Chester Diocesan News #EverydayFaith across the of Chester | December 2020 Diocese of Chester Comfort and Joy

Archdeacon Pg 2 Comfort and Joy Christmas campaign Pg 4 Planning for Christmas Pg 6 The Archdeacon of Macclesfield, Ian Bishop, finds there is comfort and joy to be found this Christmas, if we put our faith in God.

or so many families ful nine months ended in an unhy- Christmas 2020 will feel gienic birth isolated from all that was very empty. Many will be familiar just adds to the ignominy. It grieving loss, others just can never be claimed that God pro- missing family they would tected himself from the harsh realities normally be with, but for of life. allF there seems likely to be an empty But in that epic passage in John space in the normal Christmas joy. 1, it is clear that in the darkness the You can’t wrap it up and disguise it as light still shines, ‘The true light which anything other than a rather disap- enlightens everyone, was coming into pointing end to the saddest of years. the world.’ (John 1:9 NRSV). Here we It really does feel like we’re in the find tidings of comfort and joy. bleakest of midwinters. Whatever darkness you might We now know that the Govern- have experienced this year, illness, ment is planning to relax the rules bereavement, redundancy, debt, over Christmas, but for some the risk the light still shines. Like God we are remains too great and there will be no never protected from the harsh reali- return to normality for any of us. How- ties of life, but we are part of a story ever you spend Christmas, I hope you that keeps moving towards the light. will know ‘Comfort and Joy’ – the title Out of nowhere in the darkness of the of the rather nicely phrased Church night there was singing on the hillside, of England Christmas campaign this ‘Glory to God in the highest.’ And the year. story unfolded to a world desperate Maybe we can, this year more than for a saviour. The world is desperate any other, unwrap the story of Christ- for a saviour, a vaccine to bring us out mas in a different way. No one is pre- of this darkness, a strategy that will tending everything is OK, so no need restore order and hope. That might to pretend this is a wonderful story. deal with the presenting problem, but Scandal at the pregnancy brought true comfort and joy only arrives with shame on all, what did the families accepting the simple gift of love, man- make of it all? We know Joseph nearly ifested in the child of Bethlehem. divorced Mary. Those nine months of It may be different this year, but awkward explanations, humiliating may you, and those whom you love, whispers and embarrassing gossip. still know true comfort and joy. I was raised in a small village and vil- lages don’t always treat those under Archdeacon Ian Bishop scrutiny with kindness. That this pain- 2 3 Advent Activity Calendar Daily Hope The has pro- Daily Hope is a dedicated tel- Preparing for Advent & Christmas 2020 duced a free Advent Activity Calendar ephone line offering music, prayers that you can download here. It en- and reflections as well as full length courages us to remember the joy of services of worship over the tele- Christmas whilst reminding is to offer phone. Calls are totally free by dial- comfort to others. ling this number 0800 804 8044. The Daily reflections service has been a huge success since Taking inspiration from a tradi- coming into operation shortly before tional carol service, you can sign up the first national lockdown came into to receive daily reflections for the effect Christmas season from Kate Bottley, For more information about the Jonathan Bryan, Bob Chilcot, Martha Comfort and Joy campaign, and for Collison, , Guli Fran- details about how your parish church cis-Dehqani, Chine McDonald, Sally can order resources and benefit from Phillips and Justin Welby. A booklet is a range of free digital resources via also available to purchase. A Church Near You, visit the Comfort and Joy webpage

reated by Around the Diocese of Chester this Christmas the National Ways to get Church, this Bishop and wife read story year’s Christ- involved in Watch the video of Bishop Mark and mas campaign, his wife Lindsay reading a children’s called ‘Comfort Comfort and book in support of “Your Christmas”, and Joy’, aims to bring some the Christmas campaign from adop- C tion agency Adoption Matters. festive cheer to parishioners Joy and churches everywhere, whilst also acknowledging that Christmas at Chester Cathedral we are still in difficult times and National online services The Christmas Tree Festival, Sunday that people may have recently In collaboration with a brunch with Father Christmas, a lost loved ones and livelihoods. range of Christian charities Christmas Carol concert, and much The Church of England has and organisations, the Church more are all happening at the been preparing for Christmas of England will produce nine Cathedral this year. for months and has made online services throughout Ad- vent and Christmas. This will available to parishes a wealth Ultimate online Advent Calendar of digital and print content for include an online service for The of Chester, Manchester you to use and enjoy. each Sunday of Advent, a Chris- and Sheffield have teamed up to Comfort and Joy is a fantas- tingle with the Children’s Socie- launch the Ultimate Online Advent tic way to experience and cel- ty, nine lessons and carols, and Calendar, to bring some Christmas ebrate the story of Jesus from midnight services. They will all cheer to youth groups and schools. home, or indeed from any loca- be broadcast on the Church’s tion if you have internet access. YouTube and Facebook pages.

4 5 Planning for Christmas work for everyone and so they also distribute DVDs and paper copies of services, liturgy, prayers, songs and sermons to those that want them. The Reverend Canon Diane Cookson is the Vicar of St Saviour’s, Stockport. Diane has a weekly system of phoning vulnerable members of her congregation every week. It’s something she feels is especially important to continue over the Christmas period. Diane says: “St Saviour’s has a tradition of organising church events, something which The Revd Graham Shaw we have had to forego this year, but instead we decided to run a on Christmas Eve, if permitted, but The Revd Graham Cousins of Christ Church, Moreton, with his video team. Christmas fayre on Facebook.” Many due to the possibility of pubs closing of the items for sale are handmade by early, he is considering holding this at two members of the core team. Over an earlier hour than normal. Graham Christmas will be different this year, but nevertheless 150 items have been produced so far says: “This has received some positive churches in the Diocese of Chester are adapting to the and there are more to be added. The feedback with comments such as, challenges we face and doing their utmost to connect items can be viewed on St Saviour’s ‘Oh good, midnight is far too late for Facebook page. people with Jesus, God and each other. me normally anyway’. The key thing The items can be viewed on is we’ve got to be flexible and willing St Saviour’s Facebook page. aking plans for But how are our parishes adapting to make decisions with relatively little Christmas is never to the uncertainty that coronavirus notice based on whatever the current straight forward: brings this year? The great thing is situation is at that time.” who goes to who’s that parishes in the Diocese of Chester The Revd Graham Cousins is the for Christmas din- have great resolve. Here three Vicars Vicar of Christ Church, Moreton. He ner, what time share how they are continuing to says: “What we are trying to do is doesM the turkey go in, when is it OK to make things happen this Christmas replicate our usual Christmas services start drinking? in ways that still connect people with in the best way that we can, given If only it were that simple. This Jesus, God and each other. the current restrictions.” The church year, it’s difficult for any of us to make The Revd Graham Shaw is the benefits from having expertise in any concrete plans. Vicar of Christ Church, Chester which video streaming and they will put this Typically, Christmas is the busiest caters mainly to young adults aged 18 to good use by broadcasting services time of year for our churches; a time - 35. People in this age range, which across social media. Unfortunately, when families come together to enjoy includes students from the nearby their live performance of the nativity the magic of Christmas and the story University of Chester, are more play can’t happen, but youth leader of Christ’s birth. For our clergy and likely to go home to their parents Kat Taylor came up with the idea of church leaders, the rhythm of advent for Christmas. For this reason, the filming each character separately and preparation and the planning of carol church usually holds its Christmas then editing them together to create services and nativity plays is a regular celebrations early. Graham hopes a video. Graham is keen to emphasise One of the items for sale from St Saviour’s feature of parish ministry. to open the church for communion that using modern technology doesn’t 6 7 Events

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Chester Diocesan Board of Finance. Church House, 5500 Daresbury Park, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4GE. Tel: 01928 718834 Chester Diocesan Board of Finance is a company limited by guarantee registered in England (no. 7826) Registered charity (no. 248968) 8