Formerly Underage A.S. Members Drank at Retreat
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SPARTAN DAILY VOLUME 126 NUMBER 7 Serving San Jose State Lniversity since 1934 "ITESD.1). FEBIZU\ R1 7. 2006 DAY NIGHT I)emonstrating How to treat your Femmes neighborhood bartender still rocking szI \ ’4’; I ',I Opinion Page 2 A & E Page 4 Ui 72F 49 ' F Formerly Underage A.S. members drank at retreat IIic lik 'I missing By John Myers said, howtner. that do iiieinIsi mem on Mc .11 that the allegation, against I Alha employees from the restaurant. a ho sen ed tin erst I S 's In'. esti gation a as com- from events that happened at the Aug it,t SPECIAL TO THE DAILY the wine, checking anyone'. II pleted in I iecember Sane Bran,, acting A.S. retreat in Sonoma knit os said he De Alba, a hired staff member alto assoslate dean of the I 'ollege of Science. %%rote a report about n hat he sais :Ind gave prof sits out Underage students drank wine at a res- manages the business side of San Jose and Brad Davis. director of culla, ee sup- it to Gutierrez before De Alba %%aS placed taurant during an Associated Students re- State University's student gm ernment. has port sem ices at SJSII. Gutierrez said. The on leave. treat in August. said sources close to a uni- been on paid administrati% e inn.l since two investigators sent a report on the in- -The longer !ddii wait, the inote i !fibr- versity investigation into whether A.S. ex- Nov. 18 while the untsers11 eqtgated estigation's findings to Gutierrez on Dec. illation you can forget.- Ramos said. ecutive director Alfonso De Alba provided semester claims that he provided alcohol to minors, 21. Bran, said. At the A.S. retreat, board members alcohol to people under 21. drank alcohol with students and lied about The A.S. Board of Directors will most learned hm% to tun the student go% ern- The sources, who asked to remain anon- his involvement when questioned. likely % one in a closed session on "a con- ment Ins res iess mg it, acts, rules and Ins ymous. said people under 21 years of age An executive order ,i,2ned Noy. Is hy clusion to this matter of allegation against lass s. Ramos said Future at SJSU drank the v% ine at a restaurant in Sonoma A.S. President Alberti, nitierrez placed De Alba- during the board's regular meet Sarah Stillman, s ice president of A.S. during AS's retreat from Aug. 1-3, 2005. De Alba on indefinite Ica, ing on Wedne,da. Gutierre, said. unknown Other sources close to the investigation De Alba said he is iii II cd to corn- A.S. Coffin d .Alex confirmed SEE DE ALBA PAGE 6 By Zeenat Umar DAILY STAFF WRITER Don't forget your receipt Vinod Kumar Saxena. a meteorol- ogy professor who was reported miss- ing and was later found earlier this se- mester, is no longer listed as part of the San Jose State University faculty :Tx and staff. Saxena, 61, " 'was reported Zr". ‘: ..41"..TACJ *111=11*. , ' Tratj" NINIVINTI: missing by the university's on - site counseling services after he failed to show up for a therapy appointment on Ii Jan. 19. State SAXINA Police Officers found him alive at a Comfort Inn in the Poconos region of eastern Pennsylvania on Jan. 26. according to Sgt. Robert Noriega of the University Police Department. It has not been disclosed why Saxena was seeking counseling, but according to a UPD statement, he had recently been de- pressed. Saxena has not been back to his Campus Village apartment, located at the southeast corner of SJS1.1. since Dec. 28 according to the investigation conducted by the police. Although he li% ed alone, his wife visited him periodically, according to Noriega. "He has a wife in North Carolina: she's not his ex-wife - the San Jose Mercury News got it wrong.- Noriega said. According to his wife, Beena FANG LANG /DAILY STAFF SEE SAXENA PAGE 6 Students wait in line at the Student Union to return their books to the Spartan Bookstore on Monday, the last day to return their books for full refund. A.S. Board of Directors looks to fill New director takes reins at Student Life and Leadership conditions in 'alifornia. By Masai Davis change as well as the weather vacancies at upcoming meetings "I'm still getting used to the %scattier.- Kelley said. "I'M used DAILY STAFF WRITER to sno%%.- entailed a large number of students In much the same sins that Kelley has to get used to the weath- By Dominique Streeter San Jose Slate Ilniversity 's new Director of Student 1.0c .inil through listservs. advertising the vacant er. staff members ss ithin the office of Student Life and Leadership Richard Kelley great impact On DAILY sTAF I WRITER positions.- Gutierrez said. Leadership is looking to make a are getting used is their nen director. Gutierrez said the student response student life. ewited l's is hat he'll bring to our office.- Administrative conic here with or reorganiz- The Associated Students Board has been very positive. "I didn't the idea of changing Support Coordinator I..inh Nguyen said. Kelley said. "We ha% e a helpful and expe- of Directors will begin to till four va- "We have more applicants than va- ing.- great staff that is cant positions during its meeting cant positions at this time." he said. "We rienced.- degree of student in'. leadership and cam- SEE KELLEY PAGE 7 Wednesday. received the largest number of applica- The high (II% ement in what attracted Kelle., In, IMI. The positions of director of business tions for director of business affairs and pus life is affairs, director of governing affairs, di- so far we have selected the most quali- rector of student fee affairs and direc- fied candidates for these positions." CAMPUS PROFILE tor of student resource affairs have been Ramos said that not all of the po- Kelley earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Mtxtern Foreign vacated as of this semester. sitions received the same level of re- Language from Slippery Rock link ersit) in Slippery Rock. A.S. will appoint two of the new di- sponse. Penn. He also has a Master of Arts degree in Higher Education rectors on Wednesday and intend to till "We've had a really hard time trying Administration from that same institution. all four positions by Feb. 22. according to fill the director of student resource Kelley has served as the Director of Student Activities at to A.S. President Alberto Gutierrez. affairs position. Nobody has applied Williams College in Massachusetts. Director of Campus Programs "These are pretty big positions in for it since Joseph Estrada let it go in and Events at Olivet College in Michigan and Director of Campus terms of being student voices and li- September. But now that it's a new se- Involvement at Washington State I. Iniversity aisons,- A.S. Controller Alex Ramos mester and people have reorganized As he has worked for a number of universities, one might ask said. their schedules, we have a lot of new why Kelley would choose SJSt 1. The positions were left open af- people coming in and a lot of applicants "The students own their experience with the ASU here.- Kelley ter the director of governing affairs, and student interest." said Ramos. explained. "It's not an entitlement.- Jason Fithian. decided to study abroad Applications for these positions are Though his professional experience has mainly been with pri- for a year. and the director of student still available at the A.S. house and on vate universities. Kelley appreciates how involved students are fee affairs, Adriana Garcia, moved to its Web site. Ramos said he encourages with Greek Life and leadership at SJSll. Chicago. Gutierrez said the director of students to consider applying for a po- "The students and the people here are real.- Kelley said. business affairs, George Aherne, re- sition. Kelley cites the profound impact that campus -involvement DANIEL ESCH DAILY STAFF signed this semester for personal rea- -The more people apply the more had on his college experience as the reason why he chose to pur- sons. selection we have and the more quali- sue educational administration professionally. Richard Kelley, director of San Jose State University Student "We've been addressing the vacant Kelley has experienced SJSU campus life firsthand living in Life and Leadership, poses in his new office Monday. Kelley spots at our board meetings and we SEE BOARD PAGE 6 Campus Village. He has had to adjust to his recent professional joined the staff Jan. 30. FEBRUARY 7,2006 2 SPARTAN DAILN OPINION TUESDAY I R \ OL1' 'tHE DEIAILS Having a driver's license is a privelege, not a right Do you remember getting your driver's license, the wheel of a Fisher Price toy jeep, let alone two Speaking 01 wheels, what about public tiansporta cle than of being the victim of a drive-by shooting or by dis that credit card like piece of plastic with your pho- tons of steel, rubber and glass. lion', Parking permits, the shrinking size of parking mugging gone wrong. I've been almost killed to on it'? You felt like an adult, like the humiliating If you run pedestrians and other motorists off the sl,aees (hint: that new Hummer isn't going to fit into tracmd drivers twice while crossing the street when I shackles of parental chauffeuring had finally been road, you shouldn't be driving.