FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS INSTITUTIONS AS A HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION MECHANISM THE CASES OF THE OMBUDSMAN and HUMAN RIGHTS AND EQUALITY INSTITUTION OF TURKEY Ulaş Karan D. Çiğdem Sever This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. The content is entirely the responsibility of the Association for Monitoring Equal Rights and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. Eşit Haklar İçin İzleme Derneği Gümüşsuyu Mah. Ağa Çırağı Sok. No:7 Pamir Apt. D:1 Beyoğlu/İstanbul Tel: 0212 293 63 77 email:
[email protected] [email protected] Grafik Tasarım: Mehmet Ali Çelik İSTANBUL - 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD 5 REPORT ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND EQUALITY INSTITUTION OF TURKEY 7 INTRODUCTION 7 I. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR EQUALITY INSTITUTIONS 10 A- Competence and Responsibilities 10 B- Composition and Guarantees of Independence and Pluralism 12 C- Methods of Operation 14 D- Quasi-Jurisdictional Competence 15 II. TIHEK and COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS 17 A- Competence and Responsibilities of TIHEK 17 1. TIHEK and Its Legal Basis 17 2. Duties and Authorities of TIHEK 17 B- TIHEK’s Composition and Guarantees of Independence and Pluralism 23 1. Composition of TIHEK, Board Members and the Selection Thereof 23 2. Assurances Granted to the Members of the Board 27 3. TIHEK and Independence 28 C- TIHEK and Working Methods 34 1. Powers of TIHEK 34 2. TIHEK and Working Method 35 3. TIHEK and Cooperation with Other Institutions 35 4. TIHEK and Cooperation with CSOs 37 5. TIHEK and Accessibility 38 6.