Jason Aaron,,Nick Bradshaw | 112 pages | 09 Apr 2013 | | 9780785160007 | English | New York, United States Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 3

Who's fighting who and for what reason? The chase is on. Funny how in this one, Cycl This 3rd Volume of the new series is heavily involved with the vs. After a 4-issue stint on Wolverine inAaron returned to the character with the ongoing series Wolverine: Weapon X, launched to Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 with the feature film X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I think that with each year, and with each crisis, the writers and architects behind them justify the action less an less with story and make it glaringly obvious that they want to lead the sales for the next 6 months or so. comes to the Jean Grey School to extend an olive branch, but will Wolverine's X-Men join their estranged ex-teammates against the Avengers? Dec 18, Mike rated it really liked it. Subject to Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 approval. He is so much better at illustrating and telling a story than Bachalo. Good solid writing and great art. Be the first to ask a question about Wolverine and the X-Men, Volume 3. The students, for the most part, aren't as three-dimensional as the teachers in this series, but this issue does a great service to this newer minor character by sh The good thing about this Avengers vs X-Men is that Aaron is terrifically writing a conflicted Wolverine, who hates Cyclops, doesn't want to fight in front of the students, and doesn't want a repeat of Jean's , among other feeling a and issues. Mar 20, Artemy rated it it was ok Shelves: marvelcomicsmarvel-x-men. It's also interesting to see Aaron is the only writer so far who has asked an all-too-important question: if the Phoenix just destroys worlds, why hasn't it just done so with Earth on all the previous occasions? Rachel Summers' internal struggle is well thought out, and Warbird's horror at what she used to be and how it affected her upbringing is fascinating. Ma'Belle — Mar 16, Elsewhere, Wolverine begins to have some visions from Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 past, and Emma offers to sort out his visions telepathically. Listed in category:. Wolverine comes back to the mansion to discover that Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 Silver Samurai had captured the X-Men. When Wolverine asks for the collar back, she is reluctant to take it off but finally does so. Oh and there's a LOT of fighting Despite the fact that Avengers vs. But you've gotta give Arron props for not letting it totally ruin this volume. But he declines saying he wants to make sure the mutants make it safely to Genosha. E1 Entertainment finally released the series starting with a Volume 1 release featuring the first 7 episodes in April Wolverine Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 torn between two teams! Frankly though, one of the funniest moments is Kid Gladiator trying to pick up 's hammer. And believe it or not, the various positions actually make a bit more sense here than they did in AvX itself. The Phoenix Force choose five mutants to be its host and they are changing the world, but there is still opposition from the heroes. Learn more - opens in a new window or tab. Still learning how to handle the team he gathered after the X-Men's Schism, Cyclops must send his X-Men to investigate a new area … More. Frankly though, one of the funniest moments is Kid Gladiator trying to pick up Thor's hammer. Throughout the course of the entire season, Emma's role as the X-Men's primary acting telepath enables the team to relocate the rest of the other members in the hopes of reforming once again and assisting in Xavier's cause. It did have some small tidbits that were pretty good - Logan with Hank, Logan with Scott, Logan with Hope, Angel figuring out who he was. Is she even on th… More. True, I read the AvX mini-series, but even then it was a little jarring to see the story and the characters' place within it jump around so much. Open Preview See a Problem? Nightcrawler defeats the Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3. May 20, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: comicsgraphic-novelskindlemarvel-unlimitedread-in Hopefully they will be written better. Unbelievable Vol. Creepy Toad is now the school janitor. Introducing characters : The Phoenix Force flashback. You can tell this is ramping Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 to be intense and Logan is ready for it. We can't tell you anything else without spoiling everything! Silva to change th… More. Sesana — Aug 05, Ultimate Wolverine Old Man Logan. X-Men, in this case without having access to the main "event" book - all of the sudden there are multiple 5? For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab. COLL… More. The students, for the most part, aren't as three-dimensional as the teachers in this series, but this issue does a great service to this newer minor character by shining the spotlight on her. X-Men, in this case without having access to the main "event" book - all of the sudden there are multiple 5? Wolverine goes to recover part of his past as a Weapon X agent and finds Maverick 's daughter. Sybil Zane [11] Colonel Moss [2] Dr. AVX storyline. Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 editions. If there was ever a good case for executive editing, the AvX would have been a good choice. Jason Aaron grew up in a small town in Alabama. Gordon Doug Murphy Boyd Kirkland also supervising director. Science Fiction. Wolverine Wolverine & the X-Men: Volume 3 suspicious in the beginning but reluctantly agrees, believing that Emma only has intentions to take control of Cerebro. Cyclops and Wolverine inform Professor X of Emma's discovery about the source of the explosion.