Forest Service, USDA § 242.3

PART 242—SUBSISTENCE MANAGE- § 242.2 Authority. MENT REGULATIONS FOR PUBLIC The Secretary of the Interior and LANDS IN Secretary of Agriculture issue the reg- ulations in this part pursuant to au- Subpart A—General Provisions thority vested in Title VIII of the Alas- ka National Interest Lands Conserva- Sec. tion Act (ANILCA), 16 U.S.C. 3101–3126. 242.1 Purpose. 242.2 Authority. § 242.3 Applicability and scope. 242.3 Applicability and scope. 242.4 Definitions. (a) The regulations in this part im- 242.5 Eligibility for subsistence use. plement the provisions of Title VIII or 242.6 Licenses, permits, harvest tickets, ANILCA relevant to the taking of fish tags, and reports. and wildlife on public land in the State 242.7 Restriction on use. of Alaska. The regulations in this part 242.8 Penalties. 242.9 Information collection requirements. do not permit subsistence uses in Gla- cier Bay National Park, Kenai Fjords Subpart B—Program Structure National Park, Katmai National Park, and that portion of Denali National 242.10 Federal Subsistence Board. Park established as Mt. McKinley Na- 242.11 Regional advisory councils. tional Park prior to passage of 242.12 Local advisory committees. 242.13 Board/agency relationships. ANILCA, where subsistence taking and 242.14 Relationship to State procedures and uses are prohibited. The regulations in regulations. this part do not supersede agency-spe- 242.15 Rural determination process. cific regulations. 242.16 Customary and traditional use deter- (b) The regulations contained in this mination process. part apply on all public lands, includ- 242.17 Determining priorities for subsist- ing all inland waters, both navigable ence uses among rural Alaska residents. and non-navigable, within and adjacent 242.18 Regulation adoption process. to the exterior boundaries of the fol- 242.19 Special actions. 242.20 Request for reconsideration. lowing areas, and on the marine waters 242.21 [Reserved] as identified in the following areas: (1) Alaska Maritime National Wild- Subpart C—Board Determinations life Refuge, including the: (i) Karluk Subunit: All of the sub- 242.22 Subsistence resource regions. merged land and water of the Pacific 242.23 Rural determinations. Ocean (Sheliokof Strait) extending 242.24 Customary and traditional use deter- minations. 3,000 feet from the shoreline between a point on the spit at the meander corner Subpart D—Subsistence Taking of Fish and common to Sections 35 and 36 of Town- Wildlife ship 30 South, Range 33 West, and a point approximately 11⁄4 miles east of 242.25 Subsistence taking of fish, wildlife, Rocky Point within Section 14 of and shellfish: general regulations. Township 29 South, Range 31, West, 242.26 Subsistence taking of wildlife. 242.27 Subsistence taking of fish. Seward as described in Public 242.28 Subsistence taking of shellfish. Land Order 128, dated June 19, 1943; (ii) Womens Bay Subunit: Womens AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 3, 472, 551, 668dd, 3101– Bay, Gibson Cove, portions of St. Paul 3126; 18 U.S.C. 3551–3586; 43 U.S.C. 1733. Harbor and Chiniak Bay: All of the submerged land and water as described Subpart A—General Provisions in Public Land Order 1182, dated July 7, 1955 (U.S. Survey 21539); SOURCE: 67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, unless (iii) Afognak Island Subunit: A sub- otherwise noted. merged lands and waters of the Pacific Ocean lying within 3 miles of the § 242.1 Purpose. shoreline as described in Proclamation The regulations in this part imple- No. 39, dated December 24, 1892; ment the Federal Subsistence Manage- (iv) Simeonof Subunit: All of the sub- ment Program on public lands within merged land and water of Simeonof Is- the State of Alaska. land together with the adjacent waters


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of the Pacific Ocean extending 1 mile Chart No. 8244, May 21, 1941; from the from the shoreline as described in Pub- point of beginning, by metes and lic Land Order 1749, dated October 30, bounds; S. 58° W., 2,500 feet, to the 1958; and southern point of Nepovorotni Rocks; (v) Semidi Subunit: All of the sub- S. 83° W., 5,600 feet, on a line passing merged land and water of the Semidi through the southern point of a small Islands together with the adjacent wa- island lying about 150 feet south of ters of the Pacific Ocean lying between Makhnati Island; N. 6° W., 4,200 feet, on parallels 55°57′57″00–56°15′57″00 North a line passing through the western Latitude and 156°30′00″–157°00′00″ West point of a small island lying about 150 Longitude as described in Executive feet west of Makhnati Island, to the Order 5858, dated June 17, 1932; northwestern point of Signal Island; N. (2) Arctic , 24° E., 3,000 feet, to a point, 57°03′15″ including those waters shoreward of north latitude, 134°23′07″ west lon- the line of extreme low water starting gitude; East, 2,900 feet, to a point in in the vicinity of Monument 1 at the course No. 45 in meanders of U.S. Sur- intersection of the International vey No. 1496, on west side of Japonski Boundary line between the State of Island; southeasterly, with the mean- Alaska and the Territory; Can- ders of Japonski Island, U.S. Survey ada, and extending westerly, along the No. 1,496 to angle point No. 35, on the line of extreme low water across the southwestern point of Japonski Island; entrances of lagoons such that all off- S. 60° E., 3,300 feet, along the boundary shore bars, reefs and islands, and la- line of Naval reservation described in goons that separate them from the Executive Order No. 8216, July 25, 1939, mainland to Brownlow Point, approxi- to the point beginning, and that part of mately 70 10′ North Latitude and 145 51′ Sitka Bay lying south of Japonski Is- West Longitude; land and west of the main channel, but (3) National Petroleum Reserve in not including Aleutski Island as re- Alaska, including those waters shore- voked in Public Land Order 925, Octo- ward of a line beginning at the western ber 27, 1953, described by metes and bank of the Colville River following bounds as follows: Beginning at the the highest highwater mark westerly, southeast point of Japonski Island at extending across the entrances of small angle point No. 7 of the meanders of lagoons, including Pearl Bay, Wain- U.S. Survey No. 1496; thence east ap- wright Inlet, the Kuk River, Kugrau proximately 12.00 chains to the center Bay and River, and other small bays of the main channel; thence S. 45° E. and river estuaries, and following the along the main channel approximately ocean side of barrier islands and 20.00 chains; thence S. 45° W. approxi- sandspits within three miles of shore mately 9.00 chains to the southeastern and the ocean side of the Plover Is- point of Aleutski Island; thence S. 79° lands, to the northwestern extremity W. approximately 40.00 chains to the of Icy cape, at approximately 70°21′ southern point of Fruit Island; thence North Latitute and 161 46′ West Lon- N. 60° W. approximately 50.00 chains to gitude; and the southwestern point of Japonski Is- (4) Yukon Delta National Wildlife land at angle point No. 35 of U.S. Sur- Refuge, including Nunivak Island: the vey No 1496; thence easterly with the submerged land and water of Nunivak meanders of Japonski Island to the Island together with the adjacent wa- point of beginning including Charcoal, ters of the extending, for Harbor, Alice, Love, Fruit islands and Federal Subsistence Management pur- a number of smaller unnamed islands. poses, 3 miles from the shoreline of (c) The regulations contained in this Nunivak Island as described in Execu- part apply on all public lands, exclud- tive Order No. 5059, dated April 15, 1929. ing marine waters, but including all in- (5) Southeastern Alaska—Makhnati land waters, both navigable and non- Island Area: Land and waters begin- navigable, within and adjacent to the ning at the southern point of Fruit Is- exterior boundaries of the following land, 57°02′35″ north latitude, 135°21′07″ areas: west longitude as shown on United (1) Alaska Peninsula National Wild- States Coast and Geodetic Survey life Refuge;


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(2) Aniakchak National Monument tration lands that are closed to access and Preserve; by the general public, including all (3) Becharof National Wildlife Ref- non-navigable waters located on these uge; lands. (4) Bering Land Bridge National Pre- (e) The public lands described in serve; paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section (5) Cape Krusenstern National Monu- remain subject to change through rule- ment; making pending a Department of the (6) ; Interior review of title and jurisdic- (7) Denali and the tional issues regarding certain sub- 1980 additions to Denali National Park; merged lands beneath navigable waters (8) Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska. and Preserve; [70 FR 76407, Dec. 27, 2005, as amended at 71 (9) Glacier Bay National Preserve; FR 49999, Aug. 24, 2006; 74 FR 34696, July 17, (10) Innoko National Wildlife Refuge; 2009] (11) Izembek National Wildlife Ref- uge; § 242.4 Definitions. (12) Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge; The following definitions apply to all (13) Katmai National Preserve; regulations contained in this part: (14) Kenai National Wildlife Refuge; Agency means a subunit of a cabinet- (15) Kobuk Valley National Park; level Department of the Federal Gov- (16) Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge; ernment having land management au- (17) Koyukuk National Wildlife Ref- thority over the public lands including, uge; but not limited to, the U.S. Fish & (18) Lake Clark National Park and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Af- Preserve; fairs, Bureau of Land Management, Na- (19) ; tional Park Service, and USDA Forest (20) Nowitna National Wildlife Ref- Service. uge; ANILCA means the Alaska National (21) Selawik National Wildlife Ref- Interest Lands Conservation Act, Pub- uge; lic Law 96–487, 94 Stat. 2371, (codified, (22) Steese National Conservation as amended, in scattered sections of 16 Area; U.S.C. and 43 U.S.C.) (23) Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge; Area, District, Subdistrict, and Section (24) Togiak National Wildlife Refuge; mean one of the geographical areas de- (25) , includ- fined in the codified Alaska Depart- ing Admiralty Island National Monu- ment of Fish and Game regulations ment and Misty Fjords National Monu- found in Title 5 of the Alaska Adminis- ment; trative Code. (26) White Mountain National Recre- Barter means the exchange of fish or ation Area; wildlife or their parts taken for sub- (27) Wrangell-St. Elias National Park sistence uses; for other fish, wildlife or and Preserve; their parts; or, for other food or for (28) Yukon-Charley Rivers National nonedible items other than money, if Preserve; the exchange is of a limited and non- (29) Yukon Flats National Wildlife commercial nature. Refuge; Board means the Federal Subsistence (30) All components of the Wild and Board as described in § 242.10. Scenic River System located outside Commissions means the Subsistence the boundaries of National Parks, Na- Resource Commissions established pur- tional Preserves, or National Wildlife suant to section 808 of ANILCA. Refuges, including segments of the Conservation of healthy populations of , Beaver Creek, Birch fish and wildlife means the maintenance Creek, , , of fish and wildlife resources and their , and . habitats in a condition that assures (d) The regulations contained in this stable and continuing natural popu- part apply on all other public lands, lations and species mix of plants and other than to the military, U.S. Coast animals in relation to their ecosystem, Guard, and Federal Aviation Adminis- including the recognition that local


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rural residents engaged in subsistence Game Management Unit or GMU means uses may be a natural part of that eco- one of the 26 geographical areas listed system; minimizes the likelihood of ir- under game management units in the reversible or long-term adverse effects codified State of Alaska hunting and upon such populations and species; en- trapping regulations and the Game sures the maximum practicable diver- Unit Maps of Alaska. sity of options for the future; and rec- Inland Waters means, for the purposes ognizes that the policies and legal au- of this part, those waters located land- thorities of the managing agencies will ward of the mean high tide line or the determine the nature and degree of waters located upstream of the management programs affecting eco- straight line drawn from headland to logical relationships, population dy- headland across the mouths of rivers or namics, and the manipulation of the other waters as they flow into the sea. components of the ecosystem. Inland waters include, but are not lim- Customary trade means exchange for ited to, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, cash of fish and wildlife resources regu- streams, and rivers. lated in this part, not otherwise pro- Marine Waters means, for the pur- hibited by Federal law or regulation, to poses of this part, those waters located support personal and family needs; and seaward of the mean high tide line or does not include trade which con- the waters located seaward of the stitutes a significant commercial en- straight line drawn from headland to terprise. headland across the mouths of rivers or Customary and traditional use means a other waters as they flow into the sea. long-established, consistent pattern of Person means an individual and does use, incorporating beliefs and customs not include a corporation, company, which have been transmitted from gen- partnership, firm, association, organi- eration to generation. This use plays zation, business, trust, or society. an important role in the economy of Public lands or public land means: the community. (1) Lands situated in Alaska which FACA means the Federal Advisory are Federal lands, except— Committee Act, Public Law 92–463, 86 (i) Land selections of the State of Stat. 770 (codified as amended, at 5 Alaska which have been tentatively ap- U.S.C. Appendix II, 1–15). proved or validly selected under the Family means all persons related by Alaska Statehood Act and lands which blood, marriage, or adoption or any have been confirmed to, validly se- other person living within the house- lected by, or granted to the Territory hold on a permanent basis. of Alaska or the State under any other Federal Advisory Committees or Fed- provision of Federal law; eral Advisory Committee means the (ii) Land selections of a Native Cor- Federal Local Advisory Committees as poration made under the Alaska Native described in § 242.12. Claims Settlement Act, 43 U.S.C. 1601 Federal lands means lands and waters et seq., which have not been conveyed and interests therein the title to which to a Native Corporation, unless any is in the , including navi- such selection is determined to be in- gable and non-navigable waters in valid or is relinquished; and which the United States has reserved (iii) Lands referred to in section 19(b) water rights. of the Alaska Native Claims Settle- Fish and wildlife means any member ment Act, 43 U.S.C. 1618(b). of the animal kingdom, including with- (2) Notwithstanding the exceptions in out limitation any mammal, fish, bird paragraphs (1)(i) through (iii) of this (including any migratory, nonmigra- definition, until conveyed or interim tory, or endangered bird for which pro- conveyed, all Federal lands within the tection is also afforded by treaty or boundaries of any unit of the National other international agreement), am- Park System, National Wildlife Refuge phibian, reptile, mollusk, crustacean, System, National Wild and Scenic Riv- arthropod, or other invertebrate, and ers Systems, National Forest Monu- includes any part, product, egg, or off- ment, National Recreation Area, Na- spring thereof, or the carcass or part tional Conservation Area, new Na- thereof. tional forest or forest addition shall be


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treated as public lands for the purposes shoot, trap, net, capture, collect, kill, of the regulations in this part pursuant harm, or attempt to engage in any to section 906(o)(2) of ANILCA. such conduct. Regional Councils or Regional Council Year means calendar year unless an- means the Regional Advisory Councils other year is specified. as described in § 242.11. Reserved water right(s) means the Fed- [67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, as amended at 69 eral right to use unappropriated appur- FR 60962, Oct. 14, 2004] tenant water necessary to accomplish the purposes for which a Federal res- § 242.5 Eligibility for subsistence use. ervation was established. Reserved (a) You may take fish and wildlife on water rights include nonconsumptive public lands for subsistence uses only if and consumptive uses. you are an Alaska resident of a rural Resident means any person who has area or rural community. The regula- his or her primary, permanent home tions in this part may further limit for the previous 12 months within Alas- your qualifications to harvest fish or ka and whenever absent from this pri- wildlife resources for subsistence uses. mary, permanent home, has the inten- If you are not an Alaska resident or are tion of returning to it. Factors dem- a resident of a non-rural area or com- onstrating the location of a person’s munity listed in § 242.23, you may not primary, permanent home may include, take fish or wildlife on public lands for but are not limited to: the address list- subsistence uses under the regulations ed on an Alaska Permanent Fund divi- in this part. dend application; an Alaska license to drive, hunt, fish, or engage in an activ- (b) Where the Board has made a cus- ity regulated by a government entity; tomary and traditional use determina- affidavit of person or persons who tion regarding subsistence use of a spe- know the individual; voter registra- cific fish stock or wildlife population, tion; location of residences owned, in accordance with, and as listed in, rented, or leased; location of stored § 242.24, only those Alaskans who are household goods; residence of spouse, residents of rural areas or communities minor children, or dependents; tax doc- designated by the Board are eligible for uments; or whether the person claims subsistence taking of that population residence in another location for any or stock on public lands for subsistence purpose. uses under the regulations in this part. Rural means any community or area If you do not live in one of those areas of Alaska determined by the Board to or communities, you may not take fish qualify as such under the process de- or wildlife from that population or scribed in § 242.15. stock, on public lands under the regu- Secretary means the Secretary of the lations in this part. Interior, except that in reference to (c) Where customary and traditional matters related to any unit of the Na- use determinations for a fish stock or tional Forest System, such term means wildlife population within a specific the Secretary of Agriculture. area have not yet been made by the State means the State of Alaska. Board (e.g., no determination ), all Subsistence uses means the customary ‘‘ ’’ and traditional uses by rural Alaska Alaskans who are residents of rural residents of wild, renewable resources areas or communities may harvest for for direct personal or family consump- subsistence from that stock or popu- tion as food, shelter, fuel, clothing, lation under the regulations in this tools, or transportation; for the mak- part. ing and selling of handicraft articles (d) The may out of nonedible byproducts of fish and regulate further the eligibility of those wildlife resources taken for personal or individuals qualified to engage in sub- family consumption; for barter, or sistence uses on National Park Service sharing for personal or family con- lands in accordance with specific au- sumption; and for customary trade. thority in ANILCA, and National Park Take or taking as used with respect to Service regulations at 36 CFR Part 13. fish or wildlife, means to pursue, hunt,


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§ 242.6 Licenses, permits, harvest tick- (d) You must validate the harvest ets, tags, and reports. tickets, tags, permits, or other re- quired documents before removing (a) If you wish to take fish and wild- your kill from the harvest site. You life on public lands for subsistence must also comply with all reporting uses, you must be an eligible rural provisions as set forth in subpart D of Alaska resident and: this part. (1) Possess the pertinent valid Alaska (e) If you take fish and wildlife under resident hunting and trapping licenses a community harvest system, you (no license required to take fish or must report the harvest activity in ac- shellfish, but you must be an Alaska cordance with regulations specified for resident) unless Federal licenses are re- that community in subpart D of this quired or unless otherwise provided for part, and as required by any applicable in subpart D of this part; permit conditions. Individuals may be (2) Possess and comply with the pro- responsible for particular reporting re- visions of any pertinent Federal per- quirements in the conditions permit- mits (Federal Subsistence Registration ting a specific community’s harvest. Permit or Federal Designated Har- Failure to comply with these condi- vester Permit) required by subpart D of tions is a violation of the regulations this part; and in this part. Community harvests are (3) Possess and comply with the pro- reviewed annually under the regula- visions of any pertinent permits, har- tions in subpart D of this part. vest tickets, or tags required by the (f) You may not make a fraudulent State unless any of these documents or application for Federal or State li- individual provisions in them are su- censes, permits, harvest tickets or tags perseded by the requirements in sub- or intentionally file an incorrect har- part D of this part. vest report. (b) In order to receive a Federal Sub- [67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, as amended at 68 sistence Registration Permit or Fed- FR 7704, Feb. 18, 2003] eral Designated Harvester Permit or designate someone to harvest fish or § 242.7 Restriction on use. wildlife for you under a Federal Des- (a) You may not use fish or wildlife ignated Harvester Permit, you must be or their parts, taken pursuant to the old enough to reasonably harvest that regulations in this part, unless pro- species yourself (or under the guidance vided for in this part. of an adult). (b) You may not exchange in cus- (c) If you have been awarded a permit tomary trade or sell fish or wildlife or to take fish and wildlife, you must their parts, taken pursuant to the reg- have that permit in your possession ulations in this part, unless provided during the taking and must comply for in this part. with all requirements of the permit (c) You may barter fish or wildlife or and the regulations in this section per- their parts, taken pursuant to the reg- taining to validation and reporting and ulations in this part, unless restricted to regulations in subpart D of this part in §§ 242.25, 242.26, 242.27, or 242.28. pertaining to methods and means, pos- session and transportation, and utiliza- § 242.8 Penalties. tion. Upon the request of a State or If you are convicted of violating any Federal law enforcement agent, you provision of 50 CFR Part 100 or 36 CFR must also produce any licenses, per- Part 242, you may be punished by a fine mits, harvest tickets, tags, or other or by imprisonment in accordance with documents required by this section. If the penalty provisions applicable to you are engaged in taking fish and the public land where the violation oc- wildlife under the regulations in this curred. part, you must allow State or Federal law enforcement agents to inspect any § 242.9 Information collection require- apparatus designed to be used, or capa- ments. ble of being used to take fish or wild- (a) The rules in this part contain in- life, or any fish or wildlife in your pos- formation collection requirements sub- session. ject to Office of Management and


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Budget (OMB) approval under 44 U.S.C. Collection Officer, U.S. Fish and Wild- 3501–3520. They apply to fish and wild- life Service, 1849 C Street, N.W., MS 222 life harvest activities on public lands ARLSQ, Washington, D.C. 20240; and in Alaska. Subsistence users will not the Office of Management and Budget, be required to respond to an informa- Paperwork Reduction Project (Subsist- tion collection request unless a valid ence), Washington, D.C. 20503. Addi- OMB number is displayed on the infor- tional information requirements may mation collection form. be imposed if Local Advisory Commit- (1) Section 242.6, Licenses, permits, tees or additional Regional Councils, harvest tickets, tags, and reports. The subject to the Federal Advisory Com- information collection requirements mittee Act (FACA), are established contained in § 242.6 (Federal Subsist- under subpart B of this part. Such re- ence Registration Permit or Federal quirements will be submitted to OMB Designated Harvester Permit forms) for approval prior to their implementa- provide for permit-specific subsistence tion. activities not authorized through the general adoption of State regulations. Subpart B—Program Structure Identity and location of residence are required to determine if you are eligi- SOURCE: 67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, unless ble for a permit and a report of success otherwise noted. is required after a harvest attempt. These requirements are not duplicative § 242.10 Federal Subsistence Board. with the requirements of paragraph (a) The Secretary of the Interior and (a)(3) of this section. The regulations in Secretary of Agriculture hereby estab- § 242.6 require this information before a lish a Federal Subsistence Board, and rural Alaska resident may engage in assign it responsibility for admin- subsistence uses on public lands. The istering the subsistence taking and Department estimates that the average uses of fish and wildlife on public time necessary to obtain and comply lands, and the related promulgation with this permit information collec- and signature authority for regulations tion requirement is 0.25 hours. of subparts C and D of this part. The (2) Section 242.20, Request for recon- Secretaries, however, retain their ex- sideration. The information collection isting authority to restrict or elimi- requirements contained in § 242.20 pro- nate hunting, fishing, or trapping ac- vide a standardized process to allow in- tivities which occur on lands or waters dividuals the opportunity to appeal de- in Alaska other than public lands when cisions of the Board. Submission of a such activities interfere with subsist- request for reconsideration is vol- ence hunting, fishing, or trapping on untary but required to receive a final the public lands to such an extent as to review by the Board. We estimate that result in a failure to provide the sub- a request for reconsideration will take sistence priority. 4 hours to prepare and submit. (b) Membership. (1) The voting mem- (3) The remaining information collec- bers of the Board are: a Chair to be ap- tion requirements contained in this pointed by the Secretary of the Inte- part imposed upon subsistence users rior with the concurrence of the Sec- are those adopted from State regula- retary of Agriculture; the Alaska Re- tions. These collection requirements gional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife would exist in the absence of Federal Service; Alaska Regional Director, Na- subsistence regulations and are not tional Park Service; Alaska Regional subject to the Paperwork Reduction Forester, USDA Forest Service; the Act. The burden in this situation is Alaska State Director, Bureau of Land negligible, and information gained Management; and the Alaska Regional from these reports is systematically Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs. available to Federal managers by rou- Each member of the Board may ap- tine computer access requiring less point a designee. than 1 hour. (2) [Reserved] (b) You may direct comments on the (c) Liaisons to the Board are: a State burden estimate or any other aspect of liaison, and the Chairman of each Re- the burden estimate to: Information gional Council. The State liaison and


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the Chairman of each Regional Council population, or for reasons of public may attend public sessions of all Board safety or administration. As soon as meetings and be actively involved as conditions warrant, the Board may consultants to the Board. also reopen public lands to the taking (d) Powers and duties. (1) The Board of a fish and wildlife population for shall meet at least twice per year and subsistence users to continue those at such other times as deemed nec- uses; essary. Meetings shall occur at the call (viii) Establish priorities for the sub- of the Chair, but any member may re- sistence taking of fish and wildlife on quest a meeting. public lands among rural Alaska resi- (2) A quorum consists of four mem- dents; bers. (ix) Restrict or eliminate taking of (3) No action may be taken unless a fish and wildlife on public lands; majority of voting members are in (x) Determine what types and forms agreement. of trade of fish and wildlife taken for (4) The Board is empowered, to the subsistence uses constitute allowable extent necessary, to implement Title customary trade; VIII of ANILCA, to: (xi) Authorize the Regional Councils (i) Issue regulations for the manage- to convene; ment of subsistence taking and uses of (xii) Establish a Regional Council in fish and wildlife on public lands; each subsistence resource region and (ii) Determine which communities or recommend to the Secretaries, ap- areas of the State are rural or non- pointees to the Regional Councils, pur- rural; suant to the FACA; (iii) Determine which rural Alaska areas or communities have customary (xiii) Establish Federal Advisory and traditional subsistence uses of spe- Committees within the subsistence re- cific fish and wildlife populations; source regions, if necessary, and rec- (iv) Allocate subsistence uses of fish ommend to the Secretaries that mem- and wildlife populations on public bers of the Federal Advisory Commit- lands; tees be appointed from the group of in- (v) Ensure that the taking on public dividuals nominated by rural Alaska lands of fish and wildlife for nonwaste- residents; ful subsistence uses shall be accorded (xiv) Establish rules and procedures priority over the taking on such lands for the operation of the Board, and the of fish and wildlife for other purposes; Regional Councils; (vi) Restrict the taking of fish and (xv) Review and respond to proposals wildlife on public lands for nonsubsist- for regulations, management plans, ence uses or close public lands to the policies, and other matters related to take of fish and wildlife for nonsubsist- subsistence taking and uses of fish and ence uses when necessary for the con- wildlife; servation of healthy populations of fish (xvi) Enter into cooperative agree- or wildlife, to continue subsistence ments or otherwise cooperate with uses of fish or wildlife, or for reasons of Federal agencies, the State, Native or- public safety or administration. The ganizations, local governmental enti- Board may also reopen public lands to ties, and other persons and organiza- nonsubsistence uses if new information tions, including international entities or changed conditions indicate that the to effectuate the purposes and policies closure is no longer warranted; of the Federal subsistence management (vii) Restrict the taking of a par- program; ticular fish or wildlife population on (xvii) Develop alternative permitting public lands for subsistence uses, close processes relating to the subsistence public lands to the take of fish and taking of fish and wildlife to ensure wildlife for subsistence uses, or other- continued opportunities for subsist- wise modify the requirements for take ence; from a particular fish or wildlife popu- (xviii) Evaluate whether hunting, lation on public lands for subsistence fishing, or trapping activities which uses when necessary to ensure the con- occur on lands or waters in Alaska tinued viability of a fish or wildlife other than public lands interfere with


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subsistence hunting, fishing, or trap- (7) The Board shall establish a Staff ping on the public lands to such an ex- Committee for analytical and adminis- tent as to result in a failure to provide trative assistance composed of mem- the subsistence priority, and after ap- bers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife propriate consultation with the State Service, National Park Service, U.S. of Alaska, the Regional Councils, and Bureau of Land Management, Bureau other Federal agencies, make a rec- of Indian Affairs, and USDA Forest ommendation to the Secretaries for Service. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- their action; ice representative shall serve as Chair (xix) Identify, in appropriate specific of the Staff Committee. instances, whether there exists addi- (8) The Board may establish and dis- tional Federal reservations, Federal re- solve additional committees as nec- served water rights or other Federal in- essary for assistance. terests in lands or waters, including (9) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service those in which the United States holds shall provide appropriate administra- less than a fee ownership, to which the tive support for the Board. (10) The Board shall authorize at Federal subsistence priority attaches, least two meetings per year for each and make appropriate recommendation Regional Council. to the Secretaries for inclusion of (e) Relationship to Regional Councils. those interests within the Federal Sub- (1) The Board shall consider the reports sistence Management Program; and and recommendations of the Regional (xx) Take other actions authorized by Councils concerning the taking of fish the Secretaries to implement Title and wildlife on public lands within VIII of ANILCA. their respective regions for subsistence (5) The Board may implement one or uses. The Board may choose not to fol- more of the following harvest and har- low any Regional Council recommenda- vest reporting or permit systems: tion which it determines is not sup- (i) The fish and wildlife is taken by ported by substantial evidence, vio- an individual who is required to obtain lates recognized principles of fish and and possess pertinent State harvest wildlife conservation, would be detri- permits, tickets, or tags, or Federal mental to the satisfaction of subsist- permit (Federal Subsistence Registra- ence needs, or in closure situations, for tion Permit); reasons of public safety or administra- (ii) A qualified subsistence user may tion or to assure the continued viabil- designate another qualified subsistence ity of a particular fish or wildlife popu- user (by using the Federal Designated lation. If a recommendation is not Harvester Permit) to take fish and adopted, the Board shall set forth the wildlife on his or her behalf; factual basis and the reasons for the (iii) The fish and wildlife is taken by decision, in writing, in a timely fash- individuals or community representa- ion. tives permitted (via a Federal Subsist- (2) The Board shall provide available ence Registration Permit) a one-time and appropriate technical assistance to or annual harvest for special purposes the Regional Councils. including ceremonies and potlatches; [67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, as amended at 75 or FR 63092, Oct. 14, 2010] (iv) The fish and wildlife is taken by representatives of a community per- § 242.11 Regional advisory councils. mitted to do so in a manner consistent (a) The Board shall establish a Re- with the community’s customary and gional Council for each subsistence re- traditional practices. source region to participate in the Fed- (6) The Board may delegate to agency eral subsistence management program. field officials the authority to set har- The Regional Councils shall be estab- vest and possession limits, define har- lished, and conduct their activities, in vest areas, specify methods or means of accordance with the FACA. The Re- harvest, specify permit requirements, gional Councils shall provide a regional and open or close specific fish or wild- forum for the collection and expression life harvest seasons within frameworks of opinions and recommendations on established by the Board. matters related to subsistence taking


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and uses of fish and wildlife resources (iii) Review, evaluate, and make rec- on public lands. The Regional Councils ommendations to the Board on pro- shall provide for public participation in posals for regulations, policies, man- the Federal regulatory process. agement plans, and other matters re- (b) Establishment of Regional Councils; lating to the subsistence take of fish membership. (1) The Secretaries, based and wildlife under the regulations in on Board recommendation, will estab- this part within the region; lish the number of members for each (iv) Provide a forum for the expres- Regional Council. To ensure that each sion of opinions and recommendations Council represents a diversity of inter- by persons interested in any matter re- ests, the Board will strive to ensure lated to the subsistence uses of fish and that 70 percent of the members rep- wildlife within the region; resent subsistence interests within a (v) Encourage local and regional par- region and 30 percent of the members ticipation, pursuant to the provisions represent commercial and sport inter- of the regulations in this part in the ests within a region. The portion of decisionmaking process affecting the membership that represents the com- taking of fish and wildlife on the public mercial and sport interests shall in- lands within the region for subsistence clude, where possible, at least one rep- uses; resentative from the sport community (vi) Prepare and submit to the Board and one representative from the com- an annual report containing— mercial community. A Regional Coun- (A) An identification of current and cil member must be a resident of the anticipated subsistence uses of fish and region in which he or she is appointed wildlife populations within the region; and must be knowledgeable about the (B) An evaluation of current and an- region and subsistence uses of the pub- ticipated subsistence needs for fish and lic lands therein. The Board will accept wildlife populations from the public nominations and make recommenda- lands within the region; tions to the Secretaries for member- (C) A recommended strategy for the ship on the Regional Councils. In mak- management of fish and wildlife popu- ing their recommendations, the Board lations within the region to accommo- will identify the interest(s) the appli- date such subsistence uses and needs cants propose to represent on the re- related to the public lands; and spective Regional Councils. The Sec- (D) Recommendations concerning retary of the Interior with the concur- policies, standards, guidelines, and reg- rence of the Secretary of Agriculture ulations to implement the strategy; will make the appointments to the Re- (vii) Appoint members to each Sub- gional Councils. sistence Resource Commission within (2) Regional Council members shall their region in accordance with the re- serve 3-year terms and may be re- quirements of Section 808 of ANILCA; appointed. Initial members shall be ap- (viii) Make recommendations on de- pointed with staggered terms up to 3 terminations of customary and tradi- years. tional use of subsistence resources; (3) The Chair of each Regional Coun- (ix) Make recommendations on deter- cil shall be elected by the applicable minations of rural status; Regional Council, from its member- (x) Make recommendations regarding ship, for a 1-year term and may be re- the allocation of subsistence uses elected. among rural Alaska residents pursuant (c) Powers and Duties. (1) The Re- to § 242.17; gional Councils are authorized to: (xi) Develop proposals pertaining to (i) Hold public meetings related to the subsistence taking and use of fish subsistence uses of fish and wildlife and wildlife under the regulations in within their respective regions, after this part, and review and evaluate such the Chair of the Board or the des- proposals submitted by other sources; ignated Federal Coordinator has called (xii) Provide recommendations on the meeting and approved the meeting the establishment and membership of agenda; Federal Advisory Committees. (ii) Elect officers; (2) The Regional Councils shall:


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(i) Operate in conformance with the ment of public lands under their juris- provisions of FACA and comply with diction in accordance with ANILCA rules of operation established by the and other existing laws. Board; (b) Section 808 of ANILCA establishes (ii) Perform other duties specified by National Park and Park Monument the Board. Subsistence Resource Commissions. (3) The Regional Council rec- Nothing in the regulations in this part ommendations to the Board should be affects the duties or authorities of supported by substantial evidence, be these commissions. consistent with recognized principles of fish and wildlife conservation, and not § 242.14 Relationship to State proce- be detrimental to the satisfaction of dures and regulations. subsistence needs. (a) State fish and game regulations [67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, as amended at 68 apply to public lands and such laws are FR 7704, Feb. 18, 2003; 69 FR 60962, Oct. 14, hereby adopted and made a part of the 2004] regulations in this part to the extent they are not inconsistent with, or su- § 242.12 Local advisory committees. perseded by, the regulations in this (a) The Board shall establish such part. local Federal Advisory Committees (b) The Board may close public lands within each region as necessary at such to hunting, trapping, or fishing, or time that it is determined, after notice take actions to restrict the taking of and hearing and consultation with the fish and wildlife when necessary to State, that the existing State fish and conserve healthy populations of fish game advisory committees do not ade- and wildlife, continue subsistence uses quately provide advice to, and assist, of such populations, or pursuant to the particular Regional Council in car- other applicable Federal law. The rying out its function as set forth in Board may review and adopt State § 242.11. openings, closures, or restrictions (b) Local Federal Advisory Commit- which serve to achieve the objectives tees, if established by the Board, shall of the regulations in this part. operate in conformance with the provi- (c) The Board may enter into agree- sions of the FACA, and comply with ments with the State in order to co- rules of operation established by the ordinate respective management re- Board. sponsibilities. (d) Petition for repeal of subsistence § 242.13 Board/agency relationships. rules and regulations. (1) The State of (a) General. (1) The Board, in making Alaska may petition the Secretaries decisions or recommendations, shall for repeal of the subsistence rules and consider and ensure compliance with regulations in this part when the State specific statutory requirements regard- has enacted and implemented subsist- ing the management of resources on ence management and use laws which: public lands, recognizing that the man- (i) Are consistent with sections 803, agement policies applicable to some 804, and 805 of ANILCA; and public lands may entail methods of re- (ii) Provide for the subsistence defi- source and habitat management and nition, preference, and participation protection different from methods ap- specified in sections 803, 804, and 805 of propriate for other public lands. ANILCA. (2) The Board shall issue regulations (2) The State’s petition shall: for subsistence taking of fish and wild- (i) Be submitted to the Secretary of life on public lands. The Board is the the Interior, U.S. Department of the final administrative authority on the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240, and promulgation of subparts C and D regu- the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. De- lations relating to the subsistence tak- partment of Agriculture, Washington, ing of fish and wildlife on public lands. D.C. 20240; (3) Nothing in the regulations in this (ii) Include the entire text of applica- part shall enlarge or diminish the au- ble State legislation indicating compli- thority of any agency to issue regula- ance with sections 803, 804, and 805 of tions necessary for the proper manage- ANILCA; and


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(iii) Set forth all data and arguments minations shall be reviewed on a 10- available to the State in support of leg- year cycle, commencing with the publi- islative compliance with sections 803, cation of the year 2000 U.S. census. 804, and 805 of ANILCA. Rural determinations may be reviewed (3) If the Secretaries find that the out-of-cycle in special circumstances. State’s petition contains adequate jus- Once the Board makes a determination tification, a rulemaking proceeding for that a community has changed from repeal of the regulations in this part rural to non-rural, a waiting period of will be initiated. If the Secretaries find 5 years shall be required before the that the State’s petition does not con- non-rural determination becomes effec- tain adequate justification, the peti- tive. tion will be denied by letter or other (c) Current determinations are listed notice, with a statement of the ground for denial. at § 242.23.

§ 242.15 Rural determination process. § 242.16 Customary and traditional use determination process. (a) The Board shall determine if an area or community in Alaska is rural. (a) The Board shall determine which In determining whether a specific area fish stocks and wildlife populations of Alaska is rural, the Board shall use have been customarily and tradition- the following guidelines: ally used for subsistence. These deter- (1) A community or area with a popu- minations shall identify the specific lation of 2,500 or less shall be deemed community’s or area’s use of specific to be rural unless such a community or fish stocks and wildlife populations. area possesses significant characteris- For areas managed by the National tics of a non-rural nature, or is consid- Park Service, where subsistence uses ered to be socially and economically a are allowed, the determinations may be part of an urbanized area. made on an individual basis. (2) Communities or areas with popu- (b) A community or area shall gen- lations above 2,500 but not more than erally exhibit the following factors, 7,000 will be determined to be rural or which exemplify customary and tradi- non-rural. tional use. The Board shall make cus- (3) A community with a population of tomary and traditional use determina- more than 7,000 shall be presumed non- tions based on application of the fol- rural, unless such a community or area lowing factors: possesses significant characteristics of a rural nature. (1) A long-term consistent pattern of (4) Population data from the most re- use, excluding interruptions beyond cent census conducted by the United the control of the community or area; States Bureau of Census as updated by (2) A pattern of use recurring in spe- the Alaska Department of Labor shall cific seasons for many years; be utilized in this process. (3) A pattern of use consisting of (5) Community or area characteris- methods and means of harvest which tics shall be considered in evaluating a are characterized by efficiency and community’s rural or non-rural status. economy of effort and cost, conditioned The characteristics may include, but by local characteristics; are not limited to: (4) The consistent harvest and use of (i) Use of fish and wildlife; fish or wildlife as related to past meth- (ii) Development and diversity of the ods and means of taking; near, or rea- economy; sonably accessible from, the commu- (iii) Community infrastructure; nity or area; (iv) Transportation; and (5) A means of handling, preparing, (v) Educational institutions. (6) Communities or areas which are preserving, and storing fish or wildlife economically, socially, and which has been traditionally used by communally integrated shall be consid- past generations, including consider- ered in the aggregate. ation of alteration of past practices (b) The Board shall periodically re- due to recent technological advances, view rural determinations. Rural deter- where appropriate;


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(6) A pattern of use which includes § 242.18 Regulation adoption process. the handing down of knowledge of fish- (a) The Board will accept proposals ing and hunting skills, values, and lore for changes to the Federal subsistence from generation to generation; regulations in subparts C or D of this (7) A pattern of use in which the har- part according to a published schedule, vest is shared or distributed within a except for proposals for emergency and definable community of persons; and temporary special actions, which the (8) A pattern of use which relates to Board will accept according to proce- reliance upon a wide diversity of fish dures set forth in § 242.19. The Board and wildlife resources of the area and may establish a rotating schedule for which provides substantial cultural, accepting proposals on various sections economic, social, and nutritional ele- of subpart C or subpart D regulations ments to the community or area. over a period of years. The Board will (c) The Board shall take into consid- develop and publish proposed regula- eration the reports and recommenda- tions in the FEDERAL REGISTER, publish tions of any appropriate Regional notice in local newspapers, and dis- Council regarding customary and tradi- tribute comments on the proposed reg- tional uses of subsistence resources. ulations in the form of proposals for (d) Current determinations are listed public review. in § 242.24. (1) Proposals shall be made available for at least a thirty (30) day review by § 242.17 Determining priorities for the Regional Councils. Regional Coun- subsistence uses among rural Alas- cils shall forward their recommenda- ka residents. tions on proposals to the Board. Such (a) Whenever it is necessary to re- proposals with recommendations may strict the subsistence taking of fish be submitted in the time period as and wildlife on public lands in order to specified by the Board or as a part of protect the continued viability of such the Regional Council’s annual report populations, or to continue subsistence described in § 242.11, whichever is ear- uses, the Board shall establish a pri- lier. ority among the rural Alaska residents (2) The Board shall publish notice after considering any recommendation throughout Alaska of the availability submitted by an appropriate Regional of proposals received. Council. (3) The public shall have at least (b) The priority shall be implemented thirty (30) days to review and comment through appropriate limitations based on proposals. on the application of the following cri- (4) After the comment period the teria to each area, community, or indi- Board shall meet to receive public tes- vidual determined to have customary timony and consider the proposals. The and traditional use, as necessary: Board shall consider traditional use (1) Customary and direct dependence patterns when establishing harvest lev- upon the populations as the mainstay els and seasons, and methods and of livelihood; means. The Board may choose not to (2) Local residency; and follow any recommendation which the (3) The availability of alternative re- Board determines is not supported by sources. substantial evidence, violates recog- (c) If allocation on an area or com- nized principles of fish and wildlife munity basis is not achievable, then conservation, or would be detrimental the Board shall allocate subsistence op- to the satisfaction of subsistence portunity on an individual basis needs. If a recommendation approved through application of the criteria in by a Regional Council is not adopted paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this by the Board, the Board shall set forth section. the factual basis and the reasons for its (d) In addressing a situation where decision in writing to the Regional prioritized allocation becomes nec- Council. essary, the Board shall solicit rec- (5) Following consideration of the ommendations from the Regional proposals the Board shall publish final Council in the area affected. regulations pertaining to subparts C


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and D of this part in the FEDERAL REG- users. The Board may also reopen pub- ISTER. lic lands to nonsubsistence uses if new (b) Proposals for changes to subparts information or changed conditions in- A and B of this part shall be accepted dicate that the closure is no longer by the Secretary of the Interior in ac- warranted. cordance with 43 CFR part 14. (i) Prior to implementing a tem- [67 FR 30563, May 7, 2002, as amended at 75 porary special action, the Board will FR 63092, Oct. 14, 2010] consult with the State of Alaska and the Chairs of the Regional Councils of § 36.19 Special actions. the affected regions. (a) Emergency special actions. In an (ii) If the timing of a regularly sched- emergency situation, if necessary to uled meeting of the affected Regional ensure the continued viability of a fish Council so permits without incurring or wildlife population, to continue sub- undue delay, the Board will seek Coun- sistence uses of fish or wildlife, or for cil recommendations on the proposed public safety reasons, the Board may temporary special action. Such Council immediately open or close public lands recommendations, if any, will be sub- for the taking of fish and wildlife for ject to the requirements of subsistence uses, or modify the require- § 242.18(a)(4). ments for take for subsistence uses, or close public lands to take for non- (2) The length of any temporary ac- subsistence uses of fish and wildlife, or tion will be confined to the minimum restrict the requirements for take for time period or harvest limit deter- nonsubsistence uses. mined by the Board to be necessary (1) If the timing of a regularly sched- under the circumstances. In any event, uled meeting of the affected Regional a temporary opening or closure will Council so permits without incurring not extend longer than the end of the undue delay, the Board may seek Coun- current regulatory cycle. cil recommendations on the proposed (c) The Board may reject a request emergency special action. Such a for either an emergency or a temporary Council recommendation, if any, will special action if the Board concludes be subject to the requirements of that there are no time-sensitive cir- § 242.18(a)(4). cumstances necessitating a regulatory (2) The emergency action will be ef- change before the next regular proposal fective when directed by the Board, cycle. However, a special action re- may not exceed 60 days, and may not quest that has been rejected for this be extended unless the procedures for reason may be deferred, if appropriate adoption of a temporary special action, and after consultation with the pro- as set forth in paragraph (b) of this sec- ponent, for consideration during the tion, have been followed. next regular proposal cycle. The Board (b) Temporary special actions. After will consider changes to customary and adequate notice and public hearing, the traditional use determinations in sub- Board may temporarily close or open public lands for the taking of fish and part C of this part only during the reg- wildlife for subsistence uses, or modify ular proposal cycle. the requirements for subsistence take, (d) The Board will provide notice of or close public lands for the taking of all regulatory changes adopted via spe- fish and wildlife for nonsubsistence cial action by posting the change on uses, or restrict take for nonsubsist- the Office of Subsistence Management ence uses. Web site ( (1) The Board may make such tem- index.cfml). When appropriate, notice porary changes only after it deter- may also include distribution of press mines that the proposed temporary releases to newspapers, local radio sta- change will not interfere with the con- tions, and local contacts, as well as di- servation of healthy fish and wildlife rect notification to the proponent and populations, will not be detrimental to interested parties. The Board will pub- the long-term subsistence use of fish or lish notice and reasons justifying the wildlife resources, and is not an unnec- special action in the FEDERAL REG- essary restriction on nonsubsistence ISTER as soon as practicable.


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(e) The decision of the Board on any (e) Upon receipt of a request for re- proposed special action will constitute consideration, the Board shall transmit its final administrative action. a copy of such request to any appro- (f) Regulations authorizing any indi- priate Regional Council and the Alaska vidual agency to implement closures or Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) restrictions on public lands managed for review and recommendation. The by the agency remain unaffected by the Board shall consider any Regional regulations in this part. Council and ADFG recommendations in (g) Fish and wildlife may not be making a final decision. taken in violation of any restriction, (f) If the request is justified, the closure, or change authorized by the Board shall implement a final decision Board. on a request for reconsideration after compliance with 5 U.S.C. 551–559 (APA). [75 FR 63092, Oct. 14, 2010] (g) If the request is denied, the deci- sion of the Board represents the final § 242.20 Request for reconsideration. administrative action. (a) Regulations in subparts C and D of this part published in the FEDERAL § 242.21 [Reserved] REGISTER are subject to requests for re- consideration. Subpart C—Board Determinations (b) Any aggrieved person may file a request for reconsideration with the § 242.22 Subsistence resource regions. Board. (a) The Board hereby designates the (c) To file a request for reconsider- following areas as subsistence resource ation, you must notify the Board in regions: writing within sixty (60) days of the ef- (1) Southeast Region; fective date or date of publication of (2) Southcentral Region; the notice, whichever is earlier, for (3) Kodiak/Aleutians Region; which reconsideration is requested. (4) Region; (d) It is your responsibility to pro- (5) Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Region; vide the Board with sufficient nar- (6) Western Interior Region; rative evidence and argument to show (7) Region; why the action by the Board should be (8) Northwest Arctic Region; reconsidered. The Board will accept a (9) Eastern Interior Region; request for reconsideration only if it is (10) North Slope Region. based upon information not previously (b) You may obtain maps delineating considered by the Board, demonstrates the boundaries of subsistence resource that the existing information used by regions from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife the Board is incorrect, or demonstrates Service, 1011 East Tudor Road, MS 121, that the Board’s interpretation of in- Anchorage, Alaska 99503. formation, applicable law, or regula- [67 FR 30570, May 7, 2002, as amended at 76 tion is in error or contrary to existing FR 12569, Mar. 8, 2011] law. You must include the following in- formation in your request for reconsid- § 242.23 Rural determinations. eration: (a) The Board has determined all (1) Your name, and mailing address; communities and areas to be rural in (2) The action which you request be accordance with § 242.15, except those reconsidered and the date of FEDERAL set forth in this paragraph. You may REGISTER publication of that action; obtain maps delineating the boundaries (3) A detailed statement of how you of nonrural areas from the U.S. Fish are adversely affected by the action; and Wildlife Service, Office of Subsist- (4) A detailed statement of the facts ence Management. The nonrural areas of the dispute, the issues raised by the include: request, and specific references to any (1) Anchorage, Municipality of; law, regulation, or policy that you be- (2) Fairbanks North Star Borough; lieve to be violated and your reason for (3) Homer area—including Homer, such allegation; Anchor Point, North Fork Road area, (5) A statement of how you would Kachemak City, and the Fritz Creek like the action changed. East area (not including Voznesenka);


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(4) Juneau area—including Juneau, traditional use of the specified species West Juneau, and Douglas; on Federal public land in the specified (5) Kenai area—including Kenai, areas. Persons granted individual cus- Soldotna, Sterling, Nikiski, Salamatof, tomary and traditional use determina- Kalifonsky, Kasilof, and Clam Gulch; tions will be notified in writing by the (6) Ketchikan area—including all Board. The Fish & Wildlife Service and parts of the road system connected to the local NPS Superintendent will the City of Ketchikan including maintain the list of individuals having Saxman, Pennock Island and parts of customary and traditional use on Na- Gravina Island; tional Parks and Monuments. A copy (7) Prudhoe Bay; of the list is available upon request. (8) Seward area—including Seward When there is a determination for spe- and Moose Pass; cific communities or areas of residence (9) Valdez; and in a Unit, all other communities not (10) Wasilla/Palmer area—including listed for that species in that Unit have Wasilla, Palmer, Sutton, Big Lake, no Federal subsistence priority for that Houston, Point MacKenzie, and species in that Unit. If no determina- Bodenburg Butte. tion has been made for a species in a (b) [Reserved] Unit, all rural Alaska residents are eli- [72 FR 25697, May 7, 2007] gible to harvest fish or wildlife under this part. § 242.24 Customary and traditional use (1) Wildlife determinations. The rural determinations. Alaska residents of the listed commu- (a) The Federal Subsistence Board nities and areas have a customary and has determined that rural Alaska resi- traditional use of the specified species dents of the listed communities, areas, on Federal public lands within the list- and individuals have customary and ed areas:

Area Species Determination

Unit 1C ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 1C, 1D, 3, Hoonah, Pelican, Point Baker, Sitka, and Tenakee Springs. Unit 1A ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 1A, except no subsistence for residents of Hyder. Unit 1B ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 1A, Petersburg, and Wrangell, except no subsistence for residents of Hyder. Unit 1C ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 1C, Haines, Hoonah, Kake, Klukwan, Skagway, and Wrangell, except no subsistence for residents of Gustavus. Unit 1D ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of ID. Unit 1A ...... Deer ...... Residents of Units 1A and 2. Unit 1B ...... Deer ...... Residents of Units 1A, 1B, 2, and 3. Unit 1C ...... Deer ...... Residents of 1C, 1D, Hoonah, Kake, and Peters- burg. Unit 1D ...... Deer ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 1B ...... Goat ...... Residents of Units 1B and 3. Unit 1C...... Goat ...... Residents of Haines, Kake, Klukwan, Peters- burg, and Hoonah. Unit 1B ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 1, 2, 3, and 4. Unit 1C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Unit 1D ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 1D. Unit 2 ...... Deer ...... Residents of Unit 1A, 2, and 3. Unit 3 ...... Deer ...... Residents of Unit 1B, 3, Port Alexander, Port Protection, Pt. Baker, and Meyer’s Chuck. Unit 3, Wrangell and Mitkof Islands ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 1B, 2, and 3. Unit 4 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 4 and Kake. Unit 4 ...... Deer ...... Residents of Unit 4, Kake, Gustavus, Haines, Petersburg, Pt. Baker, Klukwan, Port Protec- tion, Wrangell, and Yakutat. Unit 4 ...... Goat ...... Residents of Sitka, Hoonah, Tenakee, Pelican, Funter Bay, Angoon, Port Alexander, and Elfin Cove. Unit 5 ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 5A. Unit 5 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Yakutat. Unit 5 ...... Deer ...... Residents of Yakutat. Unit 5 ...... Goat ...... Residents of Unit 5A. Unit 5 ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 5A. Unit 5 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Unit 5A.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 6A ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Yakutat and Unit 6C and 6D, ex- cept no subsistence for Whittier. Unit 6, remainder ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 6C and 6D, except no subsist- ence for Whittier. Unit 6 ...... Brown Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 6A ...... Goat ...... Residents of Unit 5A and 6C, Chenega Bay, and Tatitlek. Unit 6C and Unit 6D ...... Goat ...... Residents of Unit 6C and D. Unit 6A ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 5A, 6A, 6B and 6C. Unit 6B and Unit 6C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 6A, 6B and 6C. Unit 6D ...... Moose ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 6A ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 5A, 6, 9, 10 ( only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 6, remainder ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11– 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 7 ...... Brown Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 7 ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Hope. Unit 7, Brown Mountain hunt area ...... Goat ...... Residents of Port Graham and Nanwalek. Unit 7, that portion draining into Kings Bay ...... Moose ...... Residents of Chenega Bay, Cooper Landing, Hope, and Tatitlek. Unit 7, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of Cooper Landing and Hope. Unit 7 ...... Sheep ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 7 ...... Ruffed Grouse ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 8 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Old Harbor, Akhiok, Larsen Bay, Karluk, Ouzinkie, and Port Lions. Unit 8 ...... Deer ...... Residents of Unit 8. Unit 8 ...... Elk ...... Residents of Unit 8. Unit 8 ...... Goat ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 9D ...... Bison ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 9A and 9B ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Units 9A, 9B, 17A, 17B, and 17C. Unit 9A ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Pedro Bay. Unit 9B ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 9B. Unit 9C ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 9C, Igiugig, Kakhonak, and Levelock. Unit 9D ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 9D and 10 (Unimak Island). Unit 9E ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Chignik, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Egegik, Ivanof Bay, Perryville, Pilot Point, Ugashik, and Port Heiden/Meshik. Unit 9A and Unit 9B ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 9B, 9C, and 17. Unit 9C ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 9B,9C, 17, and Egegik. Unit 9D ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 9D, Akutan, and False Pass. Unit 9E ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 9B, 9C, 9E, 17, Nelson La- goon and Sand Point. Unit 9A, Unit 9B, Unit 9C and Unit 9E ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 9A, 9B, 9C, and 9E. Unit 9D ...... Moose ...... Residents of Cold Bay, False Pass, King Cove, Nelson Lagoon, and Sand Point. Unit 9B...... Sheep ...... Residents of Iliamna, Newhalen, Nondalton, Pedro Bay, Port Alsworth, and residents of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve within Unit 9B. Unit 9, remainder ...... Sheep ...... No determination. Unit 9 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 9A, Unit B, Unit C, & Unit E ...... Beaver ...... Residents of Units 9A, 9B, 9C, 9E, and 17. Unit 10 Unimak Island ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Units 9D and 10 (Unimak Island). Unit 10 Unimak Island ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Akutan, False Pass, King Cove, and Sand Point. Unit 10, remainder ...... Caribou ...... No determination. Unit 10 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 11 ...... Bison ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 11, north of the Sanford River ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Cen- ter, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Tazlina, Tonsina, and Units 11 and 12. Unit 11, remainder ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Cen- ter, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna Road (mile- posts 25–46), Slana, Tazlina, Tok Cutoff Road (mileposts 79–110), Tonsina, and Units 11.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 11, north of the Sanford River ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Cen- ter, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Tazlina, Tonsina, and Units 11 and 12. Unit 11, remainder ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Cen- ter, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna Road (mile- posts 25–46), Slana, Tazlina, Tok Cutoff Road (mileposts 79–110), Tonsina, and Units 11. Unit 11, north of the Sanford River ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 11, 12, 13A–D, Chickaloon, Healy Lake, and Dot Lake. Unit 11, remainder ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 11, 13A–D, and Chickaloon. Unit 11 ...... Goat ...... Residents of Unit 11, Chitina, Chistochina, Cop- per Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Tazlina, Tonsina, and Dot Lake. Unit 11, north of the Sanford River ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 11, 12, 13A–D, Chickaloon, Healy Lake, and Dot Lake. Unit 11, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 11, 13A–D, and Chickaloon. Unit 11, north of the Sanford River ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Unit 12, Chistochina, Chitina, Cop- per Center, Dot Lake, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Healy Lake, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, McCarthy/South Wrangell/South Park, Tazlina, Tonsina, residents along the Nabesna Road—Milepost 0–46 (Nabesna Road), and residents along the McCarthy Road—Milepost 0–62 (McCarthy Road). Unit 11, remainder ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Chisana, Chistochina, Chitina, Cop- per Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, McCarthy/ South Wrangell/South Park, Tazlina, Tonsina, residents along the Tok Cutoff—Milepost 79– 110 (Mentasta Pass), residents along the Nabesna Road—Milepost 0–46 (Nabesna Road), and residents along the McCarthy Road—Milepost 0–62 (McCarthy Road). Unit 11 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 11 ...... Grouse (Spruce, Blue, Residents of Units 11, 12, 13 and the residents Ruffed and Sharp- of Chickaloon, Unit 15, 16, 20D, 22 and 23. tailed). Unit 11 ...... Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow Residents of Units 11, 12, 13 and the residents and White-tailed). of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 and 23. Unit 12 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 12, Dot Lake, Chistochina, Gakona, Mentasta Lake, and Slana. Unit 12 ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 12, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, and Mentasta Lake. Unit 12, that portion within the Tetlin National Moose ...... Residents of Unit 12C, 13C, Dot Lake, Healy Wildlife Refuge and those lands within the Lake. Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve north and east of a line formed by the Pickerel Lake Win- ter Trail from the Canadian border to Pickerel Lake. Unit 12, that portion east of the Nabesna River Moose ...... Residents of Unit 12, 13C, and Healy Lake. and Nabesna Glacier, and south of the Winter Trail running southeast from Pickerel Lake to the Canadian border. Unit 12, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 11 north of 62nd parallel, Unit 12, 13A–D and the residents of Chickaloon, Dot Lake, and Healy Lake. Unit 12 ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Unit 12, Chistochina, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, and Mentasta Lake. Unit 12 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 13 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 13 and Slana. Unit 13B ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road and Tok Cutoff Road, mileposts 79– 110), 13 residents of Unit 20D except Fort Greely, and the residents of Chickaloon.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 13C ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road and Tok Cutoff Road, mileposts 79– 110), 13 Chickaloon, Dot Lake and Healy Lake. Unit 13A and Unit 13D ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road) 13, and the residents of Chickaloon. Unit 13E ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road) 13, Chickaloon, McKinley Village, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239 (except no subsistence for residents of Denali National Park head- quarters). Unit 13D ...... Goat ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 13A and Unit 13D ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 13, Chickaloon, and Slana. Unit 13B ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 13, 20D except for Fort Greely, and the residents of Chickaloon and Slana. Unit 13C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 12, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, Healy Lake Dot Lake and Slana. Unit 13E ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 13, Chickaloon, McKinley Vil- lage, Slana, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239 (ex- cept no subsistence for residents of Denali National Park headquarters). Unit 13D ...... Sheep ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 13 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 13 ...... Grouse (Spruce, Blue, Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of Ruffed & Sharp-tailed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. Unit 13 ...... Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of and White-tailed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. Unit 14C ...... Brown Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 14 ...... Goat ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 14 ...... Moose ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 14A and Unit 14C ...... Sheep ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 15A and Unit 15B ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Ninilchik. Unit 15C ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Ninilchik, Port Graham, and Nanwalek. Unit 15C ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Ninilchik. Unit 15, remainder ...... Brown Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Residents of Units 15A and Unit 15B ...... Moose ...... Residents of Cooper Landing, Ninilchik, Nanwalek, Port Graham, and Seldovia. Unit 15C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Ninilchik, Nanwalek, Port Graham, and Seldovia. Unit 15 ...... Sheep ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 15 ...... Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow Residents of Unit 15. and White-tailed). Unit 15 ...... Grouse (Spruce) ...... Residents of Unit 15. Unit 15 ...... Grouce (Ruffed) ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 16B ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 16B. Unit 16 ...... Brown Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 16A ...... Moose ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 16B ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 16B. Unit 16 ...... Sheep ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 16 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 16 ...... Grouce (Spruce and Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of Ruffed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. Unit 16 ...... Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of and White-tailed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. Unit 17A and that portion of 17B draining into Black Bear...... Residents of Unit 9A and B, 17, Akiak, and Nuyakuk Lake and Tikchik Lake. Akiachak. Unit 17, remainder ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 9A and B, and 17. Unit 17A and 17B, those portions north and west Brown Bear ...... Residents of Kwethluk. of a line beginning from the Unit 18 boundary at the northwest end of Nenevok Lake, to the southern point of upper Togiak Lake, and north- east to the northern point of Nuyakuk Lake, northeast to the point where the Unit 17 bound- ary intersects the Shotgun Hills. Unit 17A, remainder...... Brown Bear...... Residents of Unit 17, Akiak, Akiachak, Goodnews Bay, and Platinum.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 17B, that portion draining into Nuyakuk Lake Brown Bear ...... Residents of Akiak and Akiachak. and Tikchik Lake. Unit 17B and Unit 17C ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 17. Unit 17A, that portion west of the Izavieknik River, Caribou ...... Residents of Goodnews Bay, Platinum, Upper Togiak Lake, Togiak Lake, and the main Quinhagak, Eek, Tuntutuliak, and Napakiak. course of the Togiak River. Unit 17A, that portion north of Togiak Lake that in- Caribou ...... Residents of Akiak, Akiachak, and Tuluksak. cludes Izavieknik River drainages. Unit 17A and 17B, those portions north and west Caribou ...... Residents of Kwethluk. of a line beginning from the Unit 18 boundary at the northwest end of Nenevok Lake, to the southern point of upper Togiak Lake, and north- east to the northern point of Nuyakuk Lake, northeast of the point where the Unit 17 bound- ary intersects the Shotgun Hills. Unit 17B, that portionof Togiak and National Wild- Caribou ...... Residents of Bethel, Goodnews Bay, Platinum, life Refuge within Unit 17B. Quinhagak, Eek, Akiak, Akiachak, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, and Napakiak. Unit 17, remainder ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 9B, 17, Lime Village, and Stony River. Unit 17A and 17B, those portions north and west Moose ...... Residents of Kwethluk. of a line beginning from the Unit 18 boundary at the northwest end of Nenevok Lake, to the southern point of upper Togiak Lake, and north- east to the northern point of Nuyakuk Lake, northeast of the point where the Unit 17 bound- ary intersects the Shotgun Hills. Unit 17A, that portion north of Togiak Lake that in- Moose ...... Residents of Akiak, Akiachak. cludes Izavieknik River drainages. Unit 17A, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 17, Goodnews Bay and Plat- inum; however, no subsistence for residents of Akiachak, Akiak and Quinhagak. Unit 17B, that portion within the Togiak National Moose ...... Residents of Akiak, Akiachak. Wildlife Refuge. Unit 17B, remainder and Unit 17C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 17, Nondalton, Levelock, Goodnews Bay, and Platinum. Unit 17 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 17 ...... Beaver ...... Residents of Units 9A, 9B, 9C, 9E, and 17. Unit 18 ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 18, Unit 19A living downstream of the Holokuk River, Holy Cross, Stebbins, St. Michael, Twin Hills, and Togiak. Unit 18 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Akiachak, Akiak, Eek, Goodnews Bay, Kwethluk, Mt. Village, Napaskiak, Plat- inum, Quinhagak, St. Marys, and Tuluksak. Unit 18 ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 18, Manokotak, Stebbins, St. Michael, Togiak, Twin Hills, and Upper Kalskag. Unit 18, that portion of the drainage Moose ...... Residents of Unit 18, Upper Kalskag, Aniak, and upstream of Russian Mission and that portion of Chuathbaluk. the Kuskokwim River drainage upstream of, but not including, the Tuluksak River drainage. Unit 18, that portion north of a line from Cape Moose ...... Residents of Unit 18, St. Michael, Stebbins, and Romanzof to Kusilvak Mountain to Mountain Vil- Upper Kalskag. lage, and all drainages north of the Yukon River downstream from Marshall. Unit 18, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 18 and Upper Kalskag. Unit 18 ...... Musk ox ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 18 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 19C and Unit 19D ...... Bison ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 19A and Unit 9B...... Brown Bear...... Residents of Units 19 and 18 within the Kuskokwim River drainage upstream from, and including, the Johnson River. Unit 19C ...... Brown Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 19D ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Units 19A and D, Tuluksak and Lower Kalskag. Unit 19A and Unit 19B ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Units 19A and 19B, Unit 18 within the Kuskokwim River drainage upstream from, and including, the Johnson River, and resi- dents of St. Marys, Marshall, Pilot Station, Russian Mission.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 19C ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 19C, Lime Village, McGrath, Nikolai, and Telida. Unit 19D ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 19D, Lime Village, Sleetmute, and Stony River. Unit 19A and Unit 19B ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 18 within Kuskokwim River drainage upstream from and including the Johnson River, and residents of Unit 19. Unit 19B, west of the Kogrukluk River ...... Moose ...... Residents of Eek and Quinhagak. Unit 19C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 19. Unit 19D ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 19 and Lake Minchumina. Unit 19 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 20D ...... Bison ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 20F ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 20F, Stevens Village, and Manley. Unit 20E ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 12 and Dot Lake. Unit 20F ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 20F, Stevens Village, and Manley. Unit 20A ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Cantwell, Nenana, and those domi- ciled between mileposts 216 and 239 of the Parks Highway. No subsistence priority for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. Unit 20B ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 20B, Nenana, and Tanana. Unit 20C...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 20C living east of the Teklanika River, residents of Cantwell, Lake Minchumina, Manley Hot Springs, Minto, Nenana, Nikolai, Tanana, Telida, and those domiciled between mileposts 216 and 239 of the Parks Highway and between mileposts 300 and 309. No subsistence priority for resi- dents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. Unit 20D and Unit 20E ...... Caribou ...... Residents of 20D, 20E, and Unit 12 north of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Unit 20F ...... Caribou ...... Residents of 20F, 25D, and Manley. Unit 20A ...... Moose ...... Residents of Cantwell, Minto, Nenana, McKinley Village, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239, except no subsistence for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. Unit 20B, Minto Flats Management Area ...... Moose ...... Residents of Minto and Nenana. Unit 20B, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 20B, Nenana, and Tanana. Unit 20C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 20C (except that portion within Denali National Park and Preserve and that portion east of the Teklanika River), Cantwell, ‘‘Manley’’, Minto, Nenana, those domiciled be- tween mileposts 300 and 309 of the Parks Highway, Nikolai, Tanana, Telida, McKinley Village, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239. No subsist- ence for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. Unit 20D...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 20D and residents of Tanacross. Unit 20E ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 20E, Unit 12 north of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve, Circle, Central, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, and Mentasta Lake. Unit 20F ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 20F, Manley, Minto, and Ste- vens Village. Unit 20F ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Unit 20F, Stevens Village, and ‘‘Manley’’. Unit 20, remainder ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 20D ...... Grouse, (Spruce, Ruffed Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of and Sharp-tailed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. Unit 20D ...... Ptarmigan (Rock and Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Willow). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. Unit 21 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Units 21 and 23.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 21A...... Caribou ...... Residents of Units 21A, 21D, 21E, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Creek, McGrath, and Takotna. Unit 21B and Unit 21C ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Units 21B, 21C, 21D, and Tanana. Unit 21D ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Units 21B, 21C, 21D, and Huslia. Unit 21E...... Caribou ...... Residents of Units 21A, 21E, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Creek, McGrath, and Takotna. Unit 21A ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 21A, 21E, Takotna, McGrath, Aniak, and Crooked Creek. Unit 21B and Unit 21C ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 21B, 21C, Tanana, Ruby, and Galena. Unit 21D ...... Moose ...... Residents of Units 21D, Huslia, and Ruby. Unit 21E ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 21E and Russian Mission. Unit 21 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Ununitimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 22A ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 22A and Koyuk. Unit 22B ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 22B. Unit 22C, Unit 22D,and Unit 22E ...... Black Bear ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 22 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 22 Unit 22A ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 21D west of the Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers, 22 (except residents of St. Law- rence Island), 23, 24, Kotlik, Emmonak, Hoo- per Bay, Scammon Bay, Chevak, Marshall, Mountain Village, Pilot Station, Pitka’s Point, Russian Mission, St. Marys, Nunam Iqua, and Alakanuk. Unit 22, remainder ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 21D west of the Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers, 22 (except residents of St. Law- rence Island), 23, and 24. Unit 22 ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 22. Unit 22A ...... Musk ox ...... All rural residents. Unit 22B, west of the Darby Mountains ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Unit 22B and 22C. Unit 22B, remainder ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Unit 22B. Unit 22C ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Unit 22C. Unit 22D ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Units 22B, 22C, 22D, and 22E (ex- cluding St. Lawrence Island). Unit 22E ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Units 22E (excluding Little Diomede Island). Unit 22 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 23, 22, 21D north and west of the Yukon River, and Kotlik. Unit 22 ...... Grouse (Spruce) ...... Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. Ptarmigan (Rock and Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Willow). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. Unit 23 ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 23, Alatna, Allakaket, Bettles, Evansville, Galena, Hughes, Huslia, and Koyukuk. Unit 23 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Units 21 and 23. Unit 23 ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 21D west of the Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers, Galena, 22, 23, 24 including residents of Wiseman but not including other residents of the Dalton Highway Corridor Man- agement Area, and 26A. Unit 23 ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 23. Unit 23, south of Kotzebue Sound and west of Musk ox ...... Residents of Unit 23 south of Kotzebue Sound and including the Buckland River drainage. and west of and including the Buckland River drainage. Unit 23, remainder ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Unit 23 east and north of the Buckland River drainage. Unit 23 ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Point Lay and Unit 23 north of the . Unit 23 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 23 ...... Grouse (Spruce and Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Ruffed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. Unit 23 ...... Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of and White-tailed). Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. Unit 24, that portion south of Caribou Mountain, Black Bear...... Residents of Stevens Village, Unit 24 and and within the public lands composing or imme- Wiseman, but not including any other resi- diately adjacent to the Dalton Highway Corridor dents of the Dalton Highway Corridor Manage- Management Area. ment Area.


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Area Species Determination

Unit 24, remainder ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 24 and Wiseman, but not in- cluding any other residents of the Dalton High- way Corridor Management Area. Unit 24, that portion south of Caribou Mountain, Brown Bear ...... Residents of Stevens Village and residents of and within the public lands composing or imme- Unit 24. diately adjacent to the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area. Unit 24, remainder ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 24. Unit 24 ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 24, Galena, Kobuk, Koyukuk, Stevens Village, and Tanana. Unit 24 ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 24, Koyukuk, and Galena. Unit 24 ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Unit 24 residing north of the Arctic Circle, Allakaket, Alatna, Hughes, and Huslia. Unit 24 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon and 16–26. Unit 25D ...... Black Bear ...... Residents of Unit 25D. Unit 25D ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 25D. Unit 25, remainder ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 25 and Eagle. Unit 25D ...... Caribou ...... Residents of 20F, 25D, and Manley Unit 25A ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 25A and 25D. Unit 25D, west ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 25D West. Unit 25D, remainder ...... Moose ...... Residents of remainder of Unit 25. Unit 25A...... Sheep ...... Residents of Arctic Village, Chalkyitsik, Fort Yukon, Kaktovik, and Venetie. Unit 25B and Unit 25C ...... Sheep ...... No Federal subsistence priority. Unit 25D ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Unit 25D. Unit 25, remainder ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26. Unit 26 ...... Brown Bear ...... Residents of Unit 26 (except the Prudhoe Bay- Deadhorse Industrial Complex), , and Point Hope. Unit 26A and C ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 26, Anaktuvuk Pass, and Point Hope. Unit 26B ...... Caribou ...... Residents of Unit 26, Anaktuvuk Pass, Point Hope, and residents of Unit 24 within the Dal- ton Highway Corridor Management Area. Unit 26 ...... Moose ...... Residents of Unit 26 (except the Prudhoe Bay- Deadhorse Industrial Complex), Point Hope, and Anaktuvuk Pass. Unit 26A ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Barrow, Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Point Lay, and Wain- wright. Unit 26B ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Anaktuvuk Pass, Nuiqsut, and Kaktovik. Unit 26C ...... Musk ox ...... Residents of Kaktovik. Unit 26A ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Unit 26, Anaktuvuk Pass, and Point Hope. Unit 26B ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Unit 26, Anaktuvuk Pass, Point Hope, and Wiseman. Unit 26C ...... Sheep ...... Residents of Unit 26, Anaktuvuk Pass, Arctic Vil- lage, Chalkyitsik, Fort Yukon, Point Hope, and Venetie. Unit 26 ...... Wolf ...... Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11–13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16–26.

(2) Fish determinations. The following traditional use determination in the communities and areas have been listed area for the indicated species: found to have a positive customary and

Area Species Determination

KOTZEBUE AREA ...... All fish ...... Residents of the Kotzebue Area. —PORT CLARENCE AREA: Norton Sound—Port Clarence Area, wa- All fish ...... Residents of Kotlik, St. Michael and Stebbins. ters draining into Norton Sound be- tween Point Romanof and Canal Point.


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Area Species Determination

Norton Sound—Port Clarence Area, re- All fish ...... Residents of the Norton Sound—Port Clarence mainder. Area. YUKON-NORTHERN AREA: Yukon River drainage ...... Salmon, other than fall Residents of the Yukon River drainage and the chum salmon. community of Stebbins. Yukon River drainage ...... Fall chum salmon ...... Residents of the Yukon River drainage and the communities of Chevak, Hooper Bay, Scammon Bay, and Stebbins. Yukon River drainage ...... Freshwater fish (other Residents of the Yukon-Northern Area. than salmon). Remainder of the Yukon-Northern Area .. All fish ...... Residents of the Yukon-Northern Area, excluding the residents of the Yukon River drainage and excluding those domiciled in Unit 26B. Tanana River drainage contained within Freshwater fish (other Residents of the Yukon-Northern Area and resi- the Tetlin NWR and the Wrangell-St. than salmon). dents of Chistochina, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Elias NPP. and all residents living between Mentasta Lake and Chistochina. KUSKOKWIM AREA: Salmon ...... Residents of the Kuskokwim Area, except those persons residing on the United States military installations located on Cape Newenham, Sparrevohn USAFB, and Tatalina USAFB. Rainbow trout...... Residents of the communities of Akiachak, Akiak, Aniak, Atmautluak, Bethel, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Creek, Eek, Goodnews Bay, Kasigluk, Kwethluk, Lower Kalskag, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Nunapitchuk, Oscarville, Platinum, Quinhagak, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, and Upper Kalskag. Pacific cod...... Residents of the communities of Chefornak, Chevak, Eek, Kipnuk, Kongiganak, Kwigillingok, Mekoryuk, Newtok, Nightmute, Tununak, Toksook Bay, and Tuntutuliak. All other fish other than Residents of the Kuskokwim Area, except those herring. persons residing on the United States military installation located on Cape Newenham, Sparrevohn USAFB, and Tatalina USAFB. Waters around Nunivak Island ...... Herring and herring roe Residents within 20 miles of the coast between the westernmost tip of the Naskonat Peninsula and the terminus of the Ishowik River and on Nunivak Island. BRISTOL BAY AREA: Nushagak District, including drainages Salmon and freshwater Residents of the Nushagak District and fresh- flowing into the district. fish. water drainages flowing into the district. Naknek-Kvichak District—Naknek River Salmon and freshwater Residents of the Naknek and Kvichak River drainage. fish. drainages. Naknek-Kvichak District—Kvichak/ Salmon and freshwater Residents of the Kvichak/Iliamna-Lake Clark Iliamna—Lake Clark drainage. fish. drainage. Togiak District, including drainages flow- Salmon and freshwater Residents of the Togiak District, freshwater ing into the district. fish. drainages flowing into the district, and the community of Manokotak. Egegik District, including drainages flow- Salmon and freshwater Residents of South Naknek, the Egegik District ing into the district. fish. and freshwater drainages flowing into the dis- trict. Ugashik District, including drainages Salmon and freshwater Residents of the Ugashik District and freshwater flowing into the district. fish. drainages flowing into the district. Togiak District ...... Herring spawn on kelp .. Residents of the Togiak District and freshwater drainages flowing into the district. Remainder of the Bristol Bay Area ...... All fish ...... Residents of the Bristol Bay Area. ALEUTIAN ISLANDS AREA ...... All fish ...... Residents of the Aleutian Islands Area and the Pribilof Islands. ALASKA PENINSULA AREA ...... All fish ...... Residents of the Alaska Peninsula Area. CHIGNIK AREA ...... Salmon and fish other Residents of the Chignik Area. than rainbow/ steelhead trout. KODIAK AREA:


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Area Species Determination

Except the Mainland District, all waters Salmon ...... Residents of the Kodiak Island Borough, except along the south side of the Alaska Pe- those residing on the Kodiak Coast Guard ninsula bounded by the latitude of Base. Cape Douglas (58°51.10′ North lati- tude) mid-stream Shelikof Strait, north and east of the longitude of the south- ern entrance of Imuya Bay near Kilokak Rocks (57°10.34′ North lati- tude, 156°20.22′ West longitude). Kodiak Area ...... Fish other than rainbow/ Residents of the Kodiak Area. steelhead trout and salmon. COOK INLET AREA: Kenai Peninsula District—Waters north of All fish ...... Residents of the communities of Cooper Land- and including the Kenai River drainage ing, Hope and Ninilchik. within the Kenai National Wildlife Ref- uge and the Chugach National Forest. Waters within the Kasilof River drainage All fish ...... Residents of the community of Ninilchik. within the Kenai NWR. Waters within Lake Clark National Park Salmon ...... Residents of the Tuxedni Bay Area. draining into and including that portion of Tuxedni Bay within the park. Cook Inlet Area ...... Fish other than salmon, Residents of the Cook Inlet Area. Dolly Varden, trout, char, grayling, and burbot. Remainder of the Cook Inlet Area ...... Salmon, Dolly Varden, All rural residents. trout, char, grayling, and burbot. PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND AREA: Southwestern District and Green Island .. Salmon ...... Residents of the Southwestern District, which is mainland waters from the outer point on the north shore of Granite Bay to Cape Fairfield, and Knight Island, Chenega Island, Bainbridge Island, Evans Island, Elrington Island, Latouche Island and adjacent islands. North of a line from Porcupine Point to Salmon ...... Residents of the villages of Tatitlek and Ellamar. Granite Point, and south of a line from Point Lowe to Tongue Point. Copper River drainage upstream from Freshwater fish ...... Residents of Cantwell, Chisana, Chistochina, Haley Creek. Chitina, Copper Center, Dot Lake, Gakona, Gakona Junction, Glennallen, Gulkana, Healy Lake, Kenny Lake, Lower Tonsina, McCarthy, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna, Northway, Slana, Tanacross, Tazlina, Tetlin, Tok, Tonsina, and those individuals that live along the Tok Cutoff from Tok to Mentasta Pass, and along the Nabesna Road. Gulkana National Wild and Scenic River Freshwater fish ...... Residents of Cantwell, Chisana, Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Dot Lake, Gakona, Gakona Junction, Glennallen, Gulkana, Healy Lake, Kenny Lake, Lower Tonsina, McCarthy, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna, Northway, Paxson- Sourdough, Slana, Tanacross, Tazlina, Tetlin, Tok, Tonsina, and those individuals that live along the Tok Cutoff from Tok to Mentasta Pass, and along the Nabesna Road. Waters of the Prince William Sound Freshwater fish (trout, Residents of the Prince William Sound Area, ex- Area, except for the Copper River char, whitefish, suck- cept those living in the Copper River drainage drainage upstream of Haley Creek. ers, grayling, and upstream of Haley Creek. burbot). Chitina Subdistrict of the Upper Copper Salmon ...... Residents of Cantwell, Chickaloon, Chisana, River District. Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Dot Lake, Gakona, Gakona Junction, Glennallen, Gulkana, Healy Lake, Kenny Lake, Lower Tonsina, McCarthy, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna, Northway, Paxson-Sourdough, Slana, Tanacross, Tazlina, Tetlin, Tok, Tonsina, and those individuals that live along the Tok Cutoff from Tok to Mentasta Pass, and along the Nabesna Road.


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Area Species Determination

Glennallen Subdistrict of the Upper Cop- Salmon ...... Residents of the Prince William Sound Area and per River District. residents of Cantwell, Chickaloon, Chisana, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, Northway, Tanacross, Tetlin, Tok, and those individuals living along the Alaska Highway from the Alaskan/Cana- dian border to Dot Lake, along the Tok Cutoff from Tok to Mentasta Pass, and along the Nabesna Road. Waters of the Copper River between Na- Salmon ...... Residents of Mentasta Lake and Dot Lake. tional Park Service regulatory markers located near the mouth of Tanada Creek, and in Tanada Creek between National Park Service regulatory mark- ers identifying the open waters of the creek. Remainder of the Prince William Sound Salmon ...... Residents of the Prince William Sound Area. Area. Waters of the Bering River area from Eulachon ...... Residents of Cordova. Point Martin to Cape Suckling. Waters of the Copper River Delta from Eulachon ...... Residents of Cordova, Chenega Bay, and the Eyak River to Point Martin. Tatitlek. YAKUTAT AREA: Fresh water upstream from the terminus Salmon ...... Residents of the area east of Yakutat Bay, in- of streams and rivers of the Yakutat cluding the islands within Yakutat Bay, west of Area from the Doame River to the Tsiu the Situk River drainage, and south of and in- River. cluding Knight Island. Fresh water upstream from the terminus Dolly Varden, steelhead Residents of the area east of Yakutat Bay, in- of streams and rivers of the Yakutat trout, and smelt. cluding the islands within Yakutat Bay, west of Area from the Doame River to Point the Situk River drainage, and south of and in- Manby. cluding Knight Island. Remainder of the Yakutat Area ...... Dolly Varden, trout, Residents of Southeastern Alaska and Yakutat smelt, and eulachon. Areas. Salmon ...... All rural residents. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA: District 1—Section 1E in waters of the Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Saxman. Naha River and Roosevelt Lagoon. trout, smelt, and eulachon. District 1—Section 1F in Boca de Quadra Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Saxman. in waters of Sockeye Creek and Hugh trout, smelt, and Smith Lake within 500 yards of the ter- eulachon. minus of Sockeye Creek. Districts 2, 3, and 5 and waters draining Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents living south of Sumner Strait and west into those Districts. trout, smelt, and of Clarence Strait and Kashevaroff Passage. eulachon. District 5—North of a line from Point Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Kake and in Kupreanof Barrie to Boulder Point. trout, smelt, and Island drainages emptying into Keku Strait eulachon. south of Point White and north of the Portage Bay boat harbor. District 6 and waters draining into that Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents living south of Sumner Strait and west District. trout, smelt, and of Clarence Strait and Kashevaroff Passage; eulachon. residents of drainages flowing into District 6 north of the latitude of Point Alexander (Mitkof Island); residents of drainages flowing into Dis- tricts 7 & 8, including the communities of Pe- tersburg & Wrangell; and residents of the com- munities of Meyers Chuck and Kake. District 7 and waters draining into that Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of drainages flowing into District 6 District. trout, smelt, and north of the latitude of Point Alexander (Mitkof eulachon. Island); residents of drainages flowing into Dis- tricts 7 & 8, including the communities of Pe- tersburg & Wrangell; and residents of the com- munities of Meyers Chuck and Kake. District 8 and waters draining into that Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of drainages flowing into Districts 7 & District. trout, smelt, and 8, residents of drainages flowing into District 6 eulachon. north of the latitude of Point Alexander (Mitkof Island), and residents of Meyers Chuck. District 9—Section 9A ...... Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Kake and in Kupreanof trout, smelt, and Island drainages emptying into Keku Strait eulachon. south of Point White and north of the Portage Bay boat harbor. District 9—Section 9B north of the lati- Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Kake and in Kupreanof tude of Swain Point. trout, smelt, and Island drainages emptying into Keku Strait eulachon. south of Point White and north of the Portage Bay boat harbor.


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Area Species Determination

District 10—West of a line from Pinta Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Kake and in Kupreanof Point to False Point Pybus. trout, smelt, and Island drainages emptying into Keku Strait eulachon. south of Point White and north of the Portage Bay boat harbor. District 12—Section 12A, excluding the All fish ...... Residents of drainages flowing into Districts 12 area south of a line from Fishery Point and 14. to South Passage point. District 12—Section 12B ...... All fish ...... Residents of drainages flowing into Districts 12 and 14. District 12—Section 12A, the area south Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Angoon and along the of a line from Fishery Point to South trout, smelt, and western shore of Admiralty Island north of the Passage Point. eulachon. latitude of Sand Island, south of the latitude of Thayer Creek, and west of 134°30′ West lon- gitude, including Killisnoo Island. District 13—Section 13A, excluding the All fish ...... Residents of drainages flowing into Sections area south of the latitude of Cape Ed- 13A, 13B, and District 14. ward. District 13—Section 13A, south of the Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City and Borough of Sitka in latitude of Cape Edward. trout, smelt, and drainages that empty into Section 13B, north eulachon. of the latitude of Dorothy Narrows. District 13—Section 13B north of the lati- Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City and Borough of Sitka in tude of Redfish Cape. trout, smelt, and drainages that empty into Section 13B north of eulachon. the latitude of Dorothy Narrows. District 13—Section 13C ...... Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City and Borough of Sitka in trout, smelt, and drainages that empty into Section 13B north of eulachon. the latitude of Dorothy Narrows. District 13—Section 13C east of the lon- Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City of Angoon and along the gitude of Point Elizabeth. trout, smelt, and western shore of Admiralty Island north of the eulachon. latitude of Sand Island, south of the latitude of Thayer Creek, and west of 134°30′ West lon- gitude, including Killisnoo Island. District 13—Section 13C ...... Salmon, Dolly Varden, Residents of the City and Borough of Sitka in trout, smelt, and drainages that empty into Section 13B north of eulachon. the latitude of Dorothy Narrows. District 14 ...... All fish ...... Residents of drainages flowing into Sections 12A, 13A, and District 14. Remainder of the Southeastern Alaska Dolly Varden, trout, Residents of Southeastern Alaska and Yakutat Area. smelt, and eulachon. Areas. Salmon ...... All rural residents.

(3) Shellfish determinations. The fol- tomary and traditional use determina- lowing communities and areas have tion in the listed area for the indicated been found to have a positive cus- species:

Area Species Determination

Bering Sea Area ...... All shellfish ...... Residents of the Bering Sea Area. Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands Area ...... Shrimp Dungeness, and Tanner Residents of the Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian crab. Islands Area. Kodiak Area ...... Shrimp, Dungeness, and Tanner Residents of the Kodiak Area. crab. Kodiak Area, except for the Semidi King crab ...... Residents of the Kodiak Island Borough, ex- Island, the North Mainland, and cept those residents on the Kodiak Coast the South Mainland Sections. Guard base. Cook Inlet Area: Federal waters in the Tuxedni Bay Shellfish ...... Residents of Tuxedni Bay, Chisik Island, Area within the boundaries of Lake and Tyonek. Clark National Park. Prince William Sound Area ...... Shrimp, clams, Dungeness, king, Residents of the Prince William Sound Area. and Tanner crab. Southeastern Alaska—Yakutat Area: Section 1E south of the latitude of Shellfish, except shrimp, king Residents of the Southeast Area. Grant Island light. crab, and Tanner crab.. Section 1F north of the latitude of Shellfish, except shrimp, king Residents of the Southeast Area. the northernmost tip of Mary Is- crab, and Tanner crab. land, except waters of Boca de Quadra. Section 3A and 3B ...... Shellfish, except shrimp, king Residents of the Southeast Area. crab, and Tanner crab.


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Area Species Determination

District 13...... Dungeness crab, shrimp, aba- Residents of the Southeast Area. lone, sea cucumbers, gum boots, cockles, and clams, ex- cept geoducks.

(b) [Reserved] Antlerless means any caribou, deer, elk, or moose not having visible antlers [64 FR 1301, Jan. 8, 1999] attached to the skull. EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- Bait means any material excluding a tations affecting § 242.24, see the List of CFR scent lure that is placed to attract an Sections Affected, which appears in the animal by its sense of smell or taste; Finding Aids section of the printed volume however, those parts of legally taken and at animals that are not required to be salvaged and which are left at the kill Subpart D—Subsistence Taking of site are not considered bait. Fish and Wildlife Beach seine means a floating net which is designed to surround fish and § 242.25 Subsistence taking of fish, is set from and hauled to the beach. wildlife, and shellfish: general regu- Bear means black bear, or brown or lations. grizzly bear. (a) Definitions. The following defini- Big game means black bear, brown tions apply to all regulations contained bear, bison, caribou, Sitka black-tailed in this part: deer, elk, mountain goat, moose, musk ox, Dall sheep, wolf, and wolverine. Abalone iron means a flat device Bow means a longbow, recurve bow, which is used for taking abalone and or compound bow, excluding a crossbow which is more than 1 inch (24 mm) in or any bow equipped with a mechanical width and less than 24 inches (610 mm) device that holds arrows at full draw. in length, with all prying edges round- Broadhead means an arrowhead that ed and smooth. is not barbed and has two or more steel ADF&G means the Alaska Depart- cutting edges having a minimum cut- ment of Fish and Game. ting diameter of not less than seven- Airborne means transported by air- eighths of an inch. craft. Brow tine means a tine on the front Aircraft means any kind of airplane, portion of a moose antler, typically glider, or other device used to trans- projecting forward from the base of the port people or equipment through the antler toward the nose. air, excluding helicopters. Buck means any male deer. Airport means an airport listed in the Bull means any male moose, caribou, Federal Aviation Administration’s elk, or musk oxen. Alaska Airman’s Guide and chart sup- Calf means a moose, caribou, elk, plement. musk ox, or bison less than 12 months old. Anchor means a device used to hold a Cast net means a circular net with a fishing vessel or net in a fixed position mesh size of no more than 12 inches relative to the beach; this includes and weights attached to the perimeter, using part of the seine or lead, a ship’s which, when thrown, surrounds the fish anchor, or being secured to another and closes at the bottom when re- vessel or net that is anchored. trieved. Animal means those species with a Char means the following species: vertebral column (backbone). Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinis), lake Antler means one or more solid, horn- trout (Salvelinus namaycush), brook like appendages protruding from the trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), and Dolly head of a caribou, deer, elk, or moose. Varden (Salvelinus malma). Antlered means any caribou, deer, Closed season means the time when elk, or moose having at least one visi- fish, wildlife, or shellfish may not be ble antler. taken.


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Crab means the following species: red moose, musk oxen, and Dall sheep that king crab (Paralithodes camshatica), are typically used for human consump- blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus), tion, which are: The meat of the ribs, brown king crab (Lithodes aequispina), neck, brisket, front quarters as far as scarlet king crab Lithodes couesi, all the distal (bottom) joint of the radius- species of tanner or snow crab ulna (knee), hindquarters as far as the (Chionoecetes spp.), and Dungeness crab distal joint (bottom) of the tibia-fibula (Cancer magister). (hock) and that portion of the animal Cub bear means a brown or grizzly between the front and hindquarters; bear in its first or second year of life, however, edible meat of species listed in or a black bear (including cinnamon this definition does not include: Meat and blue phases) in its first year of life. of the head, meat that has been dam- Depth of net means the perpendicular aged and made inedible by the method distance between cork line and lead of taking, bones, sinew, and incidental line expressed as either linear units of meat reasonably lost as a result of measure or as a number of meshes, in- boning or close trimming of the bones, cluding all of the web of which the net or viscera. For black bear, brown and is composed. grizzly bear, ‘‘edible meat’’ means the Designated hunter or fisherman means meat of the front quarter and a Federally qualified hunter or fisher- hindquarters and meat along the back- man who may take all or a portion of bone (backstrap). another Federally qualified hunter’s or Federally qualified subsistence user fisherman’s harvest limit(s) only under means a rural Alaska resident qualified situations approved by the Board. to harvest fish or wildlife on Federal Dip net means a bag-shaped net sup- public lands in accordance with the ported on all sides by a rigid frame; the Federal Subsistence Management Reg- maximum straight-line distance be- ulations in this part. tween any two points on the net frame, Field means an area outside of estab- as measured through the net opening, lished year-round dwellings, busi- may not exceed 5 feet; the depth of the nesses, or other developments usually bag must be at least one-half of the associated with a city, town, or village; greatest straight-line distance, as field does not include permanent hotels measured through the net opening; no or roadhouses on the State road system portion of the bag may be constructed or at State or Federally maintained of webbing that exceeds a stretched airports. measurement of 4.5 inches; the frame Fifty-inch (50-inch) moose means a bull must be attached to a single rigid han- moose with an antler spread of 50 dle and be operated by hand. inches or more. Diving gear means any type of hard Fish wheel means a fixed, rotating de- hat or skin diving equipment, includ- vice, with no more than four baskets ing SCUBA equipment; a tethered, um- on a single axle, for catching fish, bilical, surface-supplied unit; or snor- which is driven by river current or kel. other means. Drainage means all of the lands and Fresh water of streams and rivers waters comprising a watershed, includ- means the line at which fresh water is ing tributary rivers, streams, sloughs, separated from salt water at the mouth ponds, and lakes, which contribute to of streams and rivers by a line drawn the water supply of the watershed. headland to headland across the mouth Drawing permit means a permit issued as the waters flow into the sea. to a limited number of Federally quali- Full curl horn means the horn of a fied subsistence users selected by Dall sheep ram; the tip of which has means of a random drawing. grown through 360 degrees of a circle Drift gillnet means a drifting gillnet described by the outer surface of the that has not been intentionally staked, horn, as viewed from the side, or that anchored, or otherwise fixed in one both horns are broken, or that the place. sheep is at least 8 years of age as deter- Edible meat means the breast meat of mined by horn growth annuli. ptarmigan and grouse, and, those parts Furbearer means a beaver, coyote, of caribou, deer, elk, mountain goat, arctic fox, red fox, lynx, marten, mink,


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weasel, muskrat, river (land) otter, red by any one person or designated group, squirrel, flying squirrel, ground squir- per specified time period, in a Unit or rel, marmot, wolf, or wolverine. portion of a Unit in which the taking Fyke net means a fixed, funneling occurs even if part or all of the harvest (fyke) device used to entrap fish. is preserved. A fish, when landed and Gear means any type of fishing appa- killed by means of rod and reel, be- ratus. comes part of the harvest limit of the Gillnet means a net primarily de- person originally hooking it. signed to catch fish by entanglement in Herring pound means an enclosure a mesh that consists of a single sheet used primarily to contain live herring of webbing which hangs between cork over extended periods of time. line and lead line, and which is fished Highway means the drivable surface from the surface of the water. of any constructed road. Grappling hook means a hooked de- Household means that group of people vice with flukes or claws, which is at- residing in the same residence. tached to a line and operated by hand. Hung measure means the maximum Groundfish or bottomfish means any length of the cork line when measured marine fish except halibut, osmerids, wet or dry with traction applied at one herring and salmonids. end only. Grouse collectively refers to all spe- Hunting means the taking of wildlife cies found in Alaska, including spruce within established hunting seasons grouse, ruffed grouse, sooty grouse with archery equipment or firearms, (formerly blue), and sharp-tailed and as authorized by a required hunt- grouse. ing license. Hand purse seine means a floating net Hydraulic clam digger means a device which is designed to surround fish and using water or a combination of air and which can be closed at the bottom by water used to harvest clams. pursing the lead line; pursing may only Jigging gear means a line or lines with be done by hand power, and a free-run- lures or baited hooks, drawn through ning line through one or more rings at- the water by hand, and which are oper- tached to the lead line is not allowed. ated during periods of ice cover from Handicraft means a finished product holes cut in the ice, or from shore ice made by a rural Alaskan resident from and which are drawn through the water the nonedible byproducts of fish or by hand. wildlife and is composed wholly or in Lead means either a length of net some significant respect of natural ma- employed for guiding fish into a seine, terials. The shape and appearance of set gillnet, or other length of net, or a the natural material must be substan- length of fencing employed for guiding tially changed by the skillful use of fish into a fish wheel, fyke net, or dip hands, such as sewing, weaving, drill- net. ing, lacing, beading, carving, etching, Legal limit of fishing gear means the scrimshawing, painting, or other maximum aggregate of a single type of means, and incorporated into a work of fishing gear permitted to be used by art, regalia, clothing, or other creative one individual or boat, or combination expression, and can be either tradi- of boats in any particular regulatory tional or contemporary in design. The area, district, or section. handicraft must have substantially Long line means either a stationary, greater monetary and aesthetic value buoyed, or anchored line, or a floating, than the unaltered natural material free-drifting line with lures or baited alone. hooks attached. Handline means a hand-held and oper- Marmot collectively refers to all spe- ated line, with one or more hooks at- cies of marmot that occur in Alaska, tached. including the hoary marmot, Alaska Hare or hares collectively refers to all marmot, and the woodchuck. species of hares (commonly called rab- Mechanical clam digger means a me- bits) in Alaska and includes snowshoe chanical device used or capable of hare and tundra hare. being used for the taking of clams. Harvest limit means the number of Mechanical jigging machine means a any one species permitted to be taken mechanical device with line and hooks


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used to jig for halibut and bottomfish, tion permits are issued in the order re- but does not include hand gurdies or quests are received and/or are based on rods with reels. priorities as determined by 50 CFR Mile means a nautical mile when used 100.17 and 36 CFR 242.17. in reference to marine waters or a stat- Regulatory year means July 1–June 30, ute mile when used in reference to except for fish and shellfish, for which fresh water. it means April 1–March 31. Motorized vehicle means a motor-driv- Ring net means a bag-shaped net sus- en land, air, or water conveyance. pended between no more than two Open season means the time when frames; the bottom frame may not be wildlife may be taken by hunting or larger in perimeter than the top frame; trapping; an open season includes the the gear must be nonrigid and collaps- first and last days of the prescribed ible so that free movement of fish or season period. shellfish across the top of the net is Otter means river or land otter only, not prohibited when the net is em- excluding sea otter. ployed. Permit hunt means a hunt for which Rockfish means all species of the State or Federal permits are issued by genus Sebastes. registration or other means. Rod and reel means either a device Poison means any substance that is upon which a line is stored on a fixed toxic or poisonous upon contact or in- or revolving spool and is deployed gestion. through guides mounted on a flexible Possession means having direct phys- pole, or a line that is attached to a ical control of wildlife at a given time pole. In either case, bait or an artificial or having both the power and intention fly or lure is used as terminal tackle. to exercise dominion or control of wild- This definition does not include the use life either directly or through another of rod and reel gear for snagging. person or persons. Salmon means the following species: Possession limit means the maximum pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha); number of fish, grouse, or ptarmigan a sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka); person or designated group may have Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus in possession if they have not been tshawytscha); coho salmon canned, salted, frozen, smoked, dried, (Oncorhynchus kisutch); and chum or otherwise preserved so as to be fit salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). for human consumption after a 15-day Salmon stream means any stream used period. by salmon for spawning, rearing, or for Pot means a portable structure de- traveling to a spawning or rearing signed and constructed to capture and area. retain live fish and shellfish in the Salvage means to transport the edible water. meat, skull, or hide, as required by reg- Ptarmigan collectively refers to all ulation, of a regulated fish, wildlife, or species found in Alaska, including shellfish to the location where the edi- white-tailed ptarmigan, rock ptar- ble meat will be consumed by humans migan, and willow ptarmigan. or processed for human consumption in Purse seine means a floating net a manner which saves or prevents the which is designed to surround fish and edible meat from waste, and preserves which can be closed at the bottom by the skull or hide for human use. means of a free-running line through Scallop dredge means a dredge-like de- one or more rings attached to the lead vice designed specifically for and capa- line. ble of taking scallops by being towed Ram means a male Dall sheep. along the ocean floor. Registration permit means a permit Sea urchin rake means a hand-held that authorizes hunting and is issued implement, no longer than 4 feet, to a person who agrees to the specified equipped with projecting prongs used hunting conditions. Hunting permitted to gather sea urchins. by a registration permit begins on an Sealing means placing a mark or tag announced date and continues through- on a portion of a harvested animal by out the open season, or until the sea- an authorized representative of the son is closed by Board action. Registra- ADF&G; sealing includes collecting and


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recording information about the condi- is greater than its width and is at least tions under which the animal was har- one inch. vested, and measurements of the speci- To operate fishing gear means any of men submitted for sealing or surren- the following: To deploy gear in the dering a specific portion of the animal water; to remove gear from the water; for biological information. to remove fish or shellfish from the Set gillnet means a gillnet that has gear during an open season or period; been intentionally set, staked, an- or to possess a gillnet containing fish chored, or otherwise fixed. during an open fishing period, except Seven-eighths curl horn means the that a gillnet which is completely clear horn of a male Dall sheep, the tip of of the water is not considered to be op- which has grown through seven-eights erating for the purposes of minimum (315 degrees) of a circle, described by distance requirement. the outer surface of the horn, as viewed Transportation means to ship, convey, from the side, or with both horns bro- carry, or transport by any means what- ken. ever and deliver or receive for such Shovel means a hand-operated imple- shipment, conveyance, carriage, or ment for digging clams. transportation. Skin, hide, pelt, or fur means any Trapping means the taking of tanned or untanned external covering furbearers within established trapping of an animal’s body. However, for bear, seasons and with a required trapping li- the skin, hide, pelt, or fur means the cense. external covering with claws attached. Trawl means a bag-shaped net towed through the water to capture fish or Snagging means hooking or attempt- shellfish, and includes beam, otter, or ing to hook a fish elsewhere than in pelagic trawl. the mouth. Troll gear means a power gurdy troll means a shaft with a sharp Spear gear consisting of a line or lines with point or fork-like implement attached lures or baited hooks which are drawn to one end, which is used to thrust through the water by a power gurdy; through the water to impale or retrieve hand troll gear consisting of a line or fish, and which is operated by hand. lines with lures or baited hooks which Spike-fork moose means a bull moose are drawn through the water from a with only one or two tines on either vessel by hand trolling, strip fishing, or antler; male calves are not spike-fork other types of trolling, and which are bulls. retrieved by hand power or hand-pow- Stretched measure means the average ered crank and not by any type of elec- length of any series of 10 consecutive trical, hydraulic, mechanical, or other meshes measured from inside the first assisting device or attachment; or knot and including the last knot when dinglebar troll gear consisting of one wet; the 10 meshes, when being meas- or more lines, retrieved and set with a ured, must be an integral part of the troll gurdy or hand troll gurdy, with a net, as hung, and measured perpen- terminally attached weight from which dicular to the selvages; measurements one or more leaders with one or more will be made by means of a metal tape lures or baited hooks are pulled measure while the 10 meshes being through the water while a vessel is measured are suspended vertically making way. from a single peg or nail, under 5-pound Trophy means a mount of a big game weight. animal, including the skin of the head Subsistence fishing permit means a sub- (cape) or the entire skin, in a lifelike sistence harvest permit issued by the representation of the animal, including Alaska Department of Fish and Game a lifelike representation made from or the Federal Subsistence Board. any part of a big game animal; ‘‘trophy’’ Take or Taking means to fish, pursue, also includes a ‘‘European mount’’ in hunt, shoot, trap, net, capture, collect, which the horns or antlers and the kill, harm, or attempt to engage in any skull or a portion of the skull are such conduct. mounted for display. Tine or antler point refers to any Trout means the following species: point on an antler, the length of which cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki)


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and rainbow/steelhead trout (3) A harvest limit may apply to the (Oncorhynchus mykiss). number of fish, wildlife, or shellfish Unclassified wildlife or unclassified spe- that can be taken daily, seasonally cies means all species of animals not and/or during a regulatory year or held otherwise classified by the definitions in possession. in this paragraph (a), or regulated (4) Unless otherwise provided, any under other Federal law as listed in person who gives or receives fish, wild- paragraph (i) of this section. life, or shellfish must furnish, upon a Ungulate means any species of hoofed request made by a Federal or State mammal, including deer, caribou, elk, agent, a signed statement describing moose, mountain goat, Dall sheep, and the following: Names and addresses of musk ox. persons who gave and received fish, Unit and Subunit means one of the wildlife, or shellfish; the time and geographical areas in the State of Alas- place that the fish, wildlife, or shellfish ka known as Game Management Units, was taken; and identification of species or GMUs, as defined in the codified transferred. Where a qualified subsist- Alaska Department of Fish and Game ence user has designated another quali- regulations found in Title 5 of the Alas- fied subsistence user to take fish, wild- ka Administrative Code and collec- life, or shellfish on his or her behalf in tively listed in this part as Units or accordance with § 242.10(d)(5)(ii), the permit must be furnished in place of a Subunits. signed statement. Wildlife means any hare, ptarmigan, (d) Fishing by designated harvest per- grouse, ungulate, bear, furbearer, or mit. unclassified species and includes any (1) Any species of fish that may be part, product, egg, or offspring thereof, taken by subsistence fishing under this or carcass or part thereof. part may be taken under a designated (b) Taking fish, wildlife, or shellfish harvest permit. for subsistence uses by a prohibited (2) If you are a Federally qualified method is a violation of this part. Sea- subsistence user, you (beneficiary) may sons are closed unless opened by Fed- designate another Federally qualified eral regulation. Hunting, trapping, or subsistence user to take fish on your fishing during a closed season or in an behalf. The designated fisherman must area closed by this part is prohibited. obtain a designated harvest permit You may not take for subsistence fish, prior to attempting to harvest fish and wildlife, or shellfish outside estab- must return a completed harvest re- lished Unit or Area seasons, or in ex- port. The designated fisherman may cess of the established Unit or Area fish for any number of beneficiaries but harvest limits, unless otherwise pro- may have no more than two harvest vided for by the Board. You may take limits in his/her possession at any one fish, wildlife, or shellfish under State time. regulations on public lands, except as (3) The designated fisherman must otherwise restricted at §§ 242.26 through have in possession a valid designated 242.28. Unit/Area-specific restrictions fishing permit when taking, attempt- or allowances for subsistence taking of ing to take, or transporting fish taken fish, wildlife, or shellfish are identified under this section, on behalf of a bene- at §§ 242.26 through 242.28. ficiary. (c) Harvest limits. (4) The designated fisherman may not (1) Harvest limits authorized by this fish with more than one legal limit of section and harvest limits established gear. in State regulations may not be accu- (5) You may not designate more than mulated unless specified otherwise in one person to take or attempt to take § 242.26, § 242.27. or § 242.28. fish on your behalf at one time. You (2) Fish, wildlife, or shellfish taken may not personally take or attempt to by a designated individual for another take fish at the same time that a des- person pursuant to § 242.10(d)(5)(ii) ignated fisherman is taking or at- counts toward the individual harvest tempting to take fish on your behalf. limit of the person for whom the fish, (e) Hunting by designated harvest per- wildlife, or shellfish is taken. mit. If you are a Federally qualified


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subsistence user (recipient), you may (1) You may not take more fish, wild- designate another Federally qualified life, or shellfish for subsistence use subsistence user to take deer, moose than the limits set out in the permit; and caribou on your behalf unless you (2) You must obtain the permit prior are a member of a community oper- to fishing or hunting; ating under a community harvest sys- (3) You must have the permit in your tem or unless unit-specific regulations possession and readily available for in- in § 242.26 preclude or modify the use of spection while fishing, hunting, or the designated hunter system or allow transporting subsistence-taken fish, the harvest of additional species by a wildlife, or shellfish; designated hunter. The designated (4) If specified on the permit, you hunter must obtain a designated must keep accurate daily records of the hunter permit and must return a com- harvest, showing the number of fish, pleted harvest report. The designated wildlife, or shellfish taken, by species, hunter may hunt for any number of re- location and date of harvest, and other cipients but may have no more than such information as may be required two harvest limits in his/her possession for management or conservation pur- at any one time, unless otherwise spec- poses; and ified in unit-specific regulations in (5) If the return of harvest informa- § 242.26. tion necessary for management and (f) A rural Alaska resident who has conservation purposes is required by a been designated to take fish, wildlife, permit and you fail to comply with or shellfish on behalf of another rural such reporting requirements, you are Alaska resident in accordance with ineligible to receive a subsistence per- § 242.10(d)(5)(ii) must promptly deliver mit for that activity during the fol- the fish, wildlife, or shellfish to that lowing regulatory year, unless you rural Alaska resident and may not demonstrate that failure to report was charge the recipient for his/her services due to loss in the mail, accident, sick- in taking the fish, wildlife, or shellfish ness, or other unavoidable cir- or claim for themselves the meat or cumstances. any part of the harvested fish, wildlife, (i) You may not possess, transport, or shellfish. give, receive, or barter fish, wildlife, or shellfish that was taken in violation of (g) Cultural/educational program per- Federal or State statutes or a regula- mits. tion promulgated hereunder. (1) A qualifying program must have (j) Utilization of fish, wildlife, or shell- instructors, enrolled students, min- fish. imum attendance requirements, and (1) You may not use wildlife as food standards for successful completion of for a dog or furbearer, or as bait, ex- the course. Applications must be sub- cept as allowed for in § 242.26, § 242.27, or mitted to the Federal Subsistence § 242.28, or except for the following: Board through the Office of Subsist- (i) The hide, skin, viscera, head, or ence Management and should be sub- bones of wildlife; mitted 60 days prior to the earliest de- (ii) The skinned carcass of a sired date of harvest. Harvest must be furbearer; reported and any animals harvested (iii) Squirrels, hares (rabbits), grouse, will count against any established Fed- or ptarmigan; however, you may not eral harvest quota for the area in use the breast meat of grouse and ptar- which it is harvested. migan as animal food or bait; (2) Requests for follow-up permits (iv) Unclassified wildlife. must be submitted to the in-season or (2) If you take wildlife for subsist- local manager and should be submitted ence, you must salvage the following 60 days prior to the earliest desired parts for human use: date of harvest. (i) The hide of a wolf, wolverine, coy- (h) Permits. If a subsistence fishing or ote, fox, lynx, marten, mink, weasel, or hunting permit is required by this part, otter; the following permit conditions apply (ii) The hide and edible meat of a unless otherwise specified in this sec- brown bear, except that the hide of tion: brown bears taken in Units 5, 9B, 17, 18,


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portions of 19A and 19B, 21D, 22, 23, 24, craft articles made from the nonedible and 26A need not be salvaged; byproducts (including, but not limited (iii) The hide and edible meat of a to, skin, shell, fins, and bones) of sub- black bear; sistence-harvested fish or shellfish. (iv) The hide or meat of squirrels, (10) If you are a Federally qualified hares, marmots, beaver, muskrats, or subsistence user, you may sell handi- unclassified wildlife. craft articles made from nonedible by- (3) You must salvage the edible meat products of wildlife harvested for sub- of ungulates, bear, grouse, and ptar- sistence uses (excluding bear), to in- migan. clude; skin, hide, pelt, fur, claws, bones (4) You may not intentionally waste (except skulls of moose, caribou, elk, or destroy any subsistence-caught fish deer, sheep, goat and musk ox), teeth, or shellfish; however, you may use for bait or other purposes whitefish, her- sinew, antlers and/or horns (if not at- ring, and species for which bag limits, tached to any part of the skull or made seasons, or other regulatory methods to represent a big game trophy) and and means are not provided in this sec- hooves. tion, as well as the head, tail, fins, and (11) The sale of handicrafts made viscera of legally taken subsistence from the nonedible byproducts of wild- fish. life, when authorized in this part, may (5) Failure to salvage the edible meat not constitute a significant commer- may not be a violation if such failure is cial enterprise. caused by circumstances beyond the (12) You may sell the horns and ant- control of a person, including theft of lers not attached to any part of the the harvested fish, wildlife, or shell- skull from legally harvested caribou fish, unanticipated weather conditions, (except caribou harvested in Unit 23), or unavoidable loss to another animal. deer, elk, goat, moose, musk ox, and (6) If you are a Federally qualified sheep. subsistence user, you may sell handi- (13) You may sell the raw/untanned craft articles made from the skin, hide, and tanned hide or cape from a legally pelt, or fur, including claws, of a black harvested caribou, deer, elk, goat, bear. moose, musk ox, and sheep. (i) In Units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, you may sell handicraft articles made from the (k) The regulations found in this part skin, hide, pelt, fur, claws, bones, do not apply to the subsistence taking teeth, sinew, or skulls of a black bear and use of fish, wildlife, or shellfish taken from Units 1, 2, 3, or 5. regulated pursuant to the Fur Seal Act (ii) [Reserved] of 1966 (80 Stat. 1091, 16 U.S.C. 1187); the (7) If you are a Federally qualified Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87 subsistence user, you may sell handi- Stat. 884, 16 U.S.C. 1531–1543); the Ma- craft articles made from the skin, hide, rine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (86 pelt, or fur, including claws, of a brown Stat. 1027; 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407); and the bear taken from Units 1–5, 9A–C, 9E, 12, Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 17, 20, 22, 23, 24B (only that portion 755; 16 U.S.C. 703–711), or to any amend- within Gates of the Arctic National ments to these Acts. The taking and Park), 25, or 26. use of fish, wildlife, or shellfish, cov- (i) In Units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, you may ered by these Acts, will conform to the sell handicraft articles made from the specific provisions contained in these skin, hide, pelt, fur, claws, bones, Acts, as amended, and any imple- teeth, sinew, or skulls of a brown bear menting regulations. taken from Units 1, 4, or 5. (l) Rural residents, nonrural resi- (ii) [Reserved] dents, and nonresidents not specifically (8) If you are a Federally qualified prohibited by Federal regulations from subsistence user, you may sell the raw fishing, hunting, or trapping on public fur or tanned pelt with or without lands in an area may fish, hunt, or trap claws attached from legally harvested on public lands in accordance with the furbearers. appropriate State regulations. (9) If you are a Federally qualified subsistence user, you may sell handi- [75 FR 37930, June 30, 2010]


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§ 242.26 Subsistence taking of wildlife. (9) Using a snare, except that an indi- vidual in possession of a valid hunting (a) You may take wildlife for subsist- license may use nets and snares to take ence uses by any method, except as unclassified wildlife, ptarmigan, prohibited in this section or by other grouse, or hares; and, individuals in Federal statute. Taking wildlife for possession of a valid trapping license subsistence uses by a prohibited meth- may use snares to take furbearers; od is a violation of this part. Seasons are closed unless opened by Federal (10) Using a trap to take ungulates or regulation. Hunting or trapping during bear; a closed season or in an area closed by (11) Using hooks to physically snag, this part is prohibited. impale, or otherwise take wildlife; (b) Except for special provisions however, hooks may be used as a trap found at paragraphs (n)(1) through (26) drag; of this section, the following methods (12) Using a crossbow to take and means of taking wildlife for sub- ungulates, bear, wolf, or wolverine in sistence uses are prohibited: any area restricted to hunting by bow (1) Shooting from, on, or across a and arrow only; highway; (13) Taking of ungulates, bear, wolf, (2) Using any poison; or wolverine with a bow, unless the (3) Using a helicopter in any manner, bow is capable of casting an inch-wide including transportation of individuals, broadhead-tipped arrow at least 175 equipment, or wildlife; however, this yards horizontally, and the arrow and prohibition does not apply to transpor- broadhead together weigh at least 1 tation of an individual, gear, or wild- ounce (437.5 grains); life during an emergency rescue oper- (14) Using bait for taking ungulates, ation in a life-threatening situation; bear, wolf, or wolverine; except, you (4) Taking wildlife from a motorized may use bait to take wolves and wol- land or air vehicle when that vehicle is verine with a trapping license, and you in motion, or from a motor-driven boat may use bait to take black bears with when the boat’s progress from the mo- a hunting license as authorized in tor’s power has not ceased; Unit-specific regulations at paragraphs (5) Using a motorized vehicle to (n)(1) through (26) of this section. Bait- drive, herd, or molest wildlife; ing of black bears is subject to the fol- (6) Using or being aided by use of a lowing restrictions: machine gun, set gun, or a shotgun (i) Before establishing a black bear larger than 10 gauge; bait station, you must register the site (7) Using a firearm other than a shot- with ADF&G; gun, muzzle-loaded rifle, rifle, or pistol (ii) When using bait, you must clear- using center-firing cartridges, for the ly mark the site with a sign reading taking of ungulates, bear, wolves, or ‘‘black bear bait station’’ that also dis- wolverine, except that— plays your hunting license number and (i) An individual in possession of a ADF&G-assigned number; valid trapping license may use a fire- (iii) You may use only biodegradable arm that shoots rimfire cartridges to materials for bait; you may use only take wolves and wolverine; the head, bones, viscera, or skin of le- (ii) Only a muzzle-loading rifle of .54- gally harvested fish and wildlife for caliber or larger, or a .45-caliber muz- bait; zle-loading rifle with a 250-grain, or (iv) You may not use bait within 1⁄4 larger, elongated slug may be used to mile of a publicly maintained road or take brown bear, black bear, elk, trail; moose, musk ox, and mountain goat; (v) You may not use bait within 1 (8) Using or being aided by use of a mile of a house or other permanent pit, fire, artificial light, radio commu- dwelling, or within 1 mile of a devel- nication, artificial salt lick, explosive, oped campground or developed rec- barbed arrow, bomb, smoke, chemical, reational facility; conventional steel trap with a jaw (vi) When using bait, you must re- spread over 9 inches, or conibear style move litter and equipment from the trap with a jaw spread over 11 inches; bait station site when done hunting;


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(vii) You may not give or receive (1) Except as specified in paragraphs payment for the use of a bait station, (e)(2) or (f)(1) of this section, or as oth- including barter or exchange of goods; erwise provided, you may not take a (viii) You may not have more than species of wildlife in any unit, or por- two bait stations with bait present at tion of a unit, if your total take of that any one time; species already obtained anywhere in (15) Taking swimming ungulates, the State under Federal and State reg- bears, wolves, or wolverine; ulations equals or exceeds the harvest (16) Taking or assisting in the taking limit in that unit. of ungulates, bear, wolves, wolverine, (2) An animal taken under Federal or or other furbearers before 3 a.m. fol- State regulations by any member of a lowing the day in which airborne travel community with an established com- occurred (except for flights in regu- munity harvest limit for that species larly scheduled commercial aircraft); counts toward the community harvest however, this restriction does not limit for that species. Except for wild- apply to subsistence taking of deer, the life taken pursuant to § 242.10(d)(5)(iii) setting of snares or traps, or the re- or as otherwise provided for by this moval of furbearers from traps or part, an animal taken as part of a com- snares; munity harvest limit counts toward (17) Taking a bear cub or a sow ac- every community member’s harvest companied by cub(s). limit for that species taken under Fed- (c) Wildlife taken in defense of life or eral or State of Alaska regulations. property is not a subsistence use; wild- (f) Harvest limits. life so taken is subject to State regula- (1) The harvest limit specified for a tions. trapping season for a species and the harvest limit set for a hunting season (d) The following methods and means for the same species are separate and of trapping furbearers for subsistence distinct. This means that if you have uses pursuant to the requirements of a taken a harvest limit for a particular trapping license are prohibited, in ad- species under a trapping season, you dition to the prohibitions listed at may take additional animals under the paragraph (b) of this section: harvest limit specified for a hunting (1) Disturbing or destroying a den, season or vice versa. except that you may disturb a muskrat (2) A brown/grizzly bear taken in a pushup or feeding house in the course Unit or portion of a Unit having a har- of trapping; vest limit of ‘‘one brown/grizzly bear (2) Disturbing or destroying any bea- per year’’ counts against a ‘‘one brown/ ver house; grizzly bear every four regulatory (3) Taking beaver by any means other years’’ harvest limit in other Units. than a steel trap or snare, except that You may not take more than one you may use firearms in certain Units brown/grizzly bear in a regulatory with established seasons as identified year. in Unit-specific regulations found in (3) [Reserved] this subpart; (g) Evidence of sex and identity. (4) Taking otter with a steel trap (1) If subsistence take of Dall sheep is having a jaw spread of less than 57⁄8 restricted to a ram, you may not pos- inches during any closed mink and sess or transport a harvested sheep un- marten season in the same Unit; less both horns accompany the animal. (5) Using a net or fish trap (except a (2) If the subsistence taking of an blackfish or fyke trap); ungulate, except sheep, is restricted to (6) Taking or assisting in the taking one sex in the local area, you may not of furbearers by firearm before 3 a.m. possess or transport the carcass of an on the day following the day on which animal taken in that area unless suffi- airborne travel occurred; however, this cient portions of the external sex or- does not apply to a trapper using a fire- gans remain attached to indicate con- arm to dispatch furbearers caught in a clusively the sex of the animal, except trap or snare. that in Units 1–5 antlers are also con- (e) Possession and transportation of sidered proof of sex for deer if the ant- wildlife. lers are naturally attached to an entire


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carcass, with or without the viscera; (i) Returning of tags, marks, or collars. and except in Units 11, 13, 19, 21, and 24, If you take an animal that has been where you may possess either suffi- marked or tagged for scientific studies, cient portions of the external sex or- you must, within a reasonable time, gans (still attached to a portion of the notify the ADF&G or the agency iden- carcass) or the head (with or without tified on the collar or marker when and antlers attached; however, the antler where the animal was taken. You also stumps must remain attached) to indi- must retain any ear tag, collar, radio, cate the sex of the harvested moose; tattoo, or other identification with the however, this paragraph (g)(2) does not hide until it is sealed, if sealing is re- apply to the carcass of an ungulate quired; in all cases, you must return that has been butchered and placed in any identification equipment to the storage or otherwise prepared for con- ADF&G or to an agency identified on sumption upon arrival at the location such equipment. where it is to be consumed. (j) Sealing of bear skins and skulls. (3) If a moose harvest limit requires (1) Sealing requirements for bear an antlered bull, an antler size, or con- apply to brown bears taken in all figuration restriction, you may not Units, except as specified in this para- graph, and black bears of all color possess or transport the moose carcass phases taken in Units 1–7, 11–17, and 20. or its parts unless both antlers accom- (2) You may not possess or transport pany the carcass or its parts. If you from Alaska the untanned skin or skull possess a set of antlers with less than of a bear unless the skin and skull have the required number of brow tines on been sealed by an authorized represent- one antler, you must leave the antlers ative of ADF&G in accordance with naturally attached to the unbroken, State or Federal regulations, except uncut skull plate; however, this para- that the skin and skull of a brown bear graph (g)(3) does not apply to a moose taken under a registration permit in carcass or its parts that have been Units 5, 9B, 9E, 17, 18, 19A and 19B butchered and placed in storage or oth- downstream of and including the Aniak erwise prepared for consumption after River drainage, 21D, 22, 23, 24, and 26A arrival at the place where it is to be need not be sealed unless removed from stored or consumed. the area. (h) Removing harvest from the field. (3) You must keep a bear skin and You must leave all edible meat on the skull together until a representative of bones of the front quarters and hind the ADF&G has removed a rudi- quarters of caribou and moose har- mentary premolar tooth from the skull vested in Units 9, 17, 18, and 19B prior and sealed both the skull and the skin; to October 1 until you remove the meat however, this provision does not apply from the field or process it for human to brown bears taken within Units 5, consumption. You must leave all edible 9B, 9E, 17, 18, 19A and 19B downstream meat on the bones of the front quar- of and including the Aniak River drain- ters, hind quarters, and ribs of moose age, 21D, 22, 23, 24, and 26A and which harvested in Unit 21 prior to October 1 are not removed from the Unit. until you remove the meat from the (i) In areas where sealing is required field or process it for human consump- by Federal regulations, you may not tion. You must leave all edible meat on possess or transport the hide of a bear the bones of the front quarters, hind that does not have the penis sheath or quarters, and ribs of caribou and moose vaginal orifice naturally attached to harvested in Unit 24 prior to October 1 indicate conclusively the sex of the until you remove the meat from the bear. field or process it for human consump- (ii) If the skin or skull of a bear tion. Meat of the front quarters, hind taken in Units 9B, 17, 18, and 19A and quarters, or ribs from a harvested 19B downstream of and including the moose or caribou may be processed for Aniak River drainage is removed from human consumption and consumed in the area, you must first have it sealed the field; however, meat may not be re- by an ADF&G representative in Bethel, moved from the bones for purposes of Dillingham, or McGrath; at the time of transport out of the field. sealing, the ADF&G representative


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must remove and retain the skin of the monies, which are part of a funerary or skull and front claws of the bear. mortuary cycle, including memorial (iii) If you remove the skin or skull potlatches, under the following provi- of a bear taken in Units 21D, 22, 23, 24, sions: and 26A from the area or present it for (1) The harvest does not violate rec- commercial tanning within the area, ognized principles of wildlife conserva- you must first have it sealed by an tion and uses the methods and means ADF&G representative in Barrow, Ga- allowable for the particular species lena, Nome, or Kotzebue; at the time of published in the applicable Federal reg- sealing, the ADF&G representative ulations. The appropriate Federal land must remove and retain the skin of the manager will establish the number, skull and front claws of the bear. species, sex, or location of harvest, if (iv) If you remove the skin or skull of necessary, for conservation purposes. a bear taken in Unit 5 from the area, Other regulations relating to ceremo- you must first have it sealed by an nial harvest may be found in the unit- ADF&G representative in Yakutat. specific regulations in § 242.26(n). (v) If you remove the skin or skull of (2) No permit or harvest ticket is re- a bear taken in Unit 9E from Unit 9, quired for harvesting under this sec- you must first have it sealed by an au- tion; however, the harvester must be a thorized sealing representative. At the Federally qualified subsistence user time of sealing, the representative with customary and traditional use in must remove and retain the skin of the the area where the harvesting will skull and front claws of the bear. occur. (4) You may not falsify any informa- (3) In Units 1–26 (except for Koyukon/ tion required on the sealing certificate Gwich’in potlatch ceremonies in Units or temporary sealing form provided by 20F, 21, 24, or 25): the ADF&G in accordance with State (i) A tribal chief, village or tribal regulations. council president, or the chief’s or (k) Sealing of beaver, lynx, marten, president’s designee for the village in otter, wolf, and wolverine. You may not which the religious/cultural ceremony possess or transport from Alaska the will be held, or a Federally qualified untanned skin of a marten taken in subsistence user outside of a village or Units 1–5, 7, 13E, or 14–16 or the tribal-organized ceremony, must notify untanned skin of a beaver, lynx, otter, the nearest Federal land manager that wolf, or wolverine, whether taken in- a wildlife harvest will take place. The side or outside the State, unless the notification must include the species, skin has been sealed by an authorized harvest location, and number of ani- representative in accordance with mals expected to be taken. State or Federal regulations. (ii) Immediately after the wildlife is (1) In Unit 18, you must obtain an taken, the tribal chief, village or tribal ADF&G seal for beaver skins only if council president or designee, or other they are to be sold or commercially Federally qualified subsistence user tanned. must create a list of the successful (2) In Unit 2, you must seal any wolf hunters and maintain these records, in- taken on or before the 30th day after cluding the name of the decedent for the date of taking. whom the ceremony will be held. If re- (l) If you take a species listed in quested, this information must be paragraph (k) of this section but are available to an authorized representa- unable to present the skin in person, tive of the Federal land manager. you must complete and sign a tem- (iii) The tribal chief, village or tribal porary sealing form and ensure that council president or designee, or other the completed temporary sealing form Federally qualified subsistence user and skin are presented to an authorized outside of the village in which the reli- representative of ADF&G for sealing gious/cultural ceremony will be held consistent with requirements listed in must report to the Federal land man- paragraph (k) of this section. ager the harvest location, species, sex, (m) You may take wildlife, outside of and number of animals taken as soon established season or harvest limits, as practicable, but not more than 15 for food in traditional religious cere- days after the wildlife is taken.


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(4) In Units 20F, 21, 24, and 25 (for cluding Blake Island), Ernest Sound, Koyukon/Gwich’in potlatch ceremonies and Seward Passage; only): (iii) Unit 1C consists of that portion (i) Taking wildlife outside of estab- of Unit 1 draining into Stephens Pas- lished season and harvest limits is au- sage and Lynn Canal north of Cape thorized if it is for food for the tradi- Fanshaw and south of the latitude of tional Koyukon/Gwich’in Potlatch Fu- Eldred Rock including Berners Bay, nerary or Mortuary ceremony and if it Sullivan Island, and all mainland por- is consistent with conservation of tions north of Chichagof Island and healthy populations. south of the latitude of Eldred Rock, (ii) Immediately after the wildlife is excluding drainages into Farragut Bay; taken, the tribal chief, village or tribal (iv) Unit 1D consists of that portion council president, or the chief’s or of Unit 1 north of the latitude of Eldred president’s designee for the village in Rock, excluding Sullivan Island and which the religious ceremony will be the drainages of Berners Bay; held must create a list of the successful (v) In the following areas, the taking hunters and maintain these records. of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- The list must be made available, after hibited or restricted on public lands: the harvest is completed, to a Federal (A) Public lands within Glacier Bay land manager upon request. National Park are closed to all taking of wildlife for subsistence uses; (iii) As soon as practical, but not (B) Unit 1A—in the Hyder area, the more than 15 days after the harvest, Salmon River drainage downstream the tribal chief, village council presi- from the Riverside Mine, excluding the dent, or designee must notify the Fed- Thumb Creek drainage, is closed to the eral land manager about the harvest taking of bear; location, species, sex, and number of (C) Unit 1B—the Anan Creek drain- animals taken. age within 1 mile of Anan Creek down- (n) Unit regulations. You may take for stream from the mouth of Anan Lake, subsistence unclassified wildlife, all including the area within a 1-mile ra- squirrel species, and marmots in all dius from the mouth of Anan Creek La- Units, without harvest limits, for the goon, is closed to the taking of bear; period of July 1–June 30. Unit-specific (D) Unit 1C: restrictions or allowances for subsist- (1) You may not hunt within one- ence taking of wildlife are identified at fourth mile of Mendenhall Lake, the paragraphs (n)(1) through (26) of this U.S. Forest Service section. Visitor’s Center, and the Center’s park- (1) Unit 1. Unit 1 consists of all main- ing area; land drainages from Dixon Entrance to (2) You may not take mountain goat Cape Fairweather, and those islands in the area of Mt. Bullard bounded by east of the center line of Clarence the Mendenhall Glacier, Nugget Creek Strait from Dixon Entrance to from its mouth to its confluence with Caamano Point, and all islands in Ste- Goat Creek, and a line from the mouth phens Passage and Lynn Canal north of of Goat Creek north to the Mendenhall Taku Inlet: Glacier; (i) Unit 1A consists of all drainages (vi) You may not trap furbearers for south of the latitude of Lemesurier subsistence uses in Unit 1C, Juneau Point including all drainages into area, on the following public lands: Behm Canal, excluding all drainages of (A) A strip within one-quarter mile of Ernest Sound; the mainland coast between the end of (ii) Unit 1B consists of all drainages Thane Road and the end of Glacier between the latitude of Lemesurier Highway at Echo Cove; Point and the latitude of Cape (B) That area of the Mendenhall Val- Fanshaw including all drainages of Er- ley bounded on the south by the Gla- nest Sound and Farragut Bay, and in- cier Highway, on the west by the cluding the islands east of the center Mendenhall Loop Road and Montana lines of Frederick Sound, Dry Strait Creek Road and Spur Road to (between Sergief and Kadin Islands), Mendenhall Lake, on the north by Eastern Passage, Blake Channel (ex- Mendenhall Lake, and on the east by


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the Mendenhall Loop Road and Forest Creek Trail, Outer Point Trail, Dan Service Glacier Spur Road to the For- Moller Trail, Perseverance Trail, Gran- est Service Visitor Center; ite Creek Trail, Mt. Roberts Trail and (C) That area within the U.S. Forest Nelson Water Supply Trail, Sheep Service Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Creek Trail, and Point Bishop Trail; Area; (vii) Unit-specific regulations: (D) A strip within one-quarter mile of (A) You may hunt black bear with the following trails as designated on bait in Units 1A, 1B, and 1D between U.S. Geological Survey maps: Herbert April 15 and June 15; Glacier Trail, Windfall Lake Trail, Pe- (B) You may not shoot ungulates, terson Lake Trail, Spaulding Meadows bear, wolves, or wolverine from a boat, Trail (including the loop trail), Nugget unless you are certified as disabled.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 2 bears, no more than one may be a blue or glacier bear ...... Sept. 1–June 30. Brown Bear: 1 bear every four regulatory years by State registration permit only ...... Sept. 15–Dec. 31. Mar. 15–May 31. Deer: Unit 1A—4 antlered deer ...... Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Unit 1B—2 antlered deer ...... Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Unit 1C—4 deer; however, female deer may be taken only from Sept. 15–Dec. 31 .. Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Goat: Unit 1A—Revillagigedo Island only ...... No open season. Unit 1B—that portion north of LeConte Bay—1 goat by State registration permit Aug. 1–Dec. 31. only; the taking of kids or nannies accompanied by kids is prohibited. Unit 1A and Unit 1B—that portion on the Cleveland Peninsula south of the divide No open season. between Yes Bay and Santa Anna Inlet. Unit 1A and Unit 1B—remainder —2 goats; a State registration permit will be re- Aug. 1–Dec. 31. quired for the taking of the first goat and a Federal registration permit for the tak- ing of a second goat. The taking of kids or nannies accompanied by kids is pro- hibited. Unit 1C—that portion draining into Lynn Canal and Stephens Passage between Ant- Oct. 1–Nov. 30. ler River and Eagle Glacier and River, and all drainages of the Chilkat Range south of the Endicott River—1 goat by State registration permit only. Unit 1C—that portion draining into Stephens Passage and Taku Inlet between No open season. Eagle Glacier and River and Taku Glacier. Unit 1C—remainder—1 goat by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 1–Nov. 30. Unit 1D—that portion lying north of the Katzehin River and northeast of the Haines Sept. 15–Nov. 30. highway—1 goat by State registration permit only. Unit 1D—that portion lying between Taiya Inlet and River and the White Pass and No open season. Yukon Railroad. Unit 1D—remainder—1 goat by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Moose: Unit 1A—1 antlered bull by Federal registration permit ...... Sept.–Oct. 15. Unit 1B—1 antlered bull with spike-fork or 50-inch antlers or 3 or more brow tines Sept.–Oct. 15. on one side, or antlers with 2 brow tines on both sides, by State registration per- mit only. Unit 1C—that portion south of Point Hobart including all Port Houghton drainages— Sept.–Oct. 15. 1 antlered bull with spike-fork or 50-inch antlers or 3 or more brow tines on one side, or antlers with 2 brow tines on both sides, by State registration permit only. Unit 1C—remainder, excluding drainages of Berners Bay—1 antlered bull by State Sept.–Oct. 15. registration permit only. Unit 1C, Berners Bay ...... No open season. Unit 1D ...... No open season. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): 5 hares per day ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Grouse (Spruce, Blue, and Ruffed): 5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 1—No limit ...... Dec. 1–May 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Muskrat: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15.


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Harvest limits Open season

Otter: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 1.

(2) Unit 2. Unit 2 consists of Prince of (i) Unit-specific regulations: Wales Island and all islands west of the (A) You may use bait to hunt black center lines of Clarence Strait and bear between April 15 and June 15; Kashevarof Passage, south and east of (B) You may not shoot ungulates, the center lines of Sumner Strait, and bear, wolves, or wolverine from a boat, east of the longitude of the western- unless you are certified as disabled. most point on . (ii) [Reserved]

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 2 bears, no more than one may be a blue or glacier bear ...... Sept. 1–June 30. Deer: 5 deer; however, no more than one may be a female deer...... July 24–Dec. 31. Female deer may be taken only during the period Oct. 15–Dec. 31. You are re- quired to report all harvest using a joint Federal/State harvest report. The harvest limit may be reduced to 4 deer based on conservation concerns. The Federal public lands on Prince of Wales Island, excluding the southeast portion (lands south of the West Arm of Cholmondeley Sound draining into Cholmondeley Sound or draining eastward into Clarence Strait), are closed to hunting of deer from Aug. 1 to Aug. 15, except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): 5 hares per day ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: 5 wolves. Federal hunting and trapping season may be closed when the combined Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Federal-State harvest quota is reached. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): 5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Dec. 1–May 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Muskrat: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Otter: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: No limit. Any wolf taken in Unit 2 must be sealed within 30 days of harvest ...... Nov. 15–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 1.

(3) Unit 3. mile wide on each side of the Mitkof (i) Unit 3 consists of all islands west Highway from Milepost 0 to Crystal of Unit 1B, north of Unit 2, south of the Lake campground; center line of Frederick Sound, and (B) You may not take black bears in east of the center line of Chatham the Petersburg Creek drainage on Strait including Coronation, Kuiu, Kupreanof Island; Kupreanof, Mitkof, Zarembo, (C) You may not hunt in the Blind Kashevaroff, Woronkofski, Etolin, Slough draining into Wrangell Narrows Wrangell, and Deer Islands. and a strip one-fourth mile wide on (ii) In the following areas, the taking each side of Blind Slough, from the of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- hunting closure markers at the south- hibited or restricted on public lands: ernmost portion of Blind Island to the (A) In the Petersburg vicinity, you hunting closure markers one mile may not take ungulates, bear, wolves, south of the Blind Slough bridge. and wolverine along a strip one-fourth (iii) Unit-specific regulations:


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(A) You may use bait to hunt black (B) You may not shoot ungulates, bear between April 15 and June 15; bear, wolves, or wolverine from a boat, unless you are certified as disabled.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 2 bears, no more than one may be a blue or glacier bear ...... Sept. 1–June 30. Deer: Unit 3—Mitkof, Woewodski, and Butterworth Islands—1 antlered deer ...... Oct. 15–Oct. 31. Unit 3—remainder—2 antlered deer ...... Aug. 1–Nov. 30. Dec. 1—Dec. 31, season to be announced. Moose: 1 antlered bull with spike-fork or 50-inch antlers or 3 or more brow tines on either Sept. 15–Oct. 15. antler, or antlers with 2 brow tines on both sides by State registration permit only. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): 5 hares per day ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Grouse (Spruce, Blue, and Ruffed): 5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 3—Mitkof Island—No limit ...... Dec. 1–Apr. 15. Unit 3—except Mitkof Island—No limit ...... Dec. 1–May 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Marten: Unit 3—except Kuiu Island—No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Unit 3—Kuiu Island ...... No open season (season to re- open to Federally qualified users on July 1, 2012). Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Muskrat: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Otter: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 1.

(4) Unit 4. (C) You may not take brown bears in (i) Unit 4 consists of all islands south the Port Althorp Closed Area and west of Unit 1C and north of Unit (Chichagof Island), that area within 3 including Admiralty, Baranof, the Port Althorp watershed south of a Chichagof, Yakobi, Inian, Lemesurier, line from Point Lucan to Salt Chuck and Pleasant Islands. Point (Trap Rock); (ii) In the following areas, the taking (D) You may not use any motorized of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- land vehicle for brown bear hunting in hibited or restricted on public lands: the Northeast Chichagof Controlled (A) You may not take brown bears in Use Area (NECCUA) consisting of all the Seymour Canal Closed Area (Admi- portions of Unit 4 on Chichagof Island ralty Island) including all drainages north of Tenakee Inlet and east of the into northwestern Seymour Canal be- drainage divide from the northwest tween Staunch Point and the southern- point of Gull Cove to Port Frederick most tip of the unnamed peninsula sep- Portage, including all drainages into arating Swan Cove and King Salmon Port Frederick and Mud Bay. Bay including Swan and Windfall Is- (iii) Unit-specific regulations: lands; (A) You may shoot ungulates from a (B) You may not take brown bears in boat. You may not shoot bear, wolves, the Salt Lake Closed Area (Admiralty or wolverine from a boat, unless you Island) including all lands within one- are certified as disabled; fourth mile of Salt Lake above (B) Five Federal registration permits Klutchman Rock at the head of Mitch- will be issued by the Sitka or Hoonah ell Bay; District Ranger for the taking of brown


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bear for educational purposes associ- educational permit does not count in ated with teaching customary and tra- an individual’s one bear every four reg- ditional subsistence harvest and use ulatory years limit. practices. Any bear taken under an

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Brown Bear: Unit 4—Chichagof Island south and west of a line that follows the crest of the island Sept. 15–Dec. 31. from Rock Point (58° N. lat., 136°21′ W. long.) to Rodgers Point (57°35′ N. lat., Mar. 15–May 31. 135°33′ W. long.) including Yakobi and other adjacent islands; Baranof Island south and west of a line which follows the crest of the island from Nismeni Point (57°34′ N. lat., 135°25′ W. long.) to the entrance of Gut Bay (56°44′ N. lat. 134°38′ W. long.) including the drainages into Gut Bay and including Kruzof and other adjacent islands—1 bear every four regulatory years by State registration permit only. Unit 4—remainder —1 bear every four regulatory years by State registration permit Sept. 15–Dec. 31. only. Mar. 15–May 20. Deer: 6 deer; however, female deer may be taken only from Sept. 15–Jan. 31 ...... Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Goat: 1 goat by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): 5 hares per day ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Grouse (Spruce, Blue, and Ruffed): 5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 4—No limit ...... Dec. 1–May 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black, and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Muskrat: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Otter: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 1.

(5) Unit 5. (ii) You may not take wildlife for (i) Unit 5 consists of all Gulf of Alas- subsistence uses on public lands within ka drainages and islands between Cape Glacier Bay National Park. Fairweather and the center line of Icy (iii) Unit-specific regulations: Bay, including the Guyot Hills: (A) You may use bait to hunt black (A) Unit 5A consists of all drainages bear between April 15 and June 15; east of Yakutat Bay, Disenchantment (B) You may not shoot ungulates, Bay, and the eastern edge of Hubbard bear, wolves, or wolverine from a boat, Glacier, and includes the islands of unless you are certified as disabled; (C) You may hunt brown bear in Unit Yakutat and Disenchantment Bays; 5 with a Federal registration permit in (B) Unit 5B consists of the remainder lieu of a State metal locking tag; if of Unit 5. you have obtained a Federal registra- tion permit prior to hunting.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 2 bears, no more than one may be a blue or glacier bear ...... Sept. 1–June 30. Brown Bear: 1 bear by Federal registration permit only ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Deer: Unit 5A—1 buck ...... Nov. 1–Nov. 30. Unit 5B ...... No open season. Goat: Unit 5A—that area between the Hubbard Glacier and the West Nunatak Glacier on No open season. the north and east sides of Nunatak Fjord.


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 5A remainder—1 goat by Federal registration permit. The harvest quota will be Aug. 1–Jan. 31. announced prior to the season. A minimum of four goats in the harvest quota will be reserved for Federally qualified subsistence user. Unit 5B—1 goat by Federal registration permit only ...... Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Moose: Unit 5A, Nunatak Bench—1 moose by State registration permit only. The season Nov. 15–Feb. 15. will be closed when 5 moose have been taken from the Nunatak Bench. Unit 5A, except Nunatak Bench—1 bull by joint State/Federal registration permit Oct. 8–Nov. 15. only. From Oct. 8–21, public lands will be closed to taking of moose, except by residents of Unit 5A hunting under these regulations. Unit 5B—1 antlered bull by State registration permit only. The season will be closed Sept. 1–Dec. 15. when 25 antlered bulls have been taken from the entirety of Unit 5B. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): 5 hares per day ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): 5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Nov. 10–May 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov 10–Feb. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Muskrat: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Feb. 15. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 1.

(6) Unit 6. (ii) Unit-specific regulations: (i) Unit 6 consists of all Gulf of Alas- (A) You may use bait to hunt black ka and Prince William Sound drainages bear between April 15 and June 15; from the center line of Icy Bay (exclud- (B) You may take coyotes in Units 6B ing the Guyot Hills) to Cape Fairfield and 6C with the aid of artificial lights; including Kayak, Hinchinbrook, Mon- (C) One permit will be issued by the tague, and adjacent islands, and Mid- Cordova District Ranger to the Native dleton Island, but excluding the Copper Village of Eyak to take one bull moose River drainage upstream from Miles from Federal lands in Units 6B or C for Glacier, and excluding the Nellie Juan their annual Memorial/Sobriety Day and Kings River drainages: potlatch; (A) Unit 6A consists of Gulf of Alaska (D) A Federally qualified subsistence drainages east of Palm Point near Katalla including Kanak, Wingham, user (recipient) who is either blind, 65 and Kayak Islands; years of age or older, at least 70 per- (B) Unit 6B consists of Gulf of Alaska cent disabled, or temporarily disabled and Copper River Basin drainages west may designate another Federally quali- of Palm Point near Katalla, east of the fied subsistence user to take any west bank of the Copper River, and moose, deer, black bear, and beaver on east of a line from Flag Point to Cot- his or her behalf in Unit 6, and goat in tonwood Point; Unit 6D, unless the recipient is a mem- (C) Unit 6C consists of drainages west ber of a community operating under a of the west bank of the Copper River, community harvest system. The des- and west of a line from Flag Point to ignated hunter must obtain a des- Cottonwood Point, and drainages east ignated hunter permit and must return of the east bank of Rude River and a completed harvest report. The des- drainages into the eastern shore of Nel- ignated hunter may hunt for any num- son Bay and Orca Inlet; ber of recipients, but may have no (D) Unit 6D consists of the remainder more than one harvest limit in his or of Unit 6. her possession at any one time;


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(E) A hunter younger than 10 years (G) Up to five permits will be issued old at the start of the hunt may not be by the Cordova District Ranger to the issued a Federal subsistence permit to Native Village of Chenega annually to harvest black bear, deer, goat, moose, harvest up to five deer total from Fed- wolf, and wolverine; eral public lands in Unit 6D for their (F) A hunter younger than 10 years annual Old Chenega Memorial. Permits old may harvest black bear, deer, goat, will have effective dates of July 1–June moose, wolf, and wolverine under the 30. direct, immediate supervision of a li- (H) Up to five permits will be issued censed adult, at least 18 years old. The by the Cordova District Ranger to the Tatitlek IRA Council annually to har- animal taken is counted against the vest up to five deer total from Federal adult’s harvest limit. The adult is re- public lands in Unit 6D for their annual sponsible for ensuring that all legal re- Cultural Heritage Week. Permits will quirements are met. have effective dates of July 1–June 30.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 1 bear ...... Sept. 1–June 30. Deer: 4 deer; however, antlerless deer may be taken only from Oct. 1–Dec. 31 ...... Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Goats: Unit 6A and B—1 goat by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 20–Jan. 31. Unit 6C ...... No open season. Unit 6D (subareas RG242, RG243, RG244, RG249, RG266 and RG252 only)—1 Aug. 20–Jan. 31. goat by Federal registration permit only. In each of the Unit 6D subareas, goat seasons will be closed by the Cordova District Ranger when harvest limits for that subarea are reached. Harvest quotas are as follows: RG242—2 goats, RG243—4 goats, RG244—2 goats, RG249—4 goats, RG266—4 goats, RG252—1 goat. Moose: Unit 6C—1 antlerless moose by Federal registration permit only ...... Sept. 1–Oct. 31. Unit 6C—1 bull by Federal registration permit only ...... Sept. 1–Dec. 31. (In Unit 6C, only one moose permit may be issued per household. A household re- ceiving a State permit for Unit 6C moose may not receive a Federal permit. The annual harvest quota will be announced by the U.S. Forest Service, Cordova Of- fice, in consultation with ADF&G. The Federal harvest allocation will be 100% of the antlerless moose permits and 75% of the bull permits.). Unit 6—remainder ...... No open season. Beaver: 1 beaver per day, 1 in possession ...... May 1–Oct. 31. Coyote: Unit 6A and D—2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Unit 6B and 6C—No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases) ...... No open season. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce): 5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 1–May 15. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Dec. 1–Apr. 30. Coyote: Unit 6C—south of the Copper River Highway and east of the Heney Range—No Nov. 10–Apr. 30. limit. Units 6A, 6B, 6C remainder, and 6D—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31 Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(7) Unit 7. Kings River drainages, and including (i) Unit 7 consists of Gulf of Alaska the Kenai River drainage upstream drainages between Gore Point and Cape from the Russian River, the drainages Fairfield including the Nellie Juan and into the south side of Turnagain Arm


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west of and including the Portage Glacier Creek, and Byron Glacier; how- Creek drainage, and east of 150° W. ever, you may hunt grouse, ptarmigan, long., and all Kenai Peninsula drain- hares, and squirrels with shotguns ages east of 150° W. long., from after September 1. Turnagain Arm to the Kenai River. (C) You may not hunt moose in the (ii) In the following areas, the taking Resurrection Creek Closed Area in Unit of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- 7, which consists of the drainages of hibited or restricted on public lands: Resurrection Creek downstream from (A) You may not take wildlife for Rimrock and Highland Creeks includ- subsistence uses in the Kenai Fjords ing Palmer Creek. National Park; (B) You may not hunt in the Portage (iii) Unit-specific regulations: Glacier Closed Area in Unit 7, which (A) You may use bait to hunt black consists of Portage Creek drainages be- bear between April 15 and June 15; ex- tween the Anchorage-Seward Railroad cept in the drainages of Resurrection and Placer Creek in Bear Valley, Por- Creek and its tributaries. tage Lake, the mouth of Byron Creek, (B) [Reserved]

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Caribou: Unit 7—north of the Sterling Highway and west of the Seward Highway—1 Caribou Aug. 10–June 30. by Federal Registration permit only. The Seward District Ranger will close the Federal season when 5 caribou are harvested by Federal registration permit. Unit 7, remainder ...... No open season. Moose: Unit 7—that portion draining into Kings Bay—Public lands are closed to the taking No open season. of moose by all users. Unit 7, remainder—1 antlered bull with spike-fork or 50-inch antlers or with 3 or Aug. 10–Sept. 20. more brow tines on either antler, by Federal registration permit only. Beaver: 1 beaver per day, 1 in possession ...... May 1–Oct. 10. Coyote: No limit ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Wolf: Unit 7—that portion within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge—2 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Unit 7, remainder—5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30.. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce): 10 per day, 20 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Grouse (Ruffed) ...... No open season. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. TRAPPING Beaver: 20 beaver per season ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Jan. 1–Jan. 31. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–May 15. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(8) Unit 8. Unit 8 consists of all is- ity Islands, the Semidi Islands, and lands southeast of the centerline of other adjacent islands. Shelikof Strait including Kodiak, (i) If you have a trapping license, you Afognak, Whale, Raspberry, Shuyak, may take beaver with a firearm in Unit Spruce, Marmot, Sitkalidak, Amook, 8 from Nov. 10–Apr. 30. Uganik, and Chirikof Islands, the Trin- (ii) [Reserved]


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Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Brown Bear: 1 bear by Federal registration permit only. Up to 1 permit may be issued in Dec. 1–Dec. 15. Akhiok; up to 1 permit may be issued in Karluk; up to 3 permits may be issued in Larsen Apr. 1–May 15. Bay; up to 2 permits may be issued in Old Harbor; up to 2 permits may be issued in Ouzinkie; and up to 2 permits may be issued in Port Lions. Permits will be issued by the Kodiak Refuge Manager. Deer: Unit 8—all lands within the Kodiak Archipelago within the Kodiak National Wildlife Ref- Aug. 1–Jan. 31. uge, including lands on Kodiak, Ban, Uganik, and Afognak Islands—3 deer; however, antlerless deer may be taken only from Oct. 1–Jan. 31. Elk: Kodiak, Ban, Uganik, and Afognak Islands—1 elk per household by Federal registration Sept. 15–Nov. 30. permit only. The season will be closed by announcement of the Refuge Manager, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge when the combined Federal/State harvest reaches 15% of the herd. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: 30 beaver per season ...... Nov. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31.

(9) Unit 9. (E) Unit 9E consists of the remainder (i) Unit 9 consists of the Alaska Pe- of Unit 9. ninsula and adjacent islands, including (ii) In the following areas, the taking drainages east of False Pass, Pacific of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- Ocean drainages west of and excluding hibited or restricted on public lands: the Redoubt Creek drainage; drainages (A) You may not take wildlife for into the south side of Bristol Bay, subsistence uses in Katmai National drainages into the north side of Bristol Park; Bay east of Etolin Point, and including (B) You may not use motorized vehi- the Sanak and Shumagin Islands: cles, except aircraft, boats, or snowmo- (A) Unit 9A consists of that portion biles used for hunting and transporting of Unit 9 draining into Shelikof Strait a hunter or harvested animal parts and Cook Inlet between the southern from Aug. 1–Nov. 30 in the Naknek boundary of Unit 16 (Redoubt Creek) Controlled Use Area, which includes all and the northern boundary of Katmai of Unit 9C within the Naknek River National Park and Preserve; drainage upstream from and including (B) Unit 9B consists of the Kvichak the King Salmon Creek drainage; how- River drainage except those lands ever, you may use a motorized vehicle drained by the Kvichak River/Bay be- on the Naknek-King Salmon, Lake tween the Alagnak River drainage and Camp, and Rapids Camp roads and on the Naknek River drainage; the King Salmon Creek trail, and on (C) Unit 9C consists of the Alagnak frozen surfaces of the Naknek River (Branch) River drainage, the Naknek and Big Creek. River drainage, lands drained by the (iii) Unit-specific regulations: Kvichak River/Bay between the (A) If you have a trapping license, Alagnak River drainage and the you may use a firearm to take beaver Naknek River drainage, and all land in Unit 9B from April 1–May 31 and in and water within Katmai National the remainder of Unit 9 from April 1–30; Park and Preserve; (B) You may hunt brown bear by (D) Unit 9D consists of all Alaska Pe- State registration permit in lieu of a ninsula drainages west of a line from resident tag in Unit 9B, except that the southernmost head of Port Moller portion within the Lake Clark Na- to the head of American Bay, including tional Park and Preserve, if you have the Shumagin Islands and other islands obtained a State registration permit of Unit 9 west of the Shumagin Islands; prior to hunting.


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(C) In Unit 9B, Lake Clark National must obtain a designated hunter per- Park and Preserve, residents of mit and must return a completed har- Iliamna, Newhalen, Nondalton, Pedro vest report and turn over all meat to Bay, Port Alsworth, residents of that the recipient. There is no restriction portion of the park resident zone in on the number of possession limits the Unit 9B, and 13,440 permit holders, may designated hunter may have in his/her hunt brown bear by Federal registra- possession at any one time; tion permit in lieu of a resident tag; (F) For Unit 9D, a Federally qualified ten permits will be available with at subsistence user (recipient) may des- least one permit issued in each commu- ignate another Federally qualified sub- nity; however, no more than five per- sistence user to take caribou on his or mits will be issued in a single commu- her behalf unless the recipient is a nity. The season will be closed when member of a community operating four females or ten bears have been under a community harvest system. taken, whichever occurs first. The per- The designated hunter must obtain a mits will be issued and closure an- designated hunter permit and must re- nouncements made by the Super- turn a completed harvest report. The intendent Lake Clark National Park designated hunter may hunt for any and Preserve; number of recipients but may have no (D) Residents of Iliamna, Newhalen, more than four harvest limits in his/ Nondalton, Pedro Bay, and Port her possession at any one time; Alsworth may take up to a total of 10 bull moose in Unit 9B for ceremonial (G) The communities of False Pass, purposes, under the terms of a Federal King Cove, Cold Bay, Sand Point, and registration permit from July 1–June Nelson Lagoon annually may each 30. Permits will be issued to individuals take, from October 1–December 31 or only at the request of a local organiza- May 10–25, one brown bear for ceremo- tion. This 10-moose limit is not cumu- nial purposes, under the terms of a lative with that permitted for Federal registration permit. A permit potlatches by the State; will be issued to an individual only at (E) For Units 9C and 9E only, a Fed- the request of a local organization. The erally qualified subsistence user (re- brown bear may be taken from either cipient) of Units 9C and 9E may des- Unit 9D or Unit 10 (Unimak Island) ignate another Federally qualified sub- only; sistence user of Units 9C and 9E to take (H) You may hunt brown bear in Unit bull caribou on his or her behalf unless 9E with a Federal registration permit the recipient is a member of a commu- in lieu of a State locking tag if you nity operating under a community har- have obtained a Federal registration vest system. The designated hunter permit prior to hunting.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: Unit 9B—Lake Clark National Park and Preserve—Rural residents of Iliamna, July 1–June 30. Newhalen, Nondalton, Pedro Bay, Port Alsworth, residents of that portion of the park resident zone in Unit 9B; and 13,440 permit holders—1 bear by Federal reg- istration permit only. The season will be closed by the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Super- intendent when four females or ten bear have been taken, whichever occurs first. Unit 9B, remainder—1 bear by State registration permit only ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Unit 9C—1 bear by Federal registration permit only ...... Oct. 1–May 31. The season will be closed by the Katmai National Park and Preserve Super- intendent in consultation with BLM and FWS land managers and ADF&G, when six females or ten bear have been taken, whichever occurs first. Unit 9E—1 bear by Federal registration permit ...... Sept. 25–Dec. 31. Apr. 15–May 25. Caribou: Unit 9A—2 caribou; no more than 1 caribou may be a bull, and no more than 1 car- Aug. 1–Mar. 15. ibou may be taken Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 9B —2 caribou; no more than 1 caribou may be a bull, and no more than 1 Aug. 1–Mar. 15. caribou may be taken Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 9C, that portion within the Alagnak River drainage—2 caribou; no more than 1 Aug. 1–Mar. 15. caribou may be a bull, and no more than 1 caribou may be taken Aug. 1–Jan. 31.


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 9C, remainder—Federal public lands are closed to the taking of caribou.. Unit 9D—Federal public lands are closed to the taking of caribou...... No open season. Unit 9E—Federal public lands are closed to the taking of caribou...... No open season. Sheep: Unit 9B, that portion within Lake Clark National Park and Preserve—1 ram with 3⁄4 July 15–Oct. 15. curl or larger horn by Federal registration permit only. By announcement of the Jan. 1–Apr. 1 Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Superintendent, the summer/fall season will be closed when up to 5 sheep are taken and the winter season will be closed when up to 2 sheep are taken.. Unit 9B—remainder—1 ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn by Federal registration permit Aug. 10–Oct. 10. only. Unit 9—remainder—1 ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Moose: Unit 9A—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–15. Unit 9B—1 bull ...... Aug. 20–Sept. 15. Dec. 1–Jan. 15. Unit 9C—that portion draining into the Naknek River from the north—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–15. Dec. 1–31. Unit 9C—that portion draining into the Naknek River from the south—1 bull by Fed- Aug. 20–Sept. 15. eral registration permit only. Public lands are closed during December for the Dec. 1–31. hunting of moose, except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Unit 9C—remainder—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–15. Dec. 15–Jan. 15. Unit 9D—1 bull by Federal registration permit. Federal public lands will be closed by Dec. 15–Jan. 20. announcement of the Izembek Refuge Manager to the harvest of moose when a total of 10 bulls have been harvested between State and Federal hunts.. Unit 9E—1 bull, however only antlered bulls may be taken Dec. 1–Jan. 31 ...... Aug. 20–Sept. 20. Dec. 1–Jan. 31. Beaver: Unit 9B and 9E—2 beaver per day ...... Apr. 15–May 31. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White): No limit ...... Dec. 1–Mar. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe and Tundra): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: 10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Oct. 10–Mar. 31 2 beaver per day; only firearms may be used ...... Apr. 15–May 31. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(10) Unit 10. nity operating under a community har- (i) Unit 10 consists of the Aleutian Is- vest system. The designated hunter lands, Unimak Island, and the Pribilof must obtain a designated hunter per- Islands. mit and must return a completed har- (ii) You may not take any wildlife vest report. The designated hunter may species for subsistence uses on Otter Is- hunt for any number of recipients but land in the Pribilof Islands. may have no more than four harvest (iii) In Unit 10—Unimak Island only, limits in his/her possession at any one a Federally qualified subsistence user time. (recipient) may designate another Fed- (iv) The communities of False Pass, erally qualified subsistence user to King Cove, Cold Bay, Sand Point, and take caribou on his or her behalf unless Nelson Lagoon annually may each the recipient is a member of a commu- take, from October 1–December 31 or


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May 10–25, one brown bear for ceremo- the request of a local organization. The nial purposes, under the terms of a brown bear may be taken from either Federal registration permit. A permit Unit 9D or Unit 10 (Unimak Island) will be issued to an individual only at only.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Caribou: Unit 10—Unimak Island only ...... No open season. Unit 10, remainder—No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Feb. 15. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(11) Unit 11. Unit 11 consists of that (ii) A joint permit may be issued to a area draining into the headwaters of pair of a minor and an elder to hunt the Copper River south of Suslota sheep during the Sept. 21–Oct. 20 hunt. Creek and the area drained by all trib- The following conditions apply: utaries into the east bank of the Cop- (A) The permittees must be a minor per River between the confluence of aged 8 to 15 years old and an accom- Suslota Creek with the Slana River panying adult 60 years of age or older; and Miles Glacier. (B) Both the elder and the minor (i) Unit-specific regulations: must be Federally qualified subsistence (A) You may use bait to hunt black users with a positive customary and bear between April 15 and June 15; traditional use determination for the (B) One moose without calf may be area they want to hunt; taken from June 20–July 31 in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and (C) The minor must hunt under the Preserve in Unit 11 or 12 for the direct immediate supervision of the ac- Batzulnetas Culture Camp. Two hunt- companying adult, who is responsible ers from either Chistochina or for ensuring that all legal require- Mentasta Village may be designated by ments are met; the Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium to (D) Only one animal may be har- receive the Federal subsistence harvest vested with this permit. The sheep har- permit. The permit may be obtained vested will count against the harvest from a Wrangell-St. Elias National limits of both the minor and accom- Park and Preserve office. panying adult.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: 1 bear ...... Aug. 10–June 15. Caribou: ...... No open season. Sheep: 1 sheep ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. 1 sheep by Federal registration permit only by persons 60 years of age or older ...... Sept. 21–Oct. 20. Goat: Unit 11—that portion within the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve that Aug. 25–Dec. 31. is bounded by the Chitina and Nizina rivers on the south, the Kennicott River and glacier on the southeast, and the Root Glacier on the east—1 goat by Federal registration permit only.


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 11—the remainder of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve—1 Aug. 10–Dec. 31. goat by Federal registration permit only. Unit 11—that portion outside of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve .. No open season. Federal public lands will be closed by announcement of the Superintendent, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve to the harvest of goats when a total of 45 goats has been harvested between Federal and State hunts. Moose: 1 antlered bull by Federal registration permit only ...... Aug 20–Sept. 20. Muskrat: No limit ...... Sept. 20–Jun. 10. Beaver: 1 beaver per day, 1 in possession ...... June 1–Oct. 10. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct.1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: 10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Jan. 31. Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Sept. 25—May 31. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(12) Unit 12. Unit 12 consists of the permit. The permit may be obtained Tanana River drainage upstream from from a Wrangell–St. Elias National the Robertson River, including all Park and Preserve office. drainages into the east bank of the (ii) A joint permit may be issued to a Robertson River, and the White River pair of a minor and an elder to hunt drainage in Alaska, but excluding the sheep during the Sept. 21–Oct. 20 hunt. Ladue River drainage. The following conditions apply: (i) Unit-specific regulations: (A) The permittees must be a minor (A) You may use bait to hunt black aged 8 to 15 years old and an accom- bear between April 15 and June 30; you panying adult 60 years of age or older; may use bait to hunt wolves on FWS and BLM lands; (B) Both the elder and the minor (B) You may not use a steel trap, or must be Federally qualified subsistence users with a positive customary and a snare using cable smaller than 3⁄32 inch diameter to trap coyotes or traditional use determination for the wolves in Unit 12 during April and Oc- area they want to hunt; tober; (C) The minor must hunt under the (C) One moose without calf may be direct immediate supervision of the ac- taken from June 20–July 31 in the companying adult, who is responsible Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and for ensuring that all legal require- Preserve in Unit 11 or 12 for the ments are met; Batzulnetas Culture Camp. Two hunt- (D) Only one animal may be har- ers from either Chistochina or vested with this permit. The sheep har- Mentasta Village may be designated by vested will count against the harvest the Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium to limits of both the minor and accom- receive the Federal subsistence harvest panying adult.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: 1 bear ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Caribou:


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 12—that portion of the Nabesna River drainage within the Wrangell–St. Elias No open season. National Park and Preserve and all Federal lands south of the Winter Trail run- ning southeast from Pickerel Lake to the Canadian border—All hunting of caribou is prohibited on Federal public lands. Unit 12—remainder—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–20. Unit 12—remainder—1 caribou may be taken by a Federal registration permit during Winter season to be announced. a winter season to be announced. Dates for a winter season to occur between Oct. 1 and Apr. 30 and sex of animal to be taken will be announced by Tetlin Na- tional Wildlife Refuge Manager in consultation with Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve Superintendent, Alaska Department of Fish and Game area biologists, and Chairs of the Eastern Interior Regional Advisory Council and Upper Tanana/Fortymile Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Sheep: Unit 12—1 ram with full curl or larger horn ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Unit 12—that portion within Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve—1 ram Sept. 21–Oct. 20. with full curl horn or larger by Federal registration permit only by persons 60 years of age or older. Moose: Unit 12—that portion within the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge and those lands with- Aug. 24–28. in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve north and east of a line formed by the Sept. 8–17. Pickerel Lake Winter Trail from the Canadian border to Pickerel Lake—1 antlered Nov. 20–Dec 10. bull. The Nov.–Dec. season is open by Federal registration permit only. Unit 12—that portion east of the Nabesna River and Nabesna Glacier, and south of Aug. 24–Sept. 30. the Winter Trail running southeast from Pickerel Lake to the Canadian border—1 antlered bull. Unit 12—remainder—1 antlered bull with spike/fork antlers ...... Aug. 15–23. Unit 12—remainder—1 antlered bull ...... Aug. 24–28. Sept. 1–17. Beaver: Unit 12—Wrangell–Saint Elias National Park and Preserve—6 beaver per season. Sept. 20–May 15. Meat from harvested beaver must be salvaged for human consumption. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 15. Wolf: 10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31 Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: 15 beaver per season. Only firearms may be used during Sept. 20–Oct. 31 and Apr. Sept. 20–May 15. 16–May 15, to take up to 6 beaver. Only traps or snares may be used Nov. 1–Apr. 15. The total annual harvest limit for beaver is 15, of which no more than 6 may be taken by firearm under trapping or hunting regulations. Meat from beaver harvested by firearm must be salvaged for human consumption. Coyote: No limit ...... Oct. 15–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit; however, no more than 5 lynx may be taken between Nov. 1 and Nov. 30 ..... Nov. 1–Dec. 31. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Sept. 20–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Oct. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28.

(13) Unit 13. tional Park at Windy; the drainage (i) Unit 13 consists of that area west- into the Susitna River upstream from erly of the east bank of the Copper its junction with the Chulitna River; River and drained by all tributaries the drainage into the east bank of the into the west bank of the Copper River Chulitna River upstream to its con- from Miles Glacier and including the fluence with Tokositna River; the Slana River drainages north of Suslota drainages of the Chulitna River (south Creek; the drainages into the Delta of Denali National Park) upstream River upstream from Falls Creek and from its confluence with the Tokositna Black Rapids Glacier; the drainages River; the drainages into the north into the Nenana River upstream from bank of the Tokositna River upstream the southeast corner of Denali Na- to the base of the Tokositna Glacier;


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the drainages into the Tokositna Gla- Susitna Glacier, then southerly along cier; the drainages into the east bank the west bank of the Susitna Glacier of the Susitna River between its and the Susitna River to the Tyone confluences with the Talkeetna and River, then up the Tyone River and Chulitna Rivers; the drainages into the across the divide to the headwaters of north and east bank of the Talkeetna the West Fork of the Gulkana River, River including the Talkeetna River to then down the West Fork of the its confluence with Clear Creek, the Gulkana River to the confluence of the eastside drainages of a line going up Gulkana River and the Copper River, the south bank of Clear Creek to the the point of beginning; first unnamed creek on the south, then (C) Unit 13C consists of that portion up that creek to lake 4408, along the of Unit 13 east of the Gakona River and northeast shore of lake 4408, then Gakona Glacier; southeast in a straight line to the (D) Unit 13D consists of that portion northern most fork of the Chickaloon of Unit 13 south of Unit 13A; River; the drainages into the east bank (E) Unit 13E consists of the remain- of the Chickaloon River below the line der of Unit 13. from lake 4408; the drainages of the (ii) Within the following areas, the Matanuska River above its confluence taking of wildlife for subsistence uses with the Chickaloon River: is prohibited or restricted on public (A) Unit 13A consists of that portion lands: of Unit 13 bounded by a line beginning (A) You may not take wildlife for at the Chickaloon River bridge at Mile subsistence uses on lands within Mount 77.7 on the Glenn Highway, then along McKinley National Park as it existed the Glenn Highway to its junction with prior to December 2, 1980. Subsistence the Richardson Highway, then south uses as authorized by this paragraph along the Richardson Highway to the (m)(13) are permitted in Denali Na- foot of Simpson Hill at Mile 111.5, then tional Preserve and lands added to east to the east bank of the Copper Denali National Park on December 2, River, then northerly along the east 1980; bank of the Copper River to its junc- (B) You may not use motorized vehi- tion with the Gulkana River, then cles or pack animals for hunting from northerly along the west bank of the Aug. 5–25 in the Delta Controlled Use Gulkana River to its junction with the Area, the boundary of which is defined West Fork of the Gulkana River, then as: a line beginning at the confluence westerly along the west bank of the of Miller Creek and the Delta River, West Fork of the Gulkana River to its then west to vertical angle benchmark source, an unnamed lake, then across Miller, then west to include all drain- the divide into the Tyone River drain- ages of Augustana Creek and Black age, down an unnamed stream into the Rapids Glacier, then north and east to Tyone River, then down the Tyone include all drainages of McGinnis River to the Susitna River, then down Creek to its confluence with the Delta the southern bank of the Susitna River River, then east in a straight line to the mouth of Kosina Creek, then up across the Delta River to Mile 236.7 Kosina Creek to its headwaters, then Richardson Highway, then north along across the divide and down Aspen the Richardson Highway to its junction Creek to the Talkeetna River, then with the Alaska Highway, then east southerly along the boundary of Unit along the Alaska Highway to the west 13 to the Chickaloon River bridge, the bank of the Johnson River, then south point of beginning; along the west bank of the Johnson (B) Unit 13B consists of that portion River and Johnson Glacier to the head of Unit 13 bounded by a line beginning of the Cantwell Glacier, then west at the confluence of the Copper River along the north bank of the Cantwell and the Gulkana River, then up the Glacier and Miller Creek to the Delta east bank of the Copper River to the River; Gakona River, then up the Gakona (C) Except for access and transpor- River and Gakona Glacier to the tation of harvested wildlife on boundary of Unit 13, then westerly Sourdough and Haggard Creeks, Middle along the boundary of Unit 13 to the Fork trails, or other trails designated


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by the Board, you may not use motor- (B) Upon written request by the ized vehicles for subsistence hunting in Camp Director to the Glennallen Field the Sourdough Controlled Use Area. Office, 2 caribou, sex to be determined The Sourdough Controlled Use Area by the Glennallen Field Office Manager consists of that portion of Unit 13B of the BLM, may be taken from Aug. bounded by a line beginning at the con- 10–Sept. 30 or Oct. 21–Mar. 31 by Fed- fluence of Sourdough Creek and the eral registration permit for the Hudson Gulkana River, then northerly along Lake Residential Treatment Camp. Ad- Sourdough Creek to the Richardson ditionally, 1 bull moose may be taken Highway at approximately Mile 148, Aug. 1–Sept. 20. The animals may be then northerly along the Richardson Highway to the Middle Fork Trail at taken by any Federally qualified approximately Mile 170, then westerly hunter designated by the Camp Direc- along the trail to the Gulkana River, tor. The hunter must have in his/her then southerly along the east bank of possession the permit and a designated the Gulkana River to its confluence hunter permit during all periods that with Sourdough Creek, the point of be- are being hunted; ginning; (C) Upon written request from the (D) You may not use any motorized Ahtna Heritage Foundation to the vehicle or pack animal for hunting, in- Glennallen Field Office, either 1 bull cluding the transportation of hunters, moose or 2 caribou, sex to be deter- their hunting gear, and/or parts of mined by the Glennallen Field Office game from July 26–September 30 in the Manager of the Bureau of Land Man- Tonsina Controlled Use Area. The agement, may be taken from Aug 1– Tonsina Controlled Use Area consists Sept. 20 for 1 moose or Aug. 10–Sept. 20 of that portion of Unit 13D bounded on for 2 caribou by Federal registration the west by the Richardson Highway permit for the Ahtna Heritage Founda- from the Tiekel River to the Tonsina tion’s culture camp. The permit will River at Tonsina, on the north along the south bank of the Tonsina River to expire on September 20 or when the where the Edgerton Highway crosses camp closes, whichever comes first. No the Tonsina River, then along the combination of caribou and moose is Edgerton Highway to Chitina, on the allowed. The animals may be taken by east by the Copper River from Chitina any Federally qualified hunter des- to the Tiekel River, and on the south ignated by the Camp Director. The by the north bank of the Tiekel River. hunter must have in his/her possession (iii) Unit-specific regulations: the permit and a designated hunter (A) You may use bait to hunt black permit during all periods that are bear between April 15 and June 15; being hunted.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: 1 bear. Bears taken within Denali National Park must be sealed within 5 days of Aug. 10–May 31. harvest. That portion within Denali National Park will be closed by announcement of the Superintendent after 4 bears have been harvested. Caribou: Unit 13A and 13B—2 caribou by Federal registration permit only. The sex of ani- Aug. 10–Sept. 30. mals that may be taken will be announced by the Glennallen Field Office Man- Oct. 21–Mar. 31. ager of the Bureau of Land Management in consultation with the Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game area biologist and Chairs of the Eastern Interior Regional Advisory Council and the Southcentral Regional Advisory Council. Unit 13—remainder—2 bulls by Federal registration permit only ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 30. You may not hunt within the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline right-of-way. The right-of-way Oct. 21–Mar. 31. is the area occupied by the pipeline (buried or above ground) and the cleared area 25 feet on either side of the pipeline. Sheep: Unit 13, excluding Unit 13D and the Tok Management Area and Delta Controlled Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Use Area—1 ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn. Moose: Unit 13E—1 antlered bull moose by Federal registration permit only; only 1 permit Aug. 1–Sept. 20. will be issued per household. Unit 13—remainder—1 antlered bull moose by Federal registration permit only. Aug. 1–Sept. 20. Beaver: 1 beaver per day, 1 in possession ...... June 15–Sept. 10.


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Harvest limits Open season

Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct.1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: 10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Jan. 31. Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Sept. 25–May 31. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Marten: Unit 13—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Sept. 25–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Oct. 15–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31.

(14) Unit 14. drainages to the outlet creek at lake (i) Unit 14 consists of drainages into 4408, on the east by the eastern bound- the north side of Turnagain Arm west ary of Unit 14, and on the south by of and excluding the Portage Creek Cook Inlet, Knik Arm, the south bank drainage, drainages into Knik Arm ex- of the Knik River from its mouth to its cluding drainages of the Chickaloon junction with Knik Glacier, across the and Matanuska Rivers in Unit 13, face of Knik Glacier and along the drainages into the north side of Cook north side of Knik Glacier to the Unit Inlet east of the Susitna River, drain- 6 boundary; ages into the east bank of the Susitna (B) Unit 14B consists of that portion River downstream from the Talkeetna of Unit 14 north of Unit 14A; River, and drainages into the south and (C) Unit 14C consists of that portion west bank of the Talkeetna River to its of Unit 14 south of Unit 14A. confluence with Clear Creek, the west (ii) In the following areas, the taking side drainages of a line going up the of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- south bank of Clear Creek to the first hibited or restricted on public lands: unnamed creek on the south, then up (A) You may not take wildlife for that creek to lake 4408, along the subsistence uses in the Fort Richard- northeast shore of lake 4408, then son and Elmendorf Air Force Base southeast in a straight line to the Management Areas, consisting of the northern most fork of the Chickaloon Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Mili- River: tary Reservations; (A) Unit 14A consists of drainages in (B) You may not take wildlife for Unit 14 bounded on the west by the east subsistence uses in the Anchorage bank of the Susitna River, on the north Management Area, consisting of all by the north bank of Willow Creek and drainages south of Elmendorf and Fort Peters Creek to its headwaters, then Richardson military reservations and east along the hydrologic divide sepa- north of and including Rainbow Creek. rating the Susitna River and Knik Arm (iii) Unit-specific regulations:

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: Unit 14C—1 bear ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. Beaver: Unit 14C—1 beaver per day, 1 in possession ...... May 15–Oct. 31. Coyote: Unit 14C—2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): Unit 14C—2 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): Unit 14C—5 hares per day ...... Sept. 8–Apr. 30. Lynx: Unit 14C—2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Jan. 31. Wolf: Unit 14C—5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: Unit 14C—1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31.


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Harvest limits Open season

Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): Unit 14C—5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Sept. 8–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): Unit 14C—10 per day, 20 in possession ...... Sept. 8–Mar. 31. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 14C—that portion within the drainages of Glacier Creek, Kern Creek, Peterson Dec. 1–Apr. 15. Creek, the Twentymile River and the drainages of Knik River outside —20 beaver per season. Coyote: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): Unit 14C—1 fox ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Dec. 15–Jan. 31. Marten: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Mink and Weasel: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–May 15. Otter: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: Unit 14C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolverine: Unit 14C—2 wolverines ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31.

(15) Unit 15. March 1 by bow and arrow only, in the (i) Unit 15 consists of that portion of Skilak Loop Management Area, which the Kenai Peninsula and adjacent is- consists of that portion of Unit 15A lands draining into the Gulf of Alaska, bounded by a line beginning at the Cook Inlet, and Turnagain Arm from easternmost junction of the Sterling Gore Point to the point where lon- Highway and the Skilak Loop (mile- gitude line 150°00′ W. crosses the coast- post 76.3), then due south to the south line of Chickaloon Bay in Turnagain bank of the Kenai River, then south- Arm, including that area lying west of erly along the south bank of the Kenai longitude line 150°00′ W. to the mouth River to its confluence with Skilak of the Russian River, then southerly Lake, then westerly along the north along the Chugach National Forest shore of Skilak Lake to Lower Skilak boundary to the upper end of Upper Lake Campground, then northerly Russian Lake; and including the drain- along the Lower Skilak Lake Camp- ages into Upper Russian Lake west of ground Road and the Skilak Loop Road the Chugach National Forest boundary: to its westernmost junction with the (A) Unit 15A consists of that portion Sterling Highway, then easterly along of Unit 15 north of the north bank of the Sterling Highway to the point of the Kenai River and the north shore of beginning. Skilak Lake; (iii) Unit-specific regulations: (B) Unit 15B consists of that portion (A) You may use bait to hunt black of Unit 15 south of the north bank of bear between April 15 and June 15; the Kenai River and the north shore of (B) You may not trap furbearers for Skilak Lake, and north of the north subsistence in the Skilak Loop Wildlife bank of the Kasilof River, the north Management Area; shore of Tustumena Lake, Glacier (C) You may not trap marten in that Creek, and Tustumena Glacier; portion of Unit 15B east of the Kenai (C) Unit 15C consists of the remain- River, Skilak Lake, Skilak River, and der of Unit 15. Skilak Glacier; (ii) You may not take wildlife, except (D) You may not take red fox in Unit for grouse, ptarmigan, and hares that 15 by any means other than a steel trap may be taken only from October 1– or snare.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: Units 15A and 15B—2 bears by Federal registration permit ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. Unit 15C—3 bears ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. Brown Bear: Unit 15C—1 bear every four regulatory years by Federal registration permit. Oct. 1–Nov. 30. to be announced The season may be opened or closed by announcement from the Kenai National Wildlife and Refuge Manager after consultation with ADF&G and the Chair of the Southcentral Alaska Apr. 1–Jun. 15, to be announced. Subsistence Regional Advisory Council. Moose: Unit 15A—Skilak Loop Wildlife Management Area ...... No open season.


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 15A—remainder, 15B, and 15C—1 antlered bull with spike-fork or 50-inch ant- Aug. 10–Sept. 20. lers or with 3 or more brow tines on either antler, by Federal registration permit only. Units 15B and 15C—1 antlered bull with spike-fork or 50-inch antlers or with 3 or Oct. 20–Nov. 10. more brow tines on either antler, by Federal registration permit only. The Kenai NWR Refuge Manager is authorized to close the October/November season based on conservation concerns, in consultation with ADF&G and the Chair of the Southcentral Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council. Coyote: No limit ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–Jun. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Wolf: Unit 15—that portion within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge—2 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Unit 15—remainder—5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Grouse (Ruffed): ...... No open season. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed):. Unit 15A and 15B—20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Unit 15C—20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Dec. 31. Unit 15C—5 per day, 10 in possession ...... Jan. 1–Mar. 31. TRAPPING Beaver: 20 Beaver per season ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 1 Fox ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Jan. 1–Jan. 31. Marten: Unit 15B—that portion east of the Kenai River, Skilak Lake, Skilak River, and Skilak No open season. Glacier. Remainder of Unit 15—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–May 15. Otter: Unit 15—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: Unit 15B and C—No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(16) Unit 16. Yentna River from its mouth upstream (i) Unit 16 consists of the drainages to the Kahiltna River, east of the east into Cook Inlet between Redoubt Creek bank of the Kahiltna River, and east of and the Susitna River, including Re- the Kahiltna Glacier; doubt Creek drainage, Kalgin Island, (B) Unit 16B consists of the remain- and the drainages on the west side of der of Unit 16. the Susitna River (including the (ii) You may not take wildlife for Susitna River) upstream to its con- subsistence uses in the Mount McKin- fluence with the Chulitna River; the ley National Park, as it existed prior drainages into the west side of the to December 2, 1980. Subsistence uses Chulitna River (including the Chulitna River) upstream to the Tokositna as authorized by this paragraph (m)(16) River, and drainages into the south are permitted in Denali National Pre- side of the Tokositna River upstream serve and lands added to Denali Na- to the base of the Tokositna Glacier, tional Park on December 2, 1980. including the drainage of the Kahiltna (iii) Unit-specific regulations: Glacier: (A) You may use bait to hunt black (A) Unit 16A consists of that portion bear between April 15 and June 15. of Unit 16 east of the east bank of the (B) [Reserved]

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Caribou: 1 caribou ...... Aug. 10–Oct. 31. Moose: Unit 16B—Redoubt Bay Drainages south and west of, and including the Kustatan Sept. 1–15. River drainage—1 bull.


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 16B––Denali National Preserve only—1 bull by Federal registration permit. One Sept. 1–30 Federal registration permit for moose issued per household. Dec. 1–Feb. 28 Unit 16B, remainder—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–30. Dec. 1–Feb. 28. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–Jun. 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Jan. 31. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Oct. 10–May 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Dec. 15–Jan. 31. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jun. 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(17) Unit 17. use any motorized vehicle for hunting (i) Unit 17 consists of drainages into ungulates, bears, wolves, and wol- Bristol Bay and the Bering Sea be- verine, including transportation of tween Etolin Point and Cape hunters and parts of ungulates, bear, Newenham, and all islands between wolves, or wolverine in the Upper these points including Hagemeister Is- Mulchatna Controlled Use Area con- land and the Walrus Islands: sisting of Unit 17B, from Aug. 1–Nov. 1. (A) Unit 17A consists of the drainages (B) [Reserved] between Cape Newenham and Cape (iii) Unit-specific regulations: Constantine, and Hagemeister Island (A) You may use bait to hunt black and the Walrus Islands; bear between April 15 and June 15; (B) Unit 17B consists of the Nushagak (B) You may hunt brown bear by River drainage upstream from, and in- State registration permit in lieu of a cluding the drainage resident tag if you have obtained a and the Wood River drainage upstream State registration permit prior to from the outlet of Lake Beverley; hunting; (C) Unit 17C consists of the remain- (C) [Reserved] der of Unit 17. (D) If you have a trapping license, (ii) In the following areas, the taking you may use a firearm to take beaver of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- in Unit 17 from April 15–May 31. You hibited or restricted on public lands: may not take beaver with a firearm (A) Except for aircraft and boats and under a trapping license on National in legal hunting camps, you may not Park Service lands.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 2 bears ...... Aug. 1–May 31. Brown Bear: Unit 17—1 bear by State registration permit only ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Caribou: Unit 17A—all drainages west of Right Hand Point—2 caribou; no more than 1 car- Aug. 1–Mar. 15. ibou may be a bull, and no more than 1 caribou may be taken Aug. 1–Jan. 31. The season may be closed and harvest limit reduced for the drainages between the Togiak River and Right Hand Point by announcement of the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Manager.


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Harvest limits Open season

Units 17A and 17C—that portion of 17A and 17C consisting of the Nushagak Penin- Aug. 1–Sept. 30. sula south of the Igushik River, Tuklung River and Tuklung Hills, west to Tvativak Dec. 1–Mar. 31. Bay—up to 2 caribou by Federal registration permit. Public lands are closed to the taking of caribou except by residents of Togiak, Twin Hills, Manokotak, Aleknagik, Dillingham, Clark’s Point, and Ekuk hunting under these regulations. The harvest objective, harvest limit, and the number of permits available will be announced by the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Manager after consultation with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Nushagak Peninsula Car- ibou Planning Committee. Successful hunters must report their harvest to the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge within 24 hours after returning from the field. The season may be closed by announcement of the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Manager. Units 17A remainder and 17C remainder—selected drainages; a harvest limit of up Season to occur sometime within to 2 caribou will be determined at the time the season is announced. Season, Aug. 1–Mar. 31. harvest limit, and hunt area to be announced by the Togiak National Wildlife Ref- uge Manager. Units 17B and 17C—that portion of 17C east of the Wood River and Wood River Aug. 1–Mar. 15. Lakes—2 caribou; no more than 1 caribou may be a bull, and no more than 1 caribou from Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Sheep: 1 ram with full curl or larger horn ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Moose: Unit 17A—1 bull by State registration permit ...... Aug. 25–Sept. 20. Unit 17A—that portion that includes the area east of the west shore of Nenevok Winter season to be announced. Lake, east of the west bank of the Kemuk River, and east of the west bank of the Togiak River south from the confluence Togiak and Kemuk Rivers—1 antlered bull by State registration permit. Up to a 14-day season during the period Dec. 1– Jan. 31 may be opened or closed by the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Man- ager after consultation with ADF&G and local users. Unit 17B—that portion that includes all the Mulchatna River drainage upstream from Aug. 20–Sept. 15. and including the Chilchitna River drainage—1 bull by State registration permit. During the period Sept. 1–15, a spike/fork bull or a bull with 50-inch antlers or with 3 or more brow tines on one side may be taken with a State harvest ticket.. Unit 17C—that portion that includes the Iowithla drainage and Sunshine Valley and Aug. 20–Sept. 15. all lands west of Wood River and south of Aleknagik Lake—1 bull by State reg- istration permit. During the period Sept. 1–15, a spike/fork bull or a bull with 50- inch antlers or with 3 or more brow tines on one side may be taken with a State harvest ticket. Unit 17B—remainder and 17C—remainder—1 bull by State registration permit. Dur- Aug. 20–Sept. 15. ing the period Sept. 1–15, a spike/fork bull or a bull with 50-inch antlers or with 3 Dec. 1–31. or more brow tines on one side may be taken with a State harvest ticket. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Dec. 1–Mar. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Feb. 15. Hare (Snowshoe and Tundra): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Wolf: 10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 17—No limit ...... Oct. 10–Mar. 31. Unit 17—2 beaver per day. Only firearms may be used ...... Apr. 15–May 31. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Muskrat: 2 muskrats ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Feb. 28.

(18) Unit 18. Paimiut and the drainages flowing into (i) Unit 18 consists of that area drain- the Bering Sea from Cape Newenham ing into the Yukon and Kuskokwim on the south to and including the Rivers downstream from a straight line Pastolik River drainage on the north; drawn between Lower Kalskag and


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Nunivak, St. Matthew, and adjacent is- (A) If you have a trapping license, lands between Cape Newenham and the you may use a firearm to take beaver Pastolik River. in Unit 18 from Apr. 1–Jun. 10; (ii) In the Kalskag Controlled Use (B) You may hunt brown bear by Area, which consists of that portion of State registration permit in lieu of a Unit 18 bounded by a line from Lower resident tag if you have obtained a Kalskag on the Kuskokwim River, State registration permit prior to northwesterly to Russian Mission on hunting; the Yukon River, then east along the (C) You may take caribou from a north bank of the Yukon River to the boat moving under power in Unit 18. old site of Paimiut, then back to Lower (D) You may take moose from a boat Kalskag, you are not allowed to use moving under power in that portion of aircraft for hunting any ungulate, Unit 18, north and west of a line from bear, wolf, or wolverine, including the the Kashunuk River including the transportation of any hunter and north bank from the mouth of the river ungulate, bear, wolf, or wolverine part; upstream to the old village of however, this does not apply to trans- Chakaktolik, west of line from portation of a hunter or ungulate, bear, Chakaktolik to Mountain Village and wolf, or wolverine part by aircraft be- excluding all Yukon River drainages tween publicly owned airports in the upriver from Mountain Village. Controlled Use Area or between a pub- (E) Taking of wildlife in Unit 18 while licly owned airport within the Area in possession of lead shot size T, .20 and points outside the Area. caliber or less in diameter, is prohib- (iii) Unit-specific regulations: ited.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: 1 bear by State registration permit only ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Caribou: 2 caribou; no more than 1 caribou may be a bull; no more than 1 caribou may be Aug. 1–Mar. 15. taken from Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Moose: Unit 18—that portion east of a line running from the mouth of the Ishkowik River to No open season. the closest point of Dall Lake, then to the east bank of the Johnson River at its entrance into Nunavakanukakslak Lake (N 60°59.41′ Latitude; W162°22.14′ Lon- gitude), continuing upriver along a line 1⁄2 mile south and east of, and paralleling a line along the southerly bank of the Johnson River to the confluence of the east bank of Crooked Creek, then continuing upriver to the outlet at Arhymot Lake, then following the south bank east of the Unit 18 border and then north of and in- cluding the Eek River drainage. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by residents of Tuntutuliak, Eek, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Kasigluk, Nunapitchuk, Atmautlauk, Oscarville, Bethel, Kwethluk, Akiachak, Akiak, Tuluksak, Lower Kalskag, and Kalskag. Unit 18—south of and including the Kanektok River drainages to the Goodnews No open season. River drainage. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose by all users. Unit 18–Goodnews River drainage and south to the Unit 18 boundary––1 antlered Aug. 25–Sept. 20. bull by State registration permit. Any needed closures will be announced by the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Manager after consultation with BLM, ADF&G, and the Chair of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Subsistence Regional Advisory Council. Unit 18—That portion north and west of the Kashunuk River including the north Aug. 10–Sept. 30. bank from the mouth of the river upstream to the old village of Chakaktolik, west of a line from Chakaktolik to Mountain Village and excluding all Yukon River drainages upriver from Mountain Village—1 antlered bull. Unit 18—That portion north and west of the Kashunuk River including the north Dec. 20–Feb. 28. bank from the mouth of the river upstream to the old village of Chakaktolik, west of a line from Chakaktolik to Mountain Village and excluding all Yukon River drainages upriver from Mountain Village—1 moose. If 1 antlered bull is taken dur- ing the fall season in this area, 1 additional moose may be taken during the win- ter season. If no moose are taken in the fall season, 2 moose may be taken in the winter season. No more than 2 moose may be harvested in this area in a reg- ulatory year. A federal registration permit is required. The Yukon Delta NWR Manager may restrict the harvest in the winter season to only 1 antlered bull or only 1 moose per regulatory year after consultation with the ADF&G and the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Subsistence Regional Advisory Council chair. Unit 18, remainder—1 antlered bull ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 30. Dec. 20–Jan. 10.


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Harvest limits Open season

Beaver: No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe and Tundra): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–May 30. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 10–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 10–Mar. 31.

(19) Unit 19. (D) Unit 19D consists of the remain- (i) Unit 19 consists of the Kuskokwim der of Unit 19. River drainage upstream from a (ii) In the following areas, the taking straight line drawn between Lower of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- Kalskag and Piamiut: hibited or restricted on public land: (A) Unit 19A consists of the (A) You may not take wildlife for Kuskokwim River drainage down- subsistence uses on lands within Mount stream from and including the Moose McKinley National Park as it existed Creek drainage on the north bank and prior to December 2, 1980. Subsistence downstream from and including the uses as authorized by this paragraph Stony River drainage on the south (m)(19) are permitted in Denali Na- bank, excluding Unit 19B; tional Preserve and lands added to (B) Unit 19B consists of the Aniak Denali National Park on December 2, River drainage upstream from and in- 1980; cluding the Salmon River drainage, the (B) In the Upper Kuskokwim Con- Holitna River drainage upstream from trolled Use Area, which consists of that and including the Bakbuk Creek drain- portion of Unit 19D upstream from the age, that area south of a line from the mouth of the Selatna River, but ex- mouth of Bakbuk Creek to the radar cluding the Selatna and Black River dome at Sparrevohn Air Force Base, in- drainages, to a line extending from cluding the Hoholitna River drainage Dyckman Mountain on the northern upstream from that line, and the Stony Unit 19D boundary southeast to the River drainage upstream from and in- 1,610 foot crest of Munsatli Ridge, then cluding the Can Creek drainage; south along Munsatli Ridge to the 2,981 (C) Unit 19C consists of that portion foot peak of Telida Mountain, then of Unit 19 south and east of a line from northeast to the intersection of the Benchmark M#1.26 (approximately 1.26 western boundary of Denali National miles south of the northwest corner of Preserve with the Minchumina-Telida the original Mt. McKinley National winter trail, then south along the west- Park boundary) to the peak of Lone ern boundary of Denali National Pre- Mountain, then due west to Big River, serve to the southern boundary of Unit including the Big River drainage up- 19D, you may not use aircraft for hunt- stream from that line, and including ing moose, including transportation of the Swift River drainage upstream any moose hunter or moose part; how- from and including the North Fork ever, this does not apply to transpor- drainage; tation of a moose hunter or moose part


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by aircraft between publicly owned air- (B) You may hunt brown bear by ports in the Controlled Use Area, or be- State registration permit in lieu of a tween a publicly owned airport within resident tag in those portions of 19A the area and points outside the area. and 19B downstream of and including (iii) Unit-specific regulations: the Aniak River drainage if you have (A) You may use bait to hunt black obtained a State registration permit bear between April 15 and June 30; prior to hunting.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: Unit 19A and 19B—those portions which are downstream of and including the Aniak Aug. 10–June 30 River drainage—1 bear by State registration permit. Unit 19A, remainder, 19B, remainder, and Unit 19D—1 bear ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Caribou: Unit 19A—north of Kuskokwim River—2 caribou, no more than 1 caribou may be a Aug. 1–Mar. 15. bull; no more than 1 caribou may be taken from Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 19A—south of the Kuskokwim River and Unit 19B (excluding rural Alaska resi- Aug. 1–Mar. 15. dents of Lime Village)—2 caribou; no more than 1 caribou may be a bull; no more than 1 caribou may be taken Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 19C—1 caribou ...... Aug. 10–Oct. 10. Unit 19D—south and east of the Kuskokwim River and North Fork of the Aug. 10–Sept. 30. Kuskokwim River—1 caribou. Nov. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 19D, remainder—1 caribou ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 30. Unit 19—Residents domiciled in Lime Village only—no individual harvest limit but a July 1–June 30. village harvest quota of 200 caribou; cows and calves may not be taken from Apr. 1–Aug. 9. Reporting will be by a community reporting system. Sheep: 1 ram with 7⁄8 curl horn or larger ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Moose: Unit 19—Residents of Lime Village only—no individual harvest limit, but a village July 1–June 30. harvest quota of 28 bulls (including those taken under the State permits). Report- ing will be by a community reporting system. Unit 19A—North of the Kuskokwim River, upstream from but excluding the George No open season. River drainage, and south of the Kuskokwim River upstream from and including the Downey Creek drainage, not including the Lime Village Management Area; Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose. Unit 19A, remainder—1 antlered bull by Federal drawing permit or a State permit. Sept. 1–20. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by residents of Tuluksak, Lower Kalskag, Upper Kalskag, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, and Crooked Creek hunting under these regulations. The Refuge Manager of the Yukon Delta NWR, in cooperation with the BLM Field Office Manager, will annually establish the harvest quota and number of permits to be issued in coordination with the State Tier I hunt. If the allowable harvest level is reached before the regular sea- son closing date, the Refuge Manager, in consultation with the BLM Field Office Manager, will announce an early closure of Federal public lands to all moose hunting. Unit 19B—1 bull with spike-fork or 50-inch antlers or antlers with 4 or more brow Sept. 1–20. tines on one side. Unit 19C—1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 1–20. Unit 19C—1 bull by State registration permit ...... Jan. 15–Feb. 15. Unit 19D—that portion of the Upper Kuskokwim Controlled Use Area within the Sept. 1–30. North Fork drainage upstream from the confluence of the South Fork to the mouth of the Swift Fork—1 antlered bull. Unit 19D—remainder of the Upper Kuskokwim Controlled Use Area—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–30. Dec. 1–Feb. 28. Unit 19D, remainder—1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 1–30. Dec. 1–15. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Wolf: Unit 19D—10 wolves per day ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Unit 19, remainder—5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10.


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Harvest limits Open season

Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31.

(20) Unit 20. (F) Unit 20F consists of the remain- (i) Unit 20 consists of the Yukon der of Unit 20. River drainage upstream from and in- (ii) In the following areas, the taking cluding the Tozitna River drainage to of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- and including the Hamlin Creek drain- hibited or restricted on public land: age, drainages into the south bank of (A) You may not take wildlife for the Yukon River upstream from and in- subsistence uses on lands within Mount cluding the drainage, the McKinley National Park as it existed Ladue River and Fortymile River prior to December 2, 1980. Subsistence drainages, and the Tanana River drain- uses as authorized by this paragraph age north of Unit 13 and downstream (n)(20) are permitted in Denali Na- from the east bank of the Robertson tional Preserve and lands added to River: Denali National Park on December 2, (A) Unit 20A consists of that portion 1980; of Unit 20 bounded on the south by the (B) You may not use motorized vehi- Unit 13 boundary, bounded on the east cles or pack animals for hunting from by the west bank of the Delta River, Aug. 5–25 in the Delta Controlled Use bounded on the north by the north Area, the boundary of which is defined bank of the Tanana River from its con- as: A line beginning at the confluence fluence with the Delta River down- of Miller Creek and the Delta River, stream to its confluence with the then west to vertical angle benchmark Nenana River, and bounded on the west Miller, then west to include all drain- by the east bank of the Nenana River; ages of Augustana Creek and Black (B) Unit 20B consists of drainages Rapids Glacier, then north and east to into the north bank of the Tanana include all drainages of McGinnis River from and including Hot Springs Creek to its confluence with the Delta Slough upstream to and including the River, then east in a straight line Banner Creek drainage; across the Delta River to Mile 236.7 of (C) Unit 20C consists of that portion the Richardson Highway, then north of Unit 20 bounded on the east by the along the Richardson Highway to its east bank of the Nenana River and on junction with the Alaska Highway, the north by the north bank of the then east along the Alaska Highway to Tanana River downstream from the the west bank of the Johnson River, Nenana River; then south along the west bank of the (D) Unit 20D consists of that portion Johnson River and Johnson Glacier to of Unit 20 bounded on the east by the the head of the Canwell Glacier, then east bank of the Robertson River and west along the north bank of the on the west by the west bank of the Canwell Glacier and Miller Creek to Delta River, and drainages into the the Delta River; north bank of the Tanana River from (C) You may not use firearms, snow- its confluence with the Robertson mobiles, licensed highway vehicles or River downstream to, but excluding, motorized vehicles, except aircraft and the Banner Creek drainage; boats, in the Dalton Highway Corridor (E) Unit 20E consists of drainages Management Area, which consists of into the south bank of the Yukon River those portions of Units 20, 24, 25, and 26 upstream from and including the Char- extending 5 miles from each side of the ley River drainage, and the Ladue Dalton Highway from the Yukon River River drainage; to milepost 300 of the Dalton Highway,


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except as follows: Residents living River (including all channels and within the Dalton Highway Corridor sloughs except Swan Neck Slough), to Management Area may use snowmo- the confluence of the Tanana and biles only for the subsistence taking of Tolovana Rivers and then northerly to wildlife. You may use licensed highway the point of beginning; vehicles only on designated roads with- (F) You may only hunt moose by bow in the Dalton Highway Corridor Man- and arrow in the Fairbanks Manage- agement Area. The residents of Alatna, ment Area. The Area consists of that Allakaket, Anaktuvuk Pass, Bettles, portion of Unit 20B bounded by a line Evansville, Stevens Village, and resi- from the confluence of Rosie Creek and dents living within the Corridor may the Tanana River, northerly along use firearms within the Corridor only Rosie Creek to Isberg Road, then for subsistence taking of wildlife; northeasterly on Isberg Road to Crip- (D) You may not use any motorized ple Creek Road, then northeasterly on vehicle for hunting from August 5–Sep- Cripple Creek Road to the Parks High- tember 20 in the Glacier Mountain Con- way, then north on the Parks Highway trolled Use Area, which consists of that to Alder Creek, then westerly to the portion of Unit 20E bounded by a line middle fork of Rosie Creek through beginning at Mile 140 of the Taylor section 26 to the Parks Highway, then Highway, then north along the high- east along the Parks Highway to Alder way to Eagle, then west along the cat Creek, then upstream along Alder trail from Eagle to Crooked Creek, Creek to its confluence with Emma then from Crooked Creek southwest Creek, then upstream along Emma along the west bank of Mogul Creek to Creek to its headwaters, then north- its headwaters on North Peak, then erly along the hydrographic divide be- west across North Peak to the head- tween Goldstream Creek drainages and waters of Independence Creek, then Cripple Creek drainages to the summit southwest along the west bank of Inde- of Ester Dome, then down Sheep Creek pendence Creek to its confluence with to its confluence with Goldstream the North Fork of the Fortymile River, Creek, then easterly along Goldstream then easterly along the south bank of Creek to Sheep Creek Road, then north the North Fork of the Fortymile River on Sheep Creek Road to Murphy Dome to its confluence with Champion Creek, Road, then west on Murphy Dome Road then across the North Fork of the to Old Murphy Dome Road, then east Fortymile River to the south bank of on Old Murphy Dome Road to the El- Champion Creek and easterly along the liot Highway, then south on the Elliot south bank of Champion Creek to its Highway to Goldstream Creek, then confluence with Little Champion easterly along Goldstream Creek to its Creek, then northeast along the east confluence with First Chance Creek, bank of Little Champion Creek to its Davidson Ditch, then southeasterly headwaters, then northeasterly in a di- along the Davidson Ditch to its con- rect line to Mile 140 on the Taylor fluence with the tributary to Highway; however, this does not pro- Goldstream Creek in Section 29, then hibit motorized access via, or transpor- downstream along the tributary to its tation of harvested wildlife on, the confluence with Goldstream Creek, Taylor Highway or any airport; then in a straight line to First Chance (E) You may by permit hunt moose Creek, then up First Chance Creek to on the Minto Flats Management Area, Tungsten Hill, then southerly along which consists of that portion of Unit Steele Creek to its confluence with 20 bounded by the Elliot Highway be- Ruby Creek, then upstream along Ruby ginning at Mile 118, then northeasterly Creek to Esro Road, then south on Esro to Mile 96, then east to the Tolovana Road to Chena Hot Springs Road, then Hotsprings Dome, then east to the Win- east on Chena Hot Springs Road to ter Cat Trail, then along the Cat Trail Nordale Road, then south on Nordale south to the Old Telegraph Trail at Road to the Chena River, to its inter- Dunbar, then westerly along the trail section with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline to a point where it joins the Tanana right of way, then southeasterly along River 3 miles above Old Minto, then the easterly edge of the Trans-Alaska along the north bank of the Tanana Pipeline right of way to the Chena


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River, then along the north bank of the inch diameter to trap coyotes or Chena River to the Moose Creek dike, wolves in Unit 20E during April and Oc- then southerly along the Moose Creek tober; dike to its intersection with the (C) Residents of Units 20 and 21 may Tanana River, and then westerly along take up to three moose per regulatory the north bank of the Tanana River to year for the celebration known as the the point of beginning. Nuchalawoyya Potlatch, under the (iii) Unit-specific regulations: terms of a Federal registration permit. (A) You may use bait to hunt black Permits will be issued to individuals at bear from April 15–June 30; you may the request of the Native Village of use bait to hunt wolves on FWS and BLM lands; Tanana only. This three-moose limit is (B) You may not use a steel trap, or not cumulative with that permitted by the State. a snare using cable smaller than 3⁄32

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: Unit 20A—1 bear ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Unit 20E—1 bear ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Unit 20, remainder—1 bear ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Caribou: Unit 20E—1 caribou by joint State/Federal registration permit only. Up to 900 car- Aug. 10–Sept. 30. ibou may be taken under a State/Federal harvest quota. During the fall season Nov. 1–Feb. 28. the harvest will be restricted to 1 bull and the harvest will not exceed 100 caribou between Aug. 10–29. During the winter season, area closures or hunt restrictions may be announced when Nelchina caribou are present in a mix of more than 1 Nelchina caribou to 15 Fortymile caribou, except when the number of caribou present is low enough that less than 50 Nelchina caribou will be harvested re- gardless of the mixing ratio for the two herds. Unit 20F—north of the Yukon River—1 caribou ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Unit 20F—east of the Dalton Highway and south of the Yukon River—1 caribou; Aug. 10–Sept. 20 cow caribou may be taken only from Nov. 1–March 31. During the November 1– Nov. 1–Mar. 31. March 31 season, a State registration permit is required. Moose: Unit 20A—1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 1–20. Unit 20B—that portion within the Minto Flats Management Area—1 bull by Federal Sept. 1–20. registration permit only. Jan. 10–Feb. 28. Unit 20B, remainder —1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 1–20. Unit 20C—that portion within Denali National Park and Preserve west of the Toklat Sept. 1–30. River, excluding lands within Mount McKinley National Park as it existed prior to Nov. 15–Dec. 15. December 2, 1980—1 antlered bull; however, white-phased or partial albino (more than 50 percent white) moose may not be taken. Unit 20C, remainder —1 antlered bull; however, white-phased or partial albino Sept. 1–30. (more than 50 percent white) moose may not be taken. Unit 20E—that portion within Yukon–Charley Rivers National Preserve—1 bull ...... Aug. 20–Sept. 30. Unit 20E—that portion drained by the Middle Fork of the Fortymile River upstream Aug. 24–Sept. 25. from and including the Joseph Creek drainage—1 bull. Unit 20E remainder—1 bull by joint Federal/State registration permit ...... Aug. 24–Sept. 25. Unit 20F—that portion within the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area—1 Sept. 1–25. antlered bull by Federal registration permit only. Unit 20F, remainder—1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 1–25. Dec. 1–10. Beaver: Unit 20E—Yukon–Charley Rivers National Preserve—6 beaver per season. Meat Sept. 20–May 15. from harvested beaver must be salvaged for human consumption. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: Unit 20A, 20B, and that portion of 20C east of the Teklanika River—2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Jan 31. Unit 20E—2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Jan 31. Unit 20, remainder—2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Jan. 31. Muskrat: Unit 20E, that portion within Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve—No limit ...... Sept. 20–June 10. Unit 20C, that portion within Denali National Park and Preserve—25 muskrat ...... Nov. 1–Jun. 10. Unit 20, remainder ...... No open season. Wolf: Unit 20—10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30.


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 20C, that portion within Denali National Park and Preserve—1 wolf during the Aug. 10–Oct. 31. Aug. 10–Oct. 31 period; 5 wolves during the Nov. 1–Apr. 30 period, for a total of Nov. 1–Apr. 30. 6 wolves for the season. Unit 20C, remainder—10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): Units 20A, 20B, 20C, 20E, and 20F—15 per day, Aug. 10–Mar. 31. 30 in possession. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): Unit 20—those portions within 5 miles of Alaska Route 5 (Taylor Highway, both to Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Eagle and the Alaska- boundary) and that portion of Alaska Route 4 (Richardson Highway) south of Delta Junction—20 per day, 40 in possession. Unit 20, remainder—20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: Units 20A, 20B, 20C, and 20F—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Unit 20E—25 beaver per season. Only firearms may be used during Sept. 20–Oct. Sept. 20–May 15. 31 and Apr. 16–May 15, to take up to 6 beaver. Only traps or snares may be used Nov. 1–Apr. 15. The total annual harvest limit for beaver is 25, of which no more than 6 may be taken by firearm under trapping or hunting regulations. Meat from beaver harvested by firearm must be salvaged for human consumption. Coyote: Unit 20E—No limit ...... Oct. 15–Apr. 30. Unit 20, remainder—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Lynx: Unit 20A, 20B, and 20C east of the Teklanika River—No limit ...... Dec. 15–Feb. 15. Unit 20E—No limit; however, no more than 5 lynx may be taken between Nov. 1 Nov. 1–Dec. 31. and Nov. 30. Unit 20F and 20C—remainder—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: Unit 20E—No limit ...... Sept. 20–June 10. Unit 20, remainder—No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: Unit 20A, 20B, 20C, & 20F—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Unit 20E—No limit ...... Oct. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28.

(21) Unit 21. upstream from and including the Cot- (i) Unit 21 consists of drainages into tonwood Creek drainage; the Yukon River upstream from (D) Unit 21D consists of the Yukon Paimiut to, but not including, the River drainage from and including the Tozitna River drainage on the north Blackburn Creek drainage upstream to bank, and to, but not including, the Ruby, including the area west of the Tanana River drainage on the south Ruby-Poorman Road, excluding the bank; and excluding the Koyukuk drainage upstream River drainage upstream from the from the Dulbi River drainage, and ex- Dulbi River drainage: cluding the Dulbi River drainage up- (A) Unit 21A consists of the Innoko stream from Cottonwood Creek; River drainage upstream from and in- (E) Unit 21E consists of the Yukon cluding the Iditarod River drainage; River drainage from Paimiut upstream (B) Unit 21B consists of the Yukon to, but not including, the Blackburn River drainage upstream from Ruby Creek drainage, and the Innoko River and east of the Ruby-Poorman Road, drainage downstream from the Iditarod downstream from and excluding the River drainage. Tozitna River and Tanana River drain- (ii) In the following areas, the taking ages, and excluding the Melozitna of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- River drainage upstream from Grayling hibited or restricted on public land: Creek; (A) The Koyukuk Controlled Use (C) Unit 21C consists of the Melozitna Area, which consists of those portions River drainage upstream from Grayling of Units 21 and 24 bounded by a line Creek, and the Dulbi River drainage from the north bank of the Yukon


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River at Koyukuk at 64°52.58′ N. lat., Paimiut, is closed during moose hunt- 157°43.10′ W. long., then northerly to ing seasons to the use of aircraft for the confluences of the Honhosa and hunting moose, including transpor- Kateel Rivers at 65°28.42′ N. lat., tation of any moose hunter or part of 157°44.89′ W. long., then northeasterly moose; however, this does not apply to to the confluences of Billy Hawk Creek transportation of a moose hunter or and the Huslia River (65°57′ N. lat., part of moose by aircraft between pub- 156°41′ W. long.) at 65°56.66′ N. lat., licly owned airports in the Controlled 156°40.81′ W. long., then easterly to the Use Area or between a publicly owned confluence of the forks of the Dakli airport within the area and points out- River at 66°02.56′ N. lat., 156°12.71′ W. side the area. long., then easterly to the confluence (iii) In Unit 21D, you may hunt brown of McLanes Creek and the Hogatza bear by State registration permit in River at 66°00.31′ N. lat., 155°18.57′ W. lieu of a resident tag if you have ob- long., then southwesterly to the crest tained a State registration permit of Hochandochtla Mountain at 65°31.87′ prior to hunting. Aircraft may not be N. lat., 154°52.18′ W. long., then south- used in any manner for brown bear west to the mouth of Cottonwood hunting under the authority of a brown Creek at 65°13.00′ N. lat., 156°06.43′ W. bear State registration permit, includ- long., then southwest to Bishop Rock ing transportation of hunters, bears, or (Yistletaw) at 64°49.35′ N. lat., 157°21.73′ parts of bears; however, this does not W. long., then westerly along the north apply to transportation of bear hunters bank of the Yukon River (including or bear parts by regularly scheduled Koyukuk Island) to the point of begin- flights to and between communities by ning, is closed during moose hunting carriers that normally provide sched- seasons to the use of aircraft for hunt- uled service to this area, nor does it ing moose, including transportation of apply to transportation of aircraft to any moose hunter or moose part; how- or between publicly owned airports. ever, this does not apply to transpor- (iv) Unit-specific regulations: tation of a moose hunter or moose part (A) You may use bait to hunt black by aircraft between publicly owned air- bear between April 15 and June 30; and ports in the controlled use area or be- in the Koyukuk Controlled Use Area, tween a publicly owned airport within you may also use bait to hunt black the area and points outside the area; bear between September 1 and Sep- all hunters on the Koyukuk River pass- tember 25; ing the ADF&G-operated check station (B) If you have a trapping license, at Ella’s Cabin (15 miles upstream from you may use a firearm to take beaver the Yukon on the Koyukuk River) are in Unit 21(E) from Nov. 1–June 10; required to stop and report to ADF&G (C) The residents of Units 20 and 21 personnel at the check station; may take up to three moose per regu- (B) The Paradise Controlled Use latory year for the celebration known Area, which consists of that portion of as the Nuchalawoyya Potlatch, under Unit 21 bounded by a line beginning at the terms of a Federal registration per- the old village of Paimiut, then north mit. Permits will be issued to individ- along the west bank of the Yukon uals only at the request of the Native River to Paradise, then northwest to Village of Tanana. This three moose the mouth of Stanstrom Creek on the limit is not cumulative with that per- Bonasila River, then northeast to the mitted by the State; mouth of the Anvik River, then along (D) The residents of Unit 21 may take the west bank of the Yukon River to up to three moose per regulatory year the lower end of Eagle Island (approxi- for the celebration known as the mately 45 miles north of Grayling), Kaltag/Nulato Stickdance, under the then to the mouth of the Iditarod terms of a Federal registration permit. River, then down the east bank of the Permits will be issued to individuals Innoko River to its confluence with only at the request of the Native Vil- Paimiut Slough, then south along the lage of Kaltag or Nulato. This three east bank of Paimiut Slough to its moose limit is not cumulative with mouth, and then to the old village of that permitted by the State.


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Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: Unit 21D—1 bear by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Unit 21, remainder—1 bear ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Caribou: Unit 21A—1 caribou ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 30. Dec. 10–Dec. 20. Unit 21B—that portion north of the Yukon River and downstream from Ukawutni No open season. Creek. Unit 21C—the Dulbi and Melozitna River drainages downstream from Big Creek ..... No open season. Unit 21B remainder, 21C remainder, and 21E—1 caribou ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 30. Unit 21D—north of the Yukon River and east of the Koyukuk River—caribou may Winter season to be announced. be taken during a winter season to be announced by the Refuge Manager of the Koyukuk/Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Manager and the BLM Central Yukon Field Office Manager, in consultation with ADF&G and the Chairs of the Western Interior Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, and the Middle Yukon and Ruby Fish and Game Advisory Committees. Unit 21D, remainder—5 caribou per day; however, cow caribou may not be taken July 1–June 30. May 16–June 30. Moose: Unit 21B—that part of the drainage downstream from and including Sept. 5–Oct. 1. the Little Mud River drainage—1 bull. A State registration permit is required from Sept. 5–25. A Federal registration permit is required from Sept. 26–Oct. 1. Unit 21B—that part of the Nowitna River drainage downstream from and including Five-day season to be an- the Little Mud River drainage—1 antlered bull. A Federal registration permit is re- nounced between Dec. 1 and quired during the 5-day season and will be limited to one per household. The 5- March 31. day season may be announced by the Koyukuk/Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Manager after consultation with the ADF&G and the Chairs of the Western Inte- rior Regional Advisory Council and the Ruby Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Unit 21A and 21B, remainder—1 bull ...... Aug. 20–Sept. 25. Nov. 1–30. Unit 21C—1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 5–25. Unit 21D—Koyukuk Controlled Use Area—1 bull; ...... Sep. 1–25. 1 antlerless moose by Federal permit if authorized by announcement by the Mar. 1–5 season to be an- Koyukuk/Nowitna NWR manager. Harvest of cow moose accompanied by calves nounced. is prohibited. A harvestable surplus of cows will be determined for a quota. or 1 antlered bull by Federal permit, if there is no Mar.1–5 season and if authorized by Apr. 10–15 season to be an- announcement by the Koyukuk/Nowitna NWR manager and BLM Central Yukon nounced. field office manager. A harvestable surplus of bulls will be determined for a quota. Announcement for the Mar. and Apr. seasons and harvest quotas will be made after consultation with the ADF&G area biologist and the Chairs of the Western Interior Regional Advisory Council and Middle Yukon and Koyukuk River Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Unit 21D, remainder—1 moose; however, antlerless moose may be taken only dur- Aug. 22–31. ing Sept. 21–25 and the Mar. 1–5 season if authorized jointly by the Koyukuk/ Sept. 5–25. Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Manager and the Central Yukon Field Office Mar. 1–5 season to be an- Manager, Bureau of Land Management. Harvest of cow moose accompanied by nounced. calves is prohibited. During the Aug. 22–31 and Sept. 5–25 seasons, a State reg- istration permit is required. During the Mar. 1–5 season a Federal registration permit is required. Announcement for the antlerless moose seasons and cow quotas will be made after consultation with the ADF&G area biologist and the Chairs of the Western Interior Regional Advisory Council and the Middle Yukon Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Unit 21E—1 moose; however, only bulls may be taken from Aug. 25–Sept. 30 ...... Aug. 25–Sept. 30. Feb. 15–Mar. 15. During the Feb. 15–Mar. 15 season a Federal registration permit is required. The permit conditions and any needed closures for the winter season will be an- nounced by the Innoko NWR manager after consultation with the ADF&G area bi- ologist and the Chairs of the Western Interior Regional Advisory Council and the Middle Yukon Fish and Game Advisory Committee as stipulated in a letter of del- egation. Moose may not be taken within one-half mile of the Innoko or Yukon River during the winter season. Beaver: Unit 21E—No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Unit 21, remainder ...... No open season. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe and Tundra): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Wolf: 5 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31.


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Harvest limits Open season

Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: No Limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31.

(22) Unit 22. transportation of hunters, bears, or (i) Unit 22 consists of Bering Sea, parts of bears; however, this does not Norton Sound, Bering Strait, Chukchi apply to transportation of bear hunters Sea, and Kotzebue Sound drainages or bear parts by regularly scheduled from, but excluding, the Pastolik River flights to and between communities by drainage in southern Norton Sound to, carriers that normally provide sched- but not including, the Goodhope River uled service to this area, nor does it drainage in Southern Kotzebue Sound, apply to transportation of aircraft to and all adjacent islands in the Bering or between publicly owned airports. Sea between the mouths of the (iii) Unit-specific regulations: Goodhope and Pastolik Rivers: (A) If you have a trapping license, (A) Unit 22A consists of Norton you may use a firearm to take beaver Sound drainages from, but excluding, in Unit 22 during the established sea- the Pastolik River drainage to, and in- sons; cluding, the Ungalik River drainage, (B) Coyote, incidentally taken with a and Stuart and Besboro Islands; trap or snare, may be used for subsist- (B) Unit 22B consists of Norton Sound ence purposes; drainages from, but excluding, the (C) A snowmachine may be used to Ungalik River drainage to, and includ- position a hunter to select individual ing, the Topkok Creek drainage; caribou for harvest provided that the (C) Unit 22C consists of Norton Sound animals are not shot from a moving and Bering Sea drainages from, but ex- snowmachine; cluding, the Topkok Creek drainage to, (D) The taking of one bull moose and and including, the Tisuk River drain- up to three musk oxen by the commu- age, and King and Sledge Islands; nity of Wales is allowed for the cele- (D) Unit 22D consists of that portion bration of the Kingikmuit Dance Fes- of Unit 22 draining into the Bering Sea tival under the terms of a Federal reg- north of, but not including, the Tisuk istration permit. Permits will be issued River to and including Cape York and to individuals only at the request of St. Lawrence Island; the Native Village of Wales. The har- (E) Unit 22E consists of Bering Sea, vest may only occur within regularly Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea, and established seasons in Unit 22E. The Kotzebue Sound drainages from Cape harvest will count against any estab- York to, but excluding, the Goodhope lished quota for the area; River drainage, and including Little (E) A Federally qualified subsistence Diomede Island and Fairway Rock. user (recipient) may designate another (ii) You may hunt brown bear by Federally qualified subsistence user to State registration permit in lieu of a take musk oxen on his or her behalf resident tag if you have obtained a unless the recipient is a member of a State registration permit prior to community operating under a commu- hunting. Aircraft may not be used in nity harvest system. The designated any manner for brown bear hunting hunter must get a designated hunter under the authority of a brown bear permit and must return a completed State registration permit, including harvest report. The designated hunter


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may hunt for any number of recipients Shishmaref acting as a designated in the course of a season, but have no hunter may hunt for any number of re- more than two harvest limits in his/her cipients, but have no more than four possession at any one time, except in harvest limits in his/her possession at Unit 22E where a resident of Wales or any one time.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: Unit 22A and 22B—3 bears ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. Unit 22, remainder ...... No open season. Brown Bear: Unit 22A, 22B, 22D, and 22E—1 bear by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 1–May 31. Unit 22C—1 bear by State registration permit only ...... Aug. 1–Oct. 31. May 10–25. Caribou: Unit 22B west of Golovin Bay and west of a line along the west bank of the Fish Oct. 1–Apr. 30. and Niukluk Rivers and excluding the Libby River drainage—5 caribou per day. May 1–Sept. 30, a season may be opened by announcement by the Anchorage Field Office Manager of the BLM, in con- sultation with ADF&G. Units 22A, 22B remainder, that portion of Unit 22D in the Kougaruk, Kuzitrin (ex- July 1–June 30. cluding the Pilgrim River drainage), American, and Agiapuk River Drainages, and Unit 22E, that portion east of and including the Sanaguich River drainage—5 car- ibou per day; cow caribou may not be taken May 16–June 30. Moose: Unit 22A—that portion north of and including the Tagoomenik and Shaktoolik River Aug. 1–Sept. 30. drainages—1 bull. Federal public lands are closed to hunting except by residents of Unit 22A hunting under these regulations. Unit 22A—that portion in the Unalakleet drainage and all drainages flowing into Nor- Aug. 15–Sept. 14 ton Sound north of the Golsovia River drainage and south of the Tagoomenik and Shaktoolik River drainages—Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose, except that residents of Unalakleet, hunting under these regulations, may take 1 bull by Federal registration permit, administered by the BLM Anchorage Field Office with the authority to close the season in consultation with ADF&G. Unit 22A, remainder—1 bull. However, during the period Jan.1—Feb. 15, only an Aug. 1–Sept. 30. antlered bull may be taken. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of Jan. 1–Feb. 15 moose except by residents of Unit 22A hunting under these regulations. Unit 22B—west of the Darby Mountains—1 bull by State registration permit. Quotas Sept. 1–14. and any needed closures will be announced by the Anchorage Field Office Man- ager of the BLM, in consultation with NPS and ADF&G. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Unit 22B—west of the Darby Mountains—1 bull by either Federal or State registra- Jan. 1–31. tion permit. Quotas and any needed season closures will be announced by the Anchorage Field Office Manager of the BLM, in consultation with NPS, and ADF&G. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by resi- dents of White Mountain and Golovin hunting under these regulations. Unit 22B, remainder—1 bull ...... Aug. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 22C—1 antlered bull ...... Sept. 1–14. Unit 22D—that portion within the Kougarok, Kuzitrin, and Pilgrim River drainages—1 Sept. 1–14. bull by State registration permit. Quotas and any needed closures will be an- nounced by the Anchorage Field Office Manager of the BLM, in consultation with NPS and ADF&G. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by residents of Units 22D and 22C hunting under these regulations. Unit 22D—that portion west of the Tisuk River drainage and Canyon Creek—1 bull Sept. 1–14. by State registration permit. Quotas and any needed closures will be announced by the Anchorage Field Office Manager of the BLM, in consultation with NPS and ADF&G. Unit 22D—that portion west of the Tisuk River drainage and Canyon Creek—1 bull Dec. 1–31. by Federal registration permit. Quotas and any needed closures will be an- nounced by the Anchorage Field Office Manager of the BLM, in consultation with NPS and ADF&G. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by residents of Units 22D and 22C hunting under these regulations. Unit 22D, remainder—1 bull ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 14. Oct. 1–Nov. 30. Unit 22D, remainder—1 moose; however, no person may take a calf or a cow ac- Dec. 1–31. companied by a calf. Unit 22D, remainder—1 antlered bull ...... Jan. 1–31. Unit 22E—1 antlered bull. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose Aug. 1–Mar. 15. except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Musk ox:


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 22B—1 bull by Federal permit or State permit. Federal public lands are closed Aug.1–Mar. 15. to the taking of musk ox except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Annual harvest quotas and any needed closures will be announced by the Anchorage Field Office Manager of the BLM, in consultation with NPS and ADF&G. Unit 22D—that portion west of the Tisuk River drainage and Canyon Creek—1 Sept.1–Mar. 15. musk ox by Federal permit or State permit; however, cows may only be taken during the period Jan. 1–Mar. 15. Annual harvest quotas and any needed clo- sures will be announced by the Superintendent of the Western Arctic National Parklands in consultation with ADF&G and BLM. Unit 22D, that portion within the Kuzitrin River drainages—1 musk ox by Federal Aug.1–Mar. 15. permit or State permit; however, cows may only be taken during the period Jan. 1–Mar. 15. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of musk ox except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Annual harvest quotas and any needed closures will be announced by the Super- intendent of the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve in consultation with ADF&G and BLM. Unit 22D, remainder—1 musk ox by Federal permit or State permit; however, cows Aug. 1–Mar. 15. may only be taken during the period Jan. 1–Mar. 15. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of musk ox except by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Annual harvest quotas and any needed closures will be announced by the Superintendent of the Western Arctic National Park- lands in consultation with ADF&G and BLM. Unit 22E—1 musk ox by Federal permit or State permit. Annual harvest quotas and Aug. 1–Mar. 15. any needed closures will be announced by the Superintendent of the Western Arctic National Parklands in consultation with ADF&G and BLM. Unit 22, remainder ...... No open season. Beaver: Unit 22A, 22B, 22D, and 22E—50 beaver ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Unit 22, remainder ...... No open season. Coyote ...... No open season. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Hare (Snowshoe and Tundra): No limit ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 15. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Marten: Unit 22A and 22B—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Unit 22, remainder ...... No open season. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Jan. 31. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolverine: 3 wolverines ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): Unit 22A and 22B east of and including the Niukluk River drainage—40 per day, 80 Aug. 10–Apr. 30. in possession. Unit 22E—20 per day, 40 in possession ...... July 15–May 15 Unit 22, remainder—20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 22A, 22B, 22D, and 22E—50 beaver ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Unit 22C...... No open season. Coyote: ...... No open season. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15.

(23) Unit 23. (ii) In the following areas, the taking (i) Unit 23 consists of Kotzebue of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- Sound, Chukchi Sea, and hibited or restricted on public land: drainages from and including the (A) You may not use aircraft in any Goodhope River drainage to Cape manner either for hunting of Lisburne. ungulates, bear, wolves, or wolverine,


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or for transportation of hunters or har- (C) If you have a trapping license, vested species in the Noatak Controlled you may take beaver with a firearm in Use Area for the period August 15–Sep- all of Unit 23 from Nov. 1–Jun. 10; tember 30. The Area consists of that (D) For the Baird and DeLong Moun- portion of Unit 23 in a corridor extend- tain sheep hunts—A Federally qualified ing five miles on either side of the subsistence user (recipient) may des- beginning at the mouth ignate another Federally qualified sub- of the Noatak River, and extending up- sistence user to take sheep on his or stream to the mouth of Sapun Creek. her behalf unless the recipient is a This closure does not apply to the member of a community operating transportation of hunters or parts of ungulates, bear, wolves, or wolverine under a community harvest system. by regularly scheduled flights to com- The designated hunter must obtain a munities by carriers that normally designated hunter permit and must re- provide scheduled air service. turn a completed harvest report. The (B) [Reserved] designated hunter may hunt for only (iii) You may hunt brown bear by one recipient in the course of a season State registration permit in lieu of a and may have both his and the recipi- resident tag if you have obtained a ents’ harvest limits in his/her posses- State registration permit prior to sion at the same time; hunting. Aircraft may not be used in (E) A snowmachine may be used to any manner for brown bear hunting position a hunter to select individual under the authority of a brown bear caribou for harvest provided that the State registration permit, including animals are not shot from a moving transportation of hunters, bears, or snowmachine; parts of bears; however, this does not (F) A Federally qualified subsistence apply to transportation of bear hunters user (recipient) may designate another or bear parts by regularly scheduled Federally qualified subsistence user to flights to and between communities by carriers that normally provide sched- take musk oxen on his or her behalf uled service to this area, nor does it unless the recipient is a member of a apply to transportation of aircraft to community operating under a commu- or between publicly owned airports. nity harvest system. The designated (iv) Unit-specific regulations: hunter must get a designated hunter (A) You may take caribou from a permit and must return a completed boat moving under power in Unit 23; harvest report. The designated hunter (B) In addition to other restrictions may hunt for any number of recipients, on method of take found in this § 242.26, but have no more than two harvest you may also take swimming caribou limits in his/her possession at any one with a firearm using rimfire cartridges; time.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: Unit 23—1 bear by State registration permit ...... Aug. 1–May 31. Caribou: 15 caribou per day; however, cow caribou may not be taken May 16–June 30 ...... July 1–June 30. Sheep: Unit 23—south of Rabbit Creek, Kiyak Creek, and the Noatak River, and west of Aug. 10–April 30. If the allowable the Cutler and Redstone Rivers (Baird Mountains)—1 sheep by Federal registra- harvest levels are reached be- tion permit. The total allowable harvest of sheep is 21, of which 15 may be rams fore the regular season closing and 6 may be ewes. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of sheep ex- date, the Superintendent of the cept by Federally qualified subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Western Arctic National Park- lands will announce an early closure. Unit 23—north of Rabbit Creek, Kiyak Creek, and the Noatak River, and west of the Aug. 10–April 30. If the allowable Aniuk River (DeLong Mountains)—1 sheep by Federal registration permit. The harvest levels are reached be- total allowable harvest of sheep for the DeLong Mountains is 8, of which 5 may fore the regular season closing be rams and 3 may be ewes. date, the Superintendent of the Western Arctic National Park- lands will announce an early closure. Unit 23, remainder (Schwatka Mountains)—1 ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Unit 23, remainder (Schwatka Mountains)—1 sheep ...... Oct. 1–Apr. 30.


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Harvest limits Open season

Moose: Unit 23—that portion north and west of and including the Singoalik River drainage, July 1–Mar. 31. and all lands draining into the Kukpuk and Ipewik Rivers—1 moose; no person may take a calf or a cow accompanied by a calf. Unit 23—that portion lying within the Noatak River drainage—1 moose; however, Aug. 1–Mar. 31. antlerless moose may be taken only from Nov. 1–Mar. 31; no person may take a calf or a cow accompanied by a calf. Unit 23, remainder—1 moose; no person may take a calf or a cow accompanied by Aug. 1–Mar. 31. a calf. Musk ox: Unit 23—south of Kotzebue Sound and west of and including the Buckland River Aug. 1–Dec. 31. drainage—1 bull by Federal permit or State permit. or 1 musk ox by Federal permit or State permit ...... Jan. 1–Mar. 15. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of musk ox except by Federally quali- Aug. 1–Mar. 15. fied subsistence users hunting under these regulations. Annual harvest quotas and any needed closures will be announced by the Superintendent of the West- ern Arctic National Parklands, in consultation with ADF&G and BLM. Unit 23—Cape Krusenstern National Monument—1 bull by Federal permit. Annual harvest quotas and any needed closures will be announced by the Super- intendent of Western Arctic National Parklands. Cape Krusenstern National Monument is closed to the taking of musk oxen except by resident zone commu- nity members with permanent residence within the Monument or the immediately adjacent Napaktuktuk Mountain area, south of latitude 67°05′ N and west of lon- gitude 162°30′ W hunting under these regulations. Unit 23, remainder ...... No open season. Beaver: No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Sept. 1–Mar.15. Hare: (Snowshoe and Tundra) No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: 15 wolves ...... Oct. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... July 1–June 30 Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow, and White-tailed): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 23—the Kobuk and drainages—50 beaver ...... July 1–June 30. Unit 23, remainder—30 beaver ...... July 1–June 30. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Jan. 31. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15.

(24) Unit 24. peak of the hydrologic divide with the (i) Unit 24 consists of the Koyukuk northern fork of the Kanuti Chalatna River drainage upstream from but not River at N. Lat. 66°33.303′ W. Long. including the Dulbi River drainage: 151°03.637′ and following the unnamed (A) Unit 24A consists of the Middle northern fork of the Kanuti Chalatna Fork of the Koyukuk River drainage Creek to the confluence of the southern upstream from but not including the fork of the Kanuti Chalatna River at N. Harriet Creek and North Fork Lat.66°27.090′ W. Long. 151 °23.841′, 4.2 Koyukuk River drainages, to the South miles SSW (194 degrees true) of Fork of the Koyukuk River drainage Clawanmenka Lake and following the upstream from Squaw Creek, the Jim unnamed southern fork of the Kanuti River Drainage, the Fish Creek drain- Chalatna Creek to the hydrologic di- age upstream from and including the vide with the Kanuti River drainage at Bonanza Creek drainage, to the 1,410 ft. N. Lat. 66°19.789′ W. Long. 151°10.102′, 3.0


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miles ENE (79 degrees true) from the (including all waters of these lakes), to 2,055 ft. peak on that divide, and the the northernmost headwaters of Siruk Kanuti River drainage upstream from Creek, to the highest peak of Double the confluence of an unnamed creek at Point Mountain, then back to the N. Lat. 66°13.050′ W. Long. 151 °05.864′, Bettles Field VOR; however, this does 0.9 miles SSE (155 degrees true) of a not apply to transportation of a moose 1,980 ft. peak on that divide, and fol- hunter or moose part by aircraft be- lowing that unnamed creek to the Unit tween publicly owned airports in the 24 boundary on the hydrologic divide to controlled use area or between a pub- the Ray River drainage at N. Lat. licly owned airport within the area and 66°03.827′ W. Long. 150°49.988′ at the 2,920 points outside the area; ft. peak of that divide; (C) You may not use aircraft for (B) Unit 24B consists of the Koyukuk hunting moose, including transpor- River Drainage upstream from Dog Is- tation of any moose hunter or moose land to the Subunit 24A boundary; part in the Koyukuk Controlled Use (C) Unit 24C consists of the Hogatza Area, which consists of those portions River Drainage, the Koyukuk River of Unit 21s and 24 bounded by a line Drainage upstream from Batza River from the north bank of the Yukon on the north side of the Koyukuk River River at Koyukuk at 64°52.58′ N. and upstream from and including the lat.,157°43.10′ W. long., then northerly Indian River Drainage on the south to the confluences of the Honhosa and side of the Koyukuk River to the Kateel Rivers at 65°28.42′ N. lat., Subunit 24B boundary; 157°44.89′ W. long., then northeasterly (D) Unit 24D consists of the remain- to the confluences of Billy Hawk Creek der of Unit 24. and the Huslia River (65°57′ N. lat., (ii) In the following areas, the taking 156°41′ W. long.) at 65°56.66′ N. lat., of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- 156°40.81′ W. long., then easterly to the hibited or restricted on public land: confluence of the forks of the Dakli (A) You may not use firearms, snow- River at 66°02.56′ N. lat., 156°12.71′ W. mobiles, licensed highway vehicles, or long., then easterly to the confluence motorized vehicles, except aircraft and of McLanes Creek and the Hogatza boats, in the Dalton Highway Corridor River at 66°00.31′ N. lat., 155°18.57′ W. Management Area, which consists of long., then southwesterly to the crest those portions of Units 20, 24, 25, and 26 of Hochandochtla Mountain at 65°31.87′ extending 5 miles from each side of the N. lat., 154°52.18′ W. long., then south- Dalton Highway from the Yukon River west to the mouth of Cottonwood to milepost 300 of the Dalton Highway, Creek at 65°13.00′ N. lat., 156°06.43′ W. except as follows: Residents living long., then southwest to Bishop Rock within the Dalton Highway Corridor (Yistletaw) at 64°49.35′ N. lat., 157°21.73′ Management Area may use snowmo- W. long., then westerly along the north biles only for the subsistence taking of bank of the Yukon River (including wildlife. You may use licensed highway Koyukuk Island) to the point of begin- vehicles only on designated roads with- ning; however, this does not apply to in the Dalton Highway Corridor Man- transportation of a moose hunter or agement Area. The residents of Alatna, moose part by aircraft between pub- Allakaket, Anaktuvuk Pass, Bettles, licly owned airports in the controlled Evansville, and Stevens Village, and use area or between a publicly owned residents living within the Corridor airport within the area and points out- may use firearms within the Corridor side the area; all hunters on the only for subsistence taking of wildlife; Koyukuk River passing the ADF&G op- (B) You may not use aircraft for erated check station at Ella’s Cabin (15 hunting moose, including transpor- miles upstream from the Yukon on the tation of any moose hunter or moose Koyukuk River) are required to stop part in the Kanuti Controlled Use and report to ADF&G personnel at the Area, which consists of that portion of check station. Unit 24 bounded by a line from the (iii) You may hunt brown bear by Bettles Field VOR to the east side of State registration permit in lieu of a Fish Creek Lake, to Old Dummy Lake, resident tag if you have obtained a to the south end of Lake Todatonten State registration permit prior to


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hunting. You may not use aircraft in aircraft to or between publicly owned any manner for brown bear hunting airports. under the authority of a brown bear (iv) Unit-specific regulations: State registration permit, including (A) You may use bait to hunt black transportation of hunters, bears, or bear between April 15 and June 30; and parts of bears. However, this prohibi- in the Koyukuk Controlled Use Area, tion does not apply to transportation you may also use bait to hunt black of bear hunters or bear parts by regu- bear between September 1 and Sep- larly scheduled flights to and between tember 25; communities by carriers that normally (B) Arctic fox, incidentally taken with a trap or snare intended for red provide scheduled service to this area, fox, may be used for subsistence pur- nor does it apply to transportation of poses.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear: Unit 24—1 bear by State registration permit ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Caribou: Unit 24—that portion south of the south bank of the Kanuti River, upstream from Aug. 10–Mar. 31. and including that portion of the Kanuti-Kilolitna River drainage, bounded by the southeast bank of the Kodosin–Nolitna Creek, then downstream along the east bank of the Kanuti–Kilolitna River to its confluence with the Kanuti River—1 car- ibou. Unit 24, remainder—5 caribou per day; however, cow caribou may not be taken July 1–June 30. May 16–June 30. Sheep: Unit 24A and 24B—(Anaktuvuk Pass residents only)—that portion within the Gates July 15–Dec. 31. of the Arctic National Park—community harvest quota of 60 sheep, no more than 10 of which may be ewes and a daily possession limit of 3 sheep per person, no more than 1 of which may be a ewe. Unit 24A and 24B—(excluding Anaktuvuk Pass residents)—that portion within the Aug. 1–Apr. 30. Gates of the Arctic National Park—3 sheep. Unit 24A—except that portion within the Gates of the Arctic National Park—1 ram Aug. 20–Sept. 30. with 7/8 curl or larger horn by Federal registration permit only. Unit 24, remainder—1 ram with 7/8 curl or larger horn ...... Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Moose: Unit 24A—1 antlered bull by Federal registration permit ...... Aug. 25–Oct. 1. Unit 24B—that portion within the Drainage—1 moose ...... Aug. 1–Dec. 31. Unit 24B—Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge and BLM lands—1 antlered bull. A fed- Dec. 15–Apr. 15 (until Jun. 30, eral registration permit is required for the Sep. 26–Oct. 1 period. 2014). A Federal registration permit is required for the Dec.15–Apr. 15 season for the Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge and BLM lands that are within the Koyukuk River drainage upstream of the Henshaw Creek drainage and upstream of and includ- ing the Bonanza Creek drainage. Federal public lands in the Kanuti Controlled Use Area, as described in Federal reg- ulations, are closed to taking of moose, except by Federally qualified subsistence users of Unit 24, Koyukuk, and Galena hunting under these regulations. Unit 24B, remainder 1 antlered bull. A Federal registration permit is required for the Aug. 25–Oct. 1. Sept. 26–Oct. 1 period. Unit 24C and 24D—that portion within the Koyukuk Controlled Use Area and Sep. 1–25. Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge—1 bull. 1 antlerless moose by Federal permit if authorized by announcement by the Mar. 1–5 to be announced. Koyukuk/Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Manager and BLM Field Office Man- ager Central Yukon Field Office. Harvest of cow moose accompanied by calves is prohibited. A harvestable surplus of cows will be determined for a quota. or or 1 antlered bull by Federal permit, if there is no Mar. 1–5 season and if authorized Apr. 10–15 to be announced. by announcement by the Koyukuk/Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Manager and BLM Field Office Manager Central Yukon Field Office. Harvest of cow moose ac- companied by calves is prohibited. Announcement for the Mar. and Apr. seasons and harvest quotas will be made after consultation with the ADF&G Area Biologist and the Chairs of the Western Interior Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, and the Middle Yukon and Koyukuk River Fish and Game Advisory Committees. Unit 24C, remainder and Unit 24D, remainder—1 antlered bull. During the Sept. 5– Aug. 25–Oct. 1. Sept. 25 season, a State registration permit is required. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30.


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Harvest limits Open season

Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Wolf: 15 wolves; however, no more than 5 wolves may be taken prior to Nov. 1 ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 5 wolverine; however, no more than 1 wolverine may be taken prior to Nov. 1 ..... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): 15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31.

(25) Unit 25. (ii) In the following areas, the taking (i) Unit 25 consists of the Yukon of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- River drainage upstream from but not hibited or restricted on public land: including the Hamlin Creek drainage, (A) You may not use firearms, snow- and excluding drainages into the south mobiles, licensed highway vehicles or bank of the Yukon River upstream motorized vehicles, except aircraft and from the Charley River: boats in the Dalton Highway Corridor (A) Unit 25A consists of the Hodzana Management Area, which consists of River drainage upstream from the Nar- those portions of Units 20, 24, 25, and 26 rows, the Chandalar River drainage up- extending 5 miles from each side of the stream from and including the East Dalton Highway from the Yukon River Fork drainage, the Christian River to milepost 300 of the Dalton Highway, drainage upstream from Christian, the except as follows: Residents living drainage upstream within the Dalton Highway Corridor from and including the Thluichohnjik Management Area may use snowmo- Creek, the Coleen River drainage, and biles only for the subsistence taking of the Old Crow River drainage; wildlife. You may use licensed highway (B) Unit 25B consists of the Little vehicles only on designated roads with- Black River drainage upstream from in the Dalton Highway Corridor Man- but not including the Big Creek drain- agement Area. The residents of Alatna, age, the Black River drainage up- Allakaket, Anaktuvuk Pass, Bettles, stream from and including the Salmon Evansville, Stevens Village, and resi- Fork drainage, the Porcupine River dents living within the Corridor may drainage upstream from the confluence use firearms within the Corridor only of the Coleen and Porcupine Rivers, for subsistence taking of wildlife; and drainages into the north bank of (B) The Arctic Village Sheep Man- the Yukon River upstream from Circle, agement Area consists of that portion including the islands in the Yukon of Unit 25A north and west of Arctic River; Village, which is bounded on the east (C) Unit 25C consists of drainages by the East Fork Chandalar River be- into the south bank of the Yukon River ginning at the confluence of Red Sheep upstream from Circle to the Subunit Creek and proceeding southwesterly 20E boundary, the Birch Creek drain- downstream past Arctic Village to the age upstream from the Steese Highway confluence with Crow Nest Creek, con- bridge (milepost 147), the Preacher tinuing up Crow Nest Creek, through Creek drainage upstream from and in- Portage Lake, to its confluence with cluding the Rock Creek drainage, and the Junjik River; then down the Junjik the Beaver Creek drainage upstream River past Timber Lake and a larger from and including the Moose Creek tributary, to a major, unnamed tribu- drainage; tary, northwesterly, for approximately (D) Unit 25D consists of the remain- 6 miles where the stream forks into 2 der of Unit 25. roughly equal drainages; the boundary


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follows the easternmost fork, pro- (1) The person organizing the reli- ceeding almost due north to the head- gious ceremony or cultural event con- waters and intersects the Continental tact the Refuge Manager, Yukon Flats Divide; the boundary then follows the National Wildlife Refuge prior to tak- Continental Divide easterly, through ing or attempting to take bull moose Carter Pass, then easterly and north- and provide to the Refuge Manager the easterly approximately 62 miles along name of the decedent, the nature of the the divide to the head waters of the ceremony or cultural event, number to most northerly tributary of Red Sheep be taken, and the general area in which Creek then follows southerly along the the taking will occur; divide designating the eastern extreme of the Red Sheep Creek drainage then (2) Each person who takes a bull to the confluence of Red Sheep Creek moose under this section must submit and the East Fork Chandalar River. a written report to the Refuge Man- (iii) Unit-specific regulations: ager, Yukon Flats National Wildlife (A) You may use bait to hunt black Refuge not more than 15 days after the bear between April 15 and June 30 and harvest specifying the harvester’s between August 1 and September 25; name and address, and the date(s) and you may use bait to hunt wolves on location(s) of the taking(s); FWS and BLM lands; (3) No permit or harvest ticket is re- (B) You may take caribou and moose quired for taking under this section; from a boat moving under power in however, the harvester must be an Unit 25; Alaska rural resident with customary (C) The taking of bull moose outside and traditional use in Unit 25D west; the seasons provided in this part for (4) Any moose taken under this pro- food in memorial potlatches and tradi- vision counts against the annual quota tional cultural events is authorized in of 60 bulls. Unit 25D west provided that:

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. or 3 bears by State community harvest permit ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. Brown Bear: Units 25A and 25B—1 bear ...... Aug. 10–Jun. 30. Unit 25C—1 bear ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Unit 25D—1 bear ...... Jul. 1–Jun. 30. Caribou: Unit 25A—in those portions west of the east bank of the East Fork of the Chandalar Jul. 1–Jun. 30 River extending from its confluence with the Chandalar River upstream to Guilbeau Pass and north of the south bank of the mainstem of the Chandalar River at its confluence with the East Fork Chandalar River west (and north of the south bank) along the West Fork Chandalar River—10 caribou. However, only bulls may be taken May 16–Jun. 30. Unit 25C—that portion west of the east bank of the mainstem of Preacher Creek to Aug. 10–Sept. 20. its confluence with American Creek, then west of the east bank of American Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Creek—1 caribou; however, cow caribou may be taken only from Nov. 1–Mar. 31. However, during the November 1–March 31 season, a State registration permit is required. Unit 25C, remainder—1 caribou by joint Federal/State registration permit only. Dur- Aug. 10–Sept. 30. ing the fall season the harvest will be restricted to 1 bull and the harvest will not Nov. 1–Feb. 28. exceed 100 caribou between Aug. 10–29. Up to 600 caribou may be taken under a State/Federal harvest quota. Unit 25D—that portion of Unit 25D drained by the west fork of the Dall River west of Aug. 10–Sept. 30. 150° W. long.—1 bull. Dec. 1–31. Unit 25A remainder, 25B, and Unit 25D, remainder—10 caribou ...... July 1–Apr. 30. Sheep: Unit 25A—that portion within the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area ...... No open season. Units 25A—Arctic Village Sheep Management Area—2 rams by Federal registration Aug. 10–Apr. 30. permit only. Federal public lands, except the drainages of Red Sheep Creek and Cane Creek during the period of Aug. 10–Sept. 20, are closed to the taking of sheep except by rural Alaska residents of Arctic Village, Venetie, Fort Yukon, Kaktovik, and Chalkyitsik hunting under these regulations. Unit 25A, remainder—3 sheep by Federal registration permit only ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Moose: Unit 25A—1 antlered bull ...... Aug. 25–Sept. 25.


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Harvest limits Open season

Dec. 1–10. Unit 25B—that portion within Yukon-Charley National Preserve—1 bull ...... Aug. 20–Sept. 30. Unit 25B—that portion within the Porcupine River drainage upstream from, but ex- Aug. 25–Sept. 30. cluding the Coleen River drainage—1 antlered bull. Dec. 1–10. Unit 25B—that portion, other than Yukon-Charley National Preserve, draining into Sept. 5–30. the north bank of the Yukon River upstream from and including the Kandik River Dec. 1–15. drainage, including the islands in the Yukon River—1 antlered bull. Unit 25B, remainder—1 antlered bull ...... Aug. 25–Sept. 25. Dec. 1–15. Unit 25C—1 antlered bull ...... Aug. 20–Sep. 30. Unit 25D (west)—that portion lying west of a line extending from the Unit 25D Aug. 25–Feb. 28. boundary on Preacher Creek, then downstream along Preacher Creek, Birch Creek and Lower Mouth of Birch Creek to the Yukon River, then downstream along the north bank of the Yukon River (including islands) to the confluence of the Hadweenzic River, then upstream along the west bank of the Hadweenzic River to the confluence of Forty and One-Half Mile Creek, then upstream along Forty and One-Half Mile Creek to Nelson Mountain on the Unit 25D boundary—1 bull by a Federal registration permit. Permits will be available in the following vil- lages: Beaver (25 permits), Birch Creek (10 permits), and Stevens Village (25 permits). Permits for residents of 25D (west) who do not live in one of the three villages will be available by contacting the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Office in Fairbanks or a local Refuge Information Technician. Moose hunting on public land in Unit 25D (west) is closed at all times except for residents of Unit 25D (west) hunting under these regulations. The moose season will be closed by announcement of the Refuge Manager Yukon Flats NWR when 60 moose have been harvested in the entirety (from Federal and non-Federal lands) of Unit 25D (west). Unit 25D, remainder—1 antlered moose ...... Aug. 25–Oct. 1. Dec. 1–20. Beaver: Unit 25A, 25B, and 25D—1 beaver per day; 1 in possession ...... Apr. 16–Oct. 31. Unit 25C ...... No open season. Coyote: 10 coyotes ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): 10 foxes; however, no more than 2 Sept. 1–Mar. 15. foxes may be taken prior to Oct. 1. Hare (Snowshoe): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: Unit 25C—2 lynx ...... Dec. 1–Jan. 31. Unit 25, remainder—2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: Unit 25B and 25C, that portion within Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve—No Nov. 1–June 10. limit. Unit 25, remainder ...... No open season. Wolf: Unit 25A—No limit ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Unit 25, remainder—10 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 1 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Grouse (Spruce, Ruffed, and Sharp-tailed): Unit 25C—15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Mar. 31. Unit 25, remainder—15 per day, 30 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): Unit 25C—those portions within 5 miles of Route 6 (Steese Highway)—20 per day, Aug. 10–Mar. 31. 40 in possession. Unit 25, remainder—20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Beaver: Unit 25C—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Unit 25—remainder—50 beaver ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: Unit 25C—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Feb. 28. Unit 25, remainder—No limit ...... Nov. 1–Mar. 31.


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(26) Unit 26. (iii) You may hunt brown bear in (i) Unit 26 consists of Arctic Ocean Unit 26A by State registration permit drainages between Cape Lisburne and in lieu of a resident tag if you have ob- the Alaska-Canada border, including tained a State registration permit the Firth River drainage within Alas- prior to hunting. You may not use air- ka: craft in any manner for brown bear (A) Unit 26A consists of that portion hunting under the authority of a brown of Unit 26 lying west of the Itkillik bear State registration permit, includ- River drainage and west of the east ing transportation of hunters, bears or bank of the Colville River between the parts of bears. However, this does not mouth of the Itkillik River and the apply to transportation of bear hunters Arctic Ocean; or bear parts by regularly scheduled (B) Unit 26B consists of that portion flights to and between communities by of Unit 26 east of Unit 26A, west of the carriers that normally provide sched- west bank of the Canning River and uled service to this area, nor does it west of the west bank of the Marsh apply to transportation of aircraft to Fork of the Canning River; or between publicly owned airports. (iv) Unit-specific regulations: (C) Unit 26C consists of the remain- (A) You may take caribou from a der of Unit 26. boat moving under power in Unit 26; (ii) In the following areas, the taking (B) In addition to other restrictions of wildlife for subsistence uses is pro- on method of take found in this § 242.26, hibited or restricted on public land: you may also take swimming caribou (A) You may not use aircraft in any with a firearm using rimfire cartridges; manner for moose hunting, including (C) In Kaktovik, a Federally quali- transportation of moose hunters or fied subsistence user (recipient) may parts of moose during the periods July. designate another Federally qualified 1–Sept. 14 and Jan. 1–Mar. 31 in Unit subsistence user to take sheep or musk 26A; however, this does not apply to ox on his or her behalf unless the re- transportation of moose hunters, their cipient is a member of a community gear, or moose parts by aircraft be- operating under a community harvest tween publicly owned airports; system. The designated hunter must (B) You may not use firearms, snow- obtain a designated hunter permit and mobiles, licensed highway vehicles or must return a completed harvest re- motorized vehicles, except aircraft and port. The designated hunter may hunt boats, in the Dalton Highway Corridor for any number of recipients but may Management Area, which consists of have no more than two harvest limits those portions of Units 20, 24, 25, and 26 in his/her possession at any one time; extending 5 miles from each side of the (D) For the DeLong Mountain sheep Dalton Highway from the Yukon River hunts—A Federally qualified subsist- to milepost 300 of the Dalton Highway, ence user (recipient) may designate an- except as follows: Residents living other Federally qualified subsistence within the Dalton Highway Corridor user to take sheep on his or her behalf Management Area may use snowmo- unless the recipient is a member of a biles only for the subsistence taking of community operating under a commu- wildlife. You may use licensed highway nity harvest system. The designated vehicles only on designated roads with- hunter must obtain a designated in the Dalton Highway Corridor Man- hunter permit and must return a com- agement Area. The residents of Alatna, pleted harvest report. The designated Allakaket, Anaktuvuk Pass, Bettles, hunter may hunt for only one recipient Evansville, Stevens Village, and resi- in the course of a season and may have dents living within the Corridor may both his and the recipient’s harvest use firearms within the Corridor only limits in his/her possession at the same for subsistence taking of wildlife. time.

Harvest limits Open season

HUNTING Black Bear: 3 bears ...... July 1–June 30. Brown Bear:


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Harvest limits Open season

Unit 26A—1 bear by State registration permit ...... July 1–May 31. Unit 26B—1 bear ...... Sept. 1–May 31. Unit 26C—1 bear ...... Aug. 10–June 30. Caribou: Unit 26A—10 caribou per day; however, cow caribou may not be taken May 16– July 1–June 30. June 30. Unit 26B—10 caribou per day; however, cow caribou may be taken only from Oct. July 1–June 30. 1–Apr. 30. Unit 26C—10 caribou per day ...... July 1–Apr. 30. (You may not transport more than 5 caribou per regulatory year from Unit 26 except to the community of Anaktuvuk Pass. Sheep: Unit 26A and 26B—(Anaktuvuk Pass residents only)—that portion within the Gates July 15–Dec. 31. of the Arctic National Park—community harvest quota of 60 sheep, no more than 10 of which may be ewes and a daily possession limit of 3 sheep per person, no more than 1 of which may be a ewe. Unit 26A—(excluding Anaktuvuk Pass residents)—those portions within the Gates Aug. 1–Apr. 30. of the Arctic National Park—3 sheep. Unit 26A—that portion west of Howard Pass and the Etivluk River (DeLong Moun- Aug. 10–April 30. tains)—1 sheep by Federal registration permit. The total allowable harvest of sheep for the DeLong Mountains is 8, of which 5 may be rams and 3 may be ewes. If the allowable harvest levels are reached before the regular season clos- ing date, the Superintendent of the Western Arctic National Parklands will an- nounce an early closure. Unit 26B—that portion within the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area—1 Aug. 10–Sept. 20. ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn by Federal registration permit only. Unit 26A, remainder and 26B, remainder—including the Gates of the Arctic National Aug. 10–Sept. 20. Preserve—1 ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn. Unit 26C—3 sheep per regulatory year; the Aug. 10–Sept. 20 season is restricted to Aug. 10–Sept. 20. 1 ram with 7⁄8 curl or larger horn. A Federal registration permit is required for the Oct. 1–Apr. 30. Oct. 1–Apr. 30 season. Moose: Unit 26A—that portion of the Colville River drainage upstream from and including Aug. 1–Sept. 14. the Anaktuvuk River drainage—1 bull. Unit 26A—that portion of the Colville River drainage upstream from and including Feb. 15–Apr. 15. the Anaktuvuk River drainage—1 moose; however, you may not take a calf or a cow accompanied by a calf. Unit 26A—that portion west of 156°00′ W. longitude excluding the Colville River July 1–Sept. 14. drainage. 1 moose, however, you may not take a calf or a cow accompanied by a calf. Unit 26A, remainder—1 bull ...... Aug. 1–Sept. 14. Unit 26B, excluding the Canning River drainage—1 bull ...... Sept. 1–14. Units 26B, remainder and 26C—1 moose by Federal registration permit by resi- Jul. 1–Mar. 31. dents of Kaktovik only. The harvest quota is 3 moose (2 antlered bulls and 1 of either sex), provided that no more than 2 antlered bulls may be harvested from Unit 26C and cows may not be harvested from Unit 26C. You may not take a cow accompanied by a calf in Unit 26B. Only 3 Federal registration permits will be issued. Federal public lands are closed to the taking of moose except by a Kaktovik resident holding a Federal registration permit and hunting under these regulations. Musk ox: Unit 26C—1 bull by Federal registration permit only. The number of permits that Jul. 15–Mar. 31. may be issued only to the residents of the village of Kaktovik will not exceed three percent (3%) of the number of musk oxen counted in Unit 26C during a pre-calving census. Public lands are closed to the taking of musk ox, except by rural Alaska residents of the village of Kaktovik hunting under these regulations. Coyote: 2 coyotes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): 2 foxes ...... Sept. 1–Apr. 30. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): Units 26A and 26B—10 foxes; however, no more than 2 foxes may be taken prior Sept. 1–Mar. 15. to Oct. 1. Unit 26C—10 foxes ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Hare (Snowshoe and Tundra): No limit ...... July 1–June 30. Lynx: 2 lynx ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: 15 wolves ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. Wolverine: 5 wolverine ...... Sept. 1–Mar. 31. Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow): 20 per day, 40 in possession ...... Aug. 10–Apr. 30. TRAPPING Coyote: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Fox, Arctic (Blue and White Phase): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Fox, Red (including Cross, Black and Silver Phases): No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Lynx: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Marten: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Mink and Weasel: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Jan. 31.


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Harvest limits Open season

Muskrat: No limit ...... Nov. 1–June 10. Otter: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15. Wolf: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 30. Wolverine: No limit ...... Nov. 1–Apr. 15.

[75 FR 37934, June 30, 2010]

§ 242.27 Subsistence taking of fish. (xv) Jigging gear; (a) Applicability. (1) Regulations in (xvi) A mechanical jigging machine; this section apply to the taking of fish (xvii) A handline; or their parts for subsistence uses. (xviii) A cast net; (2) You may take fish for subsistence (xix) A rod and reel; and uses at any time by any method unless (xx) A spear. you are restricted by the subsistence (2) You must include an escape mech- fishing regulations found in this sec- anism on all pots used to take fish or tion. The harvest limit specified in this shellfish. The escape mechanisms are section for a subsistence season for a as follows: species and the State harvest limit set (i) A sidewall, which may include the for a State season for the same species tunnel, of all shellfish and bottomfish are not cumulative, except as modified pots must contain an opening equal to by regulations in paragraph (e) of this or exceeding 18 inches in length, except section. This means that if you have that in shrimp pots the opening must taken the harvest limit for a particular be a minimum of 6 inches in length. species under a subsistence season The opening must be laced, sewn, or se- specified in this section, you may not, cured together by a single length of un- after that, take any additional fish of treated, 100 percent cotton twine, no that species under any other harvest larger than 30 thread. The cotton twine limit specified for a State season. may be knotted at each end only. The (3) You may not possess, transport, opening must be within 6 inches of the give, receive, or barter subsistence- bottom of the pot and must be parallel taken fish or their parts that have been with it. The cotton twine may not be taken contrary to Federal law or regu- tied or looped around the web bars. lation or State law or regulation (un- Dungeness crab pots may have the pot less superseded by regulations in this lid tie-down straps secured to the pot part). (b) Methods, means, and general restric- at one end by a single loop of un- tions. (1) Unless otherwise specified in treated, 100 percent cotton twine no this section or under terms of a re- larger than 60 thread, or the pot lid quired subsistence fishing permit (as must be secured so that, when the may be modified by regulations in this twine degrades, the lid will no longer section), you may use the following be securely closed. legal types of gear for subsistence fish- (ii) All king crab, Tanner crab, ing: shrimp, miscellaneous shellfish and (i) A set gillnet; bottomfish pots may, instead of com- (ii) A drift gillnet; plying with paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this (iii) A purse seine; section, satisfy the following: a side- (iv) A hand purse seine; wall, which may include the tunnel, (v) A beach seine; must contain an opening at least 18 (vi) Troll gear; inches in length, except that shrimp (vii) A fish wheel; pots must contain an opening at least (viii) A trawl; 6 inches in length. The opening must be (ix) A pot; laced, sewn, or secured together by a (x) A longline; single length of treated or untreated (xi) A fyke net; twine, no larger than 36 thread. A gal- (xii) A lead; vanic timed-release device, designed to (xiii) A herring pound; release in no more than 30 days in salt- (xiv) A dip net; water, must be integral to the length


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of twine so that, when the device re- gional differences and regulates cus- leases, the twine will no longer secure tomary trade differently for separate or obstruct the opening of the pot. The regions of the State. twine may be knotted only at each end (i) Bristol Bay Fishery Management and at the attachment points on the Area—The total cash value per house- galvanic timed-release device. The hold of salmon taken within Federal opening must be within 6 inches of the jurisdiction in the Bristol Bay Fishery bottom of the pot and must be parallel Management Area and exchanged in with it. The twine may not be tied or customary trade to rural residents may looped around the web bars. not exceed $500.00 annually. (3) For subsistence fishing for salm- (ii) Upper Copper River District—The on, you may not use a gillnet exceeding total number of salmon per household 50 fathoms in length, unless otherwise taken within the Upper Copper River specified in this section. The gillnet District and exchanged in customary web must contain at least 30 filaments of equal diameter or at least 6 fila- trade to rural residents may not exceed ments, each of which must be at least 50 percent of the annual harvest of 0.20 millimeter in diameter. salmon by the household. No more (4) Except as otherwise provided for than 50 percent of the annual house- in this section, you may not obstruct hold limit may be sold under para- more than one-half the width of any graphs (b)(11) and (12) of this section stream with any gear used to take fish when taken together. These customary for subsistence uses. trade sales must be immediately re- (5) You may not use live nonindige- corded on a customary trade record- nous fish as bait. keeping form. The recording require- (6) You must have your first initial, ment and the responsibility to ensure last name, and address plainly and leg- the household limit is not exceeded ibly inscribed on the side of your fish rests with the seller. wheel facing midstream of the river. (12) Transactions between a rural resi- (7) You may use kegs or buoys of any dent and others. In customary trade, a color but red on any permitted gear, rural resident may trade fish, their except in the following areas where parts, or their eggs, legally taken kegs or buoys of any color, including under the regulations in this part, for red, may be used: cash from individuals other than rural (i) Yukon–Northern Area; and residents if the individual who pur- (ii) Kuskokwim Area. chases the fish, their parts, or their (8) You must have your first initial, eggs uses them for personal or family last name, and address plainly and leg- consumption. If you are not a rural ibly inscribed on each keg, buoy, resident, you may not sell fish, their stakes attached to gillnets, stakes parts, or their eggs taken under the identifying gear fished under the ice, regulations in this part. The Board and any other unattended fishing gear may recognize regional differences and which you use to take fish for subsist- regulates customary trade differently ence uses. (9) You may not use explosives or for separate regions of the State. chemicals to take fish for subsistence (i) Bristol Bay Fishery Management uses. Area—The total cash value per house- (10) You may not take fish for sub- hold of salmon taken within Federal sistence uses within 300 feet of any jurisdiction in the Bristol Bay Fishery dam, fish ladder, weir, culvert or other Management Area and exchanged in artificial obstruction, unless otherwise customary trade between rural resi- indicated. dents and individuals other than rural (11) Transactions between rural resi- residents may not exceed $400.00 annu- dents. Rural residents may exchange in ally. These customary trade sales must customary trade subsistence-harvested be immediately recorded on a cus- fish, their parts, or their eggs, legally tomary trade recordkeeping form. The taken under the regulations in this recording requirement and the respon- part, for cash from other rural resi- sibility to ensure the household limit dents. The Board may recognize re- is not exceeded rest with the seller.


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(ii) Upper Copper River District—The dicated on the permit issued for sub- total cash value of salmon per house- sistence fishing with other gear types. hold taken within the Upper Copper (ii) Except as otherwise provided for River District and exchanged in cus- in this section, if you are not required tomary trade between rural residents to obtain a subsistence fishing permit and individuals other than rural resi- for an area, the harvest and possession dents may not exceed $500.00 annually. limits for taking fish for subsistence No more than 50 percent of the annual uses with a rod and reel are the same household limit may be sold under as for taking fish under State of Alas- paragraphs (b)(11) and (12) of this sec- ka subsistence fishing regulations in tion when taken together. These cus- those same areas. If the State does not tomary trade sales must be imme- have a specific subsistence season and/ diately recorded on a customary trade or harvest limit for that particular spe- recordkeeping form. The recording re- cies, the limit shall be the same as for quirement and the responsibility to en- taking fish under State of Alaska sport sure the household limit is not exceed- fishing regulations. ed rest with the seller. (17) Unless restricted in this section, (13) No sale to, nor purchase by, fish- or unless restricted under the terms of eries businesses. (i) You may not sell a subsistence fishing permit, you may fish, their parts, or their eggs taken take fish for subsistence uses at any under the regulations in this part to time. any individual, business, or organiza- (18) Provisions on ADF&G subsist- tion required to be licensed as a fish- ence fishing permits that are more re- eries business under Alaska Statute AS strictive or in conflict with the provi- 43.75.011 (commercial limited-entry sions contained in this section do not permit or crew license holders ex- apply to Federal subsistence users. cluded) or to any other business as de- fined under Alaska Statute 43.70.110(1) (19) You may not intentionally waste as part of its business transactions. or destroy any subsistence-caught fish (ii) If you are required to be licensed or shellfish; however, you may use for as a fisheries business under Alaska bait or other purposes, whitefish, her- Statute AS 43.75.011 (commercial lim- ring, and species for which harvest lim- ited-entry permit or crew license hold- its, seasons, or other regulatory meth- ers excluded) or are a business as de- ods and means are not provided in this fined under Alaska Statute 43.70.110(1), section, as well as the head, tail, fins, you may not purchase, receive, or sell and viscera of legally taken subsist- fish, their parts, or their eggs taken ence fish. under the regulations in this part as (20) The taking of fish from waters part of your business transactions. within Federal jurisdiction is author- (14) Except as provided elsewhere in ized outside of published open seasons this section, you may not take rain- or harvest limits if the harvested fish bow/steelhead trout. will be used for food in traditional or (15) You may not use fish taken for religious ceremonies that are part of subsistence use or under subsistence funerary or mortuary cycles, including regulations in this part as bait for memorial potlatches, provided that: commercial or sport fishing purposes. (i) Prior to attempting to take fish, (16) Unless specified otherwise in this the person (or designee) or Tribal Gov- section, you may use a rod and reel to ernment organizing the ceremony con- take fish without a subsistence fishing tacts the appropriate Federal fisheries permit. Harvest limits applicable to manager to provide the nature of the the use of a rod and reel to take fish ceremony, the parties and/or clans in- for subsistence uses shall be as follows: volved, the species and the number of (i) If you are required to obtain a fish to be taken, and the Federal wa- subsistence fishing permit for an area, ters from which the harvest will occur; that permit is required to take fish for (ii) The taking does not violate rec- subsistence uses with rod and reel in ognized principles of fisheries con- that area. The harvest and possession servation, and uses the methods and limits for taking fish with a rod and means allowable for the particular spe- reel in those areas are the same as in- cies published in the applicable Federal


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regulations (the Federal fisheries man- transmitters that have been attached ager will establish the number, species, to fish for management and conserva- or place of taking if necessary for con- tion purposes. servation purposes); (d) Relation to commercial fishing ac- (iii) Each person who takes fish tivities. (1) If you are a Federally quali- under this section must, as soon as fied subsistence user who also commer- practical, and not more than 15 days cial fishes, you may retain fish for sub- after the harvest, submit a written re- sistence purposes from your lawfully- port to the appropriate Federal fish- taken commercial catch. eries manager, specifying the har- (2) When participating in a commer- vester’s name and address, the number cial and subsistence fishery at the and species of fish taken, and the date same time, you may not use an amount and locations of the taking; and of combined fishing gear in excess of (iv) No permit is required for taking that allowed under the appropriate under this section; however, the har- commercial fishing regulations. vester must be eligible to harvest the (e) Fishery management area restric- resource under Federal regulations. tions—(1) Kotzebue Area. The Kotzebue (c) Fishing permits and reports. (1) You Area includes all waters of Alaska be- may take salmon only under the au- tween the latitude of the westernmost thority of a subsistence fishing permit, tip of Point Hope and the latitude of unless a permit is specifically not re- the westernmost tip of Cape Prince of quired in a particular area by the sub- Wales, including those waters draining sistence regulations in this part, or un- into the Chukchi Sea. less you are retaining salmon from (i) You may take fish for subsistence your commercial catch consistent with purposes without a permit. paragraph (d) of this section. (ii) You may take salmon only by (2) If a subsistence fishing permit is gillnets, beach seines, or a rod and reel. required by this section, the following (iii) In the Kotzebue District, you permit conditions apply unless other- may take sheefish with gillnets that wise specified in this section: are not more than 50 fathoms in (i) You may not take more fish for length, nor more than 12 meshes in subsistence use than the limits set out depth, nor have a stretched-mesh size in the permit; larger than 7 inches. (ii) You must obtain the permit prior (iv) You may not obstruct more than to fishing; one-half the width of a stream, creek, (iii) You must have the permit in or slough with any gear used to take your possession and readily available fish for subsistence uses, except from for inspection while fishing or trans- May 15 to July 15 and August 15 to Oc- porting subsistence-taken fish; tober 31 when taking whitefish or pike (iv) If specified on the permit, you in streams, creeks, or sloughs within must record, prior to leaving the fish- the drainage and from ing site, daily records of the catch, May 15 to October 31 in the Selawik showing the number of fish taken by River drainage. Only one gillnet 100 species, location and date of catch, and feet or less in length with a stretched- other such information as may be re- mesh size from 21⁄2 to 41⁄2 inches may be quired for management or conservation used per site. You must check your net purposes; and at least once in every 24-hour period. (v) If the return of catch information (2) Norton Sound–Port Clarence Area. necessary for management and con- The Norton Sound–Port Clarence Area servation purposes is required by a includes all waters of Alaska between fishing permit and you fail to comply the latitude of the westernmost tip of with such reporting requirements, you Cape Prince of Wales and the latitude are ineligible to receive a subsistence of Point Romanof, including those wa- permit for that activity during the fol- ters of Alaska surrounding St. Law- lowing calendar year, unless you dem- rence Island and those waters draining onstrate that failure to report was due into the Bering Sea. to loss in the mail, accident, sickness, (i) Unless otherwise restricted in this or other unavoidable circumstances. section, you may take fish at any time You must also return any tags or in the Port Clarence District.


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(ii) In the Norton Sound District, you each household per year. You may sub- may take fish at any time except as sistence fish for salmon with rod and follows: reel in the Yukon River drainage 24 (A) In Subdistricts 2 through 6, if you hours per day, 7 days per week, unless are a commercial fishermen, you may rod and reel are specifically otherwise not fish for subsistence purposes during restricted in paragraph (e)(3) of this the weekly closures of the State com- section. mercial salmon fishing season, except (ii) For the Yukon River drainage, that from July 15 through August 1, Federal subsistence fishing schedules, you may take salmon for subsistence openings, closings, and fishing methods purposes 7 days per week in the Una- are the same as those issued for the lakleet and Shaktoolik River drainages subsistence taking of fish under Alaska with gillnets which have a stretched- Statutes (AS 16.05.060), unless super- mesh size that does not exceed 41⁄2 seded by a Federal Special Action. inches, and with beach seines; (iii) In the following locations, you (B) In the Unalakleet River from may take salmon during the open June 1 through July 15, you may take weekly fishing periods of the State salmon only from 8 a.m. Monday until commercial salmon fishing season and 8 p.m. Saturday. may not take them for 24 hours before (C) Federal public waters of the Una- the opening of the State commercial lakleet River, upstream from the salmon fishing season: mouth of the Chirosky River, are (A) In District 4, excluding the closed to the taking of Chinook salmon Koyukuk River drainage; from July 1 to July 31, by all users. The (B) In Subdistricts 4B and 4C from BLM field manager is authorized to June 15 through September 30, salmon open the closed area to Federally may be taken from 6 p.m. Sunday until qualified subsistence users or to all 6 p.m. Tuesday and from 6 p.m. users when run strength warrants. Wednesday until 6 p.m. Friday; (iii) You may take salmon only by (C) In District 6, excluding the gillnets, beach seines, fish wheel, or a Kantishna River drainage, salmon may rod and reel. be taken from 6 p.m. Friday until 6 (iv) You may take fish other than p.m. Wednesday. salmon by set gillnet, drift gillnet, beach seine, fish wheel, pot, long line, (iv) During any State commercial fyke net, jigging gear, spear, lead, or a salmon fishing season closure of great- rod and reel. er than 5 days in duration, you may (v) In the Unalakleet River from not take salmon during the following June 1 through July 15, you may not periods in the following districts: operate more than 25 fathoms of gillnet (A) In District 4, excluding the in the aggregate nor may you operate Koyukuk River drainage, salmon may an unanchored gillnet. not be taken from 6 p.m. Friday until (3) Yukon–Northern Area. The Yukon– 6 p.m. Sunday; Northern Area includes all waters of (B) In District 5, excluding the Alaska between the latitude of Point Tozitna River drainage and Subdistrict Romanof and the latitude of the west- 5D, salmon may not be taken from 6 ernmost point of the Naskonat Penin- p.m. Sunday until 6 p.m. Tuesday. sula, including those waters draining (v) Except as provided in this section, into the Bering Sea, and all waters of and except as may be provided by the Alaska north of the latitude of the terms of a subsistence fishing permit, westernmost tip of Point Hope and you may take fish other than salmon west of 141° West longitude, including at any time. those waters draining into the Arctic (vi) In Districts 1, 2, 3, and Subdis- Ocean and the Chukchi Sea. trict 4A, excluding the Koyukuk and (i) Unless otherwise restricted in this Innoko River drainages, you may not section, you may take fish in the take salmon for subsistence purposes Yukon–Northern Area at any time. In during the 24 hours immediately before those locations where subsistence fish- the opening of the State commercial ing permits are required, only one sub- salmon fishing season. sistence fishing permit will be issued to (vii) In Districts 1, 2, and 3:


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(A) After the opening of the State (xii) You may not subsistence fish in commercial salmon fishing season the Toklat River drainage from August through July 15, you may not take 15 through May 15. salmon for subsistence for 18 hours im- (xiii) You may take salmon only by mediately before, during, and for 12 gillnet, beach seine, fish wheel, or rod hours after each State commercial and reel, subject to the restrictions set salmon fishing period; forth in this section. (B) After July 15, you may not take (A) In the Yukon River drainage, you salmon for subsistence for 12 hours im- may not take salmon for subsistence mediately before, during, and for 12 fishing using gillnets with stretched hours after each State commercial mesh larger than 7.5 inches. salmon fishing period. (B) [Reserved] (viii) In Subdistrict 4A after the (xiv) In District 4, if you are a com- opening of the State commercial salm- mercial fisherman, you may not take on fishing season, you may not take salmon for subsistence purposes during salmon for subsistence for 12 hours im- the State commercial salmon fishing mediately before, during, and for 12 season using gillnets with stretched- hours after each State commercial mesh larger than 6 inches after a date salmon fishing period; however, you specified by ADF&G emergency order may take Chinook salmon during the issued between July 10 and July 31. State commercial fishing season, with (xv) In Districts 4, 5, and 6, you may drift gillnet gear only, from 6 p.m. Sun- not take salmon for subsistence pur- day until 6 p.m. Tuesday and from 6 poses by drift gillnets, except as fol- p.m. Wednesday until 6 p.m. Friday. lows: (ix) You may not subsistence fish in (A) In Subdistrict 4A upstream from the following drainages located north the mouth of Stink Creek, you may of the main Yukon River: take Chinook salmon by drift gillnets (A) Kanuti River upstream from a less than 150 feet in length from June point 5 miles downstream of the State 10 through July 14, and chum salmon highway crossing; by drift gillnets after August 2; (B) Bonanza Creek; (B) In Subdistrict 4A downstream (C) Jim River including Prospect and from the mouth of Stink Creek, you Douglas Creeks. may take Chinook salmon by drift (x) You may not subsistence fish in gillnets less than 150 feet in length the Delta River. from June 10 through July 14; (xi) In Beaver Creek downstream (C) In the Yukon River mainstem, from the confluence of Moose Creek, a Subdistricts 4B and 4C with a Federal gillnet with mesh size not to exceed 3- subsistence fishing permit, you may inches stretch-measure may be used take Chinook salmon during the week- from June 15 through September 15. ly subsistence fishing opening(s) by You may subsistence fish for all non- drift gillnets no more than 150 feet long salmon species but may not target and no more than 35 meshes deep, from salmon during this time period (reten- June 10 through July 14. tion of salmon taken incidentally to (xvi) Unless otherwise specified in non-salmon directed fisheries is al- this section, you may take fish other lowed). From the mouth of Nome Creek than salmon by set gillnet, drift downstream to the confluence of Moose gillnet, beach seine, fish wheel, long Creek, only rod and reel may be used. line, fyke net, dip net, jigging gear, From the mouth of Nome Creek down- spear, lead, or rod and reel, subject to stream to the confluence of O’Brien the following restrictions, which also Creek, the daily harvest and possession apply to subsistence salmon fishing: limit is 5 grayling; from the mouth of (A) During the open weekly fishing O’Brien Creek downstream to the con- periods of the State commercial salm- fluence of Moose Creek, the daily har- on fishing season, if you are a commer- vest and possession limit is 10 grayling. cial fisherman, you may not operate The Nome Creek drainage of Beaver more than one type of gear at a time, Creek is closed to subsistence fishing for commercial, personal use, and sub- for grayling. sistence purposes.


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(B) You may not use an aggregate Chinook salmon may not be used for length of set gillnet in excess of 150 dog food anywhere in the Yukon River fathoms and each drift gillnet may not drainage. Whole fish unfit for human exceed 50 fathoms in length. consumption (due to disease, deteriora- (C) In Districts 4, 5, and 6, you may tion, deformities), scraps, and small not set subsistence fishing gear within fish (16 inches or less) may be fed to 200 feet of other operating commercial dogs. Also, whole Chinook salmon use, personal use, or subsistence fish- caught incidentally during a subsist- ing gear except that, at the site ap- ence chum salmon fishery in the fol- proximately 1 mile upstream from lowing time periods and locations may Ruby on the south bank of the Yukon be fed to dogs: River between ADF&G regulatory (A) After July 10 in the Koyukuk markers containing the area known lo- River drainage; cally as the ‘‘Slide,’’ you may set sub- (B) After August 10, in Subdistrict sistence fishing gear within 200 feet of 5D, upstream of Circle City. other operating commercial or subsist- (4) Kuskokwim Area. The Kuskokwim ence fishing gear, and in District 4, Area consists of all waters of Alaska from Old Paradise Village upstream to between the latitude of the western- a point 4 miles upstream from Anvik, most point of Naskonat Peninsula and there is no minimum distance require- the latitude of the southernmost tip of ment between fish wheels. Cape Newenham, including the waters (D) During the State commercial of Alaska surrounding Nunivak and St. salmon fishing season, within the Matthew Islands and those waters Yukon River and the Tanana River draining into the Bering Sea. below the confluence of the Wood River, you may use drift gillnets and (i) Unless otherwise restricted in this fish wheels only during open subsist- section, you may take fish in the ence salmon fishing periods. Kuskokwim Area at any time without (E) In Birch Creek, gillnet mesh size a subsistence fishing permit. may not exceed 3-inches stretch-meas- (ii) For the Kuskokwim area, Federal ure from June 15 through September subsistence fishing schedules, openings, 15. closings, and fishing methods are the (xvii) In District 4, from September same as those issued for the subsist- 21 through May 15, you may use jigging ence taking of fish under Alaska Stat- gear from shore ice. utes (AS 16.05.060), unless superseded by (xviii) You must possess a subsist- a Federal Special Action. ence fishing permit for the following (iii) In District 1, Kuskokuak Slough, locations: from June 1 through July 31 only, you (A) For the Yukon River drainage may not take salmon for 16 hours be- from the mouth of Hess Creek to the fore and during each State open com- mouth of the Dall River; mercial salmon fishing period in the (B) For the Yukon River drainage district. from the upstream mouth of 22 Mile (iv) In Districts 4 and 5, from June 1 Slough to the U.S.-Canada border; through September 8, you may not (C) Only for salmon in the Tanana take salmon for 16 hours before or dur- River drainage above the mouth of the ing, and for 6 hours after each State Wood River. open commercial salmon fishing period (xix) Only one subsistence fishing in each district. permit will be issued to each household (v) In District 2, and anywhere in per year. tributaries that flow into the (xx) In Districts 1, 2, and 3, you may Kuskokwim River within that district, not possess Chinook salmon taken for from June 1 through September 8 you subsistence purposes unless the dorsal may not take salmon by net gear or fin has been removed immediately fish wheel for 16 hours before or during, after landing. and for 6 hours after each open com- (xxi) In the Yukon River drainage, mercial salmon fishing period in the Chinook salmon must be used pri- district. You may subsistence fish for marily for human consumption and salmon with rod and reel 24 hours per may not be targeted for dog food. Dried day, 7 days per week, unless rod and


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reel are specifically restricted by para- (A) Gillnets with 6-inch or smaller graph (e)(4) of this section. stretched-mesh may not be more than (vi) You may not take subsistence 45 meshes in depth; fish by nets in the Goodnews River east (B) Gillnets with greater than 6-inch of a line between ADF&G regulatory stretched-mesh may not be more than markers placed near the mouth of the 35 meshes in depth. Ufigag River and an ADF&G regulatory (xv) You may not use subsistence set marker placed near the mouth of the and drift gillnets exceeding 15 fathoms Tunulik River 16 hours before or dur- in length in Whitefish Lake in the ing, and for 6 hours after each State Ophir Creek drainage. You may not op- open commercial salmon fishing pe- erate more than one subsistence set or riod. drift gillnet at a time in Whitefish (vii) You may not take subsistence Lake in the Ophir Creek drainage. You fish by nets in the Kanektok River up- must check the net at least once every stream of ADF&G regulatory markers 24 hours. placed near the mouth 16 hours before (xvi) You may take rainbow trout or during, and for 6 hours after each only in accordance with the following State open commercial salmon fishing restrictions: period. (A) You may take rainbow trout only (viii) You may not take subsistence by the use of gillnets, dip nets, fyke fish by nets in the Arolik River up- nets, handline, spear, rod and reel, or stream of ADF&G regulatory markers jigging through the ice; placed near the mouth 16 hours before (B) You may not use gillnets, dip or during, and for 6 hours after each nets, or fyke nets for targeting rainbow State open commercial salmon fishing trout from March 15 through June 15; period. (C) If you take rainbow trout inciden- (ix) You may only take salmon by tally in other subsistence net fisheries gillnet, beach seine, fish wheel, or rod and through the ice, you may retain and reel subject to the restrictions set them for subsistence purposes; out in this section, except that you (D) There are no harvest limits with may also take salmon by spear in the handline, spear, rod and reel, or jig- Kanektok, and Arolik River drainages, ging. and in the drainage of Goodnews Bay. (5) Bristol Bay Area. The Bristol Bay (x) You may not use an aggregate Area includes all waters of Bristol Bay, length of set gillnets or drift gillnets in including drainages enclosed by a line excess of 50 fathoms for taking salmon. from Cape Newenham to Cape (xi) You may take fish other than Menshikof. salmon by set gillnet, drift gillnet, (i) Unless restricted in this section, beach seine, fish wheel, pot, long line, or unless under the terms of a subsist- fyke net, dip net, jigging gear, spear, ence fishing permit, you may take fish lead, handline, or rod and reel. at any time in the Bristol Bay area. (xii) You must attach to the bank (ii) In all State commercial salmon each subsistence gillnet operated in districts, from May 1 through May 31 tributaries of the Kuskokwim River and October 1 through October 31, you and fish it substantially perpendicular may subsistence fish for salmon only to the bank and in a substantially from 9 a.m. Monday until 9 a.m. Fri- straight line. day. From June 1 through September (xiii) Within a tributary to the 30, within the waters of a commercial Kuskokwim River in that portion of salmon district, you may take salmon the Kuskokwim River drainage from only during State open commercial the north end of Eek Island upstream salmon fishing periods. to the mouth of the Kolmakoff River, (iii) In the Egegik River from 9 a.m. you may not set or operate any part of June 23 through 9 a.m. July 17, you a set gillnet within 150 feet of any part may take salmon only during the fol- of another set gillnet. lowing times: from 9 a.m. Tuesday to 9 (xiv) The maximum depth of gillnets a.m. Wednesday and from 9 a.m. Satur- is as follows: day to 9 a.m. Sunday.


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(iv) You may not take fish from wa- (ix) You may not operate any part of ters within 300 feet of a stream mouth a set gillnet within 300 feet of any part used by salmon. of another set gillnet. (v) You may not subsistence fish with (x) You must stake and buoy each set nets in the Tazimina River and within gillnet. Instead of having the identi- one-fourth mile of the terminus of fying information on a keg or buoy at- those waters during the period from tached to the gillnet, you may plainly September 1 through June 14. and legibly inscribe your first initial, (vi) Within any district, you may last name, and subsistence permit take salmon, herring, and capelin by number on a sign at or near the set set gillnets only. gillnet. (vii) Outside the boundaries of any (xi) You may not operate or assist in district, unless otherwise specified, you operating subsistence salmon net gear may take salmon by set gillnet only. while simultaneously operating or as- (A)You may also take salmon by sisting in operating commercial salm- spear in the Togiak River, excluding on net gear. its tributaries. (xii) During State closed commercial (B) You may also use drift gillnets herring fishing periods, you may not not greater than 10 fathoms in length use gillnets exceeding 25 fathoms in to take salmon in the Togiak River in length for the subsistence taking of the first two river miles upstream from herring or capelin. the mouth of the Togiak River to the (xiii) You may take fish other than ADF&G regulatory markers. salmon, herring and capelin by gear (C) You may also take salmon with- listed in this part unless restricted out a permit in Lake Clark and its under the terms of a subsistence fish- tributaries by snagging (by handline or ing permit. rod and reel), using a spear, bow and (xiv) You may take salmon only arrow, or capturing by bare hand. under authority of a State subsistence (D) You may also take salmon by salmon permit (permits are issued by beach seines not exceeding 25 fathoms ADF&G) except when using a Federal in length in Lake Clark, excluding its tributaries. permit for fyke net and lead. (E) You may also take fish (except (xv) Only one State subsistence fish- rainbow trout) with a fyke net and lead ing permit for salmon and one Federal in tributaries of Lake Clark and the permit for use of a fyke net and lead tributaries of Sixmile Lake within and for all fish (except rainbow trout) may adjacent to the exterior boundaries of be issued to each household per year. Lake Clark National Park and Pre- (xvi) In the Togiak River section and serve unless otherwise prohibited. the Togiak River drainage: (1) You may use a fyke net and lead (A) You may not possess coho salmon only with a permit issued by the Fed- taken under the authority of a subsist- eral in-season manager. ence fishing permit unless both lobes of (2) All fyke nets and leads must be the caudal fin (tail) or the dorsal fin attended at all times while in use. have been removed. (3) All materials used to construct (B) You may not possess salmon the fyke net and lead must be made of taken with a drift gillnet under the au- wood and be removed from the water thority of a subsistence fishing permit when the fyke net and lead is no longer unless both lobes of the caudal fin in use. (tail) or the dorsal fin have been re- (viii) The maximum lengths for set moved. gillnets used to take salmon are as fol- (xvii) You may take rainbow trout lows: only by rod and reel or jigging gear. (A) You may not use set gillnets ex- Rainbow trout daily harvest and pos- ceeding 10 fathoms in length in the session limits are two per day/two in Egegik River; possession with no size limit from (B) In the remaining waters of the April 10 through October 31 and five per area, you may not use set gillnets ex- day/five in possession with no size limit ceeding 25 fathoms in length. from November 1 through April 9.


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(xviii) If you take rainbow trout inci- Akutan, Umnak, and Atka–Amlia Is- dentally in other subsistence net fish- lands Districts. eries, or through the ice, you may re- (ix) You may take no more than 250 tain them for subsistence purposes. salmon for subsistence purposes unless (6) Aleutian Islands Area. The Aleu- otherwise specified on the subsistence tian Islands Area includes all waters of fishing permit, except that in the Un- Alaska west of the longitude of the tip alaska and Adak Districts, you may of Cape Sarichef, east of 172° East lon- take no more than 25 salmon plus an gitude, and south of 54°36’ North lati- additional 25 salmon for each member tude. of your household listed on the permit. (i) You may take fish other than You may obtain an additional permit. salmon, rainbow/steelhead trout, or (x) You must keep a record on the re- char at any time unless restricted verse side of the permit of subsistence- under the terms of a subsistence fish- caught fish. You must complete the ing permit. If you take rainbow/ record immediately upon taking sub- steelhead trout incidentally in other sistence-caught fish and must return it subsistence net fisheries, you may re- no later than October 31. tain them for subsistence purposes. (7) Alaska Peninsula Area. The Alaska (ii) In the Unalaska District, you Peninsula Area includes all waters of may take salmon for subsistence pur- Alaska on the north side of the Alaska poses from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. from peninsula southwest of a line from January 1 through December 31, except Cape Menshikof (57°28.34′ North lati- as may be specified on a subsistence tude, 157°55.84′ West longitude) to Cape fishing permit. Newenham (58°39.00′ North latitude, (iii) In the Adak, Akutan, Atka– 162° West longitude) and east of the Amlia, and Umnak Districts, you may longitude of Cape Sarichef Light take salmon at any time. (164°55.70′ West longitude) and on the (iv) You may not subsistence fish for south side of the Alaska Peninsula salmon in the following waters: from a line extending from Scotch (A) The waters of Unalaska Lake, its Cape through the easternmost tip of tributaries and outlet stream; Ugamak Island to a line extending 135° (B) The waters of Summers and Mor- southeast from Kupreanof Point ris Lakes and their tributaries and out- (55°33.98′ North latitude, 159°35.88′ West let streams; longitude). (C) All streams supporting anad- (i) You may take fish, other than romous fish runs that flow into Un- salmon, rainbow/steelhead trout, or alaska Bay south of a line from the char, at any time unless restricted northern tip of Cape Cheerful to the under the terms of a subsistence fish- northern tip of Kalekta Point; ing permit. If you take rainbow/ (D) Waters of McLees Lake and its steelhead trout incidentally in other tributaries and outlet stream; subsistence net fisheries or through the (E) All fresh water on Adak Island ice, you may retain them for subsist- and Kagalaska Island in the Adak Dis- ence purposes. trict. (ii) You may take salmon, trout, and (v) You may take salmon by seine char only under the authority of a sub- and gillnet, or with gear specified on a sistence fishing permit. subsistence fishing permit. (iii) You must keep a record on the (vi) In the Unalaska District, if you reverse side of the permit of subsist- fish with a net, you must be physically ence-caught fish. You must complete present at the net at all times when the record immediately upon taking the net is being used. subsistence-caught fish and must re- (vii) You may take fish other than turn it no later than October 31. salmon by gear listed in this part un- (iv) You may take salmon at any less restricted under the terms of a time, except in those districts and sec- subsistence fishing permit. tions open to commercial salmon fish- (viii) You may take salmon, trout, ing where salmon may not be taken and char only under the terms of a sub- during the 24 hours before and 12 hours sistence fishing permit, except that following each State open weekly com- you do not need a permit in the mercial salmon fishing period, or as


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may be specified on a subsistence fish- on in the waters of Clark River and ing permit. Home Creek from their confluence with (v) You may not subsistence fish for Chignik Lake upstream 1 mile. salmon in the following waters: (A) In the open waters of Chignik (A) Russell Creek and Nurse Lagoon Lake, Chignik River, Clark River and and within 500 yards outside the mouth Home Creek you may take salmon by of Nurse Lagoon; gillnet under the authority of a sub- (B) Trout Creek and within 500 yards sistence fishing permit. outside its mouth. (B) In the open waters of Clark River (vi) You may take salmon by seine, and Home Creek you may take salmon gillnet, rod and reel, or with gear speci- by snagging (handline or rod and reel), fied on a subsistence fishing permit. spear, bow and arrow, or capture by You may also take salmon without a hand without a permit. The daily har- permit by snagging (by handline or rod vest and possession limits using these and reel), using a spear, bow and arrow, methods are five per day and five in or capturing by bare hand. possession. (vii) You may take fish other than (iii) You may take salmon, trout, and salmon by gear listed in this part un- char only under the authority of a sub- less restricted under the terms of a sistence fishing permit unless other- subsistence fishing permit. wise indicated in this section or as (viii) You may not use a set gillnet noted in the permit conditions. exceeding 100 fathoms in length. (iv) You must keep a record on your (ix) You may take no more than 250 salmon for subsistence purposes unless permit of subsistence-caught fish. You otherwise specified on your subsistence must complete the record immediately fishing permit. upon taking subsistence-caught fish and must return it no later than the (8) Chignik Area. The Chignik Area includes all waters of Alaska on the due date listed on the permit. south side of the Alaska Peninsula (v) If you hold a commercial fishing bounded by a line extending 135° south- license, you may only subsistence fish east for 3 miles from a point near for salmon as specified on a subsistence Kilokak Rocks at 57°10.34′ North lati- fishing permit. tude, 156°20.22′ West longitude (the lon- (vi) You may take salmon by seines, gitude of the southern entrance to gillnets, rod and reel, or with gear Imuya Bay) then due south, and a line specified on a subsistence fishing per- extending 135° southeast from Kuprean mit, except that in Chignik Lake, you of Point at 55°33.98′ North latitude, 159° may not use purse seines. You may 35.88′ West longitude. also take salmon without a permit by (i) You may take fish other than snagging (by handline or rod and reel), salmon, rainbow/steelhead trout, or using a spear, bow and arrow, or cap- char at any time, except as may be turing by bare hand. specified by a subsistence fishing per- (vii) You may take fish other than mit. For salmon, Federal subsistence salmon by gear listed in this part un- fishing openings, closings and fishing less restricted under the terms of a methods are the same as those issued subsistence fishing permit. for the subsistence taking of fish under (viii) You may take no more than 250 Alaska Statutes (AS 16.05.060), unless salmon for subsistence purposes unless superseded by a Federal Special Ac- otherwise specified on the subsistence tion. If you take rainbow/steelhead fishing permit. trout incidentally in other subsistence (9) Kodiak Area. The Kodiak Area in- net fisheries, you may retain them for cludes all waters of Alaska south of a subsistence purposes. line extending east from Cape Douglas (ii) You may not take salmon in the (58°51.10′ North latitude), west of 150° Chignik River, from a point 300 feet up- West longitude, north of 55° 30.00′ North stream of the ADF&G weir to Chignik latitude, and north and east of a line Lake from July 1 through August 31. extending 135° southeast for three You may not take salmon by gillnet in miles from a point near Kilokak Rocks Black Lake or any tributary to Black at 57°10.34′ North latitude, 156°20.22′ or Chignik Lakes. You may take salm- West longitude (the longitude of the


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southern entrance of Imuya Bay), then (F) All fresh water systems of Afog- due south. nak Island. (i) You may take fish other than (iv) You must have a subsistence salmon, rainbow/steelhead trout, char, fishing permit for taking salmon, bottomfish, or herring at any time un- trout, and char for subsistence pur- less restricted by the terms of a sub- poses. You must have a subsistence sistence fishing permit. If you take fishing permit for taking herring and rainbow/steelhead trout incidentally in bottomfish for subsistence purposes other subsistence net fisheries, you during the State commercial herring may retain them for subsistence pur- sac roe season from April 15 through poses. June 30. (ii) You may take salmon for subsist- (v) The annual limit for a subsistence ence purposes 24 hours a day from Jan- salmon fishing permit holder is as fol- uary 1 through December 31, with the lows: following exceptions: (A) In the Federal public waters of (A) From June 1 through September Kodiak Island, east of the line from 15, you may not use salmon seine ves- Crag Point south to the westernmost sels to take subsistence salmon for 24 point of Saltery Cove, including the hours before or during, and for 24 hours waters of Woody and Long Islands, and after any State open commercial salm- the salt waters bordering this area on fishing period. The use of skiffs within 1 mile of Kodiak Island, exclud- from any type of vessel is allowed. ing the waters bordering Spruce Island, (B) From June 1 through September 25 salmon for the permit holder plus an 15, you may use purse seine vessels to additional 25 salmon for each member take salmon only with gillnets, and of the same household whose names are you may have no other type of salmon listed on the permit: an additional per- gear on board the vessel. mit may be obtained upon request. (iii) You may not subsistence fish for (B) In the remainder of the Kodiak salmon in the following locations: Area not described in paragraph (A) Womens Bay closed waters—All (e)(9)(v)(A) of this section, there is no waters inside a line from the tip of the annual harvest limit for a subsistence Nyman Peninsula (57°43.23′ North lati- salmon fishing permit holder. tude, 152°31.51′ West longitude), to the (vi) You must record on your subsist- northeastern tip of Mary’s Island ence permit the number of subsistence (57°42.40′ North latitude, 152°32.00′ West fish taken. You must record all har- longitude), to the southeastern shore of vested fish prior to leaving the fishing Womens Bay at 57°41.95′ North latitude, site, and must return the permit by the 152°31.50′ West longitude. due date marked on permit. (B) Buskin River closed waters—All (vii) You may take fish other than waters inside of a line running from a salmon by gear listed in this part un- marker on the bluff north of the mouth less restricted under the terms of a of the Buskin River at approximately subsistence fishing permit. 57°45.80′ North latitude, 152°28.38′ West (viii) You may take salmon only by longitude, to a point offshore at gillnet, rod and reel, or seine. 57°45.35′ North latitude, 152°28.15′ West (ix) You must be physically present longitude, to a marker located onshore at the net when the net is being fished. south of the river mouth at approxi- (10) Cook Inlet Area. The Cook Inlet mately 57°45.15′ North latitude, Area includes all waters of Alaska en- 152°28.65′ West longitude. closed by a line extending east from (C) All waters closed to commercial Cape Douglas (58°51.10′ N. Lat.) and a salmon fishing within 100 yards of the line extending south from Cape Fair- terminus of Selief Bay Creek. field (148°50.25′ W. Long.). (D) In Afognak Bay north and west of (i) Unless restricted in this section, a line from the tip of Last Point to the or unless restricted under the terms of tip of River Mouth Point. a subsistence fishing permit, you may (E) From August 15 through Sep- take fish at any time in the Cook Inlet tember 30, all waters 500 yards seaward Area. If you take rainbow/steelhead of the terminus of Little Kitoi Creek. trout incidentally in subsistence net


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fisheries, you may retain them for sub- dorsal fin. Harvests must be reported sistence purposes, unless otherwise within 72 hours to the Federal fisheries prohibited or provided for in this sec- manager upon leaving the fishing site. tion. With jigging gear through the ice (1) Fishing for sockeye and Chinook or rod and reel gear in open waters salmon will be allowed June 16–August there is an annual limit of two rain- 15. bow/steelhead trout 20 inches or longer, (2) Fishing for coho and pink salmon taken from Kenai Peninsula fresh wa- will be allowed June 16–October 31. ters. (3) Fishing for sockeye, Chinook, (ii) You may take fish by gear listed coho, or pink salmon will end prior to in this part unless restricted in this regulatory end dates if the annual section or under the terms of a subsist- total harvest limit for that species is ence fishing permit (as may be modi- reached or superseded by Federal spe- fied by this section). For all fish that cial action. must be marked and recorded on a per- (4) Each household may harvest their mit in this section, they must be annual sockeye, Chinook, coho, or pink marked and recorded prior to leaving salmon limits in one or more days, and the fishing site. The fishing site in- each household member may fish with cludes the particular Federal public a dip net or a rod and reel during this waters and/or adjacent shoreline from time. Salmon taken in the Kenai River which the fish were harvested. system dip net and rod and reel fishery (iii) You may not take grayling or will be included as part of each house- burbot for subsistence purposes. hold’s annual limit for the Kasilof (iv) You may take only salmon, River. trout, Dolly Varden, and other char (i) For sockeye salmon—annual total under authority of a Federal subsist- harvest limit of 4,000; annual household ence fishing permit. Seasons, harvest limits of 25 for each permit holder and and possession limits, and methods and 5 additional for each household mem- means for take are the same as for the ber; taking of those species under Alaska (ii) For Chinook salmon—annual har- sport fishing regulations (5 AAC 56 and vest limit of 500; annual household 5 AAC 57) unless modified herein. Addi- limit of 10 for each permit holder and 2 tionally for Federally managed waters additional for each household member; of the Kasilof and Kenai River drain- (iii) For coho salmon—annual total ages: harvest limit of 500; annual household (A) Residents of Ninilchik may take limits of 10 for each permit holder and sockeye, Chinook, coho, and pink salm- 2 additional for each household mem- on through a dip net and a rod and reel ber; and fishery on the upper mainstem of the (iv) For pink salmon—annual total Kasilof River from a Federal regu- harvest limit of 500; annual household latory marker on the river below the limits of 10 for each permit holder and outlet of Tustumena Lake downstream 2 additional for each household mem- to a marker on the river approximately ber. 2.8 miles below the Tustumena Lake (B) In addition to the dip net and rod boat ramp. Residents using rod and and reel fishery on the upper mainstem reel gear may fish with up to two bait- of the Kasilof River described under ed single or treble hooks. Other species paragraph (e)(10)(iv)(A) of this section, incidentally caught during the dip net residents of Ninilchik may also take and rod and reel fishery may be re- coho and pink salmon through a rod tained for subsistence uses, including and reel fishery in Tustumena Lake. up to 200 rainbow/steelhead trout taken Before leaving the fishing site, all re- through August 15. After 200 rainbow/ tained salmon must be recorded on the steelhead trout have been taken in this permit and marked by removing the fishery or after August 15, all rainbow/ dorsal fin. Seasons, areas, harvest and steelhead trout must be released unless possession limits, and methods and otherwise provided for in this section. means for take are the same as for the Before leaving the fishing site, all re- taking of these species under Alaska tained fish must be recorded on the sport fishing regulations (5 AAC 56), ex- permit and marked by removing the cept for the following methods and


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means, and harvest and possession lim- met. For the jig fishery, annual house- its: hold limits are 30 fish in any combina- (1) Fishing will be allowed with up to tion of lake trout, rainbow trout or two baited single or treble hooks. Dolly Varden/Arctic char. (2) For coho salmon 16 inches and (i) You may harvest fish under the longer, the daily harvest and posses- ice only in Tustumena Lake. Gillnets sion limits are four per day and four in are not allowed within a 1⁄4 mile radius possession. of the mouth of any tributary to (3) For pink salmon 16 inches and Tustumena Lake, or the outlet of longer, daily harvest and possession Tustumena Lake. limits are six per day and six in posses- (ii) Permits will be issued by the Fed- sion. eral fisheries manager or designated (C) Resident fish species including representative, and will be valid for the lake trout, rainbow/steelhead trout, winter season, unless the season is and Dolly Varden/Arctic char may be closed by special action. harvested in Federally managed waters (iii) All harvests must be reported of the Kasilof River drainage. Resident within 72 hours to the Federal fisheries fish species harvested in the Kasilof manager upon leaving the fishing site. River drainage under the conditions of Reported information must include a Federal subsistence permit must be number of each species caught; number marked by removing the dorsal fin im- of each species retained; length, depth mediately after harvest and recorded (number of meshes deep) and mesh size on the permit prior to leaving the fish- of gillnet fished; fishing site; and total ing site. hours fished. Harvest data on the per- (1) Lake trout may be harvested with mit must be filled out before trans- rod and reel gear the entire year. For porting fish from the fishing site. fish 20 inches or longer, daily harvest and possession limits are four per day (iv) The gillnet must be checked at and four in possession. For fish less least once in every 48-hour period. than 20 inches, daily harvest and pos- (v) For unattended gear, the permit- session limits are 15 per day and 15 in tee’s name and address must be plainly possession. and legibly inscribed on a stake at one (2) Dolly Varden/Arctic char may be end of the gillnet. harvested with rod and reel gear the (vi) Incidentally caught fish may be entire year. In flowing waters, daily retained and must be recorded on the harvest and possession limits are four permit before transporting fish from per day and four in possession. In lakes the fishing site. and ponds, daily harvest and possession (vii) Failure to return the completed limits are 10 fish per day and 10 in pos- harvest permit by May 31 may result in session. issuance of a violation notice and/or (3) Rainbow trout may be harvested denial of a future subsistence permit. with rod and reel gear the entire year (D) Residents of Hope, Cooper Land- for fish less than 20 inches in length. In ing, and Ninilchik may take only sock- flowing waters, daily harvest and pos- eye salmon through a dip net and a rod session limits are two per day and two and reel fishery at one specified site on in possession. In lakes and ponds, daily the Russian River, and sockeye, late- harvest and possession limits are five run Chinook, coho, and pink salmon per day and five in possession. through a dip net/rod and reel fishery (4) You may fish in Tustumena Lake at two specified sites on the Kenai with a gillnet, no longer than 10 fath- River below Skilak Lake and as pro- oms, fished under the ice or jigging vided in this section. For Ninilchik gear used through the ice under au- residents, salmon taken in the Kasilof thority of a Federal subsistence fishing River Federal subsistence fish wheel, permit. The total annual harvest quota and dip net/rod and reel fishery will be for this fishery is 200 lake trout, 200 included as part of each household’s rainbow trout, and 500 Dolly Varden/ annual limit for the Kenai and Russian Arctic char. The use of a gillnet will be Rivers’ dip net and rod and reel fishery. prohibited by special action after the For both Kenai River fishing sites harvest quota of any species has been below Skilak Lake, incidentally


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caught fish may be retained for sub- the same as those listed in State of sistence uses, except for early-run Chi- Alaska fishing regulations (5 AAC 56, 5 nook salmon (unless otherwise pro- AAC 57, and 5 AAC 77.540). vided for), rainbow trout 18 inches or (iii) At the Russian River Falls site, longer, and Dolly Varden 18 inches or dip netting is allowed from a Federal longer, which must be released. For the regulatory marker near the upstream Russian River fishing site, incidentally end of the fish ladder at Russian River caught fish may be retained for sub- Falls downstream to a Federal regu- sistence uses, except for early- and latory marker approximately 600 yards late-run Chinook salmon, coho salmon, below Russian River Falls. Residents rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden, using rod and reel gear at this fishery which must be released. Before leaving site may not fish with bait at any the fishing site, all retained fish must time. be recorded on the permit and marked (2) Fishing seasons are as follows: by removing the dorsal fin. Harvests (i) For sockeye salmon at all fishery must be reported within 72 hours to the sites: June 15–August 15; Federal fisheries manager upon leaving (ii) For late-run Chinook, pink, and the fishing site, and permits must be coho salmon at both Kenai River fish- returned to the manager by the due ery sites only: July 16–September 30; date listed on the permit. Chum salm- and on that are retained are to be included within the annual limit for sockeye (iii) Fishing for sockeye, late-run Chi- salmon. Only residents of Cooper Land- nook, coho, or pink salmon will close ing, Hope, and Ninilchik may retain in- by special action prior to regulatory cidentally caught resident species. end dates if the annual total harvest limit for that species is reached or su- (1) The household dip net and rod and reel gear fishery is limited to three perseded by Federal special action. sites: (3) Each household may harvest their (i) At the Kenai River Moose Range annual sockeye, late-run Chinook, Meadows site, dip netting is allowed coho, or pink salmon limits in one or only from a boat from a Federal regu- more days, and each household member latory marker on the Kenai River at may fish with a dip net or rod and reel about river mile 29 downstream ap- during this time. Salmon taken in the proximately 2.5 miles to another mark- Kenai River system dip net and rod and er on the Kenai River at about river reel fishery by Ninilchik households mile 26.5. Residents using rod and reel will be included as part of those house- gear at this fishery site may fish from hold’s annual limits for the Kasilof boats or from shore with up to two River. baited single or treble hooks June 15– (i) For sockeye salmon—annual total August 31. Seasonal riverbank closures harvest limit of 4,000 (including any re- and motor boat restrictions are the tained chum salmon); annual house- same as those listed in State of Alaska hold limits of 25 for each permit holder fishing regulations (5 AAC 56 and 5 and 5 additional for each household AAC 57 and 5 AAC 77.540). member; (ii) At the Kenai River Mile 48 site, (ii) For late-run Chinook salmon—an- dip netting is allowed while either nual total harvest limit of 1,000; annual standing in the river or from a boat, household limits of 10 for each permit from Federal regulatory markers on holder and 2 additional for each house- both sides of the Kenai River at about hold member; river mile 48 (approximately 2 miles (iii) For coho salmon—annual total below the outlet of Skilak Lake) down- harvest limit of 3,000; annual household stream approximately 2.5 miles to a limits of 20 for each permit holder and marker on the Kenai River at about 5 additional for each household mem- river mile 45.5. Residents using rod and ber; and reel gear at this fishery site may fish (iv) For pink salmon—annual total from boats or from shore with up to harvest limit of 2,000; annual household two baited single or treble hooks June limits of 15 for each permit holder and 15–August 31. Seasonal riverbank clo- 5 additional for each household mem- sures and motor boat restrictions are ber.


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(E) For Federally managed waters of and Ninilchik may take resident fish the Kenai River and its tributaries, in species including lake trout, rainbow addition to the dip net and rod and reel trout, and Dolly Varden/Arctic char fisheries on the Kenai and Russian riv- with jigging gear through the ice or ers described under paragraph rod and reel gear in open waters. Resi- (e)(10)(iv)(D) of this section, residents dent fish species harvested in the Kenai of Hope, Cooper Landing, and Ninilchik River drainage under the conditions of may take sockeye, Chinook, coho, a Federal subsistence permit must be pink, and chum salmon through a sepa- marked by removal of the dorsal fin rate rod and reel fishery in the Kenai immediately after harvest and re- River drainage. Before leaving the fish- corded on the permit prior to leaving ing site, all retained fish must be re- the fishing site. Seasons, areas (includ- corded on the permit and marked by ing seasonal riverbank closures), har- removing the dorsal fin. Permits must vest and possession limits, and meth- be returned to the Federal fisheries ods and means (including motor boat manager by the due date listed on the restrictions) for take are the same as permit. Incidentally caught fish, other for the taking of these resident species than salmon, are subject to regulations under State of Alaska fishing regula- found in paragraphs (e)(10)(iv)(F) and tions (5 AAC 56, 5 AAC 57, and 5 AAC (G) of this section. Seasons, areas (in- 77.54), except for the following harvest cluding seasonal riverbank closures), and possession limits: harvest and possession limits, and (1) For lake trout 20 inches or longer, methods and means (including motor daily harvest and possession limits are boat restrictions) for take are the same four per day and four in possession. For as for the taking of these salmon spe- fish less than 20 inches, daily harvest cies under State of Alaska fishing regu- and possession limits are 15 per day lations (5 AAC 56, 5 AAC 57 and 5 AAC and 15 in possession. 77.54), except for the following harvest (2) In flowing waters, daily harvest and possession limits: and possession limits for Dolly Varden/ (1) In the Kenai River below Skilak Arctic char less than 18 inches in Lake, fishing is allowed with up to two length are one per day and one in pos- baited single or treble hooks June 15– session. In lakes and ponds, daily har- August 31. vest and possession limits are two per (2) For early-run Chinook salmon less day and two in possession. Only one of than 46 inches or 55 inches or longer, these fish can be 20 inches or longer. daily harvest and possession limits are (3) In flowing waters, daily harvest two per day and two in possession. and possession limits for rainbow/ (3) For late-run Chinook salmon 20 steelhead trout are one per day and one inches and longer, daily harvest and in possession and must be less than 18 possession limits are two per day and inches in length. In lakes and ponds, two in possession. daily harvest and possession limits are (4) Annual harvest limits for any two per day and two in possession of combination of early- and late-run Chi- which only one fish 20 inches or longer nook salmon are four for each permit may be harvested daily. holder. (G) For Federally managed waters of (5) For other salmon 16 inches and the upper Kenai River and its tribu- longer, the combined daily harvest and taries above Skilak Lake outlet at possession limits are six per day and river mile 50, residents of Cooper Land- six in possession, of which no more ing, Hope, and Ninilchik may take resi- than four per day and four in posses- dent fish species including lake trout, sion may be coho salmon, except for rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden/Arctic the Sanctuary Area and Russian River, char with jigging gear through the ice for which no more than two per day or rod and reel gear in open waters. and two in possession may be coho Resident fish species harvested in the salmon. Kenai River drainage under the condi- (F) For Federally managed waters of tions of a Federal subsistence permit the Kenai River and its tributaries must be marked by removal of the dor- below Skilak Lake outlet at river mile sal fin immediately after harvest and 50, residents of Cooper Landing, Hope, recorded on the permit prior to leaving


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the fishing site. Seasons, areas (includ- Federal in-season fishery manager, in ing seasonal riverbank closures), har- consultation with the Kenai National vest and possession limits, and meth- Wildlife Refuge manager, based on the ods and means (including motor boat merits of the operation plan. The reg- restrictions) for take are the same as istration permit will be issued to an or- for the taking of these resident species ganization that, as the fish wheel under Alaska fishing regulations (5 owner, will be responsible for its con- AAC 56, 5 AAC 57, 5 AAC 77.54), except struction, installation, operation, use, for the following harvest and posses- and removal in consultation with the sion limits: Federal fishery manager. The owner (1) For lake trout 20 inches or longer, may not rent or lease the fish wheel for daily harvest and possession limits are personal gain. As part of the permit, four per day and four in possession. For the organization must: fish less than 20 inches, daily harvest (i) Prior to the season, provide a and possession limits are 15 fish per written operation plan to the Federal day and 15 in possession. For Hidden Lake, daily harvest and possession lim- fishery manager including a descrip- its are two per day and two in posses- tion of how fishing time and fish will sion regardless of size. be offered and distributed among (2) In flowing waters, daily harvest households and residents of Ninilchik; and possession limits for Dolly Varden/ (ii) During the season, mark the fish Arctic char less than 16 inches are one wheel with a wood, metal, or plastic per day and one in possession. In lakes plate at least 12 inches high by 12 and ponds, daily harvest and possession inches wide that is permanently affixed limits are two per day and two in pos- and plainly visible, and that contains session of which only one fish 20 inches the following information in letters or longer may be harvested daily. and numerals at least 1 inch high: reg- (3) In flowing waters, daily harvest istration permit number; organiza- and possession limits for rainbow/ tion’s name and address; and primary steelhead trout are one per day and one contact person name and telephone in possession and it must be less than number; 16 inches in length. In lakes and ponds, (iii) After the season, provide written daily harvest and possession limits are documentation of required evaluation two per day and two in possession of information to the Federal fishery which only one fish 20 inches or longer manager including, but not limited to, may be harvested daily. person or households operating the (H) Residents of Ninilchik may har- gear, hours of operation, and number of vest sockeye, Chinook, coho, and pink each species caught and retained or re- salmon through a fish wheel fishery in leased. the Federal public waters of the upper (3) People operating the fish wheel mainstem of the Kasilof River. Resi- must: dents of Ninilchik may retain other (i) Have a valid Federal subsistence species incidentally caught in the fishing permit in their possession; Kasilof River except for rainbow/ steelhead trout, which must be re- (ii) If they are not the fish wheel leased and returned unharmed to the owner, attach an additional wood, water. metal, or plastic plate at least 12 (1) Only one fish wheel can be oper- inches high by 12 inches wide to the ated on the Kasilof River. The fish fish wheel that is plainly visible, and wheel must have a live box, must be that contains their fishing permit monitored when fishing, must be number, name, and address in letters stopped from fishing when it is not and numerals at least 1 inch high; being monitored or used, and must be (iii) Remain on site to monitor the installed and operated in compliance fish wheel and remove all fish at least with any regulations and restrictions every hour; for its use within the Kenai National (iv) Before leaving the site, mark all Wildlife Refuge. retained fish by removing their dorsal (2) One registration permit will be fin and record all retained fish on their available and will be awarded by the fishing permit; and


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(v) Within 72 hours of leaving the rainbow/steelhead trout, except as oth- site, report their harvest to the Fed- erwise provided for in paragraph (e)(11) eral fisheries manager. of this section. (4) The fish wheel owner (organiza- (A) In the Prince William Sound Area tion) may operate the fish wheel for within Chugach National Forest and in subsistence purposes on behalf of resi- the Copper River drainage downstream dents of Ninilchik by requesting a sub- of Haley Creek you may accumulate sistence fishing permit that: Federal subsistence fishing harvest (i) Identifies a person who will be re- limits with harvest limits under State sponsible for operating the fish wheel; of Alaska sport fishing regulations pro- (ii) Includes provisions for recording vided that accumulation of fishing har- daily catches, the household to whom vest limits does not occur during the the catch was given, and other infor- same day. mation determined to be necessary for (B) You may accumulate harvest lim- effective resource management by the its of salmon authorized for the Copper Federal fishery manager. River drainage upstream from Haley (5) Fishing will be allowed from June Creek with harvest limits for salmon 16 through October 31 on the Kasilof authorized under State of Alaska sport River unless closed or otherwise re- fishing regulations. stricted by Federal special action. (ii) You may take fish by gear listed (6) Salmon taken in the fish wheel in paragraph (b)(1) of this section un- fishery will be included as part of dip less restricted in this section or under net/rod and reel fishery annual total the terms of a subsistence fishing per- harvest limits for the Kasilof River and mit. as part of dip net/rod and reel house- hold annual limits of participating (iii) If you catch rainbow/steelhead households. trout incidentally in other subsistence net fisheries, you may retain them for (7) Fishing for each salmon species will end and the fishery will be closed subsistence purposes, unless restricted by Federal special action prior to regu- in this section. latory end dates if the annual total (iv) In the Copper River drainage, harvest limit for that species is you may take salmon only in the wa- reached or superseded by Federal spe- ters of the Upper Copper River District, cial action. or in the vicinity of the Native Village (8) This regulation expires December of Batzulnetas. 31, 2011, or 3 years after the first instal- (v) In the Upper Copper River Dis- lation of the fish wheel, which ever trict, you may take salmon only by comes first, or unless renewed by the fish wheels, rod and reel, or dip nets. Federal Subsistence Board. (vi) Rainbow/steelhead trout and (9) You may take smelt with dip nets other freshwater fish caught inciden- in fresh water only from April 1–June tally to salmon by fish wheel in the 15. There are no harvest or possession Upper Copper River District may be re- limits for smelt. tained. (10) Gillnets may not be used in fresh (vii) Freshwater fish other than rain- water, except for the taking of white- bow/steelhead trout caught inciden- fish in the Tyone River drainage and as tally to salmon by dip net in the Upper otherwise provided for in this Cook Copper River District may be retained. Inlet section. Rainbow/steelhead trout caught inci- (11) Prince William Sound Area. The dentally to salmon by dip net in the Prince William Sound Area includes all Upper Copper River District must be waters and drainages of Alaska be- released unharmed to the water. tween the longitude of Cape Fairfield (viii) You may not possess salmon and the longitude of Cape Suckling. taken under the authority of an Upper (i) You may take fish, other than Copper River District subsistence fish- rainbow/steelhead trout, in the Prince ing permit, or rainbow/steelhead trout William Sound Area only under author- caught incidentally to salmon by fish ity of a subsistence fishing permit, ex- wheel, unless the anal fin has been im- cept that a permit is not required to mediately removed from the fish. You take eulachon. You make not take must immediately record all retained


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fish on the subsistence permit. Imme- (C) You must return your permit no diately means prior to concealing the later than October 31 of the year in fish from plain view or transporting which the permit is issued, or you may the fish more than 50 feet from where be denied a permit for the following the fish was removed from the water. year; (ix) You may take salmon in the (D) A fish wheel may be operated Upper Copper River District from May only by one permit holder at one time; 15 through September 30 only. that permit holder must have the fish (x) The total annual harvest limit for wheel marked as required by paragraph subsistence salmon fishing permits in (e)(11) of this section and during fishing combination for the Glennallen Subdis- operations; trict and the Chitina Subdistrict is as (E) Only the permit holder and the follows: authorized member(s) of the household (A) For a household with 1 person, 30 listed on the subsistence permit may salmon, of which no more than 5 may take salmon; be Chinook salmon taken by dip net (F) You must personally operate your and no more than 5 Chinook taken by fish wheel or dip net; rod and reel; (B) For a household with 2 persons, 60 (G) You may not loan or transfer a salmon, of which no more than 5 may subsistence fish wheel or dip net per- be Chinook salmon taken by dip net mit except as permitted. and no more than 5 Chinook taken by (xii) If you are a fish wheel owner: rod and reel, plus 10 salmon for each (A) You must register your fish wheel additional person in a household over 2 with ADF&G or the Federal Subsist- persons, except that the household’s ence Board; limit for Chinook salmon taken by dip (B) Your registration number and a net or rod and reel does not increase; wood, metal, or plastic plate at least 12 (C) Upon request, permits for addi- inches high by 12 inches wide bearing tional salmon will be issued for no either your name and address, or your more than a total of 200 salmon for a Alaska driver’s license number, or your permit issued to a household with 1 Alaska State identification card num- person, of which no more than 5 may be ber in letters and numerals at least 1 Chinook salmon taken by dip net and inch high, must be permanently affixed no more than 5 Chinook taken by rod and plainly visible on the fish wheel and reel, or no more than a total of 500 when the fish wheel is in the water; salmon for a permit issued to a house- (C) Only the current year’s registra- hold with 2 or more persons, of which tion number may be affixed to the fish no more than 5 may be Chinook salmon wheel; you must remove any other reg- taken by dip net and no more than 5 istration number from the fish wheel; Chinook taken by rod and reel. (D) You must check your fish wheel (xi) The following apply to Upper at least once every 10 hours and re- Copper River District subsistence salm- move all fish; on fishing permits: (E) You are responsible for the fish (A) Only one subsistence fishing per- wheel; you must remove the fish wheel mit per subdistrict will be issued to from the water at the end of the permit each household per year. If a household period; has been issued permits for both sub- districts in the same year, both per- (F) You may not rent, lease, or other- mits must be in your possession and wise use your fish wheel used for sub- readily available for inspection while sistence fishing for personal gain. fishing or transporting subsistence- (xiii) If you are operating a fish taken fish in either subdistrict. A wheel: qualified household may also be issued (A) You may operate only one fish a Batzulnetas salmon fishery permit in wheel at any one time; the same year; (B) You may not set or operate a fish (B) Multiple types of gear may be wheel within 75 feet of another fish specified on a permit, although only wheel; one unit of gear may be operated at (C) No fish wheel may have more any one time; than two baskets;


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(D) If you are a permittee other than (A) You may take salmon only in the owner, you must attach an addi- those waters of the Copper River be- tional wood, metal, or plastic plate at tween National Park Service regu- least 12 inches high by 12 inches wide, latory markers located near the mouth bearing your name and address in let- of Tanada Creek and approximately ters and numerals at least 1 inch high, one-half mile downstream from that to the fish wheel so that the name and mouth and in Tanada Creek between address are plainly visible. National Park Service regulatory (xiv) A subsistence fishing permit markers identifying the open waters of may be issued to a village council, or the creek; other similarly qualified organization (B) You may use only fish wheels, dip whose members operate fish wheels for nets, and rod and reel on the Copper subsistence purposes in the Upper Cop- River and only dip nets, spears, fyke per River District, to operate fish nets, and rod and reel in Tanada Creek. wheels on behalf of members of its vil- One fyke net and associated lead may lage or organization. The following ad- be used in Tanada Creek upstream of ditional provisions apply to subsistence the National Park Service weir; fishing permits issued under this para- (C) You may take salmon only from graph (e)(11)(xiv) of this section: May 15 through September 30 or until (A) The permit will list all house- the season is closed by special action; holds and household members for (D) You may retain Chinook salmon whom the fish wheel is being operated. taken in a fish wheel in the Copper The permit will identify a person who River. You must return to the water will be responsible for each fish wheel unharmed any Chinook salmon caught in a similar manner to a fish wheel in Tanada Creek; owner as described in paragraph (E) You must return the permit to (e)(11)(xii) of this section; the National Park Service no later (B) The allowable harvest may not than October 15 of the year the permit exceed the combined seasonal limits was issued; for the households listed on the permit; (F) You may only use a fyke net after the permittee will notify the ADF&G consultation with the in-season man- or Federal Subsistence Board when ager. You must be present when the households are added to the list, and fyke net is actively fishing. You may the seasonal limit may be adjusted ac- take no more than 1,000 sockeye salm- cordingly; on in Tanada Creek with a fyke net; (C) Members of households listed on a (xvi) You may take pink salmon for permit issued to a village council or subsistence purposes from fresh water other similarly qualified organization with a dip net from May 15 through are not eligible for a separate house- September 30, 7 days per week, with no hold subsistence fishing permit for the harvest or possession limits in the fol- Upper Copper River District; lowing areas: (D) The permit will include provi- (A) Green Island, Knight Island, sions for recording daily catches for Chenega Island, Bainbridge Island, each fish wheel; location and number of Evans Island, Elrington Island, fish wheels; full legal name of the indi- Latouche Island, and adjacent islands, vidual responsible for the lawful oper- and the mainland waters from the ation of each fish wheel as described in outer point of Granite Bay located in paragraph (e)(11)(xii) of this section; Knight Island Passage to Cape Fair- and other information determined to field; be necessary for effective resource (B) Waters north of a line from Por- management. cupine Point to Granite Point, and (xv) You may take salmon in the vi- south of a line from Point Lowe to cinity of the former Native village of Tongue Point. Batzulnetas only under the authority (12) Yakutat Area. The Yakutat Area of a Batzulnetas subsistence salmon includes all waters and drainages of fishing permit available from the Na- Alaska between the longitude of Cape tional Park Service under the fol- Suckling and the longitude of Cape lowing conditions: Fairweather.


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(i) Unless restricted in this section or (i) Unless restricted in this section or unless restricted under the terms of a under the terms of a subsistence fish- subsistence fishing permit, you may ing permit, you may take fish other take fish at any time in the Yakutat than salmon, trout, grayling, and char Area. in the Southeastern Alaska Area at (ii) You may take salmon, trout any time. (other than steelhead), and char only (ii) You must possess a subsistence under authority of a subsistence fish- fishing permit to take salmon, trout, ing permit. You may take steelhead grayling, or char. You must possess a trout only in the Situk and Ahrnklin subsistence fishing permit to take Rivers and only under authority of a eulachon from any freshwater stream Federal subsistence fishing permit. flowing into fishing Sections 1C or 1D. (iii) If you take salmon, trout, or (iii) In the Southeastern Alaska char incidentally by gear operated Area, a rainbow trout is defined as a under the terms of a subsistence per- fish of the species Oncorhyncus mykiss mit for salmon, you may retain them less than 22 inches in overall length. A for subsistence purposes. You must re- steelhead is defined as a rainbow trout port any salmon, trout, or char taken with an overall length of 22 inches or in this manner on your permit cal- larger. endar. (iv) In areas where use of rod and reel (iv) You may take fish by gear listed is allowed, you may use artificial fly, in this part unless restricted in this lure, or bait when fishing with rod and section or under the terms of a subsist- reel, unless restricted by Federal per- ence fishing permit. In areas where use mit. If you use bait, you must retain of rod and reel is allowed, you may use all Federally regulated fish species artificial fly, lure, or bait when fishing caught, and they apply to your applica- with rod and reel, unless restricted by ble daily, seasonal, and annual harvest Federal permit. If you use bait, you limits for that species. must retain all Federally regulated (A) For streams with steelhead, once fish species caught, and they apply to your daily, seasonal, or annual limit of your applicable daily and annual har- steelhead is harvested, you may no vest limits for that species. For longer fish with bait for any species. streams with steelhead, once your (B) Unless otherwise specified in this daily or annual limit of steelhead is paragraph (e)(13) of this section, allow- harvested, you may no longer fish with able gear for salmon or steelhead is re- bait for any species. stricted to gaffs, spears, gillnets, (v) In the Situk River, each subsist- seines, dip nets, cast nets, handlines, or ence salmon fishing permit holder shall rod and reel. attend his or her gillnet at all times (v) Unless otherwise specified in this when it is being used to take salmon. paragraph (e)(13) of this section, you (vi) You may block up to two-thirds may use a handline for snagging salm- of a stream with a gillnet or seine used on or steelhead. for subsistence fishing. (vi) You may fish with a rod and reel (vii) You must immediately remove within 300 feet of a fish ladder unless both lobes of the caudal (tail) fin from the site is otherwise posted by the subsistence-caught salmon when taken. USDA Forest Service. You may not (viii) You may not possess subsist- fish from, on, or in a fish ladder. ence-taken and sport-taken salmon on (vii) You may not accumulate Fed- the same day. eral subsistence harvest limits author- (ix) You must possess a subsistence ized for the Southeastern Alaska Area fishing permit to take Dolly Varden. with any harvest limits authorized The daily harvest and possession limit under any State of Alaska fishery with is 10 Dolly Varden of any size. the following exception: Annual or sea- (13) Southeastern Alaska Area. The sonal Federal subsistence harvest lim- Southeastern Alaska Area includes all its may be accumulated with State waters between a line projecting south- sport fishing harvest limits provided west from the westernmost tip of Cape that accumulation of harvest limits Fairweather and Dixon Entrance. does not occur during the same day.


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(viii) If you take salmon, trout, or (D) You may retain other salmon char incidentally with gear operated taken incidentally by gear operated under terms of a subsistence permit for under terms of this permit. The inci- other salmon, they may be kept for dentally taken salmon must be re- subsistence purposes. You must report ported on your permit calendar. any salmon, trout, or char taken in (E) The total annual guideline har- this manner on your subsistence fish- vest level for the Stikine River fishery ing permit. is 125 Chinook, 600 sockeye, and 400 (ix) No permits for the use of nets coho salmon. All salmon harvested, in- will be issued for the salmon streams cluding incidentally taken salmon, will flowing across or adjacent to the road count against the guideline for that systems within the city limits of Pe- species. tersburg, Wrangell, and Sitka. (xv) You may take coho salmon with (x) You must immediately remove a Federal salmon fishing permit. There both lobes of the caudal (tail) fin of is no closed season. The daily harvest subsistence-caught salmon when taken. limit is 20 coho salmon per household. (xi) You may not possess subsistence- Only dip nets, spears, gaffs, handlines, taken and sport-taken fish of a given and rod and reel may be used. There species on the same day. are specific rules to harvest any salm- on on the Stikine River, and you must (xii) If a harvest limit is not other- have a separate Stikine River subsist- wise listed for sockeye in paragraph ence salmon fishing permit to take (e)(13) of this section, the harvest limit salmon on the Stikine River. for sockeye salmon is the same as pro- (xvi) Unless noted on a Federal sub- vided for in adjacent State subsistence sistence harvest permit, there are no or personal use fisheries. If a harvest harvest limits for pink or chum salm- limit is not established for the State on. subsistence or personal use fisheries, (xvii) Unless otherwise specified in the possession limit is 10 sockeye and paragraph (e)(13) of this section, you the annual harvest limit is 20 sockeye may take steelhead under the terms of per household for that stream. a subsistence fishing permit. The open (xiii) The Sarkar River system above season is January 1 through May 31. the bridge is closed to the use of all The daily household harvest and pos- nets by both Federally qualified and session limit is one with an annual non-Federally qualified users. household limit of two. You may only (xiv) You may take Chinook, sock- use a dip net, gaff, handline, spear, or eye, and coho salmon in the mainstem rod and reel. The permit conditions and of the Stikine River only under the au- systems to receive special protection thority of a Federal subsistence fishing will be determined by the local Federal permit. Each Stikine River permit will fisheries manager in consultation with be issued to a household. Only dip nets, ADF&G. spears, gaffs, rod and reel, beach seine, (xviii) You may take steelhead trout or gillnets not exceeding 15 fathoms in on Prince of Wales and Kosciusko Is- length may be used. The maximum lands under the terms of Federal sub- gillnet mesh size is 51⁄2; inches, except sistence fishing permits. You must ob- during the Chinook season when the tain a separate permit for the winter maximum gillnet mesh size is 8 inches. and spring seasons. (A) You may take Chinook salmon (A) The winter season is December 1 from May 15 through June 20. The an- through the last day of February, with nual limit is 5 Chinook salmon per a harvest limit of two fish per house- household. hold. You may use only a dip net, (B) You may take sockeye salmon handline, spear, or rod and reel. The from June 21 through July 31. The an- winter season may be closed when the nual limit is 40 sockeye salmon per harvest level cap of 100 steelhead for household. the Prince of Wales/Kosciusko Islands (C) You may take coho salmon from has been reached. You must return August 1 through October 1. The an- your winter season permit within 15 nual limit is 20 coho salmon per house- days of the close of the season and be- hold. fore receiving another permit for a


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Prince of Wales/Kosciusko steelhead ner crab, shrimp, clams, abalone, and subsistence fishery. The permit condi- other shellfish or their parts. tions and systems to receive special (2) You may take shellfish for sub- protection will be determined by the sistence uses at any time in any area of local Federal fisheries manager in con- the public lands by any method unless sultation with ADF&G. restricted by this section. (B) The spring season is March 1 (b) Methods, means, and general restric- through May 31, with a harvest limit of tions. (1) The harvest limit specified in five fish per household. You may use this section for a subsistence season for only a dip net, handline, spear, or rod a species and the State harvest limit and reel. The spring season may be set for a State season for the same spe- closed prior to May 31 if the harvest cies are not cumulative. This means quota of 600 fish minus the number of that if you have taken the harvest steelhead harvested in the winter sub- limit for a particular species under a sistence steelhead fishery is reached. subsistence season specified in this sec- You must return your spring season tion, you may not, after that, take any permit within 15 days of the close of additional shellfish of that species the season and before receiving another under any other harvest limit specified permit for a Prince of Wales/Kosciusko for a State season. steelhead subsistence fishery. The per- (2) Unless otherwise provided in this mit conditions and systems to receive section or under terms of a required special protection will be determined subsistence fishing permit (as may be by the local Federal fisheries manager modified by this section), you may use in consultation with ADF&G. the following legal types of gear to (xix) In addition to the requirement take shellfish: for a Federal subsistence fishing per- (i) Abalone iron; mit, the following restrictions for the (ii) Diving gear; harvest of Dolly Varden, brook trout, grayling, cutthroat, and rainbow trout (iii) A grappling hook; apply: (iv) A handline; (A) The daily household harvest and (v) A hydraulic clam digger; possession limit is 20 Dolly Varden; (vi) A mechanical clam digger; there is no closed season or size limit; (vii) A pot; (B) The daily household harvest and (viii) A ring net; possession limit is 20 brook trout; (ix) A scallop dredge; there is no closed season or size limit; (x) A sea urchin rake; (C) The daily household harvest and (xi) A shovel; and possession limit is 20 grayling; there is (xii) A trawl. no closed season or size limit; (3) You are prohibited from buying or (D) The daily household harvest limit selling subsistence-taken shellfish, is 6 and the household possession limit their parts, or their eggs, unless other- is 12 cutthroat or rainbow trout in wise specified. combination; there is no closed season (4) You may not use explosives and or size limit; chemicals, except that you may use (E) You may only use a rod and reel; chemical baits or lures to attract shell- (F) The permit conditions and sys- fish. tems to receive special protection will (5) Marking requirements for subsist- be determined by the local Federal ence shellfish gear are as follows: fisheries manager in consultation with (i) You must plainly and legibly in- ADF&G. scribe your first initial, last name, and (xx) There is no subsistence fishery address on a keg or buoy attached to for any salmon on the Taku River. unattended subsistence fishing gear, [76 FR 12573, Mar. 8, 2011] except when fishing through the ice, when you may substitute for the keg or § 242.28 Subsistence taking of shell- buoy a stake inscribed with your first fish. initial, last name, and address inserted (a) Covered species. (1) Regulations in in the ice near the hole; subsistence this section apply to subsistence tak- fishing gear may not display a perma- ing of Dungeness crab, king crab, Tan- nent ADF&G vessel license number;


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(ii) Kegs or buoys attached to sub- (2) You must obtain a permit prior to sistence crab pots also must be in- subsistence fishing. scribed with the name or United States (3) You must have the permit in your Coast Guard number of the vessel used possession and readily available for in- to operate the pots. spection while taking or transporting (6) Pots used for subsistence fishing the species for which the permit is must comply with the escape mecha- issued. nism requirements found in (4) The permit may designate the spe- § 100.27(b)(2). cies and numbers of shellfish to be har- (7) You may not mutilate or other- vested, time and area of fishing, the wise disfigure a crab in any manner type and amount of fishing gear and which would prevent determination of other conditions necessary for manage- the minimum size restrictions until ment or conservation purposes. the crab has been processed or prepared (5) If specified on the permit, you for consumption. must keep accurate daily records of the (c) Taking shellfish by designated har- catch involved, showing the number of vest permit. (1) Any species of shellfish shellfish taken by species, location and that may be taken by subsistence fish- date of the catch, and such other infor- ing under this part may be taken under mation as may be required for manage- a designated harvest permit. ment or conservation purposes. (2) If you are a Federally-qualified (6) You must complete and submit subsistence user (beneficiary), you may subsistence fishing reports at the time designate another Federally-qualified subsistence user to take shellfish on specified for each particular area and your behalf. The designated fisherman fishery. must obtain a designated harvest per- (7) If the return of catch information mit prior to attempting to harvest necessary for management and con- shellfish and must return a completed servation purposes is required by a sub- harvest report. The designated fisher- sistence fishing permit and you fail to man may harvest for any number of comply with such reporting require- beneficiaries but may have no more ments, you are ineligible to receive a than two harvest limits in his/her pos- subsistence permit for that activity session at any one time. during the following calendar year, un- (3) The designated fisherman must less you demonstrate that failure to re- have in possession a valid designated port was due to loss in the mail, acci- harvest permit when taking, attempt- dent, sickness, or other unavoidable ing to take, or transporting shellfish circumstances. taken under this section, on behalf of a (e) Subsistence take by commercial ves- beneficiary. sels. No fishing vessel which is commer- (4) You may not fish with more than cially licensed and registered for one legal limit of gear as established shrimp pot, shrimp trawl, king crab, by this section. Tanner crab, or Dungeness crab fishing (5) You may not designate more than may be used for subsistence take dur- one person to take or attempt to take ing the period starting 14 days before shellfish on your behalf at one time. an opening and ending 14 days after the You may not personally take or at- closure of a respective open season in tempt to take shellfish at the same the area or areas for which the vessel is time that a designated fisherman is registered. However, if you are a com- taking or attempting to take shellfish mercial fisherman, you may retain on your behalf. shellfish for your own use from your (d) Permit requirements. If a subsist- lawfully taken commercial catch. ence shellfish permit is required by (f) Size restrictions. You may not take this section, the following conditions or possess shellfish smaller than the apply unless otherwise specified by the minimum legal size limits. subsistence regulations in this section: (g) Unlawful possession of subsistence (1) You may not take shellfish for shellfish. You may not possess, trans- subsistence in excess of the limits set port, give, receive, or barter shellfish out in the permit unless a different or their parts taken in violation of limit is specified in this section. Federal or State regulations.


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(h) Charter and related operations. (1) (A) The daily harvest and possession An owner, operator, or employee of a limit for littleneck clams is 1,000 and lodge, charter vessel, or other enter- the minimum size is 1.5 inches in prise that furnishes food, lodging, or length; guide services may not furnish to a cli- (B) The daily harvest and possession ent or guest of that enterprise, shell- limit for butter clams is 700 and the fish that has been taken under this sec- minimum size is 2.5 inches in length. tion, unless: (v) Other than as specified in this (i) The shellfish has been taken with section, there are no harvest, posses- gear deployed and retrieved by the cli- sion, or size limits for other shellfish, ent or guest who is a Federally quali- and the season is open all year. fied subsistence user; (4) Kodiak Area. (i) You may take (ii) The gear has been marked with crab for subsistence purposes only the client’s or guest’s name and ad- under the authority of a subsistence dress; and crab fishing permit issued by the (iii) The shellfish is to be consumed ADF&G. by the client or guest or is consumed in (ii) The operator of a commercially the presence of the client or guest. licensed and registered shrimp fishing (2) The captain and crewmembers of a vessel must obtain a subsistence fish- charter vessel may not deploy, set, or ing permit from the ADF&G before retrieve their own gear in a subsistence subsistence shrimp fishing during a shellfish fishery when that vessel is State closed commercial shrimp fish- being chartered. ing season or within a closed commer- (i) Subsistence shellfish areas and perti- cial shrimp fishing district, section, or nent restrictions—(1) Southeastern Alas- subsection. The permit must specify ka—Yakutat Area. No marine waters the area and the date the vessel oper- are currently identified under Federal ator intends to fish. No more than 500 subsistence management jurisdiction, pounds (227 kg) of shrimp may be in except the marine waters occurring in possession aboard the vessel. the vicinity of Makhnati Island as de- (iii) The daily harvest and possession scribed in § 242.3(b)(5) of these regula- limit is 12 male Dungeness crabs per tions. person; only male Dungeness crabs (2) Prince William Sound Area. No ma- with a shell width of 61⁄2 inches or rine waters are currently identified greater may be taken or possessed. under Federal subsistence management Taking of Dungeness crab is prohibited jurisdiction. in water 25 fathoms or more in depth (3) Cook Inlet Area. (i) You may take during the 14 days immediately before shellfish for subsistence purposes only the State opening of a commercial as allowed in paragraph (i)(3) of this king or Tanner crab fishing season in section. the location. (ii) You may not take king crab, (iv) In the subsistence taking of king Dungeness crab, or shrimp for subsist- crab: ence purposes. (A) The annual limit is three crabs (iii) In the subsistence taking of Tan- per household; only male king crab ner crab: with shell width of 7 inches or greater (A) Male Tanner crab may be taken may be taken or possessed. only from July 15 through March 15; (B) All crab pots used for subsistence (B) The daily harvest and possession fishing and left in saltwater unat- limit is 5 male Tanner crabs; tended longer than a 2-week period (C) Only male Tanner crabs 51⁄2; must have all bait and bait containers inches or greater in width of shell may removed and all doors secured fully be taken or possessed; open. (D) No more than two pots per per- (C) You may only use one crab pot, son, regardless of type, with a max- which may be of any size, to take king imum of two pots per vessel, regardless crab. of type, may be used to take Tanner (D) You may take king crab only crab. from June 1 through January 31, except (iv) In the subsistence taking of that the subsistence taking of king clams: crab is prohibited in waters 25 fathoms


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or greater in depth during the period 14 (C) You may take crabs only from days before and 14 days after State June 1 through January 31. open commercial fishing seasons for (iv) The daily harvest and possession red king crab, blue king crab, or Tan- limit is 12 male Tanner crabs per per- ner crab in the location. son; only crabs with a shell width of 51⁄2 (E) The waters of the Pacific Ocean inches or greater may be taken or pos- enclosed by the boundaries of Womens sessed. Bay, Gibson Cove, and an area defined (6) Bering Sea Area. (i) In that portion by a line 1⁄2 mile on either side of the of the area north of the latitude of mouth of the Karluk River, and extend- Cape Newenham, shellfish may only be ing seaward 3,000 feet, and all waters taken by shovel, jigging gear, pots, and within 1,500 feet seaward of the shore- ring net. line of Afognak Island are closed to the (ii) The operator of a commercially harvest of king crab except by Feder- licensed and registered shrimp fishing ally qualified subsistence users. vessel must obtain a subsistence fish- (v) In the subsistence taking of Tan- ing permit from the ADF&G prior to ner crab: subsistence shrimp fishing during a (A) You may not use more than five closed commercial shrimp fishing sea- crab pots to take Tanner crab. son or within a closed commercial (B) You may not take Tanner crab in shrimp fishing district, section, or sub- waters 25 fathoms or greater in depth section; the permit must specify the during the 14 days immediately before area and the date the vessel operator the opening of a State commercial intends to fish; no more than 500 king or Tanner crab fishing season in pounds (227 kg) of shrimp may be in the location. possession aboard the vessel. (C) The daily harvest and possession (iii) In waters south of 60° North lati- limit per person is 12 male crabs with a tude, the daily harvest and possession shell width 51⁄2 inches or greater. limit is 12 male Dungeness crabs per (5) Alaska Peninsula—Aleutian Islands person. Area. (i) The operator of a commer- (iv) In the subsistence taking of king cially licensed and registered shrimp crab: fishing vessel must obtain a subsist- (A) In waters south of 60° North lati- ence fishing permit from the ADF&G tude, the daily harvest and possession prior to subsistence shrimp fishing dur- limit is six male crabs per person. ing a closed State commercial shrimp (B) All crab pots used for subsistence fishing season or within a closed com- fishing and left in saltwater unat- mercial shrimp fishing district, sec- tended longer than a 2-week period tion, or subsection; the permit must must have all bait and bait containers specify the area and the date the vessel removed and all doors secured fully operator intends to fish; no more than open. 500 pounds (227 kg) of shrimp may be in (C) In waters south of 60° North lati- possession aboard the vessel. tude, you may take crab only from (ii) The daily harvest and possession June 1 through January 31. limit is 12 male Dungeness crabs per (D) In the Norton Sound Section of person; only crabs with a shell width of the Northern District, you must have a 51⁄2 inches or greater may be taken or subsistence permit. possessed. (v) In waters south of 60° North lati- (iii) In the subsistence taking of king tude, the daily harvest and possession crab: limit is 12 male Tanner crabs. (A) The daily harvest and possession limit is six male crabs per person; only [76 FR 12585, Mar. 8, 2011] crabs with a shell width of 61⁄2 inches or greater may be taken or possessed; PART 251—LAND USES (B) All crab pots used for subsistence fishing and left in saltwater unat- Subpart A—Miscellaneous Land Uses tended longer than a 2-week period must have all bait and bait containers NATURAL RESOURCES CONTROL removed and all doors secured fully Sec. open; 251.9 Management of municipal watersheds.


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