Letter From the Editor

Fiqh of Emergency International Virtual Conference ,, The Muslim World League (MWL) fasting for people infected with COVID-19 and the United Arab Emirates and healthcare teams, the rulings of Council for Fatwa and Shari’ah organized for those who are able to perform it despite the of Emergency International Virtual the existence of the pandemic and its spread Conference on 18-19 July 2020, under the among people. theme “Features of Fiqh post the Coronavi- Moreover, the participants discussed the rus Pandemic”. The event was attended by field of beliefs and how humankind deals elite and leading scholars, muftis, juristic with and explains disasters and crises (the councils, and a number of intellectuals and issue of good, evil, righteous and most academicians. appropriate). Regarding transactions, the The importance of this conference came conference presented the Shari’ah opinion amid the unprecedented global crisis caused on the various contracts that were delayed by the COVID-19 outbreak, classified by due to the pandemic, how to pay debts and the World Health Organization (WHO) as a due amounts in the case of an economic pandemic, which has left its toll on people’s inflation, and the emergency theory from the health, life and worship practices. perspective of the civil transactions law. The Fiqh of Emergency Conference focused The participants of the conference highlight- on studying the issues and areas that are ed the field of health and Shari’ah morals, affected by the coronavirus pandemic in focusing on five issues: dealing with the order to reach a Fiqh opinion that takes into corpses of COVID-19 victims, using vac- consideration today’s reality, based on the cines to prevent the disease, and socializing objectives of Shari’ah, mainly protecting the between a COVID-19 patient and health interests of the public. This opinion will be persons, and whether an infected person applied in the case that the pandemic lasts who transmits the virus to others should be for a longer time and its impact on different regarded as a felon and should be prevented fields increases. from visiting his parents and relatives and The conference held ten sessions, focusing shaking hands with them for fear of infec- on various issues such as laying the founda- tion. The participants discussed also whether tions for the Fiqh of emergency, discuss- the implications of the material and psy- ing matters related to worship practices chological impact of the pandemic should including the delay of prayer in the light be taken into consideration when handling of the pandemic conditions and the tem- family disputes. porary closure of mosques. Various issues In conclusion, the conference commended were explored as well, including the delay the distinguished efforts of Islamic countries of payment, the Shari’ah rulings of in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

PB lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 1 CONTENTS

Figh of Emergency Conference commends KSA measures to restrict Hajj and suspend 4 Journal The Muslim World League

Vol.48 No.12 Vol.48 No.11

Dhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020

Secretary-General H.E. Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa

Director of Communications and Public Information Abdulwahab Mohammed Alshahri The return of the Messiah: a theological Chief Editor story with a taste of fantasy 32 Dr. Osman Abu Zeid

The Muslim World League Journal P.O. Box: 537 Epidemics and crises Makkah, Saudi Arabia have disrupted Hajj throughout history...... 20 Tel: 00966 (012) 5600919 Hajj: An enlightening and interactive sojourn...... 24 E-mail: Health sciences must now lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l [email protected] look to to set things right ...... 38 3 www.themwl.org Annual Subscription Rates Saudi Arabia Individual subscribers: SR. 36 Organizations: SR. 100

Other Countries Individual subscribers: $20 Organizations: $26 MWL and ISESCO organize Forum of Role of Religious Leaders in Confronting Crises 14 Cheques payable to Muslim World League may be sent to Circulation & Subscription Deptt. Muslim World League, P.O. Box: 537 Makkah, Saudi Arabia

All articles and correspondence may please be addressed to Chief Editor, The Muslim World League Journal. While we reserve the right to edit, summarise or reject any contribution, no article, report or Adhan allowed across Europe letter will be returned to the sender. amid the Coronavirus pandemic 46 Views expressed in The Muslim World League Journal do not necessarily represent those of the It was one of world’s oldest Muslim World League. Articles universities but few heard of it...... 50 published may, however, be repro- Internet: A modern tool for introducing people to Islam.....54 duced with acknowledgement. Charity to repair Society...... 58 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 2 Egypt mourns its ‘doctor of the poor’...... 64 3 Figh of Emergency Conference commends KSA measures to restrict Hajj and suspend Umrah

Makkah - MWL

The international virtual conference “Emergency Fiqh: Features of the Post-Coronavirus” has concluded its activities after thanking the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the measures it has taken to restrict the number of pilgrims and suspend Umrah as precautionary measures against COVID-19 spread.

4 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 5 Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa: The pandemic has placed a major responsibility on the Shari’ah scholars to face confusing and perplexing questions.

The conference held sessions stressing the Cooperation to explain the provisions of the importance to unify the efforts of the na- urgent Shari’ah issues that arose because of tion’s leading scholars, muftis, bodies of this pandemic. senior scholars, advisory opinion, and fiqh His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin councils in the Islamic World as well as Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance Islamic academicians and thinkers around in the United Arab Emirates appreciated the world. in his opening speech the great keenness Organized by the Muslim World League of the important conference, highlighting and the United Arab Emirates Council for the role of the Shari’ah, as an engine for Fatwa and Shari’ah, the conference saw the the general social system. He expressed his participation of the Organization of Islamic thanks to all for their endeavors to crys-

4 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 5 He added, “As the best nation produced for humankind, and we, praise be to , a country that is very happy to contribute to UAE Minister of Tolerance: the achievement of interconnectedness and intellectual and real communication among The conference confirms the yourselves, for you are the scholars of the nation, and also among the Muslim people role of Shari’ah as an engine everywhere”. for the general social system His Excellency the Minister of Tolerance pointed out that the new coronavirus has had unprecedented effects on all aspects of life as well as on the relations between na- tions and people, and on the relationship of tallize its importance continuously, as a humans to Allah and the relationships with bulwark for safety and security in society, others. He added, “This conference clearly and even as a correct way to direct the lives declares that faith in Allah and holding re- of , to achieve with it and through sponsibility, determination and joint efforts it, the interests of the individual, and the in facing challenges are, in their entirety, the protection of the interests of society. sure path to success”. He said, “We are a state, praise be to Allah, He noted, “You are in this conference, but that is proud of Islam as a religion, and very you also emphasize the role of the nation’s happy with it, in this way supporting this scholars in supporting the efforts of society conference, which seeks to provide solutions and facing emergencies and crises, and you and proposals that enrich the life of the na- focus on this on the need for the scientific tion, renew its reality, and guide its future”. method and human progress to be a basic

6 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 7 way to confront this epidemic. As your presence together in this conference is also an important call for regional and global cooperation, in order to overcome problems Bin Bayyah: Hajj and preserve public health everywhere”. precautions are a Al Nahyan emphasized that the Shari’ah of Allah calls for unity, fraternity and coop- correct discipline in eration in order to achieve the interests of the people, and provides Muslims with an Shari’ah standard intellectual increase, a legal system, and a spiritual gift that guarantees the individual and society a good and safe life. Islam pre- want you to direct the Muslim individual fers easiness to hardship and the Shari’ah towards formulating his life affairs in light is flexible in its nature, developed in its of the virus according to a rational Islamic composition, based on diligence and the approach, and come up with appropriate implementation of reason, and the introduc- proposals in the areas of worship, beliefs tion of the causes of knowledge, within the and transactions, and how to achieve suc- framework of the spirit of Shari’ah, and the cess in managing this emergency crisis in essence of religion. the economic, health, and social fields in Al Nahyan continued, “We are putting our general”. trust and optimism in this conference, and His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin we expect it to lead to a number of key Abdulkarim Al-Issa, the Secretary General fatwas, and to set out mentoring programs of the Muslim World League delivered a that will make Muslim societies able to deal speech in which he emphasized that this with the effects of this epidemic. We also conference discusses an essential topic

6 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 7 mon confusion that people have because of the pandemic. He pointed out, “And while everyone was happy with the agreement of Juma’ah: We need the scholars under the umbrella of scholar- ly councils, our happiness is indescribable, a correct under- and I have decided that these councils are determined to meet here on one word in standing of the matters of affairs and issues”. context His Excellency the Secretary General of the Muslim World League continued, “The motivation of this conference was those urgent questions, outstanding issues, and related to the features of the post-corona multiple answers which perplexed many. pandemic fiqh. Because of the multiple The scholars of the Islamic nation should aspects of this fiqh to include important address these jurisprudential developments, Shari’ah issues, which the latest develop- through this forum, explaining the legal rul- ments and catastrophes insisted on, and at ing in its main issues and branches, in carry- the forefront, and even the main motivation ing out the legal responsibility, where Allah for holding this conference is the emerging Almighty chose them to carry the trust and pandemic. its performance, and they were more worthy His Excellency said, “Urgent matters of of it”. Shari’ah have emerged from worship, per- Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa explained that the con- sonal status and transactions. The pandemic ference also addressed, with this exception- has place a tremendous responsibility on the al great gathering, other pressing Shari’ah Shari’ah scholars in addressing the com- laws issues within the Islamic context.

8 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 9 His Excellency concluded by saying, “This pandemic, along with its suffer- ing, carries benefits for people; it has opened up horizons and opportuni- Qadri: The diversity of ties that have not occurred to them”. Then he thanked Sheikh Abdullah bin fatwas has a great value and Bayyah, for his active and distinguished importance in developing contribution as well as his efforts to- wards the success of this conference. the Islamic fiqh Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, Chair- man of the United Arab Emirates Coun- cil for Fatwa and Shari’ah, delivered a speech in which he said, “We meet the crisis and its effects”. He stressed that today while the world is going through a the view of this conference stems from the crisis due to the outbreak of the new pan- awareness that there is a party should not demic of coronavirus. Millions were in- overlook or left out what is going on, and it fected by covid-19 that claimed the lives of is the point of fiqh, which consists of class- many thousands, and it continues to spread es, laws, philosophy and spirituality. and threatens countries. It has been clas- His Excellency Sheikh Bin Bayyah con- sified as a pandemic by the World Health tinued: “Indeed, you scholars in the official Organization”. fatwa institutions, in your mosques and He added, “We are meeting today and our schools have confronted the new devel- bodies have diverged, but our hearts con- opments that the new reality imposed by verged. We meet in the first juristic con- the established mechanisms of fatwa and ference of this kind to study the results of curricula, and in accordance with local

8 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 9 contexts”. He pointed out that the Mus- the United Arab Emirates, in facing this lim World League, led by His Excellency crisis, was marked by the anticipation of Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim planning and firmness in its application. It Al-Issa, was the first in every unifying and is a vision based on the value of human dig- renewing effort. As His Excellency spared nity and generosity, as it raised the matter no effort in gathering the nation’s scholars of human life, health and comfort, and did and inviting leaders of opinion and thought not spare any effort or saved money for that. to deepen unity and enhance closer ties for This vision is also based on the value of in- the benefit of the Islamic and human nation. novation, so the UAE participated with the He said, “In this matter, we have had an ef- world in developing advanced treatments fort in the United Arab Emirates Council for and taking advantage of the latest experi- Fatwa and Shari’ah to issue a set of fatwas ences, so it benefited citizens and residents and statements to clarify the legal position from the most advanced treatments and the on a number of key practical and contractual most advanced tests”. issues. The Council also played its guiding His Excellency Sheikh Noor Al-Haqq role in keeping up with the general policy of Qadri, Minister of Religious Affairs of the the United Arab Emirates and its pioneering Islamic Republic of Pakistan, delivered a practical vision in addressing the crisis”. speech in which he addressed the repercus- Sheikh Bin Bayyah praised the measures sions of the coronavirus worldwide. taken by the government of the Kingdom of He said, “Muslims in the Islamic world Saudi Arabia, describing these measures as and elsewhere do not do anything except Shari’ah-based and aim to protect the Two based on the fatwa of scholars and jurists, Holy Mosques, which are the holiest places. and since the outbreak of this virus in the The Kingdom, he added, implemented world, the centers of fatwas, juristic coun- measures to avoid disasters and sanctify cils and senior jurists have worked to clarify sanctity in the face of crisis, stressing that the Shari’ah laws of various emerging it is necessary to adhere to and abide by the issues about the Corona pandemic. These government of the Custodian of the Two fatwas, as issued by official institutions or Holy Mosques, based on its sovereign and by independent muftis, or by Islamic reli- Shari’ah responsibility to care for pilgrims gious parties and societies that took it upon and visitors, and to help them in preserving themselves to issue fatwas to their follow- the health and safety of all. ers. These fatwas varied according to the Sheikh Bin Bayyah noted, “The decision diversity of Islamic schools of thought, the issued to restrict Hajj this year to domestic difference in ijtihad and its origins within pilgrims and reduce the number of pilgrims these different schools of thought, but all of is in the interest of Muslims because they them have a great value and importance in may face the risk of disease spreading developing Islamic fiqh”. among them in light of the continuance of He said, “The beautiful thing that we have the corona pandemic. Hajj precautions are a seen is the commitment of the majority of correct discipline in Shari’ah standard and Muslims to orders. They realized that the the correct scholarly methodology. one, who issued the fatwa prohibiting some- He continued: “The vision of our country, thing, wanted the good for all the Muslims”.

10 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 11 His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar also benefit from modern science, while em- Juma’ah, Minister of Awqaf in the Arab Re- phasizing that useful science is the absolute public of Egypt, affirmed that the jurispru- science that benefits people in the affairs of dence of dealing with the corona pandemic their religion and their lives. As the people showed the urgent need to get out of the of knowledge in every science and art are narrow horizons, which were represented by the people who are specialized in it”. some of those affiliated with the religious In the closing statement, the conferees discourse in preserving the provisions of praised the rational decisions taken by the some issues without consideration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding Um- Islamic fiqh of purposes and fate, taking rah, visiting and praying in the Two Holy into account the circumstances of time and Mosques and commended its precautionary place, the conditions of people and the de- measures for restricting Hajj this year to velopments and trends of every era. domestic pilgrims (30% of Saudis and 70% He noted, “We have become more than of resident expatriates). ever in urgent need of reason to properly The scholars commended the Kingdom’s understand the text through Shari’ah and pioneering role in the international relief re- logical rules. Moreover, the transition from lated to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic the approaches of memorization and indoc- and its efforts to combat this scourge and trination to approaches to understanding and mitigate its effects through King Salman analysis, in our curricula, programs, scien- Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSre- tific writings and media discourse. Stressing lief). They said the Kingdom has provide fi- at the same time that it is indispensable to nancial, medical, nutritional and specialized return to our scientific roots in the principles aid for all beneficiaries, regardless of their of jurisprudence and fundamentalism and gender, color or religion, in compliance

10 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 11 with the teachings of Islam, which came as security authorities in order to face this pan- a mercy to all humans. demic, indicating that these decisions achieve The efforts of the United Arab Emirates interests and eradicate public and private cor- were highlighted and praised for facing the ruption, describing violators as sinners. crisis and providing relief to all humans re- The recommendations called on all Mus- gardless of religion, color, race, or location. lims to continue to perform their Islamic, The participants thanked the Muslim World humane and legitimate duty to provide the League for all the support and aid it has giv- required support of zakat and donations, en all around the world to address the pan- and work to satisfy the needs of those af- demic and mitigate its economic and health fected, compassion and cooperation with impact. Millions of people in 25 countries their societies, and to show selflessness and benefited from this aid. The Organization of solidarity, and embody the ethics and values Islamic Cooperation was thanked for pro- of Islam in times of crisis and adversity. viding medical and humanitarian assistance In their closing statement, the participants to different countries. called on imams, preachers and intellec- The participants spoke highly of the sac- tual and Shari’ah bodies to perform their rifices made by the medical staff and their role in guiding people and supporting them dedication to saving lives, treating and spiritually and culturally by modern means caring for the patients of this pandemic, of communication, and also adopt a global and the efforts of all workers, individuals human civilizational discourse, spreading a and institutions, in combating this scourge, spirit of hope and optimism. noting that these efforts are a reminder of The participants pointed out in their clos- the great reward promised to everyone who ing statement that one of the central values revives and preserves a living soul. that this crisis has demonstrated is the value The participants recommended the forma- of solidarity between humankind to face the tion of a committee to write and state the dangers that do not differentiate between peo- valuable fiqh judgments contained in the ple, races, colors and homelands, but rather sessions of this conference, broadcast the affect everyone. They agreed that charity in conference sessions and publish its papers times of adversity should be extended to all and outcomes in order to benefit fiqh coun- people regardless of their religions. cils, scholarly institutions, Shari’ah research- The conference warned against the dan- ers and bodies related to the fiqh research. ger of hate speech, including the voices of The conferees affirmed the necessity of rejection of the expressions and slogans of activating the role of juristic councils and unity among the followers of religions. The advisory institutions in order to face such participants stressed that Muslims, Jews, crises through the fiqh of emergency, noting Christians and others are brothers in human- that contemporary Islamic fiqh can solve ity and in citizenship, quoting the Quranic society’s problems and bring benefit to all verse which says that saving the life of one humankind at all times and places. soul is like saving the lives of all human be- The conference underscored the importance ings. The participants said human sympathy of complying with all decisions, regulations in crises renews their feeling of belonging and precautions issued by the health and to the human family.

12 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 13 MWL issues statement on World Day against Trafficking in Persons

MAKKAH – MWL of one’s dignity and a decent living are two key needs for human beings in all times and The Muslim World League (MWL) eras and are based on a number of values. said in a statement issued on the World Day This includes the preservation of legitimate Against Trafficking in Persons that it has rights and freedoms and the achievement of been following closely and carefully the peace and harmony among all human beings. growing rate of human trafficking and the “Unfortunately, today’s human beings still, repercussions of this practice on the regional despite all massive and rapid technologies, and international level. suffer from economic pressures that treat A signatory to numerous international or- humans as if they were a commodity and ganizations and a representative of over 1.8 consume them without any regard to values billion Muslims from all over the world, the and morals,” he noted. Muslim World League stressed that it attach- The world is surprised by the emergence es great significance to its cooperation with of the new form of slavery and servitude, the international community to combat and which is the phenomenon of trafficking in curb this dangerous and grave phenomenon. persons. It is, in fact, an unjust exploitation The MWL has participated effectively in of human beings and their circumstances, many relevant international conferences and and a flagrant violation of their legitimate forums as well as endorsed and signed a num- rights. This practice transforms humans into ber of humanitarian agreements and partner- cheap commodities and is led by merciless ships with various governments, international and brutal gangs that oppress the victims and entities and humanitarian organizations. force them into servitude and an unknown His Excellency the Secretary General of the future. Muslim World League, Sheikh Dr. Muham- His Excellency pointed out that the phenom- mad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, explained that enon of trafficking in persons has become the phenomenon of Trafficking in Persons today a transnational and cross-border crime, has become a serious threat to humanity, a new form of today’s slavery that human representing a major problem for societies beings have not known before. It consti- because it has turned into a global organized tutes a clear violation of human dignity and crime. humanity, a fact that led the United Nations Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa added that this unfair to consider it the most serious crime threat- practice blatantly exploits and violates hu- ening today’s world second to drug traffick- man dignity, one’s rights and fundamental ing and arms trade. Therefore, the United freedoms in an era where civilization has Nations designated July 30 as the World Day reached advanced stages of progress and Against Trafficking in Persons in order to prosperity. raise people’s awareness about it and warn Dr. Al-Issa pointed out that the safeguarding them against falling victims to it.

12 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 13 MWL and ISESCO organize Forum of Role of Religious Leaders in Confronting Crises The Global Forum of Religious Leaders issues the Declaration of Moral Solidarity

Report: Zakaria Ayoub Dola

The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Orga- nization (ISESCO), in cooperation with the Muslim World League (MWL) and the World Muslim Communities Council (WMCC), held the global virtual forum, “The Role of Religious Leaders in Confronting Crises” on July 21, 2020, with the participation of His Excellency the President of Chad, Idriss Déby Itno, and a group of prominent international religious and intellectual figures.

14 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 15 The forum came under the countries and threaten our organizing this conference slogan “Towards a Global values. He added that all by ISESCO, which aims to Ethical Solidarity for Re- conflicts undermine efforts reach a comprehensive vi- ligious Leaders”, in which to peace and security in the sion in the face of crises. the participants emphasized world, calling for the need The President said, the co- that any global model for to resolve conflicts in the rona pandemic posed a chal- comprehensive and sustain- region through the efforts of lenge to all societies and able development should be religious leaders. threatened our health and based on a spiritual moral The Chadian President economic systems in all na- system, starting from two stated that the comprehen- tions, and facing it requires basic pillars: the necessity sive approach to the topic a lot of work to contribute of global ethics, and the is sufficient on its own to in protecting our world. need to preserve human mobilize efforts and achieve Moreover, the religious dignity. the desired goal. He noted leaders play an important The Forum opened with a the prominent role that role in resolving conflicts speech by President Idriss religious leaders play in and spreading awareness of Déby Itno, the President bringing peace and stability precautionary measures in of the Republic of Chad, and rejecting violence and the face of crises, especially in which he said, the daily hatred, and that all heavenly “Covid-19”. dramatic crises and conflicts books teach us the values His Excellency Sheikh Dr. and the high level of vio- that make us live a harmo- Muhammad bin Abdulkarim lence and hatred undermine nious life. He also under- Al-Issa, the Secretary Gen- the development of our scored the importance of eral of the Muslim World

Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa: Religious leaders’ response to develop- ments is a religious, moral and humani- tarian obligation

14 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 15 League said that there is a great role for religious lead- ers in facing crises, espe- cially in emergency inci- dents related to the articles of Shari’ah, which require a firm scholarly decision, whether in the jurispru- dence of the Shari’ah text or research survey, taking into consideration the full per- ception of the incident with an enlightened Islamic dis- course framing the scholarly subject with the beauty and majesty of Islamic Shari’ah. Chadian President: All conflicts His Excellency affirmed undermine the efforts towards that the Islamic nation, and indeed the whole of human- peace and security in the world ity, needs the enlightened world’s horizon, adding that corona pandemic came upon everyone, so “we all must share the solutions, said the conference aims that the People of the Book and the Islamic contribution to emphasize the role of represent more than 55% is very important.” religious leaders in facing of the world’s population Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa stressed crises and aspire to agree on while the religions of the that religious leaders’ a document of global moral Far East represent 31%. response to developments solidarity, and that the true His Excellency clarified is a religious, moral and Islamic religion is a source that crises require a re- humanitarian obligation. of wisdom that establishes newed endeavor by media However, this contribution the values of tolerance. leaders to urge support for must be in its competence He pointed out that the reliable organizations and and not to exceed it because role of religious leaders is institutions. the competence must be escalating today more than His Excellency Dr. Mu- respected. before to achieve the as- hammad Mukhtar Jumaa, His Excellency Dr. Salem pirations of humanity as a Minister of Awqaf and bin Muhammad Al-Malik, whole of global moral soli- Chairman of the Supreme the Director General of The darity that leads to achiev- Council for Islamic Af- Islamic World Educational, ing the lofty goals that fairs in Egypt, noted in his Scientific and Cultural underpin international secu- speech that only the righ- Organization (ISESCO) rity and peace. Pointing out teous people will remain

16 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 17 selfishness, hatred and con- flict”. He pointed out that the ac- cusation is directed against the religions that came to establish peace between people, emphasize the sanc- tity of human blood, and provide an ethical environ- ment in which everyone lives. Considering that the relations of people in the Qur’an are brotherhood and acquaintance relations, and there is no place in Islam Dr. Al-Malik: The role of religious for the relations of conflict leaders is stepping up further to and cultural and economic domination between people. achieve what humanity aspires to be Sheikh Dr. Al-Tayeb ex- plained that societies suffer from moral and religious imbalance despite the inter- national efforts to preserve and not of corruption and gion for political purposes them, stressing that corona spoilers. Moreover, human that are incompatible with pandemic afflicted everyone values do not accept double the true religion. Consider- and revealed many crises, standards or injustice, and ing that nations, which are especially in the field of that all divine laws agreed not based on morals and ethics, when many raced to on the high human values values, bear the factors of exploit the needs of people. of justice, tolerance, loyalty, their fall in the origin of His Excellency Dr. Ali honesty, parental rights, the their construction, and his- bin Rashid Al-Nuaimi, the inviolability of the orphan’s tory is a witness to that”. President of the World Mus- money, and the rights of The Sheikh of Al-Azhar, lim Communities Council, the neighbor at the level of Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb confirmed that the choice of individuals, tribes, groups, said, “The world today the topic of the conference and states. needs to consolidate the is very important, as the His Excellency said, principles of human unity, world today is going through “There should be a clear adding that the meanings a crisis that targets human distinction between religion, of unity and peace have and humanity and does not which is a right, and the become an exception to a respect borders, nationalities ambitions of some countries total rule governing many or races. He added that the and groups that trade in reli- regions of the world with confrontation must be

16 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 17 comprehensive and from of these responsibilities. thought, the mechanisms of all, and the world must join His Excellency also point- work in investing the gains hands to face such crises. ed to the need for religious of crises and dealing with His Excellency clarified leaders to respect the po- their negative repercus- that all people by returning litical decisions issued by sions. The third discussed to religions, they return to various countries in dealing the prospects for joint the main sources to seek with the crisis as well as institutional work among solutions and look to reli- commitment to the political religious leaders around the gious leaders as symbols to framework in each country, world. guide and direct them, add- because facing the crisis Participants in the forum ing that no one can abolish stems from a sovereign stressed that in order to the role of religious leaders decision owned by the lead- achieve these noble goals, and those religious leaders ers of those countries for it is necessary to inten- sify the efforts of religious leaders to bring views and attitudes closer towards the effective ways of deal- ing with these crises and also to continue joint work through an implementation plan, practical programs and innovative solutions to the outputs of this declaration. To provide the solutions that the countries and people of the world are waiting for, in a way that fulfills the func- tion of religious leaders in must take responsibility and their concern for the life and the civilizational range, and make religions as bridges of safety of people. enhances the role of faith love and joint action in the After the opening session, and moral values and their service of humanity. three specialized scholarly contribution to addressing His Excellency said, “All sessions took place, and global crises. religions have noble values included enriching discus- In its closing statement, the and shared values, and reli- sions and creative ideas. Forum called for the neces- gious leaders should strive The first session dealt with sity to adhere to five basic to highlight them in order to (the theme of initiatives and principles, (1) the right to face crises with each other best practices of religious be in faith and the respect as one team”, pointing out institutions during CO- for religions (2) the right the need for religious lead- VID-19). The second ses- to live and the spread of ers to realize their true re- sion discussed the new and peace (3) human solidarity sponsibilities and the limits future features of religious and cooperation in building

18 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 19 a fair global economy (4) (4) ISESCO should prepare society organizations. commitment to a culture of an implementation plan and (7) Elaborating a balanced tolerance in speech and be- work programs on the role and humane vision of immi- havior and (5) equal rights of common human ethics to gration issues between the and duties between women achieve comprehensive and countries concerned, and to and men. sustainable development, be considered as an element The Forum came out at the and to invite cooperating of enrichment and develop- conclusion of a valuable set and sponsoring bodies to ment among the countries of important recommenda- finance it. of the world. tions and decisions that (5) Emphasizing the re- (8) Achieving a model of were reached through the sponsibility of human de- citizenship that accommo- suggestions of the partici- velopment institutions in the dates national issues, local pants from the scholars and need to prepare documents particularities and global researchers, and the recom- mendations came, including the following: (1) Collecting and docu- menting the initiatives of specialized organizations and civil and religious enti- ties to confront coronavi- rus pandemic, foremost of which are the specific initia- tives launched by ISESCO, and inviting donors and sponsors to support these initiatives to achieve their noble humanitarian goals. for sectoral ethics in the humanitarian issues, espe- (2) ISESCO should submit field of scientific research, cially among young people, the Forum Declaration to artificial intelligence, sports, to enable them to play cul- member states, regional and economics, media and tural mediation roles. international organizations communication, and train- (9) Qualifying workers in and institutions concerned ing programs on it; further- religious institutions and es- with joint work. more to be included in the tablishments to enable them (3) ISESCO should pre- academic and educational to play their role in address- pare a comprehensive study curricula. ing public affairs issues. on the guidelines for the (6) Formulating a coopera- (10) Introducing and insert- renewal of ethical religious tive framework for the foun- ing the tangible and intan- thought to deal with crises, dation for ethical, religious gible religious and spiritual based on the contents and and humanitarian values heritage of humanity in the guidelines of this forum shared by the legislative and academic and educational declaration. executive entities and civil curricula.

18 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 19 Epidemics and crises have disrupted Hajj throughout history

Nizar Abdel Baqi Ahmed

Since Hajj was ordained in the ninth year of the Hijra, pilgrims have flocked every year from all corners of the globe to Makkah in order to perform the duty, which is the fifth pillar of Islam.

20 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 21 King Abdulaziz secured the Hajj roads

Ever since its unification by King Abdu- laziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, the King- dom has exerted great efforts and devoted full attention and care to spreading security and stability throughout the country, and providing reassurance to the pilgrims so that they can perform their duty in ease and with safety. The Kingdom has spent enor- mous amounts of money for this purpose. When King Abdulaziz tightened his grip on the country and won the support and obedience of all people, he declared that he would eradicate the outlaw groups that Although Hajj is a must for every adult were infamous for spreading terror among and abled Muslim, it was not held in some pilgrims, attacking their convoys. King Ab- seasons for various reasons, including dulaziz managed to eliminate the groups. outbreaks of epidemics and diseases and King Abdulaziz’s sons followed in their insecurity on the roads leading to Makkah. father’s footsteps. During their reigns, the In some of these cases the delegations from Two Holy Mosques have seen huge ex- the countries of the Islamic world were few pansions to prepare them for pilgrims and in number. visitors, and to provide all the requirements

20 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 21 disasters, such as spread of diseases and epidemics, political turmoil and security instability, economic decline in a number of countries, spread of burglars that caused insecurity, to mention but a few. The site mentions the most prominent cases dur- ing which the Hajj season was suspended, including: the Carmatian massacre. According to the site, the first time that the was disrupted happened during that help pilgrims perform the Hajj rituals. the time of the Carmatians, who believed, The holy sites in Mina, Arafat and Muzdali- according to their false beliefs, that Hajj fah saw huge development as well. was a return to pre-Islamic times. The site indicates that Abu Taher Al-Qarmatli Historical precedents stood before the gate of the on the In a study published by the official website eighth of Dhu al-Hijjah in 317 AH, and of the King Abdulaziz Darah, the Islamic called on his followers to kill the pilgrims history recorded that Hajj season was inter- and destroy the noble Kaaba. The massa- rupted 40 times due to various events and cre caused at least 30,000 pilgrims to lose

22 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 23 their lives and get buried on the spot. The Carmatians did not only kill people but they also removed and took away the Black Stone and carried it with them to their capi- The Carmatians were tal in Bahrain. behind the suspension “Al-Masheri” epidemic of Hajj for the first The Darah site indicates that an epidemic spread in Makkah in the year 357 AH, time in history known as “Al-Mashri”, and caused the death of many people including the camels of pilgrims that died of thirst. In fact, most pilgrims who managed to reach Makkah died after performing the Hajj rituals. French campaign Security reasons The Darah website mentions a hiatus in the According to the Darah, events occurred Hajj season in 1213 AH due to the “French in the year 429 AH and caused Muslims campaign” that existed at the time, which to lose security in large parts of their lands caused insecurity on the roads to Makkah. and prevented them from reaching Makkah to perform the rituals of Hajj. Indian epidemic In another article on the epidemics that War caused the disruption of the Hajj, the site The sources also documented a number indicated that the year 1246 AH witnessed of wars that prevented the pilgrims from an outbreak of an epidemic that came from reaching Makkah between 654 and 658 AH, India, which killed at least three quarters of with the exception of the people of . the pilgrims in that year.

22 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 23 Hajj: An enlightening and interactive sojourn

Fatima Taneem Ruknudeen

Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, is one of the largest gatherings in the world. It unifies tens of thousands of Muslims of diverse backgrounds to perform a series of prescribed rituals during the specified days (7th to 13th) of Dhul-Hijjah, the twelfth month of the .

24 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 25 Hajj is one of the five fundamental pillars and gain the reward of Paradise. of Islam, compulsory on every Muslim who Hajj comprises of a series of rituals is capable of undertaking it at least once which pilgrims undertake re-tracing the in their lifetime. A Muslim performs this journey which the Prophet Muhammad obligation in order to redeem oneself of sins (peace be upon him) himself undertook more than 1400 years ago replicating and commemorating the legacy of Prophet Ibra- him (peace be upon him). These rituals help the pilgrims to come closer to Almighty Allah and also foster unity, harmony and The origins and tradition brotherhood among different Muslim com- munities. of Hajj date back more The entire journey of Hajj constitutes an extensive form of worship signifying total than 4000 years ago to submission to the Will of Almighty Allah. It Prophet Ibrahim’s time not only denotes the outer physical travel- ling but also implies the inner journey of the self towards Almighty Allah by mov- ing away from the baser human instincts towards lofty divine characteristics. There- fore, this journey involves the body, mind and soul of a believer and entails sacrifice of many worldly assets such as money, plea- sure, comfort etc. coupled with a display of exemplary character, all for the sake of Almighty Allah and His pleasure. Thus, the entire being - body, mind and soul has to be alive and witnessing the events of Hajj to reap its profound benefits. There are many lessons to be learned from the rituals of Hajj and these ‘mo- ments’ of religious insights increase the understanding of religion as well as mold a person to live one’s life according to the commands of Almighty Allah. The ulti- mate goal of Hajj is for Muslims to be true servants of Almighty Allah and also for the different Muslims to unite and live together as a single global community (Ummah). The following article sheds light on the essence of Hajj rituals both from a historical and psychosocial perspective:

24 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 25 The noble Qur’an states- Ever since then, countless number of “And proclaim to the people the Hajj Muslims have performed the Hajj follow- (pilgrimage), they will come to you on foot ing the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad and on every lean camel, they will come who was himself re-enacting the actions of from every distant pass.” (Surat Al-Hajj, Prophet Ibrahim and his family. Verse 27) The word ‘Hajj’ literally means ‘to set ORIGINS OF HAJJ out for a place’. The origins and tradition The origin of Hajj is rooted to the life of of Hajj dates back more than 4000 years Prophet Ibrahim. The rituals of Hajj revolve ago to Prophet Ibrahim’s time. The above- around the life of Prophet Ibrahim, his wife mentioned Quranic verse is Almighty Al- Syeda Hajar and son, Prophet Ismail. The lah’s command to Prophet Ibrahim to invite story elucidates the true meaning and sig- people for pilgrimage to Makkah after he nificance of Hajj and is as follows- had built the Kaaba along with his son, Prophet Ibrahim was born into a fam- Prophet Ismail. And since then hundreds of ily of idol-worshippers in present-day Iraq people have been flocking to Makkah annu- over 4000 years ago. As a child, he tried ally to perform Hajj. However, it was only dissuading his family and society at large after the advent of Islam that the idolatrous from polytheism and reasoning the worship beliefs and corrupted rituals that had seeped of only One God. However, his family and over the centuries into the pure monotheistic society not only rejected him but persecuted religion of Prophet Ibrahim were complete- him and threw him into fire for his belief in ly abolished and the Kaaba was purified of One God. However, Almighty Allah saved idols by Prophet Muhammad. him and he decided to migrate away from

26 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 27 When Prophet Ibrahim laid down his son and was about to strike his neck, Almighty Allah stopped him and ordered him to sacrifice a ram instead

his people. He left home with his cousin, fearing the water would disappear. Thus, the Prophet Lut and Syeda Sara and wandered well of Zamzam sprang at Makkah enabling through Arabia, Palestine and Egypt for Syed Hajar and her son to make settlement years before settling in Palestine; preaching at Makkah with the Arab tribe of Jurhum. the Oneness of Almighty Allah wherever Years later, Prophet Ibrahim returned they went. to Makkah when Prophet Ismail was a As his wife Syeda Sara was barren, she young lad and informed him of his vision persuaded Prophet Ibrahim to marry her of slaughtering his son at the Command of maid, Syeda Hajar, who bore him a son Almighty Allah. when he was 85 years old. But soon thereaf- Young Ismail immediately agreed to it ter, on Almighty Allah’s Command, he took reassuring his father of his full cooperation. the mother and baby and left them alone in Then both the father and son set out to carry the forsaken valley of Makkah and returned the task ordained by Almighty Allah. How- to Palestine. After a while, Syeda Hajar ever, the Satan tried to dissuade Prophet started frantically searching for water in the Ibrahim from his obligation at three differ- deserted valley to quench her infant’s thirst. ent locations; but he pelted the Satan away; She ran back and forth between the nearby remaining committed to his task. When hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwa, climbing Prophet Ibrahim laid down his son and was on top of each of them in the lookout for about to strike his neck, Almighty Allah passerby and invoking Almighty Allah to stopped him and ordered him to sacrifice a help them. At her seventh attempt, she saw ram instead. Angel Jibreel near her son striking the earth Some time later, Almighty Allah com- and watched as water started miraculously manded the father and son to rebuild the gushing. She immediately tried to contain it; Kaaba on its original foundations. While

26 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 27 building it, both of them invoked Almighty Allah and prayed for peace, prosperity and divine blessings around it. The Black Stone was sent from the Heavens to be laid at one After the Kaaba of its corners. After the Kaaba was built, Almighty Allah then gave the Command of was built, Almighty Hajj and ever since then Hajj has been the annual affair of the people. Allah then gave the Thus, these life events of Prophet Ibra- him and his family signify sacrifices and Command of Hajj sincere submission to Almighty Allah coupled with their unflinching trust and faith in Him alone. The Almighty Allah was so pleased by their actions and attitude that he legislated the structure, sites and actions associated with them to be considered as the ‘Symbols of Allah’ (ShaairAllah) and the Rituals of Hajj (Manasik).

SYMBOLS OF ALLAH “...And whoever honors the Symbols of Allah - indeed it is from piety of hearts.” (Surat Al-Hajj, Verse 32) ‘Symbols of Allah’ have been designated by Almighty Allah in the Noble Qur’an and these ‘symbols’ and the people, places, ani- mals or things associated with them serve as reminders of Almighty Allah and His attributes. the first House of Worship established on These ‘Symbols of Allah’ are only to be the Earth since Prophet Adam’s time. It was respected and honored and not to be wor- replaced by Prophet Ibrahim and his son, shipped in any form or degrees. Prophet Ismail who prayed for its security, The greatest ‘Symbols of Allah’ are the prosperity and divine blessings. It repre- Kaaba, the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet sents the direction all Muslims face in their Muhammad (peace be upon him). prayers (Qiblah). It is the center of faith, Other ‘Symbols of Allah’ include the existence, unity and love. The ritual of cir- hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwa, the standing cumambulation around the Kaaba is called place of Prophet Ibrahim, Mina, Arafat and Tawaf. Muzdalifah. • HILLS OF AL-SAFA AND AL-MAR- • KAABA - WA - It is also called the House of Allah and is These are the two hills between which

28 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 29 Syeda Hajar ran back and forth in her quest RITUALS OF HAJJ for water for her son Prophet Ismail climb- Hajj is made up of a series of prescribed ing on top of each of them seeking Al- duties and rituals at specific locations at and mighty Allah’s help. The ritual of walking around Makkah, which have to be sequen- and seven times running between these hills tially followed based on the Noble Quran is called Saee. and the Practices of Prophet Muhammad. • MAQAM-E-IBRAHIM- The main Rituals of Hajj and their sig- The Standing Place of Prophet Ibrahim - nificance are outlined below - It is the place where Prophet Ibrahim used to stand at the time he built the Kaaba. The • - place is signified by the impressions of his It is the ‘sacred state’ that a pilgrim must footprints, which are enclosed in the vicin- enter before performing Hajj. A pilgrim ity of the Kabah. After Tawaf, two-unit vol- enters this state by performing cleansing untary prayers are offered around this place rituals after which the men wear special along with supplications. ‘Ihram’ clothing symbolizing purity, unity During Hajj, these ‘Symbols of Allah’ and equality; transcending class, nationality are the Signs of Allah as He is remembered or race. when the pilgrims offer prayers while car- rying out instructions and observances that • TAWAF - are attached to them; doing such deeds as It is the circumambulation around the Acts of Obedience to Him and seeking His Kaaba seven times in counter clockwise pleasure. direction. This ritual of ‘Tawaf’ demon-

28 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 29 Other ‘Symbols of Allah’ include the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwa, the standing place of Prophet Ibrahim, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah strates love, devotion and servitude towards Almighty Allah symbolizing the believers entry into divine presence, re-enacting as it father Prophet Adam and mother Hawwa were the movement of Angels around the were united, after their descent from Heav- Heavenly ‘Bait-al-Mamoor’. This ritual also en, and had prayed for forgiveness for their reminds the pilgrims that their lives should sins at the hill in Arafat -Mountain of Mercy revolve around the Almighty Allah alone. where Almighty Allah forgave them. It was also here at the foothills of Mountain of • SAEE - Mercy that our Prophet Muhammad (peace It is the ritual of walking between the be upon him) delivered his ‘Farewell Ser- two hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwa replicat- mon’ during the ‘Farewell Hajj’. Arafat also ing Syeda Hajar. It demonstrates optimism reminds the pilgrims of the Day of Judge- and complete trust in Almighty Allah. It ment when all of humanity will be gath- also serves to remind pilgrims that while ered together. The night stay at Muzdalifah striving in this world they need to trust and serves as a reminder for the reality of grave. rely upon Almighty Allah Alone. • THROWING PEBBLES AT JAMA- • HALT AT MINA, ARAFAT AND RAT PILLARS IN MINA (RAMI) - MUZDALIFAH - The symbolic stoning ritual re-enacts These are the sacred sites around Prophet Ibrahim’s rejection of Satan’s temp- Makkah in which the pilgrims perform their tation to dissuade him from his obligation to Hajj rituals. sacrifice his son depicting Absolute Obedi- The camping at Mina for three days is ence to Almighty Allah. a reminder of the transient nature of this • SACRIFICE OF AN ANIMAL (UD- world. HIYA) - Arafat reminds the pilgrims of the past as This ritual commemorates Prophet Ibra- well as the future. It was in Arafat that our him’s willingness to sacrifice his beloved

30 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 31 Thus, the pilgrims become more con- scious and aware of Almighty Allah leading to increase in their piety and virtuousness (Taqwa). • Honoring the ‘Symbols of Allah’ and what Almighty Allah deems sacred. • Significance of the Islamic tradition and the history of sacrifices made for the sake of Almighty Allah Alone by the Noble Prophets and their families and followers. Importance of past history of Islam and its son for the sake of Almighty Allah. This symbolic connections with the present. ritual symbolizes Absolute Devotion to • Communal Hajj rituals pave way for Almighty Allah and commitment to help the interactions between pilgrims of different poor and needy. countries, building bridges of coopera- Thus, by performing the rituals of Hajj, tion, tolerance, patience, love and empathy pilgrims demonstrate deep spiritual connec- between them. Thus, integrating all pilgrims tions and gain profound religious insights. into a single global Muslim community -The Ummah having a Common Identity LESSONS LEARNED DURING HAJJ (symbolized by ‘Ihram’ dress) and same RITUALS purpose (depicted by communal prayers, Each and every ritual of the Hajj is his- rituals) promoting unity within. torically significant and meaningful; the les- Thus, with this and many more lessons sons learned during these sacred Hajj rituals etched into the minds of pilgrims; and as amongst the sacred relics are manifold. the Hajj concludes, the pilgrims start head- The noble Quran states - ‘...That they ing home equipped with piety, virtuous- May witness benefits from themselves.’ ness, sincere love and devotion to Almighty ‘And whoever honors the Sacred Or- Allah and perpetual remembrance of Allah dinances of Allah- it is best for him in the coupled with a sense of belonging to the sight of his Lord.’ (Surat Al-Hajj, Verses 28 ‘Ummah’ of Prophet Muhammad. and 30) Hence, in conclusion, the rituals of Hajj Some of the lessons learned during the connect the pilgrims - to the Almighty Al- Hajj rituals are as follows - lah, to their own inner selves, to their fellow • Spiritual Awakening in the pilgrims brethren and the Noble Prophets whose leads to establishment of closer relationship paths they traverse in the sacred valley of with Almighty Allah and strengthening their Makkah. concepts of Oneness of Allah (Tawheed), Empowered and humbled by their ‘life total submission and surrender to His Will changing’ experiences and deep insights (Islam), Absolute Devotion, Obedience and propels the pilgrims to return home with a Servitude to Almighty Allah ( and renewed sense of purpose to serve Almighty Abd), Complete Trust in Him and His Plans Allah and His Servants in the best possible (Tawakkul). manner.

30 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 31 The return of the Messiah: a theological story with a taste of fantasy

Dr. Tijani Boulaouali

Messiah’s Fantasy After ten hours of interesting and exciting watching of the American thriller web television series Messiah, which consists of ten episodes, I extracted an important conclusion.

32 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 33 The Messiah series has been launched by the Amer- ican media-services provid- er and production company Netflix this year (2020)

This fictional story, in which reality sonography and acting. This is, in fact, mixes with imagination, truth with illu- another area for critics and researchers who sion and religion with metaphysic, decon- are specialized in cinematic studies. structs the traditional dogma of the return The focus of this review will be on the or appearance of Messiah. This dogma is theological dimension that forms the core of considered to be an essential element in the this series, which deals with a fundamental three monotheistic religions, namely Juda- issue of faith. How did the screenwriter Mi- ism, Christianity and Islam, but the figure of chael Petroni read and interpret the doctrine Messiah has been presented and interpreted of the return of the Messiah, which takes here in a different way, where he transcends a prominent place in monotheistic theol- the particular and narrow religious borders ogy (Jewish, Christian, Islamic)? To what to the human and the universal. extent has the director been able to present There is no objection regarding the artis- a model figure who is somewhat identical tic and aesthetic aspect of this series, which to the expected Messiah? Has the direc- we can describe as one of fantastic contem- tor succeeded in achieving a consistency porary filmish works, in terms of narration, between the theological perception on the

32 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 33 in record time, especially after the proph- ecy that he promised them had come true. From there he continued his journey with two thousand people to the Israeli borders, where he was arrested and interrogated by an IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) inspector called Aviram Dahan. The biggest surprise is that Messiah knows everything about the private life of this inspector, and this will be repeated later with other people. Inspector Dahan put him in a cell, but Messiah would escape on the same night without knowing how this happened. The events would accelerate until Mes- siah unexpectedly appears in the United one hand and the popular perception on the States of America. This will break the other hand? To what extent were the mak- sequence of the narrativity, and make the ers of this series able to present a universal event exceed the limits of space and time. model of tolerance, love and coexistence There, Messiah would miraculously save a that stems from certain religious elements church located in a small village in Texas towards different faiths, philosophies, cul- from a hurricane that destroyed everything, tures and contexts? and then he would convince the local priest that he carries a message. Social media The full story The Messiah series has been launched by the American media-services provider and production company Netflix this year (2020). It tells the story of a strange young man (represented by Mehdi Dehbi) with long dark hair on his back and a medium beard, called Messiah. He strives to spread his message that calls for peace and love worldwide. The story begins in Syria, where he was able to influence the people by his rhetoric and propagandist discourse and his charismatic personality, and he promises them that the danger will disappear. In the beginning, he led his followers to Damascus, where he summoned a massive sandstorm that blew during a whole month, protecting the city from ISIS’s cannons. As a result, his supporters began to multiply

34 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 35 The events would accelerate until Messiah unexpectedly appears

grabbed this news, and so the pictures of hand, there was an opposition party that Messiah and a scene of his steadfastness at aimed at eliminating the call of Messiah. the heart of the storm began to spread. CNN In the end, while hundreds of people were would also follow the event closely. This waiting for the Messiah’s speech organized led to a rapid spread of the supernatural by CNN in one of the huge halls, he sud- story of Messiah. His followers increased denly left and got into a black car in which day by day, following him wherever he the inspector Dahan was with other two moved and settled. inspectors. The car headed to the airport The CIA was not unaware of what was where Messiah was smuggled in a private going on. Rather, it was chasing the move- plane to Israel. Suddenly, the plane disap- ments of Messiah step by step to reveal peared from the radar screens and crashed whether this charismatic person is really the before the arrival. The news spread through- Messiah or he is just a deceiver who hides out the world instantaneously, which caused other plans. From the beginning, detective great disappointment to his followers not Eva Geller questioned this person’s inten- because of his death, but because he was tions, and was not convinced that he is the not the Messiah, but a person from Iranian savior of humanity. Strangely enough, the roots. He previously stayed in a psychiatric CIA did not find any information about institution, and also knew of the practice of him in the databases. For this reason, there magic, as his brother stated to a TV channel. was a fear that this person is a terrorist who The story did not end with this scene, in devised another method of carrying out which deception was mixed with tragedy criminal attacks. and strangeness, but a child grazing sheep In addition, the personality of Messiah in one of the Arab countries appeared in continued to receive great acceptance from the picture. From a distance, he saw smoke various social groups (men, women, chil- coming from the far fields. He went there dren, patients, etc.), and even the President to discover a plane ruins, dead bodies, and himself held two secret meetings with him the Messiah who had no apparent trace of in order to know his truth. On the other the crash. Messiah approached the body of

34 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 35 inspector Dahan, and as soon as he touched him, he returned to life. He did the same thing with another body that returned to life as well, which its owner began to kiss the hand of Messiah and thanked him. This supernatural position made inspector Dahan feel perplexed, because he used to hate the Messiah, and tried to kill him many times, and now he is his savior.

From the Theological to the Humanistic This series assumes a different approach of the dogma of belief in the return of Messiah that goes beyond the prevailing theological visions, which are colored by the nature of the religion with which it is associated. The Messiah does not explicitly reveal his religious identity in the story. It is difficult to know whether he belongs to Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Perhaps Jerusalem refers to the common origin of the three monotheistic religions that also share the doctrine of belief in the return of Messiah. This is what he focuses on in different phases of the story, where he stresses the value of human being, and af- firms the positive universal values of peace, love and coexistence. Gabriel was inspired by Humanism is present in one way or another in the discourse of Messiah, not the peaceful message of only in its Western philosophical dimen- sion, which came as reaction to religion in Messiah, which was further general and Church in particular, but in its monotheistic manifestation. Both the Bible strengthened during his stay and Qur’an confirm the centrality of hu- man being whom God has given the mind at the moderate group to think before he decides. Human being is what he is and what he will be. Moreover, human being cannot be separated from his destiny, but in the end, he is the one who makes his destiny. also present in the message of Messiah, in In addition, the mystic component is which various religious and beliefs inter-

36 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 37 men were friends when they were with the Messiah in the desert and on the Israeli borders. After Messiah’s departure and sudden appearance in Texas, his followers split into two groups. The first group was embraced by a moderate Islamist group, and the second one fell into the hands of an extremist group. Gabriel was inspired by the peaceful message of Messiah, which was further strengthened during his stay at the moderate group. When he was giving his sermon of peace in a mosque in Pales- tine, suddenly his old friend Salem entered the mosque carrying an explosive belt, and when he wanted to blow himself up, he discovered that the person standing on the podium is his old friend Gabriel. He tried to change his idea of bombing, but the extrem- ists had implemented their sinister plan by remote control of the explosive belt, and the mosque exploded. This led to the killing of many innocent people who had come to listen to the message of peace and love. We conclude from the above that al- though the idea or dogma of the return of sect. This refers to the great Sufi Ibn Arabi, Messiah is shared between all monotheistic who emphasizes in his philosophy the unity religions and it fundamentally affects deal- of religions and the divine love that covers ing with various central issues such as con- all people regardless of their origin, religion flict, dialogue, destiny, etc., the followers of and culture. Therefore, people, despite their these religions have not succeeded to make different beliefs, origins, social classes, this common element (and other elements) a and educational levels, find in the Messiah factor for coexistence and tolerance. Maybe their calling, or what satisfies their spiritual the idea of the Messiah series came as a re- vacuum and their need for truth. Thus, they action to this fragmentation that the dogma visit him from everywhere to answer their of the return of Messiah causes, although questions about life, future, or fate. The in essence it refers to unity and a common patient asks for healing, the poor wishes for destiny. So, this traditional monotheistic health, the lover dreams of the beloved, and doctrine has here been deconstructed, not to so on. destroy it completely, but to adapt it to the Moreover, both the tolerant “Gabriel” new context by focusing on common human and the extremist “Salem” were taught and values that transcend religions, ideology inspired by the Messiah. These two young and geography.

36 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 37 The corona pan- Health sciences must demic has hit many countries in the world now look to Islam to hard, and continues set things right to surge. What does Islam say about such pandemics, and what solution does it offer by: Aftab H. Kola to contain the dis- ease given its strong advocacy of personal hygiene? Dr. Javed Jamil, Chair in and Research, Yenepoya Deemed- To-Be University, Mangalore, who is one of India’s promi- nent Muslim intel- lectuals and author of more than 20 books, offers an insight into Covid-19 from the Islamic perspective.

38 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 39 MWL: The entire world, including GCC have been declared “cured” of HIV. countries, is going through a severe crisis Then there were other swine flu epidem- because of COVD-19 pandemic. Can you ics in the first decade of the 21st century in recall any instance in Islamic history when America and some other countries. Fortunate- humanity faced such a grave danger? How ly, the Muslim world has remained relatively was it tackled then? free of pandemics. Dr. Javed Jamil: Since the rise of Islam The Corona pandemic may not ultimately in the early seventh century, the world has prove to be as big a killer as Swine Flu and faced many epidemics and pandemics. HIV/AIDs, but it is unique in the sense that The records of all of them have not been unlike other pandemics, it has affected almost fully preserved. There are several accounts every country in the world, and almost every- of epidemics in the Islamic world, but body feels threatened by it. none assumed such pandemic proportions. Syphilis had been a major killer before MWL: Covid-19, which is still spiking, has 19th century in many parts of the world, unsettled the lives of people almost ev- especially Europe where promiscuity was erywhere. What is the solution offered by high. There were other epidemics like Islam’s teachings to handle such a pan- measles, polio and plague. The more known demic? epidemics include the Black Death (1346- Dr. Jamil: If just one prophetic Hadeeth 1353), Cocoliztli epidemic (1545-1548), had been followed right in the beginning in American plagues (16th century), Great China’s Wuhan, this would not have become Plague of London (1665-1666), Russian a pandemic; if countries had followed that plague (1770-1772) and Flu pandemic (889- principle, they would have largely remained 1890). But perhaps the most devastating relatively safe. The Hadeeth is: pandemics of the modern world have been ‘If you hear about it (an outbreak of Spanish Flu and HIV/AIDS. Spanish Flu plague) in a land, do not go to it; but if the caused by HIN1–believed by most scientists plague breaks out in a country where you are to have originated in pigs–in 1918 affected staying, do not run away from it”.(Sahih Al one third of the world’s population and Bukhari). killed 20-50 million people, according to Had Chinese officials banned travelling various reports. from and to Wuhan, Corona could not have The second most devastating pandemic moved out of that city. And once it began has been HIV/AIDs, which in the last 30 spreading to other countries, had travelling years has affected more than 100 million between countries been severely restricted people and killed more than 38 million. More and none allowed to enter a country without than 70 million people are still living with being quarantined, the disease would not HIV. Initially, promotion of prophylactics have become so widespread. and safe blood transfusion were used as the In addition, Islam has presented a ‘Holis- standard methods to contain it. Now, anti- tic Regime of Hygiene’, which safeguards HIV drugs are being used and that is helping against large number of diseases, including to increase the life expectancy of the patients. viral pandemics. That regime has the follow- But to date, only one patient is known to ing components:

38 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 39 I.External Physical Hygiene Istanja (washing of private parts after urinating): this has huge protective effects against urogenital infection. (ablution): this involves washing of the exposed organs and mouth, reducing the risks of mouth infections, cardiovascular problems, skin infections and cancers and eye infections; it would of course be a big protec- tion against Covid-19. Washing of private parts after intercourse and bathing as soon as possible: this will decrease the chances of V. Spiritual Hygiene sex-related diseases including HIV and HPV; Regular prayers: Tasbihat (repeated (brushing of teeth): this has a rehearsing of God’s attributes); invocations; remarkable preventive effect on infective preaching to others; meditation; charity. diseases of teeth, gums and several internal VI. Environmental Hygiene organs. Cleaning of clothes; cleaning surround- Ban on pig farming; discouraging keeping ings; not doing anything that pollutes air and dogs in houses and in the vicinity; Cleaning water. of hands after touching any unclean things, including animals such as dogs. MWL: You recently stated that almost II. Internal Physical Hygiene all other viral outbreaks in the last 120 Total ban on alcohol, drugs, tobacco (it years have direct relationship with Islamic should be declared haram in accordance guidelines. Is it not high time that medical with the principles laid down by the Noble sciences embraced the Islamic guidelines? Qur’an, which do not allow any khabeeth Please elaborate. (harmful) activity). Ban on flesh of dead ani- Dr. Javed Jamil: Almost all viral outbreaks mals, carnivorous animals, pork, blood, etc. in the last 120 years have had direct relation- III. Sexual Hygiene ship with Islamic guidelines. If pork had Have a sexual intercourse only with been banned, more than 80 million people spouses. Sex during menses and immediate would not have met premature deaths due postnatal period is not allowed. Wash mouth to Swine flu; had there been strict laws in and private parts soon after intercourse. force against promiscuity and homosexual- Circumcision (a big protection against HIV, ity, around 38 million lives would not have HPV and related cancer cervix and other been lost to HIV/AIDS (another 50 million sexually transmitted diseases). afflicted with the disease are languishing at IV. Mental Hygiene present); millions of women would not have Total ban on activities such as pornog- died of HPV-related Carcinoma Cervix had raphy, watching sex and violence, reading circumcision been a worldwide ritual; and materials that can lead to corrupting thoughts, millions again would not have succumbed to which can incite people to indulge in forbid- Rabies had dogs been not allowed in residen- den activities. tial areas, and millions of people would also

40 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 41 The world must know that if Islamic principles are allowed to be put into proper practice, every year more than 80 million More than 80 million lives can be saved. These include: two mil- lion murders; 2.2 million suicides; 2.5 mil- lives are lost just lion deaths due to AIDS; 5 million deaths due to smoking; 2 million deaths associated because the laws of with alcohol; 2 million deaths associated with gambling and drugs; 70 million cases of God are not in force foeticide; 60,000 deaths due to Rabies. And of course, deadly pandemics such as Co- vid-19 could have been avoided or effectively contained. not have lost their lives to Hepatitis B (spread Moreover, more than 10 million people through blood transfusion and sexual route). (excluding foeticide) could have been saved In addition to this, had alcohol been made every year from falling prey to unwanted totally illegal, hundreds of millions of lives deaths had Islamic legal and socio-economic would not have succumbed prematurely to system been in force. These are no ordi- various diseases, accidents and crimes related nary figures, but staggering statistics from to drinking, in the last 50 years. all accounts. If we add the figures of foeti- The latest news in the wake of Covid-19 cide, more than 80 million lives are lost just outbreak is that China has imposed ban on because the laws of God are not in force. the meat of wild animals, specifically lions, We need a system in place, which decreases bats, snakes and pangolins. The meat of all mortality and morbidity, reduces the global these animals has been prohibited in Islam. burden of diseases, increases total life and The injunctions of the noble Qur’an, and decreases the burden of the cost of maintain- the system they seek to build are not just ing health. Health sciences must now look to health-friendly; health is in fact the essential Islam to get things right. criterion of these injunctions. It is not just that Qur’anic system is beneficial for health; MWL: In your books, you have presented health is, in fact, an inseparable part of its a ‘Dynamic Paradigm of Health’, which ultimate objectives. What is good for heath you claim was inspired by Islamic teach- is promoted, and what is bad for health is ings. Can you explain what that means? prohibited. Islamic paradigm of health is Dr. Javed Jamil: The main features of Dy- uniquely different from the modern paradigm namic Paradigm of Health inspired by Islam of health, which is unduly influenced by the are as follows: forces of economics. It is time medical sci- 1. In the present global system, health does ences declared freedom from the rules of the not occupy the supreme position, and laws are market forces and took cue from Islam’s ‘Dy- made more in accordance with the demands namic Paradigm of Health’. It should develop of economics than the demands of health. In a new policy based on the superiority of life Islam, an overwhelming majority of injunc- and healthiness of life over everything else. tions regarding living have direct relationship

40 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 41 to health. The practices that are beneficial to health are promoted and those that are harm- ful are either prohibited or discouraged. 2. Modern constitutions emphasize only ‘Fundamental Rights’ and to a lesser extent ‘Fundamental Duties’”. There is no provision called ‘Fundamental Prohibitions’. In Islam, the constitution is three dimensional with equal emphasis on Rights, Duties and Prohi- bitions, and all these are aimed at ensuring a peaceful and healthy living – both in this world and in the Hereafter. 3. In Islam, equal emphasis is given to indi- are very much aware of their Islamic respon- viduals, family and society. sibilities and many Muslims, individually 4. Family system is the biggest safety wall or in an organized manner, are busy helping against diseases, as well as mental and social people. Charity and help to people in need tensions. In Islam, no relationships outside a are the mainstay of Islam’s social system. proper marriage between males and females Muslims need to organize in a much bigger are allowed. This is the biggest protection way to help humanity. They must first look against diseases like HIV/AIDS, HPV/Cancer to helping people in their vicinity irrespec- Cervix and most other Sexually Transmitted tive of their religion, region, creed or color. Diseases. They must fully cooperate with the respective 5. In the modern world, the responsibility governments in following the norms of social of maintaining health falls mainly on individ- distancing and the like. Allah is with those uals themselves. Dynamic Paradigm talks of who help others and a big reward awaits a health-protective family and social system them in the hereafter. Those that are hungry where the system does not let the individuals should be fed, those who are ill must be cared to get exposed to unhealthy substances and for, and those who have lost their jobs must practices. The onus is not only on individu- be rehabilitated. While individual efforts als, but also on the system. are always welcome, organized efforts with 6. Islam promotes a ‘holistic concept of proper study and planning should be the ideal hygiene’, which has already been elaborated. course. Muslim governments should take the 7. The emphasis is more on natural pre- initiative in streamlining charity works. vention through avoidance of an unhealthy MWL: To prevent human-to-human lifestyle; prevention through artificial meth- contamination, the 10th century Islamic ods like vaccines and condoms are only ad- scholar of medicine, Ibn Sina, used a ditional protections. method of isolating people for 40 days as a means of limiting the spread of contagious MWL: In the light of such a great tragedy, diseases. Can you elaborate on that? how do we as Muslims respond to people’s Dr. Javed Jamil: Yes. In the 10th centu- sufferings? ry, Ibn Sina introduced the method of isolat- Dr. Javed Jamil: Alhamdulillah, Muslims ing people for 40 days as a means of limiting

42 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 43 give supremacy to life and health in world affairs. The Corona pandemic has proved what I have been advocating in my books and articles for years. During this pandemic, for the sake of health, governments have put extraordinary restrictions on people. The world must not hesitate to ban those items and practices that pose serious threat to hu- man life and health. The concept of ‘Freedom of Choice’ should be limited to ‘Freedom of Healthy Choices’ and not ‘dangerous choic- es’. The world must decide on the best ways the spread of contagious diseases. Almost all of defining ‘good’ and ‘bad’: what is good for the contagious diseases which spread through health must be deemed good, and what is bad human-to-human transmission have an incu- for health deemed bad. Legal steps are neces- bation period of a few days to two weeks, and sary to safeguard people against exposure most except a few like tuberculosis, remain to unhealthy items and practices. The World in the human body again for a similar period Health Organization must accept its failure in (incubation period is the period between the entry of virus/bacteria into the body and doing enough to promote the best standards the appearance of the first symptoms of the of health and must not shy away from ad- disease.) Even in tuberculosis, the chances of vancing programs and policies that actively the disease spreading become minimal within prevent diseases. a month of the anti-tubercular treatment. Ibn Muslim countries and Islamic organiza- Sina’s theory was a great advance in preven- tions must take the lead in promoting ‘Dy- tive methodology when we consider the fact namic Paradigm of Health’ and must organize that it was suggested about a 1000 years ago. conferences on this topic at every possible Now, with better knowledge, we can plan the level. Facts and statistics must prevail over quarantine period according to the nature of conjectures of every kind. specific diseases. MWL: Islam places emphasis on personal MWL: The coming together of communi- hygiene and food hygiene, and faith can ties of different faiths, races and nationali- play an important role in global efforts to ties under the banner of science, service promote hand hygiene, which in the cur- and humanity has led to a high degree of rent context is fundamental to reducing global cooperation in the absence of any the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. outstanding global leadership, and shows Please enlighten us on this. what ordinary human beings are capable Dr. Jamil: I have already explained the of when there is a common threat. In this Islamic concept of holistic hygiene. In partic- context, what is the way forward? ular response to Corona outbreak and to stop Dr. Javed Jamil: Yes, it is a positive devel- repetition of viral diseases (such as HIV, HPV, opment. But differences have also surfaced. Hepatitis B, Rabies), we have to put effective The way forward is to recognize the need to ban on the meat of wild animals like bats,

42 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 43 lions, pangolins and snakes, and also ban pork Dr. Jamil: Yes, as I said before, restriction meat and pig farming. Furthermore, sexual on travelling between infected and uninfected hygiene should be emphasized with aware- areas is the mainstay of controlling the pan- ness campaigns. Why there is low percentage demic. Saudi Arabia, with huge numbers of of deaths in most Muslim countries, espe- people coming from around the world and cially Arab countries and traditional societies gathering at the holy places, was perhaps more like India, has to be studied, and it is highly vulnerable than any other country. The Saudi likely that the association of Corona deaths government took the right decision in put- (as several other viruses have already proved) ting restrictions on Umra and Hajj travelers with alcohol has to be established. And of and ensuring that there are no big gatherings course, frequent hand washing, masks and in holy mosques. This has certainly helped in other measures of social distancing should be keeping the epidemic from spreading as it did further strengthened. There is a much bigger in many other countries. That also indirectly need to curb travelling between affected areas helped other countries because pilgrims could and unaffected places. Balanced food regime have become big carriers of the infection. with mixture of meat, milk products, vegeta- bles and fruits including dry fruits should be MWL: What are the challenges ahead, promoted for improving immunity. and what can be done to help people work together to overcome this pandemic? MWL: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia re- Dr. Jamil: The challenges are still huge. ceived 7.2 million pilgrims in 2019. The ad- Not only is there the challenge of eradicating ministration responsible for managing the this epidemic and saving as many lives as pos- two holy mosques in Makkah and Medinah sible, but also facing the economic and social took proactive measures before the epi- impact. Coordinated efforts are necessary to: demic turned into a global pandemic. And (1) develop effective vaccines and anti-Corona it was the right decision. Your comments? drugs, (2) rehabilitate those who have lost

44 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 45 their jobs, (3) build cooperation between different countries in order to improve the economy,(4) improve healthcare systems, and Pensketch of (5) make people aware about giving up harmful practices to Dr. Javed Jamil prevent future infections and diseases. A lot of research is also needed to understand the various Dr. Javed Jamil, the author of several factors that led to the spread of the books, is a versatile thinker. What is most present pandemic. admirable about his works is the comprehen- sive nature of his approach in dealing with MWL: There is also the dev- contemporary issues. He has propounded sev- astating financial impact on eral remarkable theses in fields ranging from the world in general. Muslim community medicine to physics, from social countries are also facing finan- sciences to economics, and international af- cial crisis. What is the solution fairs to religion. His books like “Islam means Islam offers? Peace”, “The Devil of Economic Fundamen- Dr. Jamil: Islam stresses on: talism” and “Muslims Most Civilised, Yet (1) wealth generation through ha- Not Enough” have attracted big attention. His lal practices; (2) wide distribution latest book, “Justice Imprisoned” is centered of wealth through: (a) spending on the international system of law and justice. on halal items and practices, (b) It is an undeniable fact that we are living in a developing a proper taxation sys- time when crime has become the order of the tem based on Islamic concepts of day, and as Dr. Jamil puts it, “justice, rather Zakah, Ushr, and Sadaqa- than being chosen to lord over the human at, which in economic terms society, has been sentenced to life imprison- imply taxes on wealth and assets ment in the so-called Civilized World”. He rather than on expenditure; (c) use has reproduced credible statistics to show how of Islamic charities in an organ- big a failure the current legal system has been. ised way for welfare activities; (3) Dr. Jamil has argued that both problems and mutual cooperation; (4) Muslims solutions are sought to be “commercialized” must campaign against economic to the hilt with the result that weapons, law inequality and commercialisation machinery, litigation and even the prison- of dangerous practices like drink- ers have all become the money-machines. If ing, sex, etc., at the world level; novelty of work, freshness of approach, depth (5) more spending on education of thoughts, ability to influence the world and and research; (6) more stress on capability of revolutionizing knowledge are technological development and the criteria of greatness, Dr. Jamil should soon manufacturing. Self-reliance and find a place among the distinguished thinkers mutual cooperation should remain of the contemporary world. the ultimate goals.

44 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 45 Adhan allowed across Europe amid the Coronavirus pandemic

By: Jawzi Belkacem Lardjane

The Islamic call to prayer is not just a call for Muslims. It is a call for all the world. It asks everyone to seek success, and it also calls to believe in the One God and the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Many Christians and most Jews believe in the oneness of God, and some of them even believe that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is a Prophet of God.

46 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 47 side Mosques for decades, if not centuries. In some countries like Spain, it was not called since the fall of Al-Andalus in 1492. Raising Adhan is proof that Islamophobia, According to one study, despite being inherent in some people, is the Adhan (call to prayer) is a political agenda by rightists and major media, which turned into sleep mode due the most and ever repeated to the coronavirus crisis. The rightists are currently much concerned with economic sentence in the world and political gains after the pandemic while the media are preoccupied with covering the coronavirus, but this does not exclude hear- ing any fabricated story linking Islam to the According to one study, the Adhan (call spread of the virus. to prayer) is the most and ever repeated Unlike the coronavirus, Islamophobia sentence in the world, which is never has been a pandemic hitting the West since interrupted. In every second, many calls to centuries, and this is a huge opportunity for prayers are raised around the world. They reconciliation between the West and Islam. call to the second most important pillar of The coronavirus showed us, in many ways, Islam, regular prayer (Salat), which comes how religious hatred and racism were being after the declaration of faith. used to distract people from true concerns Recently, most Muslim governments and genuine debates. Also, Islamophobia have, however, decided to suspend congre- has always been enhanced by the infodemic gational prayers to halt the spread of the surrounding Islam. coronavirus pandemic, so most mosques are The coronavirus pandemic has elapsed temporarily closed and only open for Muad- many cells of Islamophobia industry. If hins (callers to prayer) to call for prayer and Adhan were called during natural circum- will not be open for worshippers until re- spected authorities declare a near-complete control of the virus. In the 21st century, the world has be- come a small village, thanks to technology and communication, which sparked many Muslims to share and comment on Adhan videos filmed in famous cities of Western Europe where some municipalities granted exceptional short permission to all religions to raise their liturgical calls to console people against the coronavirus. In most European countries, the Adhan is not allowed outside Mosques, and Muslim minorities have not heard the Adhan out-

46 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 47 In the 21st century, the world has become a small village, thanks to technology and communication

stances, the cells of Islamophobia would the coronavirus. Some news outlets around have used it as an opportunity to harass the world started praising the teachings of Muslims and intimidate them. There is Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, on nothing wrong inside the Adhan that threat- healthcare and medical prevention; how- ens other cultures and faiths. If they listen ever, people and even Muslims still need carefully to the Adhan, they will find out more awareness about health issues. And that it is a wake-up call to get out of the the Adhan is the most fabulous reminder. pandemic of materialism and atheism, and it The Adhan is a distinct aspect of Islam, will also help them find the right path out of which has no parallel in other faiths. Among the actual pandemic. all other religions, it is only Islam that calls The Adhan, in this very critical phase of publicly to prayer five times a day, and it is civilization, provides us with many histori- only Muslims who gather five times a day in cal, social, as well as spiritual reminders the house of God to perform prayer in such that can help us overcome the pandemic and a harmonious and beautiful way. Neverthe- its negative impact afterward. Many chang- less, this is just the tip of the iceberg. es are expected to occur after the end of the Some commentators have criticized the pandemic, social scientists and political ex- handling of some Muslims of the coronavi- perts are concerned with the post-pandemic rus, in particular, the Tablighi Jamaat meet- era. There could also be many positive ings in Malaysia and Bangladesh, which changes such as economic degrowth, which have been cracked down by authorities to is critical to the environmental conserva- halt the spread of the coronavirus. How- tion and global balance between rich and ever, those are small segments which do poor. The reminder of the Adhan is not to not represent Islam and the whole Muslim pay attention to the beauties of Islam but community. Islam was the very first founder is also a reminder to take preventive mea- of preventive medicine on both individual sures against any pandemic, in particular, and social levels. Everything started with

48 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 49 the call to prayer because, after every call to prayer, Muslims are required to perform ablutions to pray, and ablutions include washing three times hands, face, arms, and feet. Social distancing, good hygiene, and quarantining were already known to the early Companions, and it worked for them during plagues. The most infamous disease in Islam was that of the Emmaus Plague, which occurred in the Levant in 18 AH/640 CE. Over 25,000 Muslims lost their lives, including some of the most famous such as Muadh bin Jabal and Abu Ubayda Amir bin away from those who are healthy.” al-Jarrah who were charged with the gov- Sometime later, during the dark ages in ernorship of the Levant but perished due to Europe, Jews were blamed for the Black the bubonic plague outbreak, May Allah be Death epidemics and were heavily pros- pleased with their souls. ecuted across Europe, while Islam was Then, when Amr bin al-As became saving the world through the works of great governor of the Levant, he ordered citizens Muslim scientists such as Ibn Sina and to scatter amongst the valleys and hills and al-Zahrawi who often quoted finding their not be congregated together. He told them motivation in the hadith of Prophet Muham- that these contagious diseases are like fires: mad, peace be upon him: “for God has not “they cause more havoc when spread in made a disease without appointing a remedy densely populated areas, and they do not for it, with the exception of one disease - spread when people are far apart”, histo- old age.” rians reported. His tactics seemed unwel- Other socio-economic and long-term come to some companions who could not effects of the coronavirus include racism, understand his measures at the time; how- xenophobia, nationalism, individualism, un- ever, Amr bin al-As continued this policy employment, closure of mosques, misinfor- until the plague was over and never returned mation, de-schooling, and hopefully raising as such in the Muslim world. Adhan in Europe should not be viewed as a When Umar bin al-Khattab was in- charming tactic to invade Europe. Muslims formed about Amr bin al-As’ policy, he did should be cooperative and show the best not find it to be incorrect as Prophet Mu- example of how Islam teaches us to act in hammad, peace be upon him, said earlier: different situations to save the human soul “If you hear of the outbreak of a contagious from aches. Action is not just required to disease in a land, do not enter it; but if the show the true message of Islam; it is also contagious disease outbreaks out in a place necessary to avoid backlash and misun- while you are in it, do not leave that place.” derstanding due to outdoor loudspeakers. He, peace be upon him, also said: “Those Adhan is not enough, actions speak louder with contagious diseases should be kept than words.

48 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 49 It was one of world’s oldest universities but few heard of it

By: Qais Bajaifer

It was one of the world’s renowned learning centers during the 15th and 16th centuries. As an academic institution, it rose to prominence with over 25,000 students enrolled in it, studying different subjects such as chemistry, physics, medicine, optics, geography, history and Islamic studies.

50 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 51 Many in the Islamic World may not have school. Sankoré was one of three ancients heard of this important higher institution and mosques that were described as important this could be the reason why it is less known centers of learning in Timbuktu, Mali. The today in comparison to Al-Azhar University other two mosques were Jingaray Ber and (Cairo) and Al-Qarawiyyin University (Mo- Sidi Yahya. rocco) founded in 970 and 859 respectively The structure and organization of Sankoré and considered among the ancient universi- was different to some extent from that of ties in the world. common universities of medieval Europe; The University of Sankoré was founded however, Sankoré offered high level of in 989 by Mansa Musa, the 14th century learning similar to that found in Europe at West African ruler who was so rich and the time. Furthermore, the inner courtyards built schools, libraries and mosques in the of Sankoré were constructed with similar city during his reign. In fact, Musa played a dimensions of the Ka’bah. pivotal role turning Timbuktu into a leading center of education to which many people Courses from the world flocked to study at the Uni- Sankoré did not have a central administra- versity of Sankoré. During his era, Tim- tion; rather, it consisted of numerous in- buktu, which is located today in the heart of dependent colleges, each run by a single Mali in West Africa and known for its rich scholar or professor who conducted courses cultural heritage, lived its Golden Age. in the open courtyards of the mosque and in The university, whose mosque still stands some cases at their private residence. In their (hence the name the Sankoré Masjid), be- book “The Hidden Treasures of Timbuktu”, came a magnet for scholars of religion, arts, John Hunwick and Alida Jay Boye described mathematics and sciences and its courses the form of teaching adopted by Sankoré in gained at the time prestigious reputation the following words, “The core of the Is- similar to that of the Oxford and Sorbonne lamic teaching tradition is the receiving of a universities today. It was a great intellectual text, which is handed down through a chain institution and an unparalleled center of of transmitters or silsila from the teacher to Islamic learning that existed during civili- the student, preferably through the shortest zations in Mali, Ghana and Songhay, circa and most prestigious set of intermediaries.” 12th to 16th centuries. Moreover, Sankoré The student would listen to the teacher’s dic- housed the largest collections and copies of tation, write their own copy and read it back, books in Africa. or listen to another student read it. “When he had a correct copy he could then study Structure of university the meaning of the text and its technical With a magnificent pyramid-shaped work intricacies through lectures delivered by his of architecture, the renowned University teacher and at a higher level by question and of Sankoré was founded by the erudite answer.” The scholars had their own private chief judge of Tumbuktu Al-Qadi Aqib bin libraries to help them teach. The process Mahmud, who acted as the dean of the uni- seemed to be intensive and required a lot of versity. At the beginning, Al-Qadi Aqib built hard work. it as a “madrassah”, the word for Different fields were taught ranging from

50 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 51 medicine, surgery, astronomy, chemistry to language, philosophy, linguistics, history, geography and art. However, the principal subject matter was Quranic and Islamic studies, Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, law and literature. Moreover, the university of- fered various trade classes including busi- ness, carpentry, farming, fishing, construc- tion, tailoring, navigation, shoemaking and other handy trades. At the time, Sankoré gained reputation as a very significant seat of learning in the Mus- lim World and was claimed to have enjoyed a level of learning superior to that of other Islamic centers in the world. The curricula had four-degree levels, the highest of which French and sent to the Sorbonne University is equivalent to PhD and took students, in Paris, the mathematics professors of the originating from diverse backgrounds, ten Sorbonne confirmed that the level of math- years to complete. All students would study ematics taught at Sankoré was equivalent to under the supervision of specialized profes- the second year of the mathematics program. sors. The memorization of the Noble Qur’an The Sorbonne programs, as it is known for and mastery of the Arabic language were everyone, are the hardest and admission into compulsory for all students without excep- the university is not easy. tion as Arabic was the medium of instruction at Sankoré. The entry requirements were not Famous scholars of Sankoré easy to meet because the university applied One of the eminent scholars of Sankoré was very high standards of education across all Ahmed Baba As-Sudane (1564-1627), the colleges. Perhaps that is why Sankoré pro- last chancellor of Sankoré. He was a prolific duced world-class scholars in their fields. author and wrote over 60 books on several Some history books mention the story of a multiple subjects including law, medicine, scholar from the Hijaz who traveled to Mali philosophy, astronomy and mathematics. so that he could teach in the university. He Many described him as one of a kind profes- was told to take 10-year pre-requisite cours- sor, jurist and imam. As-Sudane was also es at Al-Qarawiyyin University of Morocco dubbed one of the greatest African scholars before he could join the faculty of the San- of the late 16th century. Unfortunately, most koré University. This shows how the cours- of his work was lost in 1593 during the Mo- es, whether scientific, Islamic or literature, roccan invasion of Timbuktu, marking the were extremely difficult.A study showed loss of one of the richest libraries of his day. the subject of mathematics taught at the Another remarkable scholar is Mohammed university around 600 years ago was very Bagayogo As-Sudane Al-Wangari who was advanced. When the mathematics course a professor of philosophy and Arabic gram- of Sankoré was translated from Arabic into mar and was also the sheikh and professor

52 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 53 trade in books between Timbuktu and other parts of the Islamic World at the time, which led to the writing and preservation of thou- sands of manuscripts. The scholars relied on calligraphy as the main mode of transmis- sion of knowledge from one generation to another through these manuscripts whose fields include astronomy, botany, law, sci- ence, history, to mention but a few. A deeper look into the Timbuktu’s Golden Age history shows how books became the most valuable commodity above all other trade goods. About 20,000 manuscripts are preserved by the Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Learn- ing and Islamic Research. With an area of of highly esteemed scholar Ahmed Baba. A 4,600 square meters and an air conditioning significant amount of his writings has been system to preserve the quality and condi- preserved in manuscript form in the Ahmed tion of manuscripts, the center holds manu- Baba Institute of Timbuktu, a repository of scripts covering different subjects, most of African literature. He was known for his re- which are written in Arabic as well as in fusal to comply with the Moroccan occupa- local languages such as Songhai, Tamashek tion. He embarked on a journey to perform and Bamanankan and date back to the 14th Hajj and during his journey, he visited Cairo to 16th centuries. The center, which is and was an honorary Doctorate from Al- equipped with an automatic fire-fighting sys- Azhar University. tem, also holds few manuscripts in Turkish Other notable scholars from Sankore include and Hebrew with topics covering medicine, Modibo Mohammed Al-Kaburi, Mohammed astronomy, poetry, literature and Islamic Ibn Al-Mukhtar An-Nawahi, Abu Al-Abbas law. Ahmed Buryu and Mohammed Ibn Utman, Some renowned oldest families in Timbuktu many of whom were already graduates from also have manuscripts preserved and con- other educational establishments in Tunis, served in private libraries and these manu- Fez, Cairo and Makkah during the early scripts have been passed on from one gen- times of Sankoré. eration to another as a tradition. Each family has sworn publicly that it will protect the Manuscripts library housing these manuscripts as long as Timbuktu housed one of the largest libraries they live. of manuscripts since Egypt’s famous library in Alexandria that was burnt down around Today 2,000 years ago as a result of a huge fire, as The University of Sankoré is still function- some historical accounts claimed. The rea- ing today but with very limited resources. son behind the huge number of manuscripts However, its legacy as the beacon of African written in Mali can be found in the active enlightenment still exists today.

52 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 53 Internet: A modern tool for introducing people to Islam

Alwaleed Jaafer Elias

The Internet represents an appropriate tool to learn about Islam, as it is the place where most of people from all over the world congregate in different ages, genders and religions. It has also become the easiest place to provide fatwas and interpretations and clarify different rulings, and with the press of a button a non-Muslim can get all information he wants to know about Islam.

54 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 55 The issue of introduc- ing non-Muslims to Islam through the Internet has oc- cupied the minds of many of those who bear their respon- sibility to let others know about this religion. Unfor- tunately, Muslims have not yet succeeded in exploiting the Internet in a proper way. Still, their portion on the Internet does not rise to the required level. The Internet has gained more importance due to its acceptance among people, and in the depth of influence on their lives, regardless of their races, attitudes and levels. Today, people see the The Internet is characterized Internet as the first and pre- ferred source of information by its low cost and ease of use, and news, especially after the decline of traditional media and this doubles its role and such as newspapers, maga- zines and broadcasts. Inter- advantage over other media. net is the easiest and fastest way to communicate mes- sages, receive information, shipping costs of printed with a tremendous speed, participate in making events materials, security and su- and makes the information and interact with issues. pervision, e.g. banning some in the hands of the recipient books and publications that upon its issuance, so all us- Internet advantages express specific cultures.All ers of the network are equal, The Internet is charac- of this has been overlooked which achieves the principle terized by a set of merits by this new medium, as it of information equality. such as crossing the space transmits vast amounts of barrier, as it transcends all information in the form of Interact and share geographical barriers that electronic signals that cannot An important feature of hinder the spread of ideas be stopped. Its advantages the Internet is the interaction and exchange of knowl- also exceed the barrier of feature. People are accus- edge. These barriers include time, so the information is tomed to traditional media economic ones, such as the transmitted over the network outlets only to be recipients,

54 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 55 tional and research purposes while the rest for chatting and fun purposes. Islamic sites were at the beginning of their emer- gence using the English language, and were created by Western Muslims, who, before others, realized the Internet importance and the role that can be played in the service of introducing people to Islam. Afterwards, the sites started appearing in Arabic and some other languages, but they were not effective because they were primitive in design and content. But recently, a number of distinguished and their role is limited to fend issues of the Arab and sites have appeared, which receive what is provided in Islamic nation. The Internet are supervised by specialists those means, which deter- is characterized by its low and supported by ministries, mine what the recipient cost and ease of use, and this agencies in different coun- receives, watches or listens doubles its role and advan- tries of the world. These to. All of that has changed in tage over other media. This sites are characterized by the Internet age as the user is unlike other media means good design and quality of is the one who determines such as newspapers, satellite content and are well-funded. what he wants and when, channels and radio stations and how to use it, in addi- that need huge budgets. Chat rooms tion to that, chat rooms and Chat rooms is a very dialogue forums allow the Muslims and the Internet important tool in acquaint- user to interact with any Statistics show that ing people with Islam due to event and transform him internet users from Arab spontaneity and vitality, as from a simple recipient to a countries represent a small chat visitors speak on the air participant and sender. It al- percentage of the total num- directly. Anyone who wants lows him to share his opin- ber of Internet users; 75% to explain Islam to others in ion. This characteristic has of them are young people these rooms can reach thou- a great influence that can be between 19 and 40 years old. sands of interlocutors. used to explain and convey Statistics also show that only The invitation within the message of Islam to the 12% of Internet users in the these rooms is not much other, and to explain and de- Arab world use it for educa- different from outside it. It

56 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 57 is based on the principle of counseling and arguing with the people with a good man- ner. There are many condi- tions that must be available It is also necessary to show in whoever wants to do this duty, including having respect for other people’s complete and comprehensive information about Islam. It convictions and religions, in is also preferable that he has knowledge of the English order to win their hearts language, that more than 80% of the network’s visi- tors deal with, so he must be wait for appropriate opportu- practice it can prepare his able to use it in a way that nities to present his call in an mission letters and use some makes him able to communi- appropriate form and style, scholars to revise them, cate his argument in a clear because direct preaching of- while chat rooms require way and by which he can ten does not work. It is also him to be always present and respond to others’ inquiries. necessary to show respect for have the required responses other people’s convictions immediately. Preacher terms and religions, in order to win If we want to catch up Anyone who wants to ex- their hearts, because every- with others and fulfill our plain Islam to others should one thinks that he is right, duty as a nation with a mes- enjoy wisdom and patience as respect attracts others to sage that must be introduced over the discussions and dia- dialogue and discussion. and explained to people, logues that may last for long we must work to bridge the periods, and he must put Advocacy messages digital divide that separates in his mind that discussion There is a wide door to us from the developed coun- may deviate from its course the introduction to Islam tries to exploit and benefit and turn into attempts to made available by the Inter- from the sources of informa- provoke, abuse and defame. net and it is the email that tion. We must be well aware He must prepare himself to most people use. This email that the Internet is an effec- set an example for others for can be exploited to send ap- tive tool in spreading cul- the tolerance of Islam and propriate invitation messag- ture and advocacy, and that should enjoy general culture es to millions of addresses, others use it to this purpose. and familiarity with other or to provide their owners It is not logical that we use religions, and understand the with the lists of Islamic sites it as a means of compro- psychology and nature of or links. The advantage of mise and passing times. The their followers. If he wants this method is that it is easier Internet is the language of others to listen to him and be than the chat rooms because the present and the future for able to draw their attention it is not a direct dialogue. those who know its causes and influence them, he must Anyone who wants to and secrets.

56 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 57 Charity to repair Society

Tasnuva Jahan

Introduction: Charitable acts are an essential spiritual practice for Muslims. Islamic legal system fleshes out the implications of Qur’anic and Prophetic texts on charitable distribution or humanitarian actions. They are either of an obligatory nature or a voluntary nature.

The religious dimension motivates and and countries go into shutdown without a deepens the obligatory or voluntary aspects predictable timeframe. It is going to reason of charity. For the Muslims, charitable for total devastation in poorer regions of the mechanisms were established and developed world. This global crisis requires a global by religion. However, among the various response. Nobody can solve all creation’s fundamental problems, currently, the world problems. But it is our duty to strengthen is facing the effects of coronavirus. There is cooperation by Islamic economic policies. no doubt that this epidemic will impact the Islamic principles especially encourage world economy in a myriad of ways. charitable acts or humanitarian contribu- Mortalities and infections are rising. Cities tions, which are mentioned in the Noble

58 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 59 Qur’an. According to Surat Ar-Ra`d verse 29, ‘Those who have believed and done righteous deeds - a good state is theirs and It states the purification of a a good return.’ It means a validating faith and love of Creators to purify the believer’s believer’s wealth and soul heart. Nevertheless, here our concentration goes with the highlight on zakat. It is one of the main obligations in Islam. Zakat is a sys- Muslims in zakat aid. People in crisis, as tem to transfer money from the rich to the well as those in need of long-term support poor or needy. The Muslim religion provides (the indebted and the poor), are allowed to a basis for humanitarian aid. Islamic charity benefit from zakat. In money terms, every can help to repair society as well as balance Muslim should donate 2.5% of one’s annual the societal challenges. total wealth accumulated over the year. But it is higher than the limit, a minimum Zakat: amount that is in excess of necessity to meet Islam is a complete approach of life. It has one’s basic needs. Wealth contains all items five fundamental pillars namely faith, prayer, of value, including cash, jewelry, precious zakat, fasting during Ramadan month and metals, agricultural crops, property, savings Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah). Zakat is the and retirement funds, with other items. third fundamental pillar of Islam. Literally, the Arabic terms zakat means ‘to purify’. It Discussion in the Noble Qur’an: states the purification of a believer’s wealth The primary source of zakat is the Noble and soul. Wealth purification signifies the Qur’an. The Qur’anic texts refer to zakat utilization of assets for financial evolution more than a dozen times. The traditions of and distribution. Soul purification suggests the Prophet also recognized zakat. Both being free from hatred, greed, selfishness, Qur’anic and Prophetic texts have a variety and uneasiness. The Noble Qur’an does not of references to zakat and a broader sense, define the items of zakat nor does it pro- the concept of sadaqa or charity. vide the required proportion of zakat. It is According to Islam, charity means purity. left to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon So giving zakat to the needy means purify- him) within the Qur’anic explanations and ing the wealth of the rich. Surat At-Tawbah examples. Eight categories of zakat ben- verse103 says that ‘Take, [O, Muhammad], eficiaries are clearly revealed in the Surat from their wealth a charity by which you At-Tawbah verse 60: ‘Zakah expenditures purify them and cause them increase, and in- are only for the poor and for the needy and voke [Allah ‘s blessings] upon them. Indeed, for those employed to collect [zakah] and your invocations are reassurance for them. for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.’ Surat for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those Al-Mujadila verse 12 also says, ‘O you who in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the have believed, when you [wish to] privately [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] consult the Messenger, present before your by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.’ consultation a charity. That is better for you This verse leaves considerable freedom for and purer. But if you find not [the means] -

58 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 59 then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Mer- ciful.’ Other Quranic implications also contain purification of sin. In the Noble Qur’an, zakat is frequently paired with prayer or as a pious duty. According to Surat Al-Baqarah verse 43, ‘And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]’. Also verse 83 repeats that ‘... And speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and give zakah…’ The imperative nature of zakat is noted in sev- eral verses. ‘Who establish prayer and give zakah, and they, of the Hereafter, are certain [in faith]’ Surat Luqman, verse 4. In addition, zakat is not only a religious obligation but also a right of the poor in the wealth of rich. Surat Adh-Dhariyat verse19 Muslim religion teaches to keep defines, ‘And from their properties was [given] the right of the [needy] petitioner a check and balance in society and the deprived.’ This concept of right repeats in another verse, ‘And those within whose wealth is a known right’ Surat Al- will they grieve.’ Therefore, zakat is not Ma’arij verse 24. It should be emphasized only made as an obligatory nature in Islam, that the ‘acknowledged right’ indicates a but also encouraged with reward. Moreover, particular sum calculated in an objective and Surat Al-Muzzammil verse 20 affirms, ‘and Islamic way. establish prayer and give zakah and loan Muslim religion teaches to keep a check and Allah a goodly loan. And whatever good balance in society. Consequently, it instructs you put forward for yourselves - you will the wealthy Muslims to share a particular find it with Allah. It is better and greater in portion of wealth with the underprivileged. reward...’ This sharing is made mandatory for rich The positive aspects of Islamic contribu- Muslims. Surat Al-Baqarah verse 110 also tion, not least its social cohesion, as well echoed the same while Surat An-Nisa verse the possibility for personal expansion; Surat 77 focused on performing prayer and giving Ar-Rum verse 39 states, ‘And whatever zakat. Thus, zakat is an obligatory action in you give for interest to increase within the Islamic tradition. wealth of people will not increase with Al- Surat Al-Baqarah verse 277 declares, ‘In- lah. But what you give in zakah, desiring the deed, those who believe and do righteous countenance of Allah - those are the multi- deeds and establish prayer and give zakah pliers.’ will have their reward with their Lord, and Charity and zakat are consistent with the there will be no fear concerning them, nor needs of Muslims as a growing spiritual and

60 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 61 Narrated by Abu Huraira, the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said, ‘The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy person. And start giving first to your dependents’ (Sahih Al Bukhari). In an- other hadith the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) noticeably pointed out the obligatory feature of zakat when he sent his representative to Yemen: ‘Inform them that Creator made it obligatory to take alms from the rich to give to the poor…’ Zakat payment is clearly traced at the period of Abu Bakar, the first Caliph. Abu Bakr said, ‘By Allah! I will fight those who dif- ferentiate between the prayer and the Zakat as Zakat is the compulsory right to be taken financial community. ‘And We made them from the property (according to Allah’s leaders guiding by Our command. And We orders) …’ (Sahih Al Bukhari). So, from the inspired to them the doing of good deeds, period of Abu Bakar, there is a precedent establishment of prayer, and giving of za- of mandatory zakat payment to the central kah; and they were worshippers of Us’ Surat government, then distributed it to the needy. Al-Anbya verse 73. In view of Zakat’s importance, it should be Surat At-Tawbah verse 34 says, ‘O you who paid before other debts. have believed, indeed many of the scholars Narrated by Abu Huraira, the Prophet said, and the monks devour the wealth of people (On the Day of Resurrection) camels will unjustly and avert [them] from the way of come to their owner in the best state of Allah. And those who hoard gold and silver health they have ever had (in the world), and spend it not in the way of Allah - give and if owner had not paid their Zakat (in them tidings of a painful punishment.’ Ac- the world) then they would tread him with cordingly, Muslims must not hoard wealth at their feet. Similarly, sheep will come to any cost. their owner and if zakat had not paid, then Therefore, all these examples emphasize that they would tread him with their hooves Zakat has a deep humanitarian and socio- and would butt him with their horns. The economic value. It creates brotherhood Prophet added, I do not want anyone of you between rich and poor as well as improves to come to me on the Day of Resurrection, the economy of the nation. carrying over his neck a sheep that will be bleating/ a camel that will be grunting. Such Clarification in tradition: a person will (then) say, ‘O Muhammad! The tradition and teachings of the Prophet (please intercede for me,) I will say to him. provide a context for interpreting the Qur’an ‘I can’t help you, for I conveyed Allah’s and delivers several legal standards. It also Message to you ‘ (Sahih Al Bukhari). contains a reference to zakat. Overall, it is expected that the zakat

60 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 61 Aziz. Then, the then Egypt’s governor sent him a letter asking on direction of zakat funds donation as no eligible unfortunate was found in Egypt. According to Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the funds can be utilized to, ‘Buy slaves and let them free, build rest areas on the highways and help young men and women to get married’. Hence, Zakat is efficient in fighting against poverty if -be ing managed properly. Therefore, the zakat system gave rise to exemplary social unity payment will purify the zakat payer’s in- and significantly improved the living stan- come, satisfy the basic needs of needy, and dard of poor. solving the problems of poverty. Importantly, under the rule of Omar bin Al-Khattab, a new technique of zakat col- Poverty Alleviation: lections was introduced, known as al’ashir. Poverty has become a financial, social, and Omar established several checkpoints on political issue around the world. Particularly major highways, particularly those coming the poor and developing countries, includ- from another country. At each checkpoint, ing many Muslim countries are suffering an appointed tax collector, collected zakat the problem. History shows that zakat is an from the Muslim traders. Alternatively, the effective instrument to alleviate poverty. In non-Muslim merchants were required to the era of Omar bin Al Khattab and Omar pay taxes on imports (Ahmed, 2004; Doga- bin Abdul Aziz, zakat played a vital role to rawa, 2009). This system continued through eradicate poverty. Nevertheless, with the the early history of Islamic government collapse of the Islamic Empire, zakat institu- (Ahmed, 2004). Omar also introduced the tions lost their magnificence. theory of Baital-mal or Public Treasury to During the reigning of Omar bin Al-Khattab manage the zakat as well as funds in (the second caliph), the governor of Ye- 15 AH. men, Mu’adh bin Jabal sent one-third of the Generally, Islam aims to create a society free zakat collection in a specific year to Omar from poverty. Besides poverty alleviation, bin Al-Khattab. Omar rejected and said, ‘I zakat aims to eradicate greediness among sent you to take from the rich and render it Muslims. to the poor among them’. Mu’adh claimed that there is no one who deserved the za- Modern implications: kat money. In the following year, Mu’adh In early Islamic history, zakat was distrib- sent half of the zakat collection and faced a uted locally. Islamic governments remained similar situation. Later, in the third year, he in charge of zakat collection and distribution sent all the zakat collection to Omar as well through a mechanism known as ‘Bait-Al- as said, ‘This year I did not find a single Maal’ or Treasury House. It comprised of person to donate the zakat’. Same thing hap- a collective fund to support the destitute. If pened during the period of Omar bin Abdul a country did not need this support, it was

62 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 63 Zakat is a system to transfer money from the rich to the poor or needy

transferred to another country. Nowadays, many Muslims consider that majority of governments use their political agenda with It will be very helpful to eradicate poverty this fund. So, they no longer trust them to from society. But, the e-zakat system must ‘Bait-Al-Maal’. However, zakat collection not violate the Shari’ah in case of responsi- and distribution system varies from country bility, transparency, and efficiency. As zakat to country. is rooted in religious law. In the present world, charitable actions are no longer limited to a particular region but Conclusion: shield the entire world. We are experienc- Ambition has no rest. Thus, zakat can act ing the benefit of digital communication and as a bridge between the spiritual and finan- modern transportation. In the past, individ- cial connections of Muslims. Zakat acts as ual initiatives and humanitarian assistance a shield to protect Muslims from the evil were limited to the domestic level. In the pleasures of wealth hoarding. It is one of the case of zakat payments, mainly people’s central global economic frameworks. It can needs are prioritized. Then the surplus dis- be ideally placed to co-ordinate efforts to tributed in other areas or as instructed by the address economic hardship. Currently, the central government. coronavirus epidemic is putting enormous In today’s modern life, cutting-edge technol- stress on economic systems throughout the ogy is utilized for religious activities. E- world. It could lead to serious disruptions in Zakat or the on-line zakat system is a crucial the world market, particularly to low-income breakthrough in modern technology. The tra- people due to price hikes and food defi- ditional way of zakat payment and collection ciency. Usually, epidemic comes and go, but was done through the zakat collection points some true stands out in society. If the epi- or offices. Currently, several countries are demic continues, the civilization will disap- introducing the e-zakat system to improve pear. It is important to eradicate the problem the zakat collection system as payment as it is enormous. Today the main duty of method is easier. Similarly, it is expected to every Muslim is to look after the poor to inspire rich people to pay zakat more enthu- repair society and eliminate social injustice. siastically. It would also enable individuals We hope that all Muslim countries would and companies to find information and get utilize charity in this regard. Zakat can face service from zakat institutions. Equally, the this challenge and balance the growth of the amount of collected zakat can be increased. Muslim community.’

62 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 63 Egypt mourns its ‘doctor of the poor’

Cairo - Arab News

“I pledged to God that I would not take a penny from a poor person and that I would remain in my clinic to help the poor.” This selfless statement sums up the attitude and benevolence of Egyptian mother replied to the child, saying that if doctor Mohammed Mashaly, who recently she buys the insulin shot she would have died at the age of 76. no money Thousands of people turned out to pay to buy food for his siblings. I still remem- their respects and say farewell to Mashaly ber that harsh situation, which made me — known simply as “the doctor of the decide to devote my knowledge to treating poor” — in his home village of Zahr the poor.” El-Temsah, in the Beheira governorate of He said that he kept his fee low and northern Egypt. sometimes he did not take any money at The crowds that marched in his funeral all from the poorest people and provided procession reflected the love, admiration them with free medications, too. and appreciation for Mashaly. He became Commenting on his decision to turn down renowned in his country as the doctor a donation worth millions from a TV who would take only 5 Egyptian pounds show, he said: “I reject donations and I ($0.30) as payment for a visit to his office. advise them to offer such donations to the He was featured in a number of TV pro- poor and needy. grams and news reports, and many state Mashaly grew up in a poor family and institutions honored him for his work and built his career from nothing. He struggled generosity. to educate his own children and his broth- Viewers were particularly moved by a TV er’s children, yet still he chose to help the interview in which he cried as he spoke poor and those on limited incomes. of an experience he had when he started Mashaly continued to help the patients working at a health center in a poor area. at his clinic in Tanta until shortly before “A little diabetic child came to me cry his death, said Dr. Hashem Mohammed, ing from pain and telling his mother to who worked as his assistant since the inject him with insulin,” he said. “The mid-1990s.

64 lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l lDhul Hijjah 1441/August 2020 l 65