Against the Grain

Volume 20 | Issue 2 Article 5

April 2008 The Effect -- Part 1 Beth R. Berhardt University of North Carolina at Greensboro, [email protected]

Nathan Norris Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Berhardt, Beth R. and Norris, Nathan (2008) "The Google Effect -- Part 1," Against the Grain: Vol. 20: Iss. 2, Article 5. DOI:

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volume 20, number 2 APRIL 2008

ISSN: 1043-2094 “Linking Publishers, Vendors and Librarians” The Google Effect – Part 1 by Beth R. Bernhardt (Electronic Journals / Document Delivery Librarian, Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, P.O. Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402; Phone: 336-256-1210) and Nathan Norris (Information Specialist, Agoos Medical Library & Information Commons, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, One Deaconess Road, Boston, MA 02215; Phone: 617-632-8311)

oogle’s mission is to organize the decided to devote both the April and June print, why world’s information and make it univer- 2008 issues to this topic. In this issue, we buy whole Gsally accessible and useful. Although hear from librarians that use Google products books when students only read sections, and it was founded in 1998, and has been a public to teach students about information literacy, do we need perpetual access. company for less than four years, Google is aid in technical services, evaluate traditional Carol H. Jewell (“Using Google in Tech- now the world’s largest .1 indexing and abstracting services, explore the nical Services: An Unscientific Survey”) Today, Google’s influence in the informa- accessibility of government information and conducted an informal survey of technical tion and media market spaces continues to professional collaboration. services librarians to see how they used grow through acquisition, software creation, Aline Soules (“I Google, You Google, We Google. She shares responses from a large and growing advertising revenues. At this Google...”) discusses how she uses Google in variety of librarians mostly in North America. point, we thought it would be interesting to her information literacy classes to introduce She found that technical services librarians hear what you think about Google, and your topics such as copyright, privacy, the mechanics were using both Google tools as well as the response has been overwhelming! It seems of the Internet, etc. Aline also addresses col- search interface. that there are many “Google Effects,” so we lection development issues such as maintaining continued on page 16

What To Look For In This Issue: If Rumors Were Horses What is a Book?...... 46 The Informed Librarian Online...... 54 And surprising news! After 30 years Services at the University of California at Emerging Trends in Textbooks — at Elsevier, the most fabulous John Tagler Davis. Mary says that this is an amazing Libraries Will Feel the Effect...... 74 has decided to make a career change. He opportunity for her and she is looking has accepted the position as Vice President forward to being part of one of the finest Throwing Kindling on the & Executive Director of the AAP/ public universities in the States. eBook Fire...... 84 Professional and Scholarly Publishing Not to mention how excited she Interviews Division. John will be working out of is to be moving to California. Skip Prichard...... 44 AAP’s New York Office. John’s last Did you realize that Mary has Profiles Encouraged day at Elsevier was April been at Rutgers for 18 years (it Carol Jewell...... 26 15th and he began work at hardly seems possible). Says Julie Arendt...... 28 AAP/PSP on April 21st. Mary: “I’ve worked with Bonnie Klein...... 32 Thank heavens John will wonderful people who have continue to be in touch with challenged me to do things I Ramirose Ilene Attebury...... 34 most of us as he uses his never thought I was capable Julie George...... 38 experience and knowledge of, with every support and Cindy Judd...... 40 of STM publishing in an encouragement. Rutgers Brad Marcum...... 40 industry-wide setting. His will always be with me, and Nicole Montgomery...... 42 personal email address is . A huge congratulations, John! educated me and employed me for a good And, speaking of people leaving long- part of my working life. No disrespect to the time jobs, effective June 16, the incredible Davis Aggies, but I will always be a Scarlet Mary Page will be the AUL for Technical continued on page 6 1043-2094(200804)20:2;1-R of region. We just found out when a DVD The 2008 Charleston Conference Rumors we bought from Italy would not play on Website is coming to life. Our theme is “The from page 12 our machines. Gosh! Found this entry in Best of Times ... The Worst of Times.” We Wikipedia which seems to be accurate. have posted information on hotels and some collection have previously been available at program information and speakers are also a few American universities, but NC State appearing. We are lucky to have several now offers access to the entire range of 7,200 Also, see the ATG New Channel – www. speakers already listed: Rick Anderson journals, encompassing more than 23 million (University of Utah); Nancy Eaton (Penn full-text articles. Fascinating article in the Weekend State University); Derek Law (University Journal (The Wall Street Journal, April of Strathclyde); Deana Marcum (Library 5-6, 2008) about Germaine Greer’s of Congress); Michael Moss (University newly released book Shakespeare’s Wife, of Glasgow); Joyce Ogburn (University Despite everything he has on his plate, (Harper, 978-0061537158. 416 p., $26.95). of Utah); Pat Schroeder (Association of the incredible Bryan Carson managed to complete spelled Ann) Hathaway, “The 26-year-old (University of Illinois). We hope to have his column Legally Speaking for the April harridan who trapped innocent 18-year-old registration information up in late May. And Against the Grain. The column is about the William Shakespeare into marriage by we have already received many proposals Legal Concept of Privacy. Bryan is always getting pregnant.” See “The Bard’s Better for papers, etc. You can suggest a paper or right on point, isn’t he? And let’s wish him Half: Germaine Greer Aims to Restore the proposal from the Website NOW! Go and luck! He has his comps for his Ed.D in Name of ‘Shakespeare’s Wife’” by Cynthia do it! Do not put it off! Higher Ed. Leadership & Policy from Crossen. Little is actually known about Vanderbilt University coming up in May, the Hathaway/Shakespeare relationship 2008. Bryan says he also has to complete a but it seems fun to try to find out as much Interesting article in the New York Times consulting project with a real client instead as we can! Monday, March 17, 2008 about Jimmy of a dissertation. He expects to graduate in Wales and Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a non- May, 2009 “with more degrees behind [his] The Op Ed in this issue – What is a profit and is experiencing the growing pains name and more gray in his already thinning Book? – is by David Lindley who used to be with Coutts. Wikipedia from venture capital firms among for ATG. And he is going to attend ALA It builds on a talk David gave in the UK last others. We keep hoping to have Mr. Wales in Anaheim this summer! Whew! What a year. David is now running a freelance at a Charleston Conference one of these roller-coaster life! creative agency for libraries in the UK. years. Time will tell. This month’s Group Therapy poses And the awesome Elaine Robbins (see See – “Open-Source Troubles in Wiki the question about bringing faculty into the her review of The Informed Librarian World,” by Noam Cohen. (complete with a decision as to whether or not to eliminate all Online, this issue, p.54) is leaving the picture of the illusive Mr. Wales) print subscriptions even for current issues College of Charleston library for other of a journal. It was interesting to me that environs – military environs! That’s right! 17wikipedia.html?ex=1363492 the other day I got a email from a faculty Elaine is leaving the College for the Citadel member in the History Department. We And for those of you familiar with where she will be a reference and instruction had dropped a print subscription to a journal Charleston, the big Millennium Music librarian. We will miss her but hope to and replaced it with the electronic version. store on the corner of King and Calhoun continue to keep her in our ATG pages! He was pleading with us to reinstate the Streets (across from the Francis Marion Congrats, Elaine and good luck, especially print journal AND to continue to keep the hotel) is closing as of May 1. The $30,000 saluting! electronic journal. He had good reasons. We a month rent was too much for them! They And I don’t think I told you that I was decided to reinstate the print. Of course, the had been in business for 15 years. But there dismayed to learn that DVDs have region low cost of the print title was a factor. For is hope – Millennium is going to focus on and country codes. They may be encoded more perspectives on this issue, see Group building their two-year-old online business, so they will only play in a certain country Therapy, p.64. continued on page 26

many government agencies have found that Thank you for your interest, and we hope The Google Effect — Part 1 their products are not highly ranked in search to see you in June for “The Google Effect from page 1 results. While Google has a U.S. Government – Part 2.” We’ll learn about trends in library search option, it is somewhat hidden, and Web pages, integrating the Julie Arendt (“Imperfect Tools: Google the result list is limited by Google’s search “database,” teaching & custom Scholar vs. Traditional Commercial Library algorithm. Bonnie suggests that the problem search engines and collection development Databases”) asks a provocative question - can best be solved through a government in business resources. We will also hear can Google Scholar be used to replace some mandated system-neutral method to unambigu- from two vendors, the first will discuss how subscription resources? According to Julie, ously identify government information and its Google has enhanced their Web presence, we need to accept or reject Google Scholar copyright status. and the other will look at “The 21st Century based on how well it assists in a particular The last article in this issue (“Google Docs: Searcher!” step in information seeking. She concludes A Review”) is a great review of how people that given some situations, Google Scholar can collaborate using Google Docs. Five li- maybe a better tool than some of the traditional brarians: Ramirose Attebury, Julie George, indexing and abstracting resources. Cindy Judd, Brad Marcum, and Nicole Endnotes Bonnie Klein (“Google and the Search Montgomery collaborated with Google Docs 1. Google. Corporate Information: Com- for Federal Government Information”) to write this review. They discuss the features pany Overview. asserts that a great deal of government infor- and limitations of three Google products — corporate/ (accessed April 10, 2008). mation is difficult to find usingGoogle . And, documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

16 Against the Grain / April 2008