Linux Hacking Case Studies Part 5: Building a Vulnerable Server written by Scott Sutherland | March 27, 2020 This blog will share how to configure your own Linux server with the vulnerabilities shown in the “Linux Hacking Case Studies” blog series. That way you can practice building and breaking home. Similar to the rest of the series, this blog is really intended for people are new to penetration testing, but hopefully there is a little something for everyone. Enjoy!

Below are links to the first four blogs in the series:

Linux Hacking Case Study Part 1: Rsync Linux Hacking Case Study Part 2: NFS Linux Hacking Case Study Part 3: phpMyAdmin Linux Hacking Case Study Part 4: Sudoers Horror Stories

Below is an overview of what will be covered in this blog:

Lab Scenarios Kali VM and Dependencies Lab Setup: Rsync Lab Setup: NFS Lab Setup: phpMyAdmin Lab Setup: SUDO

Lab Scenarios

This section briefly summarizes the lab scenarios that you’ll be building which are based on this blog series.

REMOTE LOCAL # ESCALATION PATH VULNERABILITY VULNERABILITY Excessive privileges Create a new privileged Excessive configured on a user by adding lines to privileges Rsync server. the shadow, passwd, 1 configured on a Specifically, the groups, and sudoers Rsync Server server is files. configured to run as root. Review setuid binaries Excessive Insecure setuid and determine which ones privileges binary that allows have the direct or 2 configured on a arbitrary code indirect capability to NFS Export execution as root. execute arbitrary code as root. a to the world writable script Excessive that starts a netcat privileges listener. When the root configured on a job executes the Weak password script that is script the netcat 3 configured for executed by a root listener will start as phpMyAdmin cron job. root. Then its possible Specifically, the to connect to the netcat script is listeners remotely to world writable. obtain root access. Reverse shell alternatives here. Review sudo applications Insecure sudoers to determine which ones configurations have the direct or that allows indirect capability to Weak password arbitrary code execute arbitrary code as 4 configured for SSH execution as root root. Examples include through sudo sh, , python, netcat, applications. and the use of a custom module. Kali VM and Install Dependencies

For this lab, we’ll be building our vulnerable services on a standard Kali image. If you don’t already have a Kali VM, you can download from their site website to get you setup. Once your Kali VM is ready to go you’ll want to install some package that will be required for setting up the scenarios in the lab. sure to sign as root, you’ll need those privilege to setup the lab.

Install Required Packages apt-get update apt-get install nfs-kernel-server apt-get install nfs-common apt-get install ufw apt-get install nmap

Clear Firewall Restrictions iptables --flush ufw allow from any to any ufw status

With that out of the way let’s dive in.

Lab Setup: Rsync

Attack Lab: Linux Hacking Case Study Part 1: Rsync

In this section we’ll cover how to configure an insecure Rsync server. Once you’re logged in as root execute the commands below.

Let’s start by creating the rsyncd.conf configuration file with the commands below: "motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd" > /etc/rsyncd.conf echo "lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo "log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo "pid file = /var/run/" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " " >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo "[files]" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " path = /" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " comment = Remote file share." >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " uid = 0" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " gid = 0" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " read only = no" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf echo " list = yes" >> /etc/rsyncd.conf

Next, let’s setup the rsync Service: systemctl enable rsync systemctl start rsync or systemctl restart rsync

Verify the Configuration rsync rsync Lab Setup: NFS

Attack Lab: Linux Hacking Case Study Part 2: NFS

In this section we cover how to configure insecure NFS exports and an insecure setuid binary. Once you’re logged in as root execute the commands below.

Configure NFS Exports

Create NFS Exports echo "/home *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports echo "/ *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports

Start NFS Server systemctl start nfs-kernel-server.service systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server Verify NFS Export showmount -e

Create Password Files for Discovery echo "user2:" > /root/user2.txt echo "test:password" > /tmp/creds.txt echo "test:test" > /tmp/mypassword.txt

Enable password authentication through SSH. -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config service ssh restart

Create Insecure Setuid Binary

Create the source code for a binary that can execute arbitrary OS commands called exec.c: echo "#include " > /home/test/exec.c echo "#include " >> /home/test/exec.c echo "#include " >> /home/test/exec.c echo "#include " >> /home/test/exec.c echo " " >> /home/test/exec.c echo "int main(int argc, char *argv[]){" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " " >> /home/test/exec.c echo " ("%s,%dn", "USER ID:",getuid());" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " printf("%s,%dn", "EXEC ID:",geteuid());" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " " >> /home/test/exec.c echo " printf("Enter OS command:");" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " char line[100];" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " fgets(line,sizeof(line),stdin);" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " line[strlen(line) - 1] = ''; " >> /home/test/exec.c echo " char * s = line;" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " char * command[5];" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " int i = 0;" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " while(s){" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " command[i] = strsep(&s," ");" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " i++;" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " }" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " command[i] = NULL;" >> /home/test/exec.c echo " execvp(command[0],command);" >> /home/test/exec.c echo "}" >> /home/test/exec.c

Compile exec.c: gcc -o /home/test/exec exec.c exec.c

Configure setuid on exec so that we can execute commands as root: 4755 exec Verify you can execute the exec binary as a least privilege user.

Lab Setup: phpMyAdmin

Attack Lab: Linux Hacking Case Study Part 3: phpMyAdmin

In this section we’ll cover how to configure an insecure instance of phpMyAdmin, a root cron job, and a script that’s world writable. Once you’re logged in as root execute the commands below.

Reset the root Password (this is mostly for existing MySQL instances)

We’ll start by resetting the root password on the local MySQL instance. MySQL should be installed by default in Kali, but if it’s not on your build you’ll have to install it first.

# Stop mysql /etc/init.d/mysql stop

# Start MySQL in safe mode and log in as root mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables& mysql -uroot

# Select the database to use use mysql;

# Reset the root password update user set password=PASSWORD("password") where User='root'; flush privileges; quit

# Restart the server /etc/init.d/mysql stop /etc/init.d/mysql start

# Confirm update by logging in with new password mysql -u root -p

Install PHPMyAdmin

Alrighty, to install phpMyAdmin. apt-get install phpmyadmin

Eventually you will be presented with a GUI. Follow the instructions below.

1. Choose apache2 for the web server. Warning: When the first prompt appears, apache2 is highlighted, but not selected. If you do not hit Space to select Apache, the installer will not move the necessary files during installation. Hit Space, Tab, and then Enter to select Apache. 2. Select yes when asked whether to use dbconfig-common to set up the database. 3. You will be prompted for your database administrator’s password, which should be set to “password” to match the lab.

After the installation we still have a few things to do. Let’s create a soft link in the webroot to phpmyadmin. -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/phpmyadmin

Then, let’s restart the required services: service apache2 restart service mysql restart

Next, let’s add the admin user we’ll be guessing later. mysql -u root use mysql; CREATE USER 'admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'admin'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; exit

Finally, configure excessive privileges in the webroot just for fun: /var/www/ -R www-data * chmod -R 777 *

Web it’s all done you should be able to verify the setup by logging into as the “admin” user with a password of “password”. Create a World Writable Script

Next up, let’s make a world writable script that will be executed by a cron job. /scripts echo "echo hello world" >> /scripts/ chmod -R 777 /scripts

Create Root Cron Job Now, let’s configure a root cron job to execute the script every minute. echo "* * * * * /scripts/" > mycron

You can then verify the cron job was added with the command below. crontab -l Lab Setup: Sudoers

Attack Lab: Linux Hacking Case Study Part 4: Sudoers Horror Stories This section outlines how to create a sudoers configuration that allows the execution of applications that can run arbitrary commands.

Create Encrypted Password The command below will allow you create create an encrypted password for generating test users. I originally found this guidance from ively. passwd -crypt test

Next you can add new users using the generate password below. This is not required, but handy for scripting out environments. useradd -m -p O1Fug755UcscQ -s /bin/bash test useradd -m -p O1Fug755UcscQ -s /bin/bash user1 useradd -m -p O1Fug755UcscQ -s /bin/bash user2 useradd -m -p O1Fug755UcscQ -s /bin/bash user3 useradd -m -p O1Fug755UcscQ -s /bin/bash tempuser

Create an Insecure Sudoers Configuration The sudoers configuration below with allow vi, nmap, python, and sh to be executed as root by test and user1. echo "Cmnd_Alias ALLOWED_CMDS = /usr/bin/vi, /usr/bin/nmap, /usr/bin/python3.6, /usr/bin/python3.7, /usr/bin/sh" > /etc/sudoers echo "test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALLOWED_CMDS" >> /etc/sudoers echo "user1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALLOWED_CMDS" >> /etc/sudoers

When its all done you can log in as the previously created test user to verify the sudo application are available:

Wrap Up

In this blog we covered how to configure your own vulnerable Linux server, so you can learn in a safe environment. Hopefully the Linux Hacking Case Studies blog series was useful for those of you who are new the security community. Stay safe and hack responsibly!