Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.



4. 001 Pri nc iples of legislative apportionm ent ' 4. 15 < Fift eenth se nate dist rict . . 4.002 Construction . 4 . 16 Sixte enth se nat e distric t.. 4 Elec tions to th e l egislature . 4 .17 Seventee nth se nat e district,. 4.004 Territory omi tted from l egisl ative 4 , 18 Eight ee nth senate distric t: redistricting., 419 Nineteenth se nat e district„ 4. 01 : First senate distric t . 4.20 Twe ntieth se nate district„` . 4 . 02 S econd se nate district . 4.2 Tw ent y -first s enat e district,, 4 . 03 Third se nate di s trict. 4: . 22' Tw enty-second sen at e dis tri ct:, 4.04 Fourth se nate dis trict . 4.23 Twenty-third se nat e district,, 4.05 Fifth senate district . 4,24 Twenty -fourth se nate distric t . 4.06 Sixth senat e di s trict . 4 . 26 Twenty-fifth se nate d istrict„ 4.07 Seventh senat e district,. 4,26 Twenty-sixth senat e district. 4.08 Eighth se nate distz ict . 4.27 Twent y-se v enth senat e distri ct:, 4. . 09 Ninth se nate di stric t . 4.28 Twe nty-eighth se nate di s trict . 4. 10 T enth se nate district . 4„ 29 Twenty-nint h senate district,, 4. 11 Eleventh s en ate district. 4 .30 Thirti eth se nate dis trict . 4 . 12 Tw elft h sen at e district. 4,31 Thirty-first senat e district. 4 . 13 Thirteenth se nate di s tric t, . 4,32 Thirty-sec ond se nate district . 4.14 Four tee nth sen ate dist rict. . 4 :. 33 Thir ty-t hud senate distric t .,

4.001 Principles of legislative apportion- (1); Each bound continues to the inter- ment. Based. on the certified official results section with the bound next named, or to of the 1970 census of population of`Wiscon- the .intersection with a straight-line exten- sin, as published by the U .S , bureau of the sion of such bound census in publication . PC(1)-A51 Wis .. (as (2) If the bound is a street, it follows the corrected on page 51-6 thereof), the state is centerline of such street or the centerline of divided into 33 senate districtss each com- such street extended . posed of 3 assembly districts .. (3) If ' the bound is a railroad right-of-way,' (1) All senate districts, and all assembly it followss the centerline of such railroad districts, are as equal in the number of right-of-way. inhabitants as practicable within the guide- (4) If' the bound is a river or stream, it lines further- set forth in this section, but no follows the center of the main channel of district deviates from the state-wide average such river or stream . for districts of its type by more than one per (5) If the bound follows a municipal cent .. Because the certified total number of boundary, it coincides with such boundary . inhabitants of this state on the 19700 census date was 4,417,933, each of the 33 senate Hi story : 1971 c . 304 . districts contains approximately 133,877 in- habitants and each of the 99 assembly 4.003 Elections to the legislature . Beginning districts contains approximately 44,626 in- on May 9, 1972, all elections to the legisla- habitants,, ture, including elections for the balance of (2) In designing the districts, the fol- an unexpired term, shall be from the dis- lowing factors are consideredd as coequal in tricts as described in ss . 4.01 to 4 .33 . precedence : compactness, contiguity of area, Hi story : 1971 c . 304, 336.. and community of interest . Island territory (territory belonging to a city, town or village 4.004 T erritory om itted from legi sl ati ve re- but not contiguous to the main part thereof) districting . (1) In case any town, village or is considered a contiguous part of its munic- ward in existence on the effective date of a ipality . legislative redistricting act has not been (3) County lines have been observed to included in any assembly district, such town, the extent consistent with sub . (1) .. village or ward shall be a part of the assembly district by which it is surrounded History : 1971 c.. 304 . or, if' it falls on the boundary between 2 or more districts, of the adjacent assembly 4.002 Construction. The following con- district having the lowest population ac- ventions are used in this chapter where cording to the federal census upon which the territory is described by geographic bounda- redistricting act is based .. ries : (2) The boundaries of legislative districts Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


established by a legislative redistricting act ( 1) FIRST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The are not altered by any change in the county following territory shall constitute the 1st boundaries under ch . 2, by thee creation of assembly district : anyy town, village, city : or ward, or by any (a) Whole counties., The counties of Door municipal annexation or consolidation and Kewaunee which occurs after the effective date of the (b) Brown county„ That part of the redistricting act .: county of Brown consisting of`. History : 1971 c. 304, 336 ., l : The towns of Eaton, Green Bay, Hum- bol dt and Scott . 2. That, part of the city of Green Bay, constituting a part of supervisory district 11 4.01 First senate d istrict. The combination of the plan adopted December 21, 1971, of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd assembly districts, as which h lies ,northeast of a line commencing further set forth in this section and as shown where Woodside road intersects the southern in the following segment of the official 1970 city limits of said supervisory district ; thence census map of this state, shall constitute the north on Woodside road, east on Hu mboldt . ' road, north on Spartan road and westerly on fast senate district Willow street to the western limits of the supervisory' district at University (Mahon) avenue .

o EQ~ (2) SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory in the county :y of Manitowoc shall constitute the 2nd assembly district : the towns of Centerville, Liberty, Manitowoc Manitowoc Rapids, Meeme and 1st SENATE DISTRICT Newton; thee village of Cleveland ; and the city of Manitowoc . (3) THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory shall, constitute the 3rd assembly district : °. I•p F oWlu~4LL` (a) Brown •county . That part of the KEWA E COI county of Brown consisting of the towns of 11 . .~m. Glenmore, Holland, Morxison, New Denmark and Rockland ; and the village of Denmark,. (b) Manitowoc county . That part of' the county of Manitowoc consisting .g of the Kexaunn townss of Cato, Coopet'stown, Eaton, Franklin, Gibson, Kossuth, Maple Grove, M ~ -ARK Mishicot, R ockland, Schieswig,' Two Creeks ...... and Two Rivers ; the villages of Francis MANITOWOC LOO t Creek, Maribel, Mshicot ; Reedsville, St,. Nazianz, Valdeis and Whitelaw ; and the Muh~mt cities of Kiel and Two Rivers, k a Reed.Mt 4 V Tw o Rivm History : 197 1 c„ 3 04, 305

4.02 Second senate di strict . The combina- tion of the'' 4th, 5th and 6th assembly districts, as further set forth in this section . /7 St. NW~o and as shown in the following segment of L the official 1970 census map of this state, shall constitute the 2nd senate district ..

u !f Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(b) De Pere, city of That part of the city of De Pere lying east of the Fox river..- (c) Green Bay, city of. That part of the city of Green Bay consisting of s upervisory districts 2, 3 and 8 to 10 of the plan adopted 2nd SENATE DISTRICT ~~a v on December 21, 1971, and of that part of supervisory district 11 of such plan which De ~«~~ lies west of a line commencing where Woodside road intersects the southern limits of said supervisory district ; thence north on .4' Woodside road, east on Humboldt road, 5 'z J north, on Spartan road and westerly on t WR/GHTSTOWI Willoww street to the western limits of the LittleChu ~ supervisory district- at University (Mahon) Kimberly n avenue. (2) FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory shall constitute the 5th ~• mbined Locks BUCHANAN assembly district : ALUMET C0. (a) Brownn county., That part of the Shezwood i WOOD . °R11L1oN county of Brown consisting of the towns of Britlion Lawrence and Wrightstown ; the village of Wrightstown ; and that part of the city of De joy Hilbert Pere lying west of the Fox river .. (b) Calumet county .. That part of the $tOCkbfI dQ2 RANTOUL L E CHiL . county of Calumet consisting of that par t of TON the city of Appleton in the county (alder- h ilton STOC K- C manic district 9 and part of aldermanic WINN .1 C0 eR~ocE district 13),. no ~ TOWNCHARLES (c) Outagamie county. That part of the e county of Outagamie consisting of : T • ew Hyole~yteii 1 .. The towns of Buchanan and Kaukauna ; ~ the villages of Combined Locks, Kimberly CALUMET NEW and Little Chute ; and the city of Kaukauna . • HOLSTEIN 2.. That pant of the city of Appleton r MA FIELD RSH- SHEBC GAN CO. consisting of that part of aldermanic district RUSSEL L TAY . MtCalvary 0 13 of the.e plan adopted in 1971, which is in CNEEDAM Q 1 ~, -- that county . (3) SIXTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT ., The following territory shall constitute the 6th

ORE ST I assembly district : . RE F BU S H EMP I (a) Calumet county . The entire county of P Calumet except that part of the city of Eden Appleton in the county, . 0 (b) Fond du. Lac county. That part of the OSC A - EDEN EOL county of Fond du Lac consisting of the towns of Auburn, Calumet, Eden, Empire, pbellsport, Forest, Marshfield, Osceola and Taycheedah ; and the villages of' Campbellsport, Eden, AUBURN Mount Calvary and St . Cloud . (c) Sheboygan county, : That part of the county of Sheboygan consisting of thee towns of Greenbush and Russell. (d) Washington county .: That part of the county of Washington consisting of the town -,(1)-FoURTx ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . of Kewaskum ; and the village of Kewaskum . The following territory in t he co unty of History : 1971 c.. 304, ao5., Brown shall constitutee the 4thh assembly aistzict : 4.03 Third senate district . The combination (a) Whole municipalities. The, towns of of the 7th, 8th and 9th assembly districts, as Allouez, Bellevue and De Pere . further set forth in this section and as shown Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


in the following segment of the street map of the Milwaukee urban area, shall constitute the 3rd senate district. 3rd SENATE DISTRICT

( 1) SEVE N TH ASS EMBLY DISTRICT ., ( 2) EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRIC T .. The The following territory in the county of following territory in the county of Mil- Milwaukee shall constitute the 7th assembly waukee shall constitute the 8th assembly district : district : that part of the city of Milwaukee (a) Greenfield, city of . That part of the surrounded by a line commencing at the city of Greenfield lying northeast of a line point where S, . Layton boulevard intersects commencing where S :.' 84th street intersects W,. Pierce street ; thence south on S . Layton the northern limits of said city ; thence south boulevard and S . 27th street, east on W. on S. 84th street, east on W . Layton avenue, Morgan avenue, south on S .. 24th street, and south on S . 43rd street, and east on W, west on W . Howard avenue to the city limits Edgerton`street to the eastern limits of said at S .. 27th street ; thence along the limits of city. said city in irregular fashion west ; north, and (b) Milwaukee, city of, That part of the southwest to the intersection of` W,. Forest city of Milwaukee surrounded by a line Home avenue and S . 49th street ; thence commencing at thee point where W . Okla•• north on S ., 49th street, west on W„ Okla- homa avenue intersects S.. 49th street ; homa avenue, south on S . , west thence south on S 49th street to W . Forest on W.. Holt street, northerly on S . 62nd Home avenue thence following the irregular- street, westerly on W . Ohio street, north- limits of said city in generally clockwise westerly on Honey Creek drive, northerly fashion southerly, westerly, northerly and along S .' , and along the limits of east to the intersection of W. Oklahoma' said city north, easterly and northerly to the avenue and S . 72nd street; thence southerly intersection of S .. 39th street and W . Pierce .' on S., 72nd street, southeasterly on Honey street ; thence east along W. Pierce street to Creek drive, easterly on W . Ohio street, the point of commencement .. southerly on S . 62nd street, east on W .. Holt street, north on S. 57th street, and east on W . Oklahoma avenue to the point of' CO iri- (3) NINTH A SSEMBLY DISTRICT . `r $0 mencement., following territory in the county of Mil- Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


waukee shall constitute the 9th assembly (1) TENTH ASSE MBLY DISTRIC T. The district : that part of the city of Milwaukee following territory in the county of Mil- surrounded by a line commencing where S, waukee shall constitute the 10th assembly 11th : street intersects W . Rogers street ; district : thence south on S . 11th street, east on W . (a) Whole municipalities. The villages of Becher street, southerly along the right- Fox Point and Shorewood ; and that part of of-way of the C .:M.St,P ..&P, railroad and S,, the village of Bayside in the county .. Chase avenue, west on W . Crawf'ord avenue, (b) Whitefish Bay, village of. The entire south on S : , west on W . Howard village of Whitefish Bay except that part avenue, south on S .. 13th street, West on W . thereof assigned to the 11th assembly dis- Bolivar avenue to the city limits at S.. 27th trict in sub.. (2) (c),. street, north along the city limits, east on W. (2) ELEV EN TH A SS EM BLY DI STRICT ,. Howard avenue, north on S . 24th street, The following territory in the county of west on W,. Morgan avenue, north on S :. 27th Milwaukee shall constitute the l lth as- street, and east on W . Rogers street to the semb ly district : point of commencement . (a) Whole municipalities, The villages of History : 1 971 c.. 304: 1971 c . 305 s„ 5. Brown Deer and River Hills ; and the city of Glendale . 4.04' Fourth senate district . The combing- (b) Milwaukee, city of. That part of the tion of the 10th, 11th and 12th assembly city of Milwaukee surrounded by a line districts, as further set forth in this section commencing where N„ Dexter avenue inter- and as shown : in the following segment of sects the city limits ; thence along the limits the official 1970 census map of this state, of said city in irregular fashion northerly, shall constitute the 4th senate district .t easterly andd southerly to E,, Capitol avenue ;

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1 Brown D eer ~ 2 3 _ - 2 R, ive x Hi lls 4 - s 3 Baysid e (pt) 4 Fo x Point 5 Glendale 6 Whitefish Bay 7 Shorewood ~ Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


thence west on E . Capitol avenue, south on northwesterly along the village limits to the N. Fratney street, west on E,. Keefe avenue, point of commencement .. . northwest along the right-of-way of the (3) TW E LFTH ASS EMBLY DISTRICT . C..M.St..P,;&P„ railroad, west on W .. Vienna The following territory shall constitute the avenue, north on N „ Port Washington road, 12th assembly district : west on W : Capitol drive, south on N. 15th (a) Ozaukee county . That part of' the street, northwest on W . Atkinson avenue, county of Ozaukee consisting of : northwest on N. Teutonia avenue, north- 1 . The village of Thiensvilie, and that part easterly on Lincoln Creek parkway , north- of the village of Bayside in the county,. erly on N .. 20th street extended and Long 2.. The entire city of Mequon except that Islandd drive, southwest on W .. Lawn avenue, part theieof lying north of a line com- and northwest on N : Dexter avenue to the mencing where Granville road intersects the point of commencement .. northern city limits ; thence south on Gran- (c) Whitefish Bay, village of ,: That part of viile road, east on Highland road, and upriver the village of Whitefish Bay surrounded by a along the Milwaukee river to the northern line commencing where Chateau place ex- city limits. tended intersects the western village limits ; (b) Washington county . That part of the thence east on Chateau place extended and county of Washington consisting of the Chateauu place, south on N .. Santa Monica towns of Erin, Farmington, Germantown, boulevard, west on Hampton avenue, and Jackson, Polk, Richfield, Trenton and West Bend ; and the villages of Germantown, Jackson and Slinger . History : 1971 c. 304.

4. 05 Fifth se nate district . The combination of' the 13th, 14th and 15th assembly dis- tricts, as further set forth in this section an d as shown in the following segment of the street map of` the Milwaukee urban area, shall constitute the 5th senate district ..

5th SENATE DISTRICT Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(1 ) THIRTEE N TH ASS EMBLY DIS- (2) FOURT E ENTH ASSEMBL Y DIS- TRICT, The following territory shall con- TRICT ,. The following territory in the stitute the 13thh assembly district : county of Milwaukee shall constitute the (a) Milwaukee county.. That part of the 14th assembly district : that part of the city county of Milwaukee consisting of that part of Milwaukee surrounded by a line com- of the city of Milwaukee surrounded by a mencing at the point where W .. Silver Spring line commencing at the point where the drive intersects the city limits (near N .. 26th common boundary between said city and street) ; thence westt on W„ Silver Spring the village of Brown Deer reaches the north- chive, south on N . 57th street, west on W. ern limits of said county ; thence south along Gustier avenue, south on N . 60th street, west said common boundary, west on W . Bradley on W .. Villard avenue, north on N . 76th road, south on N . 76th street, west on W . street, west on W . Mill road, north on N .. Good Hope road, south on N ., 91st street, 91st street, east on W.. Good Hope road, east on W . Mill road, south on N . 76th street north on N .. 76th street, east on W . Bradley and Wauwatosa avenue, west on W . Congress road, and along the limits of said city in street, south on N .. 84th street, west on W . irregular fashion easterly and southerly : to Capitol avenue, north on N . 92nd street and the point of commencement :.. the city limits ; thence north and west along (3) FIFTE EN TH ASSEM BLY DISTRICT .. the city limits, and north and east along the The following territory in the county of county line, to the point of commencement .. Milwaukee shall constitute the 15th as- (b) Washington county .. That part of the sembly district : that part of the cityy of county of Washington consisting of that part Milwaukee surrounded by a line com- of the city of Milwaukee in the county .. mencing at the point where W . Villard (c) Waukesha county.. That part of the avenue intersects N.. 60th street ; thence county of Waukesha consisting of the village southh on N . 60th street, west on W. Burleigh of Butler . street, south on N .. 68th street to the city limits ; thence along the limits of said city west, northerly and easterly in irregular fashion to N, 92nd street (near W . Capitol drive) ; thence south on N . 92nd street, east on W .. Capitol drive,, north on N . 84th street, east on W . Congress street, north on N . 76th street, and east on W . Villard avenue to the point of commencement, History : 1 9 711 c .. 304.

4.06 .. Sixth senate district. The combination of the 16th, 17th and 18th assembly dis.- tr cts, as further ; set forth in this section and as shown in the following segment of the street map of the Milwaukee urban area, shall constitute the 6th senate district . Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(1 ) SIXTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT .. street, northwesterly and west on the Walnut The following territory in the county of street connector and E .. and W ,: Walnut Milwaukee shall constitute the 16th as- street, north on N .. 6th street, west on W ., sembly district : that part of the city of Brown street, south on N .. 15th street, Milwaukee surrounded by a line com- northwest on W . Fond du Lac avenue, west mencing at the intersection of W: Silver on W. Brown street, north on N .. 24th place, Spring drive and the city limits (near N ., 26th west on W .. Meinecke avenue, north on N ,. street) ; thence southerly and easterly along 35th street, east on W . Hadley street, north the limits of said city to N . Dexter avenue, on N . , east on W .. Locust street, southeast on N . Dexter avenue, northeast south on N „ 20th street, and east on W,. and on W .. Lawn avenue, southerly on Long E:. Hadley street to the point of commence- Island drive and N .. 20th : street extended, ment : southwesterly on Lincoln Creek parkway, History: 1971 c.. 304.. southeast on N Teutonia avenue, southeast on . W Atkinson; avenue, south on N ,. 20th 4.07 Seventh senate district. The combin- street, west on W. Keefe avenue,, southerly ation of the 19th, 20th and 21st assembly on N, 24th place, west on W . Townsend districts, as further set forth in this section street, south on N. 27th street, west on W., and as shown in the following segment of Locust street, northh on N 35th street, west the street map of the Milwaukee urban area, on W.. - Keefe avenue, north on Sherman shall constitute the 7th senate ' district ., boulevard, westerly on W. Congress street, 300 north, on N . SZst street, west on W. Hamp- ton avenue , north on N _60th street, east on 7th SENATE 2700 W Custer avenue, north on N.. 57th street, and east on W . Silver Spring drive to the' DISTRICT ~ ` ~o point of commencement ' ( 2) SEVENTEENTH' . ASSEMBLY CITY OF 0 DIS- MILWAUKEE nt~;` ~ ~ TR ic T.' The following territory in the county of Milwaukee shall constitute the A \ asao 17th assembly district : that part of the city 3aC of Milwaukee surrounded by a line com- mencing where . N . Port Washington road C intersects W. Capitol drive ; thence south on M40 N Port Washington road, east on W.. Vienna f ~771 I ~ 20 „«a a T~~.: 5,00 , A 00

P avenue, southeast along the right-of'-way, of the C.M..St.P.&P. railroad, west on E.. Keefe avenue, south on N . Richard street, west on E.. and W . Hadley street, north on N . 20th street, west on W.. Locust street, north on N . . 27th street, east on W . Townsend street, ~, .~ northerly on N.. 24th place, east on W . Keefe t \ ~"" 'y avenue, north on N . 20th street, southeast on W. Atkinson avenue, north on N„ 15th Z1I,'' street, and east on W . Capitol drive to the point of commencement .. i ( 3) E IGHTEENTH AS SEM BLY DI S- ~ ~- TRICT .. The following territory in the county of Milwaukee shall constitute the 18th assembly district : that part of the city -- .: : of Milwaukee surrounded by a line com- mencing where E . Hadley street intersects N . Holton street ; thence south and south-. easterly .on_N,. Holton street and the Holton 4 t street connector, southwesterly on N ;. Water Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


( 1 ) NINETEENTH ASSEMBLY DIS- southerly on the western branch of Eastway, TRICT, The following territory in the and south on S. 51st: street to the southern county of Milwaukee shall constitute the village limits. . .19th assembly district : (c) , Green field, city of.. That part of the (a) Cudahy, city of.. That part of the city city: of Greenfield south of W . Ramsey of Cudahy northwest of a line commencing avenue.. where S .. Lake drive intersects the northern limits of said city ; thence southerly on S . Lake drive, west on E . Plankinton avenue, (d) Milwaukee, city of: That part' of the south on S . Packard avenue, and west on E . city of Milwaukee surrounded by a line Layton avenue to the city limits , commencing where W.. H owar d aven ue inter- sects S . 13th street ; thence east o n W .. Howard avenue; north on S.. 4th street, east (b) Milwaukee, city of, That part of the on, W.. Crawford avenue, south on S, Howell city of Milwaukee surrounded by a line avenue, east on E,. Bolivar avenue, north on commencing at the point where E . Russell S.. Logan street, southeast on S . Whitnall avenue extended reaches Lake Michigan ; avenue to the city limits ; thence along the thence along the shore of Lake Michigan limits of said city southerly, westerly, and southeasterly. to the common boundary be- northerly to the intersection of S . 27th tween said city and the city of St:. Francis ; street and W . Bolivar avenue, east on W : thence along said common boundary west- Bolivar avenue, and, north on S . 13th street erly and southerly to the intersection of S .. to the point of commencement .. Clement avenue :. and S . Whitnall avenue, northwest on S .. Whitnall avenue, south on S .. Logan street, , west on E . Bolivar avenue , (3) TWENTY-FIRST ASSEMBLY DIS- northerly ' on Howell avenue, Chase avenue TRIO T .. The following territory in the and the right-of-way of the C .:M., St,.P .&P , county of Milwaukee shall constitute the railroad, east ` on E ,. Rosedale avenue, north- 21st assembly district : erly on S .. Howell avenue, and east and northeast on E Russell avenue and E , (a) Whole municipalities . The cities of Russell avenue extended to the point of Oak Creek and South Milwaukee , commencement..

(b) Cudahy, city of, That part of the city (c) St: Francis,s city of. The city of St . of G'udahy, lying east of a line commencing Francis. where S . Lake drive intersects the northern limits of said city ; thence southerly on S .. ( 2) 'TWENTIETH ASSEMBLY . DIS- Lake drive, west on E . Plankinton avenue, TR ac T, The following territory in the ' south on S . Swift avenue, west on E . Grange county of Milwaukee shall constitute the avenue, : and south on S ,: Packard avenue to 20th assembly district : thesouthern limits of said city . History : 1971 c . 304, 336... (a) Cudahy, city of: That part of the city of Cudahy surrounded by a line commencing where S .. Swift avenue intersects E . Plank- inton avenue ; thence south on S .. Swift avenue, west on E . Grange avenue, southerly on S .. Packard avenue, along the city limits west, northerly and east, east on E . Layton avenue, north on S .. Packard avenue, and east on E . Plankinton avenuee to the point of commencement . 4.08 Eighth senate district . The combina- (b) Greendale, village of.. That part of the tion of the 22nd, 2 ,3rd and 24th assembly village of Greendale east of a line com- districts, as further set forth in this section ' mencing where W.. Grange avenue intersects and as shown in the following segment of the eastern village limits ; thence west on W , the street map of the . Milwaukee urban area, Grange avenue, south on S . , shall constitute the 8th senate district.. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


( 1) TWE NT Y -S ECON D ASS EM B L Y DIS - TRICT .. The following territory in thee countyy of Milwaukee : shall constitute the 22nd assembly district`: that part of the city of" Wauwatosa northeast of a line com- mencing where W.. Center street intersects the city limits and county line at N . 124th street ; thence east on W. Center street, southerly and southeasterly on highway US-45 (Zoo freeway), northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the right-of'-way of the C ..M, .St„P ..&P, railroad, southerly along the eastern property line of the Milwaukee county institutions and N 84th street, and west on W . Wisconsin avenue to the city limits at N . 88th street ., (2)TWENTY.-THIRD ASSEM BLY DIS- TRICT,, The following territory in the county of Milwaukee shall constitute the 23rd assembly district : (a) Greenfield, city of.' That part of the city of Greenfield lying west of a line commencing where S .. 92nd street intersects the northern city limits ; thence south on S . 92nd street, westt on W . Layton avenue, and south on S .. 108th street to the southern city 8th SENATE DISTRICT limits..

. ., (b) Hales Corners, village o,f. That part of the village of Hales Corners ' lying north of a line commencing where W . Janesville road intersects the village limits and county line at S ,:: 124th street ; thence northeast on W ., Janesville road, northerly on S.. 11 6th street, and east on W .. Grange avenue to the eastern village limits., (c) Wauwatosa, city of,. That part of the city of Wauwatosa southwest of a line commencing where W : Center street inter- sects , the city limits and county line at N . 124th ' street ; thence : east on W . Center stzeet , southerly and southeasterly on high- way' US-45 (Zoo freeway), northeasterly, easterly , and southeasterly along the right- of-way of the C M,. St. P. & P.. railroad, south- erly along the eastern property line of the Milwaukee county institutions and N ., 84thh street, west on W,. Wisconsin avenue and the city limits, and south along the city limits and N.. 95th street to W . Blue Mound road„ (d) . West Allis, city o f: That part of the city of West Allis west of"'a line commencing Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.

4.08 LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS 86 where S . 92nd street intersects the northern ( 1 ) TWENTY -FIFTH ASSEMBLY DIS- city limits ; thence south' on S . 92nd street, TRICT .. The following territory in the east on W .. Greenfield avenue, south on S ., county of Milwaukee shall constitute the 84th street, west on W .: Becher street, south 25th assembly district : thatpart of the city on S 88th street, west on W . Lincoln of Milwaukee surrounded by a line corn- avenue, south : on highway STH-100 (S . mencing at the point where the common 108th street), east on W .. Oklahoma avenue boundary between said city and the village to the city limits, and south along the city of Shorewood enters into Lake Michigan ; limits (between S . 104th and S . 105th thence southerly along the shore of Lake streets) . Michigan, west on E North avenue extended (3) TWEN T Y-FO U RTH ASSEMBLY DIS- and North avenue, southwest on N ., Farwell TRtcT .. The following territory in the avenue, west on E . Brady street, northwest county of Milwaukee shall constitute the and north on the Holton street connector 24th assembly district : and N . Holton street, west on E . Hadley (a) West Allis, city of. That part of the street, north on N : Richard street, east on E .. city of West Allis surrounded by a line Keefe avenue, north on N .. Fratney street, commencing where W . `National' avenue' in- east on E .. Capitol avenue, and southeasterly tersects the eastern city limits ; thence along and east alongg the common boundary, be- the city limits in irregular fashion southerly tween the city of Milwaukee and the village and westerly to W.. Oklahoma avenue, west of Shorewood to the point of commence- on W . Oklahoma avenue, north on highway merit. ` STH-100 ($ . 108th street), east on W . (2) TWENT Y -S IX TH A SS E M BLY DIS - Lincoln avenue, north on S . 88th street, east TRICZ . The following territory ` in the on W Becher street, north on S . 84th street, county of Milwaukee shall constitute the .e east on W :. . Greenfield avenue, and northeast on W. National avenue to the point of commencement . (b) West Milwaukee, village of . The village 3500 of West Milwaukee . History : 1971 c . 3 0 4.. 3100 4.09 Ninth senate district. The combination of the 25th, 26th and 27th assembly dis- tricts, as further set forth in this section and as shown in the following segment of`the street map of the Milwaukee urban area, shall constitute the 9th senate district :

9th :SENATE DISTRICT Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


26th assembly district : that part of the city easterly on W, Pierce street, south on S. 27th of M ilwaukee surrounded by a line com- (Layton boulevard) street, east on W ,. Min- mencing where E. North avenue extended eral street, north on S. 15th street, easterly reaches the shore ofLake Michigan; thence on W National avenue, north on S . 11th west on E.. North avenue extended and E ,: street, east and northeasterly along the North- avenue, southwest on N , Farwell southernmost slip "of' the Menomonee river avenue, west on E . Brady street, south- basin, downr iver along the Menomonee river, westerly on N. Water street, northwest and downriver along the Milwaukee river, east west on the Walnut street connector and E, through the straight-cut harbor and north- and W.. Walnut street, north on N ,. 6th street, erly along thee shore of Lake Michigan to the west on W . Brown street, south on N. 15th point of commencement , e~'nnsrrco . ( 3) TWENTY-SEVENTH ASSEMBLY "'"` DISTRICT,, The following territory in the r w~. county of Milwaukee shall constitute the . "" `^^` 27thh assembly district : - that part of the city T 'T of Milwaukee surrounded by a linee com- mencing where the straight-cut harbor ,- „ M reaches Lake Michigan ; thence southerly along the shore of Lake - Michigan, ., south- 1 r b . westerly and west on E . Russell avenue, southerly on S . Howell avenue, west on E . Rosedale avenue, northerly along the right- ofof-way-way of the C .M .. St ,.P.: &P ., railroad, west on roi Kco s~aRO ~ :o. W.. Becher street, nor'tll . on S . l l tll street, ~ •~^, "°" west on W .. Rogers street, north on S.. 27th uR~.. street (Layton boulevard), east on W . Min-Min- ~• ~~ eral street, north on S . :15th street, easterly -~•• on W . National avenue, north on - S.. l l th ~ :,: `}°"":~ Istteet, east and northeasterly along the I southermost slip of the Menomonee river i '"` ~ ~~~~ basin, dowruiver along the Menomonee river, ~~ downriver along the Milwaukee l iver, and east through the straight-cut harbor to the oI~, ST < CR:o : .: point of commencement , . . History ; 1971 c., 304 . . `a T 4 - - - ~

4.10 Tenth senate di strict . The combination o ,..o of the 28th, 29th and 30th assemblyy dis- tricts, as further set forth in this section and as, shown in the following segment of the PIERCE L I M. .., official 1970 census map of this state, shall .o. ~ . ~. .«, .,. CO ,.,~ constitute the 10th senate district .


street, southerly and south on the N :: 16th N. 16th street, west on street connector and t.re..°'1 3~ ~M W. Wells street, south on N . 19th street, west on W. Wisconsin avenue, south on N ; 35th street, west on highway 1-94 (East-West freeway), south on S . 39thh street extended, Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(1) 1 WENTY '-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DIS- (d) TY'emp_ealeau county, That part ofthe TR icT.. The following territory shall con- county of Trempealeau consisting of the stitute the 28th assembly district : towns of Arcadia, Burnside and Dodge ; and (a) Barron county ,. That part of the the cities of Arcadia and Independence ,, county of Barxon consisting of the towns of History : 1971 c. 304. Almena, Arland, Clinton, Crystal Lake, Cumberland, Lakeland, Maple Plain, Prairie Farm, Turtle : Lake and Vance Creek ; the villages : of Almena, Prairie Farm and Turtle Lake ; and the . city of Cumberland. (b) Burnett county . The county of Bur- nett. 4.11 Eleventh senate district. The combina- (c) Polk county. The entire county of tion of the :31st, 32nd and 33rd assembly Polk except the town of Fazmingtor , districts, as further set forth in this section (2)TWENTY-NINTH ASSEMBLY DIS- and as shown in the following segment of TR icT.. The following territory shall con- the street map of the Milwaukee urban area, stitute the 29th assembly district : shall constitute the 11th senate district . (a) Dunn county. That part of the county of Dunn consisting of the village of Downing . "' (b) Pierce county . That part of the county of Pierce consisting of the towns of El Paso, Ellsworth, Gilman, Maitell, Rock Elm and Spring ..Lake ; and the villages of Ellsworth, Elmwood .and Spring Valley , (c) Polk county, That part of the county . ` of Polk consisting of the town of Farming- R- x ton. (d) St. Croix county . The county of St. _ Croix ,. . (3) THIRTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory shalll constitute the 30th assembly district : .60 (a) Buffalo county:, The county of Buf ' " Palo . (b) Pepin county ,, . The entire county of Pepin except the town of Albany . (c) Pierce county. That part of the county of Pierce consisting of the towns of Clifton, = x- x Diamond Bluff', Hartland, Isabelle, Maiden ~ ~ Rock, Oak Grove, River Falls, Salem, Tren- ° ton, Trimbelle and Union ; the villages of Bay 81 City, Maiden Rock and Plum City ; the city of Prescott ; and that part of the city of xA - River Falls in the county . "'

0 0

11th SENATE DISTRICT Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


1) THIRTY-FIRST ASSEMBLY -' DIS- t$0' city' limits at N„ 60th street, east on W„ TxiC T .:' The following te rritory in the North, avenue, north on N :. 45th street, and county of Milwaukee shall constitute the east on W .. Meinecke avenue to the point of 31st assembly district : that part of' the city commencement . Of Milwaukee surrounded - by a line com- (3)THIRTY-THIRD ASSEMBLY DIS- mencing where W .. Hampton avenue inter- T xicT. ' The following territory in the sects N : 60th street ; thence east on W , county of Milwaukee shall constitute the Hampton; avenue, south on N . 51st boule- 33rd assembly district : yard, easterly on W . Congress street, south (a) Milwaukee, city of, The part of the on N : Sherman boulevard , east on W. Keefe city of Milwaukee lying west of a line avenue, south : on N 35th street, east on W , commencing where the city limits at N, 60th Locust street, south on N, 34th street, west street intersect the Menomonee river ; thence on W; Hadley street , south on N , 35th street , northh along• the city ' limits, east on W., west on Meinecke street, south on N ,; 45th Washington boulevard ; south on > N . , and west on W. North avenue to the street, east on W . Galena street, south on city limits ; thence along the limits of saidd highway : US-41 (Stadium freeway), east on city northerly and westerly , north on N . W . Vliet street, southerly and east on W,: 68th street, east on W. Buileigh street , and Highland boulevard, south on N .. 22nd north on N ,. 60th street to the point of street, east on W. , south on N , commencement : 21st street, west on W .: Wisconsin avenue, (2) THIRTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DIS- south on N , :35th street, west on interstate TRICT . The following territory in the highway I=94 (East - West freeway), south on county of Milwaukee shall constitute the N . 39th street extended, and westerly along 32nd assembly district : that part of the city the city limits ::' of Milwaukee surrounded by a line com- (b) West Allis, city of That part of the mencing where W . Meinecke avenue inter- city of West Allis surrounded by a line sects N. 24th place ; thence south on N 24th commencing where W „' National avenue in- place, east on W : Brown street, southeast on tersects thee eastern city limits ; thence south- W. Fond du Lac avenue, southwest and west on National avenue, west on W . Green- south on the N 16th street connector and field avenue, and north on S . 92nd street to N . 16th street, west on W,: Wells street , south . the city limits ; thencee along the limits of on N .. 19th street, west on W . Wisconsin said city easterly and south to the point of avenue, north on N . 21st street, west on W , commencement.. State street, north on N . 22nd street, west History : 1971 c 30 4, and northerly on W Highland boulevard, west on W. Vliet street, north on highway , 4.12 Twelfth senate district . . The combina- US-41 (Stadium freeway), west on W . tion of the 34th, .35th and 36th assembly Galena street, north on N ,. 50th street, west districts, as further set forth in this section on W. Washington boulevard, north along and as shown in the following segment of the official 1970 census map of this state, shall constitute the 12th senate district , . L , ~, 1 - --. _. o. , _

12th SENATE DISTRICT ~ W. _. ~ ..o. _.. -~ .. ..~ ..~ .a. . ~ ... . 316,. .w 777 77-- .o- ~,. 41 ~ --~ .. . ~-.~{ T ~ ~ .. .,... 1 . _ ~'. ..,.. ~ti...... m . .- .1 ,.a n ' ...... ew . w . . . . . ~ . w.. .. __" , . .,,.» n3~ ~-- I ...... ' ...~ ,.. i 4 1 ~1 ?- _.. ...v .n. ~-- -r .~~ _.. . - .. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


, (I ) THIRTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY. DIS - R $1ri 6 Ian CIeT';: TAICT; The following tOil'itOT'y shall consti- (3)THIRTY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY DIS - tute-the 34th assembly district : TRicT . The following territory shall consti- (a) Whole counties, The counties of Rusk tute the 36th assembly district : and Taylor. (a) Whole counties.. Thee counties of Flor- (b) Clark county. That part of'the county ence, Forest and Vitas . of Clark consisting of the towns of Colby, (b) Mazznette county. That part of the Green Grove, Hixon, Hoard, . Longwood and county of Maiinette consisting of the towns Mayville; the villages of Curt ss, Dorchester of Amberg, Athelstane, Beecher, Dunbar, and Withee ; the city of Owen ; and those Goodman, Middle Inlet, Niagara, Pembine, parts of the citiess of Abbotsford and Colby Silver Cliff, and Wausaukee ; and the villages in the county., of Niagara and Wausaukee . (c) Price county .. That part of the county (c) Oconto county . That part of the of Price consisting of the towns of Catawba, county of Oconto consisting of the towns of Georgetown, Harmony, Hill, Kennan, Knox, Armstrong, Bagley, Brazeau, Breed, Doty, Ogema, Pientice and Spirit ; and the villages Lakewood, Maple Va lley, R iverview, Spruce of Catawba, Kennan and Prentice . and Townsend . (2) THIRTY -FIFTH A SS EMBLY DIS - (d) Oneida county. That part of the Tx.icT .. The following territory shall consti- county of Oneida consisting of'the towns of tute the 35th assembly district : Enterprise, Monico, Newbold, Pelican, Piehl, (a) Langlade county., The entire countyy of Pine Lake, Schoepke, Stellar Sugar Camp, Langlade except the, towns of Antigo, Rol- Three Lakes and Woodruf'f : ling and Norwood and the city of Antigo . History : 1971 c .. 304„ (b) Lincoln county ., The county of Lin- coln . 4.1 3 Thirteenth sen ate distr ict. The combi- (c) Oneida county,. That part of the nation of the 37th, 38th and 39th assembly county of Oneida consisting of the towns of districts, as further set forth in this section Cassian, Crescent, Hazelhurst, Lake Toma- and as shownn in the following segment of hawk, : Little Rice, Lynne, Minocqua, the official 1970 census map of this state, Nokomis and Woodboro ; and the city of shall constitute the 13th senate district .


)tiagr Grove Johnson Q F ox detail of Madiso n DEER . area, see 26th Senate U FIELD District COTTAGE FARM I N G A ZTALAN TON G~ Deerfield


" ^-- I R oc kda le C, OAKLAND JEFFERSON SULLIVAN DUNN SPRINGS CHRISTIAN A H EBRON Fort _~- Atkim i SUM N =R~ 13th SENATE DISTRICT ALBION -. . ~ 39 COLD KONONG, SPRINGS . ., . . . ttRh PwSte~ ( 1 ) THIRTY-SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DIS- TRICT . The following territory in the county of D ane shall constitute the 37th assembly district : (a) Burke, town of The town of Burke . (b) Madison, city of. That part of the city of` Madison east of a line running due south from the mouth of Six Mile creek to the center of Lake Mendota ; thence in a straight Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.

91 L EGISLATIVE DI STRICTS 4.14 line northeasterly to the southern boundary (a) Jefferson county.. That part of the of' Warner park which is also the northern county of Jefferson consisting of `: limits of the village of Maple Bluff, east on 1 .. The towns of Aztalan, Cold Spr ings, said boundary, south on Monterey, south- Farmington, Hebron, Jefferson, Kosh easterly on Wyldewood drive, east on Almo konong, Sullivan and Watertown ; the vil- avenue, north on Sherman avenue, east on lages of Johnson Creek and Sullivan ; the Manley street ; south and southeasterly on cities of Fort Atkinson and Jefferson ; and Packers avenue, Aberg `avenue and highway that part of the city of Whitewater in the STH-30 to the limits of'said city at Rethke county . avenue ; thence along said city limits south, 2 . That part of the city of Watertown northeast and south, ' downstream along su rrounded by a ' line commencing where N . Starkweather creek, southeasterly along the 8th street intersects Division street and the shore of Lake Monona to the northern limits county line ; thence southerly on N. 8th of the city of Monona, and southeasterly in street, westerly on Main street, southerly on irregular fashion along the common bound- 7th street, southeasterly along the right- ary of the city of Madison, the city of of-wayy of the C .. M .. St. P.. &P .. railroad, and Monona, and the village of McFarland to thee north along the city limits to the county southeast ernmost limits of the city of Madi- line ; thence west along the county line to son the point of commencement; (2) THIRTY-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DIS- ' _ (b) WalWOY'tI1 county,, That part of 1 118 ` TRic T. The following territory shall consti- county of Walworth consisting of' that part tute the 38th assembly district : of the city of Whitewatei west of a line, (a) Dane county . . That part of' thecounty commencing where Newcomb street reaches of Dane consisting of the towns of Albion, the northern city limits at the county line ; Blooming Grove, Christiana, Cottage Grove, thence south on Newcomb street, westerly Deexfield, Dunn, Fitchbuxg , Madison, Me- on Main 'street ; and southerly on Wisconsin dins, Pleasant. Springs and Sun Prairie ; that street to the southernn city limits , part - of the village of Cambridge in the History: 1971 c 304. county ; the villages of Cottage Grove , Deer= field, Marshall, McFarland and Rockdale ; and the city of Monona; 4.14 Fourteenth senate district . The com- . That part of the (b) Jefferson county the 40th , 41st and 42ndd as- county of Jefferson consisting of the towns bination of of' Oakland and Sumner ; and that part of the sembly districts, as further set forth in this village of Cambridge in the county,, section and as shown in the following ( 3) THIRTY-NINTH ASSEMBLY DIS- segment of the official 1970 census map of T x rc T.. Thee following territory shall consti- this state, shall constitute the 14th senate tute the 39th assembly district : district .

1-4th :SENATE DISTRICT Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(1) FORTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . . 4.15 Fifteenth senate di strict. The combina- The following territory shall constitute the tion of the 43rd, 44th and 45th assembly 40th assembly district : districts,, as further set forth in this section (a) Outagamie county.. That part of the and as shown in the fo llowing segment of county of Outagamie consisting of the town the official 1970 census map of this state, of Deer Creek ; the village of Bear Creek ; and shall constitute the 15th senate district.. -CU. LIMA ~IL A GRANGE IT R OY TROY• NOR WAV WH IT E .. 15th SENATE q0 WA T ER Troy DISTRICT 43 ~.;;_.__. _,


DELAVAN r'~` -1 F'Ik horn

BURIING- EVAli LYON 1 TON tillil~r~~ /I iI R '( ~ V / L A PRA I R I E ) BRA DFO RD! DAR I EN


Place ,~ Clinton ~ S HARON LI NN TLE ~] ' «alwortF ~ . CLI NTON f Sharon ' ~ I rl IWALWI

that part of the cityy of New London in the ( 1 ) FOR T Y -T HIRD A SSEM BLY DIS- county. TRICT, The following territoryy shall consti- (b) Shawano county. That.t part of the tute the 43rd assembly district : county of Shawano consisting of the towns (a) Racine county . That part of the of Belle Plaine, Fairbanks, Germania and county of Racine consisting of the towns of Pella ; and the village of Tigerton. Burlington, Norway, Rochester and Water- (c) Waupaca county,, The county of foxd the villages of Rochester and Water- Waupaca . ford ; and the city of Burlington . ( Z) FORTY- FIRST ASS EM BLY DIS- (b) Walworth county . That part of the TRICT,, The following territory shall consti- county of Walworth consisting of the towns tute the 41st assembly district : of East Troy, Geneva, Linn, Lyons and (a) .Outagama'e county . That part of', the Spring Prairie; the villages of East Troy, county of Outagamie consisting of : Fontana on Geneva Lake and Williams Bay ; 1 .. The towns of Black Creek, Bovina, and the city of Lake Geneva . Center, Cicero, Dale, Ellington, Freedom, ( 2) FORTY -FOURTH A SSEMBLY D3S-• Grand Chute, Greenville, Hortonia, Liberty, TxieT . The following territory shall consti- Maine, Maple Creek, Oneida, Osborn, Sey- tute the 44th assembly district : moor and Vandenbioek ; the villages of Black (a) Rock county. That part of'the county Creek, Hortonville, Nichols and Shiocton ; of Rock consisting of : and the city of Seymour„ 1 .. The towns of Bradford, Clinton, Johns- 2. That part • of the city, of Appleton town, La Prairie, Lima, Rock and Turtle ; consisting of aidermanic districts 18 and 19 and the village of Clinton . of the plan adopted in 1971, and of that 2. That part of .the city of Janesville part of aldermanic district 4 of said city consisting of aldermanic district ' 6 of the lying north of W. Spring street .. plan adopted in December of 1971 :: (b) Shawano county . That part of the (b) Walworth county.. That part of the county; of Shawano consisting of the towns county of Walworth consisting of : of Lessor, Maple Grove and Navarino 1 . The towns of Darien, Delavan, La (3)FORTY-SECOND ASSEMBL Y DIS- Grange, Lafayette, Richmond, Sharon, Sugar TRICT . The following territory in the Creek, Troy, Walworth and Whitewater ; the county, of Outagamie shall constitute the villages of Darien, Sharon and Walworth ; and 42nd assembly district : that part of the city the cities of Delavan and Elkhorn . of Appleton consisting of aldermanic dis- 2. That part of the city of Whitewater east tricts l to 3, 5 to 8, 10 to 12, 14 to 17 and of a line commencing where Newcomb street 20 of the plan adopted in 1971, and of that reaches the northern city limits at the part of alderman c district 4 of such city county line ; thencee south on Newcomb lying south of W. Spring street .. street, westerly : on Main street, an d south- History : 1971 c.. 304.. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


erly on Wisconsin street to the southern city and Verona ; those parts of the villages of limits , Belleville and Brooklyn in the county ; and (3) F ORTY-FIFTH ASSEMBLY DIS- the city of Stoughton .. Txic T.: The following territory in the (b) Green county . That part of the county county of Rock shall constitute ` the 45th of Green consisting of those parts of the assembly district : the town of Beloit and the villages of Belleville and Brooklyn in the city of Beloit , county . History : 1971 c. 304.. (c) Rock county.. That part of the county of Rock consisting of thee towns of Center, The combi- Fulton, Janesville, Milton, Porter and Union ; .16 Sixteenth senate district„ 4 the village of Footville ; and the cities of 47th and 48th assembly nation of the 46th , s section Edgerton, Evansville and Milton .. i districts, as further set forth in th of (3)FORTY-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DIS- and as the following segment shown in TRICT.. The following territory in the ; the official 1970 census map of this state county of Rock shall constitute the 48th shall 16th senate district .. constitute the assembly district :


W[fT i . TORT SPRING 'Aaunak BERRY F IELD M . 1 ddlPt O 1088 Pl $1 9 -~ Fox deta il of Madison area, District Mi leto see 26th Senate


Blue r Mount Hor lrruna Mounds BLUE SPRING - ~y~~ . . MOUNDS DALE ygRONA

F E R RY. PR I MROSE MONT ROSE OR EGON Belleville - u . " N' DUNKIRK Broo lyn

ROCK . Edgerton MILTON UNION (' PORTER FULTON ~ '~tilLU , (1) FORTY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY DIS- E nsville--- a e TxieT.. The following territory in the JANE yV, county of Dane shall constitute the 46th CE NTER ~ 8 assembly district : the towns of Beny, Blue M F llP M oN Mounds, Bristol; Cross Plains, Dane, Ferry, °OC`' LL r Roxbury, Springdale, Springfield, Vermont, Vienna, Westport, Windsor and York; the ` villages of Blue Mounds, Cross Plains, Dane, (a) Harmony, town of The town of De Forest, Mount Horeb and Waunakee ; and Harmony ., the cities of Middleton and Sun Prairie . (b) ' Janesville, city of,, The entire city of (2)FORTY-SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DIS- Janesville except aldermanic district 6 of the TR icT.: The following territory shall consti- plan adopted in December of 1971 : tute the 47th assembly district : History : 1971 c.. 304 (a) Dane county . That part of ' the county of Dane consisting of the towns of Dunkirk, 4 .17 Seventeenth senate district . The com- Middleton, Montrose Oregon, Primrose, bination of the 49th, 50th and S1st assem- Rutland and Verona ; the villages of Oregon bly districts, ':, as further set forth inthis Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


section and as shown in the following (d) Lafayette county . That part of the segment of the official 1970 .0 census map of county of Lafayette consistingg of the towns this state, shall constitute the 17th senate of Argyle and Blanchaid ; the village of CIIStI'1Ct. RICHLA :ID CO Y.e . .Argyle ; and that part of the village of Blanchardville in the county„ . C,-,vi, (e) Richland county . The entire county of •~~~~M•a~ Richland except that pact of the village of ~- Viola in the county .,

. ,,' ~~~ Ra Muxod. ~ "LJ" /. "b \ Aren. M .so A •Bl w~il6ns• SCOD v~~ W4 Co 0 1 . i ~ BwcobelW «ro~ ° [ ~ cKOw Asr L .E ooe- i~w .No

A 8 y "" }~- p °°"` ° ~ ~ °^- ~ 17th SENATE DISTRICT i ' e WM ~GOn - fob ihocN , ~ __~ ~ R

LA --TR "r T L O deo (~ ~c N 1.1d 1, C.Ine . o rerru J ( niln]e i p ~

L .n -N I n wp GREE, CO . ~ pNern~ ~ ~~W<.;~~N CI % L e.. w .v .cc . o xu r - w LAFAYF.TTE CO.ro

Mn II C E YI II oN G wGV L. o ~ I fir. A ..0 ` Alb ) . o vile w i[nw ~ ~ I - r N 11AIT . --L LA- Ar[YI ~ J ~

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(l ) FORTY -NIN TH AS SEMBLY DIS - (3) FIFTY -FIRST ASSEMBLY DIS- TRICT ., The following territory in the T tt icT. The fo llowing territory shall consti- county of Giant shall constitute the 49th tute the 51st assembly district : assembly district : the towns of Beetown, (a) Green county . The entire county: of Boscobel, Cassville, Castle Rock, Clifton, Green except the towns of Adams, New Ellenboro, Fennimore, Glen Haven, Har- Glaius and York, the village of New Glarus, rison, Hazel Green, Hickory Grove, James- andthose pacts, of the villages of Belleville town, Liberty, Lima, `Marion, Mount Ida, and Brooklyn in the county. Muscoda, North Lancaster, Paris, Platteville, (b) Lafayette county .. The entire county Potosi, Smelser, South Lancaster, Waterloo ; of Lafayette except the towns of Argyle and Watterstown and Wingville ; the villages Blue Blanchaxd, the village of Argyle, and that River, Cassville, . Dickeyville, Hazel Green, part of the village of Blanchardville in the Muscoda, Potosi and Tennyson ; those parts county ., of the villages of Livingston and Montford in (c) Rock county, .. That part.of the county : the county ; the cities of Boscobel, Fen- of Rock consisting of the towns of Avon, nimoxe, Lancaster- and Platteville ; and that Magnolia,- Newark ; Plymouth and Spring part of the city of Cuba City in the county . Valley ; and the village of Oif'ordviile (2) FIFTIETH AS SEMBLY DISTRICT ,. History : 1971 c.. 304. . The following tezritory shall constitute the 50th assembly district: (a) Dane county,. . The part of the county of Dane consisting of the towns of Black 4.18 Eighteenth senate district. The com- Earth and Mazomanie ; and the villages of bination of the 52nd,, 53rd and :54th assem- Black Earth and Mazomanie, bly districts, as further set forth in this (b) Green county. The towns of Adams, section and as shown , in the following New Glazus and, York ; and the village of segment of the official 1970 census map of New Glarus, this state, shall constitute the 18th senate (c) Iowa county . The county of Iowa . distzict. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


~~' 18th SENATE TRZCT . .The following territory shall consti- FOND DU LAC CO . tute the 54th assembly district : ROSEN •, R DALE DISTRICT (a) Dodge county. That part of the Rosendale ~,2 county of Dodge consisting of the towns of Ashippun, Burnett, Clyman, Emmet, Her- sPR~N~- Fond du I.ac man, Hubbard, Hustisford, Lebanon, Lowell, VALE LAMARTINE ~ Oak Grove, Rubicon and Shields ; the villages ~anao~ ' o~" ~~ of Clyman, Hustisford, Iron Ridge, Lowell, -0akfield Neosho and Reeseville ; the cities of Hoticon "'""P"" ~ BARON and Juneau ; and that part of the city of Waupun ' o~KVie~o Watertown in the county, (b) Jefferson county.. Thatt part of the . B! •°1~ie county, of Jefferson consisting of that part CHESTER ~ - I f~ mLOMIRA;,Y~- IASHFORD of the city of Watertown surrounded by a V line .e commencing where N,. 8th street inter- xe Ices The sB ~ sects Division street and the county line ; BURNETT 2y ' v' IIIf' WAYNE thence southerly on N . 8th street, westerly (ti THERESA • I L lIAMS BARTON

OAK t j Of1C8I1 GROVE HERMAN I HUBBARD ~'pS end J ADDI SON uneau Iron Ridge LOWELL Huscisf -d •4Fi :~~~r„~ on Main street, southerly on 7th street, oweu~ CLYMAN 4 RUBICON southeasterly along the right-of'-way of the I~ o ""ST'S- C ..M.,St..P.&P., railroad, and along the city P '11 D "` `11 C Iyt118f1 ORD N20SA0 . HARTFORD limits south, westt and north to the county line ; thence east along the county line to the

SHIELDS EMMET L N ASHIPP~N point of commencement .. (c) Washington county . That part of the county of Washington consisting of the WATERTOWN towns of Addison and Hartford ; and the city of Hartford . . History : 1971 c . . 304 . . (1) FIFTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DIS- TRICT.. The following territory in the 4.19- Nineteenth senate district. The com- countq of Fond du Lac shall constitute the bination of the 55th, 56th and 57th assem- 52nd assembly district : the towns of Byron, bly districts, as further set forth in this Eldorado, Fond du Lac, Lamattine and section and as shown in the following Rosendale ; the village of Rosendale ; and the segment of the official 1970 census map of city of Fond du Lac, this state, shall constitute the 19th senate (2) FIFTY-THIRD . ASSEMBLY DIS- district,, Tx.rcT:. The following territory shall consti- tute the 5 .3rd assembly district : W7NNEBAGO.~~, MLO . a"s a WOLF WA N" CLAYTON (a) Dodge county . Thatt part of the RIVER CHESTER county of Dodge consisting of the towns of Nee" Chester,, Leroy; Lomira, Theresa and W,NNE- - ~ CONNE L N ENA Williamstown ; the villages of Brownsville, 1-0 „N I VINI.AND Kekoskee ; Lomira and Theresa ; the city of _ - I w;, ~„et---- OSHKOSH L E Mayville ; and that part of the cityy of 5 ~ Omro- Lnk . ,, Waupun in the county . N AGO .: That part of the /~ (b) Fond du Lac county RUSH FORD QS hk h~/~ county of Fond du Lac consisting of the oMROALGOM A ~ v towns of Ashford, Oakfield, Spiingvale and the Oakfield ; Waupun ; village of and that UTICAI NEK I M~ part of the citycit of Wau Pun in the county . 19th SENATE BLAC K (c) : Washington county . That part of the WOLF county of Washington consisting .g of the DISTRICT Z Q towns of Barton and Wayne ; and the city of W West Bend . x°r4S- Fond~ d" (3) FIFTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY D I Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


n ieth senate district. The com- (1) FIFTY-FIFTH ASSEMBLY DIS- 4.20 Twe t bination of the 58th, 59th and 60th assem- TRICT . • The following territory in the county of Winnebago shall constitute the bly districts, as further set forth in this section andd as shown in the , following 55th assembly district . (a) Whole municipalities,, The town of segment of the official 1970 census map of this state, shall constitute the 20th senate Menasha ; and the city of Menasha . (b) Neenah, city o, f. The entire city of district,. Neenah except that part thereof assigned to S HE BOT GAN CO. the 57th assembly district under sub . (3) (b) RHINE HERMAN I MOSEY ∎ 2.. H oward Grove (2) FIFTY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY DIS- Elkh a rt Lake Shedoypan SHE OVGAN TRICT ., The following territory in the 'LYMOUTM county of Winnebago shall constitute the , SHEBOVGAN K PS FALLS ' S. 56th assembly district: the entire city of ~Sheboy gan e Oshkosh except that part thereof assigned to ..,. ., .~ ~ Falls the 57th assembly district under sub .. (3) (b) Kohler 3 . LVN DONC I he0oy0a '41A (3) FIFTY-SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DIS- M ITCMELL A MA WILSON SO TRICT ., The following territory shall consti- Wald 59 tute the 57th assembly district : C ascade (a) Fond du Lac county . That part of the Adell L~ Oostburg \ county of Fond du Lac consisting of the SCOTT SHERMAN H O LL AND town of Friendship ; and the village of North Fond du Lac, Random Lak e Q (b) Winnebago county .' That part of the ` ` AUK county of Winnebago consisting of' : Bel gium FREOON 1 A Q 1 .. The towns of Algoma, Black Wolf, Fredo n i a Clayton, Neenah, Nekimi,, Omxo, Oshkosh, BE L G I UM Poygan, Rushford, Utica, Vinland, Win- POR T MUI .S HI NGTO N chester, Winneconne and Wolf' River ; the Io' village of Winneconne ; and the city of Omro . 2. That part of the city of Neenah Washingto n southwest of a line commencing where Cecil street intersects the western city limits ; CEDAR GRAF . thence east on Cecil street, south along BURG TA N 20th SENATE Green Acres lane, easterly on Gay drive, CuedrQr- DISTRICT south on highway US-41 to the city limits at the dough bridge ; thence due east along the power transmission line, and south-by- southwest along the right-of'-way of"the Soo ( 1) FIF TY -E IGH TH ASSEMBL Y DIS- Line railroad to the southernmost city TRICT, . The following territory in the limits county of Sheboygan shall constitute the 3. That part of the city of Oshkosh 58th assembly district: the entire city of southwest of a line commencing where Sheboygan except that part thereof' assigned Witzel avenue intersectss the western city to the 59th assembly district under sub .. (2) limits;- thence south along thee city limits, east on W. 9th street, north on R eichow (b) (2) FIFTY - NINTH ASSEMBLY DIS - street, east on Bismarck avenue, downstream TRICT ., The following territory in the along Campbelll creek, east on W. 4th county of Sheboygan shall constitute the avenue, northh on Knapp street, east on 59th assembly district : Witzel avenue, southeast on Campbell road, (a) Whole municipalities, That part of the south on Ohio avenue, east on W . 18th county of Sheboygan consisting of the avenue, southeasterly along the right-of-way towns of Herman, Holland, Lima, Lyndon, of the Soo Line railroad, east on W . 20th Mosel, Plymouth, Rhine, Sheboygan, avenue, and south along a straight-line exten- Sheboygan Falls and Wilson ; the villages of sion of Iowa street to the southernmost city Cascade,' Cedar Grove, Elkhart Lake, Glen- limits. beulah, Howards Grove, Kohler, Oostburg History : 1971 c. 304, 305.. and Waldo ; and the cities of Plymouth and Sheboygan Falls . Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(b) Sheboygan, city of That part of the (1) SIXTY-FIRST ASSEMBLY DIS - city of Sheboygan consisting of supervisory TRICT .. T he following territory in the district 20 of the plan adopted on the basis county of Racine shall constitute the 61st of the 1970 census of population, and of assembly district : that part of supervisory district 16 of such (a) Whole municipalities,, The villages of plan lying south of Union avenue .. North Bay and Wind Point, (3) SIX TIETH ASSEM BL Y DISTRICT ., (b) Racine, city of.. That part of the city The following territory shall constitute the of Racine consisting of aldermanic districts 60th assembly district : 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15 and 18 of the plan published (a) Ozaukee county,. That part of thee December 15, 1971, and of' : county of Ozaukee consisting of : 1 :. That part of aldermanic district 3 under 1 .. The towns of Belgium, Cedarburg, such plan lying north of a line commencing Fredonia, Grafton, Port Washington and where Grove avenue intersects 16th street ; Saukville ; the villages of Belgium, Fredonia, thence east on 16th street, north on Boyd Grafton and Saukville ; and the cities of avenue, and northeasterly on Washington Cedarburg and Port Washington. avenue to 12th street .. 2 . That part of the city of Mequon north 2.:.That part of aldermanic district 7 under of` a line ; commencing where Granville roa d such plan lying, south and east of a line intersects the northern city limits ; thence co mmencing where Shoop street intersects south on Granville road, eastt on Highland Yout street ; thence east on Yout street, and road, and upriver along the Milwaukee river northerly along the right-of-way of the to the northern city limits. C,.&N.,W ., railroad to lsabelle avenue .. (b) Sheboygan ,county.. Thatt part of the (Z) SIXTY-SECON D ASSEMBLY DIS- county of Sheboygan 'consisting of the TRICT .. The following territory in the towns of Mitchell, Sherman and Scott ; and county of Racine shall constitute the 62nd the villages of Adell and Random Lake . assembly district : History : 1971 c,. 304 . (a) Elm wood Park, village of:. The village of Elmwood Park .. 4.2 1 Twenty-first senate di strict . The com- (b) Racine, city of' That part of the city bination of the 61st, 62nd and 63rd assem- of Racine consisting of aldermanic districts bly districts, as further set forth in this 2, 6, 10 to 14 and 17 of the plan published section and as shown in the following on December . 15, 1971, and of that part of segment of the official highway map of aldermanic district 3 of such plan lying Racine county ; shall° constitute the 21st south of a line commencing where Grove senate district avenue intersects 16th street ; thence east on 16th street,, north on Boyd avenue, and easterly on Washington avenue to Phillips avenue,. ( 3) SIXTY-THIRD ASS E MBLY DIS- TRICT . The.e following territory in the county of Racine shall constitute the 63rd assembly district : (a) Whole municipalities,, The towns of" Caledonia and . Mount Pleasant ; and the villagee of Sturtevant . (b) Racine, city of. That part of the city of Racine consisting of aldermanic district 16 of the plan published December 15, 1971,: and of that part of aldermanic district 7 under such plan lying northwest of a line commencing where Rapids drive intersects ..:Summit' avenue; thencee south on Summit avenue, east on Yout street, and northerly along the light-of-wayy of the C..& N .W. railroad to Meivin avenue . History : 1971 c . : 304 . .

21st SENA 7E DISTRICT Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


4.22 Twenty-second senate district . The combination of the 64th,- 65th and 66th assembly districts, as further set forth in this section and as shown in the following ~ segment of the official 1970 census map of RACINE CO . this state, shall constitute the 22ndd senate district ., RAYMOND


L'1 WHEAT "" IIOSilA _ :LA~~NO FIELD ; Paddock ~ SALE M 5 PCu~ "~ Z J : `BRISTOL ( A Lakt ~ J«L' O I.8I~`vr1„j{`rJ\CQ»ty Lake PRAIR i [ oa City .-Tw i n Lak~ e s

(I)SIXTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY DIS- ( 3) SIXTY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY, DIS- TRICT . The following tezsitoiy in the TxicT,. The following territory shall consti- county of Kenosha shall constitute the 64th tute the 66th assembly district : _ . assembly' district : that part of the city of (a) Kenosha county . That part of the Kenosha lying north of a line commencing county of Kenosha consisting of : where intersects the western L. The towns of Brighton, Bristol, Paris, limits of said city ; thence east on 52nd Randali, Salem, Somers and Wheatland ; and street, south on 52nd avenue, east on 59th the villages of Paddock Lake, Silver Lake ', street, south on 50th avenue, east on 60th and Twin Lakes . ', street, south' on 30th avenue, east on 63rd 2 . That part of the city of'Kenosha, lying sheet; southerly along the right-of'-way of west of 52nd avenue, which is bounded by ~ the C.:&N :W railroad, and east on 80th 52nd street on the north and by 60th street street and 80th street extended to Lakee on thee south . Michigan . (b) Racine county . That part of the ( 2) SIXTY -FIFTH ASSEMBLY DIS - county of Racine consisting of the towns of TRICT ,. The following territory in the Dover, Raymond and Yoxkville ; and the j county of Kenosha shall constitute the 65th village of Union Grove ~ assembly district : (c) Walworth county.. That part of the (a) Kenosha, city of. That part of'the city county of Walworth consisting of the town of" Kenosha lying south of a line where 60th of Bloomfield ; and the village of Genoa City„ street intersects the western limits of said History :' 1971 c., 304;. - f f city; thence east on 60th street' north' on ,. 52nd avenue, east on 58th street, south on 50th avenue, east on 60th sheet ; south on 4.23 Twenty-third senatee district. The com- 30th avenue, east on 63rd street, southerly bination of the 67th, 68th an d 69,th assem- along the right-of'-way of the 'C::&N.W„ rail- bly districts, as further set forth in this road, and east on 80th street and 80th street section and as shown in the following r extended to Lake Michigan,, segment of the official 1970 census map of (b) Pleasant Prairie, town of. The town of this state, shall constitute the 23rd senate Pleasant Prairie, district. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.





i Colf~-ax ~ ANSON ~I j DELMAR STANTON AN TAINTER i ~.. ) HOWARD TILDEN GOETZ COLFAX Boyd Kn app I C h ippewa Fa ll s

::LMoniE; K t i Cadott - L LUCAS W RED MOUND WMEATON Lake EDSON _ CEDAR ~ ' u''S,1SOt a O Elk : Hal11C SIGEL I - O ~ MOU11dQ y ~ / NALLIE LAFAV ETTE



(1) SIXTY-SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DIS- (b) Eau Claire county .' That part of' the zRicT .. The following territory shall consti- county of Eau Claire consisting of the towns : tuts the 67th assembly district : the entire of Brunswick, Drammen, Seymour, Union county of Chippewa except the city of and Washington ; and the city of Altoona . Stanley and that part of the city` of Eau (c) Pepin county . That part of the county Claire in the county, of Pepin consisting of the town of Albany : (2) SIXTY-E IG HT H ASSEMBLY ' DI S- History : 19 7 1 c : 304.. Txicz ;: The following, territory shall consti- tute the 68th assembly district : (a) Ch ppewa county That part' of the county of Chippewa consisting of that part of the city of Eau Claire in the county .. (b) Eau Claire county. That part of the county of Eau Claire consisting of that part 4 .24 Twenty-fourth ` sentate' district ..` The of the city : of Eau Claire in the county :. combination of° the 70th, 71st and 72nd (3) SIXTY-NINTH `ASSEMBLY DIS- assembly districts, 'as further set forth in this TRiez : The following territory shall consti- section and as shown in the following tuts the 69th assembly district : segment of the official 1970 census map of (a) Dunn county. The entire county of this state,, shall constitute the 24th senate Dunn except the village of Downing, district . Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.




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IULL . . cw L- aoc~ n c ~ I -nnr '' Junction City s" -I _(71 -R-N, IOPE ' +) N k R ArQON N laonville Vnper I Q a a sic[ Ru~dolph irw A Aere coot I MAns E„v ttion~ - Whiti 0 Piwville FL.- reHgwsr i

I~ ' zrr rhuEN A vis GRANT



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24th SENATE DISTRICT - MoUI , EERFi[LD I wAUTOM A M~ps LEO/ ' rov5iPP1 ~ . W.ut me

C lom . ICwF Ow .OTw i ^ I ~ N' 7 .,Vohr II L Co~oM• E.1'~ V (1) S E V ENT I ET H ASS E M BLY DIS- TRICT . The following territory shall consti- tute the 70th assembly district : r Sp`jnoeton - . . FOND L LA(: LO (a) Clark county . That part of the county R'P0 of Clark consisting of the towns of Fremont ; iNCEroH L .k

Lynn, Sherman and Unity ; and that part of METOMEN u the village of Unity in the county ., q -t GREEN LIKE Fu . ,u. (b) Marathon county ., That part of the ~ .~.~ ~ . ° -d-

county of Marathon consisting of the towns _f~xMp~wo M .rks.n ' " pro 11GS .. -10R. of Bergen, Cleveland, Day, Emmet, Green K •~~ CHESTER

Valley, Guenther, Knowlton, McMillan and nonce CO Spencer; the village of Spencer ; that part of FOX LAK.k~ E the village of Unityin the county ; and, F°" that `r part rof' the city of MaYShf'ield in the county . (c) Portage county. . That part of the county of Portagee consisting of the towns of constitute the 72nd assembly district : Carson, Eau, Pleine and Linwood ; and the (a) Dodge county., That part of the village of Junction City : county of Dodge consisting of., the town of (d) Wood county. That part of the county Fox Lake ; and the city of Fox :Lake of Wood consisting of the towns of Arpin, (b) Fond du Lac county :, That part of the Auburndale, Cameron, Cary, Hansen, Lin- county of Fondd du Lac consisting of the coln, Marshfield, Milladore, Richfield, Rock, towns of Alto, Metomen-,and :Ripon ; the Rudolph, Sherry, Sigel and Wood ; the vil- villages of Brandonn and Fauwater ; and the lages of Auburndale, Milladore, Rudolph and city of Ripon .. V esper ; that part of the city of Marshfield in (c) Green Lake County., The county `of' the county ; andd the city of Pittsville . Green Lake (2) SEVENTY -FIRST ASSEMBLY DIS- (d) Waushara .county, The entire county TRicT . The following territory shall consti- of Waushara except the towns of' ;Hancock tute the 71st assembly district : the entire and Plainfield and the villages of Hancock county of Portage except the towns of and Plainfield .. Carson, Eau Pleine and Linwood and the (e) Winnebago county. That partt of the village of Junction City., county of Winnebago consisting of the town ( 3 ) SEVENTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY of N 2p0USICUri . DISTRICT , Th e following territory shall History : 1 9 71 c . . 304 ,. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


4.25 Twenty-fifth senate district. The com- bination of the 73xd, 74th and 75th assem- bly districts, as further set forth in this ~ ° U90 section and as shown in the following 0 6 segment of the official 1970 census map of this state, shall constitute the 25th senate


G~ Gp KS .r. a aov <,oV .., __ ...» .. ~..~ .~ 2,Sth SENATE DISTRICT ASHLAND C


. .~74 M „ n <. , ..~.., . , I . ~„ ..~ .o ; ~-- - L_F ~ ,w,. o .....~. ,~,. .M.. <.. . „,,,- -: i . KASHBI: RN- I $AR ' 1 ER CU. . . ., . .

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C(3) SEVENTY-FIFTH . ASSEMBLY DIS- TRICT . The . followingg territory shall consti- tute the 75th assembly district : (a) Whole 'counties; The counties of Saw- yer and Washbuxn . . o ,~, (b) Baryon' county.. That part of the county of Bat-ion consisting of the towns of Baryon;' Bear Lake, Cedar Lake,' Chetek, 'Dallas, Dovre, Doyle, Maple Grove, Oak (1) SEVENTY-THIRD ASSEMBLY. DIS- Grove, . Prairie Lake, Rice Lake, Sioux Creek, TRICT . The following territory shall consti, Stanford, Stanley and Sumner ; the villages of tute the 73rd>assembly district : the county Camel-on, Dallas and Haugen ; and the cities of .Douglas, of Baryon, Chetek and Rice Lake - ( 2) SEVENTY - FOURTH ASSEMBLY History : 1971 c., 304 . ,, DISTRICT . The following territory shall constitute the 74th assembly district : (a) Whole counties.. The counties of Ash- 4.26 Twenty-sixth senate district . The land, Bayfield and Iron, combination of the 76th, 77th and 78th (b) Price county . That part of the county assembly districts, as further set forth in this of Price consisting of the towns of section and as shown in the following Eisenstein, Elk, Emery, Fifield, Flambeau, segment of the street map of the Madison Hackett, Lake and Worcester;. and the cities urban area, shall constitutee the 26th senate of Park Falls and Phillips. di§tiict ;. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


Detail Map : MADISON AREA . . __. ,


9 2 j

/ ~.

41 I I~' y

r .~ 7 . .

`* All p arts of the. Towns ; o£ Bloomi ng Grove and Madison-aze in the 38th Assembly . District. All parts of the Town of-Middleton are in the 47 th A ssembly Distric t. . Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


* All part s of the Town s of Bloo ming Grove a nd M a dison axe in the 38th A ssembly Di strict . All part s of the T o wn of Middlet on are in the 47th A sse mbly District. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


( 1 ) SEVENTY -SIXTH ASSEMBLY DIS- (a) Madison, city of, That part of the city TRICT,, The following territory in the of Madison surrounded by a line com- county of Dane. shall constitute the 76th mencing at a point in the straight-line assembly district : that part of the city of extension of N . Carroll streett to the center Madison south of a line commencing where of Lake Mendota ; thence southeast on N ., Mineral Point road interesects the western- Carroll street extended and N . Carroll street, most city limits ; thence east on Mineral southwest on Langdon street, southeast on Point road, northeast on Speedway road, N . , southwest on W . Gilman east on Regent street, south on S . Randall street, southeast on N . Broom street, south- ave nue, east on D rake street, south on S . west on W. Gorham street,., southerly and Mills street, and east on Emerald street and southeast on N . Bassett street, southwest on Emerald street extended to a point in the W. Washington avenue , northwesterly and center of Lake Monona, thence southeast to west on Regent street,, south on S . Randall the exit of the Yahara river at Squaw bay, avenue, east on Drake street, south on S . downriver along the Yahara river through Mills street, and east on Emerald street and Mud lake, south along the limits of said city Emerald street extended to a point in the on the eastern approach to the C M, .St .P .,&P, center of Lake- Monona; ' thence ` north- railroad bridge, and continuing due south easterly in a straight . line to the mouth of along an extension of sai d city limits to the Starkweather creek and upstream along center of Lake Waubesa . Starkweathex creek to the limits of said cityy at Milwaukee street ; thence along said city limits north, southwestt and north to high- way STH-30; thence northwesterly and (2) SEVENTY -SEVENTH ASSEMBLY north on highway STH-30, Aberg avenue DISTRICT . . The following territory in the and Packer's avenue, west on Manley street, county of Dane shall constitute the 77th south on Sherman avenue, westt on Almo assembly district : avenue, northwesterly on Wyldewood drive, northh on Monterey to the southern bound- axy,of Warner park and west on the southern (a) Madison, city of. That part of the city boundary of Warner park and the northern of Madison westt of a line commencing at a limits of the village of Maple. Bluff to the point in the straight-line extension of N . shore of Lake Mendota ; thence in a straight Carroll street to the center of Lake Mendota ; line southwesterly to the point of com- thence southeast on N .. CarYOll street ex- mencement . tended and N . Car i oll street, southwest on Langdon street, southeast on N . Henry street , southwest on W. Gilman street , south- east on N .. Broom street, southwest on W . (b) Maple Bluff, village of. The village of Maple Bluff. Gorham street, southerly and southeast on History : 1 97 1 c. . 3 04. . N., Bassett street, southwest on W . Washing- ton avenue, northwesterly and west on Regent street, southwest on Speedway road, and west on Mineral Point road to the westernmost limits of said city .

(b) Shore wood Hills, village of The village of Shorewood Hills , 4.27 Twenty -seventh senate district . The combination of the 79th, 80th and 81st assembly districts, as further set forth in this ( 3) SEVENTY-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DIS- section and as shown in the following TRICT . The following territory in the segment of the official 1970 census map of county of Dane shall constitute the 78th this state, shall constitute the 27th senate assembly district : district . Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.



Hustler wRR /5 SNIELOS WEST- F OUNT A IN fIEl . MARION E `- M . Ox(ord M ntello wtoc -ON- ; . SPq JACKSON i~ PACK- M OUTH WEI R WAUNEE MONTEIU Lv LI N DiN A ' - I oxcono ., F:I roY K v IIOAR - e~aee~o~ -- toIT ynasua~o~ o - L W ONEWOC ~' i SU MM NEW ~ SE VEN I C- ' HA VEN V BUi' F A LO Union Center n.iL f ~ • I - O MOUND . .- REEK LVNOON WI OnerOf C -`. ~ VI L IE ~~ .

SAUK-CO . "" De11' COLUMBIA CO.. L DODGE CO NEW WINFORT. . M~RGE WOODLAND LA V A LIE WINFI E LD CELLO N h ~ SCOTT RANCOLIP ?PORT LEWISTON ~ Lke Delton BAGO Friesian, - TRENTON C~La Valle ~ ~ oCL ambri Par O III SPRING - P AiR FieLO P EXCEL .rtag u VALE O ID iaonrorv eed sburg slow 71 ~ ~ e ou~r~wr~.~sr ee ose u ne Ra - Be .ve r I T__ c :Lcoo H i ~ a , LJ,WY L'me Ride - ~`p' a GREEN . ---- J Wl L V N orth Freedom ' Rio FOU T N WAS H l{E00FIELD DEKORR . Q C Q nville a A PRA Rt - L MUS BEAVER. INGTON LOWV ILLE I Z ERR. rn .e• . Wylesto-n paIi Rive OA Nenimac nette orseeo «. M PTEH y • IODI AR LiNG- OIuMbYS PoES 4d' :REL IRAN- Hp CgE~ TON O LEEDS HAMPOE CN f _ IN ,.y A . . . . r inRtOn . lrv -PgAiRIE F ra r du GOLUM s ~ us ou snc e

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TxicT . The following: territory mill shall consti- Lke. tute the 79th assembly district (a) Adams county, That part of the ~~"E"~ county of Adams consisting of the towns of Dell Prairie, Jackson, New Haven and Spring- (a) Columbia county . That part of the ville„ county of Columbia consisting of the towns (b) Columbia county. That --partt of the of Arlington, ., Caledonia, Dekorra, Leeds, county of Columbia consisting of the towns Lodi, Pacific and West Point ; the villages of of Fort Winnebago, Lewiston, Marcellon, Arlington and Poynette ; and the city of Newport and Wyocena ; the villages of Lodi . Pardeeville and Wyocena ; the city of (b) Sauk county.. That part of the county Portage ; and that part of the city of Wiscon- of Sauk consisting of the towns of`Bazaboo, sin Dells in the county . Bear Creek, Excelsior, Fairfield, Franklin, (c) Juneau county . That part of the Freedom, Greenfield, Honey Creek, Ironton, county of Juneau consisting of the towns of Merrimac, Prairie du Sac, Reedsburg, Spring Fountain, Kildare, Lemonweir, Lindina, Green, Sumpter, Troy, Washington and Lyndon, Marion, Plymouth, Seven Mile Westfield ; and the villages of Ironton, Lime Creek, Summit and Wonewoc ; the villages of Ridge, Loganville, McYrimac, North Free- Hustler, Lyndon Station, Union Center and dom, Plain, Prairie du Sac, Rock Springs, Wonewoc; and the cities of Elroy and Sauk City, Spring Green and West Baraboo ; Mauston . that part of the village of Cazenovia in the (d) Maiquette county . The county of county ; andd the citiess of Bamboo and Marquette . Reedsburg (e) Sauk county That part of the county ( :3) EIGHTY -FIRST ASSEMBLY DIS - of Sauk consisting of the towns of Dellona, TxrcT . The following territory shall consti- Delton, La Valle, Winfield and Woodland ; tute the 81st assembly district : the villages of Lake Delton and La Valle and (a) Columbia county.. That part of the thatt part of the city of Wisconsin Dells in county of Columbia consisting of the towns the county, of Columbus, CouYtland, Fountain Prairie, (2) EIGHTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT ,. Hampden, Lowville, Otsego, Randolph, The following territory shall constitute the Scott and Springvale ; the villages of 80th assembly district : _ Cambria, Doylestown, Fall River, Friesland


i Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


and Rio ; that part of thee village of Randolph Ramsey avenue intersects the city limits at in the county ; and the city of Columbus. S . 43rd street ; thence along the city limits (b) Dodge county.. That part of the north, and in irregular fashion westerly, to S ., county of Dodge consisting of the towns of 10$th street, north on S . 108th street, east Beaver Dam, Calamus, Elba, Portland, Tren- on -W . Layton ,avenue, north on S . 92nd ton and Westford ; that part of the village of street, east along the city limits, south on S . Randolph in the county ; and the city of 84th street, east on W Layton avenue, south Beaver Dam„ on S .. 4 .3rd street, and east on W,. Edgerton (c) Jefferson county . That part of the avenue to the eastern limits of said city ; county of Jefferson consisting of the towns thence along the, city limits south, westerlyy of Lake Mills, Milford and Waterloo ; and the and southerly, and west on W . Ramsey cities of Lake- Mills and Waterloo . avenue, to the point of commencement . History : 1971 c .. 304 . 4 That part of the village of Hales Corners lying south of a line commencing where W Janesville road intersects the vil- 4.28 Twenty -eighth senate di strict. The lage limits and county line at S . 124th street ; combination of the 82nd, 83rd and 84th thencee northeast on W . Janesville road, assembly districts, as fuither set forth in this northerly on S : , and east on WW section and as shown in the following Grangee avenue to the eastern village limits, segment of the official 1970 census map of (b) Waukesha county . That part of the this state, shall constitute the 28th senate county of Waukesha consisting of the city of district . Muskego .

W t& u X&JIL" A CO. OCONO Fox detail of Wauk es ha area ""owoc see 33xd S e nat e District w la Belle - r~~ (- IXONU 4 10 C '

28th SENATE DISTRICT 84 cono,m •`. -13 I 9 RD ' co a ()owoc Lak, II J


Vaukesh8 See also detail map Dousman for 82nd A ssembly District OTTAWA GENESEE W AU , A INew B erli N o r th Pra ir r 83 "~14

PA L MYRA , LE ' VERNON ~Q , 1 Ea. Mukwonal u~ 1 i M US K EGO Pal ~a I Big Bend MILWAUKEE CO .

" ( 1) EIGHT Y-SE CO N D AS SEM BLY DiS- (2) EIGHTY-THIRD ASSEMBLY DIS- Tx:rcT .. The following territory shall consti- TRICT, The following territory in the tute the 82nd assembly district: county of Waukesha shall constitute the (a) Milwaukee county. That part of the 83rd assembly district : county of Milwaukee consisting of : (a) Whole municipalities..` The towns of 1 .. The city of Franklin . Genesee, Vernon and Waukesha ; the villages 2.. That part of the village of Greendale of Big Bend and Wales ; and the city of` New . 51st west of a line commencing where S Berlin, street intersects the southern village limits ; thence north on S . 51st street, northerly on (b) : W¢ukesha; city of That part of the the western branch of Eastway, north on S .. city of Waukesha consisting of alderman c 51st street, east on Grange avenue, and districts 9 and 11 of the plan approved on north along the village limits . December 8, 1971, anand of that part of 3. That part of the city of Greenfield aldermanic district 10 of such plan lying surrounded by a line commencing where W : west of S . Grand avenue .. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


GREEN F' IE LD .~ . c.



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(3) E IGHTY -FOURTH' ASSEMBLY DIS- La Belle, Mukwonago, North Prairie -and TRICT . The following territory shall, consti- Oconomowoc Lake ; andd the cities of Dela- tute the 84th assembly district : field and Oconomowoc . (a) Jefferson county.` That 'pact" of the History : 1971 c. 304„ county of Jefferson consisting of the towns of Concord, Ixonia and Palmyra ; and the 4.29 Twenty-ninth senate district . The com- village of Palmyra - b nation of the 85th, 86th and,87th assem- (b) Waukesha county ., That part of the bly districts, as further set forth in this county.. of Waukesha consisting of the towns section and as shown, in the following of Delaf'ie1d,, Eagle, Mukwonago, Ocon- segment of thee official 1970 census map of omowoc, Ottawa and Summit .; the villages of this state, shall constitute the 29th senate Chenequa, Dousman, Eagle, Hartland, Lac district .. Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


•On a ie WeVSeV use O fw ~ m . L~ ` .~ V •

AebotLro a e~ M . h C it, ~ W.uuu C ItY 1 arL Mkla J B xoed / -I ~~ V / """`a. T •U l k . ~ w sion nonni[ M rs/ nrz.. O rc ~ IowTM U55 cRL VAl pH 5 5 HF 'mv .A inon N'e on Hatle) LJ 't h xh ilA ' u d Borkr J . . tY [nV. ._ . ~ wu n .e Gen .10N --A m. eL ~eo a~i - 5J 29th SENATE DISTRICT LJ

(1) EIGHTY-FIFTH ASSEMBLY DIS - 4 .30 Thirtieth senate district . Tile CO ri1- z"x cT, The ' follo"wingg territory in the bination of the 88th, 89thh and 90th assem- county of Marathon shall constitute the bly districts, as further set forth in this 85th assembly district : the towns of Maine, section and as shown in the following Texas and Wausau ; the villages of Brokaw segment of the official 1970 census map of and Rothschild ; and the cities of Schofield this state, shall constitute the 30thh senate and Wausau, district . (2) EIGHTY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY DIS- TRICT .. The following territory in . the - W„~„ER county of Marathon shall constitute 'the '6th assembly district : the towns of Berlin, S .EPHENSO„ Bern, Bevent, Brighton, Cassel, Easton, Eau Pleine, Elderon, Frankfort, Franzen, Halsey, LAKE W Hamburg, Hartison, Hewitt, Holton, Hull, -- W Johnson, KYOnenwetter; Marathon, Mosinee, sE~~ER g Not7ie; Plover, Reid, Rib Falls, Rib Mountain, Reitbiock, R ingle, Stettin, Found Marinette Weston and ` Wien ; the villages of Athens, ~] Coleman ~PenhtiQo Edgar, Elder-on, Fenwood, Hatley, Marathon ~U and Stratford; the city of Mosinee ; and those IENA.- PESHTIGO parts of the cities of Abbotsford and Colby u, . LITTLE RIVER in the county,, 0 ( 3 E IGHTY - SEVENTH ASSE M BLY DIS ) - aor+ro -~ TxicT . The following territory shall consti- F ALLS STILES °conto tute the 87th assembly district : o< nnto (a) Langlade county . That part of the F'"' °`°"T° PENSA V• county of Langlade consisting of the towns MORGAN AORAMS of Antigo, Norwoo d and R oll ing ; and the WEE city of Antigo ..

(b) Menominee county. The county of CHASE LITTLE Me IlOIrilTl ee „ SUAMICO Pul .nki (c) Oconto county . That part of the county of Oconto consisting of the towns of sROw~v Gillett, How and Undei .hill; the village of F,'~ ^1CO 30th SENATE Surfing ; and the city of Gillett ;. DISTRICT (d) Shawano county. That part of the county of Shawano consisting of the towns of Almon, Angelica, Aniwa, Baxtelme ;' Bir- G namwood, Grant, Green Valley, Hartland, sN A O Herman, Hutcliins Morris ; Red Springs, Richmond, Seneca, Washington, Waukechon, Wescott and Wittenberg ; the villages of A niwa, Birnam w ood, Bonduel, Bowler, (1 ) E IGHTY-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DIS- Cecil, Eland, Gresham,'Mattoon and Witten- TRICT . The following territory shall consti- be g ; and the city of Shawano, tute the 88th assembly district : History : 1971 c .. 3 oa.. (a) Man'nette county. That part of the Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


county of Marinette consisting of the towns districts 5, 6, 7, 20 and 21, of the super- of Beaver, Glover, Lake, Peshtigo, Pound, visoxy districts adopted on December 21, Porterfield, Stephenson and Wagner ; the. 1971, and of that part of supervisory district villages of Coleman and Pound ; and the 4 of said city which lies east of a line cities of Marinette and Peshtigo commencing where reaches (b) Oconto county. That part of the the northern limits of'f said district at the county of Oconto consisting of the towns of Eastt river ; thencee southerly on Roosevelt Abrams, Chase, Lena, Little River, Little street, southeast on Cherry street, and so uth- Suamico, Morgan, Oconto ; Oconto Falls, west on S . Irwin avenue to the southern Pensaukee and Stiles ; the village of Lena ; limits of said district at Crooks street . and the cities of Oconto and Oconto Falls . (3) ; NINETIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT ,. ( 2 ) EIGHTY -NINTH ASSEMBLY DIS- The following territory in the county of TRICT . Th e following territory in the Brown shall constitute the 90th assembly county of Brown shalll constitute the 89th district : t hat part of the city of Green Bay assembly district : consisting of supervisory districts 1, 12 to (a) Whole municipalities . The towns of 19, 22 and 23, of the supervisory districts Ashwaubenon, Hobart, Pittsfield and adopted on December 21, 1971, and of that Suamico ; and the villages of H oward and part of supervisory district 4 of said city Pulaski. which lies west of a line commencing where (b) Green Bay, city of. That part of the Roosevelt street reaches the northern limits city of Green Bay consisting of supervisory of said district at the ; thence southerly on Roosevelt street, southeast on Cherry street, and southwest on S . Irwin avenue to the southern limits of the super- visorydistrict at Crooks street . History : 1971 cC . 304 . 305..

4.31 Thirty -fir st senate di strict.. The com- bination of the 91st, 92nd and 93rd as- sembly districts, as further set forth in this section and as shown in the following segment of the of'f'icial . 1970 census map of this state,, shall constitute the 31st senate ,l ;err ;n't . ~


(I) NIN ETY-FIRST ASS EM BL Y DIS- TRICT The following territory shall consti- tute the 91st assembly district : . 31st SENATE DISTRICT : (a) Gha'ppewa county ..' That part of' the county of`Chippewa consisting of' :the city of Stanley. (b) Clark county . That part of the county of Clark consisting of' the towns of Beaver, Butler, Eaton, Foster, Hendren, Loyal, Mead, Mentor, Reseburg, 8eif', Thorp, War- ner, Weston, Withee, Worden and York ; and Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


the cities of Greenwood, Loyal and Thorp . Armenia, Finley and Kingston . (c) Eau Claire county., That part of the (c) Waushara county ., That part of the county of Eau Claire consisting of the towns county of Waushara consisting of the towns of Bridge Creek, Clear Creek, Fairchild, of Hancock and Plainfield ; and the villages Lincoln, Ludington, Otter Creek, Pleasant of Haneock and Plainfield . Valley and Wilson ; the villages of Fairchild (d) Wood county .. That part of'the county and Fall Creek ; and the city of Augusta . of Wood consisting of the towns of Cian- (d) Jackson county. That part of the moor, D exter, Grand Rapids, Hiles, Port county of Jackson consisting of the towns of Edwards, Remington, Saratoga and Seneca ; Adams, Albion, Alma, Cleveland, Cutran, the villages of Buon and Port Edwards ; and Garden Valley, Garfield, Hixton, Northfield the cities of Nekoosa and Wisconsin Rapids.. and Springfield ; the vil lages of Alma Center, History : 1971 c. 3 04, 3 36. Hixton, Merillan and Taylor ; and the city of Black River Falls : 4.32 Thir ty-se cond se nate district. The com- (e) Trempealeau county . That part of the bination of the 94th, 95th and 96th as- county of Trempealeau consisting of the sembly districts, as further set forth in this towns of Albion, Chimney Rock, Hale, sectionn and as shown in the following Lincoln, Pigeon, Pieston, Sumner and Unity ; segment of the official 1970 census map of the villages of Eleva, Pigeon Falls and Strum ; this state, shall constitute the 32nd senate and the cities of Blair, Osseo and Whitehall.. district . ( Z) NINETY - SECOND ASSEMBLY DIS- TRICT . The following territory shall consti-i , _ i ,a tut e the 92nd assembly district : -T~;2~, k

f~ I t',~G .leeville LA CROSSE

32nd SENATE Iwti«~m" I a .M.,d DISTRICT (a) Clark county, That part of the county of" Clark consisting of the towns of Dew- huist,' Grant, Hewett, Levis, Pine Valley, Sherwood and Washbuin ; the village of ~ Granton ; and the city of Neillsville,. ~~~N ~~ ~(» M~ o ~~,,,~. (b) Jackson county. That part of the e d._.. _. o~...... county of Jackson consisting of the towns of . o [esre l . F .rge uNiw~ e,Nppp Bear Bluf'f', Brockway, City Point, Knapp, .a.,o . I ' Z. Komensky, Manchester and Millston " (c) Juneau county, That part of the • ~-- v>~: county of Juneau consisting of the towns of ; Clearfield, Cutler, Germantown, Lisbon, De tiot. . ~.-Re.a `w Q Necedah and Orange ; the villages of Camp L Douglas and Necedah ; and .d the city of New Lisbon, . U e ... r.dtr ;,sfl K~ r. .r ,,.n (d) Monroe county ., The entire county of . . Monroe except the town of Portland, (3) NI N ETY -THIRD A SS EMBLY DIS- TRICT . The following territory shall consti- <. ,,.R, E, tute tute the, 93rd assembly district : ~~ (a) Adams county, That part of the ~~J county of Adams consisting of the towns, of Adams, :Big. Flats, . Colburn, Easton, Leola, Lincoln, Monroe, New Chester, Preston,

Quincy, Richfield, Rome and Strongs M o unt H ~~~ Prairie ; the, village of Friendship ; and the Op »~ city of Adams. natncnC 7 Gw .~r (b) Juneau county . : That part of the county of Juneau consisting of the towns of Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(1) NINETY - FOURTH ASSEMBLY DIS- county of La Cxosse shall constitute the TRICT . The following territory shall consti- 95th assembly district : tute the 94th assembly district : (a) La Crosse, city of, The entire city of (a) La Crosse county ;. That part -of' the La Crosse except that part thereof ' assigned county of La Crosse consisting of : to the 94th assembly district under sub (1) 1,. The towns of Bangor, Barre, Burns, (a) 2 Campbell, Farmington, Greenfield ; Hamil- (b) Shelby, town of The town of Shelby.. ton, Holland, Medaxy, Onalaska-and ' Wash- (3) NINETY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY DIS- ington ; the villages of Bangor, Holmen, TRICT, The following territory shall consti- Rockland and West Salem ; and the city of tute the 96th assembly district : Onalaska .. (a) Whole counties, The counties of Craw- 2 The part of the city of La Crosse which ford and Vexnon . liess northeast of a line commencing where (b) Grant county . That part of the county Moore street extended intersects the western of Grant consisting of` the towns of Bloom- city limits in the Black river ; thence east on ington , Little Grant, Mi1lVille ; Mount Hope, Moore street, south on Liberty street, east Patch Grove, Woodman and Wyalusing ; and on Rublee street, south on George street, the villages of Bagley, Bloomington, Mount Lang drive and West avenue, east on Main Hope, Patch Grove and Woodman . street, north on 24th street, westt on La (c) Monroe county . That - part of the Cxosse street, andnorth on and county of Monioe ` consisting of the town of 23rd street extended to the city limits Portland . running east-west in the La Crosse river (d) Richland county., That part of the sIough. county of Richland consisting of that part of (b) Jackson county .. That part of the the village of Viola in the county,, county of Jackson consisting of the towns of History : 1971 c . . 304 . . Franklin, Irving, Melrose and North Bend ; and the village of Melrose (c) Trempealeau county . That part of the 4.33 Thirty -third senate di strict . The com- county of Trempealeau consisting of the bination of the 97th, 98th and 99th as- towns of Caledonia, Ettrick, Gale and sembly districts, as furtherr set forth in this Trempealeau ; the villages of Ettiick and section and as shown in the following Trempealeau ; and the city of Galesville . segment of the official highway map of (2) NINETY -FIFTH ASSEMBLY DI S - Waukesha county, shall constitute the 33rd TRIC Electronically scanned images of the published statutes.


(1) NINE TY-SEVEN TH ASS EM BLY DIS - (b) Wa ukesha,-caty of.. The entire city of TRicT .. The following territory .y in the Waukesha except that part thereof' consisting county of Waukesha shall constitute the of aldermanic districts 9 and 11 of the plan 97th assembly district : approved on December 8, 1971, and of that (a) Whole municipalities.. The towns of part of alder manic district 10 of such plan Lisbon and Merton ; and the villages of lying west of S. Grand avenue. Lannon, Merton, Nashotah and Sussex, (3) NI NETY -N I N TH ASSEM BLY DIS - (b) Menomonee Falls, village of.. The TRICT. The following territory in the entire village of Menomonee Falls except county of Waukesha shall constitute the that part thereof southeast of a line com- 99th assembly district : mencing where Silver Spring road intersects (a) Whole municipalities,, The town of the eastern county line ; thence west on Brookfield ; the village of Elm Grove ; and the Silver Spring Toad and south on Pilgrim road city of Brookf'ield . to the southern village limits„ (b) Menomonee Falls, village of That part (2) NINETY-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY nis- of the village of Menomonee Falls lying TxicT .. The following territory in the southeast of the line described in sub . (1) county of Waukesha shall constitute the (b) . 98th assembly district: History : 1971 c.. 304, (a) Whole municipalities,,; The of Pewaukee ; and the village of Pewaukee .

