TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1961 ATfrage Daily Net Preae Ran iHanrl|(at»r lEvmihg lifralb r ~ F«r tha Week Ended The Weather ; Deeember 28, IM l Foneaet et D. 8. Wentber Bmenn

ter Dr,; Richard Brown, Wapplng; ipddge, Knights of Pythias, and Snow or rain ■tarting tonight About Town Mrs. .Carol Welch and daughter, Posl-Ytile Party wives, will be guests. , 13,525 Fontinhing Into Thnreday. Not m Hospital Notes cold tonight. Low around 8ft. Glastonbury; Mrs. Mary Ijlelland- After a meeting, there wlU|' be PRESORIPTIONS Member ef the AmHt Maitto Pfe. Robert A. Anderson, ■nrenn e f Olrenlntton Windy, cloudy, anow flnrriea visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. for brand and daughter, 497 . Spring Set by Pythians a post-Chrlstmas party and secret Free Delivery Thursday. Low la 80s. •on of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E!- St.; Mrs. Shirley Fluet and daugh­ An4M 0n, 1» Gardner St. recently all areas, except maternity, where pals will b« l^ e a M . ■ Refresh­ M ancheziet^A City o f Village Charm the.v are 2 to 4;S0 and «:S0 to 8 ter, Talcottvllle; Mrs. Teresa ^ k - Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ ments will be served. Members of LieOEH DRUQ was graduated from the Photogra­ er and daughter, 19 l>wls St.; pher's Mate School at the Naval p.m.; and. private rooms where ters, wl)l celebrate its 39th. an­ the Past Chiefs Club of Memorial SHUPPtNO PARHADE Mrs. Nanc.v Blackburn and daugh­ niversary tonight at 7:89 at ithe Temple are in charge of arrange­ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 78 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Air Technical Training Unit, Naval the.v are lo a.m. to 8 p.m. Visi­ ter, Coventry. MANCmSTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,“DECEMBER 27, 1961 (ClaaaUUd Advertising on Page 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS Air Station, Pensacola. Fla. An­ tors are requested not to smoke In lOOF Hall. Members of Memorial ments. derson la a graduate of Manchesier patients rooms. No more than two M *h School and entered the service risitors at one time per patient last January. Patients Today: 184 Fears Iraqi Moves State News President’s Members of Prisoilla Circle of AD.MITTED SATURDAY: Ham­ Emanuel Churchwomcn will meet ilton Mckee Jr.. 21 Church St., • LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the home of George Bag.<»haw, 73 Homestead I Mrs. Theodore Chambers. 41 White St.: William Ford, Wapping. MONDAY thru FRIDAY at 1:10 P.M. ~ SATURDAY 11:10 A.M. Roundup ’62 Budget St. Members are reminded to bring ADMITTED SUNDAY: Barbara Britain Speeds Kowalski Will a gift for the Uitheran Home in Chemerka. 84 Maple St.; Mrt Middletown and a grab bag gift. Helen Sweet. Dobson Rd., Vernon: Main Street Karen Bancroft. Warehou.se Point; Manchester Officials Probe In Balance Robert Vinton, son of Mr. and Fernand Audet, South Coventry; Mrs. George A. Vinton, 144 Bran-1 Richard Ga.v. Wapping. Ml 3-4123 Hospital Fires ford St., has been appointed resi-1 HOUSE a HALE Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 27 ADM ITTED YESTERDAY: dent counselor and assistant to the j Fleet to {fP)— President; Kennedy has Harry Jackson, 325 Hilliard St.; J director of student personnel a t , In New Haven completed work on the budget Georgetown University, Washing-; Mr.s. Helen Ma.vottc. 381 E. Mid-l| die Tp,;c.; Calvin Taggart, 119 for the next fiscal year and it ton, D. C. He was graduated from London, I)ec. 27 (/P)— Brit-9clMm to the little neighboring ter- New Haven, Dec. 27 — Ribicoff Plans Woodland St.; .Mm. Eleanor Bar­ will be balanced, administra­ Georgetown in -Tune 19fi0 and is in I END OF THE YEAR Ish officials today disclosed a rltory Fire officials are investigat- his first year at Georgetown Uni- \ ron. East Hartford; Ward At­ Arab League troops, which tion officials said today. \’erslty Law School. wood, Hartford; Ronald Noake. 211 little armada is hurrying placed British Commandos, ' ing the second suspicious hos- No figures were disclosed, but High St.; Mrs. Olive O'Connor, 14.1 | —H toward the oil lanea and warships in Kuwait last ‘ pit®! fiTe in two days. Neither speculation on its size has been'in Tomorrow is rescr\’ations dead-1 Brent Rd.; Kenneth Plecity, 201 eptember, amount to onlyiiy aI token ! caused serious damage. the area of 892 billion, about 83 Adam.s St.; James Brazinska.s. 11 sheikhdom of Kuwait to meet Hits Bailey line for the New Year’s Eve party i a suspected Iraqi military force. In London's view the Acting Fire Marshal Thomas F. billion above the current year's. of Manchester Ijodge of Elks. The I Lawton Rd.; Mrs. Emma Glode. would not be able to stop any full- Lyden said a blaze at St. Rai^ael's After visiting his ailing father. jMuty wUl be Sunday. Dec. 31. from 1701 Tolland Tpke : Mrs. Anna threat. scale assault by the . Hospital yesterday definitely was | former Amba.ssador Joseph 10 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. at the Elks Schneider 47'.^ Charter Oak St.; The Admiralty said that at least set on purpose. It damaged a Kennedy this forenoon, the Pre.si-1 ‘Quick’ Call six warships, led by the 27.000-ton - % Home, with dancing to the music o f! Mi.sa Nancy Cordner. 9 Norman | (Continued on Page Four) linen bag and a few floor tiles. dent returned to the seaside man- j . '. -*iw Teddy Page and his orchestra., St.; Samuei Turcotte. 65 Overland aircraft carrier Centaur, have sail­ Dr. Francis Haiska. a resident Sion where he is sta>’ing. There lie Tickets may be obtained from E d -' S;.; Janet Morse, South Windsor; || ed from the East African base of physician, doused the flames be­ received a check up on his back by ward Tomkiel, Bruce Noble or' Richard Kcrri.s, Ea.st Hartford; Mombasa for an unannounced des­ fore they could do any damage or tination. a New York orthopedic specialist. | On Leaders Charlie Tucker, steward. Clifton Pierce. Tolland; Kent Wal­ consequence. Dr. Preston Wade, and the regular Other officials reported that the Nasser Breaks lace. 44 Willard Rd.; Elizabeth Lyden also said an investigation White House physician. Dr. Janet By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jam es E. Harvey, son of M r., LaMarche. 20 Oak St.. Rocdiville. ahips—which include two- frigates, and Mrs. Bernard J . Harvey, 18' a tank landing ship and two big of a small fire Monday in a locker Travell. ADMITTED TODAY: Leon Per- Link to Yemen; room at Grace-New Haven Hos­ White House Press Secretary Frank Kowalski, Congress­ Nye St., is undergoing recntit'train- ras. 60 Birch St. fleet auxiliaries—are heading for man-at-large, D-Conn., said at the Naval Training Center, the Kuwait area. pital revealed the article set on Pierre Salinger said the doctors BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son to fire was a pocketbook. A nurse reported the bpek is stronger than toda.v that cabinet Secretary Great Lakes, Rl. ’ Mr. and -Mrs. Ray Trus.sell, Vir­ They added several other precau- Revolt Feared WARNER'S tlonai^ British fleet moves are had reported it missing two hours last summer, but it will be several Abraham Rificoff “or some­ 7 ginia Beach, Va,; a .son to Mr, and Two Manchester men recently i FORMFIT under way but are still secret. esrlier, and authorites speculated months before Kennedy esn re­ one else around him is smok­ ! Mrs. P.obeii Klamni, 151 Chestnut Cairo. Dec. 27 (Ab—President It had been stolen. sume vigorous physical activity. completed recruit training at the 1 S t.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Over the Christmas weekend in­ ing an opium pipe” if they be­ Naval' Training Center. Great' telligence and diplomatic reports Na.ssers' domain is back where it Connecticut's hospitaLs. have "The Resident is in excellent I Flank Gobetz, 154 Park St. "DOUBLE PLAY" started—confined to Egypt—fol­ I general health and full.v able to lieve Ribicoff will be drafted Lakes, ,R1. They are Richard .1.! j BIRTHS SUNDAY ; A daughter lo from the region Indicated to the alerted their personnel to turn in Bagrge, son of Mr., and Mrs. Rich- I British government that Iraqi lowing severance of the loose fed­ reports of fires quickly since a ' carry on all of his duties." Salinger for the Democratic nomina­ jMr, and Mrs. Beecher LaBreck, 195 ■ eration that joined the little Ara­ aaid. ard J.B ag g e, 99. Ferguson Rd., and! ; I'nion St.; a daughter to Mr. and Premier Abdel Karim Kassim has blaze at Hartford Hospital Dec. 8 tion for the U.S. Senate. Mark Ttvo Milestsones GIRDLE AND been massing troops, possibly as bian peninsular kingdom of Ye­ took 16 lives. , Kennedy took a cruise aboard Thomas D. Plgglns. son of Mr. •Mrs. Eugene Olesen Glastonbury. I Kowalski said that 12 of Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder of f the prelude to an inveslon to men to the United Arab Republic. the presidential yacht Honey Fitz necticut’s 169 towns have al­ and Mrs. W. S. Piggins, 14 Bond BIRTH.S YESTERDAY: A .son lo Nasser broke the tie with Yc- ' following the back examination. S t Manchester were honored at a from Associated Transport in Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McQuien, PANTY GIRDLE achieve the annexation of Kuwait Faces Murder Charge ready endorsed him for the nom­ j family l>arty yesterday at the Hartford. They were married Dec. he threatened last summer. I men last night,' apparently be- Later in the afternoon, he plan­ ination. He said he haa been as­ ' East Hartford; a daughter to Mr. . "SKIPPIES" Icause of the opposition of Yemen's, Blast LjTne, Conn., Dec. 27 '/Pi ned another long conference with ' home of uieir son. Adolph C 25. 1914, in . They land .Mrs. Richard Small Covenlrv. The Defense Ministry apnounced sured that at least 30 other towns Snyder. 79 Edmund St., in honor have two daughters, Mrs. Eii yesterday that 300 troops' most of | feudal ruler, the Imam Ahmed, to j Glenn E. Cramford. a 33-year-old key advisers on the State of the BIRTHS TODAY; A daughter to sailor, will be arraigned next Tues­ will endorse him in the future. of their 47th wedding anniversary Rutchick, 78 Ridge St., and Mrs reg. 7.50 them transport aircraft crewmen, Nasser’s accelerating program to , Union Message to Congress in Kowal.ski i.g the only announced M l IN ONE STORE Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hallowell. 5.99 LONG LEG convert the U.A.R, to socialism day on the charge of first degi ee ' and Mr. Snyder's forthcoming re- Arnold Seligson of Allen Park, Wilson I-ane, Rockville: a .son lo had been put on the alert, and j January. candidate for the Democratic ! Urement. The Snvders. who have Mich., and two other sons, Maurice troops were reported standing by to Yemeni exiles in Beirtilt predict­ murdy for the .slaying of his wife. The Preftident received word Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brazdzionis, 93 be flown from Nairobi, Kenya, if ed the break with Nasser might Mrs. Joanne Cranford, 31, was nomination for the U.S. Senate. SHOP FOR ALL YOUR I lived in Manchc.S Milford Rd-.. and Isaa,? Cooper St. from the doctors attending the Snyder, 27 Wellesley Rd., and nine PANTY GIRDLE needed. touch off a revolution in their fatally injured when struck on the elder Kennedy that their patient Kowal.ski, reiterating his de- ; plan to leave Jan. 10 to m ake! DLSCHARGED SATURDAY: terminatloh to go "all the way” 1 their retirement home in Miami.! grandchildren, (Photo by Burk- Britain forestalled an Iraqi in­ homeland that would unseat the head with a blunt Instrument. She had made progress in throwing off MATERNITY NEEDS j Mrs. Elizabeth McManus, 252 j I 'TOMORROW" vasion last July by landing troops Imam, one of the world’s last ab- died early yesterday at their home for the nomination, said that State Fla. Mr. Snyder will soon retire |hanipi. j School St.; Kenneth Blake, East ' [ a mild pneumonia which developed reg. 10.95 in Kuwait at the request of Sheik sohite monarchs. in the Oak Grove Beach section of after the ex-amba.ssador suffered and National Chairman J ( ^ M. BLOUSES. SKIRTS. SLACKS, I Hartford; Mrs. Marjorie Straw, 7.99 Bailey "is frantically calling lead­ BRA S AND GIRDLES I Abdullah as -Salem as-Sabah- after East L>Tne. a stroke Dec. 19. of land known as "Dry Brook," ; Box Mt. Dr.. Vernon; William BRA ' Kassim renewed his countrv's (Continued on Pngn Five) ers Ih Connecticut advising them I Skone.skl, 43 Edward St.; Gordon | SkM: S-M-L-XL. Police said Cranford told them The President, accompanied by "The man i.s going to run.” AT property off Oak St. he hit his wife with a meat grinder Mrs. Kennedy, drove himself to Public^Records 4|iiltrlaini Deed. I Pomeroy, Hartford; Ri(diard Cole- "Thus i.s duplicity of the highest Corset and Uniform Shop : man. 622 Woodbridge St.; Mr.s. during an argument. He was St. Mary’s ho.spital in West Palm Warrantee Deeds Rus-scll C, Anderson to Russell rsg. 2.50 order and most unhealthy In a C. and Julia M. Anderson, proper­ Eleanor Magdefrau, 64 N. Park . |.99 charged with first degree murder Beach to visit his f a ji^ . They Meet for Less Than Hour yesterday and placed in the state democracy and most destructive Isabelle Crossen to Bertrand J. ty at 24-26 Edgerton St. St.. Rockville: John Boland, 57 ; | spent 25 minutes th«|fl^A secret for the Democratic party.” he said. Glazier's and Rita M. Plante. 43 Lilac St. jail at Montvllie to await his ar­ service agent took driv­ SSI Main St.—Manchester .Administrator* De**! McKinley St.: Bruce Bates. Snip- Robert Anderson, left, Chrysler Corp. vice president, and research engineer O orge Hu^bner Jr. Kowalski made the commenta Le.ster D. Babin to Allen M. .sic St.. Rockville; Harold Helm, 25 raignment in Superior Court, New er's seat of the creani-^iored con­ P.ny C; Johnson, administrator London. look over the turbine-driven.engtne in the Thirbo Dart, a 1962 Dodge car now in the e.xperimentaJ in a telephone interview with the j Ward, propertv at 191-193 Adams I for the e.state of John Algot John- Spnice St.; Mrs, Agnes Palozte, vertible when they left. St. stage. The two barrel-like dnim.s behind the grille are air intake filters. The large circular drum Meriden Journal from hip home in I .son. also known as Algot Johmsim. Broad Brook; Mrs. Fannie Re- Three Princes Fail Cranford, a boatswain's mate Mm. Sargent Shriver, Mrs. Peter at which they are pointing encloses the regenerator and exhaust ducts. (AP Photofax). Alexandria, Va. Hia legal residence I Raymond A. N’ovak to Gunver to Ru.s.scll C. and Julia M. Ander menik, 32 Spring St., Rockville;,. second class, has been in the Navy Lawford and Mm. Stephen Smith, ------^------4. ______is In Meriden. ' Rd^^'^ToOO “ "'■^^°'''*|.^on"7i^pVr\v“ar 21-26 Amos Richardson. Coventry; Mrs. : | 15 years. His duty station is the siatera of the President, also \isit- He said that anybody intereated ! St. Vengenza Deane. 109 Hemlock St.; submarine base at Groton. ed the elder Kennedy. Merrill B. Rubinow to David and in til* Senate nominations "should LECLERC Marriage IJcense Beverly Robinshaw. East . Hart­ Police said the husband called The back examination had been first ■want it and not ask to be Blanche Mark, property off Green ! ford; Delbert Orciitt, 50 Glenwood On Laotian Coalition Chrysler Sets FUNERAL HOME , Thomas J. Quigley. Phoenix St., Attompji Harold B. Dwan of New described by Sahnger in advance Belgium Renews Tie drafted.” .la n o rlta . , c- j Vernon, and Joan Carol Reid. 213 St.; .Mrs. Claudette Walker and Lk>ndon about 8 a.m. and made as routine. He aaid Kennedy had Rachel J, Smith to Southern -T, St. Jame.s' sson. 196 Maple St.; Mrs. Katherine Bailey said he had no oenunent an appointment to see him about no recent trouble with his back on Kowalski’s statement FUNERAL New Telephone Co., prop- Gallup and daughter, Hebron; Mrs. Vientiane, Laos, Dec. 27 (JP)—#their hopes never had been high. which he hurt last j ’ear while New Tests for erties at the rear of 52 K. Center j ______Mary Jane Boyce and daughter, ' 45 minutes later. Dean is an as­ In New Haven, Democratic Na­ The— heralded, S-princes' . meeting .. agreed it would take a shoveling dirt at a tree-planting tional Committeeman John M. Coventry; Mrs. Florence Paone apparently collapsed today in lees sistant prosecutor in Circuit Court ceremony. With Central Congo o'* ’*’• 1 xf o ' DRIVE TO WORK miracle for an agreement to be 10. SERVICE \A lUiam C. and Llhol May Bray o^^roit - Whether vou drive to and daughter, 47 Charter Oak St.; UtaJt-lBTUTOur. Turbine Cars Golden aaid he ■view* Hibicoff’s i fia ie d . — After Cranford told WadAa..»itaminaHnn uiag oririii- stotsment aa an “avowal of hia WALTER N. to the Southern New England Tel­ work may depend on your town's -Mrs. Irene LeBnm and daughter, After months of maneuvering by T®'.v scheduled for yesterday but ephone Co., propertv at 17-19 Ford On arriving in thlg capital Sou- h* killed his wife, the authorities candidacy” for the nominitiDh. LECLERC .size. In cities of 100.000 and up, Kelley Rd., Vernon ', Laotian politicians and pressure phanouvong did nothing to help the was postponed because the physi­ New York, Dec. 27 (45 — The Director St. d is c h a r g e d SUNDAY: Mrs. ! | by foreign diplomats, neutralist said. Dean turned him over to Leopoldville, The Congo. Dec. 27!*'drafted for Itif colony, but the ■i6 per cent go to work by car. atmosphere. He denounced "Amer­ cian had trouble getting plane con­ (JPi—Belgium re.sumed diplomatic chaos that ensued after inde­ (Chrysler Corp. displayed an ex­ Easement •Viound the 2,").000 level. 68 per­ .Mariette Kennedy, Enfield; Edwin 1 Prince Souvanna Phouma and hia ican warmongers’’ and Boun Oum's state police. nections from New York. (Continued on Page Ten) E 55 relations with The Congo today. pendence was gtanted in 1960 kept perimental turbine-driven auto­ E Call Ml 9-5869 Town of Manchester to P-ich- cent ride Up work in cars. , In Carlson, Fairfield St,' Fred!, , "SKIPPlES" pro-Communlst half-brother Sou- pro-western government. Souvan- Police said Cranford met Dean Salinger reported the President ! .Murphy, 543 Hartford Rd.; Mr.s ' phanouvoi.g arrived for talks with strength-:ning Premier Cyrille t’l e constitution from being rati­ mobile today and made it clear 28 Main Street, Manchester ard S. and Frederick G. Naasiff, .smaller cities, 70 per cent g(? by na’s tone, however, wa* Concllia- 10 days ago when Cranford was Adoula'a hand in dealing wntli Ka­ right to use roadway over a piece car and 23 per cent walk. I-Margaret Atkinson. 155 Boulder!] pro-western Premier Boun Oum on torj’. arrested on a breach of p e ace (Continued on Page Ten) fied by parliament. that mass production was being I Rd.; Nancy Borin, 44 Lawton Rd.- PANTY GIRDLE formation of a coalition govern­ tanga's seces.sion. Tlie 15-member Katanga par­ considered. The quick breakup of the meeting charge after he allegedly tried to The re.storation of relations was A company spokesman said 50 iGeorge Risley. 127 Highland St.; ment. apparently angered both and they run his wife's car off the road. liamentary delegation, to be flown Boun Oum neither met them a' announced as parliament awaited from the Katangan capital of to 75 of the cars may be put in Bulletins . Miss Linda Ellis, 47 Virginia Rd.; refused Boun Oum'g imitation to the arrival of Katangan member.s John Clancy Jr,, Wapping: I»uis the airport nor went to the ap­ dinner. The authorities said the Cran­ Elisabethville in a UN. plane, is the hands of customers for test r.g. 6.50 fords had become estranged and 3 Die in Fire to take tl'.eir seats as provided in Culled from AP Wires The Bank that gives you PACKAGED SAVINGS Forgette. 161 Campfield Rd ; Ca­ 4.99 pointed meeting place. Growing Although the quick fizzling of expected to propose change* in driving in 1963. impatient, the two visitirig prin­ then reconciled several times dur­ Adoula's recent unity agreemeii, mille Verret, Thompsonville; Joan the conference verged on the with Katangan President Moise the constitution to give provinces Results of these tests, further Milos. 47 Deerfield Dr.; Mrs. Mary 32 to 38 A-B-C. ces finally paid a courtesy call ing the past months. Both had greater freedom from Leopold­ engineering and cost studies, and V, comic, it could have tragic ronse- On Ninth Floor Tshombe. Piuaa—ATTBR 15 YEABS Sch,ultz, 375 Adams St.: Mrs. Julia on Prince Boun Oum at hi.s resi­ quenceg fOr thig small Southeast been married and divorced previ­ ville’s control. consumer reaction coiild lead to dence. The meeting lasted less ously. j Relations with Belgium, formei New York, Dec. 27 (4>—The C Fischer, 222 Soh 1 St.; Victor Asian nation which was threatened The pact by Adouia and Tshombe volume production, .said Robert president of a group of fUtmxM C colonial ruler 'of The Congo, were I.k>mbardo, 75 White St.; Harold than an hour. .7 Police said that Cranford and Anderson, vice president. Boun Oum told newsmen that with becoming a Korean-like bat­ Of N.Y. Hotel broken 17 months ago in a (it of at the U.N. base of Kitona recog­ companies «vas indicted today Puter, 5 Gerard St.; Douglas: bras and girdles Size.8: S-M-L. tleground all through this year his wife were fined 825 each on nized the (Central government’s Such cars would be a radical de­ Small, Kelley Rd.. Vernon: George I, Sizes: as far a.s he was concerned there anticolomal fuiy. The late Leftist parture from the conventional on grand lareeny and forgery main floor was no further need of a prince­ Boun Oum said he did liot plan morals charges in New London in Premier Patrice Lumumba was control over Katanga, but the charge* Involving $819,601. The Did you receive MacDonald, Dobson Ave., Vernon; j S-M-L to meet the two lisitors again. He New York, I?ec. 27 — Two piston-driven vehicles, of which July 1958. Katanga leader never has dropped -Mi.ss Diane Kuhnly, Valley Lane. ly meeting, adding; . told newsmen: residents and a fireman died early angered becau.5" Belgium tried to there are now about 76 million on district attorney's office Identi­ "The two princes came to see protect it.s citizens and proptrt> h i' objections to a strong central fied the executive as Samuel Vernon: Luther Hutson'. East "I told Souvanna Phouma 'You today in a fire on the ninth floor regime. the road in the United States. Hampton: Mrs Edith Bidwell. rhe and we talked. There you had Rain qr Snotc with troops during the riots after Rubin, 49, of 28 Bay Blvd., At­ your princely meeting.” have not yet given any proof of of the 17-story Hotel Mayflower Independence. Tshombe'* Katanga cabinet The turbine engines reportedly Glastonbury; David Ur-sin. Ando­ Windsor Locks.'Dec. 27 —The lantic Beach, N.Y. Rubin sur­ (^hristmas Gift Money? neutrality. Every time you speak Belgian interests al.so supported ruled that it was not competent have one-fifth as many parts as rendered today and declared, ver; Dennis Fiengo. 67 Benton St,; The outcome astounded and de- U.S. Weather Butwu issued this overlooking Central Park. about neutrality your troops and Tshombe in his defiance of the to ratify the Kitona agreement reciprocating engines and require “I’ve been living in prison for I'eronica Toconis, South Windsor; j pre.ssed diplomats in this little 6-da.v forecast for Connecticut, for Two other men—apparently no oil changes or antifreeze. kingdom, who liad watched the the Viet Minh '(North Viet Nam Central goveenmeht. Belgium in­ and pa.ased it to the provincial 15 years. Now I am a free man.” William Ford. Wapping; Mrs. Su­ Communlstsl attack our posts. The Dec. 28-Jan, 1: residents—were burned, one of vestment is heavy in the copper, san Kelsey and son, 20 Hilltop weeks of haggling over trivial ar- them critically. Seven firemen aasembly. a move which Adouia Speculation was that if tests are The scheme began in 1945 with raiigements for the meeting. But people and elite of Vientiane have Temperatures during the period uranium and other mineral riche i .said torpedo»d "the last effort to successful the car will be manu­ the forging of a promissory note Ave., Vernon: Mrs. Beverlev ] NEMO no confidence in .vou, .They judge from Thursday through Monday were burned or overcome by of Katanga smoke. resolve the Katanga crises by factured in volume within five for $10,000, the Indictment said. Scheufler and. son. 198 McKee St.'; / you not by your speeches' but by are expected to average 3 to 9 de­ Gradually, the Belgian govern­ •Mrs. Eleanor Cameron and .son. right: BESTFORM Most of the 400 guests in the peaceful means." years. But Chrysler revealed its During the next 15 years Rabbi your actions’." grees above normal. Moderate ment and commtrclal interests in Mapping; Mrs. Janice Gerbe and largely residential hotel at Cen­ In Paris, Evariste Kimba, Ka­ optimism by annoucing booklets on never took a vacation for fear The three princes preriously had temperatures except cold Friday Brussels have swung around to the car will be available at all Put it into daughter. 17F Garden Dr. Guild Charges agreed on the principles of a.formu- and again Monday. The normal tral Park West and 61st St. fled favor Congo unity under a cen­ tangan foreign minl.ster, today he would be found oat, aothorl- DISCHAP.GED YESTERDAY: la from their rooms shortly before denied that Tshombe had signed dealers shortly after the first of ties said. The principal vlctta "PIX" GIRDLE which would make SouvannalUVi high and low temperatures for tral government in Leopoldville, the .vear. an SRM -Mrs. Beverly Fuss. 82 Brent Rd,; reg. 7.95 premier and divide a 18-mali cabl, Hartford is 37 and 19; New Ha­ 2 a m. much to T.shombe's annoyance. the Kitona declaration. He said of the scheme was named as tiie Mrs. I’alricia Graf. Wapping: Mrs. 6.95 Iijiterference in net, with four from Boun Oum’s ven 37 and 22: Bridgeport 37 and The guesta—many of them in A Central government was pro­ the Katanga parliament would George Huebnep. Jr., executive Chemical Bank New York Trust Lucille Rowett. 141 Center SI.; "PIXIE" PANTY faction, eight neutralists and fopr 22 . nightclothes—congregated in the vided in the conatitution Belgium meet Jan. 3 to act on the declara­ engineer, told a news conference, Co. branch * at Brandway and .Mrs. Helen Andei-aon, 17J Garden from Souphanouvong’s pro-Coifi- Precipitation may total over lobby. There was no pianic. Two tion and "the counter proposals "We W'ould not be standing before 38th Street, which was de­ SAVINGS Dr : .Mrs. Ruth Goodhzrt, 19 Chea- white girdle style only, Sikorsky Vote miinist. Pathet Lao. Inch occurring as rain or snow' of them carried pet canaries from Mr. Tshombe made to Mr. you today if we did not believe the frauded of ^75,000. their rooms. Adouia." GIRDLE sires 27 to 34 trend which we have started al­ Hartford, Dec. 27 (45 — Repre­ (Continued on Page Seventeen) (Continued on Page Seventeen) They streamed down to the lob­ "After the parliament has act­ ready exists.” QUEEN TO VISIT CANADA Account reg. 5.00 by via stairwells and elevators News Tidbits ed. the government of Elisabelh- He added: "People who have London, Dec. 27 ISh— Queen sentatives of the Independent Air­ after the hotel manager pressed craft Guild at Bridgeport and ville will decide what attitude to ridden tn these turbine-powered Mother Elisabeth wilj pay a 10- Perhonal Notices a button that sounded an alarm from the AP Wires take," Kimba said. cars like them.’’ Huebner, himself, day visit to Canada in June, Stratford plants of Sikorsky Air­ on every floor. craft Division qf United Aircraft But ‘Miang: Miang’ Clarence House announced to­ below: NEM O (Continued on Page Ten! night. She Is to take part la Corporation axe asking the Na­ The fire burned out of control (Continued on Page Two) Card of Thanks for almost an hour. City firemen, Empire State Building, world's centenary celebrations In Mon> U e iiku In lakr* this npjmrtun- tional Labor Relations Board to itv to uxprujtj, nur (i*'..p gratHufif i«> ADJUSTABLE WAIST called out on two alarms, kept the tallest building and unofficial sj-m- treal of Canada’s Black Watch Watch it Ui- wonol tion won there by the Teamsters Why the Critics Cried ninth floor. fKrudential Insurance Co. of Amer­ Precedent Setting Decision which she Is colonel-in-cliief. 2 SiK'At. friAnrly ami r»*laliv‘'s, Jndivi- Sizes: 27 'to 34. O tT Unlqn. An unident^ed man, • w-alking 2 4unl.«, UG flo II..t .'Vriii know ih flr* ica in $65 million transaction. . . . The ceremonies are scheduled EARN more riHni#-5, all .••• wonih-rful to ii..» at the reg. 10.95 J Atty Jolm F. Clancy of Bridge­ past the hotA as the alarm was Soviet propaganda chief in Mo.s- for June 8-10. The Queen tim4» of tho fir<' Hi fiur homp on School port, who represents the guild, sounded, heard calls for help and cow, Leonid Ilyichev, tells Ideology SlrcAi. Tharik you onp an— lyrics might be listened to In a The dead: never will mean” peaceful coexist­ Cairo, Dec- 27 (4P)— news* In V 'finp m em ory of our non, Df»up- i Ten Danish poets and 10 com­ literary cabaret but never in Watch if la« J-ack.«on. who pa.^.iod aw av D oc 26 ' He cited at least three circum- Murray Wyzel, about 60, de­ ence of Communist party and cap­ By Bridgeport Utility paper .A1 Ahram said tod*y that stancea to buttress his charges: posers of serious music made a a night club, the ^critics said. scribed by friends as a songwrit­ italist ideologies. Communist news­ an Israw press report that the 1. Advertisentents run in three try at raising pop songs to a The second prize of $200 er who had written for the Perrj’ paper Pravda reports .... Trans­ Soviet Union is seeking to build C od'took hull homt-. it was hl.n will. higher level of literary and. was won by one of Denmark's 7 GROW! Como television shows. portation Ministry in Tokyo, J a ­ But in our heart.e he llveth Rtill. , state newspapers Dec. 17 by the Hartford, Dec. 27 (4*)—The Pub-i The increase sought by UI. was submarine bases tn Egypt was 6 Teamsten indicated that union, muslcai merit. All flopped with noted angry young men, poet Fireman John King, 29, a resi­ pan, authorizes constnictinn of lie Utilities Commission, in a the first in over 40 years. There “baseless nonsense and a pv-Ml- Mom and Dad was endorsed by '"15 to 20” AFL- the critics and the public. Klaus Rifbjerg, and composer dent of Commack, I^ng Islimd. Jaypan's first major passenger uct of a naive imaglnalJ x ’* Brother Bob Finn Savery. The tune went An unidentified woman. precedent setting decision, today had been minor revisions and ad­ • beitfor.m^s famous dO Locals as the bargaining The Danish State Radio and monorail to link Tokyo Interna­ rejected a request by United Il­ justments, and some rate reduc­ •Al Ahram said the report 'be­ agent for the 5,000 workers at Television Co. enlisted the -over well and some critics said Fire officials said the blaze tional Airport and downtown To­ trays the real motive which is flirtation walk poet Rifbjerg might have started in W.vzel’s room and luminating Company of Bridge­ tions, but no major rate increase Sikorsky plants. Clancy said at longhairs in a contest and pre­ kyo, possibly in time for 1964 sought or requested. that Israel is begging for arms found the universal truth of Tokyo Olympics. port’ for a rate increase which least some of these locals did not sented their efforts in a special The PUC told the company it from her friends through Invok­ s one of the nicest things that can all pop songs. (Continued on Page Two) Rep. Richard Bolling. D-Mo., would have raised its revenue by INSULATION endorse the Teamsters. radio-telecast last night. An­ $2.1 million. may file iS new request to simplify ing their pity on the pretext of happen when you receive money as a Youf Saving* • slims the hips but 3. The ads did not specify that gry telephone calls flooded the Rifbjerg called his song .says he does not have support of arms flooding the United Arab "Miang Miang.” This W'as a UI was the state’s first major its rate structure, one of the alms Christmas gift. Take good care of it by right: they, were paid for by the Team­ station mul new'spaper critics Kenned.v administration in hl.s bid of the current proceeding but the Republic.” The Tel Aviv news­ W. H. ENGLAND allows full sters, which Clancy said is in viola­ \ were sarclisUc. sample of his lyrics: for majority leader of the House utillt.v to seek an increase follow­ "Tos lor no venu mut onha Coast G|iard Saves simplification should result In the paper Maariv said Monday that putting it in your Savings Account or % stepping freedom tion of N U IB regulations. He said 1 Even the announcer admit­ of Representatives, Kansas City ing imposition of higher state taxes Russia is negotiating with the LUMBER C O . substal a bam prime, on utilities, and based part of its identical rate of return now ^ in g open a new account if you do not al­ the NLJtB in'validated a 1960 bar­ ted he was not suw any of the reports. .. .Milton Holt, Teamsters earned by the company. U.-'t.R. for submarine bases to NEMO-KINS gaining ,agent electioh when an three winning son ^ was worth “■Vos patu ranka nl hoelo da 10 Men on Dredge Union official. Indicted by New plea on the higher taxes. The PUC • Open All p»y Saturday • fut, That rate of return was the sub­ replace those lost in Albania as ready have one. advertisement involved in it did the money. V‘i York Federal Grand Jure on Included the higher taxes in com- ject of some controversy during a result of the bitter feud be­ Cirrroaf GIRDLE and • firm rayon and “Tin rgson freni traputo ba- , Dec. 27 iJP) ■— The Coast charge of accepting $92,000 from PfiUng the company’s operating Aftftvmi ‘At the Green”—Ml 9-5201 not carry the name qf' the sponsor. n ie first prize. '8300. went hearings on the UI request, and is tween Soviet Premier Kbrusb- PANTIE GIRDLE to "We are the angry, fed-up, vosae, Guard cutter Acuahnet shouldered two officials of vending machine costs, but In effect said it is already OirMoad cotton brocade 3. A member of Uie Bridgeport “Miang miang ..." ^ dealt with at some length in the rhev and Albanian Commniilsl Op»B your account by visiting ortunity to The company also sought to in­ Phony Brlee. Rees, $9, eaM aa the time ef the strike. tune, calling it hopelOM and ' labor Phone MI 9-0166 , Cartagena went afdrift Chrlst- shkte of emergency In Oolombo, review all company figures de­ crease the book rate value of tts date had .fteea eat for tha wed> agrtetag It would never he *Ter the workt'hu grown so Ceylon, which has outlawed cide whether the extra Income is dt^ hut tiiat It wvaU Mwt (Osattuad oa Page played publicly The tiny today.” • , (Cotittaiaed on Pngs F oot) strikes in Ceylon sineo April 17. actualj^ needed. ' (Oenttnued on Pago TImaX plaea ehertly. „ . r

- WW^ - ■ f ' '

P i U t t T W O MANCHESTER BVENINO HEHALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1961 k'AOB THftBB. Blaze KiUg 3 Rockville-V erhon ...... ■* As ¥ou Like It Mmtm Mott, Eassman Appeal St. James’ CYO Precedent Setting Decision On Ninth Floor Merger of City and Distriet SHeinwold on Bridge Sponsors Dance FREE DELIVERY By JUDITH AHBaRI^ We Win Deliver Aujrtktag! Zone Change Denial Ron Landry, disc Jockey from PUC Bars Rate Boost Of N.Y. Hotel Zone, Plan Units Proposed FIND BEST FLAY raffio station WDRC will furnish ARTHUR’S ITj* production schedule for the Children’s MI 8-1506 FOR SMALL SLAM South doohr mjwic for dancing at St. James’ Wing of the Manchester Little Theater play By Allred Shelnwold CYO danbe Saturday from 7:30 to (Continaed IVom Page One) With the haming'of 12 townspeo-»to use as a base for its investlga- Neither lida vutaionlilb- Claiming “ bad faith,” Mott’s Supermarkets has appealed "T he Blue Bird” will be set up tonight when Ewart Kempson, editor of an NORTH 11 p.m. in St. James’ School gym­ By Bridgeport Utility pie to a citizens' dump committee tions. an action by the Town Planning Commission which rejected the five directors and two choreographers spread to the hall. The cause was English bridge magazine, gets out 4) A K 10 4 ‘ nasium . last night, the Vernon Board - of DeTolla, a volunteer committee lAMt with producer Ruth Rowley* not Immediately determined. a collection of bridge problems V A .0 J a zone change requested by the stw e. The decision to take The dance is open to the public (Continued from Page One) returning the S15 million from re­ Selectmen gave 4thck support to an member, said the committee can every few years. His latest (Pock O J 10 4 and all teen-agers are invited. at the home of Philip Burifess Sr. Firemen attached hoses to act as a sounding board for popu­ ill?-™ . ® Court of Common l^eas in Hartford results serves to stockholders, this claim, at t p.m. Although no meeting of Conseivalory of Music. They will indirectly related proposal to form et Book of Bridge Problems) « A 7 9 from the commizelon'e rejection on^ Admittance Will be by donation, plant by $15 million, a move too, was rejected. Park Hill be taught by Frank Pandolfl. exec­ standpipes on the eighth floor, lar opinion on the critical dump Is­ shows you your own hand and tha HER' EAST Dec. 11 when it said approval of and refreshments will be served. tte children’s wing will be held planning and zoning comihlssiohs sue. which would, have further reduced In further examination of com­ FLOWER SHOP utive d iw tor of the Connecticut carried them to^the ninth and dummy in 70 examples that should 4 8 3 4Q59S the bid could pave the way to In- Us nominal rate of return to 4.8 8 East Center St.—MI- 9-1048 this FrUsy, diw to CStristmaa va­ for the town. Tyvo proposed dumping areas in pany records, the commis.sion cation, plans must he started for Opera Association, and by Robert trained them on the hall door. The puzzle knd please perceptive play ^ 10 9 2 06 5 4 S tenalfled traffic hazarde. Skating Report WALTER DREW per cent. Reason for this was the found other items to subtract TO»I 5UNOR, Proprietor. E. Smith, director of musical pro­ First Selectman George E. Risley rural Vernon, one recommended 0 0 9765 O None Appealing the commiaeion'a re­ Old Saybrook, Dec. 27 (AV-Prl- company’s assertion that it had the production. * door gave way and flames burst by the town and the other by the from the company's proposed rate MANCHESTER’S LEADING The five directore are Joan Coo, gramming and commentator for said setting up town planning and Perhaps l^orth’e Jump to six no- « 105 4 ♦ J 9 f 4 jection are Herman Kiasman and vate funeral services were to be put too much into depreciation re­ base, raising the nominal current WTIC. Registration.') may be made at the firemen. Two Arc lieii- district government, were over- trump is an overbid, mit it Is just FLORIST SINCE 1912 . . . SCarUj’n -Mann. Robin Lockwood. tenants were burned and two fire­ zoning agencies would facilities SOUTH Joseph P. Mott whose application held today for Walter Drew, who serves in earlier years, thus mak­ rate of return from 6.93 to 6:35 at the UConn Hartford branch the dump study. whelmlnglv rejected by voters last a compliment to your ability to 4 7 6 2 had aaked a change from Resl- served more than 50 years as at­ ing its plant appear undervalued per cent. FLOWERS for ail oocaalona; Celeste Letendre and Will Gay. men were knocked out by dense month. play the cards well. (You are we telegraph anywhere, Ttie two choreographers are Loe Jan. 16 and 17 from 7 to 9 p.m., or smoke pouring from the hall. No formal action was taken on t? K T . dence Zones A and 3 to Business torney for the National Erectors at the moment. This, said the commi.s.sion. Is a by mail to Thomas F. Cumming.<). the proposal which will be studied The citizens' committee idea was South, so don’t let your partner O A K I 3 2 Zone n . Association. Drew, 88, died Mon­ The PUC, however, said that sufficient rate o( return' and no e Also Floral Gift Itema e and Beverly Burton. Minutes later the firemen—be­ advanced by selectmen two weeks down.) If North bid only five no- day at his home Utere are 7 adult, and 18 child assistant director of the Division hind streams of water—entered further. Four members of the citi­ ♦ KQ2 _ The parcel ia adjacent to the since the company did not propose more will be authorized. of Continuing Education Service.^. zens' committee, attending the ago. trump, you would go on to six h Wm4 N«tk l«t aupermarkat on the north elde of parts In the play, plus numerous Wyrers room and found him stag­ Passes CPA Exam anyway. The contract is very UofC Box U-66, Storrs, by Jan. 26. gering about. He was severely selectmen's meeting, gave it their T u t 2 4 Rui E. Middle Tpke. and is owned by waik-on parts. The directors will support. sound. r Past 6 NT AU R«d flags are down at all three cast the plaj’ and set Uie rehearsal burned and near collapse. Eugene H. Falcetta of George Klssman. Appointed to the committee Dr,, Vernon, has pased a written If you met this hand at the table Opening Iced — 9 10 park department-maintained Ice SdMdule. He was carried to the eighth you might 'throw the slam out of In their complaint, to be , an­ were:. Certified Public Accountant exam­ swered by the town by Jan. 9, skating areas - Center Springs The children will meet Friday. floor and given emergency treat­ Frank L. DeTolla, Thomas C. ination taken last month in Bridge­ the Window before you realized Pond, Center Springs Annex and Jan. 5, at 6:16 p.m. In the East Chrysler Sets ment. » that there was a problem. You Mott and Klssman said the com­ Jones, James L. Thompson and port. mission not only acted in bad faith Charter Oak Park - which means OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT TILL 9.. .OPEN EVERY MONDAY! Bide Rec to set up their own re- The woman and the fireman who William J. Jones from the Hock- might be tempted to win the first are with East instead of West. no skating. A 4 > fV # < % Falcetta was graduated from trick in dummy and lead the jack You win the first heart and lead a but also acted "lllei^ y , arbitrari­ hearssd schedule, and to elect their died also were given emergency anum Valley Homeowners’ Asso­ Manchester High School In 1947, . Coasting will be permitted daily oaceTS. New Tests for treatment on the eighth fiber. of diamonds for a flhesse. low diamond to the jack, and East ly and with patent discrimination ciation (formerly Hockanura Riv­ and from Hillyer (College in 1955. and In abuse of the discretion vest­ at Center Springa Park. Coming Up In Manchester A man identified as Charles er Dump CTommlttee), made up of This play would limit you to wins with the queen. Later, you He is presently employed by the can win a diamond in dummy with' ed In it." Skiers are invited to use the FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS ARE "Blue Hawair with Elvis Pres- Roes and an unidentified man were residents In the western Skinner three diamond tricks. Weet would facilities at Mt. Nebo. The area Turbine Cars accounting firm of Goodman, Spitz capture the jack of diamonds with the ten and return a diamond to The plaintiffs charged that the Ity opens today at the State The taken to Roosevelt Hospital. and Talcottville Rd. area; and Sullivan In Hartford. opened at 1 p.m. today and will ater. the queen, .and you would win dia­ finesse through the nine. You atlll commission looked with favor on Ross, who suffered back bums, E. Fenton Burke, John T. Or- Officiates at Ceremonial make your slam. remain in operation until 10:30 Record Has Arrived (CoBUnned from Page One) was reported in satisfactory con­ lowskl, Eugene A. Joslin and mond tricks only with the ace, the application, "but with disfavor tonight. Ski conditions are good Miss Cai'olyn Nagy of 37 South king and ten. Daily Question on the applicant" and the lawyers 'Hr ‘-J 'The Chancel Choir." a record dition. Joseph S. Konickl of Rockville: St., Rockville, was pledge mistress Partner opens with one aped*, to excellent. will help drive one of th* csxs this The other man, about 60. who Mrs. E. L. Neumann, and Mrs. Need Four Diamonds handling the case who refused to Slade refcently by the choir of at the recent initiation ceremonies Since you need four diamond and the next player paaaes. You Beuth Methodist Church is avail- w'esk in a 'croM-country tour. suffered bad bums, was placed on O. A. Weed of Hartford Tpke.; withdraw the application. of Sigma Kappa Delta, a sorority tideks for the slam, you should hold: Spade.-) 7 6 2; Hearts—K 7; On Nov. 22, the plaintiffs said, by the commission, the plaintiffs aide now at the church office. It The gas turbine runs on any fuel the critical list. Shortly after he George P. Preis.sler of Sunrise Dr.: at the University of Hartford. Diamonds—A K 8 3 2 Clubs—K Q said. and John Zenuik of Dobson Ave., look for a play that will work even Edward Rybezyk, town planning la a &S and a third record on a that can be sent through a pipe arrived in the hospital his heart Seven area young women were against a bad diamond break. Any 2. What do you say? There aren’t many, but we do have a few Voct lahol. failed and emergency measures all of rural Vernon. engineer, met to discuss the Mott- They pointed out that in I960, and that will bum with air, initiated at tlie ceremonies held play will work against a 3-2 or Answer; Bid two diamonds. TTie KLseman application with Atty. when a zone change was allowed factory-fresh, 1961 Frigidaire Automatic Wa.sliers o o r . Elected President restored the heart beat, a hospital Risley said he hoped to get three at the Lithuanian American Citi­ hand is slightly too strong for a "Even Fench perfume could be 4-1 break, so yoii should consider Oeorgie C. Lessner, representing for Mott's Supermarket, the com­ Fred T. BUsh n i. 72 Church St., spokesman said. or four volunteers from the south zens Club in Hartford. only the possibility that one op­ jump to 2 NT. left. And they must go, to make room for the new to used," said Huebner. However, sections, such as Box Mountain the applicants. mission said its action was based has been eleOted president of the "He waa literally brought back Hospital Notes ponent has all five diamonds. For Sheinwold's 36-page book­ considerably on the idea it was a 1962 models! We’ve priced ’em so irresistibly o-runfitn » X4tUs Theater of Manchester. He conventional gasoline would be the from the dead," the spokesman Homes, to round out the commit­ let. "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," At the time of the reported 7 , Admitted Tuesday: Joseph Na- Win the flrat heart trick in your “logical extension of the Business sucoeeds Philip Burgess Sr. more popular and accessible fuel, said. ' tee. He, said two other residents meeting with Rybezyk and Atty low that they will go— and fast. Usky, ^Jewmarker Rd., §outh own hand and lead a low diamond send 50c to Bridge Book, .The Man­ Lessner, the commission had Zone II." In another business he explained. are under consideration as well, but Windsor; Rose Schneider, Winder- toward dummy. If West has all chester Evening Herald, Box 8318, zone approval, the commisaion Sloans Mark 25th Anniversary Other offloOrs elected last week In the Chrysler turbine the jet heard the zone change request but ave Mrs. Betty Lundberg. vice 10 DIE IN S FIRES have not been contacted yet. mere Ave.: Ivy Paquette, Box five diamonds, what can he do? Grand Central SUtlon, N. Y. 17, noted the "rapid expansion of the About 30 friends and relatives'^ of burning, expanding gas—seek­ The way to set up town planning had not acted on it. mesident and business mansiger New Orleans, Dec. 27 ((Pj—Nine Mountain Rd., Bolton; Lawrence Whenever West decides to take N. Y. According to the plalntiffa, Ryb­ surrounding area,” the writ says. attended a surprise party in hon­ ty Lou Sloan and Ronald Sloan, ail AS Richard Hassett, rice president in ing an outlet as steam seek# an and zoning bflards. Risley said, is Hansen, 12 Webster St.; Frances the queen, you can win the other (Copyright 1961, General Fea­ Also, it was charged, the com­ or o t Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. of Manchester, and Mrs. William outlet from a kettle—spins blades children and an adult died in three ezyk said the commission real­ L im E AS charge of production; Mrs. Mary Louisiana fires yestecdsy. to consolidate existing planning Zbyk, 42 Spring St. Quituuons PuiBtibM by four tricks with the ace and king tures Corp.) ized there were parking problems mission failed to consider the most SlotUT) 31 Foster St., on their 25th Taylor of Bolton, and one grand­ at up to 45,000 revolutions a min­ and zoning commissions of Rock­ wedding Eumiversary. last Sunday. daughter. SAVE ^50!! in your own hand and dummv’s appropriate use of the land and the Bonham, secretary, an<^ Ining ute. Four sisters and their brother Birth Tuesday: A daughter to Coburn A Mlddlebrook, Inc. at Mott's and that the commis­ Mann, treasurer. perished when flames quickly en­ ville and the Vernon Fire District. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baker, Old Bank Slocks jack and ten. if West plays low, sion would like to Improve park­ fact that the application called for The party was given by their Mrs. Sloan is a nurse’s aide at The power thu.s generated is He said he has mentioned it to 'Ihs theater bylaws were amend­ veloped their 5-roonr home near Stone Rd., Vernon. Bid Asked you win in dummy with the ten ing in the area. This would be a natural, logical and desirable ex­ children at the home of their son- the Crestfield Convalescent Hos­ Frigidaire Imperial delivered mechanically to the district planners and "they go Discharged Tuesday: Frederick and return to your hand with a tension of an existing and contigu­ in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. pital. Mr. Sloan, a machinist at the $ 2 - 5 5 ed to enlaim the board of control wheels of the car. Duberly in the northwestern' part Conn.' Bank and Trust beneficial to both Mott and the msi to laelude Burgess arid two direc­ of the state. Authorities thought along with, it." Wyse, Depot St., Broad Brook. club to lead another low diamond. other property owners, it was ous business zone. William Taylor of Bolton. J. M. Ney Co., Bloomfield, is a < A Famous three-ring agitator launders with care. Huebner aaid automotive com­ Selectman Herman G. Olson, a Co...... 60 64 EASTWOOD tors, Ed Tybur and Mrs. Jesmne the house was empty when it Hartford National You are then sure to win four dia­ ■aid. The commission’s action violated The Sloans, both bom in Man­ member of the Manchester Pipe i i i Exclusive somersault washing action. Automatic Adams, making eight on the petitors would greet the announce­ burned and the bodies were not member of the Rockville Planning Vernon news is handled through mond tricks. Rybezyk reportedly aaked Atty. every reason of logic and Its de­ chester. were married in Mlllerton, Band and the Washington Social A Week After ment privately with "consterna­ Commission, said he favored the Bank and Trust Co. 60 64 safety pin. stop and motor protector. Mechtuilsm board. discovered for five hours. The Herald's Rockville Bureau, 5 Fire Insuranes Cank Slnatra-Spencer Tracy The Perfect Mate (for the town), it doesn't ipean it Francis R. Murray. 8 Devon Dr., Ins. CTity Life ...... 30 .35 ing zone, the plaintiffs said. T^ey the application, the plaintiffs stat­ TELEPHONE NUMBERS $135 Three children died when their Hartford Jan. 2, 3. 4 and 5 by the greeted with feigned incredulity, couldn't have twice as many^ mem­ "THE DEVIL AT 4 O'CIXICK" added that Rybezyk also indicat­ ed. Hartford Conservatory under the but the fact remains that they home burned at Welsh In south­ has passed a written Certified Travelers ...... 163 171 .5IATINEE ONLY No steamy laundry room with this Imperial bers (as ane one of the existing PubOc rttllaeo In Color 8:i0 ed a new application by Mott and Among other points brought out direction of Robert Brawley. have yet to do what we have western Louisiana. They were Public Accountant examination, it Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday in the complaint against the com­ Dryer. Where does the moisture go? It’s gath­ Phyllis Ann Bias. 4: a brother, commissions)." Conn. Light Power 31 33 Kiasman would receive favorable MODEl, Jose Greco and his Spanish bal­ done." Ls announced by the Connecticut "SNOW’ WHITE and The attention by the commission. mission were that there was one ft*! DlA-62 ered up by this exclusive moisture-minder. 5 A Week After Among factors still requiring Michael. 3; sind a sister, Adrietta, He suggested establishing two Htfd, Electric Light 75 79 Plus “ MR. SABDONICUS" .3 STOOGE.S” 3 2143 3-2144 ^ u v i B t n n i x let visit dief Bushnell Memorial Slate Board of Accountancy. Mur­ The plaintiffs further said their complaint against the zone change - , MODEL position correct drying for all fabrics. Control Small Down much study are those involving re­ one. Their mother, Mrs. Walter precincts, one in the city and one Hartford Gas Co. .. . 67 6:35 and 10:1.5 PLUS SHORTS attorneys thought the commla- proposal at the public hearing on panel lamp. Automatic interior lighting. Thursday, Jan. 11, at 8:30 p.m. Bias, said she had gone next door in the Are district, as jurisdictions ray Is one of 29 candidate.^ who Soulheni New England WlA-62 Payment "Adventures in Opera” is a 10- tooling. Research and develop­ slon’e proposal violated every rule Oct. 30, 1961, that the zone change ment of the automobile would cost to have .a cup of coffee with rela­ for the combined agencies in the passed the exam, taken last month Telephone ...... 5053'i COOPERATIVE OIL CO. weak oourae offered by the Uni­ tives when she heard the chil­ in Bridgeport. > of fair play at that stage of the would eliminate offensive odors and relatively little compared to the beginning. , aiunulactcrlng Onmiianles proceedings. unsightly buildings located on the versity o f Oonnecticut extension In dren crying and saw smoke. She The town of Vernon does not Murray was graduated from Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 60'j 315 BROAD STREET TRY THIS DRYER FOR 30 DAYS - YOU'LL LOVE IT Hartford, beginning Jan. 31. Class- expense of re-equipping plants. 644 The attorneys further felt ic property, and that the general area said flames and smoke thwarted maintain a planning or zoning Hillyer College of the University Associated Spring .. 13 15 aa will meet Wednesdays from was not right to want the zoning 1s one which the commisaion has FAR.MER I'ROFIT CUT her efforts to save them. The commission because statutes re­ of Hartford in 195ff"with a bache­ Bristol B ra ss...... 9 11 BEYOND DESCRIPTION! 7 !? ^ S:16 to 10 p.m. at the Hartford father was at work. rules change wliich would affeqt expanded foy business purposes at OR GET YOUR MONEY BACK strict authority of towns with lor of science degree in business Dunham Bush ...... 5 4 earlier times. Hartford. Dec. 27 i.Pi—Farmers A brother and sister, Charles administration. He attended Wil­ 6'4 a piece of land which already Special Allowance to Help With InstoUoHen Costs, Too! selling milk in Connecticut will re­ either cities or fire districts within Em-Hart ...... 84 89 had figured in public hearings.' Hampton Jr., 2. and Alice. 15 their borders. liam Hall High School. West Hart­ Fafnir ...... 471, 514 ceive a half-cent less per quart months, died when fire swept ford. graduating in 1944. The commission is trying to ap­ on and after Jan. 1 as a result of The Vernon Fire District sup­ Heublein ...... 31 34 ply the land to a proposal for a through their house at Hammond Since 1953 he ha-s conducted his N, B, M achine...... 21 TCCHNICOLOPI ONCE AGAIN we’re hearing talk of rising prices a price adjustment announced yc.s- in .southeastern Louisiana. The ports separate planning and zon­ new zone which hadn't even been Planners Set A range with built-in glamour...without buiit-in expense! terday by the Federal Milk ^ r - bu.sine.ss at 364 W. Middle Tpke. North and Judd .... 14 16 advertised for a required pubUc parents escaped and carried a 2- ing commission.s. Rockville has a Prior to that he was employed as J'. —of inflation. In the past, as living costs have ket Administrator’s office. Dealers planning commission, but the (Sty Stanley Works ...... 19ij 214 hearing:, the attorneys said. month-old baby with them. Fire­ an accountant by the public ac­ Veeder-Root ...... 58 now pay farmers about cents men said a faulty gas heater ap­ Council acts as the zoning com­ 62 The plaintiffs noted that, after Jan. 8 Agenda per quart; this will be cut to countant firm of Stagg, Mather i'ht above quotations are not to their attorney’s rejection of the re­ risen, the prices of common stocks eventually have parently exploded and started the mission. and Hough in New York City. 15th I 13’i cents. Several dealers con- fire Placing planning and or zoning Be construed as actual marketa. ported proposal made by the com­ A zone change request and a FRIGIDAIRE E , generally followed suit. Historically, therefore, I tacted yesterday In an informal All 10 victims were Negroes. WEEK mission, the application was de­ I survey .said they were undecided authority wnth the town, select­ nied on Dec. 11. proposed subdivision plan have whether they would cut the retail men said, would ease efforts of the been included among items to be the evidence supports the acquisition of good com- DRIVER C R m C A IX YHURT citizens' group. Actually, the plaintiffs noted, considered at a public hearing on price to reflect the adjustments. the application was in harmony Twelve members were appointed s ^ h e a f r e Jan. 8 by the Town Planning Com­ Klllingly, Dec. 27 i/P'—Theodore with the comprehensive zoning ■mon stocks as a way of protecting purchasing St. Peter. Si, ot Putnam, was last night, but five or six more '.?^A0 6 1()6G mission. NEW... TTie city of Los Angeles was plan and was in the best interests Previously, the Commission had founded in 1781 as El Pueblo de critically Injured yesterday when will be appointed aoon to make 1 fAPMlM.rON ,\v I of the town and residents as a power. For help in selectng such stocks, call us. 8ee-Levd ovena! a freight train slammed into the membership representative of the HAIVT) OI i:ON\ scheduled a public hearing on the Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los whole. proposed adoption of Manchester’s Ovens aaa above the coun­ Angeles (the Village of Our Lady, rear end of his car as It was town as a whole. The commission failed to give cro.s.sing the tracks on the Day The group will hold Its first New Yearns Eve Party first off-street parking zone. Open Thursday ebenings 6d)0 to 9M>p.m. ter and all controls are the Queen of the Angels). Tickets Locally At Manchester Book Shop and Arthur's Drug reasonable consideration to the In addition to the change in the eye-ihigh! Cook without ville section. State Police were meeting Jan. 3 at town hall with character of the area when it de­ told by the train crew that St. zoning codes lo allow the new 8tooi>ingi Aitid all foods selectmen present. 2 Shows New Year's Eve at 6:45 and 0:45— Regular Prices nied the application, it was claim­ C zone, the commission announced Peter s car paused at the cross­ A chairman will be elected to ed. This was not the case in earli­ cook 6aourt/« Ilj) behind ing and then pulled Into the prftli coordinate committee affairs. today it would also consider at the PTONAM & CO. those exclusive Glide-tTp of the train He was admitted to er extensions of the bueinesa zone hearing several minor changes to Msmboft Now York Stock Exehango Meanwhile, the town assessor's VFW HOME the zoning codes. glass doors, surrounded by Hartford Hospital, after first re­ office will be asked to provide a" FI lAir cBini n. • MANoaim mliror-bright chrome' in­ These minor changes relate to ceiving treatment at Day-Klmball Hat of land areas of 25 acres or MANCHESTER GREEN JomM r. Blak • Koborf H. Starkol terior, You'i-e the chef de WALNUT RESTAURANT Hospital. Putnam. more in town for the study group defining more fully the planning 40” Model RCIB-645 Per8unaJ Notices commission, the department of cuisine, with a FLAIR! 7 WALNUT STKEET— Ml 9-8070 public works, and the town traf­ and FLAIR supporting BUFFET-FAVORS fic authority. NOW ...RoU-To-Y Oil storage cabinet. Ask COLLEGE Card of Thanks Applying ffer the zone change, Cooking Top! about special storage OPEN THIS SUNDAY W» wish to expreis our sincere thanks from Residence 25one A and B to PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR 0 0 ^o ^ p l e - to all our relatives, friends and nelzh- Residence Zone C, Is Atty. Leon" It glides away out of Bight base cabinets to match bors for the many acta of kindness Podrove, representing John Bar- when not in use — trims snown us outjnz our recent bereave­ your kitchen decor. A T 12 NOON ment In the loss of our husband and nini. The property fronts for 50 right up to cabinet fronts, GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY New Year’s Party brother. Richard H. Davis. These kind feet on E. Middle Tpke. and is And it puts surface units ServiRg Our Usual Delicious Dinners •xpresslons of synipathy are sincerely appredated and gratefully acknowf- about 240 feet east of Main St. for the at new, edinfort height—4" DANCING SponMred by HARTFORD CLUB of FAIRFIEIJD UNIVEBSIAY edged. Located on the north aide of E. lower than conventional , Until 10 P.M. Before Our New Year's Eve Party . Hota . . Neisenrakers AT His wife. Teresa Davis and family. Middle Tpke., the parcel extends counter height. Gook with­ inward for 160 feet. T IR ED -O U T executive out stretching on tip-toe t)> BAR ALSO OPEN AT 12 NOON Card of Thanks FLOOR SHOW W# wish to thank our many relatives, The requested approval of a Many 'TIRED-OUT' execUtlveg of busi­ see into tali patts. THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 9 P.M. to 3 A.M. Lontern Village Barn friends and neighbors for their manv subdivision for three lots at the ness and industry have discovered the acts ot kindness and expression of end of French Rd. near W. Middle PER PERSON 748 TOLLAND TPKE.— PARKWAY EXIT 93 sympathy In the recent loss of our in­ Colonnades as the paradise of their AND... 30 easy to fant son. Tjfite. is asked by Marlon Booth dreams. Here is the CMual, carefree life *4 DANCIIiG 9 A,M. to 3 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grimason Gammons. that makes a relaxing vacation. You’ll be­ keep clean! ^ BUFFET by V. PAGANI come rejuvenated with our excellent serv­ Door releases forward - RUFFET CONTINUOUS ice, superb accommodations and delicious the inside glass cleans as HATS — NOISEMAKERS — SET UPS cuisine. Directly on the Atlantic Ocean easily as the outside: For Your " ENJOY NEW YEAR’S EVE A FROM 10P.M.PO3 DONATION $12.00 I>ER COUPIJ-: . . . with 825 feet of wide, private beach. h e r e : ^ ltM«>r\’atlonA Only—Call Jack Morrison MI 9-4457 or AD S-OOST Write Dept. 1 for free color fold­ Turkey, Baked Ham, Roast Beef. Chicken er or see your travel agent. Listening a la King, Tuna Salad. Potato Salad, Lob­ Pleasure ster .Saute, Cold Meats, Celerj-, Olives, OPEN HOUSE Relishes, assorted Cheese, Rolls, Coffee. T 2 m iE R € iD REGULAR DINNERS SERVED UNTIL 10 P.M And FLAIR Custom Imperial models give you these already- A t tile Piano A New Year's Bye a K -C BINGO , /- c olonnades HOTEL famous Frigidaire cooking ad­ Every Friday Night At 8 P.M. HNC FOOD T FIRESIDE PALM BEACH SHORES vances ! A Cook-Master Automatic • DiUCiOUS COCKTAILS WALNUT RESTAURANT Riviera Beach, Florida • Phone Palm Beach, VI 4-5221 KNI8HTS OF COLUMBUS HOME Oven Control— just set it! 7 WALNUT ST.— TEL. 9-8070 RESTAURANT '■U VJS\ 138 MAIN STftn — MANCHESTER When you come home from SUNDAY, DEC. 31 (FOR.MERI,Y HINKEL’S) shopping, dinner’s done! 7 A Heat-Minder Surface Unit FOOD Ingeniousty-designed door FOR Phone. .>U 8-7832 SMORGASBORD MUNSON'S ““ —watches temperature au­ AVEY’S glides up to open, com­ See this SO" single-oven version of FLAIR-' EVERY 10 P.M. to 3 A.M. pletely out of your way! tomatically,^ prevents 46 E. c e n t e r 8T. MOOD New Year's Bye Party scorching. same features, space-saving size! FAVORS— NOISEMAKERS—HATS CANDY KITCHEN It's a Frigidaire exclusive! (Model RCIB-eS5) REFRESHMENTS A Spatter-Free Broiling—ex­ S T A T E ia FAVORS CLEARANCE SALE CANDIES FAMOUS FOB OLD FASHIONEIF GOODNESS clusive Radiant Wall Broil­ MATINEE AT 2:00 P.M.—EVENING 8:05 CONTINTOI S ^20 Per Couple You*ll feel like a queen er Grill keeps spatters in .SHOWN AT 3:46-6:06-9:30 PAI. HATS *10.00 Made Fresh Daily and oven-cleaning light. INCLUDES LIQUOR Minimum Per Couple 1/2 PRICE Frigidaire FLAIR electric A Automatic Meat Tender— See Elvis Sing and Dance the R«ck-a-Hula Twist: FOR RESERVATIONS TEL. MI 3-2478 NpISEKlAKEItS NO CO\*ER CHAROE range glorifies any kitchen dial the “ donsness” of 2 STORES TO —new, old, large or small. roasts. N4w Yw '* OiniMrs SwrvMl 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. COCKTAIL DRESSES We just slide your old range A Speed-Heat Surface Unit— a aw«k after EOnSpmiEf DANCING out (giving you our big, big TEEN HOP AND A PAKADI5C O f SONS! SERVE YOU... for fast heat when seconds down paymairt TO THE MUSIC OF LOU GAGNON’S ORCHESTRA LEGAL BEVERAGES trade-in allowance) and count. FORMAL DRESSES slide Flair, cabinet and all, A Simplified Controls — and REGULAR DINNERS SERVED PROM 12 NOON *including supporting storage cabinet PJLC. BALLROOM in its place. No carpenter­ clutter-free control panel. DANCING - 1 0 P.M. to 3 A.M, LODGE DRESSES . BRANCH STORE AT: ing, no plastering, no tear­ Costs little or no more than n PARKADE 26 Vn-LAGE STREET— ROCKVILLE ing up your kitchen. FLAIR, other first-quality electric TO THE • ^ KFtIGIDAIFlH Values up fo $39.95 Mon., Tuea., Sat 10 to 6 looks built-in, but isn’t! FrUay, Dec. 29,1961 ranges. f • t ) ( j I I C: I OF ti t M » fV A . ) . . . JOAN BLAOdUN -ANGaA lANS8Uirr-MNnmTBB-aeu«i.biMn______JOE CELLI TRIO t Wed., TharsH Fri. 10 to 0 — ------HHykioiitmwi rnumisai* WEDDING DRESSES CHOOSE FROM OUR FOUR . , FEATURING IN PERSON . . . CREDIT PLANS: PLUS THIS TOfE CO-HIT AT 2:00 and 7:45 PJM. Values up fo $119.95 S ^ p , Ik aoon and chooae " T H t AQUA TONES" v yokr favorite plecea from MAIN PLANT AT: (1) 30-Day Regular Oharga steak hoDse ■If cocktail loange FOR RESERVATIONS TEL. PI 2-7391 Mnnaon'a 800 tempting va- ROUTE 6—ROLTON eith JFnrnifiirr (2) 80, 60, 90 4-Payment CTiarge ftiid Record Hep WOHGt HilMIIIilf^U)l(^A PMIfN AfilHUH rlotleo. Also freahly boxed ROUTE 6 AND 44 • BOLTON, CONN. • TEl. Ill 3-2471 SOUTH ST., COVENTRY y e n p c BRIPAL SHOP for gift giving. DaUy r t o 7:30 Plan j | | t Contcct— The Twiet tAl TfJUIVDER I nr DRUMS' Snnday 10:80 to 7:80 (8) Up To Two-Yean To Pay MANCHESTER :)iirf H 7:89 U> 11.80 P.M. H 0 M I Of M A lit II ( M I K I M f i k I AI t A I f HI R 3 INI 1 MILE FROM NATHAN HALE HOMESTEAD I I I ) M AIN ST. Sensibly priced ao that yon may enjoy ^ AAmlmdeei 70c tAUR!';;; TO .'flDIMNl'. R f. N 0 H n 3 0 III I C ' * oil CENTER ST. (4) Young HomenuUcera Lsy-A-Way 'OAIANEW: SHOW •‘T B B OOMAXCHEBOS. \ OPEN 7, DAYS— LEGAL BEVERAGES - Mtuuon'a fresh candy every day! ^ AMPLE FREE PARKING IN OCR OWN LOT NEXT TO STORE ------______■ ' ______I ■■■■■■■■■■AP’fififiiiyBm NiifBiim iw im m iiiBaiBgimiiitiimiAii'iioiM /. ■

\ m - '


MANCBE8TEB EVENING HERAUI. ItANOHESTEB, OONM« WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27,1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1961 aold the adjoining jproparty to (or by the aoagding tug ■eht word ha will' atihd by the PAGE nV R Policies Car Whacks Pole Novak for his restaurant bueinass. Coast Guard Saves Foundation Vl^lant. BffOrta by dredge 10 weeks If neoaasary to HEALTH CAKULES Peter Ounas, p'raaidant of Gunver, the tuc and Acuahnet to get an­ get a Una aboard, "If tto dredge After Snow Bank matora of raatld aum|ia, aaid that 10 Men on Dredge other hawaer rigged were frustrat­ does not sink." Nasser Breaks tha roaequlsttiOn of the property ed by fierce wind and sea. Head aeaa and wind for a time Parks Figure CAN A P6R$ON ON A Two persons raea)ved IwiiNtAl may be used «or parking or axpan- (Oowttanad troaa P»ta The erew left the dredge yeetm:- forced Acushnet to slow to 8 Link to Yemen; UOW'AAUT PIKT traatmant aarljr today for minor aiqn. UMII a decision B reached, day 'en a raft-and was plucked knots and her eetlmatod time of he asld, “we may sublM the drive- USE BAKINO SOPAl tnjurlea thay racatvad w^an thair m9a Day w&an a hAwaar i from the tea by Ajcuahnet arrival at Boaton was a vagiie in." • •ha waa undtr tow tn tu Iii North End Plans car hit a mow bank and crashed Master of Foundation Vigilant “late in the day." _ Revolt Feared into a utility pole on Main S t, (Continued from Page One) By BILL OnU/yTTE just north of Strickland St, about (flwMid tai» S*riM) 3 a m. two countries had been The driver, Edward T. Smith, d Cii D 1:3 irt nm:31 ti l3 i D c?5 i'i linked in the United Arab States, *l^ST«lopment" and “ConsoIidstioiTi" are the key concepts 23. of Tunnell Rd., Vernon, who a loose federation formed one applied to the North Center area of Manchester by consul­ had minor bumps and brulaee, was month after the proclamation of tants drawing up policies to guide the town’s future develop­ arrested for failure to drive in a H Esj’Pt and ment. ❖ proper lane. Leslie Brooks, 19, of Syria in March, 1958. 36 Bigelow St., was treated at Syria broke out of Uie N.A.R. "tUdevalopment" as appliad to Vernon St. westerly to N. School North Center (Depot Sq. and Ita Manchester Memorial Hospital for last September, but Nasser’s gov­ St- Another would extend north­ a lacerated chin and forehead and ernment retains the name that aavirana) esMntlally means dcvel- ward from Cblonial Rd. to the Mment for high-density residen bruised knee. •ymbolizes Nasser's thwarted Vernon St.-School St. collector. Smith told police that when he dream of a unified Arab world. tlalnses and local shopping and in­ Desirable Location dustrial activities. hit the fnow bank, the car was YEAR The statement announcing the The report notes that the in­ pulled into the pole. Smith was Suggestions on the North End dustrial area In the Hilliard and NO. BAKING SODA CONTAINS break with Yemen said the two SOPIUM, WHICH IS THE ordered to appear in Circuit Court governments had nothing In com­ radcvelopment plan, as seen by Regent Sts. area could attract new 12, Manchester, Jan. IS. Planning and Renewal Asaociates, activities which will find the lo­ ELEMENT IN SALT THAT mon "to make the federation be­ Includea the following points: cation desirable from the stand­ VOU'RE TRYING TO REPUCE About 9 o’clock this morning a tween them an effective political ]. A concentration of high*den- point of traffic and nearness to IN YOUR LOW-SALT PIET. milk truck skidded on a sheet of DOBIN'S Instrument able to contribute posi­ rity development along N. Main unsanded ice while approaching tively In strengthening the Arab Our Annual Clearance Sale of population centers. the stop sign on Woodland St. at END •tnjggle.” St. Other drawing points to lure C«piuUt 0IVBI h«lptul inl*nnBttpN. Very Special Clearance of 1. A new neighborhood shopping new industries here are the mapy • It It Not intondod to bo of t diof Noitic noturo. Broad 'St. The truck continued on In posing as the symbol of the area. services and facilities provided, into the intersection and struck DEPT. STORE new wave in the Middle East, 8. A civil cluster comprising a including rail lines, the report not­ the side of an oil truck. No one Nasser could hardly afford to re­ library, community center, and a ed. ern end of the Persian Gulf. Ku­ was hurt but thb milk truck had main tied to the feudal TxkL (3^^^ new achool facUity. . Consolidation of the industrial wait was a British to be towed away with front end SAVINGS monarch, who published a poem 4. Expanalon of Robertson Park section east of Oakland St. was until last June. British forces damage, which hicluded a cracked attacking Nasser’s Arab socialism LADIES’ DRESSES to include facilities for all'^y advised, but "no major expansion withdrew from Kuwait in Septem­ radiator. after the break with Syria. family recreation acUvlUeB. ber after Arab Leagile countries, Three minor two-car accidents The association between Nasser of industrial activities appears ap­ occurred yesterday afternoon and C O B B I E S , -i-i. The report also said that correc­ propriate in that area,’’ the report despite ’s objections, sent 2,- and the Imam — theoretically co- 000 troops to Kuwait to protect evening. No arrests or injuries re­ ON ALL WINTER NEEDS presidents in the UAS—never ap­ tion and improvements In Union pointed out. Pond and ita ultimate development it. sulted and property damage was proached the working relationship -.3 (Tomorrow's installment will Informants said Sheik Abdullah slight, police report.s indicate. At that Nasser had with Syria. It for recreational use, coordinated cover the central-downtown area S p.m., a westbound vehicle side- DIscoitHnued styles reguloriy to $14.99 : 'I *5 and *8 with an expanded Robertson Park had not requested the British pre­ waa a limited association in de­ of Manchester, recommended "for cautionary measures. swiped an eastbound car on Oak fense, cultural and economic af­ and the civic uses along 'Main St., region-serving commercial uses, “could combine to create a most The British announcement as­ St., just west of Spruce St.; at 6 fairs. The U.A.R. bore most of Values to $22.99 high-density residences, and relat­ o’clock an accident occurred on plus DDBIN’S Dividend Dollars the cost. pleasant environment.” serted that "during the past 24 ri Bought In March ed civic and public facilities"). hours our forecast that the Christ­ Oiarter Oak St. when one car at: In return Nasser got the pres­ The town completed the 61-acre mas 'period might be used to in tempting to pass another > vehicle tige of influence out.side his own ssrr 8.90 and 10.99 caught the rear bumper of the country. The Imam won immunity Union Pond purchase in March of crease tension I'as been partially second car: and at 7 p.m. yester­ Over 150 fall and winter dresses marked down from our 7 from the slinging attacks of Nas­ • Dressy, tailored, casual • Ail sizes, but not in every style this year at a coat of 19,300 after confirmed as far as the Middle day two cars crushed together on /# prolonged debate by officlUs and Britain Speeds East Is concerned. ser’s radio, voice of the Arabs. - • All colors, all heels • All ;-ales final regular stock. Casual and dressy styles in wool.*, rayons, a curve on Olcott St. after one HEART-SAVING Famous "U ZY BOY This Immunity ended last Satur­ residents on the merits of the pur­ "Although operations are not vehicle hit a patch of ice. which cotton. Mi.6sy, junior and i '2 sizes. chase. Previously, the pond, had thought to be imminent, certain day when Nasser made a speech Burton's Sliee Store had been sanded, and slid into the accusing Yemen, Jordan and Saudi been owned by the Hartford Elec­ Fleet to Kuwait small-scalW precautionary meas­ other car, police reported. tric Light Oo. ures have again had to be taken." Arabia of opposing his socializa­ rV<4»>. Before this decision the board (Ooo tinned from Page One) Foreign Minister Hashem Jawad tion program. ef Erectors voted S-3-1 against of Iraq declared in a statement Now that the hands-off 'policy SNOW THROWER has ended. Yemeni exiles in Beirut the purchase in January. At this broadcast by Radio yes­ College to Offer Deluxe Tha Britiah ahow of atrength time, Oeneral Manager Richard terday that Iraq considers the say the Imam and his son. Oown tv ■> iuie Martin recommended buying the clearly was calculated to deter any establishment of diplomatic rela­ Prince Mohammed Al-Badr. wnll Courses in Town be hard pre.ssed to defend them- property for a picnic, boating and Iraqi thrust against Kuwait where tions with Kuwait by countries V flahing area. Britiah, American. French and which have representatives in aelvea Opponents of the transaction Baghdad an "unfriendly act de­ Four college courses will be The crown prince, who unlike Dutch oil interests have a huge In­ offered in Manchester by Williman- his father is a progreaslve. hoped r aaid the water was unlit for rec­ vestment. signed to deny Iraq's rights and Special Sale of I reational use. Opinion now indi­ harm its vital interests." tic State College during the spring the federation with the U.A.R. Very Special Sale of Britain's Defense Minister Har­ Powerful Briggs and would contribute greatly to the cates these dUBculUes have abated old Watkinson interrupted his He said Kassem's government semester. or will abate. However, it was re- would reconsider Its relations with Stratton 2 H.P. engine development of his desert king­ >rted, the pond will have to be Christmu vacation and held a con­ such countries. They include three undergradu­ with easy action recoil dom. Famous Make Zipper wered in dqrth and cleaned ference with senior armed services Kuwait protested to the Arab ate courses in American literature, starter. Power plus with The U.A.R. expressed readiness ethrough dredging operations. chiefs. Later, a spokesman said League last week that Iraq had epn-servstion and spring nature to provides Yemen with industrial ’• ■Poasible uses for the area, in "tension in Kuwait" had been un­ seized 10 of its .

P A G E S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY,' DECEMBER 27, 1961 PAGE SEVEN mUmdfpfitpr eeeretary geaaral and thareby to and Mrs. T. S. Metheny. PTO li­ ■trike a mortal blow at tba UN. brary co-chairmen for Illing nut A' Thought for Today 935 m a in s t r e e t i Ml 3-5171- 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M, - CLOSED MONDAYS But It Is not primarily any Mn- the operation like engineers. Last Spoaaored by the Maacbeatar Emphasis Svptitttg l|praUi gle acbiavement, nor for that mat­ spring library volunteers worked -9 The Open Forum day and- ayenlngs typing book CmmctI at UbarelMa CAMPUS ter the total of all tha achleva- canlUi and book pockets for each menta during, this tesaiqn that bold CorununicaUons for publications in tha Opaa Forum wUl not bo ‘‘mind-condliton" new book. The “Thmt Ught la ei^ a Into tha On Health THO: out the promise of continued life. iaranteed publication if they contain more than 800 worda Tha quickly-organized Grade ar-* 4 WAL' wbrld"—St. John 8:18. It Is rather the political reality Serald reservea the right to decline to ^bllah any matter that BooktiDnders stamped the new By THE ASSOeXATED PRESS UM may be libelous or which is in bad taata. Free expreaaion of polit­ hooka valiantly, then pasted i.ic God’a gift of Chriat to tha w^Id An apple a

.) ' fA um rm i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. COMM.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1961 North End Selected MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1961 R A G E K M M Kowalski Will Fight Belgium Renews Tie News Tidbits Martin Back in Hospital from the AP Wires TRIPLE-S Mrs. Margaret M. VaHario For U rbah Renewal BLUE Draft Ribicoff Plans Mrs. Margaret Moylan 'Vallario, DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY! 40, of New Britain, died Tuesday With Central Congo Juan D. Peron, former dictator Board Sets Meetings at St. Francis Hospital. She was ^een selected for Man­ (OMttaraed trom Par* One) should be worried about his Re­ of Argentina now In , The North End Depot Sq. areajbao^e a sister of William F. Moylan Jr. Spain, Is Introducing his secretary chester’s first urban renewal priJject and a fund ret^^est has publican party,’’ Bailey added. (Continued trom Pace On«> /al priJject an( GohSen U on pecond in favor of of 7 Burke Rd., Rockville. and hostees, Isabel M. De Peron, Alford's announcement cleared Besides her brother in Rockville, been made which could lead to federal involvement. Selecting Mayor Ricahrd C. Lee of New as “ La Senora (my wife).’’ . . . To Study Aide Idea some smoke from Arkansas' po­ she Is survived by her husband, Your Pockelbook Kimba conceded that U.N. Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., says he the North End project was the town redevelopment agency Haven for the nomination. litical scene. Peter D. 'Vallario; two sons, a troops could maintain control in which last night presented Its^------By FAYE HBNUB was told by some defecting East "I imerpret Secretarj’ RibicofTs Three-way jockeying for two daughter; and her mother, all of German Police that they had or- choice to the board of directors behind Main St. in Manchester cen­ Two executive Bessions to discuss the qualifications of an jobs has been anticipated. Sen. J. BUsabeUvville, where U.N. forces announcement as an avowal of his New Britain; six other brothers dera to withdraw if allies moved In and asked the board for $1,500 to ter "may be your crucial area.” assistant for General Manager,Richard Martin will be held by ■W. Fulbright, chairman __pf the Making a WUl Is Easy, crushed Katangan resistance in a prepare a survey and planning ap­ candidacy, rather than a draft of New Britain, Hartford and Put­ to smash Berlin wall, Washington Fund Request the board of directors. The first will be Friday, Jan. 5. The Senate FVjreign Relations Com­ nam; and three sistera, in Hart­ But Get Legal Advice 2-week battle, but said that "to reports. . . . Family of five drown plication. The $1,500 fund request prob­ movement." Golden said. Along with its comments on the second will be as soon afterward as the general manager him­ mittee. already has announced his ford and Weet Hartford. Q — Just what does a person 'do hold Katanga under the yoke is In la k e Champlain when car in ably will come up for approval "As such, of course." he added, candidacy for another 6-year term. another thing.. . the fight would North Hind choice, the redevelop self can meet with the directors tot Funeral services will be held to make a will? Does he put it in which they were riding across ice by the board of directors at the discuss an assistant. "he wUl get some considerable Alford, a doctor, previously said tomorrow at 7:45 a.ni. at the continue in the brush, but Katanga, breaks through and sinks in 14 ment agency had the following to Jan. 9 meetiM according to Atty. sounded like a chief of ataff aetup he would seek the governorship if his handwriting ' or just sign a say on the two other areas stud­ The directors learned last night, support." Laraia and Sagarino Funeral written statement? — B. R. I assure you, will not surrender.” feet of water. Arthur J. LeCIlaire Jr., acting gen­ in the army, where one man co­ Golden did not indicate whether (3ov. Or\Til Faiibus challenged Ful- U.S. transport planes also were ied for possible renewal: just before they decided on the Home, 247 Washington St., Hart­ A — Dear B. R.;: The flrat Second Negro, Robert W. San­ eral manager. two meetings, that Martin, who ordinates information and presents Now Haven would support Ribi­ bright in the Democratic primary. ford. w-ith a solemn Mass of re­ to begin flying l>mgolese troops ders Jr., a second g^rader, approved 1. Central business district in Once approval of a project area it to his superior for a decision. Faubus still hasn't announced thing to do in making a will is to of the Central government’s army downtown Manchester. "There hall been convalescing Since Oct. 9 coff for the nomination. quiem at SI. FrancLs of Assisi total up all your assets — money for admission to white stffiool In is made by the town, a consultant from a ruptured aortic blood ves­ Democratic Director Ted Powell Lei declined to comment on the his plans, and he said yesterday Church, New Britain, at 9. Burial to the big Kamina base in North Tampa, Fla., and, like first ad­ does not appear to be an urban firm is hired to draw up the sur­ aM(ed Atty. LeClaire how much that Alford's announcement will in the bank, insurance, U.S. Sav­ Katanga today for housekeeping ewal project in the Central sel, will re-enter Hartford Hospital development. He will be sworn in will bo in Rose Hill Memorial ings Ronds, stocks and real estate. mission, he Is son of official of Na­ vey and planning applicaUon which today for about 10 days for treat­ longer he would be available for for his fifth emi Jan. 1. have no bearing on Uiem. Faubus Park in Rooky Hill. and guard .duties for the U.N. tional Association for Advance­ iiness District at this time” is submitted to the Federal Hous­ the full duties of acting general is ser\-ing hia fourth 2-year term Next, find out what you might re­ forces there: They are part of ment of a reaction his skin is suf­ Meanwhile. Bailey said that he Friends may call at Uie funeral ment of Colored People. . . . ing and Home Finance Agency. fering from massive doses of manager. as governor. ceive from a pension plan. Decide about 1,000 Congolese troop.s ac­ Dominican Republic President Approval by the HHPA is fop a LeClaire said he could handle was "very pleased to learn that home today from 7 to 9 p.m. to whom you wish to leave your drugs. Secretary Ribicoff is willing to be­ Alford first w-on election to Con­ cented by the U.N. for non-combat Joaquin Balaguer decrees that all g. Cheney Mills area. Hold the certain amount of federal money the full load, in addition to his worldly goods and formulate a Back Middle of Month come a Democratic candidate for gress in 1958 as a write-in candi­ Mrs. .Albert F. Sweft service. property confiscated from Domin­ tier for further study because to cover costs of all detailed plsm- private practice and his duties as plan. Then you are ready to see a U.S. officials in Washington said Acting General Manager Arthur the U.S. Senate in 1962. If this date when he supported Faubus' icans for political reasons must be It "does not seem feasible or eco­ ning and survey work needed to ll^ town counsel, until the manager Vernon Mrs. Helen Bourne lawyer. the Congolese troops, the first ac­ J. LeClaire Jr. said last night that should happen, I feel sure that the stand against immediate integra­ returned to owners, according to nomical at present to disturb the sure a fea-sible project. returns, provided the manager re- Sweet. 44. of RFD 3. Dobson Rd., The cost for this legal service Is cepted for U.N. service, would free Martin expects to ba back on the team of (Gov. John N.) Dempsey tion of Little Rock schools. He up­ reports from Santo Domingo. . . . present occupants of the area" The approval of the survey and tunu by the middile of the third Vernon, died at Manchester Memo­ nominal and could pay for itself other U.N. soldiers to police north­ and because It does not seem the planning application does not obli­ job In the middle of the third week and Ribicoff will mean Democrat­ set veteran Democrat Brooks rial Hospital last night after a U.S. Army moves another Infan­ week of January. Hays, now an assistant to Presi­ many times over in savings on ern Katanga, a sort of No Man’s try company along ‘Soviet-control­ area would qualify for a renewal gate the federal government or of January. Direofll^r Powell aaid yie bur­ ic victory in 1962." short illness. taxes and court fees. Your lawyer Land where the dominant Baluba program which could use federal town of spend further money on The meeting, called 'by the threa dent Kennedy, who had adopted a Mrs. Sw-eet .was born in Man­ led Autobahn to West Germany, dens on ^ e general manager were Ribicoff, Connecticut's former more moderate stand on the issue. will then draw the will, which usu-i tribe accepts the authority of Berlin says. funds. an urban renewal project. Democrats who are the minority not the routine things, but rather governor, described as "basically chester, N. H.. June 8, 1917, a Areas Mentioned Before Final plans will be subjected to on the bou'd, studied many facets daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ally must be witnessed by two per­ neither Tshombe’s government in One person killed and at least 35 the long range planning, the In correct" reports that he was will­ sons when you sign. ((Jheck your Elisabethvllle nor the Central gov­ others injured when elevated train In connection with the central the HHFA. Approval of these of the problem of an sissiatant be­ novations and controverMal items. ing to be drafted for the Senate. George Bourne. She had lived in plans by the HHFA and various fore finally voting on a motion Maii&ester. Conn., many years be­ state laws). Wills made without ernment in Leopoldville. rams station platform in Philadel­ business district, the redevelop­ Perhaps a man iffiould be ap­ It was Ribicoff's strongest state­ legal advice have been recognized U. N. headquarters in New York phia. . . . House Republican Lead­ ment agency noted that any plan town bodies will pave the way for mads by Ri^pubUcan Francis Della- pointed as coordinator of redevel­ ment yet in the continued specula­ President’s fore moving to Vernon five years er Charles A. Halleck says in a contract between the redevelop­ fera and amended by Acting ago. when properly witnessed, but we Issued another charge that North­ the Town Planning Commission opment, planning, sonlng.and de­ tion that he might be a senate don't advocate will-making as a ern was assisting Ka­ Washington that GOP might approves for the area "will have ment agency and the federal gov­ Chairman Thomas Bailey. velopment, as the town, dervelop- candidate. Survivors include her husband. sweep into* control of House in ernment. At first the Republicans favored Albert F. Sweet of Vernon; one do-it-yourself job. tanga in its resistance against to be implemented through the me(nt cormnlasion auggested, aaid He emphasized, however, he Q — If I'm drafted what are my U.N. forces. A spokesman wid a 1961 by “ wave of conservatism ap­ The contract provides that grant poatponing any meeting on the Powell. would not seek the nomination. ’62 Budget son. Donald DuVarney in the U.S. cooperation of property owners money will be paid and loans will S I R l/ O I N job rights? — R. S. witness reported that a Katanga parent throughout country.” . . . and businesses in the central busi­ matter until Martin could be pres­ Want to Consult Martin RORTERHOUSB He also said the President would Air Force at Barksdale, f.*.; and be made available for the execu­ ent. while th-e Democrats favored OPEN TILLS a daughter. Miss Lori Denise A — Dear R. S.: You are en­ bombing plane flew sorties against Police at East Providence, R. I., ness district." Republican EMc Anderson sup­ have the final say in any decision re-enter Rumford woods to search tion of the project. some discussion Immediately, even ported Oellafera’s motion, saying invoiving his resignation from the Sweet of Vernon. titled to re-employment with the U.N. troops earlier this month In respect to the Cheney Mills ■When this is done, the redevel­ same seniority, status, pay and va­ from a base at Ndola, Northern for 19-year-old mother, Mrs. Nan­ If no decision was reached. that the directors would not show WED., THURSs, FRL cabinet to run for the Senate. In Balanee Funeral .services will be held cy Ann Frenier, missing since Fri­ area, predominately used for in­ opment agency proceeds to acquire Friday at 10 am. at the W. P. cation rights that you would have Rhodesia. Director Dellafera said an ordi­ Martin the consideration they OLOS«a> MONDAY, Preiiously, he has declined to day when she is thought to have dustrial purposes, the redevelop­ properties an ’ readies the area for nance would be needed to establish NEW YEAK’S DAY ■ay whether he would accept a Quish Funeral Home. 225 Main St. received if you had continued on The U.N. claimed last Saturday would like shown to themselves, (Continued trom Page One) left her mother's home to do ment agency felt the development a private developer, it was said. th's post of an assistant to the gen­ in a similar position. If they did draft. The Rev. Roy Hutcheons. pastor the job during the time spent on that European mercenaries drove Christmas shopping, Providence commission could work with the The developer then purchases the of the Wapping Community military duty. 48 armed jeeps across Northern eral manager, and It should out­ not consult hlr.r on the choice of Ribicoff who was one of Ken­ has been taking a daily swim since police report. i owners and/or leasees to help them property and proceeds to develop line the duties, term of office and nedy's earliest supporters in his Church, will officiate. Burial will You are entitled to any promo­ Rhodesia and into neighboring the area outlined in the urban re­ an assistant. his arrival here. There is a heat­ with any problems they may have. salary of the post. RepublicaA Director Donald drive for the presidency, was be in East Cemetery. tions due to seniority, any pay Katanga. Rh(}desia denounced tl)p On the other hand, the North newal plan which will conform to ed outdoor salt w-ater pool at the Friends may call at the funeral Martin should participate In Conrad said the problem goes bS' reached at hia New London home, estate of Ool. and Mrs. C. Mi­ increases and benefits, such as life charge as "ludicrous." Rockville-V ernon End area has definite possibilities the comprehensive plan of the where he had spent the holiday. home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and and health Insurance. Once back town, it was reported. drawing up the ordinance, Della­ yond the immediate concern; It in­ chael Paul, w’here he is staying. 7 to 9 p.m. for an urban renewal project, the fera said, and offered a motion to dicates. the whole system should '1 am not aeeking the nomina­ As to the condition of the Pres­ on the job you are protected redevelopment agency said, add­ Acting Director ffiese low Prices against being discharged without Youths Arrested On other matters affecting the that effect, for a meeting some­ be looked at, and perhaps over­ tion, nor will I seek the nomina­ ident's father, Joseph P. Kennedy. James El Buckley Rockville-V ernon ing this program "would be in the time In January. hauled. tion," Ribicoff insisted. The Demo­ Salinger and St. Mary's Hospital good cause for at least a year. redevelopment agency, it was dis­ James E. Buckley, 70, of Hart­ best interests of the area and the closed that Edward J. Ryzczyent Christmas m the Palm I ^me C arlin Bucklev; a daughtei I also be called a bank check and A two-car crash at sunrise to­ ice skating period at Henry Park. Acting Mayor Bailey suggested clined to make a further state­ Mass., in its compilation of the ing him temporarily when he re­ . Serve Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce — natural mate for every meat! Beach area, would jom other ad-Hartford, a broUier of Spring- simply means that the bank has day is under investigation by Ver­ Unable to post bond, they were MRS. WII.SON GRAVELY ILL turns to work, until he is able to Jan. 5 to meet In executive ses' ment set aside the funds to back the master plan. The planning consul­ Sion on the appointment of an as­ risers who arrived from Washing-I field, Ma.ss.; and two grandchil- non constables. The collision ap­ slated to appear in the Stafford tants reviewed the possibilities of Washington, Deo. 27 (JPI— Mrs. carry a full work schedule. Bailey already has said Ribicoff, ton yestei'day for the huddle on the [ check. Springs session of Circuit Court 12 sistant, and also on any matter SWIFT S PREMIUM who was elected to a second term parently resulted from slipper,/ each area, but did not indicate any Woodrow Wilson, gravely ill of a Second, the general manager JONES PURE PORK budget. Budget Director David E. The funeral will be held toinor- Q - - Is it true that I can ex­ today. respiratory infection and com­ should have a permanent full-tlmp pertaining to a.ssisting the gen as governor in Connecticut in 1958 Bell was among those who came|j.Q^ 8:15 a.m. at the Fisette change shares of stock on w'hich road conditions. Richard T. Lawrence, 17, of 35 priority. eral manager. by a record plurality of 246.000 Mrs. Helen Kjellquist. wife of plications, was holding her own assistant, he said. SKINLESS FRANKS here yesterday. j Funeral Home, 20 Sisson Ave., I have a substantial profit for Grove St., was charged with de­ However, the master plan re­ this morning, her physician re­ As possible solutions, Collins DAii En U AU l i t t l e l i n k SAUSAGE 89' votes, would find "great eupport" Secretary of Agriculture Orville - Rockville Patrolman Robert L. port on urban renewal "strongly Hartford, with a requiem high mutual fund shares and thus not Kjellquist and driver of one of the livering liquor to a minor. David ported. The doctor reported last suggested placing more respon­ LEAN -- FULLY COOKED as a Senate candidate. Freeman is coming here tomorrow Mass at Oui- Lady of Sorrows Lamarche, 19, of 20 Oak St., was recommended" further detailed Party leaders are hopeful that if have to pay a capital gains tax? cars, escaped Injury, but her two- night that the 89-year-oId widow sibility on Town Clerk Edward to get in on discussions of the Church at 9. burial will be In — C. B. M. charged with driving an unregis­ planning studies in connection of the former President, has been Tomkiel's shoulders, the appoint­ Flying Saucer Ribicoff runs he will carry with State of the Union Message. year-old son, Robert Jr., suffered PASTRAMI the PIECE Northwood (Jemetery, Wilson. A — Dear C. B. M.; The infor­ a cut nose. He was taken home. tered car, and Improper use of with urban renewal prospects for 111 for three weeks. He said her ment of a full-time finance di­ 89' COCKTAIL FRANKS 55 him to victory additional congres­ Friends may call at tlie funeral the central business district. sional candidates. mation you received is partially The second driver, Gordon V. marker plates and (Iriver's license. condition grew worse several rector, which would probably be ELM CITY home today from 7 to 9 p.m true. Some funds allow you to ex­ Pierce, 29, of 2 Emerald Dr., wai Bond for Lawrence was set at The master plan consultants days ago but was slightly im­ Controller Jay Etlinger, and the Plan Dropped C a n y s i z e p ie c e The Senate seat is now held by selection of a full-time town coun­ Prescott Bush, a Republican who Rockville-V ernon change some stocks for their uninjured $1,000, and for Lamarche at $175. pointed out that some of the im­ proved yesterday. Mrs. Wilson is Infant Stephen B. Mensel shares. The number of fund shares According to Constables Edwin Patrolman Clarence O. Neff an­ provements in parking and access confined to her Washington home sel. 5 9 lb 7 or LIVERW URST is - seeking re-election. Connecti­ Bailey felt that the various de­ Washington, Dec. 27 (/P) — The SLICED BACON 7 BBOLOGNA O L O G N A or liverwurst 449' 9 cut’s other senator is Democrat South Coventry — Stephen you received is based on the value R. Carlson and William Patton. swered the complaint and said the to the downtown area could be ac­ where she and the President Army and Air Force are giving up Brian Mensel, infant son of Rich­ of the stocks exchanged. Mrs. Kjellquist's car began to pair was found in a car driven by complished through urban renewal moved after he left the White partment heads could take on Thomas J. Dodd, whose term ex­ December Tax some additional responsibility to work on the flying saucer — a FANCY LARGE pires in 1964. ard and Barbara Fowler Mensel of However, when you sell the fund fishtail on Windsorville Rd. east Lamarche, but containing marker activities. House in 1921. A widow, she mar­ light, low flying contraption with FRESHLY MADE HORMEL PARTY FAVORITES Squirrel Trail, died shortly after of the railroad overpass. Pierce, plates from another car and the "Urban renewal can be used, ried Wilson in 1915 after the death help with budget preparations, but 40x 3 ^ , Ribicoff said a key consideration shares you must pay a capital that If a full-time town counsel a saucer shape designed to carry WHITE SHRIMP birth today at Manchester.^Memo- gains tax computed on the differ­ driving from the opposite di­ registration of a car he once own­ therefore, as one of the planning of the President’s first wife In a soldier across rivers and rough B.C. SALAMI p a r t y SALAHu'p'a about making the senate race is Receipts High rial Hospital. ed. 1914, Wifson died in 1924. was appointed, there would be POTATO—OOU SUW . K ***- FRESH LONG ISLAND ^ whether "it is more important for ence between the acquisition price rection, tried to avoid collision but tools to help achieve the revitaliza­ terrain. Survivors, -besides his parents, could not, constables said. The registration and Laniarche's enough duties to keep him oc­ MACARONI—GELATIN the Kennedy program to have an of the stock and the price of the tion of the central business dis­ A Defense Department spokes­ SALADS IITTLE n e c k s ’ include two brothers. Richard John Paul Horming of the Green Bay cupied full-time, without the ad- CLAMS 3 99* GENOA SALAMI THURINGER A record collection of taxes in fund shares you sell. This is a The Kjellquist car collided with license had been altered, Neff re­ trict," it was said. man said yesterday the last of a additional voice in Congress or to Mensel and Thomas Mensel. Pierce's auto, swerved into a .snow Packers has led National Football diUonal burden of being assistant have me continue in the cabinet.” an off month was reported today method of postponing payment of ported. Also, some cans of beer In June of this year. Jason R. $7.6 million approbation will be Private funeral services will be bank and came to rest against a were found In the car, leading to League scorers the last three Ito Martin. Before Ribicoff was named to by Vernon collector Mrs. Flor­ the capital gains tax, not of skip­ Nathan, chief of urban renewal Later in the meeting Bailey said used up by the end of the year ence D. Loverin who said Jlll,- held at the John F. Tierney Fu­ tree. the charge against Lawrence. operations for Federal Region I., seasons. the HEW post, it was widely re­ neral Home. 219 W. Center St. ping it. that he supposed Collins wanted and no additional funds will be INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS . _ ported he would be appointed U.S. 812.06 has been paid to date since (.All rights reserved. Newspaper told town officials and members to appoint someone now working Requested. Dec. 1. Burial will be in St. James' Cem­ of the redevelopment that the area attorney general as a prelude to etery. Enterprise Assn.). for the town to be a temporary as­ One factor In the decision, said eventual appointment to the U.S. It Is the first time collections the spOkssman, was the high cost during a month which has not been sistant or axlmintotrative aide to Supreme Court. Joseph Vignonn Martin, since to appoint a new­ of the nation’s missile program. Ribicoff said he had not talked a regular collection month have comer would mean there would be The saucer project had been with the President or any of his surpassed the JIOO.OOO mark, she Joseph Vignone, 64. of 92 ;Qak T ohti Gets Notice ■saiii. a three-month lag while the new described as making possible an ■White House aides about resigning St., died yesterday after a 'Ring man familiarized himself with the "Airborne Cavalry" which could from the cabinet to run for the She hazarded the guess it may illness. He formerly operated a Of Damage Claim town’s government. travel rapidly under almost any Senate. be due to taxpayers wanting to shoe repair store at Oak and Bailey said that anyone now­ conditions. GRANFRUIT He described hia work in Wash­ make full payment before the new Spruce Sts. A Farmington man Involved in working for the town could be ington as "Interesting, exciting year in order to deduct the amount Mr. Vignone was born in Italy, made a temporary assistant to 10 and stimulating.” He added that from federal income tax returns. Dec. 12, 1897, a son of the late an automobile accident here on Martin without the need of an FRESH TENDER GOLDEN RIPE he would continue to work for the The second installment on prop­ Vincent J. and Rosangelo Barille Dec. 13 will ask the low-n to pay ordinance. Further, said Bailey, erty taxes due in the 1961-62 fiscal administration's goals in the field Vignone, and had lived in Man­ for damages to his car. he says in Martin would be best qualified to NOW IS THE TIME of health, education and welfare year are not due until January. chester for 40 years. He was a pick which man, or perhaps which when Congress reconvenes in Jan­ Under the uniform fiscal year, member of the Italian iAmerican a notice to Acting General Man­ men, could beat assist him. adopted by Vernon last year, tax TO BEAUTIFY b e a m s BANAHAS uary. Society. ager Arthur J. LeClaire. Any department head who had w | «IM H I 2 2 9 Former Sen. William Benton payments of more than may bs Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Richard Johansen is charging enough leisure to take over the KITCHEN CARDEN j-lb. A tc M and New Haven’s Mayor Richard split in two equal installments, the that damages to the front end of town in the event something should YOUR HOME first payable in July. Assunta Massaro Vignone; three aIi« IkMM m^m X J' C. Lee have been frequently men­ sons, Vincent J. Vignone of East his car were caused by a ."defec­ happen to the general mansger Free Advice On French Fries CHASE & SANBORN tioned as possible contenders. Mrs. Loverin notified taxpayers tive highway . . . as a result of re­ waa not doing the work he was that interest on the second Install­ Hartford, Michael J. Vignone of Interior Decorating: SEAMOOK FARMS-WHOU ,o.oz. Senator Bush was in Bermuda to­ Newington, and Rudolph Vignone pair work being done in the hlgh- being paid for, said Bailey. day and could not ^ reached for ment will not be added until after Collins repeated his belief that Painting and Paper pH Z# Feb. 2, of Manchester; a brother, Louis wav" by town employes. T Green Beans comment. Johansen was driver of a car Martin should have a part-time Hanging or Nancy Lynn She said taxpayers must send Vjgnone in Italy, five granddaugh­ SEAMOOK FARMS ib-ot ^ ^ c C ' However, a Republican close to ters and several nieces and neph­ which skidded on ice on Center St., aaaiatant during his first days Also Senator Bush said “ We are very their tax bills in with their pay­ back on the job. chopped plgi. ments. ews. just west of Henderson Rd.. and Ceilings—Free Estimates Spinach encouraged that the Democrats are struck the rear of a second car Faults of System so worried in Connecticut they feel "If they can't find their bills, or The funeral will be held Satur­ MORTON lorg*22-oz.^ C ( day at 8:15 a.m. at the John F. slopped in traffic. The second car Director Gordon said the great they have to put pressure on Ribi­ have lost them." she said. "I would responsibility placed on the gen­ Phone TR 5-9808 prefer they call ahead of time so Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. hit a third. Apple Pie COFFEE 1 -lb TIN coff to run. eral manager was one of the faults I can make out a new one." Center St., followed by a solemn All three vehicles received dam­ COSTA He said that if Ribicoff runs age. BEST IN YOU^ of the council-manager system of against Senator Bush the "question Payments made to date on tlie high Mass of r e q u i e m at St. government. $1,806,081 to be collected during James' Church at 9. Burial will be Johansen and his wife, Margerie, Ice Cream Roll FRESHPAK of flscal responsibility will be one ' owner of the car, are being rep- He added that the effectiveness FRESHPAK »ot.j of the issues in the campaign since the present fiscal year total $1- in St. James' Cemetery. I of whatever au'angement was de­ EXCELSIOR RUTTERED BEANS PORK or VEGETARIAN 25* MANZANILLA |or 109.144, .she said, leaving $696,937 resented by Ally. Allan D. Thom­ STUFFED OLIVES Governor Ribicoff left Governor Friends may call at the funeral as. cided would depend to a great ex­ Marendaz Dempsey holding the bag.’’ to be collected. home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. tent on the cooperation of Gen­ Beef Steaks 'RIG H* g’lanl'' and Friday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 eral Manager Martin, and for that TRAVa AOENCY GRAND UNION TOMATO JUICE 25< HUDSON TOWELS ASST. COLORS roll, RiMcofTa statement followed p.m. reason, he proposed waiting until Authorized Agents For All Scallops the declarations of two Democrat­ Rockville-V ernon Public Records Martin returned, before meeting ic eongreasmen that they w-ill seek NEWSPAPER on the problem. Rail, Air and Steamship the govqrnorships of their states Risley Proposes Warrantee Deeds Collins said that Martin might Lines / PENGUIN GINGER ALE or in 1962.' Funerals forget his doctor’s orders on re­ QUALITY MAID GRADE "A" Rep. Samuel S. Stratton, a 2- Joseph J, and Lily-'G? Sardella 18 Asylum St., Hartford to Kenneth L. and Wilma P, turning to work, and resume the term Democrat from Schenectady i 88-Lot Subdivision 50-plus hours a week that he used Tel. CHapel 7-5857 who has fared well politically in a Herman A. Bchrend Barker, property at 86 Falknor Dr. Your newspoper brings you pictures of import and interest in eonyenient to work. Someone should be help­ HAROLD EELLS Republican area, announced he Preliminary plans for an 88-lot Funeral ser\1ces for Herman A. ing Martin whom Martin can de­ Shirlie C. Thrall to Peter R and LARGE ECGSil will seek the governorship of New subdivision on the former Harold Behrend, 80. of 489 Main St., will form where you con get more then a fleeting look, where you con took at pend on, said Collins. Manchester Agent York. EUls farm between Rt. 83 and Cen­ be held Friday at 1 p.m. at the Hazel C. Christiana, property at Della&ra said Collins’s idea of MI 9-7442 BROWN And Rep. Dale Alford, elected to ter Rd. are before the Vemon Fire Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main 87 (Ihurch St. admlniatartlve help for Martin Congress In the aftermath of St. The Rev, Walter L. Abel, pas­ the pictures, study the pictures for os long os you like. or 'WHITE CUIBSODA District Planning Commission for Certificate of Devise school Integration troubles in his approval. tor of Our Savior Lutheran Property at 86 Ash St. be­ home town of Little R(X(k. declared The subdivision is being proposed Church, South Wind.sor. will offi­ queathed to Adelheide R. Walker, 551 he will seek the Democratic nomi­ ciate. Burial will be in East Cem­ executrix under the will of Clar­ by builder George E. iSsley who etery. nation for governor of Arkansas. said he plans to extend Allen Dr., ence R. Walker. Stratton has received scattered Mr. Behrend, who suffered a Releases WISE POTATO CHIPS PRETZEIS NABISCO VERI -THIN now a dead-end street off Rt. 83, fatal heart attack yesterday Your newspaper enables you to look at the pictures YOU PLEASANT SHOPPING support frbm upper New York to connect with Trout Stream Dr., Mechanic’s lien against Joseph State Democratic organizations. morning after shoveling snow, J. Sardella released by Mai Tool However, Mayor Robert F. Wag­ off Center Rd. was born in Hartford, Oct. 26. INSTANT SANKA BABY FOOD S'. It will be the first subdivision and Engineering Co. ChjpO SE. Your valuable time need not be consumed by JfHx or Ifiatchl ner of New York City is expected 1881. and had lived in Manchester Attachment against Joseph J, to play a major role In'selecting street to be constructed accord­ for 75 year.s. He was the husband ing to new road building specifica­ Sardella et al, released by Ameri­ subjects in which you have little or no interest. Most im­ CANNED FRUIT SALE the party’s nominee and may even of the late Mrs. Minnie Huniford can Coal Co. Inc. decide to make the race himself. tions set up at Rislcy's suggestion Behrend. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, when he took office as first select­ In 1906 he joined Ho.se and Lad­ Building Permits portant, your newspaper makes these pictorial reports man in 1959. Bidwell Home Improvement Co. mentioned as a |x>sslble Republi­ der Co. 1 of the South Manchester ^ YOU« ^ U .O..5T00, can presidential nominee In 1964, Instead of an oiled load, he said, Fire Department, and was a spare for Joseph A. PouUot, basement al­ available to you AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. You can see has said he will seek another 4- the street will have a trap rock driver from 1919 to 1942. In later terations at 64 Union St., $1,500. CHOICE M p i cans p year term as governor next year. base with a bituminous surface and years he was made an honorary John R. Wennergtren Co. for curbs. them at the time you want to see them. ^ Stratton’s announcement was member of the department. Crestfield Convalescent Hospital APRICOTS — FIGS hooted by Republican State Chair­ He eetimated it will be main­ alterations at 565 Vernon St., $1,- GRAND PEARS — PLUMS tenance-free for 10 years. Mr. Behrend organized the Man­ man L. Judaon Morhouse. who chester Stamp Collectors’ CJub. 750. CRUSHEO Pm iAPPU ■aid the Congressman is not a se­ The Ellis farm, purchased from and was a past president of the Edna Ready, sign at 61 Bruce . UNION FRUIT OOCKTAH rious candidate. Maude Ellis and Emil Aberle, cov­ Central New England Pre-canccl- Rd., $50. KITCHm GAROB4 ELIOTA PEACHES Morhouse aaid Stratton "is be- ers 147 acres. Risley .said the 88 ed Stamp Collectors' Club. He was Whatever It is - - If it's newsworthy • • lots are plotted on a 90-acre por­ tag used by Bobby Kennedy (U.S. a member and past noble grand NEW SOVIET AMBASSADOR I T ’ S SOUP TMIOEI SERVE VITA OR SETTY LK IN CREAM IN WINE I FEUILLAGE DE CHOCOLATE attorney general) and John Bailey tion of it. of King David Lodge. lOOF. the Washington, Dec. 27 (/Pi — or interesting • • (Democratic national chairman) It is the only preliminary sub­ G.,, Fred Barnes Encampment, and The .Soviet government has ask­ division before the district plan­ 47* or 45' I BURRY COOKIES as a political hatchet man against uie Washington Social Club. ed Washington’s agreement to Gov, Rockefeller from now until ning commission at the moment. Friends may call at the funeral a<'cept Anatoly F. Dobrynin as they decide late next summer on home tonight from 7 to 9 and to­ its ambassador to this country, FRESHPAK just who will be their hand-picked COLD FRONT IN MIDWEST morrow fiom 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 diplomatic Informants said to­ nominee." Chicago, Dec. 27 (/Pi — Brisk day. in accordance with Inter­ SEE IT IN THE RUG SALE p.m. King David Lodge will hold FREE e:- STAMPS A Justice Department spokes­ winds and falling temperatures a memorial service at the funeral national ^.rotocol, such appoint­ SOUPS 30 FREE SO:^: STANPS man said Kennedy had no part in accompanied a cold front across home tomorrow at 7 p.m. ments are kept secret until the ALL THIS WEEK WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE O f '.V1TH THis C O U PO N A N D 1%,'RCHASE Of Stratton’s political plans. the Midwest today. The mercury receiving country approves. TOMATO ONE 6-OZ JAR Bailey, In Hartford, scoffed at shriveled to -19 In InternaUon- Since foreign ambassadors are lianrlfratpr lEttrttmg llffralii VECETARIAR-ViC. TWO |EG. ROUS — GRAND Mdrbouse’s charge. He- said he al Flails, Minn., -U In BemidJI, accredited to the President, the VE6ETARLE has known Stratton for a long- Mbin., -19 In Dnluth and Mln- About Town final word has to coroe from the IMAXWELL HOUSE ;r " ALUMINUM FOIL , tima and that "Fm sure that no neapoUs-St. Paul, -S In Mnson White House. Dobrynin will FABULOUS BUYS! OR ONI ECONOMY or HEAVY DUTY ROU | CHICKIN-NOOeUE ons would be able to use him for City, Iowa, -2 in Bismarck, N. succeed Mikhail A. Menshikov limit On» Coupon Per Cuitomar 1( 1 ? ^ • Uodi 0ns Coupon Psr Cuitoasr a y porposss." D„ and -1 in Green Bay. Wit. TTie Junior GOP Club will spon­ CHICRER-RICE who has represented his country Coupon Good thru'Sot.; Dec. 30ih E g . / Coupon Good Dsc. 30iS New York Dsmoerats, he said, (Jhleaguaas went to work bun-! ' sor an informal dance at the in Washington since February, MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER ^MUSHROOM arill aslaet tiwfr (Ubstnatortal died np against bteeay 10 above Masonic Temple tomorrow from 1968. Four years In a foreign M aihlits at the propsr time. ■ero eold. MoUnOk B L l>*d d 7;30 p.m. to midnight. Refresh­ post are regarded as formal for 811 MAIN ST.—P L E I ^ OP FREE PARKING 1 Iktak Chamwan Mortmiaa ments will be served. Soviet (Uplotnats. TELEPHONE MI 8-5108—MI 8-5104 Pitees atfeotive In Upper Conn. Orpnd Union (Snpenaarketo thru Saturday, Dec. 80th. We reserve the right to UmH fnantltl.—. Tripla-Sl BedempOon OcBter, Nowiqgtoo, Conn., 180 Market Square. Open Thurj^y Might. AjU nrlple4 Redeoiptlon Oenteis C^oaed Meadnja. f


IPAOITWELVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALI). MAN' t. OONM« WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1961 BUGGS BUNNY T OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, DjECEMBF.R 27, 1961 PA^E THIRTEEN 5 5 5 ^ Bolton maids were Miss Lorraine Gasio-^ rek, Miss Thereaa Deshaies and Y 4 P BISGBSrWAOXllWlIl LOST 1 Amww VPrtvIoM tariii Misa Patricia Rose. All attfndants VSS.WAl.DO,10(»PPSO«l20V4m^ W/lft^tooUARACE 4 Woyi to Woric Bargains Church Meeting wore identical princeas-style gowns A Holiday Toast ■*- TM0©&CHRWTMPBTRBE«/8UT HORse/ tu' esctLB WAS of ruby red satin, fashioned with so SLOW He CAME IN ACS08S BUnoNTwecki Scheduled Jan. 26 cap sleeves, scoop necklines, pleat­ That'll Help You Most ftooP-^^rrtsoEs NOTWBMAYMe/ ed- cummerbunds and full skirts efiAt^O; Or4CB LOST *6000 OM THB «IX leHSTHS BACK OF lamaatm TK' SPRiNiYlin' CART/-fc drtMtlMm 4Mlm with back bows. The maid of hon­ OF A CARD OP THE Listed by The executive board of Bolton or wore a headdress of red/ bouf­ F.njoy the Holiday* KlOMDItOetAMD/WOKlLV ^ IT W AS H E N T /HONEV. BCMoMilt ■StworMtia AN'THEVTOOKTH' •KtadW el^ eomnodora The Inquirer Congregational Qmrch has set fant ■ nylon v'eillng and carried a Stay tafe and toundj d i s p l a y OF EMOT(OM WAS UKiadaf BSadcty cascade of white and American ^ ^ 'to SnPLB AYAWhi CAST OFF ME- Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. as the time for Say "Make Mine Milk' ______TSeoU the annual meeting of the church. Beauty roses. The bridesmaids U N o U a lO a iM tWonaa wore crowns with red circular MFHeii Hofneward Hound Following the procedure found veils and carried colonial bouquets MLOMfOd IS 'Oaod Buy tMl* Sale successful in former years, book­ of white and red carnation.s with UMnd lOCuboC lets containing annual reports of CONN MILK FOR HEALTH MTMter lllWintHItatoy Don't mlaa this clearance able Sew It From A Yard M anchetter Parkade StoreM silver atreamers. ITClMiMnM 41Wltt3r aayiaiB nt WATKINS, 935 Main Street. Shining Star! church committees and organiza­ MHaadpatt 39Dkpatdiad tions will be mailed to churen Raoul Diette served as best man so:PmaT^ 31-— HaHa 42n«ndifiiaiid It’s a'store-wide event with rav­ Keep In 'Hp-Top Hhnpe t, E at. Heartily and FTank Boynton, John Feeney ISnaci 33 Adamant 34miMaotraiiea dSBabcama ings up to S0% and more on dis­ Hava fun, too, in the New Year. families in advance of the annual AI-LY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN anciFieaibaBM SSKiplaahnIlam SSWMteniiat 44Suppart Hope your appetite will always 2590-N meeting so they may be studied and Sherwood Rose were ushers. continued items and one-of-a- lYARD SKIRT PARKADE LANES Invite you to be good in the New Year. The Mrs. Nash wore a beige brocade / aWRiGHT,JEFFERSON,WREOUW /fi^WBEWIT! smawMaian 34SUta tlwffl 4SWiumd All annual reports should be sub­ fiADFRV, X im JGHT aSBnilWiptlDM SSWltbared STChatra 46 Hemocaadnaa kind. come and enjoy the game of bowl­ HOB NOB RESTAURANT serves IS INCHES sheath dress with matching metal­ TKSWAMP VWB?E A U .;n ^ »G V e C T p !^ H E ^ r NSCR HAS gonna OH,im SSLoirw mitted to the pastor, the Rev. hewinS SOCacomitflber SSItwarka 47Whattbesall4r ing In their spacious, modem re­ up breakfast, luncheon specials Theodore W. Chandler Jr. by Jan, lic acce.s.sorics and a corsage of TUNE TEASERS GET WP OF HIM MPhetograpliaa aTlmpollta did Uke ahirred eggs? 'Try topping vcllow' roses. The bridegroom's naatham creation center. Spend an hour or and full-course dinners every day 3 so there will be time for as­ CLOPlJ 38 Halt bmbavarasaa 40 40 Harem raom them with freah bread crum bs an entire evening; the time goes for your eating enjoyment. mother wore a blue dres.s with ' MAbora mixed with melted butter before sembling and distribution. 3 1 Cold Wad 1 1 s r 1 r r r r IT fast here. A cheerful, wall equip­ BPOA Submits Stud.v m atching accessories and a cor-, 32 Sams they go in the oven. ped Coffee Shop serves you around Your Credit Is Good In 1962 Henry S. McDonhugh, president sage of white ro.se.'. 3Sn«iiehaaa U" • ll II the clock. W, T. GRANT invites you to of the Bolton Property Owners As- A wedding dinner and reception j 34Diy. . White For for Trim say "Charge It.” They have three 3SHa««rkadaia IT .sociation, has submitted to the laa held for 125 relatives and • II 17 Parisian designers trim beige Faetiion Paaeporte to a Bright convenient plans that require no board of education a study made friends at the Putnam Countn,-| SOHawocka IT ii tweed suits and coats with white Future money down. Pick the plan that by the BPOA ou school facilities Club. For a wedding trip to Neiiv I raiaiiitanl fox this year. Not only for New Year's Eve. suits you best. And if you're plan­ McDonough told the board the Y'ork and New Hampshire. Mrs. ' SOnnoaaei but for all your important daytime ning to live it up with a party to material was submitted as prom­ Boynton wore an emerald green Are Vou Ready for 1962? welcome the 'New Year, come to ised at a previous meeting ano w ool sheath dre.ss with white hat . ^HOOT-THE- zT 8T f T From the Stationery Dept, of and evening engagements in the i-i-lT „ WORKS h o p p l e * laaa new year. THE PAIR STORE-has w . T. g r a n t COMPANY for that he hoped it would be help and white orchid corsage. midntiaaiat HARRISON’S, 849 Main Steet, your party supplies; Napkins, ta­ ful to board members. IT come 1962 Calendars and Appoint­ the quality apparel to fit and Mrs. Boynton i.« a 1958 gradu­ blecloths, nousemakers. favors. McDonough said that the ma­ ate of Killingly High School and DIAL 48Iaavneat ment Books to help you be a more flatter you. A versatile, well- terial represented several months a-a? Ki*aT B" planned wardrobe is tnil.v your is employed ns secretary’ in the 1230 40NattraBNlal efficient person, with a better Sprinkle cooked cauliflowereta of study by BPOA members. In CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER SOBaedmaaVcqr memory because there's space to passport to a satisfying future. president's office at the University 6 A.M. tolO A.M. with buttered brearl crumbs and closing, McDonough congratulated I of C onnertirut Mr Bo.vnton Is a Bir— Jot down the Important items. THE FAIR STORE wishes you a your family will eat the vegetable the board on ihcir work since the H Here, too, are Diaries, Budget New Year of "dreams come true." 19.55 graduate of Windham High PRISC'IM.A’S POP BY AL VERMEER Btraea all up! October election and pledged the School. He aerved four years in SsearanMBV Books and other home and office support of the BPOA. tX P E S N 'T 41 tt tt IT IT IT needs. Start the New Year right. Company coming for dinner the U S. Air F'orce and is an elec­ SANTA WONT EVER >TWEN WWY'S HE* MWatcta For .New Year’s Eve Buffet The information from the BPOA trical engineering student at the ‘ BRING ME A WORSE.' L IK E WORSES?) .ALWAYS RUNNINO »U k d 7 H” HARRISON’S and "THE LOOK­ Serve hot consomme as a first will be studied by each board WINF MAYBE WE'LL TWAT' S A MSaewfniildo U ING GLASS ” GIFT SHOP of course adding a tablespoon of dry- BARBECUED CHICKENS from mem ber in turn and then pas.seei University of Connecticut. j -AROUND WITH , GRAND UNION are read.v to eat. The couple is residing in Storrs. B R IN G O N E TERRIBLE AT CROWD OFJ DOWN IT u u HARRISON'S wishe.s you a happy, sherry to each tup. on to another, a.s has been don • IBalrdiaaan healthy and peaceful New Year. Could anything be eliaier or in the past with lengthy material l^gXVSARUy^"^ ,T W IN G TO w 3.RE1NDEER tastier to serve ,vour guests as you vSAY. uaalt JT B u Protect Young Feet In the Confirmation Class Opens ^ r/^TUIMUf SO, asiPd«r_ New Year gather to welcome a New Year. prcaanta ft .41 Basil Grapefruit delly A confirmation class for all high ^ V HOLLY- The famous "Edwards" shoes Slice the juiev. flne-grained meat school young people who wish to (Makes Five 6-Ounce Glasses) directly onto a platter and sen-e 1 '] teaspoons sweet basil for children, featured at CHILD­ join Bolton Congregational it cold, or hot, GRAND UNION Church will begin meeting early I 2 's cups unsweetened grapefruit REN'S BOOTERY, are recom­ la your one-stop center for staples MISSES' SHORT RIBS juice mended b.v leading pediatricians, next month. The classe.s will be BY FRANK O’NEAt and party groceries you stock in held from 3 to 5 p.m. on P'rtday 1 tablespoon lemon juice podiatrists and orthopedic phys­ at this holidav time. The DELI­ ,m cups sugar icians. locally and elsewhere. Each afternoons in preparation for Con­ CATESSEN SHOP and the HOS­ firmation Sunday on June 10. 3 to 4 drops green food coloring and every young customer gets PITALITY BAR at GRAND COATS L, bottle liquid fruit pectin the personal attention of an ex­ UNION are brimming witli extra Volunteers YVelrome Tie sweet basil in a cheesecloth perienced fitter. Several members of Bolton Con­ special foods to help you ent-vtain gregational Church have volun­ (several thicltneas) or flaimel bag. with ea.se and elegance. All Styles, Place in a large (4 to 6 quart- Greeting You teered their services in connection «v»i S A sparkling star for your lace with the moving of the parsonage kettle. Add grapefruit juice. Heat SEARS ROEBUCK COMPANY To a Tasts- New Year collection: Put your crochet hook to boiling point. Remove from , I extends every good wish to vou and the construction of the reli­ BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL MUNSON S CANDY SHOP has to work on this 15-inch dolly it's gious education building which All Sizes 6 0 0 1 heat Cover. Let .stand 15 to 20 Slim and/Iovely skirt to bolster you„ for a New Year filled the randy and chocolates that can fun and easy to make! mimite.s. Remove herb bag, pre.ss- your separates wardrobe. Make | happiness and prosperitv. will begin soon. Anyone else wish­ I I ry*r\ m tx jnF K4_ln<->Vs I** 4 V>a ' * * r r » be fashioned into eye-catching Pattern No. 2590-N has full cro­ ing out free juire.s. Add lemon it from a yard of 54-lnrh in the ing to help with the many small smaller sizes. centerpieces for all your 1962 p ar­ chet directions: stitch illustrations. jobs connected with the projects ■ te ^ A T juice, sugar and green color for If you want artichoke leaves to ities. Lovely to look at, tasty to Now A t i w a pale gieen ahade. No. 8244 with Patt-O -R am a la To order, send 25c in coins to: — may contact the building commit­ glLsten, add a tablespoon or tw,i (enjoy at meal'a end. one visit to I Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve- tee through its chairman, Milton Place over high heat and bring ill w aist sizes 24. 25. 26. 28, 30, of .salad oil to the w ater in which \n ’NSONS CANDY SHOP and to a boil, stirrin g constantly. At 32. .Size 25, 1 yard of 54-inch. I ning Herald, 11.50 .AVE. OF Jen.sen. you cook them vou'll be dreaming up clever A.MERIC.AS. .NEW Y ORK 86, N.V. Parly for Cubs 5 once stir in liquid pectin. ’ Tlien To order, send 35c in coins to: themes for every month of the Great bring to a full rolling boil and boil For Ist-class mailing add 10c Cub Scout Pack 7.3 will hold Its Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ Walk In f'omfort and Fashion year, for every romantic or patri­ for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ Christmas party tonight at 7 at hard 1 minute, stirring constantly.' ning H e r a l d , 11.50 .AVE. OF Frank Puglisi of NATIONAL otic occasion MUNSON'S CANDY dress with zone and Pattern Num­ the Community Hall. In addition Remove from heat, skim off foam .A.MERH'AS, NEW YORK 36. N.5. SHOES wishes you and yours a delivers needed energy quicker ber. to the party, Scout officials will with a metal spoon; pour quickly For Ist-cla.ss mailing add lOc Happy New Year, than any other food. show a film on the Boy Scout Reductions W O O o Into sterile gla.sses. Seal or cover Have you the '61 Album con­ I’d , ^ for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ taining many lovely designs and Jam boree in Colorado. jelly immediately with 1 /8-inch dress with Zone. Style No. and BtttER k hot paraffin. free p attern s? Only 25c a copyl CAIUIHE' Size, I Hope Y’ou Have a "Run of Luck" Serve Fancy Ice Cream Advertisement - We have a nesr shipment of Don't miss the fall and winter JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY. dress.v Dressea—In Missy and w r m r Resolve to Be Well W’ell-Grooined I ROYAL ICE CREAM CO. on ORDER CORSAGES NOW for '61 Basic Fashion - a handy pat­ 723 Main Street, wishes you a j Warren Street, l as the very spe- Wishing You the Best New Year's from Lee'.s Florist and Half Sizes. . . C0WHA9 "MARTTNIZING" the ONE- tern magazine for home sewers. New Year filled to overflowing cial ICE CREAM CAKE and sll- From ALLiNG RUBBER COM­ HOUR DRY CI^ANING and Gift Shop. located on Rout* 44A A HEAD 35c. with good friends, good cheer and houette SLICES that are the fes­ PANY, 977 Main Street, to you Bolton: .MI-3-8089. Make Lee's CSSfrvBJu- ]/S~iT Cw»i*,ati>.iKTJi TWO-HOl.'R SHIRT SERVICE at good health. tive refreshment your family and come heariest good wishes for a FR EE P rR N T ;i.L P.ABKIN’G 20 E ast Center S treet and 299 your headquarters for the finest of guest.s will enjoy as vou sav New Year abounding with good plant.*, cut flowers, floral arran g e­ JUDD SAXON 'Eddie’s picture tube is on the blink so I'm telling him West Middle Tpke. hopes to serve Entertain Holiday Guests R&isin K raut and F ran k fu rters "good bye " to 1961 and' "hello" fortune and gladne.ss. BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD you all during the Ne-v Y ear 1962. What better way to bring the - - ment.*. cards and gifts for all oc­ what's going on while he heart the sound!” (Makes 4 Servings I to 1982. Have a PEACAN NUT MR. KEENEY, You get expert drycleaning, mak­ old year to a happy close than bv casions. Leo's prices are rea.son- ANOTHER 50 pound frankfurters, diced ROLL on hand and the perennial You can use canned fruit cock- able; and we deliver. FEET ANP VOU’L ing your garments look fresh as dining at the IMPERIAL STEAK cups sauerkraut favorite 8PUMONI. Buy these at , tail for an upsidedown t ake, but new. The service is fast, and BE TRESFASSIN&, HOUSE AND COCKTAIL can (8 ounces I tomaA) sauce the fine stores that carry ROY'AL I be sure to drain the fruit thor- Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ NOW. I DOYT LITTLE SPORTS thorough and dependable, thanks LOUNGE, located just over the medium-sized apple, pared and ICE CREAM. oughly before ananging it ou the ton correspondent, .Grace .McDer­ • WE WELCOME CHARGE ACCOUNTS • MIND, BUT IF BY ROUSON to a trained and capable staff, up- Manchester line in Bolton. A tal­ usual butter and brown sugar mix­ 3IAIN ST., MANCHESTER—PHONE Ml 9-8221 SRAMPA... to-date equipment and the fact diced ture. mott, telephone Mitchell 8-6068. ceN.Mi woaaui Wknan ented staff prepares and serves 3 cup seedless raisins coKUWodDiSin that all work is done right on the delectable meals'with a satisfying New Year Greetings premises. Your wardrote will al­ flair that makes you want to re­ tablespoon sugar NASSIFF ARMS COMPANY', 991 Cook frankfurters over m e d i u m ' Main Street, headquarters Thank Y'ou and Happy New Y’ear ways "say nice things about you" turn again and again. Come soon. foi- heat until browTied on all sides. sport.* equipment and apparel, WILROSE DRESS 'SHOP. 601 If you keep It fresh and tidy the Main Street, takes this opportunity "MARTINIZING" wav. Take Add unardined kraut and remain­ hope.* the New Year will be filled Flaming Soup ing ingredients; mix well. Cover with contentment and joy for you to thank their customers for the your cue in '62. Try ‘‘MARTIN- (Makes 8 servings) privilege of serving them this past IZING." and cook over low heat 20 minutes, Marlow's SEMI-ANHUAL 2 can (lO'j ounces each) con­ stirring occasionally. CYirried T urkey w ith Grapes year, and will continue to bring Boynton - Nash densed black bean soup (Yield: 6 Servings) you heavenly clothes at down-to- Miss Carol Ann Na.sh of Daniel­ Maintain Jewelry 1 can ilO'j ounces) condensed Winter Is Just 4 Days Old cup butter or margarine earth prices, as another vear en­ son became the bride of Robert Good jew elry that Isn't In A-1 beef broth With all of winter still before cup flour folds. Austin Boynton of Manchester condition la no asset. Have mls.sing 2 soup cans water us. you’ll want to take advan­ cup turkey stock Nov. 18 in St. James' Church, Dan­ stones replaced, safety catche.* ** cup bourbon tage of the 30 per cent savlngj, cup milk (■olden Rosemary Jelly ielson. BY JOHNNY HART put on If needed, and remodeling Lemon slices (M akes five 6-ounce gla.*sc.*i CLEARANCE at MARI-MAD'S 691 Main Street, teaspobns salt The bride Is the daughter of Mr. BUZZ SAWYER I tablespoons ro.semary. crushed C R BY ROY CRANE done as warranted. Every piece in In saucepan, blend soups; add on boys' and girls' heavv outer­ teaspoon ground black pepper ‘2 I and Mrs. Edw ard W. Nash of Dan- f You u zy gUMj- \ t [ i H a v e s i x ~ your jewlry box should be wear­ water. Heat, stirring now and then. ' I '2 cups unsweetened pineapple able. wear, the SNOWSUITS, JACKETS, 1 teaspoons curry powder ielann. The bridegroom is the son UP-OFF AT ME To flame, heat bourbon in a ladle. COATS. juice I of Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Bojm- D A V S To PREPARE THE N&W '2 teaspoon powdered mustard 1 cup bottled or canned apple juice Put a lighted match to warm' _____ '» cup fre.sh lemon juice ton, 26 Plaza Dr.. Manchester. n d i l l s t r i k e Take Pletures liquor. While flaming, lower into' Flavor whipped cream with. 3 'a cup.* sugar The double-ring ceremony was CTALENIDARl G E T W ITH iTf A ' * Stock up on FILMS and FLASH 2 cups diced leftover turkey, 2 to 4 drops yellow- food colori^fg Soup, Stir to blend flavors. G arnish; light browm sugar and dark rum; rooked performed by the Rev. F. X. Bald­ BULBS from FALLOT STUDIO. with lemon slices. I '1 bottle liquid fruit pectin j >r^3UR BIRTHDArl serve with steamed pudding. 2 tablespoons diced pimiento win, M S. .Mrs. Richard Conslan- , 70 East Center Street, capturing Note: If desired, use sherrv In I Tie rosemary in a cheesecloth tine sang "Ave Maria " and Miss the fun and excitement as a brand 1*2 cups seedless Emperor grape.* I place of bourbon. Venison in the freezer? It's (several thickne.sses 1 or flannel Alics Martin was organist. New- Year arrives. Remember to 6 patty shells i bag. Place in a laige (4 to 6- ~ r r ; ; good servid with a sauce of melt­ Melt butter or margarine In a The bride, given In marriage by bring your exposed films here for fiuests Will Be Delighted quart I kettle Add pineapple her father, wore a brocaded aatin SHOES ed currant jelly and Worcester­ saucepan, Blend sjn flour. S tir in developing. You'll notice the dif­ For that New Y'ear's Eve gath­ ; and apple juice. Heat to boiling gown, designed with a fitted bod- ference ering as 1962 comes in, THE shire. turkey stock and milk. Cook \intil point. Remove from heal Cover; medium thickness, stirring con­ 1 ice. jeweled scoop neckline, long LENOX PHARMACY, 299 East j let steep 15 to 20 minutes. Re- I tapered sleeves and bell-skirt ter- $ 0 .9 9 $ 0 .99 I.ove Those Stoles! Center Street, has all the "props" Happy New Year stantly. Add seasonings, lemon ' move herb bag. pressing out free juice and turkey. Heat, .lust before i m inating in a cathedral train. She The stole never really went out you need to assure a fun-filled, ROBERT JEWELERS, at the juices. Add lemon juice, sugar i wore a crown of crystals and of fashion favor. But it's stronger successful party. Provide a gay, Center, wishes each and every one serxing, stir in pimiento and and yellow color for a pale golden grapes. Serve in patty shells. pearls with three-tier fingertip i than ever now. Comes In brilliant, spirited atmosphere, putting a Happy New Year. I shade. veil, and carried a w-hite orchid lovely shades of cerise and blue a* everyone in a happy "celebrating " i Place over high heat and bring on a white missal with streamers VALUES TO $13.99 , " r " black, browm or red, mood with favors and noiaemak- Ever cook kohlrabi? This good Sa.v ‘Goodby’ to the Old 1 I'to a boil, stirring constantly At .All at tremendous saving*, a* our Fall and 3Vlnter atock must MORTY MKKKLE 'It s big for evening in satin. of satin and atephanotis. MICKEY FINN BY DICK CAVALLI ers. You'll find an assortment of vegetable .should be better known Ring in the New Year with a once stir in liquid pectin Then , . Mis* Janice Nash, slater of the be cleared now for coming Natural Bridge Spring styles. Come BY LANK LEON ARC Soft Drinks in all the delicious, than it L*. Cut off the tops, pare parly! Count on either FAIRWAY j bring to a full rolling boil and boil bride, was maid of honor. Bride.s- early! All sales final. . . WHVVeSTBSEA'/ ICCNTCAKSF <;ive a F uture with a Present pure fruit flavors, also Ice Cream the rots and slice thin; cook in for a complete a-*sortment of Hats, I hard 1 minute, stirring constant- b-but; phil- how WHAT KIND OF A Vmx? I-? TWINS' I a/SN HADA Open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT desserts. Y'ou are being wished a a small amount of salted water Noisemakers. Cups, Plates. .Nap­ , Iv. Remove from heat, skim off SHOE DEPARTMENT—Main Floor, Rear YOU’VE HIT COULD IT BE? I-I EVERy£X)CY<5 ALL, TH5 ITMe for your youngster or add to his and serve with melted butter or kins. Greeting Cards and Desk ! foam with a metal spoon: pour y-VDU MEAN MY DREAMS ______HAMBUtaseCTHAT 6TILLTHINKI New Y'ear overflowing with good — FKKK PURNELL PARKIN’^'. — THREE IN A ROW DON'T KNOW C3LARRaJN(Z>AND 3iO. I CALL ON A OF HIS STRANGE Reg. $16.50 Toast the New Y'eur is the place where .you can buy all I4M ft* m* "p$rty-1 Reduced MR. JONES, MISSIONS, AGAIN.' Corseletfes •Some cooks like to add letnon ro H y . ' M I Price. ' $2.50 WILTONS GUT SHOP. 964 the material you need and get in­ juice to the water In which they a* —iriata. r«f Mawa 4m f I To Yd. HERTA, MY i Main Street, has the PUNCH eSeet atar ar •^^•raact SVai ' struction in learning to knit, cro­ boil rice to help keep the rice aa4 raguUr MM. $«*aHti W . BOWL in famou.s "Westmoreland" chet, hook or needlepoint all man­ white. F »lel f « i | t or Buff Beta PRIN TED 54" Wide grape and leaf design. Make a hit ner of articlM to wear or for the fC iM Celt rnmsmrememt w km erdset n / COTTONS .YIATTE JERSEY with your thirsty guests with a home. Resolve to learn or de­ Reg. $2JH) Y’d. , Punch Bowl Set bv "Fenton" in velop a handwork aki’l at YOUR •Ylake Fortune Smile nti You in 1962 Reg. 65c Y'd. For maximum safety, income and Sale. ihobnail or, crystal. WILTON’S YARN SHOP in the coming Sole Price ; PARTY SHOP gets your enler- months. There's fun and relaxa­ growth, you should check the ad­ WELDON .Vow Oniy 2 ^ I taining off to a flying start with tion in store. Happy New Year. vantage of MUTUAL FUNDS avail­ At Only Td. Vi Price. Yd. i the props to set the mood (can- able at yoUr New York Stock Ex­ change Member, SHEARSON, DRUG COMPANY : dies, matching napkins, cups, run- 901 Main S t.—811 3-8331 Rayon and Aceteta DRESS FABRICS S'"'- viBOe

Jl'vtorv .. > h I • I I y ^ .

PAG*« FOURTEEMT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1961 MANCHES*ra;R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1961 PAGE FIFTEEN Most Valuable Player Award in NFL— ------Gates C lo s e d Nets Indians As Penn State ’ Tittle Honored Gridders Drill BASKST8AU, St. Augustins, Fla., (/P)—Coach Pa^l Quey’s Hoop Rip Engls ordered the gates closed SCOKES, for Penn State’s football practice this afternoon, Due for Rose Bowl .MIIMIKTS By Vote of All Players No spectators and no newspaper­ Toii.-c. e.witmg play marked men, SMgle decreed as he prepared Pasadena, Calif. (/P)— Thefsingi e wing and we glva the paylngss- to-1 favoring vote for Minneeot#. Tops Conard, 48-46 la.sl nighf.s two games. The first to drill his Nlttany Lions for Satur­ Rose Bowl game, patriarch of customer a chance to always see The exact ballot was 69 tor Mln- day's Gator Bowl game against just whfra the ball is." . , nasota and 36 for UCLA. contosl found the Klks nipping New York (N E A )—-The all post-season bowl games, Peck L.mub,'i, 23-21. and in tlie Georgia Tech at Jacksonville. promises to be a display of Warmath, who once — as Ney- Thase picking Minnesota gave By FRANK CLIXE nightcap, tlie Auto Parts edged most valuable player in the "We aren’t planning any major land's assistant — was a Tennes­ the Gophers an average edge of changes,” Engle said, “but we use “ stone age football,’,’ in its see superior of Barnes, spoke along If the family physician has told you that you have a ques­ Bolami Oil. 23-20. and 10.8 points, compared with the pre­ Tom Crockett fired a 15-foot tlie recipient of the seventh something a little different for 48th renewal on New Year’s the same line. vailing (jdds of pointa The tionable ticker, stay the heck away from Manchester High every game. W i may go bafk and Day. "If you like to see manly, bodily one-hander with 25 seconds left to annual Memorial UCLA fanciers gave fhe Bruins an ba.'ketball games!'. Because only the stout of heart can stand reaurrect some for this one.” This was, more or leas, the ad­ contact," said Warmath. on the average puH of 3.4 points. lift ins team to victory. It was tlie Trophy is Yelberton Abraham He said this will be the only mission yesterday of the two warpath to avenge a 17-7 bowl As the final weak Of praetica the brand of ball played by the Indians as typified in their elima.x uf a long u;>hill battle by Tittle Jr., the remarkable quarter­ 48-46 douWe overtime \1ctorv over*------;------, closed practice. Tomorrow's session coaches embroiled in the Pa-sadena trlmmipg by Washington last Jan. began Minnesota .sped through a the Klks who trailed 7-4 at the back of the . will be supervised but newsmen classic, Murray Warmath of favor­ 2, "you'll see a lot of it New Year's CeJiard in \Vp,*t Hartford last quarter, !1-6 at the lialf and i - i brisk 30-minute contact drill In Conard with 13 second.* left in the The trophy, donated by A. O. will be admitted, he .said, and the ed Minnesota and Bill Barnes of Day." nighl at the end of tlie third period. which star tackle had flr.st overtime and ju.it before the Spalding A Bros., will be present­ final light drill Friday will be UCLA. Warmath said hia Gophers have his first action since he suffered a buzzer . MeCurrt'. Quey and Dave Crockett ami Dick O a 1 1 a g h c r ed to Tittle on the pre-champlon- merely for limbering up. The Fri­ Appearing at the dedication of tried a few new "little knick- CC IL Stan din ga caught fire midway through the broken rib against Wisconsin Nov. McKenna ail mufffed on tap-in ef­ shlp game show Dec. 31 on NSc- day practice may be held In the the new $356,000 Rose Bowl Press nacks,” but added: "What we 25. fW , L. Pet. fourth perioil and that pulled the forts. TV. Gator Bowl. box, these two proteges of the uni­ have been doing all season got us For the first time since Minne­ Bri.1ta! Eastrrn . . A n l.(K)0 Klks even. It appeared it was all After Penn State's 46-man squad versity of Tennes,*ee's famed foot­ here and that's what we hope will Majr)n-v ...... ft 1.000 McKenna s bucket with about a A poll conductad by Newspaper sota's aiTival De(’, 18, all Gophers for na.ight, liowevei. a.s Terrv arrived a little late yesterday, ball purist, Gen. Bob Ncyland, pre­ sustain us next Monday." were off the disabled list in a lively Bristol Central 2 ft 1.000 mjnule gone in the second overtime -Nolan putt Peck's aheail, 21-19. on Enterprise Aseociation of all the sent the Indians out front but Engle had them on the high school dicted a slam-bang game free of Of course, what really got the review of their own plays and a MANCHF.STER . . . .8 1 .750 a liasket .and a foul witli 40 .scc- player* on the 14 team* in the pnfctlce field until dark trying to gridiron chicanery. . Gophers here was Big Ten cham­ Hail ...... 2 1 .667 Conard got even for the final Ume. NFL acclaimed the Bald Eagle defcn.sive test against U(iff^A's at­ i 46-46. on a shot from the side by ' ond.s remaining. Bit Callaghcr regain the peak form they reached There may have been more truth pion Ohio State's decline of a Rose tack. Conard ...... 1 .250 sank a lav-up ami. after the Klks ■s the outstanding performer of in the final game of the regular than tongue-in-cheek when Barnes Bowl bid. and Warmath expressed . . .0 Garv Linholtz. 1981, the man who did most for Following their morning prac­ IVcthfrsfield ...... 2 .000 gained control following a nns.sed season—beating Pittsburgh, 47-26. told more than 100 football experts thanks to Jack Fullen, Ohio Stale'.* tice se.ssion, the Gophers visited Windham ...... 0 2 McCurry muffed a free throw his team and who best represent­ .000 I’eck foul shot. Crockett went into "I don't know for sure whether of varying pedigrees: ahtl-bowl alumni secretary, for the the 20th Century-Fox lot to see Platt ...... 0 4 .000 opportunity with 39 seconds left but his heroics to setth' the is.sue. ed professional football. we can get there again." Engle helping hand. ------forced a jump which was controlled J No Secret* a moyle in the making. In the other conle.st. B o la n d But on the evening of Aug. 18. said. "That was our be.st effort, "We don't have any secrets but Favored by Press UC7LA yesterday began final To state that the game was udld : Conard. Tlie Chieftains work- ; pulled up their boot .strap.s to over- at 6 o’clock, In the lobby ^ the particularly on offense.." I know that this will be a tre­ A poll of the guests in the new and wooly is putting it mildly to *>8J1 down floor but missed on preparalloa* at Long Beach Clity J conic a .seven-point Auto Parts Ambassador Hotel in L o * ^ An­ Halfback Roger KtKhman, run­ mendous football game. We hope presa box. which not only is spaci­ College, shifting from it* own cam­ say the leajit. There were mistakes fleW goal try and the Indians im- geles, a bald man of 35, with ning star of the Penn State attack, our stone age football pa.vs off. ous but also has an elevator for galore and action aplenty with the mediately called time out with 21 I halftime niargm to almost pull it pus where the Bruins had worked j out. .Imi .Manning ami Wayne .^n- mournful deepest leye* stood for­ waa in fine form In the first work­ "We run and pass from the easy acce.is, brought almost a 2- out since Dec. 11. score deadlocked no less than 17 seconds to go. lornly, hoping someone on the out on Florida soil. times and the lead changing hands WTien play resumed the Indiana derson spearheaded a second half ' rally wliicli saw the Oilcis score Giants would ask him to dinner. Excellent Thinker on innumerable occasions until the ' maneuvered Quey into position for So was quarterback Galen Hall, Indian.1 finally pulled out the ver- W* drive and the little co-leader did 13 pouit.s uhilc lioldiiig the Auto' No one did. I Parts lo si.\. The early marks- ' termed b.v hia coach "An excellent 7 diet on a driving laj-up by Co-Cap- ’ what a commander is supposed to So he walked a couple of block* mau.siii|> of Bruce Boiichee and thinker on the field and aa fine a Underdog Colorado Fired Up tain Paul Quey ju.st six seconds j do—cailie up with the big play down Wllshlre Boulevard to the college quarterback as we have I W estern Ace before the end of the second three- 'when his side needed it the moat, Gary Klein, coupled with two last ' restaurant where the doorman had had." , minute overtime period. Worthy of ‘Oocar’ se.'ond hooi's by Chuck .May and told him some players had gone, That puts Hall In a class with For Orange Bowl Test Monday In winning, the Indiana hiked PutUng the' ball in plav the j Tom Lombardo, enabled the Auto saw six Giants and a chair and former Penn State quarterbacks! Not Worried theu- record to 3-1 for the still | Chieftains called a time out which Parts to prevail. apologetically asked if he could Milt Pliim, now with the Cleveland j young season. The host Chief- i at first seemed to be one more al- sit down. Browns; Richie Lucas, with the | Miami. Fla. (/Fi - A "40-0 by®> 47-0. I never did see an explsna- tains went dm^m to their third de- loted them as thev had already ' j WK sT .s id e m id g e t s Now, on the night of Dec. 19, Buffalo Bills; and Dick Hoak, now ' With ‘Names’ halftime" prediction has given the Urtn by the bettors of how their feat a* against a single triumph used up their one extra one allowed I T'.'. I g.lines, weie played in the at Jim Downey's R^eataurant on a halfback with the Pittsburgh underdog Colorado football team figuring went awry." unexpected ammunition to use Colored Units in tl^ CentralConnecticut Inter- for the overtime period. But sud- ■Midget L'ague la.sl night, ivith Eight Avenue in New York, the Steelers. San Francisco (/P) — Big V. 1the Chieftains grim- f a g HU s Baibeis dowifug Giis s Giants gathered to celebrate the Hall wasn’t drafted by the pros against Louisiana State. L.SU trotted out its leghm.s yes­ names on the East squad don't terday for practice immediately ^ * u® I tn apparent pain and was by the score of 32-26 and Police Xe , winning of the Eastern Division this season. He probably isn't con­ imprass the West team In gen­ Coach Paul Dtetzel. who brought the helped to the sidelines and sub- File beating .Norman's. 31-22. championship. And when all the sidered a top-notch passer for pro his fourth-ranked LSU Tigers to after aniving by plane. The both- eral and Hank Rivera in par­ w'ays "white team" was attired In c o n t ^ t ^ x fljlh . ! ‘ tltuted for thus avoiding a tech- Leading the way for Pagani'.s - Herald Photo hv Ohara pretty little speeches and tri­ competition. But, .say Engle and ticular. town yesterday, winced at the wa.s .lolin Hughes ill' ami Boh I butes had been made a spontane­ -VO. r-jt the other Penn Slate coaches, Ha.t psychological warfare weapon Col­ the same color, the "go team’’ (of­ 1^11 toul c*ll- If the lad reallv Even Ernie Davis of Syra­ fensive speclali.sts) in blue, the Lr L h' deserved an Dot. h:n i9i. i.’nik' Ra\' k'lke giah- Mt. ^eho Ski Slope Center of Aetivity ous clamor went up around the POUITiOsI O F i l i e i.s more than adequate aa as passei* orado has found in preparations behind, 26-22, at half- "Oscar" for his role a* the injured b ■ I mauv rcboumL. For Gu.s'.s ■ room; fine aa a ninner and ab.solutely cuse, tlie All-American half­ for Monday’s Orange Bowl game. "Chinese Bandits (defensive) In O iu'of the most popular .siiots in .Mainhester over the \ieehoml— and" last nijfht— was A 1-4--y£AB back and Heisman Trophy rod and the "scouts" (boys who Tom Fd,Zgerald illi an.I Steve; "Y.A.... Y.A... .Y.A." CABJSSFS. great as a leader. A New Orleans newspaper was Malkcn.-oii iS< \\cm' liu* lea.ier.s. | the ski slope al .Mt. .\phu. Hundreds of skiei’s were ont. includinpr .Mi'.s. Dot h'oKarty, winner doesn't seem to have came along to simulate (jolorado Six Points Biggeat Spread l With only three seconds showing The .same bald man, the eyes im Thorpe Joe Patemo. offensive backfield quoted here as saying "Louisiana Conard scored the first basket i in the clock, the Chieftains still In the nightcap. Pol.cr A- Fire [ aho\e, instrnetinp two ymingstin’s. The area ha.s lieen conditioned for the year b,\ mem- coach, said "Hall is ao Important made a lasting impression on State will not embarrass the but will not play) in black. now sparkling mistily, got up and the Oregon State gridder. ■\Vhen asked about strength In of the second half to increase iU managed to get off one more shot ' re:ua ned unbivatcn tiy putting on hers of tlie .Manchester Ski rinh. Skiing will he held dailv a.s long a.s the weatherman 0U>«3MA)'J because of the confidence he in­ Orange Bowl {^3mmittee ny win­ ' a .sec Ml,I luff spiii't to down Nor- i told them about "the greatest year Memorial Trophy! As a halfback at OSU, numbers Dietzel launched a coun- margin to six points and that was I but it misfired snd the Indians cooperates. In my life," ' ______spires in our other players. They ning by more than 40 points.” It the biggest bulge either iside en- ! were finally home free. ! man'.s. For the uinncrs. Gary , Rivera became noted as a ter-of fensive. He did it humorously and soft-' trust him the whole way. That * continued by saytng the' early (t Joyed in the fray, Th*-o jtunp shots ' Quey, with his last two points I K.nel I 12. Ii.Jiig /Ciccarn i7i and why we look like a real team when rugged defensive player who p.m„ EST) kfcKoff would permit "'VVe don’t have more top level ly, for Y.A. — or Yat, as gome | l®cki he had at Louisiana u.sually gave more than he re­ from the outside by Quey followed the biggest ones, was the game'.s i ; Stcie S:mp-on .15i led the at- the kids so my wife could get to ! rich points out, "Y.A. was the dif­ he's at the controls." television ' viewers (ABC-TW) to players." Dietzel said. "Colorado t push shot from the side by FYed scoring leader with 18 while Mc­ j tack. For Niuiiian.s, Lenny of the guys call him — is a mod- ' State. I New York for a month.’’ ference." ceived. Since hu* main forte has Iota of personnel. Anybody BIG PAYOFF': Paul Quey drive.s in iDr la,\U|i with what Good Businessman Engle said the starting back- aee LSU rim up a 40-0 halftime McCurry and the Indians were Kenna also hit double figures foi : Kearns 181 v.as top.s. est, gentle man who works hard On that slender threat he stayed adds, "Iii football, field with Hall probably will have was as a defender, he didn't who tries to givie you the impres­ proved to he the winning ha.sket in the Indian.s' doiihle The day the San Franclico Forty in football. Still nagging him was count before they switched to back even. It ■was a donney-brook the Indians caging 12. Chaiklin to control his emotions. ' the quarterback Is the point of the Kochman and either Hal Powell win an abundance of headlines, other gamee. sion Colorado works with 17 play- overtime victory over Conard. (f’ittman Photo.) Niners told him in training camp, ' the fact he had never played on a but rival coaches knew the ,ers ts mistaken. It has a lot of the rest of the way with neither (161 and Stabnick (ISi topped the j EAST SIDE INTERMEDIATES I Hoop Firing Underway He doesn't always succeed. j spear. The Giants got that point or Don Hayes at halfbacks and The article is plastered prom­ team able to get more than two lo.*ers. When he called his wife, Minette, at Saint Mary's College, he waa winner. He hurt hi* back on his with Tittle." 180-pounder»well. talent and is. ready to use It. Battle between unbeaten teams traded, Tittle drove hi* car home Buddy Torris at fullback. inently at the Miami Stadium points away from the other. (Hold shooting Indian.* scored found the .Senio's downing the In California, to tell her the Gi­ j first play as a Giant and was out ! His closest competltora in the In the professional drafts "As football teams go, we are lo Atherton, across the Bay, and a month. The Giants lost their Don Jonas, who missed most of dreesing quarters where (Colorado small in size. We sure are com­ The score teetered back and only five field goal.* during the Satan.s. 46-31. It was clo.-e for ants had won, .she started cry­ player balloting were , the season with injuries, is round­ of collegiatij talent, the Cleve­ contemplated his future. He had a opener without him. He relieved the irrepressible fullback of the land Browrii’ of the National is training. Copies have been is­ pared to those Colorado boys.” forth being tied several times with first two periods compared to nine the first half but liicn the Seniors, ing. Y.A. cried, too. Four minutes ing into shape and may play some sued to every Colorado player and Conard ahead by two. 36-34. going for Conard but old much better in thriving insurance business, three the veteran (Jharley Clonerly against Green Bay Packers, and Jim Football League picked him uhen George .McKay and .Iiiumy later the operator Interrupted, children and a comfortable home. at halfback In addition to handl­ coach. in the fourth quarter. The Chief­ second half when their defense Broken Cheek Bone "Your ti-yime is up." Pittsburgh in the second outing and Shown, the leading ground gainer in the fifth round and OaikJand Egan .started to hit. the Satans fell Only three men in history—Sammy won the game. From that point, on, ing the placekicking chores. He Clippings Helpful tains grabbed their final lead in also Improved . . . Trailing by behind to .stay. .McKay (M i and j On Tournament Fronts again for Cleveland. tabbed him in the 10th round On the field, Tittle becomes ef­ was with the second unit in prac­ 11 points at halftime, the Pa BAVgh, imd Norm Van the Giants took off. Previous winners of the award of the AFL session. Sonny Grandelius, chief mentor regulation play. 41-39. on an out- Egan (I3i harl help from Ron La- fusive and aggressive. Without him Brocklln—had completed more tice. Sport Schedule side hoop b>- Dick Stabnick with pooses rallied to win in prelim, N(mv York (/P)— -Miglity (5-11 and I’CI-A (3-5i vs. Army 'i- Sophomore Ron Bonham came It wasn't easy on Tittle. He had were Harlon Hill (Chicago), Frank When the East-West game of the seventh-ranked Buffaloes, Ends Schayes Streak liberte wiio chucked in 10 points. the Giant* wouldn't be playing for passes (Y.A. is on the verge of to learn a new system, ’ with its Gifford (New York), John Unitas 2:24 remaining. Two jump ball '"'lib Jack Simmons (17i and! •lohn McNeill was the only Satan I 2-2 I thi.s afternoon and Washing­ off the tfeiich. turned in an out­ the NFL title in Green Bay Dec. 31. Is played at Kezar Stadium on also says that a fan’ from the Ohio State, the nation’s No. 1 passing Van now.) complicated checkoffs and different (Baltimore), , Conerly heart of the Tiger country has Today situations, both controlled by the Mlstretta (131 the leading t(i have aiyv lurk sroiing, hooping ton (5-11 vs. Ohio Slate (7-0i and standing .shooting performance and He came to them a worn traveler "I made up my mind,’’ he con­ Saturday, moat observers fig­ college.-haskethall team, heaths numbering. The change still plague* and Van Brocklin. been sending clippings from Baton Alumni at Manchester, T;46. Chieftains, and a couple of missed •cor*r* • . . Tonight the Indian.s . IT. most coming m the la.sl quar­ Utah (8-1 ) vs. .seventh-ianked led Cincinnati to its victory. The of 13 years in professional footbaill, fesses. "to quit. Till I got home. My him. Results Receiveii ure the outcome could be de­ opportunties by each aide ensued ("’ **1 Ibe Alumni in a single game | Bo.iton i/P)—V’eteran Dolph good bit of Army-bound KIgm ter. into the Ia)r Angele.s Classic We.si Viiginia 16-I) tonight. TTie Jim Thorpe Memorial Rouge papers which are proving Alumni at RHAM. Bearcat.s were Hailing 35-32 when •panning two leagues and los* of mother-in-law agreed to stay with But as backfield coach Don Hein- cided on how well the defend­ brfore George May unleashed a|*I_® ^ the Arena and_Frlday play Soha.ves' great iron man per­ Baylors thunder. tonight— tlie biggest chah he entered, and the blond sharp­ Trophy is football's highest award. In Rec Shooting ers of the underdog West do helpful, too.. Ellington at ■Smith. depth betnb from about 35-feet out host to undefeated Bristol' Cen- formance will come to an end Baylor, a thorn in Bo.ston's SE.MOR.S ! BKi KKillT: Nebraska (3-5i vs. shooter quickly staked'them lo a agalnet such star backs as Dietzel battled to mdihlain his Bacon Academy at RHAM. trat lengc it’s likel.v to encounter to deadlock the score again, 41-41 side in two previoii.s Lakers Tonight's regularly scheduled fifth-ranked Kansas State i7-U 144-37 lead He" hit Tin 12 of 16 one- Davis, Bob Ferguson of Ohio poise and. choke back the words Thursday December M MaacketUr (48) tonight when the Syracii.se until the post-season tournaments. The results o f the fourth week with 40 seconds left on the clock. Nats meet the Lo.s ..Ingcles wins, niil.scored Cousv 30 game between Iona and Moriarty'.s Waiting for tlie Jerry Lucas-led and Oklahoma Stale (7-11 vs. .Mis­ 1 hander.s from near the foul cir­ State and Roman Gabriel of on the "40-0 etbry.” ’ East Catholic vs. Faciilty-Fg- Action was frantic during the P. B F. Pts points to 26 But "Tlie Couz ' souri i4-li tonight and Oklahoma cle and finished with 27 points. of firing in the Recreation Depart­ "I don't think we have arty ad­ thers, 8...... fi 6-« 18 Ijikers in a National Basket­ hn.s been postponed. Tlie contest Buckeyes are three of the top 10 ment Pellet Rifle Club postal fir­ North Carolina State. 2 Sr,?'..’.;. wa.- at his bc.st in playmaking J1-61 vs. Kansas (3-41 and Col­ In Philadelphia, Vlllanova and vantages in the build-up to this Alumni at ESllngton, 8. last half minute of regulation play ball As.sooiation twinbill at between Headquarters Co. and team.* in the country, plu.s another Cleaned, Loaded and Cocked, ing contest between the three cen­ Rivera played against Davis and the Indians lost a chance to 2 McKenna ...... 4 Philadelphia and court general.ship. McIntosh Beat will be played al orado i4-3i v.s. Iowa Stale (3-4) Duquesne retained unbeaten rcc- early in the season when Ore­ game," he said later. Dietzel re­ Friday, Dec. 29 1 Simmons ...... 6 that has proven it can be double i ord.s with ea.sy fir.st round vie- ters are: American League—East clinch the verdict ■without any ex­ 2 McCurrv It w.-Ls the 3.3-ycar-old Cou- 7:30 at the Y if both teams are tomorrow night. gon State lost to Syracuse ferred unhappily to the fact LSU Central at Manchester, 8, Arena...... 8 For Schayes will he in a tougli when the occasion demand.*. ' lories and will meet in a senii- Side (16), Douglas McClain 82, tra 'Competition when May’s shot 1 Dailey ...... 0 sy who took ( barge after Los present. Southern Galifornia, Purdue and 19-18. was favored. "Colorado has oil the Saturday, Dec. SO ' 0 Andrulot ...... 2 hospital bed here- his right I linal match Thursday. V^illanova Scott Willoughby 77, Chipper Kib- at the last second was off target. Angeles spurted to an earlv West Virginia, all among the AP'.* K.VK WES’I': Wa.shington Stale "I don't keep a record of advantages going for it,” he added. RHAM at Lebanon. 3 Pearson ...... 0 cheek bone shattered as the (3-2 vs. California (4-.51 and crashed Niagara 72-45 while third- Giants’ Gun Set for Packers be 75. Bob MacMillan 73, Dick Ma­ •The Indians’ other co-captain. players tap off in the City of lead, hitting five baskets. Bos­ lop 10, and a capable Utah team 1 Holiday Commercial — Man­ loney 56, total 383; (Community Y people I play against," says Colorado already drained fuel 12 Totals .. Oregon State i4-li vs. Michigan I ranked Duque.sne bombed Wy- Bill Andrulot, and Stabnick ex­ ...... 18 I2-M 4* Brotherly Love ton. the Eastern Dinsion lead­ (Fovrrnors Tops form tlie principal opposition for (12) Ed Wrobel 66, Paul Majew- the Westerner, "I've played from these facts: Canard 12-I 1 tonight and Idalio l4-3i vs. i oming, 64-47. chester Motor Sales (34-22) holds changed baskets in the first min­ Tlie 33-year-old Sc-liayes. ers with a 27-4 .slate, moved all-winning Ohio State. N ew Y ork (/(P)— End Del^mors laUtude in throwing to ■lier this month, Del caught only ski 63, Ernest Mclvconey 60, Nor­ against a lot of good backs A segment of the local populous P. B r Pm in front in the second stanza j F’ortland and Oregon (2-31 vs. The other Quaker City first a two-game edge over Lenox Phar­ Bowling ute and a half of the first over­ 1 Stabnick ...... highest scorer in INBA his­ ^ New Haven ..T The Wilbur It's the last action for the other TMeivers and has open^ i»p one pass for 29 yards. His sea­ man Lelgher 60, Michael McMahon this season and 1 can't rate was not impressed when the Buffs 1-.1 n and hiked its margin to ’ '.Michigan State (4-1 I tomoriow round matches .saw Penn tumbls Shofner is the gun the New time session. A foul shot by Hank 5 Chaiklin ...... s tory. was injured last night in 14 Cro..i.s Governors liold top ranking Buckeye,* until they start Big Ten the running game. son total was 68 receptions for macy (32-24). Bast scores were 57, total 306; We.it Side (8), John them in order." edged Miami 9-7 here during the Country Club Men — Tom Con­ Chaiklin, who eventually fouled 4 , SchucW points at intermi.ssion. 'Fhe ■ ■ night. Holy Cio.s.s 73-61 and Iowa stop Yxirk Giants have held to the chalked up by Bob Jones 137-363, regular season. 0 Wllion ... 1 a collision with Al Attics of in the weekly poll of the top 10 cunipeLitinn Jan. 6. They don't Penn Slate, 67-48. Shofner is not about to claim 1,125 yards and 11 touchdown*. Luman 70, Ray Compo.seo *52, The Rivera football philos­ ran 145-378, Ray Dellafera 141-374, out sent Conard ahead 44-43 with 1 Cell.s had a '2.'l-poinl advan­ heads of 14 National Football Joe Sokola 137, Henry Krajewski Buff followers were incensed 0 Garland . the Warriors in the first game Connecticut schol.Tstic basketball play a non-conl'eience team again Thursday semis pit Villanova that he'll be greaaed lightning that Coach of the Roger Spencer 48, Don Doughty ophy could be summed up, "If Dave McKay 371, Bund!Tlarca 143- 51 seconds to go but Quey con­ 1 Cowinf ...... 0 of a twlnhijl won by Philadel­ tage when Coach P.ed .\ucr- until the posl-.season tourneys I E'lr.st round play in three major League opponents thi.s .vear, Giants was well pleased with his 145-378, Frank Sullivan 149-389, 46. Steve Swltzes 45. total 261. you hit the other guy harder when the Orange Bowl delayed its 370, Bill Allen 147-367, Mario Boc- 4 McGufre ...... 1 team.s today for the second wi'ck I tournamenl.s Ia.st' night - the (9-0) against tl-.c powerful Du­ won't be touched by the ball-hawk­ verted the first in a one and one bach took Cou.sy out to a tre­ providing, of course, they make it team's first vigorous workout yes- Joe Mayer 145. Jack Kosky 138- National League. Y (18) James than he hits you, he’ll go Invitation long after Colorado callatte 146-367, John Rleder 155- 2 LinhoUi ...... 2 phia. 118-111. The two went mendous roar from a rare :n a row. They picked up a hcalthv que.sne Dukes 17-01 and Penn (5- and it ha.s just been cleaned, ing Packer. The uncertainty of 1 Well .... up for a rebound Dolph eame lo Uie touine.vs. 1 ECAC Holiday E'e.slival in New terday. It lasted 75 minutes. 362, Sal Rosaitto 357, Bob Pierce Jeray 89, Karl Smith 88. Curtis down." wrapped up the Big Eight Con­ 366, Milton Nelson 140-364, John sellout crowd M of 20 flrat-’)Iace ballots for ,a ; 5'ork. the Quaker Cilv in F'hila- 11 goes Hgain.st Iowa i5-2i. reloaded and cocked for Sunday's the cold weather and a defensive 3.53. it up again. down in agon.v and was tak­ They lake on Wasliington in In the only close one. Penn's "We think most of our cripples Smith 83, Charles Twitchell 79, Coaches Jim Owens of ference crown. The Big Eight tie- Chanda 135-360, Joseph Orinl 152- 15 Touls ...... 1: 11-18 44 of 1.3,909 tnt.'d of 174 point.*. New Haven's ; delphia and the Afl-Collcge in National .Football League cham­ liack named Jeese Whittenton cry in does not specify the champion Chsiiklin missed on a shot for - Score at half. J4-JJ Consri en to .Ma.s.*aehu.setts General fiisl round play of one of the most triumph over the Cru.saders, the pionship game against the Green "caution.” are about ready to go again,” he Allan Hastey 79, total 418; West Washington for the West and 360. Crowds nisiippointing Hillhouse High, tiie Govcrnor.s' city i Oklahoma City ■ produced some must represent that league. Hospital for emergency sur- m al. n a.s in second spot with 161 important of the holiday toiinia- Quakers won it by bottling up the Bay Packers. 'T don’t know whether I'll have said afterward. "Rosey Brown Restaurant I.«ague—Top names Side (12) Pet^r Kuzmickas 88, Joe Kuharich of Notre Dame He.spilc the champiouslup mcnL'. Also kicking off tonight I miki upset.* 'but generally went (offensive tackle) didn't do too in the scoring column were Emil for the Blast both plan to play LSU is favored by a touchdown Rockettes —■ Helen Wilson 123, gery ooints ami four fii-st-place ballots, I according to form, Ctru.saders' Jack (The Sliot I E'oley "After our four-day Christmas the advantage playing on a froxen Ray Fike 82. Gary Hollister 76, A hospital spoke.-'man said rias.s of the Celtirs tiu.s .sea­ are the Big Eight affair in Kan- I Foley, the No. 2 scorer in the much running because we don't Palmieri 152-373, Ken Montle 145- John Huge.* 55, Ricliard Kuzmickes platoon football, but many of or more on the betting line but Jackie Parsons 122. son. the crowds have been dis­ rlart.cord Public was thu'd with j Two previously unbeaten team.s. vacation, which I spent at my field or not. I’ve never done it be­ Dietzel win have none of it. ludy Offers Little Opposition Schayes probably would be •sas City and the Far W’est in ■country with a .32 point average fore, at least not under conditions w’ant to put a lot of undue pres­ 144—149, Ed Baujaucius 143-139— 47, total 349; East Side (6) Bill the players will see action appointingly small, often only 160. and two fiist-place vote.s. ! Cornell and New York University, hoTpe in Texas, my legs feel better sure on his knee, but he .savs he's 389. Vic Abraltls 382, Joe Genovesi "I wish there was no gambling I t S. Mixed Tenpin— Adelard held for another day or .so He Others m the top 10 were: 4| Potrland. Ore. Ttie last two fir.st was held to 12 points and hit only I've heard we might have to face Hawver 88, Dennis Smith 81, both ways. half of rapacity round game.s in tiie all-college were eliminated from the exclu- .three of tries from the floor, than at any time during the last ready to go, 141-379, Burt Claugshey 365, Douglas Hartin 72,SHarold Win- or odds on any college sports," he Lavigne 554, Charlie Kaselsuskaa said he doubted that .‘behaves I Weaver. 120; ,5i Bul.ieley. 98: 6) 11 five weeks of foe season." the 6- in Green Bay. The only chance I It’s on defease where the rould play again for several It was Baylor's last Boston louiney at Oklahoma City also arc Isive li.st. NYU (now 6-1) fell be- one of the smallest outputs of his "Joe Walton (offensive end) and Larry Bales 362, Elwood Carter ehell 70. Ronald IxBontl 63, total West expects to use Rivera commented. "After all. this game 200, Ruth Heneghan 470, Shirley •Norwich 82: 7i Bristol Eastern, , fore unbeaten FJaylon (7-0) 75-6i' college career. foot-3 speedster said today. ever had waa a few years sgo with Alex Webster (fullback) also are 135-359, Pete Brazllis 363, Carl 374. la going to be settled on the field Hendricks 459. weeks appearance for .some time He on tap. while the sirvivor.s of first the Rams, whe.i we faced the the most. For to beat the fa­ Aussies Win Cup Again, eiite'r.s the Arniy .Ian - :i He , I 2. 81 .\nti e Dame of tVest Haven! in Holiday E'e-stival first round "When we had our first real about ready to go, so we hope to Bolin Jr. 353, Roland Iri.sh 351, not in a back room. These things 764 Straight (■anics i-ound action In the ECAC Holiday Houston came from behind and Cardinals in Chicago and I waa vored East, the West must Took a 37 7 average into the j 45. 9i Fairfield Prep. 37'^; 10) Fe.stival in New 5’ork and the , match while Bradley (6-2) stopped beat Texas Christian 82-76 and hard practice session yesterday, I be in fine shape for the Packers.” Dan Malingaiiggi 158, Charlie Var- remained mS of the year Ken­ Happy Holidays— Betty Aceto Tlie injury slops Schajea' I .Notre Dame Bridgeport, 24'.. hurt that game and hardly played mount a defense capable of ronsecutive game streak at game. Quaker City in Philadelphia take touring CorneH's winning streak a' Iltali State took Oklahoma City 80- (xmld tell right away that I was rick 139, Ernie Pohl 137, Charlie First to Sign stopping some of the best tucky opened the season a 21-point 126-119 347. Rena Damato 118- I si.N with a 85-59 tiouncing of the at all. 10th Time in 12 Years 70.") at 764 including playoff Twice liofore the I.akeis the day off. 71 in first round games in the All- in better shape," he added. Whalen 137. Boston (/P) — Outfielder Carl backs in collegiate football. underdog to Mississippi and won 119, Jan Brozowski 115. : Duane Putnam, former Pacific Big Red in a non-tourney game. College. Seattle puts it.s rec- What this means to the Giants "Whittenton is another thing." action. Dolph had been in had .snapped Boston winning Kansa.* State, fifth-ranked na­ 6-0 he went on. "He has always Pro Basketball Yostrzemski is the first Boston athlete. IS the veteran of the Cleve- In addition to the Dayton de- ,ord on the line against Bowling can be figured !• terms of yards jox every game the .Nats had streaks. But the Celtics now tionally and .sporting a 7-1 maik. done a good job on me. I don't NBA ParkiMle CHassle --- .Js’ick Diiray Red " player to return his signed played since Feb. IT. 1952, have won four in a row as laofl Browns. The 23.3-poimd guard |■uIes a.s the team to beat in Big ci.sion, .second-ranked Cincinnati Green (5-li and eighth-ranked and touchdowns, for Shofner. who Philadelphia 118. Syracuse 111. 218-239—639 inew league triple 1962 contract—witln a pay hike Scliolastic Batikptball , Davis Cup championsehips in 1’2 In -.ither action toniglil tlie In the opener, the Warnnr.s poinl-per-gaine average. The Kai Rams, is the Eastern CTonference Cincinnati 129, St. Louis 118. 224-572, Mike Denhup 203-563, club. Hie young leftfielder i.* con­ Hall 52, Platt 49. .stranght lo.s.s, '1.5.84, and l.aSallc Non-touiney action tonight In­ has been that way. I can’t even ■years today, sweeping the doubles for a 3-0 lead over chal­ Wari-iors host the .New York suddenly went ’•told" in the West appeared lo be up for gralx* champions "home run" threat. ABL Ray Tomkunas 203-561, Fred Tay­ tinuing his studies at Notre Dame Manchester. 48. Conard 46. ■ toyed with Dartmouth 87-66 in cludes the visit of Yale to sixth- say if he uses anything different lor 556, Bob Willis 214, Bob Nel­ lenger Italy without loss of a s e t f ------Knickerbockers m the second third period and blew a 1.5- with any of the eight entrant,* ■other Holiday Festival games. Double-Teained against me than any of the other Washington 109, Cleveland 98. this winter. Middletown 53, Southington 49 For That Comfortable ranked Kentucky, while Prin e- The AustraJi n pair of Neale game al Philadelphia, .‘Jt. poinl lead. But Wilt Cham- capable of going the distance More than that, Shofner has defensive backs I’ve faced, but I son 201. Team records broken in­ ly. the 6-7 Italian flubbed a simple The semi-final pairings tomoi- toii i.s at Northwestern, Stanford Kansaa City 108, Hawaii 97 cluded Naaaiff Arms 769 high team Fraacr and Roy Elmerson routed Louis i.s at Cincinnati and bei’lain and Tom, (lola sparked Here's the lineup for fir.st round row have LaSalle i5-l) v.s. defend­ heen able to tic up an extra de- do know that he is one of the best San Francisco 114, Los Angeles fprahajid volley and the match wax Chicago plays al Detroit game.s in the tourneys opening tp- at Hawaii, Brigham Young al single and'Tjittle Joe's Texaco's 2,- Nicola Pletrangeli and Orlando over. a romeback in the final period. ing NCAA champion Cincinnati feruslve bank moet of the season around.” no. * The fancy Boston Celtics, Chamberlain winding up the day: I New Mexico State. Notre Dame at 188 high team triple. Strola 6-2. 6-3, 6-4 for the clincher ''- n and Davton v.s. Wisconsin St. I/Ouis. and Wiscon.sin at Mar­ when most teams have found it Checked Effectively Warm Feeling .'The end came lo ruddenly that | idle until tomorrow night before a crowd of about 9.000, who nighf.s high si-nrer willi .51. : 15-21. quette. necessary to double-team him. When Shofner and VVTiittenton chanced the near 100 degree tem­ It was 15 seconda or better before i when they begin a 16-day road In othei game.s last night, 1-OS .A.NGEEES CL.ASSIC: This has allowed quarterbacks Y. trip at St. Louis liiially over­ faced each other In the P a c k ^ ’ peratures to be in on the kill of the Emerson and FVaser realized it. I the Cincinnati Royals beat the EMurth-ranked Southein Califor­ A. Tittle and Charley Conerly 20-17 regular season ■victory ear- Then they walked lo the net. shook came the talkers in the night­ St I^uis- Hawks, 129-118.'and nia (7-11 v.s. ninth-ranked Purdue Getting Married? Italians for the second straight hands with each other, and then ' cap of the doubleheadcrs here, the Chicago Packers tripped All Winter Long year. shook hands with the Italians. 127-112, as Bob Cousv stole a the Detroit Piston.s. 108-1(11. Buchs'" Near Unanimous Choice^ There ■was about as much ten­ Since 1950. the Australians have ; sion to the doubles match as yes­ SAFE lost the Davis Cup but twice — I Brown and Moore terday’s singles—also straight aer in 1954 and 1958, both limes to HARPY WARE^ ^ Rent Formal Wear romps in which Elmerson turned As Nation^s Top College Vive back Pietrangell 3-6, 6-4, 6-0 and the United States. They regained Saull 'Heads Indian SlicK>lers Gain Top Honors TIRE J SPECIALS It from the U.S. in 1959 snd held At Regal Australian ace Bob Laver dlspoeed New York iJT’i -Unbeaten Ohio of Slpola 6-1, e -', 6-3, it against tha Italians the last. In Fistic \^orl€l ‘ Arizona Stale lost three straight Ow\ two years, last year by a 4-1 m ar-' Who Face Star-Studded Alumni State was a iinaninioiis choice to- I game.s. to Indiana. Minnesota and o____Tomt evBfJr One Of Connecticut’s Largest PHONE Mere Formality gin. I da.v for the No. 1 position in the Utah. KNOW «HE.rJ w-newH - caCl Tt BRAKE SAFETY ADJUSTMENT TTie sweep reduced tomorrow’s .KNEW >nu.. Formal Rental Stores Uae Same Players I ------New York iJPi —Lightweight Associated Pre.ss maior college Duque.sne made one of the larg­ closing singles mat4BtT. iMterton'e. UB Center 8 t ' A] and op. Parts and oarvlea Capi­ KA» A 0 0 0 0 GENTLSIVIIN. Roundup EXTERIOR and tetarlor painting. Apply fcaklar ’Toy Co., 80 HUllard evanlnga. 129 Spruce St. MI 9-4887. ATI'4iAC?TtVE '8 rooms, heat! WOW JO , WOK OF 0NB-BVB(^ O m C H iS THAN -m B « BIRD# ^ ADVERTISING iaes. AU work fully guaranteed. SIBt., Manchester. tol Equipment Co., 88 Mate St. Paperfaangteg.' WaUpaper booka. water, stove, refrigerator, ga.»B'^> jacks: 1 Ol'J'* AtySBUF MUl Fabric Saieeroom, 178 Pine TELEVISION antonnan and rotor Houra 7-8 daUy, 7 4 Hmraday. 7-4 9AV A90UT Wallpaper removed. Oeiltegs. $110, Availabla Jan. 1, i n 4-0238. u p : (Oentteued from Page One) S t , exclusive Cheney Fabric aystemo instaUed tod rapalred. Saturday. TH04B OFP~ a ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOITRS , ealeeroom, in Maneheeter. W Serving Manchester end our- Floora. Good clean workmanatalp. Fuel and Feed 49-A THB-CUPP Estimated at $921,300 FuUy maured. Reasonable rates. Help Warned— Male 36 FIVE ROOM, second floor,, apart­ Thursday and again late Sunday 8AAl.to5P.M. ^ 8-7332. Budget tem u arranged. roundteg areas. Modem TV Serv­ TWO PAIR of boy’a hooksy akatea, AFT9R I ice. 408 Ctenter BL. Ml 84306. Leo PMlatter, M I .9-0898 or MI WAITRESS WANTED tor day ment, Weat Side. Stove, rgglgera- DINNSR with scattered showers Saturday. DIE MAKERS wanted, full or part- size 2 and 4, good condition, rsa- FIREPLa CE and furnace wood de­ 94082, shift, experience ne^ed. Garden tor furnished. Adults preferred. SPSAKSkP; The proposed 26-room Skinner* If the bond issue and Other town time, all (rltwe benefits, excellent sonable, MI 8-6749, livered, $26 per cord. Fleldstone Ml 3-612^. f BnildlnK-Contraeting 1 4 RAOTO-TV RBPa i R8, any make, Restaurant, 840 Mate St. M l and cow manure; trucking. Max HB5AV* meeting Itema art approved, selaet- COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. PAINTINO, p working conmUons. Apply Gunver 2 7 1 l o 2 7 1 Rd. Elementary School now on tree pickup and delivery on small , floor sand- 9-8103. Rqnkl, Columbia, ACademy 8-9323 HB COULP men said last night, the bonds will MONOAT Xkni nUDAT AJL-AATDRDAX • AJL ADDITIONS, recreation rooma re- teg, remodelii Manufacturing Co., 384 Hartford FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1953, good FIVE ROOM apartment ''heat, hot Hartford, Dec. ‘"7 The State the drawing boards, will cost in radlo^ pfioDCfnmhe.a. Houra 8-i0 Mr. Charles, after 4 p.m. ’ DO be floated and construction bids modeUng aU typee BBBOB8 la ttme far tba aazt taMer- work. collect Leo Anderson, guaranteed. CaU Ml 9-1816. high school graduate with good SEASONED CORD wood, sawed GBRMCBa, THE POy* eULP»WHO,MB ? Killed ...... 271 271 after the board of selectmen tlM . lh a HaraM la laapaaMMa far oaly O N E laoorreet ar otnittad TR 5-7271. John Verfalltp, M I 9-8780 figure aptitude Good wages, ter Dry Cleaners, 93 Wells St., MI Phone M I 9-9481. any length free delivery. Edward ,5-UH-THAT IS-COFF wanted to get the cost estimate 8-7254. »UT UBT'D/A WOULD LIKE ’TO meets with the board of finance before the selectmen two weeks Maaueat aad Ikaa oaly la lae axtaat af a pleasant working conditions, ex­ Yeomans, P i 2-8002, SIX ROOM duplex and garage, HEAR WHAT YOU fiUBSS ABOUT TH4T1S y e e d le e s Auto Deaths to clear the appropriation request. Errata wMMi da aot leaaaa Um rahw af cellent benefit program. Apply CALL ON HIM HAVi TO SAyj ALL ' COTTA SAV ‘ ago. but delays set the conunlttee Electneai Services 22 FACTORY WORK available Feb. 1. Call MI 3-4884. Selectmen, meeting at Town back. t fMAaat aa eaim tad h r '‘bhUH gaad” taawOoa. Roofing-—SWlBg I f Millinery Dressmaking 19 • Building Mattfials 47 FOR A FBW V i Hartford, Dec. 27 State Po­ FREE E2STIMATBB*Prompt serv­ First National Stores, Inc! NEW FOUR room apartment WELL- CHOSEN lice Commissioner Leo J. Mulcahy Hall last night, decided to include He .said he would like like to Rubber molding. Will train. This WORDS in the .sperial town meeting an ap­ EXPERT TAILORING on ladles’ ice on all typea of electrical wir­ Park and Oakland Ave. Garden-r-Pann—Dairy ready Jan 16. Please call between had to go back nearly 20 years to have seen the town advertise for tODB OOOPBBAnOM WIIX . a eration s uid gentlemen’s clothing. 139 is a second shift job for willing . Products 50 HOBoy^r find a Christmas weekend that ex­ propriation of $10,000 for ron- bids first, then seek an appropria­ and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ ing. Licensed and insured Wilson East Hartford BETTER BUYS AT 7-9 p.m., Ml 3-7892. BE ArPBEOIATED Diol Ml 3-2711 Woodland St. Call MI 8-2384. A. Electrical Co., Mancheater, M I ------workers. Apply In person. A CLAM COULD ceeded this year's for traffic stniction of a new town garage. tion lo cover the actual bid, but ship guaranteed. 399 Autumn St lo-vlne. BALDWIN, MACS, Delicloua apples deaths. The money would presumably Ml 8-4880. 9-4817, Glastonbury. ME 8-78W, SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR NATIONAL FOUR ROOM apartment for rent, SAY more: .said procedure calls for an appro­ St the farm. 829 Weat Center St. first floor, $65 a month Available Seven people died during the come from the $10,065 paid last j priation first. SPENCER RUBBER M l 3-8116. BID WELL HOME Improvement Ceiling Tile Be 8q. Ft. January 1. Call MI 9-3581. 7 6 ^ long weekend as a result of motor week for 'the half-acre town ga- i Most towns appropriate money Bonds—Stocka Mortgages 31 Two posltkm PBX board, exper­ CSiapel St. Manchester rage plot on Ea.st St., purcha.scd Gom pany-au types of sldteg and Moving—Tmeking— ' ience required. Some reception Knotty Pine Paneling—-all 8 ft. vehicle accidents. first then a.sk for bids because a SEtXlND MORTGAGE money-We 12c 8q. Ft. HAND PICKED MACS $1.25 a The last time there were more, by Commercial Investments, Inc., contract cannot be signed without roofing. Aluminum clapboards a Storage 20 can supply any amount of .money work. S-day 'w e ^ , liberal employe basket. Bring your own container. FOUR ROOM tenement, $60, 132 Lillian Sniitn. of Manchester. FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE spemaltolaity. Unexcelled workman- benefit program, pleasant working Dogis— Birds— Pets 41 Ping Pong Table Tops $11.95 Ea. A Mulcahv said last night, was in necp.'ssarv funds. (or mortgages Terms to fit yoiu: Birch Panelini 25c 8q. Ft. Hours 3 till dark. Botti’s, 280 Bush Bissell. MI 9-5229 . 9-5. wooteuny, /iJewJmtsty mwinMt m 1943, when eight persons died in ahlp. Ml 9-6498. conditions;' Apply to the Employ­ m il Rd. , The price tag on the Skinner First Selectman George E. .Rlt- AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- needs. Construction mortgages Cedar Closet ilng« 20c Sq. Ft. 1 2 -g T traffic during a Christmas week­ ment Office. IRISH SEITTER, female, spayed, FIVE ROOM flat, all improve­ Rd. School is a combination of the ley said the Lake St. School appro­ A 24-HOUR WANT AD ANSWERIN6 moving, packing, storage. Low also available. J. D. Bealto, 470 all shots, IH years old, asking $50. Mahogany Pi tag 17c Sq. Ft. end. He said the sudden spurt o f estimated project co,st ($890,000) priation was requested after bid Main St., Ml 8-5129. Blinds a"' From $4.95 Ea. ments. 115 Main St, Occupancy deaths may cause the total of Roofing and Chimneys 16-A rate on long distance moves to First National Stores, Inc. MI 9-2664. Household Goods 51 approximately middle of Janu- and the cost of the land ($31,5001. quotations were made. 48 states. Personalised service. Ml Dutch Doora! $28.95 Ea. deaths for all of 1961 to e.xceed which was purchased by the town He apparently mentioned tho r Co f i n G— Specializing repairing BURIED IN HILLS? A gopd mort­ arjj. Call MI 9-9835. SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS 3-6187, CH 7-1423. Park and Oakland’ AveA Disappearingn 9-0143. extra large rooms, oil steam heat, JARVIS aide of the highway will cut away where. Not a amall loan or'finance Haven Railroad fare increase due two weeks ago. The second, from TAPE RECORDERS for rent Mar­ garage. West Side Realty MI On Laotian Coalition the south bank at the Bolton ltd. company j>lan. Douglaa Motora, PIXJORS WASHED and waxed, to take effect Jan. 1 until a pub­ Werner O. Kunzli, was brought to low’s, 867 Main. Call iU §-8221. «-4342i \n 3-6710, overpass, Risley said, and will windows cleaned, painting, paper­ REALTY CO. lic hearing can be conducted. He light last night. ing, walls washed, odd Jobs. Handy ROCKVILLE—Village St. 4 rooms told the KX: yesterday Fairfield make ramp construction difficult. KENMORE wringer type washer, ! Realtors In.surors Appraisers (Contiiined from Page One) First Selectman George E. Ris- Tliere is a private home whero the Man Service. Phone Ml 8-8946. and bath, first floor, newly re­ A spokesman for Boun Oum's County residents should be al­ E good condition, $35, also, oil burn­ ley told the board Kunzli has of­ ramp would go, he said. 1951 PLYMOUTH 4-door, needs bat­ er space heater, reasonable. MI decorated, automatic gas hot MI 3-4112 MI 9-2519 But Bonn Oum said he told Sou- government said a colonel wa.s fol­ lowed a chance to comment on the fered the town a strip of land tery, *50. M I 8-0448. lowing the trucks all the way from A t Bamforth Rd., however, more PIANO TUNING and repair serv; 9-6658. water. Gag cooking and heating MI 3-1023 vanna the eight neutralists should proposed fare hikes. Tho ICC has parallel to the Wilbur Cross High­ vice. Free estimates on repairs. stove. Will accept couple or with the airport and did not notice land is available. OLDER CARS mectaanlca spe- be divided equally between Sou- achedjiled no public hearing on the way between Bolton and Bamforth Mothproofing and rebuilding. All FLOOR SAMPLE year end sale — one child. No pets $55 monthly. $12,600 - ROCKVILLE. 5 room anything. New Haven'a petition. Risley said the combination of dala, flxit youraelf ca n , always vanna neutralists and Vientiane Rds. for conslnicUon of an exten­ an accesB ramp at Bamforth M . work and parts guarante i. Ken­ you get what you see. Incredibly TR 5-7984. ranch, large living room, cabinet neutralists. Today, however, Souvanna sion of Feeder Rd. a good aelecticm. Look behind our neth Robinson, MI 3-1365 low prices. Howard's Sleep Center. kitchen, beautifully landacaped Phouma’s secretary arrived two and an extension of Feeder Rd. office. Douglaa Motora. 333 Main. Further, the important posta of 639 Main. MI 9-6335. TAtXlOTTVILLE -- Four room lot. ahown by appointment. hours before his chief and tried Hurry-Up Additions "It will be good for Werner," would streamline traffic routes fer CERAMIC TII.F setting, bath­ defense and interior must be given said Risley, "but it will also be residents living south of the' hlfh- 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, apartment for rent, first floor. $65 Marion E. Robertson. Broker MI to distribute pamphlets at the air­ rooms, kitchens, repair and re­ monthly. Available January 1. Call lo the right-wingers "because Sou- good for the town." • ■way and traveling to work in $1,195; 1955 Ford 4-door wagon, 3-5953. port. A government official, Gen. Montgomery, Ala. (/P) — Two modeling. Private and commer­ \U 9-3581. vanna Is not yet a neutral," Boun Kunzli owns a tract zoned for Hartford. $495; 1955 English Ford Zephyr, Musical Instruments •'SH Bountieng Venevongsos. ordered hurry-up additions to the Blue- cial. Ftee estimates. TR 5-7830. ------«------Oum said. Induatry between the Bolton and $395. MI 9-4100. OAKWOOD RD.—5',4-room ranch, police to confiscate alL copies. Gray rosters were expected to ar­ Selectmen Francis J. Pitkat eflil C KINSMAN electronic organ, 2 excellent condition, large living This was an entirely different They were not made available to rive in time for practice today, Bamforth Rds., which cro.^s the Kunzli’a offer should be given top SAVE A BUCK at Manchester manual with percussion, extra Apartments— Flats— room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, highway on overpasse.s. consideration. . Welding Service. .Ml 9-1658, Ml formula from what the two oppo­ newsmen. just three days before the 23rd FOR SJ^LEI—1058 Dodge Converti­ speaker optional, excellent condi­ Furnished Apartments 6.T-A plastered walls, forced hot water sition princes had expected. annual All-Star football game. Of­ With impending alterations by Bkrlow’a offer of land to extand 9-8762. Have It welded, repaired, tion. MI 4-0191. heat, one car garage. Bowers the state to the Wilbur Cross ble, $200. MI 8-7527 after 6 p.m. sharpened. Guaranteed. Bonn Oum said a conference to ficials announced signing of end Werner Dr. from Skinner Rd. School district, $18,900. Phllbrick Highway, the construction of an across the Hockanum*Nver to Rt. THANKmwAMw vciTTYOU, folks, tn for tv,the firiAstfinest I TWO FRONT furnished rooms, bed- thrash out the distribution of jobs Tom Smith of Florida for the room set. kitchen set, reasonable Agency, Ml 9-8484. was "a carnival and I don't want extension of Feeder Rd. will ease 83 should be studied carefully, Pit­ 1954 BEL AIR Chevrolet in good December In our 33 years in the Time of Your South and halfback Mike McClel­ traffic bottlenecks, both current H A H SNOW PLOWING. MI rent Adults. Apply Apt. 4, 10 De­ to take part in it .. .the two princes lan of Oklahoma for the North. kat said. He said, on the surface, running condition. MI 3-8268. 9-2604. music business. Ward Music Co.. SPLIT LEVEL—For those accus­ and future. Risley said. pot Square. tomed to the finer things all one wanted to visit me go they came the extension of Werner Dr. ap- 99 Summer. Open evenings till 9 Kunzli’s offer of land to the town petirs to have more dlaadvantogef 1958 FORD Convertible. Interceptor and I said thank you for your \de- By A RTHl'R LORI) p.m. Eastern Connectiruf’s oldest, ■ T‘ “ * could demand has been Included tn Halfback Ray Abnizzese ia the would be accompanied by an offer than advantages. engine. Needs slight repair, $600. Hoasehold Services largest and only complete music this lovely 8'4 room home. The It. I have nothing more to tell Bu.siness Locations Prince Souvanna Phouma." Dear Arthur: For over 23 years only full-fledged Yankee on the of land to the stale to construct The cost would be great, he eoid, M I 3-2511. Offered 18-A store. style is conduslve ;o those who en­ 1961 Alabama football rosier. He's For Rent 64 I’ve pampered my mother as an exit ramp at Bamforth Rd., now noting a bridge will have to be joy split level llvine at Its best. There was no foreseeable .action from Philadelphia. without access to the highwaj’. PLAT FINISH Holland window On beautifully landscaped spa­ which diplomats could take imthe- though she were a queen of some built acTosa the river. Auto Drlvlnr School 7-A shades made to measure. All W anted— T o But" ' 58 s t o r e near Main 8t. at 26 Birch cious lot, 2-car garage, 4 bath­ diatel.v to .salvage the meeting. sort. She's 71 now. metal Venetian blinds at a new St, 2,000 aq. ft., parking. Apply rooms. Priced In the high 50s. It was Souvanna Phouma's first I give her money. I clean up her MOIVnAXSC'S Driving School—Of­ low price. Keys made while you FRANK IS bujrliig and selling good Marlow’s. 867 Main. Phllbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464. visit to Vientiane lince Dec. 9, apartment. I call her several times HAS YOUR WIFE REACHED AGE 55 fice, 443 Main St.. Manchester. wait. Marlow’s. used furniture and antiques start­ 1960, when his government aban­ Lewmliw correctly "M ay Save ing Sept. 9 at 420 Lake St Call and EXCELLENT STORE for any busi­ MANCHESTER —5 'j room home doned the (capital to the advancing a day. I invite her over whenever Tour L ife." Driver education WASHER . REFRIGERATOR re­ see what we’ve got. Open Sun ness or office, apartment includ­ convenient to schools and shop­ forces of Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, I can. I take her shopping. claaaea. Member, Connecticut Pro- pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, days. MI 9-6580. ed. 476 Main Bt. MI 9-5229. 9-5. ping, formal dining room, living You know what I mean? I do SINCE OCT. 31,19617 feaslona] Drivliig School Assn. Ml now the deput.v premier in Boun guaranteed. Phone MI 9-4S$T, Pot- room with fireplace, city utilities, Oum’s government. Souphanouvong everything for her. 0-780g. terton'a, 180 Center St. WE BUY, SEl J. or trade antique SMALL STORE or office. 113 Main 2- car garage, extra building lot St. Nice location. Very nice inside. and his top lieutenants escaped Recently I heard that you should and used furniture, china, glass, may be had, $14,500 Robert from a Vientiane pri.son in the PREPARE FOR driver’s test. SAM’S UPHOIJSTERY - Retired silver, picture frames and old Free parking in rear. Call MI Wolvertoii Agency, MI 3^914. not pamper older persons. Of If so, $he may be eligible N O W for Ages 18 to 60. Driving and cism from the shop. Caij take care of 9-9835. spring of 1960. course I was shocked because I coins, old dolls and guns, hobby "Coalition can only be formed If room. Three Instructora. No wait­ all your upholstering needs at collections, attic contents or whole BOLTON—Williams Road. 5!4 room realized that for years I had been ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ great aavlnga. Cal] CH $-2378. estates. Furniture Repair Service brick ranch 2 years old. heated each party brings to the meeting pampering Mama. Several weeks my. PI 2-7249. Ronsen For R«nt 65 breezeway, oil hot water heat, full good faith and good will," Sou­ RADIO-TV REPAIRS all makes. TaJcottvllle, Conn. Tel Ml 3-7449 ago I gave up babying her, and ba.sement 1-car garage. large lot vanna Phouma said at the airport. she hasn’t been the same. LARSON’S Connecticut'a first li­ Cars, phonographs changers. PROMPT AND courteous service "I appeal to all Lao and particu­ censed driving school trained — with tree.'fi ownera anxious. Phil- She thinks that I don't love her CONNECTICUT Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 for your scrap Iron and metal in FOUR "ROOM house for rent, $93 a brick Agency, MI 9-8464, larly to the population of Vienti­ Certified and approved la now of­ days. Famous for service for 80 any amount or size. Pipes, fur­ month. Call MI 3-6105. ane to support firmly a policy of any more, but she's wrong. What fering classroom and behind years. Phone MI 9-4587. Potter- naces. machinerv, copper brass, CUSTOM BUILT 6 room Ranch, peace and strict neutrality and to shall 1 do? wheel .instruction for teenagers. ton’s. Mrs. Webb, Extended Health Insurance Ml 9-8075. Ckny I I 100 i-Door Sedan etc. Call Ml 3-2809. large living room with fireplace, support the three princes’ meeting Corvair 700 Clut> Coupe DUPLEX 4-4. Call Ml 9-4105 after formal dining room, family size until a final result i.s achieved.” Dear Mrs. Webb: Normally, Mrs. WEAVING of Bums, moth holes 4 p.m. Spouses of Connecticut 65 members may themselves make 2 and tom clothing, hosiery runs, kitchen, 2 bedrooms^ I'b baths, Souphanouvong in his arrival Webb, It's as unadvisable to Busineas Servtcea Offered 13 handbags repaired, zipper re­ Rooms Without Board 59 recreation room witli fireplace! blast charged: pamper an older person as it is to applieation when they reach the age of 55 provided that they are Get On The Band Wagon In'62 With A '62 CHEVROLET iclosed breezeway, attached ga­ placements, umbrellas repaired, ROCKVIUjE — Single S bedroon "A group of Prince Boun Oum spoil a younger one. There are eV- not gainfully employed 30 or more houre^f'wek. For complete FURNISHED rooms, complete light rage, landscaped yard 91x194. CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. men’s shirt collars reversed and house, $115, Tel, MI 9-7319. continues to execute plans of the ceplions, however, and "babying^' details and an application form, see any resident agent or.broker Reasonable rates. Call PI 2-7558 housekeeping facilities. Centrally Mirion E. Robertson. Broker MI American warmongers artd Lao replaced. Marlow’s Uttle Mend­ located. Children accepted, limit­ 3- 5953. your mother must be considered licensed to sell health insurance in Connecticut. Or call or between 1:80-4:30 or any time ing .Shop. Start Hw m w year right with a beautiful '62 Cfievrelet from Carter's. Tfiere di« 3 oH new FOR RENT—6 room Cape, .near clique who have an evil Intention one. You should continue lo pam­ Saturday or Sunday. ed, Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Man­ schools and bus, vacant, $135 a to retard the peaceful settlement write Connecticut 6 5 ,650 Main Street, Hartford 3, Connecticut. chester. LARGE WELL maintained ranch per Mama. She interprets your models to choose from to fit every taste and poekelbbok, so see us nod for a bang*up month. MI 9-0050, by seeking by all means to aggra­ well-meaning attempt at creating COSMA APPLIANCE Service—Re- with attached garage, In Wapping. vate and complicate the political palra all makea refrigerators, 3 large bedrooms. 13x20'i ft. liv­ a healthy relationship as a loss of deal on a '62 Chevrolet. EXCEPTIONALLY nice large room iylualion, resume military activi­ love. This is not what you meant, ASSOCIATED CONNECTICUT HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES freesars. waahing machlnea. dry- FOR RENT—5 room single house, ing room with fireplace, oil hot ties and poison tension in all the 7 eta, ranges, oil and gaa buniera. NEW LARGE next to bath, 21 Church. MI 9-4966. I'm sure. centrally located. MI 9-7885, water heat, aluminum storms, kingdom, particularly in Central MI MOSS. AU woiii guaranteed. screens, and awnings Quality con. RETAIL OUTLET IMMEDIATE DEUVERY ON MOST M O D EIS -N O PAYMENT UNTIL FEB. 15 ROOM TO rent, private entrance, FURNISHED one or two bedroom and South '-aos, b.v sowing death near bus line and Cheney’s. MI structed in 1957. Robert Wolverton among the population." Dear Arthur: I’ve got a good house, $65 or $80 monthly, large Agency. MI 3-191J, friend who Is 63 and quite a card. 9-0595. 119 Cooper Hill St. family room, bath, hot water base­ The people of Vientiane lined the WILL INTERVIEW board heat. Greenhouse on Berry streets and silently watched the He's always cutting up, even at TOOLROOM ROOMS TO RENT, also ( ^ n s OVERSIZE CAPE—6 rooms, many two princes drive to the two heav­ • Camera Department Mgr. with efficiency. Scranton Motel, Ave., So. Coventry. Gerald Park added feature.s. All the heavy his age, and never seems to worry Section, block from lake PI ily guarded villas where they are about the future. OK USED CARS - OK USED CARS Call MI 9-0826 after 5. labor of remodeling has been quartered alongside the U.S. em­ THAT WONDERFUL FEELING! MACHINEST e Camera Salesman 2-6661. done. All that Is needed is a man Eapwienoed In mold making bassy. One exuberant soldier from I asked him about his confidence FOR RENT — Nicely furnished who can .swing a paint brush or one day and he said, "Art, I’ve got Nothing like a steadilj’ growing saving.8 dealrabla. bat not essentiaL e Appliance Sales Persons *S9 FORD GALAXIE '58 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 'S8 CHEVRlOLET STATION W A «O N room, one or two ladies, or work­ HEATED 4 ROOM bouse for rent in hang paper. B & N, Janet M. Souphanouvong's Pathet Lao nliH Moat be tborooghly expe^- 'M CHeVKOiET 4-DOOR Bolton Center. Has built-in oven Army flashed a big smile and kept perfectl.y safe stock investments fund to give you that “walking-on-a-cloud” Convertible, V-8, Fordomatic, radio. Hardtop 4-Door Model. V-8, Power Deluxe Model. V-8, power gUde, Bel Air model. ing couple, with or without kitch­ Bycholski, .MI 9-5593; Roger M. eoeed tat all aapecto of |s Univereity of Hartford, and Miss Carol Ann Walach, 53 Wellin^rton Smelter Union Rd.. wta initiated into Sigma Roundup Kappa Delta social sorority, also Katanga Will at the 'Uni\ersity of Hartford. Neutral Prince Red Infiltrated Marine Pfc. Roger A. Anderson, Washington, Dec. 28 (!P)— eon of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. An­ Stale Ecologist derson. 19 Gardner St., ivas grad­ Solves Cheshire A hearing examiner has rec-i uated Nov. 27 from Photographer's HinW Surp rise ommended that the Interna-1 Mate School at the Naval Air tiohal Union of Mine, Mill and ' Technical Training Unit. Naval Pearl Robberies Smelter workers be declared Air Station. Pensacola, Fla. He Confederation was awarded first prise in Novem­ By KKNE-OBORGBh INAOAKia The general aald he had called -r— . a Communist-infiltrated or- ber for "picture of the month.” Vientiane, I.,aos, Dec. 28 (/Pj to insist that Souvanna and Cheshire, Dec. ganization, Atty. Gen. Robert, Anderson is a 1958 graduate of —...ruuioiiDL-Neutralist PrinceI lu.Lc Souvannauuu.niii.oi, , Cheshire fspulv | f . Kennedv announced today. Manchester High School. Phouma smiled tonight and^^u^Oum X r th^breX^ unwillingly castingj t^e recommendauon of ex- told reporters: “ Let me work terday, have dinner and dis- before mice got ^beir gminer A. Blasts Rule Alpha Kappa Omega sorority on this three or four davs <'U»»'on« at the general's reel valuables back, and caught a ed by the Sub\ersl\e Aeliv liM will hold a "Happy Holiday" dance on this three or four da.ts. I ^ ecologist at Center Springs Liodge tonight Maybe you will have quite a from 7:30 to midnight. A apokeaman for Souphanou.- suggested they SOW a few |,,„dJr the Na-, nice surprise.” vong however, promptly announced O f N ation That was Souvanna'i summary seeds of distrust. ‘ tjonal Labor Relations Act. The Past Mistress Club. Daugh­ that his highness was too busy to regularly 45.00 and 49.99 OUR ENTIRE REGULAR STOCK of a day of behind-the-scenes talks attend. The trouble started when sn The Labor Department directory 2 ters of Liberty. No. 125. will meet | among Laotlan.s—watched over an­ Souvanna. the premier-designate opal -r--- ring, valued at $100, was tak- i■ of labor unions lists the Mine. ■ Mil! at the home of Mrs. Joseph John­ I left) xiously by U.S.. British and So­ of the proposed new government. I en from atop a bureau in the bath-1 and Smelter Workers Ln.on as Central ston. 15 Hawley St., tomorrow at viet ambassadors—to check pros- and his half _ brother__ai__ u I hadj __ separate’ .vwzm TT*/Mir room. n^nrlB Four vi'o-ro pearls * 1*0 were ta.kPTi al.so < taken,havmc' having 200 locftl 200 unions local unions wit! with a 8 pjn. I MEN'S SUITS, TOPCOATS ects for revival of the Laotian audiences with King Savang V a-' from a necklace—not the whole, toUl 1 0 0 ,^ members. na- By PETER GROSE ORLON'PILE LINED SIg three princes' abortive summit thana. The results of these were necklace, just tour pearls. ; tional headqusrters are in..Denver. i The social games sponsored by j conference. not announced. Dr. Stephen Oolllns. an animal ! C(^. Leopoldville, The Congo, the American Legion on Wednes-' Souvanna warned earlier in a expert from Bhe Connecticut Ag- Tiiat membership figure, how - ; Dec. 28 (JP)— Six Katanga day nights will be canceled for to-1 SPORTCOATS Premier Prince Bonn Oum. a rlghtest, persisted in his re^ talk with newsmen that collapse rlculfira! Experiment SUtion in ' ever, dates from 1959, indicating a deputies took their seats to­ n l^ t, and will be resumed next W O O L AND fusal to sit_ia with...let- Phouma_____ and__ i iI -of . sthe i . . ____ negotiationsai^ai___—. could1.J - 1 plungeI V j New * - U-.«v« Haven, was railed in on tViA the .KhAm sharp droD-off. drop-off, thc the 11111011 union more more rf- re week. Phoui-na's pro-Communist half Laos into an East-West wsr as case. cently has been claiming onl\ 50.- day in the National Congo brother. Prince Souphannuvong. ‘o | well as rerive the revolution tech-1 Two aimulaled pearl earrings Parliament. They were ex­ Ih e Manchester Junior Square. Cherry's recommendation came pected to demand revision of Dance Club will not hold classes! CAMEL COAT 20> to 407« OFF! complete negotiations for a coall-; nically halted by a cease-fire last' were put out as bait: the thief tton government. May. removed one from its setting, but after more than four years of j tomorrow night. Lessons will be hearings ended last May. The Congo’s provisional con­ reaumed Jan. 4. ^ with detachable raccoon collar • MICHAELS STERN But Gen. Phouml Nasavan, de­ ,A Pathet Lao officer in town for left the other intact. On another stitution to relax the control the talks. Gen. Phoune Sipraseiith, occasion, two earrings were taken Nearly 150 witne.s.ses were heard. fense minl-ster and strongman of ‘ nioi e than 300 exhibits were in- the basic law gives the jllen- • KINGSRIDGE Boun Oum's administration, paid said "nobody’ wants war." But he from a miniature sideboard on the The Covenant Congregational ; trodiiced anri 9,721 pages of testi- ‘ tral government over Katan­ Church will hold its mid-week • CRICKETEER a courtesy call on Souvanna at the added "If we are attacked, we will bureau. fight." It must be a rodent, said Dr. ■ mony were recorded. ga and the other provinces: worship service-tonight at 7:30. • j ^ p latter's hearily guarded villa. And _ ,,, J _____ I Cherry, a member of the 5-man 38.00 Souvanna's expression of apparent Souvanna and Souphanouvong Oolllns, and a selective one at that , subversive ActiviUes Control Nine more Katanga deputies optimism was is.sued after tha< were due from EIlsabethYllIe to­ • MIDDISHADE *^’,1 I Board, held that the union was natural, green, red, sizes 6 to 18 meeting. (Conttained en Page 8lx) dont live in Chesihire, and "lAO ..,„bstantiallv directed, dominated day. Bolton Accident • V-LINE found no signs of a flying-squirrel controlled bv indiriduals who Seeing the first group off from Blisabethville yesterday, Katanga • regular, long, short, stout invasion. are (or have been) actively en­ Victims Improving regula^y 69.99 to 79.99 It must be a mouse, he reasoned, President Moise Tshombe said Researcher Reports gaged in giving support to the they would hold out for a Congo and since even bourgeois mice Communist party of the United regularly 15.99 presumably value sunflower seeds confederation that would give hla John Wrana III, hurt in a head- States." rich province considerable Inde­ on- crash on Rt. 6 in Bolton Fri­ UNTRIMMED COATS above pearls, he suggested using , "The aid and support flowing to seed as bait. pendence despite the Kitona unity day, ia up and walking around in the Communist Party cL'.S.A.) pact. The Central government tha emeci^ care zone at Manches­ SUPREME QUALITY Close observation was rewarded; from tile union and its controlling Little Rise E jected T^e man of the house watched contended the terms Tshombe put ter Memorial Hospital. Wrana, son leadership has been real, substan­ on his deputies' mission were at of WilUmanUc'B new mayor, un­ a tiny deer mouse, ea'sily recog­ tial and significant,'' Cherri- said nized by its white feel and belly, sharp variance wrlth the agree­ derwent surgery Friday for a rup­ 44.00 Through the union "the Com­ ment he reached a week ago with WORSTED WOOL nab the seed and scamper under tured spleen. munist party has acquired and wDl Congo Premier Cyrille Adoula. Two occupants of the second car • Imperial supreme 100% camel's hair In N-Tests Caneers the washing mat^ine. There, in a continue to ha-.-e a dependable In the Friday crash, Joseph and small cardboard box. was the loot. Tshombe charged in Eliaabeth- FLANNEL SLACKS foothold in the Labor movement vlUe today that U.N. troops are Peart Romanowrski of Norwich, are • worumba fleece Dr. Collins provided traps to in the United States.” the exam­ being moved today from the spe­ ^fallout should not produce more catch the mouae, then photo- preparing for a new militajy of­ • black, beige, camel, royal (below) By FRANK CAREY iner added. , One Killed, SI Hurt in Highivay Crash fensive against Katanga and that cial to intermediate care zone at (AP Sclencs Writer) than a 0.04 per cent rise above the gT'aphed him and let him go—a It Is the biggest union in the the hospital. Romanowakl and his • sizes 6 to 16 , level of spontaneously-caused can­ the U.S. ambassador In Leopold­ Denver, Dec. 28 ''’OF)—Only a good diatance ■ hence, where he hard-rock industry, which In- This chartered bus collided headon with a car on a small bridge on U.S. 66. 3 miles east of Pa­ wife e a ^ suffered a dislocated hip. cers. cific. Mo., early this morning The car driver was killed and 31 bus passengers Injured. 10 serious­ ville, Edmund A. GuIUon, is be­ small percentage rise Jin the Inci­ would hopefully find no pearls the mining of such basic hind it. In addition. Romanowski received It must be remembered, he add­ that looked like seeds. | materials as copper. ly. as the bus continued 264 feel from the impact, across the highway, down a 50-foot embank­ a broken collarbone and broken dence of cancer may' be expected ed. that many tumors are prob- Tshombe told a hurriedly called from bomb test fallout, a British ■ " ! Action again.st the union wag ; ment and into an embankment for Mi.s’souri Pacific Railroad tracks parallel to the hlghw’ay. The rib. \ 11.90 2 pairs 21.00 abl.v induced by air-bome or in- highway patrol .said the car was on the wrong side of the highway. (AP Photofaxi. news conference that the U.N. is Trooper Edward Counter of the researcher said today. gestetd chemicals—a.< di.stinguish- 272 to 271 ^ initiated by the Department of planning to renew hostilities If Colchester Troop is investigating r\ • perma-set crease Dr. Philip R. J. Burch also of­ ed from spontaneous cancers. Hartford, Dec. 28 (/P)—The State’ Justice in 1965 under the Subver- the Katanga Nationsd Assembly the accident which occurred just fered the novel concept that fall­ Therefore, he said, 'background i Motor Vehicle Department's daily ' sive-Actiritias Omtrol Act of 1050. Despite KoivalskVs Threat falls to meet Jan. 3 to discuss his west of Stony Rd. at 6:30 p.m. 7 • plain or pleated fronts out type radiation may, in most The act originally established the Snow Spreads agreement with Adoula. instances, help produce cancer radiaUon or the levels hitherto | Friday. The two cars collided in • waist sizes 29 to 44 associated with fallout would ap­ of last midnight and the totals on designiations “Communist-action" His charges against Gulllon only If nature has paved the way. the same date last year; and "Commimist-fronl" and was the middle of the road. No cause • regulars and longs pear to be responsible for only a were apparently prompted because could be determined by the troop­ He aald thare’a suggestive evi­ vary small fraction of the total 1960 1961 amended in 1954 to include “Com­ From Midwest the U.S. envoy acting on Presi­ er at that time. There has been • charcoal, bankers gray, brown, dence that in many inatancM Killed ...... 272 271 munis t-inflltra(ed” organization^. Draft Ribicoff Plan dent Kennedy's instructions, help­ no police action to date. where radiation Is linked wttlHftiJ** A Communist-infiltrated organ-' ed bring Tshombe and Adoula to­ \ W e GIVE olive, blue cer. It acts merely as a supplement Held in Contempt inatlon, besides loalng IRS right Into East U.S. gether at Kitona last week. Advertisement— to spontaneous changes which i Hartford, Dec. 28 (A5 — The to represent employes, must also Tshombe said UJT. troops were have occurred In body cells of cer-1 N-Iodine in Milk identify its publications or broad- ‘ president of a union local in Strat­ By THE ASSOCLATBD PRESS digging in on all roads leading E Give a' future * present tain people leaving them vulner-1 Starts to Snowball ford has been held in contempt of casts as being disseminated by a j from the center of Elisa'betlivUle Open a SA.V1NG8 ACCOUNT for r able. I Held on Decline Communist organization. Deep cold clarnped on the Mid­ and this "completely changes the your youngster or add to his ' / _ i court for failing to produce the The University of Leeds scien­ local’s financial records. Unlike a Communist-action or I west today and spread Its breath picture here.” pnaent account at CONNECTI- C f % E E N tist, who is doing visiting research Communist-front group. Us offi- Hartford, Deo. 28 iFi—A move to-cut "build up grass roots support" OOT b a n k AND TRUfeT COM­ Washington. Dec. 28 (>P) - - Officials said it was the first TN ^ Y’ C e v a w. a m a U aiiiaIaUI over much of the eastern third of He also charged U.N. troops were STAMPS. at the Atomic Energy Commis­ cers are not required to register linr up the Democratic U.S. Senate for Congressman Frank Kowalski PANY at 883 Main Street, and 15 Six New Engalnd cities were enforcement test in New England of Meriden for senator. the nation. making widespread a r r e s t s of sion’s Oak Ridge, Tenn., labora­ of the report and disclosures sec­ with the attorney general or to nomination lor former Governor A. Katanga police and gendarmes. North Main Stceet. among communltie* where A. Ribicoff started to snowball to­ Kowalski, the only announced The arctic front precipitated tory, told the American Associa­ conta^nation of milk with tion of the Landrum-Griffln Act. disclose the sources ajid expendi­ He presented at the news con­ tion for the Advancement of Sci­ tures of fundi. day, despite Congressman Frank candidate for the Democratic sena­ snow, sleet and rain in tiie East ladies' wear radioactive iodine stemming Peter lannuzzi. 5<), president of torial nomination, has announced and Southeast, reviving highwa.v ference, Katanga Health Minister ence that studies among people ex­ Is}cal 210 of the International The next step In the lengthy pro- Kowalski’s threat to carry- his bid RANGE from Russia'a recent aeries of for the office to a primary. that he would fight Ribicoff and dangers of- icy pavements and second floor.. posed to wartime bomb radiation nuclear tests was reported on Jewelry Workera Union, was (Continued en Page Eight) at Hiroshima and Nagasaki sug­ (Contlnned on Page Eight) Bridgeport Mayor Samuel Tedes- John M, Bailey, national and state snow slicks. the decline. found in contempt by U.S. District CO and U.S. Senator Thomas J. party chairman, for this nomina­ C gest: The mercury reached 17-degrees >UEL OIL The public health service re­ Court Judge M. Joseph Blumen- Dodd, two powerful figures in the tion. 1. Radiation may hasten the ported yesterday the average feld yesterday for falling to pro­ below zero at Clintonville in Cen­ development of cancer in a vulner­ party, were among the latest to Mayor Tedesco, who is considered tral Wisconsin, and -16 at Eau GASOLINE iodlne-131 levels for November duce record* demanded by the hail the announcement that Secre­ a likely possibility for the slot of able person wrhoae spontaneous were leas thsrr during October U.S. Department of Labor." Troopers Plan Claire and Stevens Point, Wis., cellular changes have not reached tary Ribicoff is available for the lieutenant governor on the 1962 and at Bradford. 111., 30 miles Bulletins at 41 of 59 monitoring sta­ Blumenfeld ordered a $200 fine ticket, disclosed that he will back the critical,point. Senate spot. north of Peoria. regularly 69.99 (right) tions. 1 unless Inanuzzi produces the rec­ Meanwhile, it wa,s disclosed to­ Ribicoff for the Senate. Culled from AP Wires 2. Radiation might provide the Declines included; Hart-, ords by Jan. 15. Surprises for Meanwhile, in Washington. Sena­ A driving snowstorm developed BANTLY OIL final trigger to touch off cancer day that Washington headquarters ford, Conn., 70 to 30; Port­ lannuzzi denied that he was of the International Association of tor Dodd said that in his judgment over much of New York slate, and ' l\( , In persons who have some vulner­ land, Maine, 120 to 40; Boston, responsible for the records sought DYED SQUIRREL COLLAR Machinists’ Nort-Partisan Political Ribicoff "would make a great the Weather Bureau predicted ac­ MORANO EXPLAINS ability but wdio otherwise might 130 to 40; Manchester, N. H., by the department. He said they Drunk Drivers United States senator." cumulations of as much as 6 '1 \'N IHI.I.I escape cancer. Ijcague has asked by letter earlier Greenwich. Conn., Dec, 28 120 to 40; Proridence. R. I.. were in the possession of William this month that every 1AM local "Abe Ribicoff is a distinguished inche.s. He said that at the low-levels 90 to 50; Burlington, Vt„ 100 In Pennsylvania, turnpike traf­ — Former Oongresemaa Albert TEL Mitchell 9-4595 Hartford, Dec. 28 (JP)—Stale Po- and women’s auxiliary in Connecti- public servant who has served the P. Morano said today that one of radiation provided by the nat­ to 50. (Conitnued on Page Fifteen) Uce are preparing some surprise public well in both the legislative fic was restricted to a 35-mile ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 COATS 48.00 ural "background" of the Earth— speed because of treacherous con­ of the reasons he hM dropped tactics for drunken drivers during and executive branches of Connec­ out of the B ^ b U ca a Party was • wool and fur blend fabric • all wool interlining and by fallout—the most Impor­ ticut and the United States," the ditions created by up to 4 inches the long New Year’s holiday week­ what he caUed tha laek oC • shawl, wedding band or portrait collar tant canoer-produclng effect of ra­ end. Senator added. of new snow. diation is likely to be this i'sup- The Natives Are Restless News Tidbits leaderahlp In the party. Mo* • black, wild rice, blue, magenta Commissioner Leo J. Miilcahy "Certainly I would support Heavy snow left a 4 to 5-inch rano, a former GOP county New Year’s Party plementary" one. him ’’ Mayor Tedesco said when mantle on northwest sections of • misse.s’ and petites’ 8 to 18,16> j to 20' 2 But ha estimated that for "back­ promised a major crackdown .yes­ from the -AP Wires chairman, had hi* name re­ ground” radiation this would mean terday to prevent this year's traf­ a.ske/i his reaction to Ribicoff’s Virginia. Northwestern North Car­ moved from the Republican a responsibility for only between fic death toll from exceeding the s disclosure that he is available for olina and eastern Tennessee liad rolls In Greenwich laat vseek. SMOflfiASBORD regularly 89.99 3 inches of snow. Ice and snow regularly 12.99 lOth per cent to one per cent of ‘Me Tarzan, You Jane ’ 1960 figure. , two voulhs shot to death and I*’*' Senate nomination Morano aald that "any . aesn* spontaneous tumors. And, he “ We will use all our ingenuity 'I third bov's ear shot off earlv to- "I « RdOfl for coated much of the Cumberland blanoe of leadership tat our Ba- If nuclear testing In the and skill to meet thi.s challenge," dav in Convers, Ga., by 20-year- the p a r t y ,’’ the plateau. Snow also overspread in­ WASH AND WEAR SLACKS terior New England. pnbllcan Party in tha state of *2.75 MINK COLLARED COATS futuke doe.s not exceed the rates What Jungle Scandal? Mulcah.v said. old farm caretaker in apparent | Bndgeport mayor declared Connectient, whether It be Ideo­ of th\ past, cancers linked with He said drunken drivers and crazed outburst of Jealously over logical or ptaotlcal, eecapea de­ Favors— Hats (Continiied on Page Seven) (ConHaued on Page Eight) 9.90 pairs 19.00 other deliberate violators of motor a 15-year-old g irl... Eleven de­ tection.'’ 2 vehicle laws will be in for some By CH.ARLE8 MAHER ^about the works of the late W’est- fendants in a $150 million inter­ 58.00 a 70fr orlon acrylic, 30% worsted wool surprises during the holiday week­ national narcotics smuggling con- i i i • Los Angeles, Dec. 28 (A*)—While em author, Zane Grey, who was end. starting tomorrow night. GUILTY ON 10 COUNTS FRANK’S CAFE black, beige, brown a 29 to 42, plain or pleated Rid Protest accused of injecting a little scarlet spiracy .trial convicted by f^ e r ^ | . \ n i a z e O D V P r e a c h l l l f f Norwalk, Doc. 28 (dV—A Naw Tarzan and Jane were living to­ More than 300 troopers will be 623 MAIN ST. a charcoal, oxford gray, olive, charcoal brown gether in that tree all those years, prose into his Tales of the Pur­ court Jur>‘ in New York and will |______. ^ York woman waa foond goflty ple Sage. Grey's characters, said on duty da.v and night using a new be sentenced Feb. 1. -m -r -m w-k a today on 10 counts of pnmtlctaiK Comer of Pearl 10% re Hike u-ere they also living together In spot check technique to snare SPECIAL LOT MISSES' sin ? Moore, occasionally used such cor­ Anatoly Fedorovich Dobrynin, , TXT W # 1 wa -a .e-k ^ medicine without a Ucestse at a rupting language as "hell " and motor vehicle violators. Mulcahy who is fluent in EngliA. knows Westport beauty center. A 7- regularly 8.99 Belated rumors of such a jungle j said. They will be supplemented by \ O it Pli U G It IGS 2 Grante HRR scandal are circulating In neartiy “damn.’’ i the United States welly^and like.s , Telling man, 6-woman ciroult court Jury WINTER COATS WASH AND WEAR SLACKS Downey, where some of the rest­ "I can assure you," Moore said, uniformed State Police auxiliaries. international politics. apWoved a.s j took seven hours of deliberation less natives may be trying to drum "that the board unanimously feels Teams of troopers will patrol the new Soviet aiiibasaador tA Wash­ to convict Mrs. Michael LaRoo- -Pas­ state's highway network and stop ‘ a wool and camel values to 39.99 Washington, Dec. M ti$^^-l Tarzan books right out of their the other way — that the books ington .. . Soviet Union saWs U.S. \Reds of Plans on Goa ca after a four-week trial. Mrs. • peerle.ss tweeds Men’s Wear 2 pairs 15.00 senger fares on thes New H«Haven elementary school libraries. should stay." drivers at random, Mulcahy said. gov'ernment support of Japanese LnRoooa. of Jariuoo Heights, A Holiday Toast Railroad wlU go up by 10\|>er cent Their suspicion: That there is Moore said he hasn't found out The fatuity count for the claims to two of the Soviet-occii- j , ------N.Y., was an employe and a fleece.s street floor... a blended orlon acrylic and rayon which school the books were tak­ year stood at 27i yesterday, com- on Jan. 1 unless there is\a last- nothing to indicate Tarzan and pied Kurile Islands violates one of h e m i v s . BRADSHER A.sked if he Uioughl the Indian stockholder of the Budkon Cen­ Thafll Help You Most a !amb.<; wool, orlon or plaid minute reversal by the I n it ia t e en from becauie “all the principals a waist size.s 29 to 42 • plain or pleated Jane were ever legally married. the 1945 lalta aKi^niente. New Delhi. India. Dec, 28 i/P)— I Invasion would .‘^pur Indonesia to ter for Facial Renewal She was lined a sizes 8 to 18 23.00 a charcoal, oxford gray, olive, charcoal brown Commerce Commission. \ And, If this is the caLse. that chil­ and teachers are scattered for the (Continued on Page Four) arrested after the state ordered holidays ' But he said he'll con­ Pope John XXIII tells diplo- prj„ie Minister Nehru said today similar action against Dutch-held The ICC announced yesterday dren are being exposed to tales malic corps to Holy See he looks discuss India's invasion' We.st New Guinea, Nehru said he the center closed last August. ^ Enjoy the holidavs that its 5-member Board of Sus­ duct an investigation when classes about an ape man who up to a r iA S k s n c o a r A c t o n c ; tow ard with confidence and seren- Qt^er Portuguese I did not think any Incitement was Stay m Ec and toand. pensions has decided to allow thb^ little monkey busines.s when he resume. Sol Lea.ser. who produced many j ity to whatever 1962 may bring... tjie .Soviet Union be-i nece.ssary for Indonesia to take WILLIMANTIC PASTOR DIES Say "Make Mine Milk” requested Increase. \\yhisked Jane over the threshold Members of the Transport Work- advance indi- 'notion against We.st Irian, a.s the WlUimanUc, Dec. >8 (« l—H m The ICC said the decision might Of his primitive penthouse and in­ of the Tarzan movies, said the ^KOten homeward hound same objections were raised years ' May’s Demand for era Union in New York reject a of Moscow’s support. Indone.sian.s call the territory, (Rev. Lucien I. Siedzlk, 54, pas­ WOMEN'S FAMOUS NAME SHOES be appealed to a board of three vited her to stick around for tor of St. Philip the A p ^ io ICC members until 4 p.m. F5ST to­ ago. "I had a long correspondence ; money package offer and vote a He told a news conference "W e, I^hru added that he thinks In breaMast. strike New Year's Day of all bus ,ried to find some way of escape '^o"e?'a^\olaim to the territorj- is Roman CathoUc Church In W ar- CONN MILK-FOR HEALTH day. When the news broke, you could with a number people who ob­ State Pri.son Probe BLACK SUEDE jected to the fact that Tarzan and j and subwaj' lines. I from military attack. But he justified but Me still hope it will renvRle and former assistant The W^estport, Conn., Commuters almosuhear a young voice implor­ pastor of St. Joseph’s Roipaa TROYLINGS Asociatlon planned to file an appeal Jane were liring in a tree hoiLse ] U. P. Voronov, editor of the of- jected any sufi:pestion that* India ' peacefully. , , BLACK CALF ing; , , J ,, ... I Hartford. Dec. 28 (.Ti - - Gov. fid-ial youth newspaper Kom.somol-' withdraw from the former Portu- Inoian leader pledged that OUioHc Church, WHUmantle. with the ICC by telegram before "Say it ain't so. Tarz," and had a son all apparently with-1 Dempsey has turned a outeviif benefit evfof mmatrlrriony a f V IzeRJVer ' . . ^ * skaya Pravda, accuses Sov-ietgueae territory now. Goaii autonomy would be pre­ died this morning at the Wind­ Vi PRICE SALE VELVET STEPS the deadline. The asociatlon filed a And, from the jungles of Holly­ cold shoulder on the demand of ham Community Memorial Hos­ teachers of faking good grades for j "There woiild be hell in this BROW N CALF 10-page brief with the ICC Dec. 20, said. former Republican State Chair­ regularly 6.99 to 19.99 wood, the reassuring re.sponse: "We e.stabllshed that the .son pital. The Rev. Mr. Seidzik was TUNE TEASERS AIRTRED opposing a fare hike. "Don't worry, they can’t bend man Edwin H. May Jr. for an in- many of their pupils to make their I world it this happened,’! Neh™ jo?f |nd manganese ^111 be admitted to the hOHiltal after BLUE SUEDE John Boyd, the associaticHi'a (known only as 'Boy'i was found own records look g o ^ . . Britain'., j *aid vehement^’ with a bang of hisi fuIfilMheir commitmentr the ape man out of shape, man.” by Tarzan and Jane and adopted wstigation of the state prison continuing spell of Arctic weather i fiat on the table. "Not just in In suffering a heart attack. A na­ legal counsel who told of the plan­ The celebrated fictional hero situation. Nehru .«aid he was distressed by tive of New Britain, ha had a c c e n t by them. But that didn't help viav proposed lasi weea u.ai "‘ "P" on London wibvvay d|a b«t 'n the vvorld.'' He did not ^orld opinion- TAN SUEDE ned appeal ‘ today, said he under­ created by the late Edgar Rice Bur­ niucli and the correspondence Ma.v proposed last week that , been pastor of the Warrenvllls stood the asociatlon will have the roughs has been through this sort went on. tneto rsia siaie te lTgiMat^^eLiegisiauve Councilv-oum,n hold . ice acros.v much of country. Nehru said the invasion . . date . was , “ 'o m » crudely, inriio’s white apitnn agains ' church since April of thto year. NOW a r p e g g i o s suport of the Greenwich Chamber of thing before. Once, in fact, he GRAY SUEDE "Finally I spoke to Burroughs an inquiry into the circumst^ces carlos P. Romulo, outgoing postponed twice because of diplo- j The prime minister said he also of Commerce. was in effort accused of being a iHe .said; 'I would advise you to OAROUNE SEES GRANDPA WEDGES MID-HEELS v a l e n t in e of the sudden resignation of State PhiUpplne ambassador to the! maUc approaches by the United was amazed to lind others preach- Tjhe Greenwich Chamber sent a dupe of the Communists, Happil.v, read my book.,. In one of my Prison Warden Mark S. Richmond. West Palm Bench, Fla., Dae. BLACK PATENT telegram to the IOC. appealing it appears Tarzan’s reputation is United States, accepts presidency j .States and Britain urging a peace- jng to him about' the Gandhlan 38 (AV-Four-year-old CarolhM earl.v books it was established He asked Dempsey to use his in­ of the I’nlvernlty of the Philip- i ful settlement. But he said the fi- doctrine of non-violence. He do 3.49 f ia n c e e s the fare Increase. as indestnicUble as Tarzsn him­ that Jane’s name was Jane Por­ fluence to bring about such an Kennedy visited her sick nraad* BLUE CALF The association said yesterday it self. ; pines . . .United States signs I nal American effort came too late i clared tho.se doing the preaching pa tor tho first time to n y ^ ter, that .she was the daughter of inv’esfigation. agreement to sell Yugoslavia $45 —only three hours before Indian | "have no right tr . . . it i.s not FLATS w a l k in g RHYTHM STEP I would confer with ntembers ftf Con­ Supt. Bruce Moore of the a minister in Baltimore, Md.. and 1 St. Mary’s Hoapital. Mather 8o> GRAY CALF necticut’s congressional delega­ Downey Unified .School District In his reply to May yezlerday, | w'orth of surplus food-; troops struck. for people who have no respect sepbine. Marie, administrator of that the father went to the jungle Dempsey did not mention May's | gjuffg on long-term credit . . "\Ve appreciate the anxiety of for (the doctrine of non-violence) DE LISO DEB tion before taking any action. •—said the trouble>-™uDie startedsianea at theti last and there married Tarzan and the hospital, told newsmen that L. L. Callaway Jr„ chairman of ^school board meeting. Board request, nor did he make directJ, ‘ 'Chinese C o m m u n'i s t s fire 109 j the United States government to or understanding of it” Caroline -was to the sick laoit MAL TAN CALF AJ* M * •» .va ___ mem­ Jane ' " comment on an.v of May's charges HIGH HEELS HEELS the sissociatlon'a executive coniy ber Robert L. Ryan said he'd been Cyril R. Rothmund, who was rounds at the Qucmo.r Islands fol- help us to solve this,” he added. Nehru added it was not for him for a couple of minutes. Thera 1230 TAPESTRY PRINTS PARAMONT mlttee, described the ICC’s action told a librarian 'at* one of the Burroughs' manager, confirmed about the prison. lowing 53 rounds fired on Christ-' The prime minister said the U.S. to say what Gandhi might have was no word whether TT jaar lid ' ea "absolute nonsense." schools removed aU the Tarzan Leaser's story. "In the seconl Instead, the Democratic chief: mas Day~ after 104 - - days - of uriex- attitude vvas much cloae-to India's done but he contended keeping the Joseph P. Kennedy, p arallyi^ $ A M ,^ 10 A.M. executive chided Ma.v for shew-1 plained silence. > on colonial issues than that of any' peace at the price of cowardice la RED CALF ^ ULTIMO He said the fare hike would do books. Ryan's informant didn't Tarzan book Tarzan and Jane by a stroke Deo. I f,, waa- n iK i Shoes Expertly and / Shoe Salon nothing to get the bankrupt rail­ tell him In which school the books were married in the jungle,” Roth ing belated concern for the prl- ■ Coast Guard at Boston aa.va the other major power. He declared' worse than violence. to take recogaltlea of bar VMk.- road out of Its financial predlca- had been banned but said there had mund said. He said this book, son. . ' seagoing tug Foundation 'Valiant ; that even when the United States; Asked If he had any New Yearia Caroline went te the haaplM Dempsey recalled that his pro- ■ is trying to get a tow line aboard! was trying to find a way to pre- message for the world.world, NetNehru re­ file forenoon arltk her BROWN SUEDE Carefully Fitted . . .! main floor, rear . . . went. been Vicious gossip about Tarzan's lublished In 1916, was titled "The CalUvray, however, said he was alleged ifiability to produce a mar­ Ri6'eturn of Tarzan.” posal to seta up a state depart-,, tho dredge Cartagina whose crew I vent the uSe of force in Goa, Wash-j plied that he might now be called Mrs. JacqueUne riage certificate. ------• I 1 abandoned her in \ heavy storm | Ington Indicated It had little hope | ------remained to the ananp of Portuguese concessions. (CooHniMd OB Page Ilfteea) lag for aheat 48 aitnl (OMttanaS m Page Thnni) lliere -were -also eoggplainta (^kwttoood’ M Pag* Sbi) (Conttoned oa Page BU) Tuesday, A . ' ^ If

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