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74" #$%8 ( %$%8 (8 !# 6!*789 %& & ' !"#$ ()*## " =% 4<2O4,=0, N65:;,<22;=<<4+56+4> :.2300,2:5:.25)< 4,005 2<3 6<".0656.2,+3.: 6002,,4+<6,:.<2.0+,4O :.2:."5: .24;.: :5+ .2>.)<523,3.2C:<5.2 4,:.452 >4,:.6.4/.>3.4. 0 )511!!, @A B.+ ,.(( :'; '<3=> 8? 2,34,0 ndia’s economic growth is set Ito reach 7 per cent from a five-year low of 5.8 per cent in the first three months of 2019, but concerns will remain on the fiscal front following the eco- nomic slowdown and its adverse impact on tax collec- tions amid rising farms sector expenditure. The pre-Budget Economic Survey presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to Parliament on Thursday said the fiscal deficit estimate for 2018-19 has been retained 2 0 "3 at 3.4 per cent of the GDP, same ! as projected in the interim 2 ! 4567+ Budget. 68 & The country would need a !"#"$%# &' huge boost in spending and $"&!())! !%* reforms to accelerate higher &!+ !# ()," rate of expansion to double the economy’s size to $5 trillion by ()%)$(,"!,&&!#! 2024-25, the survey said, O*0)$ #(P2#0 adding stepping up private 0"&!+)" ( investments, exports and job *!#"(#P!#)023# 0 "! creation will be key to achiev- ing the target. haps a decade before the antic- age according to a pre-set time- become the fifth-largest econ- ed private investment. Also, The gross domestic prod- ipated shift — so that the line,” the survey said. omy next year. micro, small and medium uct (GDP) growth is expected workforce can be prepared for Investment rate, which was Authored by Chief enterprises sector needs focus to rise to 7 per cent in 2019-20, it,” the survey said.
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