79 bus time schedule & line map

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The 79 bus line (Wolverhampton - West Bromwich via Wednesbury) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Wednesbury: 9:33 AM (2) West Bromwich: 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM (3) Wolverhampton: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 79 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 79 bus arriving.

Direction: Wednesbury 79 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Wednesbury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:33 AM Wolverhampton Bus Station Five Ways, /Wolverhampton// Tuesday 9:33 AM

Hospital St, Wolverhampton Wednesday 9:33 AM

Eagle St, Monmore Green Thursday 9:33 AM Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Friday 9:33 AM

Cable St, Monmore Green Saturday Not Operational

Ettingshall Rd, Ettingshall

Holloway St, Stow Heath 79 bus Info Stow Heath Lane, Stow Heath Direction: Wednesbury Stops: 33 Hall Park St, Priesteld Trip Duration: 35 min Line Summary: Wolverhampton Bus Station, Bilston Cemetery, Priesteld Hospital St, Wolverhampton, Eagle St, Monmore Green, Cable St, Monmore Green, Ettingshall Rd, A41, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Ettingshall, Holloway St, Stow Heath, Stow Heath Bilston College, Bilston Lane, Stow Heath, Hall Park St, Priesteld, Bilston Cemetery, Priesteld, Bilston College, Bilston, Villiers Avenue, Bilston, Prouds Lane, Bilston, War Memorial, Villiers Avenue, Bilston Bilston, Tame St, Bilston, Loxdale St, Lower Bradley, Great Bridge Rd, Lower Bradley, War Memorial, Prouds Lane, Bilston Loxdale, Avenue, Loxdale, Woods Bank Short Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Terrace, , Pinfold Court, , Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Moxley War Memorial, Bilston Rd, Darlaston, Victory Avenue, Darlaston, Margaret Rd, Moxley, Baneld Rd, Moxley, Dangereld Lane, Tame St, Bilston Moxley, Darlaston Road, Darlaston, Car Craft, King's Hill, Kings Hill Industrial Estate, King's Hill, Blakedon Loxdale St, Lower Bradley Rd, Wednesbury, Meeting St, Wednesbury, Wednesbury Bus Station, Wednesbury Great Bridge Rd, Lower Bradley

War Memorial, Loxdale Sandwell Avenue, Loxdale

Woods Bank Terrace, Moxley

Pinfold Court, Darlaston Moxley Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Moxley Rd, Darlaston Pinfold Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Victory Avenue, Darlaston

Margaret Rd, Moxley

Baneld Rd, Moxley

Dangereld Lane, Moxley

Darlaston Road, Darlaston

Car Craft, King's Hill

Kings Hill Industrial Estate, King's Hill

Blakedon Rd, Wednesbury

Meeting St, Wednesbury

Wednesbury Bus Station, Wednesbury Dudley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: West Bromwich 79 bus Time Schedule 50 stops West Bromwich Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:00 AM - 11:15 PM

Monday 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM Wolverhampton Bus Station Five Ways, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Tuesday 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM

Hospital St, Wolverhampton Wednesday 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM

Eagle St, Monmore Green Thursday 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM Bilston Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Friday 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM

Cable St, Monmore Green Saturday 4:15 AM - 11:15 PM

Ettingshall Rd, Ettingshall

Holloway St, Stow Heath 79 bus Info Stow Heath Lane, Stow Heath Direction: West Bromwich Stops: 50 Hall Park St, Priesteld Trip Duration: 50 min Line Summary: Wolverhampton Bus Station, Bilston Cemetery, Priesteld Hospital St, Wolverhampton, Eagle St, Monmore Green, Cable St, Monmore Green, Ettingshall Rd, A41, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Ettingshall, Holloway St, Stow Heath, Stow Heath Bilston College, Bilston Lane, Stow Heath, Hall Park St, Priesteld, Bilston Cemetery, Priesteld, Bilston College, Bilston, Villiers Villiers Avenue, Bilston Avenue, Bilston, Prouds Lane, Bilston, War Memorial, Bilston, Tame St, Bilston, Loxdale St, Lower Bradley, Great Bridge Rd, Lower Bradley, War Memorial, Prouds Lane, Bilston Loxdale, Sandwell Avenue, Loxdale, Woods Bank Short Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Terrace, Moxley, Pinfold Court, Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Moxley War Memorial, Bilston Rd, Darlaston, Victory Avenue, Darlaston, Margaret Rd, Moxley, Baneld Rd, Moxley, Dangereld Lane, Tame St, Bilston Moxley, Darlaston Road, Darlaston, Car Craft, King's Hill, Kings Hill Industrial Estate, King's Hill, Blakedon Loxdale St, Lower Bradley Rd, Wednesbury, Meeting St, Wednesbury, Wednesbury Bus Station, Wednesbury, Russell Street, Great Bridge Rd, Lower Bradley Wednesbury, Mounts Rd, Wednesbury, Woden Rd South, Wednesbury, Bilport Lane, Harvils Hawthorne, War Memorial, Loxdale Tame Valley Canal, Harvils Hawthorne, Witton Lane, Harvils Hawthorne, Hawkes Lane, Hill Top, Sandwell Avenue, Loxdale Brecknock Rd, Black Lake, Black Lake Metro Stop, Black Lake, Greswold Street, Black Lake, Chapel St, Woods Bank Terrace, Moxley Guns Village, Clock Tower, Guns Village, Shaftesbury St, Carters Green, Dartmouth St, Carters Green, West Pinfold Court, Darlaston Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green, Victoria St, Carters Green, West Bromwich Bus Station, West Moxley Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Bromwich Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Moxley Rd, Darlaston Pinfold Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Victory Avenue, Darlaston

Margaret Rd, Moxley

Baneld Rd, Moxley

Dangereld Lane, Moxley

Darlaston Road, Darlaston

Car Craft, King's Hill

Kings Hill Industrial Estate, King's Hill

Blakedon Rd, Wednesbury

Meeting St, Wednesbury

Wednesbury Bus Station, Wednesbury Dudley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Russell Street, Wednesbury

Mounts Rd, Wednesbury

Woden Rd South, Wednesbury

Bilport Lane, Harvils Hawthorne Globe Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Tame Valley Canal, Harvils Hawthorne

Witton Lane, Harvils Hawthorne Parkside Place, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Hawkes Lane, Hill Top 123 Hill Top, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Brecknock Rd, Black Lake

Black Lake Metro Stop, Black Lake

Greswold Street, Black Lake

Chapel St, Guns Village

Clock Tower, Guns Village Carter's Green, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Shaftesbury St, Carters Green

Dartmouth St, Carters Green

West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green 323 High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Victoria St, Carters Green West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich Direction: Wolverhampton 79 bus Time Schedule 45 stops Wolverhampton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Victoria St, Carters Green Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM 323 High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Dartmouth St, Carters Green Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Shaftesbury St, Carters Green

Clock Tower, Guns Village Carter's Green, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley 79 bus Info Chapel St, Guns Village Direction: Wolverhampton Old Meeting Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Stops: 45 Trip Duration: 52 min Black Lake Metro Stop, Black Lake Line Summary: West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich, Victoria St, Carters Green, West Brecknock Rd, Black Lake Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green, Dartmouth St, Carters Green, Shaftesbury St, Carters Green, Clock Hawkes Lane, Hill Top Tower, Guns Village, Chapel St, Guns Village, Black Lake Metro Stop, Black Lake, Brecknock Rd, Black Hill Top, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Lake, Hawkes Lane, Hill Top, Witton Lane, Harvils Witton Lane, Harvils Hawthorne Hawthorne, Tame Valley Canal, Harvils Hawthorne, Woden Rd South, Wednesbury, Russell Street, Barncroft Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Wednesbury, Wednesbury Bus Station, Wednesbury, Tame Valley Canal, Harvils Hawthorne Meeting St, Wednesbury, Blakedon Rd, Wednesbury, Car Craft, King's Hill, Darlaston Road, Darlaston, Holloway Bank, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Dangereld Lane, Moxley, Baneld Rd, Moxley, Woden Rd South, Wednesbury Margaret Rd, Moxley, Victory Avenue, Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Darlaston Asda, Darlaston, Moxley Rd, Darlaston, Woods Bank Russell Street, Wednesbury Terrace, Moxley, Sandwell Avenue, Loxdale, War Memorial, Loxdale, Moxley Arms, Loxdale, Great Wednesbury Bus Station, Wednesbury Bridge Rd, Lower Bradley, Loxdale St, Lower Bradley, Loxdale Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Tame St, Bilston, War Memorial, Bilston, Prouds Lane, Bilston, Villiers Avenue, Bilston, Bilston College, Meeting St, Wednesbury Bilston, Bilston Cemetery, Priesteld, Hall Park St, Priesteld, Stow Heath Lane, Stow Heath, Holloway Blakedon Rd, Wednesbury St, Stow Heath, Cable St, Monmore Green, Eagle St, Monmore Green, Hospital St, Wolverhampton, Car Craft, King's Hill Wolverhampton Bus Station Darlaston Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Darlaston Road, Darlaston

Dangereld Lane, Moxley

Baneld Rd, Moxley

Margaret Rd, Moxley Dangereld Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Victory Avenue, Darlaston

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Darlaston Asda, Darlaston Wesleys Fold, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Moxley Rd, Darlaston Pinfold Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Woods Bank Terrace, Moxley

Sandwell Avenue, Loxdale

War Memorial, Loxdale

Moxley Arms, Loxdale High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Great Bridge Rd, Lower Bradley

Loxdale St, Lower Bradley Oxford Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Tame St, Bilston

War Memorial, Bilston Railway Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Prouds Lane, Bilston Short Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Villiers Avenue, Bilston

Bilston College, Bilston

Bilston Cemetery, Priesteld

Hall Park St, Priesteld

Stow Heath Lane, Stow Heath

Holloway St, Stow Heath

Cable St, Monmore Green

Eagle St, Monmore Green

Hospital St, Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton Bus Station Five Ways, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley 79 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved