WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 SHAABAN 10, 1434 AH Rowhani 64 dead as Foreign Tension, offers softer early monsoon investment in anger as Asian tone, but hammers Arab states rises giants reach same policies9 northern13 India despite21 unrest World20 Cup Sordid saga ends as defiant Max 42º ‘Hawally Monster’ hanged Min 28º High Tide 07:14 & 20:20 Fellow Egyptian arsonist also executed for murders Low Tide 00:46 & 14:14 40 PAGES NO: 15844 150 FILS By Shakir Reshamwala

KUWAIT: Two Egyptian men were executed at the Central Jail in Sulaibiya yesterday, bringing the total number of people hanged this year to five after Kuwait ended a six-year moratorium on executions in April. Convicted serial child rapist Hajjaj Mohammad Adel Al- Saadi - known as the “Hawally Monster” for his reign of terror in the governorate and beyond - and convicted killer Ahmad Abdulsalam Al-Baili were hanged after exhausting all appeals. Two Indians and a Pakistani were also supposed to be hanged yesterday, but their execu- tions were postponed. Earlier, the men were brought out one by one from a police van and made to stand before a panel of police officers and justice officials as the charges against them were read out loud. Baili was found guilty of killing an Asian couple - Mohammad Jamaluddin Abbas and Nandini Vijitha Sinha - by setting their home on fire in 2008. He also tried to kill an Egyptian couple - Amr Mohammad Jamaluddin and Fatima Sayed Ismael - the same way. They survived despite suffering injuries. Saadi was accused of raping 17 boys and girls aged between 6 and 12 after luring them onto rooftops, mostly in Hawally, in 2006 and 2007. He was found guilty on five counts. After an intense manhunt, Saadi was arrested in 2007 onboard a plane bound for Luxor, bringing his yearlong crime spree to an end. While Baili silently shook his head or nodded at his alleged crimes, Saadi defiantly denied the litany of charges against him and repeatedly interrupted the pro- ceedings by loudly reciting the shahadah (Muslim decla- ration of faith) and shouting religious slogans. He also complained that he had not been given any assistance from the Egyptian government. A cleric then spent some time with the condemned men. Sheikh Mohammad Ghadeer later told reporters that Saadi asked to pray four rak’ats, and his request was granted. Since his hands were bound, he prayed in a standing position. Baili also prayed in a similar fashion. Both men then recited the shahadah before they were led to the gallows. Saadi continued to recite the shahadah on the top of KUWAIT: The lifeless bodies of “Hawally Monster” Hajjaj Mohammad Adel Al-Saadi (right) his voice while hangmen trussed the two up and slipped and his Egyptian compatriot Ahmad Abdulsalam Al-Baili hang after they were executed nooses around their necks and hoods over their heads. yesterday at the Central Jail in Sulaibiya. (Insets) Saadi (right) and Baili are seen as they Continued on Page 15 listen to their crimes being read out. — Photos by Shakir Reshamwala (See Page 4) MoI mulls travel ban Ex-MPs call for quick elections for traffic violators Ummah Party demands new constitution KUWAIT: Interior Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary of Traffic Affairs Maj Gen By B Izzak decree that would officially dissolve the The problem arises from the fact that the Abdulfattah Al-Ali stressed yesterday on Assembly and other decrees to withdraw holy fasting month of Ramadan starts this the necessity of activating travel bans KUWAIT: The government is expected to Amiri decrees issued last year that were nulli- year around July 9 and ends Aug 8, which against violators to force them to pay hold an extraordinary meeting today to fied by the constitutional court in its leaves just a few days after the Eid holidays their traffic fines, especially since the decide the date for the forthcoming election Sunday’s ruling. The date of the election rep- for the vote to be held. But it is expected that amount of all fines has reached KD 24 following the ruling of the constitutional resents a dilemma for the government and tens of thousands of voters will leave Kuwait million. Ali told KUNA on the sidelines of court that dissolved the National Assembly other quarters as fresh polls must be held to spend their summer vacations either a seminar on road traffic organized by and upheld the single-vote decree. The gov- within two months and the deadline is the before or slightly after Eid, which means ernment is also expected to approve the middle of August. Continued on Page 15 the faculty of social sciences at Kuwait University that the traffic department is working on the first phase on imple- menting laws, which reflects the desires of citizens and expatriates alike to implement laws on everyone, including activating the role of monitoring road violations. Ali added that the traffic department has monitored high density labor areas including rundown vehicles, noting that the administration is working to reduce Continued on Page 15 Maj Gen Abdulfattah Al-Ali G8 urges urgent peace talks

ENNISKILLEN, United Kingdom: G8 nique said the Syrian military and securi- DOHA: Guests arrive for the opening ceremony of the new Taleban political leaders yesterday threw their weight ty services “must be preserved and office yesterday. — AFP behind calls for a peace conference on restored” in a future set-up. The leaders Syria to be held in Geneva “as soon as did not suggest a date for the proposed possible”, after a summit dominated by Syria talks, which were supposed to take US to meet Taleban as the country’s civil war. At the end of place this month but have already been two days of talks in Northern Ireland, delayed. Gathered on the picturesque the leaders also called for agreement banks of Lough Erne, the world’s leading they open Qatar office on a transitional government in Syria industrialised nations also struck a deal KABUL: US officials said yesterday that came just hours after Afghan govern- “with full executive powers, formed by to crack down on tax evasion and share they hoped to meet the Taleban within ment forces formally took over responsi- mutual consent”. British Prime Minister more cross-border financial information. days, after the insurgents opened an bility for national security from a NATO David Cameron, the summit host, said it They vowed concrete steps to target office in Qatar and the Afghan govern- combat mission scheduled to leave the was “unthinkable” that President Bashar not only illegal tax evasion but also tax ment took control of nationwide security country next year. Al-Assad could play a role in a transi- avoidance by multinational companies from NATO. The Islamist militia, which Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen tional administration, but the G8 com- that costs taxpayers billions in lost rev- has been fighting against US-led NATO Barth Eide said yesterday the Taleban munique pointedly made no reference enues. And they agreed to stamp out the troops and the Afghan government for held secret negotiations in Norway over to him, in an apparent concession to payment of ransoms for hostages kid- 12 years, broke off initial contacts with the past few months, helping yield a deal Syria’s ally Russia. napped by “terrorists”, and called on com- the Americans last year and have refused that allowed the rebels to open the Qatar After talks which at times pitted panies to follow their lead in refusing to to negotiate with Kabul. A press confer- office. Russian President Vladimir Putin against pay for the release of their employees. ence opening the Taleban office in Qatar Continued on Page 15 his fellow G8 leaders, the final commu- Continued on Page 15 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 LOCAL News in brief

Ruling family member duped KUWAIT: A 23-year-old member of the ruling family reported that he was swindled by four people - a Sri Lankan woman, a citizen and two US citizens - who together stole KD 6,7000 from him, security sources said, noting that all four suspects were being sum- moned by the police for further investigations.

Court postpones oil tanker case The court of appeal postponed the case concerning oil tankers, in which Hussan Qabazard is a suspect, to July 21 for pronouncing its verdict. Qabazard defend- ed himself before the court and exhibited case papers going back to 1993 and explained investiga- tions were carried out in London and UK courts issued verdicts that were in conflict with the Kuwait KUWAIT: Future Image for Advertisement inaugurated the Future Leaders Club recently under the patronage of the Touristic Enterprises Company. The event courts’ verdicts. He also referred to the decision of was hosted at the TEC building in Shuwaikh and was attended by TEC Public Relations and Media Manager Saqr Al-Badr as well as Future Image CEO the investigation committee in the ministers’ court. Mohammad Hamdi. The club is held from June 15 through July 9. He urged the court to set him free. His lawyer emphasized the reasons for contesting and put up his defense during the past two sessions.

Footballer dies of field injury Qadisiya Club footballer Mohammed Fahhad, who recently sustained a severe concussion during an unofficial match in Kuwait, passed away Monday morning at Mubarak Al-Kabeer hospital where he had been hospitalized and remained in a state of unconsciousness since the injury.

MOE extends retirement age to 33 years in service Officials round up illegal residents in Ahmadi. 301 arrested in Ministry considers changing expats’ contracts Ahmadi raids KUWAIT: Ahmadi governorate inspection raids, carried out KUWAIT: The issue of retiring veteran ty of referring those with 30 or more years Mohammed Al-Kandari, about the possible confusion. The minister also recommended on the instructions of Brig Maatooq Al-Aslawi and under employees in the ministry of education in service for retirement. consequences of his decision, Al-Hajraf that potential candidates be interviewed the supervision of operations director Faleh Al-Dawsary topped the agenda of the undersecretaries’ The issue assumed importance since a insisted on referring all employees with 30 immediately to fill the vacancies as soon as and Major Salman Al-Mutairi, resulted in the arrest of 301 meeting with minister Al-Hajraf on list of 1,260 potential retirees has already or more years in service to retirement, possible. Moreover, the sources said that persons. Among them, 17 people did not have identifica- Monday, educational sources said, noting been prepared. except those working in the education sec- the ministry was considering changing tion documents or were in violation of the residency law, that the minister asked the assistant under- The sources said that after an argument tor who will be allowed to complete a max- expatriate teachers’ contracts to the fourth six were wanted for civil cases, and three for criminal cases. secretary for legal affairs to study the legali- with the public education undersecretary, imum of 33 years in service to avoid any degree.— Al-Jarida In addition, five vehicles were detained in connection with multiple cases and 145 traffic citations were issued.

KUWAIT: (Left) Municipal officials seize vehicles during a raid in Jahra yesterday. (Right) Municipal officials issue citations during a raid at a cafe in Jahra. Research papers on diabetes and hypertension in Kuwait KUWAIT: The department of Populations”. In this article, we dis- economic and physical burden of Integrative Informatics at Dasman cuss the prevalence of type 1 and the healthcare system in Kuwait. Diabetes Institute aims to analyse type 2 diabetes among Kuwaitis and A third paper entitled “Genetic epidemiology and genetics data on foreign nationals (of different age Substructure of Kuwaiti Population diabetes and hypertension in Kuwait groups), and also show the rising Reveals Migration History”, has been to identify associations among risk trend of hypertension and comor- reviewed by PLOS ONE journal and factors. The department identifies bidity. We also show the effect of has been tentatively accepted for substructures in Kuwaiti Population, certain risk factors such as BMI on publication (pending a revision). derives reference genome sequence the onset age of type 2 diabetes. This article presents genome-wide resources for the substructures, and The second paper is published in data for the Kuwait population and develops prognostic models for dia- BMJOpen, entitled “Predictive mod- delienates its genetic structure and betes and hypertension. els for diabetes and hypertension in deliberates how the history of the The department has, to date, Kuwait”. In this paper, we show that settlements influenced the distribu- published two papers in prestigious using simple measurements such as tion of genetic variation. This international journals. The first BMI, ethnicity, and age, we can pre- understanding helps in studies paper is in Diabetes Care, entitled dict the onset of diabetes, hyperten- designed to understand the under- “State of Diabetes, Hypertension, sion, and comorbidity using state- lying causes for the high prevalence and Comorbidity in Kuwait: of-the-art artificial intelligence algo- of recessive disorders and metabolic Showcasing the Trends as Seen in rithms. When such a system is used syndromes (that lead to diabetes Native Versus Expatriate nationwide, it can greatly lower the and cardiovascular complications).

Dr Kazem Behbehani (centre), Director General of Dasman Diabetes Institute with the team of Integrative Informatics at Dasman Diabetes Institute. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 LOCAL Crackdown improper, impractical: Analyst Dr Bukhudor calls for review of MoI campaign

By Ben Garcia expats. It is our fault and must be corrected but before rectifying the system is wrong. It is awful- in a proper manner, ensuring the dignity and ly wrong and must be corrected,” he added. KUWAIT: Proper systems must be in place human rights of individuals living with us,” the “If you want our country to improve and before going ahead with a crackdown or kicking economics professor reiterated. develop, you need manpower because we can- out expatriates from the country, a Kuwaiti eco- He stressed that a system must be in place not provide it ourselves. In fact, we need more of nomic analyst and professor said. before anyone could decide on what to do. “If a it; we need help from outside if we really want Speaking to the Kuwait Times yesterday, Dr new system is in place, then it will be the right our development goals to be realized,” the eco- Hajjaj Bukhudor noted that the on-going crack- time to slash the number of expats in the coun- nomic analyst noted. down against the ‘illegal expats’ in the country is “Besides, people must change and the educa- KUWAIT: Director of the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister improper and impractical and it should be tion system here must also change. The religious Ambassador Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah received here yester- reviewed thoroughly. preaching must change. We must change the day the UK Ambassador to Kuwait, Frank Baker. A Foreign Ministry statement said In the last few months, authorities have way we address the problems of our people in the two men discussed ways of enhancing bilateral relations and issues of reciprocal deported thousands of mainly low-paid Asian order to affect the lives of many around us,” he concern. —KUNA workers in Kuwait for working without a proper mentioned. Asked whether the situation will visa or residency papers or for repeated traffic drastically change in the next couple of days, offences, according to local media and residents. and how will it change in a few months’ time, A government minister has called for reducing especially after the constitutional court dis- the number of foreign workers in Kuwait who solved the current parliament, he said, “I don’t were found in “excess”. think there will be any more changes. As I said, The oil-rich country relies heavily on the for- the system must change first. I don’t expect eign workers to perform low-paying jobs in sec- much from the new parliamentarians to usher in tors such as construction and services. changes. Until such time that systems are in Foreigners make up about 69 per cent of place, we cannot expect much. You know, God Kuwait’s 3.8 million population. created the system in the universe before creat- “The system in Kuwait is no longer applicable ing people, the law of gravity and the like; the to the current situation. The system which was Dr Hajjaj Bukhudor food required and all the other things around us there half a century ago must be corrected first were created before God created Adam and Eve. since it is no longer conducive to the current set- try. Currently, there is no system, so things will I want our government to do the same, to put up, and therefore no longer applicable. So stop remain the same and fraudulent companies will the new system in place first, then go unleashing deporting people just because the old system continue to hire people. It will only be a repeat crackdowns if necessary, or attract more people failed. New system must be in place before tak- of what we are already facing. The Minister of to help develop the country. If you do that, ing any drastic action. This is not the fault of the Labor’s move to cut the number of expats even everything will follow smoothly,” he added. Kuwait plans major reshuffle of envoys KUWAIT: Kuwait plans a major reshuffle of Mo’men who is set to retire. ed that no changes were made to the diplomatic around 35 diplomats posted around the world, a Meanwhile, Salem Al-Zamanan is set to corps of Kuwait in the Gulf Cooperation Council local newspaper reported yesterday quoting replace Dr. Rashid Al-Hamad, set to retire, as countries, as well as major capitals including sources familiar with the subject. Kuwait’s ambassador in Cairo, Egypt, while Washington, London, Paris, Geneva and Beijing, Among the key changes would be Abdul-Aziz Munther Al-Essa is set to be moved to Germany. in addition to Iran and Lebanon. They spoke to Al-Adwani being appointed as Kuwait’s ambas- Ambassador Sadeq Maarafi is being reported- Al-Qabas on the condition of anonymity sador in Moscow, Russia, and Ghassan Al- ly appointed to Austria to succeed Ambassador because they were not authorized to reveal the Zawawi to Baghdad, Iraq to replace Ali Al- Mohammad Al-Salal. The sources further indicat- list before it is announced officially. — Al-Qabas Egypt to seek Gulf’s Municipal Council financial support? term ‘extended’ KUWAIT: The cabinet is consider- the National Elections Committee KUWAIT: Egyptian President President Morsi’s recent decision ing withdrawing a decree that forced a change of plans since the Mohammed Morsi directed his to cut all ties with Syria, effec- called for holding Municipal same committee had issued the government to work on bolster- tively impacting Egypt’s rela- Council elections, and release a decree calling for the Municipal ing his country’s relations with tionship with Iran,” said the new one for holding these polls Council elections. Kuwait and other Arab countries sources who spoke to Al-Rai on on a day that does not conflict In this regard, Al-Anba report- which were negatively affected the condition of anonymity. with parliament elections. This ed yesterday that Minister of after the Muslim Brotherhood- They further suggested that the was reported by Al-Qabas yester- Cabinet Affairs and State Minister backed leader assumed office, a rapprochement bid seeks Arab day, quoting government insiders of Municipality Affairs Sheikh local newspaper reported yes- support for the Egyptian econo- who indicated that the cabinet Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah terday quoting sources within my to replace the support from was considering the option of was likely to work on “amending the Egyptian government. Iran. extending the term of expiry for article 38 of the Municipality Law In addition to Kuwait, the The sources further indicated the Municipal Council and in order to extend the sixty day source specifically mentioned that the Egyptian government appointing a committee to run its period required for holding elec- the United Arab Emirates and was given instructions to pro- affairs. tions after the Municipal Council’s Saudi Arabia as being “on top of vide “major investment incen- Candidates’ registrations had term comes to end.” Sources the list” of countries Egypt tives” to the three Gulf States already been closed for Municipal familiar with the issue noted that wants to resume strong rela- and an environment attractive Council elections that were set to a new date for elections is likely to tions with. “This comes after to businessmen. — Al-Rai be held on July 6. A constitutional be after the Eid Al-Fitr holidays. court last Sunday that annulled — Al-Qabas & Al-Anba

No fees to switch mobile operator

KUWAIT: Anyone wish- ing to change their cell (or mobile) phone provider without giving up their existing phone number can do so with- out having to incur any kinds of fees, said an official at the ministry of communications yester- day. Mobile phone cus- tomers with set con- tracts could easily change their phone providers once they ful- fill the requirements of their contractors first, said Ahmad al-Husseini, director of public rela- tions and head of the media committee at the ministry, in a press state- ment. Those customers with prepaid accounts at mobile phone providers can change their providers anytime with- out having to worry about paying any fees for the change and of course they get to keep their old numbers if they so wish, he said. He praised the nation’s three cell phone providers—Zain, Wataniya, Viva for help- ing the ministry to ease the process of changing a service provider, not- ing that the ministry was closely monitoring this process to ensure that no foul-ups occurred and that no customer’s rights were jeopardized in anyway. —KUNA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 LOCAL

KUWAIT: “Hawally Monster” Hajjaj Mohammad Adel Al-Saadi and his Egyptian compatriot Ahmad Abdulsalam Al-Baili are hanged yesterday at the Central Jail in Sulaibiya. — Photos by Shakir Reshamwala, Yasser Al-Zayyat and Fouad Al-Shaikh

Execution of two Brother bashes up sister’s ‘friend’ Indians suspended Policeman kidnaps wife at knifepoint KUWAIT: The brother of a girl who beat her up to find a seven year jail term. He was taken to the proper author- Driver killed out whose phone number was she carrying around ities for further action. A motorist was killed while a police officer was seri- By Sajeev K Peter The family members of the duo, who visit- scribbled on a piece of paper later forced her to set up a ously injured when two cars collided on Monday on the ed the inmates in jail, hoped that their death date with the man at a pre-determined spot and then Search for rapist Sixth Ring Road. Paramedics and police reached the KUWAIT: The execution of two Indian death sentences may be commuted and a lesser physically assaulted him, leaving him with a broken nose. Maidan Hawally police are planning to summon an scene shortly after the crash was reported. One of the row inmates in Kuwait has been suspended, it penalty may be awarded after an agreement It all began when the girl’s brother confronted her to ask Egyptian expat for questioning in a case in which a com- drivers, a 52-year-old Syrian man, was pronounced dead is learnt. Indian nationals Suresh was reached on the amount to be paid as who the phone number belonged to which he found patriot of the suspect pressed charges of sexual assault on the scene. The other driver was rushed to the Jahra Shanmugasundram and Chellappan Kalidas blood money to the families of the victims, it from the girl’s bag during a search. According to the against him. The case was filed after an Egyptian man Hospital where he was admitted to its intensive care unit were slated to be executed yesterday in is learnt. On Monday morning, Indian police report, the youngster had to beat a confession out approached the police and accused the suspect of in a critical condition. He was identified as a lieutenant in Kuwait along with two others for crimes com- Embassy Counselor B K Upadhyay and other of his sister, and she eventually explained that a young assaulting his 21-year-old daughter after luring her to his the police force and was reportedly in uniform when the mitted nearly four years ago. According to officials visited Suresh Shanmugasundram man at a Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh shopping center gave her father’s apartment. Investigations were on. accident happened. A case was filed at the Saad Al- reports, the Indian embassy received informa- and Kalidas at the Kuwait Central Prison. K the number. The brother told her to call the man and set Abdullah police station to investigate the circumstances tion on June 14, 2013 that execution of the Mathi of Indian Frontliners, who coordinated up a ‘date’ at the same shopping center. When the man Wife kidnapped at gunpoint leading to the accident. two Indians sentenced for murder would be with the Indian embassy on this matter, also arrived, the girl signaled to her brother who was waiting A police officer faces charges after he was accused of carried out on June 18, 2013. accompanied the embassy officials, a press with two friends. They assaulted the man, leaving him kidnapping his wife at gunpoint. The incident reportedly Auto theft Indian Ambassador Satish C Mehta and release added. The relatives of the inmates with a broken nose and many contusions before they happened at an Ashbiliya house where the Kuwaiti A man made good with a sports utility vehicle (SUV) embassy officials acted promptly and took up also accompanied them to meet Suresh and were separated. A case was filed for investigations after woman was a guest of her Egyptian friend who had even as the owner watched but could not prevent the the matter with higher authorities in Kuwait. Kalidas in jail. In its 50 years history, 75 people the incident was reported. come to know of her facing problems with her husband. robbery. In his statements to Faiha police station officers, Their death sentences have been suspended have been executed so far in Kuwait including According to the statement given by the friend’s hus- the Kuwaiti man explained that he started his car’s Man run over band in the emergency call, the Kuwaiti woman’s hus- engine and went back inside his house for a few seconds. as a result of the benevolent gesture shown 72 men and three women. All the women A man was hospitalized in a critical condition after he band landed up Sunday night and forced her to accom- The brief time was enough for the suspect to sneak into by the Kuwaiti authorities, sources said. who were executed were Indian. was run over during a quarrel over traffic in Taima on pany him at gunpoint. He added that the man also the vehicle and drive away. Sunday. Police and paramedics reached the scene short- pointed the gun at his neighbor who tried to stop him ly after receiving reports about the incident, only to find and then forced his wife into his vehicle and drove to an Missing teen found Kuwaitis held for an injured victim while the other man had fled from the undisclosed location. Investigations were on in search of A teenager was found two days after he was reported spot. Investigations revealed that the suspect ran over the couple. missing, and it was discovered that he had run away with the victim deliberately during a fight sparked by a traffic his girlfriend eight years his senior. A Saudi man had possessing drugs dispute. The victim was admitted to the intensive care Five wounded in hospital brawl reported his 17-year-old son as missing at the Naeem unit of the Al-Jahra Hospital while investigations were At least five people were injured in a massive fight police station last weekend. The boy was found Monday By Hanan Al-Saadoun Small pieces of hashish were found on underway in search of the suspect. reported on Monday night inside the Adan Hospital. at the Gulf Road with a woman and they were both tak- them. Upon interrogation, they confessed to Nearly 20 people engaged in the scuffle inside the emer- en into custody for questioning. He said that the woman, KUWAIT: Drug enforcement agents arrested leasing an apartment in the Al-Shaab area. Fugitive nabbed gency room that was soon broken up by the police. Five identified as a 25-year-old Iraqi citizen, was his girlfriend two Kuwaiti men for possessing 250 grams of The police accompanied them to the apart- A fugitive who was wanted to serve a jail term was people sustained stab wounds during the fight and were who he had run away with to marry. The boy’s father was Hashish. Earlier, information was received ment where a search yielded the remaining arrested during a patrol operation in Shuwaikh last admitted to the hospital, while police reportedly took summoned and he confirmed having prior knowledge about the duo being active in the drugs busi- amount of Hashish along with drug taking Sunday. Patrol officers grew suspicious about a man who some fighters into custody for questioning. about the relationship. He said that he had told his son betrayed nervousness when he was asked to pull over Investigations were on to unravel what sparked the fight to end the relationship, which could have prompted him ness. After verifying the information, legal tools. They confessed to taking drugs and his car. The Kuwaiti man was arrested after police verified which reportedly began between two people who were to elope. The boy was allowed to return to his father steps were taken and both were arrested in were sent to the concerned authorities along his identity and discovered that he was wanted to serve later joined by their respective friends and relatives. without charges being pressed against the couple. Al-Qurain Area. with the contraband. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 LOCAL Liberals, tribes gear for NA elections Increased participation likely in polls

KUWAIT: While the opposition effect on the electoral process, that were certified by HH the Amir wasted no time in announcing that especially in the second and third after these were passed in the it will boycott the upcoming elec- constituencies,” said the observers parliament remain unaffected by tions following the Constitutional who preferred to remain anony- the dissolution,” said the source Court’s ruling, many believe that mous. who spoke on the condition of the number of groups which opted A date for the upcoming elec- anonymity. against participating in last tions is still to be determined, but Speaking of the annulled parlia- December’s elections is going to Al-Anba newspaper suggested in a ment, one of its members demand- drop significantly, come the time report yesterday that the cabinet ed that the government’s advisors when Kuwaitis head to the polls plans to hold an extraordinary be put on trial on the charge of again. meeting today (Wednesday) to treason that carries capital punish- “Several former MPs and veteran “decide the date of the elections as ment. Abdulhameed Dashty KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah received, in presence of politicians are expected to contest well as procedures needed to exe- slammed the advisors for “their role Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Bangladeshi Minister of the elections after the ruling ended cute the constitutional court’s rul- which led to the dissolution of two Foreign Affairs Dr Dipu Moni at Seif Palace yesterday. During the meeting, the two sides discussed joint coopera- the ambiguity surrounding the ing,” according to insiders with consecutive parliaments.” tion prospects between Kuwait and and ways to develop them in all areas, as well as latest regional and constitutionality of the single-vote knowledge of the subject. In this regard, spectators told Al- international updates. The meeting was attended by Undersecretary of HH the Premier’s Diwan Sheikha Etemad decree,” political watchers told the While the 60-day ultimatum for Qabas newspaper that the govern- Khalid Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Director of the Department of Asia at the Foreign Ministry Ambassador Al-Rai on Monday. holding elections would fall right ment’s credibility will be on the Mohammad Mejren Al-Roumi and Kuwait’s Ambassador to Bangladesh Ali Ahmad Al-Dhefiri.— KUNA They further indicated that after the Eid Al-Fitr holiday, there line “if it failed to hold accountable tribes that wield heavy political are opinions supporting the idea of Fatwa and Legislation Authority influence such as the Awazem, holding the elections during members who were behind the Ajman and Mutair are expected to Ramadan when most Kuwaitis usu- decree to establish the National Failaka deserves to be contest the upcoming elections ally choose to postpone their travel Elections Committee that the court albeit some voters might continue plans, preferring to spend the holy found unconstitutional.” their boycott. “The tribal vote is month in their home country. Meanwhile, Al-Qabas also on World Heritage list going to be present, and strongly Meanwhile, Al-Rai reported that reported that several members of this time around,” they added while the cabinet assigned its legal com- the December 2012 were consider- KUWAIT: The National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters be on UNESCO’s list of world heritage sites and that the also predicting a return of tribal mittee to come up with a suitable ing taking legal action against the (NCCAL) is trying assiduously to have archaeological sites process of enlistment might take an entire year or longer. dominance in the fourth and fifth date “and submit a report maxi- government for “financial and in the island of Failaka enlisted among UNESCO’s list of There is a UNESCO world heritage sites panel made up of constituencies. mum by today (Wednesday) noon.” emotional damage” sustained as a world heritage sites, said an NCCAL official yesterday. representatives from 21 countries that vet all the applica- The National Democratic Furthermore, the report quoted result of the dissolution. NCCAL acting director in charge of the department of tions for sites enlistment. Alliance has already announced it cabinet sources who indicated that They discussed these plans dur- archaeology and museums Sultan Al-Duwaish said that Once a site is approved by the panel for enlistment, it will honor the court’s ruling, thus in case of laws that were passed by ing a meeting hosted by Yaqoub the island of Failaka deserved the enlistment since many stays on the list of world heritage sites for a period of four paving the way for the liberal the December 2012 parliament but Al-Sane’a and attended by the dis- archaeological finds have been discovered there, among years only. After that it makes room for other candidates to National Action Bloc members to were still not legally promulgated solved parliament’s speaker Ali Al- them ancient houses, a temple, and the ruins of a palace all take its place, said Al-Duwaish. In its current configuration, run again for parliament. because of certain formalities, will Rashid, according to sources privy dating to the bronze age and to the Dilmon civilization the panel includes four Arab countries: Algeria, UAE, Qatar, “Their participation is going to now stand “nullified”. to the meeting. Sources: —Al-Rai, (3000 BC). Ancient statues, weapons such as swords, seals and Iraq. Kuwait was a panel member between the years tip the scales and leave a positive “In other words, only the laws Al-Anba & Al-Qabas and stamps and pendants made of beads and a fort 2003 - 2007. —KUNA belonging to Alexander the Great have also been discov- ered on the island, said Al-Duwaish. He noted that the island of Failaka was a linchpin that brought together the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and those of the Arabian Peninsula, and underlined that NCCAL has endeavored to have agreements and contracts signed with a number of distinguished centers of learning, research, and universities to help carry out archaeological excavations in Failaka and in Sabbiya. So far there have been about ten of these agreements and contracts, he said, stressing the fact that Kuwait wel- comed all researchers and archaeologists to pursue their work in Kuwait from October to May of every year when the weather is tolerable. He said a lot of countries clamor to

Omar Al-Samarei Ice Skating Rink open KUWAIT: The Ice Skating Rink is now open for visitors who can enjoy skating at the facility’s main and minor halls. This was announced by the Ice Skating Rink and Fountain Park Supervisor in the Touristic Enterprises Company, Omar Al- Samarei, who indicated that a special program featuring various activities is in place for the summer. The Ice Skating Rink welcomes visitors during regular timings between 8.30 am and 10.00 pm everyday in seven different slots. News in brief

17 questioned KUWAIT: Seventeen people were summoned for question- ing after investigations revealed their involvement in illegal activity of paying debts on behalf of other debtors, in lieu of a fixed interest that they charged the debtors. Criminal inves- tigations officers were assigned the case after the practice was discovered from newspaper ads offering debtors the chance to have their debts paid fully while repaying the amount in installments along with a fixed rate of interest. The 17 Kuwaiti men said during investigations that their activity was based on contracts signed voluntarily by the debtors. They were released after they signed documents, promising to no more continue this illegal activity.

MEW summer emergency The distribution network affairs sector at the Ministry of Electricity and Water has asked all sub offices in the governorate to work round the clock to address the chal- lenge of increased demand during the summer of 2013. Sources said that instructions were issued to all emer- gency centers, maintenance offices and service offices for storing diesel for any emergency and regulating street lights in Subhan. The plan aims to ensure the availability of the admin managers at the emergency centers which will be linked with the supervision centers and control centers to address any fault noticed in any part of the state and swiftly rectify these round the clock on all sev- en days of the week in all the six governorates.

Smuggled liquor Northern Area Customs Manager Waleed Al-Nasser said that 2880 liquor bottles were seized while being smuggled into the country through the Shuwaikh port. He said the liquor bottles were hidden in a secret one and half meter wide storage area at the back of a truck which was loaded with rice. A Bedouin customs follow up representative and an Asian driver, connected with the consignment, were arrested and referred to the relevant authorities. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 LOCAL

In my view Letter to editor Peace for S Korea Dissolution and North Korea and impact

Sir, I may be permitted to justify the dissolution of Kuwait Parliament. The “British Parliament is the of all Parliaments; the institution of Kingship/Monarchy is By Labeed Abdal the source of all executive heads of states, irrespec- tive of whether these states have a Parliamentary, Presidential or Monarchical form of governments. There is also a saying that the “King may die but long live the King.” Governments may come and go [email protected] but the institution of Kingship remains the same, established as per procedures of national pride and heritage. It is the bounden and moral duty of every he failure of negotiations between North and citizen to abide by and respect the law of the land of South Korea shouldn’t start a blame game Tbetween the permanent neighbors. History and one’s own country, and that is the essence of nation- shared borders between the two intrinsically linked al spirit, national unity and national integrity which countries should be a reason for continuing the dia- will be the crux of universal democracy. logue. Vividly, the conventions, customs and precedents An increasing number of missiles or talk of nuclear play a fundamental role in any form of government. strikes only means more sorrow and tears for the Take for example the Indian constitution that hopeless and the innocent. The UN backed efforts for empowers and provides a justification for the negotiations and peaceful solutions must not stop President to act as the custodian of the Constitution and reconciliation process must continue. during the period of proclamation or declaration of In most border disputes, solutions must be dictat- kuwait digest emergency due to internal disturbances, crises, law ed on the grounds that the real people there must and order chaos, external threat and or breakdown benefit from the wisdom and vision of their leaders. of the constitutional machinery. He can dissolve the Moreover, what must be on the agenda is the re- Plague! parliament, address the nation, order fresh elec- tions, act as caretaker till the formation of a new After tensions lasting years, the government; summon both houses of parliament, By Dr Ebtihal Abdul Aziz Al-Khateeb address the session, select the leader of the majority process of rebuilding trust and trans- party to form the new government. parent planning must lead to estab- e might not have needed to secularize our from the political establishments and separating the Unequivocally, neither the opposition parties nor lishing strong bridges that will lead state any more, something we do today. We are clergy from the politicians, not separating religion from the executive head of the state in developing coun- towards the path of real peace. No Win a real dilemma. A quick review of the politics and vice versa. We need to stop political insti- tries in Asia like India, and Sri Lanka can fre- reportage in last Friday’s newspapers of the most sectar- tutes from affecting religious ones as well as stop politi- quently seek dissolution of parliament because the more time should be wasted and ian parliamentary session in our history is enough to cians from imposing their religious views and beliefs. middle class cannot bear unnecessary public expen- people must see quickly the hope of convince us that Kuwait has suffered immense devasta- This is the definition we almost find in all foreign refer- diture and abnormal inflation exemplified by soar- tion and decay. ences.’ ing prices, scams, frauds etc. prosperity for both sides. My heart cried out as I read about the social and psy- So, let’s put aside all the premeditated repeated falsi- chological diseases that law- fications of secularism labeling Though overtly, frequent dissolution of Kuwait Parliament will not affect the oil rich and oil produc- opening of industrial or manufacturing projects. makers carried into the parlia- it as a ‘non-believers’ attack on Choosing the delegations’ representatives on both ment. I, personally, almost hate Our citizens are currently at the religion or a conspiracy ing nation or its citizen but it will indirectly affect sides should be thoroughly under the umbrella of the watching the sectarian froth edge of a steep downfall that is against Islam. Let us agree the expatriate’s cost of living as prices will be abnor- world organization. After tensions lasting years, the spewing from their mouths becoming steeper, thanks to the sick upon the aforementioned def- mal while the monthly salary or earnings remain the process of rebuilding trust and transparent planning inside parliament. However, no inition coined by Al-Sultan same. must lead to establishing strong bridges that will lead sooner do start I pitying them, speeches made by the MPs. We did and, accordingly, demand Yours sincerely, towards the path of real peace. No more time should reasoning that it was all the not buy their defense of the political institutions that do be wasted and people must see quickly the hope of outcome of long decades of Husseiniyas and the mosques in par- not taint religion with their Nazeer Ahmed Shaik prosperity for both sides. It requires hard work to extremism, partisanship, interests and calculations. We ensure that the people succeed and enjoy the accom- oppression, corruption and liament the other day since all they also want religious institutions plishment as long lasting friends with no wars or sor- power battles, influence of were doing was to charge at each that do not interfere in that kuwait digest rows to worry about. money and women that other and use the parliament’s plat- nasty wicked game called poli- brought us all this far that they tics; institutions that do not start ‘coughing’ out their sec- form to spread their venom outside utilize their religious thoughts kuwait digest tarian hatred into each others’ by insulting one of the prophet’s to make political gains. It is Onus on faces. It only further underlines companions (MABPWT) and ques- that simple. the rot. One very good example of government The people are I wish people with vicious tioning the beliefs of another. a clergyman who protected psychological diseases, which our nice religious values from are more dangerous to societies, could be quarantined mingling with politics was Sheikh Khaled Al-Mathkour the real victors as well. Though physiological diseases could pose a who, for that very reason, is loved by everyone and is a By Hamad Al-Sarie threat to human beings’ existence, these at least leave role model for a good natured human being imbued fter the constitutional court issued its verdict By Dr Wael Al-Hasawi them humans. On the other hand, psychological afflic- with moral principles that should be the ultimate goal tions like the ones the lawmakers have contracted may of any religion. which annulled the National Assembly Council, scrapped the election committee and rein- am confident that the majority of Kuwaitis were turn us into the ‘living dead.’ They beget complete death Al-Sultan said, “separating the religious from the A satisfied with the constitutional court’s ruling as it though we may continue to breathe outwardly. You can political institutions basically aims at protecting the forced the right of His Highness the Amir to issue Iended the controversy over HH the Amir’s authori- see them coming, knocking at the doors and over- idea of citizenship.” Our citizens are currently at the necessity decrees based on the need and political sit- ty to enforce the single-vote system through an whelming your hearts without being able to reverse edge of a steep downfall that is becoming steeper, uation in the state, many people called and expressed emergency decree. If we look impartially into the their effect. I do wish we could quarantine them inside thanks to the sick speeches made by the MPs. We did a desire to read some article about the situation and decree, we find that it is the best to serve Kuwait as it the parliament’s Abdullah Al-Salem hall that they adore, not buy their defense of the Husseiniyas and the the constitutional court’s verdict. allows voters to select on a basis free of the influence lock them up and throw the key into the Arabian Sea to mosques in parliament the other day since all they were I was refraining from writing and wanted to first of political blocs and tribes. ensure others remained safe. Let them fight themselves doing was to charge at each other and use the parlia- know the opinion of certain politicians and law mak- While the current electoral system is not the best to death in there. I wish we could be washed clean by a ment’s platform to spread their venom outside by ers and also to hear the speech of His Highness the and still stuffers flaws in the distribution of con- flood like what happened in the Gilgamesh story when insulting one of the prophet’s companions and ques- Amir which he delivered on Sunday evening (June 16) stituencies and voters, there is no doubt that the the flood came to wash away human beings’ loquacity tioning the beliefs of another. This is only intended to explaining several points and political circumstances amendment contributes to restoring relative bal- that had been annoying the gods or Noah’s flood that outrage the youth on the streets who then respond and and warning about the dangers posed to the security ance. Some might argue that the amendment, while came to wash human beings’ sins that had been flood- start breaking the mosque’s doors or exchanging insults of the state. commendable, has to be legislated by the parlia- I have pointed out in more than three articles my ment. The response to this argument is the fact that ing Earth. So, can we have a flood that could remove aimed at a religious figure and, all of a sudden, the wax from our ears so that we can listen to new ideas? plague strikes us all with no hope of cure. We are predictions about the verdict, which included that the In a fabulous research by friend Fakher Al-Sultan, he doomed unless we unblock our ears, keep quiet for a Council will be dissolved because the call for elections Those who announced that they says that ‘secularism means separating the religious while and only listen.—Al-Jarida was not constitutional and that the one vote system will not accept the constitutional court’s ruling have committed politi- The verdict revolves around dif- cal suicide, and will soon find that kuwait digest ferent points, the most important people have already moved on being the solidifying of one vote because the country’s future is not Importance of full participation system. The constitutional court going to wait for them. I hope that verdict did not indicate the return members of the opposition reconsid- to the 2009 council, but asked for By Abdullatif Al-Duaij er their decision to boycott the elec- holding elections within two tions and realize that it will only hurt H the Amir’s speech on Sunday chronicled the Yet, I hope that everyone takes part in the upcom- months of the date of the verdict. them because the public will no recent events, laid the foundations of basic ing elections, and the tensions and diversions that If the government does not abide Hruling principles, and reiterated his willingness consumed a lot of our time and effort come to an by that, it would mean the return longer continue buying their endless to put aside all differences. I believe the response to end. It would be easy to work without an opposition conspiracy theories. such a speech should be equally fitting, reflecting the or “tensions” if certain politicians chose to boycott the of 2009 council which was dis- sense of tolerance and democracy that it was imbued elections, but it would also be ‘boring’ to work as per solved. the constitution gives the Amir the authority to with. But at the end of the day, people are free to a familiar routine. release emergency decrees according to his assess- form their judgments and choices. With all due respect to all politicians’ viewpoints, I will remain because deciding the necessity is in the ment, which was supported in the recent court rul- The Constitutional Court’s ruling to uphold the believe that the absence of a dissenting opinion is hands of His Highness the Amir. ing. Moreover, the legislative authority is unable in its single-vote decree did not come as a surprise. completely undemocratic. It is important for all of us The verdict revolves around different points, the current form to make changes that affect it directly, Dissolving the parliament that we work together, and most important being the solidifying of one vote sys- as it is human nature not to renounce authority vol- did surprise, however, and I that respected politicians do tem. The constitutional court verdict did not indicate untarily. also think that it was painful I hope that everyone takes part not deprive the political scene the return to the 2009 council, but asked for holding Meanwhile, the outcome of the last few parlia- to those Kuwaiti voters who from their presence and expe- ments led to public frustration and skepticism about in the upcoming elections, and the elections within two months of the date of the verdict. had to witness their efforts rience. Our experience with If the government does not abide by that, it would whether anything good will happen from voting. and choices going in vain as tensions and diversions that con- the last parliament taught us Meanwhile, the ruling to dissolve the parliament mean the return of 2009 council which was dissolved. a result of governmental or sumed a lot of our time and effort what it is like to have a House Therefore, the government is obliged to hold elec- was good in my opinion for multiple reasons. Despite parliamentary mistakes. lacking in experience and achievements on the legislative side, the parliament come to an end. It would be easy to tions latest by August 16, which coincides with the fag Regardless of different posi- effectiveness. While it did end of Eid-ul Fitr, when a majority of the people will failed to garner public support due to the lack of tions on the subject, the work without an opposition or “ten- have plenty of experienced competent people who were replaced by many polit- leave for their annual leave as expected. Therefore, the elections experience in the members who we highly ical amateurs. Second, the parliament contained a sions” if certain politicians chose to government should be keen to ensure the participa- group of members with record of suspected behav- past five years has remained appreciate, the opposition’s tion of a maximum number of people in the elections, a sour one. Also, it turned boycott the elections, but it would presence is necessary at the ior, and others who lacked the very basics of parlia- also be ‘boring’ to work as per a even if it has to hold these early, within the month of mentary work (not taking anything away from the out to be costly for the end of the day. Regardless of Ramadan. Although some may find it difficult as there competent members who are credited for commend- Kuwait voters who missed familiar routine. whether we agree with them will be the last ten days left of Ramadan, but many will able efforts during their time in the parliament). political stability or the or not, true political work is find it most suitable as it would enable them to partic- Those who announced that they will not accept the opportunity to pass judg- one based on multiplicity of ipate in the elections before leaving for their summer constitutional court’s ruling have committed political ment. In my opinion, this will only go to prompt opinions. If everybody were to be the sameit would vacation. The opposition press release indicated that suicide, and will soon find that people have already many not to vote in the upcoming elections. The mean that something is wrong. In most cases, govern- it intends to boycott the elections. It is their political moved on because the country’s future is not going decisions to boycott voting could be a reflection of a ment’s arbitrariness and chaotic political work would stand which we all must respect, though former MP to wait for them. I hope that members of the opposi- negative reaction and frustration among the voters, be the main reason for that. But under an impartial Ahmad Al-Khateeb has urged that no one should boy- tion reconsider their decision to boycott the elec- something that needs to be kept in mind come elec- judiciary and going by the tolerant tone of HH the cott the elections so that the government does not tions and realize that it will only hurt them because tion time. The election results will be subject to vot- Amir’s speech, it is hard to blame the government for monopolize legislative process and issue laws con- the public will no longer continue buying their end- ers’ frame of mind rather than political decisions. the situation in Kuwait. — Al-Qabas less conspiracy theories. — Al-Rai trary to the constitution. —Al-Anbaa WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013

Hungary charges Nazi war crimes Suicide bombers attack Baghdad Shiites, kill 31 suspect, 98 Page 9 Page 10 Turkish PM claims victory Dozens held, silent protester goes viral

ANKARA: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip were linked to an ongoing anti-terrorist probe when a sit-in to save Gezi’s 600 trees from being and guarded by police, who have also banned Erdogan yesterday claimed victory over anti-gov- into the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) razed in a redevelopment project prompted a bru- demonstrators from massing on the adjoining ernment protesters after a heavy crackdown, as “which also took part in the Gezi Park protests”. tal police response on May 31. The violence snow- Taksim Square. To get around the ban, a single police raided homes and arrested dozens of More than 500 demonstrators had already been balled into countrywide demonstrations against man appeared on the square overnight, standing demonstrators in a bid to stamp out nearly three arrested on Sunday in clashes that raged after the what demonstrators say are Erdogan’s increasingly quietly still for more than five hours in a “standing weeks of unrest. After a weekend of clashes Gezi Park eviction, the Istanbul and Ankara bar authoritarian and conservative Islamic policies. man” protest that quickly went viral under the sparked by the eviction of protesters from associations said. Gezi Park became the epicentre of the protests, hashtag “#duranadam” (standing man). The chore- Istanbul’s Gezi Park, the focal point of the protests, Meanwhile, Hurriyet Daily News reported that with thousands occupying the patch of green in a ographer, Erdem Gunduz, attracted several copy- demonstrators have struggled to regroup and the justice ministry was working on legislation to carnival-like atmosphere. After defying Erdogan’s cats before they were all dispersed by police. police have since fought only sporadic battles regulate social media, heavily used by demonstra- repeated warning to clear out, he ordered police Around 10 demonstrators were detained. with smaller groups of demonstrators across the tors to organise the protests. Erdogan lashed out to storm the site on Saturday, sending campers Yesterday, dozens of mostly young demonstrators country. at Twitter at the start of the unrest, branding it a scrambling to flee salvos of tear gas and jets of held their own silent vigil in the square, standing Overnight, riot police in the capital Ankara “troublemaker” and accusing the online messag- water and sparking hours-long running battles still in the afternoon sun not saying a word, as briefly fired tear gas and water cannon at protest- ing service of spreading “lies”. Turkey’s crisis began with police. Gezi Park has been sealed off since police looked on without intervening. — AFP ers who hurled back stones and hid behind makeshift barricades, but there were no other reports of confrontations. In Istanbul, dozens of demonstrators switched to silent protests, stand- ing still in quiet defiance in the main Taksim Square located next to Gezi Park. As the protests appeared to lose their intensity, Erdogan said he had overcome the crisis, seen as the biggest chal- lenge yet to his Islamic-rooted government’s decade-long rule. “Our democracy has been tested again and came out victoriously,” the premier told members of his ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) to roaring applause. “The people and the AKP gov- ernment have foiled the plot... hatched by traitors and their foreign accomplices.” Confident he has weathered the storm, he warned against any resurgence of the protests. “From now on, there will be no question of showing any tolerance to people or organisations who engage in violent acts.” Erdogan has been widely criticised for his han- dling of the turmoil, with the United States and other Western allies strongly condemning the use of excessive police force against protesters. But the premier said the police had “successfully passed the test of democracy” with their response to the unrest and vowed to increase their powers. His comments came as police carried out raids at homes across the country, detaining over 100 demonstrators. In Istanbul, officers arrested around 90 members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), a small leftist group that has been active in the demos, the Istanbul bar associa- tion said. Local media said 30 people were also arrested in Ankara and another 13 in the north- western city of Eskisehir. Interior Minister Muammer Guler spoke of 62 arrests in Istanbul and 23 in Ankara, and said they

Tunisia Salafists get 5 years for torching shrine

TUNIS: Six people belonging to Tunisia’s hardline Salafist movement have each been handed five year jail sentences for torching an important Sufi shrine, the country’s Sufi union said yesterday. “It’s the first time such a sentence has been pro- nounced. It shows that the law can be applied in Tunisia when the political will exists,” Mohamed El Heni, one of the union’s leaders, told AFP. Four of those convicted were already in custody while the remaining two are on the run, he added. They were sentenced on Monday over an arson attack last October on the tomb of Saida Manoubia in the capital, one of the country’s main Sufi shrines, which was completely gutted. The attack came amid a spate of similar violence by Tunisia’s increasingly assertive Salafists, ultra- conservative Muslims who consider that venerat- ing saints and their shrines is blasphemous and contrary to Islam. According to the Sufi union, some 50 holy sites were targeted between last summer and early 2013, but Heni said “no arrests have taken place except in the case of the Manoubia shrine”. He said one reason for this was the fact that the attacks took place at night in remote areas, but also because of “laxity by the public authorities” towards the Muslim extremists. Heni mentioned in particular that no one had yet been arrested over the fire in January that destroyed the famed mausoleum of Sidi Bou Said, a prime tourist destination also in a suburb of Tunis. The ruling Islamist party Ennahda “has not entirely cut the cord with the Salafists,” he said. Since the revolution that overthrew Zine El Abdine Ben Ali in Jan 2011, radical Islamists suppressed under former dictator have been implicated in a wave of attacks, often targeting Sufi shrines and cultural festivals, and culminating last September in an assault on the US embassy. Ennahda has been strongly criticised for failing to rein in the Salafists and prevent such violence, although it has taken a tougher stand in recent months faced with the discovery of Al-Qaeda- linked groups along the border with Algeria. The two-year suspended prison sentences given last month to 20 Islamists who took part in the US embassy attack were strongly criticised for being too lenient. — AFP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 INTERNATIONAL For Syrian Kurds, camp offers wildly different fates

DOMIZ CAMP, Iraq: Abdulhamid sells ice are in her native Kurdish and the room is separated into two batches, with one set cream to passersby at Domiz, Iraq’s air conditioned. The classroom protects going during the morning and a second biggest camp for refugees fleeing vio- them from the harsh climate of Domiz, set in the afternoon. To make up for all of lence in Syria, while Sidra reads an Arabic where winters can be brutally cold and the time they have lost at school due to copy of “The Fox and The Crow” in class. summers punishingly hot, with tempera- the battles between troops loyal to Little but luck appears to have separated tures rising as high as 37 degrees Celsius President Bashar Al-Assad and opposi- the youths’ fates - they both arrived with (99 degrees Fahrenheit). tion groups, children at Sidra’s school will their families from their war-torn home- While Sidra’s teacher Ramadan Kusa also spend the summer in the classroom. land in April. Sidra now finds herself in a acknowledges the children have been Domiz’s crowded schools are only one classroom fashioned out of a prefabricat- badly affected by what they went example of a lack of space at the camp. ed container while Abdulhamid is forced through in Syria, he notes that in Domiz, Mohammed Hussein, head of the UN to sell his wares to pay for his father’s “the weather conditions are very tough.” refugee agency’s office at Domiz, freely medication. “At one point, we had a massive flood - admits that the living conditions at the The stark difference in outcomes they have had to go through a lot,” the camp are “not ideal”, and are likely to get between the two children illustrates a Kurd from Syria’s Aleppo city whispers in worse before they get better, as some tightening of resources at the camp, Arabic. Nearly 50,000 Syrians have taken 2,500 refugees arrive every week. “Since which is relatively well-equipped but refuge at the camp in Domiz, 98 percent November, the refugees started to suffer struggling under the pressure of rapidly of them Kurds. from this congestion in the camp increasing numbers of Syrian Kurds Overcrowding is pervasive, with the because the area that is allocated to crossing the border into Iraq’s tract of land, allocated by the govern- them has started to get smaller and autonomous Kurdish region in search of ment of the Iraqi Kurdish region, meant smaller,” Hussein says. “We cannot con- DOHUK, Iraq: Syrian children attend a class at the Domiz refugee camp, 20 km safety from Syria’s civil war. Sidra, a nine- to house just slightly more than half that struct more schools, which are really southeast of this northern Iraqi city which houses Syrian-Kurd refugees on May year-old with brown hair and a slight number of people. Sidra’s primary needed, or shelters, and the facilities that 29, 2013. — AFP frame who sits at the front of her class, is school, for example, has 1,400 students, come with them, like sanitation units among the luckier ones. “I love to study,” and is among three such schools in and showers.” that officials “cannot cover 100 percent needs. Among them is Abdulhamid, who she says, smiling. “I love going to school.” Domiz, but according to Sidra’s principal Hussein says camp officials are fearful of refugees’ needs. We try to provide the jostles between street vendors at the Her classroom is better than many in Ahmed Islam, “we still cannot accommo- that overcrowding is getting unbearable, minimum - food, education, health - but entrance to Domiz selling all manner of Iraq. Sidra has to share the prefabricated date all the children in the camp.” In an and are now “preparing for an outbreak needs vary from one family to another.” goods, from cigarettes to chewing gum, container with 28 other students and her effort to maximise the number of chil- of communicable diseases, especially As a result, some families have their shouting “Mister! Mister!” at would-be teacher, but the vast majority of classes dren attending school, classes have been cholera”. “The risk is very high.” He said children work in order to fulfil those clients. —AFP G8 urges Syria peace talks as fighting flares in north Heavy fighting reported in Aleppo

ENNISKILLEN, Northern Ireland/BEIRUT: As peace efforts have faltered and arms have province, in the north west, a rocket hit the Differences between Russia and the West mean flowed into rebel hands, heavy fighting on the house of a prominent religious figure who is an international peace conference on Syria is northern front lines in and around Aleppo has known to support pro-Assad militia, killing 20 now unlikely before August, a source at a meet- resumed. Government forces are seeking to people, the Observatory said. ing of Group of Eight leaders said yesterday as build on battlefield gains further south. Those In Lebanon, militants supporting opposing surging government forces brought heavy fight- backing the rebels - including Britain, France, sides in Syria’s civil war clashed in the southern ing to Aleppo. World leaders called for peace Turkey and Arab countries as well as the United city of Sidon yesterday, killing one person, a talks to be held as soon as possible to end the States - were driven to intensify support in security source said, in a city where divisions war in Syria but made no mention of a date for recent weeks to rescue the rebellion after have been simmering for months. The recent the international conference, which had been Assad’s forces scored important military gains. upsurge of fighting has turned Syria’s war into a ABU GHOSH: Arab Israeli children ride their toy cars in front of graffiti that reads in due to be held in Geneva next month. Just a few months ago, Western countries sectarian conflict between Sunni Muslim rebels Hebrew ‘Arabs out’ (left) and ‘assimliation’, a negative reference Jews and non-Jews In Aleppo, several fronts in Syria’s biggest city thought Assad’s days were numbered. But last and members of Assad’s Alwaite sect, an off- mixing, scrawled on the wall of a house in this Arab Israeli town west of Jerusalem that had been relatively quiet for some time month he received the open support of thou- shoot of Shiism, and their Shiite Hezbollah allies. yesterday. — AFP were now experiencing heavy fighting as gov- sands of fighters from Hezbollah, the powerful Lebanon yesterday accused Assad’s forces of ernment troops have gained ground this month, Iran-backed Shi’ite militia in neighbouring driving Sunni Muslims across the border into its according to an opposition monitoring group. Lebanon, which helped him capture the strate- territory. Syrian forces had committed what was Jewish extremists Russian President Vladimir Putin, a backer of gic town of Qusair from the rebels this month. “tantamount to ethnic cleansing next to the Bashar Al-Assad, appeared isolated at a summit Rami Abdelrahman, head of the anti-Assad Syrian-Lebanese border”, Wael Abu Faour, the of the Group of Eight in Northern Ireland, resist- Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said there Lebanese caretaker minister for social affairs, vandalise Arab town ing attempts to persuade him to moderate his were clashes in the eastern Sakhour neighbour- told Reuters. “(Assad) is trying to displace all the hood of Aleppo as well as in the Old City, which Sunnis to Lebanon and this is why I expect to JERUSALEM: Suspected Jewish extremists investigative powers of security forces to support for the Syrian president. sits between government and rebel-held territo- have more displaced people,” he said. The punctured the tyres of 28 cars and scrawled tackle “price tag” attacks. The cabinet decid- US President Barack Obama, moving since ry. An opposition activist said rebels and govern- United Nations says 93,000 people have been graffiti in an Arab Israeli town before dawn ed to define suspects as members of last week towards arming the rebels fighting to ment forces were fighting in the alleyways of killed in Syria and 1.6 million Syrians have fled yesterday in the latest in a spate of appar- “unlawful organisations”, but stopped short oust Assad, said it was important to build a Aleppo’s historic Old City. The Observatory also abroad. Lebanon, the smallest of Syria’s neigh- ent hate crimes, an AFP correspondent of agreeing to justice ministry proposals to strong opposition that could function after the reported clashes in Damascus, Homs, Hama, bours, has taken in more than half a million reported. On a wall near the vandalised call their acts “terrorism”. Syrian leader loses power. “We remain commit- Deraa and the eastern city of Deir al-Zor. In Idlib Syrian refugees. — Reuters cars in Abu Ghosh, west of Jerusalem, the President Shimon Peres telephoned Abu ted to achieving a political solution to the crisis perpetrators wrote in Hebrew: “Arabs out,” Ghosh mayor Salim Jaber to condemn the based on a vision for a united, inclusive and and: “Racism or assimilation.” Police were attack, which he said “crossed a red line”. democratic Syria,” G8 leaders said, according to a investigating the crime, spokesman Micky “We utterly condemn any expression of copy of the final communique seen by Reuters. Rosenfeld said, adding that there were racism and vandalism. The residents of Abu Peace talks envisaged for July were unlikely “strong indications” that it was “nationalisti- Ghosh are dear to my heart and to the state to be held before August, according to one cally motivated”. of Israel. They are symbols of coexistence,” source at the summit. The communique made Abu Ghosh has a reputation for good Peres told Jaber in a statement relayed by no mention of Assad, who Western leaders have relations with Israel’s Jewish majority and the presidential office. Police chief Yohanan said in the past said must step down as part of a attracts hordes of Israelis to its restaurants. Danino underlined the priority given to resolution. Russia had said that any such refer- The use of the word assimilation is a nega- investigating such offences. He said a new ence to Assad’s fate in the document would not tive reference to Jews and non-Jews mix- police unit had been set up dedicated sole- be acceptable. G8 leaders also called on the ing. Jewish extremists have carried out a ly to “price tag” crimes. “People don’t under- Syrian authorities and the opposition to commit spate of hate crimes, mostly targeting stand that it’s not the graffiti or its content. to destroying all organisations affiliated with al Arabs, to exact what they describe as a The act can incite not only Israel but much Qaeda. Members of the militant group and allied “price tag” for measures they regard as beyond,” he said at a parliamentary hearing Islamist fighters have been in action alongside harming the community. Initially carried on Tuesday. “You’ll be seeing arrests very the rebels. out against Palestinians in retaliation for soon.” Earlier in the day, Economy Minister Obama and his allies want Assad to cede state moves to dismantle unauthorised set- Naftali Bennett, who heads the hardline power while Putin, whose rhetoric has become tler outposts in the occupied territories, nationalist Jewish Home party, called such increasingly anti-Western since he was re-elect- “price tag” attacks have become a much attacks “immoral and un-Jewish”. “There is a ed last year, believes that would be disastrous at broader phenomenon with racist and small group of evil-mongers who want to a time when no clear transition plan exists. xenophobic traits. create a chain of hatred and violence Russia, which has given Assad diplomatic cover They tend to involve the vandalism or between Arabs and Jews in our country,” he as well as weapons, urged the West to think destruction of property and have included wrote on Facebook. “We won’t let them “three or four times” before going ahead with arson attacks on cars, mosques and olive succeed.” Last week, two vehicles were plans to arm the rebels. Moscow could not trees, but have also targeted Christian holy burnt in a neighborhood of annexed Arab accept that Assad had used chemical weapons sites and even Israeli army bases. Prime east Jerusalem, with the words “price tag” against the rebels, an allegation that had tipped Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned daubed nearby. In a separate attack, Washington’s hand in deciding to arm the anti- SIDON, Lebanon: An ambulance belonging to an Islamic group transports children away from the Abu Ghosh attack, which he said “was were desecrated in an Arab Christian ceme- Assad fighters, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister clashes that erupted between gunmen and followers of hardline Sunni cleric Sheikh Ahmad against Judaism, against our people’s val- tery in Jaffa. And two weeks ago, anti- Sergei Ryabkov said. Al-Assir and pro-Hezbollah supporters in this southern port city yesterday. — AP ues and those of our state.” Netanyahu Christian graffiti was daubed on the Church recalled that the security cabinet had of the Dormition, a leading Jerusalem pil- moved on Sunday to expand the legal and grimage site. — AFP Gaza children play war in Fighting displaces 70-80% of Palestinians in Syria Palestinian summer camp RAFAH: As the hot weather arrives in military trainer at the camp, Abu kidnapping (Israeli) soldiers so that October 2011 deal. Abu Mohammed, HOMS: The conflict in Syria has displaced the rebels to respect the neutrality of the Gaza, teenagers head to the town of Khaled, insists it is like any other we never forget our prisoners,” he another instructor, insists “there’s no more than two-thirds of Palestinian refugee population and their camps. Rafah for summer camp - not to play “youth camp, (but) includes combat says, referring to previous prisoner need for children to actually fight. refugees living in the country, the UN “I really want to appeal to the parties sports but to join war games organ- training.” exchange deals between the Jewish But we train them to, so they can face Relief and Works Agency for Palestine to this conflict, to the government, to the ised by radical Palestinian group The Al-Quds Brigades instructor, state and Palestinian groups. danger and the fear of (aerial) bom- refugees said yesterday. “We have regis- armed opposition groups, to respect the Islamic Jihad. Youngsters wearing wearing a balaclava, says he sees the In one of the most significant bardment.” tered approximately 530,000 Palestinian sanctity and the neutrality of the military fatigues and the movement’s “soldiers of the future” in the children such swaps, Gaza rulers Hamas The Hamas movement ruling refugees. We believe that almost all of Palestinian refugee camps and not to black insignia capture a fellow he is training, adding that his eldest released captured Israeli soldier Gilad Gaza, meanwhile, has opened its them, certainly maybe 70-80 percent, are involve the Palestinians in fighting,” he camper posing as an Israeli soldier son is taking part in the two-week Shalit in exchange for over a thou- own summer camps to some displaced from their normal homes,” UNR- said. “The Palestinians are refugees in and drag him away - all part of being camp. “We want to instil the notion of sand Palestinian detainees in an 100,000 students, boys and girls, WA Commissioner General Filippo Grandi Syria and as such they must remain neu- trained to “resist” the enemy. Around aged 10 to 21. Although not as overt- told AFP on a visit to Syria. Between 12 tral. My appeal is also to the Palestinians 100 children under the age of 16 ly military-focused as those of Islamic and 15 percent of the Palestinian refugee themselves, they have to remain neutral, learn from members of Islamic Jihad’s Jihad, the Hamas camps also include population has fled the country altogeth- otherwise the situation, which is already armed wing Al-Quds Brigades how rudimentary combat training. er, Grandi added. “You can say that 12-15 very difficult, will become even more dif- “They’re focused on creativity and percent of the refugee population in Syria ficult.” to strip down an AK-47 assault rifle, is now (made) refugee again in another Grandi also appealed for an end to kid- crawl through tunnels and run across fun as well as religious, moral and country,” he said, speaking after meeting nappings and arbitrary detentions, say- burning tyres amid the sound of national education on the right of Palestinian refugees at a camp in central ing: “Every household, every family has a explosions on their assault course. return of Palestinian refugees and the Homs province. story to tell in this respect. “I find this situ- “When I’m older I want to fight in prisoners issue,” says Mussa Al- UNRWA has nine registered camps for ation unacceptable and this is for Al-Quds Brigades and capture Israeli Samak, one organiser. Palestinian refugees in Syria, housing Palestinians and for Syrians. This is a grave troops,” said 12-year-old Ezz, who was But Mohammed Al-Shawa, a those who fled or were forced from their violation of human rights, whoever is per- this time playing the role of the counsellor for activities being organ- homes when the state of Israel was creat- petrating that violation. It must stop.” unfortunate enemy soldier taken ised in the Shati refugee camp in ed in 1948, and their descendants. Some More than 90,000 people have been from his position atop a scorching Gaza, says the aim is “fun, education of the camps, including Yarmuk in killed in the Syrian conflict, according to sand dune. Ezz is a pupil at a school and learning basic martial arts.” A Damascus, have been the scene of heavy the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in the Gaza Strip run by the UN’s Gaza psychologist, requesting fighting in the conflict that began with watchdog. There have been reports of Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA. anonymity, criticised the participa- peaceful anti-government demonstra- Palestinians killed, as well as incidents in Fellow camper Osama, holding a rifle, tion of children in military exercises. tions in March 2011. Grandi said the which refugees have joined the fighting, explains: “We learn to fight so that “This presents a danger to their lives Palestinians were neutral in the conflict, battling alongside either rebels or the we’re ready for our resistance against and contravenes international laws and urged both government forces and regime. — AFP the Zionist enemy (Israel) who occu- GAZA CITY: Young Palestinians take part in a military-style exercise dur- for the protection of children,” he pies our land and kills us.” The head ing a summer physical training camp run by Hamas on Monday. — AFP said. —AFPP INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Bombers attack Baghdad Shiites, kill 31

BAGHDAD: Twin suicide bombings killed 31 peo- here for prayer. Does any religion accept killing was standing with my friend, and he asked me to am going to pray, God will help me succeed’. He ple after midday prayers at a Shiite Muslim reli- innocent human beings?” the 20-year-old contin- go pray together. But I told him I wanted to study went, and now he will never come back.” gious centre in Baghdad yesterday, the latest in ued, his eyes red from crying. “A few minutes ago, I some more, to be ready for our exams. “He said, ‘I According to witnesses and officials, the violence sparking fears of a revival of full-blown bombers, who were dressed in suits, began by sectarian bloodshed. Several students from an gunning down the building’s guard, followed by adjacent university were among the dead, with the first attacker blowing himself up at the dozens of others wounded, while security forces entrance to the hall. The second militant took shut down the neighbourhood to traffic and advantage of the ensuing chaos and ran through sought to defuse a suspected car bomb nearby. the crowd before setting off his explosives inside The attacks come amid a surge in nationwide the husseiniya itself. Soldiers standing guard at unrest, with May the country’s deadliest month the scene said the inside of the building was cov- since 2008, that along with a prolonged political ered in blood, with the walls and ceiling badly deadlock have stoked concerns that Iraq is mov- damaged by ball bearings, used by the suicide ing back to the brutal communal violence that bombers to maximise the bloodshed. blighted it in 2006 and 2007. Meanwhile, bombings elsewhere in Baghdad No group immediately claimed responsibility and north of the capital in Salaheddin, Diyala and for the attacks, but Sunni militants linked to Al- Kirkuk provinces killed three people and wound- Qaeda frequently carry out suicide bombings and ed 13 others. There has been a heightened level of look to target Shiite Muslims, whom they regard unrest since the beginning of the year in Iraq, as apostates. Tuesday’s attacks struck at the Habib coinciding with rising discontent among the ibn al-Mudhaher husseiniya, or Shiite religious Sunni Arab minority that erupted into protests in hall, in north Baghdad. It lies next to the Imam Al- late December. Analysts say a lack of effort by the Sadiq university, a private teaching institution. Shiite-led authorities to address the underlying Many victims were university students who were causes of the demonstrations has given militant taking a break from studying for their exams to groups fuel and room to manoeuvre to carry out pray. their activities. Political leaders have pledged to “What sins did these innocent students com- resolve outstanding disputes, and Prime Minister mit?” asked Mustafa Kamil, a student who was Nuri Al-Maliki has met with two of his main rivals about to leave the site of the attacks to visit the BAGHDAD: An Iraqi women shouts as she is escorted by one of her sons after his brother was killed in in a bid to ease tensions, but no tangible moves morgue to help identify the dead. “They gathered a suicide bombing on a Shiite mosque yesterday. — AFP have been agreed. — AFP Rowhani offers softer tone, but same policies Ahmadinejad meets newly elected successor

TEHRAN: Newly elected president hands. Ahmadinejad, whose tenure was the P5+1 having sweetened an earlier Hassan Rowhani struck a diplomatic marked by fiery rhetoric and internation- offer. Rowhani’s press conference was chord in his first news conference but al isolation, said his administration was widely covered in the Iranian media yes- offered little real change in key policy ready to make the transition easier for terday. Vatan Emrooz, the hardline con- areas, especially on the long-running dis- the new government. servative daily, brandishing Rowhani’s pute over Iran’s nuclear program. University professor and political picture headlined: “The era of an enrich- Concretely, he ruled out any halt to the analyst, Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh wrote in ment halt is over.” Like-minded Jamejam nuclear activity that has drawn UN, EU an op-ed piece in the conservative headlined: “We will not abandon the and US sanctions, repeating a long- Tehran Emrooz daily that Iran’s tone has Iranian people’s legitimate rights.” They standing Iranian position and dashing softened with Rowhani, but that the poli- were referring to Rowhani’s tenure as hopes he might re-impose a moratorium cy remains the same. “Styles change, and chief nuclear negotiator in 2003-2005, on uranium enrichment adopted when the discourse and the diplomacy will during the second term of reformist for- he was chief nuclear negotiator. Yet he change, but this does not mean aban- mer president Mohammad Khatami, did outline conditions for first-time direct doning (fundamental) stances. Iran has when Iran adopted a moratorium on nuclear talks with archfoe the United shown good will by electing a moder- enrichment. States in the hope of easing tensions that ate... Now the West should react positive- Iran insists on international recogni- have led to Washington and Israel refus- ly,” Mojtahedzadeh added. tion of what it says is its “right” to enrich ing to rule out military action over the Rowhani said EU and US sanctions uranium, a key component of the nuclear program. And he refrained from any fiery against Iran’s oil and banking sectors, fuel cycle that can also be used to make the explosive core of an atomic bomb. And it has massively expanded its urani- um enrichment facilities, extending the process to 20 percent and raising fears that the 90 percent required for a war- head is but a step away. World powers say Tehran must end enrichment to high levels and verifiably suspend operations at the Fordo mountain bunker where such activity takes place before recognis- ing Iran’s rights to pursue less threaten- ing activities. Iran denies it is developing the atomic bomb and argues that it requires a nuclear program solely for peaceful med- ical and energy needs. Rowhani reiterat- ed there could be no return to the mora- torium on enrichment, saying “this peri- od is over”. Khatami’s successor, outgoing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad resumed the enrichment programme, TEHRAN: Outgoing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (left) shakes triggering successive UN Security hands with president-elect Hassan Rowhani during a meeting at Rowhani’s Council ultimatums to suspend it, some office yesterday. — AP of them backed up with sanctions. The unilateral EU and US sanctions followed. or potentially confrontational rhetoric, which have sent the economy into free Ashton said she would take Rowhani up maintaining his trademark composure fall, are unjust but promised transparent on his promise of more constructive and soft tone during the Monday’s nearly talks to try to resolve the underlying engagement. “I will continue to do my two-hour press conference. issues. Iran will be “more transparent to work to urge Iran to work closely with Meanwhile, Iran’s outgoing President show that its activities fall within the me... to build confidence in the nature of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met his succes- framework of international rules,” he said, their nuclear program,” she said. sor Rowhani yesterday for the first time without elaborating. “The idea is to Mohammad Saleh Sedghian, head of the since the moderate conservative was engage in more active negotiations.” Tehran-based Arabic Centre for Iranian elected, in talks centred on political and Iran has long been accused of drag- Studies, told AFP the success of “every economic issues. Rowhani, a 64-year-old ging its feet in its talks with the so-called domestic and foreign and political cleric who is scheduled to take office on P5+1 - the five permanent UN Security process depends on its discourse... the Aug 3, won an outright victory in Friday’s Council members and Germany. Ten discourse can change political equa- presidential election, ending rounds of talks in 18 months between tions.” The “speech was filled with hope Ahmadinejad’s eight years of hardline Iran and the International Atomic Energy and ambition,” he added. Rowhani leadership. “The two discussed the coun- Agency have produced no breakthrough. expressed readiness for bilateral talks try’s political and economic issues,” The latest round, in in April, with Washington to allay its concerns Iranian state television reported. The ended with lead negotiator, EU foreign that Tehran’s nuclear program is cover for Iranian presidency issued pictures of the policy chief Catherine Ashton, saying the a drive for a weapons capability, but not pair, smiling broadly and firmly shaking two sides remained “far apart” despite without conditions. —AFP Egypt, Ethiopia agree to more talks on Nile

ADDIS ABABA: Ethiopia and Egypt said each other,” they said in a joint statement. yesterday they have agreed to hold further “We have two options, either to swim or talks on the impact of a huge Ethiopian sink together. I think Ethiopia chooses, and dam project to quell tensions between the so does Egypt, to swim together,” Tedros two countries over water-sharing. “We said. An international panel has issued a agreed that we will start immediately on report outlining the dam’s impact on water consultations at both the technical level... levels. The report has not been made public, and the political level,” Egyptian Foreign but Ethiopia has said the report confirms Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr told that the impact on water levels are minimal. reporters after meetings in Addis Ababa Both nations agreed to “ask for further stud- with his Ethiopian counterpart Tedros ies to ascertain the effects of the dam, not Adhanom. The countries have been only the safety of the dam, the environmen- embroiled in a heated row after Ethiopia tal effects, but also the effects of the dam began diverting the Blue Nile River last on the downstream countries,” Amr said, month for the construction of the 6,000 adding that consultations involve Sudan as megawatt Grand Renaissance Dam. well as Ethiopia and Egypt. Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi Some 86 percent of Nile water flowing to warned this month that “all options are Egypt originates from the Blue Nile out of open” over construction of the dam Ethiopia, and Cairo has said the construc- because of concerns about the impact on tion of the dam is a security concern. downstream water levels. But Amr and Ethiopia’s parliament ratified a controversial Tedros said relations between the two treaty last week ensuring its access to Nile countries remain “brotherly” and that they water resources, replacing a colonial-era will continue talks on the impact of the agreement that granted Egypt and Sudan dam. Amr said previous statements had the majority of water rights. The new deal been made “in the heat of the moment”. allows upstream countries to implement “Both ministers stressed the need to contin- irrigation and hydropower projects without ue the dialogue and communication with first seeking Egypt’s approval. —AFP INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Shaky start for ’s new government

SOFIA: Bulgaria’s Socialist-backed government is of demonstrators said on a Facebook page. Peevski belongs. With more and more prominent pass a bill reforming the electoral code so new, small under severe pressure to resign after just two weeks Oresharski, a non-partisan former finance minis- public figures joining the latest protests outside parties can enter the legislature, as the protesters in office following several days of demonstrations in ter, was appointed as a safe pair of hands by the government headquarters in Sofia, many analysts demand. MRF party leader Lyutvi Mestan has the EU’s poorest country. The latest protests began Socialists after forming a government following think Oresharski’s days as prime minister are num- already said he will start work on that bill yesterday. on Friday when Delyan Peevski, an inexperienced elections in May. By Monday, his critics were derid- bered. But all eyes remain fixed on Oresharski, who was but well-connected 32-year-old media mogul, was ing him as “Oligarski” and calling on him to resign. “I think about this government in the past tense due to hold consultations in the coming days over named head of the powerful state agency for President Rosen Plevneliev has withdrawn his sup- already,” political analyst Evgeniy Daynov said. who should become the new security chief in national security DANS. For the thousands of pro- port from Oresharski’s cabinet and called a consulta- “Bulgaria is entering a serious political crisis,” said Peevski’s place. testers, the appointment showed that Prime tive council on national security for tomorrow. another analyst, Tsvetozar Tomov. “This government On Monday, 23 prominent think-tanks that had Minister Plamen Oresharski is controlled by the Oresharski however has so far refused to quit. To do made a blunder after which it is only normal that the protested Peevski’s appointment refused to join same old shady and powerful oligarchs behind the so, he said Monday, would be “dangerous” for premier must quit. “Even if it manages to cling to those talks, weakening him still further. Brussels, scenes. Bulgaria, where several sectors of the economy are power in the coming months, this is its symbolic end which has long taken Bulgaria to task over its failure Peevski runs what is one of Bulgaria’s major already on the brink of collapse. “The resignation will even before starting to work,” agreed Stefan Popov to tackle corruption since joining the European media groups and is also a deputy with the Turkish not solve anything,” Oresharski told private bTV tele- from RiskMonitor. Union in 2007, said on Monday that Peevski’s minority MRF party, a key supporter of Oresharki’s vision. “Let’s take a sober view of things.” But analysts agree that fresh elections might appointment “illustrates the need for reform”. government. But he has no experience in the securi- The situation is reminiscent of February, when result in political stalemate, exacerbate street ten- European Commission spokesman Olivier Bailly said ty sector. Rocked by the reaction, Oresharski imme- nationwide protests against rampant poverty and sions and deepen the economic and social crisis in that Brussels expected “that the person finally diately promised to have Peevski’s appointment can- corruption prompted right-wing prime minister the former communist country. “The worst scenario appointed will meet the necessary quality and celled by parliament. But the damage was done: on Boyko Borisov to throw in the towel. Subsequent is: the government falls, new elections and (Borisov’s integrity conditions”. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, more, even bigger elections last month saw Borisov’s GERB party come party) GERB comes back triumphant,” Daynov said. Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso “will con- demonstrations took place. “We are protesting first, but well short of a majority. The second-placed An alternative, Tomov said, would be avoiding a new vey this message” to Oresharski when they meet on against the oligarchy, which humiliated the people socialists managed to form a government with back- election by trying to form another non-partisan cab- Friday in Brussels, Bailly added - assuming once again, promoting its latest protege,” one group ing from the Turkish minority party MRF - to which inet if Oresharski resigns. This would make time to Oresharski is still in office. — AFP Hungary charges Nazi war crimes suspect, 98 Csatari actively involved in deporting Jews in 1944

BUDAPEST: Hungarian prosecutors yesterday began investigating his case in late 2011 on the charged a 98-year-old top Nazi war crimes sus- basis of information from the Wiesenthal Center. pect over his brutal alleged role in deporting British tabloid newspaper The Sun helped bring some 12,000 Jews to death camps in World War attention to his case after tracking down the old II. Laszlo Lajos Csatari was “actively involved in man, photographing him and confronting him and assisted the deportations” in 1944 of Jews at his front door. Last July, the silver-haired from a ghetto in a town then in Hungary and Csatari appeared at a closed-door court hearing now in Slovakia, prosecutors said in a state- and denied all the accusations against him. At ment. The former police officer “regularly beat the time, the state prosecutor said he was in the interned Jews with his bare hands and good mental and physical health. whipped them with a dog-whip without any The Wiesenthal Center welcomed yesterday PRAGUE: Czech President Milos Zeman (left) accepts the resignation of Prime Minister special reasons, regardless of their sex, age or the charges as a “significant milestone” for Petr Necas and his coalition government on Monday at Prague Castle. — AFP health,” prosecutors said. Hungary that sends “an important message that He also refused requests to cut windows into people like Csatary are criminals rather than Czechs seeking new PM airless train wagons each transporting around patriotic heroes”. It urged Hungary to expedite 80 men, women and children to death camps in the trial in view of his advanced age. Nazi-occupied Europe, mostly Auschwitz in Prosecutors said it has to begin within 90 days. as ‘Mr Clean’ toppled Poland, prosecutors said. The Jewish population In recent years, the authorities in Europe have PRAGUE: Czech political leaders scrambled would win any elections with 31 percent in and around Kassa were crammed into the made renewed efforts to bring to justice the yesterday to find a new prime minister and support, ahead of the ODS and right-wing ghetto following the occupation of Hungary by dwindling number of people still alive who avoid snap elections, after Petr Necas coalition TOP 09 at 16 percent each. The poll German troops in 1944 after the country’s dicta- were involved in the Holocaust. stepped down over a massive bribery and also suggested the Social Democrats could tor and former ally was deposed by Hitler. Kassa Most notable was Ukrainian-born former spying scandal involving his top aide and easily form a majority government with the is now known as Kosice and is in Slovakia and Sobibor guard John Demjanjuk, deported from alleged lover. Leaders from conservative far-left Communists. Before the scandal, Lucia Kollarova, spokeswoman for the country’s the United States in 2009 and sentenced in coalition parties were expected to try to Zeman said he wanted general elections Federation of Jewish Communities, told AFP Germany in 2011 to five years in prison for com- that the organisation would prefer Csatari to be plicity in some 28,000 murders. He died at a agree on a candidate before leftist rival held in tandem with an EU Parliament vote BUDAPEST: File picture taken on July 18, 2012 President Milos Zeman, who appoints the on May 24-25 next year to save taxpayers’ extradited to Slovakia. “We don’t believe he will nursing home last year aged 91 while freed be ever actually sentenced because of his age,” shows Laszlo Csatary aka Ladislaus Csizsik- awaiting an appeal. The Demjanjuk verdict, stat- prime minister, opens talks with party chiefs money. Necas’ ODS has said it will choose a Csatary leaving the courthouse. — AFP on Friday. “The situation is open, complicat- candidate to lead a government built along she said yesterday. ing that simply having worked at an extermina- ed, confused,” Josef Mlejnek, a political ana- the current three-party coalition also com- Slovakia, which has commuted a death sen- Laszlo Csizsik-Csatari, sometimes spelt Csizsik- tion camp is enough to establish complicity in lyst at Charles University in Prague, said yes- prising the right-wing TOP 09 and centrist tence handed down on Csatari by a Csatary, tops the Nazi-hunting Simon murder, set something of a precedent and terday. “There are many options ranging LIDEM parties. Tipped as their favourite for Czechoslovakian court in absentia in 1948 to life Wiesenthal Center’s list of alleged Nazi war Germany is now investigating around 50 sus- from early elections to a caretaker govern- the premier’s job, ODS acting chairman imprisonment, has not yet made an official criminals. pected ex-Auschwitz guards. Last month, a 93- ment, or the current coalition with a new Martin Kuba said Monday the selection extradition request to Hungary. Hungarian pros- After being sentenced to death in absentia in year-old alleged former Auschwitz guard, prime minister,” he told AFP. process “will take days”. However that coali- ecutors say Csatari, who has been under house 1948 he made it to Canada where he lived and named as Hans Lipschis by the Wiesenthal The massive graft scandal erupted tion, in office since July 2010 under Necas, arrest in Budapest for a year, was from May 1944 worked as an art dealer before being stripped of Center, was arrested in Germany. He reportedly Thursday when 400 policemen raided the had lost its majority, relying for votes on for- the commander of a collection and deportation his citizenship in the 1990s. He returned to told the authorities that he worked as a cook, cabinet office, defence ministry, private vil- mer allies now sitting as independents. camp in the ghetto. Csatari, whose full name is Budapest where he lived until prosecutors not a guard. — AFP las and a bank in a dramatic swoop that Another option is the dissolution of par- turned up large stashes of illicit cash and liament and early elections, as demanded by gold. Jana Nagyova, Necas’ chief of staff and Czech dailies yesterday. “The whole system Erdogan risks political alleged lover, was arrested during the raid has failed and we need a restart,” said the and charged with bribery and complicity in Hospodarske noviny business newspaper, the abuse of power. Seven other senior fig- adding “no good solutions are available”. An ures including military intelligence heads EU member of 10.5 million people, the fallout after crackdown and former lawmakers were also charged Czech Republic has been plagued by cor- with corruption and abuse of power. ruption since it emerged as an independent ANKARA: By resorting to force to dislodge pro- Dubbed “Mr Clean” for his high-profile anti- state after its 1993 split with Slovakia - a testers who have been defying his authority, corruption drive, Necas was forced to resign legacy of four decades of totalitarian com- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday. munist rule. may have won the battle for Gezi Park, but it Czech media said yesterday that Necas Last year, corruption watchdog could cost him dearly politically, observers say. would likely also be indicted on charges of Transparency International ranked the At first glance, Erdogan’s gamble appears to bribery and abuse of power, while Czech Republic worse than Costa Rica and have paid off. The small Istanbul park at the Germany’s Berliner Zeitung skewered the Rwanda. Despite the turmoil, all sides - “Czech Republic as a Banana Republic”. including the leftwing opposition - have heart of nearly three weeks of unrest remains Opinion polls show the Zeman-allied left- agreed to ensure a smooth political transi- empty after police stormed the site on wing Social Democrats would win a snap tion to allow for the clean-up of devastating Saturday under a cloud of tear gas, sending election hands down and sweep Necas’s dis- flood damage in the country. At least 12 thousands of protesters scrambling and spark- graced right-wing Civic Democrats (ODS) people perished and around 19,000 were ing running battles throughout the weekend. and their allies out of power. “The opposi- forced from their homes. The scandal also Deprived of their key rallying point, the tion is calling for early elections but the gov- comes as the country continues to struggle demonstrators have struggled to regroup and erning coalition will hardly want them financially. Heavily dependent on car pro- the movement appears to have lost its because the polls don’t signal a good result duction and exports to the crisis-hit euro- momentum. “Our democracy has been tested for them,” Mlejnek said. zone, the Czech economy has been locked again and came out victoriously,” the premier A June 1-10 poll by the STEM agency in a record-long recession lasting six straight told party members yesterday. But with the showed yesterday that the Social Democrats quarters. — AFP first tear gas grenade that landed in the park, Turkey, and the world, saw another side to the strongman premier, one that went beyond his Mali ‘ready’ to sign usual defiant style and tough-talking swagger. Here was a bellicose leader who dismissed overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrators as deal with Tuaregs “looters” and “terrorists”, who railed against OUAGADOUGOU: Bamako is set to sign conflict that saw Al-Qaeda-linked groups international media for their “disinformation” campaigns, and who criticised volunteer ANKARA: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses deputies of his ruling Justice a deal with Tuareg rebels yesterday to seize the northern half of the country for and Development Party (AKP) during a meeting at the Turkish parliament yesterday. — AFP enable nationwide polls to take place nine months on the back of a March 2012 medics for treating injured protesters. next month and put the troubled coun- coup. The crisis was sparked by a rebel- “The big loser (in the crisis), is the prime “Even if Erdogan wins another election, the Zaman daily on Monday. At the last elec- try back on the path to recovery. After 10 lion by Tuareg separatists from the minister who is fighting for his political sur- nothing will be as before and it will be more tions in 2011, the AKP won nearly 50 percent, days of often tense negotiations in National Movement for the Liberation of vival,” said Cengiz Aktar, a political science pro- difficult for him to govern,” said Aktar. Having having presided over strong economic growth. , an agreement has been Azawad (MNLA) who want autonomy for fessor at Istanbul’s Bahcesehir university. won three successive elections since 2002, par- The same poll also found that 49.9 percent reached that will allow the Malian army their northern homeland. Flush with Turkey’s Western allies, including the United ty rules prevent Erdogan from a fourth term as of the more than 2,800 people questioned felt to enter the key northern town of Kidal - weapons following the return of Tuareg States and EU countries, have widely con- premier but observers believe he will make a the government was becoming more authori- currently occupied by Tuareg rebels - to mercenaries who fought alongside slain demned Erdogan’s handling of the crisis, run for the presidency in 2014 elections. Before tarian. But Erdogan still has plenty of support- secure the planned July 28 presidential Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi, the repeatedly urging him to respect protesters’ making his bid, the 59-year-old is expected to ers, hundreds of thousands of whom turned ballot. “The accord is ready to be signed,” group rapidly overpowered the weak right to demonstrate and calling for an end to try to boost the constitutional powers of the out to hear him speak at rallies in recent days. said Tiebile Drame, head of the Malian army. This led angry soldiers to over- the excessive use of force by police. German presidency, currently a largely ceremonial posi- They praise Erdogan for returning Turkey to delegation to peace talks in throw government in Bamako. Ouagadougou. The Tuareg continued their cam- Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was tion. But Erdogan’s AKP would need the back- stability after tumultuous decades marred by The interim deal is due to be signed in paign, seizing key northern cities, but “shocked” by the police violence, while Foreign ing of other parties in parliament to revise the army interference in politics. He is also credited Ouagadougou on Tuesday by two main they were sidelined by their powerful Al Minister Guido Westerwelle said Turkey, a long- constitution, and there is nothing to suggest with increasing Turkey’s influence on the world Tuareg rebel groups at a ceremony Qaeda-linked allies who chased them out time EU hopeful, was “sending the wrong mes- they are willing to play along, according to stage, and the NATO member was held up as a attended by Burkina Faso President and seized control of the north where sage” to Europe. Aktar. model of Islamic democracy when the Arab Blaise Compaore, who has been lead they imposed an extreme form of Islamic The turmoil erupted when a peaceful sit-in Erdogan may also face defections within the Spring swept through regional countries. mediator. Drame told AFP that a consen- law. French troops have in five months to save Gezi Park from redevelopment on May AKP, which under the surface is internally divid- But there’s no denying the mass anti-gov- sus has been reached on the importance reclaimed most lost territory but analysts 31 was met with a heavy-handed police ed between those advocating a more rigorous- ernment turmoil has tarnished his image, of territorial integrity and the secular have warned that Malian soldiers and a response. The violence spiralled into nation- ly Islamic approach and those who want to observers say. “Is this really a victory for the nature of the state, and “as a conse- UN mission of African forces would strug- wide demos against Erdogan and his ruling reach out to secularists. With his combative Turkish prime minister?” wrote Murat Yetkin in quence, on the deployment of the army gle to contain Islamist fighters without Justice and Development party (AKP), accused rhetoric against the protesters, many of whom the English-language Hurriyet Daily News. “His and the administration of Mali in all support from Paris. The United Nations of repressing critics and of forcing Islamic val- are young, urban and secular, Erdogan has almighty image has been damaged publicly regions, including in Kidal, upon signa- last week warned that the rights situa- ues on the mainly Muslim but staunchly secu- appealed to his conservative, religious base for the first time during his 11 year-rule,” he ture of this agreement”. tion in northern Mali remains precarious, lar nation. The trouble has left four people but he risks alienating a large section of the said. “And the picture that Erdogan had been The lack of a deal has been a major with both rebels and Malian troops hav- obstacle in the planning of the election, ing been accused of committing numer- dead and nearly 7,500 injured across the coun- electorate, experts say. If elections were held drawing abroad regarding the level of democ- seen as crucial to Mali’s recovery from a ous human rights abuses. —AFP try, according to the Turkish Medical now, Erdogan’s AKP would garner 35.3 percent ratisation and tolerance in Turkey was harmed, Association. of the vote, according to a survey published in too.” — AFP INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Too many teachers, too little quality WASHINGTON: The nation’s teacher-training pro- research out there that shows that teacher quality is Core State Standards, the achievement benchmarks tomes of information from education programs, grams do not adequately prepare would-be educa- the single most important factor,” said Delaware for math and reading that have been adopted in 45 such as admission requirements, course syllabi, tors for the classroom, even as they produce almost Gov. Jack Markell, a supporter of the organization’s states and the District of Columbia. For programs textbooks and graduate surveys. triple the number of graduates needed, according work. preparing high school teachers, that rate is roughly Only 114 institutions chose to cooperate with to a survey of more than 1,000 programs released Democrat Markell said: “We have to attract the a third of programs. Only 7 percent of programs the review. About 700 institutions objected in let- yesterday. The National Council on Teacher Quality best candidates” possible. To accomplish that goal, ensure student teachers are partnered with effec- ters to council’s partner, US News & World Report, to review is a scathing assessment of colleges’ educa- Markell earlier this year signed into law a measure tive classroom teachers. the council’s methodology. Some told students not tion programs and their admission standards, train- making admission to education programs more dif- Most often, a student teacher is placed into a to cooperate with requests. “I think NCTQ points out ing and value. ficult in his state. Potential teachers must either classroom where a teacher is willing to have them, is that we are probably underequipping teachers The report, which drew immediate criticism, was post a 3.0 grade point average or demonstrate regardless of experience. When asked how much going into classrooms,” said David Chard, dean of designed to be provocative and urges leaders at “mastery” results on a standardized test such as the experience they have, the most common answer the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education teacher-training programs to rethink what skills ACT or SAT before they’re even admitted to a pro- from teachers is one year. First-year teachers reach and Human Development at Southern Methodist would-be educators need to be taught to thrive in gram. It’s an idea the council has applauded and around 1.5 million students. The National Council University. His program cooperated with the coun- the classrooms of today and tomorrow. “Through an suggests other states should consider to limit the on Teacher Quality, an advocacy group founded in cil’s review and won only two out of four possible exhaustive and unprecedented examination of how number of candidates entering teacher training 2000 to push an education overhaul that challenges stars. these schools operate, the review finds they have programs. “You just have to have a pulse and you the current system, has on its board veterans of the “We did not fare as well on this review,” he said. become an industry of mediocrity, churning out can get into some of these education schools,” said administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and “We need to do a better job of communicating both first-year teachers with classroom management Michael Petrilli, a vice president at the conservative- George W Bush. with our students and NCTQ where our content can skills and content knowledge inadequate to thrive leaning Fordham Institute and a former official in For its review, the council identified 18 standards be found. In some cases, we have some work to do.” in classrooms” with an ever-increasing diversity of the Department of Education’s Office of Innovation for teacher preparation programs, such as instruct- At schools that did not cooperate, investigators ethnic and socioeconomic students, the report’s and Improvement. “If policymakers took this report ing would-be educators how to implement asked students, book stores and professors to share authors wrote. seriously, they’d be shutting down hundreds of pro- Common Core State Standards, teach non-native their course documents, reading lists and policies. “A vast majority of teacher preparation programs grams.” English speakers and manage classrooms. The In some cases, the council filed lawsuits to collect do not give aspiring teachers adequate return on Some 239,000 teachers are trained each year and group spent eight years narrowing the standards those documents. The researchers spent an average their investment of time and tuition dollars,” the 98,000 are hired - meaning too many students are and did 10 pilot studies to make certain their crite- of 40 hours in grading each education program. report said. The report was likely to drive debate admitted and only a fraction find work.Among the ria were fair but tough. One pilot program in Illinois As soon as plans for the review were announced, about which students are prepared to be teachers council’s other findings: Only a quarter of education included 39 standards. In all, the report looked at the council faced persistent skepticism and strong in the coming decades and how they are prepared. programs limit admission to students in the top half 1,130 teacher preparation programs. The students opposition. Once a teacher settles into a classroom, it’s tough to of their high school class. The remaining three quar- in those programs represent 99 percent of tradition- American Federation of Teachers president Randi remove him or her involuntarily and opportunities ters of programs allow students who fared poorly in ally trained teachers. Weingarten called the review a “gimmick” in a state- for wholesale retraining are difficult - if nearly high school to train as teachers. 3-out-of-4 teacher “By providing critical information both to aspir- ment released yesterday. She said she agrees on the impossible - to find. training programs do not train potential educators ing teachers so they can make different choices at need to improve teacher preparation, but “it would The answer, the council and its allies argue, is to how to teach reading based on the latest research. the front end, and then to school districts at the be more productive to focus on developing a con- make it more difficult for students to get into Instead, future teachers are left to develop their back end looking to hire the best-trained new sistent, systemic approach to lifting the teaching teacher preparation programs in the first place. And own methods. teachers, reform need not rest on either good will profession instead of resorting to attention-grab- once there, they should be taught the most effec- Fewer than 1-in-9 programs for elementary edu- or political will,” the report’s authors wrote. To reach bing consumer alerts based on incomplete stan- tive methods to help students. “There’s plenty of cators are preparing students to teach Common their conclusions, the investigators requested dards.” — AP Accused California killer tells US military plans would put jurors, ‘I’m not the monster’ women in most combat jobs Gruesome photos as ‘Alphabet murders’ trial begins WASHINGTON: US military leaders are ready to begin tear- riors” versus the rest of the force. ing down the remaining walls that have prevented women While the sexual assault problem is more complicated from holding thousands of combat and special operations than that, he said, the disparity has created a psychology SAN RAFAEL: An elderly California jobs near the front lines. Under details of the plans obtained that lends itself to disrespect for women. Under the sched- photographer charged with the slay- by The Associated Press, women could start training as Army ules military leaders delivered to Hagel, the Army will devel- ings of four prostitutes dating back to Rangers by mid-2015 and as Navy SEALs a year later. op standards by July 2015 to allow women to train and the 1970s opened his own defense at The military services have mapped out a schedule that potentially serve as Rangers, and qualified women could his serial-murder trial on Monday, also will include reviewing and possibly changing the physi- begin training as Navy SEALs by March 2016 if senior leaders declaring to jurors, “I’m not the mon- cal and mental standards that men and women will have to agree. Military leaders have suggested bringing senior ster that killed these women.” Joseph meet in order to quality for certain infantry, armor, com- women from the officer and enlisted ranks into special Naso, 79, who has admitted a pen- mando and other front-line positions across the Army, Navy, forces units first to ensure that younger, lower-ranking chant for taking erotic pictures of Air Force and Marines. Under the plans to be introduced women have a support system to help them get through the women and displayed dozens of such Tuesday, there would be one common standard for men and transition. photos in court on Monday, stood women for each job. The Navy intends to open up its Riverine force and begin stoop-shouldered in a blue suit and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reviewed the plans and training women next month, with the goal of assigning tie, his hands crossed behind his back, has ordered the services to move ahead. The move follows women to the units by October. While not part of the special as he politely greeted the 12 men and revelations of a startling number of sexual assaults in the operations forces, the coastal Riverine squadrons do close women who will decide his fate. armed forces. Earlier this year, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman combat and security operations in small boats. The Navy “Good afternoon ladies and gentle- Gen. Martin Dempsey said the sexual assaults might be plans to have studies finished by July 2014 on allowing men of the jury. You’re a welcome linked to the longstanding ban on women serving in com- women to serve as SEALs, and has set October 2015 as the sight. I’ve been waiting two years and CALIFORNIA: Accused serial killer Joseph Naso rubs his eyes as the prose- bat because the disparity between the roles of men and date when women could begin Navy boot camp with the two months for this day to tell my cution makes their opening statement in Marin Superior Court in front of women creates separate classes of personnel - male “war- expressed intention of becoming SEALs eventually. —AP side,” Naso said. He went on to dis- Judge Andrew Sweet. — AP count the government’s case as little the defendant has insisted upon rep- together against Naso, who was at the more than “theories and opinions,” resenting himself in the proceedings time on probation for shoplifting. saying, “They don’t even have circum- against him, for which he could face Naso insisted on Monday that “not stantial evidence.” Naso is charged the death penalty if convicted of more one picture of a deceased person” was with first-degree murder in the deaths than one more murder. “I DATED, I found at his home. Naso showed the of four northern California women, all DANCE, I TOOK PICTURES. I’m not the jury a collection of roughly 50 photo- of them prostitutes, whose slayings monster that killed these women. I graphs he had taken over the years, were dubbed the “alphabet murders” don’t do that,” he said at one point mostly of female subjects, many of because the first and last name of during a rambling, two-hour, 10- them topless or in various stages of each victim starts with the same letter minute opening statement. “I dated, undress, interspersed with photos in the alphabet. danced, I took pictures, but I don’t kill from weddings, a college sorority Two victims, Roxene Roggasch, 18, people, and there’s no evidence of gathering, a nursing school gradua- and Carmen Colon, 22, were killed in that.” He acknowledged knowing one tion and a church group. Of prosecu- the 1970s. Two others, Pamela Parson, of his alleged victims, Parson, who by tors’ assertions that Naso’s DNA was 38, and Tracy Tafoya, 31, were slain in his account he picked up as a hitch- found on nylons from his ex-wife that the 1990s. Prosecutors contend that hiker and brought to his house. There, he allegedly used to strangle one of Naso drugged his victims before rap- he said, she offered to have sex with his victims, he said such evidence was ing or trying to rape them, then killed him. But he said he declined and took inconclusive. the women and discarded of their photos of her instead. As to journal notations attributed naked or scantily clad bodies in Naso was arrested in 2010 after to him by prosecutors that refer to remote locations. During prosecutors’ authorities searching his home in him having “raped” a woman, he told opening statement on Monday morn- Nevada found what prosecutors have jurors, “That’s the way I talk. It’s just ing, jurors were shown graphic photos described as diaries of sexual assaults loose talk that I used. ‘I pick up a nice of the victims as they appeared when and a list of victim dumping grounds, broad and I raped her.’ It’s got nothing their remains were found. “The defen- along with hundreds of photographs to do with forcible rape in the way we dant is a serial rapist and murderer,” of naked women, many of whom usually think.” He concluded by say- said Marin County Deputy District appeared to be dead or unconscious. ing, “When this trial is over, I’d like you Attorney Rosemary Slote told the jury. It was only then that investigators to find me not guilty so I can go home Although he has no legal training, began to put a serial murder case and see my children.” — Reuters FBI ‘relies’ on secret US surveillance law

WASHINGTON: The FBI has used secret evidence obtained under York founder of a radical Islamic website and a Moroccan man con- the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to prosecute at least 27 victed of plotting a suicide attack at the US Capitol. An FBI spokes- accused terrorists since 2007, according to a Reuters review of pub- woman referred questions about the bureau’s use of FISA to the lic records. While the recent spotlight has been on the use of the Justice Department, and a spokesman there declined to comment. FISA law by the US National Security Agency for surveillance pro- grams following disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward SECRET COURT Snowden, the FBI also makes extensive use of the law for domestic FISA warrants are issued by the FISC in Washington. It was created counterterrorism. in 1978 following congressional hearings that exposed illegal surveil- The Reuters review highlights the extent to which the FBI has lance of US citizens - without court-authorized warrants. The court come to rely on FISA to investigate or thwart domestic attacks. It includes 11 judges, all of whom are veteran federal judges at the trial involved searching the national court docket using the database of court level. They are appointed by the chief justice of the US Supreme Westlaw, which is owned by Thomson Reuters Corp, and includes Court to seven-year terms. Applications to the judges for FISA war- only cases where prosecutors are required to file a notice under rants are presented by US prosecutors. While FISA warrants are issued FISA. Other cases where FISA was used may be sealed. The 27 cases in secret, once an arrest is made by the FBI, US law requires prosecu- in which the Federal Bureau of Investigation has used FISA evi- tors to file a short notice to the court if they intend to use classified dence include both well-publicized and less-known investigations. evidence at trial. They range from mass murder charges against Army psychia- In addition to terrorism cases, the FBI has used FISA warrants in trist Nidal Hasan for the shootings of 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, at least nine espionage and arms and military technology smug- in 2009, to the arrest in April of an 18-year-old in Chicago accused gling investigations since 2007. The 27 alleged terrorism cases iden- of planning to join an Al-Qaeda-linked group fighting in Syria. Both tified by Reuters in which the FBI used FISA evidence, and later dis- men await trial. In an effort to shore up support for the NSA pro- closed that fact, represent only a small sampling of warrants issued gram, US spy agencies may disclose publicly for the first time a list by the secret court. Last year alone, the government applied for of at least 25 terrorist attacks they say were thwarted by the 1,856 FISA warrants and - except for one that was withdrawn - all agency’s once-secret surveillance operations. Many, if not all, of were granted. The public records only identify cases in which the those NSA operations also used FISA for intelligence gathering. FBI used FISA evidence to make terrorism arrests inside the United When the FBI uses FISA, it seeks approval from judges at the States. secret U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for phone, email and electronic surveillance and for searches of property, OBAMA DEFENDS SECRET PROGRAM including “sneak-and-peak” search warrants in which agents covert- Meanwhile, President Barack Obama defended secret US securi- ly enter a business or home when the occupants are away, and try ty programs late Monday and rejected comparisons with predeces- to leave no trail of their visit. The public court records, often little sor George W Bush, even as rogue intelligence tech Edward more than a one-page notification by a Justice Department attor- Snowden warned that more leaks are on the way. The Obama ney, provide no specific details of these covert operations. Some administration has been on the defensive since last week’s dramat- case files include defense challenges to the FISA law; none have ic leak of details of two huge operations by the National Security been successful. The court files show that the FBI used FISA war- Agency to track US citizens’ phone calls and intercept global rants in recent cases against an Oregon man charged with aiding a Internet traffic. The Internet surveillance controversy was such that Pakistani suicide bomber; a Philadelphia man accused of joining an North Korea, one of the world’s most repressive societies, yesterday Uzbekistan terrorist organization; and two Somali-born Minnesota took the opportunity to brand the United States a “kingpin” of women convicted of raising funds for Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al- human rights abuses, in the government’s official Minju Joson Shabaab rebels. They also include FBI investigations of the New newspaper. —Agencies WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 INTERNATIONAL China activist revives concern on US academic freedom

WASHINGTON: Charges by a top activist long as you don’t gag human rights that New York University dismissed him defenders. Frankly, you should be pro- due to Chinese influence have added viding them with space; otherwise, wit- fuel to concerns over Beijing’s educa- tingly or unwittingly, you’re enabling a tional clout which critics say hurts US dictatorship,” he said. academic freedom. Chen Guangcheng, Smith is a passionate opponent of one of China’s most prominent human abortion who has campaigned for years rights campaigners who dramatically against China’s one-child-policy. Chen, a escaped house arrest last year, has self-taught lawyer who has been blind accused the private university of surren- since infancy, exposed widespread dering to “unrelenting pressure” from forced abortions under the policy. Chen Beijing. spent four years in prison before being New York University has adamantly put under house arrest, where he said denied the charges and said that it has that he and his wife suffered severe been generous to Chen-providing him beatings for daring to keep speaking free education, English lessons, accom- out. New York University’s supporters modation and family support-but only said that they wanted to shield Chen, planned a one-year fellowship. But critics who does not speak English and sud- note that the university later this year denly moved from house arrest in small- starts operation of a Shanghai campus. town China to Manhattan, from politics Chinese students paying full tuition are in the United States where abortion is a highly prized, and New York University is divisive issue. the third largest US recipient of foreign New York University professor Jerome students. Cohen, a leading authority on Chinese Representative Chris Smith, who law who mentored Chen, said that no heads the House Foreign Affairs sub- political refugee-”not even Albert committee on human rights, said that Einstein”-has been treated better by a US New York University controlled Chen’s academic institution than Chen. Chen movements and tried to monitor the scaled the walls of his home and was congressman’s conversations with the driven in a getaway car to the safety of NEW YORK: A news ticker announces the expulsion of Chen Guangcheng, a blind Chinese lawyer and human rights activist. “That is not the way you treat a the US embassy on the eve of a visit by activist, from New York University (NYU), where he was a fellow. — AFP world-class human rights defender who then secretary of state Hillary Clinton, has suffered torture and every other setting off a diplomatic showdown. courage other universities from taking China, who need to publish to advance “But like everyone else-I imagine depravation to combat abuse in China. It Harold Koh, who was Clinton’s top legal similarly courageous steps.” within academic circles and hence need members of Congress do this, too- they really is a black mark against NYU,” Smith adviser, said that New York University Experts said that China’s influence on to ensure visas and access to research in have a certain amount of integrity, but if said. agreed to offer Chen a temporary home US universities was complicated, with US the growing Asian power. Universities it comes to doing just a little bit of a Smith, a Republican from New Jersey, “without hesitation, and without con- institutions sensitive to charges of out- “take great pride in their reputation for favor for a wealthy contributor, they are said that US universities faced a “huge cern for any other factor, other than side pressure but also eager for outside academic freedom and freedom of not above it,” she said. “Computers systemic problem.” “I have no problem doing the right thing.” Koh, a former support at a time that traditional fund- speech,” said June Teufel Dreyer, a pro- always need upgrades, students always with higher education having a con- dean of Yale Law School, said: “To cast ing sources are tight. The stakes are fessor of political science at the need scholarships and you have to repair structive engagement with China as doubt on NYU’s generosity now will dis- especially high for foreign scholars of University of Miami. roofs,” she said. —AFP Rebels kidnap five Singapore and Philippine soldiers tussle over haze problem DAVAO: Communist insurgents wearing government said in April that peace talks military uniforms abducted five soldiers in had collapsed. the southern Philippines, in the latest of a Davao, the biggest city on the southern series of violent acts following the collapse island of Mindanao, has long been a Indonesia urged to identify firms behind haze of peace talks, authorities said yesterday. hotbed of communist insurgency. Three The New People’s Army guerrillas set up a soldiers were killed on June 4 in another SINGAPORE: Singapore’s worst air improved slightly yesterday and Sumatra island on Tuesday with advise people to reduce outdoor pollution in 16 years sparked diplo- the PSI score slipped back to a winds blowing east towards activities and drink plenty of water, roadblock on the outskirts of Davao City on part of Mindanao when they stumbled into matic tension yesterday, as the city- “moderate” level of 85 after peaking Singapore. The haze has also warning that the haze was expect- Monday and seized the five soldiers as they a communist guerrilla jungle training camp state urged Indonesia to provide at 123 in the morning. enveloped some parts of neighbor- ed to worsen. were passing through on motorcycles, said and walked on a landmine. Eight police satellite data to enable it to act A map on the site of the ing Malaysia, with four regions suf- military spokesman Colonel Ramon Zagala. commandos died last month when com- against plantation firms that allow Association of Southeast Asian fering “unhealthy” PSI levels above HAZY PROGRESS He condemned the abduction, saying the munist rebels ambushed them on Luzon, slash-and-burn farming. Nations’ (ASEAN) Specialized 100 for a second day. Malaysian Images of smog-shrouded soldiers were unarmed, in civilian clothes the country’s biggest island which is home Singapore’s environment minister Meteorological Centre showed Prime Minister Najib Razak took to Southeast Asian cities this week and on their way to buy supplies for a com- to the nation’s capital. made the request to his Indonesian dozens of satellite-detected fires on his Twitter page on Tuesday to have highlighted the limited munity feeding program when they were The latest kidnapping took place in a counterpart by telephone as air progress the region has made in seized. remote area where the army has been try- pollution on the island hit fighting the problem since 1997, “Their objective is... to try to project ing to diminish the influence of the NPA by unhealthy levels for a second when the haze caused an estimat- power, to sow fear. You are sending a clear working with local communities, according straight day, with some of the worst ed $9 billion in economic, social message to the community: the people to a local military chief, Colonel Leopoldo readings since a 1997 regional haze and environmental losses. The ille- who you think can help you.. this is what Galon. “This is an intrusion of the armed crisis. “We need to exert commer- gal burning of forests to clear land we can do with them,” he said. The NPA has forces in an area they consider their baili- cial pressure against companies for palm oil plantations is a recur- causing the haze,” Environment and rent problem in Indonesia, particu- been waging a 44-year-old Maoist armed wick,” Galon, regional head of the military’s Water Resources Minister Vivian larly during the annual dry season campaign that has claimed at least 30,000 Civil Relations Group said. He said judging Balakrishnan said on his Facebook from June to September. Yet lives. The military estimates the NPA has from past incidents, the rebels would likely page, without saying what meas- Indonesia is the only ASEAN mem- about 4,000 fighters. The government had release their hostages, but not before using ures Singapore might take. ber not to have ratified a 2002 pact been hoping to sign a pact to end the them to get good publicity. “They will get “We are also waiting for on preventing haze pollution. rebellion before President Benigno Aquino media coverage...they will use this for prop- Indonesia to publish the conces- “Without the (Indonesian) ended his six-year term in 2016. But the aganda to the max,” he said. — AFP sion maps. The combination of republic, especially since the satellite photos, which are updated hotspots are found mainly there, lit- daily, and these concession maps tle can be done,” Malaysia’s New would enable us to pinpoint the Straits Times said in an editorial China and EU to hold errant companies,” he added. yesterday. Indonesia, Southeast Indonesia’s environment minister Asia’s largest economy, has vastly talks on solar dispute could not be reached for comment, expanded its palm oil plantations in but senior official Sony Partono the past decade, overtaking BEIJING: China said yesterday it would , that have sparked fears of a trade told Reuters, “Foreign parties Malaysia to become the world’s this week hold talks with the European war. should not be interfering with our biggest supplier. In doing so it has Union in a bid to resolve a dispute over China said this month it will deal domestic affairs.” He added, “The cleared huge swathes of forest and solar panels and other business issues, “appropriately” with the EU’s decision most important thing is that we peatland areas. Corruption and Indonesia’s as tensions between the two risk esca- to challenge it at the World Trade have attempted to control the decentralized political system have lating into a trade war. The two sides Organization after Beijing slapped damage resulting from the forest have “tentatively decided” to hold the duties on some steel products. China hindered efforts to stem the haze fires,” and said fire trucks had been problem, said Jackson Ewing, a annual ministerial-level meeting of the has launched a probe into imports of dispatched to affected areas. researcher at the Centre for Non- joint economic and trade commission EU wine and chemicals amid accusa- Plantation companies with land Traditional Security at Singapore’s on Friday in Beijing, said Shen tions it is selling goods below cost-a concessions in Indonesia include Nanyang Technological University. Danyang, spokesman for the Ministry process known as “dumping”-while the Wilmar International Ltd, Golden “Burning is quick, efficient and of Commerce. EU has threatened an investigation into Agri-Resources Ltd and First requires very little labor to clear “At this conference, the two sides the country’s telecom equipment firms. Resources Ltd. Singapore’s pollu- land,” he said. will seriously review what happened The tit-for-tat trade measures have tant standards index (PSI) rose to “Government actors at the local over the past year in bilateral trade triggered concerns over the repercus- an unhealthy 155 on Monday night, level are colluding with private relations and study how to resolve sions they may cause to broader busi- prompting the US embassy to interests and central government problems, including the dispute over ness relations between the two. “We advise Americans planning a visit authorities have difficulty influenc- photovoltaic (solar panel) trade,” he are very concerned with this issue and to consult their doctors about the SINGAPORE: The highway leading out of the central business district ing what is happening on the told reporters. China’s Minister of any trade-related issues that reach this effects of air pollution. Visibility as buildings are blanketed with haze in Singapore yesterday. — AFP ground.” —Reuters Commerce Gao Hucheng and EU Trade level,” Adam Dunnett, secretary general Commissioner Karel De Gucht will of the European Union Chamber of jointly preside over the talks, Shen Commerce in China said yesterday added. “We believe both sides will about the solar dispute. “We... hope cherish the chance and... in a pragmatic that both parties can come together Support for gay marriage manner make joint efforts to reach an quickly to solve them for the greater agreement (on the solar issue) that is interest of the overall trade and invest- acceptable to both as soon as possible,” ment relationship that is very valuable high in developed nations he said. and important to both economies.” EU Trade spokesman John Clancy Total trade between the two sides said the solar panel issue would not be fell 3.7 percent year-on-year in 2012, NEW YORK: Most adults in developed countries percent thought same-sex couples were just as had changed in the past five years, although on the official agenda of the meeting, with China’s imports from the bloc ris- favor gay marriage or some type of legal recog- likely to raise children successfully. “We see they did not say how. Support for same-sex but De Gucht and Gao were expected ing 0.4 percent to $212 billion, while nition for same-sex couples and think they majorities in 12 of 16 countries supportive of gay unions was highest among adults who had a rel- to discuss the issue on the sidelines. shipments in the opposite direction should be able to adopt children, according to parenting,” said Boyon. ative, friend or colleague who is gay, lesbian, “Confidential technical-level discus- tumbled 6.2 percent to $334 billion, an international poll released yesterday. With the In Sweden, Norway, Spain, Belgium, Canada bisexual or transgender (LGBT). sions” with China have started in Chinese customs data showed. US Supreme Court poised to rule on gay mar- and France, where gay marriage is legal, a major- Nearly 46 percent of people said they know Brussels this week “in a bid to find a According to Chinese industry figures, riage this month and France’s recent decision to ity of people supported full equality for same- someone who is LGBT. In Spain and Norway the negotiated settlement”, he said in a China exported $35.8 billion of solar legalize same-sex unions, an Ipsos poll for sex couples, along with most Germans, Britons number rose to 65 percent. But in South Korea statement. “It is important to underline products in 2011, more than 60 per- Reuters showed that 52 percent of people in 16 and Australians. In Argentina, which recognizes and Japan the number dropped to 3 percent that the EU’s ambition remains to find cent of them to the EU, while it import- nations favor full marriage equality for gays and gay marriage, less than half of people (48 per- and 5 percent respectively. “Either there is no an amicable solution as soon as possi- ed $7.5 billion-worth of European solar 21 percent support legal recognition but not cent) favored marriage equality for gays. The exposure or there is just too much embarrass- ble. “But I should also stress that discus- equipment and raw materials. marriage. numbers were similar in the United States, ment to admit it,” said Boyon. “It is likely there is sions have only just begun and there- Increasing trade frictions, combined Only 14 percent of the 12,484 adults ques- where legal recognition of gay couples varies by still a stigma attached to the issue in those coun- fore we are still at a very early stage in with other factors including a stronger tioned in the survey objected to same-sex mar- state, with 42 percent supporting marriage for tries.” Social media and religion also had an the negotiation process.” Chinese yuan, weak foreign demand riage, or any type of legal recognition, and 13 gays and 23 percent favoring legal recognition. impact on attitudes about gay marriage. People The European Commission, the EU’s and rising costs, have clouded the out- percent were unsure how they felt. “What we see Opposition to legal recognition or marriage who are active on social media were more likely executive arm, levied an initial average look for China’s exports this year, Shen is that in every one of the 16 countries we sur- of gays was highest in Hungary, South Korea, to support same-sex couples than those who tariff of 11.8 percent this month, which said. The overall trade situation veyed, there is a majority in favor of allowing Poland and Japan, where 37 percent of people were not online as much, according to the poll. will rise to 47.6 percent on August 6 if remains “grave”, he said, citing findings same sex couples to have some sort of legal said they were unsure about how they felt. Twenty-seven percent of people who identify there are no negotiations based on a from a survey of more than 1000 recognition,” said Nicolas Boyon, an Ipsos senior “What is common to Hungary, South Korea and themselves with a religion were more likely to Chinese commitment to address the exporters by the ministry. “We will have vice president. Poland is that by and large they are the coun- support some form of legal status for gay cou- problem. In addition to solar cells, to overcome many, many difficulties in “In nine out of 16 countries we see an out- tries that have the lowest percentage of people ples, the poll showed, while 17 preferred no Brussels and Beijing are also involved order to achieve our annual target (for right majority in favor of full marriage equality,” who report having a relative, a colleague, or a recognition. “Poland has the most opposition to in a series of disputes covering other trade growth),” he said, which has been he added. Nearly 60 percent of people polled friend who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgen- adoption to same-sex couples and it is probably products, ranging from steel pipes to set at eight percent for this year. — AFP thought gay couples should have the same der,” said Boyon. Three out of 10 people ques- one of the most religious countries in the sur- rights as heterosexuals to adopt children and 64 tioned said their attitude towards gay marriage vey,” Boyon said. —Reuters WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 INTERNATIONAL Afghan forces take over security from NATO

KABUL: Afghan forces took control of stage transition process that began in attacks, the 100,000 NATO troops will security across the country yesterday, March 2011. “They are doing so with focus on training and mentoring roles. marking a major milestone as US-led remarkable resolve,” he said. “Ten years Recent attacks have demonstrated the combat troops prepare to withdraw after ago, there were no Afghan national secu- Taleban’s ability to strike at Kabul as the 12 years of fighting the Taleban. rity forces... now you have 350,000 country prepares for presidential elec- Speaking at a military academy outside Afghan troops and police, a formidable tions next year and the NATO withdrawal Kabul, President Hamid Karzai said the force,” he said. “We will continue to help by the end of 2014. police and army were ready to take on Afghan troops in operations if needed, “The reality is Afghan forces are not insurgents, but a bomb in the city under- but we will no longer plan, execute or dreadful, but they’re probably not suffi- lined persistent instability. Three civilians lead those operations, and by the end of ciently capable to drive the war to a con- were killed in the attack, which targeted 2014 our combat mission will be com- clusion,” Stephen Biddle, professor of a prominent lawmaker as his convoy pleted.” international affairs at George travelled to parliament just before the Karzai used his speech to give a boost Washington University said. handover ceremony began. to peace efforts, saying that government “My guess is they will be able to main- “Our security and defense forces will envoys would travel to the Gulf state of tain the stalemate, provided the US pays now be in the lead,” Karzai told Afghan Qatar to try to open negotiations with their bills.” Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, a and NATO officials at the event, the tim- the Taleban. “Our High Peace Council will leader of the ethnic Hazara minority who ing and location of which had been kept go to Qatar, they will talk to the Taleban,” is likely to play a key role in April’s presi- secret due to fears of a militant attack. the president said. “We hope that with dential vote, was unhurt in Tuesday’s “From here, all security responsibility and the opening (of a Taleban office in bomb attack but his clothes were burnt. all security leadership will be taken by Qatar)... the peace talks between the “Four of my guards are wounded and are our brave forces,” he said. Doubts remain HPC and the Taleban start as soon as in hospital,” he told AFP. “I heard a big over the ability of Afghan forces to beat possible.” The handover of the last 95 dis- explosion on the side of the car. Only my KABUL: NATO solders walk towards a Chinook helicopter after a ceremony at a the Taleban, and the NATO military coali- tricts from NATO to Afghan control cloak is a little burned, other than that military academy on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan yesterday. — AP tion will retain an important function in includes areas in the south and east I’m fine.” explosive device detonated. On Tuesday pound was targeted in a seven-hour bat- logistics and air support as well as in where the Taleban have concentrated Mohammad Zahir, the police investi- last week, a suicide car bomb killed 15 tle. Despite the attacks penetrating the combat emergencies. their bloody insurgency since 2001. gations chief in Kabul, told reporters at civilians outside the Supreme Court in capital’s defenses, the effective response NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen As Afghan soldiers and police take the scene that three civilians were killed Kabul. The previous day, gunmen fired of elite Afghan security units has been said that by taking the lead in security, over the fight against the militants, who and 24 others, including some guards, grenades at the city airport and late last widely hailed as a sign of increasing pro- Afghan forces were completing a five- were ousted from power after the 9/11 were wounded when the improvised month an international aid group’s com- fessionalism. —AFP 64 die as early monsoon hammers northern India Torrential rains wash away hundreds of homes

RISHIKESH: Torrential rains have washed away The state government was also readying tourist destination, the official added. Efforts hundreds of homes and roads, leaving at least food parcels and drinking water to be dropped were under way to try to reopen the major 64 people dead and thousands stranded, after by helicopters to remote villages. Indian Prime roads to rescue those cut off by the rains, said J the annual monsoon hit northern India earlier Minister Manmohan Singh spoke with officials M Pathania, a top administrative official of than expected, officials said yesterday. The in Uttarakhand and promised “all assistance in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. The mon- Indian Air Force scrambled a dozen helicopters rescue and relief operations” in the stricken soon, which India’s farming sector depends on, to reinforce a military-backed rescue mission in state, the premier’s office said in a statement covers the subcontinent from June to the worst-hit state of Uttarakhand, a spokesman mailed to AFP. “The prime minister shared the September, usually bringing some flooding. But said. Local government officials in the state cap- anguish and distress of the affected people of the heavy rains arrived early this year, catching ital Dehradun said they were overwhelmed by Uttarakhand,” the statement said. many by surprise. The country has received 68 the scale of the disaster. “So far, we have found “He said that assistance was already being percent more rain than normal for this time of 54 bodies and 17 others are still missing,” top provided by the army and air force to rescue year, data from the India Meteorological disaster management official Piush Rautela told stranded people and to provide relief. The Department shows. Two hydropower stations AFP by telephone. “The situation is really very prime minister has also directed all agencies of that supply the region have also been shut bad out there. More than 600 buildings have the union government to assist in rescue and down as a safety measure. Over the border in toppled or been swept away and there are relief operations in the flood affected areas of Nepal, at least 12 people have been killed in 75,000 people including pilgrims stranded at the state,” it added. In neighboring Himachal landslides triggered by monsoon rain over the various places.” Pradesh state, the death toll from rain-related last three days, officials said. Seven members of Military helicopters were rushing to rescue accidents stood at 10, said a state government the same family, including five children, were those stranded in water-logged areas, he said. official from the capital Shimla. Around 1,500 killed after a landslide buried their home in a “Certain areas are still unaccessible to us,” he people, including 150 foreign holiday-makers, remote village in northwestern Nepal, Prakash added, speaking from a control room in were stranded in the state which is a popular Gharti Magar, a local police officer said.— AFP Dehradun which is monitoring rescue and relief missions. A military statement said five airbases in northern India have been activated to speed up operations. “Indian air force helicopters car- ried out missions to airlift men, equipment, relief material medical aid,” it said. LUKLA: Several flights get ready to take off after as bad weather disrupts flight serv- Television footage showed bridges, houses ices at Lukla airport, Nepal. — AP and multi-storey buildings crashing down and being washed away by the swirling waters. A giant statue of Lord Shiva could be seen sub- Danger of Everest begins merged up to its head in the tourist hub of Rishikesh in Uttarakhand. Rising water levels in at tiny Nepalese airstrip some towns have also swept away cars, earth- moving equipment and even a parked helicop- LUKLA: As soon as the decades-old Twin time. The runway is one-way for both take- ter, as a result of the surprise rains which began Otter landed at Lukla airport, passengers off and landing. Aircraft have to land from lashing the region on Saturday. Roads in many burst out in applause. They do that for the southwest and take off toward the areas have been destroyed, leaving hundreds of nearly every safe landing at the often terri- northeast because at the end of one side of pilgrims stranded on their way to visit shrines in fying airport at the gateway to Mount the runway is a mountain. When winds are remote areas. Everest. At an altitude of 2,843 meters, the blowing in an unfavorable direction, all Authorities have cancelled pilgrimage trips, small airstrip here has earned a reputation takeoffs and landings have to stop. Crashes fearing further rains and landslides in the state, as one of the most extreme and dangerous are not uncommon. In 2008, 18 people often referred to as the “Land of the Gods” airports in the world. The single runway is were killed when a Twin Otter plane because of its many Hindu temples and Hindu narrow, short and sloped. Miss the runway belonging to the domestic Yeti religious sites. Wildlife, including deer, could be by a few meters and the plane would hit a Airlines smashed into the side of the seen struggling for safety against the tide. runway and caught fire while trying to land mountain. “Right now our priority is to save as many lives in heavy fog. Investigators said the pilot “After you cross the river there is no as possible and the scale of destruction will be turning back, you have to land,” said should not have attempted to land in those RISHIKESH: A man rows past a bus partly submerged in flood water in Rishikesh, in the north- assessed later,” Routela said from Dehradun. Pramod Poudel, a Tara Air pilot who has conditions. In August 2010, 14 people were ern Indian state of Uttarakhand yesterday. — AP flown hundreds of these flights to Lukla. killed when a Dronier belonging to the Carved out of the side of a mountain, the domestic Agni Air crashed after it was airport was built by Sir Edmund Hillary in forced to turn around due to bad weather News 1965 - 12 years after he became the first conditions at Lukla. In May 2004, another US scientist’s family calls man to conquer the world’s highest peak - Yeti Airlines Twin Otter crashed while in brief to help the local yak herders known as approaching Lukla, killing all three occu- Sherpas spur development in the impover- pants in an accident blamed on heavy Singapore inquest ‘sham’ ished area. cloud buildup and pilot misjudgment. Elephant tramples Now what once was a dirt strip is one of One plane was unable to stop on the SINGAPORE: The family of an American sci- Todd’s parents said that before he died, the Nepal girl to death Nepal’s busiest airports, the Tenzing-Hillary short runway and smashed into a wall. entist found hanged in Singapore last year researcher expressed fears that he was KATHMANDU: An elephant trampled a 12-year-old girl Airport - named as well for Hillary’s climb- Another skidded off the runway. A third dismissed yesterday the city-state’s findings being made to compromise US national to death after dragging her away from her home in a ing partner Tenzing Norgay. The thousands lost its front landing gear as it tried to land that he committed suicide as “a sham and a security in a secret project involving the two remote region of southeastern Nepal, police said yes- cover-up” for a murder. “I am not surprised companies. IME and Huawei say they only of mountaineers and trekkers who visit the and skidded down the runway, forcing the terday. Three members of the girl’s family managed to by the state’s findings because the state held preliminary talks on a potential com- Everest region have to fly to the airport if airport to shut for two days. flee when the elephant stormed into their rural home refused to consider murder, they only inves- mercial venture and reject the family’s alle- they want to avoid a daylong bus trip from No one was killed in those crashes. In on Monday night but the youngster was unable to tigated suicide,” Mary Todd, mother of the gations they worked on a clandestine proj- escape in time, police officer Pralhad Keshari said. Katmandu and five days of trekking to addition to trekkers, the flights bring in late electronics engineer Shane Todd, told ect involving Todd with military applica- Keshari said police chased the elephant away following reach here. The airport has handled up to food, construction materials, beer and oth- AFP by email from the United States. tions. the attack at the home on farmland near Dholbazar, a 79 flights on one day - far beyond the er supplies required by the local population The Singapore government, summing up A US congressional committee last year village on the border with India, 370 kilometers (230 acceptable capacity for such a facility, said in this poor area. And it has changed life its position after two weeks of public hear- labelled Huawei and ZTE, another Chinese miles) southeast of Kathmandu. Nepal has seen a Rinji, the airport’s air traffic controller, who, here. ings in May, on Monday rejected the family’s telecom firm, as potential security threats growing number of such deadly attacks on humans, Once a tiny village, Lukla now has 3,000 like most Sherpas in the Everest region, conspiracy theory, saying Todd killed himself that should be excluded from US govern- with deforestation forcing wildlife to stray into villages uses only one name. people, many of them drawn to tourism in June 2012 in his own apartment after a ment contracts and barred from acquiring as they hunt for food. A tiger mauled two people to “It is really challenging, because of the work. Sherpas wait outside the airport hop- bout of depression. “If they had nothing to US firms. During the hearings, the Todd fam- death in central Nepal last month, dragging one of the geographical location of the airport and ing to be hired as porters by trekkers stay- hide, they would not care one way or the ily’s star witness, US pathologist Edward victims from a hut. high mountains that surround it. ing in the mountains for anywhere from a other what happened to Shane. Sadly, the Adelstein, recanted an earlier theory that Topography is challenging and the traffic few days to a month. But the burgeoning inquest was never an open, non-adversarial, Todd was garroted with a cord in his own Landslides kill 12 volume is challenging,” said Rinji. “There is population attracted by the airport has also fact-finding inquiry as promised but was a apartment. He presented a new theory: KATHMANDU: At least 12 people have been killed in little space for aircraft to maneuver created severe drinking water shortages sham and a cover-up,” the mother said. The Todd was killed by assassins who used a landslides triggered by three days of heavy monsoon because of the high mountains and narrow and sewage problems. And when a curtain government’s findings were presented to an stun gun before choking his neck and then rain in remote parts of Nepal, officials said yesterday. valley.” Poudel, the pilot, said he and his col- of fog descends on the airport during the independent coroner, whose verdict on the hanging him to make it look like a suicide. Seven members of the same family, including five chil- leagues need to concentrate hard when popular October trekking season, flights cause of death is scheduled to be handed But Adelstein presented no evidence and dren, were killed Monday after a landslide buried their landing on the single runway, which is less can be cancelled for days. As many as 2,500 down on July 8. two other US pathologists testified in sup- house in a village in northwestern Nepal, a local police than 500 meters (yards) long, slopes some passengers have been left stranded here Todd’s family stormed out of the hearings port of Singapore police findings that Todd officer said. “Part of a hillside above Malika village 12 degrees and is barely 20 meters (65 feet) with little food and no accommodation. on May 21, saying they had “lost faith” in the hanged himself from his bathroom door. On broke away and smashed into the house below, killing wide. Even on its best days, the airport is open proceedings. But their chief Singaporean Monday, lawyers for the Singapore govern- all the family members,” the officer, Prakash Gharti “Because there is no way to go around for only a few hours. A man named Funru lawyer said the family was still considering ment cited suicide notes left by Todd on his Magar, said. In Baitadi district in the country’s west, five again, we have to calculate many things said his father once owned the land where whether to file a formal summary of its posi- laptop computer, a psychiatrist’s testimony people were killed yesterday morning after a landslide like air speed, tail wind, fog,” he said. “If you the airport sits and helped Hillary dig the tion to the coroner, whose verdict cannot be that he suffered from depression, and a also buried their homes, a local police officer said. don’t do the proper calculation or proper airstrip. “When I first began working at the appealed against. In her message to AFP, browsing history showing he accessed sui- “Their houses were in a gorge in the remote exercise, then it” - meaning an accident - airport, it used to be nothing like this. It Mary Todd repeated claims that her son’s cide websites. They said the scientist’s Siddheswar village. Two women, a 12-year-old boy and “happens.” The airport can only handle spe- was like a river bank. Every evening we had former employer, Singapore’s state-linked depression had likely worsened in the two toddlers were killed by the landslide,” local police cial short take-off and landing (STOL) air- to collect rocks and fill the potholes so Institute of Microelectronics (IME), was more months before his death because he did not inspector Manoj Kumar Shahi said. Hundreds of people craft like the Twin Otter or Dronier that take flights could land the next morning,” Funru closely involved with China’s Huawei complete a prescribed course of anti- die every year from flooding and landslides during the about 18 passengers. It has room for only said. Gurubacharya contributed to this sto- Technologies than stated at the hearings. depressants or schedule follow-up appoint- monsoon season in Nepal. four of these planes to be parked at one ry from Katmandu.— AP In earlier statements to the inquest, ments with his psychiatrist.— AFP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 ANALYSIS14


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From boy scout to Syria ‘martyr’

By Rita Daou

or years, Maher Sukkar, a Palestinian living in Lebanon, belonged to a boy scout troupe and Fplayed music. No one expected him to join the radi- cal Al-Nusra Front and die fighting in Syria. “I’m sad and shocked,” says Mohammed, who spent 10 years in the scouts with Sukkar. “I never knew him to be an extremist,” his friend adds. “Most of our scout team members were conservative Muslims. But Maher was the only one who would smoke and swear during (the fasting month of) Ramadan.” Saudis driven by fear of Shiite ‘full moon’ But Sukkar was killed fighting alongside members of By Angus McDowall Obama signalled that Washington would arm Abbas Brigade, which Prince Turki al-Faisal, While some Saudis, including Khashoggi, are Al-Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda ally that is among the most the rebels. But he has not yet explained how or another former Saudi spy chief, this week calling for the kingdom to take tougher inde- extreme forces battling to overthrow Syria’s President audi Arabia’s former intelligence chief, when that might begin, and Saudis are still described in an interview as Iran’s “steel claws”. pendent action against Assad, diplomats in the Bashar Al-Assad. His death was announced on the Prince Muqrin, once told American diplo- sceptical of Western support. Influential Saudi commentator Jamal Gulf say its role is constrained by its limited Supporters of the Mujahedeen Network, which publishes Smats the Middle East’s so-called Shiite Two months ago, Saudi Arabia expanded its Khashoggi, in an article for newspaper Al-Hayat, capacity for sustained military action. Although jihadist news. “We give you the news of the martyrdom of Crescent where the Muslim sect holds sway was own weapons supply to include anti-aircraft painted what for Saudis is a frightening picture the Saudi air force is well equipped, it per- the martyr Maher Sukkar, a lion of the Al-Nusra Front “becoming a full moon” as Iranian influence missiles, a Gulf source said, adding that the of the Gulf after an Assad victory. Iran would formed poorly in a brief border war with a lions, in Qusair.” Syrian regime troops and fighters from spread. For the kingdom’s Sunni ruling princes, world’s top oil exporter had started taking a threaten Saudi security and angry Sunni youth Yemeni rebel group in 2010, US embassy cables Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia launched an assault on the that fear, revealed in a 2009 US embassy cable more active role in the conflict. While more would respond by turning to Al-Qaeda, the mili- released by WikiLeaks said at the time. And, former rebel stronghold of Qusair in central Homs released by WikiLeaks, now focuses on Syria. Saudi-supplied weaponry is likely headed to the tant network that is as hostile to Shi’ites as it is while Saudi forces engaged Iraq’s army in the province last month. A fierce battle ensued for nearly Iran-backed President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces Syrian opposition, there is a growing view to the West. “A nightmare, don’t you think?” he 1991 Gulf War, they fought only on Saudi soil. three weeks, and ended with the regime winning control are advancing with the aid of Lebanese among senior Saudis that it is no longer enough wrote. Since Hezbollah started to trumpet its Striking an Arab, Muslim country is problematic of the town. Hezbollah Shiite fighters, while Riyadh supports to just give the rebels arms and advice, diplo- involvement in Syria, Sunni clerics, including for the birthplace of Islam, which aims to be The announcement of Sukkar’s death was published the Sunni rebels fighting against him. mats in the Gulf say. some from Saudi Arabia, have used increasingly perceived as neutral custodian of Islam’s holy alongside a picture of him wearing fatigues, a keffiyeh It is a war increasingly seen in Riyadh as the Instead, the four men running Saudi Arabia’s sectarian rhetoric in their attacks on Assad. places. scarf wrapped around his head and a Kalashnikov assault fulcrum of a wider geopolitical struggle with Syria policy - King Abdullah and three of his Yet while Saudi Arabia’s official Wahhabi With limits on what it can do itself, it needs rifle in his hands. A second picture showed his body, Iran, a country it believes is radical, expansionist nephews - Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al- school of Islam sees Shiites as heretical, the Washington to help fight its battles. “Russia and militant, and a potential threat to Saudi Faisal, intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin kingdom’s rulers also see sectarian language as remains committed. Iran remains committed. wrapped in a white shroud, traces of blood visible on his Arabia itself. “If the Syrian government wins, it Sultan and National Security Council deputy potentially dangerous, said one diplomatic The Western allies are not committed to the face. The website gave the date of his death as May 19, will prove to other Arab countries that Iran is chief Prince Salman bin Sultan - want more US source in the Gulf. They believe openly sectarian degree and level you would like to see. That the first day of the battle for Qusair. “I never saw Maher able to protect its allies in the region. This will involvement, said the sources. “They’ve been rhetoric can backfire by helping mobilise Shiites raises an important issue. In this way Assad carry a weapon,” Mohammed says. “He was a simple guy, undermine Western alliances and Western saying for a while the international community in support of Assad as much as it fires up the can win,” said Sager. The desire to push helpful and kind-hearted,” he insists. Sukkar, who was 30 allies,” said Abdulaziz Al-Sager, head of the Gulf is not doing enough in Syria but they thought rebellion. Worse still, it alienates potential back- Washington to take a bigger role contributed at the time of his death in Syria, grew up in an orphanage Research Centre in Jeddah. the opposition could manage. They are really ers in the West and draws Sunni militants to the to a recent flurry of diplomatic activity, as in Beirut after his father died and his mother remarried. Since the fall of Syrian rebel stronghold worried about the attitude in Washington,” said conflict that can later pose a threat to Riyadh. Prince Saud and Prince Bandar travelled to At 18, he was forced to leave the shelter despite having Qusair this month, there has been growing one diplomatic source in the Gulf. Throughout the rebellion, Saudi Arabia has Paris for top-level meetings. However Riyadh nowhere else to go. unease in Saudi Arabia’s dusty capital Riyadh So worrying is the situation, as seen in feared a repeat of previous conflicts in Iraq and is well aware of the difficulty of persuading “He often had to sleep on the streets,” Mohammed about the opposition’s chances. Riyadh has Riyadh, that King Abdullah cut short his sum- Afghanistan when large numbers of Saudis Obama to be tougher while Syrian rebels says, and found a refuge of sorts with the scouts. “Maher been backing the mainly Sunni rebels with mer leave in Morocco to fly home on Friday, joined what they saw as a jihad only to return to remain fractured and their strongest units are was always there when we went camping. He used to arms, money and political support, while warning of the “repercussions of events in the the kingdom and take up arms against the gov- so ideologically militant. That means playing stand guard, do repairs, clean. He loved to communicate Western countries, above all the United States, region”. The suggestion of concern prompted a ernment. Saudi officials have repeatedly warned down the struggle’s sectarian side. “You need with other people,” Mohammed says. “We felt that he real- have given mixed signals, calling for Assad’s sharp drop in Saudi stocks. Underpinning Saudi that citizens who go to fight face prison upon to reduce the political risk to Obama, and that ly needed compassion and to be the focus of attention, downfall but refusing so far to send arms or use worries is the participation in Syria of Shiite mili- their return, and have tried to funnel charitable means repositioning the opposition as which made sense when we knew about his past.” force. The Western position changed dramati- tia from neighbouring countries, particularly donations for Syria through state channels to humanitarian, rather than Islamist. It’s diffi- The scouts introduced Sukkar to the trumpet, and he cally last week when US President Barack Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Iraq’s Abu Fadhl Al- avoid cash going to militant groups. cult,” said a diplomatic source. — Reuters joined a band. His former music teacher Samir remem- bers him as a talented student. “He was blessed with a musical sense, even though he had limited formal train- Hezb takes centre-stage, remains in shadows ing,” he says. “He could make an instrument from any piece of metal tubing that was open on both ends - he’d By Dominic Evans killed so far in Syria, most of them in the bat- who asked not to be named, said that alto- and 110 fighters in the first week of the offen- tle for Qusair. A security source in Israel said gether the total force including the part-time sive, according to anti-Hezbollah sources, just put a hole or three in it and turn it into a trumpet.” he voice crackling over the Hezbollah he believed Hezbollah had 4,000-5,000 fight- men, known as Saraya, reached 50,000, of pointed to the fact that many were untested But life was hard for Sukkar, who struggled to find radios was clear and authoritative, and ers in Syria and had lost between 180 and which 10,000 to 15,000 were elite forces. in battle despite their good training. Those work in Lebanon, with many fields closed off to him Tthe guerrillas poised to attack the Syrian 200. Hezbollah’s overall strength is also A source in Lebanon who has contact with casualties, if confirmed, would be roughly because of his Palestinian refugee status. “He worked as a border town of Qusair recognised it immedi- unclear, although analysts and defence Hezbollah gave a lower figure, saying that top similar to Hezbollah’s weekly losses under a carpenter, a blacksmith, an electrician, a painter and a ately. “As I promised you victory before, I experts agree it has grown substantially since frontline forces and rocket and artillery units blistering onslaught of the Israeli army in the concierge, but he would sleep in the workshop at night pledge you victory now,” Hezbollah leader it fought the inconclusive 34-day war with combined added up to just 4,000. The force July-August 2006 war. and he was unemployed most of the time,” Mohammed Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, launching a Israel seven years ago, firing rockets deep into excluding the Saraya was about 10,000 fight- “The high initial death toll (in Qusair) may says. He suffered tooth pain and took painkillers because battle in which his fighters decisively defeat- the Jewish state. Those kind of cross-border ers, with a similar number of support person- also point to the Syrian rebels’ use of some of dental work was too expensive. Friends tried to help him ed rebels trying to topple President Bashar Al- salvoes mean that much of the focus on nel. Since the start of the Syrian crisis, Hezbollah’s own sniping and booby-trapping out, but he would never take more than a cigarette or a Assad. Nasrallah told his troops that God was techniques,” Nerguizian said. The Shiite group sandwich. A former scout leader talks bitterly about fighting alongside them, one of the fighters shared these techniques with Hamas, a Sunni Sukkar’s transformation, after he moved into Beirut’s told Reuters. “When we heard his voice, we Palestinian organisation which now opposes downtrodden Shatila Palestinian refugee camp, his were ready to fight the whole world,” he said. Assad and which may have passed on the finances worse than ever. “A while after he moved, I met It was a trademark coup de theatre from know-how to the rebels. Fighting away from him in the street,” said the former leader, now a professor, the reclusive Nasrallah, who has bred an aura their “home” turf in south Lebanon is an addi- who declined to give his name. “He was wearing a white of mystique around a force which grew from tional problem for Hezbollah fighters, long a shadowy Iranian-backed Lebanese militia accustomed to battling for territory they Afghan-style outfit and kept talking about religion and into an outfit powerful enough to confront know intimately. what was haram and halal (prohibited and permitted in regional superpower Israel. Hezbollah’s victo- But the guerrillas have a reputation for Islam),” he said. “The camp environment changed him.” ry across the Syrian frontier in Qusair high- learning fast. “This lack of familiarity should The last time Mohammed saw his friend Sukkar was lighted its pivotal role in Assad’s fightback not be exaggerated,” said an Israeli official, during a surprise visit at the end of March, when the against rebels and yet, as in most of its mili- arguing that Qusair was close enough to the Palestinian came to his home. He told Mohammed he tary operations, it has given few details of its Lebanese border for Hezbollah to have had had been in prison after being “unjustly accused” of join- role - or where its next battle may be. access to the area. “Elsewhere in Syria, ing an extremist group. “Wherever we need to be, we will be.... There Hezbollah is operating largely alongside local “It was a nice evening,” he says. How and when Sukkar is no need to elaborate,” Nasrallah said in a Shiite communities, so it has guides with an decided to join Al-Nusra remains a mystery to his friends. televised speech on Friday, delivered as ever excellent local knowledge,” he said, adding During the 2006 war pitting Israel against Hezbollah, from a secret location because of fears for his that he believed several thousand from a Sukkar had worked with the Lebanese Shiite group. He security since Hezbollah fought a war with total Hezbollah fighting force of 10,000 were also joined Fatah al-Intifada, a Palestinian militant group Israel in 2006. operating inside Syria. “They are from the in Lebanon, but in administrative and outreach positions, The need for ambiguity is greater than best units, with the best equipment - the kind never taking up arms. “His whole life he was looking for a usual, with Shiite Hezbollah’s open interven- Supporters of Hassan Nasrallah (portrait), the head of Lebanon’s militant Shiite of fighters who Hezbollah would usually con- place where he could find himself, something that would tion in a foreign conflict against Sunni Muslim movement Hezbollah, raise their fists as they watch him giving a televised sider its vanguard against Israel,” he said. give him food and support,” Mohamed says. “Injustice and rebels fuelling sectarian tensions and shatter- address in Beirut on June 14, 2013. —AFP Sources in Lebanon dispute that, saying only ing its status across the Arab world as an anti- a small minority of the Qusair combatants poverty are what pushed him to extremism.” —AFP Israeli champion. But the movement has Hezbollah’s military power in the past has Hezbollah has stepped up recruitment and were from the cream of Hezbollah’s military always tried to keep its enemies guessing been on its missiles, which Nasrallah said last training for the Saraya, sending thousands of units. The Israeli official said Hezbollah used about its strengths. Estimates of the number year could hit targets anywhere in Israel. Its men aged from the 20s to their mid-50s to “standard small arms”, anti-tank rockets and All articles appearing on these of fighters it committed in Qusair vary from fighters are as well-armed as some regional Iran, say residents in its south Lebanon heart- even operated Syrian army tanks in the battle pages are the personal opinion of the hundreds to several thousand, although armies, using anti-tank missiles, rocket-pro- land close to the border with Israel. “The reali- for Qusair. Their presence across Syria, from the writers. Kuwait Times takes no most observers put the figure at between pelled grenades and mortars. Hezbollah flew ty is that Hezbollah is a very dynamic organi- Damascus to Aleppo in the north, underlines responsibility for views expressed 1,500 and 2,500. Hundreds of other Hezbollah a drone over Israel last year and in the 2006 sation,” said Ayham Kamel, Middle East ana- Hezbollah’s strategic commitment to Assad, fighters are also deployed in Syria, according war was able to hit an Israeli warship off the lyst at consultancy Eurasia Group. “Over the and Kamel said the militant group was likely therein. Kuwait Times invites read- to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Mediterranean coast. years in their war with Israel they’ve been to play some role in the eventual Syrian army ers to voice their opinions. Please They are stationed around the Shiite shrine of But with no shortage of weapons in Syria, able to mobilise in different ways and adapt effort to recapture the northern city. send submissions via email to: opin- Sayyida Zeinab near Damascus with dozens Hezbollah’s main contribution to Assad’s war their tactics.” Aram Nerguizian of the But for now, Nasrallah is unlikely to show more in two Shiite towns in the northern effort is military expertise. The movement’s Washington-based Center for Strategic and his hand. “Every day we increase our numbers [email protected] or via snail province of Aleppo - mainly training and military structure is based on an elite force International Studies said Hezbollah’s forces and our weapons,” he said at the start of the mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. advising - and in the Zahra quarter of the city backed by a full time militia and a large corps in Qusair were more disciplined, used superi- Syrian conflict. “We are tens of thousands of The editor reserves the right to edit of Homs, it says. of part-time reserves who undergo rudimen- or tactics and communications, and were bet- fighters, trained and ready for martyrdom. The British-based anti-Assad monitoring tary weapons training - often in Iran - but ter coordinated than the Syrian rebels there. The enemy does not know us, and we will sur- any submission as necessary. group says 156 Hezbollah fighters have been have jobs outside the group. One analyst, Nevertheless, he said the loss of between 70 prise him.” — Reuters NEWS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Adventures of a Libyan weapons dealer in Syria

BENGHAZI, Libya: Abdul Basit Haroun spoke to Reuters over coffee and asked not to be named because it Syrian people,” said assembly member in Libya and the Syrian Arab Republic.” grenade launchers were nearer $120. “If says he is behind some of the biggest homemade cake late at night at his villa could negatively impact his relief work. Tawfiq Al-Shehabi. “He does a good job The report adds: “the significant size of we had the money we could collect all shipments of weapons from Libya to on the outskirts of Benghazi, the east- Haroun says he can collect weapons of supporting the Syrian revolution.” some shipments and the logistics the guns from the streets, but it current- Syria, which he delivers on chartered ern city that began the uprising that from around the country and arrange Another official, who declined to be involved suggest that representatives of ly takes about 4-5 months to get flights to neighbouring countries and deposed Muammar Gaddafi. His son, a for them to be delivered to the Syrian identified, said he had allowed weapons the Libyan local authorities might have enough for a delivery,” Haroun said, then smuggles over the border. After young man who spoke English with a rebels because of his contacts in Libya to leave the port of Benghazi for Syria. at least been aware of the transfers, if adding that funding came from local fleeing Libya in his 20s, Haroun estab- Manchester accent, offered help with and abroad. “They know we are send- “We don’t stop them because we know not actually directly involved.” businesses and Syrians abroad. lished himself as a property developer weapon prices and other details. ing guns to Syria,” Haroun said. what the Syrian people are going Haroun runs the operation with an They deliver the weapons to the Free in Manchester. After about two Haroun was upset the West had not “Everyone knows.” In Libya, he helps the through,” he said, referring to weapons associate, who helps him coordinate Syrian Army because they are best decades in the British city, he returned intervened in Syria, as it did in Libya government with state security, accord- being smuggled out of the eastern port. about a dozen people in Libyan cities placed to know which rebel group is to Libya in 2011 to fight in the revolu- and said the opportunity to avert a ing to interior ministry spokesman He did not say who was behind the collecting weapons for Syria. Both said most in need of supplies, Haroun said. tion, where he became a prominent larger war had been missed. “Even Majdi Al-Ourfi. He also has credentials shipments he allowed through. A several flights had been chartered to The FSA delivered the arms to the front rebel commander. He says he sends aid when the war in Syria ends, there will as a commander from the days of the Libyan army commander, Hamed Jordan or Turkey to deliver weapons line and Haroun said he no control over and weapons to help Syrians achieve be another war in region; Sunni against revolution. “Abdel Basit Haroun was Belkhair, said that he was aware of col- that were then transferred over the bor- which groups received the weapons. the freedom he fought for during the Shia. At the beginning, there was just with us in the February 17 brigade leagues in the military who had met der. Haroun’s associate, who also runs a They preferred to send weapons rather Libyan revolution. Assad to bring down ... now Hezbollah, before he quit to form his own brigade,” Syrian rebels and agreed to help them relief organisation, said that about 28 than fighters, because of the risk of The first consignment of weapons Iran are involved.” A Reuters reporter said fellow brigade commander Ismail by supplying arms. “The weapons are tonnes of weapons had been delivered trouble returning to Libyan soil. Both he was smuggled into Syria aboard a was taken to an undisclosed location in Salabi. not supplied to extremists, but only to by air so far. “We are doing two great and his associate travelled with their Libyan ship delivering aid last year, Benghazi to see a container of weapons His weapon dealing activities appear the Free Syrian Army,” said Belkhair. things,” Haroun said. “The first is that we first successful delivery in August over Haroun says, but now containers of being prepared for delivery to Syria. It to be well known, at least in Libya’s east. A United Nations Panel report dated are taking guns off the street. The mis- the Syrian border to ensure it reached arms are flown “above board” into was stacked with boxes of ammunition, Senior officials in Libya’s army and gov- February this year also backs Haroun’s sion is so popular that we get 50 per- its destination. They were appalled by neighbouring countries on chartered rocket launchers and various types of ernment told Reuters they backed sup- assertions that weapons smuggling to cent discounts on weapons.” the horrors witnessed there. “Anyone flights. In the months since Haroun light and medium weapons. Haroun plying weapons to the Syrian opposi- Syria from Libya is widely known about. Haroun added that some were also who saw what I did in Syria would do began his work, arming the rebels has and an associate said it was being tion, while a member of Libya’s congress “The Syrian Arab Republic has present- donated free, particularly heavy items the same thing,” said the associate. “The moved up the international agenda, stored on the unnamed base to keep said Haroun was doing a great job of ed a prominent destination for some that families had little use for after the water is so polluted you wouldn’t even with Saudi Arabia equipping them with the arms safe. “They are not partners helping the Syrian rebels. “After the end Libyan fighters and Libyan military war. His son helped him with weapon wash your hands with it. People have no missiles, and Washington also planning with me in the transfer of weapons, but of the war of liberation, he became materiel,” the writers say. Transfers have prices on the streets. For example, a C5 clothes. I saw three births with no doc- to send weapons to the men fighting I store the weapons here because it is a involved in supporting the Syrian revo- been organised under the supervision, general purpose machine gun was tors present. People are dying without President Bashar Al-Assad. Haroun safe place,” said Haroun’s associate, who lution... sending aid and weapons to the or with the consent, of a range of actors about $25, while rocket propelled medication.” — Reuters

ENNISKILLEN, Northern Ireland: G8 and EU leaders (left to right) European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron, US President Barack Obama, France’s President Francois Hollande, Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Italy’s Prime Minister Enrico Letta and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy stand on the podium for a family photograph on the second day of the G8 summit at the Lough Erne resort yesterday. — AFP US to meet Taleban as they open Qatar... G8 urges urgent Syria peace talks Continued from Page 1 government. President Karzai, who has long called for peace talks, said he had ordered government envoys to Continued from Page 1 about the use of chemical weapons only additionally destabilises the situation,” he said. “We have played a key role in this process,” Barth travel to Qatar to try to open negotiations. The Taleban But the summit was dominated by the conflict in Syria, Aside from Syria, Cameron heralded a commitment to Eide told state broadcaster NRK. “It has been a strictly has publicly refused to negotiate with the Karzai gov- which has cost more than 90,000 lives since it broke out in fight the “scourge” of tax evasion and to promote corporate confidential process but we can now reveal it.” Barth ernment and demanded that all foreign troops leave March 2011. The G8 nations pledged almost $1.5 billion in transparency. “Countries should change rules that let com- Eide would not say how many rounds of such talks took Afghanistan, regardless of plans for a limited number of humanitarian aid for refugees inside and outside Syria, panies shift their profits across borders to avoid taxes, and place in Norway, a NATO member, or who the Taleban Americans to remain behind after 2014. including $300 million from the United States and €200 multinationals should report to tax authorities what tax negotiated with. Afghan President Hamid Karzai was in The security handover at a military academy outside million from Germany. After Washington said it would arm they pay where,” the G8 said. The final declaration also Oslo in February for what appeared at the time as a Kabul marked a major milestone in the long and bloody the Syrian rebels and the EU mulled the issue, the G8 said it called for greater transparency on corporate ownership, mostly protocol visit. US-led combat mission that began after the 9/11 was deeply concerned at the growing extremism and “ter- saying: “Companies should know who really owns them, Taleban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told AFP that attacks in 2001. Karzai pledged that Afghan forces were rorism” in Syria. The world leaders called on the regime and and tax collectors and law enforcers should be able to the office was intended “to open dialogue between the ready to take on the insurgents, but persistent violence the opposition to “commit to destroying and expelling obtain this information easily.” Taleban and the world”. In a statement, the Taleban said was highlighted when a bomb targeting a lawmaker from Syria all organisations and individuals affiliated to Al- But activists said the deal came up short. Alex Wilks, it would not allow anyone to pose a threat to other killed three people in the capital just before the cere- Qaeda, and any other non-state actors linked to terrorism”. campaign director at global civic organisation Avaaz said countries from Afghan soil. The United States immedi- mony began. “From here, all security responsibility and Putin’s sharp differences with US President Barack opposition from Canada and Germany “blocked the strong ately welcomed the decision and senior officials said all security leadership will be taken by our brave forces,” Obama over Syria were laid bare in icy face-to-face talks on deal the world demanded”. The summit also saw the they hoped to meet their Afghan foes shortly, despite Karzai said at the event, the timing and location of Monday. In his end-of-summit press conference, Putin said launch of formal negotiations on a vast trade pact the raft of differences between the two sides. “I think the which had been kept secret due to fears of attack. defiantly that Russia could not rule out sending fresh ship- between the United States and the European Union. It was US will have its first formal meeting with the Taleban, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who also ments of weapons to the Syrian regime. The Russian presi- guarded by 8,000 police officers in the biggest security and the first meeting with the Taleban for several years, attended the ceremony, said that by taking the lead in dent also accused the United States of “destabilising” the operation ever mounted in Northern Ireland’s troubled in a couple of days in Doha,” a senior US official told security Afghan forces were completing a transition situation in Syria with its allegations that the regime has history, but protesters were thin on the ground. The G8 reporters. “I would expect that to be followed up within process that began in March 2011. “They are doing so used nerve gas on a limited scale. “Any decision about arms brings together Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, supplies to the opposition based on unconfirmed reports Japan, Russia and the United States. — AFP days by a meeting between the Taleban and the High with remarkable resolve,” he said. “Ten years ago, there Peace Council, which is the structure that President were no Afghan national security forces... now you have Karzai has set up for talks of this nature,” he added, dub- 350,000 Afghan troops and police, a formidable force,” bing the move the “beginning of a very difficult road”. he said. The handover of the last 91 districts from NATO MoI mulls travel ban for traffic violators Secretary of State John Kerry did not comment on to Afghan control includes areas in the south and east the prospect of direct talks between US and Taleban where the Taleban have concentrated their insurgency Continued from Page 1 traffic department has set up a strategic plan to reduce traffic envoys, but said of the office opening: “It’s good news. since 2001. by 15 percent annually and to reduce the time an ambulance We are very pleased with what is taking place.” US offi- Doubts remain over the ability of Afghan forces, and the number of these vehicles on the roads because it takes to reach any critical scene to eight minutes, which in turn cials have conditioned a settlement with the Taleban the 98,000 foreign troops will retain an important func- affects traffic tremendously. Ali said that the chronic traffic will reduce road traffic deaths, he said. on the militia renouncing ties with Al-Qaeda, whose tion in training, logistics, air support and in combat problem in the country will be dealt with tools available, but Ali added that his department is also working on training presence in Afghanistan was the motivation for top- emergencies. Concern over capacity has been fuelled focused on the need for training, education and awareness of 500 engineers and 3,000 traffic officers by the year 2015 and pling the Taleban in 2001. But the Taleban statement by high rates of desertion and fears for the future of traffic laws to reduce traffic problems in the country. Ali men- launching an awareness campaign, in addition to working on tioned his recent visit to Italy and the briefing he received on improving traffic laws in 2014. Ali also called on citizens and made no specific promises or any direct reference to foreign aid post-2014. “The reality is Afghan forces are the advanced traffic violations system there, adding that such residents alike to cooperate with the traffic department and peace talks. It said only that the office would help to not dreadful, but they’re probably not sufficiently capa- a system might be implemented in Kuwait in the future. The follow the rules for their own safety. — KUNA build relations with the world, allow them to meet oth- ble to drive the war to a conclusion,” Stephen Biddle, er Afghans, and to contact the United Nations, other professor of international affairs at George Washington agencies and the media. “We support a political and University, told AFP. “My guess is they will be able to Ex-MPs call for quick elections peaceful solution that ends Afghanistan’s occupation, maintain the stalemate, provided the US pays their and guarantees the Islamic system and nationwide bills.” The Taleban have a proven ability to strike at Continued from Page 1 current political and election processes in Kuwait which security,” the Taleban said. Kabul as the country prepares for presidential elections have failed to lead to a true democracy during the past 50 The United States has led growing pressure for a and the NATO withdrawal next year. Haji Mohammad voter turnout will be too low, especially if combined years. As a result, the party called on all political, social and political solution to end the violence in Afghanistan, Mohaqiq, a leader of the ethnic Hazara minority, was with expected calls from the opposition for a boycott. popular groups and organizations to bear their historical and the new Taleban office has been touted as a tool to unhurt in yesterday’s bomb attack but three civilians Observers say the government may decide to hold the responsibility at this highly crucial juncture in the history of help foster peace talks between the militants and the were killed. — AFP polls just after the middle of Ramadan (toward the end of Kuwait. July) or may revive legal scenarios on the possibility of The party also proposed a political reform program that reviving the 2009 Assembly for the second time. If the 2009 is based on abolishing the new constitution and forming a Assembly is revived, the government can delay the elec- transitional national government. It proposed a transitional Sordid saga ends as defiant Hawally... tion by a few months. period of 18 months during which a national constituent Continued from Page 1 deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa. The Members of the scrapped loyalist Assembly called yes- assembly is formed of all political groups, trade unions, London-based watchdog had written to HH the Amir terday on the government to hold the election as soon as NGOs, tribal chiefs and judges to work out a new constitu- “Paradise,” Saadi screamed as the trapdoors opened. Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah to express dismay at possible and preferably in the month of Ramadan. The call tion within six months. The draft constitution should be Baili dropped to his death like a stone, but Saadi - a body- the resumption of the death penalty this year, she said. was made by Yacoub Al-Sane after 16 members of the offered for approval in a referendum. builder and trainer - writhed for a while. Medics declared Judge Mohammad Rashed Al-Duaij, the head of the scrapped Assembly met at his diwaniya. Sane said the In the second phase, a popular transitional government is formed and headed by a “national figure with a consen- both men dead around 10 minutes later. criminal execution and international cooperation depart- members also demanded that legal advisors who made the mistake that led to dissolving the house must be held sus agreement” for a period of one year. The transitional Human rights organisations were aghast. “This new ment at the Ministry of Justice, said the death sentences to account. Sane said the members strongly rejected indi- government will handle emergency matters, issue a law to round of executions indicates that Kuwait is moving in were endorsed by the Amir, adding that 29 people cations that the 2009 Assembly may be revived and legalize political parties, establish a national election com- exactly the wrong direction regarding the death penalty,” remain on death row. In April, a Saudi, Pakistani and a warned the government of legal action if that Assembly mission that would organize the election and referandum said Joe Stork of Human Rights Watch. “The government bedoon who were convicted of murder were executed. was reinstated. and finally separate the public prosecution, investigation should cancel the executions immediately and reinstate Kuwait has executed 71 men and three foreign women Meanwhile, the opposition Ummah Party yesterday and forensic departments from the government. After one the moratorium that had been in place since 2007,” he since it introduced the death penalty in mid-1960. Most strongly lashed at the constitutional court ruling, insisting year, the transitional government will hold new elections added. “All executions in Kuwait must stop immediately,” of those condemned have been convicted murderers or it only promotes an autocratic and individualist rule in based on a multi-party system and the new constitution if said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s drug traffickers. Kuwait. The party reiterated its old position of rejecting the approved by the Kuwaiti people. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 SPORTS

Rudisha faces injury layoff Malisse ousts Ferrer Puyol to undergo surgery

NAIROBI: ’s Olympic 800m champion David Rudisha is facing a three-week layoff MADRID: Barcelona captain Carles Puyol is to undergo knee surgery to with injury, sending the east African nation into panic mode and sparking fears over ROSMALEN: finalist David Ferrer lost his first-round Rudisha’s challenge at the world championships. match yesterday at the Topshelf Open, a grass-court tournament held remove a cyst, the club confirmed yesterday. Rudisha picked up a knee injury running in Central Park in New York City, undermin- the week before Wimbledon. “Carles Puyol will today undergo a surgical intervention to remove a ing his preparations for August’s world championships in Moscow. A single service break in the second set was enough for Xavier Baker’s cyst that he has in his right knee,” said a statement on the club’s “He (Rudisha) was jogging inside Central Park when he realised Malisse of Belgium to beat the defending champion and top-seeded website. A Baker’s cyst, also known as a popliteal something was the matter with his knee,” Colm O’Connell, Ferrer in straight sets, 7-6 (3), 6-3. “I think I need to play more on grass cyst, is a benign swelling that occurs behind the the Irish high school teacher who coaches Rudisha, said to get into it,” Ferrer said. “I can now train for a few days in London. I knee joint. yesterday. have to stay positive; my focus is now on my first match at Wimbledon.” Second-seeded Stanislas Wawrinka edged Steve Darcis Barca did though confirm that the player “Two initial investigations were done, first in the USA should only be out of action for three to four and also in Germany, and we decided that he takes a 7-6 (5), 6-4. Darcis was a late replacement for Dutchman Igor Sijsling, who pulled out with a stomach problem. The only other seeded play- weeks, meaning who could return in time for three-week rest.” the start of the club’s first pre-season friendly He will definitely miss Kenya’s national champi- er to reach the second round was fifth-seeded Jeremy Chardy, who onships, which start in on Thursday, but his par- beat Lucas Pouille 7-5, 6-4. Top-seeded and 2011 champion Roberta against Lech Gdansk in Poland on July 20. ticipation in the world championships is not expected to Vinci had no such problem, stopping Kaia Kanepi 6-3, 6-3 in the first Puyol has endured a frustrating season with be in doubt, even though he might be forced to sit out match on center court to reach the second round. a variety of injuries restricting him to just 22 Kenya’s world championships trials. “We are Fourth-seeded Kirsten Flipkens rallied from a set down to over- appearances. not sure yet whether he will be ready by the come Francesca Schiavone 3-6, 6-3, 6-0, and Carla Suarez Navarro And the 35-year-old even admitted last time of the trials,” O’Connell said. “But being a advanced to the quarterfinals by beating Sofia Arvidsson 6-3, 6-4. month that he could even consider retir- world champion, we are expecting that he will Benoit Paire was another seeded player who didn’t make it past ing in the coming months should he fail to the first round, retiring after losing the first three games of the match get an automatic selection (known as a wild- recover from more serious knee surgery to fellow Frenchman Michael Llodra.—AP card) to the championships. —Reuters he underwent back in March.—AFP Reds see off Pirates

CINCINNATI: Zack Cozart and Todd doubleheader late yesterday. San Diego added another run on Cishek pitched a perfect ninth for his Frazier hit upper-deck homers off PADRES 5, GIANTS 3 a bases-loaded walk from Jake 10th save in 12 tries. left-hander Francisco Liriano as the In San Francisco, Will Venable Dunning. Nick Vincent (1-0) earned Cincinnati Reds moved a season- made an incredible catch, pinch-hit- the win with two scoreless innings. PHILLIES 5, NATIONALS 4 high 15 games over .500 by beating ting pitcher Andrew Cashner drove In Philadelphia, Domonic Brown the Pittsburgh Pirates 4-1 on Monday in the go-ahead run with a perfectly MARLINS 3, DIAMONDBACKS 2 hit an RBI single with two outs in the night. executed safety squeeze in the 13th In Phoenix, Giancarlo Stanton bottom of the ninth inning and the The Reds hit four solo homers in Phillies beat the Nationals. all, extending their best start since The Nationals tied it at 4 when 1995, the last time they won a play- Tracy hit a solo homer with two off series. Cozart connected in the outs in the ninth off closer Jonathan fourth and Frazier in the sixth off Papelbon (1-0). It was the first blown Liriano (5-3), who hadn’t allowed a save for Papelbon, who had convert- homer in his seven previous starts. ed his previous 13 chances. Ben He opened the season on the dis- Revere led off the Phillies’ ninth with abled list, recovering from a broken a single against Fernando Abad (0-2). right arm last December. Joey Votto Revere was running on Jimmy and Jay Bruce connected in the Rollins’ one-out single and easily eighth off Bryan Morris. Mike Leake reached third base. (7-3) extended the best stretch of his Abad struck out pinch-hitter DETROIT: Troy Patton No. 40 of the Baltimore Orioles pitches in the sixth inning four-year career, giving up six hits - Steven Lerud for the second out during the game against the Detroit Tigers at Comerica Park. —AFP including Russell Martin’s RBI double before Brown fisted the winning hit - in seven innings. to center. Papelbon was the first player to greet Brown in celebration Tigers defeat Orioles BRAVES 2, METS 1 as he was rounding first base. In Atlanta, Freddie Freeman hit a DETROIT: Max Scherzer improved to 10-0 and Tanner Scheppers each worked 1-2-3 two-run homer in the ninth inning CARDINALS 5, CUBS 2 and struck out 10 and Miguel Cabrera hit a innings, then Joe Nathan secured his 21st off Dillon Gee, giving Atlanta a stun- CINCINNATI: Neil Walker No. 18 of the Pittsburgh Pirates fields a In St. Louis, rookie Shelby Miller two-run homer as the Detroit Tigers beat the save in 22 chances. ning victory over New York in a game ground ball in the seventh inning against the Cincinnati Reds at pitched five shutout innings and Baltimore Orioles 5-1 on Monday. that was delayed nearly four hours Great American Ball Park.—AFP Yadier Molina had a two-run double Scherzer became the first pitcher to begin ROYALS 2, INDIANS 1 by rain. to lead St. Louis to a win over a season 10-0 - with all decisions coming in In Cleveland, Pinch-runner Elliot Johnson Gee (5-7) totally shut down the inning, and San Diego extended its drove in all three Miami runs with a Chicago. starts - since Roger Clemens went 11-0 for scored from third base on a wild pitch by Braves until the ninth, when Justin season-best winning streak to seven pair of homers and the Marlins hand- Miller (8-4), who had to wait out a Toronto in 1997, according to STATS. He reliever Matt Albers in the ninth inning, giving Upton singled with one out before with a victory over San Francisco. ed Arizona its fourth straight loss. rain delay of 1 hour, 59 minutes to allowed one run and seven hits in six innings. Kansas City a win over Cleveland. Freeman launched a towering drive Venable’s diving grab on the cen- Patrick Corbin, trying to become start the game, left due to cramping Chris Davis hit his major league-leading 24th Johnson sprinted home and slid in safely into the right-field seats on a 2-2 ter-field warning track with his back the first left-handed starter in 35 in his right leg. He allowed just two homer in the second, but struck out with the after Albers’ pitch got under catcher Carlos pitch to end a game that didn’t start to home plate ended the 12th and years to go 10-0, allowed two hits hits and struck out five in the short- bases loaded in the fifth and the Orioles Santana and went all the way to the backstop. until nearly 11 p.m. stole a game-winning hit from Juan through eight innings but gave up a est start of his career. His previous down by two runs. Aaron Crow (3-2) struck out two after put- Until then, Gee had allowed only Perez. two-run homer to Stanton that tied shortest stint was 5 1-3 innings at Jake Arrieta (1-2) allowed five hits on 10 ting the potential go-ahead run at third in the two runners as far as second base. Moments later, Alexi Amarista the game at 2. Los Angeles on May 26. hits in 4 2-3 innings for Baltimore, and he was eighth. Greg Holland stranded the tying run David Carpenter (1-0) earned the win started the winning rally with a sin- Stanton’s line-drive home run to Kevin Siegrist and Seth Manness sent down to the minors following the game. at third in the ninth for his 15th save in 17 with a scoreless ninth. Tim Hudson gle and went to third on Chris right off Heath Bell (2-1) in the ninth followed Miller and combined for With two on and none out in the fifth, tries. worked seven innings for the Braves, Denorfia’s single. Cashner came up put Miami ahead for the first time. It two shutout innings. Edward Munica Arrieta struck out Cabrera on a wild pitch that Bryan Shaw (0-1) couldn’t protect a 1-0 allowing only Gee’s RBI single with to face Jose Mijares (0-1) and was the 100th homer of his career, gave up a homer to Darwin Barney in allowed two runners to get into scoring posi- lead for Cleveland starter Carlos Carrasco, two outs in the seventh. The long dropped a bunt single between the and sixth in 43 at-bats at Chase Field. the ninth, but still earned his 20th tion. Victor Martinez hit a sacrifice fly and charged with just one run and four hits in 7 1- delay came at an inopportune time mound and third base for his sixth Mike Dunn (2-1) threw a scoreless save. Travis Wood (5-6) gave up four Jhonny Peralta’s RBI single gave Detroit a 3 innings. with the teams facing a day-night career hit and second RBI. eighth inning to get the win. Steve runs on seven hits.—AP four-run cushion in the fifth, chasing Arrieta. Drew Smyly followed with three hitless BLUE JAYS 2, ROCKIES 0 innings for his second save. In Toronto, Maicer Izturis hit a two-run sin- gle in the eighth inning as Toronto won its Allure of America’s Cup ANGELS 11, MARINERS 3 sixth consecutive game with a victory over In Anaheim, Albert Pujols had an RBI dou- Colorado. ble among his four hits and Josh Hamilton hit Josh Johnson struck out a season-high 10 a two-run homer as Los Angeles pounded out over 7 1-3 innings but remained winless in defies turmoil, tragedy a season-high 21 hits in a win over Seattle. seven starts with Toronto, having received Alberto Callaspo matched his career high only 13 runs of support. Johnson allowed five with four hits, driving in two runs during the hits and walked two, lowering his ERA from LOS ANGELES: The 34th America’s Cup, the world’s in a competition marred by legal wrangling over the now sailing’s most prestigious trophy was first con- Angels’ seven-run sixth inning. Peter Bourjos 5.40 to 4.38. oldest international sporting trophy, has run into rules that began after Alinghi won the 32nd renewal tested around the Isle of Wight in southern England had three hits as Los Angeles battered Aaron Brett Cecil (3-0) escaped an eighth-inning rough water even before the competition of San in 2007. in 1851. Harang (3-7) and the Seattle bullpen in its jam and Casey Janssen finished for his 14th Francisco Bay. The competitors didn’t even race the same type It was renamed after the first yacht to win the tro- fourth victory in five games. save. Rajai Davis singled off reliever Matt The tight-knit yachting community was stunned of boat-Oracle triumphing with their 90-foot (27- phy, the schooner America. The Cup remained in the Jason Vargas (6-4) yielded four hits and Belisle (4-4) to start the eighth-inning rally, on May 9 by the death of British sailor Andrew meter) trimaran over Alinghi’s equally huge twin-hull. hands of the New York Yacht Club of the United recorded a season-high nine strikeouts in sev- just the second hit of the game for the Blue Simpson in the capsizing of Artemis Racing’s AC72 The arcane rules of the America’s Cup, first set out States from 1852 until 1983 when it was won by the en strong innings, easily beating his former Jays. catamaran while training on the bay. Even so, the in the original Deed of Gift in 1852, have made for challenger, Australia II, ending the longest winning teammates in his second start against the eyes of the sport’s elite remain on the prize, and four plenty of off-water wrangling in the history of the streak in the history of sport. Mariners since an offseason trade. Nick WHITE SOX 4, ASTROS 2 teams stocked with the world’s most accomplished event. The prestige of the coveted trophy has also New Zealand’s Black Magic broke the US domi- Franklin hit an early two-run homer for In Houston, Dayan Viciedo hit a bases- sailors and backed by millions of dollars-will gather spawned skullduggery, with competitors resorting to nance again in 1995, with Team New Zealand keep- Seattle in the opener of a four-game series. loaded triple in a four-run sixth inning as for the start of competition on July 7. That’s the spying on rivals in a bid to gain any advantage in a ing the Kiwis’ hands on yachting’s holy grail in 2000 Chicago beat Houston end a four-game skid launch date for the Louis Vuitton Cup, in which three sport in which design advances are at a premium. in the only edition not to feature a US competitor. RANGERS 8, ATHLETICS 7 and avoid its first four-game sweep since would-be challengers-Sweden’s Artemis, Italy’s Luna This year is no exception. It finally returned to Europe after Alinghi beat In Arlington, Nelson Cruz homered twice 2008. Rossa and Emirates Team New Zealand-battle for the Mediators have already been called in to settle a Team New Zealand 5-0 off Auckland in 2003, a tro- and A.J. Pierzynski drove in three runs as Nate Jones (3-4) allowed three hits in 1 1-3 right to duel defender Oracle Team USA in the dispute among the teams on the implementation of phy they successfully defended in Valencia in 2007. Texas snapped a six-game losing streak with scoreless innings for the win, striking out America’s Cup in September. new safety measures brought in after Simpson’s Team New Zealand, financed by the country’s an win over AL West-leading Oakland. three, and Addison Reed pitched a perfect The spectacular AC72 catamarans — 72-foot (22- death. And Oracle was fined and docked some train- government and sponsor Emirates Airlines, is the The Rangers had scored only eight runs ninth for his 20th save. meter) double-hulled technological marvels pow- ing days after rivals Luna Rossa complained the US only syndicate in this year’s competition not backed during what was the longest active skid in the White Sox starter Jose Quintana yielded ered by 130-foot (40-meter) rigid wing sails-will race syndicate came within 200 meters of the Italian boat by a wealthy individual. majors, and all six losses came at home. five hits and two runs in 4 2-3 innings, but against the backdrop of Alcatraz and the iconic during training-breaching the limit established to Artemis belongs to Swedish oil magnate Cruz’s second homer was a two-run shot didn’t factor in the decision for his fourth Golden Gate Bridge. It’s all the vision of Oracle Team prevent spying. Torbjorn Tornqvist, and Luna Rossa is backed by onto the hill in straightaway center field on straight start. He has a no-decision in nine of USA owner Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder of While San Francisco Bay promises a spectacular Prada fashion house chief executive Patrizio an 0-2 pitch from Jesse Chavez (1-1) in the 14 starts. Jason Castro doubled twice and tech giant Oracle whose triumph in the 33rd edition backdrop to competition-and a rare chance for more Bertelli. They and Ellison are part of a long line of fifth. Cruz added a run-scoring double in the drove in two runs for the Astros, who had in 2010 gave him the right to establish the protocol spectators to actually see the races from land-the titans of industry drawn to the event, a list that seventh. won four straight. Bud Norris (5-7) allowed for this year’s regatta. Ellison’s Oracle Team USA, sail- choice of venue has also made for local legal chal- includes railroad magnate Harold Vanderbilt, Neal Cotts (3-1) went 2 1-3 perfect innings eight hits and four runs over six innings in his ing under the colors of San Francisco’s Golden Gate lenges over funding and environmental impact. whose defence of the Cup in 1930 made the cover in relief of rookie Nick Tepesch. Robbie Ross third straight loss.—AP Yacht Club, defeated Switzerland’s Alinghi 5 in 2010 Such matters likely didn’t figure when what is of Time magazine. —AFP MLB results/standings Hyundai Motor unveils its new home of motorsport

Philadelphia 5, Washington 4; St. Louis 5, Chicago Cubs 2; Kansas City 2, Cleveland 1; Toronto 2, GERMANY: Hyundai Motorsport commitment to Europe, is ideally 8.200 m≤ building is within a 50km Europe in Offenbach. Later this Colorado 0; Detroit 5, Baltimore 1; Atlanta 2, NY Mets 1; Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 1; Texas 8, GmbH has inaugurated its new located in Alzenau which benefits radius of the Hyundai European year the Hyundai Motor vehicle Oakland 7; Chicago White Sox 4, Houston 2; Miami 3, Arizona 2; LA Angels 11, Seattle 3; San headquarters in Alzenau, Germany. from the transportation links of the Technical and Design Centre at test centre at the N¸rburgring will Diego 5, San Francisco 3 (13 innings). Representatives of Hyundai Motor Frankfurt Rhine Main region. The Russelsheim and Hyundai Motor also be opening close by. and Hyundai Motorsport GmbH Executive Vice President & COO American League National League participated in the ceremony, wel- of Hyundai Motor Company Tak Uk Eastern Division Eastern Division coming guests for a first glimpse of Im said: “This is a historic day for W L PCT GB Atlanta 42 28 .600 - the new facility. Visitors from Hyundai Motor Company. Not only Boston 42 29 .592 - Washington 34 35 .493 7.5 Hyundai Motor Headquarters in are we celebrating the opening of Baltimore 40 31 .563 2 Philadelphia 34 37 .479 8.5 Korea and from subsidiaries the new home of Hyundai NY Yankees 38 31 .551 3 NY Mets 25 40 .385 14.5 around the world along with local Motorsport, but also demonstrat- Tampa Bay 36 33 .522 5 Miami 22 47 .319 19.5 authorities, stakeholders and part- ing our commitment to improving Toronto 33 36 .478 8 Central Division ners were given a comprehensive the performance of all of our cars.” Central Division St. Louis 45 25 .643 - Detroit 39 29 .574 - tour of the building where the Hyundai Motorsport President Cincinnati 43 28 .606 2.5 Kansas City 34 34 .500 5 team is preparing for Hyundai’s Gyoo-Heon Choi commented: “I’m Pittsburgh 41 29 .586 4 Cleveland 34 35 .493 5.5 return to the FIA World Rally very proud to officially open Minnesota 30 36 .455 8 Milwaukee 28 40 .412 16 Championship in 2014. Hyundai’s new home of motor- Chicago W Sox 29 38 .433 9.5 Chicago Cubs 28 40 .412 16 The company was officially reg- sport. Hyundai Motorsport acts as Western Division Western Division istered on 19 December 2012 and a performance engineering plat- Oakland 42 30 .583 - Arizona 37 33 .529 - started full operation at the begin- form for the global business as well Texas 39 31 .557 2 Colorado 37 34 .521 0.5 ning of 2013, now employing 50 as a brand platform, helping to LA Angels 31 39 .443 10 San Diego 36 34 .514 1 WRC specialists from 11 nations. raise expectations and perceptions Seattle 31 40 .437 10.5 San Francisco 35 34 .507 1.5 The Hyundai Motorsport facility, of the brand in a relevant and Houston 26 45 .366 15.5 LA Dodgers 29 39 .426 7 which underlines Hyundai Motor’s exciting way.” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 SPORTS Heat have no room for error versus Spurs

MIAMI: They lost three times in three paigns ever. we’re a better team than we were,” Wade stand it as well,” Wade said. point. “We’ll reflect back and let it hit us months in one of the most overpowering One more victory makes the Spurs 5-0 said. “Same position no matter how we “But you know what? It’s the game; when it’s over. We still have a lot more stretches the NBA has ever seen. Now the in the NBA Finals, keeping pace with got to it.” we’ve got to play it. I like our chances, just work to do. There’s still some business to Miami Heat have lost three times in five Michael Jordan’s 6-0 Chicago Bulls as the The Heat would also host Game 7 on like they like their chances, in this series be done. We have to carry it out and finish games. only teams to make it here multiple times Thursday. They’re trying to join the 1988 and in Game 6. We’ll see. We’ll see which it,” said Green, who was cut previously by So superb during the regular season, and never lose. and 2010 Los Angeles Lakers and 1994 team, which style is going to prevail.” the Cavaliers and Spurs and now has LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and the Heat “We understand Game 6 is huge,” Houston Rockets as the only teams to rally Their four titles have made the Spurs made 25 3-pointers in the first five games. have to be something even more for the Parker said. “Obviously, you want to finish from 3-2 down by winning the final two respected but never beloved. Their first, in It looked as though the game was rest of the NBA Finals. They have to be in the first opportunity you get. We under- on their home floor since the NBA Finals 1999, came following a 50-game lockout finally passing by the Spurs last year, when perfect. “We look forward to the chal- stand that Miami is going to come out went to a 2-3-2 format in 1985. season, and they certainly weren’t the the young Oklahoma City Thunder blew lenge,” James said. with a lot more energy, and they’re going Of course, the Heat - who won 27 in a team to help the NBA regain its jilted fan by them with four straight victories after The San Antonio Spurs can finish to play better at home. They’re going to row during the second-longest winning base. Victories in 2003 over New Jersey, San Antonio had taken a 2-0 lead in the Miami off Tuesday night in Game 6, reaf- shoot the ball better. Their crowd is going streak in league history - haven’t put 2005 over Detroit and 2007 over James’ Western Conference finals. firming themselves as one of the league’s to be behind them.” together consecutive victories now in Cleveland Cavaliers were all low-rated, The Heat routed the Thunder for the greatest franchises. None of that mattered two years ago. close to a month. lukewarm-interest series in which the championship and the Spurs brought If so, the Heat and their Big Three once Clearly reeling and their psyches shaken “We’re in a position where it’s a must- Spurs were supposed to win and did, just back essentially the same team, believing again go from celebrated to devastated, after dropping two straight games in win and everything that we’ve done all not in a way that erased the idea that they another year in their system for players just as they were two years ago when they Dallas, the Heat were blitzed early in year comes to this point, and we have to had boring players with a boring brand of like Green and Kawhi Leonard was a bet- came home from Texas facing this same Game 6. They never recovered, Chris Bosh win,” Heat guard Ray Allen said. “We’ve basketball. ter option than seeking out some quick-fix predicament. “We’re going to see if we’re a inconsolable as he made his way back to found ourselves in so many situations this Win this one, though, and they will outsider. better team than we were our first year the locker room afterward while the year, and we’ve thrived in tough moments surely get their due. They would be knock- That’s almost always been the Spurs’ together,” James said. Mavericks celebrated at center court. because this is a tough team. We will be ing off the league’s winningest team and way, and it’s on the verge of again being The Spurs took a 3-2 lead with their James had to endure the criticisms that ready for Game 6.” the game’s best player, with Duncan at 37 the model for an NBA title - at the expense 114-104 victory Sunday night. Tim came with not getting it done in the finals, So will the Spurs, and the Heat know it. and Ginobili soon to be 36, behind a more of the Miami one that once appeared to Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili a story line that was put to rest last year “I’m sure this team, they’ve been here wide-open offense that has helped Green be the way champions would be built. were all brilliant again, and Danny Green but will be back again if the Heat don’t before many times. They understand win- break Allen’s finals record for 3-pointers. “I think every one of us wants this very added to what could become one of the manage to put together consecutive vic- ning that last game is one of the hardest Not that they’re thinking about that, or badly from the top on down,” Duncan said. most out-of-nowhere finals MVP cam- tories. “We challenge ourselves to see if things you’re going to do. And we under- anything else beyond Game 6 at this “We’re trying to play that way.”—AP Bruins down Blackhawks

BOSTON: Tuukka Rask watched most of the action winner Tim Thomas in the Bruins 2011 Stanley Cup ing him crashing into the left post. at the other end of the ice. And when the Blackhawks run, Rask didn’t face as difficult a test as in the first Boston set up their offense during the 11-second did make a late charge, he was ready. period of Game 2, when the Blackhawks sent 19 two-man advantage, and just five seconds after it The Bruins goalie stopped 28 shots for his third shots at him but managed just one goal. The Bruins expired - but before Dave Bolland was able to get career playoff shutout, helping Boston beat Chicago outshot Chicago 26-18 and led 2-0 after two periods. back into the play - Jaromir Jagr slid one across the 2-0 on Monday night to take a 2-1 lead in the Stanley The Blackhawks had a 10-9 edge in the third, includ- middle, past Lucic in the center to Bergeron on the Cup finals. After playing four extra periods in the first ing a late flurry on a 6-on-4 - a power play with other side; he settled it and then knocked it in. two games, the Bruins made an early night of it with Crawford pulled for an extra skater - that led to Bryan It was Jagr’s 197th career playoff point in 199 second-period goals by Daniel Paille and Patrice Bickell’s shot off the post with 42 seconds left in the games, moving him into sole possession of fifth Bergeron. “It’s better, I guess,” Rask said. “Obviously, game. place on the NHL’s all-time postseason points list. you go triple-overtime, (then) overtime the next The puck caromed off the right post and rolled Notes: Jagr had been tied with Paul Coffey on the game, it takes a lot of energy out of you. But we’ll across the crease. The goal light flickered on briefly, career postseason scoring list. ... Two of Jagr’s playoff take a regulation win, for sure.” but play continued for another 30 seconds before points came on goals scored against the Blackhawks Corey Crawford made 33 saves for the the whistle blew and the game degenerated into when they were swept by Penguins in 1992 final. ... OVAL: England’s James Anderson leaps to catch a ball during a training ses- Blackhawks, who played without Marian Hossa when fisticuffs. Chara was on top of Bickell, pounding away, Boston’s Gregory Campbell, who broke his leg block- sion at the Oval cricket ground in London. England will play South Africa in he was scratched just before game time. an ICC Champions Trophy semifinal today. —AP Game 4 is Wednesday night in Boston before the matchup of Original Six franchises returns to Chicago England, South Africa clash for a fifth game. The teams split the first two games there, with the Blackhawks winning Game 1 in triple- in Champions Trophy semis overtime and the Bruins stealing home-ice advan- tage on Paille’s goal in the first OT of the second LONDON: England has an Ashes series loom- this week that South Africa was “minding its game. But this time the intrigue came before the ing ahead of it and South Africa a lingering own business” ahead of the England semi. opening faceoff instead of after the end of regula- history of one-day failures behind it. Both will “We know it’s a semifinal and it’s the big tion. try and convert those distractions into moti- stage, but the boys are still in the same mind- Hossa and Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara both vation for today’s first Champions Trophy set that they had during the group matches,” left the ice after warmups. But while Chara needed semifinal at the Oval. Tsotsobe said. “Every match there was a big just some stitches after a collision with teammate There’s no doubt that in the scheme of game so nothing has changed.” Along with Milan Lucic, Hossa was dropped from the lineup with England’s busy summer, the Champions the Ashes, other outside influences have an unspecified injury. Trophy is a distant second in importance to threatened to affect England’s campaign: a “I was as surprised as anybody else,” Bruins coach the clash with fierce rival Australia and late-night bar incident involving Australia’s Claude Julien said. “I can definitely tell you they lost a defending the Ashes. David Warner and England’s Joe Root and pretty important player on their roster, but that does- The South Africans, meanwhile, could be accusations of ball tampering by former n’t mean we change our game. I think it’s important overrun by their desperation to finally do well England captain and current television com- we stick with what we believe in.” at a major limited-overs event and end coach mentator Bob Willis. “It’s another day ... It’s Julien said Chara slipped and “had a little gash Gary Kirsten’s tenure on a high. another game,” Cook said, shrugging off those over his eye.” “Nothing serious,” Julien said of his cap- Rather than a hindrance, Alastair Cook and off-field issues. “What’s gone on in the past tain and No. 1 defenseman, who still managed to his England team would undoubtedly see a has gone on. It has no relevance (to the semi- lead the team in ice time. place in the final in the last ever Champions final).” Blackhawks coach Joel Quenneville was less Trophy as ideal buildup for Australia, even if South Africa skipper AB de Villiers gave forthcoming with information on Hossa’s malady, they’ve already struck the first blow by beat- England the benefit of the doubt when it BOSTON: Viktor Stalberg No. 25 of the Chicago Blackhawks fights for position with sticking to the standard NHL diagnosis: Upper body. Chris Kelly No. 23 of the Boston Bruins in front of Tuukka Rask No. 40 in Game Three ing the Aussies at this tournament. Adding a came to the tampering allegations. “We’ll say ‘day-to-day.’ We’re hopeful he’ll be ready first ODI title on home soil would put England “If they are doing something with the ball for the next game,” he said, adding that it did not of the 2013 NHL Stanley Cup Final. —AFP in just the right mood to host the Ashes. then it is definitely a concern, yes,” De Villiers happen during warmups, as had been reported on and Andrew Shaw got the better of Brad Marchand. ing a shot in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals, “It’s such an exciting place for a player to said. “But we’ve got no proof of that.” the team’s Twitter account and the TV broadcast. “It By the time it was all sorted out, the benches were a attended the game. ... The Bruins have killed off 27 be,” England captain Cook said on Tuesday of It’s also uncertain if key bowlers Graeme was a game-time decision after the warmup there. little emptier and the scoring column for Chicago straight penalties in the playoffs. ... Boston’s David England’s progress to the last four. “We have Swann and Dale Steyn will turn out for their That’s when we made the call, after warmup.” was still blank. “You’re playing the last five minutes of Krejci entered the game tied with Chicago’s Andrew almost played knockout cricket throughout countries in the semifinal. Swann has calf and Hossa, who has three game-winning goals in the the game, you know they’re going to throw every- Sharp for the most goals in the postseason with nine. this Champions Trophy and we have come back problems, and Steyn has struggled with playoffs this year, was tied for the team lead with 15 thing at you that they possibly can,” Rask said. “Got The Bruins center entered the game leading all here to try and win the tournament. We have a side injury. playoff points and was third on the Blackhawks with the penalty there. Got a little lucky there, one save scorers with 23 points. ... The Bruins are attempting got an amazing opportunity to try and do Cook said off-spinner Swann wouldn’t be 17 goals during the regular season. off my blade and the post.” to win a Cup for the second time in three seasons for that.” risked against South Africa if he’s not 100 per- It was a loss the Blackhawks couldn’t afford. Not After a scoreless first period, the Bruins made it 1- the third time in their history. They also did it in 1939 A given in knockout games, England- cent fit with the Ashes still to come and with Rask stopping everything that came his way. 0 when Paille slapped in the puck at 2:13 of the sec- and ‘41 and again in 1970 and ‘72. ... Bruins won their South Africa will be decided by “whichever England finding an able slow-bowling “We ran up against some of the best goalies in the ond, falling to one knee for extra power. It stayed seventh straight home playoff game. ... The side handles the pressure,” Cook said. Both replacement in James Tredwell. league here,” Quenneville said. “Tonight I thought we that way until late in the second, when the Bruins Blackhawks fell to 3-5 on the road in the postseason. teams have a fairly poor record of doing that “Tredders (Tredwell) is an exceptional made it rather easy on him as far as traffic and find- picked up their first power plays of the game on two ... Ben Smith, who played just one game this regular in big ODI games. bowler so we might be cautious with him ing and seeing pucks. I think we’ve got to be better nearly identical plays, with a Bruin racing to the net season and none in the playoffs, replaced Hossa in England has lost three World Cup finals (Swann) and be sensible,” Cook said. at going to the net.” The backup to Conn Smythe- and a Blackhawk undercutting his skates and send- the lineup.—AP and also fell in the 2004 Champions League Conversely, South Africa may be prepared decider. South Africa’s late flops in one-day to take the gamble on spearhead Steyn with tournaments have become legendary since the Champions Trophy a season-ender for the winning the first Champions Trophy in 1998. Proteas. “It will be nice to have him in the The Proteas now hear the term “chokers” at team again tomorrow,” De Villiers said. “It every ODI tournament and it means the team looks like we’ve got a good chance. I hope we regularly plays down its expectations. can have him on the park ... but we definitely Left-arm seamer Lonwabo Tsotsobe said can beat England without him.”—AP Merion stands test of time ARDMORE: Like a vintage bottle of wine required to be hit on the East Course, it is no brought out of the cellar after gathering dust surprise that the average score during last for 32 years, Merion Golf Club’s iconic East week’s championship ended up being 74.54. Course made a welcome return as host of the The winning total of one-over 281 offered US Open - and did so in classic style. clear proof that Merion had certainly stood The challenging par-70 layout with its bru- the test of time in staging its first US Open tally difficult finish had long been regarded as since Australian David Graham triumphed by too short to stage one of golf’s four major three shots in the 1981 edition. “I don’t think championships, many feeling that it had anybody expected this golf course to hold up become obsolete due to the power and tech- the way it did,” Rose told reporters on Sunday nology in the modern game. after clinching his first major crown, and his Torrential rain during the tournament fifth victory on the US PGA Tour. KOC Blue Captain receives the winner’s cup Don Bosco Captain receives the Runners-up Cup build-up had softened the 6,996-yard East “I certainly didn’t buy into the (predicted) Course, prompting some to predict a birdie 62s and 14-under, but I figured that maybe binge with the possibility of the major record four, five, six under par would be the winning KOC Blue lift hockey title score of 63 being threatened. However, those total. But it surprised everybody. I’m just glad suggestions were consigned to the scrap I was kind of the last man standing.” KUWAIT: Kuwait Independents Hockey in its In the second half both the teams tried to equalize. The third place was decided heap as the 113th U.S. Open slowly unfolded Ernie Els, a twice former US Open champi- 59th year since its inception in Kuwait ended their best to attack, KOC Blue controlled play through penalty strokes the final score, KOC at Merion before Justin Rose ending a on, gave Merion a ringing endorsement. “It’s their hockey tournament on Friday, June 14 for much of the half but found it hard to Green 8- Kuwait Hockey Kings 6 with Greens marathon week of weather-delayed rounds been an unbelievable venue this week,” the at KOC Hockey Ground Ahmadi. Seven teams break their opponents defense. The teams goalkeeper Danish making a good save for and, at times, harsh conditions for the players big South African said after finishing with a took part namely KIH Black, KIH Gold, Don were unsuccessful in breaking the deadlock his team. with a two-shot victory. 69 to share fourth place, four strokes behind Bosco, International Red, KOC Green, Kuwait and thus the match extended to the tie- A number of dignitaries and members of Englishman Rose, remarkably poised Rose. “The course definitely held up. Hockey Kings and KOC Blue. The games were breaker. KOC-Blue kept their cool and some participating clubs attended the finals. despite all his challenges in the final round, “Started the week with people saying played on a league-cum-knockout basis. excellent saves by KOC-Blue goalkeeper Ali in Glittering prizes and trophies were awarded revived memories of Ben Hogan’s victory at there could be record scores. I totally dis- The Finals was keenly contested between the tie-breaker shattered Don Bosco hopes. to the winners and runners-up. Chief Guest, the 1950 US Open staged here as he parred agreed with that. It was a great setup. The Don Bosco and KOC Blue. Both the teams KOC Blue won the Finals by 4-3 after Zahoor Kuwait Independents Hockey Club, President the daunting 511-yard 18th in champion rough was tough. “Everything about it was coming into the final match with resounding finished off the proceedings with a brilliant Shivi Basin spoke on the occasion and pre- fashion. just wonderful, and the fans were unbeliev- wins in the semi-finals had high hopes of final flick. sented the winner’s trophy to KOC Blue Rose closed with a level-par 70 on a able. It definitely shouldn’t wait another 32 walking away with the trophy. The match The Third Place was won by KOC Green Captain Waheed Ahmed. The organizers pro- breezy day at Merion where the narrow, tilt- years.” started at a brisk pace with Don Bosco com- who beat Kuwait Hockey Kings. The match posed a vote of thanks to Naseer Bhatti and ing fairways, thick rough and fast, sloping Ireland’s triple major champion Padraig bining well. Consecutive free hits outside the saw some excellent field goals. Saqib scored 3 Mohammad Naseer for their assistance in greens posed all sorts of problems for the Harrington, who tied for 21st after signing off circle were wasted. Amidst nerve-wracking super goals while Auranzeb scored 1 for KOC maintaining the Hockey Ground. To the players, all of them knowing that just one bad with a 72, also praised Merion’s virtues. “The tension and high drama, KOC-Blue employing Green whilst for KOC Hockey Kings who Referee’s for their thankless job and last but swing could end a title bid. course is great. It was a big test with massive stout defense tactics lead by veteran Wassem, staged a late comeback lead by Naveed who not the least to Aniceto George Fernandes for Add to that tough pin positions and the greens. Real difficult. I’m glad they weren’t managed to keep their rivals at bay. scored 3 goals and Hassan contributed with 1 his efforts throughout the tournament. number of blind or semi-blind shots so often firm and fast,” smiled Harrington.—Reuters WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 SPORTS Singapore Open hit Photo of the day by late withdrawals

SINGAPORE: A large-scale withdrawal seeds Xu Chen and Ma Jin, and on the eve of competition has robbed women’s singles fifth seed Ratchanok ’s Singapore Open of sever- Intanon of Thailand. al seeded players after superstars Lin “Some players may need a break Dan and also chose to after playing other tournaments back skip the event. Eleven players pulled to back,” said India’s Saina Nehwal, the out on Monday, citing fatigue and women’s second seed. injury, though many may be keen to “And with the world championships avoid exerting themselves in what is in just a month-and-a-half the last Super Series event before the away, you have to prepare well. “You world championships in August. should do what’s best for yourself. You Players who withdraw late from tour- don’t want to push yourself too hard naments receive a small fine from the and get injured. So it’s better to check Badminton World Federation, accord- your body and see how you feel.” ing to reports. Singapore experienced Singapore badminton chief Bobby similar problems last year in the run-up Lee put a brave face on the no-shows, to the London Olympics. saying ticket sales remained strong. With Olympic champion Lin and But he said next year’s event will be world number one Lee opting out, and held earlier in the year in an effort to former Olympic gold-medallist Taufik draw a stronger field. Hidayat retiring from the sport at last “For the next cycle from 2014 to week’s Indonesian Open, star power 2017, we are going to be tagged with will be in short supply at the $200,000 India so we have a better opportunity tournament. to get the big names down for the Men’s third seed Sony Dwi Kuncoro tournament as we are not following was among the late pull-outs, as well immediately after a big event in as women’s doubles top seeds Wang Indonesia,” said Lee. Xiaoli and Yu Yang, the Chinese pair China’s , shocked by who were among eight players dis- Indonesian unknown Dionysius Hayom qualified from last year’s Olympics for Rumbaka in last week, is the not trying. men’s top seed, while Olympic champi- The last-minute withdrawals also on Li Xuerui leads the women’s seed- include China’s mixed doubles top ings.—AFP Lukas Huber trains in front of the Vesuvio for the upcoming Red Bull Airlines in Naples, Italy. Brumbies stun Lions

CANBERRA: The ACT Brumbies, shorn of would have not only achieved Super the heart of their first-choice team, Rugby-wise what we have but to get a soaked up enormous pressure to secure win against the Lions just doesn’t hap- a famous 14-12 victory over a ragged pen. British and Irish Lions side in Canberra “We’re really mindful of the fact that yesterday and hand the tourists their first this is as big as it gets for any boy who’s defeat. played at this level.” While none of the Bullocking centre Tevita Kuridrani Lions starting 15 are likely to be consid- scored the sole try in the first half and ered for selection on Saturday, Gatland fullback Jesse Mogg slotted three penal- may be clearer about which players to ties for the hosts who held on grimly as leave on the sidelines. the Lions roared back late in the second Irish hooker Rory Best had a forget- half in front of more than 21,000 frenzied table night as captain, reprising his Six fans at Canberra Stadium. Nations troubles at the setpiece with a While the proud Brumbies players cel- rash of poor lineout throws to squander ebrated an historic win over what was possession. effectively a Lions second team, the Emergency flyhalf Stuart Hogg also tourists’ management will have to act appeared out of his depth at times and quickly to lift spirits ahead of Saturday’s also banged two penalty kicks against a first test against Australia in Brisbane. post before Farrell relieved him in the “Full credit to the Brumbies, they frus- second half. Debutant winger Christian trated us. It was a tough day at the office,” Wade, hurriedly flown in from Argentina a sombre Lions coach Warren Gatland having made his England debut last told reporters after his makeshift team week, also struggled, fumbling a number were humbled on a field made sodden of early balls. by a hail-storm in the leadup. The Brumbies, however, were ASCOT: Racegoers crowd around the parade ring as Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II (second right), Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall (right) “I think it’s just part of being on tour, switched on from the start and despite and Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (left) arrive in a carriage during the first day of Royal Ascot, in Berkshire.—AFP isn’t it? “You get a bit of a knock, you take boasting only 28 caps to the nearly 600 your disappointment and in the end it’s of their opponents, put in a brave per- how you respond to it, how this group of formance. Dawn Approach rocks Ascot players responds to it for the weekend. Former Wales winger Shane Williams, It’s just getting back on the horse again.” in for a one-match cameo after flying in Animal Kingdom flops With a hastily-assembled backline from Japan, was denied a dream return stitched together by flown-in replace- as he was dragged into touch just shy of ASCOT: American raider Animal vailed in a thrilling finish to land the St ence has been tremendous and If I ever cent of Dawn Approach with Bolger the ments, the Lions trailed 8-3 at the break the line after three minutes. Kingdom flopped at Royal Ascot yester- James’s Palace Stakes for Irish trainer had the opportunity to do it again then other 49 percent, said he was fully sup- after putting in their worst first half of Kuridrani then danced around Wade day but while one lofty reputation was Jim Bolger and Sheikh Mohammed’s I would absolutely,” Motion said. portive of running the horse so soon the tour with a raft of botched lineouts and fullback Rob Kearney on the left tarnished, another was restored when Godolphin. In a dominant start to the “I am sorry it did not work out - it is after his Epsom flop. and handling errors. wing to score in the fifth minute, sig- Dawn Approach atoned for his Epsom prestigious five-day meeting, Ireland disappointing for everyone. There was “The biggest risk is not taking any Derby failure to hand embattled landed the first four races with the such a good reception for him. It would risk,” a smiling Sheikh Mohammed said Although bullied at the breakdown nalling the start of a torrid first half for Godolphin some respite. Eddie Lynam-trained Sole Power win- have been great to see him do his stuff after receiving the trophy from The throughout an attritional contest punc- the Lions. A Mogg penalty made it 8-0 Animal Kingdom’s bid to add a Royal ning the King’s Stand Stakes and but he clearly didn’t today.” Duchess of Cornwall, wife of Britain’s tuated by high-kicked bombs, the Lions before Hogg finally put them on the Ascot victory to his Kentucky Derby and O’Brien securing a double when War A return to racing over a mile Prince Charles. “Jim bred the horse and improved after the break, with replace- board with a penalty just before the Dubai World Cup successes ended in Command, an outsider at 20-1, ran proved the oracle for 2,000 Guineas knows him very well, so when he said ment flyhalf Owen Farrell underlining his whistle. Mogg slotted two further penal- huge disappointment when he finished away with the Coventry Stakes. winner Dawn Approach who displayed he wanted to run the owner was happy quality by kicking his side to within two ties to put the Brumbies up 14-leashed a nearer last than first in a Queen Anne With a resume that boasted a grit and determination to just get the to support him. Today has proved to me points with nine minutes to play. rash of substitutions. With reserve Stakes won by Aidan O’Brien’s Kentucky Derby and Dubai World Cup better of the game Toronado in a St that this horse is the best miler in the Declaration of War. “I don’t want to offer win, much was expected of Animal James’s Palace Stakes. Dawn Approach world.” A minute’s silence was held But the two-time Super Rugby cham- scrumhalf Conor Murray and Farrell too many excuses. I am sorry it ended Kingdom but the five-year-old, with had to survive a steward’s inquiry after a before the start of racing for trainer pions held on to snap their opponents’ directing traffic, the Lions played with this way - we are deflated. Everyone career earnings of over $5 million, ran a mid-race collision between the winner Henry Cecil who died last week. Cecil run of five straight wins and consign renewed purpose and quickly capitalised was predicting him to win but they forgettable race to trail in 11th of 13. and runner-up. secured a record 75 Royal Ascot win- them to their first non-test tour match with two Farrell penalties to reduce the have to run the race,” Animal Kingdom’s Retirement now beckons for the Another Group One success was a ners over four decades and his widow loss since being defeated by the New lead to two points with nine minutes to trainer Graham Motion told reporters. 2011 Kentucky Derby winner, the first welcome boost for Dubai ruler Sheikh Jane, who has temporarily taken over Zealand Maori in 2005. go. However, the Brumbies dug deep Seventeen days after starting as hot Run for the Roses champion to run at Mohammed’s Godolphin operation the training licence, almost pulled off Brumbies coach Jake White hailed the into a vast reservoir of grit and soaked up favorite and finishing stone last in the the Royal meeting since 1936. after the recent steroid doping scandal an emotional triumph but Tiger Cliff win as on par with his 2007 World Cup the final minutes with a determined pick- Derby, Dawn Approach proved that “I would say that is probably it (last involving his trainer Mahmood Al had to settle for second behind Well was just an aberration when he pre- race) for the horse. I think the experi- Zarooni. The Sheikh, who owns 51 per- Sharp in the Ascot Stakes.—Reuters triumph as coach of South Africa. “It’s a and-go defence. “I think the forwards massive result,” said White, who has should stand up and take a lot of the turned the previously struggling fran- heat,” Best said. “We were very confident Britain’s skid-row scrappers chise into Australia’s top Super Rugby and we just didn’t turn up tonight. We side in less than two seasons. let our standards drop tonight. We didn’t “We got together 18 months ago and want to lose the momentum that we’ve are living in Murray shadow no one would have ever dreamt that we gained on this tour.”—Reuters PARIS: They are Britain’s skid-row tennis scrappers But he had a brief taste of the big time at discipline-poor players. Back in 2008, Evans had his who get by on small change, chasing their dreams at Wimbledon in 2012, pushing former world number funding from the Lawn Tennis Association axed after far-flung tournaments in outposts like Burnie in eight Mardy Fish of the United States to five sets in he was found drinking at a club at three in the Australia or Rimouski, Canada and An Ning in China. the second round. morning on the eve of a doubles match at But for once a year, and usually for no longer “You’ve got to have self-belief otherwise you’re Wimbledon. than two days in late June, the likes of James Ward, never going to be a good player,” said the Londoner. Murray told him this year that he needed to work Dan Evans, Bryden Klien and Kyle Edmunds, will “I’ve been playing at this level for a while, but the harder and Evans has tried to heed the advice. “The briefly share the same spotlight as Andy Murray top players do it every week and that’s the differ- off-court stuff had to improve,” he admitted. before heading back to anonymity. Gone are the late nights and when he stays at While world number two Murray goes into the country’s national training base near Wimbledon Wimbledon confident of ending Britain’s 77-year he’s in bed by 10:30pm. “There is a security guard wait to crown a home men’s champion, his compa- who checks. It’s like the Big Brother house, but it’s triots will be grateful that they are guaranteed at good being 15 again.” least a first round loser’s cheque of £23,500 If success outside of Murray is lacking in British ($36,900). men’s tennis, there is certainly no absence of color. For British number two Ward, who is 214 places National number four is Bryden Klein, who was born below Murray in the world rankings, that windfall in Australia and is a former Australian Open junior would almost double the $38,000 he has pocketed champion. This year he switched his allegiance to in the first six months of the year. Britain, courtesy of his Manchester-born mother, but Ward and Murray are both 26 and Davis Cup the 23-year-old is not without controversy. teammates, but the similarities end there. Murray, In 2009, he served a six-month ban for uttering a the Olympic and US Open champion, has amassed Andy Murray racist slur during a match when he called South $27 million in his career while Ward, the son of a ence.” Britain’s number three Dan Evans, the world African opponent Raven Klaasen a “kaffir”. London taxi driver, has banked a modest $426,000 in 254, enjoyed a run to the third round at Queen’s last Despite Britain’s struggles, there is always hope. his seven years spent trudging on the second-tier week before losing to 2009 US Open champion, Jonathan Marray, a journeyman 32-year-old, Challenger Tour. When Murray was winning the US Juan Martin del Potro. became Britain’s first men’s doubles champion at Open in September last year, Ward was losing in the The 23-year-old, however, has often symbolised Wimbledon since 1936 when he teamed up for the quarter-finals of a Challenger in Shanghai, picking the Jekyll and Hyde nature of British tennis, a sport title with Frederik Nielsen in 2012. up $1,460 for his troubles as well a season-ending awash with money courtesy of the annual His share of the £130,000 ($204,500) prize money AUSTRALIA: Stuart Hogg (center) of the British and Irish Lions gets caught by wrist injury. Wimbledon cash cow that supports talent-rich but was comfortably his biggest ever payday. “—AFP Siliva Siliva (left) and Scott Sio (right) during the tour match in Canberra. —AFP 19 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 SPORTS Confed Cup finishes first round in lively Brazil

BRAZIl: With great crowds, vio- lent protests and some organiza- tional setbacks, the Confederations Cup is underway in Brazil. The first round of matches ended on Monday with favorites Brazil, Italy and Spain winning their matches and the host nation getting an idea of what it will have to improve on for the rest of the tournament and especially the World Cup a year from now. There is still a lot of unfinished work in the six host cities across Brazil and there have been mis- takes by organizers and a lack of infrastructure in the some of the airports. FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke acknowledged after the inaugural match that there are things to “improve,” but says “all together it really was a success.” “It was the kickoff of the tour- nament for which we have been working for the last six years,” BRAZIL: The famous Sugarloaf Mountain is seen on the back (left), as the national flags of the coun- FIFA Secretary General Valcke tries participating in the FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 football tournament flutter on the roof said. “It is working. For sure you of the bar at the top of the Urca Hill in Rio de Janeiro. —AFP can always improve things, but that’s part of what we will do Organizers in Brasilia also went 20,000 fans showed up. that the Joao Havelange Stadium right after the comp etition. But through an embarrassing situa- The African champion nearly was closed because of a faulty we can say all together it really tion a few days before the first didn’t make it to the match after roof, forcing the Azzurri to find an was a success.” match, when they were forced to threatening not travel to Brazil alternative practice venue. The eight-team close the accreditation center for because the country’s football But team captain Gianluigi Confederations Cup is the a few hours because they ran out federation suddenly cut players’ Buffon offered an honest answer biggest test event for Brazil of material to print permits for bonus payments, but it eventual- when he was asked about the before it hosts football’s show- workers, volunteers and journal- ly arrived in time to defeat Tahiti tournament’s organization. case event in 2014 and the Rio ists. To make things worse, some 6-1. “We players live in a situation Olympics in 2016. of the volunteers sent to help the The northeastern city of Recife which is privileged for some There has been a festive foreigners didn’t speak English. has been marked by unfinished aspects,” he said. “We have an atmosphere for fans inside the The condition of the pitch, one work at the stadium and poor escort when we move around so stadiums, but a wave of protests of the most expensive built in infrastructure throughout the efficiency is optimal. So I really against the local government Brazil, was also a problem. “The venue. Fans endured significant can’t comment on what other spilled into the host cities and quality of the pitch has to be problems trying to get to the people have encountered. This is created havoc before some of the improved,” Valcke said in an Arena Pernambuco, which is a really big tournament because matches. interview on FIFA’s website. “But located about 20 kilometers (12 you have the best squads in the Clashes between police and that’s something we will work on miles) from the city center. Public world playing in a country where demonstrators happened outside to have the best pitches at the transportation offered on match- football is extremely popular.” stadiums in three of the six time of the World Cup.” day did not work properly and it Italy’s first match was at the FORTALEZA: Brazil’s forward Neymar kicks a ball during a training session on Confederations Cup venues - And the day after the match in took hours for fans to get in and renovated Maracana and the the eve of their FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 Group A football match Brasilia, Belo Horizonte and Rio the nation’s capital, Brazil’s lack of out of the venue. crowd atmosphere was buzzing, against Mexico. —AFP de Janeiro - leading to arrests and airport infrastructure was on dis- Brazilian officials say the stadi- highlighted by Brazilians loudly disrupting the entrance of fans play. Fans and journalists leaving um was deliberately built in a cheering Italy striker Mario into the venues. In those cities, the city endured huge lines to remote and poor neighborhood Balotelli during the match. In Marcelo: Revenge not the protesters complained that check in for their flights and local to stimulate economic develop- Europe, Balotelli and other black too much money was being airlines clearly were not prepared ment there. players have faced racist abuse. on Brazil’s agenda spent on the Confederations Cup to deal with the increased flow of “We will keep the same trans- Ticket sales have been a suc- and next year’s World Cup while passengers. portation plan in place, but we cess for the warm-up tourna- FORTALEZA: Brazil left-back Marcelo says warned his players not to take them lightly. the majority of the population Visitors also had to deal with will try to improve things for the ment, reaching record levels his side will not be seeking revenge when “We must be wary of Mexico and get continued to struggle. water leaks at Salvador airport, next match,” said Ricardo Leitao, compared to other tournaments. they renew acquaintance with Mexico in over that hurdle,” he said. “Mexico have Some of the more violent con- being forced to squeeze through the government official in charge But distribution of the tickets was their second game of the Confederations been making life complicated for us for a frontations happened just hours a corridor to avoid getting wet on of the local preparations. not so great, and fans who Cup in Fortaleza today. few years now.” Having lost 2-1 to Italy in before the opening match in their way to claim their baggage. Teams in Recife also faced dif- bought the entrances faced diffi- The last encounter between teams rep- their opening game at the Maracana on Brasilia, which also witnessed an “Sorry for the disorder. We are ficulties. South America champi- culties picking them up nearly resenting the two countries saw Mexico Sunday, Mexico know that they will be embarrassing moment for FIFA building a new airport,” read a on Uruguay complained that it everywhere in the country. There shock the five-time world champions with eliminated if they lose to Brazil and the President Sepp Blatter and sign to passengers. took the squad 90 minutes to were many complaints as it took a 2-1 victory in the final of the men’s foot- Italians avoid defeat against Japan. Brazilian President Dilma Only two of the stadiums were drive to a practice field because up to three hours to collect the ball competition at the London Olympics Coach Jose Manuel de la Torre claimed Rousseff. delivered on time, and unfinished of road construction and traffic tickets even though purchasers last year. It was a crushing defeat for Brazil, “individual actions” were responsible for They were met by loud boos who have never claimed Olympic gold, but the loss to Italy, and in the Brazil of Neymar, work was visible outside nearly all jams. That forced the team to were allowed to make appoint- from the crowd when introduced Marcelo said those involved had quickly Oscar and Hulk, he must confront another venues, especially the Maracana, turn down a chance to train just ments to pick them up. put it behind them. adversary brimming with individual talent. for a pre-game speech at the the Arena Pernambuco in Recife days before its debut. The team “We have to say thanks to all “The Mexico defeat didn’t stick in my “We produced some great football, but National Stadium, prompting the and the Castelao in Fortaleza. But also had to work out in a local the ones who have been working throat. I don’t see this match as a chance there are things to correct and we now FIFA president to break protocol the stadiums were mostly full for gym because the training field on the ticketing office,” Valcke for revenge,” said the Real Madrid defend- have to concentrate on the next match and call for “respect” and “fair the first matches. The exception was under water from torrential said. “Because they have done a er, who was one of three permitted players against Brazil,” he said. play” from the “friends of was the game between newcom- rain. great and an amazing job by aged over 23 in Brazil’s Olympic squad. “Of The defeat by Italy means Mexico have Brazilian football.” He was jeered er Tahiti and in Belo In Rio de Janeiro, Italy report- delivering all the tickets on course, I remember it. It was a very sad day now won just once in 10 games in 2013, even louder after that. Horizonte, where little more than edly was not advised in advance time.”—AP for the players and the whole of Brazil. It’s and with their World Cup qualifying hopes difficult to say why we weren’t able to also in the balance, a positive display pierce their defence. against Brazil would represent a timely fil- “We know that Mexico have great play- lip. Estadio Castelao, home to Brazilian Japan look to ers, but we’re Brazil and we have some, too. sides Ceara and Fortaleza, has undergone We can think that the match will be diffi- extensive renovation in preparation for the cult, but they have to think that as well.” Confederations Cup and next year’s World avoid early exit Brazil enjoyed an ideal start to the Cup, giving it an increased capacity of Confederations Cup on Saturday, with a 64,846.—AFP RECIFE: The task facing both Asian champions Japan and stunning goal from poster boy Neymar set- three-time world champions Italy is clear cut in Recife at the ting them on the way to a breezy 3-0 win Confederations Cup. over Group A rivals Japan in the national An Italian win, on the heels of Sunday’s success over capital Brasilia. Matches on TV Olympic champions Mexico should propel the Azzurri into Brazil will secure a place in the semi- (Local Timings) the semi-finals, while also ending the Blue Samurais’ interest finals if they overcome Mexico at Estadio in this summer’s event. Castelao, but Marcelo was bewildered by FIFA Confederations Cup The pressure is off Japan to a large extent in that, aside reporters’ questions about the possibility of from World Cup and Confederations hosts Brazil they are the a final showdown with world champions only side competing here who have already booked their Spain. “You talk about Spain as if they were Brazil v Mexico 22:00 tickets for next summer’s jamboree. already waiting for us in the final, but we’ve Al Jazeera Sport 1 HD In going down 3-0 to the Brazilians in the opening match, barely started the competition,” he said. Al Jazeera Sport +9 “If we have to play them in the final, Alberto Zaccheroni’s Japanese showed the effects of a long, Al Jazeera Sport +10 very good, it’ll be a great match. But we still yet successful, qualifying World Cup campaign - they only have to play Mexico and Italy. “Any adver- Al Jazeera Sport 2 HD arrived 72 hours after seeing off Iraq in the Gulf. sary could then fall into our path-even Italy v Japan 1:01 They also showed - AS Zaccheroni tacitly admitted - that Tahiti. It’s not up to us to pick our oppo- Al Jazeera Sport 1 HD they are at this stage a work in progress with 12 months to nents.” As well as the Olympic final victory, Al Jazeera Sport +9 plan next year’s assault. Mexico prevailed 2-0 when the sides last Al Jazeera Sport +10 “What we must not do is repeat the mistakes of the Brazil met in a friendly in Texas last year, and game,” said midfielder Yasuhito Endo. “But don’t judge us on Azeem Azam’s representatives Al Jazeera Sport 2 HD Brazil coach has also that game.” Defender Yuto Nagatomo, who plays for Serie A side Inter Milan, said he and his teammates would have to get in talks with Europe to grips with Mario Balotelli, who proved a handful for Mexico and Middle East clubs Adidas sets new soccer and who scored the winner in that game to see the Italians join Brazil on three points. zeem Azam,’s agents, are in talks down an earlier offer from Hungary in And Nagatomo said slyly that he figures there is one way with a number of teams. Sources April. sales goal in WCup year to do so - niggle the temperamental striker. Balotelli is A reveal, “we are in talks with Azam who has Arabic and Asian ori- already carrying a needless booking into the match having GERMANY: French League 1 clubs Bordeaux, along gin, has had a few stops and starts over German sportswear maker onships to stimulate demand. Adidas is taken off his shirt after his goal Sunday. And Nagatomo says with Russian and Middle East Clubs” the past season, having received an ear- Adidas AG forecast record sales for its soc- official sponsor of the 2014 World Cup and that “while he is very quick and physical we must mark him Azam’s agents are tight lipped as to lier offer from UAE and Italy in 2012/13. cer business in 2014, aiming to retain mar- will supply the match balls, referees’ kit and tightly and above all get under his skin. He is always in the which other clubs they are speaking to Sources have revealed it was due to a ket leadership in the sport ahead of US rival clothing for volunteers at venues. Nike thick of things but he has a short fuse. It will be a mental bat- in Russia and the Middle East, However particular inept agent who was ham- Nike Inc in a soccer World Cup year. Adidas sponsors the host nation Brazil, the five- tle for him.” Azam’s Middle East representatives pering that opportunity with delays and and Nike dominate a market for soccer kit - times world champions and one of the Japan earlier arrived in Recife from Brasilia and had no have revealed clubs in Qatar, UAE, lies, which delayed matters. Azam’s rep- replica shirts, balls and boots - estimated to most popular national teams around the Kuwait and Bahrain are being looked at. resentatives have warned any agent be worth around 5 billion euros ($6.7 bil- globe. Nike, the world’s largest sportswear injuries to report. Keisuke Honda got over a hip problem that saw him miss a Saturday training session and skipper Makoto “We will take any offers very seriously” a trying to muscle on deals, will be dealt lion) annually. group, has recently agreed kit supply deals source revealed. with heavily. Sources have revealed the “It is a battle between us and Nike, not with France and England, two former Hasebe shook off a sore ankle. Italy enjoyed a beach volley- ball session earlier after their win over Mexico although Azam’s Middle East based Sports backstabbing skulduggery by a particu- only in Brazil but the whole football world,” World Cup winners. Adidas has contracts agency who now look after his affairs as lar UK based agent boarders on the Adidas CEO Herbert Hainer told reporters with World Cup holders Spain and former Balotelli, criticised by coach Cesare Prandelli for his booking, did not show. third party ownership, confirmed. “We absurd. Azam’s representatives have at a news conference at the company’s champions Germany and Argentina. are in talks with a number of clubs in revealed in a lengthy chat, “There are Defender Giorgio Chiellini and midfielder Riccardo headquarters in southern Germany. Setting “Tradition is on the side of Adidas, but both Europe and the Middle East. We some real spineless human beings that out its targets a year before the World Cup Nike is making more and more progress,” Montolivo were both buoyed by the win over the Mexicans, will do our level best to secure Azam parade around as agents, who do not kicks off in Brazil, Adidas said sales from its said Peter Rohlmann of German consultan- who had widely been seen as key rivals for second spot in the best deal we can, Azeem is a excel- have a clue, and they give real agents a soccer division would break the 2 billion cy PR Marketing. “They are very close Group A. lent footballer when fit and sharp, hav- bad name, he went on to add, “One euro barrier for the first time in 2014. together in terms of market share.” Adidas “We tried a few things and were very solid and it was a ing watched Azeem improve everyday agent, in particular, acted absolutely Sales from its soccer business surpassed said it expected “double-digit sales good performance against Mexico,”said Montolivo, while in training and fitness, is a testament to disgracefully and although we won’t 1.7 billion euros in 2012 and are expected growth” in in coming years, Chiellini added that “we have to build on what we did against Azeem’s ability”, said a representative. give him the oxygen of publicity by to remain around that level this year, boosted by the interest generated by the the Mexicans and another win now will set us up for the semi- Azam spent most part of this year train- naming him, I will tell him exactly what I despite no World Cup or European champi- World Cup.—Reuters finals.”—AFP ing in the Middle East, having turned think of him when we see him. England, South Marcelo: Revenge Africa clash not on Brazil’s in Champions agenda Trophy semis

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 17 19

Heat have no room for error versus Spurs Page 17

ULSAN: South Korea’s defender Kim Chang-Soo (back) competes for the ball with Iran’s midfielder Masoud Shojaei (front) during their World Cup Asian qualifier football match. — AFP Iran win to qualify for World Cup South Korea also book place in Brazil ULSAN: Iran qualified for the World Cup finals I took a practical approach. We took advantage with an attacking lineup at the Ulsan Football penalty five minutes before halftime when mid- 76th minute that was well saved by Ahmadi, yesterday after another resolute defensive dis- of the weakness of our opponent and scored a Stadium in search of a win. fielder Lee Myung-joo raced clear only to be while his glancing header two minutes from play helped them snatch a 1-0 away win over goal.” But despite having the attacking trio of Son brought down by Iran fullback Khosro Heydari time sailed just wide. Substitute Lee had half the South Korea, who also booked a place in Brazil. The under-pressure Portuguese had traded Heung-min, Lee Dong-gook and Ji Dong-won and goalkeeper Rahman Ahmadi, but the refer- stadium on their feet thinking he had scored a Forward Reza Ghoochannejhad was Iran’s verbal volleys before yesterday’s Group A clash on the field, the Koreans were guilty of using ee awarded a goal kick. 94th-minute leveller but his header edged past hero, latching on to an error by defender Kim with Korean counterpart Choi Kang-Hee, who too many long balls for tall striker Kim Shin- Iran started the second half brighter and the far post with Ahmadi motionless as Iran Young-gwon to score the winner in the 60th had vowed to beat Iran and force them to watch wook rather than mixing up their play. grabbed a shock lead on the hour when Korea hung on for the win. minute with the visitors’ only real chance of a the World Cup on television after being “badly Iran started the day two points ahead of defender Kim Young-gwon missed his kick as he While the Iranians celebrated, the Korean one-sided match in Ulsan. Iran coach Carlos treated” in the reverse fixture in Tehran last year. third-placed Uzbekistan but knew that a draw attempted a back-pass to his keeper, and players waited for news of Uzbekistan, who Queiroz punched the air in delight at the final Choi, who previously said he would step against Korea and a four-goal win for the Ghoochannejhad raced through to curl home a cruised past Qatar but ultimately fell two goals whistle after their third Group A qualifying win down after the qualifying campaign, was more Central Asians over Qatar would cost them left-foot shot. short of overhauling Korea on goal difference. in June sealed top spot and a fourth finals subdued after the loss. “We advanced into the automatic qualification. Choi introduced AFC player of the year Lee But despite their qualification, their was little appearance after missing out four years ago. World Cup but it was not a clean finish. It is all The visitors nevertheless chose to sit back Keun-ho as the hosts searched for an equaliser cheer from Choi. “I have nothing to say. The “We played with a great team spirit and won. my fault,” he said in a television interview after and allow Korea plenty of possession, but the against an Iran team that had conceded just players did their best but couldn’t play in a way We were technically superior and decisive in the the game. predictable patterns of play by the home side two goals in their previous seven qualifiers. they wanted and prepared for,” the coach said. “I face of crisis,” Queiroz told reporters. Choi’s side had only needed a draw to make failed to produce clear-cut chances. Kim Young-gwon came close to making up hope Korea learns from the World Cup qualifiers “I knew it was going to be a difficult game so it a ninth finals appearance but they started The Koreans did have a strong appeal for a for his error when he fired a sharp shot in the and improves in the future.” — AFP Jordan keep WCup Uzbekistan dream alive defeat Qatar 5-1 TASHKENT: Uzbekistan rallied to beat Qatar 5-1 in AMMAN: Jordan’s hopes of a first World open first half. Tashkent yesterday but fell short of an automatic qualify- Cup finals appearance remain alive after Oman forward Abdulaziz Al Muqbali ing spot for the 2014 World Cup finals on goal differ- they beat Oman 1-0 at home yesterday ran wide instead of shooting when clear to book a qualifying playoff against on goal in the sixth minute, while Qasim ence. Uzbekistan in September. Hardan saw his far post shot blocked by Uzbekistan were pushed into third place in Asian Striker Ahmad Ibrahim scored the Jordanian goalkeeper Amer Sabbah. qualifying Group A, behind Iran and South Korea, and winning goal in the 57th minute, stoop- Jordan’s Mohammad Aldmeiri came will have to rely on the playoff route to make it to Brazil. ing low to head home a cross from close to snatching the lead for the If Uzbekistan had beaten Qatar by a margin of six Khalil Bani Ateyah that drew wild cele- home side in the 29th minute, but his goals they would have overhauled South Korea as run- brations at the King Abdullah Stadium flicked header from a quickly taken cor- ners-up. The third-place finishers in both Asian qualify- in Amman. ner flashed just over the crossbar. ing groups will meet in a two-leg playoff, with the win- The victory, in the last of the Asian Further chances came and went for ners taking on a South American side in another two-leg group stage matches, meant Jordan Oman before halftime with the playoff for the right to play in Brazil next year. The hosts leapfrogged Oman into third place in Jordanians taking a grip of the match in missed a flurry of chances in the first half and paid for Group B on 10 points, one ahead of Paul the second period before Ibrahim’s goal. their profligacy when Qatar took the lead in the 37th Le Guen’s side. Oman’s desperation for an equaliser minute through Abdulqadir Ilyas’s first international Jordan will now take on Uzbekistan, led to some sloppy approach play with goal. who finished third in Group A, with the Sabbah making routine saves in the first leg to be played on Sept. 6 and the final stages as Jordan hung on for AMMAN: Oman’s goalkeeper Faiyz al-Rusheidi (top) deflects a shot at goal as his teammates Bahodir Nasimov found the Uzbeks’ equaliser in the second on Sept. 10. another famous home win. — Reuters defend during their 2014 World Cup qualifier Group B football match against Jordan. — AFP 60th minute with his first touch after replacing The winners advance to play anoth- Alexander Geynrikh. Oleg Zoteev, another substitute, er two-leg playoff against the fifth- put Uzbekistan in the lead before Nasimov added his placed South American side in Kennedy header sends Australia to World Cup second. Odil Ahmedov and Ulugbek Bakaev completed November for a place at the finals. the scoring. Few predicted Jordan would still be SYDNEY: Substitute Josh Kennedy’s dramatic fying Group B and a ticket to Brazil 2014. The victory also ended the slim hopes of Oman and Celebrations, though, were shortlived for both the in contention after they were ham- goal seven minutes from time sent Australia to Australians, frustrated for much of the evening Jordan - who were meeting later on Tuesday - home crowd and the players as news of Iran’s victory mered 6-0 away to Japan in their sec- the World Cup finals for the fourth time yester- by their own lack of penetration as much as by earning a direct passage to the World Cup. reached the Bunyodkor Stadium in Tashkent. ond group match last year, but they day, ending a nervous night for 80,523 rain- the Iraqis, will now make their third successive Australia coach Holger Osieck kept faith with Qatar’s debutant goalkeeper, Ahmed Abonora, made defied their FIFA ranking of 75th with soaked fans packed into Sydney’s Olympic trip to soccer’s showpiece tournament and a the team that drew 1-1 in Japan and beat Jordan several saves in the first half to frustrate Uzbekistan in strong performances at home. Having Stadium. fourth in total after 1974, 2006 and 2010. 4-0 in their last two matches to revive a lacklus- their quest to improve their goal difference. despatched Australia and Japan in Six minutes after coming on as a substitute “It’s amazing for the country,” captain Lucas tre qualifying campaign, but it was his substitu- Abonora twice denied Geynrikh from close range Amman, Jordan knew another three for , Kennedy rose alone in the middle Neill said in a pitchside interview. “Three World tions that ultimately proved decisive. and pulled off an acrobatic save to keep out Uzbekistan points were required against Oman to of the penalty area to head Mark Bresciano’s Cups (in a row) now. I’m sorry, guys, it wasn’t “It gave me a beautiful feeling and I must claim the playoff berth but they started cross past the dive of Iraq goalkeeper Noor Sabri pretty but we beat what was in front of us. admit that I’m proud to be part of this,” the captain Server Djeparov’s volley from outside the box. yesterday’s match in scratchy fashion. and into the net. The stadium erupted and Tonight let’s look at the positives, Australia are German said. “There’s a lot of positives, but now Uzbekistan will face either Oman or Jordan in the With Jordan guilty of defensive laps- Kennedy was mobbed by his team mates as going to Brazil!” is not the time for any analysis, for any game cri- Asia playoff, depending on the result of yesterday’s es, Oman failed to take advantage wast- they celebrated the goal that secured the win Iraq’s hopes of qualifying were ended by last tiques or anything, and I don’t feel like doing final Group B qualifier between the two sides in ing numerous chances to score in an they needed to seal second place in Asian quali- week’s defeat to group winners Japan. Australia’s anything (like that). — Reuters Amman.— Reuters Desperate families occupy unfinished homes in Spain Page 22

Dollar, shares subdued; US Business Fed keeps markets on edge WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Page 24 Lebanese start-ups seeking tech boom NBK Group, VIVA ink multi-currency financing agreement Page 23 Page 23

ENNISKILLEN: Protesters from anti-hunger charity Oxfam wearing masks depicting the leaders of the G8 countries pose on a golf course in Enniskillen in Northern Ireland yesterday near the venue of the G8 summit at the golfing resort of Lough Erne. —AFP (See Page 25) Boeing, Airbus vie for spotlight Boeing launches Dreamliner with over 100 orders

LE BOURGET: Boeing launched a bigger version of its next-genera- tion Dreamliner plane at the Paris Foreign investment in Arab Air Show yesterday with over 100 orders and a clear message-after a nations rises despite unrest run of technical blows, the US firm is back on track. The announce- KUWAIT: The flow of foreign direct invest- senting 25.8 percent of Arab total even ment came on the second day of ment into Arab states, including those hit though its share dropped by 25 percent the world’s biggest air show, with by uprisings, rose by 9.8 percent last year from the previous year. FDI inflows to the competition between Boeing and despite the unrest but remained well United Arab Emirates rose 25 percent last its arch-rival Airbus heating up as below their 2010 level, a report said yes- year to $9.6 billion, which is 20.8 percent the two giants vie for the spotlight, terday. Arab states attracted FDI worth of the total Arab investments. Lebanon and smaller competitors make their $47.1 billion in 2012 compared with $42.9 came third with $7.8 percent followed by presence felt. billion the previous year, the Arab Algeria with $6.2 billion, the report said. In “Boeing today officially launches Investment and Export Credit Guarantee Egypt, the rate of FDI rose from a negative the 787-10,” Boeing head Jim Corporation said in its annual report. $483 million in 2011 to $2.8 billion last McNerney told reporters, with com- However, the investment rate was 28.5 year, while in Tunisia it increased by 68 mitments to buy the new aircraft percent lower than its level of $66.2 bil- percent to $1.95 billion. from United Airlines, Singapore lion in 2010, the year when the Arab Foreign direct investment in Libya rose Airlines, British Airways, and leasing Spring uprisings first erupted, said the from a flat 2011 to $720 million last year, firms ALC and GECAS. The 787-10 is Kuwaiti-based organisation. The report and in Yemen it increased from $713 mil- bigger than its two brothers in the covered 20 out of the 22-Arab League lion in the red to just $4 million. All four of fuel-efficient Dreamliner family, member states excluding war-torn Syria these nations experienced Arab Spring- and Singapore Airlines and ALC and the tiny Comoros. And foreign direct related unrest. The six energy-rich states were its two biggest customers yes- investment inflows rose in 15 of them, of the Gulf Cooperation Council drew in terday, with 30 orders each. ALC including four countries-Tunisia, Egypt, the most investment, accounting for also ordered three 787-9 planes. Libya and Yemen-that witnessed violent $26.4 billion or 56 percent of total Arab United committed to buying 20 unrest during the past three years. FDI, the report said. Investment inflows planes while British Airways will get LE BOURGET: Visitors walk near planes displayed at the 50th Paris Air Show at Le Bourget airport, north of OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia topped the into Kuwait more than doubled to about 12 and GECAS 10. The announce- Paris yesterday. — AFP list of FDI inflows with $12.2 billion, repre- $1.9 billion.—AFP ment puts Boeing firmly back in the running after a slew of recent tech- non-stop service. “This is why we plane, which flew for the first time Leasing firm Nordic Aviation nical problems forced the ground- brought the 787 to the market on Friday in a curtain raiser for the Capital (NAC) signed up for 35 ATR- ing of the entire Dreamliner fleet place.” Undeterred, Airbus has got show. 600 aircraft built by the firm, with Saudi billionaire eyes world’s worldwide for three months in a off to a roaring start at the air The aircraft-which like the an option on 55 in a deal worth huge blow to the US firm. Randy show-though most of its orders so Dreamliner makes extensive use of $2.1 billion, ATR said. NAC has a big cities for mile-high tower Tinseth, vice president of market- far arise from the medium-haul lighter, carbon-based composite fleet of slightly more than 100 ATR DUBAI: Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed comment. Over the past year, Emaar has ing at Boeing’s commercial planes market, which it already dominates. materials that reduce fuel con- regional-route aircraft and is the bin Talal says he is looking at the world’s committed itself to several other huge division, said last week that the Regional transport market going sumption-will seek to compete biggest operator in the world of the largest cities, including Shanghai, Moscow, projects in Dubai and nearby countries. growth in traffic was being met by strong-Low-cost airline easyJet with the 787 as well as Boeing’s old- propellor-driven planes, ATR said. London and New York, as possible loca- Industry experts have said building a one- more flights to more places, “rather announced a deal to buy 135 of the er 777 model. So far, though, there Brazil’s Embraer has also come up tions to build a mile-high skyscraper that mile skyscraper would involve technical than dramatically larger and larger Airbus single-aisle A320 passenger have been no new orders for the trumps with the launch of a new would be the world’s tallest building by far. and design challenges, such as how to aircraft”, in a dig at Airbus’s A380 planes-one of the firm’s most popu- A350 at the air show. Other smaller family of regional jets and dozens The prince is inviting Dubai’s biggest real supply water economically at that height, superjumbo. lar and profitable models-including competitors in regional transport of orders. This is a sign of an estate developer Emaar Properties, chaired but would not be impossible. “It really gets to the heart of 100 of new generation fuel-effi- markets have also made a mark, expected future trend of competi- by Mohammed Alabbar, to team up with If it is built, the mile-high tower would competition-to be successful, what cient neo aircraft. But Airbus is with ATR-a joint venture between tion from manufacturers in emerg- his investment firm Kingdom Holding on surpass the world’s current tallest sky- you need to do is give the type of seeking to unseat Boeing in the European aerospace giant EADS ing markets which are expected to the project. scraper, the 828-metre (2,717-foot) Burj service that passengers want and more lucrative long-haul segment and Italy’s Finmeccanica-announc- generate much of the growth of “Right now we are discussing and eval- Khalifa in Dubai, as well as the one-kilome- what we all want is more frequent with its own next-generation A350 ing a big order. passenger traffic.— AFP uating the possibility of building a one- tre-high Kingdom Tower now being built mile (1.6-kilometre) tower,” Alwaleed told by Kingdom Holding in the Saudi Arabian Reuters by telephone late on Monday. “We city of Jeddah. also need good partners. I invite Emaar The Kingdom Tower is expected to cost easyJet announces $12 bn Airbus deal and Alabbar to join forces with us and see around 4.6 billion Saudi riyals ($1.2 billion) LONDON: British low-cost airline easyJet offered us new generation aircraft that met our also to a sprinkling of destinations in north Africa how we can build the ultimate one-mile and will form part of a hotel, retail and lux- announced yesterday a mega deal to buy 135 requirements and offered greatly improved fuel and the Middle East. EasyJet shares rallied 1.12 per- tower somewhere in the world.” ury residential project. The structure is Airbus single-aisle A320 passenger planes, includ- efficiency. “Ultimately, Airbus offered us the best cent to stand at 1,266 pence in early deals on Alwaleed did not say how the project expected to reach ground level by the end ing 100 new generation neo aircraft for $11.9 billion deal, and at a price with a greater discount to the London’s benchmark FTSE 100 index, which was flat would be financed if it went ahead, or of this year and to be completed in 2017, (8.9 billion euros), after agreeing big discounts. list price than their landmark fleet purchase with overall. Yesterday’s massive deal announcement is when it might be completed. He said the said Talal Al Maiman, executive director at EasyJet, issuing a statement amid the Paris Air Show easyJet in 2002,” she added in the statement. subject to approval by easyJet shareholders, cost had yet to be decided. But his ambi- Kingdom Holding. where European aircraft maker Airbus is battling for EasyJet is to acquire 35 current generation A320 although Haji-Ioannou does not have a large tion reflects the growing confidence of About 30 percent of useable land in the orders with US rival Boeing, added that it also had aircraft for delivery between 2015 and 2017 under enough stake to alone scupper the company’s many Gulf companies as they expand over- overall project, which will have an area of an option to buy an additional 100 A320neo planes. an existing option agreement, and 100 new genera- intention to purchase new planes. seas, aided by booming economies and ris- about 5.3 million square meters (57 million The A320 series is the Airbus workhorse of the tion A320neo planes for delivery between 2017 and Haji-Ioannou, or Stelios as he is widely known, ing asset prices in their home countries. “I square feet), will be allocated to hotels. The skies, popular with low-cost airlines and with com- 2022 in a new deal. “We are delighted our reliable has long argued that easyJet should be returning am now inviting the major cities of the remainder will be divided equally between panies operating on short to medium-distance aircraft have met easyJet’s demanding criteria,” money to shareholders via the payment of divi- world like Shanghai, Moscow, New York, retail and premium residential space, Al routes. The deal is likely to draw fresh opposition Airbus Chief Operating Officer-Customers John dends, rather than increasing its seating capacity. London and regional cities in the Middle Maiman added. Kingdom Holding, which from easyJet founder and its biggest shareholder, Leahy said in a separate statement. EasyJet said that Amid the tensions, Mike Rake last month stepped East to come and give their offers,” went public in 2007, has a market value of Stelios Haji-Ioannou, who opposes the airline’s strat- 85 of the 135 ordered aircraft will be used to replace down as easyJet chairman to be replaced by John Alwaleed said. about $18.5 billion, making it one of the egy of increasing seat capacity. ageing passenger planes, with the remaining 50 Barton, who has also remained in his role as chair- He said countries interested in hosting largest listed investment firms in the “I am delighted that easyJet is able to announce used to build on easyJet’s strategy of increasing its man of British clothing retailer Next. Haji-Ioannou the world’s tallest tower would have to Middle East. Its assets include stakes in top its fleet plans today,” said the airline’s chief executive seat capacity of between three and five percent meanwhile last year launched the first pan-African offer attractive financing terms, tax breaks Western firms such as Citigroup, News Carolyn McCall. “All manufacturers competed hard annually. no-frills carrier, Fastjet, while he and his family still and other government support. Alabbar Corp and Twitter as well as luxury hotels for the easyJet business. Both Airbus and Boeing The company’s network spans Europe and it flies own almost 37 percent of easyJet.— AFP could not immediately be reached for around the world. — Reuters WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 BUSINESS US defense budget uncertainty clouds Chemring Group outlook H1 underlying pretax profit falls 35 percent

LONDON: British military equipment maker year unchanged, saying its 2013 forecast Derby in the UK and in Washington and Chemring Group Plc said results for the year does not reflect the impact of US defense Philadelphia in the United States. would likely be at the lower end of its expec- spending cuts because it does not have The restructuring, expected to reduce tations as it restructures its business to cope sufficient detail. “The US market dominates headcount by 40 percent, would cost with the uncertainty around defense budg- the global defense industry, and the ongo- Chemring 15 million pounds and is expect- et cuts in the United States. Chemring had in ing lack of clarity caused by sequestration ed to help the company save about 10 mil- January said it expected difficult market makes forecasting increasingly difficult,” lion pounds a year, mostly from 2014. “My conditions to persist in 2013. Chemring said in a statement. Shares in judgment was that for what is going to be About $85 billion in across-the-board Chemring were down 7 percent at 246.9 a pretty lean next few years that we really government cuts to both civilian and pence at 0955 GMT on the London Stock did need to simplify and minimize the defense programs, known as sequestration, Exchange. overhead or the burden that we were plac- kicked in March after President Barack ing on what are in the main very good Obama and Congress failed to agree on a RESTRUCTURING PAINS operating companies,” Papworth told plan to bring down the United States’ Apart from having to cope with the Reuters. budget deficit. The budget reductions have defense spending cuts, Chemring is also The company has also revised its finan- weighed on military equipment makers trying to overcome a torrid 2012 that was cial covenants with lenders and cut its such as Chemring and have made it diffi- marred by profit warnings and failed interim dividend to 3.4 pence per share BOLLULLOS PAR DEL CONDADO: Neighbors pose in front of occupied house in Bollullos del cult for them to predict exactly how much takeover talks. The company has embarked from 5.3 pence last year. “The positives are Condado. Dozens of neighbors, desperate victims of the recession brought on by the collapse of of an impact the cuts would have on their on a restructuring under Chief Executive the fact that they’ve successfully renegoti- Spain’s housing boom, have moved in to an abandoned building project on the outskirts of businesses. Chemring supplies equipment Mark Papworth, who took over last ated their banking covenants and that Bollullos Del Condado. — AFP such as flares and pyrotechnics for ejection November and was assigned to turn they’ve got this cost-cutting program... the seats in aircraft, and minefield breaching around the business. Chemring said it reduction in dividend is quite sensible,” said Desperate families occupy systems to the US military. would operate its businesses under four Paul Mumford, senior investment manager Europe’s largest defense contractor, BAE units. The company also decided to close at Cavendish Asset Management, which unfinished homes in Spain Systems, last month left its outlook for the its administrative offices at Pall Mall and owns 917,210 Chemring shares.— Reuters

BOLLULLOS PAR DEL CONDADO: The wash- hold on to empty homes which are fit to live, in Warba Bank launches ‘E’tamid basin in Juana Alonso’s bathroom is brand new, a bid to increase the pool of affordable housing. Europe car but no water comes out of the tap. No bulbs Warba’ promotional campaign hang from the light fittings. The house is unfin- ‘A ROOF OVER MY KID’S HEADS’ sales hit ished; no one was meant to be moving in-but It came too late for Juana and her neighbors, KUWAIT: Warba Bank today announced the Warba Bank’s credit cards are fully Sharia Juana couldn’t wait. Along with dozens of who say they are now waiting for the authorities launch of its “E’tamid Warba” campaign show- compliant and incur no interest, regardless of neighbors, desperate victims of Spain’s reces- to tell them whether they can stay in the unfin- 20-year low casing the benefits and features of Retail their type (Classic, Gold, and Platinum). In sion brought on by the collapse of the housing ished houses. A few doors down from Juana, Banking Group’s products and services addition, Warba Bank credit cards provide a boom, she has moved into an abandoned build- Toni Garcia, 23, sits on a chair outside the house MILAN: European car sales hit their low- including the Qardh Hasan facilities, personal range of credit limits which fulfills the needs ing project on the outskirts of her town, she has occupied. Her three-month baby lies in est level for the month of May in 20 years finance products, credit cards and their rele- of its customers. Cardholders will enjoy a free Bollullos Par Del Condado, in sweltering south- her lap, dressed only in a nappy in the choking as the region’s recession dragged on, the vant services as well as the privileges availed SMS service that enables them to keep track ern Andalucia. “I got to the point where I heat, sucking milk from a bottle. Nearby, neigh- European automakers’ association said by customers via such cards. The campaign of their transactions. Customers can also couldn’t pay the rent. It was impossible. This bors fill buckets from a great plastic barrel-water yesterday. Passenger car sale demand for covers all local media means of communica- request a supplementary card for their family place was open, so we came in and here we are,” with which to wash or make coffee, using food May dropped by 5.9 percent on the tion, including newspapers, online and social members as per the credit terms and condi- says Juana, 53, an unemployed care assistant, and kitchen supplies donated by charities. “We same month last year in the 27-country networking websites. For the purpose of the tions. smoking wearily on her doorstep. had to come here because we had no other European Union to 1.042 million units, campaign, Warba Bank will also have a special On the edge of a green field where horses choice,” says Toni, who used to work as a farm the lowest level since May 1993 when presence at both the Avenues and 360 Mall, graze, Juana and her neighbors found this mini laborer in the region’s rich olive groves. “I don’t sales dropped below 1 million, according with Warba employees on hand to respond to estate of more than 70 elegantly painted three- mind sleeping on a park bench, but I don’t want to new figures released by ACEA. For the enquiries related to the bank’s services and bedroom houses, empty and partly plundered. that for my children. I at least want them to have first five months of the year, sales products. dropped 6.8 percent to 5.07 million. Commenting on the campaign, Adnan She says about 70 families have moved into the a roof over them.” The results come after April offered a Salman Al Salem, Chief Retail Banking Officer estate in the past three weeks, into houses that Brought on by a building boom going bust, brief respite, with a slight increase in of Warba Bank, said: “The campaign, which are all but finished but lack water and electricity. the crisis has made many homeless while also, sales due to an extra two work days will run for two months, is in line with Warba’s “I’m hoping something will budge and they’ll ironically, leaving countless near-finished prop- compared with a year earlier, not a commitment to develop and offer competi- give us light and water and an affordable rent,” erties ripe for squatting. There are at least change in consumer heart. IHS tive products and services that fulfill the she said, red-faced and sweating in the 40- 700,000 empty homes in Andalucia, according Automotive analyst Carlos da Silva financial requirements of our customers, degree heat. “That’s all we’re asking for. We’re to the regional government. “We were paying nonetheless sees the situation in Europe while providing them with higher levels of humans, not dogs.” 225 euros a month, which is the cheapest rent stabilizing. “After five months, the situa- flexibility and added value, and keeping cus- Some of the houses have missing doors and you can find. But since I’m not earning and nei- tion remains tense,” da Silva said. “Yet, for tomers familiar with the competitive services toilets, but all at least have a roof to shield their ther is my partner, they were going to throw us the second month in a row the rate of and products offered by Warba Bank.” occupants from the beating sun of early sum- out” of our previous home, says Toni. “We saw decline is slowing down. This means that The Campaign includes the ‘Qardh Hasan’ mer. Like countless projects across Spain, the all the doors open here and realized there was sales are stabilizing trend-wise.” product which is free of profits or administra- site was abandoned by property developers no one in the houses. These houses were just The economy of the 17 European tive expenses, and is available to Kuwaiti when the bank loans dried up in the 2008 finan- going to fall to pieces,” she says. “So we moved Union countries that use the euro shrank nationals and GCC residents working in both the public and private sectors, who transfer cial crisis. Local authorities have remained silent in.” by 0.2 percent in the first quarter of this Adnan Al Salem on the status of the site. Unlike many of Spain’s Her neighbor Jose Manuel Rodriguez, 34, year - the sixth such decline in a row - their salaries to Warba Bank. The Qardh Hasan so-called “ghost towns”, life has returned to this stands frowning in the bare hallway of the and unemployment is at 12.2 percent. finance is provided through pre-paid cards one, in the form of local families ruined by the house he has occupied with his partner and his Meanwhile, the wider 27-country EU has issued free of charge for the first year. This Throughout the promotional period, crisis. 11-year-old daughter. He used to work in the also seen its economy slide into reces- product also enables the customer to open, Safwa and Lamar cardholders can avail access In a farming region where unemployment is strawberry fields that cover much of the sur- sion, shrinking 0.1 percent in the first at no additional fee, an investment saving to more than 70 VIP lounges at prestigious account for salary transfer purposes. destinations worldwide. They will be able to nearly 37 percent-high above Spain’s huge over- rounding Huelva area, but work has dried up. three months of 2013. Europe’s recession The campaign also covers the bank’s per- enjoy comfort and luxury in addition to a “We entered here without causing any damage, has hit carmakers especially hard, as con- all rate of 27 percent-these empty lodgings have sonal finance products known for their flexi- group of unique services provided by such sumers put off purchases of high-ticket drawn the poorest of Spain’s poor. Andalucia’s quite the opposite,” he says. “We called the bility and speedy processing. Warba Bank’s lounges to travelers. Warba Bank is the first price items like cars under rising unem- left-wing regional government in April passed a police and the town hall, telling them that we “Murabaha” finance is the optimal Sharia and only Kuwaiti bank to provide these pre- ployment. Automakers have announced measure to temporarily block evictions from are here. We said all we want is to negotiate a compliant product which meets the needs of mium services via Safwa and Lamar ATM factory closures and put off new car homes belonging to banks or real estate firms dignified solution, a home-either in this house customers at monthly installments through- cardholders. To avail such privileges, cus- launches in a bid for survival and to and allow poor families to stay in them for a or another,” he adds. “Let the town hall or the out tenures of up to 15 years, depending on tomers need simply to show their Safwa or modest rent. The measure also imposes fines regional government, or whoever this place return their struggling European opera- the type of Murabaha. Warba Bank provides a Lamar cards at the included lounge recep- between 1,000 and 9,000 euros ($1,300 and belongs to, get a move on and find a solution to tions to profitability.—AP range of modern consumer and housing tions. Customers can learn more about $12,000) on banks and real estate firms that this social problem.”— AFP finance services at competitive rates, while in ‘E’tamid Warba’ campaign by visiting any of the meantime enhancing the quality of the the bank’s branches or by contacting the services extended to customers. Customer Service Center at 1825555. EXCHANGE RATES

Chinese Yuan 0.0452909 0.0502909 Thai Baht 9.241 Omani Riyal 737.02 748.000 Eritrea-Nakfa 0.0163867 0.0194867 Commercial Bank of Kuwait Malaysian ringgit 94.271 Qatari Riyal 78.26 79.500 Guinea Franc 0.0000440 0.0000500 Irani Riyal 0.271 Saudi Riyal 75.70 76.000 Hg Kong Dollar 0.0340195 0.0371195 Irani Riyal 0.273 US Dollar/KD .2770000 .2880000 Indian Rupee 0.0048687 0.0049337 GB Pound/KD .4310000 .4470000 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Indonesian Rupiah 0.0000238 0.0000289 GCC COUNTRIES Jamaican Dollars 0.0028329 0.0038329 Euro .3680000 .3760000 Saudi Riyal 75.764 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Japanese Yen 0.0029338 0.0031138 Swiss francs .3020000 .3170000 Qatari Riyal 78.065 US Dollar 283.750 Kenyan Shilling 0.0032678 0.0034978 Canadian Dollar .2780000 .2920000 Omani Riyal 737.950 Canadian Dollar 280.895 Malaysian Ringgit 0.0863871 0.0933871 Australian DLR .2940000 .3020000 Bahraini Dinar 754.620 Sterling Pound 445.920 Nepalese Rupee 0.0029300 0.0031300 Indian rupees .0040000 .0069000 UAE Dirham 77.374 Sri Lanka Rupee .0020000 .0035000 Euro 380.130 Pakistan Rupee 0.0028520 0.0028920 Swiss Frank 300.705 Philippine Peso 0.0061723 0.0066423 UAE dirhams .0771240 .0778990 ARAB COUNTRIES Bahrain Dinar 751.230 Sierra Leone 0.0000725 0.0000755 Bahraini dinars .7513970 .7589480 Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.450 UAE Dirhams 77.230 Singapore Dollar 0.2230032 0.2290032 Jordanian dinar .3930000 .4110000 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 39.934 Qatari Riyals 77.885 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.0021664 0.0022084 Saudi riyals .0720000 .0770000 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.325 Saudi Riyals 75.630 Thai Baht 0.0089038 0.0095038 Omani riyals .7366120 .7440150 Tunisian Dinar 176.180 Jordanian Dinar 399.990 Egyptian pounds .0370000 .0440000 Jordanian Dinar 401.210 Egyptian Pound 39.942 Arab Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.906 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.223 Bahraini Dinar 0.7463592 0.7548592 CUSTOMER TRANSFER RATES Syrian Lier 3.087 Indian Rupees 4.857 Egyptian Pound 0.0379239 0.0399539 Morocco Dirham 34.634 US Dollar/KD .2841000 .2862000 Pakistani Rupees 2.877 Ethiopeanbirr 0.0127229 0.0192229 GB Pound/KD .4338920 .4370990 Bangladesh Taka 3.643 Ghanaian Cedi 0.1442921 0.1460821 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Euro .3707360 .3734770 Philippines Pesso 6.561 Iranian Riyal 0.0000789 0.0000794 US Dollar Transfer 284.000 Swiss francs .3043390 .3065880 Cyprus pound 696.050 Iraqi Dinar 0.0001724 0.0002324 Euro 381.270 Canadian dollars .2795430 .2816100 Japanese Yen 4.000 Jordanian Dinar 0.3947072 0.4022072 Sterling Pound 446.590 Danish Kroner .0497330 .0501010 Thai Bhat 9.785 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Canadian dollar 279.250 Swedish Kroner .0443660 .0446940 Syrian Pound 4.055 Lebanese Pound 0.0001740 0.0001940 Turkish lira 151.710 Australian dlr .2963730 .2985640 Nepalese Rupees 3.325 Moroccan Dirhams 0.0223261 0.0463261 Swiss Franc 308.190 dlr .0365940 .0368650 Malaysian Ringgit 95.150 Nigerian Naira 0.0012034 0.0018384 Australian Dollar 270.080 Singapore dlr .2291130 .2308060 Omani Riyal 0.7261310 0.7371310 US Dollar Buying 282.800 Japanese yen .0029600 .0028810 Bahrain Exchange Company Qatar Riyal 0.0772976 0.0780806 Indian Rs/KD .0000000 .0052870 Saudi Riyal 0.0751467 0.0757867 GOLD Sri Lanka rupee .0000000 .0022880 Sudanese Pounds 0.0461426 0.0466926 20 Gram 261.000 CURRENCY BUY SELL Pakistan rupee .0000000 .0029190 Syrian Pound 0.0027430 0.0029630 10 Gram 131.500 Europe Bangladesh taka .0000000 .0036810 Tunisian Dinar 0.1740625 0.1800625 5 Gram 68.25 British Pound 0.4385459 0.4475459 UAE dirhams .0773800 .0779520 Czech Korune 0.0067169 0.0187169 UAE Dirhams 0.0758409 0.0772909 Bahraini dinars .7538810 .7594530 Danish Krone 0.0467706 0.0517706 Yemeni Riyal 0.0012801 0.0013801 Jordanian dinar .0000000 .4048090 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Euro 0.3737158 0.3812154 Saudi Riyal/KD .0757800 .0763400 Norwegian Krone 0.0457018 0.0509018 Al Mulla Exchange Omani riyals .7382100 .7436660 COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Scottish Pound 0.4341150 0.4416150 Philippine Peso .0000000 .0069870 Australian Dollar 272.47 274.000 Swedish Krona 0.0400591 0.0450591 Canadian Dollar 282.22 282.000 Swiss Franc 0.3034377 0.3104377 Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Swiss Franc 312.82 312.000 US Dollar 283.500 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Euro 383.02 380.000 Australasia Euro 380.350 US Dollar 283.40 284.500 Australian Dollar 0.2621097 0.2741097 Pound Sterling 447.300 Sterling Pound 446.36 448.500 New Zealand Dollar 0.2207648 0.2307648 Canadian Dollar 281.250 ASIAN COUNTRIES Japanese Yen 3.04 3.300 Shilling 0.0001113 0.0001113 Japanese Yen 3.850 Japanese Yen 2.985 Bangladesh Taka 3.655 3.670 Indian Rupee 4.917 Indian Rupees 4.856 Indian Rupee 4.838 5.050 America Egyptian Pound 39.955 Pakistani Rupees 2.874 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.206 2.550 Canadian Dollar 0.2723886 0.2813886 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.200 Srilankan Rupees 2.205 Nepali Rupee 3.026 3.250 Colombian Peso 0.0001443 0.0001623 Bangladesh Taka 3.642 Nepali Rupees 3.075 Pakistani Rupee 2.877 2.900 US Dollars 0.2816500 0.2838000 Philippines Peso 6.615 Singapore Dollar 226.110 UAE Dirhams 77.23 78.000 Pakistan Rupee 2.878 Hongkong Dollar 36.604 Bahraini Dinar 754.29 753.000 Asia Bahraini Dinar 755.000 Bangladesh Taka 3.641 Egyptian Pound 39.91 38.800 Bangladesh Taka 0.0035991 0.0036541 UAE Dirham 77.250 Philippine Peso 6.566 Jordanian Dinar 403.34 410.000 Cape Vrde Escudo 0.0031476 0.0033776 Saudi Riyal 75.750 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 BUSINESS

NBK Group, VIVA ink multi-currency financing agreement

KUWAIT: (From right) Photo shows Abdulsalam Al Saleh, Boubyan Bank Deputy CEO, Pradeep Handa, NBK General Manager, Foreign Corporate, Oil and Trade Finance Group, Adel Al-Majed, Boubyan Bank Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Salman Al Badran, VIVA Chief Executive Officer, Abdulaziz Al Qatie, VIVA CFO, and Pan En, Huawei Vice President for the Middle East. KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait customary innovation, energy, and and the growth that Boubyan has and credibility in the market place.” includes branches, subsidiaries and rep- Group (NBK Group) and Kuwait enthusiasm to deliver the very best achieved, whether on the level of prod- Handa added: “We hope this financing resentative offices in China, Geneva, Telecommunication Co (VIVA) have yes- telecommunication services in Kuwait.” ucts or services provided to retail or cor- agreement will set the foundation of a London, Paris, New York, and Singapore terday signed a multi-currency financ- On his part, Al-Majed said: “Signing a porate customers, noting that the long-term collaboration with VIVA. We alongside its regional presence in ing agreement of $270 million to financing agreement of this value Bank’s 2010-2014 strategy aims at sup- are confident that VIVA will grow suc- Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar, finance VIVA’s plans to upgrade its net- reflects the ability and commitment of porting and financing small and medi- cessfully and strengthen its position in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, and the UAE. work and expand in Kuwait. The financ- Kuwaiti banks to shoulder their respon- um-size companies with high creditwor- the Kuwaiti market.” VIVA is the fastest-growing telecom ing includes a $70 million Murabaha sibilities in financing the projects of thiness and ambitious plans. NBK was founded in 1952 as the first operator in Kuwait. Launched in Facility from Boubyan Bank, a member leading companies which have clear Handa said: “This financing agree- indigenous bank and the first joint stock December 2008, VIVA makes things of NBK Group. The tenor of the financ- strategy and strong operational activity. ment reflects NBK’s commitment as a company in Kuwait and the Gulf Region. Possible for its customers by transform- ing is five years. Salman Al Badran, VIVA The current stage requires cooperation trustworthy partner that can be relied NBK is the largest financial institution in ing communication, information and Chief Executive Officer, Adel Al-Majed, entertainment experiences. The compa- Boubyan Bank Vice Chairman and Chief ny has rapidly established an unrivalled Executive Officer and Pradeep Handa, position in the market through its cus- NBK General Manager, Foreign tomer centric approach. Corporate, Oil and Trade Finance Group, VIVA’s quest is to be the mobile signed the agreement in the presence brand of choice in Kuwait by being of NBK Group, Boubyan Bank and VIVA transparent, engaging, energetic and officials. fulfilling. VIVA continues to take a con- Commenting on this strategic deal, siderable share of the market by offer- Al-Badran said: “Today marks the start of ing an innovative range of best value a new era for VIVA. This strategic part- products, services and content proposi- nership will help VIVA to further expand tions; a state of the art, nationwide net- and develop its operations by allowing work and world-class service. VIVA additional investment in its network, offers internet speeds of more than 100 services and people and most impor- Mbps, due to the implementation of tantly, diversify the funding sources for the most advanced fourth generation its operations and expansions, while (4G LTE) network in Kuwait resulting in preserving its financial strength. The superior coverage, performance and financial strength that VIVA witnesses reliability. Boubyan Bank was incorpo- today is a result of its customers’ loyalty rated in 2004 as a shareholding compa- and trust which it was able to gain over KUWAIT: Salman Al Badran, VIVA Chief Executive Officer honoring Pradeep Handa, NBK General Manager, Foreign ny with a capital of KD 100 million the years and it also reflects the trust Corporate, Oil and Trade Finance Group, on behalf of NBK Group in the presence of Adel Al-Majed, Boubyan Bank Vice through a public offering in which the and confidence the creditors and fun- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Abdulsalam Al Saleh, Boubyan Bank Deputy CEO, Abdulaziz Al Qatie, VIVA CFO, majority of Kuwaiti people participated. ders have in VIVA. and Pan En, Huawei Vice President for the Middle East. In 2009, the Bank witnessed radical I would like to extend special thanks changes represented in the entry of to each of them and to each member of among local banks in order to support on to support local and regional compa- Kuwait and has been consistently NBK as a major shareholder following the VIVA family, for their whole-hearted the expansion plans of companies in nies in their development and expan- awarded the highest credit rating of all which the Bank managed to increase its commitment and support.” “Looking to view of the government’s plans to stir sion plans. “The financing agreement banks in the region from Moody’s, market share whether on the level of the future, we will continue to follow development in Kuwait.” also affirms NBK Group’s strong reputa- Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch Ratings. finance, customers or deposits to estab- our customer-centric approach, and ful- Al-Majed added that this agreement tion and track-record in providing mega NBK also stands out in terms of its local lish itself as one of the best Islamic fill all our customers’ needs with our comes along with the developments financing, as well as its professionalism and international network, which banks in Kuwait. Indonesian president defends fuel hike plan

People stockpile subsidized fuel in anticipation of price hike

JAKARTA: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang of public anger. Protesters took to the streets cause the cost of everyday goods to go up as Yudhoyono yesterday defended his govern- again yesterday but fewer than the previous day, they will be more expensive to transport. ment’s plan to hike fuel prices for the first time when thousands demonstrated in the capital Yudhoyono had insisted on the measures since 2008, a day after police battled demonstra- Jakarta and across the country. before any fuel hike, which will come at a sensi- tors outside parliament. Thousands protesting Several hundred protested in front of the tive time as parties gear up for elections in 2014. the plan to reduce fuel subsidies fought running office of state energy firm Pertamina in Medan, Eight thousand people demonstrated across battles with police firing tear gas and water can- on Sumatra island, while small groups of Jakarta during the debate, with thousands out- non Monday, as lawmakers approved measures demonstrators set tyres alight and blocked side the national parliament hurling Molotov paving the way to lower the payouts in roads in other cities. Jakarta was quiet. cocktails, fireworks and bottles at police in riot Southeast Asia’s top economy. Meanwhile, reports started emerging that peo- gear, who fought back with tear gas and water But Yudhoyono insisted escalating public ple were stockpiling subsidized fuel in anticipa- cannon. One person received a minor injury, anger at an expected price increase of more tion of a price hike. Police in West Java and while at least 14 others were injured in protests than 30 percent would not deter his govern- Lampung provinces seized thousands of litres of across the country. ment from pushing through the sorely-needed fuel that people had allegedly been hoarding, Yudhoyono has been seeking to lower the measure. “We want to protect our macro econo- while Pertamina said sales had increased three huge subsidies for some time and last year my,” he said during a speech in Jakarta. “This is to four percent in recent days. came close. But parliament rejected the meas- Zain Kuwait launches important-it concerns us all.” Yudhoyono, who is The price of fuel is expected to increase on ure in the face of huge protests, which were expected to announce a hike in the coming days average 33 percent, with petrol jumping from bigger and more violent than this year’s. As competitive Internet after parliament voted through a revised budg- from 4,500 rupiah ($0.46) a litre to 6,500 rupiah, demand for fuel has increased, the government et, also insisted that the government was “being and diesel from 4,500 rupiah to 5,500. Following has been forced to pay increasingly bigger bills forced into hiking fuel prices to cope with rising a marathon parliamentary session on Monday, to cover the subsidies, causing the current Roaming Services rates crude oil prices”. lawmakers agreed on a revised budget that account deficit to expand. The urgency for Economists have long been calling for included a package of measures to compensate action increased this week after the rupiah, KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- ing tariffs offered on Zain’s networks in the Indonesia to reduce the subsidies, which eat up the millions of poor people likely to be hit hard- which had already lost value due to the bal- tions company in Kuwait, yesterday Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom a huge chunk of the budget and are blamed for est. Poor households will receive $15 a month looning deficit, plunged to four-year lows after announced the introduction of competitive Of Bahrain, and on Etisalat’s network in a widening current account deficit, but the gov- each for the next four months to offset the a sell-off on emerging markets that hit Internet roaming rates to customers travel- United Arab Emirates, Omantel’s in Oman, ernment has in the past backed down in the face impact of the fuel hike, which is expected to Indonesia hard.— AFP ling to the UK and GCC countries. These and Ooredoo’s in Qatar for only KD for rates allow customers to surf the Internet every 150MB. Customers can simply send a and connect with loved ones at affordable text message with “DATA ON” to 99990 to rates, while being in total control of their activate the new rates. Lebanese start-ups seeking tech boom roaming costs. Zain’s competitive new As a leading telecommunications com- roaming rates cater to various segments; pany Zain understands the importance of BEIRUT: Lebanon has long suffered down to about 30. the first being for Internet roaming services Internet services to its customers’ daily lives, with some of the slowest Internet Some of their would-be investors to customers travelling to the United particularly when travelling abroad. Thus the speeds in the world, but a new crop were sceptical, but they ended up Kingdom. This package allows them 100MB company is constantly striving to develop of online entrepreneurs believes with 430 applicants, and held mixers of mobile Internet data access for just KD 7, value-added services that meet and exceed their country is primed for a tech and events until they put together and the service can be accessed by manual- customer expectations. Zain will continue start-up boom. In the upscale Hamra eight teams they felt had potential. ly selecting Vodafone UK as the roaming to provide world-class services to reinforce district of Beirut, start-up “accelera- Among the applicants was 24-year- network upon arrival in the country. its leadership in the Kuwaiti telecom sector. tor” Seeqnce has a second-floor old Marwan Hamouche, who pitched Customers can enjoy the new rates by sim- For more information about Zain’s numer- office with a vibe and style that recall BaytBaytak (Arabic for My House is ply sending a text message with “DATA ON” ous competitive promotions, customers are 1990s Silicon Valley. The office is Your House), a real estate website to 99990. advised to visit any of Zain branches located open-plan, a main workspace ringed that connects homeowners to Additionally, roaming rates related to in over 75 locations across Kuwait, visit the by meeting rooms that are named would-be buyers and renters. Some post-paid customers travelling across the company’s website on, for and painted in bright colors. of his friends and family were less GCC, who can now access emails and surf contact its 24 hour call center at 107, or visit Ideas are scribbled in erasable mark- than thrilled at his decision to quit the Internet with Zain’s new Internet roam- the company’s social media channels. er directly onto glass table-tops or his job in film production and adver- white boards, and there’s a well- tising and join the program. stocked shelf of alcohol that bolsters Lebanon has a reputation for one employee’s claim that Seeqnce entrepreneurship, but usually within HK investigates HSBC “throws the best parties”. a few traditional sectors, like hospi- Sitting at computers in the main tality and banking. “I got a bit criti- BEIRUT: Lebanese entrepreneurs from different internet start-up com- HONG KONG: Hong Kong’s de facto banks) to ascertain whether there room are some of the participants in cized by friends who said ‘Marwan, panies work in the offices of ‘accelerator’ Seeqnce in Beirutís Hamra central bank said yesterday that its have been any inappropriate market the company’s first-ever accelerator you had a rather good position... why district. —AFP investigation into possible benchmark conducts in their benchmark rate sub- program, a six-month effort to guide did you leave?’” he said. “I decided to phone app that allows overwhelmed Berytech is a well-established rate manipulation has been extended missions,” HKMA said in a statement, a group of eight budding Internet take a path that is more risky and users to organize tasks into to-do “incubator” offering workspace and to include HSBC and a number of oth- adding that the investigation was entrepreneurs from ideas to invest- that can be more rewarding.” In lists, and helps people seed capital to start-ups, and is also er banks. ongoing. Last week the Monetary ment. “People are really getting into exchange for a 30-percent stake, arrange group activities and outings. part of an ambitious new public-pri- Hong Kong Monetary Authority Authority of Singapore (MAS) building Internet start-ups,” said divided between itself and its Bizri says the sites and apps are part vate plan to establish a tech hub (HKMA) announced in December that announced that traders from 20 Seeqnce co-founder Fadi Bizri, who investors, Seeqnce offered the eight of a tech start-up wave. “The feeling called the Beirut Digital District. is was investigating UBS about possi- banks, including HSBC, has tried to helps mentor those taking part in start-ups about $38,000 in cash and is that it’s happening, that now is the Internet speeds are climbing steadily, ble misconduct relating to its submis- inappropriately influence benchmark the program. “They enter, they work six months of office space and full- time.” With a growing number of with average connection speeds of sions for the Hong Kong Interbank rates in the Southeast Asia city-state. with us in a boot-camp military fash- time mentoring. The cohort is firms available to shape start-ups, 1.3 megabits per second, up from just Offered Rate (Hibor). “As home regulator of HSBC in Hong ion, and then they graduate and diverse. innovative loan options and improv- under 0.4 in 2007, according to track- pitch to investors,” he said. He and his At (Emedicine), users “Apart from UBS, the HKMA have Kong, the HKMA has asked HSBC to ing Internet speeds, Lebanon’s er Akamai. “It was embarrassing, now partners set up the program last can consult a range of doctors with since December 2012 followed up promptly implement remedial meas- would-be tech entrepreneurs benefit it’s bad but it’s not embarrassing,” year, planning to solicit 300 individ- medical questions and view their from an increasingly favorable envi- Bizri says. “It’s no longer an excuse to with a number of banks including ures and actions as required by the ual applications and whittle them answers to other queries. Kactus is a HSBC (both local and international MAS,” HKMA said. — Reuters ronment. say ‘I can’t do a start-up.’”—AFP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 BUSINESS Experts predict equity market crash Spendthrift elite signals equity slide

LONDON: Record prices at art auctions in recent measures such as investment polls and options kets, especially in art, automobiles and residen- second departure to its 19-day tour of Experts like Burnham, HSBC’s head of weeks and oversubscribed holidays by private but also at social media, including Twitter and tial real estate,” Peter Atwater, president and Africa by private jet after the first sold out. technical analysis Murray Gunn and others jet are among signals that a stock market slump Facebook, and even at developments in art and chief executive of Financial Insyghts, a firm Behavioral analysts term the 140 per- have been influenced by socionomics, is approaching, if followers of behavioral finance sport. The theory goes that people make bad based in Mendenhall, Pennsylvania, that advises cent rise in major indexes since 2009 the which has gained ground since the 2000 are to be believed. They insist social mood gov- decisions at moments of extreme fear or opti- on how social mood affects decision making, “rich man’s rally”, and say the behavior of dot-com bust, though some seeing it erns human action, including investment on mism and that studying their behavior could said. Atwater cited an Aston Martin car fetching the uber-rich reflects peak-of-the-market another tool rather than the only one. stock markets, and their theories are gaining provide clues to where equities are headed. Now a record $4.85 million at auction in May, a New sentiment. Their views are in sharp contrast “Prechter’s theory is complementary to ground as tools for financial analysis. may be just such a moment. York sale of Christie’s Post-War and with many traditional analysts, who bet an technical analysis. We incorporate it into To gauge the mood and the likely impact on “Markets either have topped or will soon top, Contemporary Art setting 37 records last month, improving global economic outlook, along our analysis by identifying mood trends,” markets, behavioral analysts look at traditional based on the behaviors I see outside of the mar- and holiday firm Abercrombie & Kent adding a with better company fundamentals, will Gunn said. take indexes to new highs in coming Others base their strategies on these months despite recent “healthy” correc- ideas. Richard Peterson, managing partner tions. One non-traditional expert who of behavioural economics consultancy accurately predicted 2007’s stocks bust and MarketPsych, said he ran his fund on his the recovery in 2009 is Robert Prechter, model for two years during the financial whose Socionomic Theory of Finance sug- crisis and beat the S&P 500 by 24 percent. A gests social mood causes economic and fund at Derwent Capital, launched by Paul political events instead of the other way Hawtin in 2011, used only Twitter to take round. “Two dozen stock market sentiment investment decisions and returned 1.9 per- indicators show record or near-record opti- cent in its first month as global equity mar- mism, suggesting the stock market is a lot kets sank, but was then forced to close hav- closer to a top than a bottom,” said ing failed to raise enough capital. Prechter, founder of the US-based Hawtin, who now uses Twitter analysis Socionomics Institute. as his principal investment strategy to To measure mood, Prechter looks at manage private accounts at his new com- investor polls, buying in stock option con- pany Cayman Atlantic, said his systems tracts and polls of feelings of well-being. were flagging up an increasing chance of a “In the past century at least, optimism this bubble in the market. Several top global extreme has occurred only twice before, in banks have been less keen to take up the 2000 and 2007,” said Prechter, whose theo- trend, saying it was hard to lay down strict ries have influenced many others. The S&P rules on behavioral finance and results 500 index slid 50 percent in two years from were subject to wide interpretations. Some August 2000 after the dot-com bubble quantitative analysts reject the idea mar- burst and sank 55 percent in 17 months kets are either driven purely by mood or from late 2007 as the financial crisis took purely by traditional factors, seeing the two hold. It surged 33 percent in a year to hit a in a symbiotic relationship. record high last month. “I find the term ‘socionomics’ a bit pompous. However, I subscribe to the idea CLOSE TO A TURN that social moods may govern events,” said Terry Burnham, author of “Mean Markets Julien Turc, Societe Generale’s head of and Lizard Brains” and associate professor cross-asset quantitative strategy. “I believe of finance at Chapman University in both things are the product of each other.” Orange, California, is a recent convert. He Behavioural finance analysts said although initially held the traditional notion that socionomics will continue to gain in popu- economic fundamentals led market moves. larity, its counter-intuitive nature chal- “Twenty five years later, I have come to the lenges the way most investors think. opposite view. Prices move first and funda- “While I expect that it will be a while mentals adjust later. My sense is that we are before investors intuitively think “socio- pretty close to a turn in equity markets and nomically”, those who do will be at a strong people will be given no gentle opportunity advantage to those who just follow the to sell stocks,” he said. herd,” Atwater said. — Reuters

MADRID: People queue up outside an unemployment registry office in Madrid.— AP Dollar, shares subdued; US Fed keeps markets on edge

LONDON: Global markets mostly stuck to that calmer conditions in the euro zone tight ranges yesterday, with uncertainty meant monetary policy had regained its about the future of the US monetary stimu- “steering capacity” again. Speaking in lus program keeping investors on edge as Israel, he also said the bank remained ready the Federal Reserve prepared to meet. The to cut rates again if needed and kept the US central bank kicks off a two-day meet- door open to the idea of charging on ing later in the day and markets are on alert deposits parked with it by banks. for guidance on when and how quickly it will look to wind down its bond buying DAY AT THE ZEW program. After a calmer session for Asian In the debt markets, German Bund markets, European shares recovered from futures dipped in line with US Treasuries on an early dip to stand almost unchanged on the expectations the Fed may signal it is the day by late morning, while US futures moving closer to trimming its bond pur- pointed to a low-key start for Wall Street. chases. Germany’s ZEW business sentiment The pickup in European shares was aid- survey, as expected, showed an uptick in ed by a rise in investor sentiment in the mood in Germany, though its impact Germany, suggesting Europe’s largest was limited coming a day after the economy is on the slow road to recovery, Bundesbank said it expected a summer but it was only a brief distraction ahead of slowdown. the Fed. The meeting has taken on greater Also underscoring the wider regional significance since its Chairman Ben malaise, figures showed car sales in Europe Bernanke said in May the Fed could scale plunged to the lowest level in two decades down its stimulus if the US economy gains last month. “The ZEW index has moved momentum, comments which have more or less sideways since spring. brought this year’s market rally to a shud- Analysts still expect that the economy will dering halt. recover. But I don’t see a real breakthrough “I don’t think we will get any great for broadly-based optimism,” said Ralph retreat from the expectation that tapering Solveen at Commerzbank. (slowing of bond purchases) is really quite The nervousness ahead of the Fed meet- imminent,” said Nick Beecroft senior market ing restricted growth-linked metals like analyst at Saxo Bank. “I think the Fed is copper as well as safe-haven and inflation- secretly sitting with its fingers crossed, linked assets such as gold to minor moves. hoping that the froth continues to be Brent crude was also barely changed skimmed off asset markets. I don’t think around $105, holding near a 10-week high, they will be bothered at all if the S&P500 or as fears that the tensions in Syria could other risk markets fall 5 or 10 percent, as spark conflict in more oil-rich parts of the long as it didn’t happen in a (single) day.” region provided a prop for the otherwise Fed-focused market. ‘STEERING’ ECB “The market has certainly built in a risk The dollar was firmer against the yen, premium (from Syria) into prices, and this hovering above a two-month low against should keep it supported despite funda- Japanese currency, although it was slightly mentals suggesting that there is more than down against other majors including the enough oil out there to buffer a disruption,” euro. Markets focused on comments from said Carl Larry of Oil Outlooks and European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi Opinions.— Reuters BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 New Mercedes-Benz GL 63 AMG launched The Fast and the Luxurious: Mightiest 7-seater SUV on the road

KUWAIT: One of the world’s most power- Power is transmitted to all four perma- ful SUV’s, the 7-seater Mercedes-Benz GL, nently driven wheels by the AMG SPEED- has now emerged transformed from SHIFT PLUS 7G-TRONIC. Featuring three Affalterbach as the mighty GL 63 AMG - an modes and an automatic double- ultimate on and off-road conqueror for declutching function for downshifting, Kuwait. The new GL 63 AMG, launched by this seven-speed automatic transmission A R Albisher and Z Alkazemi Co - the offers a fascinatingly broad scope of vari- exclusive distributor for Mercedes-Benz in ability. In “Controlled Efficiency” (c) mode Kuwait - brings a unique 7-seater SUV that the ECO start/stop function is active, shut- combines blistering speed with com- ting down the eight-cylinder engine as pelling technologies, pure ride comfort, soon as the vehicle comes to a standstill. and striking, unmistakable design with an “C” also stands for a gentle accelerator extensive range of standard equipment. and transmission characteristic with early As one of the globe’s most powerful gear changes; start-up generally takes SUVs, the GL 63 AMG blasts from 0 to 100 place in second gear here. In the Sport (S) km/h in just 4.9 seconds, hitting a top and Manual (M) driving programs the ECO speed of 250 km/h (electronically limited). start/stop function is inactive and the The heavy hitter’s effortless superiority engine-transmission combination displays comes courtesy of the AMG 5.5-litre V8 far greater agility with more spontaneous biturbo engine, harnessing the power of responses. A brief and exactly defined 557 stampeding stallions with a maximum retardation of ignition and injection dur- torque of 760 Nm. The AMG RIDE CON- ing upshifting at full load additionally pro- TROL sports suspension with ACTIVE vides for shorter shift times and an CURVE SYSTEM roll stabilization provides acoustic experience. high-level driving dynamics and comfort synonymous with the three pointed star. ENHANCED DRIVING DYNAMICS “The GL 63 AMG is the king of SUV’s - Mercedes-AMG deploys a specially transforming an already powerful SUV into designed transfer case for the 4MATIC per- feature double topstitching in a contrast- an AMG gives birth to a car that naturally manent all-wheel drive, which distributes ing color and AMG badges on the front demands respect on the road. It is also a the drive power to the front and rear axle seat backrests and outer rear seat back- revolutionary car since it is one of the only at a ratio of 40:60 in the interests of rests. The dashboard, armrests and door 7-seaters that can combine space, comfort dynamic handling. As if that were not paneling come in ARTICO man-made and luxury with rocket-like power,” says enough, the AMG RIDE CONTROL sports leather with double topstitching. As part Michael Ruehle, General Manager, Abdul suspension with AIRMATIC package - con- of the optional designo Exclusive package, Rahman Albisher & Zaid Alkazemi Co. “This sisting of air suspension, special damper these components can be covered in is an SUV that is extremely safe and family struts, automatic level control and high-quality designo leather. friendly, and yet it has enough outrageous Adaptive Damping System (ADS) - is com- installed under it creates a sense of width muscle to show its mischievous side.” bined with the ACTIVE CURVE SYSTEM for The AMG Performance 4-spoke and coordinates optimally with the bor- Designo wood steering wheel with perfo- Ruehle, added: “The GL 63 AMG is not active roll stabilization. This system, which ders of the LED daytime running lamps in tem provides for the shortest possible rated leather in the grip area, flattened an intimidating ride, it is a thrilling ride, comes as standard and is specific to AMG, the side air openings. braking distances and high fade resistance bottom section on the steering wheel rim especially if the driver is a lover of chal- employs active anti-roll bars on the front The AMG front apron elegantly merges with ventilated and perforated brake and aluminum shift paddles ensures opti- lenging off-roadadventures. It is certainly and rear axles to reduce the body’s roll into the exclusive wheel-arch flaring. In discs, with 21-inch AMG light-alloy wheels mal vehicle control. Four round instru- unlike anything else available in Kuwait, or angle during cornering. order to accommodate the large 21-inch and red painted brake calipers on the all- ments on the AMG instrument cluster pro- the world. Mercedes-Benz and AMG have Apart from enhanced agility and driv- AMG light-alloy wheels with the wide- round. vide the driver with information. The cen- produced the ultimate SUV on the road ing pleasure, the ACTIVE CURVE SYSTEM base 295 tyres, the flaring widens the vehi- tral color TFT monitor incorporates the today.” has the additional effect of increasing han- cle by 22 millimeters on each side. From PERFORMANCE-ORIENTED DESIGN The new GL 63 AMG: Luxury and refine- dling stability and therefore safety, partic- the side, observers will notice the V8 AMG welcome logo and AMG main menu. ment, striking design, maximum safety ularly at higher speeds. Other features Striking, masculine, unmistakeable: BITURBO logos on the wings and illumi- The GL 63 AMG also features a Harmon and dynamism. The perfect base for char- available on the new GL 63 AMG is the these attributes describe the design of nated running boards with an aluminum Kardon Logic 7 Surround-soundsystem, acteristic AMG performance and a superi- Driving Assistance package Plus, including the GL 63 AMG. Mercedes-AMG has finish. The rear wheel-arch flaring blends COMAND Online with 6-disc DVD changer, or driving experience comes in the form of Active Lane Keeping Assist, Active Blind enhanced the main stylistic features of into the AMG rear apron which is again and Media interface. Ambient interior cab- the AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine. A Spot Assist, automatic child seat recogni- the new GL - powerful dynamism and adorned with a striking trim insert in matt in lighting is available in three colors. look at the technical data provides some tion and Distronic Plus including PRE- sporty elegance - using specific elements silver chrome and the suggestion of black Powerfully dynamic and elegant interi- powerful arguments. Peak output of 557 SAFE-Bake. A parking package incorpo- that emphasize the top V8 model’s excep- air openings. Creating both a visual and or design, fine materials and lovingly craft- hp and maximum torque of 760 Nm rates an automatic function for entering tional performance. The typically upright acoustic highlight are the two chrome- ed details, optimum ergonomics with a results in first-class performance while and exiting parking spaces and includes a GL radiator grille with its central Mercedes plated, exposed twin tailpipes of the AMG generous amount of space accentuated by NEDC fuel consumption comes in at 12.3 360∞ camera. star is adorned with high-gloss slats sports exhaust system. a panoramic glass roof - the interior of the liters per 100 kilometers. AMG speed-sensitive sports steering, painted in black. GL 63 AMG oozes the ambience of wellbe- The AMG M 157 eight-cylinder engine AMG high-performance braking system. AMG styling elements include the front EXCLUSIVITY AND DYNAMISM ing so characteristic of Mercedes-Benz. features an innovative, high-tech power Electromechanical AMG speed-sensitive apron with its large openings that ensure Great attention to detail, excellent The seats offer seven people a generous package including spray-guided direct sports steering features variable power an effective air flow for the cooling mod- ergonomics and a generous amount of amount of space and follow the 2-3-2 sys- petrol injection, piezo injectors, biturbo assistance which responds in accordance ules. The bottom air intake takes the form space available - exclusivity and tem and 4 Zone Climate Control. As part of charging, air/water intercooling, all-alu- with the chosen suspension mode. It also of a typical AMG stylised “A” with a gap dynamism also dominate in the interior of the standard specification the third seat minum crankcase, a four-valve-per-cylin- helps to save fuel, as the steering assist under the fine black fin through which air the GL 63 AMG. All seven seats in the high- row can be operated electrically. The GL der design with variable camshaft adjust- function only requires energy when the can flow optimally to the cooling modules performance SUV are covered in high- 63 AMG is available in the A R Albisher and ment, plus alternator management and driver actually moves the steering wheel. - the perfect blend of design and high- quality leather, as is the centre armrest. Z Alkazemi Co Mercedes-AMG showroom the ECO start/stop system. The AMG high-performance braking sys- tech. The trim insert in matt silver chrome Electrically adjustable AMG sports seats in Shuwaikh now. Offshore oil industry tries remote control Norway testing ground for new method

OSLO: Oil and gas companies are moving their happens as we would need to fly fewer helicop- union, is also concerned about information being control of some offshore platforms to offices on ters,” spokesman Leif Harald Halvorsen said. missed, because control room operators onshore land to cut costs and improve efficiency, but labor Oilfields in Norway tend to be smaller than years would not be working the same hours as offshore unions say such moves reduce safety. Some oil ago after companies depleted the biggest fields, workers. At Valhall, offshore staff work two 12-hour companies already monitor platforms live from putting pressure on firms to find ways to cut costs. shifts 14 days in a row, while onshore staff work land to assist offshore crew. They can also remotely Costs off Norway are expected to increase 6 per- three eight-hour shifts on weekdays and two 12- control small unmanned platforms and subsea pro- cent per year until 2016 due to increased prices for hour shifts on weekends. duction units. Now they are starting to control equipment, material and labor, according to a 2011 Onshore operators may not immediately notice some operations of larger, manned platforms, and report by the Norwegian oil industry lobby group. things that happen on the platform because they ENNISKILLEN: Leaders of the G-8 member countries attend the second plenary work Norway, the world’s seventh-largest crude “We need simpler and simpler solutions,” said are not there, critics say. Birknes, the trade union session at the G-8 Summit at the Lough Erne golf resort in Enniskillen, Northern exporter, is serving as their testing ground. Ivar Aasheim, Statoil’s senior vice-president for field official at BP, is also worried about the risks of los- Ireland yesterday. — AP Unions say the move endangers safety, a top development off Norway. He said Statoil also was ing communication between platform and land focus of regulators and the industry since BP’s considering whether to move some control room and of hacking attacks. Industri Energi conducted a G-8 summit turns focus to Macondo accident in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, activities onshore. “It could happen in three to four survey among members working at Valhall. Some which killed 11 people and resulted in a massive oil years’ time if we decide to go ahead with this,” he 69 percent said they felt more unsafe after BP clampdown on tax-dodging spill. “Would you board a plane without a captain?” said. He added, however, that the company was moved well control operations offshore, while 31 asked Christopher Birknes, a representative of conscious of the potential challenges and would percent felt as safe as before. None felt safer. ENNISKILLEN: Leaders from eight of the involving multiple subsidiaries in several coun- trade union Industri Energi at BP. “What happens if not implement any solution if officials thought it All said they would fell less safe were BP to world’s wealthiest countries spent the final tries to minimize the tax bills in their home there is an emergency situation and communica- would endanger safety. move all control room operations onshore. But hours of their summit yesterday focusing how nation. tion is lost between the platform and the onshore Industri Energi and another union, SAFE, have been to make sure that multinational companies One such maneuver, called the “double Irish control room?” Leading the way is BP, which has “BAD FOR SAFETY” unsuccessful in efforts to stop BP’s changes at can no longer rely on shelters and loopholes to with a Dutch sandwich” allows foreign compa- moved control of the oil and gas wells at the Valhall Norwegian trade unions are up in arms about Valhall. The Labor Ministry last week confirmed a avoid paying the tax they owe. British Prime nies to send profits through one Irish compa- field in the North Sea to its head office in Stavanger BP’s changes at Valhall, which they see as a test decision by Ptil, the oil safety regulator, to approve Minister David Cameron, host of the two-day ny, then to a Dutch company and finally to a some 350 km away (217 miles). case for the rest of the oil industry. One criticism is BP’s onshore operations and said that “systems are G-8 summit at a remote lakeside golf resort in second nominally Irish company that is head- There is still a control room at Valhall, where that onshore operators are not on the platform, sufficiently robust to ensure the offshore control Northern Ireland, promised “significant devel- quartered in a usually British tax haven. The US processing, injection activities and the monitoring making it more difficult to communicate. “To work room (at Valhall) will always be able to perform a opments on tax” in a tweet before heading said it was committed to reforming the global of safety systems takes place. If all goes well, how- in a team, you work better when you are near one controlled shutdown (of production)”. “The guiding into a morning discussion on the subject with accounting rules and collecting more of US ever, BP says it may move control of injection and another. If you are unsure, you can sit down and principle to approve BP’s solution was that they the leaders of the United States, Germany, companies’ profits banked outside American processing activities onshore, leaving only the talk. You can’t do it in the same way with someone can ensure safe operations of the Valhall field at Russia, France, Italy, Canada and Japan. shores. monitoring of safety systems offshore. Total plans far,” said Dag Unnar Mongstad, a Statoil trade union any time. The authority considers that this is prop- British lawmakers have sharply criticized “The goal of cracking down on tax avoid- to control from land the platform at its Martin official. “We do not feel safe.” erly addressed,” Ptil spokesman Oeyvind Midttun Google, Starbucks and other US multinationals ance, bringing greater transparency to it, this is Linge field, which is due to start production in Mongstad, who belongs to the Industri Energi said. — Reuters operating in Britain for exploiting accounting something we’ve pursued in the United States, rules by registering their profits in neighboring and we agree with Prime Minister Cameron 2016. Statoil also is considering whether to transfer countries such as Ireland, which charges half that we can work together multilaterally to some control room activities onshore. the rate of corporate tax, or paying no tax at all promote approaches that achieve those objec- Safety has been a focus in the North Sea in Weight of bad loans held by employing offshore shell companies. But tives,” said Ben Rhodes, President Barack recent years. In 2012, a gas leak at Total’s Elgin field Britain itself stands accused of being one of Obama’s deputy national security adviser. in the British section of the North Sea took weeks by Spanish banks grows the world’s premier links in the tax-avoidance Campaigners for more transparent corporate to get under control. Production was shut for 11 months. In Norway, oil safety regulator Ptil told BP chain. tax regimes appealed to Britain and the G-8 to MADRID: The weight of bad loans held by Spain’s banks. As a condition of the euro-zone rescue, in April it must review the way it handles risk and Several of the UK’s own island territories - ensure that reforms benefited the poorest banks grew in April, the Bank of Spain said yester- Spain set up Sareb, a “bad bank” charged with including Jersey, Guernsey and the British countries of Africa, South America and Asia, not maintenance at offshore installations following a day, a sign of the difficulties facing the bailed-out mopping up bad assets at a discount and then Virgin Islands - serve as shelters and funnel bil- just the richest western enclaves of capital. leak at the Ula platform, which could have caused a banking sector. Doubtful loans rose to 167.1 bil- attempting to sell them for a profit. lions each week through the City of London, “G-8 leaders must decide whether they major accident. the world’s second-largest financial market. “Of want to shape the transparency revolution or lion euros ($222.9 billion) or 10.87 percent of all As banks transferred toxic assets to Sareb, the loans in April from 162.3 billion euros or 10.47 level of bad loans at Spanish banks dipped-but course Britain’s got to put its own house in resist the tide of history,” said Adrian Lovett, SPECIALISTS ON HAND percent of all credits in March, the bank said. Bad the impact proved to be temporary. In December order,” said Britain’s treasury chief, Chancellor Europe executive director at development BP says the new procedure enhances the man- loans began to rise at all Spanish banks after the last year the burden of bad loans fell for the first of the Exchequer George Osborne, who was campaign group One.G-8 delegations also agement of production operations and increases collapse of a decade-long property boom in time in 17 months as four rescued banks-Bankia, invited to address the G-8 meeting on corpo- faced a final few hours of behind-the-scenes safety, with engineers at the head office on hand to 2008. The bad loan ratio reached a record high of CatalunyaCaixa, NovaCaixaGalicia and Banco de rate tax reform. haggling to see whether all eight could assist the control room operators, who are in live Before the summit, Britain announced a 11.23 percent of all credits in November 2012. Valencia-offloaded troubled assets to Sareb. But express a joint position on ending the 2-year- contact with their offshore colleagues. “In the old provisional agreement with the finance chiefs old civil war in Syria. Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Last year, the euro-zone agreed to finance a the ratio rose again in January. Once again, the days, you would have to fly out specialists. This will of nine of its offshore dependencies to who backs the government of Bashar Assad rescue of Spain’s banks, swamped in bad loans weight of bad loans fell in February following save us time and money,” BP Norway spokesman improve their sharing of information on indi- against rebel forces, refused to shift his stance since a property bubble imploded in 2008 with toxic asset transfers to Sareb by four Spanish Jan Erik Geirmo said. Total said land-based control viduals and companies banking cash there. during Monday night’s working dinner on the broad and devastating economic consequences. banks-Liberbank, Caja3, BancoMareNostrum and of its Martin Linge field would mean fewer people Many of the world’s leading companies, rang- issue. The other seven leaders, including US Spain has so far withdrawn 41.3 billion euros from CEISS-before resuming its upward climb in offshore to evacuate in case of an emergency. ing from Apple to the management company President Barack Obama, have shown varying the euro-zone rescue loan to recapitalize its March. —AFP of U2, employ complex corporate structures degrees of support for the rebels. —AP “We could evacuate them quicker if something BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Elderflowers make Romania’s rural economy blossom

SASCHIZ: As elder trees add to the beauty of Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan. “We’ve got elderflowers as there are no other cash crops so ear- Under the communist regime when soft drinks Romania’s landscapes, their white flowers help its a five-year rolling contract which allows us to devel- ly in the season. were not available in shops, “‘socata’ was a wonderful rural economy grow when they are turned into cor- op our business” in Saschiz, Turnbull said. Set up in beverage for us, children,” said Carla Szabo, one of dials exported to Britain and Japan. Every year 2010, his company has five full-time employees and ‘OLD TRADITION IN ROMANIA’ Romania’s most famous jewelry designers. Even after Romanians anxiously await the blossom season in has become the second-largest private employer in In the neighboring village of Bunesti, Sorin the fall of communism in 1989, Romanians did not May and June to pick the delicately scented flowers this village of 2,000. Neculaie has also gone into making elderflower abandon their ‘socata’, although the local market has and concoct a traditional soft drink called “socata”. Romanian, American and Australian businessmen syrup. After working in Finland in electronics and the been flooded by Western brands of beverages. In The refreshing beverage has also inspired US giant invested 350,000 euros ($467,700) in TFC. Their aim food industry, Neculae felt the need to go back to the 2002, Coca-Cola released the Fanta Shokata, “after Coca-Cola to launch an elderflower-based drink, was to help the region develop by stimulating tradi- landscapes and the rural life he used to know as a having studied the traditional recipe of the Romanian Fanta Shokata. tional agriculture through a “middle-sized project”. child. Thanks to the 100-percent natural currant and ‘socata’,” the company told AFP. The drink is sold in In Transylvania, a picturesque region praised by Around 1,300 seasonal workers pick elderflowers elderflower syrup he makes and sells to several several Balkan countries. Britain’s Prince Charles for its rich flora and tradition- every spring. TFC pays two lei (45 euro cents, 60 US restaurants throughout Romania he could return to And the traditional ‘socata’ has made a comeback al agriculture, hundreds of seasonal workers carry- cents) for a kilo of flowers, which is more than what his native village and start a new life. in private kitchens and public bars. Octavian, a ing wicker baskets set out early in the morning to they used to get when they sold the harvest to A bold decision in a region where many choose to Bucharest bartender, says he prepares ‘socata’ every pick elderflowers. They deliver their daily harvest to medicinal herb traders, one of the villagers said. emigrate to other EU nations in search of better paid spring and serves it to thirsty customers including a small firm producing cordials, jams and chutneys, “This revenue helps us a lot,” said Alin Barabas, jobs and brighter perspectives. The ADEPT many well-known artists. Szabo said she started mak- Transylvania Food Company (TFC), based in the vil- whose parents are among the pickers. An experi- Foundation, which helps local producers benefit from ing ‘socata’ three years ago, driven by “nostalgia over lage of Saschiz. “Last year we picked 27 tonnes of enced picker can collect up to 20 kilos per day, a low-rent workshop meeting European standards in (her) childhood”. “The comeback of ‘socata’ is also elderflowers,” manager Jim Turnbull said. bringing in 40 lei (9 euros, $12) in a country where Saschiz, made it possible for Neculae to go into busi- related to this new trend that makes people pay more As the flowers spoil rapidly, they are turned into the minimum monthly wage is just under $200. ness without having to come up with tens of thou- interest to their diet, to homemade, natural products,” juice which is exported to Great Britain. A processing Turnbull said he believes TFC offers a fair price and sands of dollars to set up his own production facility. she stressed. “People are also becoming more con- company, Bottlegreen, then turns the juice into cor- notes some “get often what might be their only “Elderflower drinks are an old tradition in Romania,” scious of the extraordinary things they can find in dials and sparkling drinks which it sells in Britain, income in a period of a few weeks” from picking Neculae said. Romania and that anyone can afford.” — AFP UK inflation rebounds more than expected Airfares lift consumer price inflation to 2.7%

LONDON: British inflation rebounded more ened and commodity prices weakened. May’s inflation would peak at just over 3 percent lat- than expected in May, data showed yesterday, 22 percent rise in airfares - the biggest jump er this year before falling back to 2 percent by primarily because of rising air fares and in con- for the time of year since records started in early 2015 - a view still broadly shared by trast to April’s seven-month low. Economists 2001 - did not change the broader picture of economists after yesterday’s data. found little significance of the rise, seeing the slowly falling inflation, economists said. Separate figures published by the ONS inflation outlook ahead as generally benign. “Looking over a two or three month horizon, yesterday also showed a relatively muted Annual consumer price inflation rose to 2.7 which I think you have to do, the inflation pic- outlook for consumer price inflation. Factory percent in May from April’s low of 2.4 percent, ture is a little better. But it is still above target gate prices - which act as a leading indicator a bigger increase than economists had fore- and still a little bit sticky,” said Ross Walker, an for some parts of CPI - rose by an annual 1.2 LULU Group and cast though still below March’s level, the Office economist at Royal Bank of Scotland. percent, a smaller increase than economists for National Statistics said. Economists had expected some rise in infla- had forecast. But Britain’s unusually cold ADNOC ink deal Market reaction was limited, and econo- tion this month as there had been a sharp fall weather this year may push up food prices, mists said they still believed inflation was on in the annual rate of inflation in May 2012. with the ONS reporting a 19.2 percent annual KUWAIT: Abu Dhabi National Oil area of 31,254 square meters where it is track to return to its 2 percent target sooner Nonetheless, the overall outlook for inflation is rise in the cost of home-grown food, and Company and Line Investment & Property considered the biggest shopping mall in than the Bank of England had expected a few more benign than it seemed a few months potatoes and fresh vegetables particularly LLC, a subsidiary of Lulu Group Gharbia comprising 32 shops as retail out- months ago because the pound has strength- ago. Last month the central bank forecast hit. — Reuters International, have signed an agreement lets divided between two floors. The mall that would make the latter assume the includes 416 car parking spaces, four Operations and Management Services restaurants, five cafes and seven fast food responsibilities of the Ruwais Shopping outlets, in addition to a number of recre- Mall in Gharbia. Line Investment & ational facilities including ice rinks, bowl- Property LLC is expected to provide maxi- ing tracks, cinema halls and services facili- mum effectiveness and deliver efficiency ties that cover an area of 13,522 square in the operation of the Mall. meters on built-up areas. An agreement to this effect was signed “Due to its distinct location, the Ruwais by Saeed Said Al Qamzi Director of Shopping Mall serves the RRC population, Administration, ADNOC and Yusuffali MA, residents of Ruwais and also commuters Managing Director of Lulu Group using the freeway that connects the UAE International at ADNOC HQ yesterday. On with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in addition, to behalf of HE Abdulla Nasser Al Suwaidi, the Nuclear Plant in Al Baraka and its sur- ADNOC Director General, Mohammed S Al rounding areas. The mall provides added Qubaisi Human Resources Director at value to the services and recreational facili- ADNOC witnessed the signing ceremony ties that it would be considered a leisure in the presence of Saifee T Rupawala CEO, outlet for all residents and workers in the Ashraf Ali M A, Executive Director of Lulu area, in addition to being an attractive des- Group International and Raja Abdulkader, tination from across the Emirate of Abu Director of Line Investments. Dhabi and rest of the UAE contributing to The Mall will serve residents of the economic and touristic prosperity,” added Ruwais Residential Complex (RRC), operat- Al Qamzi. ed by ADNOC, and the population in the Commenting on the agreement Ruwais area, where the number of inhabi- Yusuffali MA said, “We are delighted to be tants is expected to reach 20,000 by the chosen by ADNOC to manage and operate year 2015. RRC has been witnessing con- this prestigious project in Ruwais. It is in tinuous development and growth due to sync with our Group’s commitment to mega projects and developments, which expand further into the western regions of are executed by ADNOC in the Oil and Gas Abu Dhabi so that the residents there don’t Sector in Gharbia. have to travel long distance to get world The Ruwais Shopping Mall covers an class shopping and leisure activities”. BMW celebrates 2013 ‘Engine of Year Awards’

KUWAIT: BMW Group recently received ‘Class Victories’ at the 2013 Engine of the Year Awards for its BMW 2.0-litre BMW TwinPower Turbo engine and the MINI 1.6-litre TwinPower Unit. Reiterating its commitment to delivering the best to its consumers, Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive, the BMW Group importer in Kuwait, is offering these two award winning engines on select BMW and MINI vehicles. The winning BMW engine comprises a twin-scroll turbocharg- er, High Precision Direct Injection and BMW Valvetronic fully variable valve control. The 180 kW/245 hp version of the engine is used to pow- er the BMW 328i, BMW 528i and BMW X3 xDrive28i DSI, DFM launch Dedicated MINI’s 1.6-litre four cylinder TwinPower Turbo unit was yet again dominant for the third con- Investor Outreach Program secutive year and is featured in the MINI Cooper S as well as the MINI Cooper S Countryman and DUBAI: Drake & Scull International PJSC to stimulate additional interest in our MINI Cooper S Paceman where it can be com- (DSI), a regional market leader in the future prospects to maintain our capital bined with the ALL4 all-wheel-drive system. The integrated design, engineering and con- base. Since our IPO in 2008, we remained engine’s maximum output of 135 kW/184 hp Automotive. “The Kuwaiti market is one where year of 84 motoring journalists from 35 coun- struction disciplines of General focused on providing high quality, enables the MINI Cooper S to accelerate from 0- customers are truly discerning and always on tries. Since 1999, the BMW Group has racked up Contracting, Mechanical, Electrical and affordable integrated engineering servic- 100 km/h in 7.0 seconds and deliver average fuel the look out for the latest and the best that a over 60 class and overall wins in the competi- Plumbing (MEP), Water and Power, Rail es to our customers within the markets consumption in the EU test cycle of 5.8 liters per brand can offer. BMW and MINI are immensely tion. Delivering quality vehicles and best-in-class and Oil and Gas, launched yesterday its we service. “ 100 kilometers. popular in Kuwait because they are the perfect services to its customers, Ali Alghanim & Sons Investor’s outreach program in collabora- “As real estate and infrastructure “BMW Group’s success at the awards is yet blend of quality and innovative technology, Automotive is the exclusive BMW Group tion with the Dubai Financial Market development expands quickly in the another testament to the company’s leadership offering customers something truly unique to importer in Kuwait. Building on a relationship (DFM). region, DSI is poised for significant position and the quality of its brands - we are suit their every need and demand.” forged with the BMW Group in 1986, Ali The program is dedicated to promote growth in the coming years. We are extremely proud to be its partner,” said Yousef Al The winners in each category and overall are Alghanim & Sons Automotive continues to grow DSI’s successful equity story and to high- involved in many exciting projects and Qatami, General Manager, Ali Alghanim & Sons decided by an international jury, made up this from strength to strength. light the company’s latest achievements, operations in the UAE, MENA, Asia, Africa prospects and growth plans. The compa- and Europe that are driving the compa- ny’s focus week was inaugurated at the ny’s progress. Company Focus Week is an DFM trading floor. Khaldoun Tabari, CEO excellent platform for us to showcase our of DSI addressed an audience of over 60 latest achievements to a wide range of ‘Free insurance’ for Gulf brokers and investors providing details of international audience while promoting the company’s latest developments and capital markets activity in Dubai.” strategic highlights in an interactive pres- Essa Kazim, Managing Director and Bank Credit Card holders entation followed by a networking ses- CEO of DFM, said: “The Company Focus sion. DSI’s outreach program is the latest Week is a key initiative that raises aware- KUWAIT: Gulf Bank has announced that its cred- ing to get free travel cover should visit any Gulf assess vulnerability and underwrite the most in a series of Company Focus Weeks held ness of the UAE’s capital markets and the it cardholders can now get complementary trav- Bank branch with their airline tickets and associ- complex risks, Chartis enables commercial and by companies that are listed on DFM or possibilities that they offer to institutional el insurance for themselves, their spouse and ated credit card receipt as proof of purchase to personal insurance clients to manage almost any NASDAQ Dubai. The programs are facili- and individual investors, in the region and dependent children under the age of 18 when obtain their complementary insurance certifi- risk with confidence. To find out more about Gulf tated by the two exchanges, which share overseas. We are delighted to host DSI’s they purchase airline tickets using their Gulf cate. Bank’s most recent promotions, visit the Bank’s the same trading platform. On this occa- outreach program in the interests of edu- Bank credit cards. The Bank has partnered with Chartis is a world leading property-casualty bilingual website at, call sion, Tabari said: “We are pleased to cating market participants and promoting Chartis MEMSA Insurance Company to offer this and general insurance organization with more the Customer Contact Center on 1805805, or vis- launch this dedicated program in collab- dialogue between listed companies and comprehensive and worry-free travel insurance than 70 million clients around the world. Known it one of Gulf Bank’s 56 branches for assistance oration with DFM. It’s a great opportunity the public.” promotion. Gulf Bank’s credit cardholders wish- for its world-class talent with the know-how to and guidance. technology WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 ‘Soft darts’ hits bullseye with high-tech game

HONG KONG: Picture your stereotypical darts player. Middle-aged and overweight, with a gut spilling over a waistband, cultivated through years of swilling beer during tense matches. But a radical transformation is taking place and the game that was once the preserve of grown-ups in dimly lit pubs has been reborn in the 21st century, with teenagers and young adults eagerly flocking to dedicated darts bars. A new breed of dynamic young player has emerged, playing a high-tech version of the game complete with flashing lights, electronic bleeps and a computer that does all the trouble- some maths for you. Welcome to the world of soft darts, which has NEW YORK: A February 2, 2011 file photo shows Eddy Cue, Apple’s vice president of been big in Japan for some years but is now hit- Internet Services, speaks at the launching event at the Guggenheim Museum in New ting the bullseye as it sweeps across Asia, with a York. A top Apple executive downplayed the theory of an e-book price-fixing con- rapidly swelling fanbase and its own high-profile spiracy at an antitrust trial. — AFP tournaments. The most lucrative one this year is offering a prize pot of HK$5 million ($650,000). Mysterious Jobs emails One of the game’s top players, Singapore’s Paul Lim, describes the differences between the hang over Apple trial traditional game and soft darts-where the arrows’ steel tips are replaced with plastic points HONG KONG: A man is seen at Dartslive, a dart bar, in Hong Kong. Dartslive which launched in and the electronic board calculates your scores- NEW YORK: The late Steve Jobs took center other retailers to the agency model. 2003, expanded its Japan operation overseas in 2009 when it opened a venue in Hong Kong. as similar to those between snooker and pool. Since then it has spread rapidly to 14 countries worldwide. — AFP stage Monday in the latest twist in the Apple Cue said that letter was an initial proposal “If you look at snooker and pool, how many antitrust trial on ebooks. A federal court before he understood the business and real- more people play pool? It’s a lot easier. People have the opportunity to swipe their own mem- in Hong Kong in April and, after legs around the attempted to plumb the meaning of a series ized that Apple could not impose its model get a lot more enjoyment because it’s a far sim- bership card, which then records all their scores world, the final will be played in the city in of unsent emails Jobs addressed to Eddy Cue, on other retailers. pler game,” said Lim, who was the first ever darts for the various games that can be played. There December where the winner will pocket HK$1 an Apple senior vice president assigned with Apple dropped the requirement on other player to throw a perfect nine-dart finish during are even mobile phone apps that allow players million ($130,000) of a total HK$5 million prize negotiating ebook contracts with major pub- retailers going to agency as soon as it devel- a world championship in 1990. to meet in cyberspace after they have played. pot. Ngu believes that the sport is growing at lishers in late 2009 and early 2010 before the oped the MFN provision, which guaranteed it “I’ve been playing steel-tip for 38 years and Dartslive International’s Hong Kong-based such a clip that its total prize pot will eclipse that launch of the iPad. could compete with Amazon and others, Cue I’ve been involved in soft-tip for about 15 years. CEO Steve Ngu said the firm’s aim was to bring of traditional darts tournaments within just Even though the emails were never sent, said. Soft-tip is much faster and simpler. This is made the traditional game into the electronic age. three years. government prosecutors argue that they help US District Judge Denise Cote joined pros- for people not to think, just to have fun.” “Dartslive is a company combination of real Indeed many big names in the traditional establish a pattern of Apple serving as a “ring- ecutors in repeatedly questioning Cue about While soft-tip darts have been around for and virtual world. You can physically play each game are seeing there’s money to be made leader” in a conspiracy with the publishers to the draft emails by Jobs. The emails suggest decades-darts manufacturer Harrows says the other and then you can come and chat online,” through prizes and sponsorship and are travel- force the retail book industry to adopt higher Jobs was confused about how the MFN provi- electronic game was developed in the United he explained. “Our aim is to be a network plat- ling to Asia to take on Japan’s best, such as prices of ebooks. sion worked, Cue told Cote. States in 1977 — one company in particular is form. We are trying to attract people across the Takehiro Suzuki-winner of the Soft Darts World The government contends that Apple “Steve would never send an email if he blazing a trail around the world. digital world. People who watch TV and use Championship 2012 — and Mitsumasa Hoshino. forced publishers to change their pricing sys- wasn’t sure about it,” Cue said. “It looks like Dartslive, which both manufactures and dis- Facebook, people who play sports-we are trying Britain’s Colin Lloyd and Mark Webster were tem with Amazon, resulting in higher ebook he’s struggling.” After signing with Apple, the tributes soft-tip boards, is linking up all the to draw them into the platform, to group them among players from all over the world who prices across the industry and costing con- five publishers demanded to shift Amazon to machines they provide to venues worldwide together and let them have fun. gathered in Hong Kong in April for a showcase sumers hundreds of millions of dollars. the agency model. Apple maintains that it electronically, allowing players on opposite sides “It’s like a small kingdom. We keep inviting tournament eventually won by US player Scott Apple maintains that it was indifferent to had nothing to do with Amazon’s negotia- of the planet to step up to the oche and take people to come and stay,” he added. The strate- Kirchner. But for the average player, not quite Amazon’s contracts with the publishers and tions with the publishers. each other on in real time. gy, it would seem, is paying dividends with the accustomed to top-flight matches, the draw of that higher ebook prices were set by publish- Some publishers have told the court that Launched in 2003 in Japan, the company business turning over $100 million a year, soft darts is the ease of the game and its hip ers, not Apple. All of the draft emails respond- they decided to shift Amazon to agency expanded its operation overseas in 2009 when it according to Ngu, in a growing industry he esti- image, according to Eric Chu, CEO of the iDarts ed to a message from Cue outlining the because of the Apple MFN provision. opened a venue in Hong Kong. Since then it has mates to be worth $200 million worldwide. Group, which runs a dedicated soft darts bar in emerging price of Apple ebooks, which Otherwise, they would have been forced to spread rapidly to 14 countries. ‘It’s more glamourous’-Major darts manufac- Hong Kong. “The Japanese darts players are very would be $12.99 or $14.99, up from the $9.99 keep selling bestsellers at $9.99. The publish- “When we started in Hong Kong, every turers, including Harrows, Unicorn and Target, cool, like male models. They appeal to more peo- Amazon had sold for bestsellers. ing industry viewed the $9.99 price as erod- month I would say we would have about 500 have also seen the potential for profit and a wide ple than traditional darts players, it’s more glam- In most of the drafts, dated January 14, ing the value of all books. new players. It’s a cool atmosphere, almost like selection of branded soft-tip accessories are now orous,” he said. 2010, Jobs is seen picking over the impact of Cote questioned whether Apple also clubbing. People come in for a few drinks. It’s sold alongside traditional steel-tip darts. “Playing steel-tip you have to have good the emerging deal between Apple and the sought higher prices. “There’s another way to entertainment. It’s fun,” said Lim, an early propo- In an effort to further dominate the soft-tip maths, but this does it all for you. Everyone can publishers, according to testimony. read this,” Cote said. “There’s some concern at nent of the game. market, Dartslive organises the Soft Darts World play, you don’t need to calculate while you play. This included the effects of an Apple “most Apple about profitability at $9.99, even with Players each pay a small fee per game and Championship. The 2013 competition kicked off “It’s fun, it’s positioned as entertainment.” — AFP favored nation” (MFN) provision requiring the 30 percent commission.” But Cue said publishers to make available to Apple any “there’s absolutely zero chance of that” ebook offered on another retailer for the because Apple has learned to make money same price. with its commission no matter the price of a Bolstering Security The bombshell was a draft note to Cue in retail good. Apple was indifferent to book which Jobs said, “I can live with this as long as price, Cue said. they move Amazon to the agent model too Earlier in Monday’s testimony, Cue disput- for new releases for the first year.” ed that Apple’s entry made all books more is Good MPS Business “If they don’t, I’m not sure we can be com- costly. Rather, Apple made possible the sale petitive.” The Amazon note appears to be the of ebooks that publishers had delayed to DUBAI: Dan Smith, Head of Integrated last draft email in the series, said Cue. It is Amazon in a practice known as “windowing,” Marketing for the Middle East and Africa region also the only one in the series signed by Jobs. because of dissatisfaction with the pricing of Xerox’s Developing Markets Operations. US Justice Department lawyer Lawrence model. “We didn’t raise prices for books that Security is increasingly climbing to the top of Buterman depicted Jobs’s draft Amazon email weren’t available,” Cue said. list of IT priorities for businesses large and small - as part of a pattern of Apple demanding pub- But Cue, in response to questions from and with good reason. As security threats lishers to change their terms from a “whole- Buterman, acknowledged that some ebook become more sophisticated and regulatory sale” model in which retailers set price to an prices did go up. Cue admitted that the day of compliance requirements more strict, business- “agency” model in which publishers set price the iPad launch, a memoir by the late US sen- es owners are looking for simpler ways to pro- but guaranteed booksellers a 30 percent ator Edward Kennedy, “True Compass,” was tect their data. commission. not windowed and that Apple was selling the While cost is still the key driver for business The government contends this shift led to book for $14.99, while it retailed on Amazon owners considering MPS, security is quickly higher ebook prices. Buterman also pointed for $9.99. “For that book, that’s correct,” said becoming a close second. You have the opportu- to a January 4 letter from Cue to the publish- Cue, who concluded two days of testimony nity to add value and bolster your business by ers demanding that all publishers shift their Monday. — AFP raising awareness about printer and document security risks, and ultimately incorporating secu- rity expertise and products into managed print contracts. Yahoo! says it has received And let’s face it, when it comes to IT security, multifunction devices are often overlooked. thousands of US requests Malicious software and viruses are most often sented at the MFD security features, integrated operating system associated with personal computers, but the * Disk image overwrite to securely delete defenses are included because ever more WASHINGTON: Internet giant Yahoo! said in a pings, and other criminal investigations.” “Like truth is, any networked device is vulnerable. data stored in the MFD sophisticated and complex threats to networked letter to users that it has received up to 13,000 all companies, Yahoo! cannot lawfully break out Security and networking expert Mark Gibbs * An embedded fax subsystem to completely devices are only going to become more com- requests for information from US law enforce- FISA [US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] explains it best, in these article excerpts: separate the network connection and telephone mon. ment agencies in a six-month period ending request numbers at this time because those With this increased sophistication [of multi- line thus preventing unauthorized communica- Want more data to convince your customers? May 31. The letter titled “Our Commitment to numbers are classified; however, we strongly function devices (MFDs) running highly cus- tions between the two channels Let them know that more than half of office Our Users’ Privacy” was posted on the compa- urge the federal government to reconsider its tomized versions of open source operating sys- * IP address filtering to limit communications workers surveyed (54 percent) say they either ny’s Tumbler page late Monday, and was stance on this issue.” tems] comes the requirement that MFDs have to with specific networks and devices don’t always follow their company’s IT security signed by Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer and the Major Internet firms have faced a public be managed and their integrity has to be pro- * Support for secure protocols to transfer policies (33 percent) or aren’t even aware of the company’s top lawyer, Ron Bell. backlash since government contractor tected just like any other network endpoint. data to and from the MFD and for administration policies (21 percent) - leaving the security of cus- Yahoo!, along with Facebook, Microsoft and Edward Snowden leaked details of PRISM, a To defend your network against the many access over the network tomer credit card numbers, financial reports, and Apple, have come under heightened scrutiny vast program that saw nine high-tech com- potential attacks that MFDs could be subjected To ensure that the MFD can’t be manipulated human resource and tax documents at risk. This since word leaked of a vast, covert Internet sur- panies turn over user data to the US to there are a number of features that any enter- or subverted, its operating system needs to have survey data from Xerox and McAfee also showed veillance program by the US government, National Security Agency. The companies prise-worthy product should offer and which built-in integrity checking and intrusion detec- 39 percent of employees who copy, scan or print which it insists targets only foreign terror sus- have denied claims the NSA could directly you should have incorporated into your network tion. While the technologies that support this confidential information at work say they won- pects and has helped thwart attacks. Between access their servers. US authorities have said security strategy. These include: level of systemic defense are becoming common der (at least sometimes) whether the informa- December 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013 “we the program was legal and limited. Yahoo! * Fine-grained and rich user authentication in top-end server systems, their use in MFDs is tion on a networked device will remain secure. received between 12,000 and 13,000 requests, said that it will issue in the next months “our and access control services only just becoming understood as a strategic IT administrators don’t always consider print- inclusive of criminal, Foreign Intelligence first global law enforcement transparency * Extensive audit logging facilities issue in enterprise networks. ers as a threat - you have the opportunity to Surveillance Act (FISA), and other requests.” report, which will cover the first half of the * Secure printing that blocks unauthorized Every enterprise looking to invest in new help them put up even more defenses in prod- According to the letter, the most common year. We will refresh this report with current viewing or theft of output by holding jobs until a multifunction devices should be demanding ucts and policies, so they don’t have to. For more requests “concerned fraud, homicides, kidnap- statistics twice a year.” — AFP PIN or authentication device is physically pre- that along with the rest of the shopping list of information visit: Digital Identities: I Have One For Sale

DUBAI: The term digital identity is so suiting to access them almost every day. Have you thought Shopping Identity: In a world where people accounts - like the ones we create to subscribe to who we really are online. Think about the accounts about yourstock account or payroll information? Or most often turn to online shopping for great deals make that rare purchase or sign up for a new serv- we log in to on a regular basis, the activities we per- your flexible spending or savings account? As you and last minute bargains most peoplehave at least ice. form each day, and the way we communicate with can see, your financial identity extends well beyond two dozen various online shopping identities that The problem is that we are likely using the same others, today most of our lives are digital. just your bank account. they use or have used in the past. Remember these usernames, email address, and passwords that we In a research study by Harris Polls on digital iden- Personal Identity: In a digital world, the two accounts and identity is connected to one’s person- use to log in to our everyday accounts like our tities, commissioned by RSA, the most popular things most connected to our personal identities al accounts and identity. online banking account. The reality and the risk: online accounts for consumers are email, financial are our personal emails and social networking Online Gaming Identity or Entertainment Identity: most small merchants don’t have the same security and banking, and entertainment or shopping. And accounts. While we use our personal emails to sign Whether it’s watching videos online, listening to in place to protect your personal information that on average, users access these online accounts from up or register for almost everything from utility bills music or even playing the latest edition of Farmville, Amazon, Google or even a big bank does. And with two different digital devices. But what does a digi- to e-commerce or news, we use our social network- Angry Birds, and Age of Vampires among others, small merchants such a high value target for cyber- tal identity really mean? ing accounts to share our personal lives and your entertainment identity or online gaming identi- crime, just one small breach could translate into As an average consumer or online user here’s moments with friends and family. Despite the sig- ty completes your digital identity. People often skip your digital identity being compromised across what I consider to be my digital identity - and per- nificance of these accounts, most people don’t real- the importance of these identities, easily forgetting multiple sites you access every day. haps make you think a little more about yours. ize the value these simple accounts hold to a crimi- that whether it’s YouTube or a game you most often Be mindful every time you are asked to create an Financial Identity: For most people, their finan- nal or hacker, but the hackers do. For example, need to sign up using your personal email, tying online account. If it is one that will be used only cial identity is the one they treasure most for if a many online service providers notify users via email these accounts to your personal identity. once or rarely, give yourself a very unique username hacker takes over their bank account and steals the of any changes on the account so if a hacker had According to the Harris research, the average and password. And to make it better (possibly stay money in it, they’d be lost. Having said that, we access to your email, they could go in and delete adult creates about two new online accounts every safer) also make sure you change the passwords to often just attribute our financial identity to our the notifications so you wouldn’t be suspicious. year, but I think it’s many more than that. We just your major online accounts on a regular basis bank accounts or credit cards because we use or Trust me, this happens all the time! don’t realize it because many are “one-time use” (about every 90 days). WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 HEALTH & SCIENCE US program marks birth of one millionth HIV-free baby

WASHINGTON: This month somewhere in sub- nership with UNAID and UNICEF,” Goosby said. ment is just 0.3. The figures are startling. Saharan Africa the one millionth baby will be The program was working to “virtually eliminate Ethiopia-which with a population of 84.7 million born without HIV to a mother who suffers from pediatric HIV by 2015 and keep their mothers is the most populous African country after the disease, thanks in large part to a decade-old alive,” he said, with aim of reducing the number Egypt-for instance registered only 11,000 new US aid program. It is yet another remarkable of babies born with the infection to around cases of HIV in adults in 2011. Launched under step in the long fight against HIV and AIDS, as 30,000 annually. former president George W. Bush, PEPFAR was the United States and its global partners work This is “a significant flag for PEPFAR” which an initial commitment of some $15 billion over towards what they call an AIDS-free generation, works in 36 countries, he added, pointing to all five years aimed specifically to provide anti- which just a decade ago would have been the difficulties in reaching women in rural, poor retroviral drugs to HIV infected people. unimaginable. Mother-to-baby transmission has and remote areas of the world. This involves not That has risen to a budget of about $5.5 bil- SINGAPORE: People visit Merlion park blanketed in a thick haze yesterday. —AFP long been a source of concern among govern- just identifying the mother, but getting her on a lion annually, including its contribution to the ments and organizations working to control the drugs program and keeping her in treatment Global Fund-the world’s largest financing organ- Singapore, Indonesia spread of HIV. through that pregnancy and any later pregnan- ization of programs to fight AIDS, tuberculosis But more effective anti-retroviral drugs and cies-not always an easy task in rural Africa. Once and malaria. And although some 1.7 million peo- tussle over haze problem regimens are now dramatically cutting the the chances of a mother infecting her baby ple still die every year from AIDS-related illness- chances of an infected mother passing on the stood at around 30 percent, but now with the es, PEPFAR supports more than 5.1 million on SINGAPORE: Smog from forest fires on “Singapore is saying that Indonesia needs to disease to her baby during pregnancy or breast- launch of a cocktail of three anti-retroviral drugs treatment programs. Indonesia’s Sumatra Island eased in enforce the law,” Bustar Maitar, head of feeding. The millionth baby born HIV-free yester- that has dropped to only about two percent, The program estimates that worldwide more Singapore yesterday but the city-state con- Indonesia Forest Campaign at campaign day trumpeted as part of celebrations to mark Goosby said. Absent a medical breakthrough than 16 million children are living without one tinued to press its larger neighbor to solve group Greenpeace International, told AFP. the 10th anniversary of the US President’s leading to a cure, experts are working towards a or both parents who have succumbed to AIDS, the recurring problem. Singapore’s Pollutant “But in actual fact, some palm oil plantations Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, known by its so-called “tipping point” when fewer people while millions more are left vulnerable with their Standards Index fell to a “moderate” rating of in Indonesia are listed in Singapore and acronym PEPFAR. contract HIV every year than the number of peo- parents chronically ill. “With the PEPFAR program 82-88 before nightfall yesterday under an have headquarters in Singapore. A lot of The biggest fall in transmission rates from ple going onto treatments. we’ve been able to very specifically target 22 air-quality monitoring system that classifies Malaysian plantations are also based here in mom to infant has come since 2009, US Global US Secretary of State John Kerry, hosting yes- countries in sub-Saharan Africa which make up any reading above 100 as “unhealthy”. The Indonesia,” Maitar said. “In my perspective, it AIDS coordinator Eric Goosby told AFP. terday’s ceremony, was also to announce that about 85-90 percent of the pediatric burden on index had peaked at 155 on Monday night, “Somewhere round 430,000 babies are born some 13 countries, from Botswana to Zimbabwe, the planet,” said Goosby. Globally new HIV infec- Singapore’s worst outbreak of cross-border annually with HIV and this project that we’ve were close to that all important “tipping point.” tions have fallen some 19 percent in the past air pollution since 2006. Most commuters in been in really since the beginning of PEPFAR and In Ethiopia and Malawi, the ratio of new HIV decade, and AIDS-related deaths have fallen by Singapore walked in bright sunshine yester- has intensified over the last three years in part- infections to the increase of patients on treat- 26 percent since a peak in 2005. — AFP day without covering their faces despite hazy skies and the lingering smell of burnt wood. A few wore disposable masks as a preca- Hong Kong dolphin numbers tion against respiratory irritation. Vivian Balakrishnan, Singapore’s minister for envi- ronment and water resources, kept up the dwindling quickly pressure on Indonesia despite the improved situation. In a posting on his Facebook page, HONG KONG: Conservationists yesterday immediately establish more marine protection Balakrishnan said he had spoken with warned that the number of rare Chinese white areas. “What the government can do is to create Indonesian Environment Minister Balthasar dolphins in Hong Kong waters has fallen to its more capacity for the dolphins to survive in Kambuaya and “expressed our deep distress lowest level in a decade of monitoring, and Hong Kong so that may be able to compensate with the situation”. “This is the worst in seven urged the government to immediately create for the habitat loss,” he said. Fewer than 2,500 of years-and has practically become a perma- more protected areas. The number of the marine the mammals survive in the Pearl River Delta, nent fixture every year,” Balakrishnan wrote. mammals, also known as pink dolphins for their the body of water between Macau and Hong He suggested that Indonesia name the SINGAPORE: A woman wearing a face unique color, has fallen from an estimated 158 in Kong, with the majority found in Chinese waters companies responsible for the fires. “We mask uses a mobile phone as Singapore 2003 to just 78 in 2011 and 61 in 2012, the Hong and the rest in Hong Kong. Experts say dolphin need to exert commercial pressure against suffered a second day blanketed in a Kong Dolphin Conservation Society said.”They numbers have also dropped in the past few companies causing the haze,” Balakrishnan thick haze. —AFP will slowly disappear from Hong Kong if we years because of overfishing, an increase in said. On Monday, an Indonesian forestry don’t do anything now,” society chairman marine traffic and water pollution. ministry official, Hadi Daryanto, shifted is not only Indonesia. Singapore should also Samuel Hung told AFP. In April, a tour guide from Hong Kong some of the blame to Malaysia and ask its companies who invest in Indonesia to “We are very worried that the dolphin num- Dolphinwatch spotted a group of pink dolphins Singapore, saying their palm oil companies not use fire, doing the same thing to enforce bers will keep dropping and will never helping a grieving mother support the body of that had invested in Indonesia were also the law and increase environmental aware- recover.”The group blamed the dramatic decline her dead calf above the water in an attempt to responsible. “We hope the governments of ness.” Jose Raymond, executive director of in numbers on construction and land reclama- revive it. The scene, captured on video and wide- Malaysia and Singapore will tell their the independent Singapore Environment tion work for a 50-kilometre (30-mile) bridge ly shared on Facebook, raised fresh concerns investors to adopt proper measures so we Council, said Singapore and Indonesia linking Hong Kong to Zhuhai on mainland China about the dwindling population. can solve this problem together.” Regional should publicly name the plantation owners and Macau. The number of dolphins near the The mammal was the official mascot at the environmentalists said the problem must be using slash-and-burn land clearing. “The site, on the east of Hong Kong’s Lantau island, handover ceremony when the former British tackled by both Singapore and Indonesia. public can stand together in letting their fell to just four from 11 a year earlier, Hung said. colony of Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s largest voices be heard and this can have a consid- Other construction projects, including proposals in 1997, while dolphin watching is a favorite nation while tiny Singapore, just minutes erable impact on the way these landowners for a third runway at Hong Kong International tourist attraction in the city of seven million away by fast boat from Indonesian territorial conduct their commercial activities,” Airport on Lantau island, mean the dolphins “are people. Related to Indo-Pacific humpback dol- waters, is the region’s financial hub. Raymond told AFP. —AFP at a crossroads where they will face an uphill phins, they are listed as “near threatened” by HONG KONG: File picture shows a Chinese battle to continue to survive”, the group said in a the International Union for Conservation of white dolphin swimming in waters off the statement. Hung urged the government to Nature. —AFP coast of Hong Kong. —AFP China launches its first carbon trading scheme Deadly year for encephalitis feared in India BEIJING: China, the world’s largest carbon effectiveness in terms of carbon cuts needs emitter launched yesterday its first carbon to be seen,” Li said. “To me the pilot is neces- GORAKHPUR: A mosquito-borne Syndrome - spreads through con- name. Her husband, a laborer on a two-dose vaccine, said Singh, of the trading scheme aimed at reducing emis- sary homework to get the country prepared disease that preys on the young taminated water. Residents use the construction site in neighboring Encephalitis Eradication sions, an official said. A platform allowing on its capability to manage carbon.” and malnourished is sweeping fields for defecation, contaminating Bihar state, earns about 180 rupees, Movement.”Who is responsible for businesses in the southern city of Shenzhen Because of its reliance on coal and heavy across poverty-riven northern India the ground water. A vaccine has or $3, a day. He had to borrow $850 the children who died between to trade carbon emission permits among industry, China has emerged as the top pro- again this monsoon season, with long been available, but the state from a money lender to pay for his 2006 and 2010?” Singh asked. In each other held an official launch ceremony ducer of climate-changing carbon emis- officials worried it could be the government - which spent tens of son’s treatment, and had to sell his 2010 the vaccination drive suddenly and has completed several trades, a spokes- sions, ahead of the United States, though its deadliest outbreak in nearly a millions of dollars building monu- only cow. The family is like hun- stopped because funds dried up. woman for the city’s foreign affairs office per capita emissions remain far below the decade. Encephalitis has already ments to its last top politician - has dreds of others in this area. They The sanitation drive never fully who did not provide her name told AFP. US. China has no targets to reduce absolute killed at least 118 children this year, failed to muster the sustained politi- have sold their tiny fields, their cat- started. To make matters worse, in China plans to open similar schemes in sev- carbon emissions and government officials and authorities fear the death toll cal will to focus on the communities tle and their bits of family jewelry. the 23 worst-affected districts in the en areas before 2014, in what analysts say is have said they will continue to rise until could reach about 1,000, said Dr hardest hit by the illness. They have buried themselves under state, only one hospital - the Baba a step towards a nationwide carbon market. around 2030. R.N. Singh of the Encephalitis The disease killed more than loans they may never be able to Raghav Das Medical College in “This is the first step towards a national car- Beijing is aiming by 2020 for a 40 per- Eradication Movement, an Indian 1,500 children in 2005, the worst repay. They have done all this to Gorakhpur - is equipped to deal bon trading system,” Li Yan, head of environ- cent reduction from 2005 levels of carbon nonprofit. While India’s efforts recent year; Shocked by the deaths, give their children some hope of a with the hundreds of sick children. mental group Greenpeace’s climate and intensity, a measure of the amount of car- against polio and tuberculosis get Uttar Pradesh’s highest court in normal life. They fill its 108-bed encephalitis energy campaign in China, told AFP. bon produced per unit of economic output. plenty of attention, the poor farm- 2006 asked the state and federal Health experts say the govern- ward. “By the time they reach here, But analysts have said that the scheme, Under the trading schemes, companies will ers and day laborers of eastern Uttar governments to declare encephali- ment has made repeated mistakes it’s too late,” said Dr K.P. Kushwaha, which covers just 38 percent of the city’s be assigned an emissions quota and will be Pradesh state face an almost-silent tis a national health emergency. “A in the fight against encephalitis. who heads the hospital. According emissions, is unlikely to produce significant able to profit from selling excess permits to emergency, battling a disease that concrete action plan must be Most of the 7.5 million children vac- to hospital data, 5,136 children with emissions reductions. “It only covers less other firms if they emit below their quota, has killed thousands of children drawn,” it said. That year the govern- cinated between 2006 and 2010 encephalitis died in its wards than half of the city’s emissions, so the reports said. —AFP over the past eight years. ment started vaccinating children were given only a single dose of a between 2005 and 2012. —AP Many families have taken out against Japanese encephalitis. The crushing loans for treatment. The government vowed to immunize children who survive often cannot every child in the worst-affected communicate because of brain areas and to launch a massive drive damage. They stare off listlessly, to improve sanitation. For a couple unable to recognize friends they of years, the numbers dropped. In played with just months before. 2006, the disease killed 431 chil- Some are so severely disabled that dren. their impoverished parents are told But the crowded hospital wards to abandon them. Sangita Devi’s 4- of the tiny town of Gorakhpur year-old son Anup Kumar has been reflect how the immunization drive in a hospital for four months. “We has fizzled out. Last year, more than have mortgaged our house for our 700 children died. Amid the cloying son’s treatment. But there is no smells of ether and disinfectant, 7- improvement in his condition. He year-old Amit jostled his mother. cannot even stand now,” she said. His words were slurred and, every The disease is predictable and time he tried to break free of her preventable. Every year the mon- grip, he fell to the floor. She kissed soon fills the region’s parched pad- his dry and dirty cheek. “He cannot dy fields, heralding the arrival of the stand on his own any more. He can- mosquitoes that spread Japanese not speak. Cannot say whether he encephalitis from pigs to humans, wants food or water. He has no con- devastating malnourished children trol over his bladder,” said his moth- INDIA: File photo shows an Indian child in a pink shirt with a white with low immunity. Another strain er, Kunti, as she held him close. Like bandage on her face undergoes treatment for encephalitis at a hospi- BEIJING: A man takes a nap beside a lake after a morning swim yesterday. —AFP of the disease - Acute Encephalitis many poor Indians they use one tal in Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh state. —AP Japan experts mull rules on animal-human embryos

TOKYO: Japanese experts yesterday dis- mal and used for transplanting into a per- tively high levels of scientific literacy eral years ago, the only way to obtain rest of the work toward practical use cussed rules for experiments with animal- son in need. “Experts will study what pos- among the population at large. Japan stem cells was to harvest them from would be done within five years,” human embryos, as scientists seek per- sibilities this kind of research will gener- currently allows scientists to grow human embryos. This is controversial Nakauchi told AFP. Nakauchi’s team earli- mission for tests that could see human ate,” especially with regard to ethics and chimeric embryos for up to two weeks in because it requires the destruction of the er this year succeeded in getting a white organs produced inside the growing human dignity, a government official told test-tubes, but prohibits them from put- embryo, a process to which religious con- pig to produce the pancreas of a black body of an animal. Researchers want to AFP. The panel of government-appointed ting those embryos into an animal’s servatives, among others, object. pig. The gland was genetically different to introduce a human stem cell into an ani- scientists, law professors and journalists womb, the official said. Pioneering work done in 2006 by its host. “Pigs have organs that are similar mal embryo, to create a so-called met yesterday. Its recommendation will In the proposed experiment, Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University, a to human’s, in terms of both size and “chimeric embryo”, which they can be sent next month to a government researchers, led by Hiromitsu Nakauchi of Nobel Laureate in medicine last year, suc- shape. In addition, we eat them on a daily implant into an animal’s womb. committee which is expected to begin Tokyo University, want to implant a ceeded in generating stem cells from skin basis,” he said. “We have long used pigs in The hope is that this stem cell will drafting guidelines shaping the bound- chimeric embryo made from a fertilized tissue. Like embryonic stem cells, iPS cells medicine, too. So they are thought to be grow into a fully-functioning human aries of Japan’s cutting-edge embryonic pig egg and a human “induced are also capable of developing into any acceptable to human bodies,” he said, organ-a kidney or a liver, for example-as research. Unlike in the United States, Pluripotent Stem cell” (iPS) into a pig’s cell in the body, but crucially their source noting that pig insulin has been used to the animal matures. This would mean there is little public opposition to the womb, he said. Stem cells are infant cells material is readily available. “We’ll see if treat diabetics and that pigs’ cardiac when the creature is fully grown, the research, with domestic media coverage that can develop into any part of the the experiment goes well, but if we suc- valves and pancreas have been trans- organ could be harvested from the ani- overwhelmingly positive, reflecting rela- body. Until the discovery of iPS cells sev- ceed in producing a human organ, the planted successfully into humans. —AFP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 HEALTH & SCIENCE New method strips lungs of old cells in three hours

A faster and more effective method of preparing sel system to be intact. Inspection with an electron organs for transplant has been successfully tested microscope showed an intact alveolar network, with on rat and sheep lungs. The procedure, which took a no evidence of collapse or tearing at the junctions US study links few hours rather than the few weeks normally where the lungs exchange carbon dioxide and oxy- required, used detergents to strip the lungs of their gen. Further tests revealed the presence of ECM pollution to autism risk old cells, leaving the organ’s components such as collagen and microarchitecture intact and ready elastin, essential for the organ’s WASHINGTON: Pregnant women who were exposed to high levels of for use. The method, developed by function. air pollution were twice as likely to have a child with autism as women a team led by the UCL Institute of The study, funded by Great who lived in low pollution areas, a US study said yesterday. According Child Health and published in the Ormond Street Hospital Children’s to experts at Harvard University, the research is the first large national journal Biomaterials, is a further Charity, found that the method study to examine links between the prevalence of pollution and the step forward in the quest to pro- worked on sheep as well as rat development of the developmental disorder. The findings are pub- vide transplants free from the risk lungs, meaning it could be scaled lished in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. “Our findings of rejection. up to human-sized organs. The raise concerns,” said lead author Andrea Roberts, a research associate People who receive transplants lungs were also ready in three in the Harvard School of Public Health Department of Social and usually need to take immunosup- hours compared with conventional Behavioral Sciences. pressants to reduce the risk of processes that can take up to five “Depending on the pollutant, 20 percent to 60 percent of the their body rejecting the new weeks. women in our study lived in areas where risk of autism was elevated,” organ, which may still contain Dr Paolo De Coppi, UCL Institute she said. The data came from a large survey of 116,430 nurses that some of the donor’s old cells. of Child Health and lead author of began in 1989. Scientists have been testing ways the study, says: “The method For the analysis, researchers isolated 325 women who had a child Paolo Decoppi PhD of ‘washing’ organs to completely developed in our study takes us with autism and 22,000 women who had a child without the GOSH Consultant remove donor cells and thus elimi- one step closer to being able to disorder.To estimate exposure to pollutants while pregnant, they used nate the need for anti-rejection therapy. However, provide ‘lab-grown’ lungs for transplants. The lung air pollution data from the Environmental Protection Agency, and the harsh detergents and long washing periods has a particularly fragile microstructure and its adjusted for factors like income, education, and smoking during preg- used for more complex organs - deemed necessary preservation requires a mix of gentle washing with nancy. to thoroughly ‘cleanse’ their intricate infrastructure - intermittent flushing, mimicking what normally The analysis found that women who lived in locations with the have often damaged the remaining tissue, known happens during breathing. The advantage of our risk of triggering rejection. If this proves successful, highest levels of diesel particulates or mercury in the air were twice as as the extracellular matrix (ECM), and stripped it of method established in rats is that we have found it we will test the new transplants in animal models likely to have a child with autism as those who lived in the areas with essential components such as growth factors need- to work equally well in a larger animal model, an and eventually, in humans.” the lowest levels. ed to kick-start the organ after transplantation. adult sheep lung, which has a similar structure to Professor Martin Elliott, Medical Director at Great When the pollutants included lead, manganese, methylene chlo- The new decellularization or cell-stripping the human lung. Thus, we move closer to the day Ormond Street Hospital and co-author of the study, ride and combined metal exposure, women in areas with the highest method, developed by an international team led by when donated human lungs can be used as scaf- says: “I have been doing lung transplants for almost levels of these pollutants were about 50 percent more likely to have a the UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond folds for tissue-engineering new ones using a 25 years and know first-hand the anxieties that the child with autism. Street Hospital, used gentler detergents to flush rat patient’s own stem cells. risk of rejection bring to patients and their families. Autism is a brain disorder that affects as many as one in 88 in the lungs while they were intermittently inflated - mim- “The next stage of our work will be to test this But the burden of the drugs they have to take, and United States, and about one in 100 in Britain. Researchers said the icking the process of respiration or breathing while method of washing on human lungs in our labora- the side effects they have, is also huge. This work findings suggest that metals and other pollutants should be regularly the lung was being washed. tory. After they have been stripped of their old cells, provides early hope that we might be able to trans- measured in the blood of pregnant women to give a better under- The cleansed organ was then injected with a dye we will ‘seed’ them with new cells to see if we can plant organs without such powerful drugs and standing of whether certain pollutants increase autism risk. —AFP which revealed the capillary network or blood ves- ‘grow’ a human lung ready for transplant, free of the improve the lives of many.” WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013


hat’s more fun than clicking a beauti- ful picture? Sharing it with others! Let Wother people see the way you see Kuwait - through your lens. Friday Times will feature snapshots of Kuwait through Instagram feeds. If you want to share your Instagram pho- tos, email us at [email protected] ACK takes first place in University Championship Cup Greetings fter successive competitive matches held over The UCC competition comprises seven different Championship. These achievements reflect the relent- the span of several months the Australian sports, such as football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, less efforts of students, coaches, as well as our Sport ACollege of Kuwait (ACK) has won the 2013 table tennis, swimming and squash. Programs and Recreation Center (SPARC) team. We are University Championship Cup (UCC) outperforming Professor Vishy Karri, President of the Australian proud of them all and wish them constant success.” teams from participating universities, including Gulf College of Kuwait, commended the students’ efforts, ACK will now begin preparations for the next UCC University for Science and Technology (GUST) and the saying: “I would like to congratulate all participating stu- competition, stressing its role and keen desire to partici- American University of Kuwait (AUK). dents for winning and bringing home the pate in support of its students.

appy birthday to Delsa Codilla who cele- brated her birthday yesterday. Greetings Hfrom relatives and friends.. Vijay Karayil Dr T S Srikumar Krishnan K Pillai Murali S Nair T K V Pradeep Kumar O N Suresh Kumar Announcements NAFO Kuwait elects new office-bearers

The Meat Co Kuwait launches AFO Kuwait, a non-political, commitment towards socio-cultural lowing office-bearers were selected weekly Jazz Nights non-profit organization reg- empowerment of the downtrodden in a separate meeting of the newly- he Meat Co Kuwait will be bringing more than Nistered with the Indian section of the society, and pledged elected Executive Committee: Dr T S outstanding steak to the table with the launch Embassy (No to promote friendship and harmony Srikumar (President), Murali S Nair Tof their new weekly jazz nights. The Meat Co INDEMB/KWT/ASSN/94) conducted between India and the State of (General Secretary), T K V Pradeep Jazz Nights will be treating its customers to the 9th Annual General Body Meeting Kuwait. The AGM unanimously Kumar (Treasurer), K C Gopakumar smooth sounds of the Kuwait Jazz Trio, who will be (AGM) April 26, 2013, at the ICSK, selected a 21 members new (Vice-President), O N Suresh Kumar Amman Branch, Salmiya. The meet- Executive Committee (EC) to lead (Secretary -General Affairs), G entertaining the crowd with their extensive reper- ing was attended by a large number NAFO for the next three years Udaykumar (Organizing Secretary) toire of tunes, including the works of Cole Porter, of NAFO members and their fami- (2013-’16). The EC while considering and Krishnan K Pillai (Joint Duke Ellington, Hoagy Carmichael, Billy Strayhorn lies. A detailed annual report cover- the previous valuable guidance and Treasurer). Also, the EC appointed and George Gershwin. Kuwait’s premier jazz band ing NAFO’s activities conducted contributions provided by Vijay coordinators and vice-coordinators will be performing every Wednesday from 8pm at during 2012-13, was presented and Karayil, was unanimously re-elected for various organizational portfolios. The Meat Co, Kuwait - using the traditional jazz trio subjected for discussion. as NAFO Patron. Through a unique instruments of piano, bass and drums -thrilling the G Udaykumar K C Gopakumar The meeting reiterated NAFO’s and a democratic procedure the fol- audience with the best of international jazz late into the evening.

Indian Embassy sets up helpline he Indian Embassy in Kuwait has set up helpline in order to assist Indian expatriates in Tregistering any complaint regarding the gov- ernment’s ongoing campaign to stamp out illegal residents from the country. The embassy said in press release yesterday that it amended its previous statement and stated if there is any complaint, the same could be conveyed at the following (as amend- ed): Operations Department, Ministry of Interior, Kuwait. Fax: 22435580, Tel: 24768146/25200334. It said the embassy has been in regular contact with local authorities regarding the ongoing checking of expatriates. The embassy has also conveyed to them the concerns, fears and apprehensions of the com- munity in this regard. The authorities in Kuwait have conveyed that strict instructions have been issued to ensure that there is no harassment or improper treatment of expatriates by those undertaking checking. “The embassy would like to request Indian expatriates to ensure that they abide by all local laws, rules and regulations regarding residency, traf- fic and other matters,” the release read. It would be prudent to always carry the Civil ID and other rele- vant documents such as driving license, etc. In case an Indian expatriate encounters any improper treat- ment during checking, it may be conveyed immedi- ately with full details and contact particulars to the embassy at the following phone number 67623639. These contact details are exclusively for the above- mentioned purpose only. Costa del Sol Hotel holds annual party

osta Del Sol Hotel hosted its during the past year and future recreational competitions involving annual staff party, which plans which will be implemented all attendees. Adding an atmos- Cbrought together all employ- with the efforts of all departments. phere of joy and fun. IMAX ees and managers of the hotel. On He announced his appreciation for Staff, as well as managers, has this occasion, Shokri Salman, the efforts of everyone which drove expressed their happiness and General Manager of the hotel pre- the hotel to the good results noting assured their intention to do every- sented a speech in which he wel- the appreciation of the owning thing they can to maintain the suc- comed all employees and their fam- company for a well done job. cess and continuous improvement. ilies to this special event. He also The event included folkloric mentioned the achievements made shows, folk songs, and wonderful IMAX film program Shokri Salman Wednesday: ** 9:30am Showtime Available for Groups To The Arctic 3D 10:30am Tornado Alley 3D11:30am, 6:30pm, 9:30pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30pm, 7:30pm Journey to Mecca 5:30pm Born to be Wild 3D 8:30pm

Thursday: ** 9:30am Showtime Available for Groups Malayali Media Forum Flight of Butterflies 3D 10:30am, 5:30pm, 8:30pm held an interactive ses- Born to be Wild 3D 11:30am Tornado Alley 3D sion with visiting Malayalam journalist 12:30pm, 7:30pm, 9:30pm To The Arctic 3D MCA Nasar, who is the 6:30pm head of the Editorial Division of Media One television. MMF General Convener Anil P Alex Write to us welcomed the members and Convener (finance) Regi Bhaskar proposed a Send to What’s On vote of thanks. upcoming events, birthdays or celebrations by email: [email protected] Fax: 24835619 / 20 WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Marina Hotel Kuwait hosts ‘Hawaiian Embassy Themed’ Open Day for its employees Information EMBASSY OF AUSTRALIA The Australian Embassy Kuwait does not have a visa or immigration department. All processing of visas and immigration matters in conducted by The Australian Consulate-General in Dubai. Email: [email protected] (VFS) [email protected] (Visa Office); Tel: +971 4 355 1958 (VFS) - +971 4 508 7200 (Visa Office); Fax: +971 4 355 0708 (Visa Office). In Kuwait applications can be lodged at the Australian Visa Application Centre 4B 1st Floor, Al-Banwan Building Al-Qibla Area, Ali Al-Salem Street, opposite the Central Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Working hours and days: 09:30 - 17:30; Sunday - Thursday. Or visit their website www.vfs-au-gcc- com for more information. Kuwait citizens can apply for tourist visas on-line at visa/e676.htm.

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EMBASSY OF CANADA The Embassy of Canada in Kuwait does not have a visa or immigration depart- ment. All processing of visa and immigra- tion matters including enquiries is conducted by the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Individuals who are interested in working, studying, visiting or immigrating to Canada should contact the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, website: or www.going-, E-mail: abdbi-im-enquiry@inter- The Embassy of Canada is located at Villa 24, Al-Mutawakei St, Block 4 in Da’aiyah. Please visit our website at The Embassy of Canada is open from 07:30 to 15:30 Sunday through Thursday. The reception is open from 07:30 to 12:30. Consular services for Canadian citizens are provided from 09:00 until 12:00, Sunday through Wednesday. arina Hotel Kuwait recently held its annual Hammoud, who extended his appreciation to all Speaking at the open day, Hammoud said, “We open day 2013 to reward employees for their employees. Also present were representatives from the thank you all for your remarkable performance. We are n n n n n n n Mcontribution and dedication. The open day, management. glad to maintain the international standards of the held at the hotel’s private beach front, was organized Hammoud thanked the attendees for their hard hotel and to have significantly invested towards the by the Social Committee. Employees were invited to work and ongoing professionalism for their efforts and enhancement of our employees through training pro- EMBASSY OF US take a breather from the busy season and were contribution to the company’s achievements. He also grams, rewards and recognitions. Credit for this suc- Parents of Kuwaiti citizen children may thanked for their great efforts. encouraged staff to aim higher and to strive to excel. cess goes to all of you and as we move forward we drop off their sons’ and daughters’ visa This annual initiative reflects Marina Hotel’s commit- Throughout the day, staff members and their families must sustain it in years to come.” applications - completely free of an ment to its employees and is a way of recognizing their enjoyed a wide range of activities and team competi- The employees enjoyed the elaborate dinner buffet hard work and loyalty. The celebration was “Hawaiian tions including Tug of War, Blast the Balloon, Treasure and an entertainment program followed by the distri- interview or a trip inside the Embassy. The chil- Themed” and was attended by General Manager, Nabil Hunt etc. bution of valuable prizes. dren must be under 14 years of age, and addi- tional requirements do apply, but the service means parents will no longer have to schedule individual appointments for their children, nor come inside the Embassy (unless they are applying for themselves). The service is only available for children holding Kuwaiti pass- ports. To take advantage, parents must drop off the following documents: Child Visa Drop-off cover sheet, available on the Embassy website ( - Child’s passport; The Child’s previous pass- port, if it contains a valid US visa; 5x5cm photo of child with eyes open (if uploaded into DS- 160, photos must be a .jpg between 600x600 and 1200x1200 pixels, less than 240kb, and cannot be digitally altered); A completed DS- 160 form; Visa Fee Receipt from Burgan Bank; A copy of the valid visa of at least one parent. If one parent will not travel, provide a visa copy for the traveling parent, and a passport copy from the non-traveling parent with a letter stating no objection to the child’s travel. - For children of students (F2): a copy of the child’s I- 20. Children born in the US (with very few exceptions) are US citizens and would not be eligible for a visa. Parents may drop off the application packet at Window 2 at the Embassy from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, Monday to Wednesday, excluding holidays. More information is avail- able on the U.S. Embassy website:

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EMBASSY GREECE The Embassy of Greece in Kuwait has the pleasure to announce that visa applica- tions must be submitted to Schengen Visa Application Centre (VFS office) located at 12th floor, Al-Naser Tower, Fahad Al-Salem Street, Al- Qibla area, Kuwait City, (Parking at Souk Watia). For information please call 22281046 from 08:30 to 17:00 (Sunday to Thursday). Working hours: Submission from 08:30 to 15:30. Passport collec- tion from 16:00 to 17:00. For visa applications please visit the following website

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EMBASSY OF VATICAN The Apostolic Nunciature Embassy of the Holy See, Vatican in Kuwait has moved to a new location in Kuwait City. Please find below the new address: Yarmouk, Block 1, Street 2, Villa No: 1. P.O.Box 29724, Safat 13158, Kuwait. Tel: 965 25337767, Fax: 965 25342066. Email: [email protected] The Ramla Um Al-Momeneen Middle School for Girls organized a celebration to mark the end of school’s academic activities. The celebration was attended by Director of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Educational District Talaq Al-Haim and other Ministry of Education officials. TV PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013

23:10 Wizards Of Waverly Place Basics 07:00 IRB Junior Championship 23:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 13:40 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 09:00 IRB Junior Championship 00:00 Hannah Montana Basics 11:00 International Rugby Union 03:00 Last Man Standing 00:20 Hannah Montana 14:05 Food Wars 13:00 UK Open Darts 14:35 Border Security 03:30 Raising Hope 00:45 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 17:00 NRL Premiership 15:05 Auction Hunters 04:00 Seinfeld 01:05 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 14:55 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 19:00 IRB Junior Championship 15:30 Auction Kings 04:30 The Tonight Show With Jay 01:30 Emperor’s New School 15:20 Guy’s Big Bite 21:00 IRB Junior Championship 16:00 Jesse James Outlaw Garage Leno 01:50 Emperor’s New School 15:45 Chopped 23:00 European Tour Weekly 16:55 Yukon Men 05:30 Two And A Half Men 02:15 Replacements 16:35 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 23:30 Inside The PGA Tour 17:50 Mythbusters 06:00 All Of Us 02:35 Replacements Basics 18:45 Sons Of Guns 06:30 Til Death 17:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 19:40 Industrial Junkie 07:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Basics 20:05 How It’s Made 08:00 Seinfeld 17:25 Food Wars 20:35 Auction Hunters 08:30 Two And A Half Men 17:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 00:30 Futbol Mundial 21:00 Storage Hunters 09:00 Last Man Standing 18:15 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:00 UK Open Darts 21:30 Unchained Reaction 09:30 Hot In Cleveland 14:30 Style Star 18:40 Charly’s Cake Angels 05:00 World Pool Masters 22:25 Derren Brown: Apocalypse 10:00 Men At Work 15:00 Keeping Up With The 19:05 Unique Sweets 06:00 World Cup Of Pool 23:20 Derren Brown: Apocalypse 10:30 Til Death Kardashians 19:30 Amazing Wedding Cakes 07:00 Golfing World 00:15 Unchained Reaction 11:00 The Tonight Show With Jay 16:00 Keeping Up With The 20:20 Chopped 08:00 European Senior Tour 01:10 Derren Brown: Apocalypse Leno Kardashians 21:10 Chopped Highlights 12:00 All Of Us 17:00 Ice Loves Coco 22:00 Charly’s Cake Angels 09:00 Asian Tour Highlights 12:30 Seinfeld 17:30 Ice Loves Coco 22:30 Charly’s Cake Angels 10:00 Ladies European Tour 13:00 Two And A Half Men 18:00 E! News 22:55 Unique Sweets Highlights 13:30 Til Death 19:00 Fashion Police 23:15 Unique Sweets 11:00 World Pool Masters 14:00 Raising Hope 20:00 E!es 23:40 Food Wars 12:00 World Cup Of Pool 14:50 The Real Inglorious Bastards 14:30 Men At Work 21:00 Kourtney And Kim Take Miami 00:05 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:00 Golfing World 15:45 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 15:00 Hot In Cleveland 22:00 What Would Ryan Lochte Do? 00:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 14:00 Trans World Sport 16:40 Great Planes 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 22:30 E! News 00:55 Unwrapped 15:00 Futbol Mundial 17:35 Mystery Cars Stewart 23:30 Chelsea Lately 01:20 Unwrapped 15:30 NRL Full Time 18:00 Mystery Cars 16:00 The Colbert Report 00:00 Opening Act 01:45 Charly’s Cake Angels 16:00 ICC Cricket 360 18:25 I Shouldn’t Be Alive... 16:30 All Of Us 00:55 Style Star 16:30 European Senior Tour 19:20 Combat Countdown 17:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 01:25 THS Highlights 20:10 Living With The Kombai Tribe 18:00 Ben And Kate 17:30 Asian Tour Highlights 21:05 Egypt’s Top Ten Mysteries 18:30 The Simpsons 18:30 Ladies European Tour 22:00 Combat Countdown 19:00 Modern Family 03:00 The Avengers-PG15 Highlights 22:55 Legend Detectives 19:30 The Mindy Project 05:30 Perfect Plan-PG15 19:30 Golfing World 23:50 Most Evil 20:00 The Tonight Show With Jay 07:15 A Mother’s Choice-PG15 20:30 Trans World Sport 03:05 Coastal Kitchen 00:45 Mystery Cars Leno 09:00 The Muppets-PG 21:30 International Rugby League 03:30 Food Poker 01:10 Mystery Cars 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 10:45 The Avengers-PG15 23:30 Futbol Mundial 04:15 Bargain Hunt 01:35 Combat Countdown Stewart 13:15 The Way-PG15 05:00 House Swap 21:30 The Colbert Report 15:30 Flicka 3-FAM 05:45 Cash In The Attic 22:00 Weeds 17:00 The Muppets-PG 06:30 Coastal Kitchen 22:30 Entourage 18:45 Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of 07:00 Food Poker 00:00 NHL 23:00 The Ricky Gervais Show Shadows-PG15 23:30 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 07:45 Home Cooking Made Easy 02:00 UAE National Race Day Series 14:20 Food Factory 21:00 Melancholia-18 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 08:15 Phil Spencer - Secret Agent 03:00 UIM Powerboat Champs 14:45 Food Factory 23:15 21 Jump Street-18 Stewart 09:05 Bargain Hunt 04:00 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 15:10 Thunder Races 01:15 Carnage-PG15 01:00 The Colbert Report 09:50 Antiques Roadshow 05:00 NHL 16:00 Nextworld 01:30 Weeds 10:40 Extreme Makeover: Home 07:00 WWE Vintage Collection 16:55 Mega World 02:00 Entourage Edition 08:00 WWE NXT 17:45 NASA’s Unexplained Files 02:30 The Ricky Gervais Show 11:25 MasterChef Australia 09:00 Ping Pong World 18:35 The Gadget Show 12:10 Come Dine With Me 07:30 Second Chances-PG15 10:00 US Bass Fishing 19:00 The Tech Show 12:55 The Roux Legacy 09:00 Call Of The Wild-PG15 11:00 NHL 19:30 Through The Wormhole 13:30 New Scandinavian Cooking 10:30 Marion Jones: Press Pause- 13:00 WWE Smackdown 20:20 How The Universe Works With Andreas Viestad PG15 15:00 Mass Participation 21:10 Food Factory 13:55 Bargain Hunt 11:30 Sammy’s Adventure: The 16:00 UAE National Race Day Series 21:35 Food Factory 17:00 Mass Participation 05:15 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 14:40 Cash In The Attic Secret Passage-FAM 22:00 Through The Wormhole 17:30 WWE Vintage Collection 05:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 15:25 Antiques Roadshow 13:00 The Winning Season-PG15 22:50 Extreme Bodies 18:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 06:00 Prankstars 16:15 Extreme Makeover: Home 15:00 This Means War-PG15 23:40 Food Factory 19:00 UFC 06:25 Suite Life On Deck Edition 17:00 John Carter-PG15 00:05 Food Factory 22:00 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 06:45 Shake It Up 17:00 Phil Spencer - Secret Agent 19:15 Like Crazy-PG15 00:30 How Do They Do It? 23:00 Mass Participation THE RAVEN ON OSN CINEMA 07:10 A.N.T Farm 17:55 Planet Cake 21:00 The Raven-18 01:00 How The Universe Works 18:25 Food & Drink 23:00 Playdate-PG15 01:50 Extreme Bodies 07:35 Jessie 07:55 Good Luck Charlie 18:55 Baking Mad With Eric Lanlard 01:00 John Carter-PG15 08:20 Good Luck Charlie 19:20 New Scandinavian Cooking 08:45 Doc McStuffins With Claus Meyer 09:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 19:45 Come Dine With Me 09:30 A.N.T Farm 20:40 Extreme Makeover: Home 14:00 Ancient Aliens 09:55 A.N.T Farm Edition 04:00 The Odd Life Of Timothy 15:00 Ancient Aliens 10:15 Jessie 21:20 Antiques Roadshow Green-PG 16:00 Ancient Aliens 10:40 Jessie 22:15 Bargain Hunt 06:00 Project Nim-PG15 17:00 Ancient Aliens 11:05 Good Luck Charlie 23:00 Phil Spencer - Secret Agent 08:00 StreetDance 2-PG15 18:00 Ancient Aliens 11:25 Good Luck Charlie 23:55 Food Poker 10:00 Flower Girl-PG15 19:00 Ax Men 11:50 Good Luck Charlie 00:40 Come Dine With Me 12:00 The Odd Life Of Timothy 20:00 Pawn Stars 12:15 Shake It Up 01:30 MasterChef Australia Green-PG 20:30 Storage Wars 12:35 Shake It Up 02:20 Cash In The Attic 14:00 Every Jack Has A Jill-PG15 21:00 Ancient Aliens 13:00 Austin And Ally 16:00 StreetDance 2-PG15 22:00 Ancient Aliens 13:25 A.N.T. Farm 18:00 A Thousand Words-PG15 23:00 Soviet Storm: WWII In The East 13:45 Jessie 20:00 Assassination Games-18 00:00 Pawn Stars 14:10 Shake It Up 22:00 Flypaper-PG15 00:30 Storage Wars 14:35 Suite Life On Deck 00:00 StreetDance 2-PG15 03:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:00 Flower Girl-PG15 01:00 Ancient Aliens 15:00 Gravity Falls 03:25 Food Wars 02:00 Ancient Aliens 15:25 Good Luck Charlie 03:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 15:50 Jessie 04:15 Unique Eats 16:10 Shake It Up 04:40 Chopped 16:35 A.N.T. Farm 05:30 Iron Chef America The first Arab MMA Championship of its kind 17:00 Austin And Ally 06:10 Food Network Challenge 03:45 Fast Five-PG15 14:00 C.S.I. 17:20 Gravity Falls 06:00 Ice Road Terror-PG15 15:00 Glee 07:00 Guy’s Big Bite in the Middle East concludes in Amman 17:45 Suite Life On Deck 07:25 Guy’s Big Bite 08:00 The Man Inside-PG15 16:00 Emmerdale 18:10 Good Luck Charlie 07:50 Andy Bates American Street 10:00 Justice League: Doom-PG15 16:30 Coronation Street 18:30 That’s So Raven Feasts 12:00 Iron Sky-PG15 AMMAN: Following 4 intense rounds carried out through ent weight categories along with their trainers, mentors and 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:55 Austin And Ally 08:15 Unique Sweets 14:00 The Man Inside-PG15 the past year, the first Arab Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) medical crew. 18:00 C.S.I. 19:20 Jessie 08:40 United Tastes Of America 15:45 X-Men: First Class-PG15 Championship, Desert Force, concluded in Amman, Jordan On this occasion, the fighters unanimously agreed and 19:00 Touch 19:40 Gravity Falls 09:05 Barefoot Contessa 18:00 Iron Sky-PG15 with the crowning of 4 fighters of different weight cate- stressed on the importance of their participation at the 20:00 Bones 20:05 A.N.T. Farm 09:30 Food Network Challenge 20:00 Starship Troopers: Invasion-18 gories, with the title of the first Desert Force MMA Arab region’s first MMA Championship ever. In their eyes, the 21:00 Castle 20:30 Good Luck Charlie 10:20 Extra Virgin 22:00 Creature-18 Champion. Championship is seen as a move towards setting up profes- 00:00 Killer Mountain-PG15 22:00 The Client List 20:50 Suite Life On Deck 10:45 Kid In A Candy Store The winnings are as follows: sional MMA unions in the region which are needed to house 23:00 Greek 21:15 Austin And Ally 11:10 Charly’s Cake Angels 02:00 Starship Troopers: Invasion-18 21:40 That’s So Raven all the skilled, but hidden talents in the Middle East which 00:00 Glee 11:35 Unique Sweets 22:00 Shake It Up 1. Middleweight Cateogry will ultimately help in increasing the awareness of MMA as a 01:00 The Client List 12:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 22:25 A.N.T. Farm Anees Al Hajjaji from Morocco defeated Amr Wahman sport among Arabs and allow them to take it to internation- 02:00 Castle 12:50 Have Cake, Will Travel 22:50 Austin And Ally 13:15 Barefoot Contessa - Back To from Egypt after the referees’ united decision in stopping al standards. 08:00 Bushwhacked-PG the fight Commenting on the Finale, Mohamed Mirza, Desert 10:00 Mr. Destiny-PG Force CEO congratulated all the fighters who have managed 12:00 While You Were Sleeping- 2. Light Heavyweight Category to reach the Finale, and said, “Having reached the Finale of PG15 Mohamed Karaki from Lebanon won against Feras the first Arab MMA Championship, there is still a lot to offer 14:00 Police Academy 4: Citizens On Saadeh from Syria, following the referees’ decision to stop in terms of fine-tuning this exceptional sport in the Middle Patrol-PG15 the fight East and take it out to International standards. Having said 16:00 Mr. Destiny-PG this, the Desert Force team is working on a new concept in 18:00 The Wish List-PG15 3. Lightweight Category the Arab World - a Reality TV Show under the name of 20:00 Grabbers-PG15 Haidar Rasheed from Jordan beat his Kuwaiti opponent, “Desert Force Academy” which will act as the platform for 22:00 Jackass: Number Two-R 00:00 Spread-R Ahmed AlBousseri with a remarkable knock-out move that training amateur MMA fans and turning them into profes- 02:00 Grabbers-PG15 left the latter no option but to tap out and surrender sional and well qualified MMA fighters. Our fans will be exceptionally delighted at what’s coming!” 4. Featherweight Category The press conference also unveiled the names of the 2 The night came to an end with the exhilarating win of main trainers and mentors who will be accompanying these the Jordanian AbdelKarim AlSulwady over his opponent fighters on their specialized MMA journey in the Academy. 09:00 The Conspirator-PG15 Youssef Al Hamad, from Kuwait in a pounding knock-out The coaches are Mohamed Fakhreddine from Lebanon and 11:00 Tora! Tora! Tora!-PG15 move. Hashem Arkhaga from Jordan. 13:30 Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid-PG It is worth noting that Desert Force MMA Championship 15:30 Cinderella PT 1-PG15 Desert Force fans at the finale, were surprised by the was first launched back in 2010 in Amman, Jordan. In 2011, 17:15 Cinderella PT 2-PG15 attendance of several of the Arab world’s favorite celebrities, Desert Force launched the “Elimination Series”, a single- 19:15 The Artist-PG who flew in to Amman from different parts of the region to elimination tournament for Arab MMA fighters competing 21:00 Ripley’s Game-PG15 cheer for all 8 fighters and witness the crowning of the to become the first regional MMA title belt holders in 5 23:00 The People vs Larry Flynt-R Arabs’ First MMA Champion. The celebrities present were: respective weight classes. 01:15 Departures-PG15 Jordanian singer Diana Karazon, Egyptian Actor Ahmad The Championship has hosted 4 rounds during the past Tohamy, Syrian actor Mehyar Khaddour, Jordanian singers year. Fighters from across the Middle East have competed in Hani Metwassi and Youssef Arafat, celebrity personal trainer 5 weight classes, namely Featherweights, Lightweights, Nour Khattab, in addition to the World Champion in “Kick Welterweights, Middleweights and Light-Heavyweights; 01:00 IRB Junior World Boxing” for 5 years, Riyad Al Azzawi. each class enforcing the United Rules of Mixed Martial Arts. Championship Prior to the finale of the Desert Force MMA Participating countries at the Second Round included: KSA, 03:00 British & Irish Lions Championship, a press conference was held by MBC Action, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, 05:00 Super League in partnership with X-Management LLC, the parent compa- Morocco and Tunisia. 07:00 British & Irish Lions ny of the region’s leading Mixed Martial Arts Organization, Desert Force MMA Championship FINALE will be aired 09:00 Super Rugby Highlights Desert Force. The conference, which also hosted the ‘Weigh- on MBC Action on Monday, 24th June at 7 PM GMT and 10 10:00 AFL Highlights ins’ of the Finale was attended by the 8 fighters from differ- PM KSA. 11:00 ATP Tennis 13:00 British & Irish Lions 15:00 PGA European Tour Highlights 16:00 Futbol Mundial 16:30 NRL Full Time 17:00 International Rugby Union 19:00 ICC Cricket 360 19:30 AFL Highlights 20:30 PGA European Tour Weekly 21:00 Inside The PGA Tour 21:30 Trans World Sport 22:30 British & Irish Lions

01:30 WWE Bottom Line 02:30 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 03:30 NRL Premiership 05:30 NRL Full Time THE WAY ON OSN MOVIES HD 06:00 Trans World Sport Classifieds



AVENUES-2 NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 4:15 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 7:15 PM TATTAH (DIG) 1:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 6:45 PM TATTAH (DIG) 9:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 3:30 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 9:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 12:05 AM TATTAH (DIG) 6:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 12:15 AM NO SUN+ TUE+WED TATTAH (DIG) 8:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 11:00 PM BAIRAQ-1 MUHALAB-1 THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM EPIC (DIG) 1:30 PM AVENUES-3 EPIC (DIG-3D) 3:15 PM MAN OF STEEL (DIG) 4:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 12:30 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 5:30 PM MAN OF STEEL (DIG) 6:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 3:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 8:30 PM MAN OF STEEL (DIG) 9:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 6:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 11:30 PM MATRIMONIAL Prayer timings FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 8:45 PM NO SUN+ TUE+WED MUHALAB-2 FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 11:45 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 12:45 PM Fajr: 03:13 BAIRAQ-3 NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 3:00 PM Invited for a Roman 360º 1 DARK SKIES (DIG) 2:00 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 5:15 PM Catholic girl, 25/155cm, BSc Shorook 04:49 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 2:00 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 5:00 PM YEH JAWANI HAI DEEWANI (DIG) 4:00 PM Nurse working in Kuwait, AFTER EARTH (DIG) 4:15 PM DARK SKIES (DIG) 7:15 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 7:30 PM (Thrissur Dist.) proposals Duhr: 11:49 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 6:30 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 9:30 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 9:45 PM from God fearing, suitably AFTER EARTH (DIG) 8:45 PM DARK SKIES (DIG) 12:30 AM educated and employed Asr: 15:23 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 11:00 PM MUHALAB-3 boys. Email: Maghrib: 18:50 FANAR-4 THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 2:00 PM [email protected] 360º10(VIP-2) THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 3:45 PM (C 4444) Isha: 20:22 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 12:45 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 3:15 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 6:00 PM 18-6-2013 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 3:00 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 5:00 PM TATTAH (DIG) 7:45 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 5:15 PM TATTAH (DIG) 7:00 PM TATTAH (DIG) 10:00 PM Inviting marriage proposal AFTER EARTH (DIG) 7:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 9:45 PM for Tamil Christian girl age No: 15844 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 9:45 PM TATTAH (DIG) 12:30 AM FANAR-1 30, working in Kuwait, qual- AFTER EARTH (DIG) 12:05 AM NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 1:00 PM ifications B.P.T + M Sc (UK). SHARQIA-1 AFTER EARTH (DIG) 3:30 PM Contact Email: SHARQIA-2 DARK SKIES (DIG) 12:30 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 5:30 PM [email protected] THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 1:00 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 2:30 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 7:45 PM (C 4441) TATTAH (DIG) 2:45 PM DARK SKIES (DIG) 4:30 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 10:00 PM 12-6-2013 THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 5:15 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 6:30 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 12:30 AM TATTAH (DIG) 7:15 PM DARK SKIES (DIG) 8:30 PM NO SUN+ TUE+WED TATTAH (DIG) 10:00 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 10:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 12:30 AM DARK SKIES (DIG) 12:45 AM FANAR-2 CHANGE OF NAME TATTAH (DIG) 1:15 PM MUHALAB-1 SHARQIA-2 TATTAH (DIG) 3:30 PM I, NSE OKON AKPAN holder EPIC (DIG) 1:30 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 12:45 PM EPIC (DIG) 5:45 PM of Nigerian passport EPIC (DIG) 4:00 PM MAN OF STEEL (DIG-3D) 2:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 8:00 PM Number A01448202 do FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 6:45 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (DIG-3D) 5:15 PM TATTAH (DIG) 10:15 PM hereby change my name to FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 9:30 PM MAN OF STEEL (DIG-3D) 7:00 PM TATTAH (DIG) 12:45 AM NSE SAMUEL KASALI. NO THU NO SUN+ TUE+WED 18-6-2013 MARINA-2 MAN OF STEEL (DIG-3D) 9:45 PM AFTER EARTH (DIG) 1:30 PM NO THU FANAR-3 I, Kamasani Damodaram FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 4:15 PM MAN OF STEEL (DIG-3D) 12:30 AM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 2:00 PM holder of Indian passport AFTER EARTH (DIG) 6:45 PM NO THU+ SUN+ TUE+WED DARK SKIES (DIG) 4:30 PM No. E6147415 issued at FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 9:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 6:30 PM Hyderabad on 26-08-2003, I AFTER EARTH (DIG) 12:15 AM SHARQIA-3 DARK SKIES (DIG) 9:00 PM wish to change my name TATTAH (DIG) 12:30 PM DARK SKIES (DIG) 11:00 PM Kamasani Damodar Reddy. AL-KOUT.3 NOW YOU SEE ME (DIG) 2:45 PM DARK SKIES (DIG) 1:00 AM (C 4443) FAST & FURIOUS 6 (DIG) 1:30 PM TATTAH (DIG) 5:00 PM NO SUN+ TUE+WED 15-6-2013

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Wednesday 19/6/2013 MSR 575 SHARM EL SHEIKH 14:15 Departure Flights on Wednesday 19/6/2013 MSR 611 CAIRO 14:00 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 500 JEDDAH 14:30 Airlines Flt Route Time THY 767 ISTANBUL 14:10 QTR 148 DOHA 00:05 RJA 640 AMMAN 15:55 AIC 982 AHMEDABAD 00:05 KNE 481 TAIF 14:10 JZR 267 BEIRUT 00:20 QTR 134 DOHA 16:15 JAI 573 MUMBAI 00:20 UAE 872 DUBAI 14:15 QTR 6130 DOHA 00:25 ETD 303 ABU DHABI 16:35 UAL 981 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 00:25 IYE 827 RIYAN MUKALLA 14:30 THY 764 SABIHA 01:40 UAE 857 DUBAI 16:55 DLH 637 FRANKFURT 00:30 FDB 58 DUBAI 14:30 JZR 539 CAIRO 00:40 ABY 127 SHARJAH 17:10 MSR 615 CAIRO 00:30 CLX 792 GIALAM 14:45 ETH 620 ADDIS ABABA 01:45 UAL 982 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 17:15 JZR 1542 CAIRO 01:20 QTR 141 DOHA 14:55 GFA 211 BAHRAIN 01:55 SVA 510 RIYADH 17:20 QTR 6131 DOHA 01:55 IRC 6693 MASHHAD 15:00 UAE 853 DUBAI 02:25 GFA 215 BAHRAIN 17:20 THY 773 ISTANBUL 02:20 MSR 576 SHARM EL SHEIKH 15:00 ETD 305 ABU DHABI 02:30 KNE 462 MEDINAH 17:45 THY 765 ISTANBUL 02:40 KAC 673 DUBAI 15:05 LZB 7779 BOURGAS 02:35 NIA 251 ALEXANDRIA 18:00 ETH 621 ADDIS ABABA 02:45 FDB 8058 DUBAI 15:35 THY 768 ISTANBUL 02:50 QTR 144 DOHA 18:25 LZB 7780 BOURGAS 03:25 KAC 617 DOHA 15:45 RJA 642 AMMAN 03:10 FDB 63 DUBAI 18:55 THY 769 ISTANBUL 03:40 SVA 503 MADINAH 15:45 UAE 4965 DUBAI 02:55 GFA 219 BAHRAIN 19:05 UAE 854 DUBAI 03:45 JZR 188 DUBAI 16:00 FDB 67 DUBAI 03:10 JZR 257 BEIRUT 14:30 FDB 68 DUBAI 03:50 KAC 773 RIYADH 16:00 MSR 612 CAIRO 03:15 JZR 787 RIYADH 16:15 MSR 613 CAIRO 04:15 RJA 641 AMMAN 16:55 OMA 643 MUSCAT 03:20 JZR 177 DUBAI 17:30 OMA 644 MUSCAT 04:20 JZR 238 AMMAN 17:05 QTR 138 DOHA 03:30 JZR 357 MASHAD 16:50 ETD 306 ABU DHABI 04:20 QTR 135 DOHA 17:20 THY 770 ISTANBUL 04:35 JZR 535 CAIRO 16:10 QTR 139 DOHA 04:25 ETD 304 ABU DHABI 17:20 DHX 170 BAHRAIN 05:10 JZR 777 JEDDAH 17:50 QTR 149 DOHA 05:15 JZR 538 CAIRO 17:40 FDB 69 DUBAI 05:50 JZR 189 DUBAI 20:10 TMA 225 DUBAI 05:15 ABY 128 SHARJAH 17:50 BAW 157 LONDON 06:30 JZR 481 SABIHA 20:10 UAE 4965 DUBAI 05:30 UAE 858 DUBAI 18:15 TMA 213 BEIRUT 03:45 MSC 405 SOHAG 19:15 JZR 560 SOHAG 05:35 SVA 511 RIYADH 18:20 JZR 1541 CAIRO 06:25 MSR 606 LUXOR 19:30 QTR 6058 DOHA 05:55 GFA 216 BAHRAIN 18:20 JZR 529 ASSIUT 06:40 JAI 572 MUMBAI 19:35 FDB 70 DUBAI 06:30 JZR 184 DUBAI 18:30 JZR 555 ALEXANDRIA 06:20 FDB 61 DUBAI 20:00 RJA 643 AMMAN 06:35 UAL 982 BAHRAIN 18:30 QTR 6058 ZARAGOZA 03:55 OMA 647 MUSCAT 20:00 GFA 212 BAHRAIN 07:00 KNE 471 JEDDAH 18:40 KAC 412 MANILA 06:15 ABY 129 SHARJAH 20:05 THY 771 ISTANBUL 07:10 JZR 266 BEIRUT 18:40 FDB 53 DUBAI 07:45 ETD 933 ABU DHABI 20:05 JZR 164 DUBAI 07:25 NIA 252 ALEXANDRIA 19:00 UAE 855 DUBAI 08:25 MEA 402 BEIRUT 20:15 KAC 537 SHARM EL SHEIKH 08:00 QTR 145 DOHA 19:25 ABY 125 SHARJAH 08:50 AXB 489 COCHIN 20:35 BAW 156 LONDON 08:25 FDB 64 DUBAI 19:35 QTR 132 DOHA 09:00 KLM 417 AMSTERDAM 21:05 FDB 54 DUBAI 08:25 GFA 220 BAHRAIN 19:50 IRM 1186 TEHRAN 09:10 ALK 229 COLOMBO 21:10 JZR 256 BEIRUT 08:50 JZR 134 BAHRAIN 20:05 FDB 55 DUBAI 09:15 FDB 8057 DUBAI 14:50 KAC 117 NEW YORK 09:05 MSC 404 ASSIUT 20:15 IRA 603 SHIRAZ 09:25 KAC 674 DUBAI 19:25 JZR 534 CAIRO 09:10 KAC 283 DHAKA 20:15 ETD 301 ABU DHABI 09:30 KAC 102 NEW YORK 19:35 KAC 789 MADINAH 09:15 MSR 619 ALEXANDRIA 20:30 TGZ 1553 BATUMI 10:35 KAC 790 MEDINAH 13:55 KAC 671 DUBAI 09:25 JAI 571 MUMBAI 20:35 GFA 213 BAHRAIN 10:40 KAC 786 JEDDAH 18:30 ABY 126 SHARJAH 09:30 FDB 62 DUBAI 20:40 MEA 404 BEIRUT 10:55 KAC 672 DUBAI 13:40 KAC 787 JEDDAH 09:35 ABY 120 SHARJAH 20:45 IAW 157 BAGHDAD 11:00 KAC 166 PARIS 18:40 UAE 856 DUBAI 09:50 KAC 361 COLOMBO 20:50 MSC 403 ASSIUT 11:35 KAC 788 JEDDAH 15:00 FDB 56 DUBAI 09:55 KAC 331 TRIVANDRUM 20:50 IRM 1188 MASHAD 11:45 KAC 538 SHARM EL SHEIKH 15:50 QTR 133 DOHA 10:00 OMA 648 MUSCAT 20:55 KAC 351 KOCHI KNE 470 JEDDAH 12:15 KAC 542 CAIRO 18:15 ETD 302 ABU DHABI 10:15 21:05 MEA 403 BEIRUT 21:15 JZR 165 DUBAI 11:35 KAC 618 DOHA 19:10 IRA 602 SHIRAZ 10:25 DHX 171 BAHRAIN 21:50 JZR 561 SOHAG 12:00 KAC 774 RIYADH 19:25 IRM 1187 IMAM KHOMEINI 10:30 KLM 417 DAMMAM 22:05 JZR 1543 CAIRO 08:20 JZR 185 DUBAI 22:40 MEA 407 BEIRUT 10:45 ETD 934 SHARJAH 22:05 MEA 406 BEIRUT 09:45 JZR 239 AMMAN 22:30 JZR 356 MASHHAD 11:00 FDB 8054 DUBAI 22:10 KAC 206 ISLAMABAD 07:25 JZR 135 BAHRAIN 23:00 GFA 214 BAHRAIN 11:25 ETD 308 ABU DHABI 22:15 KAC 352 COCHIN 08:05 UAE 859 DUBAI 21:15 KAC 541 CAIRO 11:30 ALK 230 COLOMBO 22:20 KAC 284 DHAKA 08:15 ETD 307 ABU DHABI 21:30 TGZ 1554 BATUMI 11:35 UAE 860 DUBAI 22:25 KAC 382 DELHI 07:30 QTR 136 DOHA 21:35 MEA 405 BEIRUT 11:55 KAC 381 DELHI 22:30 KAC 302 MUMBAI 07:50 GFA 217 BAHRAIN 21:45 IAW 158 AL NAJAF 12:00 QTR 137 DOHA 22:35 KAC 344 CHENNAI 08:20 QTR 146 DOHA 22:00 KAC 175 FRANKFURT 12:10 KAC 301 MUMBAI 22:40 UAE 871 DUBAI 12:45 JAI 576 COCHIN 22:05 JZR 776 JEDDAH 12:25 GFA 218 BAHRAIN 22:45 MSR 610 CAIRO 13:00 FDB 59 DUBAI 22:20 KAC 103 LONDON 12:30 FDB 60 DUBAI 23:00 AIC 975 CHENNAI 22:25 THY 766 ISTANBUL 13:10 JZR 480 ISTANBUL 12:30 KAC 205 ISLAMABAD 23:00 UAL 981 BAHRAIN 22:40 CLX 792 13:15 MSC 406 SOHAG 12:35 QTR 147 DOHA 23:05 DLH 636 FRANKFURT 23:10 KNE 480 TAIF 13:20 JZR 786 RIYADH 12:50 JAI 575 ABU DHABI 23:05 IYE 826 SANAA 13:30 JAI 574 MUMBAI 23:20 KAC 785 JEDDAH 13:00 JZR 554 ALEXANDRIA 23:20 QTR 140 DOHA 13:45 MSR 614 CAIRO 23:30 KNE 461 MADINAH 13:10 JZR 1540 CAIRO 23:25 FDB 57 DUBAI 13:50 THY 772 ISTANBUL 23:45 IRM 1189 MASHHAD 13:10 KAC 415 23:50 IRC 6692 MASHAD 14:00 FDB 8053 DUBAI 21:30 JZR 176 DUBAI 13:20 JZR 528 ASSIUT 23:55 DIAL 161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22) ARIES As a natural architect and builder, you are able to use your mind in making You naturally gravitate toward positions of power and authority. Others decisions regarding matters of form and function. For you, the goal and the way to get see you having a great practical ability and accept you as a leader or authority figure easi- to it are the same thing. You like to build each step and have each decision be an end in ly. Your career may be very important to you, even at the expense of home life. However, itself. Things must be done right. You also have great skill with the law, whether fabricat- you may push yourself in a direction, at times, against your own best interests. You have a ed or those of nature. You can put all of this into words. You can put your understanding knack, however, for always finding assistance in whatever career moves you decide to of how to handle authorities to good use. You enjoy working with your mind and your make. In fact, your ability to rally support makes a public career of one kind or another sharp perceptions make finding new solutions easy. You are able to bring an unexpect- quite probable. Success is indicated in education, politics or law. You know how to attack ed twist or insight to anything you set your mind to now. This evening you should enjoy and solve problems, whether personal or public. A musician, artist or perhaps a singer some healing conversations with loved ones. will hold your attention this evening.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

There is much communication today. You are out-front, frank and even Your career is smooth today. Continued successful career moves may rough at times as you try to get to the heart of a subject. If you are asking a child ques- demand conformity and cost you personal freedom, perhaps toning down your uncon- tions, you might want to back off just a bit and give the child a little more time to ventional habits. You make your way now by using practical vision and common sense. answer. You are a traveler of both the world and the mind—philosophy and religion. You could have some recognition in your career soon. At the same time, a change of You can demonstrate understanding of the needs of others; you are in a good position direction is in order, finding you in a gradual curve toward an inward time. You have to speak or attend a conference. Perhaps you will be scheduling or organizing a pro- strong family, business or property ties that affect your public image and goals. There gram today. You can encourage the participants to do their best. This is a good day to may be tricky finances connected with your business or profession. Obligations involving make important decisions. Your sense of inner direction is good and should lead you women, research or detecting are important in your career at this time. Avoid troubling into many successes. You will be choosing or helping to choose a wedding cake soon. individuals. Home and family are your main focus this evening.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Given only a few facts, you are able to take in a situation and come up with You may be very forceful in what you say and think today. With all of this a real picture of what is happening. You may be helping others to solve a emotional energy, you could speak or correspond very well. You have a lot few technical issues today. This may come as some sort of teaching or professional serv- of mental drive in order to accomplish your goals. You may have trouble understanding ice. You are happy today as you are fully engaged in progressive work, with progressive those who seem emotional or sentimental, yet your own practicality and factuality may ACROSS where driver sits. people. Most days, you tend to respond to others quite easily. You will be able to put your attract just such types into your life. You may try to balance your lack of intuitiveness with 1. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the 4. Web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas. ideas into words and describe or analyze situations for yourself and others. Your mind logic and common sense. There may be difficulty now, in getting outer recognition for razorbill. 5. The basic unit of electric current adopted under and caring attitude are what others find so special about you. Travel could be available your efforts or accomplishments—patience, this recognition will come with time. You 5. Sayings of Jesus not recorded in the canonical the System International d'Unites. now—if you wish. Enlightenment in many areas of your life gives you a greater under- should throw your efforts into the work you love. Make it a point to make someone smile Gospels. 6. A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element. standing of many life matters. New friends are fascinating this evening. this evening. He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. 12. An orange-brown antelope of southeast Africa. 7. A nucleic acid that transmits genetic information 15. Fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable from DNA to the cytoplasm. matter deposited in the Carboniferous period. 8. Convey by horizontal mass movement of a fluid. 16. Cassava with long tuberous edible roots and 9. Dish baked in pastry-lined pan often with a pas- Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) soft brittle stems. try top. Your communication skills are varied and well performed with perfect tim- 17. American prizefighter who won the world 10. An early form of streetcar that was drawn by You work well with those in authority who are independent and original. You could become engaged in nonconformist causes, always ready to promote ing; this day should flow along quite well. Ideas and thoughts will have heavyweight championship three times (born in horses. what is independent and innovative. You like radical approaches and may become supportive insights worth sharing. Forward-moving inventions or new knowledge is something that 1942). 11. A genus of Scolopacidae. of whatever ground-breaking product or breakthrough advance is next in line. spurs your interest. If you are not solving problems, you will look for problems to solve. 18. Large high frilly cap with a full crown. 12. The Mongol people living the the central and Communication, computers, electronics and everything innovative excites you and you excel This may only mean that you look for that fine line between myth and reality and you 20. Prevent the occurrence of. eastern parts of Outer Mongolia. here. You discover new ways of working with traditional materials. Your inner resources and write or read and solve the world’s mysteries. The rebel in you likes to ignore your dreams emotions are accented. Your business expertise is in high focus. Expect a sense of support and and ideals and just let come what may. You relish your freedom and independence and 21. A zodiacal constellation in northern hemi- 13. A naturally occuring glyceride of oleic acid that pursue it even at the expense of what you know you really want. The romantic in you sphere between Cancer and Virgo. is found in fats and oils. helpfulness from those around you. This is a great time to be with others and to work together. Neighbors pass along new and positive information. struggles against the frontier spirit that often moves you into action. 22. The square of a body of any size of type. 14. A major biotic community characterized by the 23. Being nine more than ninety. dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing cli- 25. A geographical area and former kingdom in mate. northeastern India in the Himalaya Mountains 19. A radioactive element of the actinide series. Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) between Nepal and . 24. Goddess of fertility. This is a time when you can expect a little boost, some extra support or 30. A colorless odorless gas used as fuel. 26. Botswanan statesman who was the first presi- Unhappiness in your professional or personal situation may be lightened by recognition from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony 31. Largest known toad species. dent of Botswana (1921-1980). working with, instead of against, your most obvious talents. You have an uncan- with others. Work, achievement and ambition mean a lot to you. You may fail to appreci- 33. A dicotyledonous genus of trees of the family 27. A vending machine from which you can get ny ability to get beyond the regular routine. You are always coming up with new ways of doing ate some out of the ordinary demands on you today—tread carefully here. Later today, Anacardiaceae having drupaceous fruit. food. things. You seldom depend on the regular rule of order, preferring a create-as-you-go type of process. This would indicate that you have a great deal of creative talent and the ability to coor- your enthusiasm may carry you away from family and friends. This could be a unique 35. Marked by features of the immediate and usu- 28. A member of the military police who polices dinate a business of your own. Much of what makes you the person you are depends on this type of profession that is of interest to you, or simply a hobby that looks like something ally discounted past. soldiers and guards prisoners. independence and love of freedom. You will discover new techniques that will help you ener- you might enjoy. Try not to burn yourself out as you may feel that you have an abun- 37. A mask with a filter protects the face an lungs 29. A radioactive transuranic element produced by gize your day. Understanding your circumstances better can be found in your environment or dance of energy. Your inspiration sparks creative play. Domestic issues demand your against poisonous gases. bombarding plutonium with neutrons. support system. You care for animals this evening. attention and you lend your energies over to making your surroundings most pleasant. 41. 100 avos equal 1 pataca. 32. Type genus of the Gavidae. 42. Date used in reckoning dates before the sup- 34. Small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the posed year Christ was born. Old World. 46. Chief port of Yemen. 36. A logarithmic unit of sound intensity. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 47. A member of the North American Indian peo- 38. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River. ple living in southern Arizona and northern 39. A car that is closed and that has front and rear This is a time of good fortune when opportunities to better yourself and your You do not care much for the superficial. You appreciate getting past the Mexico. seats and two or four doors. surroundings open up naturally. Opportunities to expand and grow are plentiful and you may surface and down to the heart—the bare bones of a situation, especially today. It may be that other people have led you away from the things you feel are important in your life. 49. English scholastic philosopher and assumed 40. Make uniform. be able to do almost everything. It is important to pick and choose the subjects that are most Your mind and thoughts gravitate to what is lasting, true. Your ideas are to the point and author of Occam's Razor (1285-1349). 43. Tropical American feather palm whose large beneficial as well as fun. This will not be a difficult task. You will prosper through new insights. candid—never florid or superficial. Subjects concerning philosophy and religion come 52. A sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice. nuts yield valuable oil and a kind of vegetable You have an independent point of view that is just what is needed to survive in a competitive task. In thinking about a vacation or a change of scenery, there is a love of the sea and of what- into play today and may influence your decision making. You desire to lecture, teach and 53. An official language of the Republic of South ivory. ever heals that which separates us. Mysticism, mythology, poetry and music are naturals. These inspire others to set goals and learn more about themselves and their hidden talents. This Africa. 44. Harsh or corrosive in tone. are all known items to you. You may enjoy taking a class in writing music. is a good time to organize your affairs or rearrange your living situation. Enjoy some quiet 54. A member of a seafaring group of North 45. A genus of Ploceidae. time near a pleasant body of water this evening. American Indians who lived on the Pacific coast of 48. A resident of Alabama. British Columbia and southwestern Alaska. 50. A white metallic element that burns with a bril- 55. The capital and largest city of Yemen. liant light. Word Search Yesterday’s Solution 57. Forbidden to profane use especially in South 51. A bachelor's degree in science. Pacific islands. 56. Having the leading position or higher score in a 59. A doctor's degree in religion. contest. 61. The (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb. 58. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. 62. A soft white precious univalent metallic ele- 60. United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or ment having the highest electrical and thermal 3.785 liters. conductivity of any metal. 63. Extremely cold. 64. A decree that prohibits something. 66. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary 65. Lower in esteem. having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or 68. A discussion in which reasons are advanced for pericarp. and against some proposition or proposal. 67. A metallic element having four allotropic forms. 71. A republic in southeastern Europe on the 69. A large bundle bound for storage or transport. Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. 70. Panel forming the lower part of an interior wall 75. Tropical American tree grown in southern when it is finished differently from the rest. United States having a whitish pink-tinged fruit. 72. (Babylonian) God of wisdom and agriculture 78. An Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan. and patron of scribes and schools. 79. A river that rises in western New Mexico and 73. A republic in the Middle East in western Asia. flows westward through southern Arizona to 74. An officer who acts as military assistant to a become a tributary of the Colorado River. more senior officer. 83. Having undesirable or negative qualities. 76. (Brit) A tough youth of 1950's and 1960's wear- 84. Any place of complete bliss and delight and ing Edwardian style clothes. peace. 77. United States sculptor and architect whose 85. Dragonflies and damselflies. public works include the memorial to veterans of 86. (Hawaiian) A small guitar having four strings. the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959). 80. A radioactive metallic element that is similar to DOWN tellurium and bismuth. 1. The highest level or degree attainable. 81. A highly unstable radioactive element (the 2. A textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile heaviest of the halogen series). v 1. 82. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali 3. A compartment in front of a motor vehicle earth group.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 00385 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 PRIVATE CLINICS Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 lifestyle WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Music & Movies

ris Jenner says her daughter Kim Kardashian is The 32-year-old has often been photographed since thrilled to have a new baby girl. Kardashian and her announcing she was pregnant, opting to continue to wear Krapper boyfriend Kanye West were keeping silent in designer clothing. She told The Associated Press in April the wake of multiple reports that Kardashian gave birth that she eventually embraced being an expecting mom over the weekend - about a month premature. But Jenner after getting past “the awkward phases and stages.” told E! at the Daytime Emmys on Sunday that Kim is The couple had initially kept the baby’s gender a secret, “extremely happy and thrilled for the new baby and she’s but the sex was revealed earlier this month during one of doing great and she’s beautiful.” Kardashian’s doctor appointments on “Keeping up with the Kardashian’s sister Khloe appeared to have let a rather Kardashians.” When asked about how much the baby cryptic cat out of the bag on Twitter. “I cannot even begin might be featured in the E! series, the channel said Monday 2describe the miracle that is now a part of our family. it was “thrilled for Kim and Kanye and out of respect for Mommy/baby are healthy &resting. We appreciate all of their privacy won’t be offering any further comment.” News the love,” she tweeted Sunday. She quickly followed with a of the birth has been swaddled in secrecy. Representatives second tweet: “More info will come when the time is right! for West and Kim Kardashian didn’t respond to emails and Thank you all for understanding! We love you all dearly! calls from The Associated Press, nor did any representatives Overwhelmed with love right now.” Jenner linked to both for family members, friends and professional associates. tweets on her Twitter account, then wished West a Happy And all of the weekend media reports on the birth were Father’s Day. attributed to anonymous sources. In a recent interview Asked for comment on the red carpet at the Daytime with The New York Times, West said he didn’t like talking Emmys, where she was a presenter, Jenner said, “She’s in about his family or the arrival of his child. “Like, this is my charge,” pointing at her publicist who whisked her away baby. This isn’t America’s baby,” he said. — AP from print reporters after doing TV interviews. The reality TV star’s pregnancy was almost as anticipated as the royal pregnancy of Kate Middleton, who is due in mid-July. File photo shows television personality Kim Kardashian poses for photographers at the red carpet during the 40th That’s about the time the Kardashian baby had been due. anniversary of Cosmopolitan magazine in Spanish in Mexico City. — AP

omedy fans know the names - John Belushi, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Joan Rivers - but before those famous faces graced CHollywood movies or the “Saturday Night Live” stage they were discovered by Bernie Sahlins, co-founder of The Second City. Alumni of the Chicago comedy club spent Monday remembering Sahlins, who died Sunday at age 90, as an innovator who along with business part- ners Howard Alk and Paul Sills opened the theater in December 1959. It quickly gained national attention and helped establish Chicago as a vibrant comedy town. “Bernie was absolutely crucial in the formative years of Second City, as important a figure as it’s ever had,” said comedian and actor Robert Klein, who went on from Second City in 1965 to star on television series and in movies. Second City caught on within months of opening, despite some early money problems and other issues. It became instrumental in the growth and development of improvisational and sketch comedy. Sahlins had an eye for talent, and he hired and nurtured the early careers of numerous future stars. “Bernie saved my life,” actor Alan Arkin is quoted as saying in Sheldon Patinkin’s 2000 book, “The Second City: eteran British rock bands Motorhead and The band, which is scheduled to begin a US tour Bleed From Within who formed in 2005 while the Backstage at the World’s Greatest Comedy Theater.” “Second City wasn’t a Black Sabbath were crowned the kings of this summer followed by concerts in South America best international band was named as the US’s theater ensemble to me, it was a halfway house ... Bernie not only gave Vheavy metal on Monday, winning the top and Europe later in the year, also won the award for Stone Sour from Des Moines, Iowa. French metal me a job, he took me in. I became his family, he became my family - the accolades at the UK’s top metal music awards, the best UK band. “From honoring the lords of our world band Gojira, previously known as Godzilla, won the first family that I even had and loved.” Patinkin, who serves as Second Metal Hammer Golden Gods. Motorhead, best Black Sabbath and the crown princes of rock and roll award for best live band while the best song prize City’s artistic consultant, said his longtime friend played a critical role not known for its 1980 hit “Ace of Spades”, received the Motorhead as well as today’s most cutting-edge went to the American rock band Coheed and just in establishing the theater but also in recruiting the talent. Golden Gods awards at the 11th annual ceremony acts, there’s simply no other event like it,” said Cambria for “Dark Side Of Me”. — Reuters “He was great at it,” Patinkin said. “Look at the list of our alumni, many for making a significant contribution to the rock and Alexander Milas, editor of Metal Hammer magazine of them were found by Bernie. Bernie was really good at picking out the heavy metal industry over nearly four decades. Black that organizes the annual awards. right ones.” In his 2002 memoir, “Days and Nights at the Second City,” Sabbath won the award for best album for “13” Motorhead frontman Lemmy, 67, who is the sole Sahlins seemed aware of that influence. “For somehow this tiny venture which soared to No. 1 in the British charts on constant member of the band set up in 1975, quickly became an important phenomenon in the recent history of the- Sunday, giving the band its first number one album received the Golden Gods award from members of atre, heralded for its contribution to popular entertainment,” he wrote. in nearly 43 years which is a record interval between Guns N’ Roses, Velvet Revolver, and Loaded bassist “One reason is, I believe, that we never thought of ourselves as popular chart-toppers. Duff McKagan. The best new band award went to entertainers.” Instead, colleagues remembered Sahlins as an intellectual who grad- uated from the University of Chicago and brought those edgy smarts with him to Second City. “You had to work from the top of your intelli- gence,” said comedian David Steinberg, who was with Second City in 1964 and has worked on television shows such as “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “Mad About You.” “That was the rule that Second City broke in comedy: don’t talk down to an audience ever; talk to the smartest person in the audience.” Michael McCarthy interned under Sahlins in 1981 and has written for “Saturday Night Live,” “Sesame Street” his is the end. Unless that is the end. we didn’t expect them to want more.” The and the Comedy Central cable TV channel. He said Sahlins would talk Since opening last week, the apocalyp- filmmakers quickly realized they had blun- endlessly about the mission of comedy and tell him to “always, always, Ttic comedy “This Is the End” has earned dered. Rogen and Goldberg (who also co- always ask yourself, ‘What are you trying to say, and is it funny?’” $33 million at the box office, making it one of wrote “Superbad” and “Pineapple Express”) Ramis, a former cast member turned director-writer-actor-producer, the biggest hit comedies of the year. But had actually first scripted a heaven scene, but told The Associated Press in 2009 that Sahlins brought a higher-brow despite its name, the rapture riot by writer- cut it because they thought it was cheesy. (It style to comedy. “It was OK to be smart,” Ramis said. “It was OK to be directors Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg featured smoking weed with Elvis and danc- intellectual.” Klein remembered Sahlins as an intellectual, but fun boss struggled to find its conclusion, and even had ing with Marilyn Monroe.) The two went back who loved cigars. “Not the kind who would put a lamp shade on his to reshoot the film’s final absurdist minutes. to the scene and brainstormed a new version. head at a party, but he had opinions on everything,” Klein said. Andrew (The rest of this article discusses the movie’s They came up with an answer to all their trou- Alexander, who along with business partner Len Stuart bought The ending, so avert your eyes if you’d like your bles: the Backstreet Boys. Second City from Sahlins in 1985, said Sahlins will be remembered for laughs unspoiled.) The film ends with a cameo from the band always urging performers to work at the top of their intellect. In “This Is the End,” a fiery apocalypse performing “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” “You think about that theater, and think of all the stars that came out arrives while Rogen, James Franco, Jay among the clouds at the pearly gates. (The of it ... from Belushi to (Dan) Aykroyd to Alan Arkin. It’s extraordinary, the Baruchel and others (all playing themselves) tune also plays earlier in the film when Seth amount of talented people that came out of it,” Alexander said. Klein said are at Franco’s Hollywood Hills home for a and Jay are hanging out.) Though all five he owes a great deal to Sahlins for hiring him. “I went to the Yale drama party. Some of the public has been raptured members of the boy band are still alive, school and that wasn’t nearly as valuable as making $150 a week at into heaven, but the actors are left to fend off they’ve presumably been raptured into heav- Second City,” Klein said. — AP demons while supplies dwindle and their en. In a movie that playfully and continuously Hollywood friendships fray. Eventually they ups the surrealism, it’s a final flourish of realize that they, too, can make it into heaven ridiculousness. When the group was if they redeem themselves with altruistic acts. approached about doing the cameo, the trail- Some die horribly, but “This Is the End” origi- er for “This Is the End” was already out online. nally concluded after two of the friends are “They had actually seen it,” says Rogen. “So beamed up into heaven. But when the film when we called them and asked them to be was test screened, audiences were miffed at in it, they already knew what the movie was not following the characters into the great and existed and were excited about it. So it beyond. was actually really not that hard. They were Ted Dwane “Overwhelmingly people were like, ‘What super psyched about it.”—AP happens in heaven? What happens in heav- en?’” Rogen said in a recent interview. “We had shown people so much crazy (expletive),

ritish folk band Mumford & Sons’ bassist Ted Dwane posted a message on Monday saying he Bwas recovering after brain surgery to remove a blood clot. Dwane posted a picture of himself with a shaved head on the band’s official website with the cap- tion, “Bear with a sore head! Thanks so much for all the well wishing, it seems to be working! I’m home.” The Grammy-winning London band was forced to cancel the final three US dates of its “Summer Stampede” tour last week after doctors discovered a clot on the surface of Dwane’s brain, which required imme- This 1986 photo provided by The Second City shows Bernard Sahlins, co-founder of The Second City, posing with actors during diate surgery. Hawaiian folk musician Jack Johnson an opening night party in Chicago. — AP photos filled Mumford & Sons’ headline slot on Saturday at the Bonnaroo music festival in Manchester, Tennessee. The four-member band, which formed in 2007, also includes Marcus Mumford, Winston Marshall and Ben Lovett. They won Album of the Year for “Babel” at the Grammy Awards in February. — Reuters This file film publicity image released by Columbia Pictures shows, from left, James Franco, Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel in a scene from ‘This Is The End’. — AP lifestyle WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013

Music & Movies

e really is more than a businessman. Jay-Z’s partnership days, helping the album sell 1.1 million in its debut week. Others chipped away at Apple’s share of the mobile market with its with Samsung for his new album, “Magna Carta Holy have also used that trend to sell albums, though not in its debut Galaxy phones, and companies are relying more on music to HGrail,” is another sign of how musicians are finding new week: Last year, Phil Collins’ greatest hits jumped into the Top 10 lure new customers (Apple last week announced it will debut ways to push, sell and promote their music, and how the multi- at No. 6 - its peak - when it was sold for 99 cents for a day. And iRadio, its streaming music service, in the fall). platinum performer - who famously rapped “I’m not a business- Bruno Mars’s “Doo-Wop & Hooligans” and Demi Lovato’s One of the many questions about the Samsung deal still man, I’m a business, man” - continues to leverage his enduring “Unbroken” both jumped about 100 spots on the Billboard chart unanswered: Will the 1 million downloads count toward first popularity into a successful brand. Jay-Z will give his new album when they were on sale for 99 cents months after they were week sales of the album, giving it elite status of debuting with to 1 million users of Galaxy mobile phones on July 4, three days released. platinum sales, an accomplishment few artists have achieved? before the album’s official release date. The 43-year-old broke Taylor Swift, one of the top sellers in music, had her second Billboard, which tracks album sales and chart information for the the news about his 12th album in a three-minute commercial platinum-debut week with “Red” last year. Her partnerships for industry, did not return emails seeking comment. Samsung during the NBA Finals. the album included major US retailer Target, drugstore chain reportedly purchased the albums though it’s unclear what the Details about the Samsung-Jay-Z deal, announced Sunday, Walgreens and Papa John’s (you could order a pizza and a Swift price-point was. Jay-Z made it clear Monday what he felt the weren’t disclosed and neither party granted interviews. But Jay- album at the same time.) “Even if you didn’t purchase the CD, her trade publication should do. “If 1 Million records gets SOLD and Z’s partnership is just another way artists are promoting their face was still on the pizza box,” Donio said. And Prince released billboard doesn’t report it, did it happen? Ha,” Jay-Z, adding: music at a time when album sales are low and the digital market his “20Ten” album in 2010 via the Daily Mirror newspaper in “Platinum!!!” Donio said he thinks more deals like Samsung-Jay-Z has taken the lead in the music industry. Jim Donio, the presi- Britain. Jay-Z’s new partnership is one of his many business are on the horizon. “The record labels that are putting out the dent of the National Association of Recording Merchandisers deals. His Roc Nation agency, which manages Rihanna, Shakira music and partnering with a variety of types of commerce out- (NARM), said top level acts like Jay-Z and Taylor Swift have the and other musicians, recently expanded into the sports world, lets are going to look at just anything and everything that may power to launch new albums in spectacular ways with various and he now is helping the careers of New York Yankee Robinson work with that particular artist and that particular album partners. “For an artist whose album release is an event in itself ... Cano, New York Jets rookie Geno Smith and others. release,” he said. — AP they carry with them a much wider profile in the marketplace Jay-Z has launched fashion lines, has a string of 40/40 night- that they speak to, so their audience and all the things that they clubs, was also the president of Def Jam and owned part of 1 do affords these unique opportunities,” he said. percent of the Brooklyn Nets. He’s also still a consistent hitmaker In 2011, Lady Gaga sold 440,000 copies of her “Born This Way” and a superstar who transcends music - which is why Samsung album on Amazon for just 99 cents when it was on sale for two likely partnered with him for his new album. Samsung has File photo shows Jay-Z at ‘The Great Gatsby’ world pre- miere at Avery Fisher Hall in New York.—AP

ealth officials in Mumbai are investigating reports that Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and his wife know the Hsex of a baby they are having through a surrogate mother. Sex determination tests are banned in India to stop the practice of abort- ing female fetuses due to a preference for sons. Khan was not at home when municipal authorities tried to question him about reports that the woman had such a test, Press Trust of India reported. A complaint filed by an unidentified, non-governmental organiza- tion alleged that Khan and his wife know they are expecting a boy. Khan has refused to comment. The 47-year-old actor is popularly known as ‘King Khan’ in the Indian film industry. He has acted in around 75 Hindi feature films, including many box-office hits. He has also hosted a season of the Hindi version of the game show, “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?” He and his childhood sweetheart Gauri have a son and a daughter. Actor Brad Pitt, lower left, signs autographs as he arrives to the ‘World War Z’ premiere. India’s 2011 census showed that the country had 914 girls for every 1,000 boys under age 6, a gender ratio mainly attributed to sex-selec- ‘World War Z’ draws massive crowd in NYC tive abortions despite the ban on prenatal gender tests. —AP

housands of screaming fans brought “A movie is only good if it speaks about our Times Square to a standstill as they wait- time, if it’s personal in some way, and it plugs Ted to catch a glimpse of Brad Pitt at the into the zeitgeist to irritate a little bit. I think we premiere of his new thriller, “World War Z.” The got that here,” he said. As for letting his children 49-year old actor took his time to talk to see it, Pitt feels the movie is not appropriate for reporters on the appropriately-designed “Z- the younger ones. “My two oldest I’ve let see it, shaped” red carpet, often breaking away to and they’ve loved it. Parental guidance, it’s sign autographs and pose for photographs called parental guidance,” Pitt said of only with fans. “We’re not doing this small... we’re allowing Maddox, 11, and Pax, 8, to see the going big this summer,” Pitt said of the pre- film. Pitt, and fiance’ Angelina Jolie, have six miere that resembled a music festival. Pitt stars children. Jolie has long been recognized for her in and produced the apocalyptic thriller based humanitarian work, and served as Goodwill on the book by Max Brooks. He’s the son of the Ambassador for the United Nations High legendary comic actor and director Mel Brooks. Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHCR. In 2012, Pitt plays a former United Nations investiga- she was promoted to Special Envoy. So how tor who traverses the world in a race against does Jolie feel about Pitt representing the UN time to stop a zombie pandemic that is threat- in the film? ening to decimate humanity. “We liked this idea Pitt laughed, saying: “She just didn’t want of taking a genre and using that as, I guess, a me to embarrass them.” — AP metaphor for pandemics, and what if one of these pandemics jumped the tracks. Would we be ready? What countries would be in better shape, what countries would take the biggest hit?,” Pitt said of the zombie thriller. While Pitt sees the film as more of a summer thriller than File photo shows Indian Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, right, a cautionary tale, he’s nonetheless intrigued by poses with his wife, Gauri, on the red carpet of the Zee Cine Awards Brad Pitt attends the ‘World War Z’ premiere on 2012 in Macau. — AP Monday in New York. — AP photos the political subtext.

aty Perry “goes there” with Vogue about two of her high-profile relation- ships in the magazine’s July cover story. The singer says of ex-husband os Angeles police said yesterday they are investigating a West KRussell Brand that she “was in love with him when I married him” in Hollywood traffic accident in which a paparazzo was hit by a 2010. She adds that she hasn’t heard from the comedian since Brand sent her Lsports car driven by teen idol Justin Bieber. Gossip website TMZ a text on New Year’s Eve 2011 saying he wanted a divorce, about 14 months said Bieber, 19, was exiting the Laugh Factory on Sunset Boulevard late later. Monday when his white Ferrari struck a photographer, who was treated Perry says she blamed herself for their breakup until she “found out the in hospital with unspecified injuries. It posted video footage of the inci- real truth,” which she “can’t necessarily disclose.” She also opens up about her dent, in which Bieber is seen getting into the car with a male friend on-again-off-again relationship with John Mayer, saying she “was madly in amid a crush of photographers, revving its engine, then driving off, love with him” and still is. She also says he has a “beautiful mind” and a “tor- apparently striking a paparazzo in the knee. tured soul.” The July issue of Vogue goes on sale June 25. — AP “Police have interviewed all parties involved,” a Los Angeles Police Department spokesman told AFP, confirming the incident without identifying Bieber by name. “It’s an ongoing investigation for a traffic collision.” Canadian-born chart-topper Bieber has been on a break from his ongoing North American tour. He is expected to announce concert dates for Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region in the next few days. — AFP

Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan , flanked by co-stars Yao Xintong and Zhang Meng , pose during the Chinese Film Festival in New Delhi yesterday. Hong Kong actor and Hollywood action star Chan is in India to inaugurate the Chinese Film Festival and held a special screening of his film ‘Chinese Zodiac’. — AFP lifestyle WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013

Jumeirah Beach Hotel

By Chidi Emmanuel ting edge over other destinations. DSS and the wider “Summer is Dubai” campaign are a crucial part of our tourism strategy of attract- re you looking forward to a summer of a lifetime? Dubai ing 20 million visitors by 2020 that was announced by His Highness Summer Surprises 2013 package has it all. Dubai Festivals and Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime ARetail Establishment (DFRE), an agency of the Department of Minister of UAE, and Ruler of Dubai,” HE said. Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), has unveiled a fun-filled calendar of events for the 16th edition of Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS), which began on June 7, as part of the unique ‘Summer is Dubai’ Mega Prizes campaign which will run till September 7. During the 3-month long “Summer is Dubai” campaign, the organ- The 32-day fun-packed event focuses on tourists, families and chil- izers will run a mega promotion in collaboration with the Dubai dren - offering numerous diverse events and activities designed to Shopping Malls Group (DSMG), offering up to Dhs 5 million in prizes. create a grand citywide celebration across several sectors including Of this total prize money, up to Dhs 1 million in prizes plus 8 BMW tourism, retail and leisure. Amid numerous events and attractions, cars will be given away to lucky shoppers during DSS. Shoppers families can also avail themselves of amazing promotions that will run spending Dhs 200 will be entitled to a coupon that will be entered throughout DSS and ‘Summer is Dubai’ including the fantastic pack- into the raffle draws of the “Summer is Dubai” mega promotion. age that is being offered by leading hotels that allows children under 12 a stay at the hotel for free. The leading malls hype up the summer promotions to attract DSS shoppers. Dubai Sports World Commenting on the 16th edition of DSS, Her Excellency Laila Dubai World Trade Centre: 21 June - 21 August Mohammed Suhail, CEO of Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment For two months, a pro-standard, air conditioned arena at the Dubai (DFRE), an agency of DTCM, said that the Festivals and Events industry World Trade Centre is where leading sports academies, clubs, sports has become, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the main pillars that professionals and enthusiasts will congregate to make Dubai Sports contributes towards sustaining a robust tourism sector at any given World the top indoor sports destination. The dedicated indoor arena destination. Its direct impact on the tourism scene and other related will feature action and excitement across the sporting spectrum -foot- Adventure World, Fun Fair Rides and a Kids Football Field, to name but sectors is highly notable; this is most evident in the form of our own ball, basketball, fitness, running, rugby, volleyball, tennis, cricket, a few - Modhesh World has it all. Throw in a Pets Farm, a Kids Pizza Dubai Summer Surprises. action sports and more. Sports lovers in the city need not feel disap- Making Room, an Electronic Games Area, a Laser Battle Room and a “Since its inception in 1998, this ground-breaking event has capi- pointed about the hot summer weather interfering with their love for Video Games Zone, as well as a 9D Cinema Zone, and you know why talized on the fast paced prosperity and development of the city of their chosen sport. Dubai Sports World transforms the hot summer every kid in town would want to be there. But that’s not all - plenty of Dubai to become one of the most awaited summer events, turning into the season where the sports and action never stop. other attractions such as a Puppets World, a Toddlers Sand Park, the challenging summer into a fruitful and lucrative season across Modhesh Dance Academy, and others, beckon the kids. Dubai’s main sectors,” she said. Kids Fashion Week The state-of-the-art infrastructures combined with its peacefulness Dubai Festival City Mall: 30 June - 6 July and tranquility will always give Dubai the cut- Dubai Festival City Mall will come alive with little fashionistas for seven days at a special fashion event dedicated to children’s cou- ture. Tiny feet will march down the fashion ramps as the growing market of children’s clothing is celebrated The state-of-the-art infrastructure combined with its peace- in a display of colorful, cool and practical designs of the kids wear scene. This mini fash- fulness and tranquility always give Dubai the cutting edge ion week will feature fashion shows of the over other destinations. The city is simply built for summer best global brands with the local catwalk stars of tomorrow, as well as a plethora of vacations. creativity and avant garde designs that will see the little flowers blossom and shine.

Pillow Fight Dubai Ice Rink - The Dubai Mall: 19 June Cartoon Characters - Bananas in Pyjamas T ake your angst out, bash up someone you have a Mall of the Emirates: 7-11 June grudge against, unleash your inner fighter - all for fun. All Kids, brace yourselves for a laughter riot. Take in deep gulps of air if those who are young - or young at heart - will love to you don’t want to go out of breath with all the guffawing - because engage in this mock physical fight with the softest of the world’s favourite bananas are coming to the Mall of the Emirates weapons: pillows stuffed with feathery down. complete with their famous pyjamas, jokes and antics! The much Hundreds of pillow warriors will divide themselves loved pre-school series characters from Down Under will also be into teams, chose their lethal weapons from the pil- joined by their best buddies from Cuddlestown - the adorable teddies low pile and then proceed to battle each other. And Lulu, Morgan and Amy, and the mischievous Rat. The two lovable the only casualty left strewn on the field of battle will bananas, B1 and B2, will present their typically hilarious acts and their be the cotton wool and feathers! friends will join in with their slap-stick adventures. Modhesh World Dubai World Trade Centre, Halls 1-6: 20 June - 28 Burjuman August Kids stepping into Modhesh World - the home of their favorite friend, the cuddly summer mascot Modhesh, will instantly feel welcome, excited, energized and bubbly with joy at the ensemble of games, contests, activities, fun skills workshops and more. Modhesh World is back again to cheer up children this summer with a line-up of activities like never before. From fun learning experiences such as a Heritage and Culture World, Art and Crafts Zone and a Boot Camp Challenge , among others, to pure entertainment at the Mothers’ Zone, Princess Spa, Snow Park, Graffiti Wall, Kids lifestyle WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013

City of Friends returns to the UAE for the second year running on popular demand Mercato Mall: 13-19 June Whose Line Is It Anyway? after tasting great success in its inaugural run in the city last year. Mercato means Market in Italian. The Dubai renaissance-style Madinat Theatre, Souk Madinat Jumeirah: 13-15 June Devised and directed by the Barnyard Theatre Productions, this nos- shopping mall is the first of its kind in Middle East. It brings together After a series of sell-out shows last year, the improvisation show, talgic production will take you through the history of South African the choicest of international lifestyle offerings in addition to several ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’, is back this year in Dubai for DSS. The show music featuring hits from the Miriam Makeba along with Paul Simon, exclusive brands. A 25-minute live stage musical show titled ‘Welcome consists of four performers, who create characters, scenes and songs The Manhattan Brothers, Mahlantini, Johnny Clegg, Mango Groove to the City of Friends’ will feature a live host and 3 costumed charac- on the spot. The audience can interact with them, as most of the top- and many more South African legends. ters: Max, the only monkey in the world who works in the police serv- ics for the games are based on audience suggestions, or predeter- ice and the mischief maker in the community; Elphie, a bubbly and mined prompts from the host. Don’t miss the chance to see this inter- Imagination Movers adventure-loving elephant whose impressive trunk and water-shoot- active show! Dubai World Trade Centre: 28-29 June ing abilities make her a natural fire-fighter; and Ted, a very caring ted- Making its debut in Dubai will be the Imagination Movers, a band dy bear who has recently qualified as a paramedic and started work at Taal (Live in Concert) that performs music for children. Formed in 2003 and signed by the ambulance service lending a paw to those in need. Together they Dubai World Trade Centre: 14th June Disney in 2005, the band sings about healthy eating, good habits, and focus on all aspects of emergency services and teach safety to kids. Groove to some of the most popular Bollywood numbers as Alka about conquering the fear of bedtime. Imagination Movers albums Yagnik and Sukhwinder Singh, two of India’s highly acclaimed singers, have sold over 250,000 copies. This is the perfect show to take your Smurf Show croon some of their super-hit melodies. Musical legends in their own kids to, as part of their summer treat. The Dubai Mall : 24-30 June right, the duo have given the world of Bollywood some of its most Catch five of your favorite Smurfs live on stage at The Dubai Mall unforgettable hits. Yagnik is known internationally for her song Taal, a this DSS in The Smurfs - A Very Smurfy Festival. Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Bollywood number that went on to become one of the most popular Brainy Smurf, Clumsy Smurf and Vanity Smurf will all be there, as will international songs of all time. Sukhwinder is equally illustrious in his Dubai Sports World transforms the hot summer into the season Gargamel, in a 25-minute show featuring a great story, fun music and achievements, and is no stranger to international audiences as he dancing, lots of humour, a bit of drama, and, of course, the world’s counts among his hits the runaway chart topper Jai Ho from the Oscar where the sports and action never stop. For two months, a most lovable little blue guys - all live on stage! Papa Smurf will emerge winning film Slumdog Millionaire. pro-standard, air conditioned arena at the Dubai World Trade from his mushroom house with a scroll and officially announce the start of the summer celebrations. It’s a cause for great excitement Wayans Brothers Stand Up Comedy Show Centre is where leading sports academies, clubs, sports profes- amongst the Smurfs who know it is one of the most festive times of Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Centre, Mall of the Emirates: 21 the Smurfy calendar! and 22 June sionals and enthusiasts will congregate to make Dubai Sports The Hollywood comedians, Shawn and Marlon Wayans are set to World the top indoor sports destination. Strawberry Shortcake Show bring the house down during their Middle East debut with their live Deira City Centre: 1-7 July comedy show this month. The brothers found fame through their hit Calling all little girls: Grab your tiara and your most beautiful ball TV comedy series in the ‘90s, The Wayans Bros and blockbuster movies gown as you’re invited to the most anticipated sweetest event of the such as Scary Movie 1 and 2 and, A Haunted House. This a superb year: The Pretty Princess Berry Ball at Deira City Centre. It’s time to chance for comedy lovers to see the brothers in action so don’t miss Roaming and Stage Performers dress up and prepare for a celebration of all things berry-beautiful. this wacky live comedy show! It’s a non-stop medley of acrobatics, music, dance, mime, choreog- The four main characters of the show - Strawberry Shortcake, Lemon raphy and more in Dubai this summer as Dubai Summer Surprises Meringue, Blueberry Muffin and Cherry Jam - will sparkle in their stun- Under African Skies brings you some of the best entertainment you can find anywhere. ning ball gowns complete with jewels and tiaras. And even Custard Madinat Theatre, Souk Madinat Jumeirah: 26-29 June The fun starts for visitors right at the airport, where roaming perform- the cat will be all dressed up for the Berry Ball. The show provides a The haunting melodies and pulsating rhythms of African music will ers provide a warm welcome with their music and dance routines. The wholesome and sweet-scented pink world where little girls have the help liven up Dubai during DSS 2013 with the famous production city’s shopping malls and Modhesh World, the region’ biggest family power to solve big problems with humour, friendship and optimism. Under African Skies. Staged at theatres throughout South Africa con- edutainment centre, will also wear a buzz of excitement with a tinuously since 2002, the production has also toured the Netherlands, mouthwatering array of stage and roaming shows to please both chil- Concerts & Theatrical Shows Denmark, Turkey, the Caribbean, Bahrain, Belgium and France - and dren and adults. Some of the stage skits that are sure to keep audi- Elvis Forever ences enthralled are The Vocal People, The Floating Chandeliers, The Madinat Theatre, Souk Madinat Jumeirah: 5-8 June Comic Book Show, The Sweet Treat Show, Cartoon Pantomime and The King is back, by popular demand! This DSS get ready to put on Burj Khalifa tower many others. Now add the roaming shows, such as the Music Box your Blue Suede Shoes as you do the Jailhouse Rock in a tribute to the Ballerinas and the Brick People, and you have all the ingredients of the King of Rock n’ Roll. Elvis Forever, which will be staged in collabora- perfect evenings out at the malls or at Modhesh World - evenings full tion with the Barnyard Theatre Productions, is a spectacular show that of family entertainment, spectacular shows and performances from all captures the excitement and energy of the performances by Elvis over the world. Presley. The tribute show will have an 11 piece band with three back- up singers all featuring in timeless hits reproduced from the 50s to the 70s - such as Hound Dog, Love Me Tender, Viva Las Vegas and plenty from the repertoire of the King who will be essayed by ever-popular Popular Destinations and awards-winning Elvis impersonator, Shaky Russell. JUMEIRAH BEACH HOTEL: Inspired by the shape of a break- Dubai Rock Fest 2013 ing wave, Jumeirah Beach Hotel is a vibrant symbol in Dubai sky- Dubai World Trade Centre: 7 June line and a destination synonymous with sophistication and luxu- The city will rock to the amazing talents of some of the greatest ry. It is a unique family beach destination that redefines the holi- musicians in the world, as the Dubai Rock Fest brings to Dubai leg- day experience. ends of the guitar, such as Yngwie Malmsteen, for the first time ever - as well as rock bands from all over the world. Dark Tranquility from BURJUMAN: Burjuman offers an array of value-added servic- Sweden, French band Nightmare, Tunisia’s Myrath, Epica from Holland es that maximizes your comfort and convenience during every and more will be joined by the city’s own heavy metal band, Anuryzm visit. Be it a coveted handbag, a stunning pair of shoes, a beauti- at the DWTC Arena. For eight hours from 6pm onwards, fans will rock ful evening dress and an impeccable suit etc, Burjuman brings their socks off as they head-bang and gyrate to the energetic, theatri- together the best choices for you. Shop up your wish list and cal and psychedelic performances and best hits from the legendary enjoy a better class of shopping. Malmsteen and some of the most famous names in rock music world- wide. PARIS GALLERY: Paris Gallery is the flagship retail brand of the Paris Gallery Group of Companies, the leading luxury retailer Michael McIntyre Live in Dubai in the GCC. It offers its customers a premium assortment of over Dubai World Trade Centre: 7-8 June 450 international brands across several product categories - fra- After his record-breaking UK tour, British comedian Michael McIntyre grances, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, fashion accessories - includ- has his eyes set on the Middle East, particularly Dubai. The stand-up ing leather goods, ladies shoes and eyewear. comedian will have fans laughing hard when he performs at two live shows at the same venue. Be sure to take a handkerchief along with BURJ KHALIFA TOWER: Burj Khalifa’s At the Top experience is the you if you go, as Michael will use his unparalleled ability to turn every- high point for everyone visiting Dubai. It is the World’s tallest build- day situations into something hilarious, to make you laugh so hard that ing and a living wonder with stunning work of art. In concept and you’ll be clutching your sides and perhaps even start to tear. execution, Burj Khalifa has no peer. More than just the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa is an unprecedented example of international We’re Going on a Bear Hunt cooperation, symbolic beacon of progress, and an emblem of the Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Centre, Mall of the Emirates: 11- new, dynamic and prosperous Middle East. It is also tangible proof of 14 June Dubai’s growing role in a changing world. In fewer than 30 years, this Adapted from Michael Rosen’s book of the same name, We’re city has transformed itself from a regional centre to a global one. Going On A Bear Hunt, has finally made its way to the theatre in This success was not based on oil reserves, but on reserves of human Dubai. For a perfect family treat, head over to the DUCTAC Theatre, talent, ingenuity and initiative. Burj Khalifa embodies that vision. Mall of the Emirates, to watch the play. The story revolves around a father and his four children, a toddler, a preschooler and two older girls, who go on a traditional bear hunt. In the end they finally come across a real bear which promptly chases them all the way back to their home!

Burj Khalifa tower Waooooo! Dubai Summer38 Surprises WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013

At least 1,200 prisoners dressed in multicolored uniforms stage an aerobic ‘full body’ dancing show in the Lurigancho high security prison in Lima, Peru. Inmates from Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia, armed their steps (small wooden platforms), practiced for more than three months and danced to rock music, and regga- ton meringues, beating the world record for more people dancing in jail, said Roger Romero, creator of full body in Peru, who coached the prisoners.—AFP

rail company is offering one lucky cou- same for ordinary weddings,” said Suzuki. The ple the chance to get married aboard event has officially been planned to mark the Aone of Tokyo’s busiest commuter trains 50th year that Yamanote line trains have been as it encircles the Japanese capital, it said yes- painted yellow-green. terday. East Japan Railway (JR East) said it The ceremony has to be held on October wanted to find a couple who would like to tie 14, the 141st anniversary of Japan’s railways the knot aboard the usually heaving coming into operation. JR East is accepting Yamanote Line, in the company of up to 120 applications for the next three weeks. The friends and family. “We expect applications winning couple can arrange the ceremony as from couples who are somewhat attached to they wish but must host and pay for the ensu- the Yamanote line, including those who live ing wedding reception at a hotel run by the nearby,” said JR East spokesman Yoichi Suzuki. firm. The sight of train enthusiasts swarming “But they need not necessarily be rail fans.” platforms to take pictures of even the most Guests will have exclusive use of the 11-car regular-looking locomotives is not unusual in train, which normally carries around 1,000 Japan, a country where hobbies are taken tightly-packed commuters. The train will take very seriously. — AFP an hour to travel the around the 35-kilometre (22-mile) Yamanote line, stopping at all 29 sta- tions but not opening its doors. The nature of the journey will pose one possible challenge- there is no toilet aboard. “The guests will be warned well in advance. I think this is all the A train of Yamanote Line of East Japan Railway (JR East) travels over a road in Tokyo yesterday. — AFP photos

ew airborne laser scanning data has uncovered a network of roadways and canals, illustrating an entire bustling ancient city linking NCambodia’s famed Angkor Wat temples complex. The discovery was announced late Monday in a peer-reviewed paper released early by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The laser scanning shows a previously undocumented formal urban planned landscape integrating the 1,200 year old temples. It’s all obscured by dense forest. Study lead author Damien Evans of the University of Sydney tells The Age of Australia in a video that it was a Eureka moment when the air- borne lasers revealed the sudden and imme- diate picture of an entire city, with urban temples. The airborne lasers also indi- cated that the civilization there even- tually collapsed because of defor- estation and broken reservoir sys- tems. — AP