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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

1-30-2003 Arbiter, January 30 Students of Boise State University

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Professor conducts innovative Alzheimer's research

way to strengthen his case. In fetal development, a baby Findings to be a rare collaboration, may be born with webbed researchers from Boise State, hands and feet. published in the University of California But if apoptosis is inadver- at Irvine and Northwestern tently turned on in large scientific journal University will be sending numbers of neurons, those their papers collectively this cells will self-destruct. The week to the of America's affected areas, along with the By Casey Wyatt top scientific journals, the associated memory and Tile Arbiter -"------Proceedings of thinking, are tile National lost forever For years, researchers Academy of because brain studying Alzheimer's dis- Sciences. tissue cannot ease have tried to understand "They've Rohn's theories have regenerate. how brain cells - called neu-. found the Rohn's rons - mysteriously degener- same thing come about as he has theories have ate in some people as they using differ- searched for the elusive come about age. ent methods," as he has Dr. Troy Rohn's work at Rohn said. link between apoptosls searched for Boise State recently shed "If one of the elusive light on the mechanics of our papers and two structures link between Alzheimer's. Rohn said he gets rejected, apoptosis and has evidence that brain cells the other called plaques and two struc- , Brain With-A.D ", ' are using their own built-in tures called group will MRI courtesy of BSU Dept. of Biology self-destruction mechanism withdraw tangles, which help plaques and to tum on themselves. theirs as tangles, doctors identify that plaques and NFT's are "We're confident we've well." which help ry. For years, their signifi- between brain cells can be figured out how the neurons Tho s e doctors iden- cance has been a mystery. disrupted, and brain cells can linked to apoptosis. Alzheimer's atter death. His results could lead to die," he said. papers could t i f Y Also, neurofibrillary tan- die. the development of new If the scientific community point to apop- Alzheimer's gles, or NFTs, appear. NFTs Although the presence of drugs aimed at blocking accepts his findings, which tosis, usually after death. are twisted knots of tau, a these aid in postmortem apoptosis in the Alzheimer's he will send out this week, a normal. Plaques, special protein that acts as diagnoses, scientists do 110t Rohn, his team and Boise process of life. Apoptosis acts which are circular deposits of the neuron's scaffolding. understand the relationship diseased brain. Whether that State would see a boon in to get rid of excess or dam- special proteins, occur in When the tau is tangled in between them - that's why process can .b.e inhibited remains an eXCltmg possibili- research funding and recog- aged cells. For example, if it great numbers in the area of the cell, the neuron loses its Rohn is so excited. He said nition. does not function correctly in the brain that handles memo- shape. Communication his team has found evidence ty for everyone involved. Rohn is going out of his Greens plan peace Students raise funds for rally at Statehouse programming By Jason Kauffman Tile Arbiter ------By Jessica Adams Tile Arbiter ------Boise State's Campus Greens, although seemingly The Student Programs small in number, continue to Board tentatively scheduled take an active role on campus Ralph Nader, the 2000 Green as well as in the community, Party U.S. presidential candi- Current issues receiving' date, to speak on "The the attention of the Campus Corporation of America" at Greens include an upcoming Boise State University. peace rally and plans to But there is one problem: increase the use of native SPB doesn't have funds the plants in landscaping pro- necessary to bring Nader to jects across campus. campus. Ryan McDaniel, SPB lec- According to Casey tures chairperson, initially O'Leary, a Campus Greens asked ASBSU to sponsor the member, the organization event. Upon rejection, advocates for these and other McDaniel decided to seek issues based upon Idaho sponsorship from members Greens Ten Values. of the communitv, . "These values of the Green. McDaniel said he has risen party include non-violence, over half the financial sup- ecological wisdom, social jus- port necessary to bring tice and respect for diversi- Nader to campus, yet SPB ty,': she said. must make up the difference In the past, the Campus of $4,500. Greens have focused on pro- Originally, Nader's pre- sentation would have cost jects such as campaigning for local Idaho Green Party can- close to $20,000, but Chef Ebed (center) instructs students during a lunch rush. Photos by Kelly Day. The Arbiter McDaniel bargained with didates and sponsoring cam- Nader's agent to bring the pus-based voter registration. speaker to Boise State for LOCAL CHEF TEACHES STUDENTS ~ In light of the possibility of $10,750. an impending war with Iraq, The event is scheduled to Campus Greens have become take place on April 7 in the increasingly active. in the Pavilion. Nader's lecture EDITERRANEAN~ National Youth and Student intends to educate students Peace Coalition. and the general public on Chef Ibrahim Ebed, who has owned and The coalition, whose cam- American corporate values, operated Aladdin Egyptian Cuisine on pus-wide affiliates include including corporate greed Broadway for 10 years, is currently the guest the Idaho Progressive and the environmental e1fects chef at Culinary Arts until Friday, February 7. Student Alliance and the of corporate activities in the Ebed, who has also owned restaurants in College Democrats, is plan- next 20 years, Germany and Saudi Arabia, was once a chef ning a peace rally on The total cost, of the pro- at the United Nations headquarters in New gram would amount to Wednesday, March 5 at 3:30 $19,550. According to York City. . p.m. at the Statehouse. McDaniel, ASBSU denied . Not only is Ebed teaching students about According to O'Leary, this their sponsorship due to a working with Mediterranean ingredients, he rally will give a voice to peo- lack of available funds. also emphasizes a safe work environment. ple who feel they are voice- "When I saw ASB had "Safety is the most important thing student less, such as high school stu- spent $9,000 on billboards, I chefs must learn. Knowing how to use a knife dents. . thought 'that's great, that's properly will help you become more confi- "I think high school stu- what our president should be dent in trying to create new dishes." dents in particular are feeling doing-for the greater good of Ebedhasfused his style of cuisine with the p:etty P?werle~s. Theyorga- our university,'" MCDaniel current four-week Culinary Arts menu, mzed this to give some sup-. said. includingSambosik (a puffed pastry stuffed port to the idea of peace," "Maybe I'll have some with curried chicken) and Kefta Mishwe (a O'Leary. said. ' dough next year. Right now beef dish served with Mediterranean rice). See 'Students page 3' Front: Sambosik. Back: Sauteed prawns in a spicy tomato sauce. See Greens pagr 3. 'Abstinence only' policies leave students uninformed ~.' - among teenagers as the reason . By Linda Cook nence-based . sex education, S'I'Is [sexually transmitted abstinence. . for resolution. The legislators The Arbiter ------which differs from abstinence- infections] with oral and anal Studies published in the only sex education in that it sex," Merrick said. . Journal of the American did not define what either term meant but most observers took it - In fiscal year 2003, the feder- teaches teenage abstinence and In abstinence-only programs, Medical Association have found ~ ~~~ al government expects to spend also provides information to the educators are not allowed to that' comprehensive sex educa- as a show of support for absti- . $135 million on sex education teens about protecting them- teach contraceptives except to tion is more effective than absti- nence-only programs. Light Showers Many school districts already to promote "abstinence only." selves against pregnancy and point out their failure rates. , -nence-only education. Fifty states applied for federal sexually transmitted diseases. According- to a study con- Ll.S. teenagers continue to -had policies in place. JQe Gordon, Health Supervisor for 48° funding, for abstinence promo- -"If they're not getting med- ducted by the Henry J. Kaiser contract S'I'D'' a higher rate the Boise School District, says tion programs this year. ically accurate, comprehensive Family Foundation, over 80 per- than' their peers in other devel- the district adopted its own pol- Federal policy states that the sex education, they're unin- cent of Americans say they sup- oped nations. The Guttmacher FRIDAY icy in the '90's. . message of abstinence should formed," Merrick said. port schools teaching children Institute believes that this isdue The school board policy not be diluted and that teaching Merrick said that when abstinence while also giving to a far' lower rate of condom states that the "curriculum shall about contraceptives will send a teenagers come to Planned them information about contra- usage. be based on the .philosophy of . mixed .message to young peo- Parenthood.. they need a lot o( ceptives. , . During the 2002 legislative sexual abstinence until mar- ple. education. . The years between 1990 and session, Idaho decision-makers riage." Gordon said. However, some opponents, "When they [teenagers] 1996 saw a 17'percent decline in passed a non-binding resolution = "We can only talk about say there is lack of evidence that corne to us there are all sorts of teenage pregnancy rates. The that sex education in Idaho pub- SUNDAY those things [contraceptives] if teaching abstinence actually myths they've adopted. They Alan Guttmacher Institute esti- lic schools should promote the students ask a direct ques- promotes abstinence. . don't consider oral sex or anal mates. that 75 percent of the "moral. 'development" through tion.. . It cannot be teacher According to Ellie Merrick., sex to be sex ... That myth has decline was due to teen's "character based" programs. public . affairs director of just exploded among' teenagers increased knowledge of and The legislators cited their initiated." Planned Parenthood of Idaho, ... They don't understand access to contraception, and 25 'concerns about the effects of provided by weolher.rom the organization supports' absti- they're just as susceptible to percento~ngtoinc~edteen teen pregnancy and SID rates

.. .) ~ r'_ .... _, •. ~_~ •• ~ __ .t'-::.:.__,. .__..~._ '.~" ~----_."-"'-~'"" . Page 2 • The Arbiter News Bachelor's degree opens doors to bigger paychecks

By John Gallagher stay with the county or look Knight Ridder Newspapers - elsewhere. But, either way, he expects his degree to pay, [ohn Bommarito used to oft.' think he didn't need a col- "Financial~y, it'll ope~ up lege degree to move up in his an opportunity to obtain a field. A music industry better job with better pay," entrepreneur, Bommarito, a said Connors, 27, of St. Clair 35-year-old. Livonia, Mich., Shores, Mich. resident, has been a music "It's a tool that enables ~1!:}.'.i\i;;j·I'!Oi: buyer, a store manager and a you to open other doors." ,HeWIeR ...•.··.P()'iliidattcin· s'., disc jockey at clubs and And pay isn't all of it, ;;'~iEn'.eeiiii'i;$CJiOoJi;~Pi small radio stations. either. Want greater job sta- 'the fW~tltUftatiW:It'. t··. ,.... But the music turned sour bility? High school dropouts ",Boise Sta~ Wa$·.aVfard~ . when he tried to find a high- are suffering nearly 9 percent ed.: $1;050,000 Qver., foUr,' er management job without a unemployment nght now; · years for a project'titled bachelor's degree. for college graduates, the fig- "1figured, well, I've got 15 ure is just slightly over 3 per- ;£~erc9'mrM:i:3~~~ KRT Photograph by Jim Batas/Saattle Times years of solid work history, cent. .•Engit)eeririgi::"<::~urs~s; , I've been a head buyer, I've Alison Wolf, a British (January 28) Jasmine Patel performs an acupuncture procedure on Barbara Hubbard Thellirtegr~ts;.:,;l'angmg run my own company, I writer and author of a new at the Bastyr Center in Wallingford, Wash. . .',from $750,WOJo $1.1 mil- should be able to find a job," book "Does Education lioniwill.supp()rt .. pi:o;. he said. Matter?" puts it neatly: "Pick Campus Shorts graInS'.' ,tp .mci'e~se reten- a 'highly educated and a tion",and .....recndtment But he searched frustrat- Kenmore plans to apply for the "It was the best thing lever ingly for six months, getting poorly educated person at West new course. She is completing a did in my life," said Raquel efforts. :~d;.itl\provestu- no offers except for l'obs in random and you can almost residency at Bastyr's acupunc- Brookins of Miami, who now ..dent .: learnm&./through record stores as a g orified guarantee that the first wiII Modern healers ture and herbal clinic in has two children in college on better.·u!ldE).f~a~uate . stock clerk. be earning more than the sec- embracing ancient medicine Wallingford, Wash. the prepaid program. "t~aqung~ . :>.:,." ii. . Instead of raging against ond." Patel said the new degree But this may be the last the system, he realized that She added, "The more SEA TILE-Students have will give her more training and opportunity for families such as University selec:tsnew going back to school for a educated you are, the more long studied for doctoral the ability to explore the acade- the Brookinses to buy that sense dean for extended stud- degree "was the only thing I likely you are to enjoy stable, degrees in philosophy and med- mic and teaching aspects of her of security. ies. could do." long-term employment." icine - but never before for a field. She said she prefers the Under a proposed budget Nothing comes closer as a Bommarito attends classes doctorate in acupuncture. natural aprroach of acupuncture Gov. Jeb Bush unveiled last Michael Stockstill 'has week, each of the 11 public uni- means to increase lifetime at University of Michigan- No recognized learning insti- and herba medicine to what she accepted the. position ;of versities would be able to set its earnings than getting more Dearborn, studying toward a tution in the United States has sees as traditional medicine's dean of Extended Studies ever offered such a course. But focus on symptoms. own tuition.' . education. Economists agree business degree. · at, Boise State University. this year, Bastyr University in "It's a more holistic-based The chairman of Florida He jokes about standing that the case for more educa- Kenmore, Wash., plans to offer therapy and more healing," she Prepaid's board of directors His appointment is con- out as "the old guy with the tion is overwhelming. a DAOM - a Doctorate in said. says the unpredictability created tingent upon approvalby College graduates older little balding patch and the Acupuncture and Oriental "It gets to the root of the by the varying tuition rates the State .Board of than 25 earn more than twice gray hair and the beard." But Medicine. An alternative col- problem," . would destroy the 15-year-old Education, as much each week as high he also realizes' that his lege in Portland, Ore., has simi- program. ' Extended Studies school drop-outs - $896 vs. degree will be able to get him lar plans. East "It tears us up to think such a offers regular academic $360, nearly twice as much as what he wants. The new degree will give successful program will come to courses and special .pro~ those who stopped with a "Earnings is somewhat more credibility to a treatment an end," said Stanley Tate of grams such as work- high school diploma, $506 a important, but more impor- that is increasingly accepted and Parents rush to sign up Miami, who has headed Florida shops; certificates and i week, and comfortably more tant to me is going to a com- embraced as a companion to for prepaid tuition Prepaid since its inception in reachervIn-service pro~ !, than those with some college pany that I'm going to enjoy conventional medic Inc, said 1988. MIAMI-As word spreads grams, international pro- but .no degree, $598 a week, working for," he said, "com- Terry Courtney, the program . The program has been able to · grams, .non-credit cours- chairman. It also will open that Florida's wildly popular thrive because past ·tuition all according to the U.S. ing home from work and es, a concurrent enroll- prepaid college tuition program increases were fairly consistent. Bureau of Labor Statistics. telling my wife, 'I had a good research opportunities and the chance for students to specialize could be in jeopardy, record And the Legislature made ment program for high Moreover, college gradu- day today.' I'd like to be able within their field. numbers of families are rushing across-the-board increases that school students and a sEe- to say that once." ates have experienced The program is expected to to beat the Jan. 31 registration affected all public colleges and cial program for adults growth in inflation-adjusted So bountiful are the life- getaccrcditation from a national deadline. universities. . age 50 and over. time benefits of more educa- I earnings since 1979. In con- board that oversees Oriental- The Florida Prepaid College But if each school sets prices Stockstill will succeed : I trast, high school dropouts tion that they're worth going medicine education. It would Plan allows parents or anyone independently, Tate said it the current dean of have seen their real earnings to some trouble to get. not be considered a medical else to lock in today's tuition would be impossible to predict extended studies/Joyce decline. .' But it's not easy. Keep in degree or give graduates the rates and pay them over time for what a child today would necd Harvey-Morgafl, who is Michael COimors, a build- mind that mid career workers same privilcgcs as medical doc- any child who is a Florida resi- to pay in 10 or 15 years. That, in retiring in January. ing rehabilitation specialist who go back to school often tors, ~uch as the ability to pre- dent. The plan is thc most popu- tum, would make a contract's Stockstill expects to bCffin lar of its kind in the nation by with Macomb County, need to juggle children and scribc drugs, It would be up to fair price hard to set, he said. work at BOise State later Mich., government, will fin- classwork, as well as come each state to decide whethcr to far. Its 800,000 participants out- number the combined enroll- in the spring semester. ish his bachelor's degree in up with tuition and fees that allow graduates to put "Dr." News shorts are compiled by ment of similar programs in all business communication could run into tens of thou- befbrc their names .. Brandon Fiala from KRT and other states. within the year. He might sands of dollars. Jasminc Patel, 27, of V-Wire news sen'ices. WS,ON SALE NOW! @ THE BIG EASY CON· i,;c,cHOUSE FOR TICKETS CALL 466-TIXX':"i:

March 31st BANK OF AMERICA CENTRE Thursday, January ,30,2003 The Arbiter • Page 3 Students from page 1 Both organizations put up I'm resorting to fundraising." banners this week in attempt ASBSU President Chris to draw attention from the Mathias said the executive student body. A Joint, God branch chose not to fund Experience posted their ban- SPB's program due to ners in several locations ASBSU's tigfit budget. across campus. The banners "It came down fo the fact invite students to voice their that we just don't have the feelings about pornography. money to support them right . McDaniel asked stuaents now: Mathias said. to show their support for his "SPB is always corning to proposal' by signmg a peti- us for money, and we don't tion. As of Tuesday alter- have it' at this time. The bill- noon, McDaniel had collect- boards were moreimpor- ed over 400 signatures, tant." Last Tuesday, McDaniel ASBSU executives turned brought his proposal before down a funding request from the A"SBSUSenate in an effort A Joint God Experience for to muster support. The sen- sponsorship of their "Power ate did not make a decision 01 Porn" presentation. regarding McDaniel's Mathias said he doesn't intended program. think it would be in the inter- According to Jim est of students for ASBSU to Sherman, ASBSU senator-at- sponsor' such dernographi- large, it is possible for the cally narrowed program- legislatjve liranch to intro- mmg. . duce a bill to back SPB's pro- In the meantime, both SPB posal to bring Nader, howev- and A Joint God Experience er, no decision has been are looking for alternative made yet. sources for funding.

Greens from page 1 of native plants in landscap- Boise High student Ben ing on the BSU campus could Groves, a high school Idaho produce significant results. Green party activist, said the With the support of Boise reason high school student State Landscape Services are organizing such an event already secured, such planti- is to give a forum to those ngs could begin as early as without active decision-mak- this coming spring. ing power. According to O'Leary, the "Because we can't vote benefits of plantin& species this is the best way to make native to the region mclude a our opinions known:' reduced dependency on fos- Photo courtesy of KAT sil fuels, water and other President George W. Bush Groves said. "We care, and we have a resources for general upkeep. voice, and we will express . "Native landscaping also it." makes sense because of Bush starts his countdown to war Plans for' this event recent budget cuts. It doesn't require as much labor for acknowledge he has not pre- include meeting on the BSU By Ron Hutcheson business and political leaders Arab League and the upkeep:' O'Leary said. European Union urged Bush sented a full case for war. Quad at 2:30 p.m. and march- Knight Ridder Newspapers at the World Economic ing from there to the O'Leary said the use of to stay within the framework "The president will make Forum have used the gather- Statehouse steps. native plants in campus land- WASHINGTON- ing to vent their frustration of the United Nations and that case at the appropriate scaping will give BSU stu- time, in the appropriate Organizers hope to pre- . President Bush' will start with u.s. foreign policy, international law. sent speakers ranging from dents pride in both the place what his aides say is the especially on Iraq. On Sunday, Secretary of way," Karl Rove, Bush's local high school students to and climate they live in. countdown to war with Iraq Representatives from the State Colin Powell told the chief political adviser, told the brother of a man that "This will be positive, it's this week by con- forum that Bush is in "no reporters. died in the Sept. 11 attacks. something that directl,Y fronting nations around great rush" to launch an One senior administration They will speak out about involves campus, and it s the world with a stark attack on Iraq, but simul- official, speaking on the con- their concerns with current sustainable:' O'Leary said. choice between military taneously warned: "The dition of anonymity, said the war preparations. "The whole point of the action or more diploma- United States believes week's developments will Campus Greens' rlan to Greens is sustainability." cy. that time is running out." mark "the last phase" of the increase the use and VIsibility The rapid-fire devel- Jordanian King run-up to war. Still unclear is opments are to begin on Abdullah, also in Davos, how long Bush is prepared to Monday, when U.N. said he believed war wait. BOISE+STATE weapons inspectors with Iraq was a virtual On NBC's "Meet the U N I V E R SIT Y report on their efforts to inevitability. Press," White House Chief of Career Center Services find and destroy Iraq's Even foreign leaders Staff Andrew Card said Bush Career.Jnternship & Part-time, Summer, I hidden weapons. Bush who agree that Saddam "is not anxious to go to war. & Temporary Employment Listings on BroncoJobs : I He would like to see Saddam will make his case for Hussein is a menace - Career Counseling and many do - say they Hussein come clean, to dis- aggressive action the Resume & Job-Search Assistance next day in the national- don't see justification for arm. He'd like to see him bring those weapons to a I ly televised State of the war now. At the United \;: Union speech and could Nations, France, parking lot and have them 426-1747 order many more troops Germany, China and destroyed." 1173 University Drive into the Gulf to back up Russia have apparently But few people expect that (in the Alumni Center across from the stadium) U.S. resolve. teamed up in an effort to to happen. The issue bounces block any U.s. war plans. back to the United Great Britain is standing Nations on Wednesday, with the United States, when the IS-member nervously .: Security Council goes No matter what hap- behind closed doors to pens at the United debate the next move. Suddam Hussein Nations, and the debate The looming diplo- could drag on for days or matic showdown has even weeks, Bush says he unleashed pent-up will not back down. resentments toward the Inside the White House, United States, with presidential advisers potentially far-reaching Even foreign shrug off the increasingly consequences. Relations vocal opposition from between the United allies as well as poll results States and key European leaders. who agree in this country showing allies are in a downward widespread opposition to . spiral, and so far the unilateral military action. administration has been that Saddam Although as many as two- unable to make Iraq's thirds of Americans say behavior, not America's, they support the use of the issue. Hussein is a force against Iraq, support In some foreign capi- turns to opposition if the tals, the crisis in Iraq is United States acts alone or viewed as a classic case menace, and many in defiance of the United of American arrogance. Nations. Suspicions about Bush's Administration officials motives, anger over his do, say they don't insist that Bush would seeming disregard for have plenty of backers, European opinion and both at home and abroad, longstanding grievances' if he decided to go to war fueled by America's mili- . see justification and gave a strong ratio- tary superiority, econom- . nale for action. He will not ic clout and unrivaled attempt to do that in status as the dominant lor war now. Tuesday's speech, but will world power are finding explain why he is nearing voice in the Iraq debate. that point,aides said. In Davos, Switzerland, ------White House aides I FREE DRAFT FREE* ATMs . (CHECKING) AT ALL OUR OFFICES & IN THE BSU SUB! ACCOUNTS t .. 2 AA4St 0 $3 iNa

BSU.Employees and Full-time Students NO monthly service charge, NO per item fees, unlimitied check writing, NO minimum balance requirement, PLUSwe pay dividends on your account . . We have NO surcharge* ATMS at all three office locations PLUSone in the BSUSUB. Check out our website at and FREE Home Banking!!! Call -208-371-4600 or 1-800-223-7283, visit our website, or stop by today. ·'ICqpital • 7450 Thunderbolt Dr., Boise .BEducators saVings Federally Insured to 500 E.tJighland, BoiSE! , 4 $100,000 by NCUA, and Agency 121~SMcMillan Rd."Boise FEDERAL CREDit UNION mE of the U.S. Government Thursda Pa e 4· The Arbiter Real education in the real world just shows we don't know and at best,cohere to social eclipsed by the rise of the By Jared Kenning might be at the scene itself. aren't mistakenly at a Truth in its entirety. I am not Pentecostal Church. But no, constructions? rant (because debate necessi- The Arbiter ------Imagine. It's the first day of tates the belief of a real right claiming to know all Truth, your history class and the .this is the "real world." just that it exists, and is a You would do good to 'and wrong). And we find You know the scene. In professor proclaims that ourselves at Boise State, much more solid foundation fact, you live it over and over 'there is no such thing as wonder whether relativism for higher education than rel- is even a valid belief, .for floating in the ideals of toler- in the classroom: The uncere- Truth in history, only ndwefind ance and diversity, believing ativism. monious death of Truth. truths;" this will be the basis some of the' implications of "A Perhaps you disagree and such a view attempt to the motto: can't we all just get Relativism has become the for all class discussion. ~ ourselves along? Otherwise known as: still find relativism more lib- cornerstone of higher educa- You then walk to buy deconstruct values and "let's celebrate our differences erating and up to the mood your books for a literature beliefs that many of us justi- tion's philosophy, while the in all atmosphere of tolerance. " of our times. But remember belief in Absolute Truth has class (American Realism, fiably hold. at Boise State, these things: The history pro- For example, the death of But here we run into a been left in the dust of post- say) and find that most of the into Truth. fessor does believe in one modernity, and replaced by authors are female; Twain Truth ultimately means the floating in the Absolute Truth, that there is death of God or an Absolute For we cannot tolerate the exaltation of 'your and isn't even on the list. everythitZA' all ideas are ,JOt no Absolute Truth; perhaps my truths." Later, in another class, Being > God is replaced by ideals of the reality of the Realism the many gods of our "indi- equal. Certain actions are And so it must be, I sup- you are "discussing" Plato bad, and is stronger class is that the professor is vidual truths." unity pose, if we are to truly and the professor says tolerance and than difference. We are tlien acting upon his/her anger at believe the new creeds of Plato's philosophy is "exclu- Also, right and wrong die past injustices suffered by a common death. No one can forced to agree - or disagree "diversity" and "tolerance" sive, rather than inclusive," diversity, believing - on what should or should- women; and by definition all pushed on us in the present and then supplely moves on really claim to be right, if philosofhies are exclusive, right and wrong are merely a n't be tolerated. But, this mood on campus. But we to point out the "misogyny" the motto: can't we agreement isn't based on even i it simply means ought to stop and ask if the in fhe Repllblic. matter of perspective. And if excluding certain philoso- right and wrong are out, then "individual truths" coming very foundation of our "real And then the semester all just get along? together for the sake of expe- phies because- they are education" isn't faulty, if rel- progresses, and then such who could reasonably "exclusive." believe in moralitx as an diency, but rather on the ativism in the postmodern remarks are punctuated with degree in which the individ- world isn't an intellectual frequent "uh-huh's" and obligation? Wouldn t morali- ty depend on each individ- Thus we get to the end of uals know Truth. dead end. "yea's" from fellow class- The fact that we disagree A place to start the inquiry mates. You wonder if you ual's truth, for him/herself, debate and argument, Kempthorne's office guilty of irresponsibility order to understand this, one increased substantially every passed by these moderates. Guest--- must first understand how year due to these inflationary What they forgot was that no Letters government budgets work. predictions. Responsible economy can withstand a 13 The government uses a budgeting would have fore- percent growth rate for very "'di(ttoth.e. Opinion system called baseline bud- casted growth around 5 per- long, and that eventually ..'t ,'" geting. This system basically cent - a more realistic rate of budget cuts would have to @E By Jerel Thomas takes the amount of money be made. or Student ------given to a department and Of course, instead of factors in an increase. The coming clean with the This year's amount of the increase is public and admitting to We encourage readers to respond in legisla ti ve calculated by estimating faulty budget practices, letters for publication. Letters must be 300 words or session start- the amount of tax collec- the governor, who fewer. Please include your name, daytime telephone signed these budgets ed out with a tions the government will number, major field of study and-year in school. bang with into law, proposes tax receive during the next Please directall letters to Gov. Dirk fiscal year. increases. He went on Kempthorne to blame the economy. [email protected]. Letters are subject to edit- When the goveril- ing. The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of state- '---'- __ '--...J proposi ng a ment talks about bud- What a farce. There is tax hike on cigarettes and a get cuts, they are talk- one way to get into debt, ments made in letters to the editor. Columnists' 1.5 percent increase in the ing about cuts in the and that is to spend more views do not necessarily represent those of the sales tax. amount of increase. For than what you take in. Arbiter editorial board and staff. . According to example, education was Families are forced to Kempthorne, these tax scheduled to receive a 9 per- spend less when they spend increases will stabilize the cent budget increase last themselves into debt. $200 million budget shortfall year. As tax revenues started Shouldn't the same principle facing the state without mak- coming in, they adjusted the apply to government? ing cuts in education. amount of increase to 7 per- Instead of admitting a spend- He went on to say that cent. In governmental terms, ing problem, the governor these tax increases amount to this amounted to a budget tells us that the state faces an a responsible fiscal policy cut even thoughE)ducation income problem! The best The.Arbiter part about this budget cri- that will keep the state finan- actually received 7 percent ,1910 University Drive Phone: 345-8204 cially solvent. This proposal more than what it did sis is his remedy. , As most people Boise, Idaho 83725 Fax: 426-3198 of tax increases without any the previous year. Online: www; cuts to education would Idaho is facing its know by now, seem normal if spoken by a current financial diffi- Kempthorne wants to representative of the left, but culties because the leg- raise the tax on ciga- rettes. This is sendirig a it is quite disturbing coming islature and the gover- The Arbiter is the official student newspaper of Boise State from the supposed leader of nor irresponsibly over- :"",Jmixed message to University. Its mission is to provide a forum for the dis- 'ioi... Idaho youth. One the Idaho Republican Party. estimated the project- cussion of issues affecting toe BSU community. The Kempthorne spoke of ed growth for the Illustration by David Habben moment they are encouraged never to Arbiter's budget consists of fees paid by the student body great financial discipline next few years. The and advertising sales. The paper is distributed Mondays growth. smoke, and current smokers during the last four years of current revenue projections and Thursdays to the campus during the academic school The other contributor to are encouraged to quit. Now his administration. This is were developed during the year. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be laughable considering the this budget mess is tied to Kernpthorne has basically economic boom a few years the surplus that existed three purchased for $1 apiece at the Arbiter editorial office. $200 million shortfall in the ago. said that we all need to start current budget. Kempthorne year~ ago. Sloppy manage- smoking so we can balance During this time the bud- ment of the surplus is com- Submit letters to the editor to: blames a decrease in tax col- get writers in the legislature the budget. It is now our lections for the shortfall. ing back to haunt Idaho patriotic duty to buy ciga- ,[email protected] irresponsibly predicted an Republicans. However, the $200 million annual growth of approxi- rettes. The only way to pro- deficit is a direct result of Instead of lowering pro- tect education and health ser- mately 13 percent! What this jected growth rates, minimiz- irresponsible management means in practical terms is vices is to start smoking so james Patrick Kelly Mike Roche ing government increases Asst. Production Manager by both the legislature and that government spending more revenue can pour into Editor-in-Chief the governor's office. ,In and passing more tax cuts to the state coffers. 345-8204 xl05 345·8204 x110 slow the growth of govern- Hopefully, the legislature ment, Idaho Republicans, led will ignore Kempthorne's Melissa L. Danes Brownlee Dr. Dan Morris by spineless moderates, proposed tax increases. It Managing Editor Adviser. increased the budgets of vir- would serve, the Republican 345-8204 xID6 345-8204 xID7 tually all government agen- legislature and governor to jessica Adams tii\terns cies. stand up for Republican News Editor Brad Arendt The legislators thought principle and use this golden The Arbiter Is seeking Interns for they were making friends by 345·8204 xl02 General Manager 0fPortunity to limit the size 345·8204 xlOl spring semester 2003. throwing money at every- o government and reduce body. Unfortunately, they Brandon Fiala w~are offering nvrral 'hr~..-credlt the tax burden on Idaho fam- Assistant News Editor Andy Muinos Internships. No expfr/ence nectssary. but lacked the foresight to realize ilies. If times of surplus were students who have taken th, reporting and the peril in what they were 345·8204 xIl4 Marketing Coordinator ryews writing courst! orr prr(,rrN. the time to expand govern- doing. Remember, baseline ment, than times of deficit budgeting takes the number Phil Dailey Internships available: are the times to reduce it. Sports Editor Ad Design from the previous year and Hopefully, Republicans will 345·8204 xl03 justin Lee Editorial columnists then adds an increase. An not squander this opportuni- David Habben Sports writers increase in a previous year's ty that they unknowingly Lauren Consuelo Tussing Hard news writers budget is the new baseline created. Diversions Editor Reporters Dlverslons (A& E)writers' for the current year. 345·8204 xl04 Casey Wyatt Government spending (anlael James Piltlick Kelly ill 34S-B204"'lEll, lOS) for mete Information ballooned under the budgets Melissa L. Danes Brownlee jim Toweill Rebecca Last Elizabeth Puckett Copy Editors Tammy Sands Tanya Dobson Ted Harmon justin Prescott Photo Editor Andrea Trujillo 345·8204 xl21 jason Kauffman Linda Cook HAVE Bannister Brownlee Business Manager jen Kniss 345·8204 xIl7 Office Manager George Thomas Hilary Roberts \_-x~~b~ibvEl Advertising Manager 345-8204 xID8 Ad Reps " " ' _ Rob Baker . Ben Martin Asst. Advertising Manager Mica Schuster 345·8204 xID9 Columnists The Arbiter's Shawn Shafer Edvin Subasic Online Editor Pete Espil 345·8204 jared Kenning relationship guru can help ••••••••••••••(J() lr()••••••1 Terri Stenkamp Production Manager Photographers 345·8204 xiiO jeremy Branstad Kelly Day StarUeyBrewster Coming Soon, Aaron Beck Lessons in Love

send letters to [email protected]' --'.-~~-~-:'::.'.:~ ---....4:.!.,.~~\.:....~-j.,t;-;:.- ...;•• -~.;",__...... :'..'...';;:=:::.~--...... 4W ., ••. ~------"""'l"",~ .-..ii;,~-'it.~t~.~~""""~'ior;·iil¥/<-~.;,:.:.H.;;,,,,.;;,t~:.-:;.;~i;;.---t •• ~,-....,.------~------.-~---...~,.,"'¥- .• :.-'-.;"';"::;'"., _u."_ "'~~'''_''''''''''''''': __'W~'' __ h'''''''' _~_..~." .....__~...... ·_-...... --$7--:-' -" . -4""'~~..:: '...... -<~....-.~"""._....-. , - '---"-~._.

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Thursday, January 30, 2003 n. ~' 0... ·.S.··.·. ~~---'--":---~--.---s~g~~The Arbiter ..... ~ ft.. '>' .• Randall· named assistant coach for Women's basketball battle WAC leader u.s. World Cup 9th ranked Lady New Mexico 67-54 at The Pit in Albuquerque, N.M. ·Greg Randall, head Techsters invade The only other team to .wrestling coach for Boise The Pavilion tonight accomplish 800 wins in State, has been .named an women's basketball is assistant coach for the 2003 U.S. World Cup wrestling Tanya Dobson Tennessee. La. Tech has par- The Arbiter ticipated in all 21 NCAA team. . tournaments; advanced to 13 Randall will be an assis- tant to wrestling legend The reining Western Final Four's and won three NCAA National Dan Gable of Iowa Ci9', Athletic- Conference leader Iowa, who will serve as the Louisiana Tech will take on Championships. head coach for this year's Cheryl Ford leads the' the Boise State women's bas- .World CuI' team. ketball team tonight in The Lady Techsters and currently Shawn t,harles, an assis- Pavilion. ranks fifth in the nation in tant coach at the University La. Tech (14-2 overall, 7-0 rebounds per game. of Nebraska, will serve WAC) is currently ranked Recently, Ford had career along with Randall as. an 9th' in the nation by the games, grabbing 19 rebounds assistant coach to Gable. Associated Press media poll against Southern Methodist The national team will and 10th by the ESPN coach- as well as setting a career be in action at the Bank of es' poll coming into tonight's high of 20 rebounds against America Centre in' Boise game. Tulsa on Jan. 23. Ford, when the city plays host to The Lady Techsters have named the 2002 WAC Player the 2003 World Cup of been sitting comfortably at of the Year, is the daughter of Freestyle Wrestling, April 5 the top of the WAC since Utah Jazz forward Karl and 6. knocking down Tulsa one Malone. Countries scheduled to week ago 75-62 in Ruston, Tonight marks the first join the United States in La. meeting of the season for this major event are This is only the second Boise State (4-13, 1-6) and La. Ukraine, Russia and season La. Tech has been a Tech. The Broncos should be Georgia. Iran and Cuba member of the WAC, win- pleased that they have a have also expressed inter- ning the title last season: home court advantage, as the est but have not confirmed Previously, La. Tech was a Lady Techsters have not lost its plans, member of the Sun Belt at home to an unranked team The World Cup features Conference. where the Lady since 1992 when they were dual meet competitions Techsters won consecutive defeated by New Orleans. between. six nations, with a team .champion deter- titles the last nine years. The Thomas Assembly Center is considered to be mined. In addition, indi- La. Tech currently owns vidual medalists are the fifth best winning streak one of the toughest places for any opponent in _women's awarded, based upon the in the country and has not results in each weight class. allowed an opponent to score college basketball to win. Host United States' has more than 65 points in its last According to a recent sur- recently dominated the 13 games. vey, La. Tech is ranked No.1 Freestyle World Cup win- In late December, Tech in the country with a 94.2 ning 10 of the last 13-team became only the second winning percentage at home. titles, including the most women's basketball team in Tonight's ganw starts at recent World Cup held in the country to record 800 vic- 7 p.m. Photo courtesy of WAC Spokane, Wash., in 2002.. tories when they defeated La. Tech's Cheryl Ford was named this week's WAC Player of the Week. Randall is in his first xear as the head coach for the Bronco wrestling team Schools go.back in time to recognize women athletes after serving as an assistant coach to Mike Young the Illinois State is eager to rec- than once, so tracking them By Kathleen Nelson own uniforms, trained them- as athletes. The school will previous 10 seasons. award varsity letters to ognize every woman who down through name changes During Randall's time at St. LOllis Post-Dispatch -- selves, even paid their own has been quite a journey:' expenses for road games. female athletes who partici- qualifies for a varsity letter. Boise State, the Broncos pated from 1939 to 1989 in a Gina Lea Bianchi, Illinois The idea came from This used to be their play- They did it for the love of the Michigan State, where have become a nationally f;ame and school and noth- celebration Feb. 8-9 that State's athletics development ranked power on an annual ground. coordinator, has worked for Illinois State's assistant ath- .: mg else. includes a dinner and recog- basis. For the better part of a more than a year with a com- letics director, Leanna half-century, women at uni- 'They're starting to get nition at Redbirds basketball In the last four years, games. mittee of volunteers devoted Bordner, was honored for versities nationwide proudly their due. her participation in basket- Boise State has placed in Illinois State University is More than 200 women to making sure that the uni- wore their school colors as ball, Held hockey and softball the top 20 at the NCAA joining the growing list of will attend the festivities; versity pays long-overdue participants in basketball, respect to women who in the '70s. Michigan State National Championships. volleyoaIl, tennis and other institutions to honor women another 200 will receive their The streak started in 1999 who represented the school letters through the mail. played varsity athletics with- copied the idea from Central sports. Many bought their out recognition. The commit- Michigan, which organized a with a 10th place finish. tee had to start from scratch, similar event in 2000. Boise State l'laced 12th in and portions of the planning "It was a lovefest for 2000,10th in 2001 and 19th were better suited to Nancy about four hours," said in 2002. The Broncos have Drew than to Bianchi. Shelley . Appelbaum, also won· the Pac-lO Like all institutions, the Michigan State's assistant Conference Championship university kept few or no athletics director and one of in 2000 and 2002, while f stats on its women's teams in the driving forces behind the placing runner-up in 1999 the '30s, '40s, '50s and 60s Spartans' ceremony last and 2001. and in some cases didn't February. , This year's World Cup even put together a roster. "It validated their contri- marks the 11th time Gable The NCAA can offer little bution to the women's athlet- has been the team's head I help. The NCAA, in fact, is ic program." coach. He has also served loath to acknowledge that 'The festivities in East as the head coach of the women participated in inter- Lansing included a women's national freestyle squads collegiate athletics before the basketball game between the for the 1980, 1984 and 2000 early '80s, when it took over Spartans and the University U.S. Olympic teams. as governing body from the of Illinois. Illinois officiafs Gable is considered the Association of Intercollegiate were so impressed with the most successful college Athletics for Women. So you program that they're plan- coach of all time, setting can forget about orgaruzed ning a celebration of their numerous career records as records before then, much own for late 2003. Illinois is the head coach at the less before Title IX took effect trying to track down women University of Iowa. During a decade earlier. who participated on the var- his 21-year career guiding sity level In the following Thus, . the committee the Hawkeye prcgram, combed through musty old sports before the 1974-75 sea- son: basketball, cross-coun- Iowa won 15 NCAA yearbooks for pictures and National Team IDs and got a lot of informa- try, golf, gymnastics, soccer, softball, swimming and div- Championships. tion through old-fashioned Gable was a two-time word-of-mouth, which ing, tennis, track and field makes the fact that 200 will and volleyball. NCAA National Champion be in attendance all the more Officials at both S1. Louis at Iowa State. He was a impressive. University and Missouri said 1972 Olympic gold medal- 'It's been reall>,:exciting," they were intri~ed by the ist and the 1971 World Bianchi said. 'You find idea and recogrnzed the diffi- champion. someone who qualifies for a culty of such an undertaking. letter, and they give us a cou- Some sports' fans will say, -Bronco Sports Information ple .of names of other "It's about time." women. Some of the athletes have been" married' more . '1 ! NofReady ToStart A Fa'mi-ly?

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I I Thursday, January 30,2003 Sports The Arbiter • Page 7 Broncos make another tough road trip Men's hoops try for 6-foot-5 Darrian Brown their fire or their will [to success away from and 6-foot-4 Lavelle Felton win]," said Richard. account for one of the , After the Broncos play La. The Pavilion biggest backcourts in the Tech tonight, the}' then trav- lea~e. el to Texas to battle SMU. By Phil Dailey Some nights it has been The Mustangs have The Arbiter ------good and some nights it has- played a tough schedule as n't been g~d," sai~ Richard well, including losses on the The Boise-State men's bas- .road-atTexas'Tech as well as :i I ketball is coming off a disap- No. 17 Wake Forest earlier t' pointing loss to Texas El this season. II Paso last weekend 85-78 in If the Broncos want to !, overtime. stop SMU's offense, they The Broncos (9-8 overall, need to start with Quintin 4-3 in the WAC) will try and Ross. Ross, this week's WAC fl get back to .500 or better in Player of the Week, shoots d conference playas they take 46 eercent from the field H on Louisiana Tech (5-9, 2-4) .while averaging over 20 ~,!I tonight in Ruston, La. and points per~ame. Southern Methodist (9-8, 3-4) Althou the Mustangs Saturday night in Dallas. enjoy the sooting ability of Ii At the beginning of the "We have Ross, head coach Mike i season, La. Tech was consid- Dement believes in a team ered to be one of the top apf,roach to winning games. teams in the conference with been 'onthe 'You have to have good an outside shot at their first team play to win games," WAC title. Things have Dement said. '. , changed for the Bulldogs as short.end 01 The Mustangs have won a brutal schedule, which has four out of their last five included No.4 Florida and games with the lone loss No. 21 Mississippi State, has the stick." coming from Fresno State, taken its toll. - but they still have improve- La, Tach haad coach Kaith Richard ments to make. "We have been on the when asked about their 5-9 record, short end of the stick," said . "We have to get bench scoring, we have to get bet- La. Tech head coach Keith ------Richard. ter defensively," Dement about the team's size. said. One thing the Bulldogs do At times the Bulldogs have going lor them is their Other leaders for the have flirted with success. Mustangs include freshman size. - Two weeks ago, La. Tech Despite the lack of quality sensation Bryan Hopkins 1'· almost escaped with a victo- who averages 13.9 ppg. wins, Antonio Meeking has ry against WACleader ' been the go-to-guy for the Hopkins, a native of Dallas, Fresno State, but ended up led Lincoln High School to La. Tech. The 6-foot-8, 245- losing by one point. . pound senior is averaging an undefeated 40-0 record "We have not been able to last year with the help of nearly a double-double in get over the hump," Richard points (18) and rebounds twin brother Ryan, who also said. plays for SMU. (8.2) every !?ame. The Bulldogs remain opti- Along With Meeking, the Saturday night's game mistic and realize they' still a!?ainst the Mustangs can be Bulldogs have above average have a way to go until the height at the two starting Viewed locally on KBCI Photo courtesy of WAC WAC tournament in March. channel 2. guard positions. "Our kids have not lost Antonio Meeking is considered to be one of the most dominating players in the WAC. Gymnasts take on Cal in first home meet of season watch her," Sandmire said. Andrea Trujillo important as scoring well. Kea Cuaresma posted The Broncos will return The Arbiter ------'In colle!?e gymnastics, strong numbers on both of teams quahfy to NCAA her events, the vault and the home for their first meet of The Boise State gymnas- championships by the aver- bars, on both nights. the 2003 season tomorrow tics team scored a pair of age score of their best six Corinna Lewis turned out a night, after three consecu- 193's on the road at Utah meets, three of which must great performance on tive road competitions. The Broncos will host the State and Brigham Young be away meet scores,", Saturday night, hitting all 39th ranked California Bears over the weekend to move Sandrnire said. three of her events. Katie at 7 p.m. in the BSU into the 38th position in the .The Broncos were led- by Dinsmore also scored well strong individual perfor- at both meets, which Pavilion. Students get in national rankings. free with their student LD. Although the Broncos mances over the weekend. Sand mire said is key, given Sand mire said the team is were defeated in both Sophomore captain Carla the difficulty of her rou- excited about their home Friday and Saturday's com- Chambers won the all- tines. opener, and encourages stu- petitions, the team's season around competition at BYU, "Katie Dinsmore is a dents to attend. Arbiter file photo average of 192.958 puts the which Sandmire said was great performer who will be quite an accomplishment. a crowd favorite. Her skills "There's no place like Tiffany Putnam practicing on the beam earlier this team ahead of last year' home! We can't wait to com- season when they opened on the "Carla Chambers was are difficult, exciting and awesome all weekend. She performed with maximum pete in the Pavilion this road with a pair of 189's. Friday. I hope our fans are last Friday. We'd really like known," Sandmire said. Coach' Sam Sand mire went all-around both nights amplitude. Her routines are the students to come out and hit eight for eight," dynamic and the kind that as vocal as the ones we had said the regular gymnastics to deal with at Utah State and make their presence season win-loss isn't as Sandmire said. just wills an audience to .NCAAsetting tougher standards By Ted Hutton, Athletes already in college the bar has been raised," said South FloridaSun-Sentinel- face a host of increased Jim Haney, the National requirements 'designed to Association of Basketball Before college coaches keep them on track to gradu- Coaches' executive director. , headed out on recent recruit- ate, including passing at "We are advocates for gradu- I: ing trips, they were briefed least six hours per semester, ation." I by their school's athletic aca- declaring a major early in Haney said many coaches demic advisers regarding their academic careers and were concerned when they academic standards adopted taking more classes toward first heard about the new by the NCAA in October. that degree. rules, but when the NABC What they heard left In tlie past, such changes did its own research it found many in shock. in eligibility have caused a that many players were "This is as big 'as Title IX," lot of debate. But this round already meetmg the new Florida Atlantic women's of chan~es slid by with bare- requirements. , basketball coach Chancellor ly a notice. . 'Many people are ,Prophe- Dugan said, referring to the "This legislation had the sizing a doomsday,' Haney landmark legislation that overwhelmmg supJ?,ort of said. "I'm not encouraging mandated equal opportuni- college presidents,' said that. When one has knowl- ties for female athletes. "This Jamie McCloskey, associate edge of what has to be affects everyone." athletic director for compli- accomplished and it is rea- The stringent new stan- ance at Florida. "50 at some sonable, one can work dards are aimed at increas- point, y,0ujust have to get on toward it." ing graduation rates among board.' ' While athletic depart- student-athletes. Althougfi That doesn't mean there ments and academic advisers they will make more high won't be controversy once are still poring over the new school seniors eligible for the regulations are applied. regulations, they have alert- , scholarships, they will also "Who knows? They might eo coaches who are recruit- make it tougher to keep go back later on and Junk all ing, since the new regula- scholarships once the stu- of this," Minnix said. tions affect the class of 2003- dent-athletes start college. "There's never been any- 04. "This could be a real thing as sweeping as this." "It's going to force coach- humdinger," Florida State Nationally, football (52 es to make more difficult Associate Athletic Director percent) and men's basket- judgments," said FAU's Bob Minnix said. "1 think a ball (43 percent) continued to Allen, since the incoming lot of people have been lag. freshmen will have to meet caught by surprise." "There are no penalties or the higher standards. "The transition of this is incentives attached to gradu- saa FSU's Minnix: going to be very bumpy," ation rates, just the scrutiny "We've told our coaches they said Mike Allen, the FAU that comes when the rates should look at the GPA and athletic department's acade- are released. start looking at younger kids, mic adviser. "This isn't a No sport has been getting in terms of trying to direct small change." more negative publicity than them, making sure they have The key changes mandat- men's basketball, as many of their core courses." ed by tlie NCAA are an the top programs consistent- . "It's going to require an increase from 13 to 14 in the ly have had no players grad- attitude. change in how core courses required. for uating, such as Oklahoma's we've functioned in the i high school athletes and a recent 0 percent graduation past," Haney said. drop in. the minimum test- rate. score requirements. "There is no question that J~ t .} 'J J t I i f~ .. Montgomery GIBIII • Montgomery GI Bill Kicker • State Tuition Assistance • 'Cash Bonuses " . ".1 · Student Loan Repay~ent Program -"" , ..... -:.. For More Information contact: Ir_ ~ ..-. ••' :,jt, L_~_2_2 __5_R5-,~_~_."_I:_~_;,-OO_)_6_2_'__3_909~"""--'-I""" -:...... ~ ,P...... ,.. -'------'-.,....--1 Diversions Editor ~ Lauren Consuelo Tussing Phone: 345-8204 xl04 ~ , _ ~Dlai~ , , • - diversionS@arbitei' .,

.Thursday, January 30, 2003 . Page 8 • The Arbiter Diversions .Dashboard fans unplug By Ryan Rafferty ing the chorus at the end The Observer and lets the crowd take (U. Notre Dame) over. This creates a very inti- What makes a good live mate setting, but the crowd album? A good seflist? Lots should have been mixed of witty banter between the out after that track. The band and the crowd? How crowd continues to drown about the quality of the out the music throughout recording? the album, and the only Dashboard time you cannot hear them Confessional's latest is when the rest of the band release, MTV Unplugged, comes out and plays with attempts to capture all the Carraba. elements of a perfect live Beneath the crowd's show, but they fall short. vocals, the songs them- Unplugged should be the selves are beautifully perfect setting for an entire- played. Standout tracks ly acoustic band, and include the first track, Dashboard does an, excel- "Swiss Army Romance," lent job of creating an inti- which Carraba plays solo, mate atmosphere. as well as "So Impossible," Chris Carraba, originally "For You to Notice" and a solo acoustic act, created "Again I Go Unnoticed," Dashboard Confessional. which are all played with a Photo courtesy of Jeremy Branstad With his relentlessly sad full band. Dr. Giselle Wyers in her room with a view. and impossibly frail The rest of the songs acoustic songs, he ultimate- seem as though they are Music professor wins competition, inspired to keep composing ly created the em a-core probably jlayed well, but the crow is so loud you head that that was what genre. By Justin Prescott timelessness. teaches choral 'literature and This is the perfect band can barely hear anything On a whim, Wyers private voice. other people did, and I did- that is being played. The Arbiter ------n't think that I was destined to take the stage on MTV's entered her composition in She has also served as historic Unplugged series. When the acoustic gui- the Cambridge Madrigal interim conductor of' the for that," she said. tars are intelligible, one of Behind a slightly cluttered So.. she went to college , Being an acoustic-based desk in Dr. Giselle Wyers' Singers Annual Composition University of Arizona band, Dashboard's sound the best guitar players can Competition. Symphomc Choir and has and began studying to be a office, there is a bookshelf marine biologist. Almost on Unplugged is no different be heard. upon which sit several Her confidence came after served as adjunct professor Carraba's sideman plays of music at Lewis and Clark immediately she missed than their studio sound. books, mostly about music. an audience response when One major difference, how- a haunting guitar with gen- the Boise State College, Linfield music. These books range in sub- Wyers began taking piano ever, is the presence of the tle riffs, making the emo- jects from opera and choral Meistersingers performed College / Portland campus, tional songs even better. He the piece in October of 2002 and Mount Hood lessons and soon after joined audience. music to female vocalists, a choir and, as she puts it, On most live albums the also doubles on the piano, German verbs and medieval at the Idaho American Community College. She started community "before I knew it I was a crowd is mixed out of the adding a certain sound to music. Choral Directors Association Dashboard's songs, which retreat in Sun Valley. singing groups while attend- music major." recording and you can Standing next to a piano Upon becoming a music barely hear them, but on cannot be heard on their against the adjacent wall is "When the audience ing UC Santa Cruz, where she got her bachelors degree major, Wyers discovered this album the crowd is all studio albums. Dr. Giselle Wyers, Director responded," Wyers said, Their most recognizable "that's what really made me and Westminster Choir conducting. She would fill in you can hear on several of Choral Activities at Boise as conductor when her song "Screaming State, playing scales as a feel good. I thought, okay College, where she got her tracks. I'm connecting with people." masters degree. teacher was unable to be Microphones were Infidelities" is much better female student follows than the original, adding a along, singing the notes. She couldn't be1ieve it During her doctoral stud- there. placed III the crowd in when she learned that her ies at the University of With much mentoring order to pick up the audi- piano, but again the crowd They are testing the range of and feedback from her covers it up almost com- the student's voice. composition had been cho- Arizona, she Was too busy ence's voices as they sing sen as the winner. with her studies to start any teacher, Wyers became along with Carraba on pletely with their singing. Wyers decides that it is a increasingly confident with tenor, which they will find "This award has really groups, but she worked hard every single song. This is an excellent live filled me with a sense of pur- and fhe result was the list of her conducting ability and On several' quieter album, and the bonus DVD out for sure at the next choir soon it became what she practice. pose and excitement. A lot of positions mentioned above. . tracks, you can barely hear that comes with the album artists, they never get this Music has been a part of describes as "the one thing I Carraba's voice and guitar is excellent too. In the summer of 2002, did that when I did it I lost Wyers decided, for no partic- kind of endorsement or cred- Wyers' life from the begin- over the audience's singing. The only flaw in this is ular reason, to write a piece it from the outside world, ning, when she used to per- complete track of time." This is very annoying and the crowd's annoying sing- of choral music. She used an and that's okay because art is form for her family. Wyers plans to continue takes away from the music, along. Because of this, comp,osing and to see where . old sacred Catholic text enti- for art's sake.' But when you She began playing with which IS wonderfully Dashboard's songs lose tled "Ave Maria" from the do, it makes you feel so good the Metropolitan Youth it Will take her. She seems much of their beauty. excited by the prospect that played. Catholic liturgy. and it just gives you more Symphony as a flutist when The sing-along works Other than that, this is a The text begins, "Hail energy to keep going," she she was in middle school, there's more where that very good album that will came from. The recognition only on one song, the first Mary, full of grace, the Lord said. and then, in high school she track "Swiss Army no doubt expand is with thee." Though Wyers Wyers conducts the started singing. She had no she received recently was Dashboard Confessional's definitely motivation for her Romance." Carraba plays is not Catholic, she Chose this Meistersingers. University plans to become a profes- solo and stops singing dur- fan base. text for her music because of Singers, Chamber singers sional musician. to wonder what the future of its beauty and its and Women's Chorale, and "I had this thought in my composing might hold. Dwayne Blackaller is addicted to theater By Tammy Sands Tile Arbiter ------Actor, teacher, student, writer, puppeteer ... Dwayne Blackaller is a man of many roles. While working toward his bachelor's in English with an emphasis in writing at Raise State, Blackaller surrounds IDAHO ...... '..60 TO...... himself with theater, downtown boile whether he's teaching a drama program for youth through Idaho Shakespeare Festival (ISF), doing elabo- rate puppet shows for chil- dren or acting in roles for ISF, BSU and Boise Contemporary Theatre (BCT). 'Currently, Blackaller is playing a small role for BCT in Don DeLillo's Valparaiso, .directed by Matthew Clark. In this role, he plays in an ensemble chorus as a freak- ish camera boom mike opera- tor who provides lyrical DIVERSIONS background information with the rest of the chorus. i~seek{ng, "The audience BCT tends to have are affluent people in their middle ages who go to short fiction'" theater a lot, but I think Valparaiso'is begging for a " Photo courtesy of BSU news services young audience. It's ulti- Dwayne Blackaller in last year's "Blue Room." ~h(4p~#~. mately a lot of tragedy, and I would never be an actor -think irs a great opportunity program, which he started teaching in 1992 when it was because I didn't like the "'Sen~5Ubmi55icJto ~utenat for college age p.eople to lifestyle too much. Actors come see something very called Idaho Theatre for ,,'diyers,ons@art,it

, i 'Biker Boyz' shows realistic heart I , I By John Monaghan lar to the bikes used in the their parts as the charter debut. KlIight Ridder Newspapers - film. members of a Southern Standing in the lobby at "You mention to people California club. the Phoenix, he smiled as DETROIT - Star Derek that you ride a bike, and they The action centers on Kid patrons filing' out of an Luke had never even sat on a say, 'You're clean-cut. You (Luke), who challenges 'Alltwolle Fisher matinee did motorcycle before he started dress nice. What are you Smoke (Laurence Fishburne), "Is that really him?" double filming Biker Boyz, a new doing on a motorcycle?' They the unbeaten King of Cali, in takes. action drama about the immediately assume that a motorcycle drag race. Not everyone is excited to world of motorcy- see Biker Boyz cle racing. come to town, And while he though. Ron jokes that he now Sangster, pres- rides better than ident of the his co-stars, Michigan including Kid Motorcycle Rock, he devel- Dealers oped a genuine Association respect for the and owner of American biker Honda-Suzuki We'll help you get your college degree. The Army subculture that he of Warren, National Guard offers you the Montgomery GI Bill. says any says is. rarely Tuition Assistance as well as extra state benefits. shown on film. movie about "It [the movie] street racing is Most Guard members serve one weekend a month exposes the way bad for the and two weeks a year. Go to college and still have motorcycle people Jive, what time for a life. In the Army drives them, the industry. adrenaline," Luke "Even if National Guard, YOU CAN! said. " there is some good sur- "There will be a Call SFC Rick Simmons different aware- rounding it, ness that there's a like the family at 422-3817 humanity, a fra- relationships, ternity, a commu- it will onl>: nity to' these peo- work for me If 1-800-GO-G"'RD • wwwl-800-GO-G'4RDcom ple brought it says to make together by a love ' 'you're doing wheelies and The first feature from . illegal racing ofbikes." causing trouble," Filthaut director Reggie Rock stop," he said. Last week's preview said. Bythewood, the movie has But Luke prefers to view brought members of that Biker Boyz co-star Fehr been called The Fast and the the movie as a chance to dis- communitv out to Detroit's, agrees. "You see six, seven, Furious with motorcycles, but pel myths. Phoenix Theatres, as much to 10 bikes outside a restaurant the actors think it has heart "If anything, it will make see the bikes in the movie and you think, 'I don't want along with the high-octane pe.ople more conscious," he and the display bikes in the to go in there: it's danger- thrilfs. Said. lobby as to see stars Luke, ous.' But think about it - you "Take away the bikes and "Biker gangs in real life Brendan Fehr and Rick can only fit so many guys on you still have a story," said aren't about color, race or Gonzalez. a bike. You want SIX guys to Luke, who was last year's creed. It's about getting Colin Filthaut, 28, an engi- go hang out, you're going to biggest Hollywood together for, the love of the neer at Chrysler, attended need at least five bikes." Cinderella story when he bike, the thrill of the ride. It's the screening with friend and Luke, Fehr and Gonzalez landed the starring role in about camaraderie, getting co-worker, Senthil Rajan, 27. spent a weekend at motorcy- Antwolle, Fisher, Denzel together for a little slice of Both own Yamaha Rls simi- cle boot camp to prepare for Washington's directorial heaven on earth."

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Open 7 11IurTnlllrdSlJ~n(filrCl!lIrt( funJruuing 342-7171 days a week. for details. counseling you & your family. babyscek- 888·923·3238 ''IlW'l/ um~usfllnd,a!W'(om ~ 336-8787 ers@ notscape.nct Horoscopes Pisces By Linda C. Black Aries Gemini Leo just for the person you attention. A light once- Tribune Media Services (March 21-April 19) (May 21-June 21) (July 23-Aug. 22) love, but also for your- over isn't enough. Study. (Feb. 19-March 20) - Today is a 7 -- Although - Today is a 7 - Be practi- - Today is a 7 - self. You'll be much more - Today is a 7 - Capricorn Something you've long Tod6:'s Birthd':{ (jan. you're very lucky and cal. Fi~ure out what you Technology can help you optimistic once you've (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) dreamed about is becom- 30). on't shen the powerful, and have the can af ord to spend and deal with a bottleneck. done what you said sup?,ort of friends and how to get there even Don't push harder. Find you'd do. - Today is a 7 - Take care ing a part of you. It's a entire year angin~ out goal accomplished hon- with your friends. ou're faml~, be careful. If you cheaper. This coming a way. around it. of ~perwork in order to rna I' your future more orably. Pat yourself on involved in fascinating add. isci~line, you've weekend will be awe- Scorpio secure. Don't wait the back. trojects, and you nee a got It rna e. some for romance and Virgo (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) around for somebody ittle ~rivate time. travel. Find a way to (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 6 - Don't buy Sche ule at least one Taurus afford it. - Today is a 7 - You're anLthing but the essen- else to do it. That's not (c) 2003, TRIBUNE retreat with an enlight- (April 20-May 20) closer than ever to hav- tia s. Something you've happening. MEDIA SERVICES INC. ened advisor. Talking - Today is a 6 - You may Cancer ing a dream corne true at long wanted for ~our about an old wound feel slightly inhibited by (June 22-July 22) work. Loved ones offer horne falls into t at cate- Aquarius Distributed by Knight helps it heat, and that a person with distinctly - Today is a 7 - Don't be encouragement. You can gOry. Actually, it could (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Ridder / Tribune allows you to help oth- different tastes. Do shy about asking 1ues- do the rest. I' a down payment that - Today is a 7 - You can Information Services. ers. what's required to lay tions, but don't as ques- you're saving for. take ancient information and use it to build things the bills, and chuck I' tions in public. Nobody . Libra To get the advantage, about it in private with a needs to know where (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) Sagittarius nobody else can. That's check the day's ratinf 10 true friend. you 1et your informa- - Toda~ is a 7 - Follow (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ~st one of your talents. is the easiest day, 0 tle tion. ust make sure you throu on promises - Today is a 7 ~Give rliffi- ut first, you have to do most challenging. get it. recentft y made. Do it not cult material your full _ the homework. DILBERT"' Crossword ACROSS E 1 Scrabble piece WOW! 5 Windowcover ,(OUR VI&I BILIT'( ~ I CREATED A MIND- 10 Autobahn auto HAS BEEN EXCELLENT a LE&& REPLICA TO '(OU LOOK 14 Not a dupe LATEL'(. WHAT& TOTALL '( 15 Playful aquatic ATTEND MEETINGS. .mammal '(OUR &ECRET? HE HA& NO PER&ON- REAL. HEE 16'Stoul's Wolfe' ALIT'( WHAT&OEVER. HEEl 17 Poor choice of I BURN, . words? 19 Old sailor DUDE. 20 Tangle up 21 Posted statements .23 Positive hand signals - 24 Rich deposit 25 Period in a . process 28 Hole Inone 31 Country on the Gull of Aden 34 Crag 35 Flounces 38 Neighbor of Miss. 39 Joan of .

40 Be malevolent e 2003 Trlbw1e Meet .. ServIceS. Inc. 41 Relatives All rlghla reserved.' . 42· College cheer 43 Explore caves 45 & so forth 7 $ dispenser Solutions 46 Horned charger 8 Rusk or Martin 48 Pull from a jug 9 Actor Flynn 49 Concur 10 ~ kick (football 51 Ditty gamble) 53 Med. picture 11 Mediator 54 Solemnly 12 _Stanley promised . Gardner 57 Fellow traveler 13 Subdivision. 3 61 .Focal points divisions 0 62 Flexibleelevator? 18 Gardening tools N 64 Chooses 22 Santa's sackful v 65 Goddess of 25 Belle or Bart N peace 26 Synagogue ~_B8811!1 66 k.d.....:... scroll 67 Adam or Mae 27 SaarInen and S 3 68 Gives off Wright J. , 69 911 respondents 28 Forest quaker O~ 29 Mexican dish , 3 DOWN 30 Gobble 1 Option for 32 Select feW Hamlet 33 Sportscaster Jim 52 Uncanny ·-'1uarters 2 Shah's realm 36 Small Viper 53 I;'lantswith 57 Canadian coin 3 Covers 37 Strong desire intelligence? 58 Eliot's Bade 4 Christmas quaff 43 Tune 54 John Deere 59 Pockmark 5 Flies high 44 Destiny product 60 UnitSot work 6 Web page file 47 Naturist 55 Easy galt 63 Louvre Pyramid letters 50 Bellyband 56 Campus deslgn~r .1 ! ,. /"-l.J