SMSC AT HIGH SCHOOL National Citizen Service

National Citizen Service (NCS) offers 16 and 17 year olds in Salford and an opportunity to participate in a personal development programme. The participants will engage in a pre-programme of team building activities, followed by residential experiences that will provide the skills and knowledge necessary for their task of creating and delivering a social action project that will benefit the community. The main summer programme each year is now complemented by shorter versions in the autumn and spring, alongside ongoing volunteering and social action opportunities through the Graduate Programme. BiQ Extra-Curricular Clubs

Due to the split lunch for KS3 and KS4, extra-curricular clubs are mostly run after school.

These clubs include:

• Cooking club • Art Club • Homework Club • STEM club • Reading Club • Gardening • Revision

PE Extra Curricular Clubs: ● Dance ● Basketball ● Football ● Badminton ● Fitness Suite ● Rounders ● Cricket ● Handball Remembrance Day

Each year we remember the sacrifices made by others for our freedoms. Every November we attend the poppy wreath laying ceremony at Stretford Cenotaph on Chester Road. Last year we were very proud to see that our students were asked to read the commencement for the service.

Also, whilst our students were working at the Dunkirk Refugee School in July 2016 they visited the memorial to the 12th Regiment. On 7th July 2016, exactly 100 years to the day since the regiment was destroyed at the Battle of the Somme, 4 schoolchildren from laid a plaque at the memorial to remember those from Manchester who had given their lives. In 2014 we also organised the “World War 1 Christmas Truce Memorial Football Match”. This took place against a team from Monchengladbach in Germany. We played the first leg at the Manchester United training ground and the second leg was played in Germany. There were many activities and events associated with this match that heightened our students understanding of what remembrance actually means. SAPSAL

How did it start? SAPSAL was an idea I came up with quite some time ago (MR N Ahmed). I wanted the to try and consolidate the charity events in school to go through one point of contact, Myself and the SAPSAL team.

What does it stand for? Spare A Penny Save A Life

What events have taken place/are planned? We have had quite a few events this year but just to name a few: Bake sale Tuck shop Friday Movie night Teachers wear make up And we intend on having many more events such as sponge the teacher

Where does the money that is raised go? The money goes to various causes, the SAPSAL Team decides where it is most needed. Student Voice

The Pastoral Team are responsible for whole school student voice. This is carried out each term across the school during Learning Tutor time using survey monkey. This means that the questionnaires are all completed electronically and are all confidential. The same questions are asked each time so that there is a consistent approach and we are able to see of any improvements or worrying trends. Students also have the opportunity to use the drop down comments boxes following each question should they wish to elaborate further.

The questions asked are: 1.Do you feel safe around the school during social times and all other times? 2.Do you feel like behaviour in the classroom allows you to make progress? 3.Is the C System being used effectively in your lessons? 4.Does the length of your lessons give you enough time to learn? 5.Do you get regular homework set in your lessons? 6.Are you using your journals to record homework? 7.Do you feel that there is someone to talk to in school if you are worried about something? 8.Do you know how to improve your learning? 9.Do you feel supported and well informed for future college/sixth form and career pathways?

The results of the student voice are analysed and compared the previous terms results to look for improvements or worrying trends. Any questions that need to be looked into further are given to the relevant SLT to ‘dig deeper’ on. The results are shared with staff in briefings and students via assemblies.

We would like student voice to continue to develop and thrive at Stretford High School so that it is strong, clear and heard! Student Council

"The Student Council of Stretford High School is a collaborative and student led group, with students from Year 7 to 11 taking part in weekly meetings and discussions about issues facing the school. The Leadership Committee within the Council comprises of 5 students from Years 8-10 who take charge of meetings and deal with the day to day administration of the Council including chairing the meetings, taking minutes and organising groups to tackle events and issues.

The Student Council operates a policy of equality, respect and integrity. We aim to ensure everyone has their voice heard through open discussion and we hope that we can make a difference to Stretford High School with help from other student and staff.

In the past we have been very actively in regards to raising money for various charities - we have raised over £600 for charities like Salford to Calais by organising Own Clothes Day. This year we are working on raising money to aid children in famine-stricken Africa by hosting a Bake Sale and an after school Scavenger" Stretford High School Year 11 Prefects

Students at Stretford High School apply for the position of prefect by completing an application which must come with 2 references from staff. This is then followed by an interview and if successful they are given the role.

The Prefects at Stretford High School provide equality of opportunity for all to succeed, through their shared values of; •Ready •Respect •Safe

They believe a commitment to such values results in success and makes a difference across the school community. They are role models of the school and also assist younger students who may need advice. They actively contribute to whole school events such as Open evening, Parents Evenings and School Productions.

Every December the Prefect Team run a Christmas Market charity event. This year they decided to raise money for The Mine Advisory Group. MAG’s work has helped more than 16 million people in conflict-affected communities in over 40 countries since 1989, giving them greater safety and the opportunity to rebuild their lives, livelihoods and futures. The event was a great success where £869.81 was raised to support MAG. Stretford High School Prefects 2017-18

How do you students get elected? Students begin the process by submitting an application form that outlines their suitability for the role. All applications are then collected by the Year Team and then processed for the interview stage. If students are invited to interview they are asked a series of questions and given an overall score out of 10 for the interview process. Students then outline whether they would like to be put forwards for Head Girl or Head Boy and then a campaigning and voting process begins, which includes staff and students!

What duties do they have as prefects? The prefects are responsible for upholding the everyday values of Stretford High. They will be responsible for lunch duties and gate duties where they will challenge students on the Stretford High rules of Ready, Respect, Safe. Prefects will also be responsible for the mentoring of younger students. Prefects will also partake in many charity events and will advertise the main event of the 'Stretford Christmas Markets' that never fail to deliver!

How do prefects make a difference to SHS? Prefects make a difference in the day to day running of the school, they are a student who is willing to go the extra mile for the school and be a role model for all. They clearly outline the route to success and ensure that students in lower year groups have a clear path to achieve and ambitions. When is the next prefect election taking place? How many roles are there? There are 44 roles available for prefects and there are also roles available for senior prefects ,with the main leadership role being Head Girl or Head Boy. Student Leadership is an innovative way of formally recognising students' leadership skills, encompassing all activities students are engaged in whether it's in the classroom, across the school, or in the wider community. Aims of our Student Leadership programme: • To empower students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals. • To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that students bring. • To provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on learning, teaching and well-being for both students and staff at Stretford High School. • To prepare students for Higher Education and for achieving personal and professional excellence in life after formal education.

This year the Year 8 Junior Leaders have lead a project around promoting equality. Also, the team will be supporting the extended transition – supporting students who have been identified as potentially struggling with the transition process. This will empower the leadership team whilst making the current year 6 students feel more comfortable with their new school. British Science Week

Held in March of every year, at Stretford High, we offer a week of Science activities involving all pupils. Pupils can expect: ● Form time activities ● STEM exhibition ● Trips to MMU ● Science Busking teams ● Workshops on: Making holograms, Dissections, Chemistry fizzes and bangs, Forensics Pupils have a chance to speak to people currently working in or studying towards STEM careers. They can enjoy different areas of Science in their lunch times and share their interest of Science with others. They develop confidence with practical skills and communication in Science Work Experience

Each year, all students from Year 10 spend a week on work experience.

A number of local businesses allow a student to spend time in the work environment following the same rules, working hours, dress code and daily routine as regular employers.

It gives the students a taste of working life and discipline outside the classroom environment.

Students must take ownership of sourcing their own placement as part of the learning process. Support is offered via learning tutors, Head of Year and the Careers Co-ordinator where good links have already been made with local employers.

Examples include: • Chemists

• Schools

• Libraries • Hotels / restaurants

• Nurseries

• Hospitals

• Council

• Leisure Centres

• Garages

• Shops

• Army School Production

The school production runs every year with rehearsals from June until the show in February.

Since the start of my time at Stretford High School we have put on a variety of different productions, including Cinderella, James and Alice.

In terms of auditioning, we usually hold a whole group read through, swapping roles and characters every scene to give everyone a chance at playing their preferred character. We always ,make sure that there is a role for everyone who wants to take part.

My hope is that the school production offers students a space to be creative and make friends whilst expressing themselves and developing their understanding of theatre and Drama.

We always invite at least 2 primary schools to watch our production for free and last year we had a full house for our matinee performance. Gender Imbalance Project

What is the project? We are working the Institute of Physics to try and increase the number of girls taking A-level physics. We are introducing a number of interventions throughout the school and conducting reviews of staff and students, conducting audits of how the school represents women throughout the curriculum and making women in STEM more visible throughout the school.

Who is involved? SLT, staff and students with support from the Institute of Physics.

What are the goals of the project? To encourage more girls to take up STEM subjects post 16.

How is it being run in school? The Head of Learner Welfare is managing the project.

Do the students have any involvement? A student after school club has been set up and student surveys are being completed. Students have been invited to attend Science Ambassador workshops run by Manchester University and by the Institute of Physics, respectively. LGBT After School Club

Who is involved? The Welfare team run a weekly after school club designed to support students who have an interest in or experience of LGBT issues. Students from all year groups are invited to attend.

What activities do the students take part in? Students have put up a display in the main school building about all things LGBT. They have done a presentation for SLT about trans and homophobic bullying in the school. We are putting together a proposal for a fundraiser for LGBT charities in the school and are looking into taking part in Manchester Pride

What are the benefits for the students? Students who identify as LGTB have the opportunity to explore this in a safe and confidential space. LGBT students are represented across school and all students become aware of the issues and injustices experienced by LGBT communities.

Student feedback? Although still in its infancy, the club has had a regular turn out of students who have stated that they feel listened to and represented in school when previously, they have felt uncomfortable and ignored. Students who identify as LGBT and those who identify as heterosexual have been taking part. Teens and Toddlers Teens & Toddlers is a community initiative which is targeted at young people at a crucial stage of their lives. Their flagship programme offers work experience, a national qualification and the opportunity to mentor children in nurseries. They help young people build the self-belief and vital skills they need to succeed. Each 18-week Teens & Toddlers programme is run in partnership with the local authority, the school, and a nursery one afternoon a week and combines: An accredited vocational NCFE (QCF) Entry Level 3 Award in Personal and Social Development. This qualification was achieved by all 8 of our boys and hopefully will inspire them to progress to further education. An innovative work experience scheme where the boys mentored a young child who needs extra help, in a nursery. This helps them to build a sense of responsibility, highlights employment possibilities and teaches them about parenthood. Classroom sessions in emotional intelligence, risky behaviour and relationships. Mentoring and one-on-one coaching to support personal development. The programme involved 8 Y10 boys who took part in classroom sessions as well as work experience at Seymour Park Nursery. City Year UK Lighthouse Team

The City Year UK Lighthouse Team has been partnered with Stretford High School since September 2015. It is made up of 7 members - one IO, and 6 Corps Members, each of whom mentor 8 students.

The Lighthouse Team run breakfast club to improve attendance and punctuality, after school clubs to help make school an enjoyable place, and assist staff and pupils inside the classroom, delivering one-to-one and whole-class support. In addition they monitor the progress and wellbeing of their focus-list pupils on a daily basis, liaise with staff and parents, complete weekly monitoring forms for each of their focus list students, do 3 duties per day, accompany staff & students on trips, attend isolation & detention with their focus list and help out at Student Council. We have also run trips to Challenge 4 Change & an Xmas charity drive, & over the past term have delivered assemblies on drugs awareness & put a lot of effort into developing our Home Learning Club.

He is very respectful, joyful & warm-hearted; I am happy & grateful I have a mentor that is the best.

I’m glad to have my City Year mentor. She helps me with my work & I’ll miss her when she leaves. Crocky Trail

Last year we ran a successful trip to the Crocky Trail during the second week back in September.

The trip involves taking the new year 7’s with their learning tutors to experience a fun day out, allowing them to bond as a year group.

Students have access to the trail and various slides/rides which they can use over the course of the day.

Students gave really positive feedback on the day and the experience really helped them settle into Stretford High School. The Refugee Crisis

When the full scale of the refugee crisis emerged in September 2015 Stretford High School collected, organised and sorted several tonnes of aid for the Calais camp. This was then taken to the Calais camp on the school minibus on October 17th 2015 by teachers Chris Hirst, Adam Cooke and Matthew Fielding (as part of a convoy organised by the “Salford/Calais” organisation). The following May three teachers (Chris Hirst, Nadeem Ahmed and Jenna Murray) travelled on the school minibus to the Dunkirk Refugee Camp. They taught lessons in the Dunkirk Refugee School and also prepared the logistics for the main school trip in July. On July 5th 2016 the school sent three teachers (Chris Hirst, Adam Cooke and Laura Smith) and four students (Sania Muhammed, Aimee Monaghan, Ajai Singh and Danish Amin) along with 2 teachers and 4 students from back to the Dunkirk Refugee School. They spent three days working full time in the school as teachers and teaching assistants. Our school responded positively to a Humanitarian crisis. The students and staff wanted to reach out and help people that had been caught in a terrible situation. We are very proud of our students efforts and their empathy for the most vulnerable children in Europe. 8 Ways to be Great

The aims:

•To encourage all pupils to be proactive and independent in developing their own learning •To develop a curiosity for learning and broaden pupils' experiences outside of the classroom •To develop a range of transferable skills linked to PLTs and SMSC •To prepare pupils for college interviews and the world of work •To give pupils the opportunity to experience different activities and stretch involvement in school

The basics: •8 tasks every year •Complete tasks both in and outside of school •Track progress and evidence in Everything Else lessons •Have a range of things to discuss in personal statements and in interviews

To develop a range of skills:

•Giving (to the wider community) •Respectful (to all) •Ethical (to think) •Ambitious (to inspire you) •Tenacious (gutsy) Community Leaders

Students in Year 7 commit themselves to offering their time, effort and enthusiasm in a broad range of activities that enable the school to run more smoothly. Enthusiasm, commitment and a sense of belonging ensures that both parties are rewarded for the active roles that these students undertake within school and in the local community.

Making Stretford High Greener is the new project for term 3, all the community leaders are working together on this project. This involves them sourcing funds and redeveloping an outside space to be more appealing for users and to grow herbs and vegetables that can be used within the school. RISE Team

RISE is a student led anti-bullying team whose aim is to support young people who are being bullied or have been bullied in the past. Our team motto is Respect In Schools Everywhere. RISE was created so students had an opportunity to stand up and speak up to help keep other students and themselves safe.

The service we offer in school includes:

· Regular team meetings · RISE team members on break duty daily to be a visible presence and provide support for students who wish to report incidents or concerns of bullying · RISE drop in every Wednesday after school for students to access who are experiencing bullying or wish to share incidents of bullying.

RISE have been involved in:

· Wear Something Blue Day (18/11/16) which involved raising funds for Bullying UK · Promoting the service within assemblies and staff briefings · Created a blog for Bullying UK to share the RISE TEAM initiative as an example of good practice and support in schools. This blog is currently on the Bullying UK website. They were extremely impressed with the service we provide in this school to target bullying and support students who have been bullied. · The RISE Team were involved in research for the ‘Ditch The Label’ campaign where students completed an online survey to look at students’ experiences of bullying.

“It is the participation of all Stretford High students who help to keep the RISE team active and moving forward” Super Learning Enrichment Day

Pupils follow a collapsed timetable and take part in a series of Literacy and Numeracy activities where pupils learn to apply these fundamental concepts to real life situations.

Pupils develop a range of transferable skills such as team work, enterprise, leading, problem solving.

Activities include: • Design and build a zoo • Apply costings to business scenarios • The logistics of running a business • Groups present their ideas to their peers

Additionally, outside agencies come in from a range of vocations to build aspirations and enable pupils to ask first hand questions regarding possible career paths.

These include: • Music artists • Chefs • Accountants • Bankers • Engineers • Designers Student Council

At SHS we are committed to supporting our students in having a voice and expressing their opinions in the running of our school. Our Student Council is fully inclusive with students of all ages and abilities. From September 2017, our Student Council will be made up of one student from each form in SHS. Each year group will have a Student Council Leader to represent their their year group. Students will be invited to nominate themselves or others in their form and all entrants will be interviewed before a vote is decided for the Student Council Leaders.

The Council gives students a chance to work alongside staff and peers who they may not usually interact with and will develop social and communication skills and improve confidence. The Student Council is an integral part of life at SHS and will allow students to have a opportunity to share their' ideas, interests and concerns with staff and SLT. The Student Council Representatives from each form will make it easier for students to have their voices heard when their representative meet twice half termly with the Student Champion. Members of the Student Council will be encouraged to discuss ideas surrounding a range of topics, including raising funds for school wide activities or local and national charities, organising social events, helping the local community, helping build closer ties with the local community and supporting community projects.

Student Council will have a bigger role in helping mould school reform and will be involved in the interview process of new staff. The Council will debate important issues such as equipment that may be needed in school, school uniform and lunch menus. The school newsletter will be relaunched and the Council will contribute to large sections of each issue with the aim of bringing SHS news and achievements closer to their families and community. Manchester United Foundation

Ball Assistant role

Flag Bearers

Hidden Figures Event

RAF Intervention

Show the Love day

Holiday Course

Cohesion sessions Monday and Wednesday

Christmas Party

Premier League Reading Stars Programme

Business Enterprise

Player day

Player Day Carrington

Stretford Year 9 Ball Assistants U23’s

Black History Month Event

Kids Christmas Party

MUF Hub Tournaments

Work Experience