A Guide for the Teaching and Learning of History in Australian Schools by Tony Taylor and Carmel Young The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training. © Commonwealth of Australia 2003 Making History: A Guide for the Teaching and Learning of History in Australian Schools Acknowledgements Produced by: Curriculum Corporation PO Box 177 Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia Tel: (03) 9207 9600 Fax: (03) 9639 1616 Email:
[email protected] Website: http://www.curriculum.edu.au Authors Associate Professor Tony Taylor, Monash University Ms Carmel Young, University of Sydney With: Mr Terry Hastings Ms Patricia Hincks Mr David H Brown Other contributing writers Ms Fiona Hooton and Ms Marilyn Dooley at ScreenSound Australia Project team Senior Project Manager Mr David H Brown, Curriculum Corporation Project Manager Mr Terry Hastings, Curriculum Corporation Permissions Manager Ms Margaret Craddock, Curriculum Corporation Project advisers Curriculum Corporation gratefully acknowledges the advice of the following: • the members of the Project Advisory Committee • the nominees of the State and Territory education systems and Catholic and Independent education sectors who provided advice through the project Reference Group • the many teachers who provided responses and advice in the trialing of the draft materials and the initial online version of Making History Adapted for Microsoft® Word™ edition by Tony Taylor, 2004 Editor Ms Lan Wang, Woven Words Making History: A Guide for the Teaching and Learning of History in Australian Schools is an online resource was developed for the Commonwealth History Project, an initiative of the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training.