali National Park; merged lands beneath navigable waters (8) Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska. and Preserve; [70 FR 76407, Dec. 27, 2005, as amended at 71 (9) Glacier Bay National Preserve; FR 49999, Aug. 24, 2006; 74 FR 34696, July 17, (10) Innoko National Wildlife Refuge; 2009] (11) Izembek National Wildlife Ref- uge; § 242.4 Definitions.
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