Electronically scanned images of the published statutes. 4.00 1 LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS 76 CHAPTER 4 ' ASSEMBLY AND SENATE DISTRICTS 4. 001 Pri nc iples of legislative apportionm ent ' 4. 15 < Fift eenth se nate dist rict . 4.002 Construction . 4 . 16 Sixte enth se nat e distric t.. 4 Elec tions to th e l egislature . 4 .17 Seventee nth se nat e district,. 4.004 Territory omi tted from l egisl ative 4 , 18 Eight ee nth senate distric t: redistricting., 419 Nineteenth se nat e district„ 4. 01 : First senate distric t . 4.20 Twe ntieth se nate district„` . 4 . 02 S econd se nate district . 4.2 Tw ent y -first s enat e district,, 4 . 03 Third se nate di s trict. 4: . 22' Tw enty-second sen at e dis tri ct:, 4.04 Fourth se nate dis trict . 4.23 Twenty-third se nat e district,, 4.05 Fifth senate district . 4,24 Twenty -fourth se nate distric t . 4.06 Sixth senat e di s trict . 4 . 26 Twenty-fifth se nate d istrict„ 4.07 Seventh senat e district,. 4,26 Twenty-sixth senat e district. 4.08 Eighth se nate distz ict . 4.27 Twent y-se v enth senat e distri ct:, 4. 09 Ninth se nate di stric t . 4.28 Twe nty-eighth se nate di s trict . 4. 10 T enth se nate district . 4„ 29 Twenty-nint h senate district,, 4. 11 Eleventh s en ate district. 4 .30 Thirti eth se nate dis trict . 4 . 12 Tw elft h sen at e district. 4,31 Thirty-first senat e district. 4 . 13 Thirteenth se nate di s tric t, . 4,32 Thirty-sec ond se nate district . 4.14 Four tee nth sen ate dist rict. 4 :. 33 Thir ty-t hud senate distric t ., 4.001 Principles of legislative apportion- (1); Each bound continues to the inter- ment. Based. on the certified official results section with the bound next named, or to of the 1970 census of population of`Wiscon- the .intersection with a straight-line exten- sin, as published by the U .S , bureau of the sion of such bound census in publication . PC(1)-A51 Wis .. (as (2) If the bound is a street, it follows the corrected on page 51-6 thereof), the state is centerline of such street or the centerline of divided into 33 senate districtss each com- such street extended . posed of 3 assembly districts .. (3) If ' the bound is a railroad right-of-way,' (1) All senate districts, and all assembly it followss the centerline of such railroad districts, are as equal in the number of right-of-way. inhabitants as practicable within the guide- (4) If' the bound is a river or stream, it lines further- set forth in this section, but no follows the center of the main channel of district deviates from the state-wide average such river or stream . for districts of its type by more than one per (5) If the bound follows a municipal cent .. Because the certified total number of boundary, it coincides with such boundary . inhabitants of this state on the 19700 census date was 4,417,933, each of the 33 senate Hi story : 1971 c . 304 . districts contains approximately 133,877 in- habitants and each of the 99 assembly 4.003 Elections to the legislature . Beginning districts contains approximately 44,626 in- on May 9, 1972, all elections to the legisla- habitants,, ture, including elections for the balance of (2) In designing the districts, the fol- an unexpired term, shall be from the dis- lowing factors are consideredd as coequal in tricts as described in ss . 4.01 to 4 .33 . precedence : compactness, contiguity of area, Hi story : 1971 c . 304, 336.. and community of interest . Island territory (territory belonging to a city, town or village 4.004 T erritory om itted from legi sl ati ve re- but not contiguous to the main part thereof) districting . (1) In case any town, village or is considered a contiguous part of its munic- ward in existence on the effective date of a ipality . legislative redistricting act has not been (3) County lines have been observed to included in any assembly district, such town, the extent consistent with sub . (1) .. village or ward shall be a part of the assembly district by which it is surrounded History : 1971 c.. 304 . or, if' it falls on the boundary between 2 or more districts, of the adjacent assembly 4.002 Construction. The following con- district having the lowest population ac- ventions are used in this chapter where cording to the federal census upon which the territory is described by geographic bounda- redistricting act is based .. ries : (2) The boundaries of legislative districts Electronically scanned images of the published statutes. 77 LEGISLATIVE DIST RICTS 4.02 established by a legislative redistricting act ( 1) FIRST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The are not altered by any change in the county following territory shall constitute the 1st boundaries under ch . 2, by thee creation of assembly district : anyy town, village, city : or ward, or by any (a) Whole counties., The counties of Door municipal annexation or consolidation and Kewaunee which occurs after the effective date of the (b) Brown county„ That part of the redistricting act .: county of Brown consisting of`. History : 1971 c. 304, 336 ., l : The towns of Eaton, Green Bay, Hum- bol dt and Scott . 2. That, part of the city of Green Bay, constituting a part of supervisory district 11 4.01 First senate d istrict. The combination of the plan adopted December 21, 1971, of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd assembly districts, as which h lies ,northeast of a line commencing further set forth in this section and as shown where Woodside road intersects the southern in the following segment of the official 1970 city limits of said supervisory district ; thence census map of this state, shall constitute the north on Woodside road, east on Hu mboldt . ' road, north on Spartan road and westerly on fast senate district Willow street to the western limits of the supervisory' district at University (Mahon) avenue . o EQ~ (2) SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory in the county :y of Manitowoc shall constitute the 2nd assembly district : the towns of Centerville, Liberty, Manitowoc Manitowoc Rapids, Meeme and 1st SENATE DISTRICT Newton; thee village of Cleveland ; and the city of Manitowoc . (3) THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory shall, constitute the 3rd assembly district : °. I•p F oWlu~4LL` (a) Brown •county . That part of the KEWA E COI county of Brown consisting of the towns of 11 . .~m. Glenmore, Holland, Morxison, New Denmark and Rockland ; and the village of Denmark,. (b) Manitowoc county . That part of' the county of Manitowoc consisting .g of the Kexaunn townss of Cato, Coopet'stown, Eaton, Franklin, Gibson, Kossuth, Maple Grove, M ~ -ARK Mishicot, R ockland, Schieswig,' Two Creeks .. .. ... and Two Rivers ; the villages of Francis MANITOWOC LOO t Creek, Maribel, Mshicot ; Reedsville, St,. Nazianz, Valdeis and Whitelaw ; and the Muh~mt cities of Kiel and Two Rivers, k a Reed.Mt 4 V Tw o Rivm History : 197 1 c„ 3 04, 305 4.02 Second senate di strict . The combina- tion of the'' 4th, 5th and 6th assembly districts, as further set forth in this section . /7 St. NW~o and as shown in the following segment of L the official 1970 census map of this state, shall constitute the 2nd senate district .. u !f Electronically scanned images of the published statutes. 4.02 LEGIS LATIVE DISTRICTS 78 (b) De Pere, city of That part of the city of De Pere lying east of the Fox river..- (c) Green Bay, city of. That part of the city of Green Bay consisting of s upervisory districts 2, 3 and 8 to 10 of the plan adopted 2nd SENATE DISTRICT ~~a v on December 21, 1971, and of that part of supervisory district 11 of such plan which De ~«~~ lies west of a line commencing where Woodside road intersects the southern limits of said supervisory district ; thence north on .4' Woodside road, east on Humboldt road, 5 'z J north, on Spartan road and westerly on t WR/GHTSTOWI Willoww street to the western limits of the LittleChu ~ supervisory district- at University (Mahon) Kimberly n avenue. (2) FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . The following territory shall constitute the 5th ~• mbined Locks BUCHANAN assembly district : ALUMET C0. (a) Brownn county., That part of the Shezwood i WOOD . °R11L1oN county of Brown consisting of the towns of Britlion Lawrence and Wrightstown ; the village of Wrightstown ; and that part of the city of De joy Hilbert Pere lying west of the Fox river .. (b) Calumet county .. That part of the $tOCkbfI dQ2 RANTOUL L E CHiL . county of Calumet consisting of that par t of TON the city of Appleton in the county (alder- h ilton STOC K- C manic district 9 and part of aldermanic WINN .1 C0 eR~ocE district 13),. no ~ TOWNCHARLES (c) Outagamie county. That part of the e county of Outagamie consisting of : T • ew Hyole~yteii 1 .. The towns of Buchanan and Kaukauna ; ~ the villages of Combined Locks, Kimberly CALUMET NEW and Little Chute ; and the city of Kaukauna . • HOLSTEIN 2.. That pant of the city of Appleton r MA FIELD RSH- SHEBC GAN CO. consisting of that part of aldermanic district RUSSEL L TAY . MtCalvary 0 13 of the.e plan adopted in 1971, which is in CNEEDAM Q 1 ~, -- that county . (3) SIXTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT ., The following territory shall constitute the 6th ORE ST I assembly district : .
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