TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1961 ATfrage Daily Net Preae Ran iHanrl|(at»r lEvmihg lifralb r ~ F«r tha Week Ended The Weather ; Deeember 28, IM l Foneaet et D. 8. Wentber Bmenn ter Dr,; Richard Brown, Wapplng; ipddge, Knights of Pythias, and Snow or rain ■tarting tonight About Town Mrs. .Carol Welch and daughter, Posl-Ytile Party wives, will be guests. , 13,525 Fontinhing Into Thnreday. Not m Hospital Notes cold tonight. Low around 8ft. Glastonbury; Mrs. Mary Ijlelland- After a meeting, there wlU|' be PRESORIPTIONS Member ef the AmHt Maitto Pfe. Robert A. Anderson, ■nrenn e f Olrenlntton Windy, cloudy, anow flnrriea visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. for brand and daughter, 497 . Spring Set by Pythians a post-Chrlstmas party and secret Free Delivery Thursday. Low la 80s. •on of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E!- St.; Mrs. Shirley Fluet and daugh­ An4M 0n, 1» Gardner St. recently all areas, except maternity, where pals will b« l^ e a M . ■ Refresh­ M ancheziet^A City o f Village Charm the.v are 2 to 4;S0 and «:S0 to 8 ter, Talcottvllle; Mrs. Teresa ^ k - Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ ments will be served. Members of LieOEH DRUQ was graduated from the Photogra­ er and daughter, 19 l>wls St.; pher's Mate School at the Naval p.m.; and. private rooms where ters, wl)l celebrate its 39th. an­ the Past Chiefs Club of Memorial SHUPPtNO PARHADE Mrs. Nanc.v Blackburn and daugh­ niversary tonight at 7:89 at ithe Temple are in charge of arrange­ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 78 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Air Technical Training Unit, Naval the.v are lo a.m. to 8 p.m. Visi­ ter, Coventry. MANCmSTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,“DECEMBER 27, 1961 (ClaaaUUd Advertising on Page 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS Air Station, Pensacola. Fla. An­ tors are requested not to smoke In lOOF Hall. Members of Memorial ments. derson la a graduate of Manchesier patients rooms. No more than two M *h School and entered the service risitors at one time per patient last January. Patients Today: 184 Fears Iraqi Moves State News President’s Members of Prisoilla Circle of AD.MITTED SATURDAY: Ham­ Emanuel Churchwomcn will meet ilton Mckee Jr.. 21 Church St., • LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the home of George Bag.<»haw, 73 Homestead I Mrs. Theodore Chambers. 41 White St.: William Ford, Wapping. MONDAY thru FRIDAY at 1:10 P.M. ~ SATURDAY 11:10 A.M. Roundup ’62 Budget St. Members are reminded to bring ADMITTED SUNDAY: Barbara Britain Speeds Kowalski Will a gift for the Uitheran Home in Chemerka. 84 Maple St.; Mrt Middletown and a grab bag gift. Helen Sweet. Dobson Rd., Vernon: Main Street Karen Bancroft. Warehou.se Point; Manchester Officials Probe In Balance Robert Vinton, son of Mr. and Fernand Audet, South Coventry; Mrs. George A. Vinton, 144 Bran-1 Richard Ga.v. Wapping. Ml 3-4123 Hospital Fires ford St., has been appointed resi-1 HOUSE a HALE Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 27 ADM ITTED YESTERDAY: dent counselor and assistant to the j Fleet to Kuwait {fP)— President; Kennedy has Harry Jackson, 325 Hilliard St.; J director of student personnel a t , In New Haven completed work on the budget Georgetown University, Washing-; Mr.s. Helen Ma.vottc. 381 E. Mid-l| die Tp,;c.; Calvin Taggart, 119 for the next fiscal year and it ton, D. C. He was graduated from London, I)ec. 27 (/P)— Brit-9clMm to the little neighboring ter- New Haven, Dec. 27 — Ribicoff Plans Woodland St.; .Mm. Eleanor Bar­ will be balanced, administra­ Georgetown in -Tune 19fi0 and is in I END OF THE YEAR Ish officials today disclosed a rltory Fire officials are investigat- his first year at Georgetown Uni- \ ron. East Hartford; Ward At­ Arab League troops, which tion officials said today. \’erslty Law School. wood, Hartford; Ronald Noake. 211 little armada is hurrying placed British Commandos, ' ing the second suspicious hos- No figures were disclosed, but High St.; Mrs. Olive O'Connor, 14.1 | —H toward the Persian Gulf oil lanea and warships in Kuwait last ‘ pit®! fiTe in two days. Neither speculation on its size has been'in Tomorrow is rescr\’ations dead-1 Brent Rd.; Kenneth Plecity, 201 eptember, amount to onlyiiy Ia token ! caused serious damage. the area of 892 billion, about 83 Adam.s St.; James Brazinska.s. 11 sheikhdom of Kuwait to meet Hits Bailey line for the New Year’s Eve party i a suspected Iraqi military force. In London's view the Arabs Acting Fire Marshal Thomas F. billion above the current year's. of Manchester Ijodge of Elks. The I Lawton Rd.; Mrs. Emma Glode. would not be able to stop any full- Lyden said a blaZe at St. Rai^ael's After visiting his ailing father. jMuty wUl be Sunday. Dec. 31. from 1701 Tolland Tpke : Mrs. Anna threat. scale assault by the Iraqis. Hospital yesterday definitely was | former Amba.ssador Joseph 10 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. at the Elks Schneider 47'.^ Charter Oak St.; The Admiralty said that at least set on purpose. It damaged a Kennedy this forenoon, the Pre.si-1 ‘Quick’ Call six warships, led by the 27.000-ton - % Home, with dancing to the music o f! Mi.sa Nancy Cordner. 9 Norman | (Continued on Page Four) linen bag and a few floor tiles. dent returned to the seaside man- j . '. -*iw Teddy Page and his orchestra., St.; Samuei Turcotte. 65 Overland aircraft carrier Centaur, have sail­ Dr. Francis Haiska. a resident Sion where he is sta>’ing. There lie Tickets may be obtained from E d -' S;.; Janet Morse, South Windsor; || ed from the East African base of physician, doused the flames be­ received a check up on his back by ward Tomkiel, Bruce Noble or' Richard Kcrri.s, Ea.st Hartford; Mombasa for an unannounced des­ fore they could do any damage or tination. a New York orthopedic specialist. | On Leaders Charlie Tucker, steward. Clifton Pierce. Tolland; Kent Wal­ consequence. Dr. Preston Wade, and the regular Other officials reported that the Nasser Breaks lace. 44 Willard Rd.; EliZabeth Lyden also said an investigation White House physician. Dr. Janet By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jam es E. Harvey, son of M r., LaMarche. 20 Oak St.. Rocdiville. ahips—which include two- frigates, and Mrs. Bernard J . Harvey, 18' a tank landing ship and two big of a small fire Monday in a locker Travell. ADMITTED TODAY: Leon Per- Link to Yemen; room at Grace-New Haven Hos­ White House Press Secretary Frank Kowalski, Congress­ Nye St., is undergoing recntit'train- ras. 60 Birch St. fleet auxiliaries—are heading for man-at-large, D-Conn., said at the Naval Training Center, the Kuwait area. pital revealed the article set on Pierre Salinger said the doctors BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son to fire was a pocketbook. A nurse reported the bpek is stronger than toda.v that cabinet Secretary Great Lakes, Rl. ’ Mr. and -Mrs. Ray Trus.sell, Vir­ They added several other precau- Revolt Feared WARNER'S tlonai^ British fleet moves are had reported it missing two hours last summer, but it will be several Abraham Rificoff “or some­ 7 ginia Beach, Va,; a .son to Mr, and Two Manchester men recently i FORMFIT under way but are still secret. esrlier, and authorites speculated months before Kennedy esn re­ one else around him is smok­ ! Mrs. P.obeii Klamni, 151 Chestnut Cairo. Dec. 27 (Ab—President It had been stolen. sume vigorous physical activity. completed recruit training at the 1 S t.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Over the Christmas weekend in­ ing an opium pipe” if they be­ Naval' Training Center. Great' telligence and diplomatic reports Na.ssers' domain is back where it Connecticut's hospitaLs. have "The Resident is in excellent I Flank Gobetz, 154 Park St. "DOUBLE PLAY" started—confined to Egypt—fol­ I general health and full.v able to lieve Ribicoff will be drafted Lakes, ,R1. They are Richard .1.! j BIRTHS SUNDAY ; A daughter lo from the region Indicated to the alerted their personnel to turn in Bagrge, son of Mr., and Mrs. Rich- I British government that Iraqi lowing severance of the loose fed­ reports of fires quickly since a ' carry on all of his duties." Salinger for the Democratic nomina­ jMr, and Mrs. Beecher LaBreck, 195 ■ eration that joined the little Ara­ aaid. ard J.B ag g e, 99. Ferguson Rd., and! ; I'nion St.; a daughter to Mr. and Premier Abdel Karim Kassim has blaZe at Hartford Hospital Dec. 8 tion for the U.S. Senate. Mark Ttvo Milestsones GIRDLE AND been massing troops, possibly as bian peninsular kingdom of Ye­ took 16 lives. , Kennedy took a cruise aboard Thomas D. Plgglns. son of Mr. •Mrs. Eugene Olesen Glastonbury. I Kowalski said that 12 of Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder of f the prelude to an inveslon to men to the United Arab Republic. the presidential yacht Honey FitZ necticut’s 169 towns have al­ and Mrs. W. S. Piggins, 14 Bond BIRTH.S YESTERDAY: A .son lo Nasser broke the tie with Yc- ' following the back examination. S t Manchester were honored at a from Associated Transport in Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McQuien, PANTY GIRDLE achieve the annexation of Kuwait Faces Murder Charge ready endorsed him for the nom­ j family l>arty yesterday at the Hartford. They were married Dec. he threatened last summer. I men last night,' apparently be- Later in the afternoon, he plan­ ination. He said he haa been as­ ' East Hartford; a daughter to Mr.
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