April 24, 2020

Premier Dwight Ball 8th Floor, East Block Confederation Building P.O. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 [email protected]

RE: Economic Recovery

Dear Honorable Premier,

We are in challenging and unprecedented times with the COVD-19 pandemic and the effects it is having on the health and safety of residents, as well as the economy in general. We acknowledge government’s daily briefings to ensure the public are kept abreast of the latest information, and for your proactive approach ensuring residents are provided the best health/safety practices as well as directions on ensuring minimal spread of this deadly virus. On behalf of our respective memberships, thank you!

While everyone’s first priority must be our health and safety, and we recognize we are in early days of the pandemic, the devasting impact on our economy and the development of an economic recovery plan must also be part of our collective focus. As a province and country, we are experiencing economic devastation as a result of COVID-19, and this will require a concentrated strategy to mitigate the long-term economic impacts. Construction activity has proven to be one of the greatest economic stimulators available: putting people to work; supporting local businesses through the supply of goods and services; and generating more disposable income which supports the service sector, all stimulating economic activity. There are challenges, but with proper testing, planning and coordinated collective efforts there are opportunities to phase-in work on major projects and construction activity.

On behalf of our memberships, we encourage government to establish an Economic Recovery Task Force to focus on both short-term and long-term economic stimulus opportunities, and most importantly to identify an action plan to safely get people back to work. The Task Force ought to focus on: - Working with all levels of government, industry and labour to identify a plan to safely re-open construction projects in a responsible way. This will include establishing safety protocols to protect workers while supporting the ability to get projects moving; - Identifying infrastructure projects that will provide immediate job creation, diversification and workforce development; - Working with resource (hydo, mining, oil & gas) developers to kick-start or restart projects; and - Working with relevant partners to fast-track previously announced public infrastructure projects, including the provincial mental health facility, correctional institution, and Labrador link.

We see the Economic Recovery Task Force being comprised of government ministers and senior officials, business and industry leaders, and other stakeholders, and offer our support and assistance in any capacity we can to assist with such an initiative, ensuring we get projects moving and people working.

As you and Minister Haggie keep your focus on the health and well-being of our province, we encourage you to deploy your cabinet colleagues in establishing this special task force, so that when the timing is appropriate, we are ready to start stimulating the economy, getting people back to work safely and providing an income for their families.

You have our full support as you continue navigating these turbulent times to protect our province and residents. By way of this letter, we are requesting a meeting with you at the earliest opportunity to discuss our province’s economy recovery and our ideas further.

Thanking you in advance.

______John Leonard, President George Dalton, Chairperson Trades NL: Building Trades of Construction Labour Relations Newfoundland & Labrador Association of NL (CLRA)

______Darin T. King, PH.D Terry French Executive Director, Trades NL President, CLRA

Cc:/ Honourable Seamus O’Regan Honourable Steve Crocker Honourable Honourable Mr. Ches Crosbie Ms. Alison Coffin