204: BUT . [KELLY'S

BUTCHERS continued. Smith Hy. Winniatt, Eardisley RS.O Christopher Enoch, Vowchurch R.S.O. Corbett Miss M. A. Broad st. SmithRowland,53 White Cross st.Herefd &Kingstone, Cresswell H. & Son, 15 High twn.Herefd Smith Samuel, Brimfield R.S.O CIarke Phillip, Garway, Ross Cullis John B. 17 Corn sq. Smith Thomas, 3 South st. Leominster Cole James, Eggleton, Davis James, Bosbury, Ledbury South A. R. 41 White Cross st Hereford Colley Jas. W. Stoke Bliss, Tenbury Eacock Thomas jnn. Colwall stone, Spencer Wm. Hill fields,PutIey,Ledbury Cox John, Woolhope, Hereford Colwall, Malvern Spencer William, Market hall, Hereford Curnock Thos. WellingtonHeath,Ledbry Eastmans Limited (Wm. L. Williams, Stallard Thomas, Little Birch, Hereford Davies Edwin, The Prill, Ewias Harold, man.), 2 High street, Hereford; & Symes & Co. High street, Ross Pontrilas R.8.0 (Robert Watkins, man.), 45 High Taylor In. Little Tarrington, Tarring- Davis George, Lyonshall, Kington street, Leominster ton, Ledbury Davis John, Puddlestone, Leominster Emerson Ernest George, EardisIand, Thomas George, Church st. Kington Dew Thomas, Union lane, Ledbury Pembridge R.S.O Tomkins James, Walford, Ross Diggory George, Risbury, Leominster Evans Leonard, The Moor, Leominster Townsend A.J.Staplow,Bosbury,Ledbry Dobbins William, Aston Ingham, Ross Freebury AlIen Edwd. Weobley R.S.O TrumperAlfred,Staunton-on-WyeR.S.O Downs Thomas, Upper Lyde, Pipe & Ganderton John R. High st. Bromyard Vale Thomas, Kingstone, Hereford Lyde, Hereford Gazzard Henry,Orcop, TramInn R8.0 Vaughan Arthur W. Eardisley R.S.O EasthopeJn.T.Leinthall,Stal'kes,Ludlow Geaussent Stephen, 16 High st. Kington Walker & Drinkwater, The Homend, Edwards Stephen, StokeLacy,Bromyard Goode William, Market hall, Hereford Ledbury Edwards. WaIter John, Putley green, Green Charles, Market hall, Hereford; Walker Richd.Edwd.47 High st.Kington Putley, Ledbury & at Credenhill Webb Robert, Broad street, Ross Ellis William Titley RS.O Grundy A. Crowhill, Upton Bishop, Ross Webb Thos.Cornwell,Homendst.Ledbry Evans Charles, Hagley, Hereford Hall Richard, St. Weonards, Ross Westman & Co. Brookend street, Ross Evans Emmanuel, Bacton, Hereford Hartland Arthur R 8 Eign st. Hereford Wheeler T.West flds.EatonBishop, Hrefd EvansJames, Drabbington, Thombnry, Hewer George, Madley RS.O Williams Joseph, The Moor, Leominster Worcester Holl Charles, 52 High street, Kington Witcomb Benjamin Fredk. 31 Chandos Evans John, Gilbert farm,Aston, Kings- Rowells Joseph, Market hall, Hereford street & Market hall, Hereford land R.S.O Huff James, Fownhope, Hereford Yapp H. & R. C.22 High st. Leominster Fawke James, Much Marcle, Gloucester Huff James, Market hall, Hereford Yapp William, Dilwyn R.S.O Fox In. Laurel cot. Wellington,Hereford Hyde John Jeffries, High st. Bromyard Freeman Jas. 3 Ryelands I'd. Leomnstr James John, High street, Bromyard BUTTER FACTOR. Garbett Thomas, Hatfield, Leominster John Bull & Co. (Fredk. Sharp, man.), Elcox Joshua, Market hall Hereford George Charles, Byford, Hereford 6 Eign street, Hereford 'GeorgeW.Ewias Harold,PontrilasR.S.O .Tones Arthur R. Whitchurch, Ross CAB PROPRIETORS. Green Wm. Wormelow,Tram InnR.S.O Kin~ersley James, Market hall 81 & 82 Morris Frederick, 20 MayIord st.Herefd Grigg Joseph, OverLetton,Stannton-on- Wldemarsh street, Hereford Price Tom 4 St Owen st Hereford Wye RS.O Lane Benjamin, Weobley R.S.O ,.. Gwatkin In. Bishop'sWood, Wlfrd. Ross Lane Thomas, IIO St. Owen st. Herefrd CABINET MAKERS. Handley William, Brixton villa, Stan- Lane George, 10 Hampton street & S I U h I te hope street, Hereford Market hall, Hereford ee a so p 0 s reI's. Hayes Jsph. Withington, Hereford Langford Richard, Leintwardine R S. 0 Baggott Robert, Homend st. Ledbury Herbert William & Son, Bishop's Frome, Lawrence George, Orleton R.S.O Bannister Fredk. 47 Duke st. Kington Worcester Lewis William, 25 Eign st. Hereford Bray Fredk. Post office, ~agley, Herefrd Herbert Geo. Common, Sellack, Ross Lewis WIlliam, Sandhurst cottage, Cole Saml. 29 Com~ercIaI st. Hereford Herbert William, Aston Ingham, Boss Longtown, Abergavenny Dredge Frank, II EIgn st. Hereford. Hodges J. Clifton-on-Thame, Worcester LittleEnoch,jun. Aston Ingham, Ross Holloway G~rge! 16 & 5,! Com~erCl~I Hodnett John, Docklow, Leominster Maddocks Thomas Jas. High st. Ross street & VlCtona RePOSItory, VlCtona Holl Robert, Kingsland R.S.O l\{ailesAndrw.Hoarwithy,,Ross street, Hereford . Holloway Robert, Gin hall, Leominster Mailes In. EwiasHarold, Pontrilas RS.O Holmes Fredk. 16 South st. LeomlDster Holt Henry, Laysters pole, MiddIeton- l'lailes Rchd. A. Much Marele, Glo'ster Holmes~rs. Mary Ann, 10 Corn street, on-the-Hill, Tenbury Mattey Wm.Allensmore,TramInn RS.O Leommster Howard William, Peterchurch R.8.0 Mayo & Co. High street, Ledbury Juc~es Mrs. J. Homend st. Ledb?ry Hughes John, The Lodge, Elm green, Moore Alfred, Cruxwell st. Bromyard LewlS Thos. 34 Broad st. Leomlnster Leominster Morgan James, Market hall & 65 St. Maddox Will~am, Offa house, St.Peter'S James Alfred, Pencraig, Marstow, Ross Martin's street, Heref?rd - .squar~, !acmg East street, H~reford J arvis Edwin Phipps, Station st. Ross Morgan James, The VIneyard, Weston Miles WIlli~ C. West st. LeomlDster Jenkins Philips,Treberran, Tretire,Boss Beggard, Hereford Motley FranCls John, 7 East st.Hereford Jenkins Samuel, Oakland,Bridstow,Ross MorganJohn,Wigmore,Kingsland R.8.0 Palmer Thos. In. High st. Bromyard JohnsonJohn, Ashperton, Ledbury Morris Edward, Whitehurcb, Ross Perkins Albert, High street, Bromyard J ones Chas. Sunny bank, Orcop, Ross MorrisWm.Dorstone,Peterchurch R.8.0 Powell Emanuel, Weobl~y R.S.O Jones John, Fownhope, Hereford Nash Thomas, 60 Commercial street & Preece & Knowles, 40 Bndge st. Herefrd Jones Richard Berkley Lingen Bramp- 17 St. Peter's street, Hereford Staines John, Leintwardine R.S. 0 ton Bryan :R. S. 0' , Nelson &; Sons, Lim. (Arthur White, Stephens In..Wm.26 Church st.:S:e~efrd Jones William, Leintwardine R.8.0 man.), 149 Widemarsh st. Hereford Thompson RIchard, 62 St. MartIn s st. Jones Wm. Longtown, Abergavenny Norman Alfred, Peterchurch RS.O He~eford Jordan Joseph, Linton, Ross Parry Thos. Daycrofts, Walford, Ross Turbill Joseph, Church st. Bromyard Jordan William Whitbourn Worcester Passey Thomas, Broad street, Ross Webb George, 4 Friar's st. Hereford King John, Coliington, Bro~yard Pedlingham Thomas, Stone farm & CARPENTERS' & JOINERS Kitchen John, Upper Sapey, Worcester Cowl Barn farm, Colwall, Malvern • LewisE.Haines pl.St.Margaret,Hereford Phelps Fredk. Wm. 37 Church st.Herefd Aldridge Thomas, Wellington, Hereford Lewis William, Dilwyn R8.0 Phillipi Wm. Garway com.Garway,Ross Balhnger Thomas, Whitchurch, Ross Lewis William, Eardisley R.S.O Phillips Wm. M. Pembridge RS.O Banks Thomas, Lit. Hereford, Tenbury Llewellyn Henry, Greytree, Ross Powell Mrs. E. Stifford's bridge,Malvern Bayley George, Victoria road, New Lloyd William, Bireher com. Leominstr Powell William, St. Margaret, Hereford Town, Ledbury Longford J.Weston-under-Penyard,Ross Preece Charles, Broad street, Ross BaZZ3l'd J. Rosamondcot.CliffordR.S.O MannWm.Henry,51West st.Leominster Price Mrs. Geo. 14 High st. Leominster Beaven John, Stockley hill, Tyberton, Mansell William, Wildhouse cot.Ledbry Price Thomas, 130 Widemarsh st.Herefd Hereford MellinC.Deerfold,Wgmre.KngslndR.S.O Price William, 18 Eign street, Hereford Beaven James, Kilpeck, Hereford Mellings George, Leintwardine R.8.0 Pritchard James, Ocle Pychard,Herefrd Bennett John, Llangarren, Ross Meredith Richard, Longrove, Ross PritchardJohn A. u8 St.Owen st.Herefd Bevan William, Arthur's Jane, Ross MorganG.Brookfield,Kingstone,Herefrd Po.dge Chas. E. Bishops Frome,Worcestr Bird M. King's Pyon, Weobley RS.O Morris Edwd. Almeley, Eardisley R.8.0 Pndge Chas. Edwd. Market hall,Herefrd Blakewell William, Pembridge R.8.0 Morris Edward, Llangarren, Ross PughMrs.Alfred E.S School la.Leomnstr Brisland Thomas, King's Capel, Ross Morris George, Portway, Hereford Radnor William, Orleton R.S.O Brooks Thomas, , Hereford Nottingham E. Wyson, Brimfield R.S.O Reece William, 3 High st. Leominster Brown Thomas, BramptonBryan R.S.O NourseThos.Allensmore, TramInnR.8.0 ReynoldsGeo.Longford,Kingsland R.S.0 Bnfton Thos. G. Ocle Pychard, Hereford Overton Thos.&Son, LeintwardineR.S.O Richardson Arthur, Broad st. Ross Bullock Michael, Swill villa, Bishops Owen Charles, 107 St.Owen st.Hereford Roberts 8tephen, LyonshaIl, Kington Frome, Worcester Owens James,Upperton,Yazor,Hereford Roberts T. Eardisland,Pembridge RS.O Caffell John, Ashperton green, Ash- Pankhurst John, Allensmore, Hereford Rowberry Wm.37 Commercial st.He~fd perton, Ledbury Parker Geo. Kentchrch. Pontrilas R8.0 Budge Wm. 70 Commercial rd.Hereford Cale In. Old Country, Bosbury, Ledbry Parker George, Lyonshall, Kington Smith Geo.&Son,17 Etnam st.Leominstr CawthorneThos.Coughton,Walford,Ross ParsonsJames,StrettonSugwas,Hereford